HomeMy WebLinkAboutMills, William J IISTATE OF I~EW YOBK: SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOi~: RALPH P. BOOTH, being duly deposes and says that he resides at ~outhold? in the Town of Southold~ County of Suffclk, *~nd State of New York$ that he is the Tov~ Clerk of the Town of Southold$ that o~ the ~ day of Aug. ~ 19%7~ he posted a copy of the NOTI~ OF A~ OF ZONIRG NO. ~ on the signboard ~n~a~ed by h~ pursuit to Tox~ Law in ~he Somthold TOE Clerk, s Office Southold~ New York; that such posti~ by h~ ~s done p~suant to ~he provisions of the To~ ~nd pursuit to the Resolution of the Sou~hold To~ Board. Subscribed ~nd sworn ~o before me this day of .~, Notary Public OT OE OF' OF ZO~IIN(~ .OP~DINANCE: ~ AiVI~I~D: ~',NT N.O,. 4 · . ~ . N.~C~ ~ ~BY ~IVEN tho: ~f~e~ a public hearing'(held ~uant te the requ~,e.ments oi law, Building Zone Ordinance (in- the Building Zone Town o,f .,S0uth0i~ Suffolk~ New York, was duly amend~ 'ws at a re,Eula~ ~eeting~ ed ~ fo,llo ~ .... ~; of tt~e Town ~Bo~d.held at.~e. ~.:Of ~he Supervisor P.O~lt; Ne~ Y6rk, on Aug.~ ~$;oL~T:~N ApP.~ovING .... ~E- ZOniNG, OF ~P~o~E~TY' NE~R- T~E V~LL,a~E OF 'G~E~P'~RT. WHERE;AS, the Plan'ninE B,oa~d has periOdic:ed: ficial re~o:rt, a~d~ rec,o'~m,e'~cn upon the petition of ~Hliam Mills H to amend .the~ ~ildin. E. 'Zone O~'dinance (~nclnding' the' .B~ldingL Z0ne.1Ma~s) ~-,o,f the. To.WU, .oI S~uth°ld, Su~ff.olk Co~unty, New b~ from "A'" Re.si- .D~trict to ~esstDistrict C~(rtain prop- erty: ~Situa~: ne~ar the Villa:ge of Gree.~Rort in said~ Town, ~~$, the T~wn B~:;~ due oon~gmeratio~qPf th~ .~a:t~?, d.e:7 tided it was' in'ibc pu.~iic~ mteres~ :to .e~l ~. heirln'~l~(Pursnant ta the pro,visions o~ the, ~wn' ~a~ and lhe. i sald Building Z.on~ O.rdInanoe, ~and [ .~E~E;~S, .' such hearing, w~ ~ held (pursuant to ,notice duly [giv- :~,e~) at a meeting af the T~wn lB.oard~ at the .O.ffice o,f the ~ visor, 16 SO'nth:' S~tre. et, G~eenp.o~t, ~?,~l-a~ Which t~.e-all, perso~S.~de-'t ~S~!~ 'to be heard in favor '0f ~sa.id~ ~:reZ,b,ning and. als~ those,: ~d.es~r- ~ing' to be heard. in o~,p,o,~ti~ n'-~{he're- ;~J~tO w,e.re given .. a,n: o~p.ortunitY and ?~ere heard,' and thereafter' the. mb,lie he;a,ring was closed and de- ,ion resarved; N, OVE, T'~E~E H BE ~T .R~OLV, E'D by 'T BOA~' that 'the foll.o~ing~ ~property be rezoned f~.om A ~, ~idential and'Agricultural to ~Bu~ines.s Dmt. m~'~: . .,' ~r~tA~ tha,t trac0 or parcel' of ~/~tu~te-lvi,~ and being, near the~ ~o,f'.So,uthold, County ef Suffolk ~sta,te o~f New York, bounded and~ ,,des~cri~ed as follows: ~[~BEG~NNING at th~ int.ers.e..otio.n o~ '"th,e southerly line of corwin Stre% with the easterly line' o~ Street; running thenc.c in a ~ easterly direction alone the, south erly Hue p~f C,O,~n Sit. a distance feet; ru.nnin~ thence in. a Eeny oral s.o'.u~her~y direction ~d paral' icl .to the Westeriy iln.e of L~t %1 as ahown on map 0f p?operty S. Buel Corwin on file in m~h:e~ ~1,0[k Oo~,n~Y .,C~er,,k~.g O'ff~ce to ~he land of the Lon~ Is~a.~d Railroad Company; runninE tBence in a ~eneral .'weaterly..direction alon~ land-~f Lone Island Rai~'oad Oom.-~ pony 1~5 fee~, ~more':or less, to th.el saste.rly li~e ..o~f Ninth StrS~t;; run-~ ninE thence in a northerly direc-~ tlo'n.a$o,~.~ the eps!a !v ..,, :~ c~. t.. Street 149 ~eet, more or less, to the~ .~oilnt or place e,f bginning(~ it FuR~ER ~BO~'.D' that necessary changes, be-made, u~on the Building Zone Maps~ so as indicate, the ~oca,tion of S~id pr.~p- .er~y ~s being l'OlCa,ted in "~B" BU,si- nesls District as [de~inled a,n,d reg- ~u~a,ted ~,~:suant~ to the Building ,.anco (including the' Zone Maps) of the ~To'wn~ ~'of S0,~thold, Suffolk County[ New~ FU, E* a:SO;V* m,t t.h, ~,~o~ ,Clezk be and he 'he~bYi iriS' *uthor2ed ,~d directed to ~ive: ~$he ~eceSsa~ notice, of such chan~e "' zoning tO the .departm,e~' and, les havin~ j~isdiction in the m,attem at' S°U~o~d, N. U' August STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: COUNTY 0~1 SUFFOLK, j_ ..... ~9....~..~_~ ..... ~ .......... bein,g duly Sworn, says that .... ~a. .......... is Printer a~d Publisher o.f the SUFFOLK TIMES, a newspaper published at Gre. enplo'rt., in. said county; a,nd that the notice, olf which the annexed is a printed copy, has be.en published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week. for ..................................................... ~-...--~f-- ...................................... w?ek~ co o.. ........ Sworn to day of ..... ~~~ ......... lg-~---7--i - -~~ ~;.~_~ ~.~., / -.~f~ ,~. ....... ~,~ ............. ¢.. ...... RAGHEL O. VALENTINE No+nry PuBlic, State of New York !a e: ' ;"g Suffolk Go. Clks. iNTo. 52-9423608, My .%ommission Expires March 30, 19~ ~/ (inciu~Ung/~: the,, said Town, and .'; WHEREAiS the Tow.n Boar, d; afte~:.~due !:l.,~:~ide~ati~n of'the. ., ' (', - ~ ~ -" ' 'i ~ I:.'' ~s ~ the ~ubhc ~n, teres~ :t~ cml a hear- {~ing. purSUant ~o ~hd'~prOvMionS: of: t~ -~°w= ~L~w ~nd t~~ ~ and f~. ,, .., . lng. ~fr6m!,,A,,' . :1 c'hltUraI. Distri'~t: t6 t tri'ct :' ':,.'.'i ..... -': " . ....... Vii. lage 0f ' :~reenport, of 8at~th~Id, c0U~ty(':~f~ and Stase o~ -~eW~,,yori, bo~naea ~ aha, .described ~Uth~l~.~,~ ii'he:., of 'OorWin~'"~eet.';:~with tae:'' ,eg~'~e~iy, line of ~inth~ a~reet; rUn' : ~ing 'thend~.:in :,a ?geneia/ ~a~teily di2: line.~. 6f of !20~' ~eet:; general ~th~lY thence general !,, . i, . ,al°n~ .land. of:![ Long:, ,CompanY 1'35 feet,,,i :,less, to the',easterly line ; running thence in northerly, direction along the easterly line of '1~inth Street'149 feet, more' Or t less, to the point :or place of beginning, ~anditis .' ' · ' :~ · .~, , ;, · RESOLVED, that the neces_ COUNTY OF .SUFFOLK ~ STATE OF NEW YORK1 ss. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of' THE-LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ~~'~<d,.~_.-,...,,L~...~.~Z.. week/s/ successively, commencing on the .......... day of ...~~¢:f~..~. ..... 19.~..~' · ......... ~..~L..:..?~..:..:...: ..... :... .. Sworn to before me this ....... ~.~:~-,.~-~.~.~/day 'of ..... ...... ............ .... ..... Notary Public AD'ELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of New Yor[/ Residing in Suffolk County ~ No. 52-3041000 Commission £xpJres March 30, 1959 1: ' regutated,q aide,. 'Building. ~Zone Ordinance. (including,, the` Buildin~ Zoiae (Maps)' of ~he ToWni bf ~Sbuthold, SuffOlk, coUnty,,New ,York,; ana~-~,, ... ...,,, , .; [. ~R~ER' RE,:SO~V~,:.that'the 'To~i Clerk ~e ann he'hereby ~ authorized... and dir~ted to: ,give/the nee~sarY ,~notice ct, subh changes in zoning to the l ~'[aepartments '-and agencies-having jUr- isdiction in the:matter.: ' .' natea: at southad, ~., '.. - , OLD TO~ BO~D" : · ] ' .~,":. to~ c~. _ , ~ :',:' , , , ,~p,_~ :.~, ~¢ ~, .,¢ '";-'....'"'~'...', ".fl ,. .~. · ,, ~.e~ ii' :2~" :¢' '~ · .. . . ::.. ' .... ,~:.,~,~:::...~u.' ~ .... !~ ,i~.., :ii!if u:~ ..... "[ ~.,,, '~'~'.:~..~. . :: ., N'OT.~u:.~ u.~~'' A' ..... '~"'"""'r'"'~"'F""t'~:"~ OF ''''~ ...... C :"~"~" N,~:~;;~[,~,~.,,,~,~,. ...,:: .... O}(~IN~.,~- (.,,RDINA a.nt ~'o: '::":'tho. 'requirement :o uf fo'l., :, C oun. t y' ~ of 'law~ th~. public hear :¢u118 lng ~.:,one- . ~ - .the New York~ wa s d...,~lY s'mend~d .. o f the Town.~..no,., ..,..~. :~.'.~,.'....~ h.eld a t. r~:.u~. , " ' '' '"'" " ".-i .........,....... .~..::.'.~: ...'. . _ ... ~ .~:.-'-':':':~':~'- ~:..~ the office, of.-::."~ne ~.....:. ~".:, ~.:~..'..~..-~.':":.:: · ..-' ' ':" .... .-.."- ·' ~ · "..,:',~':....'.;'.; :':i '~'~'%~ -': ~'.. i'"::--"...'. .;~ ...... , ..... ..,., ,~: .:,.f,,.~ .. ,.,,., .,,. ,, '~. , ........ , ..... , .,. f -.,.., :.. ,.'-, "'r '~r~ -~'"~ .... :~"!"'.""~ v't P'"~ ~." :';~ "'%';'¢~ ~: .... .~"'~'.":~ '~ r~'~%" :' .: '~, ..,,,,' t; .... · ". '. -'". ~; J~ ~ i ~' '. "",: ", ',." ..... ,' ''° '~ ~" ~ · ',I,' ',. '*'~ '¢.'~ '/' "'%-';"-" "; ~. - '- "' -'~ ~ ~.i ~ .... ~' '~ ¢- ~ ..... .-.'.' :'.'-.~: .'-. :' ~. .....,.· ......... ~ . , .,.,.;-~ .!~ ..' .... ~,.<~ .... ~,,, '.,.,., -r:~'~%;"-% . ' '. : ...' ' -.' :,.. : '.,-.:' '..'I.{'; ..'~{~ " , :~ ~ ~, .'! 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'of, ii .',:~, ,,~ ................................ ,~ ...... , .~ ........ ' .......... ',- . ~"" . . . ,. . ! - ., · .; .. ..,'. i.:, ' · "' ' . " ' ' ~ i."..:' -'" 'i. ' ' ' ' ' "- ' .- ' . ' " ..... ' i,,i .. , ' . .',. ...... · .~,,,,. '.']~ .:' . . . ~ ~ ~ ~, :[ "~ .... '""' .... ~ ': " '~ .... ¢ ...... ' ..... '~' '" "~" ' ' .... ' .... ~ ' ~~' '" ' " '~ " " ' "' .... ' '¢ '~ ~" ~ "*% ' !"":'' :.':".'i i~,.'.:,.~..' ,, ,~..~-....,! ........... ..;.... i;:.~ -*. ....... ',..."'.'-- ...... :.'; :'.', ........... -. .*.-.' ....' · ' .... ~ ', ........ · ................ '-" '' ,' · II iT ~'~ ' ! ' ' ili · .: ' !~ s. '",' ..... '.'."'....,.,,.,:., .... j:,...,.f.~ .... , ...... ..::, . ..... ,: ..... ,.,, :..,-- ~ ...- . . .... . .~... .: ..':..-. . *~,' . . .. .. . . ,: .' . . ..... ;.,. . . . . i ..~ .,.,.,:...,..'.,. ,..-',,,,,,, ~,:,....,.,': · ..... ,., ., ~.,~ ,,-: ~.:,~a!pS) of the ~ow.n of .>outhold ..i . . '~ . ' ' . ' ' ,,,,..,.':'~,.,...:~t',,:.,,~ -, . ,: -'.,. ' ~: ', !. ,; . ,., ........,..,; ,,., :,, ~. .:. ?:..~ ;.,'. .,~ ... . :- ..,. .,: .,, ~.:,. ' from .A f~.e.sidential and Agricultursl ;'~ ~ ..................... .~ .... ¢,,~ . . ., ... .,,...~, . . . ~ . - . ' .... . . .: ':1 . · . · _ - . Il ... ~ ~ ~ ,. . ~::.~ .~ , ' ~f'.~ " i ' .. ' . · , . ... , , . .... . ...... ~ . . ... ' .'.... ~ '-.. i~ -!~. ' ' ' " .- ..,:..,.:.,, .... :..~,,...,,,~: .,.. ...... .,.., ,,..,,...,, ,:,.., ..:...~,..,..~....~'i..ness District e, . ,...... p, ....p~ Y .... .. !' .' : · . :' '.' ' ' ' ' ~.% !":-:' !' 'j ;, . . ~ ' . . . . - '":'~ .... '~" ~' ..... ~ ' ' ': ~ ' ':' ' ' " ' : '~!' ' ' " ' I ..... · ....... ,. ,~ ..... :,.~ ....... %,, ..... .,~ ' .. ,'~i ~. :' ~"."~ F' ." ,':"~ ~.,.~., .~ ......' . ..- . . .. '., . '. ! .' .... · t;, . - ":. ,' :... . ..i : ' ,,,,..,,,:.::,..,,.,. :.,.,~,,:... ,, ,. ,... ,,.,..:,.:.,.,.... ,.,..,~:~:. G een orr in said TOWn1 8.~'.ld : ....................................................... ,:...:,, ............... .. p. .~ .... ~ . .. -.:.... .. i! .' ' ' '-! '..'~'': I!.......... . i ' '~ . ' ' . . '. ' . ~ . . '" . .. - ' ~ '" · · ' '. ' . ' ' '. ."11' -"- ; r, :;.....?.i.'~'~i:'[;.'.!:}:,,!t. :i.t,,,,. 't:,- h:,.: ;~: t~,"o~.,,.;?."~..!!3oard ~ after due co. nsidera ti, on ofthe iI~' call. a .hca'tin6' sa id f~uilding "the public interest to of 'the Town Law 'and the. !;:':,,.es~ in~. w.a. held (-pursua. n~ to notice .duly given) ,,r f:'....,, ,'?, :.,.'"~,,,:.~, ......... ¢ .... ,.' :: ~' "'~:',.. ~ ,. ~; ~i ,,., :;:':,' '~'.' '{'.,,~ _,,.',~ '~,"~ %"..: ,", '~,.¢' "~ (3 ¢,'% '~;""~ ,f;~"~ 'ii:. :~:':'" .... ,.,~.:~,..:..., .,.,.:... ,.~,:, ....... ",~ ,, ,...~. j."~ i~:i .." ,~"'"~.: 'i:.'::, ........... ""~ .:!,. ;i.¢'.l.t:i::~ ';'"~' '~ '~ ~:'..i:~ ,...¢. .::'i:~...~.~.<.;:'! :;i"l 'l 'l'''l' ,I ' ...... ., ........... . ................. !.i ! 6 .:': :; ',::' '~.:! ,,,: ::'~. ' '"'"'~'"" ".':' ,,.".'-:, """"" ..,,. ~ :.~ .~ .............. '%..~ ',i :i ,. ¢ '..I...:~ .,. ....... .t, .'% ~',.t ~ .... ~'. ~ 'i:' o f ~:'..,.'.~...., ~!~,.. ''~,.,., c!! ',...'. ,.,:'.,,,..... ,,~:-'., ,,.,,;- ....... ',.""~ i ....... ,"'~ ~,:¢".,, ii:. !!~i 0 'c,';""-"" .... ,'~ '"'i' '"'" ';' "~'"" ,'~:.'-"~'" e .. .~ .... ~.,.,.,'~,...,.~ ,:,:. ......... t.~ "~. {2'i'%!. .~,., v",,,. .... t. !.. ' "'"' 'F'~{"':¢ i;;t . ..:-'.:'.. '., .',, ,...',: e f~,:!i 'P '"':' "'":"'.. '"'"""' ~'"", ........~.".:.: ~!:': .i ~,.,.. ,.'::;~ .~,. "(.;.,:., ..... , ~ .:, ":!';i;-:.'.':[i~ ..:. ,. ............. ,.,~ ,..". .:i. !i; ": ":,..: '':'''~.¢ ,~ .... ,~..'(' ~.,..,,..~.'....."!-'..i: P{)!i'.:::;. '"' ,"' ,:, o'"':'"' the Town Board a t t,.~:e office of 'the Y~ ~ on Aug, 14 ~ '1'.9.~ 7 ~ . .. desiring, to "be ~Xear, d 'thOse ~,~ r lng to ,'be .. d e e i s ion: . . ... · . oupervisor : . . . . in ifavOr ...' ... . . : . . · .. . ,. were . -: . . · ,... · re'~.:. .... '... all. persons ... ..t-h C..T t · . · · ,. Re side''nt iai" .... were gi.ven ,an ..c 1.o s e d a. nd .. . pubi:i c hea ring , from . . Di.. s tri. Ct IT be. Bus ine'S s .: s'ituate ~ lyi. n~ Town o.f Southold..'~: ~,..aded .a nd. described · · 'r O. .~:' .!, ................ ';i.:... ~' ~¢,;9 L, .:...~:.',~ ,t..;: {..,~ ......... t." .... '::~: .... "' "" ~" enport in the ,.... ........... . .......... $.:.:, ,,..,:.' ........ ~,~ ....... ,:;. ......~.,,., ,.¢..,, ¢~.: ,." '4 : .'"", .r.'.'., f"o ..t~ ~,:: ,...,.-,'~;~...k~.. ,.'.~'6;.":~ t e of New york ~ hot '~';'~ ][';[ '"~' ¢,iiillf, . iili~l, .... i;,':.' , :,-'in, a g:e.',n~i .(..~ .... a.':.. . .. -~;:',,,.'~'.;.,.'":i ''''"' '" ' '"": .............. ..[,! ...... .... . .... .['.i.O. '"'.Lon.~x 'is''. · w o s t;e ri:, y,, 135' .,.~ .,,: ,I,.. ,-'., ,-, I.., p ~ a e-o'.,--o f. .... a Uthorize t' th,e: i n t e r ~ e c t ii o n .. o ;t'~' the e.a~ sterly llne :'of !I':~ nth ~' ,,,, '- ..... . ..... - I -ea:~-t,e. rt'y .dire-e-tion a ..... e.t a dis'ta..~iee. of 2''' 'r ~2'0' ;~: e e t ~ .rl:~n:n ~ u ~ 't:h me'e in', 'a r": .... i r "' ...... . ~} .we ~,,, .::::.,. ,~, !y...::. i inc. :' 21 .as~:Shown on-map f vrop~:ety o.' " "'~;~"."'.'~,'.' . t r,."~d · - '~,~..~',.,w,~ ,.~ .., .... ' .,~.v ~ ~% %'..;~ ,,%. ~2,~. ~,~ - r.e.e tlc. ri., a'lon~..,~ 1.a.., nd o"," .~...,o .~ ~,,,..,, .~,,,::~ ...... .~.i oa.d "*'"'~ ,".'~'.'~' (, 0 ~:a.,p art, y ~." ................, ~... . . . ~" J,. ,~ ~ :....' .o r ~ . .. · .... inni.ng..., and i t i~ , " '"" "-" .......... ..:.... ...: ... .... . ' '. : ~ ~. .' . ..? ~ 1~ '~ ' '- :. ' .... .. ..~.. - .... . ,.. :- ... · . . . : .... so;.. '.'as. t°,,.,~'V-~:~ics..te.,,~,,.,,. the. .. l°ca':tio'n· of ... . ; . .: . ; . and" i't !~. O r t'.t ina .~, L'gEI)~ th~,~t the T .... -,,' P'~"' direet®d:~ to :a'i,v.e:-_~ the .. ' - · ; .... i ~ :~ ' , ..... ~';"TaO.Ei ~ .... " oni. ng to' the ~.~,~:. p:'=, r ,, ~:;~:.~ .. .. 'in. the ma tter,-, Sui:folk . -....- ... . . _. . Clerk be nd h,.e heVleby i:s. .. --.. 'i,".~ ~.......~ C:: ~.'} S $" '"'~ ' '"'..... ,...~,.,~.-v' notice of. sur";~=,h : : - . a nd ~,:, v, e.n ¢: :i e ,,;~ ha v ,...,, .... , ...... ~ ng .. .... ~;::,, , :: ... . . : :. .~.. · . .. · . .at.: !/S~!'i6uthold . .. 1957. :. . . ..... .. ~ · . -.: .. . ;' ' ~ ' . \,- . -. '/'. · ~ ~. .. · ...- .. : '. . ~T,P Ol:.g gO: IRVING L. PRICE, JR. Agricultur T owen '~l' Boa rd , ~. . ii" ~ ~ ~own:, o! ,Southold New York, The u~dersigned hereby -0etitions t' _ ~ ' iae~ said Town Board ,,, to Section] 26%~ of the Town Law and Atrial'e !X of the Building Zone . ne zoning m~p under the Tbwn of ooutholi to sine d t~ ~ said ord!na'~ce as ~oiiows~ ~,, ! By, dhanging the said map to de~,~ ~oltowing described ,,, instead Of "A'~ ~esidential end pPemises ~' Business Dis~Pio~ ,, L that certain piece .or par~e~ilii~ of land situate e Village of Oreen~ort~ ~ke Southot~ County :,? = near o~~ line 8tree along o!k~ New York~ bounded and .~_bed as ows foil ~ ;Gl~ ~.., N~,I±N'G at the intersection the southerly Corwin Street with tae easl~e_~!y !~ne of Ninth ruzma:Lng thence in a genera ,:,1,, sterly direction he southerly line of Corwin treat a oz~tance o£ _~0' 'unnzng thence in a general. heriy direction and p ,'a!!el to the westerly line Lot No~ 2]_ as ~,1 '~ 'Uorwin on £ile in shown, ,, ~n map of DrO~';erty of S~ Bt~e the oZ'::;:::~lice of the C!erk of 8u~fo!k'{',:,:(~b~nty to the ] and of 5 ~ [.~l,:g t~lence in a gene LoNg ~?land Railroad-ComDany~ ru. nn~ ral ~es{e~l-y direction along land of L~Szl, g Island Nsilrosd Compa 13~~ ~oPe oF less to the e~si~ter!y line of Ninth [1:: Stree ru, nning,~he~ce in s, .northe[ direction along the the pi ,nt oF place of ter!y .li~ of Ninth 8treat ~ more or less to beginn~ ng ~ ?:' - HILLS 'STATE O? ~,,~E~.~T YORK ) COU~,~TY OF SUFFOI~ ) On this 2$th day of June~ Nine teen:: :.;H.undred and Fiffty-seven~ ,,, .befo're me.~ the subscriber~ person~iiy a~.,ep:sared .I~irILLIAM 0~ ~,.~I. Lz~S ii known to me ~o be the same cerson desc_.,~.hled in and who executed ~.. ,, , , ~ ' , ,j, the within 5ns~rumen~' and he duly acknowSedged ,:' ~J, · executed the same -.. ~'~; · ..~..- . ............. ;~,. ...... . ................... .-....