HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA-05/20/2004 AGENDAPrep. 5/4 AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, MAY 20, 2004 9:30 a.m. Call to order. I. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW DETERMINATIONS (SEQRA): RESOLUTION declaring the following Negative Declaration with No Adverse Effect for the following projects as applied: Type II Actions (No further steps - setback/dimensional/lot waiver/accessory apartment/bed and breakfast requests noted in paragraph III, below). Hearings concluded 3/18/04): II. DELIBERATIONS/POSSIBLE DECISIONS on the following applications ( OSPREY DOMINION/LIPA/KEYSPAN #5450. Location: 44075 Main Road, Peconic; CTM 75-1-20.1 & 20.2. Applicant requests a Variance under Section 100-33A concerning the proposed height of new public utility wind turbine/antenna structure exceeding the code’s height limitation of 18 feet, and a Special Exception for a public utility use/structure on this 4.4+ acre site. (5/6 Resolution adopted extending time to 5/20/04 ZBA Meeting for decision/vote). STANLEY MALON #5383. Applicant requests: (1) Variances under Sections 100-102 and 100-103C, based on the Building Department's May 20, 2003 Notice of Disapproval concerning new construction for a multiple-use building with less than 30,000 sq. ft. per use and with a building frontage greater than 60 linear feet, and (2) Interpretation of Section 100-102, Bulk Schedule, based on the Building Department's May 20, 2003 Notice of Disapproval, to determine that multiple occupancies do not require an additional 30,000 sq. ft. of land area per permitted use in the B-General Business Zone District. The applicant is proposing one commercial structure with up to three different permitted uses with eight tenants/occupancies on this 53,821 sq. ft. parcel. Location: 32845 Main Road, Cutchogue; CTM 97-5-4.5. Zone: B-Business. (5/6 Resolution adopted extending time to 5/20/04 Meeting for decision/vote. ) Written testimony in lieu of extensive oral testimony is requested and appreciated. All testimony shall be III. PUBLIC HEARINGS: limited to zoning issues properly before the Board. 9:30 AM ALAN BRAVERMAN #5518. Request for Variances under Sections 100-242A, 100-244, 100-33, based on the Building Department's March 5, 2004 Notice of Disapproval, concerning proposed additions to the dwelling with setbacks less than 35 feet from the front lot line, and proposed swimming pool and new addition to garage, both of which will be in partly in a front yard, rather than a rear yard. Location: 2700 Vanston Road, Cutchogue; CTM 111-5-4. 9:35 AM PAUL ORLICK, Contract Vendee (Owner: Estate of A. Orr) #5519. Request for a Variance under Section 100-244, based on the Building Department's March 3, 2004 Notice of Disapproval concerning a proposed new dwelling at less than 35 feet from the front lot line, at 1300 Leeton Drive, Southold; CTM 58-2-1. 9:40 AM THOMAS ROSICKI/SPARKLING POINTE, LLC #5520. Request for a Variance under Section 100-31A.4 based on the Building Department's March 17, 2004 Notice of Disapproval, for the reason that the existing building is less than 100 feet from the front lot line at County Road 48. Applicant proposes to convert the existing building use from agricultural-nursery to agricultural-winery. Location: 39750 C.R. 48, Southold; CTM 59-10-1. 9:45 AM ROBERT VITELLI #5521. Request for a Variance under Section 100-33, based on the Building Department's February 19, 2004 Notice of Disapproval. Applicant proposes a swimming pool in a yard defined as a front yard, rather than the code required rear yard, at 1045 Gillette Drive, East Marion; CTM 38-3-3. Page 2 – Agenda Regular Meeting May 20, 2004 Southold Town Board of Appeals 9:50 AM EFSTATHIOS and MARYANN KATSOULAS #5522. Request for a Variance under Section 100-242AS and 100-244, based on the Building Department's March 12, 2004 Notice of Disapproval, amended March 22, 2004 Notice of Disapproval. Applicants propose a second story additions for additional living area and upper deck, over the existing dwelling construction, and adding a roofed entry over the existing concrete patio, portions of which are less than 35 feet from the front lot line, and with a proposed new garage, the lot coverage will be in excess of the 20% code limitation. Location: 1175 First Street, New Suffolk; CTM 117-7-27. 10:00 AM PETER and ARLENE MANOS #5523. Request for a Variance under Section 100-33C, based on the Building Department's April 1, 2004 Notice of Disapproval. Applicants propose a swimming pool in a yard defined as a side yard, rather than the code- required rear yard, at 2000 Sound Drive, Greenport; CTM 33-1-18. 10:05 AM ROBERT AND JOANN HEGERMILLER #5525. Request for a Variance under Section 100-244 based on the Building Inspector’s February 9, 2004 Notice of Disapproval concerning an addition to a new dwelling under construction (BP #29615-Z), which addition will be less than 35 feet from the front lot line, at 825 Green Hill Lane, Greenport; CTM 33-2-44. 10:10 AM ANCHOR LANE LLC #5526. Request for a Variance under Section 100-239.4B based on the Building Department's April 8, 2004 Notice of Disapproval to reconstruct first floor in place and second story over existing foundation, and new foundation for addition, within 75 feet from the closest bulkhead, at 1615 Anchor Lane, Southold; CTM 79-4-6.1. 10:15 AM MARK and CARLA HAYNES #5527. Request for a Variance under Section 100-33 based on the Building Department's September 12, 2003 Notice of Disapproval concerning an accessory garage proposed in a yard defined as a front yard, rather than the 95. code required rear yard, at 4270 The Long Way, East Marion; CTM 30-2- 10:20 AM LEONA WHITE #5524. Request for a Variance under Section 100-244, based on the Building Department's March 25, 2004 Notice of Disapproval, amended March 29, 2004. Applicant is proposing a new dwelling which will exceed the code limitation of 20% of the total lot size for building areas, at 2290 Harbor Lane, Cutchogue; CTM 103-1-28. 10:35 AM STEVE VESEY and CHERYL SCHLITT #5529. Request for an Interpretation of Sections 100-242A and 100-244, reversing the Building Inspector’s April 9, 2004 Notice of Disapproval, and/or in the Alternative a Variance concerning proposed additions to the existing dwelling with total side yards at less than 35 feet, and a single side yard at less than the code required 20 feet. Location: 370 Dogwood Lane, East Marion; CTM 38-5-3. 10:40 AM MARIO RIVELLI #5532. Request for a Variance under Section 100-242A and 100-244, based on the Building Department's April 8, 2004 Notice of Disapproval concerning an as-built addition (foundation under construction, BP #30138Z), a portion of which is less than 10 feet from the side property line, at 1435 Hobart Road, Southold; CTM 64-2-11. 10:45 AM DAVID C. and MARIA W. PATTERSON #5530. Request for a Variance under Section 100-33C, based on the Building Department's March 9, 2004 Notice of Disapproval, concerning the proposed side yard location of a new non-habitable accessory building (playhouse/garage), after removing the existing accessory garage, at Central Avenue, Fishers Island; CTM 6-4-4. 10:50 AM LAUREL LINKS COUNTRY CLUB #5528. Request for a Variance under Section 100-231, based on the Building Department's March 31, 2004 Notice of Disapproval, concerning a tennis court with fencing which will exceed the code height limitation of six feet when located in a front yard of a nonresidential zone, at 4715 Great Peconic Bay Boulevard, Laurel; CTM 125-4-24.23. At end of morning session, Resolution: Adjourn to 1 PM. Page 3 – Agenda Regular Meeting May 20, 2004 Southold Town Board of Appeals 1:00 PM Resolution to reconvene. Written testimony in lieu of extensive oral testimony is requested and appreciated. All testimony III. PUBLIC HEARINGS, continued: shall be limited to zoning issues properly before the Board. 1:00 PM BRIARCLIFF SOD, INC. #4985. Request for Variances under Section 100-32 (Bulk Schedule) based on the Building Department's May 2, 2001 Notice of Disapproval, amended April 26, 2004 concerning two lots (out of three in this proposed division) with less than 80,000 sq. ft. of land area. Location: North Side of New Suffolk Avenue and the South Side of Main Road, Peconic; CTM 85-3-12.1 and 12.2 and 97-10-1, consisting of a total area of 24.97 acres). 1:05 PM BREMER’S MARKET AND DELI d/b/a NORTH FORK MARKET & DELI #5531. Request for a Variance under Sections 100- 33B and 100-103A based on the Building Department's April 15, 2004 Notice of Disapproval, amended April 20, 2004, concerning the location of a proposed business building with a front yard setback at less than 100 feet from the Main Road. Location of Property: 11155 Main Road, Mattituck; CTM 142-2-22. nd 1:10 PM PH Canceled and rescheduled for June 22 PH at applicant’s request - Debra Victoroff. 1:20 PM MATT-A-MAR MARINA, LLC. #5494. Request for a Variance under Section 100-239.4B, based on the Building Department's December 18, 2003 Notice of Disapproval. Applicant proposes an addition to the existing storage building which will be less than 75 feet from the closest measurements to the bulkhead, at 2255 Wickham Avenue, Mattituck; CTM 114-3-1. 1:40 S. Axelrod from 4/22 PH; RESOLUTION to open for comments and to extend submission deadline to 6/17 & adjourn PH , per nd 5/14 attorney letter; PH possible date: Tues, June 22 9:35 AM. Deborah Doty, Esq. IV. OTHER RESOLUTIONS/UPDATED REVIEWS/OTHER: A. Possible deliberations/decisions - hearings concluded, Item III list (t/b/d). : B. Special Meeting 6:00 PM 6/3/04 agenda items may include work session; continued work reviews of new files for future calendars; possible findings/decisions on carryovers. C. New business (if any per Chairwoman) D. Resolution to authorize advertising of new hearings forTues., 6/22/04. V. POSSIBLE EXECUTIVE SESSION (litigation t/b/d).