HomeMy WebLinkAboutZ-30221 PR~ EXISTING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: Z- 30221 06/02/04 (HOUSE NO.) (STREET) FISHERS ISLAND The certificate is issued to JE~IFER RUSSELL & A~O {OWNER) Rev. 1/81 CRESCENT AVE TOXVN OF SOLTfBOLD BIJI~Dt~G DEPARTMENt TOWN HALL 765-180-* .~PPLICATION FOR CERTBFICAI]g OF OCC[BPANC5 Ttds a~Jcation must be fil2ed in by typewriter or mk trod submitted to the Building Depmlmem with the following: 1. Final survey of propmty Mth acdurat¢ location of all bmiddngs, properiy Iiaes, s~reets, and unnm2at rmtm'al ol 2. FinalApprov~lfcomHeatthDept.~fwatersupplyandsewerage-disposal(S-gfomfy 3J )kpprowJ O( electdc~ ifismtlafion from Board of F~re UndervoSters. 5. C:6mmer¢ia~ b~]4iog,indastrie3 bu~ding~ mu~iip~e re~den~e~ mad similar bui~dings` and ths~a~ati~ns~ a ee~i ~c~ of Code Compliance from arch/leer or en kSneer respoms~al'e for the bu/lding. 6. 8ubrr~t Planning Bom'd Approval of completed slie platt reqah-emcmts, For e~isl/_'~ b~ildL~_gs (prior to April 9~ 195~ non-coneor m lng uses. or hulkings ~ '~pr~*is4Mg" ~d uses: $3~qg pool $25.00, Acdessory bqg~g S25.00, A~¢om.m acc~so~ b~l~g ~~s}$5%99.., , ~ L0ca~onofPiopeny. (no #) Old or Pre-existin8 Buildimg: x kcheck or~el Fishers Island Permit No. Health Dept. Approval: Plarm/mg Bomzl Aiypro~al: Rcquq~st forf Tempopar5 Certificate Fcd'~}bmitted: $ OwnerorOwner$ >fP~operty: _Jennifer Russell, Sarah F. R~ssell and Thomas W, Suffotk Cotmty Tax Map No 1000. Section I)06,00 Block 01.0d Sub divisio~l n-la Flled Map. n/a Lgt: Date of permit n/a _ Applic~nt: n/a nfs lind elwvliters Approval: Fir~ CJd~li~¢ate:.: X , t theck one' IIan~ 002.000 n/a CONSENT TOINSPECTION Stephen L. Ham, III, as attorney for Je n' er R se 1 S ah RuSS~i1 Own~l s~ That thc rmdcrsigned tis ~ ~e om~fs~ of~e p~mmes in &e To~n~ of Sou~ol4. located at (no t;) Fox Avemre, ~ishers I~]and which is shoval and designated on the Suffolk Com~ty Tax Map as District 1000. Section 6 ,Block i , Lot 2 __- That ~e tmde,~igned (has) (have) filed, or cause to bciiied, an application in the Southold Town Building hispector's Ollice for the followkng: pre-existin~ Certificate of Occupanay for a single-family dwelliag That the undersigned do(es) llercby give colzsem to the Building Inspectors of the Town of Sonthold to enter upon the above d~scribcd property, [neludkug any g4ld all building~ moated thereon, to conduct such inspections as they may dee~n nc{zessary with respect to the aforesaid application, including inspections to determIne tt~at said prcrrfises comply w~th all of the laws. ordhrances, roles and regulations of the Town of Southol& The undersigned, in consenting to such inspections, do(es) so w~th thc knowledge and tmdcrstanding that any informa*ion obtained th thc ~onduct of such inspecnons may bc used in subscquen~ prosecutions for violations of the laws~ 0rdtuances. talcs or regulafior~s o f'che Town of Southold. Datcd: April Zl, 2004 (Signamrel ,P~I Name~ (S~gnature) CPrint N~n~ ~- t4o~4 ~.00 ' 3/7.5'.4.$~