HomeMy WebLinkAbout51343-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51343 Date: 11/04/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: Cynthia S Oliveri 1806 Springwater Dr Round Rock, TX 78681 To: construct alterations to existing single-family dwelling as applied for with flood permit. Premises Located at: 1990 Peninsula Rd, Fishers Island, NY 06390 SCTM# 10.-3-11 Pursuant to application dated 09/19/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 11/04/2026. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: Single Family Dwelling- Alteration $315.00 CO-RESIDENTIAL $100.00 Flood Permit $150.00 Total $565.00 °Ii'ng Inspector�� �44 t4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 htt :llwww. outholdtowy . ov Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMITm, , For Office Use Only c PERMIT NO. Building Inspector: olltr�t�1 ,` t' Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety. Incomplete �pr'� 0 of applications will not be accepted. 'Where the Applicantis not the owner,an Owner's'Authorization form(Page3)shall be completed Date: 3 September 2024 i OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: Name:Cynthia S Oliveri and Elizabeth A Johnson FSCTM# 1000-10.-3-11 Project Address: 1990 Peninsula Road, Fishers Island, NY Phone#:631-788-7492 Email: Mailing Address: 1990 Peninsula Road, Fishers Island, NY 06390 CONTACT PERSON: Name:Sam Fitzgerald Mailing Address:15 E. Putnam Avenue, #234, Greenwich, CT 06830 Phone#:860-287-3808 Email:sam@sfapc.net DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name:Samuel W. Fitzgerald Architect PC Mailing Address:15 E. Putnam Avenue, #234, Greenwich, CT 06830 Phone#:860-287-3808 Email:sam@sfapc.net CONTRACTOR'INFORMATION: Name:C/O Owner Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition ®Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: ❑Other $40,000 Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes ®No Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes IRNo 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property:Single-Family Residence Intended use of property:Single-Family Residence Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to R-40 this property? ❑Yes *No IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. 8 Check Box After Reading: The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By(print ii me):Samuel W. itzgerald BAuthorized Agent ❑Owner Signature of Applicant: Date: qI rrJ-2.92y STATE OF ) SS: N t COUNTY OF Sny� VN being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (S)he is the (Contractor,Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this Gi . day of � �'� 4 , 20 Notary Public PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION , (Where the applicant is not the owner) I, residing at do hereby authorize Samuel W. Fitzgerald to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein, Owner's Signature Date Print Owner's Name 2 s r g 57 3 TABLE R301.2(1) CLIMACTIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA GENERAL NOTES Ground Seismic SUBJECT TO DAMAGE FROM Winter Ice Shield Snow Wind Speed Design Frost line Design Underlay Flood ({ Load (MPH) Category Weathering Depth Termite Decay Temps Required? Hazzard (� 11 o era a Slight to v 1. The contractor shall furnish and install all items 45 140 B Severe 42 118 Yes NIA -- �� BATHROOM 204 SPECS: To Heavy Moderate I SEP 1 9 2024 unless otherwise noted. 2. The contractor shall verify all dimensions and job 130crInn pepar'tmont conditions. All discrepancies shall be brought to NAILING SCHEDULE Tov!n of Southold the attention of the architect. The contractor shall be solely responsible for visiting the job site and �\ Joint Description Number-Type of Nails Nail Spacing obtaining all correct information for the completion of the contract. Bottom plate to floor,band,end rim joist or blocking(face nailed) 3-16d(1,2) Per foot a. All dimensions locating exterior walls are to Joist to sill,top plate or girder(toe-nailed) 6-8d Per joist outside face of stud unless noted otherwise. —� Blocking to joist(toe-nailed) 3-8d Each end b. Dimensions locating interior walls are to rough framing or centerline of rough Blocking or sill or top plate(toe-nailed) 5-16d Each end opening unless noted otherwise. Ledger strip to beam(toe-nailed) 5-16d Each joist 3. In the event that certain details of the construction are not fully shown or noted on the Joist on ledger to beam(toe-nailed) 5-8d Per joist drawings or called for in the specifications, their Rim to joist to joist(toe-nailed) 5-16d Per joist construction shall be of the same size andcharacter as for similar conditions which are Rim to joist to sill or top plate(toe-nailed) 3-16d Per joist shown or noted. 4. The contractor agrees to assume sole and complete responsibility for job site conditions during the course of construction of this project, ACCESSORY ZONING TABLE including safety of all persons and property. This requirement shall apply continuously and shall Zone R-40 not be limited to normal working hours. The contractor further agrees to defend, indemnify Actual Lot Size 0.456 acres 19,863.36 sgft and hold design professional harmless from all M � Conforming Lot? NO liability, real or alleged, in connection with the W,Q performance of work on this project, excepting �}- Coastal Wetlands? Yes liability arising from the sole negligence of the ~�\ EBUILD FACADE ON THIS PORTION Freshwater Wetlands? No design professional. OF EXISTING HOUSE.NO INCREASE 5. Only working drawings stamped "Issued for IN BUILDING FOOTPRINT,HEIGHT, Construction" are permitted to be used for VOLUME,ETC. construction of this project. All other drawings are Ordinance Existing Proposed 1 obsolete and are not permitted on the job site. Contractors using incorrect drawings are solely responsible for all work not performed in accordance E PLAN LEGEND Front Yard Setback 35 115' No Change with the drawings issued for construction. X�STOVG DECK ' West Side Yard Setback 10' 31 No Change 6. Manufacturers installation instructions for all products shall be kept on site by the contractor for EXISTING TO REMAIN -- NO WORK East Side Yard Setback 15' 17 No Change use by the owner. 7. Contractor shall provide all tools, materials, labor RENOVATE THIS INTERIOR Rear Yard Setback 35 36 No Change and equipment necessary to provide a complete EXISTING 2-STORY PORTION OF EXISTING HOUSE Stories 2 1/2 2 No Change installation of the work described in these drawings. FRAME RESIDENCE � AREA OF GUT RENOVATION 8. Drawings are not to be scaled in the field. Written 1 All new surface finishes BELOW THE CEILING and Height 35' 25' No Change ( g dimensions take priority. except where noted). New cabinetry; fixtures; fittings; Maximum Building Coverage 20% 10.90% No Change 9. General contractor and all sub-contractors shall be rough electrical, HVAC, plumbing; etc. New partition familiar with all drawings for project. Information for layout as shown. all trades appears on sheets. 10.Sam Fitzgerald Architect, PC (SFAPC) shall retain 1 all copyrights, and all statutory and common law 1 rights with regard to these plans and the building Facade Replacement & Interior Renovation at design depicted in therein. Any reproduction, 1 change or assignment to a third art shall not 1 g g party occur without first obtaining the consent of SFAPC. 10 1 Rd S@E t' ti c�, Fitzgerald Arc 1 Ny Sam Fitz hi g test, PC F 'Ishers ,r. 0 02q { - N� 15 E. Putnam Ave.,#234 SO Greenwich,CT 06830 860.287.3808 1000 ��� ion ��� 3 11 S Vt eraldarchitects.com infoOsamfitzg __.-- DRAWING REVISIONS SCOPE OF WORK PROJECT DIRECTORY o 1. Rebuild In kind portion of existing facade. OWNER: ARCHITECT: 2. Gut renovate interior portion of existing house. Elizabeth Johnson & Cynthia Oliveri Sam Fitzgerald Architect, PC y 9 DRAWING ISSUE 7503 Old Bridge Ct. 15 E. Putnam Avenue, #234 1 8/22/24 ISSUED FOR PERMIT Rp Sugar Land, TX 77479 Greenwich, CT 06830 pENINSv��' (631) 788-7492 (860) 287-3808 CONTRACTOR: SURVEYOR / ENGINEER: BD Remodeling & Restoration CME Engineering 447 The Gloaming 32 Crabtree Lane Facade Replacement&Interior Renovation to the S H E ET I N D EX Fishers Island, NY 06390 Woodstock, CT 06281 A0.0 SITE PLAN; PROJECT INFO;GENERAL NOTES (631) 788-7919 (860) 885-1055 JOHNSON RESIDENCE A1.0 DEMOLITION AND PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS&ELEVATIONS 1990 PENINSULA ROAD, FISHERS ISLAND NY A1,1 STRUCTURAL DETAILS;WALL SECTIONS I hereby certify that these plans were prepared under my direction and to the best Sheet Title of my knowledge and belief conform to the applicable Building Codes and Ordinances. PROJECT INFO; SITE PLAN Date 8/21/2024 Project Sr�E PLAN 60-000 AO * O (:f)_S_CALE: 1/16" = -0" Samuel W. Fitzgerald Date Scale NY License#029399 AS NOTED EXTERIOR DOOR AND WINDOW TYPES OZI AWNING O FIXED CASEMENT O O O 1 STRUCTURAL RAFTERS AND ROOF PLANKING TO REMAIN. FIXED POLYGON FIXED POLYGON NO WORK ABOVE YELLOW-SHADED AREA. ULTIMATE LIFT AND SLIDE CASEMENT CASEMENT DOOR AND WINDOW SCHEDULE ELEVATION LEGEND Manufacturer:Marvin O O O Frames:Impact rated Material:Clad on exterior,primed on interior--CLAD COLOR IS BLACK EXISTING TO REMAIN -- NO WORK Window Jamb thickness:6-9/16" Glazing:Insulated-impact rated Screens and Hardware: Mark Type Rough Opening Unit size Model O/S QTY. Notes OD OB Ug Og 0 AREA OF WORK-- NEWLY-CONSTRUCTED Width Height Width Height FACADE 1 Lift&Slide Door 12'-l' T-1 27/32' 12-0' 7-1 11/32' U-SDSTKSBR12070 Operating 1 3 Panel door New non-load-bearing 2x6 frame wall. See A Casement 6-4 1/2' 3-11 5/8' 6-3 1/2' 3-11 1/8' UCAPCUSTOM Stationary 1 sheet A1.1 for locations of trim boards, B Casement 4'-l' 4'-11 5/8* 4'-O' 4'-11 1/8' UCAP4860 Stationary 3 3-Unit Connected w/NO Muntins between unit widths,Connected to Units ABOVE with 1 11/4'Muntin windows, etc, C Awning 4'-1' 2'-3 5/8' 4'-O' 2'-31/8' UCAPOP4828 Operating 3 3-Unit Connected w/NO Muntins between unit widths,Connected to Units BELOW with 1/1/4'Muntin D Casement 6-6 1/2' 6-6 1/2' 6-5 1/2' e-51/2' UDGPOLY Stationary 1 Right facing O NEW POST AND BEAM TRIM BOARDS E Casement 6.6112' 6-61/2' 6-5 1/2' 6-51/2' UDGPOLY Stationary 1 Left facing ----------REMOVE FACADE IN ITS ENTIRETY ALL THE CONSTRUCTION WITHIN THE YELLOW-SHADED 0 5/4 Red Cedar boards, 11" wide. Seal with AREA.PREP FOR NEWLY-CONSTRUCTED FACADE. "Seal Once NANO Penetrating Wood Sealer." NEWLY-CONSTRUCTED FACADE,SEE SHEET A1.1 FOR LOCATIONS OF BEAM AND POST TRIM BOARDS NEW SIDING - Hardie Planks, vertically. Color: Pearl Gray Z---EXISTING DECK NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITYZ�EXISTING DECK NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY WEST ELEVATION DEMOLITION PROPOSED W T E ESLEVATION 4 SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Z) 1 y l DECK DECK T do NO WORK NO WORK REBUILD NON-LOAD-BEARING FACADE IN ITS ENTIRETY. REMOVE NON-LOAD-BEARING FACADE IN ITS ENTIRETY. 3 — ALL STRUCTURAL ROOF RAFTERS AND ROOFING TO REMAIN. ALL STRUCTURAL ROOF RAFTERS AND ROOFING TO REMAIN. A 1.1 SEE PLAN DETAIL SHEET Al.1 PREP FOR NEW FRAME FACADE PER THIS DRAWING SET. I -- �___ ____�____ ___�-------- — — SINK DW — — --- W IF � IL J I -F I W Sam Fitzgerald Architect, PC SOUTH WING I ! I GREAT ROOM GREAT ROOM NO WORK I I ! I I FINISH ON THIS EW KITCHEN CABINETRY, I APPLIANCES,COUNTERTOP, FINISH ON THIS I WALL TO REMAI FIXTURES,HARDWARE,ETC. WALL TO REMAIN-----*' 15 E. Putnam Ave.,#234 ENTRY —I—J ENTRY ALL NEW ELECTRICAL AND Greenwich, CT 06830 NO WORK NO WORK PLUMBING. 860.287.3808 � � i infoGsamfitzgeraldarchitects.com ( I I I NEW GAS STOVE IN PLACE OF —————s————'1 REMOVE EXISTING GAS STOVE. I I FLUE TO REMAIN.PREP FOR EXISTING.TIE INTO EXISTING FLUE EW BAR CABINETRY, PIPE.PROVIDE CLEARANCES TO COUNTERTOP,ETC. ———————4 NEW STOVE IN SAME LOCATIO I ----- REFRIG. COMBUSTIBLES PER MNFR'S SPECS. I I UP PANTRY UP DRAWING REVISIONS ---- — ----------- BAR I I BATH STAIRS BATH STAIRS NO WORK NO WORK NO WORK NO WORK PLAN LEGEND DRAWING ISSUE ABINETRY TO 1 8/22/24 ISSUED FOR PERMIT ABINETRY TO BE REMOVED BE REMOVED EXISTING TO REMAIN -- NO WORK BEDROOM 1 BEDROOM 2 AREA OF GUT RENOVATION BEDROOM 1 BEDROOM 2 NO WORK NO WORK All new surface finishes BELOW THE CEILING (and NO WORK NO WORK except where noted). New cabinetry; fixtures; fittings; Facade Replacement&Interior Renovation to the rough electrical, HVAC, plumbing; etc. New partition layout as shown. JOHNSON RESIDENCE l EXISTING PARTITIONS TO REMAIN 1990 PENINSULA ROAD, FISHERS ISLAND NY EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE REMOVED Sheet Title FLOOR PLAN NEW PARTITIONS Date DEMOLITION PLAN PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN 2 8/21/2024 SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" Project 60-000 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Scale Al 00 AS NOTED 28'-2"-V.I.F. � ( FACADE ( 6-5 112" 6-51/2" V—EXISTING RAFTERS, 51/2" 51/2" 5112" 51/2" SHEATHING AND t t ROOFING TO REMAIN W' 5" 5" 12'-1"R.O. 5" 5" 3)2 x 10 HEADER '�STRUCTURAL (STRUCTURAL POST POST HORIZONTAL SECTION THROUGH FACADE 6 SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" 28'-2"-V.I.F. "FACADE I E'•51/2" 6-5 1/2" /4 x 11"DOUG FIR TRIM BOARD, 51/2" 51/2" 51/2" 51/2" VERTICAL did o d 6'-4"R.O. 5" 5" 12'-1"R.O. 5" /4 DOUG FIR Y TRIM BOARDS ~ I2STRUCTURAL STRUCTURAL POST POST HORIZONTAL SECTION THROUGH FACADE SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" TYPICAL BEAM-TO-POST CONNECTION:SIMPSON �CONCEALED HANGER /CBH2.37X7.63H KT.DO NOT en6. \ DEVIATE FROM MNFR'S NAILING SPECS! y �a 5114"x 91/2" PARALLAM BEAMS, � 40 aaIF �` °c° . TYPICAL o , �l)� �� EXISTING ROOF CABINETRY TO BE ' M RAFTERS TO REMAI REMOVE 1/4 x 91/2 PARALLAM STRUCTURAL PARALLAM BEAMS POSTS.SEE PLAN FOR AP NEW BEAM OVER EXISTING SIZES. 4 RAFTER.(6)1/4"x 4"SDS SCREWS A1.1 BY SIMPSON,THROUGH FACE. Sam Fitzgerald Architect, PC 15 E. Putnam Ave.,#234 7 x 7 Greenwich, CT 06830 PARALLAM 860.287.3808 infogsamfitzgeraldarchitects.com IN.(6)114"x 4"SDS SCREWS FROM A1.1 POST TOENAILED TO EXISTING / RAFTER. 51/4 X 91/2 OT DIP GALVANIZED CBSO66-SDS2CAST DRAWING REVISIONS INTO FOUNDATION AND FASTENED TO PARALLAM 5114 x 5114 POST WITH(14)Yc"X 2"SDS SCREWS 7 x 7 ALL BEAMS I PARALLAM 6 PARALLAM7 r I A1.1 I EXISTING FOUNDATION TO I REMAI DRAWING ISSUE SEE TYPICAL STRUCTURAL CONNECTIONS THIS SHEET I \ 1 8/22/24 ISSUED FOR PERMIT NEW RIM JOISTS AT 5 RE-BUILT FACAD A1.1 5114x5114 Facade Replacement inter or Renovation tothe PARALLAM JOHNSON RESIDENCE F ,........ ... .m..,_. L-EXISTING DECK NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY 1990 PENINSULA ROAD, FISHERS ISLAND NY XISTING FOUNDATION Sheet Title AND FLOOR FRAMING • TO REMAIN. ALL EXISTING FLOOR FRAMING TO REMAIN FACADE DETAILS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. Date 8/21/2024 SECTION THROUGH FACADE PROPOSED FACADE ELEVATION PROPOSED FACADE ELEVATION TYPICAL STRUCTURAL CONNECTIONS AT FRAME Project 60-0003 � • 4 ALE " = 1'- " SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-a" SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" _ AS NOTED SCALE: 1 0 SCALE. 1 1/2 1 -0