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TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51378 Date: 11/14/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: Maw Hb)d►'°o�.. 141 ll 1�s's i-I " LA To: &)e n C"f- N1 1157 5. construct single-family dwelling with garage attached by breezeway as applied for per SCHD approval. Premises Located at: 3360 Wunneweta Rd, Cutchogue, NY 11935 SCTM# 111.41-26.2 Pursuant to application dated 09/19/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector.. To expire on 11/14/2026. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: Single Family Dwelling-NEW $5,602.00 CO Single Family Dwelling-New $100.00 Total SS.702.00 1r g Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD —BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 htt s;,1/ww .southoldto!6 ors Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT For Office Use Only PERMIT NO. Building Inspectar. u . w U P. Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety.Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. r Date: OWNER( 011 PROPERTY: Name: SCTM# 1000- Project Addre s: ? � Phone#: q Email: Mailing Address. - ZZSC4I,? CONTACT PERSON: Name: f1AJ L4,,l P ", �' ma Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: w l' tll" 4' DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name: ,iiZ. Malling Address: , _ w Phone#: "" ZZ Email: a CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Address: Phone#: ✓ Email: ° DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION New Structure ❑Addition ❑Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: ❑Other Will the lot be re-graded? 1Z[Yes [:]No Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes No 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: 'ri v^ intended use of property: ✓I �� Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenaWo d re rictions with respect to this property? ❑Yes IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. Check Box After Reading: TM o r/to ra c+r/design prolamlonal is responsibie,for all drainage and ston, water bum as pnwldW by Chapter 236 of the Town Cade.APPUCAMON IS HUdW MAN to the Building,Depadment for the Issuance of a Building Penult punuant to the Building zone ordinance of the Town of Southold.Suffok Camty,Near York and other applirabis laws,Ongnmms or Regulations,forthe co titian of buildings, additions,aIt onr or for removal or demolition as herein descibed.The applicant;agrees to comply with all appik eNe tawm ordinances,bulldht code, hoofing coda and regulations and toadmit-authorlad Inspectors on premism and In bultding(s)for necessary Inspections.false statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor purwwd to Section 210AS of the New York st M Penal taw. Application Submitted B (print name pp YIP ) '�/M/��"""� .�. �,'� � `�� t-1 ❑Authorized Agent 11116wI►ner Signature of Applicant: 1t6,`BUNCH Notary Public,State of New York STATE OF NEW YORK) No.01BU6185050 Qualified in Suffolk County SS: commission Expires April 14,2 Y COUNTY.OF being duly sworn,deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (S)he is the (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith.. Sworn before me this day of�2�.cvvr l bm— 20 01 Notary Public PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION (Where the applicant is not the owner) I, residing at do hereby authorize to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. Owner's Signature Date Print Owner's Name 2 Scott A. Russol \N�,\�Gr]EI��I[]EN�C' SUPERVISOR I�\4[A SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL-P.O. � 53095 Main Road-SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 Town of Southold CHAPTER 236 - STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REFERRAL FORM ( APPLICANT INFORMATION TO BE COMPLETED BY THE APPLICANT y�R I ONLY FOR PROPERTIES ONE ACRE IN AREA OR LARGER. ) APPLICANT: (Property Owner, Design Professional, Agent, Contractor, Other) NAME: ' �" Date: .n o W.p;; Contact Infoc tion� : (L-)vlail R l'elephnne Numheil " Pro ert Address / Location of Construction Site: _.._ al S.C.T.M. 1000 Di W _. .. ..�._.... - ection Block Lot TO BE COMPLETED BY SOUTHOLD TOWN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ® - Area of Disturbance is less than I Acre, No S.P.D E.S. Pere-tit Is Required Project does Not Discharge to Waters ofthe Staten Nas P I .0 .S. PI' yit Is Ede t°Ire' Area of Disturbance is Greater than l Acre & Storn-i-,\ater Runoff Discharges Directly ❑ D.E.0 Prior to Issuance of a Building Permit. to Waters of From State of New York, THE APPLICANT MUST OBTAIN a S.P,D.E.S. Permit ,vca of Disturbance is Greater than I Acre & Storm-\,N arPr Rrinoff Flaws Thi a, Southold Town's MS4 Systems to Waters of the State of New York. THE APPLICANT MUST OBTAIN a S.P,D.E.S Permit through the Southold Town Engineer a De artment Prior to Issuance of a Buildin Permit. Date Reviewed By: w _ F'(lR NIW a CM(-P T()C (lrtnhai 7n I c) A CGenerated by REScheck--Web Software �(J Compliance Certificate Project 3360 Wunneweta Road - Malakidis Energy Code: 2018 IECC Location: Cutchogue, New York Construction Type: Single-family Project Type: New Construction Conditioned Floor Area: 8,939 ft2 Glazing Area 22% Climate Zone: 4 (5572 HDD) Permit Date: Permit Number: All Electric false Is Renewable false Has Charger false Has Battery: false Has Heat Pump: false Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 3360 Wunneweta Road GreenWorks Energy Specialist Inc. Cutchogue, NY 11935 Info@HERSrating.us ® - Compliance: 5.1%Better Than Code Maximum UA: 902 Your UA: 855 Maximum SHGC: 0.40 Your SHGC: 0.31 The%Better or Worse Than Code Index reflects how close to compliance the house is based on code trade-off rules. It DOES NOT provide an estimate of energy use or cost relative to a minimum-code home. Slab-on-grade tradeoffs are no longer considered in the UA or performance compliance path in REScheck. Each slab-on-grade assembly in the specified climate zone must meet the minimum energy code insulation R-value and depth requirements. Envelope Assemblies Prop.Gross Area Cavity Cont. Perimeter 2ed Floor Ceiling: Cathedral Ceiling 3,391 38.0 0.0 0.027 0.026 92 88 1st Floor Ceiling: Cathedral Ceiling 314 38.0 0.0 0.027 0.026 8 8 Exterior Walls: Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 5,450 21.0 0.0 0.057 0.060 243 255 Windows: Wood Frame 1,195 0.300 0.320 359 382 SHGC: 0.31 Cantilever:All-Wood joist/Truss 63 30.0 0.0 0.033 0.047 2 3 Basement Wall: Solid Concrete or Masonry Wall height: 9.0' 2,799 15.0 0.0 0.054 0.059 151 165 Depth below grade: 8.0' Insulation depth: 9.0' _. ....... Project Title: 3360 Wunneweta Road - Malakidis Report date: 09/16/24 Data filename: Page 1 of10 Compliance Statement: The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans,specifications, and other calculations submitted with the permit application.The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2018 IECC requirements in REScheck Version : REScheck-Web and to comply with the mandatory requirements listed in the REScheck Inspection Checklist. AJ Afkham-Certified IECC/HERS Compliance Specialist 09/17/2024 Name-Title lignaturel Date Project Title: 3360 Wunneweta Road - Malakidis Report date .. Proj � 09/16/24 Data filename: Page 2 of10 REScheck Software Version : REScheck-Web C�J( Inspection Checklist Energy Code: 2018 IECC Requirements: 100.0% were addressed directly in the REScheck software Text in the "Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the REScheck Requirements screen. For each requirement,the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception is being claimed. Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided. # ID Pre- PIanV lue.. ._�feed-l' _. _ �... _.. Veri 6c Re Section Field Verified Inspection/Plan Review Value Complies? ' Comments/Assumptions 103.1, Construction drawings and ❑Does Not Re uire ®l b .. y � p 'Requirement will be met. documentation demonstrate [PR111 energy code compliance for the ❑Not Observable building envelope.Thermal envelope represented on ❑Not Applicable construction documents. 103.1.. ...._ Construction drawings......._ ,...-.__ �-�...... and ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 103.2, 'documentation demonstrate ❑Does Not 403.7 energy code compliance for [PR3P lighting and mechanical systems. ❑Not Observable Systems serving multiple ❑Not Applicable ;dwelling units must demonstrate 'compliance with the IECC 'Commercial Provisions. 1, LHeating and cooling Manual S Btu/hr equipment is Heating: Heating: ❑Do Not ...... ❑ mp Requirement will q Re w ll m. be met. 403. per [PR212 on loads calculated per ACCA Cooling: Cooling: ❑Not Observable 4, Manual J or other methods Btu/hr Btu/hr approved by the code official. ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: High _ .. _. ._. .... ..._..e� ._ _ act(Tier 3) g Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 ;Low Imp Project Tit_.._ ..... _.... Title: 3360 Wunneweta Road - Malakidis Report date: 09/16/24 Data filename: Page 3 of10 _..# Fo .e.. . Plans Verified ._. eld Section Field Verified undation Inspection Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID �402.1.1 Conditioned basement wall R- R- ,❑Complies see the Envelope Assemblies [FO4]1 insulation R-value.Where interior R- R- ❑Does Not table for values. �a `insulation is used,verification II INot Observable may need to occur during Insulation Inspection. Not I ]Not Applicable required in warm-humid locations in Climate Zone 3. _ � O511 insulation installed per ❑Doe lies Requirement ill b � --,Conditioned basement wall ❑Co � w' 303.2 � p q II be met. F s Not manufacturer's instructions. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 402.2.9 Conditioned basement wall t - ElComplie Envelope all ft d` 5 See the Envelope Assemblies [FO6]1 insulation depth of burial or ❑Does Not :table for values. distance from top of wall. ;❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 303.2.1 A protective covering _ _,.m, .. . _, �.. ,... rv .n .. ..... - .. .m_ _. �..... a.... . is installed ❑Com ties Requirement will be met. [FO11]2 to protect exposed exterior ❑Does Not insulation and extends a ta, []Not Observable , minimum of 6 in. below grade. ❑Not Applicable ice-melting system ❑Complies. :Requirement .... 403.9 Snow-and is will be met. [FO12]2 controls insta lled. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1_ High Imp (Tier 1) 2...... ... �-,, p .1 L w mpact(Tier 3F Impact q Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 - ... ... ... .. _. ....................... Project Title 3360 Wunneweta Road - Malakidis Report date: 09/16/24 Data filename: Page 4 of10 & R# Fromm / Rou h-In Ins ection` Plans Verified fied el Section 9 P luefied.............. Com. ...pl�es� a Comments/Assumptions egrvlD P .... ............... 02.1.1, Glazing U-factor(area-weighted U- U- ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.3.1, average). ❑Does Not table for values. 402.3.3, ❑ 402.5 Not Observable [FR2]1 ❑Not Applicable [3.1.3 e fenestration ar determineaccordan d �.. ,.._„ ,�_ .. —❑❑Does Not.. . .... . products. .w. p 'Requirement w will be met. r with the NFRC test procedure or ❑Nat Observable :taken from the default table. ❑Not Applicable 402.4.1.1..Air barrier and t._ hermal barrier ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FR23]1 installed per manufacturer's ❑Does Not instructions. ❑Not Observable ❑N0Pp t Applicable 402.4.3 Fenestration that is not site built - � OComplies Requirement will be met. [FR20]1 :is listed and labeled as meeting ❑Does Not AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 ❑Not Observable or has infiltration rates per NFRC !400 that do not exceed code ❑Not Applicable limits. 5 recessed lighting fixtures � � � ElComplies Requirement be met. [R16] sealed at ��.,._W w t housing/interior finish ❑Does Not and labeled to indicate s2.0 cfm leakage at 75 Pa. [:]Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.3.1 insulated d return8where duct tics ....._. wa.�.. ❑❑Doe plies Requirement _ W et. Supply nment will be met. Not >= 3 inches in diameter and >_ a ❑Not Observable R-6 where < 3 inches. Supply and return ducts in other portions of ❑Not Applicable the building insulated >= R-6 for 'diameter>= 3 inches and R-4.2 for< 3 inches in diameter. 403.3.2 Ducts, air boxes are sealed lers and filter � � � � .. El Requirement will be mplies Requi � met. .��. with oes Not ;joints/seams compliant with International Mechanical Code or ❑Not Observable International Residential Code, as ❑Not Applicable applicable. . 403.3.5 Building cavities are not used as - - (]Complies -Requirement will be met. [FR15]3 ducts or plenums. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Ducts declared to be within the � ��� omplies Requirement will be m 403.3.7 ..� _....m__. et. [FR28]3 conditioned space are either 1) ❑Does Not completely within the continuous ❑Not Observable air barrier and within the building thermal envelope, 2) buried ❑Not Applicable within ceiling insulation in - accordance with Section R403.3.6 and the air handler is located completely within the continuous air barrier and within the building thermal envelope and the duct leakage is <= 1.5 cfm/100 square feet of conditioned floor area served by the duct system, or 3)the ceiling insulation R-value installed against and above the insulated duct>= to the proposed ceiling insulation R-value, less the R- value of the insulation on the 1 Hi h Impact(Tier 1) 2 . ( � 3 .........._ g p Impact(Tier 2) Low Impact(Tier 3) Medium ........... —�� .�._.......... ..,�w.-__ .__.�..... _._ .............�.�.-...... — .......m.— Project Title 3360 Wunneweta Road - Malakidis Report date: 09/16/24 Data filename: Page 5 of10 5e .. ,Framing/ -Roug - �.... .... ............... ... m_ � Value a5 R ton TPlans Ve4rlfie Aleld Verlfied� ti Value Comments/Assumptions p lO ns e+ctlon � Complies? !0omm. 403A e HYAC piping conveying fluids R- R- ;❑Complies ;Requirement will be met. [FR7')2 above 105 4F or chilled fluids ❑Does Not below 55 4F are insulated to>_R- 3 ;❑Not Observable j❑Not Applicable 403.4.1 Protection of insulation on HVAC � � � OCom lies Requirement will �-� p ....m.�.._— ill be met. [FR24]1 piping. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable _ I1 31 Hot water pipes are insulated to R-_ R ;❑DoElCompNos Requirement will be met. - � >_R 3. t ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.6 installed Automatic all outdooam dampers are ❑Domplies Requirement .. gravity p � � will be met. I intakes and exhausts. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: .... g p L_......�._ p (Tier 2) 1 .-.... pact(Tier 3) Hi h Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Irr� a�(Ti 3 Low impact... _ . ..... _._m. _ �,_.. �a._.._. .. ........ Project Title: 3360 Wunneweta Road -Malakidis Report date: 09/16/24 Data filename: Page 6 of10 ceo on # .. Insulation Ins®..e..c...t.ion.. ... mPlans Verified �ti.. Field.. Verified Complies? o.m. lies? Comments/Assumptionsu � ID Value Value ........... -- . i 30 .1 All installed insulation is labeled ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [IN13]2 or the installed R-values ❑Does Not provided. []Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 1402.1.1, Floor insulation R value. R- R- '❑Complies see the Envelope Assemblies 2 6 ❑ Wood ❑ Wood j❑Does Not table for values. [IN1]1 ❑ Steel ❑ Steel ❑Not Observable i w ❑Not Applicable 303.2, 00r insulation installed per - �❑ mplie _u.ir _............�_,,..— es Requirement will be met. 'manufacturer's instructions and ❑Do of [IN2]1 in substantial contact with the underside of the subfloor, or floor ❑Not Observable framing cavity insulation is in ❑Not Applicable contact with the top side of sheathing, or continuous insulation is installed on the underside of floor framing and extends from the bottom to the top of all perimeter floor framing _ members. 4002.1.1, Wall insulation R-value.lIf this is a �-Wood ❑ Wood []Complies �mmSeetabl e Envelope Ass 2.2.5, mass wall with a -���- Assemblies t least /2 of the ❑Does Not 402.2.6 wall insulation on the wall Mass ❑ Mass Not Observable [IN3]1 :exterior,the exterior insulation requirement applies(FR10). ❑ Steel ❑ Steel ❑Not Applicable �. � ...... . .. _ , ..W gym.... ._.. .,_. . .... w� _ ----.. .. 303.2 Wall insulation is installed per ❑Coinp lies Requirement will be �....___ [IN4]1 manufacturer's instructions. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: Hi9h Im pact(Tier 1) 2 Medwm _mpac�t(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: 3360 Wunneweta Road - Malakidis _ Report date: 09/16/24 Data filename: Page 7 of10 Section Pr.. ..a, .nValue.... Final InspectionPlans Verified Field Verified Section t ied ..�,�•..�� ovislo Is V Complies I Comments/Assumptions & Re ID t Value 402.1.1, Ceiling insulation R-value R- R- ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.2.1, ❑ Wood ❑ woo d ❑Does Not table for values. 402.2.2, ❑ Steel ❑ Steel ❑Not Observable 402.2.E[FI1]1 ❑Not Applicable 303.1.1.1, Ceiling insulation installed per �ElComplies Requirement will be met. 303.2 manufacturer's instructions. ❑Does Not [FI2]1 Blown insulation marked every ❑Not Observable 300 ft2. ❑Not Applicable (02 ]3 insulation tics with baffle adjacent ❑❑DoespNot Requirement will be z p met. to soffit and eave vents that extends over insulation. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Attic access hatch and door R- R- ❑ ':Requirement will be Com lies �..... . 402.2.4 _..-.........� p• met. [FI3]1 :insulation ?R-value of the ❑Does Not adjacent assembly. ❑Not Observable ; ❑Not Applicable 402.4.1.2 'Blower door test @ 50 Pa. <=5 ACH 50 ACH 50 — ❑�Comp�l�ies � Requirement will be met. [FI17]1 ach in Climate Zones 1-2, and ❑Does Not <=3 ach in Climate Zones 3-8. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Ducts are p t �edhto ft cfm/100 ft2 cfm/100 ❑Does Not - �Requirement will be [FI27]3 -determ ne a�leakates �-��-•. ❑C't�m lies q will be met. either: Rough-in test:Total ❑Not Observable leakage measured with a pressure differential of 0.1 inch ❑Not Applicable w.g.across the system including :the manufacturer's air handier enclosure if installed at time of test. Postconstruction test:Total leakage measured with a pressure differential of 0.1 inch w.g. across the entire system 'including the manufacturer's air handler enclosure. _ Duct tightness test resin of<=4 cfm/100 cfm/100 ❑Complies Requirement will be met. 403.3 4 D _ gh et. [F14]1 cfm/100 ft2 across the system or ft2ft ❑Does Not <=3 cfm/100 ft2 without air handler @ 25 Pa. For rough-in ❑Not Observable tests,verification may need to ❑Not Applicable occur during, Framing Inspection. _ 403.3 1 Ai manufacturer leakage designated - - � � ElComplies� Requirement will be me ., t. Does Not design air flow. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.1.1 nstal the control of primary ry � � - � � ElDoespNot ;Requirement will � Programmable � be met. led for heating and cooling systems and initially set by manufacturer to ❑Not Observable code specifications. ❑Not Applicable � OCom lies Requirement will be met. _. .2 pump thermostat installed p q 403.[ ] on heat pumps. ❑Does Not I ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.5.1 Circulating have � � �ElComplies Requirement will be met. -- [FI11] systemsave automatic or ..�...._.._.. . oes Not accessible manual controls. ❑Not Observable � ❑Not Applicable Impact _..r �r �2 Medium Im 2) r 3 1 LOW Impactt(Tier 3)Hi h Im act(Tier 1) (Tier --� �... m�.. _ ......... . _... ............. _. Project Title: 3360 Wunneweta Road - Malakidis Report date: 09/16/24 Data filename: Page 8 of10 d Section Final Inspection Provisions � -�� Comments/Assumptionst � �. ..._.. ,.,.,� e Plans Verified Field Verified P ? & Req. Value Value 403.61 All mechanical ventilations stem � ❑ omplieseS Requirementwill be i y �._... p met. [F125]2 fans not part of tested and listed ❑Does Not HVAC equipment meet efficacy and air flow limits per Table []Not Observable R403.6.1. ❑Not Applicable 403.2 throughone Hoat boilers r two two-pipe heating mm m []Does Not mplies mmmmm Requirement will be met. systems have outdoor setback control to lower boiler water [-]Not Observable temperature based on outdoor ❑Not Applicable temperature, 403.5.1.1 A Heated water circulation systems m � � s Requirement�1C�rmplies .Requirement will be met. [F128]2 have a circulation pump.The ❑Does Not system return pipe is a dedicated return pipe or a cold water supply ❑Not Observable pipe. Gravity and thermos- ❑Not Applicable syphon circulation systems are not present. Controls for circulating hot water system pumps start the pump with signal for hot water demand within the occupancy.Controls automatically turn off the pump when water is in circulation loop is at set-point temperature and no demand for hot water exists. [F 403.5.1.2 z1.2. comply with IEEE 515 f or UL []Does Not Requirement ......_ systems Electric heat trace I❑Cortnplies 'Requirement will be met. 515. Controls automatically adjust the energy input to the []Not Observable heat tracing to maintain the ❑Not Applicable desired water temperature in the piping. �...�... m .. 403.5.2 Demand recirculation water ❑Complies :Requirement will be met. [F130]2 systems have controls that ❑Does Not manage operation of the pump and limit the temperature of the [:]Not Observable water entering the cold water ❑Not Applicable piping to <= 10e.�4..�°..F.-. 403 �.4 Drain weatrecovery units v� � mplies _ Requirement will be met. ztednac e with CSA E]Does Not B55.1. Potable water-side pressure loss of drain water heat ❑Not Observable recovery units < 3 psi for ❑Not Applicable individual units connected to one or two showers. Potable water- side pressure loss of drain water heat recovery units < 2 psi for individual units connected to three or more showers. 404.1 90%or more of permanent � OComplies Requirement will be m�......-�� v, et. [F16] fixtures have hig h efficac lam s. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 404.1.1 no continuous pilot light.s have � []CompliesRequirement _.... will be met. 3 []Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 401.3 ® Compliance certificate pos... w,o,.�_w �...-.�� . _..� ... . �..M. ted. ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FI7]2 ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable ... _. w ._. ����������� � ���� pact(Tier 3) mpact(Tier 1) 2 - lgh I Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Im Project Title 3360 Wunneweta Road - Malakidis Report date: 09/16/24 Data filename: Page 9 of10 coon final Inspection ti'on Provisions Plan aluefied N lel Aaluefii d Complies? Comments/Assumptions g l r . _ ,.,,....... _ , e� .. ..ro . .,. ... ...... ............. 303.3 Manufacturer manuals for Complies Requirement will be met. (F'I1813 mechanical and water heating DDoes Not j systems have been provided. E]Not Observable ONot Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: q .......... . ediu 2) 3 :Low Impact(Tier 3) I High Impact(Tier 1) 1 M m Impact(Tier._.._ .... _ ....._ . .w. . ._._ _. Project Title: 3360 Wunneweta Road - Malakidis Report date: 09/16/24 Data filename: Page 10 of10 a Efficiency Certificate Above-Grade Wall 21.00 Below-Grade Wall 15.00 Floor 30.00 Ceiling / Roof 38.00 Ductwork (unconditioned spaces): Window 0.30 0.31 Door Heating System: Cooling System: Water Heater• Name• Date• Comments T P TEST PI E p ' 3z sod S sp �. .�.. is Z1 5� a �. r f r i , f ., 7 _ 0 uk- � �' ! � � � /" -71 � �� �_ � I /'��� �� .�� •,,mac tP,. `� " - C iZ 4 i YYF m x� x ` t co r hr7 � R.J1 `-. LEACHNG POOL k e'3 w x ei R i-- a m#-'4.4E D17 A ADRAGNA - ° --' t>m GALI BEDFYJRV DAY.9C0 GNJ DAY pBBIG1 _ _ -`�.`�` --- eOm G.Y/ 4 [.dtl Da p OF ETE WdLL IffOD }� �6b4�ryia4 ��S' � ,�"IR�?]�IF•� � � _. s� °` �� Ems' =� 3�-3 1 D tX Ri� 5.Y4e+1 •+l5[l�W $P+$ - �tRP+� _... 1* -- - �. - Lb IO 1 LEACJi PDDLB IB0,q.l/BG pIV VF.•113 vP.REO i.% KY4. ? - r --- DESIGNS,L_LC I � lE i �t+�tF�6433t4 .._ / $ - Eiob4 _ i .Y sd1B '-; 9 's- 83 I�R'RPPFSAPE iRFAIEII. __ `=y;. Pi WI W0.E � I�PHD.�3 81 I TO ., m E,w unneweta --" _ +- OPI eN 6.g-NY IP K� ffim MR PRE35AH I s F: a� .. sa s6:. R - yi '4 a :`d n a€R�L4a. s st. 'te. TI EI CMIRa MMK To aR L ':. I __---- - . :aw'gz q' e • z `.s' a:#' 'Ys s€: Pun NSSSUK TRGTEo € '� /x1 MTs - SITE PLAN —�- -a } IaR-BISECT �` SCWiYM °ice__ �m _ ���:? 3 m � -.-�R {,3(€wPPW RI¢ &�MR D - . cw Tks:2 CORPER PIO fOW 11� z�a -st�3z+€ 2$'ssmYA rtsie 3+n.� �xs�¢e,S Ar ez+ffi�4a lc xa�3�t s. sa ___ _> w�,� � T�r� :€€�.l Ugvw91 SP 100.00 daaal Tlo %D v..._........... � P.:m ,ava•rau..r�nDanwrw mrxAN'raArcArrt pnr aA0«a.rw ffievNrazds IWd a I y T. iuLU I a 25 "ipl p 4 +Sr. NASSAU POINT, SOUTHOLD, NY q N q 1 1 KEY MAP 1'_600' �•ns +rerMA awaxxnlr em,re..... N ur«n. A '"ti,I I I N W p d � "'r,. aaedarwixi M«I wuM t�nnq ew u•cou u W a� �P' i q V /�+ H nb n HO MM1ER pWEkL1A„A5 a n.,ey M"n�e.y,P Ny^ ! �w I � 'WJPi1BTJC WATHR � ,H Pe.��.•,re.P��r.e�M Ae.e��e.sre� gz�gr � u 1 I n > r N crap• a (rD W,el °flyr vi N J0 AxMY eY 9..1y ,N 9 p r p 1 I I .. V N "d"w. 1' '`�N I r I.Id ^1 a, cm �. ,ny NOT ..�..,.,�... ..�..,�. rt r1aO �. "wy"Wfl yg„q„p'yuW g =1 hp PNlNffik dNMO"MTIMf'y°AApF.RkgATIC CF"x OwPe b'ASS ArZnk Cmp'LAPkC% W DEO P �'" I� y r Tw1EArtaNlDati SYSTEAgS("NaAwa^crpJFlpA'g ApS R[dnarR,Ed.. `? I;y"m w/ft WAT€ad TYPICAL PLOT PLAN ro Yd� \ 81 I I p p u (RDT TO SCALE) • '4 y' t J q*NweNrr wDa P ,.„•�'N, d N fl u ffMNX Al, ..r"Id M0'0 CDl °r yMpNul�glr. I�', 11i1/ti q muw Z'A6d�,1YTY y�' C A 1 ifldltlp Y�• T 4 pflY y — -^ uw._..,-. cn ply"''dfMr''wA' i y� L07 402 %arm ,u wrNs s�rean p l l d l fl p w fl i p l X k k _qW W/PUBLIC W AU* N aPwgwi A+c PfWG9E nn5\ �• N I p 1 X tl 50' waMANGzi u b a p:4'IV MG p• I y� � X u 8a6 lrn ��f'�oAP1/L ,nor �� � xy�,_° ra^ "✓ t�,a Hasrrar..� g , �_NewwNNr LOT 400 / y, r ae>< .r eu u ® om�mEr . Y' ye p�P p I •'qw( m Pk; V L 71 BY g n„I C"II vrmear wDD ry naves d I :7 A acnnnc.uw*^ 4�J a BOARD Nil elrWanr Pnar rwp wrP NN4.wmc *'EiAPorrip tlw✓rrcaa P IT' tsa fd: PL3P Wes ? mm0w ACtlWnK� cCwW+r.nl^D AOc�'Ex 1 bdgL: JTHOLL) AND Ti9Az Alc celarca+rrx wwjwrar d cwaN,.p. NrmoV'Aa ACPBaNA.Y Icm Am H+f1R Popm+WmaR,M US r1um� � DwzK�mS pNAAN A71( tNa ' 1 I dPmRGCfl.y AYbOalda AND"qa Y�'Qk%µel DWELLINGS / "tea P �,p -,,,r✓^ "� „. W/PII SO WATER / X d l 1 T p1 Ilq� l, Y4 dk.88DptN Pr,� I Ik I I( / gklWYEfNX M1neNYLrM'tffi 4+C; 11.1 / "rDDDED XId MAP OF DUFFY AT NASSAU POINT " FILED n W N u"a" FINAL PLAT FOR STANDARD SUBDIVISION •s ww 5 ZOq " a / / ^N p T I y 0 R T A S,C,T.M,# DIST, 1000 SECTION: III BLOCK: 11 LOT: 26.1 P•'mfe— 0 50 100 150 I'14400 mil ly AT,.. —. REVISED 04-11-21 +T4XpgIX 0 oCl REVISED 10-05 19 ZONED R 40 OWNERS:JAMEB�p'eGYFfy N I R d q 0^ ✓ n�wrER 6 uwD.z,cR+taeccs.�t+.'Dp moNr . .. N( MARY OXEN DUFFY uP. ypE YIR}Im'MIN rys'roiAa) P.O, BOX 1237 L(K.1 PKws.ELNOaw akgd'aWCW aStAp[iDrdpNMl aTe}bd 0" 1 fl A 'W pLW YMO A'mN. AND DP DATA O�Bf,Aa�'D ARLW'PD?;ft X P .'�� CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 tlda ,r NAVDB8 AREA 13i„5d16,'B SOFT. or 3.02 ACRES DEVArmN DATuu: •^„___„,,,„,,,�,�„•,•,^„ ' I I I p l ry II W y X ,q fl I �MyNrT1N+tl„.Po'wkAMMpYN,tlECMlU7N'ICN,NrtS 9RWw(r qS A wKAPbY OM'!,Y'd',OW'A.Yd/D"Pod,'NI`Iw'IpgC,RMPY" k'OW u.NXr. tbW!'G 19r RaR'/NCM1'T WW PrPoI EIGAM,Mk M'rAlap dpUN'M}GWT'6W4JY,°ACT/1"u11,:AWYR A¢MP 111i dD Kwp p bl'A NaIYE/TAknd'Cf,N Y. J'r�dOy'¢.,ryp1 IV}IP MVkd.YYv ryw ANA+ RrA,q�g tdQ pna r»�aaW a�DA7SAM PmR arArq+aNa!klRiEa^au rAewwWrp AAD Orr aax�NNx aD 1aN D'kA cAwA'AA+rr DON!AarrWmarPw Amprer Aap.lNNMN4r Wglpi'mOW OarrO.agAraA Na0 wr ala AxgKwrttm pa D�LEAT,wa4�PmmA�wa emPm AWE xqv�r �,... �' �. �.�',� mar tw+yp'n OW tNYCMWW"p sgNN NENEdI!'.RKM mar PnO lA"TY RAafffi m}mW Nmpa�lawEa'AAd'(NH A m%d'dPwffi' .rm AND to YVW MI ARE `^ ^".."`..%„ Ayy +Apr nw+g✓yy'p dm A4'Y,uwp4r naE vAo^urrr ameCA om as s m¢ dY'/Cwr atpr'acMwAe./rAdumMas 4W.SnW PoANEw aa'�*4rAW'dnram umwrs ..• '4 N aAl9/'ZA!'9p0%4 +IaY'SIRW Pff ff=qV M dAtl tCNLLkb1.Po%K awi A h.RPM7Apgatl.Pss AV'PLWUKpw&a Alr w ffi ra'a PIN'Mw'a�.sVagrr DWELLINGS W 15500'WATER • yy r DUFFY A7 NASSAU VERALL) y gag. CERTIFIED T10. w. q .AP a: POINT MARY ELLEN IIVFFY; FIE. $$F Lot p m Apt t a0S E OM,`N 9NAR9 AT:NAssAu Powr NX%NPNp,._____.^a'A.zkS.Yapr..ffiG.gW mn„tOpJO a a Mm'' OmtgNE.Pa'E#IMry P5 4PArH Apw':-bI faJv'.a1afamrxpw zW adp mr.,sWar Omd%ffip'Fpl,.Alqn.'Ae90, xg . roxN a:SOU THOLD 6UFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK "+ q h "^ 1 Tik'^ 1C8NIG�ffiT0F�A hlfe m7aP)GQl yeI Cd1i°41BD°H£vrm•a1pt D I eH0N1A1 IW�m-aeeIeW " P." LL'..0 P 0„H BaAgvebvrye,Nev yvrk I10pB1xta n-a 15-118--1"-50' DA¢:AUG. 1. 2015 k . m,F' mw.ww..w.®a.r...a e�e..o•ce.Al,x erreE Workers' Certificate of Attestation of Exemption RK S T, Compensation from New York State Workers' Compensation and/or Board Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Insurance Coverage "This form cannot be used to waive the workers'compensation rights or obligations of any party.** The applicant may use this Certificate ofAttestation of Exemption ONLY to show a government entity that New York State specific workers'compensation and/or disability and paid family leave benefits insurance is not required. The applicant may NOT use this form to show another business or that business's insurance carrier that such insurance is not required. Please provide this form to the government entity from which you are requesting a permit,license or contract. This Certificate will not be accepted by government officials one year after the date printed on the form. In the Application of Business Applying For: (Legal Entity Name and Address): Building Permit Mazi Holdings LLC From: Town of Southold 149 Dosoris Ln Glen Cove,NY 11542-1225 PHONE:917-685-7171 FEIN:IICXXX2152 The location of where work will be performed is 3360 Wunneweta rd,Cutchogue,NY 11935. Estimated dates necessary to complete work associated with the building permit are tram October 1,2024 to September 30,2025. The estimated dollar amount of project is over$100,000 Workers'C2m Unsition Exemption Statement: The above named business is certifying that it is NOT REQUIRED TO OBTAIN NEW YORK STATE SPECIFIC WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE COVERAGE for the following reason: The business is a LLC,LLP,PLLP or a RLLP; OR is a partnership under the laws of New York State and is not a corporation. Other than the partners or members,there are no employees,day labor, leased employees,borrowed employees,part-time employees,unpaid volunteers(including family members)or subcontractors. Partners/Members: Dimitrios Malakidis,marilyn Malakidis,Christopher M Polechronis, Ralia E Polechronis,Corinna M Lau,James L Lau Disabilily and Paid.Family Leave Benefits Exemption Statement: The above named business is certifying that it is NOT REQUIRED TO OBTAIN NEW YORK STATE STATUTORY DISABILITY AND PAID FAMILY LEAVE BENEFITS INSURANCE COVERAGE for the following reason: The business MUST be either: 1) owned by one individual; OR 2) is a partnership(including LLC,LLP,PLLP,RLLP,or LP)under the laws of New York State and is not a corporation; OR 3) is a one or two person owned corporation,with those individuals owning all of the stock and holding all offices of the corporation(in a two person owned corporation each individual must be an officer and own at least one share of stock); OR 4) is a business with no NYS location. In addition,the business does not require disability and paid family leave benefits coverage at this time since it has not employed one or more individuals on at least 30 days in any calendar year in New York State. (Independent contractors are not considered to be employees under the Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law) I,Dimitrios Malakidis,am the Member with the above-named legal entity. I affirm that due to my position with the above-named business I have the knowledge,information and authority to make this Certificate of Attestation of Exemption. I hereby affirm that the statements made herein are true,that I have not made any materially false statements and I make this Certificate of Attestation of Exemption under the penalties of perjury. I further affirm that I understand that any false statement,representation or concealment will subject me to felony criminal prosecution,including jail and civil liability in accordance with the Workers'Compensation Law and all other New York State laws. By submitting this Certificate of Attestation of Exemption to the government entity listed above I also hereby affirm that if circumstances change so that workers'compensation insurance and/or disability and paid family leave benefits coverage is required,the above-named legal entity will immediately acquire appropriate New York State specific workers' compensation insurance and/or disability and paid family leave benefits coverage and also immediately famish proof of that coverage on forms approved by the Chair of the Workers'Compensation Board to the government entity listed above. SIGN Si nature Date: HERE g Exemption Certificate Number Received 2024-071602 September 18, 2024 NYS Workers' Compensation Board CE-200 01/2018 s�C,WWl s/ ?-/y TABLE R301.20) 1 1 t - _a b & a- CLIM4TIG $ GE0GR,4FHIC DESIGN CRITERIA I� GROUND WIND DESIGN SEISMIC SUBJECT TO DAMAGE FROM: WINTER ICE BARRIER AIR MEAN SNOW TOPOGRAPHIC SPECIAL WIND-BORNE DESIGN FROST DESIGN NDERLAYMEN FLOOD FREEZING ANNUAL LOAD SPEED EFFECTS WIND REGION DEBRIS ZONE ATAGOR WEATHERING LINE DEPTH TERMITE TEMP REQUIREMENT HAZARDS INDEX TEMP MOD/ °) �� 25 P.S.F. 130 MPH. N/A N/A YES B SEVERE 3'-O" HEAVY 15"F YES VARIES 1500 OF 52.13 r- TABLE R602311) TABLE R602311) - continued � �-' FASTENER SCHEDULE FOR STRUCTURAL MEMBERS FASTENER SCHEDULE FOR STRUCTURAL MEMBERS Q NUMBER AND TYPE SPACING OF DESCRIPTION OF DESCRIPTION OF SPACING OF FASTENERS aJ -� a`"i DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING; ELEMENTS OF FASTENER &bad FASTENERS BUILDING MATERIALS FASTENER baA& EDGES Circhea) INTER1EDIATE SUPPORTS nncha`s� ll i~ Joist to sill or girder,toe nail 3-8d Wood structural panels,subfloor,roof and wall sheathing to Framing,and particleboard wall sheathing to Framing � E bn P x 6" subfloor or less to each Joist, face nail 2 stages 13j sib _ I/2 bd common nail fsubflQor,wall) 6" edges 12g interior zones G � 4 8d common nail (roof) 4' rake (n c) -E3 9 2" subfloor to Joist or girder,blind and face nail 2-16d — % - I 8d common nail (roof) edges 12. o 4' rake Sole plate to Joist or blocking,face nail I6d 16" o.c. IXs- I1j4 loci common nail or 8d 6" edges 12 '> �o � O deformed nail 4" rake ,� w Top or sole plate to stud,end nail 2-16d Other wall sheathing" 0 U) 'b Stud to sole plate,toe nail 3-8d or 2-I6d �rregular cellulosic fiberboard 14=galvanized rooFtng nail bd 3 y � N Cd ^g common nail Staple 16 ga„11r long ro O ¢� DIVISION 01-GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Provide 4 Inch slab with 6 inch x 6 Inch 10/10 011F on b Provide steel ladders permanently installed as side of MICROLAM, „ r structural cellulosic fiberboard I'Vi alvanized rooftn nail 8d twit � m(1 vapor barrier in cellar and Garage_(AII slabs are egress wells.Provide lighht weight hinged metal rates DIVISION 09-FINISHES: Double Studs, fdGe nail loci 24 O.C. g g 3 1O - �' � All roof of insurance shall be verified In writln to the 95%com acted fill).Pitch ore atio and are a ate ress wells or wood rail( s as field condition° Sheathing common nail Staple ib ga„Ina long 0 � p 9 P P h/P 9 9 9 ^9 SCOPE: Provide°ampler°of ail flnfehes to Owner For approval Double top pldte5, face ndll loci 24" O.C. � P� alvanized rooftn nail 8d Owner and Architect including but not limited to slabs'/8 Inch per foot minimum away from house. dictate. This work Includes the com Iete furnishin s and f3a Structural cellulosic fiberboard s g g r P g prior to ordering.AII Interior flnlahas era as Specified sheathing common nail Staple I6 ga„Pq long 3 6 C �+ .� U) General Liabnity,workmen's Compensation and Disabitltg. Installation of all 'Micro-lam"lumber beams as shown in Owner's Interior Dest ner. $ 0:1 •'2 r~" The Owner shall be ree onsible for maintainin the Provide oured concrete foundation walls(see lan Provide EPDM flat rooftn and all related flash( g `'Sole late t0 oist or blockin at braced wall anels Ih galvanized rooFtng nail.6d p � t0 p 9 P P 9 n9 the drawings,herein specified and necessary to p J g p 3-I6d Iro" O.c. 1j2 sum sheathin 4 8 t- p proper property insurance during all phases of work for thickness and reinforcing). where Indicated.Installation shall meet manufacturer's complete the work Interior wails and ceiling:Tape and spackle drywall,(3) gyp g common nail.staple galvanized,1% _ requlremnente. Doub e to ates,minimum 8-Inc offset of en oats, ace nat in long.1%screws,Type W ors �t lx The work and maler(ale shall be uaranteed for one lU AII foot) s shall be oured on vir in soil and minimum coats 0 prime,2 finish). Tape Shelf be fiberglass type. p p J 8-I6d g n9 P g MATERIALS: Walls and telling to be ready for paint. la ed area 5/ 13q galvanized roofing nail.8d ¢ 8 year,commencing with the General Contractors,final 36 inches below grade. Provide 5-1/2 Inch metal studs at 16 inches O.G.with The micro-lam lumber beams shelf be manufactured from a gyp g p g 0 � CD � sum sheathin common nail.Sta Is alvanized,14b payment.During this limn the contractor shall make top and bottom tracks In all basement partitions- micro-lam brand arellel laminated veneer lumber BIOGiCIn between OiStS Or rditerS !O t0 late,toe nail 3-Bd long.Igb ecrewe,T a W or S �-' - good on all defects.Granting of a Certificate of Do not pour concrete in wet or below 40 degree ad ust au a due to s ans. P All drywall Shall be attached to framing with screws only, g J p p 0 �M M J 9 g P utnizing I/10"or I/8"thickness Douglas fir veneer glued max I2"oc. Wood Structural anels,combination subfloor underla ment to framin ii co CD 0 Occupancy or the owners use of the premises Shall not weather. up in a continuous pieces with all grain parallel with the Rim Joist to top plate,toe nail ° p y 9 constitute acceptance of work Provide drip caps at all exterior openings, length of the member. Laminated veneer limber shell be All labor and materials Shall com I with the 16 O.G.along each edge c All concrete shall be at least 3,500 sl.General P y 3/ bd deformed nail err a O P of Single one-piece length f1 ere of ringer joints,scarf re uirementa of the U5 sum Gom a and(N.YSG.) 4 and less (� 12 m The contractor shall visit the site and verif ell Contractor ohall be rase onsible for rovldrn the Provide co err crickets a!roof as shown. q �P P To IdteS, la sat corners and intersections, face nail 2_imol Sd common non v Z y' P P 9 PP jolntd or mechanical comectlons In full length 5eetion R1023. p p p conditions. Any discrepancies,voids or problems shall Architect and Owner with receipt Indicating concrete � - I 8d common nail or 6 Ir be reported to the Architect before submission of strength based upon cylinder taste.Provide separate Provide zinc coated copper Flashing at Intersection MEMBERS: 1 8d deformed nail 12 bid. A submission of bid anal]Im 1 contractor Tinder tests for slabs,footin s and walls. of walls and covered orchea atfoe-back with Ice Provide 5/8 Inch Type X gypsum board In garage and Built-Up header,tW0 pieces With /p" spacer I6d — p y uJ 9 P /P Veneers shall be dried as required.Adhesive used to mechanical room(tape and spackle)and seal all acceptance of the drawings and all existing conditions. and water shield.Extend up walls 12 Inches. laminate the veneer shall be water roof,meet) the Ii' - I/ loci common Heil or P n9 pre rib with approved flame retardant cauNung ere Continued header,two laces I6d 1 e 1 4 ad deformed nail 6 12 AII concrete work shall comply with the requirements of re ufremesrhtS of ASTM D-2559-T6,uniform! a Iced to p — Contractor hereb a ecificall acknowled es that the the Anerican Concrete Institute (AGU,ACT 301,304, Provide co er drf ca s at all rake boards. q y PP prescribed by(N.Y.S.GJ y p y 9 PP P P the veneer at the required spread rate. contract documents are full and complete,and 305,211,315,318,and 341 and(N.YS.C.)R4022 and ASTM Ceilin Joists t0 late,toe nail 3-Sd For 51: f Inch= 25.4mm, 1 foot-304.8mm, 1 mile er hour-Ib09 ikm/h Provide ki Inch moisture resistant gypsum board In all g p p sufficient to have enabled tt to determine this cost of c1151. Provide I/1 Inch web stiffeners - in steel beams!both DESIGN: baths and kitchen. a. AII Halls are smooth-common, box or deformed shanks except where otherwise stated. the work and that the drawings,the Specifications and sides)below steel columns/beame above. Micro-lam lumber beams Shalt be designed to meet the Continuous header to stud,toe nail 4-8d b. Staples are 16 gage wire and have a minimum Zfb-inch on diameter crown width, all addenda(if any)are ourficlent to enable the Reinforcing: dimensions and loads Indicated on the plans. All Provide 1/2 Inch"duro-rock" sum board at all Contractor to construct the work outlined therein In A.)All reinforcing bars are to be the diameter shown, Provide standing seam copper roofs as Indicated - deal ns shall be in accordance with standard gyp c.Nails shall be spaced at not more than 6 inches on center at all supports where spans ors 48 inches or greater. accordance with all laws,and otherwise to fulIll all or deforned intermediate rade billet steel havin a full flashed. g Shower and tub anciueueS in bathrooms. Ceiling J015t, IdpS over pdrtltfOnS,face nail 3-loci 6.Four-foot-b S-foot or 4-foot-b -3-foot anels shall bee a lied vertical) 9 9 y ernglneering practice. Complete design calculation y- y- p pp y- Its obligations under the contract documents.In design strength of 40000 PST per(N.YS.GJ Section showing member forces and stresses and allowable load Provide 112 Inch paperless drywall in basement/cellar. a. Spacing or Fasteners not Included In this table shall be based on Table Fz60230). addition,If Contractor performs any construction R4044b and ASTM A 615,A 106 or A 996. are to be available upon request for each Micro-lam Ceiling Joist to parallel rafters,Face nail 3-10d — activity and If It knows or should have know that any of BJ Typical cover for all reinforcing shalt be three(3) Comply with the following American Welding Society lumber deal n. The deal n of the Micro-lam lumber f.For regions having basic wind speeds of thin mi im greater, d deformed Halls shall be used for attaching plywood and wood }.�/� o� 9 9 Interior trim: AII trim or pa to be filled with woad filler structural anal roof shhsath)n to framin within minimum 48-inch distance from able and walls, if mean roof hen ht is more than 25 Feet, �-Cl) the contract documents contolne a raeognlzes,d error,In Inches unless otherwise directed. Standards: beams Is to be under thhe evislon of a re !Steed p g g g g consistent or omission,Contractor Shall be C.)All bars are to be continuous unless a ecific Ien the AWS 01.1 Structural weldin code 9 and sanded ready For paint. Rafter t0 plate,toe nail y p 9 g professional engineer and to accordance with the NftB 2-I6d up to 35 fast maximum. O ,_..I responsible For such performance and Shall bear the are shown_AII spikes are to be forty(40)bar AWS Di2.1 Reinforcing steel welding code acceptance,and provisions of the national design Wood floors,AII wood floors to be sanded,stained 2-Sd e.For region& having basic wind speeds of 100mph or less,nails For attaching wood structural panel roof sheathing to gabis end wa II (-I O 0 cost for correction thereof. diameter minimum. specification For wood 19B4.f l2)costa arhd recelva(3)coats of non- ailow(n P brace to each stud and plate, face nail 3 framin shall be & aced & Inches on center. When basic winds eed is reater than 80m h,nails for attachin anal roof sheathin to rC i C D.)Welded wire fabric(W F)is to be e,lnchas x 6 Comply with ASTM A-6,general requirements for y g 2 &ter IeS, 1/4 g p p g p g p g polyurethane.No floor to ba stained/sealed until wood _ Intermediate su orts shall bee aced 6 Inches on center for minimum 48-Inch rid es, eaves, and able and walls and 4 Inches on center ( The Contractor shall be responsible for the removal dF inches Spaces,70 x"10 gaga whir-h shall contest of daltvery of rolled steal plates,ehapas,Sheet piling, PRp"fEGTION: 1" x 6" sheathin to each bearin , face nail pp p g g �,/ � -I'-) all waste and debris in compliance with all local,state, cold drawn members having an ultimate strength of not and bars for structural use. The Micro-lam lumber beams,like any other wood fs Properly acoilmated and dried. g g 2 std 1e5, 13/4 to gable end wa II framing. r-i and faderal regulations and shall indemnify and hold less than 40,000 psi.WLIF to to ba placed In all slabs product,shall be el PLUMBING/MECHANICAL/HVAC: P x S" sheathin to each bearin , face nail -8 h.Gypsum sheathing shall conform to ASTi"1 G,9 and shall be Installed In accordance with GA 253.Fiberboard sheathing shall conform to 4-) � (>� the Owner and the Architect harmless from anti losses or and steps. Conform to various ASTM Standards,as noted,and all g g 3 staples, 13/p either AHA 194.1 or ASTM G 208. U the t m connection therewith This c mpl shall survive mo a reinforcing is to be securely fastened to resist requiremems of the governing authorities. PROTECTION, Provide all necessary roughing for complete 3_g 1. Spacing of Fasteners on floor sheathing panel edges supported by framing members and at a li floor perimeters only. Spacfng of U ((j the termination of conetructton,or completion of the movement during concrete placement The Micro-lam lumber beam°,like any other wood Installation er lans. Wider than P x 8" sheathing to each bearing, face nail ( 1 Owner/Contractor agreement. F.)At egress wells provide(2)5 bars at top and MATERIALS PROPERTIES: product,shall be exercised during handling to prevent P P 4 std les, 13/4 fasteners on roof sheathing panel edges applies to panel edges supported bg framing members and at all roof plane perimeeters. �.J bottom and 5 bar at 16 rndnee OG.vertically damage to the beams, Contractor to ovide and a for all neceasa Blocking of roof or floor sheathing panel sedges perpendicular to the framing members shall not be recluil except at Intersection or The drawings and specifications are Intended to Ca.)Provide 5 dowels at 36 Inches O.G.extending from I.Structural steel shapes,plates,and bars shall be Pr P y nJ Built-up Corner studs loci 24 O.G. $..� coordinate.An thin found on the drawin s and not footin s Into walls. ASTM A-36. inspections,tests and approvals. adJacent roof planes.Floor and roof perimeter she II be supported by framing members or solid blocking. y 9 9 9 HARDWARE: � �•n mentioned in the specifications or vise verea,or 2,Gold Formed steel tubing"IT conform to ASTM All hardware la to be fabricated by others according AII fixtures and fittings to be provided by Owner and Built-up girders and beams,2-inch lumber layers loci Nail each layer as follows: l -1-� O anything not expressly set forth in elther,but which is No aemixtires shall be introduced Into the concrete A-501 to details contained In the contract drawin s. 32"or.at top and bottom and g Installed by Contractor. reasonably Implied,Shall be furnished as thoul�h without written approval of the Architect. 3.Steel pipe:ASTM A-53,type£or S,grade B. Black Staggered. � specifically shown and mentioned In both,without extra finish,except where Indicated to be galvanized. AII plumbing work shall comply with all applicable codes Two nails at ends and at each charge. All concrete placed into forms for a vertical height of 4.Anchor bolts,ASTM A 301,grade A,non-headed INSTALLATION: „ s ce. M more than 36 inches shall be vibrated. t e. and standards per(N.YS.c Part an Install fixtures and 2 planks 2-i6d At each bearing O O Q) yP The Micro-lam lumber beam&are to be Installed in flutings in strict accordance with manufacturer's (� During the course of construction If modifications to 5.All steel shall receive one of red oxide primer after accordance with the lans. Tem orar construction 4--n i p p n in&tructiona. Roof raft rs to ridge,vat ey or ip rafters: t the design occur as a result of existlrhg conclittona, Provide beam podwte at all beams as noted. fabrication in shop. loads b and limits Indicated thereon are not '{-J �J toe na1 4-i6d request or client,architect,etc.The Contractor shall ermitted. Holes,cuts or notches not eviousi u - M submit two written c ies of a chan a order with the Provide sleeves In foundation for all utilities as ERECTOR SHALL PROVIDE ADEQUATE TEMPORARY P Pr 9 All s.Ali w t be copper or cast iron except for vent face nail 3-i6d — dP 9 approved t the engines shell nor be made. The final tines.All water supply piping and piping for heating r, q amended price. The Contractor shall not continue with necessary.Verify in field prior to pouring concrete. BRACING FOR LATERAL STABILITY UNTIL THE erection of the Micro-lam lumber beam shall be under shell ba copper. Rafter tie8 t0 rditerS, face 3-Sd /e-C � U any changes until he receives written authorization From STRUCTURE IS FULLY BRACED BY THE INSTALLATION the direction of qualified construction supervisor. U � n� the Owner or Architect. PLACEMENT: OF PER"IANENT STRUCTURE: Insulate all hot and cold water supply lines.Provide -�-) V) Q) �-�t Lateral nail holding and withdrawal are as provided In new water service to residence. rt\ rn O If In the course of construction,a condition exlete Slump shall not be more than four or less than two the code for Douglas fir sawn lumber. Nails Installed VJ r-i which differs from that as Indicated on these plans,the Inches as measured at point of placement and by ASTM DIVISION(Q6 -WOODS PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES: parallel to the glue lines on tha narrow face shall not Connect all roof leaders to dry wells.-as Indicated on O ,r-1 Contractor shall stop all related work and notlFy the 143. be aced closer than 4 Inches for 10- common Architect. Should he fall to follow thhese Procedures STRUCTURAL LUMBER: nail and 3 Inches for 8-Penny common nailss.. Nails Site plan.Provide b Inch below ground PVG plpMg. n�,� U � Q) and continue with the work,her Shall assume all Mini um compressive Strength shall be 3500 PSI for Installed Perpendicular to the glue lines on the wide Provide high efficiency gas fired boiler(95% W �-1 U responsibility and liability arising thhere from. structural concrete and 2000 PSI for paving at 28 All lumber and labor shall comply with all local,state face shall be Installed In accordance with thhe code. efficiency or greater)to accommodate residence.Size (� days. and Federal authhorities having Jurisdiction. These nailin ecifications are based on a member at �I � V g sp of boiler to be determined by healing contractor. The AIA document A-201(latest edition)"General least%"thick and 3-1/2"wide. Holdin ower of boltb (''� Constructions,or the Contract for Construction"shall Concrete shall not be re-teem ered addition of Exterior wall to be 2 inch x 6 Inch O.G.with sin le sole g P force th accommodate ell zonae of radiant heat and �', Z � P b`J 9 Installed perpendicular to the glue Imes is as forced hot air ere follows: prevail whenever possible, water of cement after it has partially hardened, plate and double top plate.Notching and drilling of provided in the code For dense Douglas fir. AJ(5)zones or forced hot air to be coordinated with all studs shall comply with(N.YS.C.)Section R602b Architect and Home Energy Solutions. �•-�•s ,� r��--�at All work Shall conform to the 2015 Residential Code of Place reinforcing according to CR51 recommendations: Specific approval is required for other than nailed 5.)Separation of first and second Floor zones to be t-i f-f New York State(latest edition)and all rules and Min.3"cover for surfaces in contact with grade and 2" Interior partition walls to be 2 Inch x 4 Inch O.C.with and bolted connections. coordinated with Architect and Home Energy Solutions. (� regulations therein and with all other agencies having cover For other surfaces,unless otherwise noted. Lap single sole plate and double top plate unless eJ Provide Taco circulating pumps for all heating � 0 Jurisdiction. welded wire mesh 12"min. otherwise noted• STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES: zones. -r-I O D.)Provide Isolation valves for each zone. 1�. - The contractor shall make sure that all trade's work Consolidate concrete by band or with mechanical Exterior wall sheathing shall be 5/5 Inch CDX plywood E - 2,000000 FB-2,800 P51 EJ Provide all necessary wiring P, t : Q) conforms to Federal,state and municipal codes(BOLA) vlbratorst maintain proper reinforcing locations. unless otherwise noted.Secure to Framing per(N,YS.G.) No substitutes are acceptable,unless specifically FJ Provide indirect hot water storage tank to O _r� U and ordinances. These shall supersede drawings,notes Table R6023(l) noted by engineer. accommodate residence. U (i� and dimensions In all cases. The Architect shall be if temperature falls to 40 F or below,uniformly heat GJ Provide Honeywell T51 thermostats for all zones - ,C..t notified of such changes before work is started. water and aggregate to maintain concrete between 50 Roof Sheathing to be 3/4 Inch CDX plywood. PLYWOOD: coordinate all locations with Owner prior to installation. TA.RIDGE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ �t Non-famillarity with governing rules and regulations will and 80 F at points of placement. Do not use Frozerh Roof sheathing&hail be GDX 24I0 plywood,5/B"for N.)Heating systems to be installed In strict accordance - -' - - - - "- not ba ceuee For"extra"billing. li the,vent that work materials,calcium dnloif e,elate tr antifreeze_ All AII structural lumber(headers,poste,floor Joists and sheathe a annin 16"or leas,and %"otherwise. 4-DWv(TO ROOF) 4-DWV(TO ROOF) 4`DWY(TO ROOF) 4•DU1V(TO ROOF) M ^ i 71 � has to be replaced for non-compliance,Thhe Contractor axterror concrete Shall be air oniratned. roof rafters)shall be construction grade Douglas Fir P g with manufacturer's meat includi t. ✓ F-I F-I shall be held ree nsible If he has not notified the Larch r2 and better surface dried to max 14%moisture t All heating equipment.including type and IOwner. of Pd Floor or,N'thi Shall be ted, structural 1 4 II C-D thermostats and zoning et o approved by Owner. Architect before initial Installation. Maxlmnum deviation From flush,plane or plumb surfaces contain,&trees graded lumber Lumber Shall have the exterior,'/."thick APA rated,T4G, lued end nailed. shall be 115"per Pit slabs shall be level,unless following minimum stress properties-. g c Provide ntrols f reset controls and complete Thht Contractor shall make F corrections ree ulred b otherwise noted. K)Provi controls for roller. y f y All plywood Shall ba grade marked end meet the iCJ Provide outetde air Source to Mechanical Room the Architect.Approval of drawings or achedules shall FB -815 psi standards of American Plywood Association.(APA) (One Sq.In.per 2,000 BTU boiler capacity)with a duct not relieve the contractor from responalbilug For Finishes shall be as Follows,unless otherwise noted: Fv-15 psi Sign & Seal: with a re ister within 12 inches of Ceilin and a second deviations from drawings arnd apeGfications,unless he Interior slabs-steel trowel smooth Finish £ 1,600(d00 pal g 9 fig Pere P DIVISION 0T-THERMAL AND M015TURE PROTECTION: r (star within n2 Inches of finished floor. I4. the called attention to such deviations(in writ! )at Exterior Blabs-broom finish esndlcular to ath of 1-X.' 1-JS' I Yi" hYu` I-$" 1�5" inns time of aubmisslon of bid and Secued written travel All etructual lumber Shall comply with and be erected In LJ Provide new gas service to residence. 3' 3" 3• 3• 3 GGRED approval. Nor shall It relieve him From respohelbllitg for accordance with the national forest products INSULATION: I. .�p C/iy error&In shop drawings or sc hedules or the proper Formwork not supporting weight of concrete may be association's National Design Specification for Wood Provide complete central air conditioning system I V ING 1-Xu' I-Xu° 1-lf" 1.J4'� f.R.AQ /�. eformance of mechanical a ul Brit and controls. removed after 4S Moore of curio at root leas than 50 f. Construction,latest edition. throughout residence(number of zones and location of WATER LAv ACHME WATER LAv V WATER LAV WATER AV AV WATER �L� '1 P 9 pme 9 Insulation shall be foil faced(typical). all diffusers/grilles to be coordinated with Architect CLOSET CLOSET CLOSET CLOSET CLOSET �� Q F0 Thhe word "provide"shall mean to furnish and Install all Footings shall be set at a minimum of 4'-0"below AII lumber"If be grade marked. Provide batt Insulation thro hout thhe first and second prior to rgg lotion).All equipment shall be selected by �. � � materials necassa to tom late the work In flnlahhed rade. u9 Home Energy Solutions. nJ P 9 Floor or appropriate thickness: Provide tom lets a stem of eu I and return SHOWER SHOWER SHOWER accordance with accepted construction Stan<dards and Provide Joist hangers for all flush framed conditions, R-21 in all 2 inch x 6 Inch walla P y PP g TA.taECOND - - o 0 0 SFldlER o SI�OUJER manufacturer's recommendatlone. DIVISION 05-METALS: as manufactured bg Simpson,Taco or equal. Install In (insulated)ducts to be utilized for central air - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - R-15 to all 2 Inch x 4 Inch walls conditions FLOOR 4"OWY(TO ROOF) accordance with manuFacturer'e Instructions. ^g• y. 2' 2- Z" GA. CA. CO. 2• 2" GO. It is a v I w fo an erson, Ail name&pacified are to establish quality of work( STEEL WORM IN GENERAL,SHALL F STEE2f1 TO THE Provide R-49 batt.Insulation at ceilin s at attics. 3" 3' 3- I 9' 3" p Products of other manufacturer's equal in design,color FOLLOWING AMERIGAN tNS71TLLT£OF STEEL Garpente shall do all cutting an fittMg of woodwork 9 Both hhaattng and air conditioning eyetems Shall ba -Xi" 2• eA -Xi" I-Xu" -J4 I)4• I_ u SS ti 6➢ire i f the R-38 belt.tnsulatlon permitted If covering 100%of desi ned,installed,and/or a usted contractor to ,n and quality may be eubetkuted if approved by thhe GONSTRIJCTION STANDARDS. required by the plumbing,nestling end electrical 9 dl by IiC �a� Mite alter 1 in Ony ceiling area extending over exterior top wall plate. rovide for the distribution of heat and air f/` Architect ere meeting eatebitehed deatgn and functional contractors or any other mechanics to!natal!their work P way. ems of Of on condltloni to all b aces. ysl ( /eVa criteria. -Code of standard practice for builders and brldgee Provide continuous R-8 Insulation at interior or P QfChl T fi OfchitCCt -Specifications for the design,fabrication,and All lumber in contact with concrete/masorry Shall be exterior of basement wall or cavity R-13 batt.insulation The first(10)feet of all su I and return ductwork Shall C I I and the AII work shall be executed in accordance with the erection of structural steel buildings,Including the treated in accordance with(N.YS.C.).Sill plates to be at interior basement walls. PP y 141. I-1S" best-acre tad trade ractices and ere a comments ands laments. (2)2 Inch x 6 Inch ACQ.Gontrador&hall be ree onsible leaving and returning the air handling units shall be 14. I_)4" I-Xa• I-X. notation "a wed by his P P P upP P lined with I inch acoustic linin .The balance of all 3" 3" I A" WS" 3" manufacturer's recommendations. -Specs For structural Joints using ASTM A-325 or ro ensure that the proper means of protecLton are 9 signature and the date of such alteration, Provide R-10 Insulation at basement slab perimeter 36" ductwork shell be Insulated with I-I/2 Inch 3/4 Ib. A-490 bolts. utilized ma tog the handling,cutting,drilling,etc.of all in d th R-15 r uired for heated slabs. I x• i LAV W 5TN£ WASH$ and o specific description of the alteration. Tha Contractor is to indicate to the Archttac:t the treated material. eP eq density,lapped and teed with flberglaes tying cord. WATER LAV LAv WATER proposed dates and hours during which work Shall be Provide new copper flashing as dictated by Field Provide R-38 bait Insulation betwee cellar-first floor, GLOSS CLOSET SIIdC ShJlC LAY WATER erformed. Thhe Contractor shall r are and u ate conditions.All rooftn and related flashi shall be Cutti of thhe floor oists to a d th of 1116 of the DIVISION 31-EARTHWORK: �'� p p eP Pd 9 fig fig J eP first Floor-second floor,unless otherwise noted. monthly construction sc hedulest Completion date may copper or lead coated copper. Joist span&hail Ina permitted except in the middle third not be extended without written notice of the span per(N.YS.G.)Figure R502B. Landscaping:all trees and shrubs which interfere with SNORER SHOILER Provide sound attenuating Insulation In all interior walls. the construction of this ro ect shalt be removed(and T.O.FIRST FLOOR -- 0 0 ° Architect: Provide ail nnecessarg Joist hangars,connectors,bolts, po j - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Contractor shall obtain all required building sleeves,Blots,nails,strews,etc.as required to provide Notching,drilling or cutting of TJI floor Joists&hail be new ornamental trees and shrubs planted,new lawn areas Insulation in basement/cellar shall be mildew resistant shall be seeded after finished radio Is com lete. 2° 2- 2• CO. permits,approvals,underwriters certificate,"<:of O," complete Job. in compliance with manufacturer's Instructions.See g 9 P CA. 2` 1paperless). See Landsca a Plan rovided, 2' 3' 2' and/or completion for all work indicated for agencies speclrlcationa on Engineered Lumber Data Sheet. P P G.C. 3" -�" I�„ 3` GA. having Jurisdiction Provide heavy duty Joist hanggars at miccrolam -Xu" 114" Provide 1 In thick rl Id Insulation at perimeter of Storm drains e:contractor will veil re uiremem.s of connstione ere manufactured by Simpedn or approved Double Joist or provide ladder Joiata at Ib Indies O.G. g y q foundation Per(N.Y .G.J Section R4033 to Protect local authorities for Storm drama e. Thhe Contractor Is to supply owner,In witting,,t waiver equal.The Architect shall coordinate all connections of under all partitions running parallel to same.At wet water proofing g ��� � of all liens for himself and all suppliers and major structural members -the Contractor shall notify locations provide space between double Joists and Provide new storm water dr ell as Indicated on lane. D Subcontractors,et the time of each payment request. the Architect when ail members are to be Installed. block Solid at 4B Inches O.G.per(N.YS.G.)Figure AII Insulation shall have a flame spread rating not P 1 K' 1 If` 1-Xi" a 11// R502.2 greater than 25 and smoke development Index not to Provide news tic a stem In front and includin 3` 11S' 3• V ••Do not scale drawings,written dimensions evpercede Provide termite shield at all Foundation work per exceed 450 ar ASTM£84.E osed attic Insulation y y g 4 scaled dimensions.•• (N.YSCJ Section R324,c atible with ACQ sill.Set Provide minimum(3)2 inch x 4 Inch or(3)2 Inch x 6 Inch ll xP septic tank and leachirng pool per plan. I_Jt+ WAS41 �'p on Floors shall have a critical radlarn flux not less than termite shield on sill sealer insulation. posts below structural beams/1-eader unless otherwise 0.12 watt er 5 Cm. er(N.YS.cJ Section R320.4. FAL WATER LAV RIC MACH V WATER I' Upon completion of the work,the Contractor al ll have noted.Block solid to foundation or framing below. P q' P Provide 6 foot construction Fenc�e during all phases CLOSET CLOSET /' �� all areas cleaned includin but not Il hied to Provide all reinforcin and mesh For all concrete work of construction as dictated by thhe building department 9 9 FLASHING: and as needed for a secure site.Provide ha bales vacuuming,washing and potlehing. as specified In"Concrete"5ectlon and per(N.YS.CJ Provide all necessary temporary bracing,ehorIng,etc„ y �, Section R406.4b 4 ASTM A615,A106,A996,with until all framl and sheathin Is in lace. end silt fence In rear of property as prescribed by the SHOWER ,% ^9 9 P Flashing work shall Include all Flashing required fora village. TA.CELLAR 0 Broom clean affected areas and cart aura all de:brlo. Minimum 40,J000 si com ressive stren th. - -- --- ---- -------.-. - - - - - 9 P P 9 complete lnetallatton of new roofing,trim,entrances,all - -T -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - o / \ Provide fire Stopping of the type and location per Indicated on drawin s. air and/or r lacement or � 2" The Contractor Is ree onsible,durin all see of Provide 5/8 incJh round x IS Inch Ion anchor bolts at (N.YS.GJ Section R602B and draft sto I er g Rep it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to GD. P 9 Ph a 9 PP n9 P gutters and downspouts as required to create a water ro ern ter ell ex osed ortions or the structure at 3" 2" work for all construction means,methods,techni ues, all Foundation walls at 23 inched O.G.-minimum 2 er (N.YS.G.)Section R505.12. P P y P P P I GA. 3` CA. q P tight job. the end of each der until such time as the residence le IDS„ sequences,procedures and safety precautions wall and maximum t2 Inches from each corner per y connected therewith (N.YSC.)Settlon R403.ib.Provide 3 Inch S uare Contractor shall be re onsible fora modiftcattone completely water tight. 9 aP ny Flashing for roofing shall ba copper sheet:ASTM,Iboz _ �g • IuaShhere. which may be required a the Build rt Inspector,wlthln (0.0216"Xcotd rolled). Separate all dissimilar metals Provide Owner and Architect with drawing Illustrating CO _ O./ The Contractor shall furnish and Install ail material and the Scope of thhe Contract as set forth In the plans or with bituminous coating. Joints to be soldered. all new and existin subsurface utilit locations and equipment ere shown,and unless otherwise note,all Provide steel framing members ere Indleate>d an plan. as outlined in the proposal,at no addRional charge to dimensions.This drawings shall Include water service, � _ ,(-!REi]ARCL. �pp�f* pq equipment Shall be new and of best quality. the Owner or Architect. Provide zinc coated err flashi one at all ri� r� _ 4r Y Fabrication and erection of ail structural steel work coPP is P gad and electric services,drywalls and septic System \ AA V R ^O �� exterior doors and windows with,Ills wlthln 12 Inches of and all related piping. C C `l ,(� - - The Contractor fe responsible for the co ell.99ttor of shall conform to RISC n OF scuctur For the deatgn, content is for millwork shall ba kiln dried to a moisture roofs below. NOTE• ALL SAN ITARI' CONDITIONS -�,0 4( �(" (� I\ ail necessary Inspettlona during work as well,as for final fa britatfon and erection of structural steel for content less than 12%. 4'BU1V `\-;;•rf building department approval and for obtaining the buildings- latest edition. —I TO NEW SANITARY LINE �4ff�, All window°and doors shall have drip caps. N.YS.IUnderwrlters Certificate and the Certificate of Neatly and accurately secure joints so they are Fitted Excavate for ant footings,foundation walls,and other AND LOCATIONS TO BE REVIEWED � 'h� �'t'� � Occupancy/Completion. AII steel shalt conform to ASTM designation A-36 steel. tight,blocked and put together to avoid opening. such work as may be necessary to the depths as shown Bl' SANITARI' ENGINEER iN FIELD * �� '4J A * 1,t` Il Cotntesi kall nails at all trim.the Painter&half be DIVISION 08-OPENINGS: on the drawin s.All trenches for foot) s,foundations, AD RAC�L The Contractor warrants that It Is expert In the type or Steel pipe columns:conform to ASTM A-53,grade B responsible to caulk all trim,rill and sand holes -ready g -4! yr: construction work and method of constructior r uired 3-1/2 Inch round x 0318 inch wall thickness(extra to atnt_ slabs,etc.shall have level,solid and undisturbed _ _ her under.By submitting a contract price,Generaall strong)unless otherwise noted on plans.Prime columns P Contractor shall any d scr enancie end the A theft to the bottoms. -" �/'r�. Contractor is deemed to have re resented that Its err(W.YS.G.)Section R4012. Provide fire et I at all Iumbin and electrical field and report any dtecrepandea to the Architect.All �� FT' D S I V I�S LLC P P dpp^9 P 9 rough opening dlmanelona for doors and windows are Foundations have been designed based upon ere firm,supervisory Staff and workman are expert and penetrations both vertically and horizontally to comply the ree onsibilit or the Contractor. '9 0 t '' •/ f experienced in the type,method and performance of AII bolts shall be 3/4 Inch diameter unless noted with(N.YS.G.). P y seemed soil bearing capacity of 2 tone per equara `ti! work required,Including the work necessary to produce otherwise,A5TM A-325. foot.Any visible unstable conditions not brought to � h A2ARCH 1 6@GMAIL.COM the best onsible aesthetic a earance for lhiS Provide(6)8d Halls at both ends of a1f 20 au a Contractor Shall review the door swings with the Owner the attention of thhe Architect shall be the f P PP 9 9 prior to placing and door orders. responsibility of the Contractor. I f (516)289-2461 project,consistent with the Contract Documents,and Provide top and base plates per plans. metal straps. �_ that have offered such expertise and experiance as an WINDOWS: (see window achedule.) Fill used or encountered underneath foundations and Inducement to the Owner to enter into an agreement with Provide non-shrink grout at typical bearing plates set Provide TJI floor joists(see plan for size and slabs Shall be compacted to a minimum of 9b%maximum the Contractor, on masonry/concrete. spacing).Install to strict compliance with manufacturer's Windows shall be low-E glass. Size and function as density 1n accordance with the modified proctor teat. +' Installation guide.Provide strand board at all box Indicated.Contractor to verif sizes,(rou o in e) The Contractor shall Arran a with the Owner For ro er Joist and other Framin connector.shall be beams -double at all o eni s.Provide lateral y ow Per' o excava on horizontal to vertical elope for any 9 P P 9 t ^g with modern numbers prior to ordering wlndowo,and to excavation adjacent to Footings. Protect Title: &forage of materials on the Bite so that all le done In manufactured by Simpson,Teco or approved equal. bracing et.ell floor Joists per manufacturer.Storage on report any discrepancies to Architect. an orderly and secure fashion. site and installation&hall comply with manufacturer's Whhere walls are poured to grade,the contractor&hall 3 3 6 0 u Il rl e W e t a Provide galvanized hurricane ties at ail roof saves at requiremesnts. Provide and install all Insect scroll colonial grills backftll against them with clean earth Care shalt be All bite work Including,but not limited to storm water each rafter. and hardware(as per owner's request). taken to brace the work adequately to prevent disposal and septic System shall meet thhe requirements Store TJI materials in dry location and protect during deformation or collapse. 7 cif all agencies having jurisdiction Including but not AII steel to steel connections shall be bolted.Provide construction as recommended by the manufacture, All glass within(f$)Inches of Floor to be tempered. CutC11O ue NY limited to the Nassau County Despartment of Health or (4)-A325 bolts(3/4 Inch)at all column to beam AII materials used for backftll Shelf be free of debris t the Suffolk County Department of Health connections. AII floor Joist shall be bridged at mid-span or at DOORS:(Size as indicated on plans) and organic material larger than 2 inches In diameter, intervals not to exceed 8 feet. Metal,solid wood SKYLIGHTS:(as Indicated on plans) length or width Thhe Owner shall secure thhe services of a licensed land Provide aluminum(unless noted as copper)gutters and blocking,and(2)5/4"x 3"bridging is acceptable. Surveyor for the final survey. leaders throughout residence.All leader locations shall AII glazing in hazardous locations shall be tempered Water"IT not be allowed to stand in excavations until be approved by Architect prior to installation. AII wall openings,4 feet wide or less,shall have double includin laze in and ad acent to all doors,and in The Contractor shall ovide tem ar ort-a-San for studs at ambst a ns wider than four 4 feet shall have g g j after concrete work Mao set. Contractor&fall remove fx Pm y P J P+t locations meeting all of the Following criteria: ouch water a!hie own expesnee. prowing Title: duration of the project. Steel connections Shall be two angle Standard double studs for header bearing plus Jamb stud. A.)Exposed area of an individual pane Is greater than f T D connections wherever possible.Connections shall be (9)Sq.Ft. Temporary sheet piling,Shoring or bracing Shall be 1, GIUSEPPE ADRAGNA, HEREBY COVER S HE E T DIVISION 03-CONCRETE: adequate to carry the reaction due to maximum Joists shall be doubled around all openings,under all 5.)Bottom edge lees than(18)Inches above the floors. provided as required to maintain excavation banks in a CERTIFY TO THE DEPARTMENT OF uniformly distributed load that the beam Is capable of parallel walla and partitions,and at cantilevers beyond CJ Top edge greater than(36)Inches above the safe and Stable condition. DATA & GENERAL Conform to the Following codes and standards.latest supporting for Its span based on the A.1-S.C.Safe Load the foundations wall. floor. BUILDINGS OF THE TOWN OF editions: Tables. D.)One or more walking Surfaces within(36)Inches No blasting&half be permitted. SOUTHOLD THAT TO THE BEST OF MY Typical interior new,non-bearing partitions shall be 2x4 horizontally of the glazing. -American Concreste Institute&302 recommended All steel shall have factory rust inhibitive coating studs at 16"o.c.with 5/8"Sheestroc. Tape,spackle and Contractor shall retain a licensed civil en ineer to PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE THE NOTE S practice for concrete floor and slab construction,"301 including inside all columns. finish as specified. Provide and Install Interior and exterior doors as Perform all design and supervision related to s eciflcations for structural concrete for bulldin s,0318 DOGUMI=NTS CONTAINED HEREIN P 9 Indicated on lane in strict accordance with bulldt code re uirements for concrete. Provide all metal sire s from roof rafters down to T ical exterior walls:new construction shall be 2x6 at P excevaUon,undss thanhd utility eevtces, CONFORM TO THE LATEST 2018 fig q P yP manufacturer's epecificationa. leubstandard-less than 2-ton/sq.Fn.)soils encountered, foundation per details as manufactured by Simpson or 16"o.c. roads,and site structures not usual) considered Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Manual of approved equal.AII 20 gage strips shall have six(6) AII exterior doors Shall have weather stripping as part architectural in nature. y INTERNATIONAL CONSERVATION Pro}ect # Scale: Standard Practice. 8d nals each aide.Straps at base of first floor wails Provide lintel°or headers at all Openings,whether or of their assemblies. CODE AND 2020 N.Y.S which urap around 6111 plate shall be stainless steel or not Indicated on the plans. Headers at non-bearing 1000-111-11-26.2 As Noted -American Societ or Testi Materials(ASTM), double hhot di ed alvanized and Installed with conditions shall be as follows: All basement walls below grade Shall be damp-proofed INTERNATIONAL ENERGY y fig PP g Maintain ell hardwares protective coverings uMll final with two coats of asphaltic,self-priming plastic cement, Standards as notexl. Stalnlps&reel or hot dipped galvanized nails.Provide acceptance trowel orb ra a Iced to watts if water table to CONSERVATION CODE COMPLIANCE. all straps per plans and as required by the building IF 4'-V or less 3-1/2"x 9-1/2'LvL P y PP Date: Sheet -B.O.CA.Code,and all other local codes and depammennt.AII exterior columns with wood posts shall If 6'-0"or less 3-I/2"x II-1/8"or Hardware shall be accurate) located,sewrel determined en ba minimum 2 ml li below terpro fit slab authhorities. have alvanized raised ost bases and ost ca s or 5-1/4"x 9-1/2"LVL y y elevation. s mfr. Mg A i- ml liquid waterproof September 18, 2024 1 of x 9 P P P fashioned and operate smoothly. mesmbrane as mfr. By Anti-Hydro or equal shall be used galvanized tie downs as required.All main roof If 8'-O"or less 5-1/4"x 11-1/8"Lvi- If water table is higher. Contractor shall verlfg water NOTE: Provide continuous poured concrete footing(see plan members including hips and valleys shall have tie downs table In the field. PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTATIC Sheet: for Size)with Minimum l3)5 bare and continuous I-I/2 at plate and ride. If a Mader le not Indicated at a bearing cond(tlon, inch x 3-1/2 Inch keyway.Footings shall comply with inform the Architect before proceeding. Provide continuous damp proofing on all foundation CONTROLS WILL BE USED FOR HVAC (N.YSG.)Section R403_ Provide zinc coated copper fleshing pane et all walls with approved rigid Insulation cover per(N.YS.CJ EQUIPMENT. o O exterior doors and at wtrhdowe within 12 inches of lower All walls(exterior)shall be braced against lateral Section R406.1.System to extend to bottom of roof Ines. loads by structural sheathing,16 ga.Steel Strapping,or footings including 45 degree Cant_BaCkfili shalt be let in Ix4 corner bracing. clean bankrun or approved equal not until walls are properly braced per IN.Y.S.C.)Section R404.1.1. N 2 1 113 II I ' 3 44 _ , 20'IOAK. _ PIPE U.P/I1IFFIOVED LOT - FUBLIG WATER 15'w ' i ' � MOH. ' MON. PIPE / / / / . .- . ■ ® . . ® . lh® ■ ■ � ■ ■ ® ■ ■ e� ■ ■ s ■ ■ � ■ ■ mm-7m ■ ■ �� . - . . ��. . ® . . ®,■ ■ ®.� . ® . . ■ . ® . . ® . . ■ wtv■ ■ ■ � . . ® . . �I■s . . e■ 1r . - . .!�® . . ■I�. ■ . , 150.01 }-- - - - - - - - - -/ - - -,- - - - -1 - - - - - - -/- - - - - - - ---- -+- - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - r- - - -1- - - - - o if if 0 if CO CI) \ I l l \ , /� � ' r l / I d° '�� ! T- 18 OAK 61 �\ ` , / / a o a, 1 T- �5 / nl (TO 'EMOI� / I / / / /♦ In o o hD� / - \ I 1 I ( /if ('A Zfi ��. = N� oo�a\S \ l /// // / /, / / n o \C) � o 4 / p OF k/e, 0O J. Cie$7, \ l o ao 0 0 ---TTT--T .� Q(. ,o< r\ 00,4N \ r // / b D z C� '' ' SQfir,�\`r / b� ; �� a� \\ ► = I I I I i - " -fig 1 r -j O O � \\ ;�, II I`.•.- i " I i I i i i � � � � � I � ��42�4, A� � 5 \\,\ 0� i i /// i / i + ♦� IN, � 0 1 I r I I les; � / I fi � • � 1"lei OAK I i • 1 � I I 1 I r I I � ` �� 36 - - . - 80 .. � / 1I I I / I - r y � +� J , m / l I 2 C:6 -I \ I I I I I `•/ I I e' St ! - / I I I ♦ O , O 1 148-0 I l I gk3�� �A sQ,r ( / ♦ o o z 8,v 8 Op BE 6 6 � �° I `'� I 1 / I I/ I I / �//VP ct5 `� Ih � 11 1 �I ". II i� \ I 1 \ \\ I �``` Q,C��,J `�\ ,. /8�8. .� I � I � I j / � �\ II j ♦ \" � Lu cLS t-J14a, tv 11 1 I O 6 I / 1 76 0 1 \\ 11 1 I ( \ \ `� I \ I i R���,o I/ 1 / I 1 . ll� � / // 1 1 , PIPE 1 \ \\ \ I `�\ I ;-T_ << I 1 I 1 ♦ co goo - / (IJ \ 1 1 \ \ \\ ` \ \\ $/0 -^f r v 5 I ; I .� /1 1 I / I v O O U co ON /e, U dF� = �;; r \ 1 I 1 1 I I i �\ a� r� �JMON. �rw /' 1 ► 18(0.2' 1 \ II // �i' \`"i �,� '� J //' /' : . : ' 1 /' U --- Aw , 185 co 0 1 0 / / \\ ♦ / \ /� / // \ / CP / �9 / / 8, l/ y / \ C U SAVE=MEN Y V ` PI�C-Z I '/ ' // OPEN ROR SOLID COVER 0 6 TO PLAN FOR __ / n' \ r: FRAME AND GRATE BRICKED TO / \ / / LEG�R _- i / `{ I RARE BY CONTRACTOR IN REINFORCED CONCRETE ` ;,.- ` / FlELD ALLOW 4• MIN. 12' MA COVER SLAB - T�gFFIC Sign i Seal: FOR AdJUSTMEN C.I. FRAME k GRATE T (H-20 RA ET J RIM LEV. 8 THICK///5 AT 6" 'E.W. / / / _ ::I�•iI- __ -% \ / s � N� ' / f � I`� , 1' MIN. IG /_\ - �, / TOP OF RING ELEV. SEE PLAN FOR FRAME AND COVER TYPE �(tED ARC HOPE IN PIPE (FOR SIZE AND INVERT --�-- - TOP ELEV. �y QQE ,' ♦ uRl � /_ A'�ER / \ ' �2m"DA T- / : I I / \ ` ' / / �/ I SEE PLAN) 4- I RECAST CONC. Q'9�IL;k /i.. S . I - - --- RINGS DRAIN / ® r /--� \ / i 8, //.. G Q�. // I I GEOTEXTILE - / P. / PROPOSED = / _ ♦ _- '- / % / i �� / 0 / J / / / I I ®®®®® - -_- o It a vi I ti ary p son, nless acting i 1 WATER MET Rom- / '� , O = I W / , / /. / , �!(•p/ I ♦ I un r t se ct,to alter / ----' / / p,Jh / / \ / i / , �// I I ®®®®® - --- a an idf way. em be seal of an 1 / 1 r ♦ ®®®®® - --- 1 arch ere e � ct shall affix to Fuji I/ATT x w his it red b/followed ANr / / / I ®®®®® - ----I 0� by his 51 a as F ch alteration,and a / / -0' ®®®®® - -^-- p4 of TYP Cn w specflcdes, anon... 8��� / / / / ♦I I 2 Iff ♦ ' 1 __ I � / `,�� r ` V' ( �'' � / /l , - 1 I .:�,,,�j` to I--MINIMUM TO A5 NO ON PLAN o Architect: \.�_ 6' MIN. PENETRATION GROUND WATER / ♦ / / 10.0 k,'T DEEP I \� @ � / / / Cb ' INTO ACCEPTABLE 5 �� ♦ {� / llei`.� /: ,/ LEACHING MATERIAL w.'' ," BACKFlLL UNDER AND AROUND DRYWELL - 0 LEACI IIt POOL- / \POp FO / / ' WITH GRANULAR MATERIAL CONTAINING LESS THAN 15% FINE SAND, SILT k ��/�� CLAY. (SILT Ac CLAY FRACTION NOT TO EXCEED 5%) / /♦ / / `�\ '(� / / / / � / i' VIRGIN STRATA DRYWELL \'a , // �/ / \ {•. ® SCALE: NTS �f 1 -T I 1 I �( I ,' \ �/Sj�/ �/1 / \ /' WERE GR DE EXCEEDS 2X RIDGE REQUIRED EXTRA STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC ` r MOH. ¢ \ // \ // � \ // 1 / \ // 2 olz GREATER NEEDED WITHOUT MARE MESH SUPPORT \ / I •./ STEEL ORSGALE 1 -0I WOOD POST \/` ATTACH FILTER FABRICM/ FILTER FABRIC SECURELYTO UPSTREA I \ SIDE OF POST AVERAGE �' ,, \ I // SEC110N A ZONING INFORMATION ZONE. R-40 NATURAL GRADE • �' \ , 1/ w NOTE: AD RAC ILIA l �/ �..:. :.:.�...: FLO DESCRIPTION MAX/MIN PERMITTED PROPOSED \ / \ / ♦ ' ELEV. ELEV. , ( 1- / STRAW BALES, SPILLWAY USE SANDBAGS, STRAW BALES }i • ' MIJ / I I r, ♦ -�' OR CONTINUOUS BERM OFOR OTHER APPROVED METHODS `� LOT AREA 40,000 sq.ft. �3,509.08 sclft. 1 61-m 4 64.0 \ / 1 TO CHANNELIZE RUNOFF TO DESIGNS, I~�� EQUIVELENT HEIGHT A2ARCH 16@GMAIL.COM LOT WIDTH 150.0ft. MIN. f 245' 2 \ BASIN AS REQUIRED. 61-m TOTAL 25m.m i To' MAXIMUM SPACING WITH SUPPLY WATER TO WASH \ \ \ WIRE WHEELS IF NECESSARY /'\ \�\\�/\\ �` fi MAXIMUM BPAC FENCE MATHOUT (516)289-2461 LOT DEPTH 3 64-m AVG. 62S+a ' I \' \ WIRE SUPPORT FENCE 1_15"oft. MIN. t 349' q. \ FRONT YARD WUNNELUETA 50.0' 76.1 \ \ I I r I o �o LITTLE oNl Pre-existing Grade Calculations \ FLOW _�, £ �- FLOW OR WOOD POST Pro�edTtle: FRONT YARD L LE PEG G 50.0' 59.4' 1; '� \ I ( I 0 I 1 36" HIGH MAX. �, \ I I1; . . FLOW 3360unneweta 57.50 + 57.50 _2 = 57.50 x 20.50 = 1178.75 r e e e oao ewo REAR YARD 50.0' 1862' 57.50 + 58.50 =2 = 58.00 x 24.30 = 1409.40 \ I 1 doe I PONDING HEIGHT PONDING HEIGHT Cutchogue, NY 82.9' TO BUILDING � I � � 3 e e 2•-3• � 3/4• MIN. DRAIN ROCK SIDE YARD 15.0' -f3.4' TO BALCONY I \ I I I Q COURSE AGGREGATE a 127 MIN. 58.50 + 57.50 _2 = 58.00 x 18.00 = 1W.00 i MIN. 6• nilgC o Flow 9" MAX FLOOR AREA MAX. 6,115.45 9Q.FT. 5,724-'12 5Q-FT. 57.50 + 57.00 _2 = 57.25 x 8.00 = 458.00 i j \I ' r ♦ / /' ,' ' o o a a STORAGE HT. 19' o 0 o eg e o e .A o o BWLDlNG r�T. 21/z STORIES -- 35ft 28'-9" 57.00 + 58.00 =2 = 57.50 x 20.00 = 1150.00 I j r ♦ �/' /� /,'' �� l \�/�\ '�\�\\i r�// \/\ij\\/� DrawmgTnle: _ _ _ ` I �R 4 1 ft 6 02 SQ-FT. 8.449.158.00 + 59.00 : 2 58.50 x 8.00 468.00 / 1 �/ /' // 12• '\���'\ `� 1r MIN \ ' LOT COVERAGE 209e 1 ,•10.82 sq. ,2I �\ / DIVERSION RIDGE / / � 59.00 + 60.00 _2 = 59.50 x 18.00 = 1071.00 ? 1 \ \ �\ ♦ ,' /� Q , \ �/\� SITE PLAN \ Q / / 50' MIN. x6 TRENCH \\, MAX. GROSS FLOOR AREA LOT 1: 60.00 + 61.00 _2 = 60.50 x 24.40 = 1476.20 \U P \ 6�"" \ I ♦ / ,' ,' / �� PLAN BTH COMPACTED 5,100 SQ.FT. PLUS 5ie OF LOT AREA IN EXGi=SS 0= 40,000 ` ` 1' ' i / ' 61.00 + 59.00 _2 = 60.00 x 17.90 = 1074.00 \ \ = 1 / / , / / TRENCH DETAIL -13,509.08 SF. - 40,000 = 33,509.00 SF. \ \ \ I / / NOTES: INSTALLATION WITHOUT TRENCHING \ 1. THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION THAT WILL PREVENT 33,509.08 SF. x 5% = 1,6`t5.45 S:F. 59.00 + 58.50 _2 = 58.75 X 14.00 = 822.50 \ ON "" \ y / // / / Q TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAYS. THIS MAY NOTES: Project N: 5ca1e: 5,100 + 1015.45 = 6,715.45 SQFT. 56.50 + 55.50 =2 = 56.00 X 10.50 = 588.00 ' \\\ \\ `\ \\ MOH. ♦��' /' //' '' TO TRREQUIAP SEDIMENT DRESSING,RE TOP REPAIR AND/OR CLEANOUT of ANY MEASURES USED PO DINGGEF�FICI SHALL BE PLACED ON SLOPE CONTOURS TO MAXIMIZE 1000-111-11-26.2 As Noted LOT COVERAGE/ BUILDING AREA: 54.50 + 53.00 =2 = 53.75 x 18.00 = 967.50 \ ' \ ` _ ' / / 2. WHEN NECESSARY, WHEELS SHALL BE CLEANED PRIOR TO ENTRANCE ONTO 2. INSPECT AND REPAIR FENCE AFTER EACH STORM EVENT AND REMOVE \ ♦ \ \ _ / / / PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. SEDIMENT WHEN NECESSARY. 9• MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED STORAGE Date: Sheet X: RESIDENCE 3100 \ \ ,' 3. WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA STABILIZED HEIGHT. 53.00 + 55.00 _2 = 54.00 x 34.30 = 1852.20 \ \ ~---_ / WITH CRUSHED STONE THAT DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAP OR 3. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE DEPOSITED TO AN AREA THAT WILL November O6, 2024 x of x REAR TERRACE 1004 ___ SEDIMENT BASIN. POOL 648 55.00 + 57.50 _2 = 56.25 x 19.70 = 1108.13 \\ '\ �`��! / ,' SOTSCONTRIBUTE SEDIMENT OFF-SITE AND CAN BE PERMANENTLY Sheet: POOL PATIO 542 GARAGE 906 255.60 14667.68 \ \\\ `= �'� _ U.P. / �, TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION 6,280 SQ-FT, 14667.68 _ 255.60 = 57.39 Pre-existing Grade �� \ ,� ENTRANCE/EXIT DETAIL SILT FENCE DETAIL IS P 1 ® ® • 00 \ `� - SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS 20"dAK N21 oil I30 '' ..!r91.44 PIPE ON• PIPE IMPROVED LOT - PUBLIC WATER 15'w /' i , / MON. OBSERVED BY: OBSERVED BY: MAJOROMSIONS m:DO• TEST PIT GIUSEPPE ADRAGNA,R.A. TEST PIT 2 GIUSEPPE ADRAGNA, RA. TYricnLNAMES LIG. 0 040151 , sY1MeoLe DICE DATE: JULY 30, 2024 DIG DATE: JULY 30, 2024 � 2 TIME: 1:00 P.M. TIME: 1:45 p.m. 3 4 WEATHER: 85' MOSTLY SUNNY WEATHER: 89' MOSTLY SUNNY ``I I " /----/ - ------- ---- - ------ �' /- ---- --- -----L --= --- ' ; /. , WELL-GRADE -1 -- i , , START CzROUND ELEV.: 54.0' START GROUND ELEV.: 64.m' ��\ �-r -+r -= ---- --- -, ,- --- , I8"OAK GW o GRAVELS.c ►vElsANo MlxtuRE8, / ' •' /'/ ,' ' ' / / ' ~ 11.111 E OR NO FINES. ■�� , / ;' :♦ DEPTH OF PIT: 19.0 DEPTH OF PIT: 19.0' d u x s GROUND WATER: NOT ENCOUNTERED CzROUND WATER: NOT ENCOUNTERED W ar�Z_ E ,i a G P POORLY GRADED 'RAVELS. GRAVEL-SAND MD(TURES, a� MATERIAL CLASS OF MATERIAL GLASS OF 5 •' LITTLE OR NO FINES 1, / / i / .� i i // / / '/ _ ,• 'V DEPTH (FT.) DEPTH (FT.) � � ``� � ', I' �, ; , , , ,� ., r I ( , / , ,t, , ,• �� DESCRIPTION MATERIAL DESCRIPTION MATERIAL 41 jE tug -■ CjJ! \ I I I , '� r I / °'r �'� :t /`� / / , / W TOP SOIL 11-65 TOP SOIL 11-65 Ii GM 8a Tv GRAVELS,GRAVEL SAND.SILT MD(TIRM& N N - -:-w -- I I I + r , r 16"OAK- �` , d / W TS ' M GC CLAYEY GRAVELS.GRAVEL-SAND-CLAY MIXTt1FtE8. r t (TO BEcv�M SILTY SAND SM 9-65 SILTY SAND SM 9-65 Q # .�. ON 001 /� (h /`�UE�m-->■■IM\`��W``�= 1Ii I'I'1 iI+II I`.." i'i1II 1IIIII .'- IIiiiII IIII iIiiI I IiIii iii i r �ii I',+ `I I ',/ /iII //ti /i I '/',i rr i,+r -hi-�aSkT //•'• m�.a `7� 50.0' ' y �D� S W WELL-GRADED SANDS.GRAVELLY SANDS. AN DS.LIE OR NO xz 5 a, ~�> �uo U fo COARSE SAND GW COARSE SAND GW FINES. Vr ' , e -GRAVEL 6-65 a GRAVEL 6-65 if 2 � o , F - SpPOORLY GRADED SANDS OR GRAVELLY SANDS.LITTLE OR oIQ / / to i AK Fz 9 d NOFINES c� w�>o0.0' 0 ` 2i9 lull O I SM SILTY SANDS,SINDSLTMIXTURES. C �I^ S W SC CLAYEY SANDS.SAND tXAY MIXTURES. I. I 1 1 1 1 m FINE SAND SW FINE SAND -65 U T f� + P. rn � 13■ `� IS"O.AK i _. " i � 1 � 1 I i i i i I J I V�^' -rod,`\ / �� ,004 -,-- --- ) / " / I i � i _ • ~ •� � FL +�-■ ,' I I _ I i i ' ' I ( 8�' ' �° UA �q�! I I / I ♦ p ORNC sqTs AND VEY MW s R p� Cd ML CLAYEY FINE SAt=OR CLAYEY SILTS SLKIIHT PLASTICITY '�ua LaCh 1 I I a s 6/ 4c I, I/ I - , ' �/ END OF PIT 9 19. END OF PIT 19- rn an QU ■■■■I■-tV�'/,,INW- - W,J,�-\+1 I \J`d/h`u I��y t`I`1`.. I,1`I�,,, IIII .�II1 I;� `1I1�i 1 e 'Iil�\\ t \\�`` `\ \!...��� \� �•`�1`` `0-�1WF��,, I'� �♦ .�S p i �1I i I ` 1III 'b1,A/s./1�IIIII/ iI i II %I I1II /// 'II - 1'II II" - .II I1•'r•'_'Vi, // / �t `�\Q �� g, Udto' 0J NORGAN O A'M OF L OW TO MDM PL 6TC"GAVLLY OLAYs. > p SANDY CuYs,SILTY CLAYS,LEAN olAY9 o�n c � co rno T'6 u OLORGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS OF LOW o or I I /P CL -j O PLASTICITY.PIPE � o SILTS,MIGICEOU9ORDI3TOMACEOU3 FINE o << 0> V> MH INORGANIC 40ti ) / / Z SANDY OR SILTY 90".ELASTIC SILTS. u� t3 ■% / _ i W j '� \\\ (�� '' R® ' ,' li •/ f / / ��' / _ N -� C�. LNORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY,FAT CLAYS J ' \ J / , l i I i 1 / / `� / u,Q J Q ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY, 1 , , r / r MOH. D �/.♦ /, 5 I, I I 186.2' \ I ' tm �' / , i i l i i / / // // / `[y // / Vr JOH ORGANIC SILTS. All 77 � PAVE � T // `i?i♦♦ / / ,'/ ���, y\\ j/,/ RIE\d E A R�r �,� ��,/344 Se' O ,� , / 1I // �r .� �r.. ,/ / // (W� / // {� �CL.-� 1� -, -la"oAK 0 dJ -2 0 s IT- 0-4 4-> u co ♦' o EEG , \ ----, / ♦ / R� '/ ASE ,r \\ / /J,\ 20"OAiGod :,,� :..�,.- ��'z�� :�': , 9, i �� I • / ---� - -_ _- / s �.� `�, �' % '� •\ / U (� .P. I WATER j t / �. / - \ �•I .� SEPTIC a) 1`/ :�. ... ��p" /I �� jy ey►. '� // rJ \\ fluIA,TMIK�\ /\ Ir / // 9/ -, I • VI - -,� 11�� - / l ] I `9• II ./ ��- -�.. - / : •\ 0 OUT Q) 4�o1i/ /4 PVC PIPE. 6 \. 2�- / •\ O 0 Q) co - / l l 'm Yell_ T. MIN. ,�,�� / / , \ > // k o , / / /, / OW1TSt CONTROL . r �� , ,' , , / .o Or • >m'. L �. ,, ' (� I.P. ,� / PROPOSED UJI CEN10 /, PANEL / i' : \ s 71 a) czo o / LEACMr�POOL 6E,, , s ® - --/--- .I/A TANK / BLOW UNIT \ I \ r / / 0 n / WATER MET fP-- / E C� +r \ i' r . / -6, IS OA A / '�_ ��� ' /R / // \ ![/� S- It // / ,/ Q)p Q) /// i / •� /I / EXPANSION POOL / , 6 11 c' / i / / / o FINISH GRADE m I CONCRETE i \\ I / 1 • W � - BRICK UP OVER BELOW 1' MIN \Y AS REQ'D GRADE 2' MAX \ ' O^ 4" DIA. PIPE MIN. i , I / I �Q' I / 1 19.1' I TIGHT JOINTS " x8o MIN. SLOPE 1/8 FT. NCRETE TO P �LAB \�11 \ \\ \ 1 I -�- OUT( �\ •;, ` a \ i / /i U / / `' ® / ♦ J IN MIN I X \ \ I • , 4 / / / / / Lj FOR DI TRIBUTION POOL ! a i' � , I I` • I � r � \ I / " 0 ® l / 10'm x I6' DEEP 3� / MIN / LEACNINC POOL MIN. . l � � � � + \1 / / i � / �/- N / , , - Y / I ♦ ,� /�'�'' �(Q ` J ��/ /.�` / / / Sign & Seal: mmmmmmmmm o � �� 1 i` • ,/ ,' 0 \ �p /�Q1 / / // �� R. Cy/ .�z �OC7000OO�OCIL �� mmmmOmmmm �. � � \`� Ire/i/,� i/' Q¢ mmmmmmmmm w �. - MON GROUND WATERI I I oommmm000 �� ♦`� 3'-0* 01N. )7 / , w fo an person, --- - � / / / / ` / / / u "ss ti �4re ii f the 10'0-..� TO GROUND `�``� It i5 a v I BACKFILL UNDER AND AROUND DRYWELL WATER I \ ♦♦� i , ,� i lic hite alter in an WITH GRANULAR MATERIAL CONTAINING i `� �_ - U.P,. ,' Y 6' PENETRATION INTO ACCEPTABLE r .! -�� / / S/�� \ / / / way. em0 c}r g of on LESS THEN 15% FINE SAND, SILT & CLAY. LEACHING MATERIAL "- (9� (SILT & CLAY FRACTION NOT TO SEE SOIL BORING FOR DEPTH TO j �� \� / / / T��� /� // arch ?i architect / shall a / I I and the ``\ ® / / / NC` / \ notation "a v� wed b• his EXCEED 5%) /l ACCEPTABLE LEACHING MATERIAL f�� 6 � _-�� / / THAN EFFECTIVE Y BE GREATER /; _ -_yJ6 \ / / ` L/ � signature and the date of such alteration, \ ' and a specific description of the alteration. LEACHING POOL Architect: �'S. 84 NOT TO SCALE /� IV DIA- 68.42 CFA'SECTION 3"=25' D RA I NAG �eC.�r D 5 J(�FN COEFFICIENTS: ROOF: 1-0 IMPERVIOUS: ID GRAVEL:08 f � DRAINAGE ROOF GARAGE RAVEL DR TERRACES POOL t DRAINAGE DRYWELL EFFECTIVE DRAINAGE A ( N A E 5 AN 1 T A � e ( T PLAN SYSTEM AREA ls!J AREA ls.fJ AREA ls.fa AREA ls.fJ RRAGEIs.f. REQ'D lcfJ NUMBER DEPTH(ft.) PROVIDED � LA�� A 1,300 828 2,120/2,116 0 0 1,016.0 A-1 Iro 1,0134.1 G.f• s�I sc'MBAFFL SCALE 1" = 25'-t'd" " '- 5I,I2r✓- 0 I'd 01,190 818.15 B-I IC 684.2 G.f. / T/ SCALE : 1 = 10 'I 0 CHAMBER Volume al MINIMUM I/A OWTS - 6 BEDROOM Sedimentation Chamber 558 110 GALLONS PER DAY CAPACITY REQUESTED C 155 0 0 1004 0 439.15 C-I 8 541.4 c.f. Anaerobic Filtration Chamber 556 Aerobic Contact Filtration Chamber 248 USE FUJI CE 10 - 106 9 GALLON CAPACITY TOTAL 3,180 828 1,120/2,116 1004 I,I90 2 0945 TOTAL 2,3263 cS. / Clarification Chamber 125 ® ECIRCULATION Disinfection Chamber 11 LEACHING SYSTEM DESIGN NOTES: AIR LIFT PUMP Total Volume 1,498 6 BEDROOMS x 150 GAL/ BEDROOM/ DAY = 900 GAL/ DAY DESIGN 1. ALL DRAINAGE STRUCTURES SHALL BE PRECAST WITH PRECAST OPENINGS FOR DRAINAGE PIPE(S), AND SHALL CONFORM TO NASSAU I TION COUNTY AND VILLAGE STANDARDS. CYLINDER(OPTIONAL) AND/OR 2. ALL STORM DRAINAGE PIPING TO BE 6' HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE PIPE (HDPE) 0 1.0% MINIMUM SLOPE AND 5% MAXIMUM SLOPE 'OUTLETPIPE SPECIFICATIONS 900 GAL/ DAY / 2 GAL/ DAY = 450 sq.ft. OF SIDE WALL SURFACE REQ'D UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ALL ROOF DRAIN PIPING TO BE 6"0 CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE (CPP) 0 1.0% MINIMUM SLOPE. a^INLET PIP Anaerobic Media PP/PE 3. 12" ADS BASIN - GRATE COVER FOR ALL DRAIN BASINS SHALL BE 12- ADS NYLOPLAST DUCTILE IRON GRATE WITH CAST IRON FRAME, !A Board Type Aerobic Media PVC/PP/PE USING 10'd� LEACHING POOLS = 480 s .ft. / 31.4 s .ftJ VF^ = 1433 V.F. REQ'D / 5'-s^ Aerobic Media PP/PE q q AND LOCKING DEVICE (OR APPROVED EQUAL) CAPABLE OF H-20 LOADING. Blower 5.3 4. CONCRETE STORM DRAINAGE UNITS TO BE PROVIDED BY LONG ISLAND PRECAST (631) 286 - 0240, OR APPROVED EQUAL cfm USE (1) 10'4, x 16' DEEP LEACHING POOL 5. ALL INLETS AND GRATES SUBJECT TO VEHICULAR LOADS ARE TO MEET H-20 LOAD RATING REQUIREMENTS. ADRAGNA © --EFFLUENT Tank FRP i i /�'^� AIR LIFT PUMP Access PVC/PP/PE i / DESIGNS, L,L C Access Covers Plastic/Cast Iron NOTES: 13. THE TRANSPORT PIPE SHALL HAVE A CONTINUOUS SLOPE TO �� INLET BAFFL ® Disinfectant(Optional} Chlorine Tablets 1. OWTS SHALL BE TESTED FOR WATER TIGHTNESS PRIOR TO ALLOW THE PIPE TO DRAIN IN BETWEEN PUMP CYCLES. 1/2 PRESSURE TREATED REFER TO PLAN FOR CUT POST AT AN ANGLE OPEN OR SOLID COVER A2ARCH 1 6@GMAIL.COM ® ARRIVING ON SITE USING A METHOD APPROVED BY THE 14. PROVIDE A RESIDUAL HEAD OF V AT THE END OF EACH MOUNTING BOARDS FRAME AND GRATE BRICKED TO TO ALLOW WATER TO RADE BY CONTRAC[OR IN REINFORCED CONCRETE (516)289-2461 MANUFACTURER. LATERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL DO A SQUIRT TEST TO DOCUMENT nELD JALL0 4" MIN. 12 M COVER s B - FFIc 2. THE ENGINEERING OF RECORD,A SUFFOLK COUNTY THIS REQUIREMENT IS MET. FUJI CLEAN NEMA 4X RUN OFF FOR AdIUSTMENN C.I. FRAME & GRATE TOP (H_20 w,TEDD CONTROL PANEL RIM 8" THICK/#5 AT E.W. REPRESENTATIVE AND A FUJICLEAN REPRESENTATIVE SHALL 15. EVERY FIFTH ORIFICE TO BE INSTALLED IN THE 6 OCLOCK 1' MIN. RECIRCULATION PIP TOP OF RING ELEV. SEE PLAN FOR FRAME AND COVER TYPE FLOW OPENING(tYP.} LOW BAFFLE 3/4•AIR INTAKE OBSERVE THE SEPTIC SYSTEM PRIOR TO BACKFILLING. POSITION TO ALLOW THE LATERAL TO DRAIN IN BETWEEN ORENCO NEMA 4X HOPE INLET PIPE 2' MAX. (CLEANING OPENING) a 3. A FUJI CLEAN REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE PRESENT DURING CYCLES. PLACE AN ORIFICE SHIELD UNDER THE PIPE AT THE ELEC SERVICE CONTROL PANEL (FOR SIZE AND INVERT f� TOP ELEV. Project Title: TO AIR PUMP SEE PLAN 4*ACCESS COVER SYSTEM START UP. LOCATION OF THE DRAIN HOLES TO PREVENT SCOURING. 0 ELEC SERVICE lNv 4`_ _ ___ 1 STORM CONIC. 3 3 6 0 WLl I1I1 e W e t a 20"ACCESS COVE 2D•ACCESS COVE 24"ACCESS COVE ISINFECTION 4. THE OWTS INSTALLER SHALL HOLD APPROPRIATE I/A OWTS 16. A HOUSE TRAP SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED UPSTREAM OF THE AIR PRESSURE (TVP) (TYP) (TYF') CYLINDER(OPTIONAL) ENDORSEMENTS FROM SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TREATMENT TANK. THE TREATMENT TANK SHALL VENT THROUGH TO PUMP BASIN Cutchogue, IVY LOW OPENING AND SHALL BE AN AUTHORIZED INSTALLER THE SEWER PIPE. NO ADDITIONAL VENTING IS REQUIRED. ALARM TUBE cEOTEXTILE ®®®® - -'-" 5. THE OWTS INSTALLER SHALL REGISTER THE ONSITE TREATMENT 17. MAINTAIN A MINIMUM COVER OF 4.5' OVER THE PROPOSED WATER CONTROL WIRING TO 0®®®®® - --- W z TREATMENT TANK ®®®®® - ---"I D T.a" /�OARDTYPE SYSTEM WITH SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SUPPLY LINE ®®®®® - ----I c, a 1' CONTACT MEDIA 6. THE SURVEYOR OF RECORD SHALL PROVIDE RECORD SURVEY AS 18. ALL COMMUNICATIONS & ELECTRIC LINES TO THE CONTROL REQUIRED BY SCDH. PANEL AND TO THE OWTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN PVC PIPES. _ PRESSURE TREATED ®®®®® - -__ I Drawlnq title: �+ 7. AN EXECUTED OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE CONTRACT BETWEEN DIRECT BURY SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED. WEATHER RESISTANT 4X4 POSTS W THE MAINTENANCE PROVIDER AND THE PROPERTY OWNER SHALL 19. THE ORENCO EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO ENCLOSURE SUPPLIED T� ®®®®® � �$ SITE PLAN BE PROVIDED TO SCDH. THE SERVICE CONTRACT SHALL BE FOR THE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED BY ORENCO AT THE -QUICK DISCONNECT --- A MINIMUM OF 3-YEARS AND SHALL COVER INSPECTION AND TIME OF DELIVERY. NON-CONFORMANCE WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS BY MANUFACTURER MIDWEST P065P SCWWM -RECIRCULATION MAINTENANCE OF THE DOSING PUMP AND DRAINFIELD. WILL VOID THE ORENCO WARRANTIES. _ ____I { _" ® AIR IIFT PUMP MAC 80R AIR ®®®®® BOTTOM OF 8. A GARBAGE GRINDER SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED UPSTREAM OF 20. SPLICING IS NOT ALLOWED BETWEEN THE PUMP BASIN SPLICE ING E 6'-5" THE OWTS. BOX AND THE ORENCO CONTROL PANEL. BLOWER AS NOTED ON PLAN " 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM INVERT ELEVATION PRIOR TO 21. SPLICES MUST BE PERFORMED WITH THE WATERPROOF WIRE MINIMUM TO O CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ENGINEER OF NUTS OR THE WATERTIGHT CLICKTIGHT COMlECTION SUPPLIED PNEUMATIC HOSE 6. MIN. PENETRATION GROUND WATER Project : Scale: 5'- INTO ACCEPTABLE © a'-1I+�' ® a'-1t RECORD OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. BY ORENCO. USE OF OTHER WIRE NUTS WILL VOID THE ORENCO TO DOSING PUMP 4" THICK PRECAST ELEC SUPPLY LEACHING MATERIAL ":,';: t " ,`'.. BACKFlLL UNDER AND AROUND DRYwELL lobo-I11-11-26.2 As Noted 10. PROVIDE DEDICATED BREAKERS IN THE MAIN DWELLING WARRANTIES FOR THE PUMP AND FLOAT SWITCHES. CONTROL LINES TO „�:..::,; WITH GRANULAR MATERIAL CONTAINING EROBIC MEDIA CONCRETE PAD FROM DWELLING LESS THAN 15% FINE SAND, SILT & Date: Sheet : ® © © ELECTRICAL PANEL FOR THE OWTS AND PUMP BASIN. 22. DISCHARGE PUMP FLOAT SWITCH DIAGRAM DRAWN FOR TREATMENT TANK CLAY. (SILT & CLAY FRACTON NOT TO 11. ALL 20 RISER PAN, SAFETY GRATE, AND COVERS SHALL BE ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. WIRING SHALL BE PERFORMED IN I EXCEED 5%) September 16, 2024 x of x ERATION ASSEMBLY TUF-TITE RISER 20-RISP-GREEN, COVER 20-RISL FLAT, AND ACCORDANCE WITH THE WIRING DIAGRAM SUPPLIED AT DELIVERY. CONTROL PANEL 3 VIRGIN STRATA - ' ORENCO 26" RG20 SAFETY GRATE. Sheet: Ile= 12. ALL 24" RISERS, SAFETY PANS, AND COVERS SHALL BE DRYWELL TUF-TITE RISER 24-RISP-GREEN,COVER 24-RISL FLAT,AND 24" NTS C-1 C-1 SCALE: NTS P - O . ORENCO RG24 SAFETY GRATE. SECTION A-A VIEW SECTION B-B VIEW INSULATE ALL PLUMBING SUPPLY LINES SMOKE AND CO ALARMS TO BE HARD- WIRED AND SHOWER DOOR TO BE TEMPERED GLASS, VERIFY W/ INTERCONNECTED, AS PER 2020 NYSRC R313 4 R314. MANUFACT. COMPLIANCE Wl 2020 NYSRC SECTION R308 INTERIOR FANS AT ALL BATHS, PROVIDE EXHAl15T FAN VENT W/ RIGID DUCT TO EXTERIOR IF NOT SPECIFIED USE 100 CFM INSULATE ALL WALLS AND CEILINGS AT GARAGE. COUNTERTOP RECEPTACLE NOTE: I I I I I I IN KITCHEN PANTRIES, BREAKFAST ROOMS, DINING ROOMS I I I AND SIMILAR AREAS, RECEPTACLE OUTLETS FOR ALL NEW INTERIOR 4 EXTERIOR WALLS TO BE 2x6 CON5T. ALL DIMENSION 4 WINDOW OPENING TO BE VERFIED W/ COUNTERTOP SPACES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE 1 ► ► I � UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. PROVIDE FINISH LAYER OF MIN.Y" WINDOW SCHEDULE AND VERIFIED IN FIELD W/ NYSRC E3901.4.1 THRU E3901.45 E GYPSUM WALL BOARD AND INSTALL LATERAL BLOCKING PER 2020 NYSRC SECTIONS FUo02 6 R302.11 E LINTEL SCHEDULE: (EXCEPT WHERE NOTED) E WHERE THE WINDOW SILL OF AN OPERABLE WINDOW 15 u o LOCATED LESS THAN 24 INCHES ABOVE THE FINISHED FLOOR c R STEEL ANGLE slzE GUARDS t0 BE MINIMUM 36" FALL AND COMPLY WITH 2O20 3-�i"x 3 °x 3k" o o AND GREATER THAN 12 INCHES ABOVE THE FINISHED GRADE W TO 1'-m" 4-®n x 3 V x X _ .• o E NYSRC R-312.1. HANDRAILS SHALL BE 34-38" ABOVE NOSING OR SURFACE BELOW, A GUARD RAIL MUST BE PROVIDED AS B- 5-0"x 3 X"x% ° b U 41 � o OF TREADS AND COMPLY WITH 2O20 NYSRC R-311B3 PER 2020 NYSRC R3122 ° - 4-0"x 3 X"x�e � co � 2 $1 NOTE:USE THIS TABLE IF I4DR NOT NOTED p C) � () � cam, C] f�.� A a O ¢' O SOUND INSULATE ALL BATHROOM AND POWDER ROOM WALLS GFCI RECEPTACLES SHALL BE PROVIDED THROUGHOUT BATHROOM RECEPTACLE OUTLET TO BE LOCATED AS PER � -� AND CEILINGS. 3 � DWELLING UNIT AS SPECIFIED IN NYSRG E3902. NYSRC E3901,6 e a Aco ' co co c000 ALL HABITABLE ROOMS t0 COMPLY WITH R303 SEE LIGHT AND VENT CALC5 :FOR THE ROOMS CO C) CD UNEXCAVATED PATIO ABOVE 6 _ CQT I I ALL NEW INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR STAIRWAY STAIRWAY ILLUMINATION TO HAVE CEILING AND(OR WALL OO OW v0 MOUNTED FIXTURES W/ 3-WAY SWITCHES AT TOP AND BOTTOM --------------------------- OF STAIRS AS PER 2020 NYSRC SECTION R-303.1, R-303.8 •;;.:.,;,•":'= _ : N INTERMEDIATE RAILINGS ------------------------ SHALL RESTRICT PASSAGE OF A 4" SPHERE 4 TRIANGULAR C OPENING FORMED BY RISER TREAD 4 BOT. RAIL OF GUARD o TO RESIST PASSAGE OF 6" SPHERE U a f Q co U co PROVIDE "SIMPSON" CONNECTIONS OR APPR'VD EQUAL AT ,..: co ALL FRAMING CONNECTIONS. FOR DETAILS, SPEC SIZES AND ( p NAILING REFER TO DATA SHEET Tom. �x r� +' O ay } CABANA O 00 N ti0 PROVIDE ELECTRICAL OUTLETS THROUGH-OUT RESIDENCE AS - BALLROOM r� �, --- I 1 mmm PER NYSRC. -62 b.0 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING W/ ALL STATE RECEPTACLES IF REQUIRED Q �; CABANA O BY STATE AND LOCAL CODES, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TO I BATH - ° V, VERIFY LOCATIONS IN FIELD W/ ARCHITECT PRIOR TO mmm OsD Q) Q) ROUGH-IN. ---- ' J Cx. U o � � o � ;4. f SHOWER +�>k O I ❑ ❑ WET BAR ------------------------ - U to PROVIDE S/s" TYPE — — — — — ----- co "X" GYP. BOARD U U N e WALLS 4 CEILING I BATHROOM MECHANICAL mmm O SD mmm T • O I I I I I I I I I I I I Sign S Seal: 30 8 1�( RED Alp QQER.gp FINISHED -30 s �CO STORAGE NOTE: ——————— SAPPLIANCE5 DIRECT VENT ' mmm STAIR TREAD AND RISERS TO TO CONFORM TO 2020 NYSRC R311.15 REC ROOM EXTERIOR RAILING NOTE: -- HANDRAILS 4 GUARDS TO BE MINIMUM36 u t n" mmm a I ti any p son, mess acting r jr� i _ wise i ct,to alter ABOVE NOSING OF TREADS an fd1 Y. i m b �h seal of an A/C INTERMEDIATE RAILS SHALL RESTRICT �, arch ere eri �?ii ct shall affix to PASSAGE OF 4" SPHERE (AS PER 202m his ite br red by'followed NYSRC SECTION: R-311.1Z h�qF STORAGE by his 5i &e as ch alteration,and a mmm Specific de anon. " .: •y�� r k84" UP UP tbR a6 3s+ 3s+ Architect 9 , _ 3 i...., : '• :.: y: lm" TREADCLOSET 1mRTREAD % i' A/C A/C I I LAUNDRY r ASHER mmm I I M1502.4 - VENT D YE TO mmm I I EXTERIOR WITH 4' RIGID, I I SMOOTH WALLED DUCIy I i DRYER 2 I I [Q , 1 I I g AD RAC ILIA DESIGNS, LLC U 0 A2ARCH 1 6@GMAIL.COM (516)289-2461 Project Title: 3360 wunneweta Cutchogue, NY C� LLA FLAN NEW 2xro WALLS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SCALE = 1/4" = 1'-0" Draknng Title: T.G. TEMPERED GLASS 2 m 1 2 4 RIDID SMOOTHRDUCT TO EXTERIOR / CELLAR PLAN E3'3011 OUTDOOR OUTLETS PROVIDE NOT LESS THAN (1) RECEPTACLE OUTLET AT BALCONIES, DECKS, PORCHES THAT ARE ACCESSIBLE FROM THE INSIDE P%7ect#: 5cale: E3903.3 LIGHTING OUTLETS ADD. LOCATIONS 1000-111-11-26.2 As Noted PROVIDE NOT LESS THAN (1) WALL SWITCH CONTROLLED Date: Sheet#: LIGHTING OUTLET TO PROVIDE ILLUMINATION ON THE EXTERIOR SIDE OF EACH EGRESS DOOR November 08, 2024 X of X EGRESS WINDOWS TO COMPLY W/ sheet' R310.2 EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS A— O O . O O Gq �E -NET CLEAR OPENING NOT LESS THAN 5.1 °Q_FT. SEE SHEET A-101.00 -NET CLEAR HEIGHT NOT LESS THAN 24 INCHES FOR MORE INFORMATION -NET CLEAR WIDTH NOT LESS THAN 20 INCHES -SILL HEIGHT SHALL NOT EXCEED 44 INCHES FROM FLOOR INSULATE ALL PLUMBING SUPPLY LINES SMOKE AND CO ALARMS TO BE HARD- WIRED AND SHOWER POOR TO BE TEMPERED GLASS, VERIFY W/ INTERCONNECTED, AS PER 2020 NYSRC R313 d R314. MANUFACT. COMPLIANCE Wl 2020 NYSRC SECTION R308 + 54D INTERIOR FANS AT ALL BATHS, PROVIDE EXHAUST FAN VENT W/ RIGID DUCT TO EXTERIOR IF NOT SPECIFIED USE 100 CFM INSULATE ALL WALLS AND CEILINGS AT GARAGE. COUNTERTOP RECEPTACLE NOTE: IN KITCHEN PANTRIES, BREAKFAST ROOMS, DINING ROOMS � AND SIMILAR AREAS, RECEPTACLE OUTLETS FOR 540+ ALL NEW INTERIOR 4 EXTERIOR WALLS TO BE 2x6 CONST. ALL DIMENSION d WINDOW OPENING TO BE VERFIED W/ COUNTERTOP SPACES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE ' UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. PROVIDE FINISH LAYER OF MIN.,�" WINDOW SCHEDULE AND VERIFIED IN FIELD W/NYSRC E3901A.1 THRU E3901.45 °' E GYPSUM WALL BOARD AND INSTALL LATERAL BLOCKING -� PER 2020 NYSRC SECTIONS R..602 6 R302.11 a. LINTEL SCHEDULE: (EXCEPT WHERE NOTED) E " WHERE THE WINDOW SILL OF AN OPERABLE WINDOW IS CLEAR any S1ZE � o LOCATED LESS THAN 24 INCHES ABOVE THE FINISHED FLOOR -)?x �' GUARDS TO BE MINIMUM 3611 T, UP ° -m 314°x 314"x h" 0 o TALL AND COMPLY WITH 2O20 AND GREATER THAN 72 INCHES ABOVE THE FINISHED GRADE _m� " 5 w 0 4-0 x 3-ki"x NYSRC R-312.1. HANDRAILS SHALL BE 34-38" ABOVE NOSING OR SURFACE BELOW, A GUARD RAIL MUST BE PROVIDED AS o F 5-6,-x 3491 x 0 a) o OF TREADS AND COMPLY WITH 2020 NYSRC R-311.83 PER 2020 NYSRC R312.2 - 4-0"x 3 V x% I I lz 0NOTE:USE THIS TABLE F NM NOT NOTED p. � aD O a 0 a N a N SOUND INSULATE ALL BATHROOM AND POWDER ROOM WALLS ICA 0 ¢' 0 GFCI RECEPTACLES SHALL BE PROVIDED THROUGHOUT BATHROOM RECEPTACLE OUTLET TO BE LOCATED AS PER AND CEILINGS. DWELLING UNIT AS SPECIFIED IN NYSRC E3902. NYSRC E3901.6 3 '> � '� " (�l , ue CO \ o co co ALL HABITABLE ROOMS TO COMPLY WITH R303 SEE LIGHT AND VENT GALCS FOR THE ROOMS 96 5 \\\\ I III 1 II II I 31I I 1 II II \ O 13 -112 10'-52 -34 9 -42 13'-34 t8,_ o o s RAISED TERRACE 3'-10" 5'-2" 5'-2" 3'-10" ALL NEW INTERIOR AND EXTEi'.IOR STAIRWAY POOL d BASEMENT STAIRWAY ILLUMINATION TO HAVE CEILING AND/OR WALL OH OI 0 WALKOUT BELOW MOUNTED FIXTURES W/ 3-WAY SWITCHES AT TOP AND BOTTOM 54 311 311 III 100 1 3 I * 5s0 6'-�4 6'-Z4 4 -84 4' 4 4 --------------------------------- OF STAIRS AS PER 2020 NYSRC SECTION R-303.7, R-303 8 TF� = 51�* F I � I /DW\� M O 1 INTERMEDIATE RAILINGS SHALL RESTRICT PASSAGE OF A 4" SPHERE 4 TRIANGULAR _ 1� -1 = 1'_6'I� _,N O o 0 OPENING FORMED BY RISER TREAD 4 BOT. RAIL OF GUARD e QSD o TO RESIST PASSAGE OF 611 SPHERE e I �r I ® N U � U n n I co PROVIDE SIMPSON CONNECTIONS OR APPR VD EQUAL AT I I I ALL FRAMING CONNECTIONS. FOR DETAILS, SPEC SIZES AND r-11211 �1_6n i i'x` i I o o� 1'_/_11 1�1.62n NAILING REFER TO DATA SHEET OJ I I �`-- KITCHEN 0 I ova V o 5fo + T Cx. 100 ,n -I m I o M BENCH 4'-0 9 -5 "' C - =1N + PROVIDE ELECTRICAL OUTLETS THROUGH-OUT RESIDENCE AS I IL DINING GREAT Room w c z im u_ fK �, LOGGIA C t-' 100 01.66 d) ROM U to PER NYSRC. T G. SHOWER F 7,0 a u 0 C ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR IS IRESPON51BLE FOR COMPLYING - I EXHAUST HOOD SHALL VENT ( Q IT 1� z -+ q W/ ALL STATE RECEPTACLES 11: REQUIRED -IN -1 I DIRECTLY TO EXTERIOR d 0-o o a o o ill COMPLY UJ/ 2020 NYSMC BY STATE AND LOCAL CODES, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TO _ 10' I SECTIONS: 505.1 THRU 505.4 = I 'o o"o o' 0 fn VERIFY LOCATIONS IN FIELD WJ ARCHITECT PRIOR TO a 2020 NYSRC M1503 a a fn f) VENT EXHAUST HOOD DIRECT TO I 1 _ Q) (D U ROUGH-IN. . O EXTERIOR W/ SMOOTH WALLED, --II RIGID DUCT. PROVIDE 600 cfm d �'-111 11 4" ATH OOM SEPARATE FRESH AIR DAMPER O Z 4 I FOR MAKE UP AIR PER M1503.6 ® 100 `u' o -, I IS,-m2n I- u 59 + 0 I -O � (o ----- WET BAR ------------------------ O ,� 0 - - - - - I " co cc qN c _ o5D ( o m ENTRY �� u�l POWDER A BEDROOM 5'-6" �'-6" i OCO I 14"5 ROOM 1----- fJ'U1TE 100 sign 4 5eal: 100U AREA: 255 Sr, DN O LIGHT 4%. 20.4 RED'D 116R oil VENT 4x: 102 READ I g ,511 ' + , �RED.ARCy� �_ _. - D 110" TREAD '�6 0+9 PANTRY -� 1 I ----- -3m ��` �Q'Fy��,► r ►- s ID0 I QSD I NOTE: I� STAIR TREAD AND KISERS TO I It a vl I tl a a on, nless actin CONFORM TO 2020 NYSRC R311.1.5 - I I I I any p 9 un r t12 1 _ s se I ct,to alter CLOSET = RAILING NOTE: I ( I I I 1 an �) way. aIT l em be seal of an —N O HANDRAILS d GUA"TO 5E MINIMUM &" c!J ( I I ( arch ere n ct shall affix to 100 Q ABOVE NOSING OF(TREADS I I I I LIVING ROOM his Ite red b�followed I Lu O INTERMEDIATE RA14S SHALL RESTRICT I I ( I 1 IOm b his sl a ch alteration,and a - x+ PASSAGE OF 4" SPHERE CAS PER 2020 NTT y fQ W 11 I I I I - _ - 5peclflc des atlon. 0 NYSRC SECTION: R 311.12 to m V I 100 1 1 GALLERY I I �t I I � I I U N I 1 I 100 1"1'-104" 15'-01, 12'-12" '-6" UP I I I I I I 1 1 Architect: MR l.7�o" ' I I 1 I tl]]�_ 34 10",TREAD I I I I I 6 * I I I n 1 1 n O II o 3 n CLOSET SINK WASHERII RYER I I I 3 3 -44 -� 4 -f �� 11 -104 �AG 1502.4 DRYER EXHAU T DUCT I �(0 �+ \1/ 01S 4+ 24'-5" I 4 -o`er`-4'-0" It f '+J M , 96i �c— _ n I /8„ n VENT DRYER TO EXTE IOR 'ti 1 1 `} 'O Ir I I 51'13n ►fl _-_ 396i"��t9� WITH 4" RIGID DUCT. O �i'n DOOR DOINDI OR 4 I I I I 0 - `r CLOSET I CLOSET O 1 I WAY 1 1 4'-1011 81 / 11 4'-10" o �% I I BREEZE I I m 0 O � 23'-011 I I I IV-3411 TCx. Tfx. T l�;` � r T.G. T.G. T.G. * 20'-6211 21_�111 I I 1 I �v —7� - ' 3'-10" 5'-2" 5'-2" 3'-10" ------=--- -- 3'-1o" 5'-z" 5'-2" 3'-1011 ------�--- - AD RAC ILIA 51 2" �1 I II 51 211 8_0 _411 I-II 411 _411 a'_m11 IS'- " DESIGNS, LLC 1 II II 11 _ 1 II II II v A2ARCH 1 6@GMAIL.COM 1 I I II II 30'-0" I II it 11 cYl I II II II (516)289-2461 22 -I II 4 O C O II 11 1— II I II II � II Project Tdle: ' I II 11 it 3360 wunneweta I II II �/ If 1 II 11 x Q 11 a Cutchogue, NY • i II �� - � II I 11 II O II I it II II I II - I II SCALE : '�411 = 11-Oil NEW 2xfo WALLS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED DrawmjTitle: I II II II _______________ 2 m 2 4 - - T.G. TEMPERED GLASS Lo FMBATHROOM EXHAI,ST FAN W/ FIRST FLOOR PLAN , SMOOTH DUCT TO EY.TERIOR I II II II I C II E3901.1 OUTDOOR OUTLETS PROVIDE NOT LESS THAN (1) RECEPTACLE OUTLET AT BALCONIES, DECKS, PORCHES THAT ARE ACCESSIBLE ' ii N J p ii FROM THE INSIDE Project III: Scale: 1000-111-11-26.2 As Noted 1 II II Q 0 UcD03.3 LIGHTING OUTLETS ADD. LOCATIONS PROVIDE NOT LESS THAN (1) WALL SWITCH CONTROLLED OI lU ii O LIGHTING OUTLET TO PROVIDE ILLUMINATION ON THE November OB. 2024 Sheet#: x of x ,n II cll EXTERIOR SIDE OF EACH EGRESS DOOR cn I C I x m u EGRESS WINDOWS TO COMPLY W/ sheet: 1 11 II ID In R3102 EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE CPENINGS I 11 II , II GARAGE -, ? -NET CLEAR OPENING NOT LESS THAN 5.1 SQ.FT. SEE SHEET A-'101.00 I II II O 11 -NET CLEAR HEIGHT NOT LESS THAN 24 INCHES A - 101 . 00 I II II II FOR MORE INFORMATION 1 11 k II -NET CLEAR WIDTH NOT LESS THAN 20 INCHES N -SILL HEIGHT SHALL NOT EXCEED 44 INCHE3 FROM FLOOR I II II II INSULATE ALL PLUMBING SUPPLY LINES SMOKE AND CO ALARMS TO BE HARD- WIRED AND SHOWER DOOR TO BE TEMPERED GLASS, VERIFY W/ INTERCONNECTED, AS PER 2020 NYSRC R313 4 R314. MANUFACT. COMPLIANCE W/ 2020 NYSRC SECTION R300 INTERIOR FANS AT ALL BATHS, PROVIDE EXHAUST FAN VENT W/ RIGID DUCT TO EXTERIOR IF NOT SPECIFIED USE 100 CFM INSULATE ALL WALLS AND CEILINGS AT GARAGE. COUNTERTOP RECEPTACLE NOTE: IN KITCHEN PANTRIES, BREAKFAST ROOMS, DINING ROOMS AND SIMILAR AREAS, RECEPTACLE OUTLETS FOR ALL NEW INTERIOR 4 EXTERIOR WALLS TO BE 2x6 CONST. ALL DIMENSION 4 WINDOW OPENING TO BE VERFIED W/ COUNTERTOP SPACES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. PROVIDE FINISH LAYER OF MIN " WINDOW SCHEDULE AND VERIFIED IN FIELD W/NYSRC E3901A.1 THRU E3901.45 > GYPSUM WALL BOARD AND INSTALL LATERAL BLOCKING °: a PER 2020 NYSRC SECTIONS R6,02 6 R302.11 LINTEL SCHEDULE: (EXCEPT WHERE NOTED) a~ WHERE THE WINDOW SILL OF AN OPERABLE WINDOW IS u o C R STEEL ANGLE SIZE LOCATED LESS THAN 24 INCHES ABOVE THE FINISHED FLOOR .o GUARDS TO BE MINIMUM 36" TALL AND COMPLY WITH 2O20 AND GREATER THAN 12 INCHES ABOVE THE FINISHED GRADE -0 4 0"x 3 V x% r ° o NYSRC R-312.1. HANDRAILS SHALL BE 34-38" ABOVE NOSING OR SURFACE BELOW, A GUARD RAIL MUST BE PROVIDED AS P To V-01 x 3_k-x h b U "" > o OF TREADS AND COMPLY WITH 2O20 NYSRC R-311.83 PER 2020 NYSRC R3122 a-m"X 3-k2'x e NOTE:115E T14I5 TABLE IF MDR NOT NOTED GZ. a) `� O a cam., Q. N U SOUND INSULATE ALL BATHROOM AND POWDER ROOM WALLS rn o R" o GFCI RECEPTACLES SHALL BE PROVIDED THROUGHOUT BATHROOM RECEPTACLE OUTLET TO BE LOCATED AS PER AND CEILINGS. DWELLING UNIT AS SPECIFIED IN NYSRC E3902. NYSRC E390110 3 .� " " m6 Ue � � rxa � ra ' \CO to CO of ALL HABITABLE ROOMS TO COMPLY WITH R303 41 SEE LIGHT AND VENT CALCS FOR THE ROOMS o \rnrno .-, moor-, .-I IS'-011 3ro'-5211 z ALL NEW INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR STAIRWAY 3'-34' S'-84" 51-8 31-34" STAIRWAY ILLUMINATION TO HAVE CEILING AND/OR WALLIF I U I UOO MOUNTED FIXTURES W/ 3-WAY SWITCHES AT TOP AND BOTTOM - — — — — - — — — — r-- — — — r --- EGRESS EGRESS EGRESSFillE OF STAIRS AS PER 2020 NYSRC SECTION R-303.1, R-3038 3 _,311 �i_0411 _101i , _,On �i_04i1 3,_.�4„ J SAY - -- ---- -- ® ® O ® T.Cs. INTERMEDIATE RAILINGS t�D C�3 SHALL RESTRICT PASSAGE OF A 4" SPHERE 4 TRIANGULAR EGRESS EGRESS SHOWER C o BATHROOM BATHROOM I O OPENING FORMED BY RISER TREAD 4 BOT. RAIL OF GUARD BEDROOM 8, 100 100 �° _ I R1 TO RESIST PASSAGE OF 6" SPHERE 200 +8 .,O �+ BEDROOM AREA: 2215F. F., e • � 200 LIGHT 8t: IBM,(a'EQ'D IE VENT 4t: 908 REQT) AREA: 232 Q'D LIGHT Bt: 1856 REQ'D U VENT 4%: 528 REQ'D � 311 5:_p311 Cc)' � PROVIDE "SIMPSON" CONNECTIONS OR APPR'VD EQUAL AT `" 4 = 4 T�s. - - > ALL FRAMING CONNECTIONS.FOR DETAILS, SPEC SIZES AND QUEENco T ® ❑ NAILING REFER TO DATA SHEET BED --- o - - - - - - - - - - T.G. 7.G. O = �o PROVIDE ELECTRICAL OUTLETS THROUGH-OUT RESIDENCE AS - — - I —N o PER NYSRC. I �' __ _;�__ ____ o _, BALCONY I ,n U 38. SHOWER S OWER PRIMARY `n 200 '- � U bB ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING I OSo +8�,, QUEEN BATHROOM I � W/ ALL STATE RECEPTACLES IF REQUIRED I �\ ' O 200 ® I r U 0 BY STATE AND LOCAL CODES, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TO I �\\ CLOSETS' 011 V 0 � VERIFY LOCATIONS IN FIELD W/ ARCHITECT PRIOR TO �+ _ Jam. U W ROUGH-IN. ( `� ry v° +�° 0 ? _ °o R - Cll J 1 � _ CLOSET ,�+ x Fco i (-f O I I g'_72i1 +v ,\ 62° O - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ IWASHE N�m t o I 1~ 1--- L== V Q 4_ lli Ir-1 II 3'-32° O I f� r LAUNDRY i 200 NOTE: IDRYE = STAIR TREAD AND RISERS TO I _———— = I SHOWER 1 O SD 0 rn CONFORM TO 2020 NYSRC R311.1.5 F____—————I EGRESS L--- I ATTIC I 0 I �RAILING NOTE: I I i U U HANDRAILS 4 GUARDS TO BE I ACCESS I I CO Q Z ` I 1"11502A - VENT DRYER TO— MINIMUM36" ABOVE NOSING OF TREADS L PRIMARY EXTERIOR WITH 4" RIGID, INTERMEDIATE RAILS SHALL RESTRICT -------- ENTRY , I I TG. SMOOTH WALLED DUCT PASSAGE OF 4" SPHERE PER 2020 200 ill 38 PRIMARY _ NYSRC SECTION: R-311.1.8 ATTIC � I + COST 4 8 200 t sign 6 seal: F0 � OSD � � t , ED 4 0 \`� ATH OOM CLOSET ' ,A PP -30 --------------------------- -,'-- 100 -iN OPEN if / �® TO BELOW 8v,, � (D+ 4'-611 12'-llli / i .� 2 CLOSET / + } CLOSET It a viiii I ti any p on, nless acting 5'_011 6'-02" 7T an un rld� way.I I mbs salotanct,to alter I / archi re en tl I It shall affix to QUEEN �2 ® his its red by"followed s® SD by hi si eQFF, ch alteration,and a BED - specific de atlon. BEDROOM SHOWER � 200 N AREA: 225 SF. LIGHT 8t: 15.0 REQ'D VENT 4%: 9ID REQ'D KING TG' Architect: BED —IN - - - - O - - - - - - - - - O - - - - QUEEN v 11'-611 PRIMARY Ll� BED BEDROOM BEDROOM M I Tom. M 200 4'-0" -0" 4'-�" -�" AREA: 210 SF. � 200 --=iN 1 ^� LIGHT 8t: REQ'D VENT 4%: I0-80B REQD AREA: 230 5F. I LIGHT Bt: 18.4 IREQ'D — — cn VENT 4%: 92 REQ'D Wr' EGRESS EGRESS EGRESS Im 0 4'-111 5'-11" 5'-I1" 4'-i" I I EGRESS EGRESS EGRESS �n1 I EGRESS EGRESS EGRESS �r - O O O K — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 3'-10" 5'-2" 5'-2" 3'-10" 3'-10" 5'-2" 5'-2 AD RAC ILIA 18' SI_011 20'�011 �'-0" 18'- DESIGNS, LLG u 0 A2ARCH 1 6@GMAIL..COM (516)289-2461 I Project Title: I 3360 Wunneweta Cutchogue, NY 4 5 C0NE-,) FLOOFR F=L AN OI/4 II I i-0II NEW 2x6 WALLS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SCALE - Drawing Title: T.G. LASS 100 CPMI BATHROOM EXHAUST FAN W/ 2 to I 2 4 0 RIDID, SMOOTH DUCT TO EXTERIOR SECOND I I FLOOR PLAN E35011 OUTDOOR OUTLETS PROVIDE NOT LESS THAN (1) RECEPTACLE OUTLET AT BALCONIES, DECKS, PORCHES THAT ARE ACCESSIBLE ® I FROM THE INSIDE Project F: 5ca1e: I I E3903.3 LIGHTING OUTLETS ADD. LOCATIONS 1000-111-11-26.2 As Noted PROVIDE NOT LESS THAN (1) WALL SWITCH CONTROLLED LIGHTING OUTLET TO PROVIDE ILLUMINATION ON THE Date: 5heetN: EXTERIOR SIDE OF EACH EGRESS DOOR November 08, 2024 x of x EGRESS WINDOWS TO COMPLY W/ sheet: R310.2 EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS GARAGE I -NET CLEAR OPENING NOT LESS THAN 51 SQ.FT.SEE SHEET A-�0100 I® -NET CLEAR HEIGHT NOT LESS THAN 24 INCHES 1 a 1— 1 ® 2 • ® O FOR MORE INFORMATION -NET CLEAR WIDTH NOT LESS THAN 20 INCHES -SILL HEIGHT SHALL NOT EXCEED 44 INCHES FROM FLOOR ...,�. a� c, M O .� � G .2 4-- > o N rn O R O CO \ooro C\2 CD o \ 0 rn 0 rno . 00 .� z° c� ISO V) O O � I ROOF I I i I ROOF I � I DORMER i I — I DORMER I Q) ROOF ROOF ROOF o O DORMER DORMER DORMER � co co co N �. o - - - - - - - _— c� a) O co0 � I _C-) cCS � Q of . I co SLIGHTLY PITCHED ROOF 4 5ign t 5eal: RED A R ROOF I ,k BELOW IIt 5 a w ti any p on, nIe55 acting Iun r tti i __- se i ct,to alter I an seal of an arch ere erf lti .ct shall affix to his Ite red b�'followed I by h15 51 eprt ch alteration,and a oe -^ --- -- I Specific des ation. - — 00 Architect: — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ROOF I I DORMER NJ DORMER \, I I I I I I SILO I ROOF I I E I I ROOF DORMER i I I i DORMER YOV R ENTRY PEDIMENT IX AD RAG NA I DESIGNS, LLC A2ARCH 1 6@GMAIL.00M (516)289-2461 PROVIDE COPPER I I PROVIDE CONTINUOUS FLASHING AT ALL PROVIDE CONTINUOUS Project Title: 6VENTING ALL RIDGES ICE a WATER SHIELDS 3360 wun n ewe t o d SOFFITS VALLEYS AND RODF AT ALL EAVES i BREAKS Cutchogue, NY SCALE 1/4" = 1'-0" Drawing Title: 2 to 1 2 4 ROOF PLAN Project#F: 5cale: 1000-111-11-26.2 As Noted Date' 5heet N: November 08, 2024 x of x iI 5heet: A - 103 . 00 r I MAX HEIGHT: 35' = 9239' - - - - - - - - - - a—T.a. lZro(m - - - - - - - -- - - - --. _ _. - - - - - - - - - - - - - .-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - ._ +- - - _ _ - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -� 91.91' 12 2 1 1 1 1 12 CURVED COPPER ROOF DORMER 12 12 Q 24 binw O 0 24 GRAND MANOR ROOFING GATEHOUSE SLATE COLOR o a, >~ 0 0 - •`" a o / \ rih B.O. CEILING � 12 a rn En 0. (D CO-� 5 � • y 12 OO OO O OM OO O OO OM OO n OO ro co co co STUCCO QUOINS @ - I � 0 24 - - moo .- 1S11X011 Q 03 � o / (p z CQ STUCCO WINDOW CASING r- STUCCO FINISH SECOND FLOOR 0 STUCCO QUOINS p O FELLA WINDOWS GARAGE BEYOND 0 � - I - - ----- --- CHARCOAL COLOR Ste= SHEET A-102.00 r� U I FOR MORE INFORMATIONco e I e > STUGGO WINDOW CASING v� O Irlt0 L.� U �_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I tFEE- -EXISTING GRADE! L O :� � m � U _ co FIRST FLOOR _ _ _ _ � U hD U - - - - - L � I I I I I I O —1 17) 1 I I I I I In17) I I I ! I I I U U t I I 1 1 r-1 I I 1 U — — _ — _ _ — -- — -- — — — — — — — — —, _ — _ .,.— — — — — — —.. — — — — — — — — — — — PRE->=XI5TING C 2ADE: 5139; — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —I— — — — — _ _ �. -,- — — — .� �. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — _ — — — 1 U 1 I I G 1 I SCALE = 1/4" = 1'-01 o o I I I 1 I (V 2 0 1 2 4I U I I 1 I I I I I 1 I —J*— — — 1 r1 I 1 � - - - - - - - - - - - - iL—_ — M ) CELLAR ________________________________________________ ____—_—__________________________ L________________--_—_____________________—_--- _____ _ __________ _ —___--____________------------------ ________________----___L— ________ __________________________________—______________—__________--___________—__— — ______________ Q I I I I I I 1 Sign 4 seal: \ ,�EtED ARC �' �,► 091.9'1' - - - - - - 12 12 5� �5 It a" I tl ny p on, nless acting un r tjj else 1 ct,to alter an �1 way. I em b 11, seal of an arch ] ere en t I ct shall affix to his Ite Mf a red W followed by his s1 &e as F, ch alteration,and a 24 24 specific des anon. Architect: 0. CEILING m8155' - - - - - 12 12 24 24 -1v SECOND FLOOR m DESICI�IS, LLC A2ARCH 1 6@GMAIL.COM (516)289-2461 T T —__-- _- Project Title: 3360 wunneweta Cutchogue, NY PRE EXISTING GRADE - - - - - - - - - - — — — — — — — - - - - - -- - _ _ r6 FIRSTFLOOR — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Drawing Title: PROPOSED — I I LEVATIONS - I I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I Project k: 5cale: I 1 I 1000-111-11-26.2 As Noted I I I 1 I I I I I i i i Date: I I I I I 1 I November 00, 2024 X of X eIDIE LEVATINN I I I 1 1 I 1 11 — 1'-011 - G '4 A- 201 . 00 - - - - - - - - - - - — - - 1--1- - CELLAR - - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - — — � - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ 2 ___ _ ____L_________________________________ _L_1 L--_-- _ g 5150'__-___-- l- -____-__________________________________I_1_________________________________i_1__________ ____________________________________________ I 1 r- I I I I I 1 L------------------------------------------L-----------------------------------L------------------------------------------------___________________�_______-----1___________________________________J MAX HE IGE-T: 35' = 9239' —`Ca i?1DCs� - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --. - - - _.. - - g 91.9'i' 12 _ - - _ 12 � 5� �5 > 12 12 R Cu Cu 24 24 TU O }, Q) O O b '0� > 00 S T1 t0 U p N 0 N S.O. CEILINCx _ _ -- 12 _ _ _ _ _ N a � rrz o a s.. o ® o o ® ® o 0 0 �ro Co Co I� ain � 12 o \rnrnor-. 0 -- --- 24 CO o o .-4 .-•I Z - Cu ]L=—L _ SECO_ND_ FLOOR_ _ _ m -1255' - - - - - - - - 0 4� O O GARAGE SEE SHEET A-102.00 U U 0 FOR MORE INFORMATION Co td 0 Ll �q > DIE. rl::j -p O FIRST FLOOR _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - r O - - O U N — — — — — — — — — — — — — — �- —• — — — — — -- — - - — — — — — — — — - - — — — — — -- -- — — — � — 0 0 � — — — — - � - — — — - - — — — — _ r — — — — — — — — — _- � U P�'E-EXISTING: GRADE: 5-139' - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - o o _ O a' � fREAFR ELEVATION Co CELLCELLAR _ L---------- _ _ N N - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SCALE �411 = 1'-m" - - — - - - - - - - - — _ -- — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CO Q Z +� 2 m 1 2 4 Sign t Seal: - - - - - - - -. — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '_ _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -•. - - - - - - - - -- - - ��g�ReO•�,p � g 91.9-1' - - - - - - - - - - — 12 - 12 �,► It a w I tl any p on, mess acting un r t i _ se I ct,to alter an way: Tr I em be seal of an arch ere erif i ct shall affix to 12 his ite red W followed I I I y his 51 eo t ch alteration,and a — 24 specific des anon. I � � I � � I Architect: 12 S.O_. CEILING — \` - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - g 81.55' - - — I I 01 24 I I I I I .— _ ECOND FLOOR I I - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ��2 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ADRAGNA I DESIGNS, LLC O O i A2ARCH 1 6@GMA(L.COM I � � (516)289-2461 000a o000 ooao I I I F=7�� F F=7� F=7 1 Pro�ectThle: i 3360 Wunneweta F= ��� Cutchogue, NY PR - XISTINCz GRADE1-1:�J_ , — LuIL�I"� _EFE�il,F=l 31 E F I .I — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —'� — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Drawing TRIe: 0MM0 = = 0� PROPOSED - --- - I ELEVATIONS I I 1 .-.- --., -.- ,.— — — — — — — -- — — -- — — — — — — -- — — — — — --. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —1 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — --- — — — — -- — — — — — —I- - — - — -- - - - - — — — — — -- — — — — - — — -® — — — - — -- — - I I I Project/: 5cale: 1000-111-11-26.2 As Noted ' Date: Sheet N: SIDiE L V A T r O N I i I I I � _ November 08, 2024 x Of x I SCALE - 1/411 -- 1'-011 1 Sheet: /� CELLAR 1 2 I m 1 2 4 t1 I j — 2 02 . O O J_________-- ________ _ ________ _________ _ ________ __________ ____________________s__�_________ ___ _ ________ _ _____ __-_______________~ I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I JW f xJ.J.C. .1...hJ 1.JJ.. -l.A..IA. llll JAJU MJ�I CAM1 )()C.�( �Y�( XXXi XX.X.k KXX1C. XJCJC� XXXX Y�C�.X. JCXXY K]XX_ :-JCXIL' JCXJCX CX XX- -JUCXJ X.XXX [XX N Y'f l{ ANY SPRAY FOAM INSULATION USED IN TYPICAL ROOF CONSTRUCTION: UNFINISHED SPACES MUST RECEIVE A COATING ,' OF AN APPROVED INTUMESCENT PAINT AS AN -GRAND MANOR ROOF SHINGLES 5 IGNI?ION BARRIER OR PROTECTION BY MEANS _ -PROVIDE RIDGE VENTS OF MIN. 1121, GYP BOARD -ALUMINUM FLASHING AT ALL ROOF VALLEYS, OPENINGS AND ROOF PENETRATIONS -GRACE SNOW AND ICE SHIELD FROM EAVES TO POINT MIN. 36" PAST THE WARM r' °) 51DE OF WALL LINES Q) Q" -301b. BUILDER FELT t 211xl2" G.J. 16" O.G. 2"x12" G.J. g 16" O.G. -3/4" GDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING -ROOF RAFTERS g 16" O.G. o 2"x12" G.J. m IF 2 16" O.C. nx 12� G.J. 16l -R-38 INSULATION m ROOF _ B.O. CEILING _ _ _ _ _ _ O.G. 'in- aim m8155' - - - - - - - - - - - o c CO ti a) rn o Q" PRIMARY 3 PRIMARY aj -�2 BATHROOM CLOSET STAIR HALL BATHROOM CLOSET CLOSET BEDROOM CLOSET 16- a aa) Cd 200 1 F2-00-1200 200 200 0 a) c\2 o - � cc0000 0 6 SECOND FLOOR _ 111/8" F.J. 16" O.C. _ INa" F.J. 16" O.G. s z 'i255' 111/8" F.J. 16" O.C. 111/8" F.J. 16" O.G. TYPICAL WALL CONSTRUCTION: ft C 1 u .30 LB. BLDG.FELT N" EXT.GDX PLYWOOD SHEATHIING .2" x 6" STUDS s 16" O.C. r FIREBLOCKING AT MID POINT OF WALL HEIGHT 6 EVERY STUD AIRSEAL INTERIOR SEAMS OF PLYWOOD W/CAULK R-21 BATT INSULATION V GYPSUM BOARD FINISH ON WALLS qi POWDER "TYVEK" HOUSE WRAP BEDROOM CLOSET MUDROOM PANTRY ENTRY ROOM LIVING ROOM 0 p 100 100 100 1 El001 FI00 F 100I F 100 1 2"x6" TREATED SILL PLATE W/ TERMITE SHIELD d /8" A.B. 12" LONG 0 25" O.G. MIN (2) PER SILL RUN. > FIRST FLOOR 111%" F.J. ID 16" O.C. 111/8" F.J. 16" O.G. 11 ie F J. g 16 O.G. CTF= 11��8" F J. 16" O.G. 111/8" F.J. g 16" O.G. QU.O o O U TYPICAL FOUNDATION WALL � _ � 10"W CONC.FOUNDATION Cd N W/ 05 BARS 24" O.G. VERT. U 05 BARS to 24" O.G. HORIZ. INSIDE FACE a +5 to 24" DOWELS INTO FOOTING MECHANICAL STORAGE CELLAR THEATER N WATERPROOF ALL FOUNDATION WALLS 0 Z� p 000I O00 O00 O00 PROVIDE WEEP HOLES t FLASHING AS REQ. U Y) U N R-15 BATT. INSULATIONID U U TYPICAL FOUNDATION FOOTINGS- 3500 PSI POURED CONCRETE FOOTINGS O — — 12" DEEP x 2'-0"W W/(3)05 REBAR GONT_ ANDAh CELLAR_ _ 05 RE54R GROSS TIES m 12" O.G. to BOTTOM 515ra' F TYP. OF ALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED— — — — — NOTE- S BAR 1W 24" O.C.DOWELEp INTO WALL ABOVE -� p O a -� U SECTION A - A cc Y) SCALE 1/4" = I'-011 2 m 1 2 4 ikk l � Sign do Seal: TYPICAL ROOF CONSTRUCTION: —GRAND MANOR ROOF SHINGLES ANY SPRAY FOAM INSULATION USED IN - RRED ARC -PROVIDE RIDGE VENTS UNFINISHED SPACES MUST RECEIVE A COATINGR. y/�• -ALUMINUM FLASHING AT ALL ROOF VALLEYS, OPENINGS AND ROOF OF AN APPROVED INTUMESCENT PAINT AS AN �� � n� PENETRATIONS IGNITION BARRIER OR PROTECTION BY MEANS �!� -GRACE SNOW AND ICE SHIELD FROM OF MIN. 112" GYP BOARD a, EAVES TO POINT MIN.36" PAST THE WARM SIDE OF WALL LINES It is a v I w fo on person, -301b. BUILDER FELT u ss ti -6Yre i f the -3/4" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING lic hite alter in any -ROOF RAFTERS a 16" O.C. way emp c}r (9�- of it -R-38 INSULATION tv ROOF ..........Lr archi architect 2"x12" G.J. 0 16" O.G. 2"A2" G.J. f' 16" O.C. �.L shall a i I and the — — _ — — — — — — — _ — — _ _ _ — — — — — _ — / 8•O. CEILING— _ _ _ — _ — notation "a wed by his 8155' signature and the date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. Architect: a HALLWAY CLOSET BATHROOM \ -- — 200 200 3 >. - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ SECOND FLOOR TYPICAL WALL CONSTRUCTION: 111/8" F.J. g 16" O.G. 1255' STUCCO FI I H . 30 LB. BLDG.FELT EXT.GDX PLYWOOD SHEATHIING 2" x ro" 5TUp5 o 16" O.C. FIREBLOGKING AT MID POINT OF WALL HEIGHT 67 EVERY STUD 5 1 AIRSEAL INTERIOR SEAMS OF PLYWOOD W/ CAULK R-21 BATT INSULATION , V GYPSUM BOARD FINISH ON WALLS r "TYVEK" HOUSE WRAP AD RAC NA ENTRY GREAT ROOM 1001 0-0-0-0 DESIGNS, LLC A2ARCH 1 6@GMAIL,.COM i ----------- (516)289-2461 eoT F' FIRLOOR_ _ — - - - - - - — - - - - — Ilv8" F.J. tv 16" O.C. ------------ - -------r----------i Project Title: ------ 3360 Wunneweta 2"x(o" TREATED SILL PLATE W/ TERMITE SHIELD $ I I ClltChO llE', NY V A.B. 12" LONG 9 25" O.G.MIN (2) PER SILL RUN. I ------- I---------1 TYPICAL FOUNDATION WALL ———————A 10"W GONG.FOUNDATION = L———————--I W/ 05 BARS 24" O.G.VERT. L———_ —J Drawing Title: 05 BARS 0 24" O.G. HORIZ. INSIDE FACE CELLAR I _______ I 4 05 za 24" DOWELS INTO FOOTING 000 0 r———————I PROPOSED WATERPROOF ALL FOUNDATION WALLS r- r — SECTIONS PROVIDE WEEP HOLES d FLASHING AS REQ. k-------J-------rJ R-15 BATT. INSULATION r J I I r--J I _ _ _ TYPICAL FOUNDATION FOOTING _ — _ _ _ _ — — CELL.AR�_J — — �_ — — _ _ _ Project f. Scale: 3500 PSI POURED CONCRETE FOOTINGS 12" DEEP x 2'-0"W W/(3)05 REBAR CONT. AND 1000-111-11-26.2 As Noted "5 REBAR CROSS TIES A 12" O.G. 6 BOTTOM TYP. OF ALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED Date: Sheet : NOTE: "5 BAR 61 24" O.G.DOWELED INTO WALL ABOVE September 16, 2024 x of x Sheet: _ 5EC,TION - A- 301 . 00 SCALE : 1/4" = 1'-0" 2 m l 2 4 .y U � � a v 0 � U � .,. TYPICAL ROOF CONSTRUCTION: V O b s,. O -GRAND MANOR ROOF SHINGLES ANY SPRAY FOAM INSULATION USED IN -PROVIDE RIDGE VENTS O -ALUMINUM FLASHING AT ALL ROOF UNFINISHED SPACES MUST RECEIVE A COATING y U VALLEYS, OPENINGS AND ROOF OF AN APPROVED INTUMESCENT PAINT AS AN - PENETRATIONS IGNITION BARRIER OR PROTECTION BY MEANS W O c -GRACE SNOW AND ICE SHIELD FROM i OF MIN. 1/2" GYP BOARD 3 CIO EAVES TO POINT MIN.36" PAST THE WAR `a 1 51DE OF WALL LINES o a ~ .301b. BUILDER FELT -3/4" GDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING a; .\2 -ROOF RAFTERS A 16" O_G. -R-38 INSULATION 0 ROOF (2) 2"x12" G.J. (2) 2"x12" G.J_ w co o 0 m 1(0 O.G. 2"xl2" G.J. 16" O.G. 2"x12" G.J. 9 16" O.G. 16 O.C. a 0 5.O_GEILING t r 2 I Z a 8155' - - - TYPICAL WALL CONSTRUCTION: STUCCO FIN15H . 30 LB. BLDG.FELT EXT.CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHIING 2" K 6" STUDS g 16" O.C. PRIMARY FIREBLOGKING AT MID POINT OF PRIMARY o� WALL HEIGHT 9 EVERY STUD 13E1Zm� CLOSET BALCONY O '--� +; AIRSEAL INTERIOR SEAMS OF PLYWOOD W/CAULK 20(d 20001 1 O O R-21 BATT INSULATION GYPSUM BOARD FINISH ON WALLS "TYVEK" HOUSE WRAP 4-1 SECOND FLOOR_ _ _ _ 11"/a" F.J. 6 16" O.C. tilit" U � + ' O o 0 c3 O (3) � }. 4-) cCS rr N bO LIVING ROOM LOGGIA 100 F 100 I Q) r, O O v 2"x6" TREATED SILL PLATE W/ TERMITE SHIELD 4 �' U A.B. 12" LONG 'm 25" O.G.MIN (2) PER SILL RUN. U � z o c� FIRST FLOOR _ _ F! _1 O all F.J. m 16" O.C. 0 O O �' 4 U TYPICAL FOUNDATION WALL CYD r/) 10"W GONG.FOUNDATION U N Q' W/" BARS 24" O.G. VERT. .4 5 45 BARS 6 24" O.C. HORIZ. IN51DE FACE UNEXCAVATED 4 45 10 24"' DOWELS INTO FOOTING WATERPROOF ALL FOUNDATION WALLS PROVIDE WEEP HOLES 4 FLASHING AS REQ. Sign & Seal: R-15 BATT. INSULATION ED R. CELLAR a - - - - - - LLt4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TYPICAL FOUNDATION FOOTING It is a v I w fo an person, 3500 PSI POURED CONCRETE FOOTINGS u ss ti re i f the 12" DEEP x 2'-0"W W/ (3)05 REBAR CONT. AND way� I lh hire alter y rno of an 05 REBAR CROSS TIES to 12" D.G. a BOTTOM 'G F_ C T I O I � � C ic arc shall a e i I architect and the TYP.OF ALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED NOTE: 45 BAR m 24" O.G. DOWELED INTO WALL ABOVE notation o wed by his SCALE 114 c 1'-0 signature and the date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. 2 0 1 2 •4 Architect: AD RAC ILIA DESIGNS, LLC A2ARCH 1 6@GMAIL.COM (516)289-2461 Project Title. 3360 wunneweta Cutchogue, NY Drawing Title: PROPOSED SECTIONS Project #: Scale: 1000-111-11-26.2 As Noted Date: Sheet #. September 16, 2024 x of x Sheet: A- 302 . 00 USE A MINIMUM OF TWO Sd NAILS THIS SIDE OF TRUSS ROOF RAFTER PROVIDE "SIMPSON" STRONG TIE STRAP TOTAL FOUR • ' FROM RAFTER TO RAFTER OVER TOP OF Sd NAILS RIDGE BEAM m 32"o.c. INTO TRUSS MIN. (W/ COLLAR TIES)FASTEN W/ m _ 8 Ni0 NAILS ?.=A11 TYPICAL RAFTER CONNECTION LTP4 OR WRAP COIL STRAP"SIMPSON" H7 CONNECTOR � Fl ® FROM STUD TO "SIMPSON"UNDER SILL PLATE STRONG-TIE LT540m 16" o.c.FASTEN W/ C4) Sd"SIMPSON" NAILS TO RAFTERRS "SIMPSON" STRONG-TIE LSTA "SIMPSON" STRONG-TIE H25 INSTALL AS SHOWN (8)8dTO STUDS 4 u PLATE INSTALL 6 16 O.G. INSTALL m 16 O.G. (2) Sd TO PLATES WO — " ° WALL STUD ROOF RAFTERINTO AIL., "SIMPSON H7"PLATESRID O EIG-{T U) v ' 56 NAfLe O sin JOIST HANGAR FOR > O � o TYPICAL RAFTER PLATE CONNECTIONS RIDGE STRAP TIE POST TO GIRDER 2X INSTALLATION STUD TO PLATE JOIST TO JOIST b co SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS En Q" � a a °' rn o TYPICAL FLOOR-TO-FLOOR CONNECTION o co "SIMPSON" LFTA CONNECTOR 0 m 16" o.c.FASTEN W/(16) "SIMPSON" NIO NAILS FLOOR JOIST �; ��� o° \M M SIMPSON STRONG TIE- PHDS TYPICAL WIND BRACE SUB FLOORING ROOF RAFTER o 0 0 USED FOR CORNER HOLD DOWNS PROVIDE Ix4 BRACE .2 ° Z (ANCHOR DOWN TO CONCRETE) NOTCHED INTO TOP PLATE ALL STUDS 4 3" MAXIMUM RAFTER � BOTTOM PLATES 9 45' SEAT CUT OVERHANG DOUBLE 2 x (X) STUD ANGLE-FASTEN W/MIN. Ix OR 2x CEILING JOISTS SHEATHING OR OTHER SIMI-SON STRONG TIE- 5/a" x 12" (2) 10D COMMON NAILS LATERAL BRACING 0 45" O.G. LATERAL BRACING AS THREADED ROD ANCHOR BOLTS a EACH MEMBER WIND ; REQUIED a 3'-211 O.G. AND I'-011 BRACE 6 EACH FLOOR FI FROM EVERY CORNER LEVEL AS REQUIRED 2x JOIST SPACING WITH 5P5/4 BOLT PLACES PROVIDE MINIMUM (I) MINIMUM BRACE 's EACH EXTERNAL WALL "SIMPSON" STRONG-TIE HCP HCP-2X MEMBER SIZE TWO 16d NAILS PCP-4X MEMBER SIZE (BLOCKING TO RAFTER) Q --�-+ 0 00 r r "SIMPSON" LFTA CEILING JOIST ' G J ' ;x;' X 16d NAILS FOR LATERAL BLOCKING PER CODE OR HEEL / LAP CONNECTION N FOR LATERAL WIND REQUIREMENTS U +' III WALL STUD A 16" O.C. ctS I I I STRUCTURAL SHEATHING > 1 i I I TOENAIL WITH THREE 1(od NAILS I I I CRAFTER TO TOP PLATE) i--) TOENAIL WITH TWO 16ol C� ;.-IO SIMPSON STRONG TIE- PHDS NAILS (CEILING JOIST CIO ii0 USED FOR CORNER HOLD DOWNS TO TOP PLATE) O O N cd (ANCHOR DOWN TO CONCRETE) NIP CORNER PLATE _ �DOUBLE 2 x (X) STUD FLOOD-TO-FLOOD CONNECTION ROOF RAFTER U a) M SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS HEEL CONNECTION CIO � 0 � SCALE: NTS N 0 CEILING OUTLOOKERS 0 '1 O AT HIP END In 17) DOUBLE 2 x (X) STUD 0 U SIMP50N STRONG TIE- PHDS U N 0 USED FOR CORNER HOLD DOWNS (ANCHOR DOWN TO CONCRETE) CONNECT VALLEY BEAM TO HIP BEAM O '0 USING SLOPED HANGER RIDGE BEAM -+-� (SLOPED / SKEWED IF 0 ctS ° ROOF PITCHES ARE UNEQUAL NIP VALLEY BEAM -4 O I '° CONNECT MEMBER WITH - "SIMPSON" STRONG-TIE H2 ROOF RAFTER O SLOPED HANGER R' U li I INSTALL m 16" O_G. ®OF RAFTER NOTCH HIP/ VALLEY TO SIT ON POST C-0 0co OUTLOOKER DETAIL (15% OF ORIGINAL MEMBER DEPTH co V) REQUIRED) TOENAIL WITH FIVE 16d N N N - ` SCALE: NTS RIDGE BEAM NAILS (HIP t0 RIDGE) � P Z TOENAIL WITH FOUR 16d NAILS (RIDGE TO HIP) CONNECT RAFTER TO sign & seal: RAFTER TO DOU5LE WHEN NOT ALIGNED WITH RAFTER, VALLEY USING X 16d NAILS 0 \� TOP PLATE CONNECT KINGS STUDS 70 TOP PLATE, �EtE�/41�C ° II° '— "� _ _ HURRICANE TIES MANUFACTURED BY SIMP60N WRAP lVa" GALS. 20 GA. COIL STRAP °- °° `° 4' STRONG-TIE CONNECTORS MODEL No. H2 OVER TOP OF TOP PLATE 4 NAIL HIP / VALLEY BEAM SCALE. NTS CONNECT MEMBER WITH POST OR BEARING WALL OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT AT EVERY STUD II ° TO PLATE CONNECTION WHEN RAFTERS ROOF SLOPED HANGER a ° HOOKED ANCHOR BOLT ALIGN WITH STUD FRAMING *, MIN. 12" INTO CONCRETE It is a v I w fo an person, 4 _ d FOUNDATION WALL ID 23" .ss ti ire i f the 23" O.G. lic hitec , alter in any y. of an ROOF RAFTER HIP � RIDGE � VALLE I shall f'� m� i �I and tlhect shall a r� notation "a wed by his HOLED DO N DiETAIL VALEY YO NIP CONNECTION POST CONNECTION signature and the date of such alteration, — - -- and a specific description of the alteration. SCALE: NTS = Z _GRIPLE SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS N [— STUDS L DOUBLE TOP PLATE Architect: USE SIMPSON Z-MAX OR HDG CONNECTORS TO INCREASE CORROSION RESISTANCE ���\ FOR ALL HARDWARE IN CONNECTION � Z HEADER /J/ W/ ACQ. LUMBER Z RIDGE BEAM :� l2) 2" x 10" HEADER WALL STUDS g 16" O.C. FULL (2) 2" x 10" TRIMMER RAFTER FRAMED OPENING FOR NEW LENGTH WINDOW OR EXTERIOR DOOR WALL ROOF OPENING STUDS I 2" x (X)" ROOF RAFTER NOTE: ' (2) 2" x 10" HEADER AD RAG NA BOTTOM PLATE k ' ° UPLIFT CONNECTION IS REQUIRED \ TAIL RAFTER DESIGNS LLC '� At EACH END OF THE HEADER AND AT RIM JOIST ;-'' °. BOTTOM OF HEADER STUDS IN ADDITION TO \ (2) 2" x (X)" TOP PLATE — —— — — — — — — ——— —— — — CONNECTORS AT WALL STUDS AND AT TOP I A2ARCH 16@GMAIL.COM — — —— — — AND BOTTOM OF CRIPLES. —— 1-- - TI-- rT— --IT —I (51 s)289-246 1 Project Title: NOTE: O UPLIFT CONNECTORS I jj 3360 Wunneweta ALL STRAPPING TO BE SUBFLOOR SOLE I I I EQUIRED IN I I IS AREA SUB FLOOR ° INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURERS PLATE = Z Cutcho ue, NY FLOOR JOIST--" ° - ° SPECIFICATIONS AND NYS CODE RIM g DOUBLE ACQ SILL PLATE e ° JOIST I II II II I A 16 Ga. STRAP LIES MANUFACTURED BY SIMPSON STRONG-TIE TERMITE SHIELD ° ° ° CONNECTORS MODEL No. CSI(o OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. D FOUNDATION WALL a ° STRAP TO HAVE MIN. 12" BEARING ON THE STUD AND WRAP 16 Ga. STRAP TIES MANUFACTURED rowing Tttie UNDER SILL PLATE AT FOUNDATION DOUBLE BY SIMPSON STRONG-TIE GONNECTOS FRAMING d ACQ PLATE MODEL No. CSI6 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. PL ° ° SILL STRAP TO HAVE MIN. 12" BEARING ON THE STUD CONNECTION 3" x 3" x}�" STL. BEARING PLATE MANUFACTURED AND WRAP UNDER SILL PLATE AT FOUNDATION. BY SIMPSON STRONG-TIE CONNECTORS MODEL No. LBPSY2 DETAILS OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT FOUNDATION ° °. ° ° . 41 ° n WALL ' A° .° .4 ° .. Project f Scale: TYPICAL 5/a" x 12" HOOKED ANCHOR BOLT a .. ad 1000-111-11-26.2 As Noted - m 23" O.G. ° a ° °� d USE SIMPSON Z-MAX OR HDG CONNECTORS - WITH 7" MIN EMBEDMENT INTO CONCRETE ° TO INCREASE CORROSION RESISTANCE Date: Sheet FOR ALL HARDWARE IN CONNECTION : - WITHIN 6-12" OF EACH END OF PLATE � September 16, 2024 x of x W/ ACQ. LUMBER Sheet: FOUNDATION 5TRAPPINr_:; DETAIL UPLIFT CONNECTION DETAIL ROOF OPENING DETAIL A— 5 0 1 . 0 0 SCALE: 3�4"=V-0" SCALE: 3/4n=I'-(d" SCALE: NTS ALLOWABLE: HOLES - TJI® Joists Refer to Manufacturer's Instructions for additional Installation Details and Specifications may No field cut Min.distance from Table A Do not cut hoes larger Min.distance from Table B anywhere in web out- See current i Leve to approved e uaI Iitorature for framin connectors holes In -' than 1Y2"in cantilever side of hatched zone (or a hatched zones DO NOT JOIST DETAILS 6" 1771 O l o(`� p a O " cut or notch flange. Load bearing or shear wall above � (must stack over wall below) pt g" L1 2 x D1 D7 Closely grouped round L2 2 x L2 D2 g" 6^ Plate nail Web Stiffeners Load from above 2 holes are ermitted if Plate nail ) ku minimum p minimum (applies to all holes the group perimeter required each side IRC 502-7 requires lateral restraint Blocking panel >`. � at A2W (blocking)at all intermediate k) except knockouts) meets requirements for Blocking supports in Seismic Design 2x4 minimum Y,s. round or square holes. panel Categories DO,D1,and D2 to squash blocks i ' �r- �. Table A - End Support DO NOT strengthen the floor diaphragm. o PIP cut holes in cantilever Web Stiffeners Rim-to-joist nail - o • Minimum distance from edge of hole to inside face of nearest end support reinforcement. required each side r u) 0 >~ at Al W Toe nail B1 r Y,e" > 1 � o JOIST TJte ROUND HOLE SIZE SQUARE OR RECTANGULAR HOLE SIZE TO e nail Ir `" DEPTH 2" 3- it. S. 02" 7- 8%" 11" 13" 2" 3" 4" 5" 61z" 7" 8%" 11" 13" Web stiffeners 2x4 minimum Co TJI®rim joist squash blocks a� a. a: required each side at 110 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0" 2'-6" 5'-0" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-6" 3'-6" 4'-6" � � 3 B1W and B2W 210 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0" 3'-0" 5'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0" 2'-0" 4'-0" 5'-0" Must have 1/4 minimum 9y2" Use 2x4 minimum squash blocks to Q 230 1'-0" 2'-0" 2'-0" T-6" 5'-6" 1'-0" 2'-0" 3'-0" 4'-6" V-O" Al A2 joist bearing at ends.Attach g2 Blocking panels may be CS v, o required transfer load around TJI®joist c 360 1'-6" 2'-0" 3'-0" 4'-0" 6'-0' 1'-6" 2'-6" 3'-6" 5'-0" 5'-0" rim joist per A3 detail. q ed with shear walls j 3 co 110 1'-0" T-0" 1'-0' T-0" 2'•6" 2'-6" 5'-0" 1'-0" V-17 V-6* 2'-6" 4'-0" 4'-6" 6'-0' above or below-see detail 61 o Ci. 210 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" T-6" 7-6" 3'-0" V-6" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0" 3'-0" 5'-0" V-6" 6'•6" 11%" 230 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0" 3'-0" 3'-6" 6'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0' V-17 V-6" 5'-6" 7'-0" \co co 360 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-6" 4'-6" 5'-0" 7'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'•6" 4'-0" V-6" 6'-6" 7'-0" \\ 560 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'6" 3'-0" 5'-0" 5'-6" 8'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0" X-6' 5'-0" 7'-0" 7'-6" 8'-0' o \ Filler block:Attach per the table below. 4'-0"length of 8"diameter maximum hole for 11r/"- ;; co o a 110 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0" 5'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0' 1'-0" 1'-6" 3'-6" 4'-0" 6'-0" 8'-0" Clinch nails when possible. Y4"reinforcement 16"deepblocking d 210 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-6" 3'-0" 6'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0" 4'-0" 4'-6" 6'-6' 8'-0" g panels; p diameter s z Backer block:Install tight to top on one side at E2, maximum for blocking panels 9Y2" „ 14" 230 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 3'-6" 6'-6" 1'-0' V-0" 1'-0" 2'-0" 4'-0" 5'-0" 7'-0' 9'-0" flange(tight to bottom flange both sides at E3 deep or shorter than 12"long. 360 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-6" T-0" 5'-0" 8'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-6" 5'-6" V-6" 8'-0" V-6" Hanger height must with face mount hangers). Flush bearing plate required. Do not cut flanges. 560 1'-0" l'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0" 3'-0" 6'-0" 9'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-6" 3'-6" 6'-0" 7'-0" 9'-0" 10'-0' be a minimum of 60% Attach per the table below. Maximum Y4"overhang 210 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 3'-6" 6'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-6" 3'-6" 6'-0" 8'-0" 10'-0" of joist depth Clinch nails when possible. permitted at beam. 230 11-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0" 4%0" V-6" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" X-V 3'-6" 7'-0' 9'-0" 1 l'-0" ° 1Y4"TimberStrands LSL or 16" iLevel®1Ya"rim board.Nail with 360 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 3'-0" 6'-0" 9'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 4'-0" 5'-0" 9'-0" 10'-0" 11'6" Backer block 10d(0.131"x 3")nails,one 560 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 3'-0" 6'-6" 10'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'6" 5'-0" 6'-0" 10'-0" 11'-0" 12'-0" 0 " both sides of web a each at top and bottom flange. Q) 4" 5" IS" 7" 8" 10" 12" 15" 17" 4" 5" 6" T" 8" 10" 12" 15" 17" Top mount with single TJI® joist Attach reinforcement n • 18" 360 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0" 5'-0" 10'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 3'-0" 5'-0' 10'-0" 11'-0 -0 hanger" 13' " to joist flange with 8d(0.131" bQ 560 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-W 5'-0" 1 l'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'•6" 4'-0" 6'-0" 11'-0" 12'-0" 14'-0" ® TJI®Flange Block Nail x 2Y")nails at 6"on-center. ,-, A-) TJI Depth,D � Q Face mount Width Type Size Quantity T • O� When reinforcingboth sides, r�--�iI O O 360 1'-0' 1'-0" 1'-0' 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0- 7'-0- 10'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-6" 8'-W 11'-6" 14%0" 15'•6" Face in �� r�--I O 20" 560 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" T-0" 1'-0" T-O" 1'-0" T-0" 11'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0. 1'-0" 4'-0" 9'-V 12'-6' 14'-6" 15-6" hanger Filler 10d(0.128"x 3") 10i1) g R` stagger nails. less than 3z" horizontal 9Z"<Ds16" Backer 10d(0.128"x 3"") 10i1i Table B - Intermediate or Cantilever Support H1 3'- Filler 16d(0.135"x3�") 10r'-each side H3 N Minimum distance from edge of hole to inside face of nearest intermediate or cantilever support O z Backer 1od(o.l2awx3") 1ol'i O U 0 JOIST Tip ROUND HOLE SIZE SQUARE OR RECTANGULAR HOLE SIZE less than 34" Filler 10d(0.128 x 3") 15 > 16"<Ds20" Backer 10d(0.128"x 3") 15 DEPTH 2" 3" 4" 5" 6Y2" 7" 83/8" 11" 13" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6%" 7" 8%" 11" 13" 1 Filler 16d(0.135"x V) 15-each side N 110 1'-6" 2'-6" 3'-0" 4'-0" 7'-6" 1'-0" 2'-6" 3'-6" 5'-6" 6'.6" 32" Backer 10d(0.128"x 3") 15 O 210 2'-0" 2'-6" T-6" 4'-6" 7'-0" 2'-0" T-O" 4'-0" 6%0" 7'-0" 20"<Ds24" Filler 16d(0.135"x 32") 25-each side (� � N 9�„ 230 2'-0" 3'-0" 4'-0" 5'-0" 8'-0" 2'-0" 3'-0" 4'-0" V-6- 7'•6" 34" Backer 10d(0.128"x 3") 15 Q ct 40 360 3'-0" 4'-0" 6" 6'-0" 9'-0" 3'-0" 4'-6" 5'-0" 7'6" 8'-0" CO (1)15 for multi-family applications $U 110 1'-0" T-0" V-6" 2'-0" 4'-0" 4'-0" 8'-0' 1'-0" 1%6" 2'-6" 4'-0" V-6" 7'-0" 9'-0" U 210 1'-0" 1'-0' 7-0" T-O' 4'-0" 5'-0" 9'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0" T-0" 4'-6" 7'-6" 8'-0" 10'-0" H2 With top mount hangers,backer block required only for downward loads exceeding 250 lbs or for 11%" 230 1'-0" 2'-0" 2:1-6" 3'-6" 5'-0" 5'-0" 9'-6" 1'-0" 2'-6" V-6" 5'-0" 8'-0" 8'-6" 10'-0" F-, U uplift conditions. 360 2'-0" 3'-0" 4%0" 5'-0" 7'-0" T-6" 11'-0" 2'-0" 3'-6" 5'-0" 7'-0- 9'-6" 9'-6" 11'-0" 560 1%6" T-O" 4-6" 6-6" 8'-0" 8'-6" 12'-0" 3'-0" 4'-6" V-0" 8'-0" 10'-0" 11'-0" 12'-0" N 0 110 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" T-O' 2'-0" 2'-6" 4'-0" 8'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-6" 5'-0" 6'-0" 9'-0" 12'-0" ��{ O O 210 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'6" 3'-0" 5'-0" 9'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0" 3'-6" 6'-0" 7'-0" 10'-0" 12'-6" r U N N 14" 230 1'-0" T-O" ll'-0" 2'4r 3'-0" T-6" 5'-6" 10'0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-6" 4'-0" 6'-0" 7'-6" 10'-6" 13'-0" Q) U 360 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0" X-6" 5'-0" 6'-0" 8'-6" 12'-6" V-0" 2'-0" 4'-0" 5'-6" 9'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 14'-0" �' U 560 1'-0" 1'-0" V-6" 3'6" 5'6" 6-0" 9'&" 13'-6" 1'-0" 3'-0" 5'-0" 7'-0" 10'-0" 11'-0" 13'-6" I T-O" BEAM and COLUMN DETAILS z `� 210 1 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 3'-0" V-6" 9'-6" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0" 4'-0" 5'6" 9'-0" 12'-6" 15'-6" O 16" 230 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-6" 2'-0" 4'-0" 6'-6" 10'-6" 1'-0" 1'-0" V-W 2'-6" 5'-0" 6'-0" 10'-0" 13'-0" 16'-0" 360 r-0" r-0' r-0" T-O' 3'-0" 4'.0" V-6" 10'-0" 13'-6" r-0" r-0" 2'-0"1 4'-0" 7'-6" 6's" 13'-0° la's" 1r-0" BEAM TO COLUMN LATERAL BRACE 0 I co 560 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-6" T-6" 7'-0" 11'-0" 15'-0" v-0" v- 3' O 4" 5" ili" 7" 8" 10" 12" 15" 17" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8" 10" 12" 15" 17" TJI®joist O p U -� 18" 360 1'-0' T-O' 1'-0" T-6" 3'-0" 6'-0" 9'-0" 15'-0" l'-0" 1'-6" 4'-0" 6'-6" 9'-0" 14'-6" 16'-6" 19'-6" U (d 560 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 2'-0" 6'-0" 10'-0" 16-6" 1'-0" 3'-6" 6'-0" 8'-6" 1 V-6" 16-6" 18'-0" 20'-0" co Y) 20" 360 1'-0" 1'-0" 1I'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" T-0" 6'-0" 1 l'-0" 15'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-6" 4'-0" 7'-0" 12'-6" 16'-0" 19'-T 21'-0" Floor beam ) Z 560 1'-0' 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" V-6- 5'-6" 12'-0' 16'-0" 1'-0" 1'-0" 3'-0" -0 6'-0" 8' " 14'-0" 17'-0' 19'-6" 20'6" Rectangular holes based on measurement of longest side. - Holes may be located vertically anywhere within the web.Leave Y"of web(minimum)at top and bottom of hole. Bearing on Concrete or Masonry Pocket Full Depth Header - Knockouts are located in web at approximately 12"on-center;they do not affect hole placement. Low Header High Header Strap Yz"minimum clearance sign a seal: - For simple span(5'minimum),uniformly loaded joists used in residential applications,one maximum size round hole may be located BEARING AT Alternative 2x4 blocking: �RfLD ARc at the center of the joist span provided that no other holes occur In the]olst. COLUMN Use clips for lateral support y� pQE R. (do not attach to beam) - Distances are based on the maximum uniform loads from current iLevel specifiers guides.For other load conditions or hole configurations use iLevel®TJ-Beame software or contact your iLevel representative. 2x4 blocking for lateral support It is a v I w fo on person, Header Steel Column Beam seat connector • u Iss ti 6're i ( the lic hite a alter i in any Verify column capacity eader Header 2xX nailer" Concrete or CMU wall way. em0 of an and beam bearing * Suggested lateral bracing detail for beam crchi �' ?i architect Double nailer may be required depending when required. Verify beam bearing length snail o i I and the R L5 length.See cunrent L7 L8 L9 upon opening size and window type L14 4 fY g g L25 notation "o ed by his Other i Level@ Trus Joist® Headers and Beams i!_evel®literature. O O O on page 36 of TJ-9000 Specter's Guide O Miernllam® LVL � signature and the date of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration. 1.3E TimberStrande and Parallame PSL LSL hole zone hole zone 2 x diameter of the Y depth largest hole(minimum) Architect: DO NOT cut,notch or drill holes in headers or beams d - -- - - except as indicated In _ _ _l o o illustrations and tables. a a a Microllame LVL and BEAM TO COLUMN LATERAL BRACE Parallame PSL Header or Beam Maximum Round Joist allowed hole zone Depth Hole size middle Y3 span 43/e" 1" BEARING FOR DOOR BEAM TO BEAM BEARING AT 5Yz" 1 Y4" 2x4 brace at CONNECTION CONCRETE WALL d 1.3E TimberStrande LSL allowed hole zone d " each column BEAM ON OR WINDOW HEADER Se�ustration for Allowed Hole Zone COLUMN CAP Strap per code if top plate is not continuous over Simpson header I Tie®or General Notes Stron USP LSTA9 stra - Allowed hole zone suitable for headers and beams with uniform loads only. (or similar) ` Round holes only Top mount No holes in cantilevers. hanger Face mount Protect untreated AD RAC ILIA No holes in headers or beams in plank orientation. Floor beam han er wood from direct P1 9 contact with a i i L, WARNING Column L3 See current(Level®literature L4 concrete DESIGNS,R LC for framing connectors A2ACH 1 6@GMAIL.COM Metal post cap (516)289-2461 Joists are unstable until braced laterally Verify beam bearing length below Bracing Includes: j27 and column capacity on page 42 g of TJ-9000 Specifiers Guide Blocking - SheathirStrut li Stnes Project Title: Hangers ' Rim Board - Rim Joist 3360 7 i u n n e W 1.t a I►..� ,/' + - TJI®JOIST NAILING REQUIREMENTS at BEARING Cutchogue, NY WEB STIFFENER ATTACHMENT TJI®Joist to Bearing Plate Squash Blocks to TJI®Joist 1Y4"TimberStran& LSL or (Load bearing wall above) iLevel®1Ys"rim board. One 10d(0.128"x 7) *With point load from above,install web stiffener tight to top _ nail into each flange DO NOT walk on joists DO NOT walk on jolsts DO NOT stack building flange(gap at bottom flange)when there is no support below. Drawing ride until braced. that are lying flat materials on unsheathed One 8d(0.113'x 2Y2) INJURY MAY RESULT. joists.Stack only over nail each side.Drive beams or walls. Depth Minimum Web Nailing Requirements nails at an angle at - ENGINEER FLOOR WARNING NOTES. TJI Joist Series (in.) Stiffener Size Type Number Nails least 1)'2^from end. I JOIST DETAILS �� End Intermediate 1%a minimum bearing at Also see detail B2 Lack of proper bracing during construction can result In serious y8"minimum 110 All 5/s"x 25�s" end support;3Y"minimum accidents.Observe the following guidelines: 1" " 3 „ „ gd at interrediate support 0Y2"forTJI® 23/a maximum 210 All ;4"X 25/g" Shear transfer.Connections equivalent to 1.All blocking,hangers,rim boards and rim joists at the end supports of the TJIe joists must be completely installed and properly nailed. 230&360 All /g x 2Ys (0.113"x 2Y") floor panel nailing schedule 2.Laterial strength,like braced end wall or an existing deck,must be established at the ends of the bay.This can also be 560,560D, 3 3 Project f Scale: s31 &s33 All 1„x 25/s„ Rim to TJI®Joist accomplished by a temporary or permanent deck(sheathing)fastened to the first 4 feet of joists at the end of the bay. S47 joist) � l000-111-11-2e.2 as rioted 3.Safety bracing of 1x4(minimum)must be nailed to a braced end wall or sheathed area(as in note 2)and to each joist. 16d 1Y4"TimberStrande LSL or 3Y2"wide TJI®rim Web stiffener each side. 560&s47 All 2x4 „ „ iLevelm lYs"rim board or Date:Without this bracing,buckling sideways or rollover is highly probable under light oonstnrction loads-such as a worker or (0.135 X 3Y2 ) joist:Toe nail with meet p: one layer of unnailed sheathing. See sizes below. 1%"wide TJI®rim joist: 10d(0.128"x 3 September 18, 2024 x of x 4.Sheathing must be completely attached to each Us joist before additional loads can be placed on the system. 18 4 4 7 One 10d(0.128"x 3")nail nails,one each side 3Y2"wide TJI® 5.Ends of cantilevers require safety bracing on both the top and bottom flanges. Tight fit* 20" 16d 5 5 into each flange of TJI®joist flange floor joist Sheet: 6.The flanges must remain straight within 1/2'from true alignment. O 560D 22" 2x4 (0.135"x 3Y2") 6 11 2 Y,8"-2 s16"wide Up rim joist:One 16d(0.135'x 3Y2*wide TJI® A Weyerhaeuser,il-evele,Microllams,Parallam®,Silent noore,TimberStrand®,TJI®,and Trus Joist®are registered 24" 6 13 � 3yZ)nail into each flange rim joist n - ® � ® o trademarks of Weyerhaeuser NR. ©2009 Weyerhaeuser NR Company. All rights reserved. 1V4"minimum bearing Top vrew A Locate rim board joint between joists. i Q) a) a� s~ 0 0 C� N (D p N a 0 a 0 \CO co co CO 4) C\2C C % — \\\\ OD O O — .- o O Z W 5'-411 2'-Il" 2'-11" 2'-8" 2'-8" I - — — — — — — — K — — — — — — — — — — — — � � G 4+ V^` l\ U 61 ►n 0 61 � LE (P 0 0 V c� 2 � > ^ U �- L11r t ti= O 1 - 1 I 1 17 t' N (v t•-I lV .-t.i/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 � co UNIT: QK UNIT: Q UNIT: � UNIT: NO UNIT: QO UNIT: ® UNIT: ® UNIT: ® UNIT: 0 UNIT: 0 U bD QTY: 4 QTY: 2 QTY: 2 QTY: 1 QTY: 2 QTY: 6 QTY: 1 C,QTY: 2 QTY: I QTY: 8 �, 1 .� I) Q 5'-4" 5'-1011 Q� 0 O U f) f) 2'-8" 2'-8" �3'-0"� �5'-114" �3'-5"� �3'-5"—�f �5'-11 "� .f-3'-0"—�( �2'-11"� 2'-11" 2'-11" .f—2'-8"� � U — ��N �—N co ifJ Wit- IR LA D�G r co t- cfl tf3 cp U -- _ UP 5 RISERS 71 _ _ _ IN IN — — — — — — — — — — — — A VE FIRST FLOOR Sign 0 5eal: UNIT: ® UNIT: ® UNIT: © UNIT: i UNIT: 0 UNIT: ® UNIT: QF UNIT: 0 UNIT: UNIT: I� UNIT: QJ aEDAR QTY: 6 QTY: 2 QTY: fo QTY: 2 QTY: 2 QTY: 2 QTY: 2 QTY: 2 QTY: 2 QTY: 1 QTY: 1 �(rG E R. CISr� C� i NEW W I I �ID O LU 3 C" ID U L „ „ „ It a vl ki I tl ny p on, mess acting 12'-0 .�—2'-II �2 -II2'-11 -5 un�2 r t I use I ct,to alter an fdi way. l m b seal of an 1 _ I O O W — arch ere erl I ed shall affix to 1111MO i his Ite red by,followed SOLE /4 - I -0 511 specflc des �� ationh alteration,and a 1l1 tll _ N 0 0 0 1 1 1 — Architect: WINDOW SCHEDULE FELLA NN N N LIFETIME SERIES ABOVE CELLAR SLAB NO QTY, DESCRIPTION UNIT HEAD SILL U-FACTOR SI-ICzC REMARKS DIMENSIONS HEIGHT HEIGHT UNIT: QU UNIT: QY UNIT: Q UNIT: A 6 (1) 3265 CASEMENT UNIT 2'-8" x 5'-5" 8'-0" 2'-�" 030 0.40 QTY: I QTY: 2 QTY: 1 QTY: I B 2 (2) 3265 CASEMENT UNITS 5'-4" x 5'-511 8'-0" 2'-�" 030 0.40 C 6 (l) 3696 FIXED DOOR UNIT 3'-0" x 1'-11t'2" 8'-0" 0'-01/2" 030 0.40 FIXED DOOR UNIT p IX 1 1 E 2 (1) 4111 PICTURE UNIT 31-511 x 5i-IIII V_011 2-1it 030 0.40 E2 2 (1) 4153 PICTURE UNIT 3'-511 x 4'-5" 8'-m" 3'-�" 030 0.40 TEMPERED GLASS 'V STAIR LOCATION - G 2 (1) 3696 IN-SWING DOOR UNIT 3'-0.1 x 1'-I11i2" 8'-0" 0'-01/2" 030 0.40 H 2 (1) 3553 CASEMENT UNIT 2'-11" x 4'-5" W-0" 3'-111 030 0.40 KITCHEN UNIT AD RAC ILIA 1 1 (2) 3553 CASEMENT UNITS V-10" x 4'-5" 8'-0" V-1" 030 0.40 KITCHEN UNIT J I (1) 3253 CASEMENT UNIT 2'-8" x 4'-5" 8'-011 3'-1" 030 0.40 TEMPERED GLASS DESIGNS, LLC BATHROOM LOCATION A2ARCH 16@GMAIL.COM (516)289-2461 K 4 (I) 3565 CASEMENT UNIT 2'-11" x 5'-5" 1'-0" 1'-1" m30 0.40 SILL HT LESS THAN 24" - PROVIDE OPENING RESTRICTION DEVICE L 2 (2) 3565 CASEMENT UNITS 5'-10" x 5'-511 1'-01, 1'-1" 030 0.40 SILL HT LESS THAN 24" - PROVIDE OPENING RESTRICTION DEVICE Project Title: M 2 (1) 4165 PICTURE UNIT V-5"x 5'-5" 1'-0" P-1" 030 0.40 (1) TEMPERED GLA55 UNIT 6 FRONT BATHROOM 3360 Wu n n e w e t a N 1 (1) 3253 CASEMENT UNIT 2'-8" x 4'-5" 1'-0" 2'-1" 030 0.40 SILL HT LESS THAN 24" - PROVIDE OPENING RESTRICTION DEVICE O 2 (2) 3265 CASEMENT UNITS V-4" x 5'-5" 1'-011 1'-1" 030 0.40 SILL HT LESS THAN 24" - PROVIDE Cutchogue, NY OPENING RESTRICTION DEVICE P 6 (1) 2g53 CASEMENT UNIT V-5" x 4'-5" 1'-0" 2'-1" 0.30 0.40 (1) TEMPERED GLASS UNIT 6 PRIMARY BATHROOM Q ► (1) 3682 OUT-SWING DOOR UNIT 3'-0" x 6'-91i2" 1'-0" 0'-2�z" 030 0.40 Drawing Title: ,1 TEMPERED GLASS R 2 (1) 2353 CASEMENT UNIT i'-11 x 4'-5-1 1'-0 2-1 030 0.40 'W PRIMARY BATHROOM WINDOW & DOOR S 1 (1) 5353 CASEMENT UNIT 4'-5" x 4'-5" 1'-011 2'-1" 030 0.40 TEMPERED GLASS g PRIMARY BATHROOM SCHEDULE T 8 (1) 3253 CASEMENT UNIT 2'-8" x 4'-5" ATTIC ATTIC 030 0.40 WINDOW UNITS 6 ROOF DORMERS U I (1) 14402 3-PANEL GLIDING DOOR 12'-C"x 6'-9V2" 1'-0" 0'-211z" 030 0.40 Project X: Scale: 1000-111-11-26.2 As Noted V 2 (1) 3553 CASEMENT UNIT V-11" x 4'-5" 1'-m" 2'-1" 030 0.40 W 1 (2) 3553 CASEMENT UNITS Date: Sheet N: 5'-10" x 4'-5" 1'-0" 2'-1" 030 0.40 November 08, 2024 x of x X 1 (1) 2935 CASEMENT UNIT 2'-5" x 2'-11" 1'-0" 4'4" 030 OAO TEMPERED GLASS m Sheet: ASEMENT ATHROOM B A- 601 . 00 fzA'�rD 7Ei�AC)= 18.00' ly I�?0 m y r r 38&.44 50. T. " r fI I KiTc' N 0 X >< O_ I L 0 0) Lid 1 m CO ��• .y A Lid It N CD < DO (::)I(Z) 61 v - -- 1 nl c<1 1 , z� ,-a tQ �f✓� F - Kt -- fR�� LOOK-' 21 ,1 O1-12 S �TT a) t � cfl SST '- Q 0 I I I ar4 U 13.9�0' —1m.4(o' 18.Om� -- _ _ 13.31. i 93-1 12.2"1' I I 19.04' CO i�� v O 20.600, � lS.mm' 0 0 % G A RAGE UJ,4 �E - I GY T ct211 U � I L_= I rn xM { t (� S� U 4.92' ��_1-1 SOFT. � _.� � -� Y) PORC�I I o 0 U n` Q) U Z � CO Jm'23. c CO - I .I II II � O I CO 11 I CD CO I: SCALE N.T.S. II � „ P�RAT FL®® PLAN Q r ll -- ---- - - r I II �I � � • 18.m6/1- " � � S.m®�\ � 20.00`,:.4 --- Sign t seal: --- - - - ---- --_-____--__ I _ P®�CH RED !' --- _ RAC II - - - - - _- -- - - - - 33 1l SOFT, � 8 B.00 a FT r - � � q • yP 9 tin ct,to alter It a w I ti an on, mess actor .\ -- — - an way.11 all 1 em b seal of an arch ereA shall affix to CsA �F 1 11 I 1) I `\ 1 _ -- his ite red by"followed J µ p, + I II I' C \\ / CSC T _ _ by his sl eOa fl t ch alteration,and a Spec]is des ation. ' 11 • 3.001, - - - - - - - — - - - \\ if IL �u --- - 4.1Architect: it IIL r : i - \ ID L I \\ \ ATTIC \\ \ it \�?----------------------------- y--- 2,ro 1-1.00 eQ.F t . f� u , I -- ADRAGNA --__- 26.mm ►I = DESIGNS, LLC18.mP>' A2ARCH 1 6@GMAIL.COM (516)289-2461 I I 0 Protect Title: I I - - - 3360 Wunneweta PROPOSED - --- --- - -- - - - - - - - - 1 _ Cutchogue, NY FIRST FLOOR 3,101-12 s .ft. I I I I SECOND FLOOR 2,61-1.00 s .Ft. I I Draw-jUle: TOTAL 5,-124.-12 sciSt. I i MAX ALLOWED: 6,'115.45 SOFT. i i AREA DIAGRAMS I I . .. I I SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCALE N.T.S. IProject/: Scale: 1000-111-11-26.2 As Noted Date: 5heet N: I II November 08, 2024 x of x li 5heet: t A - 602 . 00 I , I ► I I�I lgl -( r I I II II ► I I'I I I �' R I II I I I�i i'I I a�i I i t I I I � I ♦-1—MASONRY WALKWAY OVER I I I I 1 4" POURED CONCRETE SLAB (4,000 P51) z tb I I REINFORCED W/6x6 Imam W.W.M. 0 I I OVER 6 MIL POLYETWLEENE VAPOR BARRIER vl ( I li 0 sue- 0 I I OVER 8" COMPACTED GRAVEL BASE i�I I�I 2 S R. �z tx I I I I I I g 6" O.C• p 2x8 .R. � - rn 23 -0 g 16" G u 0 " I 1 11 I I I ;/2 20'-1 2„ ►e I ,21 +/0w2E1 '1 y o - - - - O - - - - - - - - - - -j u- S CD � � V IN -� (2) 2x8 WDR I � O `� �» - - - - - - - - - - - — T.O. WALL I N roO +/A�%o � � � � �m�\Q I a a EL. 6033" I x -------------------------------- I + I a Nr—r—______.n________m____ __T_____ m ro o T.O. WALL 0 _ �_ l ) 16" LVL ;L II ;; 0 I I = :!; .� EL. 60.67' I I _. �,r z� � � 'L �- ��'1 - -- { ------------------ �-- y Cd ' y I I I r 1 �� I II I II r I I 2x6 FRAME WALL I I o `' o a� At 'I arrlc I d I II I�O II I �r cc a, � � I I I C I QO II j Q% 6 I y ci o .-, `�° o SCUTTLE u I ° (k O ,� \\\\ I I II M � I 2x8 R.f�. x — Q N �� 116 0. O O II I I `x DOUBLE G.J. I h I q I. r` I �� --- ------_____—__ �@ �I z — T.O. WALL N I x I I A - --- -- I y+ QI I � I I g EL. 59.6"t" , 22'-i" I 1 = q C m 2x8 R.R I 31 V pi 16 O.C. I 1 0 o i �i DOUR. ✓I p I I IRL 160 i 0 i �I (�"4 14" TJI 560 GJ. II "It ID 140 cx — 1 LLI ! O IS 240 r I I I I I I g ,611 O.G. 1 II I 11 1 � � If xl p - ------- --------I-1---=_�____= I i 2xd R.R. 2x8=R.R. 16� O.C. Y ------------ - ----------- 1 t ,� r ------T-------1 -►-----,---- I i o 0 ✓I i ii i ii OU 1 2x8 G.T. 1 1 I —' g 1(01 O.G. 1 I GARAGE SLAB 6 EL.60.00' I I � i ii i ii -" � i I I U Q+ -p 4" POURED CONCRETE SLAB (4,000 P51) I I f� II I I J ii ® I = 1 I .• �. ._ G REINFORCED W/6x6 Imp W.WM. V I i ii i IQ 0 11 I I� i 1 DOUBLE R.R. co OVER 6 MIL POLYETWLEENE VAPOR BARRIER I I (L/ It OVER 8" COMPACTED GRAVEL BASE O [� I ii i - ii Il _ I� I (CS j J GARAGE 0 I `Q m ; I I > 2 = � i ii i ' � ii = � 6X flu � � I I � TYPICAL FOUNDATION WALL ^ „ i ii i x IV cx PITC1 4 SLAB Ys PER FOOT , II U- 1 ( 7 O 811W P.C.FOUNDATION W/ "4 BAR 10 18" O.C.WORIZ. I I N I Lj 1 N I 1 I "4 BARS IV 15" O.G.VERT. INSIDE FACE ( " , `� 1 TOWARDS O.N.DOORS n n I 1 d M4 6 IS" DOWELS INTO FOOTING I i i ii i imp ii IN i I I p U �J b Ix i • WATERPROOF ALL FOUNDATION WALLS V I „ I ' DOUBLE RR.) 0y c) 2x8 G.T. I :+� S•-I I u !DOUBLE R.R. I I U 1 I g 16 O.G. I 1 �I TYPICAL FOUNDATION FOOTING I I f 1 _ y I { I I W ,,-t 3500 PSI POURED CONCRETE FOOTINGS _ r------------------ ----------- _ I i 1 tV U 12" DEEP x 2'-0"W W/(3)•4 REBAR AND I I V I I I I I 2x RR e "4 REBAR GROSS TIES m 18" O.G. 6 BOTTOM O' I I 1 2x8!RR. ^w O �. - — 14" TJI 560 CJ. 0 A I6 O.G. r_I_______T________I _ _____.�____ I 1 I I L NOTE: M4 BAR A 12" O.G. DOWELED INTO WALL ABOVE I — I 9 1611 O.C• i I I b M 1 1 I I ll 1 II I ;I a) a� II I i I Q1 �I I~ li li v o I2XS R.R. ; s to .. . a I II I .I I I � I ii I 1Q 0 11 (Y 16 O G I 1., DOUBLE RR.I p 0 ° =0 C ° I I ' _ I u I I �p V) Z I I I I „ �Q I I �/ U NI 2x8 R . +� O 0 16 11 O. [� �, N I 11 II I x Q II .` I p 1 Q) T.O. WALL I I I/i I l; e i i Q0 0 O 2x6 FRAME WALL I I N N N ------------- --------- --- ----- I CO FT Lj (3) 16" LVL ; ;; — ;; r —' ~—L--'----L--------"-------- ----- I I T.O. WALL I U p - EL. 60.61' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I =1N �_4 p p1 �, N (2) 2x8 HDR I - m I Signeseai: I ,j • I `x (2)2x10 o Eo,,�R - - -- - - `�' �- - - = — 0�- - - - - - - - - �CER c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ('may �QP'ERbq,�o% 23'-0" 11'-6" It a vl I tl any p n, nless acting I � I � I I � Iun r t� I else 1 ct,to alter F 0�N D ,4 T I ON L A � �L A I V 0 0 >I�-- A I � an �) way. cm be seal of an archI ere n A tt I ct shall affx to his Ite ~/ red b�l'followed SCALE 1/4" = 1'-0" SCALE : 1/4" = 1'-m" SCALE 1/4" = 1,-0n specfades �� atlonhalteratlon,anda 2 m 1 2 4 2 m 1 2 4 2 m 1 2 4 Architect: LA L—J . I I N N AD RAG NA DESIGNS, LLG - - - A3 YE—FIRST�LOOR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - UNIT: 0 UNIT: 0 UNIT: 03 UNIT: QTY: 3 QTY: 1 QTY: 1 QTY: 3 A2,ARCH 16@GMAIL.COM (516)289-2461 Project T21e: 3360 wunneweta NEW W I N� O UJ 5 C� D U L Cutchogue, NY SCALE 1/4 If = 11_011 Drawing Title: GARAGE PLANS WINDOW SCHEDULE LIFETIME SERIES Project N: Scale: UNIT HEAD SILL 1000-111—a-28.2 As Noted NO. Qtl'. DESCRIPTION DIMENSIONS HEIC�Nt 44EICx4-4t U-FACTOR Sf-IGC REMARKS 1 3 (1)3265 CASEMENT UNIT 2'-8" x 5'-5" 8'-0" T-111 030 0.40 Date: Sheet 2 1 (2)3265 CASEMENT UNITS 5'-4" x 5'-5" 8'-011 T-1" 030 0.40 November OB, 2024 x of x 3 1 (1)3253 CASEMENT UNIT 2'-811 x 4'-5" ATTIC ATTIC 030 0A0 ATTIC DORMER UNIT sheet: 4 3 (2)3253 CASEMENT UNITS V-4" x 4'-5" ATTIC ATTIC 030 0.40 ATTIC DORMER UNIT A- 701 . 00 12 y Q 12 au 'v 0 Q) 24 0 ° � Q o .In J t- _ 0°� co c, : mz cc 10 R. M R ram., Q1 rn o p" O i O c :� c� -4 p �rxav� rz p \rn rn ��M� rl M� co 0 0 -i ED FF__11LL.==JoF=1 �000 000� o� oo -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - PR�E-EXISTING GRADE —a - - - - - - 00 — CSHR'AGE: G2.E;0 — — _ — — — e. — — E3 M- - I — — L—� P 7� -'— — — — — — — luiF Q) El ��oo aaaa oc�3 � C) o o U � � 4- 6 SCALE : 1/4" 1'-01' 2 m 1 2 4 SCALE : 1/4" = 1'-0" O 2 m 1 2 4 Q) coO o Q I~ U _ co N ✓~ O O [/) U En Y) N O o CIO 0 w wv O a v co 0 A co � mz 0� O Sign 4 Seal: cn R. aQ OI OO OI � It a vi I ti ary p on, nless acting "n r ta i se api ct,to alter an (dl' way. i em I? h seal of an arch erect er I ct shall affix to his ite V red W followed by his si eOa Ft ch alteration,and a specific des anon. - - - - -- Architect: TYPICAL ROOF CONSTRUCTION: 42 a ELEVATION ( 5 0 I Iash`�JT—T( ) -GRAND MANOR ROOF SHINGLES I -PROVIDE RIDGE VENTS Z OC SCALE : 1/4" = V-0" -ALUMINUM FLASHING AT ALL ROOF I/4 = -��� _ VALLEYS, OPENINGS AND ROOF SCALE 1/4" �I 2 m 1 2 4 PENETRATIONS -GRACE SNOW AND ICE SHIELD FROM 2 1 2 4 EAVES TO POINT MIN. 36" PAST THE WARM SIDE OF WALL LINES r ATTIC -301b. BUILDER FELT -3/4" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING -ROOF RAFTERS g 16" O.G. �� I 14" AD RAG ILIA C.J. � 1(0" O.G. ] L, TYPICAL WALL CONSTRUCTION:STUCCO F DESIGNS, L, C. 30 LB. BLDG.FELT EXT. CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHIING A2ARCH 16@GMAIL.COM .2" x 6" STUDS m 16" O.C. FIREBLOCKING AT MID POINT OF (516)289-2461 WALL HEIGHT 9 EVERY STUD AIRSEAL INTERIOR SEAMS OF PLYWOOD W/ CAULK GYPSUM BOARD FINISH ON WALLS ProjectTdle: . "TYVEK" HOUSE WRAP GARAGE iv 3360 W u n n e w e t a le0 Cutchogue, NY Drawing Title: GARAGE ELEVATIONS TYPICAL FOUNDATION WALL & SECTION 8"W P-C.FOUNDATION W/*4 BARB 18" O.G. HORIZ. 4" POURED CONCRETE SLAB (4,000 PSI) 04 BARS 0 18" O.C. VERT. INSIDE FACE REINFORCED W; &x& I01fm W.W.M. 4 •4 ® IS" DOWELS INTO FOOTING OVER 6 MIL POLYETHLEENE VAPOR BARRIER • WATERPROOF ALL FOUNDATION WALLS OVER 8" COMPACTED GRAVEL BASE Project/: Scale: TYPICAL FOUNDATION FOOTING 1000-111-11-26.2 As Noted 3500 PSI POURED CONCRETE FOOTINGS 12" DEEP x 2'-O"W W/(3)04 REBAR AND Date: 5heet N: "4 REBAR GROSS TIES ID 18" O.C. 6 BOTTOM November 08, 2024 x of x NOTE: '4 BAR 9 12" O.C. DOWELED INTO WALL ABOVE Sheet: e CT I ON A - 702 . 00 SCALE : '/4" = 1'-0" e - c I TEI(PROOFING MEMBRANE T.O. SUBFLDOR 1@ ELEV. ro1.50' � I 10 , _� pTECTEp W/ 1 RIGID INSULATION :'', J _ _ �►`a a _ 111 I—I I Mi I I—I I— T.O. WALL a ELEV. 61.18' _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T.O. SLAB "SEE PLAN" I — I I—I I (— TERRA 1 I = � PITCH a-X°— - xa— (I 'a _ III—I ( I- FILTER FABRIC ° a ° o 0 0 I— — I MEMBRANE I MASONRY TILE FINISH 0 -) I— I I— OVER 2" SETTING BED _ d 44 ° d _ = W/ 4 POURED CONCRETE SLAB (3,500 6„ M4- SEE 11-1/8" F.J- (SEE FRAMING PLANS) I I I � J PSI) REINFORCED W/ 6xro 10IG W.W.M. OVER I I I - o °—°— - I—III—I I (—I I 6 MIL POLYETHYLENE VAPOR BARRIER T.O. SHELF ELEV. �00.19 I I 0 4. .� d_ .e n & -0 L' 4. 0 TYPICAL FOUNDATION FOOTING I 3500 PSI POURED CONCRETE GRAVEL FOOTING NOTE: SLAB TO PITCH I I I U 12" DEEP x 2'-0"W W/ (3) *5 REBAR CONT. 2'-(�"---,� DRAINAGE AWAY FROM FOUNDATION 05 REBAR GROSS TIES -0 12" O.G. 6 BOTTOM I I o �0 MASONRY PATIO FINISH, OVER 2" SETTING BED �" r a o G tY . OF A UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED MASONRY PATIO g EL.61.00' I I � � P ALL LE F 4" POURED CONCRETE SLAB (4,000 PSI) I o o *5 BAR Q 24" O.G. DOWELED INTO WALL ABOVE ' " I i I = 'in -in I ® OF FOUNDATION L D G � I REINFORCED W/ 6x6 'mfm W.WM. I Q � � 7� 1=, FOOTING DETAIL = - -- - SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" C\2 CD \CO cc ro o0 0'-52' 8'-0' 3'-34 _4z, 3'-94, 00 o o r On � F n TZ16 @ 12"x12" PIER OVER I� 1 J L — — — — — — — — I 48"x45"x12" P.G.FOOTING �T-OWA W/ (4) 05BAR650TTOM 23 EACH WAY - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - --------______________ _______________ - -- - - - - �OWEAOTL �T.O. WALL `:' F-STEEL BEAM STEEL BEAM ocKEr POCKET 60.19 I I TERRACE FOUNDATION I ���II p O T.O.TW ALL T.O. WALL =�N 3500 PSI POURED CONCRETE FOOTINGS �—I O 61.1A I :F I _ 8 GONG. FOUNDATION W/ 4 BARS 24 O.C. VERT. I I a -+� CELLAR SLAB e EL. 51.50' I I *5 REBAR CROSS TIES -s 12*" O.C. e BOTTOM OVER 4" POURED CONCRETE SLAB (3,500 PSI) , 6, 12 DEEP x 20 w W/ (2) ,14 REBAR CONT. AND I I N U 2' ( I REINFORCED W/ 6x6 10/f0 wain. I L *4 REBAR GROSS TIES 24" O.G. g BOTTOM + OVER to MIL POLYETHLEENE VAPOR BARRIER F > J I OVER 12" COMPACTED GRAVEL BASE 0 0 o TYPICAL FOUNDATION FOOTING 3500 PSI POURED CONCRETE FOOTINGS t '' UNEXCAVATED I I 1.., U T.O. WgLL STEEL BEAM POCKET TYP. @ 12 DEEP x 2'-0 W W/ (3) *5 REBAR CONT. AND I I FILL wlTl-{ COMPACTED O U M 55.40' COORDINATE WITH STEEL *5 REBAR CROSS TIES -0 12" O.C. m BOTTOM I I r SAND GRAVEL I I FROM FRAMING: PLANS,FULLY �p TYP. OF ALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I I � U FILL VOIDS WITH N.S.GROUT NOTE: "5 BAR e 24" O-C. DOWELED INTO WALL ABOVE (� I TYPICAL FOUNDATION WALL10"W CONC. ,.;,•_;;`;?` I -�' {_; 0 W1 05 BARS 24" O.C. VERT. I r ` ..ATIONI I -� O *5 BARS ,w 24" O.G. HORIZ. INSIDE FACE I :' '16' l'-61' I O "~ 4 *5 Q 24" DOWELS INTO FOOTING I I I I Q) U I HSS HSS HSS HSS =. _ „ 60"x60"x12" P.G. FOOTING d11�t I I 5x5x5/16 5x5x5/16 I I 5x5x5/160 x60 xl2 P.C.P.C- FOOTING-�a 5x5x5/16 I I L — v� r — — — — — _ — — — T� (HSS COLUMN W/ (5) *5 BAR 'm BOTTOM COLUMN COLUMN W/ (5) *5 BAR 9 BOTTOM COLUMN I — — — — - — — — — — — — — — p 1 T.O. WALL I I EACH WAY I I I EACH WAY I I 60.19' 5x5x5/16 I I coLUMN I I I I r� N 1 1i I 1' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C 0 -42 � 4ill-loll3'-0 '-'12 — •of.' 2 — n n n STEEL BEAM I I 36x36x12 P.C.FOOTING L — _ _ J L - - - _ J L _ _ _ _ J L _ - - _ J POCKET I Cy r I W/ (3) *5 BAR 6 BOTTOM 60"x&0"x12" P-C.FOOTING I I � � � EACH WAY W/(5)5 BAR A BOTTOM EACH WAY ' 5ign!Seal: - f TREATED POST I I En OVER ABA BASE R 'C I I @ @ I �36 x36 x12 P.G. FOOTING T.O. WALL I \���QPER -1t W/ (3) *5 BAR 'W BOTTOM L — _J EACH WAY T.O. WALL 61•IS' I I ,* � •t I I `, It a v, 1 ti ny p on, nless acting un r-tk i se i ct,to alter an Idi wayr,em b seal of an arch ere gteP i ct shall affix to his ite red b�/'followed T.6 WALL �' I I by his s1 e as ch alteration,and a IT O. WALL I I N 5pe if ic des anon. " STEEL BEAM T.O. WALL POCKET 36 x3ro x12 P.C. FOOTING �"0"19 _ g AM (3) TT AM STEELW/ *5 A O OM ,;....:., . ... .,.•,.. - - - - - - - - - — - - - — — Architect I POCKET r- EACH WA -� — 61.18' — P I L - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - Y 4'-6' - I -4' 4'-6't—�/ TREATED POST— -� - - - - - I �i - - I—OVER ABA BASE � -� — — I T.O. WALLFj - ,I` 4'-11'�--�' I T.O. WALL I 0--1---MASONRY WALKWAY OVER - 0 I 1 4" POURED CONCRETE SLAB (4,000 PSI) I I REINFORCED W/6x6 'm1fm W.WM. WVVI N AV I I OVER 6 MIL POLYETHLEENE VAPOR BARRIER FILL WITHCOMPACTED L — I I OVER 8" COMPACTED GRAVEL BASE I I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J I — SAND 4GRAVEL T- I L- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J ' , 1 - ICONCRETEI - - - - 4 POURED S A 13500 23' 0 P RED L B 4 i.. .�::..., ..a.: i' a 01 10 � REINFORCED W/ 6x6 �0 W.W.M.wW OVER 6 , 3' 0' - POLYETHYLENEI - I MIL VAPO BAR IER I � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - `� I L - - — - - - R — R - - - 1 I `� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � � , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 60.50' T.O. wAL T.O. WALL AD RAC ILIA T-O_ WAL ,-O' 20'_0 8'-0' DESIGNS, LLC EL. 60 l' 24'-5' 8'-0' A2ARCH 1 6@GMAIL.COM I I I (516)289-2461 m T.O. WAL Project Tale: 59. 7" I +r� FILL SOLID W/MASONRY AFTER 3360 wu n n e w e t a I I STEEL IS INSTALL i I I �O INN A T I ON L ,4N GARAGE SLAB e EL.60.00' Cutchogue, NY 4" POURED CONCRETE SLAB (4,000 PSI) REINFORCED W/6x6 I%W-WM. I I SCALE : 1/4" = 11-0" II OVER 6 MIL POLYETHLEENE VAPOR BARRIER II I ( OVER 8" COMPACTED GRAVEL BASE I NO 1 E: 2 m 1 2 4 61 !L� I _ Drawing Tale: I I I I DO NOT BACKFILL AGAINST FOUNDATION WALLS TYPICAL FOUNDATION WALL UNTIL FIRST FLOOR FRAMING IS COMPLETELY FOUNDATION PLAN 811111 P.C.FOUNDATION W/ 4 BAR g 18" O.G. HORIZ. I I INSTALLED STEEL BEAM REFER TO FIRST FLOOR FRAMING;PLAN *4 BARS m 18" O.G. VERT. INSIDE FACE I I 4 04 m 18" DOWELS INTO FOOTING %"FULL HEIGHT WELDED STIFFENER BS.OF BEAM • WATERPROOF ALL FOUNDATION WALLS I I "`�` t.0. WALL T.O. WALL T.O- WALL 5" min. CENTERED OVER BEARING;PLATE I I I I J NOTE: 60.50' S4.00' �i"x5"xl2"BEARING PLATE TYPICAL FOUNDATION FOOTING ASSUMED ALLCWA8LE BEARING CAPACITY OF )"MAX.W.S.NGVJ-S�JRINK GROUT 70 LEVEL ProjectN: 5cate: I I 3500 PSI POURED CONCRETE FOOTINGS I i ----------- @ •r, _ @ o 0 0 0 1000-111-11-28.2 As Noted 12" DEEP x 2'-0"W W/ (3)"4 REBAR AND "; 2,000 P.S.F. -- VERIFY IN FIELD T.O. WALL ----------- T.O. WALL o 0 0 0 o T.O. wALL s „ - „ � - - 60.19' - ----- 51.50, o 0 0 0 55"40' (2) iB ,S8.OR GALV.THREADED RODS® 12" O-C. 4 REBAR CROSS TIES A 18' O.C. ® BOTTOM I I �9 ----- o o o o 0 m * � (CENTERED ABOUT if')THROUGH '"0 HOLES IN pate: Sheet#: NOTE: 4 BAR o 12 O-C.DOWELED INTO WALL ABOVE BEARING M W/12"MIN.EMBED November 08, 2024 x of x 12"CONCRETE WALL I :•: I GARAGE I I Sheet: FOR MORE EET E;ZMATION E3E ,4t%1F=)oC,< T DTAILm S - 100 . 00 61 SCALE : 3/4" = 1'-0" , Ash .y a� ILI � o C) 0 InO O S (D U) 'd Q) U Q, � 0) O a) a A a a O R" o UNEXCAVATED MASONRY 3 � ,� PATIO ON GRADE m a \� cs, coDo C — 07 O C Z i G\2 (2) 111'a" LVL EJ Q) c�d ® W 12 x 30 ® O 0 O ll_lka" TJI 360 F.J. ■ O � U � ® � O (2)11"14" LVL I N 1:i co UD _ u 1L 4--) CO I m O N= m I r\m ~\m ® Q) rO O �t U U N x x ■ ram I ■I � � � � U I I U � LZ 11��8" TJI 360 F.J. ■ Z O m 16" O.C. + 0 co 6D"4D"AV' P.C.FOOTING 60"x Vxl2" Pr_.� 0 TJNG 11 1 .—I _ W1(5)45 WA BAR ® BOTTOM I W/(5)05 BAR W IB0 OM I W 12 26 I 10 -02 0 � � U Hss (3)?No LVL I HasI HS ■ I +ass I I +ass � L 5x5x5 16 x5x5/16 ■ I x5 5/16 I ' �nx5x5/16 I �x5x5/16 I N N U COL COLUMN CC LU I COLUMN COLUMN Cc 36"x36"x12" P.C.FOOTING L ` J �-- r�—I11'e" LVL — — — L �— —J I W1(3)05 BAR ® BOTTOM — — — — — — — — „ I EACH WAY 6(d x60 A , P.C.FOOTIN ■ r 1 W/(5)05 BAR 0 BOTTO EACH WAY N ICI-4" ' I s gnsseal: ilea" TJI 360 F.J. 16" O.C. REO AR � �R. n� I 0 u in 111b LVL— — U- t0 N ' _1 Q r\ 1� ■ ^�' 3 ' -2 '_ cr1 O �� nl O ■ It a vi 1 ti • any p n, nle55 acting ILL un r t� _ se ct,to alter r�ro 0 V an way. I ern be seal of an ■ '> arch ere Tlli .ct shalt affix to - r�`p r�� ■ his 11 to -red by"followed by his si a as I t ch alteration,and a ,\° ' speclf c de ation. ■ I 'N rho I n u u ■ 36 x 6 A2 P.C.FOOTING W/( )45 BAR e BOTTOM Architect: EAC14 WAY ■ 00 I �14'_]P 9'-4" 4'-11" I I I i I (2)111'a" LVL I I I I I I I I 11'7 " TJI 360 FJ. I I O. _ WWI TJI 360 F.J_ I �—i MASONRY WALKWAY I I ON GRADE I I I I I I I I I I I AD RAG ILIA DESIGNS, LLC A2ARCH 1 6@GMAIL.COM (516)289-2461 Project Title: 3360 Wunneweta DESIGN LIVE LOAD: 40 PSF 2 BY BLOCKING BOLTED TO STEEL TO PACK OUT Cutchogue, NY F I F,:IST FL OOfR FRAt-I I NG; STEEL AND CONNECT (2) 2"x6" NAILER UNEXCAVATED GARAGE SLAB ABOVE JOIST HANGERS BEARING WALL BELOW SCALE 1/4" = V-(d" STEIE ED ON TOP OF REFER TO FRAMING Drawing Tale: ZZY_ L� BLOCK SOLID UNDER BEARING WALL 2 2 �( SHEETS FOR FLOOR REFER TO FRAMING JOIST SIZE AND TYPE SHEETS FOR STEEL SIZE FIRST FLOOR . ® POST � FRAMING PLAN ® POST ENDS STRUCTURAL LUMBER STEEL BEAM Project N: 5cale: LUMBER 1000-111-11-26.2 As Noted SPACING Date: 5heet#: November 08, 2024 X of X sheet: TJI. FLUSH &TEFL DETAIL 5 - 10 1 . 0 0 SCALE: 3/4" e V_0n a) ,~ tX U O _ 4. O F. O . s � -HQ) ° co 0 Cu m o a o Li, p 1:�4 fa� U) CL: \OOOco s Z CV o� (2)2x8 HDR_ (3)2x12 HDR (2)2x8 HO POST POST - - — — — — — — � W 14x38�iENDSs, s_ s, l3)2x12 HDR POST (2)2xI0 HDR — — IN" LVL — — 12-x10 HDR I 11"Ja" TJI 360 F.J. POST POST POST POST •. O -0 �O THRU ]Plea" TJI 360 F.J. i ENDS THRU 1 I I ENDS ,� X, O , 1 POST OST -1t (�11P JIENDS 1 I I MENDS U U THRU ILz POST w- 1'1 I 1 I `n II 'OSTco 11 I IENDS POST > 1L ENDSsto Id 1 I LL ° Lu 2)_8HD �ji I u I I�„ I I a� O O I 811 rq i Mo I lobo i lu tf — ((S U —III I�L�1 POSY I OST � Q4 lhkAa" TJI 360 F.J. 4f r� Q) I r, THRU - ,ANDS i 10 1� 1 fi' 16" O.C. I Q) O IL l o osr POST O lu ENDsj V) V) _ t4 ll NDS U U U � � Q) �' ° — I I 1 I —, z o 1 11"ka" TJI 360 F.J. -"" I� (3)2xt2 HDR POST 16 O.G. POST POST POST rn POST POST ENDS _ ENDS ENDS I (�Z 1 � O POSTPosr 17 7 ST THRU LIJ_LI�L1 LIIJ_L11� 717IJ7 �7Jy ; +, o (3)14" LVL (2)2x8 HDR t°pg (2)2x8 HDR 0 U POST IPO T POST (2)flye° LVL PDT I— — — — — - - — — - - - - — �— — — — � — — c� POST P T POST (2)2A2 HDR POST Q0 U " —III�IJ7_ IJ_Z IJ_71IJ_LI f� 1 THRU � 1 5ign 4 Seal: ll"ka" TJI 360 F.J. — n r� 61 U POST +� POST m Jlo" D.G. 1,E113 POSTm '3 IPOST DST THRU R. ENDS �t NDS 1 u- u PORU _ ~ _ POST POST�N 0 0 POST �aD 1 0 U qTHRU ENDS n \4THRU � � 1� r`� Q "gyp \9 POST 1 i It a vi I ti any p on, nle5sactimj to Y1 un r t use ct,to alter I— I lj an way. I em b Seal of an @ arch ere Sterj Gttct shall affix to I I r\ I ^ V ^ r\ f t I his ite ~/ re followed by his si e as Itt ch alteration,and a specific des on. n �1 _LIIJ_LII�ilI L-II��I J__Z: J7 - Ihka" TJI m F.J. r� IyIPOST 6 16" OST G ry IEND5 ENDS I I f�1 I� POST J1 1 1 , T+4RU 1 P0Ru Architect: , L .�, — — — 1 — ,�, — — I I DOUBLE FJ. FOR LONG SPAN- (2)2x8 HD� (3)2x12 HDR (2)2x8 HDR POST POST — — — — 11i1/a" TJI 360 F.J. 1 1 (2)MO HDR PORT THRU (2)2x10 HDR 6 16" O.C. 1 1 POST — — — — .J 1 THRU a (2)2XIO HDR 2x8 C a POST A POST Ck 4 I ° 16' O C. I A I ENDSA 9 0 ENDS X 1@ C a N c4 I � IPOST I � _ _ _ _ - - 041 I i ENDS (3)1115" LVL `r1/0 (2)2x8 HDR (3)2x12 HDR (2)2x8 HDR (2)2x8 HDR (3)2x12 HDR (2)2x8 HDR - -_ 40 (2)2x8 HDR66 AD RAG ILIA DESIGNS, LLC �_ (3) 16" LVL — — —r�c,�Z� L }L �7 �}��7 ���� — — A2ARCH 16@GMAIL.COM >r�r` Y 1 I (516)289-2461 —tl l j ATTIC 11 J p/ b l SCUTTLE I I (Y IliProject Tdle: 1 � I� � - - -'��-J - - - - - - - - - - - - � — _ 4 =� 3360 wunneweta N 1 ;'r DouBLE cJ. DESIGN LIVE LOAD: 3m PSF BEDROOMS ICN41 4m PSF BALCONIES Cutchogue, NY t/I 14" TJI 560 CJ. 1 m 16" O.C. I - - BEARING WALL BELO.0 SCALE 1/4" = V-m" I I Drawng Tdle: ���II�L� BLOCK SOLID UNDER BEARING WALL 2 ,a 1 2 SECOND FLOOR ID POST FRAMING PLAN ® POST ENDS STRUCTURAL LUMBER STEEL BEAM Project M: 5cale: VI LUMBER 1000-111-11-28.2 As Noted L1 ' 1 p _ SPACING 1 I" Date: 5heet M: x I � '/ � November 08, 2024 x of x J .. Sheet: �) GARAGE V I 1 ►J — 1 0 2 . 0 0 V I SEE SHEET A-101.00 V11 I/A FOR MORE INFORMATION U a) b >~ o n S, 0 �U r O O •� R 9 N CO. iv rn O P" o c p! 'v� 17) 3 co •r+ >~ . a a) O G1. U) f4 �CD CID coco CQ CD o rn rn o CO O O z CQ (2)2x8 HOR (2)2=HDR (2)2=HDR (2)111ka" LVL (2)II16" LVL (2)IIZa" LVL J POST —®OST POST POST- (2)2xS HDR (2)2x8 HDR (3)2x10 HDR (2)2x8 HDR (2)2x8 HDR — — ST )14°LVL �.L � 7j 7 �II (3.1_4 F"L-'VL.. ' —o �3rjI - — -- +o' +p ST (2) 2x12 C.J. (2) 2x12 G.J. O—t O e 16" O.C. 6 16" O.G. R+ � (2)2x x1 Y � (2)2x12 — — — — — — — — — — — IJ7 _7_�I I�LII�L-I I11 —�I7 st 0 POST N I:"POST 0 057 O � UO >I UOI UO I r N -j I 2x12 C J. ) I � O c� X — 'o I g Iro" O.G. - r, I - POST OST `' F=05T POST POST (2)Wks„ LVL ENDS I NDS IENDS ;IENDS ENDS J n OST O t I (2)1116" LVL I HRU I I I �, I or. � O (1 T$ , U Q +0 VI � I I ✓I POST U to co OC (2)2x10 2x12 G.J. I I G fi — — U e� x12 I Iro" OG C2)2x8 HDR 4D POST FDOST y/ c� ��� X I POST POST OST I O 1c o I t o N@ I I N I I (2)2x8 HDR ® Q -4-J ^I I POST POST I/1 P THRU ,1 W U 2x FRA E W 6 AL IY I I I I co Q Z � 04 2x12 G.J. ATTIC I I g 16" O C I 5ign 45eal: DOUBLE RR TL �¢ED A/?C Iu- POST (2)2x12 RS. POST (2)2x12 RB. I OST POST �)) .�p,��/)� DoiD BELOW BELOW OS7 (2)11Z'e LVL U ? U U — — — — — — ENDS— — — — —I/1 — - - — — — — ® J POST OST �C3)2x12 POS X I � 2x8 R.R. � OST T� POST OST 06 OST 06 _ � U O � � B g 16" O.C. ENDS HRU , 0 HRU � - ENDS �+ HRU D B RR Q cq 0 @ I ) It >a vi I ti ny p on, Mess acting I un r t sgdse i ct,to alter + I an way. em I, seal of an 2x8 R. I I 2x12 G J. arc hi ere er ct shall affix to his to hl a red W followed by 16" O.G. specfic des&�Itt ationh alteration,and a 04 72-77__ __ 2x6 FRAME WALL _ -77_ _ 7-7 _ f I rr ------------- (2)2x12 I (2)2x12 °o °o - - - - - - - - - - - - - _L1I�LI ��IJ_7_ J_7_LI� _LIJ_7_�IJ_7_- ZZ21 -7_Z2 -_� - - - - - - - - - - -Cm �r- - - ,m�e m I I m I I ° osT ost Pos Architect: I A. C2) 2x12 G.J. (2)14" LVL W/ 1/2" STEEL PLATE I l2) 61, G.J. � giro" O.C. — — — — — — — — — - - -� - - /i gl " o.c• I (2)2x8 HDR POST I I POST (2)2x8 HDR 8"o c. I T �i :oIJ_7_�IJ_7_rIJ_/_II o1I:ZZ + oS , [A u u 01 � � � � ' (3)14" LVL o I N Q �`+ ( l3)14" LVL I 3: n I — - - - - - - n POST X c14 IN C2)2x8 HD (2)2x8 HDR (2)2x8 HD 2x8 R.R, OST g 16 .G. �. - - -ED-- - - - - - - - - - - - - -a- - - ?k�0 (2)2x8 HDR (2)2x8 HDR (2)2x8 HDR (2)2x8 HDR (2)2x8 HDR (2)28 HDR • o Wr0 � O I �+e � X ��e l AD RAG NA DESIGNS, LLG A2ARCH 1 6@GMAIL.COM 1 — 2x6R.4ME WALL --------- --------- I I (516)289-2461 I I a' U I I �4 2x8 R_ .I +� tX �\Q I g Iro" O• Project Title: SGo ----- ---—----—--------- +`� -1I 3360 wunneweta 12x8 RR. I . 91 DESIGN LIVE LOAD: 20 PSF 16" o.c. i u o LUi Dou I Cutchogue, NY �I C I L I NC; J O I eT i=:>L ,4N - - I = XX S = BEARING WALL BELOW SCALE 1/4" = V-0" ` I 1 X 1 Drawing Title: 2x8;R.R.�I QI BLOCK SOLID UNDER BARING WALL 2 m I 2 CEILING JOIST �I I 0 POST I 2x8=R.R. g 1rol O.G. I z ® POST ENDS FRAMING PLAN I I I I ou I 2x8 C.T. = 16' O.C. ' I — — — °— STRUCTURAL LUMBER I = = I 44' = I — —R • �'� • STEEL BEAM i = i DOUBLE .R.I I I = = I LUMBER Project 4`1000-111-11-26.2 AsleNoted Ile SPACINCx I U.I I 1 I Date: Sheet M: IVAX IE _ = I I November 08. 2024 x of x I� = X = i 5heet: I I;C GARAGEDOU _ S - 103 . 00 I I SEE sHEET A-101.00 I IDOL-BLE R.R. I FORMORE INFORMAT N I I 2x8 C.T. I a� a� c. � t~ s~ a o _ . O .O T! U 4—' 7 O S M 'C3 Q) v co R 0 R, �n o o � � •rn � •rn m L (1a ( y > �CDr � � C\2 C) C) 41 o �rn rn o -, 0 .- (2)2x10 (2)2XIO l� - - - - - - �- - p; 0 �' - - • QiU X o 1:3o ( 0 'a :3 I-3 X � N � QI IQ I N � QI 14 IN (2)2x10 —� (2)2x10� — — — — —a ci O C2)--I� — — — — -�-) 2x6 FRAME WALL - n — -� - = — — ! 2x& FRAME ALL 0 O O x — 3 �t x x _ Ca " @ Q ► v RI -p 2i�'R.R. . � - - -- - - - - - - -- -- _ Si �0 +m W CU 2x6 FRAME WALL 2x6 FRAME WALL 2x6 F AME WALL A �" @ � Q+ ; � co � u- I � vv� \ �� � 'a �p U �I�Y U (K U \ q � +� o N 2x8 R R. Cd (L! (X ( 1 <<F� "I -1 — `X `X `X @ 2x8 R.R. O �' co to � 16" O.G. _ x � x � O � � x� 1 cv N p N N I cv 616.1 � 16" O.G. — 1 1 1 1 i(.L�.{ +i 1'-9- 2 -6 5'-5 S 9- �Q I 2x8 R.R. U Q) t�D 14 o '� 4 2 2 2 - 4 y I ro" O.G. 0 i . J x( / LV 3 BiVRB 2xR . C R I I Q)2eR.B. ) 2 4Q) oo(2) lilkB" LVL RB. i I Q U Q) Q) 1 I r � ) - - — — — — — — — — — — — o co L_ — I O Q, = _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 NI X cv � N � N x — x — ! ° I � 2x8 R.R. I I CO N � 6 16" O_G. N 12x8 R.R_ I I I I C'"J I� Z +' q 16 O.C. A. I -14 I 1 I 210 R.R. -A— ATTIC _ I I 9 16" O.C. 3 Sign t Seal: 2x8 R. 16" O. . RED,aRC 1 8_S '_a ' . 5 � R•2 ll LVL2 . 2 4 1 (2)2x12 RS. (2)2x12 RS. RS. (2)1116" LVL RB. �R1O/�F n:;k +8 X I� I �i It a vl I tl any p on, nless acting un r t gdse I ct,to alter 0 0 v0 (L/ U I I an way. rl em be seal of an .4 X L � arch ere e i cr shall affix to � +� �p y _ {G ! hle Ite red by'followed I� m �� << �� specflc des atlon&� h.alteratlon,and a �0 N @ �' Ca ti+ c� — P ! N e <<�� `� +gym Q X _ _ 2x6 FRAME WALL _ _ �\Q 1+A _ 2x6 FRAME WALL_ __ __ _ 2x8 R.R. I — 2x5 R.R. I 's 16" O.C. (L) ry+\� y�� I!� I �, 16 �G I ( Architect: I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 II ry+gy � - w � � ��!2x8 R.R_ I (2)2x10 - - - - - - - - ® - - — (2)2x10 A- - — �I— — — 16 O.C. Q 2x6 FRAME WALL Q � — J,. I I 2 0. Xil2x8 R.R I I g16 -� ���� U ( ItoO.G. �r I 2x8 R. 2x6 FRAME WALL-- _ _ 2x6 FRAME WA s� 16" O. I � � a I I -- -- - I I I I �I I ! o II � I _ giro 2x8 R.R. n oc_ C Iro X � X X \9 I ( Q l2)2x10 Q Q l2)2x10 Q �7\ AD RAG NA DESIGNS, LLG 1 I A2ARCH 1 6C�GMAIL.COM 2x6 FRAME WALL (516)289-2461 i I I I PROVIDE CONTINUOUS PROVIDE COPPER PROVIDEAT ALL PROVIDE CONTINUOUS I VENTING 9 ALL RIDGES ICE E WATER SHIELDS Project Title: d SOFFITS VALLEYS AND ROOF AT ALL EAVES BREAKS 3360 Wunneweta DE51GN ROOF LIVE LOAD: 20 f 5F Cutchogue, NY f;POOT= FFRA ING; f=LA 1 I � BEARING WALL BELOW SCALE : 1/4" _ 11_0II DrawingT le: ���II�� BLOCK SOLID UNDER BEARING WALL 2 (I 1 2 4 0 POST ROOF ® POST ENDS FRAMING PLAN STRUCTURAL LUMBER ■ STEEL BEAM Project#: Scale: ILUMBER 1000-111—ii-26.2 As Noted SPACING Date: 5heet N: November 00. 2024 x of x 5heet: I S - 104 . 00