HomeMy WebLinkAbout51301-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51301 Date: 10/22/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: Julie C Nixon 22 Glamford Ave Port Washington, NY 11050 To: install EV charger to exterior of the existing single-family dwelling as applied for. Premises Located at: 7215 Soundview Ave, Southold, NY 11971 SCTM# 59.-6-3 Pursuant to application dated 09/05/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 10/22/2026. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: EV Charger $125.00 ELECTRIC -Residential $100.00 CO-RESIDENTIAL $100.00 Total S325.00 Iding Inspector� � TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 4 Telephone(631)765-1802 Fax(631)765-9502 hqp :Hww .sootho1dtgwnn 4o ` Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT e.D U 2i(9 1 E 0V Rc.3 For office Use Only D PERMIT NO__ Building Inspector; Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety.Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an PP P Owners Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Date:08/21/2-024 OWNERS)OF PROPERTY: Name:Julie Nixon SCTM#1000- ,w 3 Project Address:l),15j Soundview Ave, Southold, NY 11971 Phone#:646-251-3478 Email:sherlocknixon@verizon.net Mailing Address:22 Glamford Ave, Port Washington, NY 11050 CONTACT PERSON: Name:Jack Felbinger Mailing Address:20 Clark St, East Rockaway, NY 11518 Phone#:516-887-4876 Email:jackjr@jffelectric.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: JFF Electric, Inc. Mailing Address:20 Clark St, East Rockaway, NY 11518 Phone#:516-887-4876 ]:Em�ll:jackjr@jffeledric.com DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition ❑Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: Flother'-am 48--w Oecl"c vehicle Of a4m station on 60-&W dedicated QvcwL $1.170 Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes 19No Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes BNo i PROPERTY INFORMATION Eidsting use of property:Residential Intended use of property:Residential Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? ❑Yes ONO IF YES,PROVIDE A COPY. 8 Check BDx AfterReading: The owner/cootractnr/des4n professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provkded by Chapter 236 of the Town Code.APPUCATM IS HEREBY MADE to the Bmlding Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations6 for the consbw:tioo of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with a•applicable laws,ordinances,building cDd% housing code and regulations and to admit auHwriaed inspectors on premises and in brrldrrng(s)for necessary false statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210AS of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By(print name):John Felbinger @Authorized Agent ❑Owner Signature of Applicant: Date: 8/21/2024 STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF �) John Felbinger being duly swom,deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (S)he is the Contractor (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith_ Sworn before me this SP day of lfif/4 y]d' .20 Notary Public CYNTHIA LARK Notary Public,State of New York No.01LA6421011 AUTHORIZATIONPROPERTY OWNER " Qualified in Nassau County Commission Expires August 23,449 ' (Where the applicant is not the owner) I, Julie Nixon residing at 7145 Soundview Ave, Southold, NY 11971 do hereby authorize John Felbinger to apply on 1.1 My behalf to t ow f in Department for approval as described herein_ . _ Z) Z Owner's Signature Date Print Owner's Name 2 JFFELEC-01 J LLE.N �� CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MMIDDIYYYY) 9/5/2024 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer ri hts to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT NGL Group LLC PHONE Fnx 112 Merrick Road A/C,No,Et):(516)599-1100 Alc No):(516)599-2968 Lynbrook,NY 11563 INSURE S AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIL p INSURER A:Utica First Insurance Com art 15326 INSURED INSURER B:AmGUARD Insurance Com an 42390 JFF Electric,Inc. INSURER C: 20 Clark Street INSURER o: East Rockaway,NY 11518 INSURER E INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, ILTRNSR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL SUBR POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LIMITS A TXCO7MMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY INSIDEAOH OCCURRENCE $ 1,O0I),000 LAIMS-MADE X OCCUR ART3000192900 4/24/2024 4/24/2025 DAjEXP TO RENTED100,000 X PREZ Ocru[re. ME n One ersonl 5,000 (E�k_ ,� PERSONAL A ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000' GEN"L AGGREGATE.LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 POLICY (, PE� LOC HPRODUCTS-COMP/OP AG $ 2,000,000 OTHER: $ B AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ 1,000,000 ANY AUTO JFAU592180 7/26/2024 7/25/2025 BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS ONLY X AUTOS BODILY INJURY(Per accident) X HIRED X NON-AWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY Per acc�J $ UMBRELLA LIAB OCCUR EACH.OCCURRENCE EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE DED 1 11 RETENTION$ $ WORKERS COMPENSATION PET OTH- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY Y I N ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE ❑ F,L-FACH ACCIDENT $ OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? N/A (Mandatory in NH) 1 SE-EA E.PLOY $ If yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E,L..DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached if more space is required) Electrical Contractor Certificate holder is included as Additional Insureds CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATI'Q_N SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE Town of Southhotd THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 53095 NY-25 Southold,NY 11971 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25(2016/03) ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD K Workers' CERTIFICATE OF STATIE Compensation NYS WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE COVERAGE Board 1 a.Legal Name&Address of Insured(use street address only) 1 b.Business Telephone Number of Insured JFF Electric, Inc. 516-887-4876 20 Clark Street 1c.NYS Unemployment Insurance Employer Registration Number of East Rockaway, NY 11518 Insured Work Location of Insured(Only required if coverage is specifically limited to 1d.Federal Employer Identification Number of Insured or Social Security certain locations in New York State,i.e.,a Wrap-Up Policy) Number 45-3353350 2.Name and Address of Entity Requesting Proof of Coverage 3a.Name of Insurance Carrier (Entity Being Listed as the Certificate Holder) Town of Southold AmGuard Insurance Company 53095 NY-25 3b.Policy Number of Entity Listed in Box"1 a" Southold, NY 11971 JFWC505069 3c.Policy effective period 04/16/2024 to 04/16/2025 3d.The Proprietor,Partners or Executive Officers are ❑ included.(Only check box if all partners/officers included) ® all excluded or certain partners/officers excluded. This certifies that the insurance carrier indicated above in box"3"insures the business referenced above in box"1 a"for workers' compensation under the New York State Workers' Compensation Law. (To use this form, New York(NY)must be listed under Item 3A on the INFORMATION PAGE of the workers'compensation insurance policy). The Insurance Carrier or its licensed agent will send this Certificate of Insurance to the entity listed above as the certificate holder in box"2". The insurance carrier must notify the above certificate holder and the Workers' Compensation Board within 10 days IF a policy is canceled due to nonpayment of premiums or within 30 days IF there are reasons other than nonpayment of premiums that cancel the policy or eliminate the insured from the coverage indicated on this Certificate. (These notices may be sent by regular mail.)Otherwise,this Certificate is valid for one year after this form is approved by the insurance carrier or its licensed agent, or until the policy expiration date listed in box"3c",whichever is earlier. This certificate is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights upon the certificate holder.This certificate does not amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policy listed, nor does it confer any rights or responsibilities beyond those contained in the referenced policy. This certificate may be used as evidence of a Workers'Compensation contract of insurance only while the underlying policy is in effect. Please Note: Upon cancellation of the workers'compensation policy indicated on this form, if the business continues to be named on a permit, license or contract issued by a certificate holder,the business must provide that certificate holder with a new Certificate of Workers'Compensation Coverage or other authorized proof that the business is complying with the mandatory coverage requirements of the New York State Workers'Compensation Law. Under penalty of perjury, I certify that I am an authorized representative or licensed agent of the insurance carrier referenced above and that the named insured has the coverage as depicted on this form. Approved by: Jeffrey Greenfield (Print name of authorized representative or licensed agent of insurance carrier) Approved by: 9/5/24 ( ° °nature) (Date) Title: Managing Member Telephone Number of authorized representative or licensed agent of insurance carrier: 516-599-1 100 Please Note:Only insurance carriers and their licensed agents are authorized to issue Form C-105.2.Insurance brokers are NOT authorized to issue it. C-106.2 (9-17) www.wcb.ny.gov Workers' Compensation Law Section 57. Restriction on issue of permits and the entering into contracts unless compensation is secured.. 1. The head of a state or municipal department, board, commission or office authorized or required by law to issue any permit for or in connection with any work involving the employment of employees in a hazardous employment defined by this chapter, and notwithstanding any general or special statute requiring or authorizing the issue of such permits, shall not issue such permit unless proof duly subscribed by an insurance carrier is produced in a form satisfactory to the chair, that compensation for all employees has been secured as provided by this chapter. Nothing herein, however, shall be construed as creating any liability on the part of such state or municipal department, board, commission or office to pay any compensation to any such employee if so employed. 2. The head of a state or municipal department, board, commission or office authorized or required by law to enter into any contract for or in connection with any work involving the employment of employees in a hazardous employment defined by this chapter, notwithstanding any general or special statute requiring or authorizing any such contract, shall not enter into any such contract unless proof duly subscribed by an insurance carrier is produced in a form satisfactory to the chair, that compensation for all employees has been secured as provided by this chapter. C-105.2(9-17) REVERSE I- YORK f"NEW Workers'STA E Compensation CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE COVERAGE Board NYS DISABILITY AND PAID FAMILY LEAVE BENEFITS LAW PART 1.To be completed by NYS disability and Paid Family Leave benefits carrier or licensed insurance agent of that carrier 1 a.Legal Name&Address of Insured(use street address only) 1 b.Business Telephone Number of Insured JFF ELECTRIC, INC. 20 CLARK STREET 516-887-4876 EAST ROCKAWAY, NY 11518 Work Location of Insured(Only required if coverage is specifically limited to 1 c.Federal Employer Identification Number of Insured certain locations in New York State,i.e.,Wrap-Up Policy) or Social Security Number 45-3353350 2.Name and Address of Entity Requesting Proof of Coverage 3a.Name of Insurance Carrier (Entity Being Listed as the Certificate Holder) Town of Southold Standard Security Life Insurance Company of New York 53095 NY-25 3b.Policy Number of Entity Listed in Box 1 a Southold, NY 11791 R94668-002 3c,Policy Effective Period 1/1/2014 to 9/4/2025 4. Policy provides the following benefits: ❑K A.Both disability and Paid Family Leave benefits. ❑ B.Disability benefits only. ❑ C.Paid Family Leave benefits only. 5. Policy covers: ❑X A.All of the employer's employees eligible under the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law, ❑ B.Only the following class or classes of employer's employees: Under penalty of perjury, I certify that I am an authorized representative or licensed agent of the insurance carrier referenced above and that the named insured has NYS disability and/or Paid Family Leave benefits insurance coverage as descl' d above. Date Signed 9/5/2024 By (Signature of insurance carrier's authorl, d representgOve or NYS licensed insurance agent of that insurance carrier) Telephone Number (212) 355-4141 Nameand-ritle SUPERVISOR-DBL/POLICY SERVICES IMPORTANT:lf Boxes 4A and 5A are checked, and this form is signed by the insurance carrier's authorized representative or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that carrier,this certificate is COMPLETE. Mail it directly to the certificate holder. If Box 4B,4C or 5B is checked,this certificate is NOT COMPLETE for purposes of Section 220, Subd. 8 of the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law. It must be emailed to PAU@wcb.ny.gov or it can be mailed for completion to the Workers'Compensation Board, Plans Acceptance Unit, PO Box 5200, Binghamton, NY 13902-5200. PART 2.To be completed by the NYS Workers'Compensation Board(Only if Box 413,4C or 513 of Part 1 has been checked) State of New York Workers' Compensation Board According to information maintained by the NYS Workers' Compensation Board, the above-named employer has complied with the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law(Article 9 of the Workers' Compensation Law)with respect to all of their employees. Date Signed By (Signature of Authorized NYS Workers'Compensation Board Employee) Telephone Number Name and Title Please Note: Only insurance carriers licensed to write NYS disability and Paid Family Leave benefits insurance policies and NYS licensed insurance agents of those insurance carriers are authorized to issue Form DB-120.1. Insurance brokers are NOT authorized to issue this form. DB-120.1 (12-21) 111111111D°°°1°1°1°°1°1°111°11°111111°IIIIIII SUFFOLK CO. HEALTH DEPT. APPROV p� H. S. NO.30, r k _ , �- •w, • ' � STATEMENT OF INTENT 15 THE WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FOR THIS RESIDENCE WILL CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS OF THE SUFFOLK CO. DEPT. OF HEALTH SERVICES. I r' " • I , L C NT ° d SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPT. OF "HE �x ;� SERVICES - FOR APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION ONLY c` a. r DATE, H. S. REF NO - - APPROVED: SUFFOLK CC TY HEALTH DEP'A " lame � ° � � .� - �` .-�� w �, .-....-..�-., -...-- �� SUFFOLK CO.TAX MAP �G "�"�I OW SINGLE F ILY DWELLING ONLY g6 CT. BLOCKPam. _ DIST s�5� �'�' H.D.rFIER N4. OWNERS �RESS. ."m � ;r 1 TRAs t :a"dow Cara. DA T " ` . _ � HAVE " SAL WATER SUPPLY FACILITIES FOR THE � � y TH SEWAGE DES EN INSPECTED BY THIS DEPARTMENT AND D r':"I m I OUNQ�N SF Y. j r . DEED: L.-4-7-3 7 P. 501 �. �' Chief of W fsfewater Mani§MeaLSectfon TEST HOLE �.:. -� :� - AY ` i --•__.,,..w_.._._ ,. 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" (wised act 14,i 'o y v, :�: r_r _%c3_ ur >��r . ► ;c,€��;3 RODEftiCK VAN� 'TUYL,P.C. • r '�C.'�if�•ar f>'lE:•d'7 avr•'.'�1 iC;1 - - _. .� Lri " r'""� r;""4�'+Mwwr'. �a.�'tr� „ .- '�" �� a��Y dial ;S �-°� *3ED LANEN`"SU'R "� pR '�Y-:?t;�i;.:�='� !;•: �s,9c7c�1 ,:::7r1iG' s•'�: -:�i �G^';. i� w ....,... ;: ��? 7;�4i +�^� LIC 'S „ G 9ENPORT NEW YORK , TZIEDYNE POST N22M5 ,. .. "... ..M.„, Y' -i Affe-ma Mercedes-Benz ' G 'Operating Instructions for the Mercedes-Benz Wallbox Notice d'utilisation-Mercedes-Benz Wallbox Manual de instrucciones de Mercedes-Benz Wallbox A•AAA A•A�A .AdAAAAAdA6A4A. .AdAFdIAHa AdAd�/alAdA. d dAAAdA°AdAdAdAdd .AdA dA4AdA aAdA dA. AAAAAAA°oMerrcedes-Benz A .AAAeAd®9 AAAAA. A AA°1SdAA.AAA'tLdA°a .AaAaAAAAAaAaAaA. A 6AdAAAdAAAAAaA6 A .A A AA Ad Ad 0AA Ad A. d dAdAdAdAdAAAAAda AAAaAAAa , AdAdA. .A•AAAAAaAdA•A• 4 d A A A M+P-03F-10035 e t SA Operating Instructions for the Mercedes-Benz Page 1 Wallbox CAN Notice d'utilisation.-Mercedes-Benz Wallbox Page 9 ® Manual de instrucciones-de Mercedes-Benz Wallbox Pagina 17 t A�A•A�A,A� L .AaAdAaAdAaAaA. .AaAaAaAaAdAaA.A. d AAAA°AAAAAAAAAAd .AaAaAaAaAeAaAaA. A°A'AAA°Mercedes-Benz A .AaAaAamQn aAaAdA. A AAAA°A'AAAAAAAAd .AaAaAeAsAeAaAaA. A°AAA°A°AAA°d'AAA .AeAaAaAaAdAaAdA. a AAAA°AAA°A°AAA°a .Aa Aa Aa Ae A A A'A'A• .A.AaAaAaAaA.A• a 6 A 6 6 M+P-03F-10035 ©2023,Mercedes-Benz AG Mercedesstr. 120,70372 Stuttgart,Germany Reprinting,translating and reproduction,in whole or in part,are not permitted without our prior written consent. 2023/12 03FO17-23 f f OSymbols Welcome Read the Operating Instructions Before you use your device for the first time,familiarize thoroughly to familiarize yourself yourself with it and read these Operating Instructions ! % with the product. carefully. Have the wallbox installed by a qualified electrician. Also observe the Operator's Manual for your vehicle. Warning nnfires draw your attention Mercedes-Benz continuously develops its products to hazards that may endanger your further and therefore reserves the right to introduce health oryour life,or the health or life changes to the following: Fd� of others. • Design • Equipment Technical features Risk of an electric shock if used L incorrectly. Validity i For information on whether or not these Operating Instructions are valid for your vehicle,please consult your Mercedes-Benz Center. The charging system complies with Correct use safety regulations applicable in USA, C V� US Mexico and Canada. QWARNING—USING THE CHARGING LISTED STATION UNDER CONDITIONS NOT SPECIFIED IN THIS MANUAL MAY RESULT IN DAMAGE TO THE CHARGING Parts of the charging system that are STATION,WHICH COULD LEAD TO labeled with this symbol are an INJURY OR DEATH. Fc% US integral part of the overall system. Use the charging station only under the operating conditions specified in this manual. The Mercedes-Benz Wallbox has been extensively tested to ensure it functions correctly and is The device complies with protection compatible with the current Mercedes-Benz models. O class I(protective grounding). The Mercedes-Benz Wallbox has been developed in accordance with the official IEC 6 185 1 and SAE J 1772 standards and can therefore be used to charge other vehicles which meet these standards. Alternating current supply symbol. In the case of incorrect use,misuse,abuse or neglect Mercedes-Benz disclaims any liability for damage that may occur and the warranty for the device is rendered invalid. -1- r IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Read all the instructions before using this product. Q WARNING—INCORRECT USE OF THE SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS. CHARGING STATION WILL RESULT IN THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK,WHICH QWARNING MAY CAUSE INJURY OR DEATH When using electric products,basic precautions Make sure that the contact area of the charging should always be followed,including the following: plug is free from dirt and moisture before starting a charging session. INSTRUCTIONS PERTAINING TO RISK OF FIRE OR Make sure that the charging cable is positioned so ELECTRIC SHOCK. that it will not be stepped on,tripped over,driven over,or otherwise subjected to excessive force or QCAUTION—IMPROPER USAGE OF THE damage.Where applicable,make sure that the CHARGING STATION MAY RESULT IN charging cable is correctly stowed when it is not in DAMAGE TO THE CHARGING STATION, use,making sure that the charging plug does not WHICH MAY CAUSE INJURY OR DEATH. touch the ground. Read this manual before using the charging station. Only pull on the charging plug hand grip and never on the charging cable itself. Do not allow children to operate or play with the Keep the charging station,charging cable and charging station.Adult supervision is required when charging plug away from heat sources,dirt,and children can access a charging station that is in water. use. Do not put fingers into the electric vehicle connector. Q CAUTION—PUTTING FINGERS INTO OR LEAVING OTHER OBJECTS INSIDE THE Q PLUG PORT(FOR EXAMPLE,DURING DANGER—RISK OF FATAL INJURY FROM CLEANING)MAY CAUSE INJURY OR CAN ELECTRIC VOLTAGE DAMAGE THE CHARGING STATION. Do not repair or make any changes to the parts of Do not put your fingers into the plug port. the wallbox.Never open the wallbox housing. Do not leave objects inside the plug port. QDANGER—OPERATING THE CHARGING Q WARNING—USING ADAPTERS, STATION WHEN IT IS DAMAGED OR CONVERSION ADAPTERS,OR CORD WORN WILL RESULT IN THE RISK OF EXTENSIONS WITH THE CHARGING ELECTRIC SHOCK,WHICH WILL CAUSE STATION MAY RESULT IN TECHNICAL SEVERE INJURY OR DEATH. INCOMPATIBILITIES AND CAN RESULTIN Do not operate the charging station if the power DAMAGE TO THE CHARGING STATION, supply,the enclosure or an EV connector is broken, WHICH WILL CAUSE INJURY OR DEATH. cracked,open,or shows any other indication of Use this charging station to charge compatible damage. electric vehicles only. Do not operate the charging station if a charging Refer to the charging stationspecifications in the cable is frayed,has broken insulation,or shows any charging station installation manual for details. other indication of damage. Refer In the event of danger and/or an accident,have the your vehicle user manual for additional electrical supply to the charging station instructions. disconnected immediately. Contact your installer if you suspect that the Q WARNING charging station is damaged. This product can expose you to chemicals including Bisphenol-A(BPA),which are known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm.For more information go to www.p65warnings.ca.gov. -2- compliance with installation regulations applicable in QDANGER—RISK OF FATAL INJURY FROM your country. WATER IN PARTS OF THE WALLBOX Setting up the wallbox Make sure that parts of the wallbox are not During installation,use the EVBox Install app to permanently subjected to contact with water,water connect your wallbox to Wi-Fi so that you can pair the intrusion or any effects of water. wallbox to your Mercedes me connect app to use the There is a risk of an electric shock. built-in connectivity features.Once your electrician configures the electrical settings in the EVBox Install • Make sure that the charging cable plug is not lying in water(e.g.in a puddle). app,please do not modify the settings.After the electrician finishes their configuration,connect your • Do not subject the wallbox to a directjet of wallbox by selecting your Wi-Fi network and logging in water. with its password. Cleaning instructions For more details on setting up the wallbox,reference the Installation Manual. The internet connection settings can be changed QCAUTION—DO NOT USE AGGRESSIVE through either EVBox Install app or through logging into CHEMICAL CLEANERS OR SOLVENTS TO the Wallbox internet portal,see instructions below.If CLEAN THE CHARGING STATION. changing the internet settings through the EVBox install app,you may have to re-enter the electrical settings for Remove dirt and natural organic matter from the the wallbox. outside of the charging station using a damp soft cloth.Make sure that the LED indicator and the Changing the Internet connection light sensor are clean. If you change the password of your Wi-Fi router or set Visually check the charging station,the charging up a new Wi-Fi network,the wallbox will be cable and the charging plug.If you suspect that the disconnected from the Internet. charging station,cable or plug are damaged or To reconnect the wallbox to the Internet,proceed as dirty,contact a qualified electrician to repair or follows: replace the damaged components. ► Open the Wi-Fi settings on your computer or Gently pull on the charging station to make sure it smartphone. is still securely attached.Make sure that the station The wallbox ID EVB-500-XXX-XXX is displayed as a outer cover is secure.If the charging station or the connection option. cover is loose,contact a qualified electrician to ► Establish the Wi-Fi connection. correctly reinstall the station. The Wi-Fi password can be found on the sticker on the back of these instructions. Instructions on first time use ► Open the Internet browser on your computer or The Mercedes-Benz Wallbox can be used to charge any smartphone and enter in vehicle with a 11772 charging port.Charging speeds the address bar. will vary by make and model based on battery capacity. The"My charging station"page opens. You may be eligible for a home charger rebate.Please ► Select"Access station settings". check with your local utility company for the latest ► Enter the station key. incentives. The station key can be found on the sticker on the Please adhere the OR code sticker that came with the back of these instructions. wallbox to the back of this manual for future reference. ► Select"Internet connection". Do not throw the sticker away! ► Select"Wi-Fi"at the bottom under"Other Maintenance by user connection options". The user of the charging station is responsible for the ► Select"Add Wi-Fi network"to add a Wi-Fi condition of the charging station,whereby both the law connection. regarding the safety of persons,animals,and property ► Enter the Wi-Fi password and confirm. must be observed,as well as the installation ► Select"Dashboard". regulations in force in the country of use. Once the connection has been established,the Have the charging station and its installation inspected ^online"notification is displayed. by a qualified electrician on a regular basis and in -3- Examples of the display on the smartphone can be Adding the wallbox to Mercedes me connect found at the end of these instructions. ► Download the Mercedes me connect app on your Showing license information device. To access the license information,you must connect ► In the app,select Mercedes-Benz Wallbox from the your smartphone or computer to the Wi-Fi hotspot of settings menu located in the top left corner the wallbox. ► Pair the wallbox by following the instructions in the ► Open the Wi-Fi settings on your computer or app.The wallbox can only be added to one smartphone. Mercedes me connect account,but you can share access to other users. The wallbox ID EVB-500-XXX-XXX is displayed as a ► Use the same QR code for pairing to EVBox Install connection option. app and the Mercedes me connect app. ► Establish the Wi-Fi connection. The Wi-Fi password can be found on the sticker on If you change your WiFi password on your router after the back of these instructions. connecting the wallbox,you must update the password in the internet settings of the EVBox Install app or the ► Open the Internet browser on your computer or web portal.See instructions(►page 3). smartphone and enter http://192:168.123.4 in the address bar. Notes on decommissioning The"My charging station"page opens. Please note that only a qualified electrician may The software license information can be found at disassemble the wallbox. the bottom of this page. Once it has been connected to the power supply,the wallbox is switched on permanently.You can only Connecting the wallbox with Mercedes me disconnect the wallbox from the power supply using an connect* appropriate automatic circuit breaker. Mercedes vv e,connect Q' S o, a 914V I. Mercedes me connect app(USA) M+P-03F-10212 After installing the wallbox and connecting to wireless internet,you can connect your wallbox with Mercedes me connect in order to be able to use the following additional remote functions: • Schedule,start,and stop the charging process • Overview of the current state of charge as well as the charging history • Activate the wallbox for other users • Enable access protection by activating the RFID card • Activate new functions via online firmware updates 'To use the remote functions of your wallbox,you are required to use your personal Mercedes me connect ID and must agree to the Terms of Use for the Mercedes me connect services. -4- 4'4, a' 4 4 � 4 44 44 4 ' 4 44 444444 4 A 4 4' 444 4444 444, 4 4' 44 4 44 4 4 '44 444 4 4 4 4 44 d4�4444 a0�r�ed�ss"d, A,ba�d4^44�4Aa4'd� O0 d a a �� �° o ,k kd G� , o� � d` ' 3 M+p-03F-9930 Overview of wallbox 1 LED display 2 Light sensor 3 Area for RFID activation LED display(1)indicates the current status of the wallbox using four LEDs(►page 7). Light sensor(2)measures the light intensity and automatically adjusts the brightness of LED display(1). Area(3)is used for activating the wallbox with an RFID-charging card. -5- did A d A'd 'd'd•d`A'A`A•A' "e•A`d`d`A'A'A•d' a A. .4. A'A`A`A`• A'A•A`A`Nerc edes-Benz d 'd'A`A'�'�o` `d•d'd' d'A`A'A`A`d`A`A•e 'A`A•A`A'A'A'A•A' d'd•A'A`A`d`d'd`d A`A`A'A`A'd' .'A•A•A`A`A`A`A'a 'd•A`A'A'd'A'A`d" A'A'4'd`d'd•d M+P-03F-10040 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Pairing the RFID card to the wallbox Starting the charging process When you enable wallbox access protection,you can Depending on the wallbox configuration,RFID unlock the box with the app or RFID card.To activate activation of the device is required in order to start the the RFID card that came with the wallbox,follow these charging process. steps: When charging make sure that the charging cable is not ► Pair the wallbox RFID card in RFID card taut and is fully unwound. management settings in the Mercedes me connect ► Park the vehicle next to the wallbox. app. ► Open the socket flap on the vehicle(see the ► Turn on the toggle in the access protection vehicle Operator's Manual). settings to activate. ► Once access protection is turned on,the wallbox ► Remove the cover cap from the charging cable must be unlocked with the RFID card or through plug and insert the charging cable plug in to the the Mercedes me connect app.This feature also vehicle socket as far as it will go. enables you to set a charging schedule. Optional: Ending the charging process ► Hold the wallbox RFID card up to area(3)to ► Optional:Hold the wallbox RFID card up to area(3) activate the wallbox if you have access protection to end the charging process. enabled. ► End the charging process at the vehicle'(see the Charging starts automatically.The LEDs in LED vehicle Operator's Manual)or through the display(1)light up blue in succession from left to right. Mercedes me connect app. If the charging process does not start automatically ► Press the release catch on the charging cable plug observe the color of LED display(1)and its meaning and remove the charging cable plug from the (►page 7). vehicle socket. ► Place the cover cap on the charging cable plug. -6- ► Loosely wind the charging cable around the wallbox. Make sure that the charging cable plug is at least 600 mm(24 in)away from the floor. For more information,watch the Mercedes-Benz Wallbox&Installation video on youtube.com/@mbusa in the How-To Video section. Meaning of the LED display 6 7 =C=C:)== Q EW 1P M+P-03F-9933 r e LED Description Ds pulse The wallbox is starting or an update is being downloaded. from left to 5)flashes The wallbox must be configured by an electrician through the install app. white twice All LEDs light up The wallbox is being configured. white Green LED Description All LEDs light up The wallbox is operational. green LED(6)flashes The wallbox must be activated using the Mercedes-Benz supplied RFID card or the green twice Mercedes me App. All LEDs pulse Activation of the wallbox is in progress. green from left to right LED(7)flashes Connect the vehicle and charging station using the charging cable.Make sure that the green twice charging cable plug is inserted in the socket as far as it will go. -7- Blue LED Description All LEDs light up The vehicle is being charged. blue in succession from left to right All LEDs light up The charging process has been interrupted by the vehicle(see the vehicle Operator's blue Manual). LED(4)lights up The charging process has been interrupted because the power supply is insufficient.The blue charging process will be continued automatically. Orange LED Description All LEDs light up The charging power has been reduced as the temperature of the wallbox is too high. orange in succession from left to right LED(4)or LED(7) The charging process has been interrupted.The charging process will be continued lights up orange automatically. LED(5)lights up The charging process has been interrupted.The wallbox is cooling down.The charging orange process will be continued automatically. Red LED Description LED(5)lights up Charging process failed.Disconnect the vehicle from the wallbox and try again. red LED(6)lights up Activation failed.If the fault persists for longer than five seconds,communication between red the walibox and online-services is no longer possible. LED(7)lights up Charging process failed.Disconnect the vehicle from the wallbox and try again.If the fault red occurs again,the vehicle and wallbox are incompatible. All LEDs light up If the wallbox restarts,after a software update for example,all of the LEDs light up red for red 1 to 2 minutes.This process is of no consequence and can be ignored. If the LEDs light up red permanently the wallbox is malfunctioning.Disconnect the power supply to the wallbox immediately and contact a qualified electrician. Problems with the wallbox If errors occur repeatedly when using the wallbox or you are unsure about the operational safety of the wallbox,stop using the charging system and contact Mercedes-Benz USA Customer Support at: 855-502-3851 Please be ready to provide the wallbox ID,which can be found on the OR code sticker or in the Mercedes-Benz Wallbox section of the Mercedes me connect app. (EVB-###-###-###) -8- CAN Symboles Bienvenue Lisez attentivement la notice Nous vous recommandons de lire attentivement cette d'utilisation pour vous familiariser notice d'utilisation et de vous familiariser avec votre % avec I'appareil. appareil avant de('utiliser pour la premiere fois. Confiez('installation de la Wallbox a un electricien. Consultez 6gale.ment la notice d'utilisation de votre Les 8vertissernents servent a attirer vehicule. votre attention sur les situations Mercedes-Benz developpe continuellement ses pouvant mettre en danger votre produits et se reserve le droit de modifier les points Fd� sante ou votre vie ou pouvant mettre suivants: en danger la sante ou la vie d'autres • Forme personnes. • Equipement Risque de d6charge electrique en cas • Solutions techniques L� d'utilisation non conforme. Validite i Pourconnaitre les modeles auxquels les instructions de montage se rapportent,adressez-vous a un point de service Mercedes-Benz. Le systeme de charge est conforme Utilisation conforme aux dispositions en matiere de C �L US securite en vigueur aux Etats-Unis, QATTENTION—L'UTILISATION DE LA LISTER au Mexique et au Canada. BORNE DE RECHARGE DANS DES CONDITIONS NON SPECIFIEES DANS LA PRESENTE NOTICE RISQUE Les elements du systeme de charge D'ENDOMMAGER LA BORNE DE marques de ce symbole font partie RECHARGE,CE QUI PEUT ENTRAINER C�US integrante de('ensemble du DES BLESSURES OU LA MORT. systeme. Ublisez la borne de recharge uniquement dans les conditions de fonctionnement sp€cifiees dans la presente notice. L'appareil dispose d'une classe de La compatibilite et le fonctionnement de la O protection I(protection par mise a la ete Mercedes-Benz Wallbox ont testes avec les terre). modeles actuels de Mercedes-Benz. La Mercedes-Benz Wallbox a ete developpee selon les normes officielles IEC 6 185 1 etSAE11772 et peut donc Symbole d'alimentation en courant egalementetreutilisee pour charger d'autresvehicules ® alternatif. qui repondent a ces normes. En cas d'utilisation non conforme,Mercedes-Benz decline toute responsabilite pour les dommages subis et la garantie de I'appareil est annulee. -9- INSTRUCTIONS IMPORTANTESCONCERNANT LA SECURITE Q DANGER—L'UTILISATION DE LA BORNE CONSERVER CES INSTRUCTIONS. DE RECHARGE LORSQU'ELLE EST ENDOMMAGEE OU USEE ENTRAINE UN Q AVERTISSEMENT RISQUE D'ELECTROCUTION,QUI PEUT PROVOQUER DES BLESSURES GRAVES, Lors de('utilisation de produits electriques,les VOIRE MORTELLES. precautions suivantes doivent toujours @tre suivies, N'utilisez pas la borne de recharge si I'alimentation notamment les suivantes: en tension,le boitier ou un connecteur pour VE est RISQUE DE CHOC ELECTRIQUE. casse,fissure,ouvert ou presente tout autre signe de dommage. QATTENTION—UNE UTILISATION NON N'utilisez pas la borne de recharge si un cable de CONFORME DE LA BORNE DE RECHARGE charge est effiloche,si son isolation est abimee ou RISQUE DE UENDOMMAGER,CE QUI s'il presente tout autre signe de dommage. PEUTENTRAINER DES BLESSURES OU LA En cas de danger et/ou d'accident,faites MORT. immediatement couper('alimentation electrique de Lisez la presente notice d'utilisation avant d'utiliser la borne de recharge. la borne de recharge. Contactez votre installateur si vous suspectez que Ne laissez pas les enfants utiliser la borne de la borne de recharge est endommagee. recharge ou jouer avec elle.La surveillance d'un adulte est requise lorsque des enfants peuvent Q ATTENTION—UNE UTILISATION acceder a une borne de recharge en cours INCORRECTE DE LA BORNE DE d'utilisation. RECHARGE ENTRAINE UN RISQUE DE Ne mettez pas vos doigts dans le connecteur du CHOC ELECTRIQUE,QUI PEUT vehicule electrique. PROVOQUER DES BLESSURES OU LA MORT QDANGER—DANGER DE MORT DU A LA Assurez-vous que la zone de contact de la fiche de TENSION ELECTRIQUE charge est exempte de salete et d'humidite avant de commencer une session de charge. N'effectuez aucune modification ni reparation sur Veillez a ce que le cable de charge soit place de les pieces de la Wallbox.Wouvrez jamais le boitier maniere a ce que personne ne marche dessus,ne de la Wallbox. trebuche ou ne roule dessus et qu'il ne soit pas soumis a une force excessive ou endommage.Le cas echeant,assurez-vous que le cable de charge est correctement range lorsqu'il nest pas utilise, en veillant a ce que la fiche de charge ne touche pas le sot. Tirez uniquement sur la poignee de la fiche de charge et jamais sur le cable de charge lui-meme. Conservez la borne de recharge,le cable de charge et la fiche de charge a I'abri des sources de chaleur, de la salete et de('eau. -10- QATTENTION—SI VOUS METTEZ VOS Consignes de nettoyage DOIGTS OU SI VOUS LAISSEZ DES OBJETS DANS LE PORT DE LA FICHE(PAR A ATTENTION—N'UTILISEZ PAS DE EXEMPLE,PENDANT LE NETTOYAGE), NETTOYANTS CHIMIQUES.AGRESSIFS VOUS RISQUEZ DE VOUS BLESSER OU 'WIDE POUR NETTOYER LA WENDOMMAGER LA BORNE DE BORNE DE RECHARGE RECHARGE. Retirez Is salete et les matieres organiques Ne mettez pas vos doigts dans le port de la fiche. naturelles de Pexterieur de la borne de recharge a Ne laissez pas d'objets a I'interieur du port de la Paide d'un chiffon doux et humide.Assurez-vous fiche. que Pindicateur LED et le capteur de luminosite sont propres. Verifiez de maniere visuelle.l'etat de'la borne de Q ATTENTION—L'UTILISATION recharge,du cable de charge et de la fiche de WADAPTATEURS,D'ADAPTATEURS DE charge.Si vous suspectez que la borne de recharge, CONVERSION OU DE RALLONGES AVEC le cable,ou la fiche sont endommages ou sales, LA BORNE DE RECHARGE PEUT contactez un electricien qualifie pour reparer ou ENTRAINER DES INCOMPATIBILITES remplacer les elements endommages. TECHNIQUES ET EN60MMAGER LA Tirezdoucementsurlabornederedharge.pourvous BORNE DE RECHARGE,CE QUI PEUT assurer qu'elle est toujours bien fixes. PROVOQUER DES BLESSURES OU LA Assurez-vous que le cache exterieur de la borne est MORT. bien W.Si la borne de,recharge ou le cache est Utilisez cette borne de recharge pour charger mal fixe,contactez un electricien qualifie pour uniquement les vehicules electriques compatibles. reinstaller.correctement la borne. Reportez-vous aux specifications de la borne de Remarques relatives a la mise en service recharge qui figurent dans la notice d'installation de la borne de recharge pour plus de details. Daps des pays,la mise service dispositif d de e recharge dolt titre deccll ares et/ou Reportez-vous a Is notice d'utilisation de votre autorisee.Par consequent,contactez votre fournisseur vehicule pour de plus amples instructions. d'energie avant la mise en service.. Le proprietaire est responsable du respect des Q DANGER—DANGER DE MORT DO d reglementations locales regissant('utilisation d'un L'INFILTRATIONWEAUDANSCERTAINES dispositif de recharge. PItCES DE LA WALLBOX Maintenance par Putilisateur Veillez a ce que les pieces de la Wallbox ne soient L'utilisateur de la borne de recharge est responsable de pas exposees en permanence a('eau. I'etat de la borne de recharge.II doit respecter la II y a un risque de decharge electrique, legislation relative a la securite des personnes,des Assurez-vous que la fiche de cable de charge animaux et des biens,ainsi que les rcgles d'installation ne se trouve pas dans 1'eau(parexemple,dans en vigueur dans le pays d'utilisation. une flaque d'eau). Faites controler regulierement la borne de recharge et • N'exposez pas la Wallbox a un jet d'eau direct. son installation par un electricien qualifie, conformement aux regles d'installation en vigueur dans votre pays. Remarques relatives A la mise hors service Notez que le demontage de la Wallbox ne peut titre effectue que par un electricien. La Wallbox est allumee an permanence apres le raccordement a I'alimentation electrique.Vous pouvez uniquement mettre la Wallbox hors tension a('aide du disjoncteur correspondant. - 11- Modification de la connexion Internet Connexion de la Wallbox a Mercedes me* Si vous modifiez le mot de passe de votre routeur Wi-Fi ou si vous configurez un nouveau WI-Fi,la Wallbox sera deconnectee d'Internet. Pour reconnecter la Wallbox A Internet,procedez comme suit: Mercedes► v� Ouvrez les reglages Wi-Fi sur votre ordinateur ou votre smartphone. L'ID de la Wallbox EVB-500-XXX-XXX s'affiche comme option de connexion. " ' ► Etablissez la connexion WI-Fi. Vous trouverez le mot de passe Wi-Fi sur I'autocollant au dos de cette notice d'utilisation. ► Ouvrez le navigateur Internet de votre ordinateur M+P-03F-9937 ou de votre smartphone at saisissez la barre d'adresse. Connectervotre Wallbox a Mercedes me pour pouvoir utiliser les fonctions de commande A distance La page((My charging station))s'ouvre. supplementaires suivantes,par example: ► Selectionnez((Access station settings)). Demarrage at arret des processus de charge avec ► Saisissez la cle de la station(a Station key»). le smartphone Vous trouverez la cle de la station sur I'autocollant Aperpu de I'etat de charge actual ainsi que de au dos de cette notice d'utilisation. I'historique de charge ► Selectionnez((Internet connection». Activation de la Wallbox pour d'autres utilisateurs ► Sous((Other connection options»en bas, Mise'a jour du firmware selectionnez('option((Wi-Fi)). Activation de nouvelles fonctions via les mises a ► Selectionnez((Add Wi-Fi network))pour ajouter jour de firmware an Iigne une connexion WI-Fi. ► Entrez et confirmez le mot de passe Wi-Fi. Ajout de la Wallbox a Mercedes me ► Selectionnez((Dashboard)). ► Telechargezl'application Mercedes me avec votre Lorsque la connexion est etablie,la notification smartphone ou votre tablette,par exemple. ((online))s'affiche. Vous trouverez('option pour connecter une Vous trouverez des examples d'affichage sur le Mercedes-Benz Wallbox dans le menu Reglages en haut smartphone a la fin de cette notice d'utilisation. a gauche. ► Suivez les instructions donnees par('application Affichage des informations sur les licences pour connecter votre Wallbox. Pour pouvoir consulter les informations sur les Le code OR dont vous avez besoin dans licences,vous devez connecter votre smartphone ou I'application Mercedes me pour activer la Wallbox votre ordinateur au point d'acces Wi-Fi de la Wallbox. se trouve sur I'autocollant appose au dos de la ► Ouvrez les reglages Wi-Fi sur votre ordinateur ou presente notice d'utilisation. votre smartphone. Dans le cas dune connexion Internet de Is Wallbox via L'ID de la Wallbox EVB-500-XXX-XXX s'affiche Wi-Fi:si le mot de passe Wi-Fi du routeur change,le comme option de connexion. mot de passe enregistre dans les reglages de la ► Etablissez la connexion Wi-Fi. Wallbox doit titre actualise.Contactez votre installateur Vous trouverez le mot de passe Wi-Fi sur pour reconfigurer la connexion Wi-Fi a I'aide de I'autocollant au dos de cette notice d'utilisation. ('application EVBox-Install. ► Ouvrez le navigateur Internet de votre ordinateur ou de votre smartphone et saisissez dans la barre d'adresse. La page a My charging station))s'ouvre. *Pour utiliser les fonctions de commande A distance de votre Vous trouverez les informations relatives a la Mercedes-Benz Wallbox,it est necessaire de disposer d'un licence du logiciel en bas de cette page. Mercedes me ID personnel et d'accepter les conditions d'utilisation des services Mercedes me connect. -12- a 44 4 . 4444 4 q 4 ' 44 4 4444444 4 44 4 4144 444 '4 4 44 4 4 4 .4 44 A 44 4 4 4 4 •4444 4 4 Me 44 4 4 44 1 d°4a 44 A-o��(]QS�Ph� d A �C �a k°��aa `d44 d°0 �° ran�° A 4 EW d° k d° �° 4°d 2 as ° kk k°�° a°' C/ v ,° ka d' M+P-03F-9930 Vue d'ensemble de la Wallbox 1 Affichage LED 2 Capteur de luminosite 3 Zone d'activation RFID L'affichage LED(1)indique 1'etat actuel de la Wallbox au moyen de 4 LED(►page 15). Le capteur de luminosite(2)mesure I'intensite lumineuse et adapte automatiquement la luminosite de I'affichage LED(1). Lazone(3)sert a activer la Wallbox avec une carte de recharge RFID. - 13- l 1 did d d dA .dada4a4ad+dad+d. A`A`A`4`oercedes-Benz d •daA+Aa.00 a4+da4. .dadaded+dadad+d. 'a`A`A`A`4`A`4`a' `A`+ M+P-03F-10040 INSTRUCTIONS D'UTILISATION Arret du processus de charge Demarrage du processus de charge ► En option:maintenez la carte de recharge En fonction de la configuration de la Wallbox,une Mercedes-Benz contre la zone(3)pour arreter le activation RFID de Pappareil est necessaire pour processus de charge. -demarrer le processus de charge. ► Arretez le processus de charge au niveau du Lors de la charge,veillez a ce que le cable de charge ne vehicule(voir la notice d'utilisation du vehicule). soit pas tendu et qu'il soit completement deroule. ► Appuyez sur le deverrouillage de la fiche de cable ► Garez le vehicule pres de la Wallbox. de charge et retirez la fiche de cable de charge de ► Ouvrez le volet de prise du vehicule(voir la notice la prise du vehicule. d'utilisation du vehicule). ► Placez le capuchon de protection sur la fiche de ► Retirez le capuchon de la fiche de cable de charge cable de charge. et introduisez la fiche de cable de charge jusqu'en ► Enroulez le cable de charge autour de la Wallbox butee dans la prise du vehicule. sans trop serrer. Veillez a ce que la fiche de cable de charge se En option: trouve a une distance d'au moins 600 mm(24 in) ► Maintenez la carte de recharge Mercedes-Benz du so[. contre la zone(3)pour activer la Wallbox. Le processus de charge demarre auto matiquement. Les LED de I'affichage LED(1)s'allument successivement en bleu de gauche a droite. Si le processus de charge ne demarre pas automatiquement,tenez compte de la signification de I'affichage LED(1)en fonction de la couleur (►page 15). -14- Signification de I'affichage LED 6 7 ((-- ) :D — CIS Q � � oo W"3F-9933 LED blanche Description Toutes I as LED La Wallbox est an cours de demarrage ou une mise a jour est an cours de telechargement. pulsent en blanc de gauche a droite La LED(5)clignote La Wallbox doit titre configuree par un electricien. 2 fois an blanc Toutes les LED La Wallbox est en cours de configuration. sont allumees an blanc f verte Description s les LED La Wallbox est operationnelle. allumees en La LED(6) La Wallbox doit titre activee 6 I'aide de la carte de recharge Mercedes-Benz ou de clignote 2 fois en I'application Mercedes me. vert Toutes Ias LED L'activation de la Wallbox est en cours. pulsent en vert de gauche 6 droite La LED(7) Connectez l�Ahicule�Iab�orne de recharge avec le cable de charge.Veillez 6 ce que la clignote 2 fois en fiche de caboduite jusqu'en butee dans la prise. vert LED bleue Description Toutes les LED Le vehicule est an cours de charge. s'allument successivement en bleu de gauche 6 droite -15- LED bleue Description Toutes les LED Le processus de charge a ate interrompu par le vehicule(voir la notice d'utilisation du sont allumees en vehicule). bleu La LED(4)est Le processus de charge a ate interrompu en raison d'une alimentation electrique allumee en bleu insuffisante.Le processus de charge se poursuit automatiquement. LED orange Description Toutes les LED La puissance de charge a ate r6duite en raison de la temperature 6lev6e de la Wallbox. s'allument successivement en orange de gauche a droite La LED(4)est Interruption du processus de charge.Le processus de charge se poursuit allumee en automatiquement. orange La LED(5)est Interruption du processus de charge.La Wallbox refroidit.Le processus de charge se allumee en poursuit automatiquement. orange LED rouge Description La LED(5)est Echec du processus de charge.Debranchez le vehicule et reessayez. allumee en rouge La LED(6)est Echec de('activation.Si le defaut persiste pendant plus de 5 secondes,aucune allumee en rouge communication nest possible entre la Wallbox et les services en ligne. La LED(7)est Echec du processus de charge.Debranchez le v6hicule at reessayez.Si le defaut se allumee en rouge reproduit,le vehicule et la Wallbox ne sont pas compatibles. Toutes les LED Lorsque la Wallbox effectue un red6marrage,par example apres une mise 6 jour de logiciel, sont allumees en toutes les LED s'allument en rouge pendant 1 a 2 minutes.Ce processus est anodin et peut rouge We ignore. Si les LED restent allumees en rouge,cela signifie que la Wallbox pr6sente un defaut. Coupez imm6diatement I'alimentation electrique de la Wallbox et contactez un electricien. Problemes lies a la Wallbox Si des defauts se rep&tent lors de('utilisation de la Wallbox ou si vous n'etes pas sur de la securit6 de fonctionnement de la Wallbox,cessez d'utiliser le systeme de charge et contactez: • votre concessionnaire Mercedes-Benz ou • votre service clientele Mercedes-Benz local -16- ® Sfmbolos Le damos la bienvenida Lea detenidamente este manual de Lea detenidamente este manual de instrucciones instrucciones para familiarizarse con familiaricese con el use de su dispositivo. y F14 el producto. Encargue la instalaci6n de la wallbox a Lin electricista. Tenga en cuenta ademas el manual de instrucciones del vehiculo. Las indicaciones de advertencia le Mercedes-Benz continua desarrollando sus productos advierten de posibles peligros para permanentemente y,por tanto,se reserva el derecho a su salud o su vida o para la de otras introducir modificaciones en los siguientes puntos: personas. • Forma • Equipamiento Tecnica Peligro de descarga electrica en caso Q de use incorrecto. Validez En cualquier punto de servicio Mercedes-Benz puede obtener informaci6n sobre la validez para cada modelo respectivo. UtilizaCi6n segun las normas El sistema de carga cumple las disposiciones de seguridad vigentes C U� US en EE.UU.,Mexico y Canada. O ADVERTENCIA—EL USO DE LA LISTED ESTAWN DE CARGA EN CONDICIONES NO ESPECIFICADAS EN ESTE MANUAL PUEDE PROVOCAR DANOS EN LA Las piezas del sistema de carga ESTACIGN DE CARGA,LO QUE PUEDE identificadas con este simbolo CAUSAR LESIONES 0 INCLUSO LA US Forman parte del sistema completo. MUERTE. Use la estaci6n de carga exclusivamente en las condiciones de funcionamiento especificadas en este manual. ispositivo dispone de la clase de La compatibilidad y el funcionamiento de rTEI tecci6n I(toma de tierra de Mercedes-Benz Wallbox se ha comprobado con los tecci6n). modelos Mercedes-Benz actuates. Mercedes-Benz Wallbox ha sido desarrollada segun las normas oficiales CEI 6 185 1 y SAE 11772;por tanto, puede usarse tambien para cargar otros vehiculos que Simbolo de corriente alterna. cumplan dichas normas. En caso de un use no previsto,Mercedes-Benz declina toda responsabitidad por los dahos causados y la garantia del dispositivo se extingue. - 17- INSTRUCCIONES IMPORTANTES DE SEGURIDAD QI, ADVERTENCIA—ELUSOINDEBIDODELA GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES. ESTACON DE CARGA PUEDE PROVOCAR RIESGO DE DESCARGA ELECTRICA,LO Q ADVERTENCIA QUE PUEDE CAUSAR LESIONES 0 INCLUSO LA MUERTE Al usar productos el6ctricos,siempre se deben Asegurese de que el area de contacto del enchufe seguir las siguientes precauciones,incluidas las de carga est6 limpio y seco antes de iniciar una siguientes: sesibn de carga. RIESGO DE DESCARGA ELECTRICA. Asegurese de que el cable de carga esta posicionado de modo que no puedan pisarlo, QPRECAUCON—EL USO INDEBIDO DE LA tropezar con el,conducir sobre 61 o someterlo de ESTAC16N DE CARGA PUEDE PROVOCAR cualquier otro modo a una fuerza o dano excesivo. DANOS EN LA ESTAC16N DE CARGA,LO Cuando sea aplicable,asegurese de que el cable de QUE PUEDE CAUSAR LESIONES 0 carga est6 correctamente guardado cuando no est6 INCLUSO LA MUERTE. en use y compruebe que el enchufe de carga no toque el suelo. Lea este manual antes de utilizar la estaci6n de No tire nunca del cable de carga,solo de las asas carga. del enchufe de carga. No deje que los ninos manejen o jueguen con la Mantenga Is estaci6n de carga,el cable de carga y estaci6n de carga.Es necesaria la supervisi6n de un el enchufe de carga alejados de fuentes de calor, adulto cuando los ninos tengan acceso a una estaci6n de carga en uso. suciedad y agua. No ponga los dedos en el conector del vehiculo el6ctrico. Q PRECAUc16N—INTRODUCIRLOSDEDOS O DEJAR OTROS OBJETOS EN EL PUERTO DE CONEX16N(POR EJEMPLO,DURANTE Q PELIGRO—PELIGRO DE MUERTE POR LA LIMPIEZA)PUEDE PROVOCAR TENS16N ELECTRICA LESIONES O DANAR LA ESTAC16N DE No modifique ni repare ninguna pieza de la wallbox. CARGA. Nunca abra la carcasa de la wallbox. No introduzca los dedos en el puerto de conexi6n. No deje objetos en el puerto de conexi6n. QPELIGRO—MANEJAR LA ESTAC16N DE CARGA CUANDO ESTA DANADA O Q ADVERTENCIA—EL USO DE DESGASTADA PUEDE PROVOCAR UNA ADAPTADORES,ADAPTADORES DE DESCARGA ELECTRICA,LO QUE PUEDE CONVERS16N 0 PROLONGADORES DE CAUSAR LESIONES GRAVES 0 INCLUSO CABLE CON LA ESTAC16N DE CARGA LA MUERTE PUEDE PROVOCAR No maneje la estaci6n de carga si el suministro de INCOMPATIBILIDADES TECNICAS Y corriente,el embalaje o un conector del vehiculo CAUSAR DANOS A LA ESTAC16N DE el6ctrico est6 roto,agrietado,abierto o presenta CARGA,QUE PODR(AN RESULTAR EN alguna otra indicaci6n de dano. LESIONES O INCLUSO LA MUERTE. No maneje la estaci6n de carga si un cable de carga Use esta estaci6n de carga solo para cargar est6 raido,no tiene aislamiento o presenta alguna vehfculos electricos compatibles. otra indicaci6n de dano. Consulte los detalles de las especificaciones de la En caso de peligro o accidente,desconecte el estaci6n de carga en el manual de instalaci6n de la suministro el6ctrico de la estaci6n de carga de estaci6n de carga. inmediato. Consulte instrucciones adicionales en el manual de P6ngase en contacto con su instalador si sospecha instrucciones de su vehiculo. que la estaci6n de carga presenta danos. -18- Contrate regularmente a un electricista cualificado O PELIGRO—PELIGRO DE MUERTE POR Para que revise la estaci6n de carga y su instalacion,de ENTRADA DE AGUA EN PARTES DE LA forma que cumpla las regulaciones de instalacion WALLBOX aplicables en su pals. Asegurese de que ninguna pieza de la wallbox este Indicaciones sobre la puesta fuera de expuesta al agua de forma permanente. servicio Existe peligro de descarga electrica. Recuerde que del desmontaje de la wallbox solo se • Asegurese de que el conector del cable de debe ocupar un electricista. carga no este en el aqua(por ejemplo,en un Despues de su conexi6n a la alimentaci6n electrica,la charco). wallbox esta encendida permanentemente.Solo se • No exponga la wallbox a un chorro de agua puede dejar sin tension la wallbox mediante el fusible directs. automitico correspondiente. Cambio de la conexi6n a Internet IndicacioneS pars la limpieza Si cambia la contrasena de su router Wi-Fi o configura una nueva WLAN,la wallbox se desconectara de Internet. PRECAUC16N—NO UTILICE Para volver a conectar la wallbox a Internet,proceda de LIMPIADORES 0 SOLVENTES AGRESIVOS la siguiente manera: PARA LIMPIAR LA ESTAC16N DE CARGA. ► Abra los Retire la suciedad y la materia orginica natural del smartphone. stes de Wi-Fi en su ordenador o su exterior de la estaci6n de carga con un patio suave humedo.Asegurese de que el indicador LED y el El tr de wallbox s de conexi6n. XXX se muestra sensor de luz esten limpios. entre las opciones de conexi6n. Compruebe visualmente la estaci6n de carga,el III Establezca la conexi6n WLAN. cable de carga y el enchufe de carga.Si sospecha Encontrara la contrasena WLAN en el adhesivo que hay en el reverso de estas Instrucciones de que la estaci6n,el cable o el enchufe de carga estan servicio. sucios o danados,pongase en contacto con un electricista cualificado para que repare o sustituya ► Abra el navegador de Internet de su ordenador o los componentes danados, smartphone a introduzca Tire suavemente de la estaci6n de carga para en la linea de direcci6n. comprobar que esta conectada de forma segura. Se abre la pagina"My charging station". Asegurese de que la cubierta exterior de la estacion ► Seleccione"Access station settings". esta segura.Si la estaci6n de carga o la cubierta ► Introduzca la clave de estaci6n("Station key"). estan flojas,pongase en contacto con un Encontrara la clave de estaci6n en el adhesivo que electricista cualificado para reinstalar hay en el reverso de estas Instrucciones de correctamente la estaci6n. servicio. ► Seleccione"Internet connection". IndicacioneS sobre la puesta en marcha ► En el menu"Other connection options"de la parte En la mayoria de los paises,la puesta en servicio de una inferior,seleccione la opci6n"Wi-Fi". instalacion de carga debe notificarse y/o requiere una ► Seleccione"Add Wi-Fi network"para anadir una autorizaci6n.Por ese motivo,pongase en contacto con conexi6n WLAN. su proveedor electrico antes de la puesta en servicio. ► Introduzca la contrasena WLAN y confirmela. El propietario es responsable del cumplimiento de las > Seleccione"Dashboard". normas locales sobre el use de dispositivos de carga. Cuando se hays establecido la conexi6n,se Mantenimiento por parte del usuario mostrara la notificaci6n"online". El usuario de la estaci6n de carga es responsable del Encontrara ejemplos de visualizaci6n en el smartphone estado de esta y debe tener en cuenta las leyes en al final de estas Instrucciones de servicio. materia de seguridad personal,animal y propietaria,as( como]as directivas en cuanto a instalacion vigentes en el pals en uso. -19- Visualizaci6n de la informaci6n sabre Adici6n de la wallbox a Mercedes me licencias ► Descarguese la Mercedes me App,por ejemplo, Para poder consulter la informaci6n sobre licencias, con su smartphone o tableta. debe conectar su smartphone o su ordenador con el En el menu de ajustes,en la parte superior izquierda, punto de acceso Wi-Fi de la wallbox. encontrar6 la opci6n de conectar una Mercedes-Benz ► Abra los ajustes de Wi-Fi en su ordenador o su Wallbox. smartphone. ► Siga las indicaciones de la app para conectar su El ID de wallbox EVB-500-XXX-XXX se muestra wallbox. entre las opciones de conexi6n. Encontrar6 el c6digo QR necesario para activar la ► Establezca la conexi6n WLAN. wallbox en la Mercedes me App en el adhesivo Encontrar6 la contrasena WLAN an el adhesivo que situado en la contraportada de este manual de hay en el reverso de estas Instrucciones de instrucciones. servicio. Conexi6n de la wallbox a Internet por WLAN:Si la ► Abra el navegador de Internet de su ordenador o contrasena de la WLAN del miter cambia,hay que smartphone a introduzca actualizar la contrasena registrada en los ajustes de la en la linea de direcci6n. wallbox.P6ngase en contacto con su instalador para Se abre la pagina"My charging station". reconfigurar la conexi6n Wi-Fi con ayuda de la Encontrar6 la informaci6n sobre las licencias del aplicaci6n EVBox-Install. software en la parte inferior de esta pagina. Conexi6n de la wallbox con Mercedes me* Mercedes vvw., M+P-03F-9937 Conecte su wallbox con Mercedes me para,por ejemplo,poder utilizar las siguientes funciones remotas adicionales: • Inicio y detenci6n del proceso de carga con el smartphone • Sinopsis del estado de carga general a historial de carga • Habilitaci6n de la wallbox para otros usuarios • Actualizaci6n del firmware • Activaci6n de nuevas funciones mediante actualizaciones en linea del firmware 'Para utilizar las funciones remotas de su Mercedes-Benz Wallbox,necesita un identificador personal de Mercedes me y aceptar]as condiciones de use de los servicios de Mercedes me connect. -20- 4 4 4 4 4 44 4A 4 ' , 44 q 4~4 q4 q ,4 4 4 4 44 444 4°44 A44 , 444 4 444444°4 . 44 44 44 444° 444 d4�4444 1 epced .44.4, � 8 dA�4 A°^44 44, U'� da k da �,n A,4 aa�aa�a�akk �°o 2 � a, a� , d 3 M+P-03F-9930 Sinopsis de la wallbox 1 Indicaci6n LED 2 Sensor de luminosidad 3 Zona de habilitaci6n de RFID La indicaci6n LED(1)indica mediante cuatro LED el estado actual de la wallbox(►pagina 23). El sensor de luminosidad(2)mide Is intensidad luminosa y adecua automaticamente el brillo de la indicaci6n LED(1). La zona(3)sirve para habilitar la wallbox con una tarjeta de carga RFID. -21- d`d d d A`d •`A`d`A`4`4`A`A`• q•q•q•q•oeacrdes-Bem.d .Aadada.00 a4a4aA. d'A'A'4'd'A'A'd' `A`A`A`A`A'.4. .d.dadadaAad.d. M+P-03F-10040 INSTRUCCIONES DE FUNCIONAMIENTO Finalizaci6n del proceso de carga Inicio del proceso de carga ► Optional:Sostenga la tarjeta de carga de En funci6n de la configuraci6n de la wallbox,puede ser Mercedes-Benz en la zona(3)para finalizar el necesaria la habilitaci6n por RFID del dispositivo para proceso de carga. iniciar el proceso de carga. ► Finalice el proceso de carga en el vehiculo(vea el Durante la carga,preste atenci6n a que el cable de manual de instrucciones del vehiculo). carga este completamente desenrollado y no este ► Pulse el desbloqueo del conector del cable de sometido a esfuerzos de tracci6n. carga y tire de dicho conector para desenchufarlo ► Estacione el vehiculo cerca de la wallbox. de la toma de carga del vehiculo. ► Abra la tapa de la caja de enchufe del vehiculo(vea ► Coloque la tapa protectora en el conector del el manual de instrucciones del vehiculo). cable de carga. ► Retire la tapa protectora del conector del cable de ► Enrolle el cable de carga en la wallbox sin carga y enchufe el conector del cable de carga apretarlo. hasta el tope en la toma de carga del vehiculo. Preste atenci6n a que el conector del cable de carga este a una distancia minima de 600 mm Optional: (24 in)del suelo. ► Sostenga la tarjeta de carga de Mercedes-Benz en la zona(3)para habilitar la wallbox. EI proceso de carga se inicia automaticamente.Los LED de la indicaci6n LED(1)se iluminan sucesivamente en azul de izquierda a derecha. Si el proceso de carga no comienza automaticamente, observe el significado de los colores de la indicaci6n LED(1)(►pagina 23). _22- Significado de la indicaci6n LED F 6� oa Mrp-03F-9933 LED blanco Descripci6n Todos los LED La wallbox esta arrancando o se esta descargando una actualizaci6n. parpadean en blanco de izquierda a derecha LED(5)parpadea La wallbox debe ser configurada par un electricista. dos veces en blanco Todos los LED Se esta configurando la wallbox. encendidos en blanco LED verde Descripci6n Todos los LED La wallbox esta operativa. encendidos en verde LED(6)parpadea Hay que habilitar la wallbox con la tarjeta de carga de Mercedes-Benz o la Mercedes me dos veces en verde App. Todos los LED Habilitaci6n de la wallbox en curso. parpadean en verde de izquierda a derecha LED(7)parpadea Conecte el vehfculo y la estaci6n de carga con el cable de carga.Aseg6rese de que el dos veces en verde conector del cable de carga este enchufado hasta el tope en la caja de enchufe. LED azul Descripci6n Todos los LED se Se esta cargando el vehfculo. encienden sucesivamente en azul de izquierda a derecha -23- LED azul Descripci6n Todos los LED El proceso de carga ha sido interrumpido por el vehiculo(vea el manual de instrucciones encendidos en azul del vehiculo). LED(4)encendido El proceso de carga se ha interrumpido por alimentaci6n electrica insuficiente.El en azul proceso de carga continua automaticamente. LED naranja Descripci6n Todos los LED se La potencia de carga se ha reducido debido a la temperatura elevada de la wallbox. encienden sucesivamente en naranja de izquierda a derecha LED(4)encendido Proceso de carga interrumpido.El proceso de carga continua automaticamente. en naranja LED(5)encendido Proceso de carga interrumpido.La wallbox se esta enfriando.El proceso de carga an naranja continua automaticamente. LED rojo Descripci6n LED(5)encendido Error durante el proceso de carga.Interrumpa la conexi6n al vehiculo y vuelva a an rojo intentarlo. LED(6)encendido Error durante la habilitaci6n.Si el fallo persiste durante mas de cinco segundos,no hay en rojo comunicaci6n entre la wallbox y los servicios en linea. LED(7)encendido Error durante el proceso de carga.Interrumpa la conexi6n al vehiculo y vuelva a en rojo intentarlo.Si vuelve a producirse el error,el vehiculo la wallbox no son compatibles. Todos los LED Si la wallbox se reinicia,por ejemplo,tras una actualizaci6n de software,se encienden encendidos an rojo todos los LED en rojo durante 1-2 minutos.Este proceso es inocuo y se puede ignorar. La iluminaci6n permanente en rojo de los LED indica un fallo en la wallbox.Desconecte inmediatamente la alimentaci6n electrica de la wallbox y p6ngase en contacto con un electricista. Problernas con la wallbox Si se producen fallos de forma repetida durante el use de la wallbox o si tiene dudas sobre su seguridad funcional,deje de utilizar el sistema de carga y p6ngase en contacto con: • Su concesionario Mercedes-Benz 0 bien: • su servicio posventa Mercedes-Benz local El IMEI y n6mero del certificado IFT se puede encontrar en la etiqueta ubicada en la parte inferior del dispositivo. -24- i 08:35 .,rl sG M 08:36 ..0 sr.In 08:36 ."1 ao Dashboard I My charging ;I My charging station My charging station station Enter the station key to access the chaging station settings. Go to the secure page i The stdhon keys punted on the configumbon sbck,, to access the ,n the char-n station documentation.hnbs:rhaz tact Lz a I &g � - charging station settings ^�•.�;s� Arreptyourbmwser's ��g� xy�„•,� '�,�m+---�� bi°;•'� securaywarning,This waming is eapected behavior.You may find • 4 theoption tocentinue 1, behmel the"Advanced'or Station Ney �•®-�� Internet connection 'Show Details'actions. - J di Cellular r Softwarekenfez slN card acbv¢ (;Solt—.ace—, Manage y M*P-03F-10218 08:37 cod Sr.® i 08:37 4 ..,1 5G® 08:4�6 .sd so IFS Internet connection =n I Wi-Fi x Internet connection 1P®: Connection used K-� Connection used iZ,owq.n ,! rli Cellular z { stM ta,tl aeG•e¢ WLAN-MAQJAD ) tk To tbtaed,ffert .nnttnonnpt�an, K to srntch toa dineren[mnnxuon op[ron, rorgN the savetltV,.Flnetworkorconn an We can't find a saved network ' +ereetmesa.Aew.r,nen.«aGttGnnnean n «hbmettaWeto thtcharging#atioG add anetwork or ut upadiflerentintemet ethernet tab4[o,heci,areingAatlon ..� -�,..•-,- .. connection Other connection options ® Dthat connection options S memet CWenetdm,md > I EthernCabot detxred W-ri vosa`eama.rk ' t rl{ cellular y sIM card active M+P-03F-10219 -25- 03FO 17-23 Mercedes-Benz part number:A0009063414 Supplier Article number/Numero de I'article/Numero de articulo:L24871 NABOM