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TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51347 Date: 11/04/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: Barry X Ball 303 E 60Th St Apt 39J New York, NY 10022 To: legalize "as built"generator as applied forwith flood permit. Premises Located at: 39550 Route 25, Orient, NY 11957 SCTM# 15.-8-26.8 Pursuant to application dated 09/20/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 11/04/2026. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees• As Built Generator $250.00 ELECTRIC -Residential $200.00 CO Accessory $100.00 Flood Permit $150.00 Total S700.00 ,1 Building Inspector r TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 N ' Telephone(631) 765-1802 Fax(631) 765-9502 htWs://www.southoldtownny. r . Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT [EgEffr= r---� D For Office Use Only . SEFr 2 0 2�FM PERMIT NO. Building I'r�spector: Applications a�ci forms must be'filled out in their entirety.Incomplete E application;will not be accepted. Where the Applicant Is not the owner,an TOWN, SOUTL31OI OWrners Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Date:9/13/2024 OWNERS)OF PROPERTY: Name:Barry Ball/Kimberly Van Zee SCTM#1000-0 15.00-08.00-026.008 Project Address:39550 NYS Route 25 (525 Cedar Birch Lane), Orient, NY 11957 Phone#:646 283 6595 1Email:vanzeek@gmail.com Mailing Address:303 E 60th St, Apt 39J, New York, NY 10022 CONTACT PERSON: Name:Kimberly Van Zee Mailing Address:303 E 60th St, Apt 39J, New York, NY 10022 Phone#:646 283 6595 Email:vanzeek@gmaii.com DESIGN RRQFESSIONAL INFORMATION; Name: Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: ,CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name:Benjamin Doroski, Custom Lighting of Suffolk Mailing Address: Phone#: i Email: DESCRIPTION,OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition ❑Alteration ❑Repair ❑De�m--orlliition Estimated cost of Project: I�Other Generator,as built C I-1 1 C , Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes ®'No Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes WNo 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property:Residential Intended use of property:Residential Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? ❑Yes®NO IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. ® Check Box Aker Reading: The owner/contractor/design professional Is responsible or all drainage and stprni Ler Issues as praelded tayr ;;Chapter 296 of the Town Code. APPUCA'nON IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the Issuance of a Bulldin Permlipurwmt to the Building Zone; ;Ordinance of the€awn of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the conslructlon of buildings;; eldltlons,alterations or for removal or;demoOtloB as iwenln describedL The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances;building code," housing rude and regulatlons and to admit authorized Inspectors on piemtses and In buiidinesy for necescery Iru pr3ctions,False statements mach hen3ln ara;; purdshabis as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 220ASof the New York-State Penal law. Application Submitted By(print name)O , , Q\ 1��+ Uthorized Agent []Owner Signature of Applicant: " `- 171atea 9-2-0-2-4 STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF �'C being duly sworn,deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (S)he is the (Contract Agent,, corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized t or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this day of 2Q'i '+ 4 '�� Y v/Allotary Public PROPERTY OWNER R AUTHORIZATION IV01-4FIY PUBLIC,STATE OF NEW Yo pX (Where the applicant is not the owner) NO.e1DWS306W ALIFIED IN SUFFOLK COUN' CO $$ION EXPIRES JUNE Sil, Kimberly Van Zee residing at 52 Cedar Birch Lane, Orient, NY 11957 I, do hereby authorize Custom Lighting of Suffolk to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. y signed by Van 9/13/24 Van Zee, KimberlMMbedy Q&�,2024.09.13"i1.�a7'.11-04'00' Owner's Signature Date Kimberly J. Van zee Print Owner's Name 2 BUILDING DEPARTMENT-Electrical Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD �� Town Hall Annex- 54375 Main Road - PO Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 c�40 Telephone (631) 765-1802 - FAX(631) 765-9502 rogerr@southoldtownny.gov -sean so thol to nn . o APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ELECTRICIAN INFORMATION (All Information Required) Date: Company Name: Custom Lighting of Suffolk Inc Electrician's Name: Benjamin Doroski License No.: 38893-ME Elec. email:CLOS5170@gmaii.com Elec. Phone No: 631-298-4588 211 request an email copy of Certificate of Compliance Elec. Address.: PO Box 1698 Mattituck NY 11952 ,SOB SITE INFORMATION (All information Required) Name: !4�) "bkn 0= Address: Cross Street: Phone No.: BIdg.Permit#: email: Tax Map District: 1000 Section: Block: Lot: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK, INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (Please Print Clearly): a D 6LO 12�7� S uare Footage: Circle All That Apply: Is job ready for inspection?: YES ❑ NO ❑Rough In anal Do you need a Temp Certificate?: El YES FKJ41�0 Issued On Temp Information: (AII information required) Service Size❑1 Ph❑3 Ph Size: A # Meters Old Meter# [-]New service[—]Fire Reconnect❑Flood Reconnect❑Service Reconnect❑Underground❑Overhead #Underground Laterals F 1 F12 H Frame n Pole Work done on Service? Y ON Additional Information: PAYMENT DUE WITH &PLICATION x� w o � ![iV1A 3R OL A�161fOX3®IC-0fl 9 91Y4d AIL AOlH 31AL1fW5 3D AID al llklPl3♦<YN 7M®CiR�I N 3Git qIP S1XW lll'�I➢CM�17VIflQ� III TW 91 JJ o ��o J s� No d rp o0 to N I N �[7 � � S CIA O U SS�s F GENERAC14/17/2okW ® S� . a� GUARDIAN® SERIES Residential Standby Generators Air-Cooled Gas Engine INCLUDES: Standby Power Rating • True Power Electrical Technology Models 006240-0, 006241-0, 006247-0 (Steel-Bisque) - 14 kW 60Hz • Two Line LCD Multilingual Digital Models 006242-0,006248-0 (Steel-Bisque) -17 kVV 60Hz Evolution"" Controller (English/Spanish/ Models 006243-0, 006249-0 (Aluminum-Gray) -17 kVV 60Hz French/Portuguese) Models 006244-0,006250-0(Aluminum-Gray) -20 kVV 60Hz • Two Transfer Switch Options Available: 100 Amp Pre Wired Switch or 200 Amp Smart Switch. 4• - �_`°� ' : See Page 4 for Details. ti•_"`v 'l,,`` • Electronic Governor • External Main Circuit Breaker, i:;'>ux. '',i,••E:3 ;a'?::r :a g System Status & Maintenance Interval LED Indicators EPelk Sound• d Attenuated El :�P r-�lea .,p • Flexible Fuel Line Connector •. ,F,1: ..::. • Composite Mounting Pad • Natural Gas or LP Gas Operation &S LISTED • 5 Year Limited Warranty Note:CUL certification only applies to unbundled units and units packaged with pie-wired switches. • Capability to be installed within 1 S" of a building* Units packaged with the Smart Switch are UL certified in the USA only. *Only if located away from doors,windows and fresh air intakes,and unless otherwise directed by local codes. m. - FEATURES Q INNOVATIVE DESIGN&PROTOTYPE TESTING are key components Q SOLID-STATE, FREQUENCY COMPENSATED VOLTAGE REGULATION. of GENERAC'S success in "IMPROVING POWER BY DESIGN." But it This state-of-the-art power maximizing regulation system is standard on doesn't stop there. Total commitment to component testing,reliability all Generac models. It provides optimized FAST RESPONSE to changing testing,environmental testing,destruction and life testing,plus testing load conditions and MAXIMUM MOTOR STARTING CAPABILITY by to applicable GSA,NEMA,EGSA,and other standards,allows you to electronically torque-matching the surge loads to the engine. Digital choose GENERAC POWER SYSTEMS with the confidence that these voltage regulation at±1%. systems will provide superior performance. O TRUE POWER*" ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY: Superior harmonics Q SINGLE SOURCE SERVICE RESPONSE from Generac's extensive dealer and sine wave form produce less than 5% Total Harmonic Distortion for network provides parts and service know-how for the entire unit,from the utility quality power.This allows confident operation of sensitive electronic engine to the smallest electronic component. equipment and micro-chip based appliances, such as variable speed HVAC systems. O GENERAC TRANSFER SWITCHES. Long life and reliability are O TEST CRITERIA: synonymous with GENERAC POWER SYSTEMS. One reason for this PROTOTYPE TESTED v NEMA MG1-22 EVALUATION confidence is that the GENERAC product line includes its own transfer SYSTEM TORSIONAL TESTED v MOTOR STARTING ABILITY systems and controls for total system compatibility. GENERAC- 1 GENERAC° 14/17/20kW features and benefits Engine •Generac(OHVI)design Maximizes engine"breathing"for increased fuel efficiency. Plateau honed cylinder walls and plasma moly rings helps the engine run cooler,reducing oil consumption resulting In longer engine life. •"Spiny-lok"cast iron cylinder walls Rigid construction and added durability provide long engine life, -Electronic ignition/spark advance These features combine to assure smooth,quick starting every time. •Full pressure lubrication system Pressurized lubrication to all vital bearings means better performance,less maintenance and longer engine lite. Now featuring up to a 2 year/200 hour oil change interval. -Low oil pressure shutdown system Shutdown protection prevents catastrophic engine damage due to low oil. -High temperature shutdown Prevents damage due to overheating. Generator ■Revolving field Allows for a smaller,light weight unit that operates 25%more efficiently than a revolving armature generator. -Skewed stator Produces a smooth output waveform for compatibility with electronic equipment -Displaced phase excitation Maximizes motor starting capability. -Automatic voltage regulation Regulates the output voltage to±1%prevents damaging voltage spikes. •UL 2200 listed For your safety. Transfer Switch •Fully automatic Transfers your vital electrical loads to the energized source of power. •Pre-wired,color-coded conduits Ensures the easiest,trouble-free installation. (Pre-wired switches only) •DPM Technology Digital Power Management Technology allows for the smart control of two air conditioners without any additional (Smart Switch only) items. •Remote mounting Mounts near your existing distribution panel for simple,low-cost Evolution"" Controls -Auto/Manual/Off illuminated buttons Selects the operating mode and provides easy,at-a-glance status indication in any condition. • Sealed,raised buttons Smooth,weather-resistant user interface for programming and operations. -Utility voltage sensing Constantly monitors utility voltage,setpoints 60%dropout,60%pick-up,of standard voltage. •Generator voltage sensing Constantly monitors generator voltage to ensure the cleanest power delivered to the home. -Utility interrupt delay Prevents nuisance start-ups of the engine,adjustable 271500 seconds from the factory default setting of 10 seconds by a qualified dealer. •Engine warm-up Ensures engine is ready to assume the load,setpoint approximately 5 seconds. -Engine cool-down Allows engine to cool prior to shutdown,setpoint approximately 1 minute. •Programmable seven day exerciser Operates engine to prevent oil seal drying and damage between power outages by running the generator for 12 minutes every week. •Smart battery charger Delivers charge to the battery only when needed at varying rates depending on outdoor air temperature. -Main line circuit breaker Protects generator from overload. *Electronic governor Maintains constant 60 Hz frequency. Unit -Weather protective enclosure Ensures protection against mother nature and can withstand winds up to 150mph.Hinged key locking roof panel for security. Lift-out front for easy access to all routine maintenance items.Electrostatically applied textured epoxy paint for added durability. -Enclosed critical grade muffler Quiet,critical grade muffler is mounted inside the unitto prevent injuries. -Small,compact,attractive Makes for an easy,eye appealing installation. -SAE Sound attenuated enclosure ensures quiet operation. Installation System •1ft.(305mm)flexible fuel line connector Easy installation. *Composite mounting pad F GENERAC° 14/17/20kW specifications Generator Model 006240-0,0pfi241-0, 006242-0,006248-0,008248.0,006249.0 006244-0,006250.0 006247-0,(14 kW) (11 I(W) (201(W) ;u ;i:aa ^�a aT :..^ xa :e::sa: ^:F^ Fr: ;a FF33F ;a;: ; 4' I10:n 7`�OD'iiV ;;:'> :a2if O00 YOX- a i3 `dull ;G, iiu �`Pirwer "cl ,Q.>W_a.5�:::usti..>. ,.. ..,<, .e � :..n ?? cis:sS ^a:s3 i. _, s.ia.. ��...,.�!!!�.t!►.,.,6!._4 ?p ty{ '), ;: ;,;3 3 is^ca::a: .ca `w xz,. .r� Rated Maximum Continuous Power Capacity(NG) 14,000 Watts* 16,000 Watts' 18,000 Wafts" �: .,dez::Fas:a:, ,.a 3:zrF;• :K2 :: .�yF:�z:zi::;Fi:i:;= :FZ , ?9,D: Rated Maximum Continuous toad Cunent-u240 Volts(LP/NG) 58.3/58.3 _ _70.8/66.6 83.3/75 a`T `%a;:xK::�`§ar �,•:�",�•• r ______ ;.(:• `�o�':';';• - ��::- ':than 'tttarr-5 i;7'Ot81 t�0ttii0tdC UlStottitin:; ^:IiE:. S �`3�0�.•;•y,-:.,: i�e :�K� :=3:v��,.....`.�.•:::F::':•Y:4:i':i:c�„�.�•' �. E.a.>aa Main Line Circuit Breaker _ 60 Amp _ 65 Amp 90 Amp ^:::L a;sar.,, •;:,^: °:;aa;,•a: - •::3;� �::,;•�;: ;;�:;,R'�:r.Fa�•:FaF; ::FeK}•;,r.;.c:§�:. ...^.:';F:F>:1:.'.l-..8' "'1+.nv.u>+, wam./`tarn.xvit+iT,i,.>ssui«t'i):iu.u,,.rcv>wi uv>i+uF�•*u,..,>uc>.uavwaxa.> .,S,:ix,vu:;iu:l:::i"vix::niu'eu'=m"c:a4.isiuiiCtiiii,vu_it>x:...,.aux+ii;ir. v."""'i✓13:, Number of Rotor Poles _ __2 2 2 ^.".,e,r•r_'.rE :i::;Y.:a ::i3, ;:CF: '.'Rnn '::3T t. ."s"^<^•,;.^i �:;^:7 `:' ;k,. . Q�j;� '' L..i �.F.. :''.Y.. `";3;: >,.6C�C,(��..� - ry� 3:7 �'F�tip�Y« :"'�.'oi:". ..,....".6Xf ....:.::::....>.;,;,: :>,.: ':":. :L:.:",D Power Factor 1.0 _ _ 1.0 _ 1.0 b :zi ;F n f a:^dK:e i,. :BK's :'2 r a;�Ei n(. -•i ''i)R 52 CGA'M1�A :caf ^�': :> 1'��,�14�►��.{n4�:Ujcli3il@d)v>;;3e s� .,,.,,.,.x+ :rs.>... ,_,=zi.�l1A:��vj��!4�,_fl� ;...:>:a,s�] Unit Weight(Pounds/Kilos) �. _435/197.3� 471/213.6(Steel);437/198.2(Aluminum) 451/204.6 :§:•':: ::;C..:.':Si'E1:T.:;w:^.'n` ^::E:7^3. ,....,.....:,�...,,` ,g..'v„'.,•'m`a..: .,, .,.....,wF>::T5::^;yr: ,Faa,FiFr"" 638 14>._._-,_.,._ Sound output in dB(A)at 23 ft.(7m)with"generator operating at normal load"' 66 66 66 -teo•x•`.Fe"±e••r-^ -te- `Acet�ze:, •'-aT'F ;ci:• :a,••a.: �."c]t'TCa;: •�C� :',;.�:=:"'•• •s.t"a�:Fe ".'C::;�:s�:F7:�'Si2'�::it:E: ak -.,.ni?�" Sonn±i 4tftput]'n:dB.(AjaG2.f1;(tt1};with;generatiuJn;�iieTest,'..lov?= , ,t>�; [" ;a.. a> �`z•S;•c;:z z^.,..< :a§ai.. Fit?<--.e 3 F:a:: ;a: r.-. E, :Faa:F:i ea,i is *:e: ;`oo;z,: :;3': .e z >.s: :a::rrBS ,j ;t,. :d sx:. 64::•...,.. crae" u9 a., Vj: : Y v: .wv S J.,>Fa;i is Y L�,L-s_M3LP M1u ...'I���'.-`"�"s%3r,.ensePri'•. - _>:,",Fif�Y't:li;;] .,>%:�x;2;°.:I4::C6: :;u;-v':s.`::.F%er_ >ix"v:; .>.r- .e,�,,..a,izCii:ii_wi:%� 'e`,..",`.,F.%w=iesutC`vx:::u, r+i x Engine .-..y,.. _ ...::.":>". .'.;^' ':.;SC,•, - ':�':;""".,:; i; 'Y.aF.";7:r :33tF. {�TypB oEEitgfne r> i? c•. . . ')�ELC(1HYN as c ��.EQ! !LYljiflPf` � A�•.011i Number of Cylinders 2 2 2 r^' ^•^e. ,.R.,a,aF;.`§`•;:c:u T:aF,. ..,; ,,�,,..;;r:,�., .,.,..,.;Tsi . ;; .;: :r.;rz::::,, '-^" .:r.:: im OFF:, ^:"s: "edi9 9 9coq taco Cylinder Block Aluminum_w/C_ast Iron Sleeve p-en :o a :::;• s;::r. cz i^::::Ku az:F:: ;;Tr,:r, .e F;u;T; ;:a, a a - :y a :;�e:E:s c:' E; . ' 4cE'& d . � R� Qe t Ignition System Solid-state w/Magneto Solid-state w/Magneto Solid-state w/Magneto C;S,`g __ ..;SGT IFS :F FaF 6kF... :.. ,45,non Fsz; I' R r:r;Fi OY 0� Ste • ..>< ..; ' ,........zF„Fx��` u c ;�� : a::i�e°s � :�s;:t,..s_.�iw..�aF,;°°�p,�;e� a aw,� rc.G 8R1 �'.!7�.:s`0,«�.�`,•,>�,:n�:i.�a 's .„F6.,, Compression Ratio 9.5:1 9.5:1 9.5;1 r-; 'ac: :: :;r,: ae:c-x:-zts:rK:ssc:::..s:caacssc'ss.,... ..,sa "z;.,.._-...; :cr::,y;,:^• :t°•"•'..a>„a°"'"":'a`> `„S.A.. F.}:: _ .,.a,.s.. .,aa: .a- .'-iTC;,"9d i:C:F..^3:: T:,_ .,"F9t;: ..5,„'' "ab:':a,,. a., F:FC3 "'O a,a., ,l',: ..1'2;1jd F':;T;..t,^••`":u.-:",:." „*;al.:rytt_....f.sss�•v [c>e .,> €ct^ `ozac::�aeM,W>.":.a,«.o.,..�s.,::sr ,"' ,.'tMs M,1'�3 .,�,E?c...>,s> Msc s x,e. Oil Capacity Including Filter Approx.1.9 QtsJ1.BL Approx.1.9 QtsJ1.BL Approx 1.9 Qts./1.BL :�::::.:::.....•c:c:axv:c Rr.:ssr..ox::v:r.:s'•-..:cgca;s:csr,sra,::rs;: :a;:. ::.roa;c:;ar.::ua• •:;a:s,:^::cs;N.r- =„r:,.w '. -'r.hsa:,:a.; ^:,a;;z ;:a,,':••^:2x�;s.,; :..Cy::arsqq ,r:`' -•�:�ptf•F:a; .:F:a;;.,:z:T::::§,.•::x:;FaF;$;800€ �_�, ':S�pa�QD`]i)?MF„~3Fs ,•...��`:: _: y;�::;:;::;Y���zrt_�<v%�'��� �'�F__;"�?��..�e%�rr•:rY�±��v��•�ct_.�s` Fuel Consumption Natural Gas ft3/hr(mg/hr) 1/2 Load 177(5.01) 193(5.47) 205(5.8) Full Load 279(7.9) 312(8.83) 3D8(8.72) Liquid Propane ft3/hr(gal/hr)[Liters/hrl 1/2 Load 67.2(1.85)[6.99] 72.4(1.99)[7.53] 75.6(2.08)[7.87] _Full Load 111.6 3.07 11.61 130 3.57 13.53 140(3.85)[14.5 ei- "e""i'6'uitb e�:v"ta lftbatl fRe""edfu`I;ressu:tggeirr?tpfuelftttetaGatl.la�dr3cDes 3: °(vzterihui�r(713mmineroury)fornatuial;gas,iQa1W,Riiin;'t1g��nt�i �•s:.. ,;,,x:.....:.............:> , t .R3`:C m'%fii E J3'5 r ix tp ' Fm o o to°e arV: AI[x25D0 0 .i(ii it100 r•FcrNte outersonfai mum _Vic•-t(C}` •'3 N �, u F :,. ' ":t9c Controls ^-•::----ec:-�..•^r'^.a:= ;^"-r-:a:^rs.:se::;:. ;:c.: :1»2:s:.:^ ^ca;&c7aa:..4acxaccc::^•sr..:a:-^ ;:w-:cri: •:::::sc:.:x;:;~^-c:r.-:----';;:x:"9;C9J". "§s......•...SG.. ;c�.a;:;7 ►?1t1Te t��9{!�c ]?AI ?[ar r r: : , .> , M;l mp( n ifaee oreag�r uve k©lt.-.. x> �...' ,,r.,. at:.,e Mode Buttons: Auto _ Automatic Start on Utility failure.7 day exerciser. :falls°tn1r15iet;t0'I�Edmg to »5 d8€ ( L eza dea cMamlat, . 3s .'' E i:' c F: c:gar c: > 5a9a s :? a,,.3c .. :St2tE:5vith's[aitCG's911t'A!i .. >M .F o a r Y Off Stops unit.Power is removed.Control and cha er still operate. ..;K.;.w,.:.;;,:.:,:. ;;a:..,...v,,;x.s.✓,-M,x+e:=..c�v.,m':�t..,.ran:r.,.. . .www'wwm: SS:>•• .,},. ,.L,. >::aa':, a'F t:a§F' 'b:SfandarflaF:a,'Rt'a':,i: - S;i::i:; ::FFF'y ea�yio:im/(tl�a(ntenancetessa ep s?•�r3_enY_ .T., ._;: ; _L _, a:s Engine Run Hours Indication - Standard ,2 w. . ..F; .....>x.::..::>.,>7,,:.>..,,.">',,:..���>.s`_;�4__._',>,>y:�3.�,,.'.>�^,...��::.,...'c.,;,:...',..�:.FC>,:,.Y.,,,.�,,•>°x'`�:...:..-,5�_ca_ (:p.�...>.,.ccrzr_b'1yeC:`�Cealoer�h�Z^.--^-7a..�':;:,t::.::;.w.::',�0S�.:a;:::a:.i W€'+�:'.t iC:..tt -fir Utility Voltage Loss/Retum to Wilily Adjustable From 140-171W190-216V ^ ::� �3 ;~'�.,.'7a^."�..:G."'..�.•:� ..�.^,5.. KSE,^�.`'.:77;::�::>`;:.,..;t��::3.'; LulureSeCCa' 6roridserJi_iierafssSetT�rorWamtn "e rt RuNAlar(ryMaintenance Logs 50 Events Each _ �:':;:�•:g:^::::F::a dS:e9;-- -----�s: -�:`e�:„:§`a:::c:7.`�:ei��a-..�-Q---t.-;:�-�:.--,,.�.�-- :ir9E�'�,a•-'.•'<--z...�i% ° rD;$E �ClI8l1 4®i 'OUN s a£%G:Fzr"•a: T ;°S a cyii ''1.,.;'�Cl1G Crd¢l Jl SEG.on:Z rCSt fl0.se0.� �,UntdUta)1 - 9��:3__^`rFec�:�`�:�ica5seeaE_i�.i`xie?s:es• eie:•�:3:ei�::zt_ e�:xu•�` y .-�a�..-.�-_._.z..-:.� " .�_u?_.___-c=a�:t�:�E9:_xte9 Starter lock-out Starter cannot re-engage until 5 sec.after engine has stopped. ••?^�:;' a§a` rT`:aa;aKFa` ::a:a;aaa ;a:"C.4:^ ::F":2C§"3F::a":; ::C:C::x.."" """C;C:: >a.:3>�"„>'""Y4CiY•••xF•::•"C:4::fiu;6 FSY;: „,;:F„ ::::`:FC;TNTY.;: n'•::FF"::1,.^> s! E as€a '�,. ,;u°�>:,,.•a;a; „:•tlx:,: ..s�> :�,ie'cWFq � a.::,°°.,..::>,. � a.rrY:�'�tYt3f:;�'.z.iA > .:F:sa . .»::F:;;�x.. .> .•ici,>>,^',Sr� ....>.;aa:z,::r�iii3 .,..iiEiu;,az;;,>:aa>:s�.:uu� csm��_.,.,_.^a::�.,.:,^^ ,..>.:::....z...f>;.,... Charger Fault/Missing AC Warning Standard :,.,-.,-n.."•o=.<.. _ >.j,. .�,3 .,:'fin ";'Y,:t°'.:3hS::,^'_ `€i:"'E','`3• '"C,'i;l ':7.: >F,°,C,"`> '.'S H lt0 ;P.rottlemOteitin'and'Satle' `C6tldiUon:Indf6atloawsx<: 3„F ?x';a8;`a:::aa;F se3z a, r a:Sfatid'y ca 3F Fe r:..�.a,..�� �c'.....�a::..,..a:Esm�.;:•..' s$,..>,,,..>.a;.`�Eir�e:a. Automatic Voltage Regulation with Over and Under Voltage Protection _ �,- Standard Ri LU'tldeFF(6quencyl{JY'e1f��S�'�et3�v8t611rteQfP.mtectl0tl�rl^ .._._ems•: "::a�3_„4�;ri ;zs:xa�, > .:�;:i;3t8t1 Safety Fused/Fuse Problem Protection Standard -;az:: !F 6.a ssFE $fajjdafdis .F i:s:;s.: <^;. ic .. 11utD� h�flNZeltiperira5 i�aldpum:; ss n. �� n, .�. DvercranWOverspeed(@ 72Hz)/RPM Sense Loss Slxrtdown u Standard - ;tlut - �: .':; _ .::Ftii: :;-F.m m''::i.:4;.S.:v`::-C""`.,-.,>•':i'::�., ",SS:F.:. •agm,.<,>:•c:. _ 5i TMbi3 :::3, U na Sfandatd T.. "F1(C�tl�MlAeTem eratuteShUtdOWtis^ _ _ •yM a: : Eiec w. 3 Rim _� 1S...M.0 41.. o. ......:SF:..............GCS•"Xu`L•......,.....,......---.....---.....,...........,..-..,....,.........,. .' ""'>'.. .. Internal FaultAncorrect Wiring Protection» _ 4Standard _ OmF�detaat.failli�II(" �FiF:rail FFa+:'tfi i:Ta: ice '§'s' . --='�dic;;cDE23...:�: Field Upgradable Flnmware Standard **Sound levels are taken from the front of the generator.Sound levels taken from other sides of the generator may be higher depending on installation parameters.Rating definitions-Standby:Applicable for supplying emergency power for the duration of the utility power outage. No overload capability is available for this rating. (All ratings in accordance with BS5514,IS03046 and DIN6271). *Maximum wattage and current are subject to and limited by such factors as fuel Btu/megajouie content,ambient temperature,altitude,engine power and condition,etc. Maximum power decreases about 3.5 percent for each 1,000 feet(304.8 meters)above sea level;and also will decrease about 1 percent for each 6*C(10*F)above 16°C(60*F). GENERAC• 14/17/20kW switch options Pre-wired Features Model 006240-0(14 kw) 006242-0(170) available on 14&17kW models only "ME - ;= • Electrically operated,mechanically-held contacts for fast,positive Current Rating(AMPS) W100 �100 connections. YolNdge:Ratipq(vlG f. ; "` 25Q 'pfj :ZAf2 �:��"r' Utility Voltage Monitor(Fixed)' • Rated for all classes of load,100%equipment rated,both inductive and -Pick-up 80% eo% out Dro resistive. -Dropout 60% 60% • 2 pole,250 VAC contactors. 'Hetifrnviolltility ==? _ : Wuva{ipyoic:l5secl=_. - app`r_oiiil5�sec i, Exercise weekly for 12 minutes' Standard Standard 30 millisecond transfer time. tJhlisted: ;.:.::uwy: _ : {._, _ Total of Pre-wired Circuits 14 16 • Dual coil design. No.15A 120V 4 5 - Main contacts are silver plated or silver alloy to resist welding and sticking. No.20A 120V 6 5 P Y 9 9 No.20A 240V 1 1 • NEMA 1 (indoor rated)enclosure is standard on the pre-wired switch. No.20A 240V - - No.40A 240V 1 1 Pre-wired 30 foot(9.1 meter)whip to connect to the provided 5 foot pre- No..50A 240V - 1 :Mmm ` t:reulf 8reatcErw of to e.. n4{.: :r= rtu ;i ;'3 wired whip and external connection box. .,`:;`A'vallabierRMS,S,. mettical,•'. ;": u"� €ki�� g.; �1az�:::; ;.n • Pre-wired 2 foot(0.61 meter)whip,color coded to connect into the ;Eau"lic. C� O:Yalts: u0"'00 -"OAOv p existing electrical panel. ..�.,..�...�...:.>�.�.s 'Function of Evolution Controller a - - Dimensions Mechanical Dimensions _ Height Width Amps Depth H1 H2 W1 W2 H2 H1 23.6 In 26.4 in 8.3 in 12.6 in 6.3 100 597mm 671.7mm 211 mm 320.7mm 159.6mm ^5, wire Ranges Amps Conductor Lug Neutral Lug Ground Lug 100 210-#14 210-#14 2/0-#14 w1 wz Smart Switch Features Model 006241-0(14MU)/006243-0(17kW)/006244-0(200) Digital Power Management Technology standard DPM ^o; € r' "{ ` "�''""`"'�"• Includesigl I 9 9Y ( }. ,.ry_�o(P61f;s,,,, r�. �:>�,,.�_�.. .,t.�„_M.':.:{�.�:,w ;f;;::;zj2�:��;:;::� ::_�;;K: Current Rating(Amps) n 200 • Intelligently manages two air conditioner loads with no additional vu� e ;9rNA�) .. 3:Jw{ a�'=�:m. �;�� hardware. ,:: ::::�a=*M- Utility Voltage Monitor(Fixed)" • Up to four more large(120/240VAC)loads can be managed when -Pick-up 80% used in conjunction with Power Management Modules(PMM `). -Dmpout 60%Syk, ssY,A' 3Yu_ .g • Electrically operated,mechanically-held contacts for fast,clean Exercise weekly for 12 minutes*u_ Standard connections. YfGI(sl@tl y ": r=`a " -- -iRe Enclosure Type �NEMA(UL 3R • Rated for all classes of load,100%equipment rated,both inductive ;uv"+ -s=w '� �:w; = ' "'x" 22©iyp�r'.. "T _'`°' r R and resistive. Lug Range 250MCM #6 • 2 pole,250 VAC Contactors. *Function of Evolution Controller • Service equipment rated,dual coil design. • Rated for both aluminum and copper conductors. • NEMA/UL 3R aluminum outdoor enclosure. • Main contacts are silver plated or silver alloy to resist welding and ;p sticking. *Note: PMM starter kit is required prior to using the modules. H1 Dimensions 200 Amps 120/240,to Open Transition Service Rated n' Height Width H1 H2 Wt W2 Inches 27.24 90.0 11.4 1 13.5 7.09 mm 692.0 762.4 289.0 1 343.0 180.0 1 DEM- "�' GENERAC® 14/17/20kW available accessories Mp a every standby generator requires a battery to start the system.Generac offers the recommended 26R 005819-0 wetcell useid standby product. 006212-0 Cold Weather Kit If the temperature regularly falls below 32°F(01C),install a cold weather kit to maintain optimal battery I and oil temperatures. I(it consists of a battery warmer and oil filter heater With built-in thermostats. ............................ .......... AuxiliaryTransfer Switch Contact J The auxiliarytransfer switch contact kit allows the transfer switch to lock out a single lar ge electrical load 005621-0 Kit you may nut need.Not compatible with 50 amp pre-wired switches. The fascia base wrap snaps together around the bottom of the new air cooled generators.This offers 005839-0-Bisque Fascia Base Wrap Kit* a sleek,contoured appearance as well as offering protection from rodents and Insects by covering the 005666-0-Gray (Standard on 20k" lftng holes located in the base. ................................... epai tDprotectfrom If the generator enclosure is scratched or damaged,it is important to touch-up the paint 005703-0-Bisque I touch-up a generator Paint Kit* future corrosion.The paint kit includes the necessary paint to properly maintanor 005704-0-Gray enclosure. 006484-0-14&17kWScheduled Maintenance Kit Generac's scheduled maintenance kits provide all the hardware necessary to perform complete routine 006485-0-20kW maintenance on a Generac;automatic standby generator. Completely wireless and battery powered,Generac's wireless remote monitor provides you with Instant 005928-0 Wireless Remote status Information without ever leaving the house.Not compatible with CarePower or EcoGen systems. Remotely control generator functions with the advanced model's LCD display.In addition to remote i 005951-0 i Advanced Wireless Remote testing of the generator,set the exrerclse cycle and maintenance interval reminders.Not compatible with CorePower or EcaGen systems. The PMM Starter Kit consists of a 24VAC,field Installed transformer that enables the use of the 24VAC 006199-0 PMM Starter Kit Power Management Modules(PMMs)and one PMM.The standard controller(without starter kit)can control two HVAC loads with no additional hardware.Not compatible with pre-wired switches. power Power Management Modules are used in conjunction with the Smart Switch to increase its p Power Management Module(50 1006186-0 Amps) management capabilities.it gives the Smart Switch additional power management flexibility not found in any other transfer switch.Not compatible with pre-wired switches.Note:PMM Starter Kit required. I - ---------------- Generac's Mobile Link device allows you to check the status of your generator from anywhere that you 006463-0 1 Mobile Link'"Device— have access to an Internet connection from a PC or with any smart device.You will even be not led i when a change in the generator's status occurs via e-mail orte)d message, Note:Bisque Ift are used in conjunction with steel enclosures.Gray Ms are used in conjunction with aluminum enclosures. dimensions Dimensions shown are approdmale.Contact your Generac dealer for certified drawings. DO NOT USE THESE DIMENSIONS FOR INSTALLATION PURPOSES. 637.E mm_ 1218mm 125.1 In.] [47.9 in.] t., iz x M, F 731.9 mm 'zR' n V 128 In.) 51 ........ 4 , P.=t4 7777 642 mm [25.3 In.] 762 ig pn 1226 mm 1,V VEn.J 148.3 in.] MIMMUM LEFT SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW GENERACO Generac Power Systems,Inc. • S45 W29290 HWY.59, Waukesha,WI 53189 • generac.com 02013 Generac Power Systems,Inc.Al rights reserved All specifications are subject to change without notice. Bulletin 0197990SBY-F PdntBd1n USA 05W13