HomeMy WebLinkAbout51298-Z x� TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51298 Date: 10/21/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: Francis Raia 28 Eagle Ln Tappan, NY 10983 To: construct alterations(finish basement)to existing single-family dwelling as applied for. Premises Located at: 1815 Arrowhead Ln, Peconic, NY 11958 SCTM# 98.-3-13.1 Pursuant to application dated 09/03/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector, To expire on 10/21/2026. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: Single Family Dwelling- Alteration $1,160.00 CO-RESIDENTIAL $100.00 Total $1,260.00 lut ding Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT 11 Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 79 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 s:Hwww,southoldtownn ov Date.Received-. . APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT D 0 For Office Use Only J PERMIT NO. Building Inspector. �, E P 3 2024 c�4 Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety.Incomplete BUILDING DEPT. applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an TOWN jF SOUTU01 Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Date: OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: NameTrank & Katherine Raia SCTM#1000- Project Address:1815 Arrowhead Lane Peconic, N.Y. 11958 Phone#:845-558-7707 1Email:fraia@optimum.net Mailing Address:1815 Arrowhead Lane Peconic, N.Y. 11958 CONTACT PERSON: Name:Jo Machinist Architect Mailing Address:30 Smith Road Peconic, N.Y. 11958 Phone#:917-763-7200 Email:jomach46@gmail.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name:JO Machinist Architect Mailing Address:30 Smith Road Peconic, N.Y. 11958 Phone M917-763-7200 Email:jomach46@gmail.com CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name:Thomas Bodo Cvin1 12A� 1 IV Mailing Address: ;_6- .5C:O ' - I ��r 4ll —v a"I v i._ I-1 ~ � �-2 4f �I Phone#:631-834-4245 Email:tbodo4@aol.com DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition RAlteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: ❑Other $� dam w Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes WNo Will excess fill be removed from premises? Dyes igNo 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property:Residential Intended use of property:Residential Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to R_40 I this property? ❑Yes BNo IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. 8 Check Box After Reading: The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 220AS of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By(print name):J o Machinist BAuthorized Agent ❑Owner Signature of Applicant: Date: C� CONNIE D.BUNCH STATE OF NEW YORK) Notary Public,State of New York SS: No.01 BU6185050 COUNTY OF Suffolk Qualified in Suffolk County ) Commission Expires AprN 14,2�,�� Jo Machinist being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (S)he is the Architect (Contractor,Agent, Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this day of 2024 /� Notary Public (Where the applicant is not the owner) I, Frank Raia residing at 1815 Arrowhead Lane Peconic, NY 11958 Jo Machinist Architect o hereby authorize to apply on my be to the TowXSho:IdBuilding Department for approval as described herein. 64'3 � Owner's Sig re Date Frrank Raia Print Owner's Name 2 TALTH DEPARTMENT USE a —WA# >a> y K O ZI° I mZO �a 4 6 W Lot 10 � F> � �s ,bdivisionmo s N84°Oq'50°� O 1Q.S2CD 2- .. 3 - POST O � \ � S 9P M � O - E N Lot IIIn o �� _. _ 2 �\ Fa WOOD5 \ 3 M 06 K \ N oo \ 931 o T.H. \ 0 44.10 IS F O ' k AV n ` rr H Z. �' � rTj PROPOSED t+p� � �� gZ. SANITARY Lot 12 I r 11LL a SYSTEM �o A.0: � -. (2)B'DIA x e'E.P.LP b TEST HOLE\' ! L#' �.� a oee � 40 p BY MC,00"LD&BOWIENCE p �^ 16 Y PATIO I 0 � DATE: 6114116 LP kA f.D {i i g F EL-IcI.O 0.0' sT fill / Oy o a BROWN SILTY rn 51,00' S�'1`C3 rr y IR 55ND i1 n 3 z PALE BROWN c I _ ®Vo ► FINESSPANDPROPO) � Lot 13 O O _ �_ tiD � Cl O o ® Ui L 1 o M I` Q `9 2 I o - IR.O' >_ s m,r HIGHEST EXPECTED z� �m GROUNDWATER EL=I.O S 12,61 s t 4g N '1414 555 04:2 0 C-1 Lot 14 I Lot 15 ' 4n NOTES z ° 5ubdlvlslon O9 O N 5ubdlvl5lon - � AREA = 65,124 50. FT. OR 1.4950 ACRES o O "Arrowhead Cove" I g p "Arrowhead Cove ^� *SUBDIVISION - "ARROWHEAD COVE"FILED IN THE -IN.00 (Vacant) (Dwelling with Public Water) 1 OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY ONf=3 Ile JUNE 20,1465 AS FILE NO 5510 • VERTICAL DATUM = N.A.V.DATUM(1988) g V. > y� ,s 2Z • GROSS FLOOR AREA ° PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR = 5,051 Sa.FT. C P LANE PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR = 2.651 681 50.FT. I RE E= MONUMENT 5ET ■= MONUMENT FOUND 0= 5TAKE SET A= STAKE FOUND 0 o SURVEY FOR g 400 Ostrander Avenue,Riverhead,New York 1190I /A� /�T p �I= /� tot.651=1mIrw�03 fox. gen651.121.0144 ari F NGI5 IA 4 KA 1 HE1��1`E IA � /��}� 11ln Oun an Ineerin .com 1` "- 014 LOTS II, 12 4 13, "ARROWHEAD COVE" at Paronle-, Town of Southold Howard W.Young,Land Surveyor Suffolk County, New York Thomas C. Wolpert,Professional Engineer Douglas E.Adams,Professional Engineer BUILDING PERMIT SURVEY Robert C.Test,Architect County Tax Map District 1000 section q5 Block 05 Lot 15.1 01 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION FIELD SURVEY COMPLETED DUNE 02,2016 g MAP PREPARED JUNE 0-7,2016 °_9 Record of Revisions >e s{ RECORD OF REVISIONS DATE i o g' \ ADDED BUILDaNG PE'RWT DATA AUG.2S,2016 � co }} { * 3g s mm 50 O 25 50 I00 g - _ Scale: 1" = 50' g� HOWARD W.YOUNG,N.Y.S.LS.NO.45845 _ - JOB NO. 062 ` DWG.2016_0060062_bp OF 4 y PLOTTED BY:Diana Lopez PLOT DATE: "M-2016 12:13pm DWG FILE: R:\2016\2016_0062\dwg\2016_0062—bp.dwg ss��sdr-- FRIVATE F.,E 5 I ID E N C E b 181� AiRROWHEAID LANE fi ECON.IC NEUJ ,*rORK 119E8 JO MACHINIST ARCHITECT 30 Smith Road.,Pcconic NY 11958(212):355-7171 PROJECT LOCATION BUILDING DEPARTMENT NOTES: 1. ALTERATION LEVEL-2, PER 2020 EXISTING BUILDING CODE OF NYS AND 2020 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CODE OF NYS ",• :, ,P. °.';' F '> µ :." '" "'k4<„ *a *S"' ,* � I �xa AND APPENDIXJ. 2. NO NEW STRUCTURE AND/OR STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS ARE SPECIFIED FOR THE INTERIOR RENOVATIONof- - 8 .e'`" .,,.• '�b r' .r ad °,rr .V HOWEVER, IF DURING CONSTRUCTION NEW STRUCTURE AND/OR STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS ARE REQUIRED THEY SHALL `� :�< -9' a•+� ;�E �,^"` '"?:�. K ., d � °zix�.,..v.'+„cs+� .:°°�� �. ��. :f.�^� 'r� ^'?�.: _�. �,� ar';.r. a � .�. -c«�f� c'ti- SHALL MEET NYS 2020 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CODE. �;$. • `' _ a` ': <. f-� ..�"y .a„ €a .xt '$'. -Si" a" p't ? r°»P"� s'° .s*: $$. i• 3 r,,i ,8f3�` .. r+4? ,1 f a FLOOR R � � w ,00 WORK AREA CALCULATIONS 3. THIS PROJECT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE 2020 NYS ENERGY CONSERVATION f;M `"� ��� , �'„'�'` �d,.,>':�:b:"r'° • sx :p" �'.. �;....�. �"_,,;�� L pia �.<�-•A�,a' A x L �,. £. eS � a�'ivl'< i,1,t ,$t }�, �",a�,p''. '�; ... .jR>0.> < K<`,., - s , : 'r">:s.,p:...,,. .3,�,�' ••J".r';4.r"'Y"r.•• •P' ', .l„4xd': ." b3 ,, TT B �I�> CONSTRUCTION CODE FOR INTERIOR RENOVATION OF A SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS. s ...r. .;>`. ;t"; „;., s• ; d S ,.. N '�, ' �'i STA t + a, s' .t: Ct:t - `'` 3.•.,"' n"a•.� ? ;t„: `s �a'.^.$ �.�^ ,.,,A , ..;:`" •€. = 2,160t f4dt11�1� - `.d .�:�'• p=,, � " ,�, , <• ; :'� ��"""" � .-��,� '�;' =,,,a-.,�_ , EXISTING UNFINISHED BASEMENT FLOOR AREA GSF "�, 4a' •,.y ef' ^. .`„;' eT;" `, "�j:,,m. •:e'...'�. a '" 4.ALL NEW PLUMBING WORK SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH NYS BUILDING AND PLUMBING CODES.. EXISTING FIRST FLOOR /ENTRY INCL GARAGE AREA 3 083 GSF ''zt,,. ,:.b .rA, t. ',BF."i_ � e �"d:�r,'y:^'w.* .�Sii,r,.:.•�. r?rd '°�.4'",.°C °.F. � ax^: z*" a p� ..����:Y'.r r y�, 5. CHANGES IN DIRECTION IN DRAINAGE PIPINGS SHALL BE MADE BY THE APPROPRIATE USE OF 45 DEGREE WYES, :'j b ••x ' ° x.�-, ' „�-•,. �••=:xRr, ,R>' ry.< .. „r,",,,,^^J', "<' 9j„�n°; •p<..ty ,. a. ^ ;�'_;�'�.a.; a� k ,.. . N,9 w. ° • ,<b < f:.:.�. :�A..: ,k ,: :N ". ;,$.,�� A� EXISTING SECOND FLOOR BEDROO + _ LONG SWEEPS, SHORT SWEEPS, SIXTH, QUARTER, EIGHTH OR SIXTEENTH BENDS+/-OR BY COMBINATION OF THESE : .\ 't ':,•;•; ,' " ` MS LOFT)AREA 2,209 GSF fi'. • rose^ OR EQUIVALENT FITTINGS. �' ��' ' f .'...� `� N ' < yA°'e� �°`tl°S'#�.< •'`A �tda`�'_'..:,�. ..• iy° fs..'4 x ',ip� `,.' z .x@ ._., �r,, f��z`:,. 4'� �,r �^.,,: r , 6. ALL NEW ELECTRICAL WORK TO COMPLY WITH AND MEET NYS ELECTRICAL CODE,AND UL REQUIREMENTS; ALL °` ,£.,• ° ` - `'�;`'�t M TOTAL EXISTING FLOOR AREAS = 7,452 GSF �.,.°� - v_g t �,�� "}a y; ^ a� -E�s <. �. ��d ELECTRIC WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST EDITION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE. �+''-� "r° � '�•"1 .a� � � :-� �E.,,. "`. 7.ALL NEW MECHANICAL WORK TO COMPLY WITH AND MEET NYS MECHANICAL CODE AND PROVISIONS IN NYS 2020 s., . < 1 �.V.. ; ;£'';- g; , � '=M14;y, a ;. •� PROPOSED WORK AREA (INTERIOR ONLY) 1 ,820 NSF ENERGY CONSTRUCTION CODE. PERCENTAGE OF WORK AREA/TOTAL — 24.4 % ENERGY ANALYSIS IN COMPLIANCE WITH 2O20 NYS-ECC �. a q a '^ :tw° °ee-m par.;.' .• ,.,i">}'! 6 .f ,^ ,� S•.f, ,,�,x,. ,,�� :fi�rn, s �J .fd xry° .r F phi CLIMATE ZONE -4A ^� �:; � .. � ,• �,,; .,�,. �•< �°:.x .�: � ,. ., • »a�R.e,'• a>° �.'J'x .".w?,. ..F,.^` py<. dx^$ 5 P 1. NO CHANGES TO THE EXISTING BUILDING ENVELOPE. ALL NEW INTERIOR PERIMETER WALLS TO BE INSULATED WITH R-13 FACED BATT INSULATION IN THE BASEMENT LEVEL. 1815 ARROWHEAD LANE PECONIC N.Y. 2. NO CHANGES TO EXISTING BUILDING MECHANICAL SYSTEMS; NEW MECHANICAL SYSTEM FOR THE BASEMENT LEVEL ". INTERIOR RENOVATION -TO BE FILED SEPARATELY. NEW MECHANICAL SYSTEM RHEEM A/C UNIT#RA1 AZ- "'( 5 15.2 SEER) � °,� �;'•:.. };. . a �'°�« TO COMPLY WITH NYS 2020 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING AND ENERGY CONSTRUCTION CODE, INCLUDING NEW ROOM :e ``''' 'f�•',g :1 _;.' k �': — EXHAUSTS IN THE PROPOSED BATHROOM AND LAUNDRY ROOM (WHISPERGREEN#FV-051VK3 BY PANASONIC). TAX MAP # — D.1000 S.98 B.03 L.13.1 f° ,.;a$:, ?° � ' EXISTING ZONING = R-40 4. ALL NEW INSTALLED LIGHTING FIXTURES TO BE HIGH EFFICACY LAMPS, LED OR FLUORESCENT TYPE LAMPS. _ P SECTION — 98 i ��, �.��, , A^af.'=. ,a� '�,<::, BLOCK 03 SMOKE DETECTOR AND CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR NOTES: _. _ LOT 13.001 1. DWELLING UNIT SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH SMOKE AND CO DETECTORS AS PER NYS RESIDENTIAL CODE. SMOKE ` _ :' •. ,•: •: �m.�. ' ::° °"A„ ` ;° ...$, °` f .'s :; ` . ,•e} .. . `- .'g'°,�..:, EXISTING LOTAREA — 65,124 SF 1 .495 ACRES AND CO DETECTORS MUST BE PROVIDED WITHIN 15 FEET OF THE PRIMARY ENTRANCE OF EACH BEDROOM AND ONE : '• :. ,. s•° ( ) s�."tr��t,'..N J,� :`a � c�m.88• n, �. ,_•?1,��,,:'-;``t`'d, `'.;b� 'a a's".,' � ��'����. �s - . PER FLOOR. SMOKE DETECTORS MUST BE PROVIDED WITHIN EACH BEDROOM. .-cw,..b . . < r " "";' ,_. ,.,..�_ .r° = m. _.,.• :°.�..,^,.:�.<.�k..,, w,.n ..ta,x,$�r.,,a�:. ,��.e�.«e•.sx..�....�roa„a< sr €,.x,w<...•. 2.ALL NEW SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE HARD-WIRED,AND INTERCONNECTED,AND MAY BE WALL OR CEILING BUILDING AREA COVERAGE (PER SS 280-4): MOUNTED PER NFPA#74-1980. LOCATION MAP - 1815 ARROWHEAD LANE 3. NO NEW FUEL BURNING EQUIPMENT IS PROPOSED FOR THIS BASEMENT LEVEL INTERIOR RENOVATION PROJECT. NO CHANGE TO EXISTING BUILDING COVERAGE — NO EXTERIOR WORK OE.20.24 15SUED FOR FER`1IT REVIEJJ C:,.21,2024 �cDATEFD AGGESSOR"'67R GTLRE5 DRAWING LIST. ISSUES AND REVISIONS: T-001 TITLE SHEET, ENERGY CODE CHART, NOTES 2020 NYS ENERGY CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION CODE G-001 NYS 2020 CODE REFERENCE SECTIONS TABLE R-402.1.2 INTEIRIOR fRENOVAT�ION INSULATION AND FENESTRATION REQUIREMENTS BY COMPONENT G-002 SPECIFICATIONS A-100 EX. BASEMENT-NEW INTERIOR RENOVATION PLAN GLAZED A-101 EX. BASEMENT-NEW REFLECTED CEILING PLAN FENESTRATION SKYLIGHT FENESTRATION ROOF/CEILING WOOD FRAME MASS WALL FLOOR BASEMENT SLAB R-VALUE CRAWL SPACE CLIMATE ZONE U-FACTOR U-FACTOR SHGC R-VALUE WALL R-VALUE R-VALUE R-VALUE WALL R-VALUE AND DEPTH WALL R-VALUE A-102 EX. BASEMENT-NEW ARCH) ELECTRICAL PLAN 4A 0.32 0.55 0.40 49 20 OR 13+5 8/13 19 10/ 13 10, 2 FT 10/ 13 A-201 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS PROPOSED NA(EXIST) NA NA NA(EXIST) NA(EXIST) NA NA(EXIST) EXIST/ 13 (INT) EXIST 10/2 FT NA BELOW TITLE SHEET, ENERGY CODE VILLAGE OF SOUTHHOLD CHART, NOTES 2020 NYS CODES CLIMATIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA (EFFECTIVE 5/2020) TABLE R301.2(1) GROUND SNOW WIND DESIGN SEISMIC DESIGN SUBJECT TO DAMAGE FROM CLIMATE ZONE ICE BARRIER FLOOD AIR FREEZING MEAN ANNUAL LOAD CATEGORY TABLE C301.1 UNDERLAYMENT HAZARDS INDEX TEMP TOPOGRAPHIC SPECIAL WIND WIND-BORNE (RCNY ONLY) WEATHERING FROST LINE TERMITE REQUIRED SPEED (MPH) EFFECTS REGION DEBRIS ZONE DEPTH 25--7 120-125 MPH NO *YES NO __j C SEVERE 36" MOD TO HEAVY 4A YES `* *WIND SPEEDS HIGHER THAN THE DERIVED VALUES TAKEN FROM SECTION 1609 OF THE IBC AND FIGURE JOB NO.: DWG. NO. R301.2(4)A OF THE IRC ARE LIKELY TO OCCUR AND SHOULD BE CONSIDERED IN THE DESIGN. DATE: _r wool"%, 05. 13. 2024 SCALE: AS NOTEDME Illul DRAWING BY: KWB RESIDENTIAL CODE APPENDIX J - AJ 101 -102 RESIDENTIAL CODE - APPENDIX J - AJ601 - ALT. 2 8/23/24,2:42 PNI [NY]Appendix J Existing Buildings and Structures:Existing Buildings and Structures,Residential Code of New York State 20201 UpCodes [NY]AJ601,10 Mechanical RES. CODE CH 11 - EXISTING BUILDINGS - N 110 7 (R501 ) FR( ^ ATE IN Residential!Code of New York State 2020 Alterations to any mechanical system shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 12 for a now mechanical system without requiring the existing mechanical system to Comply with all the requirements of this Code.Alterations shall not cause an existing nic.r.hanical system to become unsafe,safe,hazardous or merloAtled. N1107.2(R501,2)Existing Buildings [NY]Appendix J Existing Buildings and structures comply Is specified in this chapter,this code Shall hilt be used to require the removal,ohrration or Abandonment of,not prevent the Continued u5c+and maintenance of,all F I N C [NYj AJ6cally ventilated blarReconfigured conf Spates existing building or building system lawfully In existence at the time of adoption of this code. [NYj Section AJ101 Purpose and Intent Mechanically ventilated reennflgured spates shall camply with section M1505 as applicable N1107.3(11501,3)Maintenance [NY]AJ101.1 General [NY]AJ601.11 plumbing Buildings and structures,and parts thereof,shall be.maintained in a safe and sanitary condition.Devices and systems that are required b this code shall be maintained in Alterations any it q by this to a plumbing r� i The purpose of these provisions Is to encourage the continued use or reuse of legally existing buildings and structures.these revisions are intended to permit work In existing Y f g sys ern.;hall conform to the requirements lot a new plumbing System wir.raut requiring the existing plumbing system to Cam i with all the p p g p Y tompllante with the code pr1!tian under which installed.The owner or the owner's authnrired agent shall be responsible for the maintenance of buildings and structures.The buildings that Is consistent with the purpose of this code.Compliance with these provisions shall be deemed to meet the requirements of this code. requirements of this code.Alterations shall hot cause an existing system to become unsafe,unsanitary or overloaded, requirements of this chapter shall not provide the basis for removal or abrogation of energy conservation,fire protection and safety systems and devices in existing structures. [NY)AJ101.2 Scope [NY]AJ601.11.1 Increased Demand (NY)N1107.4(RS01.4)Compliance Where any alteration subjects any portion of an existing plumbing system to increased loads,such portion shall be made to comply with Chanters 25 through 33. The provisions of this appendix snail apply to the repair,alteration,change of occupancy,addition and relacatfan of existing buildings, p P Y g Alterations,repairs,additions and changes of occupancy to,or relocation of,existing btlldings and structures shall comply with the provisions for alterations,repairs,additions fL-� and Changes of occupancy or relocation,respectively,in the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code(the Uniform Code)the New York State Energy 1 1✓ O��'� [NY]AJ101.2.1 Buildings Not Previously Occupied [NY)AJ601.12 Electrical Conservation Construction Code(tire Energy Cod(,),and NFPA 70. F-D LANE A buildingor portion of a building that has not been previously occupied or used for Its Intended purpose shall comply with the provisions of this coda for new Construction. Any alteration to an existing electrical system relating to work done in any work area shall be made in conformity with the provisions of Chwters 34 through 43. F E C O� I I G P K P Y p p P pY P I � N1107.5(R501.5)New and Replacement Materials [NY)AJ101.2.2 Compliance With Other Codes (NY)AJ601.12.1 Increased Loads Except as otherwise required or permitted by this code,materials permitted by the applicable code for new construction shall be used.Like materials shall be permitted for Repairs,,alterations change of occupancy,existing buildings Where alterations subject portions of existing electricals stems to Increased loads suchportions31 �I ( I J Y q P g p Y, g gs to which additions are made,historic buildings and relocated buildings Complying with the provisions bf the j P g Y .;hall be made to comply with Chapter 34 through Chapter 43. repairs,provided that hazards to life,health or property are not treated.Hazardous materials shall not be used where the Cade for new construction would not allow their use NEW w �O� '\ 1 1 �,J�8 Uniform Cade,as applicable,shall be considered in compliance with the provisions of this appendix, in buildings of similar occupancy,purpose and location. [NY)AJ601.12.2 Electrical Service [NY]Section A,1102 Compliance Service to dwelling units shall be a minimum of 100 ampere,three-wire capacity,and service equipment shall be dead front having no live parts exposed whereby accidental [NY)N1107.6(RS01.6)Historic Buildings Contact could be made.Type"S"fuses shall be installed when fused equipment is used. No provisions of this Chapter 11 relating to the construction,repair,alteration,restoration,and change of occupancy shall be mandatory for historic buildings. JO MACHIMST [NY]pJ102.'I Existing Buildings RES. CODE CH 11 - BASEMENT WALLS N1102.2.9 (R402.9) The.legs occupancy of any building existing on the date of adoption of this code shall be permitted to continue without change,except as is specifically covered in this code. [NY]AJ601.12.2.1 Clearance ARCHITECT the fire Code of New York State or the Property Maintenance Cade of New York State, Clearance for electrical service equipment shall be provided in accordance with Section E3405. [NY]AJ102.1.1 Additions,Alterations and Repairs [NY]AJ601.12.3 Ground-Fault and Art-Fault Circuit Interrupter Protection 30 Smith R.oad.,Peconic NY 11958(212)355-7171 Additions,alterations or repairs to any structure shall conform to that required by this code without requiring the existing structure to comply with all the requirements of Ground-fault and arc-fault circuit-interrupter protection shall be provided on newly installed receptacle outlets as required by Section E3902. 8/23/24,2:53 PM Chapter 11 IRE]Energy Efficiency:[RE]Energy Efficiency,Residential Code of New York State 20201 LJpCodes this code,unless otherwise stated.Additions,alterations or repairs shall not cause an existing structure to become unsafe or adversely affect the performance of the Residential Code Of New York State 2020 building. [NY]AJ601.12.4 Additional Electrical Requirements (NY)AJ702.::Existing Installations When the work area includes any of the following areas within a dwelling unit,the requirements of Sections AJ608.5.1 through AJ608.53 shall apply. N1102.29(R402.2.9)Basement Walls Provisions in this code small not require the removal,alteration or abandonment of,or prevent the continued use and maintenance of,an existing building envelope, [NY]AJ601.12.4.1 Enclosed Areas Walls associated with conditioned basements shall be insulated from the top of the basement wall down to 10 feet(3048 mm)below grade or to the basement floor,whichever is mechanical,service water-heating,electrical distribution or illumination system lawfully in existence at the time of the adoption of this code. All enclosed areas other than closets,kitchens,basements,garages,hallways,Imindry areas and bathrooms shall have a minimum of:wo duplex receptacle outlets,or less.Walls associated with unconditioned basements shall comply with this requirement except where the floor overhead is insulated in accordance with Sections N1102.1.2 and one duplex receptacle outlet and one ceiling or wall type lighting outlet. N1102.2,8. [NY]AJ102.21 Nonconforming Features Nothing in this appendix shall be construed to permit the continuation of existing building features which were installed in conflict with any codes or laws In effect at the time [NY]AJ601.12.4.2 Kitchen and Laundry Areas of construction or installation.Additions or alterations shall not be made to an existing building or structure which will cause the existing building or structure to be in violation Kitchen areas shall have a minimum of two duplex receptacle outlets.Laundry areas shall have a minimum of one duplex receptacle cutlet located near the laundry RES. CODE CH 11 - SLAB ON GRADE N1102.2. 10with any of cite provisions of this rode. equipment and installed on an independent circuit. (EXISTING) [NY)AJ102.41 Correction of Violations of Other Codes [NY)AJ601.12.4.3 Bathrooms,Hallways,Stairways,Attached and Detached Garages 8/23/24,2:54 PM Chapter I I iRE]Energy Efficiency:[RE]Energy Efficiency,Residential Code of New York State 20201 UP Codes Repairs It�r p s or a c.ations mandated by any property,hauling or fire safety maintenance Lade or mandated by any licensing rule or ordinance adopted pursuant to law shall At least one lighting outlet shall be provided in every bathroom,hallway,stairway,attached garage and detached garage with electric power to illuminate outdoor conform only to the requirements of that code,rule or ordinance and shall not be required to Conform to this code unless the code requiring such repair or alteration so entrances and exits,and in utility rooms and basements where these spaces are used for storage or contain equipment requiring service. Residential Code of New York State 2020 provides. N1102.2.10(R402.2.10)Slab-on-Grade Floors RESIDENTIAL CODE APPENDIX J - AJ 104 Slab-on-grade floors with a floor surface less than 12 inches(305 mm)below grade shall be insulated in accordance with Table N1102.1.2.The insulation shall extend downward a��ss#rrrrrwrsrrrr*r EXISTING BUILDING CODE - LEVEL 2 A LT E RAT I O N - 810. 1 from the top of the slab ns the outside or inside of the foundation wall.Insulation located below grade shall be extended the distance provided!n Table N1 building 2 by any ��wr� �,���AF[1 ApCrtr o,�� combination of vertical insulation,insulation extending under the slab or insulation extending out from the building.Insulation extending away from the building shall be protected �� �4c[NY]Section AJ104 Energy Efficiency by pavement or by not less than 10 Inches(254 mm)of soil.The top edge of the insulation installed between the exterior wall and the edge of the Interior slab shall be permitted to �"` q•MA ACJ{ram v be cut at a 45-degree(0.79 rad)angle away from the exterior wall.Slab-edge insulation Is not required in jurisdictions designated by the building official as having a very heavy [NY]AJ104A Additions,Alterations,or Fenovations 8/23/24,2:36 PM Chapter 8 Alterations-Leve]2:Alterations-Level 2,NYS Existing Building Code 2020 y}termite Infestation. UpCodes ik Additions,alterations,or renovations to an existing building,building systech or partlon thereof shall conform to the provisions of Section N1107 of this code as they relate to ,. new canstru_tion without requiring the unaltered portions)of the existing building or building system to comply with this chapter.An addition shall be deorned to Comply with NYS Existing Building Code 2020 _ 4 RES. CODE CH 11 - DUCT TESTING N1103.3.3 (R403.3.3)this Chaoter If the addition alone compiie>or if the existing building and addition comply with this chapter as a single building.Additions,alterations,or renovations shall not Create an unsafe or hazardous condition or overload existing building systems. 810.1 Minimum Requirements Level 2 alterationss to existing buildings or structures are permitted without requiring the entire.building or structure to comply with the.energy rEgtiirement.s of the tnergv � t/, J f��'ST[NYj AJ1od.2 Change in Occupancy or Use t CanservnticnConstructionr / 4 Code a New York t 1 f k State or Residential Code of New York Stare.The alterations shall conform to the energy re uirenrertts cf the finer Conservation tl � gY q gY 8/23/24,2:51 PM Chapter I 1 RF, Energy Efficiency: RE Energy Efficiency,Residential Code of New York State 2020 I CJ Codes � tt111i6� Spaces utitle rgoing a change in ncar},ancy that would result in an Increase in demand far either fossil fuel or electrical energy shall comply with Section N1 1 i,ofthls code, p l I €Y Y�IRE] gY Y. p Construction Code of New York State or RrsidenNal Cade of New York State as they relate to new ro list r action only. [NY]A1104.3 Change In Space Conditioning Residential Code of New York State 2020 Any non-conditioned space that is altered to become conditioned space shall comply with Section N1109.2 of this code. EXIST. B L D G CODE - RESIDENTIAL - ELECTRICAL - 807.3 N1103.3.3(0403.3.3)Duct Testing(Mandatory) Ducts shall be press ire tested to determine air leakage by one of the fallowing methods; RESIDENTIAL: CODE APPENDIX J - AJ 3 01 .5 8/23/24,2:38 PM Chapter 8 Alterations-Level 2:Alterations-Level 2,NYS Existing Building Code 2020 I UpCodes t 1.Rough in test,Total leakage shall be mea,.surep d with a pressure differential of 0.1 Inth W.A.(2-r Pa)across the~system,Including the manufacturers air handler VIldosrire if [NY)AJ301.4 Alterations-Level 1 NYS Existing Building Code 2020 Installed at the time of the test.Registers shall be.taped or otherwise sealed during the test. Level 1 alterations include the removal and replacement or the covering of existing material„elements,equipment or fixtures using new materials,elements,equipment or 2.Postconstruction test:Total leafage shall be measurorl with a prpssure cliffererrtial of 0.1 inch w.g.(25 PA)across the entire system,intlud!ng the manufactuter's air handler fixtures that serve the Same.purpose,without reconfiguring the.Spate.LPVPI 1 alteration-,Shall comply Wlfn then prnyiSlanS of Section AJ501. 807,3 Residential+SCtupantles enclosure.Registers shall be taped or otherwise sealed during the test. [NYj AJ301.5 Alterations-Level 2 In Group R-2,R 3 and R 4 occupancies and buildings regulaterf by the Residential Code of New York State,the requirements of sections 8n7.3.1 through 807.3.7 shall be applitable Level 2 alterations include the reconfiguration of space,the addition or ellmination of any door or window,the reconfiguration or extension of any system,or the installation of only to work areas located within a dwelling unit. Exceptlons: any additional equipment.Level 2 alterations shall comply with the provisions of Section A1501 for Level 1 alterations as well as the provisions Of Section AJ601. 807.3.1 Enclosed Areas 1.A duct air-leakage test shall not be required where the duos and air handlers are located entirely within the building thermal envelope. Exception:Work areas in which the alteration work is exclusively plumbing,mechanical or electrical shall not be included ih the computation of total area of all work areas. Enclosed areas,other than Closets,kitchens,basements,garages,hallways,laundry areas,utility areas,storage areas and bathrooms shall have not fewer than two duplex receptacle outlets or one duplex receptacle outlet and one ceiling or wall-type lighting outlet. 2.A duct dir-leakage test shall trot be required for ducts serving heat or energy recovery ventilators that are not integrated with ducts serving heating or Cooling systerns. RESIDENTIAL CODE - APPENDIX J - AJ601 - ALT. 2 807.3.2Kitchens Kitchen areas shall have not fewer than two duplex receptacle outlets. A written report of the results of the test shall be signed by the party conducting the test and provided to the building official, [NY)Section AJ601 Alterations Level2 807.3.3 Laundry Areas RES. CODE CH 11 - DUCTS N 1103.3.7 (R403.3.7) [NY]AJ601.1 Scope Laundry areas shall have not fewer than one duplex receptaade outlet located near the laundry equipment and Installed on an independent circuit. Leve!2 alterations as described in Section AJ301 shall comply With the requirements of this section.Level 2 alterations to historic buildings shall Comply with this Section,except As modified in Section AJ901.The requirements of this section are limited to work areas in which Level 2 alterations are being performed,and shall apply beyond the work area 807.3.4 Ground Fault Circuit Interruption where specified. Newly installed receptacle outlets shall be provided with ground fault circuit interruption as required by NFPA 70, 8/23/24,2:52 PM Chapter 1 I [RE]Energy Efficiency:[RE]Energy Efficiency,Residential Code of New York State 20201 UpCodes [NY)AJ601.2 Alteration Level 1 Compliance 807.3.5 Minimum Lighting Outlets Residential Code of New York State 2020 In addition to the requirements of this section,all work shall comply with the requirements of Section AJ501. Not fewer than one lighting outlet shall be provided in every bathroom,hallway,stairway,attached garage,and detached garage with electric power,and to Illuminate outdoor N1103.3.7(R403.3.7)Ducts Located In Conditioned Space entrances and exits. [NY]AJ601.3 Compliance For ducts to be considered as Inside a conditioned space,such ducts shall comply with either of the following: All newly constructed elements,components,systems And spaces shall Comply with the requirements of this code. 807.3.6 Utility Rooms and Basements Not fewer than one lighting outlet shall be provided in utility rooms and basements where such spaces are used for storage or contain equipment requiring service. 1.The duct system is located completely within the continuous air barrier and within the building thermal envelope. Exceptions: 807.3.7 Clearance for Equipment 2.The ducts are buried within ceiling insulation in accordance with Section N1103.3.6 and all of the following conditions exist: 1.Space created in basements may have a ceiling that projects to within 6 feet 8 inches(2032 mm)of the finished floor;and beams,girders and ducts In such space or Clearance for electrical service equipment shall be provided in accordance with the NFPA 70. other obstructions may project to within 6 feet 4 inches(1930 rem)of the finished floor.Existing finished ceiling heights in spaces in basements shall not be reduced. 2A.The air handler is located completely within the continuous air barrier and within the building thermal envelope. 2.Existing stairs not otherwise beingaitered shall be permitted to maintain their current Clear width at,above,and below existing handrails. 2.2.The duct leakage,as measured either by a rough-in test of the ducts or a post-construction total system leakage test to outside the building thermal envelope in accordance with Section N1103.3.4,is less than or equal to 1.5 cubic feet per minute(42,5 L/min)per 100 Square feet(9.29 mz)of conditioned floor area served by the CONVERTED SPACES - MECH'L 808. 1 duct system. EXIST. BLDG CODE - 3.Existing stairs not otherwise beingaltered shall be permitted to maintain their current riser heights and tread depths. C�8.L`�.24 '�JUED FOR P��C'"(�1�''.-�V��LJ 4,Headroom height on existing stairs being altered shall not be reduced below the existing stairway finished headroom.Existing stairs not otherwise being altered shall 2.3.The ceiling insulation R-value installed against and above the insulated duct is greater than or equal to the proposed ceiling insulation R-value,less the R-value of the be permitted to maintain the current finished headroom. 8/23/24,2:37 PM Chapter 8 Alterations-Level 2:Alterations-Level 2,NYS Existing Building Code 20201 LJpCodes insulation on the duct. OF7.21,2024 hF:�0ATED AGGES5Gev 67RUG7 5.Landings for existing stairs not otherwise being altered shall be permitted to maintain their current width. NYS Existing Building Code 2020 [NY]AJ601.4 INonconfarmities 808.1Reconfiguredor Converted Spaces RES. CODE - CH 11 - ENVELOPE - N 1109. 1 . 1 (R503. 1 . 1 ) ISSUES AND REVISIONS: Reconfigured spaces intended for occupancy and spaces converted to habitable or occupiable space in any work area shall be provided with natural or mechanical ventilation in The work performed shall not increase the extent of noncompliance with the requirements of this code or create nonconformity with thane requirements which did not previously exist. accordance with the Mechanical Code of New York State. 8/23/24,2:47 PM Chapter 1 I IRE]Energy Efficiency:[RE]Energy Efficiency,Residential Code of New York State 20201 UpCodes Exception:Existing mechanical ventilation systems shall comply with the requirements of Section 808.2. Residential Code of New York State 2020 I* I TEfRIOR �E` 'O` ,AT ION [NY]AJ601.5!Flood Hazard Areas I\`Il I 1}--. II\�Il \X/In flood hazard areas,alterations that constitute substantial improvement shall require that the building Comply with Section R322 of this code. [NY]N1109.1.1(RS03.1.1)Building Envelope (NY Alterations Lions s hire and life Safety Protection RES. CODE CHAPTER 11 COMPLIANCE N 1101 . 13 (R401 .2) Building envelope assemblies that are part of the alteration shall complywith Section N1102.1.2 or N1102.1.4,Sections N1102.2.1 through N1102.2.13,N1102.3.1,N1102.3.2, Alterations shall be done in a manner that maintains the level of Fire protection provided and shall Comply with this section. N1102.4.3 and N1102.4.5. [NY]AJ601.8.1 Smoke Alarms 8/23/24,2:45 PM Chapter 11 [RE]Energy Efficiency:[RE]Energy When interior alterations occur,or when one or more sleeping rooms are added or created In existing dwellings,the individual dwelling unit snail be provided With smoke Efficiency,Residential Code of New York State 20201 UpCodes Exception:The following alterations shall not be required to comply with the requirements for new construction provided that the energy use of the building is not increased: alarms located as required for new dwellings;the smoke alarms shall be interconnected in accordance with Section R314A. Residential Code of New York State 2020 1.Storm windows Installed over existing fenestration, N1101.13(R401.2)Compliance 2.Existing ceiling,wall or floor cavities exposed during construction provided that these cavities are flihod with Insulation. . ■ 2020 O DE Exception:In.other than bed and breakfast dwellings,smoke alarms in existing areas shall not be required to be interconnected and hard wired where Interior wall or i ceiling finishes are not removed to expose the structure. projects shall comply with one of the following: 3.Construction where the existing roof,wall or floor Cavity is riot exposed. N .Y.S. [NY)AJ601.8.1.1 Power Source 4.Rnnf recover, REFERENCE 1.Sections N 1101.14 through N1104. Smoke alarms shall be permitted to he battery operated when installed in buildings witho,it commercial power or an an-site electrical power system,or in buildings where existing interior wall or ceiling Finishes are not removed to expose the structure. 2.Section Nt 10S and the provisions of Sections N110t.14 through N11 04lndicated as"Mandata 5,Roofs without insulation in the cavity and where the sheathing or insulation Is exposOtl during rerrinfing"Mandatary." 5, be insulated either above or below tics sheathing. SECTIONS[NY]AJEi01.8.1.2 interconnettlon 3.The energy rating index(ERI)approach in Section N1106. 6.Surface-applied window film installed on existing single-parse fenestration Assemblies to reduce solar hoot gain provided that the code does riot requlrt the grating or Smoke alarms shall not be required t.r be interconnected where battery operated alarms are permitted, fenestration assc�rnb!y to be replaced. RES. CODE C H 11 EXISTING BUILDINGS N 110 7 (R501 ) 7.Alterations which replace less than fifty percent of the luminaires within a space,provided that such alterations do not Increase the installed Interior lighting power. [NY)AJ601.8.2 Carbon Monoxide Alarms Where a Level 2 alteration Is Marla to art existing dwelling unit,the dwelling trait shall Ise provided with carbon monoxide alarrr,s that comply with the rer,,tirements for new RES. CODE - C H 11 - CHANGED CONDITIONS N1109.2 (R503.2) construction. 8/23/24,2:44 PM Chapter 11 [RE]Energy Efficiency:IRE]Energy Efficiency,Residential Code of New York State 20201 UpCodes Exceptlons Residential Code of New York State 2020 1.Alterations Involving the exterior surfaces of buildings,such as the replacement of roofing orsiding,or the addition or replacement of windows or doors. Section N1101(R501)Existing Buildings-General 8/23/24,2:49 PM Chapter 11 [RE]Energy Efficiency:IRE]Energy Efficiency,Residential Code of New York State 20201 UpCodes Residential Code of New York State 20?0 JOB NO.: DWG. NO, 2.In;!allation of,or alter, plumbing or mechanical systems,other than fuel-burning appliances. N1107.1(RS01.1)Scope The provisions of Sections N1107 through N1111 shall control the alteration,repair,addition and change of occupancy of existing buildingsN1109.2(R503.2)Change in Space Conditioning ant structures. DATE; .t [NY)AJ601.8.2.2 Power Supply and Interconnection [NY]N1107.1.1(RS01.1.1)Additions,Alterations,or Repairs:General Any nonconditioned or low energy spare that Is altered to become conditioned space"shall be required to be brought Into full compliance with this chapter. O.JG. 1 3. 2024 Additions,alterations,or repairs to all existing hcrilding,building system or portion thereof shall comply with Section N1108,N1109 or N 1110.Unaltered portions of the Exception:Where the"simulatetd pp'rforthance Option In 5ec.-tiorl N1105 is used to comply,with this section,the annual energy tort of the proposed design Is permitted to be 110 existing building or building supply system shall not be required to comply With this cl ia},ter. percent of the annual energy cost otherwise allowed by section N1105.3. SCALE: AS NOTED U-72 MO 0 1 Exception:The exceptions of Section N 1101.1 of this tone shall apply. DRAWING BY: KWB 1 GENERAL DATA FfRIVATE WOOD TRIM F F`�/1^ I ED FE N iz 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF AIAA201 "GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION"-2017 EDITION. (.,o 1. ALL TRIM BOARDS TO BE OF SIZES NOTED ON DRAWINGS AND AS APPROVED BY OWNER AND ARCHITECT, IN SPECIES NOTED BY OWNER. 2. THE GENERAL PROVISIONS OF THE CONTRACT, INCLUDING GENERALAND SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS AND GENERAL REQUIREMENTS APPLY TO THE WORK NOTED IN ALL SECTIONS OF THIS SPECIFICATION. 2. ALL EXTERIOR TRIMBOARDS TO BE A COMPOSITE MATERIAL,AZEK OR HARDIETRIM OR BORAL TRIM, OR AS SPECIFIED BY THE OWNER; CAULK ALL JOINTS, NAIL/SCREW ENTS PRIOR TO PAINTING. SEE PAINTING SPECIFICATION FOR PAINT FINISH COATS. PROVIDE ALUMINUM DRIP FLASHING ATALL WINDOWS AND DOORS AND CONT HORIZONTAL TRIMBOARDS. 3. ALL NEW WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH 2O20 N Y.S. RESIDENTIAL CODE,AND APPENDIX J, AND EXISTING BUILDING CODE,ALTERATIONS LEVEL 2,AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE CODES, ZONING REQUIREMENTS AND ORDINANCES. ROOFING_(NO ROOFING WORK REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT) 4. OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FILING AND OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS. II II IIII1' II 5. ALL NEW ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH NYS RESIDENTIAL CODE AND UL REQUIREMENTS; LICENSED ELECTRICIAN TO OBTAIN ALL ELECTRICAL PERMITS AND FINAL APPROVALS. ELECTRICIAN CAULKING AND SEALANTS l8l� AiRfRO W EAE) LANE E TO SIZE REQUIRED IF AN ADDITIONAL ELECTRICAL SERVICE & UPGRADE OF SERVICE IS REQUIRED. ��OO I�I� 1. PROVIDE CAULKING SEALANTS, TAPES AND/OR WEATHER-STRIPPING AT EXTERIOR JOINTS AROUND WINDOWAND DOOR FRAMES, BETWEEN CAVITIES AND WALLS, WALLS AND FOUNDATION, BETWEEN WALLAND ROOF, BETWEEN 6. NYS ENERGY CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION CODE-SECTION 101 FOR EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS AND SECTION R400 FOR ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS AND ANY AMENDMENTS TO 2018 WALL PANELS,AT ALL PENETRATIONS AND AT ALL OTHER OPENINGS IN THE EXTERIOR ENVELOPE. CAULKING SHALL BE A HIGH QUALITY, ONE PART CAULKING, COLOR PER ARCHITECT. SEALANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN � � 0� ��� IECCC RESIDENTIAL PROVISIONS. ACCORDANCE WITH NYS ECCC 2020 AND AS NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS. 7. ALL NEW WORK SHALL MEET OR EXCEED NYS ECC ENERGY CODE STANDARD REQUIREMENTS FOR UL RATINGS. WINDOWS AND GLAZING (NO NEW WINDOWS FOR THIS PROJECT) COMPLIANCE DOORS JO NUCHIMST 1. ALL WORK PERFORMED UNDER THIS CONTRACT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE NEW YORK STATE RESIDENTIAL CODE AND ANY BUILDING AND/OR ZONING ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN ARCHITECT OF SOUTHHOLD AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE CODES OR REGULATIONS. 1. ALL NEW INTERIOR DOORS TO MATCH EXISTING OR IF PAINTED THEN SHALL BE SOLID CORE MASONITE (PANELLED) DOORS AS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS AND APPROVED BY THE OWNER.ALL NEW INTERIOR DOORS TO BE SCOPE STAINED, TO BE SOLID WOOD (SPECIES TO BE DETERMINED)AS MANUF. BY SIMPSON, JELD-WEN, OR MASONITE IN STYLE SELECTED AND APPROVED BY OWNER. 30 Smidi Road.,Peconic NY 11958(212)355-7171 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL.FURNISH ALL LABOR, TOOLS, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT REQUIRED AND NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE WORK CALLED FOR IN THE DRAWINGS AND GYMPSUM WALLBOARD SPECIFICATIONS. HOWEVER, IT IS THE EXPRESS INTENT OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS TO CALL FOR A COMPLETE AND FINISHED JOB, INCLUDING ALL MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, ACCESSORIES AND INCIDENTAL COMPONENTS;WHETHER OR NOT SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN. 1. THE EXTENT OF GYPSUM WALLBOARD (GYP.BD.) IS NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFIED HEREIN. 2. DIMENSIONS OF THE WORK SHALL NOT BE DETERMINED BY SCALE OR RULE, BUT FIGURED DIMENSIONS SHALL BE FOLLOWED ATALL TIMES. IF DIMENSIONS CANNOT BE READILY 2. 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD TO BE USED IN ALL.AREAS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED; '/2" GYP. BOARD TYPE"X" FIRE RATED AT ALL DEMISING WALLS AND SHAFT WALLS AT MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT. MOLD-RESISTANT GYPSUM BOARD TO DETERMINED FROM THE DRAWINGS, THE ARCHITECT SHALL BE CONTACTED BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. BE USED THROUGHOUT THE BASEMENT PROJECT. DUROCK, OR EQ. TO BE USED IN ALL'WET'AREAS, LIKE SHOWERS OR BATHTUBS. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3. APPLICATION: WALLBOARD TO BE APPLIED TO WOOD STUDS. BOARDS TO BE TIGHTLY BUTTED TO ALL ADJOINING BOARDS AND SHALL BE PLACED IN SUCH A MANNER THAT THERE BE AS FEW JOINTS AS POSSIBLE. ALL GYP. BD. TO BE SCREWED AND NAILED TO STUDS. (AN ALTERNATE SYSTEM OF GLUE AND SCREW WALLBOARD INSTALLATION MAYBE UTILIZED). 1. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A CURRENTAND COMPLETE SET OF CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS ON THE JOB DURING ALL PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION FOR THE USE OF ALL TRADES. 4. TAPING: ALL JOINTS SHALL BE TAPED WITH AN APPROVED JOINT COMPOUND AND JOINTS ARE TO RECEIVE A THREE-COAT APPLICATION. NAIL OR SCREW-HEADS SHALL BE GIVEN SUFFICIENT COATS SO AS TO PRODUCE A HOMOGENEOUS, UNIFORM, SURFACE. TAP=AND SPACKLE THREE COATS, SAND BETWEEN COATS. METAL CORNER BEAD SHALL BE USED ON ALL CORNERS, WINDOW RETURN, DROP ARCHES, ETC. AS REQUIRED. ALL SPACKLE J'S 2. ANY COST CAUSED BY DEFECTIVE OR ILL-TIIAED WORK AS A RESULT OF, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, INFERIOR WORKMANSHIP OR MATERIALS, IMPROPER SCHEDULING, OR SHALL BE USG 200A, ONLY, USE ONLY NON-METALLIC ACCESSORIES AND J'S IN WET OR DAMP AREAS. DELINQUENT ORDERING SHALL BE BORNE BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 3. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS TO PROTECT THE OWNER'S PROPERTY, THE ADJACENT TENANT'S AND THE CONDOMINIUM'S ADJACENT INSULATION COMMON AREAAND THE SAFETY OF WORKERS ON THE JOB SITE AND THE PUBLIC AT LARGE. THE SITE SHALL BE KEPT IN A NEAT AND ORDERLY CONDITION AT ALL TIMES AND SHALL BE SECURED A THE END OF EACH WORK DAY. 1. EXTERIOR STUDWALL: 1ST FLOOR AND ABOVE- NO WORK.. ��s,••••••+•.,. 4•,,• �c,'1.010 4. THE CONTRACTOR MAY USE THE FACILITIESAND UTILITIES EXISTING AT THE SITE AT NO COST, BUT SHALL PROVIDE OTHER TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND UTILITIES NECESSARY 2. NEW PERIMETER INTERIOR STUDWALL: NEW 2X6 WALL-5-1/2" FACED BATT WOOL(OR EQUIVALENT AS REQUIRED BY OWNER) INSULATION, MIN. R-13. FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE WORK. 3. NEW ROOF/CATHEDRAL CEILING: N/A. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ' A d ne 4. EXPOSED FRAMED FLOORS: (EXISTING INSULATED) 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL.,AT THE COMPLETION OF THE WORK OBTAIN A SEPARATE ELECTRICAL SIGN-OFF/INSPECTION CERTIFICATE AND ANY UPDATES TO THE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FOR THE PROJECT AS REQUIRED. THE OWNER SHALL PROVIDE ALL FEES FOR FILING AND PERMITS. THE OWNER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL 5.ALL FACED BATT INSULATION SHALL BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS, INCLUDING TAPING ALL JOINTS AND SEALING ATALL EDGES. SOUND INSULATION TO BE PROVIDED IN AT BATHROOMS AND KITCHENS, PERMITS PRIIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND THE CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR CERTIFICATES AND FILINGS DURING CONSTRUCTION. SUCH AS 'BONDED LOGIC ACOUSTICAL INSULATION, OR EQUAL, WHERE REQUIRED BY OWNER. GUARANTEES RESILIENT FLOORING 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE GUARANTEED IN WRITING BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR ONE YEAR AFTER THE DATE OF FINAL COMPLETION (AFTER COMPLETION OF ALL PUNCH LIST WORK) ESTABLISHED BY THE ARCHITECTAND OWNER. 1. NEW RESILIENT(LUXURY VINYL TILES- PLANKS)TO BE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED FOR ALL AREAS EXCEPT AT THE BATHROOM AND LAUNDRY ROOM. PROVIDE AND INSTALL ALL REQUIRED UNDERLAYMENT MATERIALS AS REQUIRED BY LVT MANUFACTURER. PROVIDE SAMPLES OF L.V.T. FOR APPROVAL. 2. ALL CONTRACTORS SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER AND ARCHITECT WITH CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE PRIOR TO STARTING WORK FOR THE FOLLOWING AMOUNTS: GENERAL LIABILITY, PROPERTY AND BODILY INJURY$1,000,000.00, PROPERTY DAMAGE: $300,000.00, WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION ADEQUATE TO COVER ALL OBLIGATIONS OF THE WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION AND DISABILITY BENEFITS LAWS,AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE: $1,000,000.00. STONE AND CERAMIC TILE DEMOLITION 1. THE EXTENT OF TILE WORK IS AS DIRECTED BY OWNER, 1. DEMOLITION WORK SHALL INCLUDE THE COMPLETE DEMOLITION OF ALL EXISTING STRUCTURES IDENTIFIED ON THESE DRAWINGS AND ALL OTHERS NOT SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED BUT REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE THE FINAL DWELLING EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR LAYOUTS, PLUS THE REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF ALL DEMOLISHED MATERIALS. PAINTED WOOD TRIM 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL.PROTECT ALL SURROUNDING STRUCTURES AND LANDSCAPING AS REQUIRED. 1. ALL INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTED OR STAINED WOOD TRIM SHALL BE IN SIZES INDICATED ON DRAWINGS OR TO MATCH EXISTING AND OF DOUGLAS FIR OR OTHER SPECIES AS APPROVED BY OWNER;ALL JOINTS TO BE MITERED OR SCARFED- NO JOINTED WOOD TRIM PERMITTED. CONCRETE AND MASONRY (NO WORK REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT) CASEWORK WOOD FRAMING 1. ALL NEW CABINETRYAND COUNTERTOPS SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED BY THE OWNER, FURNISHED AND INSTALLED BY THE CONTRACTOR. 1. WOOD FRAMING SHALL BE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED AS SHOWN IN THE DRAWINGS,AS FOLLOWS: 2. ALL LUMBER SHALL BE KILN DRIED TO NOT MORE THAN 15% MOISTURE CONTENT AND DRESSED AT FOUR SIDES. ALL FRAMING SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF#2 DOUGLAS FIR (1200 HARDWARE PSI), EXCEPTAS OTHERWISE NOTED. 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INCLUDE IN HIS BID AN ALLOWANCE OF $750 PER NEW DOOR FOR THE PURCHASE OF FINISH HARDWARE AS REQUIRED FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INCLUDE IN 3. WALL PLATES, LEDGERS, SILLAND OTHER LUMBER SETAGAINST CONCRETE OR MASONRY SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED WOOD. HIS BID THE INSTALLATION OF ALL REQUIRED HARDWARE. ALL NEW HARDWARE TO BE SELECTED AND APPROVED BY OWNER. 4. NEW INTERIOR WALLS: 2"X 4" @ 16" O.C., OR AS NOTED. ALL NAILING AND FASTENINGS PER CODE; PROVIDE DOUBLE JOISTS UNDER ALL PARTITIONS PARALLEL TO JOISTS. PAINTING 5. NEW EXTERIOR WALLS AND INTERIOR PLUMBING WASTE WALLS: 2"X 6" @ 16"O.C., OR AS NOTED. ALL NAILING AND FASTENINGS PER CODE. STANDARD WINDOW/DOOR OPENINGS 3 FOOT WIDTH OR LESS SHALL BE (2)2"X 8"SCREWED TOGETHER. 1. PAINT SHALL BE BENJAMIN MOORE, COLORS TO BE SELECTED BY THE OWNER, USE ALL LOW-VOC PAINT PRODUCTS. 6.ALL BUILT-UP BEAMS AND WALL STUDS, 3 OR MORE, MUST BE BOLTED OR MECHANICALLY FASTENED TOGETHER OR EQUIVALENT. 2. INTERIOR WALLS: LATEX EGGSHELL FINISH; ONE COAT PRIMER, TWO COATS TO COVER. 3. INTERIOR DOORS &TRIM. PAINTED: SEMI-GLOSS ALKYD (OR LATEX), SAME ONE + TWO. WOOD DECK AND FLOOR FRAMING (NO DECKING WORK REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT) 4. INTERIOR DOORS &TRIM, STAINED: TWO COATS MIN. CLEAR-STAIN POLY OVER SEALER AND WOOD STAIN. OF3.2Q.24 1c,&JED FOR FEF`1'-REVIEW PLYWOOD PLUMBING, FIXTURES AND FITTINGS 0E.21,2024 UFDATEG AGGES50QY STFUG:l FES 1. PLYWOOD SUB-FLOORING ON JOISTS SHALL BE 3/4"THICK EXTERIOR GRADE, FINISHED SMOOTH ONE SIDE. 1. FURNISH AND INSTALL ALL LABOR AND EDUIPMENT REQUIRED TO PROVIDE A COMPLETE PLUMBING, DRAINAGE AND WATER SUPPLY FOR THE NEW BATHROOM AND LAUNDRY ROOM AND/OR AS SHOWN ON DRAWINGS OR 2. PLYWOOD SUB-FLOORING SHALL BE GLUED AND SCREWED TO SUPPORTING JOISTS, OR AS REQUIRED BY FLOORING SYSTEM MANUFACTURER. REQUIRED TO FULLY COMPLETE THE PROJECT TO CONFORMITY WITH ALL CODES. GUARANTEE ALL LABOR AND MATERIALS FOR ONE YEAR. PROVIDE AND DELIVER ALL INSPECTION CERTIFICATES TO OWNER. NOTE: COORDINATE ISSUES AND REVISIONS: ALL NEW PLUMBING WORK WITH EXISTING PLUMBING 'STUB-UPS' IN THE CONCRETE SLAB AND THE EXISTING EJECTOR SUMP-PUMP AND PIT. 2. ALL FIXTURES AND FITTINGS TO BE SELECTED AND PROVIDED BY OWNER. G.C. TO INSTALL ALL FIXTURES, FITTINGS,ACCESSORIES AND TO COORDINATE ROUGH AND FINISH LOCATIONS, ETC.AS REQUIRED. I /� 3. INSULATE ALL WATER PIPING (MINIMALLY,AS REQUIRED BY CODE). WRAP WASTE STACKS WITH INSULATION OR INSULATE STACK AREA FOR SOUND ATTENTUATION PURPOSES, I II TEIRIOR fRE �lOVATION H.VA.C. 1. LIMITED HVAC WORK: PROVIDE NEW HVAC SYSTEM FOR THE BASEMENT INTERIOR RENOVATION PROJECT, INCLUDING EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR HVAC UNITS (BY RHEEM OR EQ.), DUCTWORK, CONDENSATE LINES, ELECTRICAL WORK, CONTROLS, ETC. COORDINATION WITH EXISTING MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND ALL MISCELLANEOUS PARTS AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR A COMPLETE SYSTEM. ALL NEW HVAC SYSTEMS MUST MEET NYS ENERGY CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR EFFICIENCYAND LEAKAGE.. 2. INSTALL NEW ROOM EXHAUST FANS IN THE BATHROOM AND LAUNDRY ROOM, PANASONIC WHISPERGREEN SERIES; EXHAUST TO EXTERIOR.. RE-SEAL ALL NEW OPENINGS IN EXTERIOR ENVELOPE CONSTRUCTION. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TO EVALUATE EXISTING SERVICE IF ADDITIONAL SERVICE IS REQUIRED. 2. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST EDITION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE. 3. PROVIDE ELECTRICAL POWER TO ALL APPLIANCES, LIGHTING AND HVAC SYSTEMS AS REQUIRED. COORDINATE ALL WORK WITH OTHER TRADES AND WITH THE ARCHITECT. 4. ALL WIRING SHALL BE ROMEX COPPER CABLE. 5. ALL SWITCHES SHALL BE CENTERED 36"A.F.F. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. ALL RECEPTACLES AND BOXES SHALL BE CENTERED A MINIMUM OF 12":A.F.F. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED AND WITH ACCORDANCE WITH NYS ELECTRICAL CODE. PLATES SHALL BE SELF GROUNDING. 6. ALL SWITCHES SHALL BE BY LUTRON. CONSULT WITH OWNER FOR COLORS OF SWITCHES, RECEPTACLES AND PLATES. THE OWNER SHALL APPROVE THE FINAL LOCATIONS OF ALL SWITCHES, RECEPTACLES, PANELS AND JOB NO.: DWG. NO, FIXTURES. ALL LED AND INCANDESCENT LIGHTING FIXTURES TO BE DIMMER SWITCHED; ELECTRICIAN TO CONFIRM TYPE OF DIMMER PER EACH LED FIXTURE. 7. PROVIDE AND INSTALL SMOKE DETECTORS, CO DETECTORS PER CODE; INCLUDING CO DETECTOR AS REQUIRED; COORDINATE PLACEMENT WITH ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. DATE: 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TO THE OWNER A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FROM AN AUTHORIZED INSPECTION AGENCY UPON COMPLETION OF THE WORK. 05. 13. 2024 'AT& 0 SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWING BY: KWB FRIVATE r------------------------i NEW HVAC UNIT(HVAC)FOR FINISHED BASEMENT-EXTEND RE5C)ENCE EXISTING i CONIC.PAD IF REQ'D; MECHANICAL I CONDENSER UNIT . RHEEM, EQUIPT I 3-TON 15.2 SEER,MODEL ' CONCRETE PAD I #RA15AZ36AJ3CA;W/FREON I I R410A I I EXISTING 10"CONCRETE L------------------------i a 4. ° d. ° a dINSULATIO d ° a °° °FOUNDATION WALL- s N EXTERIOR TO 2 FT BELOW ° GRADE;PER FILED CD SET EXISTG FEUM LINES G ° 181 ,4i�i�OUJ�-"� ,4I� LANE V UTfiITY i ACCESS AREA (� o I / ' I K 36'-8" I TYPICAL NEW PERIMETER °a INSULATED 2X6 @ 16IIN..OC r — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — .— — — — F C O I �I C - GYOP BD ON ROOM SIDE.OD R '_ ° I I NEW �0fR< 119�8 19'-0" coFRAME WALL W 22'-0" -1 16'-0" I I ° EXISTG DIRECT _ VENT HW BOILER N GC/OWNER T ANOD.H.W TANK EXISTING DETERMINEAREA I I JO MACHINIST 4 MECHANICAL ROOM I ' WRAP COLUMN IN NEW 2X4 I AND DR SIZE FOR I I ° (252 NSF) M ' @ 16 IN.OC WD FRAME ACCESS � WALL W/M.R.GYP BD. I -i ° ARCHITECT I I d NEWAIR-HANDLER(HVAC)FQ o O - V (NOTE:ALL WD'SILU PLATES TO U NOTE: INSTALL 1/2"M.R GYPSUM FINISHED BASEMENT: RHEEM4 TON MODEL#RH1 PZ3617STA BE P.T,SET ON'SILL-SEAL �' BOARD ON EX CEILING FRAMING ° I I 30 Smith Road.,Pcconic NY 11958(212)355-7171 MECH'L CONTRACTOR TO PROVID GASKET ONTO SLAB.) ABOVE;GLUE AND SCREW GYP I I DUCTED FRESH AIR TO RETUR I ' I BD TO JOISTS. — — — — — — — — — — — I SYSTEM,AS REO' . LOUNGE/TV ENTERTAINMENT AREA EXISTING STEEL ° 1$'-3" I I BEAM ABOVE- I ° �EXIST.2X WD NEW CABINETRY TO (NEW LVT FLOORING ON CONC. ENCLOSE IN GYP BD I I FRAMED WALL W/ I i. MATCH EXISTING IN SLAB(VIF CONC.IS SEALED I SOFFIT(INCLADDTL ° GYP BD BOTH SIDES 1ST FLOOR OFFICE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION) HVAC DUCTS) EXERCISE AT MECH'L ROOM I I GAME AREA I EXISTG I I I W TO X 6"o DR 19'-8 1/8" EXISTING BASEMENT I I N I ao ° I " I I BASEMENT: 2,160 GSFLo a ' €'XISTINGt�STEEL INTERIOR: 1,820 NSF I d I I< I I I3[AM AnOVr• , ° 00 �r I I ENCLOSE IN GYP�D (NIC MECH L ROOM) � r� 1 SOFFIT(INCLADDT'L (CEILING HEIGHT= 9'-3") I ExISTINGAGCESS I I (O NOTE:EXISTING 1ST FLOOR FRAMING OPENING AC CRAWL SPACE I Co M I I HVAC DUCTS) CRAWL OP REMAIN, SD/CO I CAVITY FILLED WITH R-30 BATT STUDY AREA 114EW INTERIOR 2X6 0 10 IN INSULATION,PER FILED PERMIT SET) � SD/CO I SPACE I GARAGE QC WD FRAME WALL W/M:R I ACCESS I (SLAB ON GRADE) I ° YR RFJ 60TH SIDES: _I CRAWL SPACE 3/4' 17'-2 3/8" I 10-0 6-5 7/8 3-4 1/8 1 -11 3/4 7-4 5/8 5-0 5 2'6 X 6' PKT DF� 2'a 6"DR UP I TRIMMED OP'G I ' 7EXIST'G -9 1/ 6'-0 1/2" 5'-0" 2'-6" — J 3'0 X 6"DR +• k ' tf'? EXISTING �_ _... .. : /_- f _-- _ - O TRIMMED OP' I I l l X6' c�,,EXTERIOR 3'o X 6'o DR r� f STAIRS-UP RIP-DRY HA NGIN —j 4"HT SHOWER]I, m S d ROD @ T-O" i u n CURB @ ENTRY rn Al .... ._.. I I - - TYPICAL NRW INTERIOR 2X4 I / X 6 H DR I I BATH ROOM I W I = - - 1ti IN:OC WOOL?FRAME a I ° LAUNDRY _I ,� CER.TILEFLR �e N I II I I �_ '° ° m WALL W/M:R,GYP OD BOTH 'r +y "` K t CEDAR I /4" I ROOM I i < 2'-9„ 14" I i5 i CLOSET i SIDES- 3'- 1/2" 9'-9 3/4" 1'-8" CEFLR LE 6'-1 11 ul 7 FT HIGH I d BELOW TILED WALL / I ✓. EI VANITY R SHOWER I I STAIRS I � �— s n CONTROLS I 0�L a��d0110110 t4* ----IL 72"X22" 10.0 ' ;� M_ I ELEG I'ANFL `. PUZZLE WORKSHOP r- - HOW6R a / I 4'X 6.5' - I .I I pp AREA JK x 1 .,_...... — — 8 sHowERHEADGAMES WORKSHOP 5 FIXED SHOWERL TLT HEA I'ILI EX.W�I ALL I 1 ' FILL Nf INTERIOR 2X4 , / ° 1 rRAMINO IR-13 VALUE I I 11'-3" 2'-11" I 10 IN,O WIT FRAME WALL 2.0 1/2 T-0 1/8 T-11 114' � K.F BATT 111 JULATION, i - - - - - - - - - - - W/I\�'1 s� t�A�l- EXI T MAIN SAT 1_— -------- -___.I I QC/OWNER fi d INSULATION,M.R.GYP Or) EXIS SUMP � WA TE LINE 1 1----�— �—' DRTERMINE AREA AND DR SIZE FOR BOTH 81 C8, PUMP \ d ° ° ° a a d ° ° Icy) I d °� AC,C.EPLUMBING °EXISTG S IDING i - ° a LINES ACCES L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _WI DOW 2 6'a D - cV DUROCK', L EXIST'G SLIDING AREA a - - - NEW CLG MTD EXHAUST FAN OR EO.ON(34"W 21"H) �`� (TO EXTERIOR);PANASONIC SHOWER (34"W x 2DOW WHISPERGREEN SERIES,FAN WALLS ONLY MODEL#FV 0511VK3(3 SPEEDS)-SWITCH WITH LIGHT FIXTURE. EXISTING 10"CONCRETE NOTE: NEW BATHROOM -SET FOUNDATION WALL- NEW FIXTURES AND ROUGHING INSULATION BD ON ON EXISTING PLUMBING STUB- EXTERIOR TO 2 FT BELOW UPS IN CONC. SLAB; CONFIRM GRADE;PER FILED CD SET DIMENSIONS. cl 0 2' 4' 1111 8' PROPOSED INTERIOR RENOVATION PLAN - BASEMENT INTERIOR IKJEW WALLS LEGEND 08.29.24 ISSUED FOR PER�'"REVIEW 1 . NEW NON-LOAD BEARING INTERIOR PERIMETER WALL - 2X6 @ 16" OC WD STUDS � coMBINATION, SMOKE AND 0? .21.2024 UyDATED AGCE3 CR",r STRL!G F E 5 TYPICAL NEW PERIMETER W/ P.T. 2X6 WD SILL PLATE ON 'SILL-SEAL CARBON-MONOXIDE DETECTOR; qF_ HARDWIRED (INTERCONNECTED TO ISSUES AND REVISIONS: INSULATED 2X6@16 IN.OC GASKET; 2X BLOCKING AT ALL WALLS OVER 8 SYSTEM ON FLOORS ABOVE) WITH FT TALL; FILL CAVITY WITH R-13 KRAFT- BATTERY BACK-UP. FACED (WARM SIDE) BATT INSULATION; M.R. INTERIOR fRENOVATION (MOISTURE RESISTANT) 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD ON INTERIOR SIDE. 2. NEW NON-LOAD BEARING INTERIOR WALLS EX. BASEMENT -NEW -� -` - 2X6 OR 2X4 WD STUDS (AS SHOWN ON PIOA(:.PdFWINTFR►0R2'� - PLAN) @16" OC STUDS W/ P.T. 2X WD SILL INTERIOR P 1O IN.Or,WOOD F RAM€ WALL W/M H.GlYF'L1f»01H PLATE ON 'SILL-SEAL GASKET, 2X BLOCKING RENOVATION PLAN AT ALL WALLS OVER 8 FT TALL; M.R. 1/211 GYPSUM BOARD ON BOTH SIDES. (SOUND BATT INSULATION AT BATHROOM AND LAUNDRY ROOM WALLS) ' EXIST.2X WD JOB NO.: DWG, NO. PAT RAMFI�WAt:L.WI FI-I"Wt HSIDF`93. EXISTING 2X WD FRAMED WALLS WITH MECti'I.R0�9M DATE: GYPSUM BOARD ON BOTH SIDES, 05. 13. 2024 SURROUNDING EXISTING MECHANICAL SCALE: AS NOTED ROOM. A" l 00 DRAWING BY: KWB FRIVATE I I L------------------------J I t ° d d ° d e e d � E � ° ° e d d ° _ e d e 8 d a ° ° a 4 ° d PLUMBING ° EXI;T'G -I __.__......_.............. .........._.._........� J LINES TV(WALL HUNG) ..... .... .. .. ..... . .. .... ._.... ......._...... f..... IACCESS AREA e SINK { 'I 4 I SOFFIT ' SOFFIT ---- 1,. REVD DOWNLIGHT '\a ID6.s- 181� Ai�F-,0WHEAlD LANE (TYP.) �a t 1 ' ,' P,EC'D DOWNLIGHT \ FECONIG NEW III �/ p, Q EXISTING I VIEW �0fRK 11 J�C5 e MECHANICAL ROOM ° (252 NSF) t CLG FAN z 1 I ° ° (I d I 1 NOE INSTALL 1/2"M.R.GYPSUM ° ° EXISTING LIGHTING, li ' f ® ' i I r �- — BOARD ON EX.CEILING FRAMING T �T� ° SWITCHINGAND j -I_--GQ -FF--- i ABO�/E;GLUE AND SCREPGYP 4 OMACHINIST ELECTRICAL TO REMAIN ; ; i T B E BD To cols rs. I ARCHITECT (EXCEPT AT NEW HVAC I .!' j i - LOUNGE/TV ENTERTAINMENT AREA SOFFIT�? 2 VIF '1 EQUIPMENT 1 I I (REF DTL, HIS SH1 ET) d ) `: `\ 30 Smith Road.,Pcconic NY 11958(212)355-7171 i EXERCISE + REC'D WA k- GAME AREA l I WASHER,Ir G EXkST'G it 1 col L- ..-----.....-.-.-..------ ---...---..._...---------..--.---..._ 3'0 X 6't0 D I '1 ,/ ,' EXISTING BASEMENT TABLE LAMP-TYP POOL TABLE /, \I LED STRIP LTG I PENDANT (CEILING HEIGHT= 9'-3") ON SOFFIT yPOFFrT + NOTE:EXISTING 1ST FLOOR FRAMING / SD/CO @ 8'- VIF j CAVITY FILLED WITH R-30 BATT SD/CO CRAWL STUDY AREAINSULATION,PER FILED PERMIT SET) SPACE l i LED STRIP LTG `I I ,\ ,'ly I i i ACCESS i ON SOFFIT EXIST'G I I � \yl / .'0� SCONCE + ` . / —_ \ \\ "-------------- ��/ SWITCH ___ WALL- 2 X 6"PK b I I p�N � � 2'8 X 6'8 DR -- ICON RQLI§ALL`— I \\�` WASHER LTG ° e O ''��_PA ��.\� — --- D D --- - O F.PISLEDLT \`� �, e X ' DR _ — — S F ---- ^-___ EXISTING EXIST'G ✓ ;Ta _ �. LED I✓ -------------------- EXTERIOR -E — --9`O.s__ D --- STRIP �I � 3' X6' DR i 1 AG a'2'_ _ .�-- 1, I -------- rn i STAIRS ' x� i211] d STAIRS-UP D 1 \ sco tcE �- -� ,I FAI\*, d �. �tk r >� ,.........,.............i 1 n I \ --' \ EXISTING CEDAR CL I SC NpE 1 SC C �.v �,4£' /sr.�,',•,� D.O S i. J....-. — —` ` STAIRS LIGHT I LIGHT? 1 \ t IN E 8 X 6'B DR /BATHROOM , \ IV ° I _ FAI�,�, ✓ LAUNDRY r i m �, FIXTURESAN 1 , 1 CEDAR .► .. ` I t SWITCHES TO CLOSET \\ ° ,gyps ROOM 1 / I SCONCE \ ` c I ` ' ° REMAIN. I \ \ ✓ '� \ III ( i 'sCC a�'E ` II BELOW I eCLG STAIRSELEC PANEL ACCEss \ PUZZLE WORKSHOP ✓ ::. .....:: I l' AREA \ 1cn_ I�\ 1 \ 1 I \` \ / ,/ Sj11"t - � kO 8 \ ✓ ;: , I I m , 1 I GAMES WORKSHOP ;i E► 1 ` t� \� 1 I 'I 1ftl1114t4� 1 1 l d TCtG " I If \ I r ---� \ 1 1 I 'I I It 'v f d ° NLUMBINU d &ONCE � +\ � � n ° ° ° clio LINES ACCESS Q rXV `� .' ° J 4 SD / CO = COMBINATION, SMOKE AND CARBON-MONOXIDE DETECTOR; Z HARDWIRED (INTERCONNECTED TO SYSTEM ON FLOORS ABOVE) WITH BATTERY BACK-UP. NEW REFLECTED CEILING PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" EX. TJI FLOOR EX. STL BEAM STRUCTURE P...,....... ,................. ..................... ...._...... .......,.....,.... ......,..«-__.. .........,._..._. I . 0E.2Q'.24 I&&'ED FOR PER` '7 REVIEW 1/2" M.R. GYP B D 1/2" P LYWD c';.21.2c24D�r>=D AGCESSCe`-src- � HVAC 2X WOOD FRAMING @ W DUCT M.R. GYP BD ISSUES AND REVISIONS: 2FT OC (AKA TRUSS ) w . Q z LED SOFFIT LTG w O STRIP ON BLKG INTBROR FENOVATION --- ------T (ALIGN DIFFUSER 14- 0 -1 F— WITH VERT'L TRIM) FINISH GR 1" THK 2'-2" VIF W/DUCT SIZE 0 O BIRCH PLY - PTD ~ O EX. BASEMENT N NEW REFLECTED CEILING PLAN TYPICAL SOFFIT DETAIL WITH LED LIGHT STRIP JOB NO.: DWG. NO. DATE: 05. 13. 2024 SCALE: AS NOTED Aml 01 DRAWING BY: KWB fi�E51I�El�CE 181E� ARF-,0WHEAlD LANE fi EGON.IG NEUJ �Oi�� 119�8 JO MACHPOST ARCHITECT 30 Smith Road.,Pcconic NY 11958(212)355-7171 r------------------------i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I �------------------------� d PLUMBING ° 16��CCE( ALL HUNG) � AV,GAMES, EQUIPT? REA SIN ..000RD HT.W/OWNER . N . . -.. ME d AT .....-----._._..._............) ° ° ;l !*! d I ! - -- --r------ MtlosS ,R' C1 t PC IfAlIT MECHANICAL ROOM (252 NSF) ...........................�. ...._ MEGHANIGAL KUUMIn d NOTE: INSTALL 1/2"M.R.GYPSUM (`I r� d HVAC BOARD ON EX CEILING FRAMING �_. ABOVE;GLUE AND SCREW GYP TABLE BD TO JOISTS. LOUNGE/TV ENTERTAINMENT AREA I �®s�fl S tXl ° d ( A T ° EXERCISE/ — I GAME AREA d d� EXIST'G ) SABLE I .._.....---............__.......... -.._......_.......__._..__ 3'0 X 6'10 D I I I EXISTING BASEMENT—] IPOOL TABLE II FLOG I 8 HOUSE)OUTLET II I (CEILING HEIGHT= 9'-3") I ° NOTE: EXISTING 1ST FLOOR FRAMING d SD/CO I I CAVITY FILLED WITH R-30 BATT SD/CO I CRAWL STUDY AREA I I INSULATION,PER FILED PERMIT SETT ///���"��� SPACE ACCESS 4 . II 2'6 X 68 PK D I ( I } 2,8 X 6,8 DR Q ---- - I - V X 6"DR EXISTING B X 6"' EXISTING l ,.... - EXIST'G GF 1 GFCI GFCI STAIRS , EXTERIOR 3'0 X 6"0 DR ---1:44" {✓ m u% i1U d STAIRS-UP , W I - m I' BATHROOM to '8 X 6'e DR ! LAUNDRY m i ROOM CEDAR II i o CLOSET ° i cl�DRE�I BELOW d a 44 II STAIRS I G I j, 1 i - ELEC PANEL --- GFCI - — ACCESS PUZZLE WORKSHOP ° AREA I m COORD HT i WNANITY i GAMES WORKSHOP t l i 1 4e 11 I z I) tl d 14 I ° . n F ( G? II - tI tl I _ _ ----------I--------- I --------- t I PLUMBING d LINES ACCES t d ° rXV \� �� AREA ° i Al ° J) Qp I 00.2Q.24 I&SUED FOR F: E I 'u) d C:,.il,iC24 U D4,TED AGGESSOR`STR� GTI,RES NOTE: NEW BATHROOM -SET NEW FIXTURES AND ROUGHING ISSUES AND REVISIONS: ON EXISTING PLUMBING STUB- UPS IN CONC. SLABI CONFIRM DIMENSIONS. INTEF-,10F FENOVATION BASEMENT - ARCHITECTURAL ELECTRICAL PLAN A SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" EX. BASEMENT - NEW ARC H'L ELECTRICAL PLAN JOB NO.: DWG. NO. DATE: 05. 13. 2024 SCALE: AS NOTED Am I u"mh' 2 DRAWING BY: KWB 1 6,_611 6-5 7/8" FRIVATE 216 X 611 PK D 218 6'$ DR NOTE: ALL PLUMBING FIXTURES, FITTINGS, - - _ APPLIANCES, LIGHT FIXTURES AND FINISH cn z MATERIALS TO BE SELECTED BY THE r 4" HT SHOWER m I CURB @ ENTRY SHOWER SEAT. : E � OWNERS tTi 3/4" THK STONE REINF �_ BATHROOM cn 2. ALL NEW PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL EASED TOP EDGE �_^ ASAPP'D BY CLIENT W/) '��� w '�`� �'�N DEVICES TO COMPLY WITH NYS 2020 LAUNDRY L - BUILT UP EDGE- I _./. - - N — - -- — R(�IO(�/ I - -— -m-+ II�K f 2'-9" 14" ! RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CODE AND LOCAL 1�1U� ,�Oi� 119�8 r� — M o AUTHORITIES. rsanuzl.nnTosrrnTrsrrr crzr nnnnnnn n -CLi 7 FT HIGH 6 -1 TILED�vALL — (3) STLSTL 1/4 THK X 14 X 7 O �� A BRACKET BY FEDERAL VANITY �- _ J ST I , SHOWER i _ BRACE, OR EQ., MTD ON r 72"X22" 10'-0" Ln CONTROLS i U 1r111CI NOTE: DUROCK BD; WATERPROOF ARCHITECT ✓' `� — — — I._ -- -� MATERIAL OVER BRACKET ON SHOWER i GC TO LET STONE SLAB :io s,,,;�>h Road.,����<����� NY 11958(2l2>:i>>-7�7� �_ -: - - - .................. t1) c 4' X 6.5' INTO TILE (3 SIDES) __....._...._......_............ r WALL. I I = f II SINK r.l.l ' HA�NDHELD—_\ SHOWER HEAD r- o FIN. FLOOR AT DRAIN I z FIXED SHOWER— FIN. C TLT HEA �- — - ° as R rE _ I2'-6 1/2" -' 3'-0 1/8" 1/43'-11 1/4" XI T. MAIN SEAT A TE LINE DETAIL SHOWER SEAT D S NEW LAUNDRY ROOM AND BATHROOM DETAIL PLAN NTS 1 SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" ,sisyssswss�R��� • s, . y .. (, WALL MTD SHOWER HEAD , 4 ROBE HOOKS--I _......_..__.......____ ..__..__.......____....._.__...r_._......._..._......_....._.._._....�...._._....__.._...._._...... _.___._.. _... __ o'°° toots, i iiibl i I I SHOWER ROBE HOOKS -- ----- -- -- AD- -- I I HE i [.._-.. ......_...._.................._................. .J-) SHOWER HAND AY -- -------- - - TILED WAILLF) . .S / 'R MIRROR ---- -- HOWR------ -- --- - EL ...........-........ TAW BARS 'FLOATING' SHELVES - CONTROLS ..._._............ .. I i - - - 2"'_(THK) 33'"X._14" TILED WALL. .. . .�► TILED WALL ��.� 0 TI�.FD WALL . .......... . . _. AILED wn6L ......... _ � LeDw i. C.l[ - - __ _ Y bo PO KPT .................. -1` C� ................... 0 r FLO _..................... A IN SHELVES _._........._.... TLT 0 ER i i t!a ........._........ . ........... ..... BENCH ; OWER SEAT �:.SH +- _.. .--- ----- --- - -- - - --. - ........... ... ................... VANITY DRAIN __. CABINET i -- B ._... ---- ------- : HO ER CUR= ENTRY, __ . ... .............. ... .................................. i. _F___— r t9————r-——— .1 1 NEW (BATHROOM - ENTRY ELEVATION NEW BATHROOM - SHOWER + SHELVING NEW BATHROOM - SHOWER SEAT WALL NEW BATHROOM VANITY ELEVATION 1'-0" B SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" C SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" D SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" O_.2a.24 i55!QED FCiR�- FEZ`1`"REVIEI%J GE.21,2024 UFDTED AGGE��GR" 5"R�GURE� I DROP CLG TO DROP CLG TO 8'-2" EXIST'G 8'-2" HOUSE MAIN ISSUES AND REVISIONS: _.......... _.__.... NEW DRIP DRY - / HANGING ROD I�ITEi�IOiR fiREI�OV,�T101� .....................................;.................. HOUSE MAIN o ! II EXIST'G� I � o I SE M ' _...... _.. TOWEL HOOK M I M _......... .. ............:....._.... ......... ... i.. . ......... WALL CAB'TS 1 I OPEN L WALL POCKET I SHELVING i I � FOR SLIDING DR STRIP SINK FAUCET WALL CAB'TS _......................__. ......... ....... ._..............'. _.. ....... ....._........_... REC'D LED STRIP - - - --- o LTG (REC'D) ��NE W L o TOWEL BARS W AL INTERIOR ___� ...... P W/D COUNTER I //COUN W/D COUNTER I I SHELVING SINK COUNTER I -- - -— — __ I ELEVATIONS i - — — — ooao oaoo � OPEN AREA LAUNDRY I j I WASHER DRYER -SINK COUNTER FOR W/D SINK . ....._........ .............._....__........ -. .... /... M I co I !...............................................1................. ... ........................................................... M M M ` OPEN OR I !.... . . ....._.._. ................... .._......... CAB'T?IIL I i I I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - � � JOB NO,: DWG. NO. NEW BATHROOM - SHOWER WALL NEW LAUNDRY - SINK ELEVATION NEW LAUNDRY - W/D ELEVATION DATE: (:E SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" N SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" N SCALE: 05. 13. 2024 SCALE: AS NOTEDAM/= DRAWING BY: KWB