HomeMy WebLinkAboutYoung, Fred WST~TE OF NEW YORK: SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: P~LPH P. BOOTH~ being duly sworn~ deposes and says that he resides at Southold, in the Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk~ snd State of New York; That he is the Town Clerk of the Town of Southo~d; th?t on the 12 day of July~ 19577 he posted a copy of the NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. i on the siEnboard msintsined by him pursusnt to Town Law in the Southold Town Clerk's Office at Southold, New Y~rk; that such posting by him was done pursuant to the pro- visions of the Town Law and pursuant to the Resolution of the Southold Town Bosrd. Subscribed and sworn to before me this /~' day of July~ 19~7. Notary Public *NOTICE OF A1V~ENI~ OF NOTICE IS H_~:I{E'BY GIVEN tha;- m.,.ant to thc: requb_'ement~s cf law, the P, nik!i~:g Zo'o.e Orain:mcc County, New York, was duly amend-.. :ed a.s follows at .~ re~fular meetimS '.of ghe ~l'own Board held ag the Of- 'fi¢~ of [he Supervisor ag Green-' porg, New York, on Jaiy 2, 1957: :I~ESOLD~I'ION APPROVING I~.- ZONING OF Pi~OPERTY ON SOU~"I'I SIDE OF A~,IN ROAD AT. WHEREAS, %he C-outhold Town' PL'ulnning Board has prepared an official retYor~ arid rccoma,ev, dagion upon .ghe Petition of F~EI) .YOUNG to amend the Building': iZone Ordinance (including tile ~uilding Zone AIa~s) of the Town oi ~ou~hold, .Stfffolk County, New York, by changing from "A" dential lu~d Agricultural Dist. ric~ to i . "B" Business Disti¢~ cert~zin prop- ferry si~tm~ed, a~ Arshamomoq~e in. · said Town, and t W}~S, ~he Town Board, af- J'ier due consideration of ~l~e !%er, decided i~ was In %lie pablic in- ':,terest to call .a hearing pursuant : to the provisions of..the Town Law and the Said Building Zone Ordin- 'ance; and. ~, sach hearing held (pursuant to notice duly glv- ,~ a me,ting of-the' Town* d. afl %he Office of ~he Super-~ ~sor,* I§ ,~uth Streeg, Gr .~er~POrt, i P. i~L,', at which all persons desir- Ing to'be ,heard in favor of said rezoni~., and akso all those d~sir- - ~g ,to be heard in opposition .there- to w~re given an op,.portuni~¥ and' were heard, and thereafter the public h~ing was closed and.. de-' eicon reserve; NOW, ~ Big ]~[f' R, ESOL~', by THE TOWi~ BOAP~ that the following property be rezoned by changing from "A" Residential and .Agricul- tural'to "B" Business District: Uate, lying and belr~ at ArSh- amomoque, in the Town of South- old, County of S%ffrolk, and'S~te of New York, bounded on the North by. land of Sage and Garde; i on the East by land of Sage and Garde; on the South by Peconic Bay; and on the W~st by Pe- . conic Bay, and it ~ FURTHER RESOLVED that the 'necessary changes be 'made ugon. , the Building Zone Maps so as to~ 'indicate the location of said ferry as being located in "B" Busi-I { lated pursuant to the Building ~Ordinance (including the Building[ [Zone Maos) or the, T~ro~,jn of South-[ [old, SuffOlk Count~, New York, and| it is FURTHER RESOLVED, that~ the fPown Clerk be and he hereby Ls authorized and directed t0 give the necessary notice of such change in zoning .to the departments and, agencies having jurisdlction in the mattcr. Dated: at ! Scmthold,. N.: Y:, July 2, SOUTITOLD TOVv-N BOARfi TOWN CI~. ~Pdg[ ltJ~ STATE OF NEW YORK, ] ~ ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ~ , says that ._;~._~..~. is Printer aad Publisher o,f the SU~-FOLK TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, ~in said county; ~nd that the notice, o,f which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each week, for ................................................ ~ ..................................... week~ succesmvely commencing o.n the ........... ~~ .................. Sworn to before me this ..... f./......~....: ..... day of ..... ~ .... 19 ......... ............. / RACHEL O. VALEb!TINE ~*~ry ?ubUc, Srgre of New York Re ' ,~g Suffolk Go. Clks. No. 52-9423600~.- My Commission Expires March 30, LEGal, NOTICE NOTICE OF AMENI}MENT OF · ZONINO oam~m'~i~E NO~ ~ ~Y G~ .~at after apu~c he~ held p~ant ~he r~em~ts of law,. ~e Zone Ordinance '(~clu~ ~e !hq Zone ~aps) of the To~ 0f South- ' oki, ~u,folk Conner, New Yo~, w~s duly ~tlllCll(~i'~ :~S Follows ~1[. a ~,l_l.ll ip,~ of ~h(, Town Board held at the Ot'.'iee of die SLI]~,+r~'i,~F ar. (]reol~por~, N'i~W ~Zork. otz Jtfiy 2. 195~: IN('~ OF F'[:~GPERTY ON SOUTH 'CF MATN [if)AD AT QUig. WI:IE}~EAS, the 8ouO~old Town P!un- ning Board has prepared an official re- )or~ and rccommtmdation tl~3n the Petition of ~'itED W. YOUNG to amend the i, ' ,. Btl.~a I ~ Toni: OFt]~ll~',lh'" ' illchld- in~,j the Building Zone '.Mnps~ of ~ho Town o[' ~u[.hold. Suffo;k County, Nma' York. by cl~anging Il'Om "~." dent[al and Agricultural Distric~ "B" Business D~trict certain property situated at Arshamomaque in said ToWn. .and Vf}I~EAS, the '~'own Board, ~fter due consideration of the ~tter, aided ii wus in the public inter~t call a. hearing pursuant to the prori.- sicns of the Town ~w and ~he Duildine Zone ~dinance, and ~E~.EAS, such hearinff was held~ ~ n0ti~ -d~y given) .at. a Oi the ~wn Board at the of kh~ Supervhsor. 1~ So~th Greenport[. N. Y., on June 4th, w~ch all persons 8f s~d lh~e desiri~ to be · were even were h~rd, ~nd w~ clo~ 'tro ~L 'that. trac~, q~:~p:arcel of land '~t-.., ~,;lyi~ anC~ing at ~chamoma .~ue,, in'. the':: ~T0~ of Sou~old; County oi Suffolk.and State 'of New, -York, bounded on ~He' N0~h by land of Sage and G~d~:; on the ~st iand of Sag¢'~rand 'Garde; on the Sou~h by Pe~i~ ~Y; ~d on the ~~ R~O~ '~at the necessdry' 'changes 'be~, made u~n the BUilding ZOne '~a~J~,(as ~ indicate fined ~d re~late~U~suan~~m- ~ B~ld~g Zone ,~ance- (~clu~ng[ ~e Building zon~ Maps) 0f the To~ 0f ~outh~ld; SuffOlk ~ty, New York, and it is. ~~ RESOL~, the To~n Clerk ~ ~d, he he.by { autho~i~: ~nd; ~r~t~ ~ We the, '~ neceSsa~ notice 0f ~ch change m ',ing to ~,the dep~tm~ and agenci~' [.havin~ 'j~c~i°n in the .matter. ' ~. Dated:. at Southold, ~ , Be ORD~ OP T~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ STATE OF NEW YORK! SS. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - .MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a 'puNic neWs- paper printed at Southold., in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ...~~. ,~.//~..~ weekff' successively, commencing on the ......... ./.ff.('fig~ ........ ' ..... Sworn to before me this ......... /L.~.. ...... day of ADELE pAYNE Notary Public, State eI ?~W' ¥0¢4 Su, o ,-, Residing in "' ' No. 52-3041000 Commission Expires March I' ._PursUa~' t to ~tiOn 265 of_ the I~own~. Law, ,and Article IX of me. ~Buildln~ Zone· Ordinance of the . Town of Southold, a public hear- !lng will be held by the Southold t Town Board at the Oifice of the .Supervisor, 16 South Street, Green- i port, New York, on June 4th, 1957, !at.7:30 P. M. (E. D. S. T.), on the [following proposals to amend the Building Zone Ordinance (includ- ing the Building Zone iVLaps) of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, ,New York: STATE. OF NE~U YORK, 1 ~ ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, ; .... ".~(~.......~.~~~......--~.~~ ....... ~ being duly Sworn, says that. ...... .:~ ...... is Printer and Publisher of the SUF] 0LK TI1VIES, a newspaper published at Greenport, ~in sa~d county; mud ~hat the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Times once in each · week, for .................................................. ...~.~.~ ................................... weeks rial and Agricult~'.ral District to successively commencing on the .............. "B" Business DL~trict the following :described property: . ! clay of ........... ~: ............... Ali' that tract or' parcel of land~ ~ ~ itu t , ' .................. .Suffolk, in' the To~n of ~uth-:, · ' ~ . . L ..... ~' te ~wo,~ to before me th~....~.~...~ old, Count~' oi .~u.l~m~, an~ ~a.. ~ -' .............. , ~o~h by ~ S~ffo~ Ave~e~ ~ ~ ~ ................. ~ ....... ~"'~ ................... I o~ Elizabeth ~Fruex and Gilbert I-Iort. on. ~2. By changing from "A" Re.side.~- rial ~nd. Agricultural District to ,,R" Business Disi~ct. tl-.e follow- 'lng described property: : All t. hat tract o,' parcel of situate, lying and being at Arsh- amomoque, in the Town. of Southoid, Count.y of ..2ufl'olk and~ State of New York, bounded on'~ the North by land o[ Sage and[ ~.a.~de; e~ the East by land o~ Sage and Garde; on the SouthI by Pcconic B~kv und on the West by Pcconic Bay. Any person desiring to be heardI on the proposed amendments[ ,~h:,o,u~d, appear at the time and! place specified. ~Dated: May 14, 1957. · BY OI~DER. OF TI{E SOUTIlOLD TOWN BOARD, RALP~t P. BO0/Ttt, i TOVJN CLERK.' 2tM24 ~ ,,-NO'J['I(,'I.: OF IIEAIJ, INi{~'ON J . Pursu:'n~(' co Sechon 7,65 of flu; Town i L,,n,:. end Article IX Of thc- Building J Zone Ordinance 0f"fhe Town of South- ~old, a pubilc ~wn'ing will bo held by ' tke-Sou(h6!d Town Board at the Office :!of i.he Supervisor, 16 8outJ~ S~reot, ~[ , .. ...... ~ · ~, .. ,..G~:eu.x~.,., ~o~ York, on June 4tl~.~ -~q57 at 7:~0 P. M. (E..D. S T,h on' 'J the following proposals to amend the' '~ Building Zone Ol'd[nance (including J the Buildlk~ Zone.~I~l of the Town~ Jof ~oud~o!d, Suffolk Counw, New york: ' .' i I; By changin~ from "A' Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Bus- iuess Dis[riel the following described. property: ~!I that tract or parcel"of land situ- at?'. ' '~ · . ,~.,ng and .being .~ New Suffolk. id"t~e Town 'o~ 8outho!d, County or Suffolk, and State of New 'York, ~ounded. on the Nor[h by New folk,Avenue; o¢~ the East by 8tre~'~; '.' on [he Sou~h by Jackson S/.reel;'::ahd on Lbo '.West by the' zev~ra! ':lands 'oi Eii~abeth .Truex and 'O1!bert ~ior[~n. " : 2. By changing from "~" Residential' and Agricu!tura! District ~o "B" iness D~trict .the following described proper W. Ail th~L I:ract or parcel 'ol"land Bituate: lying e. nd bqing at .M'sha.- J COUNTY OF SUFFOLK J STATE OF NEW YORK! ss. Frederick C. Hawkins, being duly sworn, says that he is the owner and publisher of ~THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ........ weeks successively, commencing on' the ......... ~.~-~..¥...J~ ..... ........ Sworn to before me this ..... .'.~./.~.... day of ...... ......... .............. ..... .............. Notaey Public / - ~t~-.pukli~'Stste ~0f mmiss[bn' [x~ ~ U~cW '30, ,lgSg momoqu, e in the Town of Soui;hoid, County of Suffolk and' State' Ofi~).~z¢.~ New :York, bounded on the North .. . by iafid o~ Sage and Ga,'de; on ~he: ~ast by tho land o~ Sag~ and" Gorde._ , on'the South by Peconic~' Bay: and ou ~.he West by Pecouic': Bay. ~:. . An~ person aest;nt~ ~o be-heard on ~'m,,~ .ore,seal amendments, should: appear at ~:nc ~t~ne a~Jd p!~ee above ~:q)eeiZied. Dated: AIay 14. J957. BY C)2DE~ O~ T~I~ : SOUZ'~OLD TO%VN BO.k~D. : RALPH P. BOOT}I. TOVZN 0LERK · y~ '=:OUTHOLD, L. I.,N. Y. ~en~y Fo ~ioisa Alfred ~. G~ebe .." Nay 20; 1987 P~EPORT TO ~,D~3THOLD TO~}~ BOAHD RE~ PETITION OF FEED W. YOUNG This ?etitiou requests that the Buildiog Zone 0r- dlmsmoe of t~ls town be a~ended tc reclassify the described p~op- er~y in krs~=~oque from Zone t~A" Residential and ~grloultu~al to U~on inspection by t~e Planntn~ Board, this property proves to be a yacht basi~ or ma~ina on Peconic Bay. This property was formerly pmmt of 5age's Brick Ye~d and has be~n unde~ tD~ present proprietorship £o~ several ye~a. There are 8~ ~c~es involved ly- ing 1V00 £eet f~om Eoute N.Y. 25 and hmvlag 500 feet f~ontage on the bay. ~coking E~cilittes aocommodat~ l~ boats. The distance f~om the ~age bu~.alows is approx!~3ately 10OO feet. Ot~e~ busluess e~- tabl!slmnents in the general area ~re ~ll Creek Yacht Basin ~nd ~Tr~e Tn vie~ of ~ne fact that this p~ooerty ~as been used for business fo~ a g~eat many years, that it is in a general a~ea of other bus!nes~ o£ a not too different nature, it would seem that this is t~e best, i~ not indeed the omly, u~e this property ooul~ be put T~P~E, IT ~AS Tile UZ~A~'-~J-0U~ AOTION of the ~outno!d Town Planning Boa~d~ meeting in apecial meeting ~ay 15, 1957, that t~ change requested in this petition be recormr~nded to the ~outhold TO TEE TO~-J£T =,OA~iD~ '~OWN 0'* HOLm'YK)LD, N~- The ~derstgn~d pe~i~ionem is the o~sr of tbs follow- ing legally described ALL that c~rba~u ~iot: piece or parcel of wit~. the b~i!dings ~r~d ~rovmueu~s t!~ereou erected~ si~uat~ lying and ba~g ~ the Tc.~ ef Soutnold, Suffo~ Co~by, bo~,ded and described as Follows :- BE~i~U!NG az a po~t on the southsrly l!n~ o~ a ~de by Otto 7[. V~n Tuyl, dated March 17th~ 1950, said point be- rg approximately seventeen ~-mS~ed {1700) feet in a g~n~rzl ~ast- dmed fifty (4~0) feet, ~uir~ thence ~ a Eener~.l southerly dir- five k-~ed (~OO) lest to the es. st9r!y l!n~ cf a basin in a general northerly direction to the northerly i~ of ?he ~b_ere and ~n~o~n~ c~ ~ requests tl?-~ the Building Zcn$ O_~dina~Oml!, .~=~clk Co~c_,ty~ l~ew %~c~~ BE A~.~-~.'~D~ to ;I to zone ~B" Business Dis~ict. deed ~estriotions affecting th~ use of Libsr 3066 at 2age Sa; on ~-prit 13, 19~0. individual ~.nd 0 · . · . . - .. ~ : . :?,r' ...' ." ' .. . ~ ' ' .... ' ..... :,,. ..... . . .' . ' . . '~ " . . '-. [' .. -.... '. - , ~. - '~ ..... .. ... . . , .... r ~ ,~ :, { ~ . - - ..; · :. .... . ,, .... '.- . .~ ';. - -.. · .... . -... .'.:..- . .... -: .: .  "' :"g~ ~ "~ ' ':~!"¢'" ';~' '~ 3 .". ~ ~. ,t~'~'~'~'""'-"~?"~.'' ..... ~ ...... ~,~.;.~:~,~..~:,.~, . ,f :, '.] ;'~.--~..: ~ " · ~ . ,...- · ' ' ~,. · ~ J~,t ". 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