HomeMy WebLinkAboutKyser, Horace ~LP~ P, BO0~: b~in~ 'duly Town of So~thold~ Oo~y of 8uffolk~ ~ State York~ that hs Is th~ To~ Clerk of th~ To~ of o!d~ that on t~ ~ d~y of ~ ~ 1959~ he To,~ L~w ia the ~o~dthold Town Cl~rk's Office ~t ~outh- to ~h~ R~soD~tior~ of the ~outhold Town Eot~ry ~l~o Zone Ord'inanc~: ,(inClu'd~n~"' %he' Build- ing Zone ~sps~ ::of,the. ~o:wn of ning B~ard has,Pre~ar~d/:,.'~:~, official re- Agri,cultura~ Business 'D~trict ' at $outhold '" ws~r~As, due: ~onSidera~ion Was: in the :hea~g ~he TO~ ~w ~ilding held :at the 16 sou~ Street, ~, July. 195~, aS ~:.~ time al!: Persons desirin~b be ~ar~ in ~a~r of said ~-~ning:~:~d al~ ~!1 those ~de~ siring to, ~he~:9d in :O~0Sition there, ¢o were~ :~ven.,~:~:d~rtu~'~tY and were' h~sru, and :thereafter the ~bUc hearing ~ closed and]:~e~ismn, ~e eryC; sow, 'T S RS[ ~n BY',THE: ~0~ ~s'O~ ~hs~ me f°U°wing pr°pe~t~: be reZ0n~d ~by Chang. ing from ,,A,, ~iai ana:Agri. culturaI ):~to. 'jB'? ~hSine~ Dis- triCt:, . , ALL that ~ lan~ ; $Outhom; land of the South :t50 feet, and it :) i!¥ ~ :~ .,,, :~i:, ::: ,::'.the be:' ' made! ~tpon~ so, a~' to indicste '~:the 'location as being ~ioCa~d'~' in' ~:District ~ as~ ~deflned ,and ~he~.. of :', ~he To~ Clerk ~,. Snd ~:,he~by:~ notice o~ suc~ ~hs~ge in,~ning t~ the: departments a~d ~encies h~wng ~is-~ 24, I95~: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK j STATE OF NEW YORK! ss. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and punisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for .~.~~e ..... (./..~,Z ...... week/ successively, commencing on the ........ g./..~~~ ............... day of ..... ~I,.~. ....... ,. 19.-.~..y SwOrn to before me this ........ day of .....· ..... ............ Notary Public // ADDLE PAYNE i~o~ary Public, State of New York Residing in Suffolk County' No. 52-3q4100 Cbmmission [xpires ~4arch 30, 1959 .,i[l'l !!:l:l]llj ,!,1 n t~ D,,[~lviA}'.(t::,o. t, · ' ":':' ::...',...: l:~ ......... ' ..... ., ,. ::,..o.....,.,~ Ju:s tlce:- o~.. ::t-he. Pea c e !,. ... .... ., .: ,.,.: .. ..... ., -:,,, il ' · .: .: .. I ..!. : ~::!:il," ::!II':.ll : 'l I '. ..: . :-ii', !i ':':',il : ....... . :, : . :' ' ..: ::.:' .. -:- : . . : :- , . ,:: ,.r },:STER M ~ ' :~ ':' ': ~:~ ':J:.:'l: 'b"t"~:~* · - ' · :j:;[j.[.,. '. ...: .::,.'.. ::,: -..::: :.::-:.:':,. ~ .... .:f-. ;::, , ,.:i:..j.i ' , ~ J ' . -,: :~ - ,.?.. ..,:. ~:. : ~., ,:'.. ~: ' .:. ,. : '::: . .~, .... _ · · -.. l'. 'fi' ':: . : . 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',. .-" ' '"'.-.~ ~.. . -. . .... ..~,:. :::::::::::::::::::::: .. ., ![: ,. ~ . ,, :.~.-.: -. :. .. .-;, !:. -. - · :~: 1.. i' ' 'i. -' . ::2 .. 7,. .? v pu'rauanl; KLI.Pp :. ..:. I' w I 1 i!-'..ope n 'the read' the. "leg - to' amend ~he Sec, lon 1265 . .: Ordina. n.cei,~' ..- .ii. - ,. public · .. a.z..i l!.'b , ~ .?,:.... .... ..... . ~ .: ,, . ';:;,/. ,. i nc . T-own o' 'S.Outho:'td,.'~, a ,. ..... . .. · ¢ . - .. '~; ,. '. . .. ( ..... ~ T .o.n 'the "i..' ,[i~.~, ~.~ .~ ~ ., . '-. ": ....... ~' :"':':'.:":~.' ..... ,. Or d ina nc:e '~:,','..~"":':,'..:': · '~ :6 ill..id znfi!:., Z one. - . '.~,':....,~[: ~;: .; ~: .' ' .............. '; .... ': [:"::":~:";':' *"'"~:":":~: :'~'~ ", .?,,,':',. ' o f ~::~,.?.: l,,.,~..~,.~,... I, c w ~ " "'!:~ .... '.:Ii" ." .: Id: .~..,.,:.? . :' ';: "'"'; ~1' ·" ::,: ':',,j'..~ji ..'..'~j .:: , · .: ,:.. iii . '::"; ~ ::'~ i~: · ':[:.":' '.'i':::' ..,..~. :.. ,,.:, :, ' '~.:,lhl~. ~ ,[,J!lli:. : ::!J~.~: ~I~ .'. :, ~. i.':~ll~ 'i'~Ji ' 'h'l · . .I,i . : ~ .. '~ .... . ,.. :~?:[:k:.'.[ ~:.;~'"~. .:~.~i:."~.j~' :'" .... ':'~ ;- ~ ..: ,~: f..~ [...., . :; :,, .~ .hi . .~,~..,[;:..[,p:,.. . .,.~ l~:i i [ · ~ ~: [. ,' ~![,, ..... ~,~,?~. ,.ii ;~:: ~:~; 1~[ .,,, ~[~ .. i:.'~ [;',,;. ', ~': ;:." :: ~.~"::~i~ ·. - ~,,~ Q:..~::~' .....?,~[.. :. :,, ii': ..... : .. .i~!~i.~ ~:'; ..., ;~",~[.: ~' ',.t~:':' :.l~i. ::~'~:'~'. foz. l-ow · .,,, ,,.,;:,.;.:. ,.;.. ,,:.;,,.... :!,. ........ ii''.'','!.' ...... ""''" '' 1:y'~' ' ~" .: ~.~_.e ~ O,~: ...~,.'.:..::';,' ::,: .?ALt,,, fha t tract or '"a ";'"' land .. "."' '. · .,~:.'~:: ~',i~..; !~;, :~:'!.'i% .... · .; ........:~' . ..... .:.~:,::::.;~::.:.~,,:..~:~ .:~::::.:s,.ltuate ~ .ha and being a fJou'tho d :; .., . '...:;.:, ::d,',~ the .lO%~':n1 Of$,outhOtd, '~.,o't:hty ,,~;:, ::~:', f ":'", 'and ".$.tate -o'f N.e'ti~. - . . . .. .: ::[,~ ..:.: .;~. :~ '~....,~ :... .,, "~" ~) ,:: . ~,. .. ~.,:ea .on the .North by Mai ::':' "'tr, eet' .. .,. ,' k'd .- -.. . '~:' ' , on t e. East. by ..la.~'t. of · · ;:,, . ,~ . "~. ..'. : '.' ,4 ~.. ¢ ~' . ~ . , .,.,,'.,',..~ ...... ".,' .. . ... ,-.., ~ . , ...;~. ::?:~:outh by land of Annie .' ' " . ' .~ : " ' · "~- " .~:. :' ..... . '~ "" ...... "'?" "' '": 5t and on ~i~,e..: ~ ~ ,,.t. by.. Lo~,. u ',<] ..... ~ ...~..j~ :.'... :....': .... ':?' '"' ""' ........ 5 ' :?: -' :'"::' '..""'::!;:' '~'~ [~.' '::...' , "~', ' " ;.: .......... ,:,,,. ..... · ;: .... n.e feet. ,::,- .- .. . r ::.]. ', . ., , :.,k~. ~:,'],.,". ' .",'1 ~ " ~ ':~ :,.;?, ?' - ,, . '.~j;:j':..]j':,~;~:.:" ....'[:[' . , :, .,-. '-~ . . ..... ,:[ .... :,.,: . -. ., .:.~;j~[.,,:,,~..?,.: '...j' :[..:.. ,. ~;.. . ':"""';.' · , , ., .':':;~i ;i: '~:'~' ' . ..::.::,., :.,...:.::. ~glng .... .:?:~..~ :.,~:~.:,..... ~.~..:;.... ,: .'~ O t'ta "" .,. . , ..;::,;:,::... · , ',:.'? .. [ -:; ' ,,;..:, ~:: .... ,Ii ,":'": .. .... ~':~f.~ ' D "'"" ...... '~.. ~' ;,. ~t~ ~,,..,~, ,~ · . · . ~,.,.s t; ct to :,',~. ..]. ;'.: · .:.....: · . ,,: '" ' ' ':? ' '""~":~" , :'.:~1::: ':. '.:',~' J~[":" ' '..'.~/~ ' : f~,, .. '::'."'.." :~::~:' p r,. r;y: ?,:.7,:~ · ... ~ ,. (:" r~,~t t~act or pa re. et · . .:~[ '?' ~.:.,:. , . . . ... .". . :...:" ..:.~?- :.:'::~ ':' ', :~:~::[::~,'~: ;:s. itua t e' ~.. lying and i:::' :" ..":[:: ;.:"' t~uck, i.r~ the Tow'n of S()t;~t"h0'l.d · ,.,: .... . ' , ,~. ,'C.o..~n .o Suf '~' (:...' . · ; .-. ?.. .[: ' ~,' . · i:" . ~i ',.,~: ~ : ' . . .., ~. ~ .... . ,,:... ,. .;~, ~. ' . -- ~.:'~'. .... i .. "~:" "; '~ .... ,~. .. .: l , .,, · ~ m-,e n dine n,t $ specified . . :!,NEW.. Y.ork, bounded on the '~.~or..'t'h- ~e~-t 'bYi.' ._land belleved:, to be. i'0f. -. ttitucK P'etr'°teum :~[qa..-', -'..'-' ". -:' - . -tionl ,on t.he No~th .on- the w,,~'t bY lieved .~.: o be: :of' I.s Company..:$., .., on the les R°ad; . a.~d.', on, t;,h~? W e LUt.ne~'?.. 1: ,,,~d' said ~ -A.,. :,. ., ,. .' . , Any person de's'iring.~ }.to . ,.. .. shoui, d · appe. a~' In 'th 19,57. he a r d and, $IjPERVISOR KLiPP' 1 ., .. . . -. -, BY ORD :," .0~: TH}i;. - : ..,. · , 'TO N -. ,~ '~ I ha,ve'the two official newspapers. .- on tt'~ t , ie. ' .... c ~c~ ~ ..~-,~ "-" ........................ . pr~'-.-,-:' ,.':.-" .' ~.-..'.-~' .. · . . .,,.. .a~:!:....' '...' re.s. ol'Ut.:~.o~ of the T'Own' m,.~~~ege<~.,, to "th* ~p'lann~ng Boa~ :'.~ O"i w~,.I1 ghe tee°mr ~ .8'~'r~, ,.:.~: ~.~nu i~g Boa rd: .. -. .. , . . . .'.. ~ -:~'-- ~ : -,.; nThiS is to c.er'tt, fY . '~ .... :] ' 'r - . .. : :. .the $outhold-Town. · With. i, nd, u~'~r~.~:,~:" ...... ' ............. ,,.,'-',.i:',':",~ 'the ~et'itlOn was :l'ub i~O~'Z v,, ' '. .... ~ .... : . ,, ":': . ' ' ' } ' ' ,~ ~ ..... :! ..,7' ~,...~ nd.':~ecommend '..,..?:, , '." ............. :.. .. ~:~ ou't h o I ~., ,.. _.. >:. .. "a.{; ::, - . ~.~. ./ · .... -: .. · .-?. .. . ..~.y ;.} ::- . ..:. ..- · i _ . . .... · /- ~. i;':i, ... . e. st'S} of::.-Dawn- Estates~ Inc" Ma.'ttituck~ to-changef:,x~'.Om~.. ,... . . : .,.. . . . .'~;-.:;..~.......'. ;... :..~:..~-~/:~.. ,' , . .-. ~ . ... .~ ' ::" "- ' . . . "X: .... ' ....~ . .'... ,... . ......}. ; . {..;.,,.;......~;,::~ ,.,.. . ~. . . -:: -:;::. -.:>, ,:', .:'.(. .... '?:~ .."~,:.~,,. '.". ..:- ,. .. ' ::~.. ~.;..}~ . ; '.,:. ...... . '...'.. :.':X.,': '.~',' '.". - . . .... ~: .. . .;O~~ff ~'~';<':;' .. ::;:..'.~t::-..-::;.. " .-' ..,..~i~.-.-'.f.m~nd':-t-.° be. very ':;sa. Bdy~ 'low 17in "" ' .,.. -.'~''. ':t ."/~ ': ..:?,: ,':'- . . ',' - .' '-~ .L : . : . ,~. ~....:l':.,'-,, . ' tha. W~,~-t Du. ther.Road:,., on the ~ ;t' .... : .... ~?. :..-: , .':.' ,.. , ..... -../; ..... -. :., ..... ~ . (~ ~' · ~.,~'~:eu~ '"~'~'" - a'nd' :.X:m the. ~ st ,~:. Y' I~a ......... .. ' . O~r~~ ny.~ ~......;,. ·~. ~..., ?..~ .~. ::~: · · -. '~....' .., "." · .... :~? ' .... ~ /, :, :~d. .. -. .~-.- .. .'. . ' ~,:..; ., -.,~,;i:::.. . . ..~ ~' . ...:..~ .... . . · '., ,. : . ' :;!'"?'. ~fL.(:~(-:,}:!~'. . , :~. , ':.P '- ' t/;~..}~: .:'-.,. .-.~ .:' ... ~h:;~'; .). '~~'r': ~: "~ ?:" Tkte -,t¢own Boa rd wis ':t'o' ': .ha t ; ' . ~ .. , ,. . ' - .i: ' - ?~'}' ;' ~:, ..~4 .. . ' ,:~ be f'ot' :..indust .c.a !...' :us e of this pr oPe:r.~-~.: :wou].. ~ .. :..~': :' '" :. · · . - , ..;:.?.. - . -. : , ~ ...:. -. .... ., .- . ,:J: .. .., . ":'?'~ ' '~["?. : .'"~ . -i . .~ . · ~. -.. ta~'ly in v:tew of the f.act~:.. :':'"'-'~hat it has ~, ...... ,.. . : .,:Det~ o. leum " of way ac"'"":"s-~ ~ . o~.. s i:t f~o-~ both. ~'/~' ..... ' ":'" c"c~:¢Pan'ies~:;j} '~: : .., .... · r~... ho.fa.. ,$~own 'F:L,' nning~ B-oa~-~d is'. in ~,f~.n,,,, .. . :-' .[:~.,. . ..:~ .. . f '.. -.. . ., ..... "-. · s-to the s'°Uthold 'ToWn .f~,oar. d t at.' : "':":: .... .. . . . ~... ~'j;. .:, ..: ~::' .:.:'}'; '.~";:;, . .. . r:' · : :":-. ' ':~' :' ....... . ~:. .'-'.(. :~.'.'.. . - ,./ ,: .. < :.. .. ,.l ,: :. -"': ,?., :e.. .. .: ...... "..-. '~ .,,~, t,~- .. Z~o ,: be :~a.n~ d'..;': .:~ .. 'r - - '. ' ':-' 4' *;, , 'r,; .. ,. - - .~ ...: .. ~'ow ¢-~ at :~hls time &~ the.~'e a;nyone ~' esent who..- w'''~?'s'~'''~' . · .; : ~ ,', . 'it' " "' ' '. ~ . ', - .:. - :: :~.~, .' . this favor . , . .: ~....-~......~.;? -'- '..,. ": ti ""' % ;" ' · .. }' '.,~ .... ~..~' ' .... '~.~ ?..ANDRE,'.;~J':,. LIANzA (Rep'r'e~:ent:::~ng 'Dawn Esta%es) ~,.,: ?; .... J' ' ' ': ~'/, . . .' " 'tDat' :5-ac-re" pa r..ce .t ~. d .--.that' pa'r c e 1 ~YS e 1 f, ~_~ . . . .¥; .... hiS': da l; ion - 'x:'' l:',..a ' ~ :. --- ... : ~ : . 1 ,,. 'use pos.~-lble except':: indu.s :'ia:".] use- for -al"l ~ . . .. :. --., . . ,/ .,.:.]['.... :',~. " . ' oSes'.. I .gue'ss you.' gen'tlem".en; -all know where ituCk .petroleum .Com.~any ..is-, and that. is ~I':;~,~'.~'I;:'n°:~'~'~t~:~:: to i. ,:. . . .- .... · . ~: or . . ,,: .... r .s- been ';.'ghe' ''~ '" n..,:~ t.r i.a 1 use, ,o f. -tha' ~.~:. . ..... %D...D.U~.. -- .? ... , .... ' of 'Yea'~s.,. .sla,:nd . s ;~ '"' '" .. . .. .,..,,~.?, ..,.,.~,,,~ . .,.., , ::., :;&.n this pat'sel tO:' :Lu~::' ~'~r a.na :G~.aVel 'ha.ye the ~ight-".o'f .... Wa'~:' '~ ~.~;;; ..~J;' . .-. ......... ~ ......... - ........ . .. . .. · ... ..: · ,. :._ '~:. ::~ '"";' ic ":..:':r tgBt-of-waY ~WO.u: d "b.e .for : ~:and.' that wouid .el · . ' :~ ' -: uS:e.roy ~a.~:~.~, and r e $ t dent la 1. a n d..~ rna'k · ¥ '. [ . '.. .... .. ~...' ;.':'~'~ for ~l:e:. ,~ ::;qua,:,.~...made · ' : ' -:'::: · .:, '- 2::' :.'::::: : -.,. .,::: .:.. :':. · ." o t: .::' :': t ha - ,: : ' .-.....:. ' ..,:.:,. ::} · ~. .:~, ~,.i " . ~,. '. . ,<~. · s'o:~,t and. the .s ub.,~,oi'i : ,. , . ../. -. · .. · On the ..~ · indus t.r ia I. r~d - ,y: (:',: . . 'It: is .'vet'~. ..---,.,.', .:': a:nd, y.. a~..oi: :,~. ,- . .: · '.2 ' '}['." ~ ~{ . :, ,~. ::.. ~ ........ Inlet and, the' I'r~le't;~' .is'now' be I. n's~'-b'u'i:lt'~'~.~ and. .... ....-. {: '). · ...,,~. .. · .. ISoR' KLIPP: ~f'av'o'. of . ., ' p}~. :. Any. one Oppos ed ....... ,.,... o. OR KLi' . ~: ... - , ~"I.- ..... ~ " "' .. 'Ii.~.e're was no ' ,_ .:. . ..... I.f t'here -are. fa v.°r.' o f tBe. h. ear' lng, a t th is .... . :..- .'...:..' .. ... .. ,,. · .-..' . -... .. .... , ..... .: .:.... ..,. ':?' .' . ' '3 ~.. ...~ .. ~ : . . .... . .. ,. ~,U PEI:¢Ii,$ OR KLZ PP: . .. In ?.zC}.ne "is, No.w.,~ °ther ~., '.~ the. reque.,t~ t, of .Horac ,~.,../:- Kyser~ requ-est - .f ,... ~,..! ...., fo~i:':,~ a,:-' :change f '~..~.' . . ., . -. N..e~ ¥ork,':i!":::.'::' The '",- "' ' "'"~ :' ':' '~" '~: ' ""' ',~.,.,~":-:'t-~nt;' .t:.s:..~for a...ot",'anSe 'f' :'zO;='e~-";;f~Om :A Res .. -.;:,. ~': ,: '.., . ,:.- :. .: .. , . ..'.. . Di s, ~r :to t t o "B" .... , '~ '::i 'tt~e' ' lowln :': rea ~' ...... . :';. % · .. . ltux, a i ' ... · ,. ,':6" ' $:uc.bl:' :x''eque 8 t .. S S' D i,.s~tr lC~ s. ,. ... .,.:.,,?,??- .:- . ApPliCant he" ::':.: - . :',, . .- ?.. '"' "'": ::~t: : , · and ..ga.so'.I/iff~e s:tatic, n* i:'-:-Tnls':':i';¢ :Signed the apP i i.-o8nt ~,pe t i.t i. one., it~y ,::, er, ' ""' ' ' " '. . :r e c ommer~da' t:ion~ · · . I- . . '"':' :'~'Rep-o~t t o Sout'hoid . . . . :. ' '""This 'i.s' t o certify .., : ~ .': . '0:i'.::'~:v the ,Southold Town.,, ~ ,P:,i,:anni, ng Boar'd requ. est of Horace-: lqyser f-o-r:.' ':~ "'~'". ~'.._ ,. .. -.. " At -this. time. i will 'r.ea:d .:the... , <,'" ,:~',,' ,' "'"'"~ ........ '1 ~:1... '"' Town. P la n'n ino ToWn :Boa'r d · . . ?~ .'; [:.:; . . , . that the . ~..ollowing acti'on. .was:: taken :,. . , /. ::} :..- : . .. ::::,.~-.. on June t8',', l'957 ~':'~ ~ . .... .~ . .,. ':" ' t ;. Locat i°n of ':Property '15O -ft, Req~e.s t ;~. . Bus...:,:. ne $ $ ,. .. . .a',l :to' "B ~'' "' ""-i .. · " ii, ::':!'."':: ~:,, " :'~" · ' " .~,=.ne ,: .. on Fia.ir~ :.ROad and. Locust: ''" South. ld t. , ! - ~ ,. : .';'. .. . -. .. ., . : . mOd.'e'r.,'~, .~'"e ine t'a t'.'Zon .- ~,:,, ,~ .~.. ~ v'i.ce and ga.s o ]..~ "'" '~' s' . ',.. . ere c t · Sour; h.o. Id. · P la ,,~. m i ~.~:,,... ': ~:'.I.t..is' the determi, na.t:iod o.f :.the ., . BOard:,. pa.:r.tl.c.:.~larly, In view of,"t~e cooperative-a'tt1:-t;lji'de '... .. pe¢!}..i..'-tion, be. ./. t'hia .Cha i'rman, off. the .oW,,n, er.~ . of . . .granted ,. .. .- This ia. signed by :ff, (, w,h .P la nn 1 ~.t:~ Boar d~ .. : ': . ,~ ~ .~'." ~(~ . , ...... .-.. gui ]~RVtoOH KDiPP'-~ :...': : : .? . , ~ .. -,.' . . .-..: pr. ope.z ,ty., J o'hn W i C-k~mm :~, .. t.hZ,,,' "time of the fsvof . . · -. :. i,(:.7" · . ..'..; ~.. :. ., . eb .t hi.s b e lng in the' plann . .% . me -laS.g., ~',¢,'eb~ua,.~y.~. l:cng~) .... be$Or.e - : . ~ . . ~ ~ .,... . -. ,, -:. ,minutes, .-. ~?:~ They?,? . , we'n t i.n '::a b ou.~,,:~ ~-~ ~ , . , · tt'm t" time : .,,, .,, ? .- · - .. '"' :" -., ,!¢::,~¢ '::i,':;;. ' r 1';;" .7....[ la'tio i~ - . ' ~;h,~.,,~' thing "~ni. ght be , ' " -uD .. a t" ~ '' ' ' ' · '-~tJ~? ';' h ' ' --undoub;~edly ha.cl, be. en....com-- '~'; .:.. ~'~'~""~'d ~ ~'~f.e~,.e.' zoning Went.in~,:.,".a :~~[t~ad,..it not. ~been-...t.o~¢..t.t:~e" .[ ,~ ,' ..... . . - ,. .... . . . to?: .,,, ' .. -ii',. i ..5' ':!': ' '" ' "~"! ''':'~: "" ,:.,,"4.,' ~ . .,i ,; ... :..':ii!ii i;i;:;.' ? -~: · - ';" ' . " .-: · ,~It~" .... '"' fa,..:,.,.: t,. ';.'%:ha't we.~. a s a TOWn ur;:~ ',.:,"'"~ ~ .~' -' - ~,.,' - .- ........ ."~ me ~. . . . . . :v,/ . . p:~:~(:>p¢~,':"';"t?' a,,.,: ....... ,,~:, o.cust Lane .t° '" ~?' .....~l,:, - . ';' . ' i" ' ':~ ~ ' ' ~';:'~'" .:i':t : . ~ ' ' " ' :.- .~ " . , ' ': '~' ~:' ' :: '~: ~: . ' ' " '" .:-'""-:':. I::'~ if we 'w.e~-e able' 't'" ~'-'~z '"':'- :',:'."'. :'¢¢ ..... ,'".,:"~" ";,:,,¢ ...... :"' .. ., -.. ,.~.:. :[~e e e n.o t .a.b lc' t: o ma ket ha t. a ,.z' z'a. n...~',' e .... ., . ~ =merit' and? ......... (,~ o. n t :r, a c 't . ........ ,,e,n' ¢,. . zoning was put~? ..... · . , ' . ...... :. . of 't~t i t'hink w'e' ,- : . shou]::d~ go along~ .:.: _ - : oOR ~xI,,,IP. P ~: Anyon. e... z~.~,h to be he.a~d._. . in- o'.,~>'";.,?,'.~. r.,.p o,:~ ~' l,t ion ...... . , ' in.g. at :thi .~ ~ :d' noBe:..~ ..:~ .: .... . · ~,,~.,~,... I Will clO.se ':"' ~"~',' .. ~ ;::t h e he..a r" . - . o. e ].. I. b era t i 0 n. s of COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK SS. Pursuant f,,o 'Secti°n 265:: .. . , , ~:- ~,.:.~., ~ .,'~-.::~r. '.~' ' h ' Zone. Ordinance of the To~-~:of· Sou~ -... GroWn,oft,' New Yd~k?nni~j~ednesday: ~to' a~eJnd:~hd':'~uildi:{{~ , .p ~ - ~ .' , .,....:~, ', .1." aY-'changin::: fr~~::'?:'~ .:'~bsidential :and Agrmultur~l ~m~rm~. ,%o. ~B' . ::.':: ~ tha~' tr~c~:6~: p~d¢l::.~.!~nd Sit, u~te'~ l~mg: .a~d: bei~g:::gt Southold, Town' o: 'b0unded on the:'N0k~:~'~Y M~i~ :Street ' b. mnd ' 6~ .... 'nn:~<:::~:' % ~aPF:?:'%5~: feet; , : :, ., - , ... :2. BY changi~g f~.~:.'.A:, :~esid~nt'i~l:: and ~multural Dm~rtct t~::, . ..?.:. ::~UStr~al District 'the, f~!i~F~.:~:de~ '?Cribe'~ property: '::':::::: ) :'::~ ': ':::::~, :~:~'.: ~:' ALL that tract : "uate, lying: .: and :<be~ng~'.~,:.; : in~ the' Town 'of. ~thoid';/:Coun(Y sU:oi ' ew: ::.::' u. ea ' ,:,' ~ffeVed to "~. of'.~attituck:P~tr°.~ ;:"' .le~ Corporation';:' on ~'~he s~th bYJ [::::. ~aftituek :nle~; .On the E~st ~y l~n~ '::~:::'~enevea;..:So 'be ::of Island ~'~'TComp~ny; on the ~uth ~y Naugles:; '::~]:r~ad;' and on:" ~he west ~y ¢:;? . · , . . .... ; - ~: ~Oad, said .prorates'. being t.:f0~erly ~:~:::par~'".of the J,q.A.,~ Ward Estate and ~: · .. - - , :.~::;.:bmng .p~tly in. the bed: of. What: wis. ~: known ~s-..OId ~o~e.:. Oreck, ::": ~Y Per~n. desire8[ ~ ~e heard ?h~ p~opOsed: ~mendmen~ Should ~e~:<~t"the ti~e..,and ~i~e Sp~ified ' .,..,',,., , . Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner, and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southo!d, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed 'is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- ' man once each week for '... ::zz.. weeks successively, commencing on the ........... :,//../.. ~ of ~~~ 19 ~-7 day 6~i;i_~ .......... : .... ~ ~ ^ . Sworn to before me this ..... ,../..Z. ..... '... V~ /...?":- ........... Notary Public day of kes~d;ng in Suffolk County No. 52~3041000 C'ommiss~on Expires March 30~ i959 ,.,~.,, ~ ....... ~,. ~.~,,,., ,,. ?~ ..... ,,,~. ~,',', ,,ii! ~!~?,.~i,' ,~- '; '~,~,~'.."','? ',~' · ,~.~,.. ~,.~,~'~'~ ~,~; '~,n ,.~,¥~.',~.','?"',.. ,'." '; '~'~ ...... ~?' ,., ~' , ~,~,' .. I-~ '. ' . ~'tlt. 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STATE OF N19W YORK PETITION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MA'~'TER OF THE PETITION 05 FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT 0E THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTNOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO T?;h TOWN BOARD OF TH~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: I. I, ...~o~&~...K~ ............................ , residing at?Z:~.~=?.~.~..~-%~¢.~ ............. ............... ~o~.~;~.~.~...~f~..T~$: .........ond more pa~icu~or¥ bounded ond described os follows' (Z~o~ l~O' x !2~') 2. ] do hereby petiticn the Town Boord of the town ol Southo!d to change, modi}¥ end amend the Building Zone O~dir,~tzce cf the Town of Southold, Suffolk Cot~n~y, N~w York, including *,he Building Zone Maps heretof,~re made ~ '~art thereof, cs fo!lows: STATE OF NEW YORK, '~ :, SS: - COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ) ........... -~e~a,~e.-.~',~,~ ....................................... , BEING DULY SWOR, N, c, ep-~scs and says that he is