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TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51333 Date: 10/30/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: Kathleen E Walas 60 W 57th St Apt 10-B New York, NY 10019 To: legalize "as built"generator as applied for per Trustees approval. Premises Located at: 750 Brooks Rd, Greenport, NY 11944 SCTM#53.-1-16 Pursuant to application dated 10/29/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector.. To expire on 10/30/2026. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: As Built Generator $250.00 ELECTRIC -Residential $200.00 CO-RESIDENTIAL $100.00 Total S550.00 Building Inspector m rr "� TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 s " Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 litti,)s://w-ww.southoldtom�,iinv.gov x 'E P,p9ak Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Z?" 0 r r„m G r k � For Office Use Only Bm � PERMIT NO. Building Inspector; N ;7N c �7til ' Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety. Incomplete P n applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Date:October 28, 2024 OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: Name:Kathleen Walas SCTM# 1000-53-01-16 Project Address:750 Brooks Road, Greenport, NY 11944 Phone#:917-428-8084 Email:kathleen.walas@gmail.com Mailing Address:750 BrookS Road, Greenport CONTACT PERSON: Name:Brooke Epperson Mailing Address: PO Box 152, Mattituck, NY 11952 Phone#:631 603 9092 Email:bepperson@amparchitect.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name:Anthony Portillo Mailing Address: PO Box 152, Mattituck, N.Y. 11952 Phone#:631 603 9092 Email:aportillo@amparchitect.com CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition ❑Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: OOther Legalization of Existing Generator $ Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes LINO Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes ❑No 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Intended use of property: Existing use of property:s, ;1vr; Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? []Yes, o IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. ,tmheck Box After Reading: The owner/contractor/design professional Is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code.APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and In building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Cass A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210AS of the New York State Penal law. c�1,d-+e`�'v�� Application Submitted By(print name): -+�fM , T►' Auth rizedAgent []Owner Signature of Applicant: Date: STATE OF NEW YORK) S : COUNTY OF being duly sworn,deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing ritract)above named, (S)he is the ontractor,Agent,Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this _day of OrAbtr .200_ (Agry Public DARCEE AUFENANGER PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF NEW Y i K (Where the applicant is not the owner) Registration No.01A0001964 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires January 9, 1, � residing at 1 " + do hereby authorize to apply on my beha o t e Town o Southold Building Department for approval a�ys zribed herein. 1-50 CUL 2— Owner's Signature Date Affii(HA) W ALl4 Print Owner's Name 2 w w °., a N4 1C.'m zx_t I ! 9*1C,r NC:0 . " r` �w 4-1 . I EXIST TREES To REMAIN (TYP.) „ ...._..._._ W PROPOSED 4' HIGH FENCE WITH SELF [� T — CLOSING / SELF LATCHING GATE w . r 5' SETBACK FROM IETLANDS (DEC JUR15DICTIONf'LINE) 5� _._ti .m _ N dNGREA5INO EXISTING NON—TURF 15.81 _- PROP. w W " \ _ ... BUFFER BY APPROX. 10'-0" OF M NON—TURF BUFFER PLANTED WITH _. it � rr % ,B" e �� EXIST ro� R SCREENED t PROP POOL NATIVE, NON—FERTILIZER DEPENDENT PROP. POOL EQUIPMENT TO , IPORCH w/ ^ RAISEDD\ VEGETATION. BE PLACED WITHIN SHED — OPEN FG?gND.° STONE LIKE STRUCTURE 3 wx8 Ixr " PATIO TO 1 4h I5.6 rr ✓ 4 'w u' 12. PROP. REMAIN w a ✓ / Sg 3 100' SETBACK FROM WETLANDS `" _ _ PATIO d„ (TRUSTEES JURISDICTION LINE) A $ Y:, � �' _ PROP _ "15 PROP. N 1 EXISTING NON—TURF BUFFER MODIFICATION s DITlO 1411 w ROF'. LANDING N EXIST. ABOVE—GROUND r „ d . . I L.P. OAS TANK5 6 ° �T 54 �° " 1 d'OHT OF WAY ._,. ELEw`ATED 5.2 " MODIFIED 2-5TORY 1 =FIST, GOLEMAN POWERMATE ( AD. FR. DWELLING 5500 GENERATOR LOCATION ... .�d (4 BEDROOMS) TO REMAIN. MIN 18 ELEVATED W/ CLOSED $ $ f SEPARATION TO DWELL14 ^" „„ I—STRY. WD. -- FOUNDATION „ FR _. . "».,.. GARAGE .._ w � ✓ �' � � "� v a � ~ ,� .. = N OF NFU �. r > 1 r �;v, _ COUNTY \PROP F.F. EL.-10 3' a �' PROP. (2) AG° lu PROP. SLAB S r ,,,, 54 VACANT UNITSi 0 EL.=7.6' N ; \ „► , (1501) I PROP. TRENCH DRAIN - �.. PROP COVERED P...C�H.., � w`rl S d d b = EROSION If �. —��:.' '.� ^. a .. . � r . ."• ' .. ��',, . .. � � ,�„mw �✓ � �, �. � r r EXIST. UTILITY POLE BURIED ELEG. _ 'i PROPOSED L°" w �D fn WIRES; ABANDON BURIED WIRES r ..?-" �RIVEWAY 742 PROVIDE NEW OVERHEAD WIRES F7'•W �p( d EXIST. HATER m ,.. PROJECT: R N440410011W METER 4 YA LINE h PROP. TEMP. GONG. PROOF. GRAVEL TEST k �� , 185.58' SARAK SUPPL TER HOLE r WASHOUT AREA EXIST. a " N d „ �' O PARKING SPACE EL.=SA, < �,,,, o Iq° p , RESI LOT 52 ��✓^ &ARAGE ... w .^ V 2' (SECOND SPACE I N e RELOCATED � KAYAK RACK 750 BI RIOHT OF WAY ° � -y SOUTH( PROP. 4'X4' OUTDOOR '" EXIST. KAYAK \ SHOWER OPEN TO ABOVE; EXIST. TREES TO RACK C?I�AIPUING TITI DRAIN TO 5TORMWATER REMAIN (TYP.) CHAMBERS •" SITE PLAN N Lar 3s PROPERTY AP y +h " �, ' TIDAL WETLAND BOUNDARY AS I LAND N/F OF 6, DELINEATED BY EN—CONSULTANTS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ON APRIL b, 2021 PAGE: \ — ' VACANT DI 'ROPOSED S 1 TE PLAN S . r SERVICE MANUAL P FOR � C]'UVE RSTATIOIV ELECTRIC GENERATOR, t ,,�S�>�ZV .'���'. w'\� t �� �y � ^���1;�1t\�'t�'`� \�,. .\,� tit ua ttt 1 f t t• 41:. j _ `"'t-'+.�;oStX�pr: •��-�`�,1`'n;��>e+ar;`4 w' t.�iel;:���`r:'��"`� .� t t 2 :, LapS•`'f'••li -...,.j�.�tn4 •� �t•Mr�1M�w'�<.', Gee-:;@ i^�z:,��S�1r�h.. :*tiT...... ,' •• ••�>i.. �7'„ "`>'�"•C:-�na ?ti-�y`%' .. $?f3T� } an•• nyC.`•.... �"( Et `iti'i,•;,;t .`,,,�.-.tea t�''(y •� a,� ��� � kj J`' a .<x•`.,"< `tJii'^'eSr ^ '!�,, 5,.S: ',G3Y.o� "� fitf^^•�r�+',�tf+ Y„ +Y'•1a...;�.Y.-''e'n2:,'r�ra,��. �D}S;a' •r`a;: �>r .��, 'f:`� +��,`� ). _��, 'ry':;f.4,•,�+;1`���r�i ,s,;: %^,'. ^t ,�2,.,�:�,�"t^••r,>kwn"v;,`s'>g''�ia ,a\ sue :�',o- r<\�L1i?`"",•,�:' �.� ..4'�' .t.,i.. j ; `�: <'.�r?1.• ;�' •,,{:-"�<`'v _�c;:,r-.,-•ti �Ctiv`o.°'� .,,,£•�`t, sn.a>:rys *r r•��i ,j' �x y�' �isi��q'�'�i,"�''"''��;t�`-.',:%'.}+:�,,.c;: }y;:le�.�•,.,�'pfs'c.:r=°%`�;'•!°-i.�r'atirir.;a=., ,l r,�• z ..:,•..�..�? �">-.^\ riw:s{Ji� Y�.%�S'.,1 :.iS g_:'=5:1-,-ti: <,r,$:v"i. 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ROPERTY DAMAGE AND/OR VOIDING I FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE THiS MAN ALCOULD RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY, (P THE WARRANTY. COLEMAN POWERMATE WiLi_NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY'DAMAGE OF BECAUSE OF FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE jNSTR IJCTfONS. C hecl 'the unit over for any signs of freight damage. Cl eck item list; Transfer Switch Literature, Battery hold d wn kft, Diode, and Insulated Cori'ecfors for,AC,an.d,DG wires should all be included with unit. This rranual is not all inclusive. Each'operating unit has a manual specific,,o its use. Basic Generator operations (Sitnpliffetlf Electri power is produced in the Coleman Powermate 0-'eratgrs.b .stator. his-is a brushlessor.Tos Y a magnetic ftefd'rotating inside a In the rr'tor's.metal core which Inducesta small amount �f current 9 ' in the sta the residual tnagnefisrrm. the rot 'r(increasing the magnetic,Feld and the amount of current induced) until-the rotor's ma ne '- tor. This current.is fedback into reaehe satur-atiion, At thin point tlyere.is sufficient enee'- I- . g tic field ate the ' nit at its rated capacity: �Y, present in the stators output windings to c per- Usage . The GoI"man PawerStafion Generator is connected v✓ transfer switch. It is intended that thfs,uni ith the home-electrical distribution,panel;-Via-they unit be.used in the following,manner. When tie normal electrical service is interrupted tine Automatic Transfer.5 ' tch ator con rol circuit to,start the engine. When the generator output voltage eaches aS)redletegrnal the-gener= the ATS Will automatically switch the load distribution panbl to the Po.werStation output power:Aft predetermined.level,. utility se'� ice has been restored, the ATS switches.the load'back to fhe utilit. er shuts do n after a short cool down period, Y powecand khe generator Once ev ry 14 days the Home PowerStation Generator WI ill "e run for 2 minutes insuring that the unit is in a good dperatingxcondittiion when I self needed means it will.start and i i i �I f i' 4 f I f i PAGE 'l POWERSTATION SERVICE ICE MANUAL GENERATOR TERMINOLOGY ALTERNATING CURRENT Alternating current or AC is the'flow of electrons,in a conductor,:Pr, first in one direction then in the other. I AMPERES (AMPS) The rat of eleciron flow through, a'ponductor is measur I d in amperes,which Is.a,meazut8ment,of electrons flowing Pasta given-point,at a,given time. I DIRE GIT CURRENT Direct c rrent or DC is the flow of f electrons in only one dir9ctlon through.the conductor.. HER A unit of frequency.equal to one-cycle,ppr'second. OHM One ohm is tne,amount.of re _11l p resistance that W1ermit. one am ere,ofpurrent-.to flow,ih,a,cqn4uPfOr when one volt of elpctrb-motive force Is,.applfod'. ROTC R The rotor is essentially-an elqctro,-magnet, since the, flow, of direct current through-'its.ts windings creates a, rnagnetfL,Fleld around those windings.;,dlng:j--,, 'T-h6 strength I— -p vvi - Of the magnetic field cawbe'incr ased by (a),f6rming thewires into 6 coil. (b.) increasing,the:wire size, or(c)increasing the current how through.the,wises 811`JE VAVE A wave Iiagrarn (sine way.e),-oUalte,rnatihg current shows current .goes,t"t curren goes,fi�pm:a.zero.value.to a maximum positive Value r_eyqr§ing1t1self agqin,and returns to zero. Then it goes to a-maximum magatiVo.value;,reversing itself i and retur�nsjd' zero. -STAT R� The number of turns of wire fn a stator winding are determined when it is manufactqred,..A typidai stator assembly maybe singl'a - a-Phqse'type, ,or a 3 phase it type. The greater,the number of tumsof wire in a -stator winding, the grea ter induloed'EIVIF when 1-Tiagneti lines,of,flux cut' through the wirld'ings- VOLT11! The volt is the amount of.olectro-nlotive force (EMF) that will Suit in a current (electron)flow,of one ampere tirqugo a resistance of one ohm. WATTOne watt Ll is equal-to one ampere,Of current flow under pres- sure of one volt. Calculate elecitrical power by using the formula: WATTS =VOLTS x AMPERES. PAGE 2 1 I POWERSTATiON SERV/ CE MANUAL INSTALLATION Site.Selection and Preparation Location' The unit,should be laced in an area that allows plenty of room arou I d the generator for ventilation and maintenance. Approximately 3ft o each side. Covering or restricting the air passages on the sides'of the Home Powerstation units will cause the,unit to overheat. Examples would be landscaping, piles of eaves, or piles of snow. Leaving a three foot open area around the unit will help in preventing any overheating. When pf' cing the generator,r the direction of the exhaust ,Mould be pointing a ay from windows, doors, and,any ventifation-systems. Do not install indoors. Holes provided in th ;frame are .375 diameter but we recommend a !4" lag bolt to�allow for variance of placement-in_ the cement. The unit.'should be bolted on-a pad that is 3:to 6 inches th•ick. The pad for the 8:5KW and 10KW should be.. 42.25"wide and 50. 5"long. The pad for the 15KW should 48"wide and 72 long. The unit is.mounted on rubber isolators to the framelto make the unit run as vibration free as possible. Fuel: For the best operatio of the i-lome Powerstation Unit the fuels used.` hould have a minimum content of 1000 BTUs-per Cubic fabt`for Natural jGas (NG) and 2520 BTUs per Cubic-foot fof Liquid-,Propane (LP), Contact focel 5uppliei for local B.TU.content. Line prdssure for the-8.5KW, MKW & 15lKW-should be maximum of,8oz. an_ d a minima connecting fuel suppl installation of a manual shutoff valve,at the unli is recommended. m of 4oz, When, The PowerStation 8.5'<VV & 10KW at full load consumes•16.2..cubic.felt per hour or 162;000 BTUs per hour.of Natural Gas (NG)and 72 cob c feet per hour or 192,000 BTUs per hour of L'rq id Propane (LP). Approkimately-29allons of Liquid Propane per h itr at full foal, The PowerStation 15KW dt•feill I= consumes.285.cubic feet per hour or 285,000 Plus per hour of Natu,a! Gas (NG) and '122 cubic feet per hour or 308; 00 Btus per hour-of Liquid Propane(LP)_ Approximately 3.1 gal ons of Liquid Propane per hour at full I'oad. (Co.nttnued on page 4). � o � e i FM,ITAZARD ' EXPLOSION EIAGARD Overheating of u lit may cause fire and serious personal injury. Natural gas and Liquid Propane are,Iiigilly explosi�e. Natural gas .is tighter than. air-and will collect in Coy Bring car restr cling the air passages on the high pl Ices. Liquid Propane vapor is header than sides oFthe Po"veliStation units will cause the unit to avcrlle�tt a�lct may create a fro hazard. anr'and will cOlfcc,t itt Lower places. Extreme caution s11ot1Id be taken when working Examples would c landscaping, leaves or piles of st3ow on a neuj installation or while performing i i general lain tenatice_ Leaving a three f ;ot open area around the un it- Do not �moke or- use open flame during will hells in preve"tins any overheating. I�lnl llt>✓ITflnCC. i PAGE 3 r i i P41NER.STATION SERVICE MANUAL Home Standby unit ;are tested with Natural Gas before they leave th1e factory. If natural gas.is .to be used no carburetor adjustments are req ired, If�Propane Vapor Withdrawal is going to he used the"carb.uretor solenoid will need to"be con- nected, for the 8.516V & 10KW units. Follow these steps to install the LP fuel orifice for Vapor Witljdrawal operation of the t 5KVV unit. I- The main fuel line,clamp.will have to be loosened"and the line remloved from the carbureto . 2, Install the LP fuel�orrfice with a�st'raight blade screwdriver. Tile fuel inlet to the carburetor is"internally threaded to receive the.LP orifice. 3. After the LP orific is.installed reattach the fuel line and,retighten the damp. The `1.5 KW'is now equipped to run off Vapor'�ithdrawal. The carburetor jets ere,factory set for LP gas,and no adjustments beyond orifice installation are necessary for LP Gas operation, Use only i he vapor. withdrawal type system if Liquid Propane Gas (L.P.) is to be used. WARNING: The installation of'this type of"equipment must be done by licensed:electrici gas technician or plu �ers..Installation must be in conformance with NEC and local elec rical and building odes Ma n must be in the off po itron.fjefor&you'start any wiring. To insure)safe'nstallafion of,unit,rriake,sure'ivlocle:9 cqo , . Main box, is in the off �`osition. System Wiring The installation of th Automatib Trat sfer.Switch must be done.by a qualified electrician:.,Under no circumstance:should an unqualified pe.rso i attempt.tes,install this equipment. The instructior}s on the,'installation of the:Automatic:Transfer L_. Switch are with the tr nsfer switch and must be:followed for correct installation and operation. L-'ocate,the transfer switch as close as possible 'o the distribution panel. The amperage rating of the,trapsferswtch mu'stbe af.leastas large as the amperage rating af.t e.Cfistiibution panel:A;series :165, '100 amp ATS`lmust.be used'with a-distributiori.par'el up to 1:00 amps. The,recommended e_tKod'to connect the Home Powerstation system to the home.desi.red circdf ''� . . . r is is�through a emer- .gency distribution pa el. This"panet.must.be sized,to the generator arperage capability. Always,follovir`the.l'ocal.codes and regulations.All salected emergency circuits.are fernoved.from rrra�n distribution panels and reinstalled in the emer- dancy distribution pa gel. Total running load must not.exceed generator rating or,there will be a risk"of overloading.and damaging the genera'or: Refer to the wiring di ,grams"contairr,ed in1his manual for proper connection of the AC,circuit. The1wo.AC power leads must be connected ftectly to the main circuit breaker in the generator)control box The neutral wire must be connected to'the neutral provide ,A green ground wire from the ATS must also b�connected t'o the�ground connection in the con- trol box. Ensure that r11,"local.codes ace followed when making,these"connections. A grounog d lu is provided on,the,rear of enclosure to which a are.ground wire-mustbe connected to a ground rod dilyen into the earth,A I2Q"volt circuit will need to be ran, insid the volt conduit, from the utility to the control box of generator for the'battery charger plug. 8.5KW- 1OKW.UNITf101. MODEL Refer to, the wiring di1grarrts contained•in this manual for Groper connection of-the QC circuit..The.insulated quick con- nect terminals provid must be used'to make these connections. A,five wire cable (14 gauge) is needed between the control panel and the !ransfer switch run through.a"different conduit frorjn. the AC'leads. Remove ATS cover and locate the green connection "loci€:.Terminal Block(TB),positions 2,3,4,5,7 anal t3 will be used. Connections at the generator are within the control panel at terminal 5tdp positions 2,3,4:, G,and,graund.IThe ihlsulated.spad'es included must be used. Connections are: i� ATS 3 connects to Generator position 6. ATS 4 connects to Generator position 3. ATS 7 connects to Generator position 4. A'FS 8 connects to Ger�'erator position 2. ATS 5 connects to ATS-7 with provided diode. Diode cathode connects;to position 5. ATS 2 connects to gr and inside.generator control box. it is important that eadh wire be.connected to the proper terminal other I ise the system will-not operate correctly.. Note page 8, 9 for wiring diagram and preferred method of connection and installation of the DC circuit, transfer switch, PAGE 4 j I i POWERSTATIQN SERViICE MANUAL i -15KW UNiT Refer to the wiring diagrams contained in this manual for proper con' ection of the DC circuit. The insulated.quick con- nect terminals provided must be used to make.these connections. A five wire cable (14 gauge) is needed between the control panel and tii' transfer switch run through a different conduit f om the:AC leads. R3move.ATS cover and locate- the green:connection b'lock. Terminal Block (TB) positions 2;3,4 5;.7 and 8 will be used. Connections at the en within the control panel at terminal strip positions 1,2,3,4, and ground. The insulated spades included must beused- Connections are, ATS 3 connects to Generator position 4. ATS 4 connects to �enerator position 3. ATS 7 connec.'ts to Generator position 2. ATS 8 connects to Generator position 1. ATS 5 connects to A�TS'7 with provided diode. Diode cathodezonnects to position 5. ATS 2 connects to g ound inside generator control box. It is impbrtant that each wire be connected to the proper terminal otherwise the system will not operate correctly. Note page.7 and 8., iring diagrams for instailatiors.of,the D.0 circuit. Ilk I ACID BURN _ Battery elecirc iiyte fluids comprise71fu ALOSION HAZARD actd that cazr lie very dangerous and cBatteries contain sulfuric acid (when filled) and severe burns. may emit explosive gasses. "Read and follow safety instructions accomp?nying the Battery, ° Do not:allo:i, t,is fluid,to contact eyes, skiix, . clratliu�g; etc: Ifc. ;ntact or spilling does occur, Ie.ei spartcs, flames and cigarettes away. (Push the area witP1,'water immediately. Ely, ogen gas is generated during,chargiiig, and discharging. Always,siiiold eyes, protect skin and Battery Installation. I The battery will be su plied by the customer. The battery must have at least 425 cold cranking am for a cold start for the 8.51<VV, '101tUV, an the 15KW should have a minimum rating of 4.0 amp/hours.. Recommended size fqr the battery is. Uq lawn moWer tractor!batte The dimensions must be 7.5''x 5" x 6.5' the serevys on the top nd side of the cover need to be ternoved. E'lacel he cover To Place tand screws to he side Once he-battery in the batterY pthe bat- tery has been placed End tied down, with the battery hold down bar, the leads can be connected to the respective bat- tery post. Connect battery charger leads at the.same time battery is.connected. Always connect the positive cable first and the negative cable last, when disconnecting it is negative cable firs,and then positive lead last. Caution: Failure to connect and disconnect in the proper sequence can cause equipment amage. Ensure there is a clean tight tit from the eablos to the.posts. Re4place the cover and screws. Note:At ihi time the ain power can be turned back on. The'As of Tr nsfer Switch Will light up with the exercise Light flashing. Refer to the A F S manual for operation and settings of switch. is F PAGE 5 POWERSTATION SERVICE MANUAL Coleman'Powermate Powerstation Emergency,Backup Power System Installation Certification & Start-Up Inspection Report This Installation Certil cation and Start-Up Inspection Report must be completed and mailed to the address below. Please insure that the correct signatures are on the form. Mail to: PRODUCT SERVICE WAR PANTY REGISTRATION; P. O, BOX"6001, 4970 AIRPORT ROA KEAR.NEY,NE 68848. For assistance.call 1-800-4 5-'1805. (Please type or prinf clearly except for signature Iin ) PI IR(-HI\SFR INEnQ N+1ATj?'N Al ITHOR17FQ ItI+STA)i ER rn eoR�n rrn ),}AMF ( arr•nI iNT a I BUSINESS NAh,1F I }Ah4F ADr1P,ESS ! AnDR ss crry I rrry STATEIZIP I STATEIlIP PHONEt1 PHONE It I G,ENFRATOR INFr)RMATT111 TR4NSFFR mnnrnu IAIrIORMATInN Model Number ll ndel Number i Spri'l myrnb., !( P1 IRf_'!-IARF nATr^ I INCTAI 14TInN h�I1= PURCHASED FROM START-UP DATE HOMESTANOBY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM INFORMATION i INSPECT F:T2 THE-FOLLOWING. START=UP PREPARATIONS FREIGHT DAMAGE-( RNAL.AND INTERNAL PARTS) —P GE MODE SWITCH IN MANUAL POSITION PROPER BELT ALiGNM :NTAND TENSION _CONNECT AC FREQUENCY METER AND'•A14AETER _GOVERNOR OPERATi 1V CI NNECT BATTERY _FLUID LEVELS(OIL 1-FREEZE,BATTERY) CORRECT FUEL AiVD, �ECTRICAL ROUTING: ENGINE CHECKS, ,ADJUST FREQUENCY IF NECESSARY,- _SUFFICIENT AIR FLOW i C ECK NO-LOAD;VOLTAGE,ADJUST.V.OLTAGE PROPEP,SIZE BAiiTER, REGULATOR IF NECESSARY _CORRECT AC WIRE.SI 5 AND CONNECTIONS _C IECK FOR FLUID_LEAKS �CORRECTDC WIRE SI S'AND.dONNECTibNS T}I NSFEft CUSTOMEf2•LOAD TO GENERATOR;S�RVipE 13ATTERY CHARGER iS bPERATIQNAL LOADED AMP_S• _BATTERY CHARGER V LTAGE CORRECT Nq LOAb'VOLTAGE IS;BETWEEN•240,945 VOLTS BLOCK HEATER OPE TtONAL':(dPTIONAL'ACCESSORY) _FULL LOAD VOLTAGE-IS BE74VEEfJ:235 245 VOLTS RECORD THE F LLOWiNG INFORMATION PIO LOAD,FREQUENCY IS 13ETWEEN.60,6i HZ FUEL TYPE: NO LP? PRESSURE.- OZS. _FULL LOAD FRi±QUENC)F:tS BETWEEN,101 kiZ FUEL LINE SIZE IF LfJj TANK SIZE_ GALLONS _INSTRUCT END�USfiR ON FUNCTIONS OF UNfT DISTANCE TANK IS OCWI UNIT IN FEET�i •ADJUSTMENT CAN.ONLY BE MADE ON A.6&it]KW UNITS DG WIRE GUAGE II!LENGTH IN FEET ©c VOLTAGE AT BATTERYI AT PIN 3 OFATS This is verification (by i hstaller only)that the installation is completed and is in conformance with.the Nationat•'Electricat Code and meets IocaP electrical ' d building codes. It also meets�the standards of the installing agent. The buyer.signature,a only.ao verify�that . . : the work has been completed and in'no way verifies the meeting of electrical or building.codes. Buyers Name Installers Name 'I (Printed)' (Prtnted) Sianature i. Date Signature I Date PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE WAIVER I I have been advised a G understand the Preventive-Maintenance package offered to me for my Coleman Powermate Powerstation Emergency Backup Po�Aer-System. Notwithstanding.I hereby decline and waive the,right to purchase§uch.Coverage for my Coleman Powermate PoWerStati n Emergency Backup Power System i (Customer Signature) 1 I (Date) ij I (Master Representalive' i I (Rate) I Form 57148-1/14/02 i I� i I 1� PAGE 6