HomeMy WebLinkAboutDawn EstatesSTATE OF N~%' YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: ~LPH P. BOOTE~ being duly sworn~ deposes and says that he resides at Southold~ in the Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk~ and State of New York; that he is the Town Clerk of the Town of South- old; thet on the ~ day of ~- ~ , 1957, he posted a copy of the NOTICE OF AME~DMENT OF ZONING NO. 2 on the signboard maintained by him pursuant to To~ Law in ~he Southol~ To~ Clerk's Office et South- old, New York; ~ha~ such posting by ~m was done pursu- ant to the provisions of the To~ Law and pursuant to the Hesolution ef the Seuthold Town Board. SubscriDed and sworn to before me this ~ day of ~~, 19%7. Notary PuBlic NoTIcE ~S ~.~ '~%~N ~ft~r a' public ilearin~ hc!d pucsu~2t to th~ ¥cquiremcn~s o~ law. ~hc :lng Zone Ordinance. (i:~cludinq' ' B~ng Zone A$~ps~ o~ ~he Town .~' SOU~holfi, Suffolk Court;y, JKew York, was duly r~mcndcd as t'oilows a~; a .gular meet~g o~ the Tow~ Board held ~t the Office 'of ~he S~perv~or Greenport, Ne:W' York',' 0n J~ly 24, 195~: l OF NAUGL~ '~OAD:, AND' EAST ,$IDE ;0P LUTH~S R~ ~T $ ~E~E~S~ 1~ SO~I ~ ToWn rune Board' h~s prepared ~repor~ a~ recomme~tion ~p8n ~ Petition o~ ~wn ~t~ ~nc. ~e~mend , ~', .,( ..... , ...... ~n~nce:~Gnctud, m...~: B,m,:r:: Z0~;~S):~'~f the ~"C'; ~ndus~al D~trict ~dert~f pe~ty ~i~a-t~d~.at :~atti~b~ ~ said ~ Town, and ~. ~ ,: :. ~ERAS, ~qcy heari~ w~ held SU~htS~" n~ce du~y given) at a. meet- ing~ of the TO~ ~ard ~t the off~ce. the~SU~yVisor', 16 ~uth ~ring ~to be heard in laver'or'said re~ zon~g 'and also thor~ de,ring ~o. he~d ~ 'opposi~ion there~ were given' ~ ~por~[y and were heard ~nd thereafter the ~public hearing was closed and ,d~sion re~ed; NOW. FORE, BE I~ H, ESOLVED BY '~¢~ ~WN BO~D that the ~oilow]ng pro- perf,; be veg~ued from "A" Residential and .Agric-al(um] District to "C" In- : dm¢~rial'D~tric~: ALL t. ha~ tmcL or situate at i~a~r,~tuc~. of. Soathold, Couaty of ;~olk State .of New Yor~, :~unded ~on ~.ihe . Northwest by land ~rie~ed ~:~ Mat~tuck PetroleUm ~omtion; ~t bY l~nd b~e~ ~ ~ of Isl~d ~phalt company; on the ,South by- ~augles Road? and'On the West 'by Luthei~ R0~d'~ said pre~~ former!Y par't'~bf the J. q. Estate and being partifl i~: ~ of what w;~ known as "O}~ i Creekj' and it is [ ~UR'~ I~OLV~D ~ha~ ~e Aeces- S :~,'~' .... chaliges be m~e ~po~ ~'he B~ld- ]' mg Zone ~.!a~s so as ~ ?.. location of said property ~ ~!ng ~ located in "C" Industrial ~ct defined and regulated pursu~ Building Zone Ordinance Iht Buildine Zone A{aps) of Southo!d. Suffolk County. ]and it is ~ PURTH~ [~SOLVED t~at ]Clerk be and hc hereby is a nd ~r~ted to We the nec~Sa~ no~ 'of such change ~ ~- to '~ partmen~s .:and agencies havi~g Juris- · ]~diction in ~e mater . [Da~ed- a~ ~uthold ~2~ Y: July 24. 195~_' COUNTY OF SUFFOLK i STATE OF NEW YORK ! ss. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for .: .... ..,_ ~,,~../~,g/~.~.... ee~' successively, commencing on the ............. /....~......' ...... day of .~/~ ......... 19..~....~-~ · Sworn to before me this ........ .~-. ,.~...i day of ........ . / ....... ADELE PAYNE Net~ry Public, State of New Yori~ Residing in SulfoJk Couaty No, 52-3041000 Commission Expires March 30, 1959 T~ ~OARD T0~ 0P ~O~OLD Greenpo~t, N. Y. July 2~, 1957 P r NOBF~N KLIPP, Supervisor ~NRY A. CLABE, Justice of the Peace H. H. DE~T, Justice of the Peace BALPH W. TUTHILL, Justice of the Peace LESTEEM. AIBERTSON~ Councilman R. G, TERRY, Jr., Town Attorney RALPH P. BOOTH, Town Clerk 2 SUPERVISOR KL~PP: I will open the public hearing a~ this time and read the legal notice of the hearing on the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance. D~rsua~t to Section 265 of the Town Law mnd Article IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, a p~blic hearing will be bela by the Southold Town Boerd et the Office of the Supervisor, 16 South $~reet, G~eenport, New York, on Wednesday Evening, July 24th, 1957, at 7:00 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), on ~ne following proposals to amend the ~ailding Zone Ordinance (including the Building Zone Maps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York: 1. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District the following describe~ property: ALL that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and oei~g at Southold, in ~he Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, bounded on the North by Main Street 150 feet; on the Ease by land of Annie F. Bart 125 feet; and on the South by land of Annie F. Ba~r 125 feet; and on the West by Locust Lane 125 feet. 2. By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District ~o "C" Industrial District the following described ALL that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Mat- Oounty of Suffolk, snd State of New York~ bounded on the north- west by land believed to be of Inlet; on the East by land be- lieved to be of Island Asphalt ing formerly pa~t of the J. Q. A. Any person desiring to be heard on amendments should appear at the time specified. Dated: July 1957. BY 0F~EH OF ~ SOUTHOLD TOWN BOAP~ RALPH P. BOOT~{, TOWN CI,FvBK. the proposed and place abo~e SUPERVISOR KLIPP: i Dave the affidavits of publication in the two official newepapers in the Tow~. Apparently there is no one here on the Southold application, so we will taka the Mattituck application. The property is in a place that is practically surrounded with industrial development, and by resolution of the Town Board the petition was sub- mitted to the Planning Board and recommendation asked for, amd I will read you the recommendations of the Southold Town Flanning Board: "P~port to Southold Town Board, Southold, New York. "This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on June 18, 1957; re- to change f~-om five acres of speak in A~DP~W Now, at this time is there a~vone present who wishes £~wor of this change of zone? J. LIANZA (Representing Dawn Estates): I have inepeated that parcel myself, that 5-ac~e parcel, and I agree with Mr. Wiekham in his recommendation that it has no other use possible except industrial use for all practical purposes. I guess you gentlemen all know where the Mattl~uck Petroleum Com~ar;y is, and tha~ is Just north to it, and the industrial use of that area bbs been going on for a number of years. Island Asphalt Company and Colonial Sane and Gravel have the right-of-way in this parcel to Luther Rd. property is fouad to be very sandy, low lying property, bounded on the west by Luther Road, on the North by practical usa of this property would be for industry;. With this in mind, the Southold Towm Planning Board · recommends to the Southold Town Board that ~his ~equest 5 which right-of-way would be for industrial use for sand and Erevel, and the= would eliminate it as residential and make it worthless as e~ch. And the reason for the request made by Dawn Estates, Inc. is in order to save the value of that property for that proper use. The soil and the subsoil of thmt property is not adapted to any building that could be carried on. It is very law and saudy coil, and it fronts on the Inlet and the Iniet is now being built, and that is the purpose for which this ~hing is adapted and for no other. SUFE~VISOR KLIPP: is there anyone else who wishes to be heard in favor of? (There wes no response.) SUPEPf~ISOR KLIPP~ A~vone opposed to? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR KLiPP: If there are no ether persons who wish to be heard in favor of or in opposition to we will close the hearing et this time for further deliberation of the Board. 6 SUPEE~ISOR KLIPP: Now~ the other request for a change in zone is the request of Horace Kyser, who is the owner of certain real property situated in Southold, New York. The ~equest is for a change of zone from 'fA" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District. Such reques~ is made fan the following reasons: Applicant wishes to erect a modern service and gasoline station. This is sig~ed by the applicant-petitioner Horace F~vser. At this time I will read the recommendation of the Southold Town Planning Board: "Report to Southold Town Board, Sauthold, New York. "This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town PLanning Board on June 18~ 1~575 req,~est of Horace Kyser for change of zone f~om "A" Residenti al to "B" Business° Location of property l~O ft. or 125 ft. on Main Road and Locust Lane, Southold. Request to erect modern service and gssoline station. "It is the determination of the Southold Planning Board, particularly in view of the cooperative attitude of the owners of this granted." This is slg~ed by Town Planning Board. SUPERVISOR KLIPP: property, that this petition be John Wiekham, Chairman, Southold At this time, is there anyone who to be heard in fewer of the proposed change? (There wes no response, ) M~, HOWARD ~£~.Y: There is a little history previous to this being in the Planning Boerd minutes. They wrote to me last February, leoE before Zoning went in about regulation. on gas stations in the Town, and at that a letter telling =hem There was none but zoning such gas stations would be subject and on that :basis ~hey stsrted.' MR. ALBEBTSON: Another thing might Time I wrote them if they did adopt to regulations, be brought up at ~his Time is the fact this deal undoubtedly had been com- pleted before zoning want in: sod had it not been for the fsst that we, as a Town Boa~d, were quick to c$1i for some people were good enough to hold off closing title to see was not signed until after the zoning was put in~ and because of that I think we should go along. SUPEFJ~ISOR KLIPP: Anyone wish to be heard in opposition Hearing none, I will close the hearing at this time for further deliberetlons of the Board. k?5 N i~%rG OIiD~N A~rCE Fm-smmt to Seet. i(m 265 o~ t. ho~ 'Tov;i'z J~;.x~' hi'Id Article IX or t. he~ Buitdin~ Zone Ordinance Town of ~ou~hold, a pubUc I~ear-i k~g: will b(~ hcld b3: the [~m.d, hold ,'l'c~<';~ Board at the Orlice of the SupergZso':, i0 ~oui. h ~'i;raei:., Grotto- port, New '~'orK. on Wedncsd-~y ~ (~.D.t.r'.), ox~ il~e fo!o,c,'h):~' prcpos- (old, f~uffc-~k County, !C~m' York: ~!. By chan~ing from "A" Residen- ~tisl and ~k~'ricultdral District to ~"Jg" )~a,}h~css D.k~i. rim. thc ioi!ow- ~,in)l' dcscribed property: ~ ALL that tract or parcel of hmmfi ~ ,~,.,~t,,, lying' and beinx al. Seuth- ~ old, in ~he Tuwn or 8outnold, r,u~,olx, and 8~e o~ - Cou'nty of '~''~* ' STATE OF NEW YORK, ~ ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ....... .......... swo , says that ...... ~c/ ........ is Printer and Publisher of the SUPFOLK TIMES, a newspaper published at Gree~port, in. said county; ancl that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week, for .................... : ................................ ..~..~c--~-- ................................ weeks succesmvely commencing on the ........ ~~..-: .................... day of Sworn to before me this ...... Z.?..~.J.~.....:_. ~ By changi:~g from "A" Rmeslden- ~tial aBd Agrk'.ultural District to "C" 1L!dusl,ria!,~**t-r'.ct ....... the follow- ing' de~n'ibed i;roperty: . :.:.~a~ tract or parcel of la~d/ mtuaCe,' lying' · -'..nd being', at Mat. ti~u~k, in the Town or Sogt~01,d,: County 0'2 Suffolk, and l~tate, off New York. bounded on the ,north- New York. bom:.d,::d on the North (~ ~ ~ ~, ~ by Main r, tmtee~ 150 feet; ontha day of a'~5 F'e:g' on he Smth b~ land~ ~--%7~c/ .... 7 ' o, An, · } Bart ia0 tee%; and ./ ~ ...... ~ f~¢~ ~ ~ on tho West by Locust Lane 125 ?~' ~ ~. ~V ............................ ~'~'~L' D7 ~gt~?~N;g ....................... ~+nry PuBlic, grate of New feet. ~ ~e--~ ~i,~g Suffolk Co, Clks. No. 52-942360~,. MF ~mmission Expires M~ 30, west by iand believed to be MattitmUCk Petroleum Co~ra tion; on the North by Mattituek Inlet; on the East by land be- lieved !o be o~ island ~sphalt Company: on th:~ 8:>uth by g!es ~>ad; and on thc~ West Luther',s; l{oad said premises be- in2 formerly part of the Ward Estate and bein7 partly the br:d of what was known "Old i-iouse Crock." Fray pc:'scz~ deslri~g to be hm~rd o1~ ti~3 proposed amendm.?nta shoald appear at the I.BQIO and plato above sp?~ified. Dated: 7u17 2, 195~ EGUTI-TCLD ;TOWN BO~ EtD RALPH P. 3OOl'it, TOB~ ClX~K 2tJy!2 '":"'" ....... " :'~':' '/"':;'::' :":'"'"' .......... '" '~"' ~' '*?":':' "'" ...... ::'~'-' ;'"" .... ': : ";" "' '""*~""'"' :";""~;: ':""~'";""'; .... """'"~a' ': '""'" '~';''' '" .... ~,~: ~ ~.:',' ..... ,.'"..... ..... ?.',~ .... ' .........· .... ' ~ ........ ,: -~ ......... ' .... ~,..". ~" . ...... ,.' ~ .,~ ¥,.~ .... '. ,~ , ' ~'~ .~,~. ...r~ .., ::~,, ',".'~',, ~ ~'. -. ~,~~ '~ ,~'~m~l~:o~,-'~. 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'ge~''~'~'''~':... ...- .. ..... ~:~:"' t'~~ .... ~~. ..-, .?, )1.~1.,:' '""~":.~.,~~,~ '~ '~, .r::'~,.~f ..... . , .. ..- .-..' -... :.. . . ~,~.~ :? '~.' :,; :;. ,: .. :..:.-........:,: .... ....:.... , ..... ' ..... '.. .. ....... :.. ~ .... · ..... . .... : ~' ~,~b~ ~' . .. : .. . . - . . .,., . · :...... -.. . . .~.' ..... ..,...-.. :..... .-.-. .- : : ,' . :~:: -:~,' .... ,. ....... ..... ...,. . ............... , AJL:a! ANTHONY J. LEANZA COUNSELOR AT LAW Street, Er, cls. i=o~ld you kindly n~i£7¢ me oS' the a~te of he~ring, when %he same shall be set, and if you requi~e au5' ANTHONY J. LEANZA .ynne 8tk, 1957. Village Wall. petition z'or Zbning Varis nco f~ Dear I um enclosing herevith two copies of the involved ir the oetition of D~ Estates, I~c to do.~u Very t~uly yours, / ./~ ;, In the ~¢atter of the Application of DAWN ESTATES, I}~. Amendment to the Building Zone ordi~e-uce of the Town of go~thot~. . .... PETITION TO: T~E TOW~,~ BO~-RD~ T0~N OF SO~THOLD: p~titioner, herein, a dominic Oorpoz~atlon, duly orgauized under laws oF ~ Eia~e o~ ~ew york, ~reby ~l~ions ~ Town Building Eo~e O~nc~ ~ecsn~y enac~e~ by ~ To~n of Sout~old, ~d re~peoSF~lly sub~s ~ followinE: 1. Pe~i~ione~ is ~ o~er of an ~improved p~cel i~et~ Town oF ~ou~hol~,~.Goun~y of suffolk aud and bounded on t~ No~t~est by ~a~tuck ~role~ Co~p., Eas~ by. Isled Asp~lt and e~ t~ Sou~h by Eaugle~ Eoad and on the No.th by ~t~i~uck I~e~, on ~ ~ea$ by Lu~her,s parcel bein~ ~orme~ly p~t of t~ ~.~A. ~d Estate and lies ps. fly in t~ bed o~ w~t was ~o~ aa ~01d House C~eek~. 2. A~ t~ p~e~en~ ~i~, p~uan~ ~d ~es~io~ions ~e~ forth in t~ recently e~c~ed Build*~ Zone 0~din~ce of $~To~ Sout~ld, m~zQ parcel liss in the "A" ~ location undesirable as a rseidantial site fo~ which .i~ is presently res'~icted £e~ ~h~ ~aeons and conditions ~he~einafter (a) The parcel in 9ue~zon z~ a~Jo~ned on tw~ ~o~hwes~ (b) The pg~cel i~ question is subject to an ur~est~ic~ed Righ~-0f-~ay easement fo~ !~e~s and e~e. ss in favo~ of adjgin- i~ presses 0n t~ East, now occupied by Island Aap~lt, and also upon p~el fo~ly occupied by Coionial sand and G~avel Co.any fu~ ~o tl~ East. (c) 3 ' Th~ subsoil ~u~e and location of ~he p~eel in question ~gn~i~ on said Ma~t%~uck I~e~ and bou~d ~diately on two sides by existing industrial users and subjected ~o may be mefePred to as an "~n~um~ial.aooess easement" ~d lying (d) T~t exgep~ for the i~dust~ial users su~ro'~di~ improved ~d con~ins ne p~ularly desirable residential sites w~, ~ti~ioner p~ay~ tl~s Bo~d to exercise ~he pewer ~d authority conferred on i~ by ~icle LX of t~ Buildi~ i~poaed by maid 0~din~uce ac as to include the lan6s herein petitio~d For in the "C" Industrial Dated: ~y 28th, t9%?. STATE OF ~ YORK COUETY OF 8u~'i~OE, K ~ERNARD F~Pr~AN, bein~ duly swoPn, deposes and st.a~es Inc., ~ petitioner ~rein and ~t To~k, and ~t h~ ~$ read t~ fo~eEoir~ peri,ion as ~o all ~t~m~a therein and ~ows i~ ~o b~ ~r~e, excep$i~ as to ma~e~s Forth on informa$ion ~d belief betieve~ i~ to be t~ue. this Z~ dry or May, t9%7. No,sty' Public