HomeMy WebLinkAbout51359-Z 1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51359 Date: 11/06/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: Macaluso RE LLC 100 Hilton Ave Unit 319E Garden City, NY 11530 To: install HVAC unit as applied for. Premises Located at: 1900 Reydon Dr, Southold, NY 11971 SCTM#80.-3-12 Pursuant to application dated 09/24/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 11/06/2026. Contractors: Required Inspections: ELECTRICAL- ROUGH, PLUMBING , ELECTRICAL- FINAL, FINAL, Fees: HVAC $250.00 ELECTRIC -Residential $100.00 CO-RESIDENTIAL $100.00 Total $450.00 Building Inspector��� �� �' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax(631) 765-9502 �tt� s://www. otit oldtownn L"o I Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT . . � . ..� �: For Office Use Only I DD PERMIT NO. G l Building Inspector; Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety.Incomplete PTG TYPI�{>'.. applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Date: 9/20/24 0WNER(S F PROPERTY: Name: Anthony Macaluso j �CTM 1000-80.3-12 ProjectAddress: 1900 Reydon Dr. Southold, NY 11971 Phone#: 212-729-8424 Email: joe@bigsky88.com Mailing Address: 1900 Reydon Pr. Southold, NY 11971 CONTACT PERSON: r Name: Erich Gehm Mailing Address: 500 Bi-County Blvd. # 401 , Farmingdale, NY 11735 Phone#: 917-578-15 1 Email: erich.gehm@homeserveusa.com DESIGN PROFESSIOiNA4 NFORMATION: Name: none Mailing Address: Phone#: P Email: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: Erich Gehm Mailing Address: 500 Bi-County blvd. # 401 , Farmingdale, NY 11735 Phone#: 917-578-1591 =ma:il-:erich.gehm@homeserveusa.com DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition ❑Alteration RRepair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: ❑Other direct replacement of an air conditioner condenser and air handler $ 9,794 Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes *No Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes LRNo 1 k PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: residential Intended use of property: main resldenge Zone or used district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? ❑Yes ONo IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. CIeC px After Reading: ''the owner/conatractor/ gn p fessolonal Is responsible for all drainagestormrater issues as Provided by t hapte r Z�of tho"town Cade; APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to he Sullcling Department for the Issuance ofa splldIng Oollding Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. u Application Submitted By(print name): Erich Gehm BAuthorized Agent ❑Owner Signature of Applicant: Date: 9/20/24 STATE OF NEW YORKJ SS: COUNTY OF Suffolk ) Erich Gehm being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (S)he is the Contractor (Contractor;Agent, Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belie -and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Lisa Kmiotek Sworn before me this Notary Public,State of New York 20 September 24 Registration No.OIKM6372 1 day of ,20 quallfled In Suffolk County Commis otary PUt C PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION (Where the applicant is not the owner) I I Anthony Macaluso residing at 1900 Reydon Dr. Southold, NY 11971 do hereby authorize Erich Gehm to apply on my behalf to the Towp of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. ,e; M, 9/20/24 Owns gs Signature Date Print O ner's Name 2 f4 4 r I 6 d" a, BUILDING DEPARTMENT- Electrical Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall Annex- 54375 Main Road - PO Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802- FAX (631) 765-9502 lamesh@ tboldto nn . gy- seand@southoldtownny.gov AF PLICAT'ION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ELECTRICIAN INFORMATION (All Information Required) Date: 9/20/24 Company Name: Margin Electric Electrician's Name: Mark Camarano Lic6nse No.: ME-41277 Elec. email: mark@marginelectric.com Elec. Phone Nb: 516-343-9255 01 request an email copy of Certificate of Compliance Elec. Address.: 2144 Jones Ave., Wantagh NY 11793 1 JOB SITIE INFORMATION (All Information Required) Name: Anthony Macaluso Address: 1900 Reydon Dr. Cross Street: Lake Dr Phone No.: 212-729-8424 Bldg.Permit#: email:joe@bigsky88.com Tax Map District: 1000 Section:80 Block: 3 Lot: 12 BRIEF DESCRIP `ION OF WORK, INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (Please Print Clearly): Direct replacement ofa it conditioner condenser and air handler Square Footage: Circle All That Apply: Is job reaVy for inspection?: YES �NO Rough In FI Final i Do you need a Tomp Certificate?: YES NO Issued On PI Temp Information: (All information required) Service SizeFJ1 Ph[—]3 Ph Size: A # Meters Old Meter# ❑NewSdrvice❑Fire Reconnect[—]Flood Reconnect❑Service Reconnect❑Underg round❑Overhead #Underground Laterals 1 M2 H Frame 0 Pole Work done on Service? Y MN Additional Information: PAYMENT DUE WITH APPLICATION „,i 4 s V p� h. cz C' rz It 1 +t, 1ouse- iF!' lilt 4 all J*kb �?it it 0 lu z ti IA Q: ONO k his 'Cox LA joy CL 1:6 jail III gel Ir-o- keg a -uw I A*Ae H it, it 41" lilt kill, o 4r) M LL. C> ';s' C'e u f Suffolk County Dept. of y Labor, Licensing & Consumer Affairs-_ HOME IMPROVEMENT LICENSE 1 Name ERICH J GEHM Business Name HOMESER'VE,USA ENERGY E 'V This certifies that the LLC bearer is duly licensed b� the County,of suffolk License Number H-62362 = � Issued: 09l26/20'1/ 3 � C omrissibner Expires: 09J01/2020� 6 � 0 i t f 6 e� e f Client#: 1732307 HOMESUSA DATE(MMIDDIYYYY) ACORD.., CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 9/19/2024 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR N GATIVELY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW.THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOS NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AN THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT:If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and condftions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement.A statement on this certificate does not confer any rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER kRAJAcT Dolly Deal 1 817 Sentry c�kwy W.,VeVp 16 11 AD is ss Mo.....Deal usl.com _......._... ................. ...................................... ......... ... .................................,.,.,...... _w_ __.. ..---------_.------- INSURER 300 S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# Blue Bell, PA 19422 li' INSURERA:ZurichAmericanInsuranceCompany 16535 _.www........ .............. INSURED INSURER B:Allied World National Assurance Company 10690 HomeServe USA Energy Services LLC .... _._......_......... ..................._... INSURER C 500 Bi County Blvd,Ste.401 ____......._...._.... .._w _____ __w...................... INsuRER D': Farmingdale, NY 11735 INSURER E INSURER F COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT T E POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOT THSTANDIkG ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITIONOF ANY CONTRACTOR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MA BE. ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HER IN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS ANCONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. IIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS? .. , ___w....... _.............__ �. ..... _............ .. _....�� &y ..._.........._.__ .............------------- -- *PE F IN SURANCEHHHHHHHHH µMµMµMµ Ua ._w INS& POLICY NUMBER p�tYI YYI /17,_ E__ LIMITS �q' .... ___......................................_....... A X COMMERCIAL„GENERAL LIABILITY GL0292689304 D710112024 07/01/202E EACH OCCURRENCE $2 0OO OOO O�JAA _....a._,.,....a. ..,......w.w_vwvw.,.v. CLAIMS-MADE �X OCCUR iR W ErRaFNu r:cakwww_ $1,OQ9,000 ....,.................. 1 MED,EXP(An one Person) „$. 9r.000.............................. ............w .... PERSONALBADVINJURY $2000,0OO GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: I� 2ENERALAGGREGATE $4000,000 POLICY ECOT LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $4 OOO 000 OTHER: ww...............�.. $ .................. _._._. S I1 IDS W --.....ww_...___..........._._._...._._._. A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY BAP292689404 7101/2024 07/01/202 2,000,000 X ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ BODILY INJURY(P accident) _$ OWNED tEO'ULEII OILY YAMrE ccident) $ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS $ HIRED NON-OWNED PR AUTOS ONLY Per acs�X AUTOS NLY X IrpO) .... ......,.w._,.,.._.__..,...,... _.......... .......... .,. ...... ...... B X UMBRELLA LIAB X OOOt�' 03106305 7/01/2024 07/01/202 EACH OCCURRENCE $9 000.000 . _ .....,,.,�_°__T...._wU..B....E..v................EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGAE ....... ,...$9a 00O_a 00.w0 ..... �-DEI RETENT*N$10000 $ WORKERS COMPENSATION OTHA AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY �.. ...........--°°°. ... PRq�yPRIETORIPARTNERIEXECUTIVEr E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $1 000 000 OFFVCERAM'EM4BER EXCLUDEO2 N N/A (Mandatory in Nit) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $1 r000�000 I/tro, dosa�bou r CYE,S tNP"GBON O PERATION below ................... E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $1�000,000........................_-_ k G �I I DESCRIPTION OF OP T'IONS&LOCATIONS I VEHICLES(ACORO I Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached if more space Is required) Anthony Mac E�o,1900 Reydon Dr.,Southold,NY 11971 Town of Sout MIDI Is Included as Additional Insured for General Liability as per the written contract with the'Named Insured. I CERTIFICATE HOLDER ° CANCELLATION Town of Southold SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Building Department ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 511375 Route 25 Southold,NY 111971 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE O 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION.All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) 1 of 1 The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD #S46243710/M45203656 MYDCR c � a G ' NEW Workers' " CERTIFICATE OF STATE Compensation NYS WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE COVERAGE Board 1a.Legal Name&Address of Insured(use street a3dress only) 1b.Business Telephone Number of Insured LI PH Enterprises LLC 1 631-501-6010 dba:HomeServe Plumbing&Heating of Long Island 91 D Moffitt Blvd. 1 c.NYS Unemployment Insurance Employer Registration Number of Bay Shore,NY 11706 Insured 50-00806 Work Locati In of Insured(gnly req red if coverage is specifically limited to 1 d.Federal Employer Identification Number of Insured or Social Security certain locations in New Yoq State .e.,a Wrap-Up Policy) Number I� 11-3479391 2.Name and Address of Entity Requesting Proof of Coverage 3a.Name of Insurance Carrier (Entity Being Listed as the Certificate Holder) Zurich American Insurance Company Town of Southo d Building Department 3b.Policy Number of Entity Listed in Box"1 a" 5<t375 Route 2 Southold,NY 11971 WC-2926891-04 3c.Policy effective period 07/01/2024 07/01/2025 3d.The Proprietor,Partners or Executive Officers are �X included.(Only check box if all partners/officers included) Ej all excluded or certain partners/officers excluded. This certifies that the insurance carrier indicated above in box"3"insures the business referenced above in box 1a"for workers' compensation under the New York State Workers'Compensation Law.(To use this form,New York(NY)must be listed under Item 3A on the INFORMATION PAGE of the worker'compensation insurance policy). The Insurance Carrier or its licensed agent will send this Certificate of Insurance to the entity listed above as the certificate holder in box"2". I The insurance carrier must notify the above certificate holder and the Workers'Compensation Board within 10 days IF a policy is canceled due to nonpayment of premiums or within 30 days IF there are reasons other than nonpayment of premiums that cancel the policy or eliminate the insured from the coverage indicated on this Certificate. (These notices may be sent by regular mail.)Otherwise,this Certificate is valid for one year after this form is approved by the insurance carrier or its licensed agent,or until the policy expiration date listed in box""3c",whichever is earlier. This certificate is issued as a rrtaer of information only and confers no rights upon the certificate holder.This certificate does not amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policy listed„nor does it confer any rights or responsibilities beyond those contained in the referenced policy. I This certificate may be used as evidence of a Workers'Compensation contract of insurance only while the underlying policy is in effect. Please Note: Upon cancellation of the workers'compensation policy indicated on this form,if the business continues to be named on a p rmit,license or contract Issued by a certificate holder,the business must provide that certificate holder with a new Certifica r of Workers'Compensation Coverage or other authorized proof that the business is complying with Ithe mandatory,coverage requirements of the New York State Workers'Compensation Law. Under penalty@o f perjury,I certify that I am an authorized representative or licensed agent of th insurance carrier referenced above and that the named Insured has the celverage as depicted on this form. r P P Approved by: Patrick mite M'awr�k" narna°orau tro entative or licensed agent of insurance carrier) Approvedby- . 4 „ M� r pp b y: i �� � 07/01/2024 ($ignature) (Date) o II Title: Vice President Telephone Number of authorized representative or licensed agent of insurance carrier: 484-351-4668 Please Note: Only insurance carriers and their licensed agents are authorized to issue Form C-105.2.Insurance brokers are authorized to issue it. C-105.2 (9-17) www.wcb.ny.gov s k f .CiE Workers' CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE COVERAGE Axt Compensation Board NYS DISABILITY AND PAID FAMILY LEAVE BENEFITS LAW PART 1.To be completed by NYS disabili y and Paid Family leave benefits carrier or licensed insurance agent of that carrier 1 a.Legal Name&Address of Insured(uie street address only) 1b.Business Telephone Number of Insured Timothy Christie LI Enterprises LLC DBA Homeserve Plumbing&Heating of Long Island 91 D Moffitt Blvd. Bay Shore,NY 11706 Work Local on of Insured tca 1 711 aid it coverages is specifically limited to 1c.Federal Employer Identification Number of Insured certain locaffons in Now w York State,i.e d�lfrsep•dJp Policy) or Social Security Number I 47-2220569 2.Name and Address of Entity equesting Proof of Coverage 3a.Name of Insurance Carrier (Entity Being Listed as the Certificate Holder) The Prudential Insurance Company of America Town of Southold Building Department 3b.Policy Number of Entity Listed in Box 1a 54375 Rote 25 CG-70058-NY Southold, NY 119i71 3c.Policy Effective Period t j 01/01/2024 to 12/31/2024 4. Policy provides the following benefits: A.Both'disability and Paid Family Leave bey efits. B. lisal�illly benefits only. C.Paid,Family Leave benefits only. 5. Policy covers: ❑■ A.All of the employer's employees eligible under the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law. B.Only the following class or classes of employer's employees: II Under penalty of perjury,I certify that I am an authorized representative or licensed agent of the insurance carrier referenced above and that the named insured has NYS disability and/or Paid Family Leave benefits insur;ln—rnvarana ac rfacrrinarf anr,�ra ' Janua i2 20 4 Date Signed ry; �-- BY t (Signature of.,.,,« �,„ ..,,,,,,�,...„.,..z,..�Y �...o.�.�,.......,.—asedinsuranceagentofthatinsurancecarrier) I Carol nn Smith -VP Contracts Telephone Number 215-65 -7318 Name and Title Y IMPORTANT: If Boxes 4A and 5A are checked, and this form is signed by the insurance carrier's authorized representative or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that carrier,this certificate is COMPLETE. Mail it directly to the certificate holder. If Box 4B,4C or 5B is checked„this certificate is NOT COMPLETE for purposes of Section 220, Subd,S of the NYS Disability,and Paid Family Leave Benefits,Law. It must be emailed to PAUwcb.ny.gov or it can be mailed completion to the Workers'Compensation Board, Plans Acceptance Unit, PO Box 5200, Binghamton, NY 1;902-5200. PART 2.To §e completed by the NYS Workers'Compensation Board(only if Box 4B,4C or 5B have been checked) State of New York Workers' Compensation Board According toinformation maintained by the NYS Workers'Compensation Board, the above-named employer has complied with the NYS Disability)and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law(Article 9 of the Workers'Compensation Law)with respect to all of their employees. Date Signed $y II (Signature of Authorized NYS Workers'Compensation Board Employee) i Telephone Number Name and Title Please Note:Only insurance carriers licensed to write NYS disability and Paid Family Leave benefits insurance policies and NYS licensed insurance agents of those insurance carriers are authorized to issue Form DB-120.1.Insurance brokers are NOT authorized to issue this form. DB-120.1 (i12-21) IIIIIIPiuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiillllll o, II. A `f U a i r N7. i f A a, jN Y U. f L � Aj Y � 4 X 4 l 4YTO'AWRKCompe Workers' -rlr omns atlrzri CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE COVERAGE Board NYS DISABILITY AND PAID FAMILY LEAVE BENEFITS LAW PART 1.To be completed by NYS disability and Paid Family Leave benefits carrier or licensed insurance agent of that carrier 1a.Legal Namb&Addres$of Insured(use street address only) 1b.Business Telephone Number of Insured tl MARGIN ELECTRIC LLC 2144 JONEP,AVENUE 5163439255 WANTAGH,1 NY 11793 Work Location of insured(LlrtJy required if coverage 6s s�oef/tally flrriuled Po 1c.Federal Employer Identification Number of Insured certain locati its in New Y**State 1„e,,Wrap-Up Policy) or Social Security Number 54375 u,'to 25 83-0413268 2.Name and Address of Entity Requesting Proof of Coverage 3a.Name of Insurance Carrier (Entity Being Listed as the Certificate Holder) Standard Security Life Insurance Company of New York ,Town of Southold Y p y 54375 Route 25 3b.Policy Number of Entity Listed in Box 1a Southold, NY 11971 78702-00 3c.Policy Effective Period 1/1/2018 to 9/19/2025 4. Policy provides the follolwing be efits: ❑K A.Both disability end PidFamily Leave benefits. ❑ B.Disability benefits only. ❑ C.Paid Family Leave beneffits only. 5. Policy covers: Q A.All of the employer's employees eligible under the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law„ B.Only the following class or classes of employer's employees: tl Under penalty cif perjury,I'certify that I am an authorized representative or licensed agent of the insurance carrier plerenced above and that the named insured has NY disability and/or Paid Family Leav�benefits insurance coverage as deer" d above. Date Signed /20/2024 By (Signature of insurance carrier's authori d representative or NYS licensed insurance agent of that insurance carrier) r Telephone Number (212 3�4141 NameandTitle SUPERVISOR-DBL/POLICY SERVICES IMPORTANT:lf Boxes 4A and 5A are check d, and this form is signed by the insurance carrier's authorized representative or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that carrier,this certificate is COMPLETE. Mail it directly to the certificate holder. I If Box 4B,4C or 5B is'checked,this certificate is NOT COMPLETE for purposes of Section 220, Subd. 8 of the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law. It must be emailed to PAU@wcb.ny.gov or it can be mailed for completion to the Workers'Compensation Board, Plans Acceptance Unit, PO Box 5200, Binghamton, NY 13902-5200. PART 2.To be completed by the NYS Workers'Compensation Board(Only if Box 4B,4C or 513 of Part 1 has been checked) State of New York Workers" Compensation Board According to information m Intained by the NYS Workers' Compensation Board, the above-named employer has complied with the NYS Disability and aid Family Leave Benefits Law(Article g of the Workers'Compensation Law)with respect to all of their employees. Date Signed By (Signature of Authorized NYS Workers'Compensation Board Employee) Telephone NuLer Name and Title 4 Please Note: 0My insuraroce carriers licensed to write NYS disability and Paid Family Leave benefits insurance policies and NYS licensed insurance ages of those insurance carriers are authorized to issue Form DB-120.1. Insurance brokers are NO'T authorized to issue this form. B I I DB-120.1 (f 2. 1, III�IIP°°1°1°2111 (�1111°11°11)°IIIIIII M N YS 1 i V New York State Insurance Fund PO Box 66699,Albany,NY 12206 1 nysif.com CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE I i A A A A A A 83041326 MARGIN LECTRIC LLC 2144 JONFES AVENUE WANT!AGA NY 11793 mig%� 2 SCAN TO VALIDATE AND SUBSCRIBE POLICYHOLDER CERTIFICATE HOLDER MARGIN ELECTRIC LLC e TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 2144 JONES AVENUE 54375 ROUTE 25 WANTAGH NY 11793 SOUTHOLD NY 11971 POLICY NUMB R CERTIFICATE NUMBER POLICY PERIOD DATE H 1469 068- 178004 11/29/2023 TO 11/29/2024 9/20/2024 � e THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICYHOLDER NAMED ABOVE IS INSURED WITH THE NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND UNDER POLICY NO. 1469 068-9, COVERING THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF THIS POLICYHOLDER FOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION UNDER THE NEW YORK WORKERS' COMPENSATION LAW WITH RESPECT TO ALL OPERATIONS IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK, EXCEPT AS INDICATED BELOW, AND, WITH RESPECT TO OPERATIONS OUTSIDE OF NEW YORK, TO THE POLICYHOLDER'S REGULAR NEW YORK STATE EMPLOYEES ONLY. IF YOU*ISH TO RECEIVE NOTIFICATIONS REGARDING SAID POLICY,INCLUDING ANY NOTIFICATION OF CANCELLATIONS, OR TO VALIDATE PHIS CERTIFICATE,VISIT OUR W'ESSITE AT HTTPS:/NVWW.NYSIF.COM/CERT/CERTVAL.ASP.THE NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND IS NOT LIABLE IN THE EVENT OF FAILURE TO GIVE SUCH NOTIFICATIONS. THIS POLICY DOES NOT COVER THE SOLE PROPRIETOR,PARTNERS AND/OR MEMBERS OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. THIS uCE�TIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS NOR INSURANCE COVERAGE UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICY. I NEW YORK STAT SUR NCE FUND ku � DIRECTOR,INSURANCE FUND UNDERWRITING i VALIgATI`ON NUMBER: 33217992 U-26.3 ryti I V a DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 17 os/zo/zoza THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER QF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INS<JRANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy; certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer ri hts to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsements. PRODUCER PatrlCe Tan O _ I ..M .,_...,,,.: Tango,Tango i Tango Inc. 1 + A xU' (631)543-0500 HONE FAX Not w(91 317-�300 E-MAIL 1139 JERICHO TPKE STE 5 ; � rtri'ct t�otan�tun tLcom _ INSURER S AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# COMMACK NY 11725-3000 INSURERA: HARTFORD UNDERWRITERS wwwwwwwwwwwww.._.._wwwww_ INSURED . ...... .. INSURER UNITED STATES LIABILITY Margin Electric LLC INSURER C: ............w �www Mark Camarano INSURER D: 2141 Jones Ave INSURER E LLE War INSUR ta h NY 11793 ER F COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTII Y THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. IS THSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENTS TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DO UMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN„ TIE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES LI ITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, INSRJ E OF INSURANCE w POLICX NUMBER _ m w............................... ��' � M1Jr2'._....._�_....._..._._.�..,�,.�.......__..____, POLIo'Y EFF P LNCY EXP ... LIMITS X COMMERCIALL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 CLAIMS-MADE XX_.IOCCUR _Lmj $ 500,000 _ME D EXP An one arson) $ 5,000 A Y I12SBMBE9YYP 05/16/2024 05/16/2025 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ 1,000 GEEN'LAGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: o GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 XPOLICY❑ PRO JECT ❑LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 OTHER: _ $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMSWEDRSILE LIMI $ ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ OVVNED� SCHEOULEO BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ AUTOS QNLY AUTOS HIRED NON E ROPERfMOAIAGE $ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONL $ X UMBRELLA LIAB X OCC6� EACH OCCURRENCE $ 5,000,000 B EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE XL1651060 02/21/2024 02/21/2025 AGGREGATE $ 5,000,000 OED .w www RETFNTION$ 10,000 $ WORKERS COMPENSATION 1 T . H- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY ,„,„,„„ ^T „VT R ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE Y/N N/A E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ OFFICEWMEMBF1EXCLUDED? w . tM;mmclstery In ----- NH E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYE $ 6N yyes(Mandatory I a u r �ww__.. DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS 1 elow E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $; I -------------- E DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (ACORD 10 ,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached If more space Is required) Certificate Holder named as additional insured. i CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE Town Of Southold THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. building Department 54375 Route 25' AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE �'.. Southold NY 11971 7 "= ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD y TITIPMF PI.Y'WM4 ALL CODES OF bubmittal NEW YORK STATE&TOWN CODES AS REQURED AND CONDI�110NS OF S0001 OTO I SOML WN PLAMING BOARD 'SO TOWN'TRUSUES N DEC onowlipc SCHD Split System Cooling 2.5 Ton 4TTR30JOH1000N -g z= A PR V�l P I VEDAS NOTED, FE BY: NOTIFY BUILDING DEPART ENT AT 631765-1802 8AM TO 4PM FOR THE FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS: 1. FOUNDATION-Tl" O RFOUIRED FOR POUF Er CO3A,,RETE 2. ROUGH_ F, I& i.,IJlljMPBING 3. INSULATION' ,I 4. FINAL-CONSTRUCTION MUST OCCUPANCY01-l' BE COMPLETE FOR C.O. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET THE USE IS UNLAWFUl. REQUIREMENTS OF THE CODES OF NEW YORK �TATE. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WITHOUT CEf ITIFIW, DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTON ERRORS OF OCCUPANCY ELECTRICAL INSPECTION REQUIRED 1 7� A N - April 2020 4TTR303OH-SUB-lF-EN TECHNOLOGIES' s n rAME, .4 Proy, uct Specifications OUTDOO UNIT(a)(4.) 4TTR303OH1000N (a) Certified in accordance with the Air-Source Unitary Air-conditioner POWER C&NS.—V/PH/HZ(c) 208/230/1/60 Equipment certification program,which is based on AHRI standard 210/240. 1 MIN.BRCHI.CIR.AMPACITY 16 (b) Rated in accordance with AHRI standard 270. BR.CIF(.PROT.RTG.—MAX.(AMPS) 25 (c) Calculated in accordance with Natl.Elec.Codes.Use only HACR circuit breakers or fuses. COMPRES OR CLIMATUFF@-SCROLL (d) This value shown for compressor RLA on the unit nameplate and on NO.USED—NO.STAGES 1—1 this specification sheet is used to compute minimum branch circuit ampacity and max.fuse size.The value shown is the branch circuit VOLTS/PH/HZ 208/230/1/60 selection current. R.L.AMPS(d)—L.R.AMPS . 12.3—63 (e) Use start components only when compressor is found to enter locked rotor condition and will not start or when lights dim at compressor FACTORY INSTALLED start.No means no start components.Yes means quick start kit START COMPONENTS(e> NO components.PTC means positive temperature coefficient starter. Optional kit shown. INSULATION/SOUND BLANKET NO M Standard Air—Dry Coil—Outdoor (a) This value approximate.For more precise value see unit nameplate. COMPRESSOR HEAT NO (h) Max.linear length 60 ft.;Max.lift—Suction 60 ft.;Max.lift—Liquid OUTDOOR FAN PROPELLER 60 ft.For greater length consult refrigerant piping software Pub.No. DIA.(�IV.)—NO.USE 18.9—1 32-3312-0*(*denotes latest revision). TYPE DRIVE—NO.SPEEDS DIRECT—1 CFM @ 0.0 IN.W.G.M j 2000 NO.MOTORS—HP I 1-1/8 MOTOR SPEED R.P.M. 825 VOLTS/PH/HZ _ 200/230/1/60 F.L.AMPS 0.9 OUTDO04 COIL—TYPE SPINE FIN— ROWS—F.P.I. 1—24 FACE AREA(SQ.FT.) i 12.89 TUBE SIAI(IN.) 3/8 1 REFRIGE NT LBS.—R-4Q0A(O.D.UNIT)(9) 4 LBS.,2 OZ FACTORY SUPPLIED YES LINE SIZE—IN.O.D.GAS(h) 3/4 LINE SIZE—IN.O.D.LIQ. _ 3/8 CHARGING SPECIFICATIONS SUBCOOLING 10OF DIMENSIONS H X W X D CRATED(IN.) 34 x 27 x 29 WEIGHT SHIPPING(LBS.) 157 NET(L S.) 137 w c 1 l � b ip d 4TTR303OH1-SUB-1 F-EN 3 V t G f p ( p; P bl Y F Q gry pc Y p � P 0 I i A tl ( I P h ui 4 11 V a rAIME Trane - by Trane Technologies (NYSE: TT), a global innovator - creates comfortable, energy efficient indoor environments for commercial and ♦•esidential applications. For more information, please visit trane. com or tranetechnologies.com. ant CERTIFIE FI Unitary Small AC cI us LISTED The AHRI Certified mark indicates Trane U.S.Inc.participation in the AHRI Certification program.For verification of individual certified products,go to ahridirectory. org. Trane has a 41olicy of continuous data improvement and it reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice.We are committed to using environment Ily conscious,print practices. u 4TT'R3030I-(-$UB-1 F-EN i 2� r Ap 2a2o Supersedes4i�"'if:3030H-SUB-1E-EN (November2019) 02020Trane O f ag ` f p SG-BAH-22 January 2020 "Advanced Distributor Productf Specification Guide a ts ziees Multi-Position & Hydronic Air Handlers lectric or Hot Water Heat, with available Variable-Speed High Efficiency ECM Motor it u Contents Page Nomenclature 2 Product Features 3 Physical Data 4 ! Blower Performance 5 Electrical Data 8 Water Heating Capacities 12 H dronic System Design 14 Line Lengths for Heating Coils 15 Installation Configurations 16 „ , r Dimensions 18 1, I p I . 0 0% . MICROBfah. Intertek Product improvement is a continuous process at Advanced Distributor Products.Therefore,product specifications are subject to change without notice and without obligation on our part.Please contact your ADP representative or distributor to verify details,. ©by Advanced Distributor Products. All rights reserved. 2175 West Park Place Blvd_Stone Mountain,GA 30087 k i it I i Cabinet and General Features Enhanced grommets-secure&tight. • Multi-position available from factory,or field convertible with accessory kit. Side return right-or left-hand capable on 12-30,36 size models. • All air handlers are basiloid packaged-1ith bar`coding and full description on label. Filter rack door with thumb screwsfor Ileasy access and replacement. Fiberglass air filter comes with every air handler and filter racks accepts readily available size filters. • Cabinet constructed of heavy gauge painted steel. • High quality 5/8"foil-faced insulation lines cabinet. UL lab tested 2%or less cabinet air leakage for better efficiency. Approved for installation in manufactured housing and mobile homes. Evalporator Coi Features • High:efficlency�lanced lin design. • "No-hassle"5=year"rranty • R-22,R-410A„AC�Heat Purrip compatible. • All coils have durable packaging with bar coded labels on the box. • Threaded expansion valves available factory installed or as a field installed kit. • Coils are air pressure tested at 500 psi,leak tested with helium,sealed with rubber plugs,then charged with dry air. • Piston options include externally accessible body for easy piston change out and/or TXV installation. • icroban®antimicrobial additive to inhibit the growth of mold and mildew in the drain pan. • UV resistant drain pans are molded of high temperature(4501F)engineered polymer. B • Dual 3/4"FPi condensate drains on front-left and front-right side of drain pans. • Patented HydroTEC rm low water retention drain party, ra sed coil cabinets are fully lined with d8"foil faced insulation. & • O tional painted or embossed galvanlzedlsteel cabinets. •, Short cabinet with easy'access, • Nehru-captive refrigerant Dines with long stubs make for easy installation. • Erlftanced refrigerant pipe grommets:secure,tight,and easy to install. • Copper distributor tube assembly provides brass to brass threads for trouble-free service of TXV. Hot Water Heat Features • Hot water heat kits available both factory and field installed. • Easy to replace hest water coil.Removepone screw and slide out. • Suitable for potable water sy4tems and certified to NSF 372. • Optional factory installed circulating pump fully encased in cabinet(includes integral check valve). • Optional factory installed 130°F aquastat delays water circulation until hot. Purge valve on hot water coil allows for manual release of any air trapped in coil during installation or servicing. • Water connections 7/8"ODF(for 3/4"water pipe)on 12-30,&36 size models and 1 1/8"ODF(for 1"water pipe)on 31,&37-60 size models. . Control boardicomes s andard factory installed on all Air Handlers and Includes the following features: (Features ark c rp atible with both factory and field installed 6rcutatin,g pumps.) 1, POMP ti, r•Activates pump for 1 minute every 5 hours eliminating stagnant water in hot water coil(meets Massachusetts requirernq Ints). 2. 24 VAC isolation valve control-allows for zoning control. 3. Auxiliary contacts for water heater or boiler activation. 4. Freeze protection-standard factory installed,activates at 40 deg.F and deactivates at 70 deg.F. 5. Thermostat connections. 6. Time delay for blower activation: 60 seconds(std„) • 130 deg.F Aquastat(w/optional aquastat) `aria le-Speed High Efficiency/ ECM Motor Features • Vriable-speed control board includes dry,contacts for thermostat connections. j Constant air circulation feature runs airf'frn r at 50%of cooling CFM,improves IAQ and eliminates stratification. UControl board LED Lights display operation mode and when dehumidification is activated. Dehumidtflcation-cut&ing dehumidification resistor on variable-speed control board reduces cooling airflow by 10%. • Choose your own cooling/heating airflow settings,by selecting taps A-D on the variable-speed control board. • Fine tune your airflow setting by selecting(+)tap to increase airflow by 10%and(-)tap to decrease airflow by 12%. • Soft start feature runs airflow at 82%of cooling CFM for first 7.5 minutes of operation. • Time delay-1 minute blower off delay i the end of a call for cooling. Electrical Features • Blower door safety switch on fall models. Dynamically balanced high efficiency three-speed motors for project flexibility. • Easy to adjust blower speeds for fine tuning customer comfort. • Electrical connections can be made on top or both sides of cabinet. •I Electric heat kits available for field installation. • Integrated fart time delay postpones blower shutoff for 30 seconds in heating mode and 45 seconds in cooling mode. �I 3 4 h U I F I Blow er Performancg: 3 Speed Motor (20812401 V Motor) All data is given while air handler is operating with a dry DX coil and air filter installed. Speeds marked in bold with asterisk* are the factory speed settings for both heating and cooling. Heating speeds should not be reduced below factory setting. Airflow(CFM)vs.External Static Pressure inches WW.C.) ___ ... _._ . w.... Unit Size Fan Speed Electric HeatModels Water Heat_Models (MBTUH) Settin 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 *Low 640 635 619 584 513 608 603 588 555 487 12 _. Med 907 861........ $08 743 _659 862 8..www-..... __. _. - _ 18 768 706 626 ._.................�Hi_h..._,�.,.,.._,. _....-961....- 914 ,._.85��,..�.. 786..._...._.www.www.._..........�.�.�_............._,...M....__......... ............._......�.............. ................_.�, _......................................... 4 703 913 868 811 747 668 _._..,..._.... ......._ ,. _._.....__.. ....... ........M. _www...Wµ .. Y,.._.ww 03 588 555 487 w _ 640 635 619 584 513 608 6 703 913 818 768 706 626 .., _ 659 862 8 _........ __ _.......... ..... ..___............... 18 ed 907 861 $08 743 High 1 961 914 854 786 68 811 747 668 Low 640 635 619 584 513 608 603 588 555 487 24 Med._..... _ 907. 861 .... ....808-- _ .�_..._ .....�__,�.... ., ...............ww__ _------_ 743 659 862 818 768 706 626 ... .._.. ..Hi„", -961 _.. 914 w.. w _..854FW... _.....-786 . ._..- 703 91.3. 868 81.1_ ,. 7,... -._ . 66 ......... * 47 668 Low 757 725 673 602 549 719 689 639 572 522 * 893 862 $23 wwww WWW 746 660 ._...848 819..... _._. 1111M .... Y1059YW 1005 964 904 _ 627 Hi h ._w.v ....___w.__._...... w . .�. --.w�,v_�...1055... . 1..006......_._.955 9106_. ......... ... 25 Med -,_.... ...... � 859 893 862 823 602 549 719 689 639 572 522 .ow 757 725 67 30 Med 3 746 660 848 819 782 709 627 *Himm h 1 ill ....1.05,9.., _ 1005..._..._.964 904 .........1055 1-0b6 °'....._955.. . 916 859 .. Low 1221 I1187 1099 1080 1018 11........ _....... w..__ ._.._.._.. 31 120$ 1146 1073 1263 1204 1148 1089 1019 High .,1383........ 1367 1260.. 1..........,_., ._ _...._._ �.wuw..._ ..... 188 1103 1314 1251 1197 1129 1048 Low 1221 1187 1099 1080 1018 1160 1128 1044 1026 967 36 . . *Med""___.,•`--.1329 1267 1208 1146 mm µ mm1073 1263 1204._. ._.-1148 1089 1019TM " - ..1260 1'188 1103 ...... ..1.314 1µ251 w. _.....1.1.97.._......1129 1048 * 53 1214 1133 1188 1200 1190 1153 1076 37 Med .1.,396 1397 w 1 371 �1309 ww _1215 1326ww 1327 1302.........-W 1244 µ 1154 High 1731 1668 1588 1487 1379 6644 1585 1509 1413 1310 _*Hw ww_ 1397 1373 1214 1133 1188 1200 1190 1153 1076 42 Med w wwww....�1396 ..w _...1263 1251..... ....1309 _ . 1215.,....,,..1326 w..._'13. .-..-.._a_..__..._ .........�_.�- _. ,,,_.... Low 1251 _............... �...._._13 . __..... 5.7 1302 1244 1154 1731 1668 1588 1 487 1379 1644 1 5 1509 1413 1310 I Low 1627 1582 1513 1432 1328 1546 1503 1437 1360 1262 4 e 1854 1 48 1656 1552 1448 1761 1661 W1573 1474 1._w.w__... .......... *f mm 1328 w..,__.. 1376 60 _w........*MedLow l��m1960-.. 1892 µ 1814 1704 1616 1863 1797 1723 1619 1535 _._.._.._.. ............. _ ww.w ,.... .... ..... ,. ... w _- Hi h 2072 2001 1889 1789 1643 1968 1901 1795 1700 1561 P r 4 � P� I G G .. . . i � ^ ^ | ��^ �� ����� «�«����� ������������ ������������== ����� ����K������� J���� x�"�=~~~" ThermostatTerminals Control Board Taps ,polii�q_�HP Heating This CFM is not approved for use with the highest kW heater size, Humidistat will reduce cooling airflow� 10%in high humidity. ***Airflow is the greater of the COOL and HEAT values when both electric heat and heat pump are operating. Adjust tap(+)will increase airflow by1O96.while tap(-)will decrease airflow by12%. Adjust tap TEST will cause the motor to run at 70%of full airflow. Use this for troubleshooting only. At the start of a call for cooling there is a short run at 82%of airflow for 7.5 minutes. A±the endmfa call for � ��vm�m|in� amb�*�oroffdelmypf1minuto. Note� �FM performance renp co nstant .� �cpmosunu; above O.8''vviU eou|tin loss ofpehbrmonce. \ | Special Note for Units 0juipped with HummKdistat: [fusing ahumidiotat the Dehumidify resistor located on the bottom right mf the control board mmst|bmremoved, The HUM terminal on the board must be connected to the Normally Closed contact of the humidiohoteu that the board senses on open circuit on high humidity. Control Board Taps and Dehumidify Resistor. --------------------- ADJUST ^-The moto�control board that provides airflow selection also features LED indicators that display operating mode, humidity control, and airflow,CFnM. In dditi thermostmtsigna|mfm"enoergencyhemu(E8A).aux. hea1( V1), revapm(mg ' smormbmge1 (YI). compressor stage 2(Y2).and blower(G)are all indicated by lit LEQ^mon this board. If |stmtia used, the dehumidify LED x will light the honnidistat opens and the motor runs atreduced airflow, The 2 � cmntro|6mmrd also has a CFM LED that displays the operating CFx0. This red LEDCUT flashes once for each 1OOCFK0. For example, if the operating CFMis12OO.the ,.mm=**ffy LED CFW1 LED will flash 12Umon.then pause before repeating the 12'Oooh pattern. 2.Dehumidify resistor | 7 l u Elegy tricai Data: 3-Speed PSC Motor , a With Electric Heat ,p Electric c Heating3-Speed Blower Amps � Circuit Capacity ° Blower Ampacity Circuit Breaker Unit Size Minimum 3-Speed 3-Speed Amps Per Stage IZ] (MBTUH) kW BTUH Heat Blower Blower 240.vi.........24.O..V Setting 208V.........240V,,. . .......___._,_, .. ��3 I'] 208V 240V 1 2 3 2.5 17,065 Low 2.8 2.6 14.8 16.3 20 . 5! .... 8,530 Low 2.8 .. ............._ w.w _ w __....... ... _...__... ..._.M_..._�.Mm..i .^6 ww 42.3._.__ . 45 - _w 2.6 316 10 34,130 Low 2.8 2.6 48.6 55.3 65 - 7.5 25 598 Lo 2.8 I 2.6 37.4 4 0 - n __._....w_. ..,.._ _._.w.w...w.w.w.._M __.... www. .. .,.. ...w __._..._..m.. ....._..mm,.. . ..... _w_...._. �w..w..... ...._ 12.5 42,663 Low 2.8 2.6 59.9 68.4 45 30 ........15__........ ........5,1.�m.1.g,5......��...............Low_.�.................2.8 .......L..,.,.,....2.6.�.� .�71�.�.�.�.�.�.� �.�.�.�.�.�.�.�..�.�.�.�.�.�.� .�............__..v........._._ ,._...........__._.....2 .. 81.4 60 30 2.5 8,530 Low 2.8 2.6 14.8 16.3 20 -- ....5 _....... m17,065 .. Low. .. 2.8 2.6_. 26.1 29. _wwww_. .. 3 30 ..5 25,598 ow 2„ _.. _.....2 ...... .......7.4 .__.._..........ww_ ............... . ................... 2.6 37.4 42.3 45 36 .. 2.8 2.6 48.6 55.4 60 - - 12.5.._....F&i_ 4.2.'.6.6.3. Med 2.8w._... -2.6 59.9 . �....... ..� .....w.. _._....._.. _ . 10 34,13 L 3 68. 45 30 - 15. ,195 Med 2.8 ....... _ _..........__.... ...... .. 2.6 71.2 81.4 60 30 17.5 ._ .ww.w59,728....... Med.... ,..µ.....2.8 ....2.6..... . ..2:.5.......�94..4...........___..._..w.. ._..._....__..... ........................................82 � 60 45 20 68,260 Med 2.8 2.6 93.8 107.4 60 60 5 17,065 Low 2.1 1.9 25.2 28.4 30 - - .. ...... .o 36 5 41.4 4b 37 5 60 1. k........ 5 530... ._ Low .. , ._d2.1 1 9�........ 59.0 47.8 12.5 42,663 Med T. 1.9 67.5 45 30 'S 51,195....... MedWWmm..... .w.w,..2.1 1.9...... . 70.3. 11 ................ . _._... 80.5 60 30 . .........ww...�._.68,260................Med 2�.�..�.�.� 1.9 92.9 106..E_..._.6 ...,....., 20 0 60 5 17,065 Low 2.1 1.9 25.2 28.4 30 -- - 7.5 ...............25,598 Low 2.1 _I _....w_..__ w.....,,..,... ....__........0 1.9 36.5 41.4 45 12 5 42,663 _.._42 34130 Low 2.1 1.9 47 8 54 5 60 Low 2.1 1.9 59 0 67.5 45 30 . ...,.�................. . 15 + 51 195 Med Ti-2.1 1.9 70.3 80.5 60 30 _._ ......_. __ .. .._.,.._ ....., . . _...... .�...�.........�. ..__...._. i 207 68,260 Med 2.1 1.9 92.9 106.5 60 60 - _...., ..._ 30.9 45 13i X 43.9 45 10 34130 Lo 4.2 3.9 50.4 ....wv. 5 17 065 0 57.0 60 ....... ..w_................. .... ....,.. ....... __- .. ................_....... ......,w.w_... .....,.,. ............. .. .�......`................., ..._ 48 12.5 42,663__...._ Low ..._.,_ 4.2._.__ ww_3w9.. 6.1...� _...�...... I_ 45 ........ 30..w.._.... 15 51,195 Low 4.2 3.9 73.0 83.0 60 30 - _......20......wvwv 68,260".. .. ... .Low... _..4.2 3.9 ...........95.5 109.0 6......... __..... 0 60 -- ........,.�.............._ .... ......... .,._.�...... µ 3.9µMµM 118...1 ..1, ......_......_�. ........� ._..,......�. ._.._ 25 85,325 Med 4.2 35.1 60 60 30 5 17,065 Low 4.2 3.9 27.8 30.9 45 C1 -- I ... w ... . ... Low 4.2 3.9 39.1 43.9 45 - 7.5 2559 . . �.,.... ..... ....._._ _._.45 _.... .. 4 57.0 60 - r_ 1 0..... 34,130 ......�.�.�..Low..._..._.....4.. 3.9 5.0.�........... �.�_......_..._...... ...._...._... 60 12.5 42,663 Low 4.2 3.9 61.7 70.0 45 30 - _.........�... . ......_.... �.�.. .... ...............Low.................._ 4.2...........�w......3.9�.........__73.0 83.. ...................�_�.�...... ._.�.�.�... 0 60 30 __ . .. 0.. 60 �. ...., .............. __ 260 ..,....,,.Low......... ... 4.2 3 9 95.5 109:�. .. 6. 25 i 5,325 Med 4.2 3.9 118.1 135.1 60 60 30 kW packages in ,bold MOO indicate that these heat packages require and include circuit breakers. Optional for others. [1]For 208 Volts use 751 �Orrection factor for kW&BTUH. a [2]Listed circuit breaker size is for 240V applications. For 208V verify breaker sizing based on min. circuit ampacity. [3]Breaker supplied with heat kit may need to be changed. Verify breaker sizing based on min, circuit ampacity„ i } 1 { 9 4 V G Electrical Data: Variable Speed ECM Motor With Electric Heat Ele tric Heating Blower Amps Min Circuit i p Variable-Speed Circuit Breaker..........,�.'..�..._C�.w._aci � Variable-Speed.. .......�...... Amm....w_. ......._- a Unit Size �..:........ Amps Per Stage[z] (MBTUH) kW BTUH ECM Blower ECM Blower _-.._.m _ .. .... _........ 240 V[i] 240 V['l 208V 240V 208V 240V 1 2 3 ......2.9 0 5 8,530,065..... 2.9 ._......2.7 .....26.2....... ....29.4... 2..�_.._.._.���_ _... ....�.. � 30 - - ._.__.. .. w___�..._�_�_�_.........�.�.�.�...._...�.._...........,.._.�.........................._.......... _._ 37.5 _.......,, _�.. .� 2.9 2.7 48.8 42.4 45 ...... _w........................................... I� _ ..,......._ 42,663 2.9 N __...2.7....W.,. m...°60.0... - 68.5.._ ......45 _,,..30..T.. .. .... 12.5 2.7 71.3 8 .5 _ ..60.... 30. 4 15 51,195 2.9 � �1 -- 2.5 8,530 - - - - -- - - 5 17,065 - - - - 7 5. .....' 25,598 _ 36(not available) 10 34 130 -- .w.. 12 5 42,6631 -- .. ... . 17.5 59,728 - _ - -- - _20.. 68,260 .... .... .................. WWWW. - -•- -- - 5a..._._.v'_._17,065 2.9 2.7 w. 26.2 ....._.29w4. .. 30. _ ... 7.5 25,598 2.9 2.7 37.5 42.4 -- .................. .. .. 37 10 34,130 2 9 2 7 4..8 55 5 60 12 5 42,663 2.9 2.7 60.0 68.5 45 30 71.3w.w. - _.' w..... 68A..260W.........2.9 2.7 93.9 07.5...........6.0..... 60. .. 5 17,065 3.7 3.5 2 35 - ....... .. .... . . 7.2 30 4....... _....... _...._........_w 7.5 25,598 3.7 3.5 38.5 43.4 45 -- - 12.5 42,663 ...3 7.. __w . .. 42 3.5 49.8 965 60 3.5 61.0 69.5 45 30 20 68,260 3.7 WWW WW 3.5.. 72 3 82.5 60 w 30 M..... .. .._.5 ._...._ ....... 5 94.9 108.5 60 60 5 17,065 ...7 3.5 27.2 . ...30.4 ........ 35 31 ._ P 7 5 25,598 3.7 i .. ... 3 5 38.5 43.4 1 45 I -- 10 34,130 37 3.5 49.8 56.5 60 2.5 4 7 3 5 61.0.... . �ww -1. __ .._ 45 30.. . .........."........ 2,663 3 69.5 i P 15 51,195 3.7 3.5 72.3 82.5 60 30 _.20µ _ u _..68,260 3m7m mm 3w5 94.9 1085 60 60 ___..... __._.m__w_ 25 85,325 3.7 3.5 117.5 j 134.6 60 60 30 5 17,065 4.6 4.3 28.3 31.4 35[31 -- - ..........._......................�..............m�................�..___ �_.................... w............................�.�. �.�.....,. ........................................_. .,_................. 7.5 25,598 4 6 4.3 39.6 44.4 45 - - ................._..ww w._vwv_ _ .......... 10 34.130 4.6 4.3 50.9 57.5 wv 60 _....._.. __.._. ... .m __~ N.. .. ... ._.._, _v.._.__...... _ __... 60 12 5 42,663 4 6 4.3 62.2 70 5 45 30 - 4.._._._ .__. _._._......... _ ______ 3.5 i 83.5 60 30 - 15 .. ....51,195 4.6 4 3 7� .. �..��. ........ .... 20 68,260 4.6 4.3 96.0 109.5 60 60 - 25 85,325 4.6 4.3 118.6 135.6 60 60 30 kW packages in bold italics indicate that these heat packages require and include circuit breakers. Optional for others. (1)For 208 Volts use 351 co recfNon factor for kW 6 ST4JR (2)fisted circuit breaker sizes for 240V applications, For 208V verify breaker sizing based on min.circuit ampacity. (3)Breaker supplied m ith heat kit may need to be changed. Verify breaker sizing based on min, circuit ampacity. P P 11 p I k u YFY Water Heating Cap?city (BTUH) (cont.) Unit Sizes 42 & 48 i Water Entering - - -....... 3 GPM 4 GPM Coil Water H2O P.D. CFM H2O P D 1111111 C-F"M H2O P.D. CFM 1500 1600 in FT. -T 14 -T 1600 � ­.- ­-­-­­7 4667... Size Temp in FT. in FT. 1400 1500 1600 30 120*F 32,883 33,695 34,441 1.4 36,190 37,221 38,173 2.0 38,464 39,660 40,722 3 ROW __j40*.F-.' 01.0 46,541 47,701 48,766 1.3 51,167 52,686 53,996 2.0 54,329 56,032 57,617 ------------------------ -"6"6...... ........................... .�8 372 888 63,279 1.3 310 68,229 70,004 1.9 70,350 72,572 74,640 --------------- ---------------------- ........ 0.9 -7'-4','330"'76,'209'-77,-933............................1--3""- 676 g3,95-1-- �8-6---,14-9- 1.9 86,486 89,234 91, 792 120-0- ..... ..............................- 4 1.0 �4 .........2........-- ,457 .-46,.9-..-.8.-.8..I48,, .4-0--9F................. 8 17 42707 44,0 20 45 .... --.. - .. .... .... F74216 . , -25 ­-. 6 - ---64 ROW . 140F i.0 54 582 55,996 60284 62,131 63,834 2.6 64,115 66,290 68310 2�52 . 1.7 7 3 2. . 82,9H g,f6 88 38 00f 1.0 86,924 89,200 91,276 1.6 95,879 98,851 101,592, i4 101,845 105,340 -- - --108,588, Unit Size 60 Water �ntering 3 GPM 4 GPM 5 GPM ............. ...... Coil WaterFM H2OP.D. CFM ............... H2O20 P.D. � - ---- --""1 2000 ................... 2000 in FT. 1800" 1900 200 in ..... Size Temp I 1 0 FT. 1900 in FT. 1800 1900 120°F 1.2 37,308 38,521 2.1 41,636 42,459 43,229 3.2 44,672 45,650 46,570 .. ............ 140*0- ........... 3 ROW 54,'526 2.1 58,874 60,047 61,145 3.2 63,115 68 679 70216 ........... ............. 77,839 79,273 3.1 81,74-1"'' 83,56 4 85,273 1 2 69,650 70,737 2.0 76,308 ........................... 93,886 95,781 97,555 3.1 1 00,51 104,879 6 .101 Y.6-­ I I tii 120*F 1.1 J�,662 406 45,095 1.9 49,104 50,118 51,065 2.9 52,882 1 54,114 5��371 140*F ---------6 1',-6i-6 - ............ 69,31 0,759 72'�-64­-­i.8....... 96m,5114 4 76,35--"--" 9 4 ROW 1 79,853 81,224 89,723 91,598 93,347 2.8 514 103,03& J767i"?�Zl .......... 180°F 1 1.1 98,172 99,863 11 -8 579114,739. .27 1118,557..."' ' ,1121,369 124,009 All capacities are based on 70°F entering air temperature. For entering air ternoeratur's other than 70°F use the following capacity correction factors: (72°F x.982), (68°F^x 1.02), (66*F x 1.04). Glycol correction factorsi,d(10%X.98), (20%X.95), (30%X.92), (40%X.88). nN 13 Maximum Line Lengths for Heating Coils Using ADP Pump All tine t ' gths are total for supply and return u Air Nominal Maximum Supply Pipe Length(ft.)type K copper Handler Water Coil Size Pipe Size GPM Size (ID) 1 1.3 1.5 1.8 2 2.3 2.5 2.81 3 3.3 3.5 3.8 1 4 4.3 1 4.51 4.8 5 6 7 8 1/2" 256 149 100 71 53 35 23 15 1 8 - - 12,18,& 2 Row 3/4"' - - - 464 361 263 198 152 118 -- - - 24 1/2" 1256 148 98 70 51 33 20 12 5 3 Row 3/4" - _ - 464 351. 251 186 140 105 - 1/2" - - - 55 37 25 16 10 - 2 Row 3/4" - - .. 372 273 208 162 128 99 76 58 43 1"U _ _ 504 401 321 267 30&36I 1 - - - 53 35 23 14 8 3 Row /4" - _ - 361 263 188 152 118 89 66 48 33 - 461 359 280 217 3/4" - - - - - - 134 '104 81 63 48 35 25 16 9 - 3 Row 1"" - - - - 526 422 341 277' 227, 177, 141 111 _ 31,37, 1 1/4" - - - - - _ - 576 467 378 - 42&48 3/4^ _ µ 126 97 75 57 43 30 19 11 4 4 Row 1"'" - - - - - 497 397 319 257 200 156 120 90 1 1/4" - _ _ _ µ 514 405 315' ut 3/4" - _ 121 92 69 51 37 23 12 3 a 3 Row 1" - 473 372 '.293 230 172 127 90 59 1 1/4" - _ _ _ mT - 430, 318 228 60 _ 3/4" - _ - - - - 123 94 72 54 40 27 16 8 - 4 Row 1" - - - - - 485 382 306 244 187 143 106 77 1 1/4" Notes: 1.Line lengths are based on water only.To adjust maximum line lengths for glycol,divide length by the factors shown in Table 2. 2.IMPORTANT:Glycol should never be used in a potable water system. 3.All lengths are based on closed loop systems. 4.Line lengths within the shaded areas should not be used when a water heater is the source of heat.When using a boiler for these line I lengths,excessive line temperature loss will occur and must be accounted for. i 5.Supply and,return lfes must be property insulated to reduce temperature loss and to prevent freezing when passing through an unconditlored spa 6.Alt lengths lnclurll(12)90°short radius elbows.To adjust for extra or fewer fitt6ngs,use the factors in Table 1. 7.Always use full flprw ball or gate valves to minimize pressure drop. Table 2 Fluid Temperature Table 1 Equivalent ft.of pipe /°Glycol 1.4..........0°F...._.. y 160°F ^� „x �180°^F° y F ipe size 90°SR el 90°LR el 45°el gate valve 10 1.04 1.04 1.62 P 1/2" 1.5 0.8 1 1 20 1.08 1.07 1.04 3/4" 2 1 1.4 1.4 30 1.13 1.11 1.08 ,p 1"" 2.7 1.3 1.9 1.9 40 1.19 .16 1.12 1 1/4" 3.6 1.8 2.�5 2.5 50 1.24 1.21 1.17 u r , 15 a " Sizes 31, 37 - 60 Installation Configurations S,ading Indicates Proper Line Connections 0 U pflow As shipped from factory I (return in bottom) 1 I b f I Airflow Sig/ \\Coll\\ WNW \ \ A \ Oj � \ a `\ P / Either set tins \\ may be used60 I BoVnWlfter IFa,rre Horizontal Right Factory ready if ordered as multi-position or field convertible with horizontal drain pan kit �,O O t , Uc 4 - Airflow —� Drams Horizontal Left Field convertible if ordered as multi-position or field convertible with horizontal drain pan kit Bottom/Filter Frame \ �- 4irflow a SSuuc.`LLiiq.��� 17 �• d p �j C II 4 u �g 4 b 4 e V V p N, r 4 {VN I P 1 �V� 0 i 1 p ' o i 7, h 0 �8� d w d � 19 I SSP�SC11� I TRMF , a I Submittal i � II Split System Cooling 2.5 Ton 4TTR30JOH1000N _ - -- 1 � 99 I I J 1 III III I I I I I I April 2020 14TTR303OH-SUB-1 F-EN T � n N = TECHNOLOGIES' I I m . TRNVE° Product Specifications I OUTDOO UNIT(a)(q) 4TTR3030H1000N (a) Certified in accordance with the Air-Source Unitary Air-conditioner POWER C NNS.—V/PH/HZ(�) 208/230/1/60 Equipment certification program,which is based on AHRI standard 210/240. 1 MIN.BRCH,CIR.AMPACITY 16 (b) Rated in accordance with AHRI standard 270. BR.CI .PROT.RTG.—MAX.(AMPS) 25 W Calculated in accordance with Natl.Elec.Codes.Use only HACR circuit breakers or fuses. COMPRESSOR'_ .-' '' )'', CLIMATUFFO-SCROLL I (d) This value shown for compressor RLA on the unit nameplate and on NO.USED—NO.STAGES 1—1 this specification sheet is used to compute minimum branch circuit ampacity and max.fuse size.The value shown is the branch circuit VOLTS/PH/HZ 208/230/1/60 selection current. (a) Use start components only when compressor is found to enter locked R.L.AMPS(d)—L.R.AMPS 12.3—63 rotor condition and will not start orwhen lights dim at compressor FACTORY INSTALLED start.No means no start components.Yes means quick start kit START COMPONENTS(a) i NO components.PTC means positive temperature coefficient starter. Optional kit shown. INSULATION/SOUND BLANKET NO M Standard Air—Dry Coil—Outdoor (9) This value approximate.For more precise value see unit nameplate. COMPRESSOR HEAT NO (h) Max.linear length 60 ft.;Max.lift—Suction 60 ft.;Max.lift—Liquid OUTDOOR FAN PROPELLER' 60 ft.For greater length consult refrigerant piping software Pub.No. 32-3312-0*(*denotes latest revision). DIA.(N.)—NO.USE P 18.9—1 TYPE DRIVE—NO.SPEEDS DIRECT—1 CFM @ 0.0 IN.W.G.(6 I 2000 NO.MOTORS—HP 1-1/8 MOTOR SPEED R.P.M. 825 VOLTS/PH/HZ 200/230/1/60 F.L.AMPS 0.9 OUTDOO COILL"_.TYPE ' SPINE FIN— ROWS—F.P.I. i 1-24 I FACE AREA(SQ.FT.) 12.89 TUBE SIZ (IN.) 3/8 i REFRIGE . NT •' LBS.—R-4Q0A(O.D.UNIT)(9) 4 LBS.,2 OZ FACTORY SUPPLIED YES LINE SIZE—IN.O.D.GAS(h) 3/4 LINE SIZE—IN.O.D.LIQ. 3/8 CHARGING SPECIFICATIONS' SUBCOOLING 10OF bIMENSIONS H'X W X D, CRATED(IN.) 34 x 27 x 29 WEIGHT., i SHIPPING(LBS.) 157 NET(L S.) 137 i I I I Iu I !I I 1 I , 4TTR303O fN-SUB-1 F-E N 3 i I 4 I I I' I ' 1� I If ; I , I I II� I �II 1 TJMNE® Trane - by Trane Technologies '(NYSE:1 TT), a global innovator - creates comfortable, energy efficient indoor environments for commercial and residential applications. For more information, please visit trane. com or tranetechnologies.com. it • ' Unitary Small AC AHRI Standard 2101240 C UL US LISTED The AHRI Certified mark indicates Trane U.S.Inc.participation in the AHRI Certification program.For verification of individual certified products,go to ahridirectory. org. Trane has aF�olicy of continuous data improvement and it reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice.We are committed to using environmentblly conscious print practices. 4TTR3030H-�UB-IF-EN 127Apr2a2o Supers I 02020Trane I SG-BAH-22 January 2020 PAV�_ Advanced Distributor Product? Specification Guide i' B Series Multi-Position & Hydronic Air Handlers �lectric or Hot Water Heat, with available Variable-Speed High Efficiency ECM Motor - Contents Page 1A Nomenclature 2 Product Features 3 r Physical Data 4 Blower Performance 5 Electrical Data 8 ,. Water Heating Capacities 12 j r Hydronic System Design 14 } ;s Line Lengths for Heating Coils 15 Installation Configurations 16 Dimensions 18 N f I ' I C {�•f{C{IOM fF{f 11Y{■6� ��. I Intertek Product improvement is a continuous process at Advanced Distributor Products.Therefore,product specifications are subject to change without notice and without obligation on our part.Please contact your ADP representative or distributor to verify details. ©by Advanced Distributor Products. All rights reserved. 2175 West Park Place:Blvd.,-Stone.Mountain,GA 30087 I Cabinet and General Features • Enhanced grommets-secure&tight. • Multi-position available from factory,or field convertible with accessory kit. • Side return right-or left-hand capable on 12-30,36 size models. • All air handlers are basiloid packaged rylith bar coding and full description on label. crews• Filter rack door with thumb s for a sy access and replacement. • Fiberglass air filter comes with every air handler and filter racks accepts readily available size filters. • Cabinet constructed of heavy gauge painted steel. • High quality 5/8"foil-faced insulation lines cabinet. • UL lab tested 2%or less cabinet air leakage for better efficiency. • Approved for installation in manufactured housing and mobile homes. Eva!poratorl Coil Features • High efficiency Ianrieo in design. • "No-hassle"6-'year Warranty • R-22,R-410A,AC Heat Pump compatible. • All coils have durable packaging with bar coded labels on the box. • Threaded expansion valves available factory installed or as a field installed kit. • Coils are air pressure tested at 500 psi,leak tested with helium,sealed with rubber plugs,then charged with dry air. • Piston options include externally accessible body for easy piston change out and/or TXV installation. • icrobanO antimicrobial additive to inhibit the growth of mold and mildew in the drain pan. • V resistant drain pans are molded of high temperature(450°F)engineered polymer. • Dual 3/4"FPli condensate drains on front-left and front-right side of drain pans. • F pp tented Hyd(oTECTm low water retention drain pan. • q sed coil cabinets are fully lined with 5/8"foil faced insulation. • O tional painted or embossed galvanized steel cabinets. •I SFtort cabinet with easy access. • Nc n-captive refrigerant lines with long stubs make for easy installation. • Enhanced refrigerant pipe grommets:secure,tight,and easy to install. • Copper distributor tube assembly provides brass to brass threads for trouble-free service of TXV. Hot Water Heat Features • Hot water heat kits available both factory and field installed. • Easy to replace hot water coil.Remove onescrew and slide out. • Suitable for potable water sygtems and certified to NSF 372. • Optional factory installed circulating pump fully encased in cabinet(includes integral check valve). • Optional factory installed 130"F aquastat delays water circulation until hot. • Purge valve on hot water coil allows for manual release of any air trapped in coil during installation or servicing. • Water connections 7/8"ODF(for 3/4"water pipe)on 12-30,&36 size models and 1 1/8"ODF(for 1"water pipe)on 31,&37-60 size •I models. Control boardl comes standard factory installed on all Air Handlers and includes the following features: (Featurgs are compatible with both factory and field installed circulating pumps.) 1. PSmp tiCn r-Activates pump for 1 minute every 6 hours eliminating stagnant water in hot water coil(meets Massachusetts requirerg6nts). 2. 24 VAC isolation valve control-allows for zoning control. 3. Auxiliary contacts for water heater or boiler activation. 4. Freeze protection-standard factory installed,activates at 40 deg.F and deactivates at 70 deg.F. 5. Thermostat connections. 6. Time delay for blower activation: 60 seconds(std.) • 130 deg.F Aquastat(w/optional aquastat) Varia le-Speed High Efficiency ECM Motor Features • riable-speed control board includes dry contacts for thermostat connections. C6nstant air circulation feature runs airl14 at 50%of cooling CFM,improves IAQ and eliminates stratification. j Control board LED Lights display operation mode and when dehumidification is activated. Dehumidification-cutting dehumidification resistor on variable-speed control board reduces cooling airflow by 10%. • Choose your own cooling/heating airflow settings,by selecting taps A-D on the variable-speed control board. • Fine tune your airflow setting by selecting(+)tap to increase airflow by 10%and(-)tap to decrease airflow by 12%. • Soft start feature runs airflow at 82%of cooling CFM for first 7.5 minutes of operation. • Time delay-1 minute blower off delay at the end of a call for cooling. Electrical Features, • Blower door safety switch on 611 models. • Dynamically balanced high efficiency three-speed motors for project flexibility. • Easy to adjust blower speeds for fine tuning customer comfort. • Electrical connections can be made on top or both sides of cabinet. Electric heat kits available for field installation. •i Integrated far)time delay postpones blower shutoff for 30 seconds in heating mode and 45 seconds in cooling mode. 3 it e I i Blovlier Performancg 3 Speed Motor (2081240 V Motor) All data is given while air handler is operating with a dry DX coil and air filter installed. Speeds marked in bold with asterisk* are the factory speed settings for both heating and cooling. Heating speeds should not be reduced below factory setting. Airflow(CFM)vs.External Static Pressure(inches W.C.) Unit Size Fan Speed Electric Heat Models Water Heat Models (MBTUH) Setting 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.60 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 *Low 640 635 619 584 513 608 603 588 555 487 12 Med 907 861 808 743 659 862 818 768 706 626 High 961 914 854 786 703 913 868 811 747 668 * ow 640 635 619 584 513 608 603 588 555 487 18 ed 907 861 808 743 659 862 818 768 706 626 Hi hij 961 914 854 1 786 703 1 913 868 811 1 747 668 Low 640 635 619 584 513 608 603 588 555 487 24 Med 907 861 808 743 659 862 818 768 706 626 *Hi h 961 914 854 786 703 913 868 811 747 668 Low 757 725 673 602 549 719 689 639 572 522 25 *Med 893 862 823 746 660 848 819 782 709 627 Hi h 1111 1059 1005 1 964 904 1055 1006 955 1 916 859 'ow 757 725 673 602 549 719 689 639 57t 522 30 j Med 893 862 823 746 660 848 819 782 709 627 �j *High 1111 1059 1005 964 904 1055 1006 955 916 859 *Low 1221 187 1099 1080 1018 1160 11 8 1044 1026 967 31 , Med 1329 1267 1208 1146 1073 1263 1204 1148 1089 1019 High 1383 1317 1260 1 1188 1103 1 1314 1251 1197 1 1129 1048 Low 1221 1187 1099 1 1080 1018 1160 1128 1044 1026 967 36 *Med 1329 1267 1208 1146 1073 1263 1204 1148 1089 1019 High 1383 1317 1260 1188 1103 1314 1251 1197 1129 1048 *Low 1251 1263 1253 1214 1133 1188 1200 1190 1153 1076 37 Med 1396 1397 1371 1309 1215 1326 1327 1302 1244 1154 High 1731 1668 1588 1487 1379 1644 1585 1 1509 1413 1310 Low 1251 1263 1253 1214 1133 1188 1200 1190 1153 1076 42 *Med 1396 1397 1371 1309 1215 1326 1327 1302 1244 1154 High 1731 1668 1588 1487 1379 1644 1585 1509 1413 1310 I Low 1627 1582 1513 1432 1328 1546 1503 1437 1360 1262 46 ed 1801 1706 1620 1513 1398 1711 1621 1539 1437 1328 High i 1854 1748 1656 1552 1 1448 1 1761 1661 1573 1474 1 1376 Low l 1640 1583 1552 1497 1439 1 1558 1504 1474 1422 1367 60 *Med 1961 1892 1814 1704 1616 1863 1797 1723 1619 1535 High 2072 2001 1889 1789 1643 1968 1901 1795 1700 1561 I I 5 it I Blower Performance: Variable-Speed High Efficiency ECM Motor Thermostat Terminals Control Board Taps Unit Size Op$rating Mode X=Energized Terminal Cool Hat (MBTUH)I. I HUM EM W1 Y1 Y2 G A B C D A B C I D `1 CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM CFM Continuous Blower X 500 400 350 350 i Hi Cooling/HP Heating * X X 1000 800 700 600 251 Low Cooling/HP Heating X 700 560 490 420 Aux. Heat X X I X *** *** *** *** 10001 800 700* 600* Emer. Heat X X *** *** *** *** 1000 800 1 700* 1 600* Continuous Blower X 600 500 400 350 Hi Cooling/HP Heating ** X X 1200 1000 800 600 30,31 Low Cooling/HP H sting X 840 700 560 420 Aux. Heat X X X *** *** *** *** 1200 1100 1100 1100 Emer. Heat X X *** *** *** *** 1200 1100 1100 1100 Continuous Blower X 600 500 400 350 Hi Cooling/HP Heating ** X X 1200 1000 800 600 371 Low Cooling/HP Heating X 840 700 560 420 ux. H at X X X *** *** *** *** 1200 1100* 1100* 1100* Omen. Heat X X *** *** *** *** 1200 1100* 1100* 1 1100* Continuoyb Blower X 800 700 600 500 Hi Cooling/HP Heating ** X X 1600 1400 1200 1000 42 Low Cooling/HP Heating X 1120 980 840 700 Aux. Heat X X X *** *** *** *** 1600 1400 1200* 1100* Emer. Heat X X *** *** *** *** 1600 1400 1200* 1100* Continuous Blower X 800 700 600 500 Hi Cooling/HP Heating ** X X 1600 1400 1200 1000 48 Low Co 6 ling/HP Heating X 1120 980 840 700 1 Aux. Heat X X X *** *** *** *** 1600 1400* 1200* 1100* Emer. Heat X X *** *** *** *** 1600 1400* 1200* 1100* i Continuous Blower X 900 800 700 600 Hi Cooling/HP Heating ** X X 1850 1600 1400 1200 60 Low Cooling/HP Heating X 1295 1120 980 840 Aux. Heat X X X *** *** *** *** 1850 1600 1400* 1200* Emer. Heat X X *** *** *** *** 1850 1600 1400* 1200* *This CFM is not approved for use with the highest kW heater size. **Humidistat will reduce cooling airflow b 10%in high humidity. ***Airflow is the greater of the COOL and HEAT values when both electric heat and heat pump are operating. Adjust tap(+)will increase airflow by 10%,while tap(-)will decrease airflow by 12%. Adjust tap TEST will cause the motor to run at 70%of full airflow. Use this for troubleshooting only. At the start of a call for cooling there is a short run at 82%of airflow for 7.5 minutes. At the nd of a call for cooling there is a blower off delay of 1 minute. Note: OFM performance reains constant up to 0.8"ext. static pressure; above 0.8"will result in loss of performance.rtt 1 Special Note for Units quipped with Humidistat: If using a humidistat,the Dehumidify resistor located on the bottom right of the control board mustlbe removed. The HUM terminal on the board must be connected to the Normally Closed contact of the humidistat so that the board senses an open circuit on high humidity. Control Board Taps and Dehumidify Resistor. --------------------• __------ ` ADJUST HEAT COOL The moto�control board that provides airflow selection also features LED NORM A •- A •- indicators that displa�operating mode, humidity control, and airflow CFM. (+) B •• BB In additio�I thermostat signals for emergency heat(EM), aux. heat(W1), reversing TEST •• � •• � valve(0),I�ompressor stage 1 (Y1), compressor stage 2(Y2), and blower(G)are Dt all indicate)by lit LED's on this board. If a'humidistat is used,the dehumidify LED will light when the humidistat opens and th�motor runs at reduced airflow. The z DEHUMIDIFY control 6oa°rd also has a CFM LED that displays the operating CFM. This red LED TCUT TO ENABLE flashes once for each 100 CFM. For example, if the operating CFM is 1200,the 1.DehumlalyLED CFM LED will flash 12 times,then pause before repeating the 12-flash pattern. 2.Dehumidify resistor I Ele�trical Data: 3-Speed PSC Motor • I � � I With Electric Heat !d Electric Heating Min Circuit Capacity 3-Speed Blower Amps Ampacity Blower Circuit Breaker Unit Size Minimum 3-Speed 3-Speed Amps Per Stage 121 (MBTUH) kW BTUH Heat Blower Blower 240 W" 240 V[�] Setting 208V 240V 208V 240V 1 2 3 2.5 8,530 Low 2.8 2.6 14.8 16.3 20 - - 1 5 17,065 Low 2.8 2.6 26.1 29.3 30 31 i 7.5 25,598 Lo 2.8 2.6 37.4 42.3 45 y 10 34,130 Low 2.8 2.6 48.6 55.3 60 - - 12.5 42,663 Low 2.8 2.6 59.9 68.4 45 30 - 15 51,195 Low 2.8 2.6 71.2 81.4 60 30 - 2.5 8,530 Low 2.8 2.6 14.8 16.3 20 - - 5 17,065 Low 2.8 2.6 26.1 29.3 30 - - 7.5 25,598 lJow 2.8 2.6 37.4 42.3 45 - - 36 10 34,139 Low 2.8 2.6 48.6 55.3 60 - - 12.5 42,663 Med 2.8 2.6 59.9 68.4 45 30 - 15 51,195 Med 2.8 2.6 71.2 81.4 60 30 - 17.5 59,728 Med 2.8 1 2.6 82.5 94.4 60 45 - 20 68,260 Med 2.8 2.6 93.8 107.4 60 60 - 5 17,065 Low 2.1 1.9 25.2 28.4 30 - - 7.5! 5,598 Low 2.1 1.9 36.5 41.4 45 - - 37 101 1 , 4,130 Low 2.1 1.9 47.8 54.5 60 -- - 12,5 1!142.663 Med 2.1 1.9 59.0 67.5 45 30 - 15 51,195 Med 2.1 1.9 70.3 80.5 60 30 - 20 68,260 Med 2.1 1.9 92.9 106.5 60 60 - 5 17,065 Low 2.1 1.9 25.2 1 28.4 30 - - 7.5 25,598 Low 2.1 1.9 36.5 41.4 45 - - 42 10 34,130 Low 2.1 1.9 47.8 54.5 60 - 12.5 42,663 Low 2.1 1.9 59.0 67.5 45 30 151 51,195 Med 2.1 1 1.9 70.3 80.5 60 30 201 68,260 Med 2.1 1 1.9 92.9 106.5 60 60 - 5 17,065 Lo 4.2 3.9 27.8 30.9 45131 _ 7.5 25,598 Lo 4.2 3.9 39.1 43.9 45 - - a 10 34,130 Low 4.2 3.9 50.4 57.0 60 - - 48 , 12.5 42,663 Low 4.2. 3.9 61.7 70.0 45 30 - 15 51,195 Low 1 4.2 3.9 73.0 83.0 60 30 - 20 68,260 Low 4.2 3.9 95.5 109.0 60 60 - 25 85,325 ed 4.2 3.9 118.1 135.1 60 60 30 5 17,065 Low 4.2 3.9 27.8 30.9 45131 - - 7.5 25,59 Low 4.2 3.9 39.1 43.9 45 - - 10 34,130 Low 4.2 3.9 50.4 57.0 60 - - 60 12.5 42,663 Low 4.2 3.9 61.7 70.0 45 30 - 15 51,195 Low 4.2 3.9 73.0 83.0 60 30 - 20 68,260 Low 4.2 3.9 95.5 109.0 60 60 - 251 15,325 Med 4.2 3.9 118.1 135.1 1 60 60 1 30 kW packages in bolt italic indicate that these heat packages require and include circuit breakers. Optional for others. [1]For 208 Volts use.751 G¢rrection factor for kW&BTUH. [2]Listed circuit breaker size is for 240V applications. For 208V verify breaker sizing based on min.circuit ampacity. [3]Breaker supplied with heat kit may need to be changed. Verify breaker sizing based on min,circuit ampacity. I 9 I Electrical Data: Variable Speed ECM Motor With Electric Hoat i Ele tric Heating Blower Amps Min Circuit i, Capacity Ampacity Circuit Breaker Unit Size Variable-Speed Variable-Speed Amps Per Stage t21 (MBTUH) kW BTUH ECM Blower ECM Blower 240 V��� 240 V"I 208V 240V 208V 240V 1 2 3 2.5 8,530 2.9 2.7 14.9 16.4 20 - - 5 17,065 2.9 2.7 26.2 29.4 30 - - gI i 7.5 25,598 2.9 2.7 37.5 42.4 45 I I� 10 34,130 2.9 2.7 48.8 55.5 60 - _ 12.5 42,663 2.9 2.7 60.0 68.5 45 30 15 51,195 2.9 2.7 71.3 81.5 60 1 30 - 2.5 8,530 - - - - - - - 5 17,065 - - - - - - - 7.5 25,598 - - - - - - - 36(not available) 10 34,130 -- - - - - - - 12.5 42,6631 - - - - - - - 15 51,195 - - - - - - - 17.5 159,728 - - - - - - - 20 68,260 - - - - - - - 5 17,065 2.9 2.7 26.2 29.4 30 - - 7.5 25,598 2.9 2.7 37.5 42.4 45 - - 37 10 34,130 2.9 2.7 48.8 55.5 60 - - 1 12 5 42,663 2.9 2.7 60.0 68.5 45 30 - I- t 51,195 2.9 2.7 71.3 81.5 60 30 - 0 68,260 2.9 2.7 93.9 107.5 60 60 - 5 17,065 3.7 3.5 27.2 30.4 35 - - 7.5 25,598 3.7 3.5 38.5 43.4 45 - - 42 10 34,130 3.7 3.5 49.8 56.5 1 60 - - 12.5 42,663 3.7 3.5 61.0 69.5 45 30 - 15 51,195 3.7 3.5 72.3 82.5 60 30 = 20 68,260 3.7 3.5 94.9 108.5 60 60 5 17,065 3.7 3.5 27.2 30.4 35 131 - - 7.5 25,598 3.7 3.5 38.5 43.4 45 10 34,130 3.7 3.5 49.8 56.5 60 1 48 12.5 42,663 3.7 3.5 61.0 69.5 45 30 - 15 51,195 3.7 3.5 72.3 82.5 60 30 - 20 68,260 3.7 3.5 94.9 108.5 60 60 - 25 85,325 3.7 3.5 117.5 134.6 60 60 30 5 17,065 4.6 4.3 28.3 31.4 35 131 - - 7.5 25,5981 4.6 4.3 39.6 44.4 45 - - 10 34,13d 4.6 4.3 50.9 57.5 60 - - ` 60 12.5 42,663 4.6 4.3 62.2 70.5 45 30 - 15 51,195 4.6 4.3 73.5 83.5 60 30 - 20 68,260 4.6 4.3 96.0 109.5 60 60 - 25 85,325 1 4.6 4.3 1 118.6 135.6 60 60 30 kW pa kages in bold italics indicate that these heat packages require and include circuit breakers. Optional for others. 111 For;08 Volts use�751 correction factor for kW&BTLIH. [2]Listed circuit breaker sing s for 240V applications. For 208V verify breaker sizing based on min.circuit ampacity. [3]Breaker supplied with Neat kit may need to be changed. Verify breaker sizing based on min, circuit ampacity. �I I i p'I i 11 PI a Water Heating Capfcity (BTUH) (cont.) Unit Sizes 42 & 48 Water Entering 3 GPM 4 GPM 5 GPM Coil Water H2O P.D. CFM H2O P.D. CFM H2O P.D. CFM Size Temp in FT. 1400 1600 1600 in FT. 1400 1500 1600 in FT. 1400 1500 1600 120°F I O.q 32,883 33,695 34,441 1.4 36,190 37,221 38,173 2.0 38,464 39,660 40,722 3 ROW 140°F 0. 46,541 47,701 48,766 1.3 51,167 52,686 53,996 2.0 54,329 56,032 57,617 160OF P18 60,372 61,888 63,279 1.3 66,310 68,229 70,004 1.9 70,350 72,572 74,640 180OF 6.9 74,330 76,209 77,933 1.3 81,575 83,951 86,149 1.9 86,486 89,234 91,792 120OF 1.0 38,636 39,631 40,540 1.7 42,707 44,006 45,204 2.6 45,457 46,988 1 48,409 4 ROW 140OF 1.0 54,582 55,996 57,288 1.7 60,284 62,131 63,834 2.6 64,115 66,290 1 68,310 160°F 1.0 70,692 72,535 74,216 1.7 78,023 80,428 82,647 2.5 82,925 85,756 88.386 180°F 1.0 86,924 89,200 91,276 1.6 95,879 98,851 101.592 2.4 101,845 105,340 108,588 I Unit SiI'e 60 Water Fntering 3 GPM 1 4 GPM 5 GPM Coil i Water H2O P.D. FM H2O P.D. CFM H2O P.D. CFM Size Temp in FT. 1800 1900 2000 in FT. 1800 1900 1 2000 in FT. 1800 1900 2000 120OF 1.2 37,308 37,936 38,521 2.1 41,636 42,459 43,229 1 3.2 44,672 45,650 46,570 3 ROW 140OF 1.2 52,797 53,693 54,526 2.1 58,874 60,047 61,145 3.2 63,115 68,679 70,216 160OF 1.2 68,481 69,650 70,737 2.0 76,308 77,839 79,273 3.1 81,747 83,564 85,273 180OF 1.2 E61,666 5,756 87,101 2.0 93,886 95,781 97,555 3.1 100,517 102,764 104,879 120OF 1.1 ,406 45,095 1.9 49,104 50,118 51,065 2.9 52,882 54,114 55,271 4 ROW 140OF 1.1 62,721 63,698 1.9 69,318 70,759 72,104 2.8 74,605 76,356 77,999 160OF 1.1 81,224 82,492 1.8 89,723 91,598 93,347• 2.8 96,514 103,033 105,735 180°F 1.1 99,863 101,427 1.8 110,265 112 5791114,7391 118,557 121,369 124.009 All cappcities are based on 70°F entering air temperature. For entering air teml�eratur s other than 70°F use the following capacity correction factors: (720F x.982), (680FIx 1.0�), (66°F x 1.04). Glycol correction factors! 1(10%X.98), (20%X.95), (30%X.92), (40%X.88). I W i I � 13 Maximum 4ine Lengths for Heating Coils Using ADP Pump All'line 1��gths are total for supply and return j Air 9 Nominal Maximum Supply Pipe Length(ft.)type K copper Handler Water Coil Pipe Size GPM Size Size (ID) 1 1.3 1.5 1.8 2 2.3 2.5 2.8 3 3.3 3.5 3.8 4 4.3 4.5 4.8 5 6 7 8 1/2" 256: 149 100 71 53 35 23 15 8 - - - - - - - - - - - 2 Row 12,18,& 3/4" - - 4' 361 !26§' A 98^ 152 118 - - - - - - - - - - - 24 1/2" 1.256; 148 98 70 51 33 20 12 5 - - - - - - - - - - 3 Row 3/4" - - - !'25.1:,'186,1140 105 - - - - - - - - - - - __ 1/2" - - - - 55 37 25 16 10 - - - - - - - - - - - 2 Row 3/4" - - - - '372_'A'273, 466' 162 128 99 76 58 43 - - - - - - - 30&361 - - - - - - s 604 - .� 53 35 23 14 8 - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Row /4" - - - - 361 263 188 152. 118. 89 66 48 33 - - - - - - - 1" - - - - - - - - - 461 359 280 217 - - - - - - - 3/4" - - - - - - - - 134 104 81 63 48 35 25 16 9 - - - 3 Row 1" - - - - - - - - - 426 422;:341. ,277 ,221 '177 141 111 - - - 31,37, 1 1/4" - - - - - - - - - - - - - 576 467 378 - - - 42&48 3/4" - - - - - - - - 126 97 75 57 43 30 19 11 4 - - - 4 Row - '497.,U9 1319' '`257 200'1 156 120 90 1 - - - 11/4" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L514 '*&;316 - - - 1 3/4" - - - - - - - - 121 92 69 51 37 23 12 3 3 Row 11. - - - - - - - - - 473 �M'P 293 23Q 172 127 90 59 - - - 1 1/4" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '430,,.3, ' 228 60 f - 18 - - - 3/4" - - - - - - - - 123 94 72 54 40 27 16 8 - - - - 4 Row 1" - - - - - - - - - `485, 382; 306 '244 487- 143 106 77 - - - 1 1/4"6- 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - .476 '367 278• - - - Notes: 1.Line lengths are based on water only.To adjust maximum line lengths for glycol,divide length by the factors shown in Table 2. 2.IMPORTANT:Glycol should never be used in a potable water system. 3.All lengths are based on closed loop systems. 4.Line lengths within the shaded areas should not be used when a water heater is the source of heat.When using a boiler for these line lengths,excessive line temperature loss-will occur and must be accounted for. 5.Supply andlreturn lies must be properly insulated to reduce temperature toss and to prevent freezing when passing through an unconditio ed spac . 6.All lengths Inclu�,q(12)90°short radius elbows.To adjust for extra or fewer fittings,use the factors in Table 1. 7.Always use full �w ball or gate valves to minimize pressure drop. Table 2 Fluid Temperature Table 1 Equivalent ft.of pipe %Glycol 140°F 160°F 180°F Ape size 9 °SR el 900 LR el 450 el gate valve 10 1.04 1.04 1.02 1/2" 11.5 0.8 1 1 20 1.08 1.07 1.04 /4" I 2 1 1.4 1.4 30 1.13 1.11 1.08 1" 2.7 1.3 1.9 1.9 40 1.19 .16 1.12 11/4" 3.6 1.8 2. 2.5 50 1 1.24 1.21 1.17 , t I I 15 I Sizes 31, 37 - 60 Installation Configurations S/�ading Indicates Proper Line Connections U pflow i As shipped from factory (return in bottom) I I Airflow Suctlov / \\Coil\\ Liquid01/ / \ \ A ` Dya(Fs E Either set Grains \ may be used ®�\ i � I`Bottpm/Filter (Frame Horizontal Right Factory ready if ordered as multi-position or field convertible with horizontal drain pan kit Ir--•��` / Airflow —� Call Drains �II Horizontal Left Field convertible if ordered as multi-position or field convertible with horizontal drain pan kit Bottom/Filter Frame �O\ 0 all f� I 4irflow \ Sue. Llq. T0 I 17 V 5 ail i I•I � I I i ' ' I i I 1 i � i I h � I � 19