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TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51316 Date: 10/28/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: Walter E Gless 428 Oxoboxo Dam Rd Oakdale, CT 063701225 To: Legalize "as built"demolition (by Southold Town definition)to a seasonal dwelling and construct additions and alterations that convert the seasonal dwelling into a FEMA compliant single-family dwelling to include HVAC system,hot water heater,outdoorshower and deck replacement as applied for per Trustees,ZBA, DEC and SCHD. Requires a floodplain development permit. Premises Located at: 800 Koke Dr, Southold, NY 11971 SCTM#87.-5-7 Pursuant to application dated 09/11/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 10/28/2026. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: As Built Addition/Alteration $890.00 Single Family Dwelling- Addition&Alteration $580.50 CO Single Family Dwelling-New $100.00 Flood Permit $150.00 Total S1,720.50 � 19 0 Building Inspector � r TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Telephone(631) 765-1802 Fax(631) 765-9502 hit s://www°.soutlioldtoWgay. ,ov M Date Received PERMIT'APPLICATION FOR BUILDING For Office Use Only PERMIT NO. I I (D Building Inspector: i Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety.Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an ll :: m Department Owners Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Town .tea Srw u'thol¢ Date: September 5th, 2024 j OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: Name: Walter Gless scrM#1000-87.-5-7 Project Address:800 Koke Drive, Southold, NY 11971 Phone#: (860) 460-9718 Email: walterg less 9 aol.com Mailing Address: 428 Oxoboro Dam Road, Oakdale, CT 06370 CONTACT PERSON: Name: Jake LaChapelle AIA Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1251, Mattituck, NY 11952 Phone#: (631) 251-5058 Email:jake@lachapellearchitecture.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name:Jake LaChapelle AIA Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1251, Mattituck, NY 11952 Phone#: (631) 251-5058 Email:jake@lachapellearchitecture.com CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name:tbd Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition 5RAlteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: ❑Other $ 100,000 Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes JR No Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes ANo 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: seasonal residence Intended use of property: single-family residence Zone or use district in which remises is situated: Are there an covenants and restrictions with respectto p Y R-40 this property? ❑Yes A No IF YES,PROVIDE A COPY. Check Box After Reading.' The owner/contractor/design professional Is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code.APPl1CAMON IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized Inspectors on premises and In building(s)for necessary Inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210AS of the New York State Penal Law, Application Submitted By(prlrl I na ):Jake LaChapelle Authorized Agent ❑Owner Signature of Applicant: Date: CONNIE D. BUNCH Notary Public,State of New York STATE OF NEW YORK) No.01 BU6185050 SS: Qualified in Suffolk County COUNTY OF Suffolk Commission Expires April 14, 2-0—^ Jake LaChapelle being duly sworn,deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (S)he is the Agent (Contractor,Agent, Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this day bt/\ of Notary Public PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION (Where the applicant is not the owner) Walter Gless residing at 428 Oxoboxo Dam Road I, Oakdale, CT 06370 Jake LaChapelle do hereby authorize, to apply on my behalf he Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. I Z5 ki Owner's Signature Date Walter Gless Print Owner's Name 2 Glenn Goldsmith, President , Town Hall Annex 0 A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Eric Sepenoski Southold,New York 11971 Liz Gillooly Telephone(631) 765 1892 Elizabeth Peeples Fax(631) 765-6641 OUM BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 19, 2024 Jake LaChapelle, AIA P.O. Box 1251 Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: WALTER GLESS 800 KOKE DRIVE, SOUTHOLD SCTM# 1000-87-5-7 Dear Mr. LaChapelle: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wednesday, January 17, 2024 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, Jake LaChapelle, AIA on behalf of WALTER GLESS applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated November 16, 2023, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council and to the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, the LWRP Coordinator recommended that the proposed application be found Inconsistent with the LWRP, and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has furthered Policy 6.3 of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program to the greatest extent possible through the imposition of the following Best Management Practice requirements: the issuance of a permit for the structures, inclusion of a 40' non-turf buffer; and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on January 17, 2024, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, • 2 WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that for the mitigating factors and based upon the Best Management Practice cement imposed above„ the Board requirement of Trustees deems the action to be q Consistent with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program pursuant to Chapter 268-5 of the Southold Town Code, and, i RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the application of'I/l/ALTER GLESS for the as-built demolition of existing approximately 20'x20.6' (611sq,ft.) one-story dwelling with attached as-built 20.6'x10.5' and 26,3'x6.2' deck; as-built replacement of existing footings at the deck and seaward portion of the dwelling and new footings proposed for the upland portion; footings to be provided under the proposed screen porch and a foundation wall with flood vents to be installed under the proposed north and east additions; proposed 20.4'x5' (102sq.ft.) one-story north addition; proposed irregularly shaped! 11'x20,6' (213sq.ft.) east addition; proposed 20.4'x11' (225sq.ft.) south screened-in porch; proposed irregularly shaped 6.2'x5' south deck addition/infill; abandon existing septic system and install an I/A OWTS system landward of dwelling; install gutters to leaders to drywells to contain roof runoff; with the condition to establish and perpetually maintain a 40' wide non-turf buffer along the landward edge of the wetlands; and as depicted on the revised site plan prepared by LaChapelle Architecture PLLC, stamped received on February 12, 2024, and stamped approved on February 13, 2024. Permit to construct and complete project will expire three years from the date the permit is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Inspections are required at a fee of$50.00 per inspection. (See attached schedule.) Fees: $50.00 my you , Glenn Goldsmith President, Board of Trustees GG/dd fp 4 _.�. f, BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN;TRUSTEES SOUTI30LD �NEW YORK� PERMIT NO"10527 DATE JANUARY17,2024 ISSUED TO: WALTER CLESS PROPERTY ADDRESS: 800 KO RR +v'E SOUTH i SCTM# 1000-87-5-7 AUTHORIZATION i Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold and in, ui adopted at the meeting 661d�on and ccorrd�ruce`witti'the Resolutionof the'Board ot'"frustees ad An,co s t n de atiIon of application,fee in the surd of t tl.O M paid b er Mess arrd sirbieet to;the Terms and Conditions as stated try the Resolution the Southold Town Board of Trustee$" uthorrres and permits the fol lowing: I Wetland Permit for the as-built demolition of existing approximately 29'�0.6'(611sq.f(:)one- i+ 17'' dwelling with"attached as-built 20.6'x10.51 and" 63)x6X deck;as-built replacement of e istia i > atrtln sat the deck and seaward partirrp of the dwelling and new footings,proposed for g , g � datioa #be land"poron;footings to be provided under the;proposd screen porch and a four wall ith:0o od eu�to be>installed under the proposed north and east ad itions;propo ed 20 d 5 12a"w .ft ;one-strY,110rth addition; proposed irregularly shaped 111 20.61(21 's »t"t.)o , east a lita+r a, ,pr e+ „2 M 1u 11 (2, Ss ft.)south screeneal-in porch; proposed irregularly hap 0XiV s6utb deck adtl lae rill;�abaadon a is'd septic system and in,�tall n " leaders to d ells to contain food" OW"I la'ndw rd,of d�weiling ins li gutters to lead r uof, wath the condition to esta wide,uocu-tturl buffer blish and perpetually maintain a a0' � "along the landtwardedge of the wetlands;and as depicted on the revised,site plan prepared by f,aChape l rcbitev Lure PA C tamp d,r� irre on February 12 202d an stamped app"ro ed on "ebruary 1 0 "4. �i,T [1 Wlp� Fr the staid Board of Trustees hereby causes its Corporate deal to be affixed, anti these presents to he suscrrbe by a majority of the said Board as of the day and year written above. r 14 1 �� aq co Il eta i i 1 Alx j l�4J i, � �rti %1 yi 1�11i /fLi �j mt Ei r , ,m NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Division of Environmental Permlts,Region 1 SUNY(Ot Stony Brook,50 Circle Road,Stony Brook,NY 11790 P:(6 31)44 4-0 3 6 5 1 F(631)444-03 6 0 k,vvvw.dec.ny.gov March 22, 2024 Walter Gless 428 Oxoboxo Dam Road Oakdale, CT 06370 Re: Permit ID 1-4738-04949/00001 Gless Property 800 Koke Drive Southold SCTM # 1000-87-5-7 Expiration Date: 3/21t2029 Dear Permittee: In conformance with the requirements of the State Uniform Procedures Act (Article 70, ECL) and its implementing regulations (6 NYCRR, Part 621) we are enclosing your permit. Please carefully read all permit conditions contained in the permit to ensure compliance during the term of the permit. If you are unable to comply with any conditions, please contact us at the above address. Also enclosed is a permit sign which is to be conspicuously posted at the project site and protected from the weather and a Notice of Commencement/Completion of Construction form. Please be advised that this permit does not relieve you of the responsibility of obtaining any necessary permits or approvals from local municipalities or other agencies. Sincerely, Environmental Analyst Distribution List: Cole Environmental Services BMHP File 27-� NEW&Yom Department of Environmental Conservation NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Facility DEC ID 1-4738-04949 PERMIT ,Under the Environmental Conservation Law " �c ty nformation w......... .... ... Permlttee and WFacili I ..__.__.. .. ...._... Permit Issued To: Facility: WALTER GLESS GLESS PROPERTY 428 OXOBOXO DAM RD 800 KOKE DRY 1000-87-5-7 OAKDALE, CT 06370 SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 Facility Application Contact: COLE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 425 MONTAUK HWY EAST QUOGUE,NY 11942 (631) 3 69-9445 Facility Location: in SOUTHOLD in SUFFOLK COUNTY Facility Principal Reference Point: NYTM-E: 716.674 NYTM-N: 4546.267 Latitude: 41°02'19.7" Longitude: 72°25'20.2" Project Location: Adjacent to Corey Creek Authorized Activity: Construct additions onto the existing single family dwelling, remove and replace the existing deck in-place, add additional decking, drywells, and I/A OWTS. Abandon the existing well and connect to public water service. All work shall be done in accordance with the site plan by LaChapelle Architecture PLLC last revised 01.17.2024, and stamped NYSDEC Approved on 3/22/2024, The portion of the property above the 10-foot elevation contour line, as shown on the survey of the subject property by Kenneth M. Woychuk Land Surveying, PLLC last revised 06-25-23, is beyond the jurisdiction of Article 25 Tidal Wetlands Act. Permit Authorizations Tidal Wetlands -Under Article 25 Permit ID 1-4738-04949/00001 New Permit Effective Date: 3/22/2024 Expiration Date: 3/21/2029 Page 1 of 6 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Facility DEC ID 1-4738-04949 NYSDEC Approval By acceptance of this permit,the permittee agrees that the permit is contingent upon strict compliance with the ECL, all applicable regulations, and all conditions included as part of this permit. Permit Administrator: SHERRI L AICHER, Regional Permit Administrator Address: NYSDEC Region 1 Headquarters SUNY @ Stony BrookJ50 Circle Rd Stony )ok,NY 11790 -3409 Authorized Signature: Date _.............. ... .... .. Distribution List COLE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Marine Habitat Protection Enviromnental Permits .. ._ _. �._. .. _....... .. .... ... � �. Permit Components NATURAL RESOURCE PERMIT CONDITIONS GENERAL CONDITIONS,APPLY TO ALL AUTHORIZED PERMITS NOTIFICATION OF OTHER PERMITTEE OBLIGATIONS . ..... NATURAL . ... .....�. .�.._ ................................__ .._...��.�...�.�.... �... RESOURCE PERMIT CONDITIONS - Apply to the Following Permits: TIDAL WETLANDS 1. Notice of Commencement At least 48 hours prior to commencement of the project, the permittee and contractor shall sign and return the top portion of the enclosed notification form certifying that they are fully aware of and understand all terms and conditions of this permit. Within 30 days of completion of project, the bottom portion of the form must also be signed and returned, along with photographs of the completed work. 2. Post Permit Sign The permit sign enclosed with this permit shall be posted in a conspicuous location on the worksite and adequately protected from the weather. 3. Conformance With Plans All activities authorized by this permit must be in strict conformance with the approved plans submitted by the applicant or applicant's agent as part of the perinit application. Such approved plans were prepared by LaChapelle Architecture PLLC last revised 01.17.2024, and stamped NYSDEC Approved on 3/22/2024. Page 2 of 6 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Facility DEC ID 1-4738-04949 4. Storage of Equipment, Materials The storage of construction equipment and materials shall be confined within the project work area and/or upland areas greater than 75 linear feet from the tidal wetland boundary. 5. Install, Maintain Erosion Controls Necessary erosion control measures, i.e., straw bales, silt fencing, etc., are to be placed on the downslope edge of any disturbed area. This sediment barrier is to be put in place before any disturbance of the ground occurs and is to be maintained in good and functional condition until thick vegetative cover is established. 6. Contain Exposed, Stockpiled Soils All disturbed areas where soil will be temporarily exposed or stockpiled for longer than 48 hours shall be contained by a continuous line of staked haybales/ silt curtains (or other NYSDEC approved devices)placed on the seaward side between the fill and the wetland or protected buffer area. Tarps are authorized to supplement these approved methods. 7. Maintain Erosion Controls All erosion control devices shall be maintained in good and functional condition until the project has been completed and the area has been stabilized. 8. No Unauthorized Fill No fill or backfrll is authorized by this permit without further written approval from the department(permit, modification, amendment). 9. Concrete Leachate During construction, no wet or fresh concrete or leachate shall be allowed to escape into any wetlands or waters of New York State,nor shall washings from ready-mixed concrete ti ucks, mixers, or other devices be allowed to enter any wetland or waters. Only watertight or waterproof forms shall be used. Wet concrete shall not be poured to displace water within the forms. 10. Seeding Disturbed Areas All areas of soil disturbance resulting from the approved project shall be stabilized with appropriate vegetation(grasses, etc.) immediately following project completion or prior to permit expiration, whichever comes first. If the project site remains inactive for more than 48 hours or planting is impractical due to the season, then the area shall be stabilized with straw or hay mulch or jute matting until weather conditions favor germination. 11. No Disturbance to Vegetated Tidal Wetlands There shall be no disturbance to vegetated tidal wetlands or protected buffer areas as a result of the permitted activities. 12. Incidental Disturbance to Vegetation It is the responsibility of the applicant to remedy any incidental disturbances resulting in damage or removal of wetland vegetation. Upon completion of construction activities, any disturbed areas shall be planted with the appropriate marsh vegetation. Please contact the Bureau of Marine Habitat at (631)444-0295 for more information. 13. Materials Disposed at Upland Site Any demolition debris, excess construction materials, and/or excess excavated materials shall be immediately and completely disposed of in an authorized solid waste management facility. These materials shall be suitably stabilized as not to re-enter any water body, wetland or wetland adjacent area. 14. No Construction Debris in Wetland or Adjacent Area Any debris or excess material from construction of this project shall be completely removed from the adjacent area(upland) and removed to an approved upland area for disposal. No debris is permitted in wetlands and/or protected buffer areas. Page 3 of 6 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Facility DEC ID 1-4738-04949 15. State Not Liable for Damage The State of New York shall in no case be liable for any damage or injury to the structure or work herein authorized which may be caused by or result from future operations undertaken by the State for the conservation or improvement of navigation, or for other purposes, and no claim or right to compensation shall accrue from any such damage. 16. State May Order Removal or Alteration of Work If future operations by the State of New York require an alteration in the position of the structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Department of Environmental Conservation it shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of said waters or flood flows or endanger the health, safety or welfare of the people of the State, or cause loss or destruction of the natural resources of the State,the owner may be ordered by the Department to remove or alter the structural work, obstructions, or hazards caused thereby without expense to the State, and if, upon the expiration or revocation of this permit,the structure, fill, excavation, or other modification of the watercourse hereby authorized shall not be completed,the owners, shall,without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may require,remove all or'any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore to its former condition the navigable and flood capacity of the watercourse. No claim shall be made against the State of New York on account of any such removal or alteration. 17. State May Require Site Restoration If upon the expiration or revocation of this permit,the project hereby authorized has not been completed, the applicant shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may lawfully require, remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore the site to its former condition. No claim shall be made against the State of New York on account of any such removal or alteration. 18. Precautions Against Contamination of Waters All necessary precautions shall be taken to preclude contamination of any wetland or waterway by suspended solids, sediments, fuels, solvents, lubricants, epoxy coatings, paints, concrete, leachate or any other environmentally deleterious materials associated with the project. GENERAL CONDITIONS - Apply to ALL Authorized .....� pp y orized Permits 1. Facility Inspection by The Department The pennitted site or facility, including relevant records, is subject to inspection at reasonable hours and intervals by an authorized representative of the Department of Environmental Conservation(the Department)to determine whether the pennittee is complying with this permit and the ECL. Such representative may order the work suspended pursuant to ECL 71- 0301 and SAPA 401(3). The pennittee shall provide a person to accompany the Department's representative during an inspection to the permit area when requested by the Department. A copy of this permit, including all referenced maps, drawings and special conditions, must be available for inspection by the Department at all times at the project site or facility. Failure to produce a copy of the permit upon request by a Department representative is a violation of this permit. Page 4 of 6 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Facility DEC ID 1-4738-04949 2. Relationship of this Permit to Other Department Orders and Determinations Unless expressly provided for by the Department, issuance of this permit does not modify, supersede or rescind any order or determination previously issued by the Department or any of the terms, conditions or requirements contained in such order or determination. 3. Applications For Permit Renewals, Modifications or Transfers The pennittee must submit a separate written application to the Department for permit renewal, modification or transfer of this permit. Such application must include any forins or supplemental information the Department requires. Any renewal,modification or transfer granted by the Department must be in writing. Submission of applications for permit renewal, modification or transfer are to be submitted to: Regional Permit Administrator NYSDEC Region 1 Headquarters SUNY @ Stony BrookJ50 Circle Rd Stony Brook,NY11790 -3409 4. Submission of Renewal Application The pernittee must submit a renewal application at least 30 days before permit expiration for the following pen-nit authorizations: Tidal Wetlands. 5. Permit Modifications, Suspensions and Revocations by the Department The Department reserves the right to exercise all available authority to modify, suspend or revoke this pen-nit. The grounds for modification, suspension or revocation include: a. materially false or inaccurate statements in the pen-nit application or supporting papers; b. failure by the permittee to comply with any terns or conditions of the permit; c. exceeding the scope of the project as described in the permit application; d. newly discovered material information or a material change in environmental conditions,relevant technology or applicable law or regulations since the issuance of the existing permit; e. noncompliance with previously issued permit conditions, orders of the commissioner, any provisions of the Environmental Conservation Law or regulations of the Department related to the permitted activity. 6. Permit Transfer Permits are transferrable unless specifically prohibited by statute,regulation or. another permit condition. Applications for permit transfer should be submitted prior to actual transfer of ownership. Page 5 of 6 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Facility DEC ID 1-4738-04949 � TION OF OTHER PERMITTEE OBLIGATIONS NOTIFICATION Item A: Permittee Accepts Legal Responsibility and Agrees to Indemnification The permittee, excepting state or federal agencies, expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Department of Environmental Conservation of the State of New York, its representatives, employees, and agents ("DEC") for all claims, suits, actions, and damages, to the extent attributable to the permittee's acts or omissions in connection with the permittee's undertaking of activities in connection with, or operation and maintenance of, the facility or facilities authorized by the permit whether in compliance or not in compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit. This indemnification does not extend to any claims, suits, actions, or darnages to the extent attributable to DEC's own negligent or intentional acts or omissions, or to any claims, suits, or actions naming the DEC and arising under Article 78 of the New York Civil Practice Laws and Rules or any citizen suit or civil rights provision under federal or state laws. Item B: Permittee's Contractors to Comply with Permit The permittee is responsible for informing its independent contractors, employees, agents and assigns of their responsibility to comply with this permit, including all special conditions while acting as the permittee's agent with respect to the permitted activities, and such persons shall be subject to the same sanctions for violations of the Environmental Conservation Law as those prescribed for the permittee. Item C: Permittee Responsible for Obtaining Other Required Permits The permittee is responsible for obtaining any other permits, approvals, lands, easements and rights-of- way that may be required to carry out the activities that are authorized by this permit. Item D: No Right to Trespass or Interfere with Riparian Rights This permit does not convey to the permittee any right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of others in order to perform the permitted work nor does it authorize the impairment of any rights, title, or interest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not a party to the permit. Page 6 of 6 i NEW Department of YORK STATE Environmental Conservation NOTICE The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has issued permit(s) pursuant to the Environmental Conservation Law for work being conducted at this site. For further information regarding the nature and extent of work approved and any Departmental conditions on it, contact the Regional Permit Administrator listed below. Please refer to the permit number shown when contacting the DEC. Regional Permit Administrator SHERRI AICHER Permit Number: 1-4738-04949100001 - - NYSDEC Region 1 Environmental Permits 50 Circle Road Stony Brook, NY 11790-3409 Expiration Date: 3/21/2029 Email: dep.rl@dec.ny.gov Note: This notice is NOT a permit NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION RETURN THIS FORM TO: COMPLIANCE Or Fax to: 631-444-0272 Marine Habitat Protection-NYSDEC E-Mail:dec.sm.R1MHP-BEH@dec.ny.gov SUNY at Stony Brook 50 Circle Road Stony Brook, NY 11790-3409 PERMIT NUMBER: EXPIRATION DATE: PERMITTEE NAME&PROJECT ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR NAME&ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: Dear DEC: Pursuant to the special conditions of the referenced permit,you are hereby notified that the authorized activity shall commence on . We certify that we have read the referenced permit and approved plans and fully understand the authorized project and all permit conditions.We have inspected the project site and can complete the project as described in the permit and as depicted on the approved plans. We can do so in full compliance with all plan notes and permit conditions.The permit, permit sign,and approved plans will be available at the site for inspection in accordance with General Condition No. 1. (Both signatures required) PERMITTEE: DATE CONTRACTOR: DATE THIS NOTICE MUST BE SENT TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS ATLEAST TWO DAYS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE PROJECT AND/OR ANY ASSOCIATED ACTIVITIES. FAILURE TO RETURN THIS NOTICE, POST THE PERMIT SIGN, OR HAVE THE PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AVAILABLE AT THE WORK SITE FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT MAY SUBJECT THE PERMITTEE AND/OR CONTRACTOR TO APPLICABLE SANCTIONS AND PENALTIES FOR NON-COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT CONDITIONS. Qut alon this line X X X X X X NOTICE OF COMPLE ION OF CONSTRUCTION RETURN THIS FORM TO:COMPLIANCE Or Fax to: 631-444-0272 Marine Habitat Protection-NYSDEC E-Mail:dec.sm.R1MHP-BEH@dec.ny.gov 50 Circle Road Stony Brook, NY 11790-3409 PERMIT NUMBER: EXPIRATION DATE: PERMITTEE NAME&PROJECT ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR NAME&ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: Pursuant to special conditions of the referenced permit,you are hereby notified that the authorized activity was completed on .We have fully complied with the terms and conditions of the permit and approved plans. (Both signatures required) PERMITTEE: GATE CONTRACTOR: DATE THIS NOTICE, WITH PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE COMPLETED WORK AND/OR A COMPLETED SURVEY,AS APPROPRIATE, MUST BE SENT TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS WITHIN 30 DAYS OF COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. BOARD MEMBERS Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman,Chairperson �' 53095 Main Road•P.O. Box 1179 Patricia Acampora " Southold,NY 11971-0959 Eric Dantes Office Location: Robert Lehnert,Jr. Town Annex/First Floor Nicholas Planamento , 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) Southold,NY 11971 http://southoldtownny.gov OTVI ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS NOV — 6 2023 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel.(631)765-1809 �Swou�=Mrk FINDINGS,DELIBERATIONS,AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 2,2023 ZBA FILE: #7826 NAME OF APPLICANT: Walter Gless SCTM#1000-87-5-7 SE RA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions, without further steps under SEQRA. SUFFOLK COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE: This application was referred as required under the Suffolk County Administrative Code Sections A 14-14 thru A14-25,and the Suffolk County Department of Planning issued its reply dated June 11,2023stating that this application is considered a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact. LWRP DETERMINATION: This application was referred for review under Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards.The LWRP Coordinator issued a recommendation dated September 19,2023. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department,as well as the records available, it is recommended that the proposed action is INCONSISTENT with the LWRP policy standards and therefore is INCONSISTENT with the LWRP. I. The structure, although in original form,predates Southold Town Zoning Regulations. 2. Any as-built work is not consistent with the Policy 1. 3. A vegetated buffer seaward of wetland line that includes existing vegetation is recommended to further Policy 6 of the LWRP policy standards. 4. Require that the I/A Innovative Advanced sanitary system be shown on the survey. The Board of Appeals has determined that maintaining the existing the rear yard setback at 22.4 ft. as shown on the survey will not increase the degree of existing non-conformity. The applicant has agreed to install anew Innovative Advanced(I/A)Wastewater Septic System as approved by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. The applicant has a Board of Trustees Permit#751 authorization to construct a bulkhead on Corey Creek. The Board of Appeals has determined that this application poses no adverse impacts and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP. PROPERTY' FACTS/DESCRIPTION: The subject property is a nonconforming 9,969 square foot parcel (9,458 square feet buildable land) located in the Residential R 40- Zoning District. The northerly property line measures 11.35 feet,the easterly property line measures 100.00 feet and is adjacent to Koke Drive,the southerly property line measures 111.23 feet and the westerly property line measures 79.93 feet and is adjacent to Corey Creek. The parcel Page 2,November 2,2023 #7826,Gless SCTM No. 1000-87-5-7 is improved with a one-story from dwelling with attached wood deck at the rear of the dwelling facing Corey Creek as shown on the survey map prepared by Kenneth M.Woychuk,LS,and last revised June 25,2023. BASIS OF, APPLICATION: Request for Variances from Article XXIII, Sections 280-124; and the Building Inspector's June 28, 2023 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to legalize the "as built" demolition of an existing residence(as per Town Code definition)and to reconstruct a single-family dwelling; at 1) les than the code required minimum rear yard setback of 35 feet; located at 800 Koke Drive(adj. to Corey Creek) Southold,NY. SCTM#1000-87-5-7. RELII REQUESTED:iUESTED: The applicant requests variances to legalize the "as built" demolition of an existing residence per Town code definition and to reconstruct a single-family dwelling. The proposed construction, on this nonconforming 9,969 square foot lot (9,458 square feet buildable land) located in the Residential R-40 Zoning District, is not permitted pursuant to Article XXIII, Section 280-124, which states lots measuring less than 20,000 square feet in total size require a rear yard setback of 35 feet. The proposed construction will result in the dwelling having a rear yard setback of 22.4 feet as shown on the Site Plan drawings prepared by Jake LaChapelle,Architect and dated May 15,2023. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, The original dwelling was built over 100 years ago and predates Town Zoning Code. The Site Plan drawings and the survey show all the proposed additions will be landward. The existing dwelling is 990 square feet and the proposed additions and alterations will total 1,551 square feet which include replacement of the rear deck and new screened porch located on in the front and side of the dwelling. In order for the applicant to comply with Section 280 Attachment 3 (Schedule A) of the Town Code an addition is needed to meet the requirements of 850 square feet of habitable space. This requirement will be met by the additions proposed by the applicant to the front and side of the dwelling. The rear yard setback will remain at 22.4 feet. During the October 5, 2023 public hearing, the applicant was asked to better clarify the rear yard setback on the survey and to depict the Innovation Advanced(I/A)septic system on the survey. A survey was received on October 27,2023 clarifying the subject setback, locating the proposed IA system in a conforming front yard,and indicating the unchanged revision date of June 25,2023. FINDINGS OF h'ACV RE,ASQNS FOR B ARD ACTION: The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on October 5,2023 at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony,documentation,personal inspection of the property and surrounding neighborhood,and other evidence,the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant and makes the following findings: 1. Town Law 267-b b)(1). Grant of the variances will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. The surrounding neighbourhood on Koke Drive is characterized by similar single-family residences and similar nonconforming under-sized lots. Many of these waterfront homes have seen renovations and have been enlarged over the years. 2. Town Law 267-b Ir Z . The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method,feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance. The non-conforming rear yard setback already exists. Relocation of the dwelling is not feasible.The addition is modest and allows the applicant to meet the compliance of Section 280 Attachment 3 (Schedule A)that requires 850 square feet of habitable space to be defined as a dwelling. The existing dwelling with the attached rear deck is 950 square feet. The new addition with a front and side screed porch,the addition to the other side of the dwelling and a small addition to the deck will total 1551 square feet. a v Page 3,November 2,2023 #7826,Gless SCTM No. 1000-87-5-7 w 3. Town Lave 267-6 3 b 3 The variances granted herein is mathematically substantial,representing 36%relief from the code. However, the relief requested is for the rear yard and will not further alter the existing rear yard setback of 22.4 feet. The new additions will remain within code conformity to front and side yards. 4. Town. Law 267-b 3 4 . No evidence has been submitted to suggest that a variance in this residential community will have an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood. All construction must be FEMA compliant as a portion of the dwelling has always been located in a FEMA Flood Zone AE(EL6). The Southold Building Department will inspect the alterations and additions to make sure the applicant is in compliance with all FEMA regulations.and Town Codes. The applicant must comply with Chapter 236 of the Town's Storm Water Management Code. 5.Town La w 11267-bQ)(b)M. The difficulty has been self-created. The applicant's family have owned this property for over 100 years. The applicant's knowledge of the limitations on the use of the parcel under the Zoning Code in effect prior to renovations. 6. Town Law__2,67-b Grant of the requested relief is the minimum action necessary and adequate to enable the applicant to enjoy the benefit of a renovated dwelling with additions while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood and the health,safety and welfare of the community. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD:D:In considering all of the above factors and applying the balancing test under New York Town Law 267-B,motion was offered by Member Acampora,seconded by Member Dantes,and duly carried, to GRANT the variance as applied for,and shown on the survey map prepared by Kenneth M.Woychuk,LS,and last revised June 25,2023 and Architectural Drawings prepared by Jake LaChapelle,Architect,and dated May 15,2023, last received by the ZBA on October 27,2023 SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CON;I)rITI:ONS: 1. ,A vegetated buffer seaward of the wetland line that includes existing vegetation shall be installed. 2. An (I/A) Innovative Alternative Wastewater Treatment septic system approved by the Suffolk County Department of Health shall be installed. 3. The rear deck shall remain open to the sky. 4. The applicant shall receive a Wetland Permit from the Southold Town Board of Trustees for all proposed construction. This approval shall not be deemed effective until the required conditions have been met At the discretion of the Board of Appeals,failure to comply with the above conditions may render this decision null and void That the above conditions be written into the Building Inspector's C rt Cate of Occupancy, when issued The Board reserves the right to substitute a similar design that is de minimis in nature for an alteration that does not increase the degree of nonconformity. IMPORTANT LIMITS ON THE APPROVAL(SI GRANTED HEREIN Please Read Carefull Any deviation from the survey,site plan and/or architectural drawings cited in this decision,or work exceeding the scope of the relief granted herein, will result in delays and/or a possible denial by the Building Department Page 4,November 2,2023 #7826,Gless SCTM No. 1000-87-5-7 of a building permit and/or the issuance of a Stop Work Order, and may require a new application and public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals. Any deviation from the variance(s)granted herein as shown on the architectural drawings,site plan and/or survey cited above,such as alterations,extensions, demolitions, or demolitions exceeding the scope of the relief granted herein, are not authorized under this application when involving nonconformides under the zoning code. This action does not authorize or condone any current or future use,setback or other feature of the subject property that may violate the Zoning Code,other than such uses,setbacks and other features as are expressly addressed in this action. TIME LIMITS ON THIS APPROVAL: Pursuant to Chapter 280-146(B) of the Code of the Town of Southold any variance granted by the Board of Appeals shall become null and void where a Certificate of Occupancy has not been procured, and/or a subdivision map has not been filed with the Suffolk County Clerk,within three(3)years from the date such variance was granted. The Board of Appeals may,upon written request prior to the date of expiration,grant an extension not to exceed three(3) consecutive one(1)year terms.IT IS THE PROPERTY OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE COME REOURED TIME FRAME DESCRIBED HEREIN.Failure to comply in a timely manner may result in the denial by the Building Department of a Certificate of Occupancy, nullify the approved variance relief,and require a new variance application with public hearing before the Board of Appeals Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Planamento, Lehnert, Weisman,Acampora, and Dantes. This Resolution was duly adopted(5-0). r e Kai) Weisman, Chairperson Approved for filing ��/ /2023 S.C.T.M. N0. DISTRICT: 1000 SECTION: 87 BLOCK: 5 LOT(S): 7 \ U . \ 1� 1 \\ 11 o 50 1, 1 \\ \ 1 . � 6$ EXIST..\ .,.1 SEP\I In„! l I.. i� ., C c t 4 I I LI. My � � �/ o 1 � � � .� . ir °I11 � ��� �°��: ... D' � .�.e�lil 'AI I �" �"�d mW,b Q " .... ..tra, '� W_CfT 1 ,M .� BATHROOM AREA 5 ..S FIR 0' �� DWELLING' ���a o 0 II y o 6f�6 Cw EX6flN� WOOD ��� 1 t ELEV. 12.0 DECK T BE I��R1gff �. � O � � E rc A. W �reBACE AND KIND 1 � � � ;� � � IN FAVOR OL MIXED 1 yw w LI L PUBLIC CATER 1 1 1 SANDY LOAM . TIDAL WETLAND BOUNDARY 1 2 3 9 ,q Pro \ 1 26 6. N „ . AS DEUN)ATED BY \ \ 1 BROWN " \ \1 1 SM oAMY SAND COLE ENVIRONMENTAL. SERVICES r- MARCH 25, 2023 \ 1 \ " .1 SP ROWN MEDIUM \� \ 1 I „' uW PRI SAND 4, 1 �CP 1 A � L PALE SW MSEDIUMAND \ I I 1 \ \ 1 t1.231 \ & GRAVEL 11.2, -OAT WATER EL 0.8 ram' 1 7 g WATER IN HIGHEST EXP. 2.0 `O S \ PALE W � MEDIUM / 1 SW SAND & GRAVEL O MAY 3. 2022 K. WOYCHUK LS THE WATER SUPPLY, WELLS, ORY'WELLS AND CESSPOOL LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE FROM FIELD OBSERVA77ONS v AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS FEMA MAP#36103C0166H EFF. 09/25>2009 1 AREA: 9„969 SQ.FT. or 0.23 ACRES ELEVA770M DATUM: NAVD8$ � LOT COVERAGE UNAUTHOR12ED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW PORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYORS EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VAUD TRUE COPY. GUARANTEES INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN UPLAND AREA: 9458 S.F. or 0.22 ACRES ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR NHOII THE SURVEY 6 PREPARED AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE 777LE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INS7ITU7I01V LISTED HEREON. AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION. GUARANTEES ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. THE OFFSETS OR DIMENSIONS SHOIVIV HEREON FROM THE PROPERTY LINES TO THE STRUCTURES ARE FOR A SPEORC PURPOSE AND USE THEREFORE THEY ARE EXISITNG HOUSE W/REAR DECK: 990 S.F. or 1 0.5% NOT INTENDED TO MONUMENT THE PROPERTY LINES OR 70 GUIDE THE ERECTION OF FENCE$ ADD17YONAL STRUCTURES OR AND 07HER IMPROVEMENTS EASEMEN73 AND/OR SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES RECORDED OR UNRECORDED ARE NOT GUAR UNL£S5'PHYSCALLY ENDENT ON THE PREMISES AT THE AME OF SURVEY PROP, SCREENED PORCH: 225 S.F. SURVEY OF:DESCRIBED PROPERTY j, PROP. SOUTH ADDITION: 213 S.F. ell F CERTIFIED To: WALTER GLESS; MAP OF: °�� � PROP. NORTH ADDITION: 102 S.F. FILED:LED. . � u PROP. DECK ADDITION. 21 S.F. �(` �� SITUATED AT: BAY VIEW T PROPOSED COVERAGE: 1551 S.F. or 16.4% rovM OF.-SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK KENNETfi MIPOYCHUK LAND SURVEYING, PLLC r Professional Land Surveying and Design - �°r P.O. Box 159 Aquebogue, New York 11931 REVISED 06-25-23ADD FLAGGING 03-30-23 FILE #222-66 SCALE:1"=20'DATE: MAY 3, 2022 N.Y.S. USC NO, 050682 PHONE (881)298-1588 FAX(591) 290-1588 �sse�o r5 5 GLEES RESIDENCE DRAWING LIST 800 KOKE DRIVE 800 KOKE DRIVE SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 A1.00 DRAWING LIST,ABBREVIATIONS, SYMBOLS, &INSPECTIONS A2.00 NOTES S O U T H O L D N Y A3.00 SCHEDULES &RISER DIAGRAM �.a A4.00 NAILING &STRAPPING DETAILS ® 0� A5.00 SITE PLAN GROUND F NH R7 OO ❑o TRU SCTM#-1000-87.-5-7 A7.00 GFOUNDATION LOOR PLAN a�a D d � A8.00 ROOF PLAN A9.00 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN NORTH T Q d A10.00 NORTH ELEVATION (25.27") 0 0 A11.00 EAST ELEVATION Al2.00 SOUTH ELEVATION TAX MAP NO.1000-87:5-7 A13.00 WEST ELEVATION A14.00 SECTION # ISSUE/REVISION DATE A15.00 DETAILS NOTE: DO NOT SCALE oo REVISED FILING SET os.lszoza A16.00 DETAILS FROM DRAWINGS A17.00 DECK DETAILS SYMBOLS REGULATORY NOTES ABBREVIATIONS DRAWN BY:J.LACHAPELLE 1. THIS APPLICATION IS FILED WITH THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD A.F.F. ABOVE FINISH FLOOR GWB GYPSUM WALL BOARD CHECKED BY.J.LACHAPELLE LEVEL BUILDING DEPARTMENT, IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE TOWN ALT ALTERNATE NOTE:THIS IS AN II"x17"SHEET THIRD FLOOR CODE CHAPTER 144. APP. APPLIANCE(S) HM HOLLOW METAL DRAWINGS MAY BE PRINTED NOT TO SCALE AO WINDOW EL. +31'-3" HT HEIGHT ELEVATION ABOVE 0'-0" 2. THE CONTROLLING CODE IS THE 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW B.O. BY OTHER HW HOT WATER LaChapelle Architecture PLLC ODOOR YORK STATE AND THE 2020 ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE OF P.O.Box 1251 NEW YORK STATE, IN COMBINATION WITH THE TOWN CODE. C/C CENTER TO CENTER MECH. MECHANICAL Mattituck,NY 11952 ELEVATION NUMBER CLG CEILING MTL METAL (646)251-5058 jake@lachapellearchitecture.com 1O PARTITION TYPE A6 SHEET NUMBER 3. REFERENCE HEREIN TO 'BC' SHOULD BE CONSTRUED TO MEAN CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT THE APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES OF NEW YORK STATE. CONIC CONCRETE PTD PAINTED CONT. CONTINUOUS 4. THIS SINGLE-FAMILY HOME OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION IS CONT'D CONTINUED RCP REFLECTED CEILING PLAN A3 1 DETAIL NUMBER RESIDENTIAL GROUP R-3 UNDER BC CHAPTER 3. �FtED A/ZC A4 SHEET NUMBER D.H. DOUBLE HUNG O.C. ON CENTER \�� \,ACHAp y�l 5. THIS STRUCTURE IS CLASSIFIED AS CONSTRUCTION TYPE V(B) DIM. DIMENSION (UNPROTECTED WOOD FRAME) UNDER BC TABLES 601 AND 602. DIA. DIAMETER SIM. SIMILAR DISC. DISCONTINUOUS S.S. STAINLESS STEEL — 6. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE THE WORK PROPOSED DWG DRAWING STL. STEEL d HEREIN IS COMPLIANT WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, CODES, (p AND REGULATIONS. ELEC. ELECTRIC TYP. TYPICAL 033s3n p� STAIR DIRECTION LABELS ENG. ENGINEER T�OF NE`tt� 00 INSPECTIONS EQ. EQUAL V.I.F. VERIFY IN FIELD EXIST. EXISTING UP DN W/ WITH SPECIAL INSPECTIONS MUST BE PROVIDED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE FL FLOOR WD. WOOD SMOKE+CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS OF BCNYS 1704&1705. SC im °.`�Crim"�v"a°Pr1iennmxriivua.aa°aPon m�a maixoxw"v�xo�ian wrunvranesvmrournrzwm,w°anPxr ucxmwi.xcw"n°uPuc O°°vrq°ilf]w"UC"AY111[MPx"[CNxt PLL° SMOKE AND CO DETECTORS SHALL COMPLY FOOTING - SCOPE O F WORK WITH UL 268,7th ADDITION FOUNDATION DRAWING LIST, FRAMING,TIE DOWN/STRAPPING AND PLUMBING ABBREVIATIONS, —® x� MATCH LINE PERIMETER INSULATION THE GENERAL INTENT OF THE WORK IS TO BUILD AN ADDITION ON THE INSPECTIONS,&SYMBOLS ROUGH ELECTRIC — — CENTER LINE HOUSE INCREASING THE GROSS SQUARE FOOTAGE TO OVER 850, INSULATION AND CAULKING PERFORM VARIOUS UPGRADES AND ALTERATIONS TO THE HOUSE,AND SHEET NO: — BREAK LINE SOLID FUEL-BURNING APPLIANCE &CHIMNEY BUILD A NEW DECK ON THE EXISTING HOUSE. NO CHANGE OF USE OR ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE OCCUPANCY IS PROPOSED. A1,00 FINAL SHEET 1 OF 17 GENERAL NOTES GENERAL ..NOTES FIXTURE & FINISH NOTES GLEES 1. ALL WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY LICENSED TECHNICIANS TO 11. CONTRACTOR TO SCHEDULE AND PROVIDE ACCESS REQUIRED 1. THE OWNER WILL PROVIDE THE CONTRACTOR AN 'OWNER'S RESIDENCE ACCOMPLISH THE WORK AS OUTLINED IN THIS SET OF FOR ALL INSPECTIONS.WORK MUST REMAIN ACCESSIBLE AND LIST OF FIXTURES AND FINISHES',WHICH IS SUBJECT TO 800 KOKE DRIVE DRAWINGS AND AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE WORK.ALL EXPOSED UNTIL INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED IN WRITING BY THE CHANGE.THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PURCHASING SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL BE CERTIFIED BY INSPECTOR. THESE FIXTURES AND FINISHES AND FOR COORDINATION AND PERSONS LICENSED IN THEIR TRADES,WHO SHALL ARRANGE PURCHASE OF ALL ACCESSORIES,ALL RELATED WORK, DELIVERY FOR AND OBTAIN INSPECTIONS AND REQUIRED SIGN-OFFS.ALL 12. CONTRACTOR MUST COMPLY WITH ALL BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND INSTALL. WORK SHALL BE DONE CAREFULLY AND NEATLY, IN A RULES OF OPERATION (SUCH AS HOURS OF ACTIVITY)AND 2. IN CASES WHERE THE OWNER CHOOSES TO PURCHASE ANY ® 0� SYSTEMATIC MANNER. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. GOODS THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTE THAT THE OWNER TRUE 0 WILL NOT BE ON SITE TO TAKE DELIVERY OF OWNER-ORDERED NORTH V O ❑ 2. IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPLICABLE 13. CONTRACTOR SHALL NEITHER INTERRUPT NOR RELOCATE GOODS. IN ALL CASES CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR 0 BUILDING CODES,ALL WORK MUST CONFORM TO FIRE BUILDING SERVICES WITHOUT WRITTEN REQUEST TO THE OWNER CHECKING DELIVERIES, FOR REJECTING ANY DAMAGED ® a DSO DEPARTMENT REGULATIONS, UTILITY COMPANY AND RECEIPT OF WRITTEN CONSENT. DELIVERIES OR DELIVERIES NOT MATCHING BILL OF LADING, PROJECT REQUIREMENTS,AND BEST TRADE PRACTICES. AND FOR NOTIFYING OWNER OF FLAWED DELIVERIES FOR NOTH (25R27°) QO 14. CONTRACTOR SHALL FILE ALL NECESSARY CERTIFICATES WITH THE RE-ORDER BY OWNER. RETURNS OF OWNER-PURCHASED 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS, PAY ALL FEES, OBTAIN ALL PERMITS GOODS WILL BE MADE BY OWNER. IN ALL CASES CONTRACTOR TAX MAP NO.1000-87:5.7 FIELD PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK,AND SHALL REPORT ANY AND PROVIDE ANY AND ALL BONDS REQUIRED BY ANY CITY SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PREPARATION OF SURROUNDING # ISSUE/REVISION DATE DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN DRAWINGS AND FIELD CONDITIONS AGENCY IN ORDER TO DO THE WORK HEREIN DESCRIBED. WORK FOR INSTALLATION, COORDINATION OF ALL PLUMBING, TO THE ARCHITECT. ELECTRICAL,AND ANY OTHER RELATED WORK, PROVISION OF 15. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH OWNER'S SURVEYOR IN ALL NECESSARY ACCESSORY MATERIALS,AND ACCEPTABLE oo REVISED FILING SET 08.18.2024 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE THEIR OWN DIMENSIONS AND FIELD ADVANCE TO PROVIDE FOUNDATION SURVEY AS SOON AS INSTALLED PRODUCT. VERIFY ALL DATA CONTAINED HEREIN.THE DIMENSIONAL DATA CONCRETE IS PLACED,AND SUBMIT TO SOUTHOLD BUILDING 3. KITCHEN CABINETRY WILL BE PURCHASED BY OWNER FROM CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING SET ARE FOR INFORMATION DEPARTMENT. RIVERHEAD BUILDING SUPPLY OR SIMILAR SUPPLIER. ONLY.THE BUILDING IS NOT SQUARE OR PLUMB SO VARIATION CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PREPARATION OF A EXISTS IN THE DIMENSIONS OF THE EXISTING BUILDING.AS A 16. PRIOR TO COMMENCING OPERATIONS ON SITE THE SUITABLY CONTINUOUS, LEVEL,AND PLUMB SUBSTRATE, DRAWN BY.J.LACHAPELLE RESULT DIMENSIONS OF NEW CONSTRUCTION MAY VARY FROM CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE BOTH OWNER AND ARCHITECT COORDINATION OF ALL PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL,AND HVAC CHECKED BY:J.LACHAPELLE THOSE SHOWN.CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ARCHITECT OF 'ACORD' INSURANCE FORM LISTING THE FOLLOWING PARTIES AS WORK, INSTALLATION OF CABINETS AND COUNTERS,AND NOTE:THIS IS AN11"z17"SHEET DISCREPANCIES AS THEY ARISE. ADDITIONALLY INSURED: PROVISION OF ALL NECESSARY ACCESSORY MATERIALS TO DRAWINGS MAY BE PRINTED NOT TO SCALE JAY HODGES ACHIEVE ACCEPTABLE INSTALLED PRODUCT.CONTRACTOR TO 5. MINOR DETAILS NOT SHOWN OR SPECIFIED, BUT NECESSARY LACHAPELLE ARCHITECTURE PLLC OBTAIN CABINET SHOP DRAWINGS FROM OWNER IN ORDER TO La Chapelle Architecture PLLC FOR PROPER CONSTRUCTION OF ANY PART OF THE WORK THE CONTRACTOR MAY NOT BEGIN SITE OPERATIONS OF ANY COORDINATE THE WORK. SHALL BE INCLUDED AS IF THEY WERE INDICATED IN THE KIND UNTIL THE ABOVE IS PROVIDED. 4. PLUMBING FIXTURES WILL BE PURCHASED BY CONTRACTOR P.O.Box 1251 DRAWINGS. PURSUANT TO OWNER'S LIST. Mattituck,NY 11952 17. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THE STRUCTURAL STABILITY OF 4.1. TOILETS ARE LIKELY TO BE FLOOR-MOUNTED MODELS (646)251-5058 jake@lachapellearchitecture.com 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL WORK PROCEDURES ALL AREAS OF THE WORK THROUGHOUT OPERATIONS.THE THROUGHOUT. WITH REQUIREMENTS OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES AND OWNER. CONTRACTOR SHALL DO SO BY WHATEVER MEANS HE DEEMS 4.2. SHOWER BASES WILL BE PORCELAIN TILE. ARE NECESSARY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO RETAINING A 5. LIGHT FIXTURES WILL BE PURCHASED BY CONTRACTOR 7. THE STRUCTURAL MODIFICATIONS TO THE HOUSE INCLUDED LICENSED ENGINEER AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE TO PURSUANT TO OWNER'S LIST. ED ARC HEREIN MAKE THIS A LEVEL 2 ALTERATION UNDER EXISTING OVERSEE AND ADVISE ON THE WORK. 6. VENTILATION FANS FOR BATHROOMS WILL BE PURCHASED BY BUILDING CODE (EBC)CHAPTER 6. REQUIREMENTS OF BC CONTRACTOR PURSUANT TO OWNER'S LIST. CHAPTER 7 AND 8 APPLY AS A RESULT. CONTRACTOR SHALL 7. CEILING FANS WILL BE PURCHASED BY CONTRACTOR PURSUANT CAREFULLY OBSERVE THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 806. TO OWNER'S LIST. _ 8. VENTILATION HOOD FOR KITCHEN RANGE WILL BE PURCHASED 8. STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION IS NOT REQUIRED UNDER BC 1704.6 BY CONTRACTOR PURSUANT TO OWNER'S LIST. N Q- BECAUSE THE BUILDING IS NOT IN THE INDICATED RISK 9. FLOOR AND WALL TILE WILL BE PURCHASED BY CONTRACTOR 1 CATEGORIES AND NOT AHIGH-RISE BUILDING. PURSUANT TO OWNER'S LIST.CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE F�F NE`t'! QUANTITIES. 9. PROPOSED GWB FINISHES MUST COMPLY WITH BC CHAPTER 8. 10, REFRIGERATOR(S)AND MICROWAVE WILL BE PROVIDED BY TAPED, PRIMED,AND PAINTED GWB IS ALLOWED UNDER BC 803 OWNER FOR INSTALLATION BY CONTRACTOR,AND ARE AND QUALIFIES AS A CLASS-A MATERIAL WITH FLAME SPREAD BUILT-IN UNITS. RANGE WILL BE PROVIDED BY OWNER FOR -1-.1 R[nu"[R M6o"AiMs4 Wna}0'9 u5[D Oix@Pag11'n OpminNppwCR; INDEX LESS THAN 25 AND SMOKE-DEVELOPED INDEX BELOW INSTALLATION BY CONTRACTOR. 450.THIS EXCEEDS THE REQUIREMENTS OF BC TABLE 803.13 FOR 11. SEE MECHANICAL SCOPE NOTES ON SHEET A9 FOR HVAC BID THIS OCCUPANCY R-3. REQUIREMENT OUTLINES. 12. SMOKE AND CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS TO BE PROVIDED NOTES 10. INTERCONNECTED SMOKE DETECTOR ALARMS SHALL BE PROVIDED IN CONFORMANCE WITH 'FIRE CODE'1103.8 AND BY CONTRACTOR; MUST COMPLY WITH UL 268,7th EDITION. CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTION EQUIPMENT MUST BE PROVIDED IN CONFORMANCE WITH 'EXISTING BUILDING CODE' SHEET NO: SECTION 804, IF NOT ALREADY PRESENT IN THE BUILDING. A2,00 SHEET 2 OF 17 WINDOW SCHEDULE, ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE GLEES U-FACTOR/R-VALUE SHGC I�ES I®E N C E ID ASSEMBLY MAKE/MODEL R.O. HARDWARE NOTES QTY ECCNYS PROPOSED ECCNYS PROPOSED 800 KOKE DRIVE D.H.WINDOW ANDERSON 3049 36'W x 57"h PER OWNER LOW-E,200 SERIES,TILT-WASH 4 0.32 0.29(PASS) 0.40 0.32(PASS) SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 © D.H.WINDOW e ANDERSON 3449 40'W x 57"h PER OWNER LOW E,200 SERIES,TILT-WASH 3 0.32 0.29(PASS) 0.40 0.32(PASS) © AWNING WINDOW ANDERSON AR351 42"w x 18"h PER OWNER LOW-E,400 SERIES AWNING,TEMPERED 1 0.32 0.29(PASS) 0.40 0.32(PASS) Q o lapa„� D.H.WINDOW ANDERSON 2836 42"w x 32"h PER OWNER LOW E,200 SERIES,TILT-WASH 1 0.32 0.29(PASS) 0.40 0.32(PASS) T® 0 p �E AWNING WINDOW ANDERSON A21 25"x 25" PER OWNER LOW-E,400 SERIES AWNING 3 0.32 0.29(PASS) 0.40 0.32(PASS) NORTH Q O DO ❑o Zr a AWNING WINDOW ANDERSON CUSTOM 25"x 25" PER OWNER LOW-E,400 SERIES AWNING 1 0.32 0.29(PASS) 0.40 0.32(PASS) ® a °�O 0 0 O T NRTH Q - ALL WINDOWS ARE ANDERSEN 200 SERIES TO MATCH EXISTING, EXCEPT AS NOTED - WINDOW SIZES LISTED ARE NOT CONFIRMED.SUBMIT A LIST OF ROUGH JEC O o - SIZES LISTED ARE NOMINAL SO CONSULT MANUFACTURER DATA FOR ROUGH OPENINGS&ACTUAL UNIT DIMENSIONS OPENINGS AND PROPOSED WINDOW SIZES PRIOR TO PURCHASE FOR (25 - PROVIDE TEMPERED IGU IN ALL WET AND HAZARD CONDITIONS OWNER/ARCHITECT REVIEW.INCLUDE ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS FOR TAX MAP NO.1000-87:5-7 a- COMPLY w/R310 FOR EMERGENCY EXIT OPENINGS EACH WINDOW FOR OWNER CONFIRMATION. # ISSUE/REVISION DATE DOOR SCHEDULE, ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE .00 REVISED FILING SET 08.18.2024 10 FRONT ENTRY DOOR "c JELD-WEN ARCH'L COLL. 36"x 80" ENTRY, DEADBOLT RH,SOLID CORE 2-PANEL,TEMPERED 1 0.32 0.29(PASS) 0.40 <0.40(PASS) 4) SCREENED PORCH DOOR JELD-WEN ARCH'L COLL. 48"x 80" ENTRY, DEADBOLT LHR, DBL,SOLID CORE 2-PANEL,TEMPERED 1 0.32 0.29(PASS) 0.40 <0.40(PASS) 30 SCREENED PORCH DOOR JELD-WEN ARCH'L COLL. 36"x 80" ENTRY,DEADBOLT LHR,SOLID CORE 2-PANEL,TEMPERED 1 DRAWN BY:J.LACHAPELLE ® SCREENED PORCH DOOR JELD-WEN ARCH'L COLL. 36"x 80" ENTRY, DEADBOLT LHR,SOLID CORE 2-PANEL,TEMPERED 1 CHECKED BY:J.LACHAPELLE 50 SLIDING DOOR° ANDERSEN 200 SERIES 78"x 80" EXIST. LOW E 1 0.32 0.29(PASS) 0.40 <0.40(PASS) NOTE:THIS IS AN 11"x 17"SHEET DRAWINGS MAYBE PRINTED NOT TO SCALE ® SLIDING DOOR° ANDERSEN 200 SERIES 84"x 80" EXIST. LOW E 1 0.32 0.29(PASS) 0.40 <0.40(PASS) 70 BEDROOM 1 POCKET DOOR RBS/MASONITE 30"x 80" PRIVACY SOLID CORE 2-PANEL,JOHNSON 1500SC 1 LaChapelle Architecture PLLC P.O.Box 1251 ® BEDROOM 2 POCKET DOOR RBS/MASONITE 30"x 80" PRIVACY SOLID CORE 2-PANEL,JOHNSON 1500SC 1 Mattituck,NY 11952 90 LINEN CLOSET DOOR RBS/MASONITE 30"x 80" PRIVACY LH,SOLID CORE 2-PANEL 1 (646)251-5058 jake@lachapellearchitecture.com 10 BATH DOOR RBS/MASONITE 20"x 80" PASSAGE RHR,SOLID CORE 2-PANEL 1 11 LAUNDRY DOOR RBS/MASONITE 60"x 80" PRIVACY LH,SOLID CORE 2-PANEL 1 �ERED aRc b-PROVIDE LARSON GLAZED VENTED STORM DOOR AT NEW EXTERIOR DOORS ��5 �tiACHgA 'Sid, c-PROVIDE TEMPERED IGU IN ALL GLAZED DOORS,SIDELITES,AND HAZARD CONDITIONS PARTITION TYPES, ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE 1 NOM.6"EXTERIOR PARTITION 2"SPRAY FOAM+3.5"MINERAL WOOL - 20 or 13+5a 29(PASS) '9j� 033930^�0 2 NOM.4"INTERIOR PARTITION SOUND BATTEN WHERE INDICATED - OF NE`N CRAWLSPACE WALL 2"RIGID FOAM - 10 10(PASS) ROOF 7.5"SPRAY FOAM - 49 52(PASS) uetmm.p0 CN�nNOn.Pli[P.4ron1,MG¢[,IDNe"nY O['"MC[.Yc[Pf m,ACHIMIIlg axnnui u„,nc.Yms owvana"n xm ee usn er mxw vumn cow mncn v„o.,rn, a-R20 CAVITY OR R13 CAVITY+R5 CONTINUOUS BLOWER DOOR:AS REQUIRED BY ECCNYS R402.4.1.2 THE ADDITION IS TO BE TESTED AND VERIFIED AS AS REQUIRED BY ECCNYS TABLE R402,1.2 THE NEW PERIMETER WALL ASSEMBLY MUST ACHIEVE HAVING AN AIR LEAKAGE RATE NOT EXCEEDING 3 AIR CHANGES PER HOUR.TESTING SHALL BE R-20,THE NEW CRAWLSPACE WALL MUST ACHIEVE R-10 CONTINUOUS.THE NEW ROOF ASSEMBLY CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RESNET/ICC 380,ASTM E779 OR ASTM E1827 AND REPORTED AT A SCHEDULES& RISER MUST ACHIEVE R-49.THE PROPOSED ASSEMBLIES EXCEED THESE VALUES. PRESSURE OF 0.2 INCH WATER GAUGE(50 PASCALS).IN PREPARATION FOR TESTING CONTRACTOR IS TO DIAGRAM ISOLATE AND SEAL ADDITION FROM EXISTING HOUSE.[DEPRESSURIZE EACH SPACE TO-50 PASCAL AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH R503.1.1.2 EXISTING CEILING,WALL,OR FLOOR CAVITIES EXPOSED DURING ELIMINATE AIR FLOW BETWEEN THE TWO SPACES.OWNER WILL PROVIDE AND PAY FOR TESTING, CONSTRUCTION OF AN ALTERATION NEED NOT MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ECCNYS, CONTRACTOR GUARANTEES RESULT.] SHEET NO: PROVIDED THAT THE EXPOSED CAVITIES ARE COMPLETELY FILLED w/INSULATION. SEAL ALL IC-RATED RECESSED LIGHTING FIXTURES AT HOUSING/INTERIOR FINISH AND LABEL TO INDICATE A3mOO AS REQUIRED BY ECCNYS R503.1.4 NEW LIGHTING MUST CONTAIN HIGH-EFFICIENCY LAMPS. 52.0 CFM LEAKAGE AT 75 PA. SHEET 3 OF 17 STRAPPING DETAILS CONSTRUCTION NOTES NAILING SCHEDULE GLEES 1. PROVIDE HURRICANE STRAPPING BY SIMPSON OR EQUAL 1. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE AF&PA WOOD FRAME 1. NAILING PER NYS CODE; INCLUDING (5)10d NAILS AT SILL AND RESIDENCE 2. PROVIDE (8) 8d COMMON NAILS IN EACH END OF 14" 20 GA. CONSTRUCTION MANUAL 2015 HIGH WIND EDITION PLATE OF ALL 2x6 STUDS 800 KOKE DRIVE GALVANIZED STRAP FOR LATERAL/SHEAR CONNECTIONS AT 2. DESIGN LOADS AS FOLLOWS: 2. USE GALVANIZED FASTENERS FOR ALL FRAMING SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 RAFTER/ROOF-TO-WALL,WALL-TO-WALL,AND LIVE LOAD: PER TABLES R301.5&R301.6 3. USE 6d NAILS @ 12"O.C. FOR EXTERIOR SHEATHING, EXCEPT USE WALL-TO-FOUNDATION CONNECTIONS IN CONFORMANCE w/ DEAD LOAD: PER R301.4 8d NAILS @ 4" O.C. FOR PERIMETER OF EACH SHEATHING SHEET TABLE 3.3b OF LATEST EDITION OF WOOD FRAME SNOW LOAD:20 PSF GROUND SNOW LOAD PER FIG. R301.2(6) CONSTRUCTION MANUAL(WFCM) FOR 120 MPH FASTEST WIND WIND EXPOSURE CATEGORY'C' FOR 130 MPH 3 SECOND GUST ROOF FRAMING ® f Q� O0C p' SPEED PER R301.2.1.4&FIG. R301.2(5)A RAFTER TO TOP PLATE TOE-NAIL 3 PER RAFTER TRUE 0 P CLG JOIST TO TOP PLACE TOE-NAIL 3 PER JOIST NORTH 04--7 ❑a p p LOCATION LIVE DEAD DEFLECTION LIMIT CLG JOIST TO PARALLEL RAFTER FACE-NAIL 3 EACH LAP �Q Dd D 1ST FLOOR 40 PSF 12 PSF L/360 CLG JOIST LAPS OVER PARTITION FACE-NAIL 3 EACH LAP 0 o LOFT 40 PSF 12 PSF L/360 RIDGE STRAP EACH END 2 EACH END PROJECT ASSEMBLY ROOF 20 PSF 15 PSF L/360 BLOCKING TO RAFTER TOE-NAIL 2-8d EACH END NORTH QO o RIM BOARD TO RAFTER END-NAIL 2-16d EACH END TAxMAPN0.1000-87:87 FOUNDATIONS&FOOTINGS 1. ASSUMED SOIL BEARING CAPACITY=1,500 PSF WALL FRAMING 2. CONCRETE TO BE 3,500 PSI @ 28 DAY TEST; USE GALVANIZED # ISSUE/REVISION DATE TOP PLATE TO TOP PLATE FACE-NAIL 2-16d PER FOOT 11 OR S.S. REINFORCING THROUGHOUT TOP PLATES AT INTERSECTIONS FACE-NAIL 4-16d EACH SIDE .00 REVISED FILING SET 08.18.2024 3. NEW FOOTINGS TO REST ON UNDISTURBED EARTH,WHERE STUD TO STUD FACE-NAIL 2-16d 24" O.C. CONFIRMED TO BE FULLY INORGANIC. EXCAVATE AND REPLACE HEADER TO HEADER FACE-NAIL 16d 16" O.C. WITH 6" CLEAN FILL OR BANK RUN WHERE DEEMED NECESSARY. TOP OF BOTTOM PL TO STUD END-NAIL 2-16d PER 2x4 FLOOR FRAMING 3-16d PER 2x6 ASSEMBLY - 1. FRAMING LUMBER TO BE DOUGLAS FIR/LARCH STAMPED BOTTOM PLATE TO FLOOR JOIST 4-16d PER 2x8 DRAWN BY:J.LACHAPELLE STRUCTURAL GRADE NO. 2 OR BETTER, 2x6 FRAMING TYP. BAND JOIST, END JOIST, OR CHECKED BY:J.LACHAPELLE 2. SHEATHING TO BE APA-RATED, EXPOSURE 1 BLOCKING FACE-NAIL 2-16d PER FOOT NOTE:THIS IS AN II'X17"SHEET 3. SUB-FLOORING TO BE APA-RATED, EXPOSURE 1, 'WARMBOARD' DRAWINGS MAY BE PRINTED NOT TO SCALE WHERE INDICATED FLOOR FRAMING 4. AT HEADERS OVER 6' PROVIDE DOUBLE UPRIGHTS;AT HEADERS JOIST TO SILL,TOP PLATE LaChapelle Architecture PLLC OVER 9' PROVIDE TRIPLE UPRIGHTS TO GIRDER TOE-NAIL 4-8d PER JOIST P.O.Box 1251 5. HEADERS TO BE 2x8 MINIMUM OR AS INDICATED BRIDGING TO JOIST TOE-NAIL 2-8d EACH END Mattituck,NY 11952 6. PROVIDE DOUBLED FRAMING AT ALL OPENINGS INCLUDING BLOCKING TO JOIST TOE-NAIL 2-8d EACH END (646)251-5058 jake@lachapellearchitecture.com STAIRS, ETC. BLOCKING TO SILL/TOP PLATE FACE-NAIL 3-16d EACH BLOCK 7. PROVIDE SOLID BLOCKING AT ALL FLOOR JOISTS AND ROOF LEDGE STRIP TO BEAM FACE-NAIL 3-16d EACH JOIST RAFTERS AT MAX. 8'-0", PROVIDE 2" SPACE FOR AIR JOIST ON LEDGE TO BEAM FACE-NAIL 3-8d PER JOIST CIRCULATION AT ROOF BAND JOIST TO JOIST END-NAIL 3-8d PER JOIST BAND JOIST TO SILL/TOP PLATE TOE-NAIL 2-16d PER FOOT ,��RED qRC PLUMBING RISER DIAGRAM �\5 4"CAST IRON ROOF SHEATHING EXTENDER J J 4"CAST IRON STRUCTURAL PANELS 8d TABLE 3.8 EXTENDER DIAGONAL BOARD SHEATHING: 1"x6" OR 1"x8" 2-8d PER RAFTER Vx10" OR WIDER 3-8d PER RAFTER N��• o o� OQ� CEILING SHEATHING FDF NE`I3 GYPSUM WALLBOARD COOLERS 5d 7" EDGE 10" FIELD WALL SHEATHING BATHROQM 1 KITCHEN i I CLOTHES STRUCTURAL PANELS 8d TABLE 3.9 WALL-MOUNT LAV HOWER� WASHER i DISH WASHER FIBERBOARD PANELS TOILET � i i i SINK 7/16",25/32" 8d 3"EDGE 6" FIELD NAILING &STRAPPING PARTICAL BOARD 8d TABLE 3,9 DETAILS 1ST FLOOR FLOOR SHEATHING REPLACE 4"HOUSE TRAP STRUCTURAL PANELS <1" 8d 6" EDGE SHEET NO: USE PEX TYPE'A'ONLY �TO SEPTIC 12o FIELD A4mOO FOR WATER SUPPLY STRUCTURAL PANELS >1" 10d 6" EDGE NEW BACKFLOW PREVENTER 12 FIELD SHEET 4 OF 17 RUNOFF VOLUME-EXISTING HOUSE: RUNOFF VOLUME-ADDITIONS: ZONE: :R-0,SEA-7 GLESS ZONE:R-40,SEASONAL->SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE* 2"x 611 SF EXISVROOF AREA=102 CF RUNOFF 2"x 54 SF NEW ROOF AREA=90 CF RUNOFF LOT INFORMATION: CODE EXISTING PROPOSED I COMMENTS REFERENCE RESIDENCE 102 CF=763 GALLO DRY WELL 90 CF=673 GALLON DRY WELL LOT AREA SF 40,000 9,969 NO CHANGE NONCONFORMING §280 ATT.3:1 OR \ OR \ UPLAND AREA(SF) 9,458 NO CHANGE -- $00 KOKE DRIVE V=Tr r 2 h \ V=Tr r z h \ LOT WIDTH F 150 93.66 NO CHANGE NONCONFORMING - SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 \ \ LOT LENGTH 175 111.23 NO CHANGE NONCONFORMING EXISTING 102CF=rrx4'xh 90CF=Trx4'xVi 700KOKEDRIVE \ EXISTING DEE KSAREA(SF)E AREA F - 379 NO CHANGE - ) 611 1 NO CHANGE h=8.12'TALL \ h=7.16'TALL/ - - \ / SCREENED PORCH SF 0 225EAST 0 -- THEREFORE PROVIDE(2)4'0 x\4'TALL RINGS. THERIYORE PROVIDE(2) NEW 4'0 x 4'TALL RING +15 NORTHDADDTDIOT ADDITION(SF) - 0 ioz -- ® F� 0� ADDT DECK AREA SF -- 0 21 TRUE p TOTAL COVERAGE SF 990 1551 NORTH 0� ❑o $ a 20°6 10.5% 16.4% CONFORMS 4 280-124 Q GENERAL STORMWATER NOTES: \\ /// NEW 765 GAL.DRY WELL 5' •�'U. \ SETBACKS: 0 a ❑� Q 3 \ FRONT YARD 35 47.6 35 CONFORMS §280-124 o 0 -INSTALL DRY WELLS MIN. 10' FROM HOUSE (e.g.(2)4'0 x 4'DEEP 111,'� ��� y�,-' �++ \ SIDE YARD 10 30.5 22.5 CONFORMS §280-124 PROJECT L3 -INCLUDE LEAF AND SEDIMENT SUMP UPSTREAM CONCRETE RINGS) �1 \� ++ \++ 1 BOTH SIDE YARDS F 2s 42.3 50 CONFORMS * §280-124 NORTH aO a OF THE DRY WELLS ; \ \ i'\ 1� O + ++ �+ cr+ l REAR YARD F 3 22.4 NO CHANGE NONCONFORMING- §280-124 + + \ TAX MAP NO.1000-87:5.7 + h O LG o SEE VARIANCE#7826 FOR GRANT OF CHANGE FROM NONCONFORMING SEASONAL LG \(++ \++ \N DESIGNATION TO CONFORMING SINGLE-FAMILY YEAR-ROUND RESIDENCE. # ISSUE/REVISION DATE O 1 1 \ o \ \ 0 SEE VARIANCE#7826 FOR REAR YARD SETBACK RELIEF z 6$ N \ \o o \ \ \+� 1�+ 'p m - SEE DWG A16 FOR COMPLIANCE WITH§280-208 PYRAMID LAW _ \ sr 1 \+ - THE PROPOSED RESIDENCE MEETS THE DEFINITION FOR ONE-FAMILY DWELLING AS FOLLOWS: 0� n \Z \ XIS \+ + .00 REVISED FILING SET 08.18.2024 v G P r\s \ �" '` '1 S C \+ \+ \l'�Z EXISTING HOUSE LIVABLE AREA(SF) 537 �•1 \ l_jl � ABLE AREA(SF) 217 NORTH ADDITIONEAST ADDITION V VAB E AREA(SF) 96 LIVABLE AREA: 850 SF TOTAL\ \ / \\++ \\+` I - CONFORMS WITH§2 0-207 GROSS FLOOR AREA LIMIT OF 2,100 SF. GP' I PROPOSED , .,,.. .r` ' .__I .•-.;;:.:: DB') \+ I_ DRAWN BY.J.LACHAPELLE ADDITION / O I ,,,,• , '� ..\. . ' I \O CHECKED BY:J.LACHAPELLE EXISTING WOOD 1 \� NOTE:THIS IS AN II"x17"SHEET O] 0' ,,,,,,, \;:' •. ; \ DRAWINGS MAY BE PRINTED NOT TDSCALE DECK TO BE 29' \ w : i I REBUILT IN PLACE : 1 '5 �= 1 STY FRM. b.0 �EAST/ AND KIND ST =m I LaChapelle Architecture PLLC -,v 1� N DWELLING � /ddf�6N• dk:.;�':' ,_.:.;�:.:' `> #e00 41 1 FFLEL10.2 P.O.Box1251 p a, ,,,,,, :' , I I Mattituck,NY 11952 ,� +m 30.0 \"` \. . WEL , , J \ NEW I/A SEPTIC:SEE (646)251-5058 jake@lachapellearchitecture.com I in ,,, o o� X o � ..� ..:. �,I �--- I � SUFFOLK APPROVAL TO ... .. \ 26.3 i� >a; j:, \ l 1 \ I CONSTRUCT(FILE R-24-0420) w \ Y-� 1 \ 1 X'l WATER SERVICE Ap ABANDON EXISTING `g,�IFt ADCy A \ \ WELL AND CONNECT E AFC F TO TOWN WATER NEW 675 GAL. DRY WELL s ��' \ 13 14 (e.g.(2)4'0 x 4'DEEP FLOAT — �\. 111.23 12 CONCRETE RINGS) •� .� mac Ui. — — ; S 78 \ \ OF NE`N TIDAL WETLAND r � � I + 'PIER LINE'PER§275-2 FOR BOUNDARY AS \ i DWELLING STRUCTURES ,„„„,uw„„�,„ DELINEATED BY COLE \ `• °,� , ,�o T ; �;,,gym„^„E„ ,gym„ °a�, 40'NON-TURF VEGETATED %�p�•��ra�„�„,�w����„„�� ENVIRONMENTAL + ��, \ •'� BUFFER(NON-FERTILIZER SERVICES MARCH 25,2023 DEPENDENT)W/4'ACCESS PATH TO RAMP FEMA MAP#36103C0166H EFF.09/25/2009 SITE PLAN + 11l 9,969 SF OR 0.23 ACRES \ \I BACKGROUND DATA FROM 2023 SURVEY BY PROJECT TRUE SHEET NO: OSITE PLAN 890 KOKE DRIVE A KEN WOYCHUK;ADDITIONAL DRAFTING AND NORTH NORTH A5mOO SCALE: T' = 20' \� LIVABLE FLOOR AREA CALCULATION BY (9.25°) LACHAPELLE ARCHITECTURE PLLC SHEET 5 OF 17 40'.0-t J GLESS ' " 1 3t 8_102- 8-541 r-- -------------9---------------------- ---------- APPROX. 11'44.--------------------- 111-2" RESIDENCE P.T-44 POST w/DIAGONAL P.T.6x6 POST ON SIMPSON P.T.6X6 POST ON SIMPSON BR ACES ON SIMPSON COLUMN BASE W1 COLUMN BASE W/ 800 KOKE DRIVE COLUMN BASE W/STANDOFF STANDOFF(ABU,CBSQ OR ---------------------------------- ------- --------------------------- STANDOFF(ABU,CBSQ OR SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 (ABU,CBSQ OR SIM.); 12"DIA. SIM.); 12"DIA.REINFORCED 1 -1----------------- - ------------- SIM.); 12"DIA.REINFORCED REINFORCED COLUMN PIER COLUMN PIER W/ 1 COLUMN PIER W/ 9 W/18"x18"X12"FOOTING @ 31 18"XI 8"X1 2"FOOTING @ 3' P.T.2XII 0 JOISTS(cb-16"O.C. P.T.2X1 0 JOISTS C. ---------—------- --------- --@ 24"x24"x12"FOOTING @ 3' BELOW ADJACENT GRADE BELOW ADJACENT GRADE 1 I BELOW ADJACENT GRADE 1 1— ----------- j--- -------------------------------------------- TRUE PERIMETER OF DECK T----------------- - PERIMETER OF HOUSE— NORTH 13 --------------rr= --r--------- ------------- ri _7 7 71' 0 oP ----------- --- -------------- - - -4----------- --------- 242412 I I PROJECT NORTH --------------- ----- ---------- =Ij (25.27-) Oil TAX MAP NO.1000-87.-S-7 <3 P.T.2X8 JOISTS @ 16"O.C. P.T.2x1 0 JOISTS @ 16"O.0 EXIST.2X6 JOISTS COD-16"O.C. ---------------- -----------------------A- P.T.2x10 JOISTS 4 16"O.C. 1-------------------- If-------------- 11 SISTER EACH JOIST W/P.T.2X6 # ISSUE REVISION DATE -----------------AIL---------------4- -4---------- -------------------------A_-------------- II .00 REVISED FILING SET 08.18.2024 —Il ------------- ---------------- ---- --------------------- 7 ------------------I-- J- LEDGLRLOK SCREWS 4 FASTEN W/42----------- --�= ---------- LU --- ------------------ - P.T.2x8 TO FACE OF GIRDER ON _w --- Ij 10 w 24+12 LU 11 .. I 0 w WATER SIDE AS BEARING FOR FULL Ila 752 GSF 0 DRAWN BY:J.LACHAPELLE Ej cr----------------------- 25 ---------------- LLI DEPTH OF 2x10 JOISTS------ - ------ I -C-7 I .. I- - CHECKED BY:J.LACHAPELLE _J C14 C14 __l_----------------1 (14--------------L _L----------- ----------- C) U) 5�1 _T 04 ('4 ---------------- C14 C14 NOTE:THIS IS AN JA'x 17"SHEET C" • CRAWLSPACE IS TO BE DRAWINGS MAYBE PRINTED NOT TO SCALE II F-: -----------------EL:v EQUAL ELEVATION OR ---------------r- 4----------- ----------------- - ---®--1 -L---------------------- 11 a: HIGHER THAN ADJACENT -+f LaChapelle Architecture PLLC -S EXTERIOR GRADE ------------------ ---------- ZD -----------# P.O.Box 1251 ---------------- E -------------------- C14 Mattituck,NY 11952 L LLJ Lq__j 1 1 1 i -I., i ----------------- -----------------L --------- ----------------------I------- (646)251-5058 jake@lachapellearchitecture.com CD i44�x`12------------------ ---------- ---------------------------------- ---------------I J. -------- XA-------------- ------------- _-AIL---------------- --------- ------------------------ ---------------------Ll -ED AljC' ------------ ------ 1---------___I-T----------------------- -------------------- - -- L------- --------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------t----------------------------- -------------- ---------------r, �T T' .Ir ------------- ---------------- - -- - ----------L----1----J-----L----i----J-----L----I----J-----L----I---- I-- L -11 LIJ w LU 10 0--j 0 -1 ---IF---- 40 rl < P.T.2x8 JOISTS @ 16"O.C. IX P.T.2x10 JOISTS@ 16"O.C. 25 1 25 OPN ------------------ ------------ C14 04 X X ------------- -N------------------C�L_ ------------ 2!L _(V11 1------------- -------------- F-: --------- =49MIRML TMO-9-100—H—MIFORMIM11MM, C? d- foRm—To FOUNDATION PLAN 7'-2" 7'-5311 4 4 16"X 8"PAINTED S.S.DUAL-FUNCTION FLOOD VENT(MODEL#1540 '_24�4112 1 1 1 1242#12 1 1 1 4X24 2 1 1 1 2 )IQ4X12 NOTIFY AOR IF STRUCTURAL SIZING BY SMARTVENT), BIMETAL COIL ENSURE THAT VENTILATION LOUVERS I I -A=- I I ir-------I CANNOT BE MET IN ANY CASE ARE FULLY CLOSED AT 35OF AND FULLY OPEN AT 75-F,CERTIFIED FOR II I r.(3)l2X12 IRDdrlb 200 SF FLOOD VENTING;SILL AT MAX. 12"ABOVE WHICHEVER IS $T-C-E 0 SHEET NO: O FOUNDATION PLAN HIGHER:ADJACENT EXTERIOR GRADE OR CRAWLSPACE FLOOR,TYP. L 4- 1 1 1 L_ 1 1 1 p tL�E R 0 SCR LENE&( SCALE: 1/4" = T-O" DEMOLISH EXISTING CHIMNEY ���®® 6-511 61-51, 6'-5" SHEET 6 OF 17 1 1 ' '• 1 M no 11 GLESS RELOCATE 200 AMPELECTRIC SERVICE ■■■ NOON ■ C�► �:! ��\ ! J o :' AND PANEL • NOON NONE " ::•10::■...■.1 , IEEXTERIOR WALLNEON ■ENE■■ MONNONE■■■NONE...■E■■1 1■EN ■■ ■I■r mm ■■ ■■■■■■ �■■■■, oISSUE/REVISION 1■■■■UIM■■■■ ■I■■M■E■ REVISED FILING SET •••••••••••••• IEE ■■■■ENE■ ■I■EEE■N■ E ........ ... /. >_� ■ — CLO j DRY DRAWN BY:J.LACHAPELLE 11 SET 11oil PEI CHECKED: . 4l.1,, - • WIN ■ENE■NEE■`J■EN`J■ ■Eil�i_�■ PRINTED . , ■■EEEE■■NEE■■EEEN a,`„ x-°°� . ■EEEJEDRAWINGS MAY BE PROVIDE HEADER PER P.O.Box 1251 ■■EEENNEE■■■NEE■®�� MENNlINN®■ELO► ■■■NEE■EN■■NNE■NEE■■II�I_�.I:�I MEN E■N■ . . ■■E■■■■■E■ mmmmmmmmm --- ■E■N■■N _ ■■■E■E■E■■1 N■■■■EN ■■■■■E■■■■1 I JE■E■WA CNN% : b p q -14 ■ IGROUND FLOOR PLAN i I� 11SHEET NO: �M A A7,00 SHEET 7 OF 17 • 1 GLEES P ST RESIDENCE rf - - - - - - - - - - - - "Ij- - - - - - - - - - - �, 800KOKEDRIVE SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 11 II 11 11 II 11 11 II II 1 I I 11 WINDOW AT DORMER ® 0 O (1 I I n�>X JIIIIIIIIIII III'IIIIIII Q`�F�`` 1IIII111IIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIII III III II I O ®T NORTH — — — — — — — O — — — — — —— — — — i - ° �Q0F t❑��OO G 1❑O oD PROJECT (25.27°) E7 Qaoo TAX MAP NO.1000-87:&7 Li p # ISSUE/REVISION D A T EO 12 .00 REVISED FILING SET 08.18.20 2 4 - -7 — - - - - - - 42X10 F - - - — 1L -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DRAWN BY:J.LACHAPELLE 1-3 4X11-7 8 LV IDGE 1-3 4X11-7 8 LVL RID E CHECKED BY:J.LACHAPELLE NOTE:THIS IS AN 11"x 17"SHEETWINDOWATGABLE WINDOWAGA E DRAWINGS MAY BE PRINTED NOT TO SCALE (4)2X10 LaChapelle Architecture PLLC P.O.Box 1251 Mattituck,NY 11952 (646)251-5058 jake@lachapellearchitecture.como o 7[ 12 12 ED ARC t 2X10RR(@16"OC I I 7� I `�� pCNgp I I (LOWER ROOF) '� I I I ! I— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —TPS—�' — — — — — — — — Ti I POST i OI II Nil 0339913 yQ� WINDOW AT GA LE I I I �CF NE`t� II II SCOPE NOTES: I I LU 2X10 RR 1a@16"0C I 1. PROVIDE NEW INTERIOR TRIM AT WINDOWS, DOORS, BASE,CROWN,ETC. I I o '' I °°� °" °rum= ° *•_ °_ � ��"ewreerv°=rueeeouwia°rvm=m=°riuraweer=oau+a"rto.unw°u 2. PROVIDE NEW GWB AT WALLS AND CEILINGS 12 �n�.°°�"°��� 3. PROVIDE NEW AND SALVAGED EXTERIOR TRIM 4. PROVIDE NEW WINDOWS AND DOORS AS INDICATED i I I I ROOF PLAN II � II 1X0 RR(@16"OC I II II SHEET NO: OROOF PLAN IL — — — _ - - _ _ — PST - - - II A8,00- - -- _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SHEET 8 OF 17 HVAC SCOPE NOTES GLESS 1. PROVIDE(2)DUCTED HEAT PUMP SYSTEMS, RESIDENCE SIZING TO BE CONFIRMED BY MECHANICAL 800 KOKE DRIVE INSTALLER. PROVIDE QUOTATION FOR 3 TON SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 HEAT PUMP AIR HANDLER AT BASEMENT CONNECTED TO 3 TON CONDENSER AT SOUTH SIDE OF HOUSE,2.5 TON HEAT PUMP AIR HANDLER AT ATTIC STORAGE AT SECOND FLOOR 0 a CONNECTED TO 2.5 TON CONDENSER AT SOUTH ® 0 p SIDE OF HOUSE.PROVIDE ALL ACCESSORIES, TRUE INCLUDING COPPER LINESETS, DUCTING, NORTH OO ❑a a DAMPERS,INSULATION,CONDENSATE PUMPING, ��13 DCI� D 0 COMMISSIONING, ETC. PROJECT ® d ORTH 2. PROVIDE MANUAL J AND S CALCULATIONS. (25.27') QO o TAX MAP NO.1000-87:57 3. PROVIDE 13 CF PER MINUTE MECHANICAL EXHAUST VENTILATION FOR CRAWLSPACE IN # ISSUE/REVISION DATE CONFORMANCE w/R408(1CF/50SF),OR RELY ON PERIMETERVENTS .00 REVISED FILING SET 08.i6.2024 4.PROVIDE MAKE-UP VENTILATION AIR AT KITCHEN. 5.PROVIDE HYBRID HEAT PUMP HOT WATER HEATER IN ATTIC,VENT TO SPACE DRAWN BY:J.LACHAPELLE CHECKED BY:J.LACHAPELLE NOTE:THIS IS AN 11"x 17"SHEET DRAWINGS MAY BE PRINTED NOT TO SCALE LaChapelle Architecture PLLC P.O.Box 1251 Mattituck,NY 11952 (646)251-5058 jake@lachapellearchitecture.com FtED ARC ca it 0 30 p� ccOF NE`��� mn owiwvwaulmsRUR[morse[mcew nnorx[raw[mror wcxRP[u[ 4Rcxrt[ttYRC PLLC RC Nsrot[ss or Wx[ix[R sx[P0.W[tt soR VmKx R 0 YR[PIACC If clxW CO.C.ti[RaigeR,oR CFICClan9 sNY 6[YAO[lM V f BY L[C xIJ[uY �mo1NU[IMfI[&awrONxW.MOLL[pRplxe PRW[tt� ml¢R PMR[s,Ni[MWCM[WRCi[R CCRSCm OfIYMRPp[CNUR[c1YR[PLLC O CCT'glCm 3%IICI W[LLL YCM[nuRC PLLC REFLECTED CEILING PLAN SHEET NO: O SCALE:1 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN A9m00 SHEET 9 OF 17 GLESS RESIDENCE 800 KOKE DRIVE SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 Lj NORTH ° a o Q 0 D o PROJECT ® V NORTH Q (25.27°) O O TAX MAP NO.1000-87:5.7 Z 1 2 ISSUE/REVISION DATE .00 REVISED FILING SET 08.18.2024 DRAWN BY:J.LACHAPELLE CHECKED BY.J.LACHAPELLE NOTE:THIS IS AN 11"x 17"SHEET DRAWINGS MAY BE PRINTED NOT TO SCALE p LaChapelle Architecture PLLC P.O.Box 1251 Mattituck,NY 11952 (646)251-5058 jake@lachapellearchitecture.com — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — �`���RADARC'Si C9 a -95c�O FIN lMf DNAwA04M NSl0uN[NI OPXNYR;[AH FOiNxcixY VNOVCIrtCO/uCNVl4C [xC<N[0.TNOCxN10R,PlTCM��OXC.O0.0tlligx9 Nnr<NOOC IIK[rt CYUtltV[LLC fONpOplPoNT�OIXb NFW[Cl0T0ixUi lPmIISONf00N"COd".l[fbN NINOYAOICR BYIY. OM[N CANtN;Ntt"mrtixC WPOC[N CONSCM OItPCMAY¢ILARCNNICNNCrti4 O COfYFgNC 00]�ulN4[LLC,NRCH"[CNN[/LLc NORTH ELEVATION SHEET NO: ONORTH SCALE: ALE: 1/4" = T CON Al0m00 SHEET 10 OF 17 GLESS RESIDENCE SKY PLANE SKY PLANE BEYOND 800 KOKE DRIVE FIELD OF SHEET SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 TUE 0 NORTH a ❑ p pn ova ��o D 0 ® R� NORTH ROJECT Q d (25.27°) O O TAX MAP NO.1000-87:5-7 M ISSUE/REVISION DATE .00 REVISED FILING SET 08.18.2024 12 - -7 DRAWN BY:1.LACHAPELLE CHECKED BY:J.LACHAPELLE NOTE:THIS IS AN 11"x 17"SHEET DRAWINGS MAYBE PRINTED NOT TO SCALE LaChapelle Architecture PLLC P.O.Box 1251 Mattituck,NY 11952 (646)251-5058 jake@lachapellearchitecture.com Ll '00 (�REO ARC �LACH,4 �- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J •k 1 • II f 033930 0 FOF NE1� [XCYi[P°NIIDXCCI4WDA.MrtcRlo'R.DGDR[mn,WYIC AOt EKC>Crtl.s[P�sD6 iDRFDpilOXiOiM PNd[cf eYoiXFp PMRgOCIW WNP,f1tlXD°I°iXOvuNCn� atxen PaPnC;VdlXpliiX[WI�f[p Gttl,[Xf°s1YW.Ppt{µCe4fCDNRCPLLG O CDP,pOMIaWtADW1Pe<,C n°vCPLLc EAST ELEVATION SHEET NO: EAST O SCALE 1/4ATI0 0 A11,00 SHEET 11 OF 17 GLEES RESIDENCE i' APPROXIMATE LOCATION SKY PLANE BEYOND 800 KOKE DRIVE OF SKY PLANE FIELD OF SHEET SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 TRUE / , / , NORTH 0 DC2 o ' 0 NORTH OJE T Q (25.27°) O 0 TAX MAP NO.1000.87:5.7 _12— — # ISSUE/REVISION DATE 7 .00 REVISED FILING SET 08.18.2024 _12 DRAWN BY:J.LACHAPELLE CHECKED BY:J.LACHAPELLE NOTE:THIS IS AN 11"x 17"SHEET LE DRAWINGS MAY BE PRINTED NOT TO SCALE LaChapelle Architecture PLLC IL IL P.O.Box 1251 Mattituck,NY 11952 (646)251-5058 jake@lachapellearchitecture.com ILI LIJ AD A&C, a= — 4-�,3 r �j. o yC¢ �OF NE`�� umeau ai vue ais'aa"ne°R1�is m9fwartinw*ne Paaiiiiori weu�n n o vw�iaHOPveo n - uccurea xocxu+cea.nsrzannans,e"omrona xareesuoe excevr meocx.veue ionrznvorzewry oixn 1- evmnwvncecnisonra aom onon envJenmecraer`n'' mxw vunrzs,wrtnom.xe wrmzm evnsem"s wcxnveue ux�meeruv a vue ®c"awcm zmeucnareue "ecmw;vue SOUTH ELEVATION SHEET NO: O SOUTH /4" =ELEVATION0" Al2,00 SHEET U OF 17 GLESS RESIDENCE 800 KOKE DRIVE SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 ® Q QO"•""xx� NORTH 0 O� o �O13 ❑�� d 0 ® o PROJECT ® d NORTH Q (25.27°) O 4 TAX MAP NO.1000.87:5.7 # ISSUE/REVISION DATE - - - .00 REVISED FILING SET 08.18.2024 DRAWN BY:J.LACHAPELLE CHECKED BY:J.LACHAPELLE NOTE:THIS IS AN 11"x 17"SHEET DRAWINGS MAY BE PRINTED NOT TO SCALE 0 LaChapelle Architecture PLLC P.O.Box 1251 A i Mattituck,NY 11952 (646)251 5058 fakeC�3lachapellearchitecture.com 4-4 .. ------- L#1ED aRcy A �� 1! j, OM93Z F OF NE�►J a�nrtsiu m rtw iia onnww�a wn xosoc�enoas sur se oaoe accrt a.ucweue mmxwvrumix,ax ari�:nouv'ir'e'r'' mxmin iRi.vm�uirxewwren eonscm uc i°iv¢ie.Acmmcerune vue ®eonaexrxmc u¢xuaus mremuxevuc WEST ELEVATION SHEET NO: OWEST ELEVN SCALE: /4"AT1o0" Al3mOO SHEET 13 OF 17 G LESS RESIDENCE 800 KOKE DRIVE SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 ® � Q� 0 Q�'wY'•,wP TRUE 0 NORTH ® O�Q ❑�O Q 1-3/4X11-7/8 PROJECT ® do 1-3/4X11-7/8 ML RIDGE BEAM ML RIDGE (2o5.27*) QO o ffin TAX MAP NO.1000-87:5.7 # ISSUE/REVISION DATE DBL 2X8 CT D48" 2XI RR 2X12 ALL QCJ .00 REVISED FILING SET 08.18.2024 @16"OC PLAT @�6 7 12 2X8 CJ 16"OC 2X8 CJ @16"OC DRAWN BY:J.LACHAPELLE CHECKED BY:J.LACHAPELLE (2)1-3111-7/8 NOTE:THIS IS AN 11"x 17"SHEET ML GIRDER q (2)1-3/011-7/8 DRAWINGS MAYBE PRINTED NOT TO SCALE N ML GIRDER LaChapelle Architecture PLLC P.O.Box 1251 Lj Lj Mattituck,NY 11952 (646)251-5058 jake@lachapellearchitecture.com lip IFtED Ai?C „ EXISTING 2X6 FJ @16"OC ��5 �LACHgp�`y��� , N v A- 03301 -kp� �0F Nj`. "Y�LY C PLLO WrzdW 0.il]olNe�RX[PM"f PwRw[[CiiioRw�YCMRp PR�fI.�o"ISP 1. [#<iwli[0.NOCXMC4NtrzuNibN,WO"[lpp OYLK1w[Y[ vMa efNYMOi EC Yam BYaix@ PNRf�RRW YMW PRR,[Cil Mn PR"i["fcY"�NNINRf6),W iOR wRRRIYMthix9PRp![CfeY MM"1 PARRR,K"ttJinin[wipifN CIXi5GTN4LNNP¢1LNpcgl[RYR[PUC o ca nwm zm�wawrru.wmrtrzcrwi vue SECTION SHEET NO: DSECTION SCALE: 1/4" = T-0" A:14mOO SHEET 14 OF 17 PROVIDE LO-OMNIRIDGE C (AZEK) TRIM NOTES MODEL LOR9-4FR RIDGE VENT 2�,� G LESS 1. USE DUST COLLECTION SYSTEM FOR ANY PVC CUTTING WORK BY LOMANCO(AVAILABLE `r�O,9 ASPHALT SHINGLES TO MATCH RESIDENCE PERFORMED OUTSIDE THE HOUSE,IN ORDER TO ELIMINATE FROM ABC SUPPLY CO.)AND CONT.ZINC STRIP AT RIDGE ; GRACE ICE&WATER SHIELD AT 800 KOKE DRIVE . RELEASE OF PVC CUTTINGS ON SITE.CONTAMINATED SOIL WILL � ENTIRETY OF NEW ROOF SouTHOLD,NY 11971 BE REMOVED AND REPLACED AT CONTRACTOR EXPENSE. 2. USE'CORTEX'HIDDEN FASTENING SYSTEM BY TIMBERTECH w/ 4' S.S.VERMIN SCREEN AT 2"AIR PLUGS AND#8 SCREWS;SELECT SCREW LENGTH APPROPRIATE BLOCKING SPACE ABOVE BAFFLE FOR TRIM THICKNESS AND SUBSTRATE. '>•.� ® 0� o!ape 3. ANTICIPATE THERMAL MOVEMENT IN USE OF PVC TRIM; PROVIDE ROOF RAFTERS PER A8TRUE _ Q JOINTS FOR EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION,AS WELL AS PROVIDE NORTH OO ❑o SUFFICIENT FASTENING TO AVOID WARPING AND OIL-CANNING IN 72'CLOSED-CELL SPRAY FOAMGUTTERS WARM WEATHER. (R52);ALLOW FOR 2"AIRSPACE LEADERS & Da D 4. USE MINIMUM(2)FASTENERS EVERY 16 FOR TRIM BOARDS ABOVE USING SMARTBAFFLE BY L DRY WELLS UNDER 8"IN WIDTH AND(3)FASTENERS EVERY 16"FOR TRIM DCI PRODUCTS THROUGHOUT ~ " �, THROUGHOUT PNORTH ROJECT ® d (25.27') "A 43O D BOARDS OVER 8'IN WIDTH.FASTENERS MUST PENETRATE FURR OUT CATHEDRAL CEILING r, 12"MIN. SUBSTRATE 1 ""MINIMUM. TAX MAP NO.i000-87.-5-7 2 GWB AS NECESSARY TO — VENTED SOFFIT(18 SI/LF) 5. GLUE TRIM TO SUBSTRATE WHENEVER PRACTICAL, USING ACHIEVE FLAT SURFACE TYP. 'v RUN PLYWOOD SHEATHING UP AS # ISSUE/REVISION DATE LIQUID NAILS OR SIMILAR ADHESIVE. HEAD&6. USE SCARF JOINTS AND APPLY CELLULAR PVC CEMENT TO ONE JAMB BAFFLE; NOTCH AROUND SURFACE.FASTEN AT BOTH SIDES OF JOINT.USE CEMENT w/ INTERIOR PROFILE RAFTERS oo REVISED FILING SET oe.s8.2024 CURE TIME LESS THAN 2 HRS. a 20 oz.COPPER DRIP 7. SAND RIPPED EDGES TO CLOSE OPEN CELLS(DISCOURAGES INTERIOR TRIM PER OWNER'S SAMPLE; PROVIDE 22 PVC TRIM,SILL 1 - - WATER ABSORPTION AND RESULTANT ORGANIC GROWTH). WINDOWS ARE FACTORY-FINISHED a 8 CLEAN PVC TRIM ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER COLOR INSIDE AND OUT TO BE EXTENSION,&APRON SELECTED BY OWNER INSTRUCTIONS PRIOR TO PAINTING. PRIME AS NECESSARY. DRAWN BY:J.LACHAPELLECONT.SEALANT AND BACKER ROD 9. ASSUME ALL PVC ON JOB WILL BE PAINTED. USE PAINTS(WHERE CHECKED BY:J.LACHAPELLE REQUIRED)w/LIGHT REFLECTANCE VALUE(LRV)OVER 55. USE AT PERIMETER OF WINDOW TO JAMB SPECIALLY-FORMULATED VINYL-SAFE PAINT w/SOLAR STOP AIR INFILTRATION NOTE:THIS IS AN If'z17°SHEET DRAWINGS MAYBE PRINTED NOT TOSCALE REFLECTIVE PIGMENTS. PROVIDE WINDOW EXTENSIONS SEE A3 WINDOW SCHEDULE 10. REPAIRS CAN BE MADE w/DAP'CRACK SHOT'FOR PAINTED TRIM. AS NEEDED DAM BLOCKING AT SILL LaChapelle Architecture PLLC REPAIRS ARE NOT ALLOWED ON UNPAINTED TRIM. USE SIMILAR TRIM AT � 2x6 STUD FRAMING,TYP. P.O.Box 1251 ALL INTERIOR DOORS 8 2"CLOSED-CELL SPRAY FOAM+ Mattituck,NY 11952 DECKBUILD NOTES WOOD FLOORING TO MATCH TYP.SILL 32'BATT UNFACED MINERAL (646)251-5058 jake@lachapellearchitecture.com EXISTING; PROVIDE Nm WOOL INSULATION(R14+R15) PROFILE 1. REFER TO THE LATEST VERSION OF THE AMERICAN WOOD SOUND-DAMPENING AOR-APPROVED WATER RESISTIVE COUNCIL'S'PRESCRIPTIVE RESIDNETIAL WOOD DECK UNDERLAYMENT BARRIER(WRB);VAPOR �RED A., CONSTRUCTION GUIDE'. 32'PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR; a ,� 1 PERMEANCE BTWN.6.5 AND 30 g •y, GLUED&SCREWED TO JOISTS PERMS SUCH AS'HYDROGAP SA'BY 2. ALL FRAMING LUMBER TO BE NO. 1 GRADE OR BETTER, PER CODE REQUIREMENTS OBDYKE OR HENRY BLUESKIN WITH GROUDN-CONTACT PRESSURE TREATED.[GLUE-LAMINATED FLOOR JOISTS PER A6;REFER TO A4 FOR DRAINAGE MAT;AS ALTERNATE USE ; TIMBER BEAMS ARE A FEASIBLE ALTERNATE;PLEASE e ZIP'SYSTEM BY HUBER WITH CONSULT WITH ARCHITECT OF RECORD FOR SIZING.THESE BLOCKING, NAILING,STRAPPING, ETC. DRAINAGE MAT-ONLY w/ MUST BE TREATED WITH AN OIL-OR WATER-BORNE ARCHITECT APPROVAL A PRESERVATIVE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AWPA UI.] 7 MINERAL WOOL INSULATION � 4O 4"PLYWOOD SHEATHING;GLUE& O vJ (R-30)AT RIMBOARD SCREW F NE 3. FLASH TOPS OF FRAMING LUMBER(BEAMS,JOISTS, RIMBOARD; FULLY BLOCK ALL POSTS(E.G. POSITIVELY SIDING PER ELEVATIONS STRINGERS)WITH PEELON-STICK BITUMINOUS PRODUCT CORNER FRAMING, KING STUDS,ETC.)FROM LAP WRB FORDURABILITY. LOAD ABOVE TO BEARING BELOW TMaBBB"µB�aB."BB BY�e� E.B.BB YB,�B 4 Bp x>pGen,ulre.MB\On OEttnOBS MAY B[MAD[o6B"eY I iCM6V(YL � oTMee m wY �row�M ;a �e ; 4. ALL FASTENERS,ANCHORS,WASHERS, ETC.TO BE 1 x 3 PVC BLOCK HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED OR STAINLESS STEEL, EXCEPT SEAL RIMBOARD TOP AND BOTTOM 20 oz.COPPER DRIP THAT FLASHING FASTENERS MAY BE SILICONE BRONZE OR 2x10 P.T.SILL PLATE CONPROCO EXTERIOR WALL DETAILS COPPER FOR MATERIAL COMPATIBILITY. SILL GASKET ABOVE AND BELOW EQ•. : �-�( SYSTEM OVER FOUNDATION TERMITE SHIELD ;� WATERPROOFING:STUCCO FINISH 5. ALL CONNECTORS(JOIST HANGERS,STRAPPING, ETC.)TO I� 1 w/EMBEDDED S.S. LATH BE HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED OR STAINLESS STEEL. Z'DIA.THREADED ROD ANCHOR(MIN. REINFORCING SHEET NO: 24"EMBED)OR Z"DIA.J-BOLT;@ 32"O.C. 2"CONT.XPS INSULATION 6. BEAM SPLICE MUST OCCUR AT POSTS.STAGGER SPLICES (6"FROM CORNERS, 12"FROM END OF O TYPICAL EXTERIOR PARTITION 1O DETAIL A15mOO WHEN COMPOSED OF TWO OR MORE MEMBERS. PLATE);PROVIDE CUT WASHER SCALE: 1"' = T-O" SHEET 15 OF 17 FRAME OR BLOCK GLEES SANDED SEALANT AT CHANGES TO JOISTS MATCH CROWN AND BASE OF MATERIAL OR PLANE;COLOR ., �r:.... «..wt•: MOLDING IN ADJACENT ROOMS TO MATCH GROUT CUSTOM BEAD BOARD OR OTHER RESIDENCE PORCELAIN FLOOR TILE, x, PANELLING WHERE INDICATED,AND 800 KOKE DRIVE BASEBOARD TILE,AND SANDED rr AS PER OWNER REQUEST GROUT SELECTED BY OWNER ATHROOM I SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 MOLD-RESISTANT WALL BOARD SADDLE WIDTH TO ALIGN WITH SUCH AS GOLD BOND XP BY NAT. DOOR FRAME GYPSUM COMPANY .42"HARDIBACKER BOARD GLUED SOUND-ISOLATING MINERAL WOOL INSULATION "SAFE'n'SOUND"BY AND SCREWED TO SUBFLOOR ( TRUE 8" P ROCKWOOL OR EQUAL)WHERE NORTH OO 0 Q ALUM.TRANSITION BY SCHLUTER INDICATED p Da REPAIR AND REPLACE EXISTING WOOD 2x4 FRAMING; USE SELECT ® WOOD SUBFLOOR WHERE NEC.; STRUCTURAL TO MINIMIZE PROJECT ORTH T G3 d RE-SCREW THROUGHOUT OUT-OF-PLANE ISSUES IN NEW (25.27°) O o O1 TYPICAL PARTITION © DETAIL WALL TAX MAP NO.1000-87.-S-7 SCALE: 3" = T-O" PROVIDE FLOOD VENTS WHERE # ISSUE/REVISION DATE INDICATED, NO MORE THAN 12" ABOVE ADJACENT HIGHEST .00 REVISED FILING SET 0e48.2024 GRADE;SEE SCHEDULE BELOW 2"CONT.XPS INSULATION ADHERED TO INNER FACE OF CONTINUED ON A19 CONCRETE(R-10) DRAWN BY:J.LACHAPELLE BACKFILL INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR CHECKED BY:J.LACHAPELLE FINISH GRADE SHOULD BE NEW •°f a ! /\\/\\ ��\�\��%��% AOR-APPROVED SELF-ADHERING ROUGHLY EQUAL IN CRAWL FOUNDATION WATERPROOFING NOTE:THIS IS AN II"x17"SHEET DRAWINGS MAY BE PRINTED NOT TO SCALE ELEVATION I II I MEMBRANE SUCH AS POLYWALL :.�iII• DIMPLE SHEET;USE ADHESIVE TO LaChapelle Architecture PLLC �I FFIX-NO FASTENERS THROUGH P.O.Box 1251 SUCH ASSTEGOCRAWL';TURN UP 15 MIL CLASS 1 VAPOR RETARDER I II 11 MBRANE Mattituck,NY 11952 - 8"AT PERIMETER AND FASTEN TO U(.t �_ SC�EDULE 30 PERFORATED PVC (646)251-5058 jake@lachapellearchitecture.com WALLS WITH TERMINATION BAR II ° _ PIPb w/HOLES FACING DOWN,MIN SLOE 4"IN 100 FT TO DRYWELL; 4 THICK CRUSHED a • PLACIE PIPE BELOW BOTTOM OF STONE(NO FINES) <I a a o CRAdIVLSPACE FLOOR IN CRUSHED O A& STONE(NO FINES)WRAPPED IN �5� �ACHgpC�/� _ - EXTILE FILTER FABRIC �` F t�`•. UNDISTURBED SOIL GEO a; e °.a � I; (P 8"CIP REINFORCED CONCRETE A 0 FOUNDATION WALL AT PERIMETER �OF NE`��y PROVIDE UNDERPINNING AS OF NEW CRAWLSPACE NEEDED AT EXISTING 8"x 24"CONTINUOUS CIP FOOTING&FOUNDATION CONCRETE FOOTING AT PERIMETER w/(3)#5 BAR 6P P°[Mf[°Nrz[PLLC A°OMvw°rt�'ll°i°[U[lD°v M"W PU"°°f°ROlNPn Flmrztl°. O TYPICAL SECTION DETAIL @ FOUNDATION CONTINUOUS; MIN.3"COVER 2 FOR BAR SCALE: = 1'-O" DETAILS FLOOD VENT SCHEDULE ID ASSEMBLY MAKE/MODEL R.O. NOTES QTY COVERAGE F1 CRAWLSPACE FLOOD VENT SMARTVENT 1540-510 16.25"w x 8.25"h DUAL FUNCTION, PAINTED MARINE GRADE S.S. 4 200 SF SHEET N0: ���®�® SHEET 16 OF 17 IF EXISTING LEDGER FLASHING IS G LESS INTACT BEND IT BACK TO ACCEPT NEW LEDGER AND BEND INTO PLACE;IF rr r ri r ri r I RESIDENCE • .` r r, r i r .ri rriir rir r tilt rir ri FLASHING CAN'T BE RE-USED THEN I KE DRIVE KO DETAIL'B' SELECTIVE REPLACEMENT OF HOUSE 800 i , / SIMPSON DTT2 SIDING IS NECESSARY TO ACCEPT Sou00 KONY 11971 TO JOIST NEW FLASHING i r / LAYOUT RIM JOIST / ♦ SIMPSON LUS28 JOIST I TRUE HANGER,TYP. i I NORTH a OO 0 F BAND JOIST-\ I I p OQ a T NORTH PROJECT Q d DECK JOISTS TYPICAL SECTION (25.27') O o BLOCKING I I TAX MAP NO.1000.87.5-7 VIDE POLYETHYLENE(OR ® DETAIL'C' ORDER WEATHER-RESISTANT) I # ISSUE/REVISION DATE I ® DTT2 TO I LEDGER SPACERS FOR DRAINAGE I .00 REVISED FILING SET 08.18.2024 BLOCKING LAYOUT SIMPSON COLUMN CAP(LPCZ OR SIM.) ® I I I I I I I SIMPSON COLUMN BASE W/ • I' j i STANDOFF(ABU,CBSQ,OR SIM.) k. I:,.,i. •.a 1 ® ROUND OR SQUARE I I I DRAWN BY:J.LACHAPELLE FLARED FOOTING BOTTOM ° CHECKED BY.J.LACHAPELLE / SEE A6 FOR FOOTING DATA • ' ,I `L NOTE:THIS IS AN 11"x 17"SHEET I I °I ` •e M DRAWINGS MAY BE PRINTED NOT TO SCALE IN, / SIMPSON STANDARD LaChapelle Architecture PLLC �,. / RAILING ATTACHMENT ♦ ® P.O.Box 1251 / RAILING NOTE: ® ° r Mattituck,NY 11952 �. DETAILS PROVIDE 36"RAILING AT a (646)251-5058 jake@lachapellearchitecture.com / ADJUST FOR PROJECT CONDITIONS ALL LOCATIONS WHERE 18"d 24" a PLAN VIEW �. ® / DROP IS OVER 30" e POST ` i POST \ BRED ARC SIMPSON `P << DECKING DTT2 cn SIMPSON ♦ / A. DTT2 DECKING / (ONE EACH SIDE) ♦ / (P r i —I e34 ® ® ® y j' 0�0 y0 ® ® ® ® �CFNE`N iHR aRm�u[R•LL NLaR,ro[IW a]vei�[IX[[I•n"P[e]Lp][TMaN�NY01,.1aMMettL "RVR[vwmR 1 I _ I I _ na""]avxoa.u,wnon]anan° •�[�[�,�� AT 10„ IK-'— , ` ' ocavrwcxrmuu[xu¢uurcmrzcrum vuc n _ DETAIL A�'� SrRitiC�R JOIST RIM JOIST / \ 16"MIN. DECK DETAILS .` PVC RISER �. ♦ _ / ♦ BLOCKING / i' ♦ %2 DIA. BOLTS OR / ♦ / �. THREADED ROD W/ / JOIST DETAIL B .\ NUTS AND WASHERS,/ / DETAIL C SHEET N0: O TYPICAL DECK DETAILS Al7mOO SHEET 17 OF 17