HomeMy WebLinkAbout51329-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51329 Date: 10/29/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: 999 Long Is Ave Rlty LLC 285 Hillcrest Ln Oyster Bay, NY 11771 To: legalize "as built"covered deck addition to existing single-family dwelling as applied for.Additional certification may be required. Premises Located at: 595 Summit Ln, East Marion, NY 11939 SCTM# 35.-8-5.20 Pursuant to application dated 09/16/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 10/29/2026. Contractors: Required Inspections: FOOTING/REBAR, FRAMING/STRAPPING , DRAINAGE, FINAL, Fees: As Built Addition/Alteration $1,355.00 CO-RESIDENTIAL $100.00 Total $1,455.00 Building Inspector e TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT i� Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 ' Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 littDs://www.southoldtownny.g Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT D For Office Use Only EP 1 6 2024 PERMIT NO. Building Inspector. Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an TOWN-IF I Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Date: OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: Name: ��wet' ' SCTM #1000 5-1 L Project Address: 5 9"S-- Sty Wlwl, — L A/ i�ASf/q.,4 ta, � / / //,I G Phone#: 71Y " - / „'W)O Email: �i1 Sct/,a/// Mailing Address: ` CONTACT PERSON: p Name: , �1�@ t SG L� Mailing Address: �� S1.i�L V 1 L F`T� i V C1 R W�P� Nib 0 W Phone#: -7/ W 4200 Email: DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Address: Phone#: Email. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: W V\te (�— Mailing Address: Phone#: Email; DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED,CONSTRUCTION ONew Structur ❑Addition ❑ Iteration ❑Repir ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: 'Other Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes 0 Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes " 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: Intended use of property: Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? Dyes ❑No IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. ❑ Check BOX After Reading: The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By(print name): � i '���1� S ��t ��e��, S ❑Authorized Agent Owner Signature of Applicant: Date: ' c .(�o� / . CONNIE D. BUNCH STATE OF NEW YORK) Notary Public,State of New York No.01 BU6185050 SS: Qualified in Suffolk County COUNTY OF Commission Expires April 14, 2 being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (S)he is the J (Contractor,Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this naiy of Aru , 20_Q Notary Public PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION (Where the applicant is not the owner) I, residing at do hereby authorize to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. Owner's Signature Date Print Owner's Name 2 .3 5 - 8 S � Saliell 'Is Houses. 595 9umml't Lane East Mannon NY 11939 SSA fs�� Architect STUDIO B8 Architecture,PC V 30?� 123 South Street, Suite 205, Oyster Bay, NY 11771 Tel: 1.646.844.1550 GENERAL NOTES: BUILDING DEPARTMENT NOTES: GENERAL REMOVALS NOTES: SUMMARY OF WORK: Web www.8studio8.com The followingnotes shall apply throughout. Exceptions are specifically noted on each drawing. The following notes shall apply throughout. N0Q Email studio@8studio8.com pp Y 9 p p Y 9 g pp Y 9 1. All demolition and removals work shall comply with the Building Code and ANSI A 10.6, Safety Requirements for Demolition. The work shall be as shown and called for in the Contract Documents and shall Drawing May Be Printed at Reduced Scale 1. The contractor shall field verify all dimensions and conditions of the site and/or building. 1.Work shall be executed in full compliance with the applicable provisions of all laws, by-laws, statutes,ordinances, codes, rules, regulations and lawful include the following general items of work: It is a violation of the State Education Low Section 7209(2)for any cars.on to after an item In any way unless such person is acting under the direction of a Licensed Professional orders of public authorities bearing on the performance and execution of the work.Work shall be in accordance with the 2020 Residential Code of New York 2. The contractor shall visit the site and carefully examine the work to be done so as to become familiar with the existing Engineer,and the Engineer s!amps such changes Work required to create new wood framed roofed over rear deck. Client Demetrios Sakellis 2.The contractor shall, unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, secure and pay for the required construction permit(s),fees, licenses and State.The contractor shall promptly notify the Authority of any portions of the work in the Contract Documents that are invariance with the above. conditions and nature of the scope of work. An potential difficulties shall be reported to the owner and architect inspections necessary for the proper execution of the work.Application for construction permits shall be processed thru the Town of Huntington Building p Y P p c tact as SOOn as possible. 595 Summit Lane East Marion, NY 11939 Department. 2.The contractor shall construct streets and street curbing in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Bureau of Highways for the borough in which dsakellis@gmail.com this contract is to be executed. 3. The removals drawings may not show all removals required. The contract includes all work necessary to produce the #Client Phone Number 3. Coordination of all work under this contract shall be maintained to ensure the quality and timely completion of the work/project. final arrangement as shown on the architectural drawing. 3.All materials,assemblies,forms of construction and service equipment regulated by code shall meet the following requirements: 4.The contractor shall perform all cutting and patching required to complete the work or to make its parts fit together properly without compromising the 4. The removals contractor shall furnish or contract for all labor, materials,tools,equipment and other items as may be quality of the work. a)They shall have been acceptable prior to the effective date of the code by the Board of Standards and Appeals or MEA necessary to complete the work shown on,called for or reasonably inferred by these drawings and notes. 5.The contractor shall be responsible for adequately bracing and protecting all work during construction against damage, breakage, collapse, distortions, b)They shall have been accepted for the use under the prescribed test methods by the Commissioner(or) 5. Use adequate numbers of properly supervised, skilled workmen who are completely familiar with the existing conditions and off alignments according to codes and standards of good practice, under which this work is to be performed and who are thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary skills 6.All elevations shown are based on the North American Vertical Datum (NAND)of 1988. c)Approved by the Office of Technical Certification and Research (OTCR). required to properly and safely complete this work. d) Shall be listed and labeled by DOB recognized agency to meet required standard. 6. Perform all cutting and rough patching of existing walls as per plans. All cutting of existing materials shall be held to the 7. The term"Finish Floor"shall mean the normal finished surface of the floor level. All elevations given for existing buildings are to finished floor. The absolute minimum as required to properly perform the work. All work shall be carefully performed so as not to damage contractor shall field verify all elevations for existing structures prior to the commencement of work. 4. Materials or assemblies required to have a fire resistance rating, and fuel-oil storage equipment, refrigeration systems, heating systems, and boilers shall or endanger existing work to remain. The general contractor shall assume complete responsibility and liability for safety 8. The contractor shall correct any variations in floor elevations created by the removal of partitions and/or for the installation of new door openings. comply with one of the following: and structural integrity of the work to remain during removals work. a)They shall conform with Subchapter 5 of the 2020 Residential Code of New York State. 7. Before beginning any demolition/removals work, protect from damage any and all parts of the existing work designated 9.The contractor shall not construct, unless otherwise noted, interior CMU partition walls to full height until all pipes,ducts,etc.,are in place. to remain which is liable to damage.Take any and all precautions during demolition/removal work to safeguard the b)They shall have been tested in accordance with ASTM El 19, Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials by a nationally property. 10. The contractor shall install suspended ceilings, to meet the ceiling height requirements indicated in the ceiling schedule. recognized agency. 8. The Contractor shall make probes and explorations as necessary to ascertain any required protective measures prior to 11.The contractor shall patch and repair all floors,walls, ceilings, etc.,damaged or exposed due to work or removals and finish to match adjoining surfaces. c)They shall have been acceptable prior to the effective date of the code. proceeding with demolition/removals work,or the installation of new work joining existing. 12. Floors in spaces with multiple floor drains shall be pitched to the floor drain. d)Approved by OTCR. 9. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any damage which may be caused to any part of the existing structure, 13.At toilet areas and other locations with one drain only, provide drain 1/4"below finish floor and provide a two(2)feet swale in concrete drain. 5.The Construction Classification of the existing building is Type VB.The construction elements shall be of the required minimum fire resistance ratings as enclosure,fixtures or equipment designated to remain or for reuse by construction operations. outlined in Table 601 and defined in Chapter 2 of the 2020 Residential Code of New York State.Allowable height and building areas shall not exceed values 10. Remove and/or relocate existing work as shown on the drawings. Notify the Architect of any discrepancy between the 14.The contractor shall not install suspended or furred ceilings in areas where pipes are to be concealed (heating, plumbing) until the piping has been outlined in Table 503. existing conditions as illustrated on the drawings and as made apparent by demolition/removals work. tested. 6. The contractor's licensed professional is responsible for filing application and obtaining permits for scaffolding, sidewalk bridging,any other construction 11. All demolition and removals work shall be brought to natural stopping point. Any material removed by mistake or in 15.All vertical shafts shall have a minimum fire rating of 2-hours unless required otherwise by codes due to occupancy adjacencies. equipment or public protectives required to ensure safety of operation and the public as per 2020 Residential Code of New York State, Chapter 33.The excess of requirements shall be replaced at the contractor's expense. contractor is also responsible for obtaining Letter of Completion. 16.All unsupported lintels,greater than 4'-0"shall be fireproofed as per building code. 12. Where existing ceiling and walls are to remain in whole or part, leave edges of material neat,sharp and firmly in place 7. The contractor shall obtain"Certificate of Compliance"required in accordance with Chapter 1 of Title 28 of the Administrative Code,Article 116, so that new materials can be properly and securely joined to existing. 17.The distance from door jambs to adjacent partitions, built-in furniture or other furnishings shall not be less than 6"unless otherwise noted on the 28-116.4.1. Certificate of Compliance shall be required for the use and operation of the following type of service equipment: air-conditioning and ventilating drawings. systems, elevators,escalators,dumbwaiters et.,fuel-burning and fuel storage equipment, refrigeration systems, heating systems, and boilers. 13. Where existing partitions or other elements are removed, protuberances or depressions in floors,ceilings and/or walls 18.All electrical indication on architectural drawings are for location purposes only. 8.These drawings have been prepared by or at the direction of the undersigned and to the best of the undersigned's knowledge, belief and professional shall be properly filled and leveled flush with the adjacent surfaces. 19.The contractor shall coordinate openings in the foundation and exterior walls for the installation of conduits and boxes for electrical equipment. judgement are in compliance with the 2020 Residential Code of New York State, including the 2020 NYS Energy Conservation Code. 14. Immediately upon completion of demolition/removals work, notify the Architect so that verification of previously concealed existing conditions can be verified. 9.All new work shall comply with the 2020 NYS Energy Conservation Code. 20.The contractor shall extend all wall finishes a m'nimum of 6"above the suspended or furred ceiling. 15. Perform associated electric work as necessary, including removal of fixtures, devices and wiring made obselete by the 21.Where manufacturers'names and product numbers are indicated on the drawings, it shall be construed to mean the establishing of quality and 10. Follow Chapter 33 of the 2020 Residential Code of New York Statefor protection of the public and adjacent properties. scope of the removals work. Existing electrical distribution panels shall remain. performance standards of such items.All other products must be submitted to the architect for approval before they shall be deemed equal. 11. ECC Chapter 5 has been used for design,as reflected in the Energy Analysis.The respective references and citations for the ECC are listed for the 16. The Architect is not responsible for construction methods,techniques,or procedures,or for safety precautions and 22. Fire-stopping shall be installed at all penetrations of fire-rated construction as per specifications. Fire-stopping materials are to be appropriate for, and be Progress Inspection. programs in connection with the work since these are solely the Contractor's responsibility under the terms and conditions of the contract for construction. part of a listed and labeled assembly in accordance with the Building Code or have OTCR or MEA approval. 12. Progress Inspections required to be performed during construction for any New Building,Addition,or Alteration Project are identified by the Applicant according to the scope of work and listed and described in the drawings. In accordance with Section BC 109.9, where an inspection or test fails, the 17. Maintain the job site in an orderly condition. Materials shall be organized.Waste materials and rubbish removed so that 23. Locations and dimensions of concrete equipment pads in these drawings are approximate. Final locations and sizes must be coordinated with the construction shall be corrected. they do not inhibit the orderly progress of the job. Remove cartons, crates and other flammable waste material from the equipment manufacturer and are subject to approval with the equipment shop drawings. There shall be no additional monies paid for increase in size of pad job site at the end of each working day. due to difference in size of the equipment chosen by the contractor from that of model number/size indicated in contract documents. 13. Construction shall be scheduled to allow required progress inspections to take place,and that roofs, ceilings, exterior walls, interior walls,floors, foundations, basements and any other construction shall not be covered or enclosed until required progress inspections are completed or the progress 18. Disposal:All materials,debris and rubbish resulting from the demolition shall be removed from the premises as the work 24. The contractor shall coordinate and install all clean-out and access doors in partitions and hung ceilings as required by the Contract Documents. inspector indicates that such covering or enclosure may proceed at each stage of construction,as applicable. progresses and legally disposed of off the site in accordance with local and building regulations. 25. Dimensions on plans are indicated from surface to surface between walls, partitions and other items exclusive of finishes. BUILDING CODE DATA 26.Additional notes that are applicable to this project may be found throughout the Contract Documents. Construction Classification-Type VB per the 2020 Residential Code of New York State 27. Prior to construction,the contractor shall accurately stake out the locations of all new work on site, and immediately notify the Authority of any variations. Occupancy Classification-Occupancy R-3 per the 2020 Residential Code of New York State Existing Non-Sprinklered 28.All dimensions to curbs and walls are to the exposed face.All dimensions to the building are to the outside face. All work under this application has been designed per the 2020 Residential Code of New York State 29.All angles are 90 degrees unless otherwise noted. 30.The contractor shall verify site conditions prior to commencing planting work. Notify the Authority immediately if conditions detrimental to new and FIRE-RESISTANCE RATINGS OF BUILDING ELEMENTS: existing plant material are encountered. The Construction Classification of the Existing Building is Type VB as per Chapter 6-Types of Construction.The Mark Issue Date Description Revisions 31. Planting groups as shown on plans are only diagrammatic. Massing of plant material may vary due to existing site conditions.The contractor shall stake construction elements shall be of the required minimum fire resistance ratings as outlined in Table 601 (see partial below) and defined in Chapter 2 of the 2020 Residential Code of New York State. and label all plant locations in the field prior to installation. Final placement of plants shall be approved by the Authority before pits are dug. 32.All trees shall be freshly dug and delivered to the site as required for immediate planting. If planting is delayed more than six(6)hours after delivery,set Primary Structural Frame: 0-Hour trees in shade, protect from weather and mechanical damage. Keep roots moist by covering with mulch, burlap,or other acceptable means of retaining Bearing Walls: moisture. Exterior: 0-Hour 33. No plant will be accepted which displays major irregularities or mechanical damage.Any plants deemed not in satisfactory health or condition at the time Interior: 0-Hour of planting shall be replaced at the contractor's expense. Nonbearing walls and partitions: 34. If any variations occur between the quantities called for on the plant list and those indicated on the plans, the greater quantity shall govern. Exterior (per Table 602):X<5: 1-Hour 35.All disturbed areas,whose treatment is not otherwise indicated, shall be seeded as per the Specifications. 5:5X< 10: 1-Hour 10<_X<_30: 0-Hour 36.Architectural components related to fire separation,and all MEP components shall be fully approved by the local building inspectors prior to closing walls X>_30: 0-Hour and ceilings where those components will be concealed at completion of construction. Nonbearing walls and partitions: DOB Stamp&Signature 37. Construction operations shall be coordinated at all times with the development manager and Authority's representatives. Interior: 0-Hour 38. Contractor shall ensure that odors generated from de-watering activities are minimized so apartment residents are not effected. Floor construction and associated secondary members: 0-Hour Roof construction and associated secondary members: 0-Hour B-Scan Sticker 0 5 DESIGN CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT SET TOOO's General ' •. .�;' T001 General Notes ". ZOOO's Zoning Signature&Seal NYC DOB ID#.A10578 Z001 Zoning Analysis Sakellis House A100's Plans 595 Summit Lane East Marion, NY 11939 Project Name A100 First Floor Plan A200's Elevations General Notes A200 Elevations Drawing Title �y Drawn By A.Giorgou Project Number. 2401 A3OO's Sections Checked By A.Giorgou Date: #a## Scale A300 Sections and Details TOO 1 . Drawing Number Page# GENERAL INFORMATION ZONING SUMMARY CIS Address: 595 Summit Lane East Marion, NY 11939 ZR Section Item Permitted 1 Required Existing Proposed Remarks Arcltltedt STUDIO E38 Architecture,PC Section: 35 280-18 Lot size(square feet) 40,000 30,000 No change 123 South Street, Suite 205, Oyster Bay, NY 11771 Tel: 1.646.844.1550 Block: 08 E Lot width(feet) 150 7342 - .26 No change Web' www.8studio8.com 8studio8.com Lot: 5.20 L Lot depth (feet) 175 157.20 No change Email studio@8studio8.com Note tm Zoning District: R-40 y •S Front yard (feet) 50 41.00 No change Drawing May Be Printed at Reduced Scale d It is a violation of the State Education Law Section 7209(2)for any person to alter an Vern Use Group: Residential-One Family Dwelling 3 Primary front yard (feet) 50 41.00 No change in any way unless such person is noting under the direction of a Licensed Professional E 'a Englhepr,and the Engineer stamps such changes Demetrios Sakellis Construction Type VB Secondary front yard (feet) 35 41.00 No change Client Classification: a " Side yard (feet) 15 35.95 No change 595 Summit Lane East Marion, NY 11939 Q Occupancy R-3 0 dsakellis@gmail.com Both side yards(feet) 35 101.77 87.09 #Client Phone Number Classification: E Rear yard (feet) 50 107.37 96.92 Lot Area: 30,000 sq.ft Livable floor area(square feet per D.U.) 850 No change Landmark Status: No E Lot coverage(percent) 20 6.6 9.4 AREA BREAKDOWN y E Building height(feet) 35/25 No change Lot Coverage Q- Number of stories 2'12 2 No change House footprint: 1716.64 Front porch: 251.73 Proposed deck: 856.44 Total: 2,824.81 NOTES 03*0 4. 0 PARTIAL ZONING MAP 9� z k 6.0, 0 23.50' M Sub}ect ,;f' ;' i; N roperty ,;;i' i p Proposed i tl covered _ 8.00' 41.00' • rear deck Existing 2 as o 9 I, 'n Story Frame I v 0 '7 •• CM d i;. ..II.. 30.00' Ax- �R • ` Mark Issue Date Description V Revisions ♦♦ 0 I. 1bVt DOB Stamp&Signature PLOT PLAN a-Scan sticker SCALE: 1" = 20' Signature&Seal NYC DOB ID#A10578 Sakellis House 595 Summit Lane East Marion, NY 11939 project Nome Zoning Analysis Drawing Title Drawn By: A.Giorgou Project Numbpr: 2401 Checked By A Giorgou Date #6## Scale Z001 . Drawing Number Page# Architect STUDIO E38 Architecture,PC 123 South Street, Suite 205,Oyster Bay, NY 11771 Tel: 1.646.844.1550 Web: www.8studio8.com Email studio@8studio8.com Note Drawing May Be Printed at Reduced Scale It is a violation of the Slate Education Law Section 7209(2)for any person to afar an itern in any way unless such person is acting under the direction of a Licensed Professional Engineer,and the Engineer stamps such changes Client Demetrios Sakellis 595 Summit Lane East Marion, NY 11939 dsakellis@gmail.com #Client Phone Number 2 2 2 A300 A300 A300 i L 4' J. 8'-6 3/4" J, 8'-3 1/2" J 12"concrete sonotube footing.Bottom of footing 18' 3'-0"below grade."Big_ Foot"footing form for �,�� C 6x6 column -� tapered footing(36"at " base `� 2-2x10 2-2x12 2.0E Versalam LVL I - i — - — - — - — - — - — - - $ m E p j £ ( ¢ r 3 2j, f C'1 I_ I € 1 j ] I N 5/4"ipe , decking I ....? .._: , ....f =.- i i I �_.€ I... ' i t L p I �., LA c ..i [� —. 2x10 rafters 12 concrete footing. i I @ 16"o.c. y I i ' -~: f 6x6 column- ... l.- ! i-.. M_ w LU Bottom of footin 3 0 I below grade. : i 9 i i. f } f 3 �.� �f 1 Y 1 30 year architectural__ «� j ( -;Jl­ i- - - — — — I roof shingles __ t } — — — I �I I i ». M — - ;.. j € € i 76 w f A300 II A300 �' I W A300 ! € i _.3 1 �. - W I O { I —w 4, f. t cli I I P i S i E € l N, ' ; r I • i �2)2x12 2.0E Versalam L - — - — - — _ , € � _ - — - — - — — - — - — - i j{ it I , A200 A200 6x6 column-- ! _.., I z f v t " f , I , N _ 1, Mark Issue Date Description I {_ ......... '__.... P ao .._ .. Revisions N may{ - j f c..,...„„���� F- 1 ! -.,_.. .......--- � ._....,.ua ... , ...k.«.»... ' ' 6 ._.»_� -e 2x10 ridge _ — _ — _ __ - — - — - — - — - - — - — - — - — - - — - — - — - — - — - — - EO W a 2x10joists 2x10joists I " - -° - , 77 1 ' _ t_.. s...... ..i...._..............,-..._..........._;.._.. L...._ .A... i� k._.... I. I 1, ...._. _... _ .i � � ,...t«_ «_ _l� mp&Sta Signature i _ _.t_ « sE-Scan Sticker —1—7 , _. —.. — �2)2x12 2.0E Versalam LVL _ � _ .. '�T `Tµ...._.._ mmT�'�._I._...�_.... ...... ► ' . _,.. .. ., 6x6 column ' 2x10 ledger with '{ ' } staggered lag screws 2 3 2 3 2 3 `' " ' t4`20,5t, r A300 A200 A300 A200 A300 A200 j Signature&Seal NYC DOB IDit'A10578 Sakellis House Basement / Foundation Construction Plan First Floor Construction Plan Second Floor Construction Plan 595 Summit Lane East Marion, NY 11939 Project Name Scale: 1/4 if = 1 '-011 3 SCALE: 1/4 if = 1 '-011 First Floor Plan OGS Drawing Title Drawn By: A Giorgou Project Number: 2401 Checked By: A Giorgou Date: #### Scale Al 00. Drawin Number pace# c­7 1 6)3 Architect STUDIO 88 Architecture, PC 123 South Street, Suite 205,Oyster Bay, NY 11771 Tel: 1.646.844.1550 Web www.8studio8.com Email studio@8studio8.com Note Drawing May Be Printed at Reduced Scale It is a violation of the State Education Law Section 7209(2)for any person to alter an item In any way unless such person Is acting under the direction of a Licensed Professional .........-:.... Engineer,and the Engineer stamps sur"h changes Client Demetrios Sakellis 595 Summit Lane....,.. ... .. ; a e East Marion, NY 11939 dsakellis@gmail.com lien# n C t Phone Number .,., .. .... .,. .. .. .i - _. .. ......�.. :....... . _Roo . .. ......... i ... r Roof ...... ............. .. ... :- .. .. ....................... .. .. ............. ....., .. .. _ _ .:.................. .. i - - Attic Top Plate4j Attic/Top Plate 30 year architecturalLl roof shingles El ........... ............ ............ ....................... .......... ............. Siding per owner .......... Second Floor ,.�: . ..�:.. ..-.,...-•._. x:•....:...,.:. .....,....;.... ._ Second Floor ........ .. 6x6 column Tnm per owner N M c � N _. I II IEO First Floor •— •— '— •— '— •— ' •— _..___._........- First Floor 12"concrete sonotube footing.Bottom of footing , 3'-0"below grade."Big Foot" _............ . _.... _.. _'_: ----......_._-....._. . _._...._.__.. footing form for tapered nw __.__._.....__..._ oot ing(36"at base) I i WEST SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" - � Mark Issue Date Description Revisions ....,:.... Roof RooNj ._ .— .— .— .— ._ ._ ._ .— ._ ._ .._ t Attic/Top Plate Attic Top Plate : 30 year architectural - - 30 year architectural roof shingles y fshinglesOB Stamp&Signature _ roof D - Second Floor Second Floor , ,.. .... ! B-Scan Sticker _.'. - Siding per owner - 6x6 wood ost 4� 6x6 wood post p M 5l4 i e decking 5/4 i e decking ; : i 12"concrete sonotube First Floor First Floor ": footing.Bottom f footing Signature&Seal NYC DOB ID#A10578 - oo ing. o om o 0o ing 12 concrete sonotube , footing.Bottom of footing '_ ' - - T-0"below grade."Big Foot" T-0"below grade."Big Foot" - ._i' -_. S a ke I I i s House footingform for tapered __. _..._... _ _. . -:i .........:... i.�t. . . P _ footing form for tapered ....... . ___._ . :.........:........ ,. ���:;.........:.::..;,;... footing(36"at base) -- footing(36"at base) __.. _ _. Summit Lane East Marion, NY 11939 _... ._ r 595 Su ' Project Name Elevations Draw,ng Tille, 2 NORTH SOUTH — 1 1-0„ 3 — Drawn By A Ginrgau Proioct Number 2401 SCALE: 1/4" SCALE: 1/4 if 1'-011 Cherked By- A Giorgou Date: Ill Scale A200. Drawing Number Pace# Architect STUDIO eE3 Architecture,PC 123 South Street, Suite 205, Oyster Bay, NY 11771 Tel: 1.646.844.1550 Web www.8studio8.com Email studio@8studio8.com Note Drawing May Be Printed at Reduced Scale It Is a violation of the State Education Law Sertion 7209(2)for any person to alter an Hem n any way unlpss such person Is acting under the dlrpcfion of a Licensed Professional Engineer,and the Engineer stamps such changes Chent Demetrios Sakellis 595 Summit Lane East Marion, NY 11939 dsakellis@gmail.com #Client Phone Number Roo . Roo \ Roof Attic Top Plate Attic Top Plate — .— .— .— .— .— .— .— .— .— .— .. .— — — — .. .. — — — — — — — .— .— .— .— .— .— .— .— .— .— .— . — •— — Attic/Top Plate 2x10 ridge 30 year architectural roof shingles over 5/8" FJ 1 30 year architectural roof plywood sheathing EJ shingles over 5/8" 112 plywood sheathing :.... -:,.. a.. 2 <: _. ::...,: -7777 µwe: �:._.;..;;;. -fjr� c• 6 .c f t a Second Floor . .. . — .— .— . Second Floor .�,,.-.....a., ...�.,. ..�......... .....,,�,�,_;:..,:.:,....�, — .— .— .— — — — — — — . =..gym S .. °�c. (2 pax 12 HE Versallam LVL Second Floor (2)-2xl2 (2)-2x12 2.0E Versa llam LVL (2)-2x12 2.DE Versallam LVI 6x6 wood post 5/4"ipe decking ipe decking First Floor — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — .— .— .— .— .— — — — — 2x10joists @ II o.c. �' ` l 'Y' Y` ' `'�`y� First Floor First Floor 12"concrete footing. 2x10 ledger with Bottom of footing T-0" (2)-2x12 (2)-2x12 staggered lag screws below grade _---.. ... ..-... (2)-2x12 __ ..... _...._..._. ...- _._...._..-- —... ......_. I f .................._...............__... t...... , _.............._._ _. I I....._.......i ...�_....... ........... ....._..i i .... .._......... __.._ .._.. ..............,_...T........t--- .. .._... _... - ... - 12"concrete sonotube footing.Bottom of footing 3'-0"below grade."Big Foot footing form fortapered f / , ` + �\ i `\ i `\ f /i 1, \\ �\ /� \� footing(36"at base) L�_J L------d L_��_..._.� 'L--«--__3 ------- -__..__.1 L------ L_— _---I L__�___� .- Mark Issue Date Description D SECTION 2 Cross Section Rp,:i�ions SCALE: 1/411 = 1 '-011 12" MIN. ° 0 ° 2"min. DOB Stamp&Signature ° o ' ® O rt—O O O 5.5"min.for 2x8` Distance shall be permitted l ` `' 3" min. __Satisfies � r3/4"min. 6.5"min.for 2x10 to be reduced to 4.5"if lag I { ' code "' O—�- O O O 7.5"min.for 2x12 screws are used or bolt side cover spacing is reduced to that of ! I - 2"min. \ Lag screw or bolt. lag screws to attach 2x8 Simpson Strong-Tie:LUS26,LUS28,LUS26-2, -- Ledger ------Stagger fasteners ledgers to 2x8 band joists. P 9 B-Scan Sticker Simpson Strong-Tie LU328-C,LUS210,LUS210-2 in two rows LSTA30(20 gauge)@ 16"o.c. (varies due to size and if wood I-joists are used) Simpson Strong-Tie H2.5AZ @ 16"o.c. Simpson Strong-Tie CBS44 DRidge Strapping 4 Face Mount Hanger 5 Joist to Girder Strap6 Wood Post to Concrete Footing 7 Ledger La Screws and Bolts � P y Signaiwe 8 Seal NYC DOB ID#A10578 Sakellis House 595 Summit Lane East Marion, NY 11939 Proipct Name Sections and Details Drawing Title Drawn By A.Glorgdu Project Numf`ar. 2401 Checked By A Giorgou Date #f#1# Scale A300. Drmng Number Page#