HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA-10/09/2003 HEAR SOUT~tOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS SPECIAL M~ET1NG TRANSC~ OF ~IEARINGS HELP OCTOBER 9~ 2003 (Pr~ed by Jess{ca Bog~) Present w~e: Cha~omm Ly~a A. To.ora M~ber Gered P. Goe~g~ Memb~ Ruth D. OHva Memb~ V~c~t ~i~do L~nda Kow~s~ Secret~ Absmt w~e: M~b~ George Hying ~LIC ~~: 7:4¢pm C~mBs, R & A / M~k Sehw~, Arch. g5393 (Cut.over from 9/25 for flo~r plans, sub~e~) Th~s ~s a request for V~r~nees ~der Sections 10~-242A, 1~-244~ ~d 10~-33, b~sefl on the Bug~g Dep~ment~s N~t~ce of D~s~pprow~ amended Su~y t7~ 2~3 eoneem~g prop~se~ afl~ns/~tera~s ~ the ~we~g ~ s~de yards ~ ~ess ~h~n ~5 on one s~de and 2¢* ~ ~he o~er s~de, ~or a t~ at ~ess ~h~ f~ve (~ feet groin the prepe~ ~e~ LoeaSoa: 6525 [ad~an Neck Lane, 86-~24. CHAIRWO~N: ls semeone here who wou~d like to spe& on beha~fof~e app~catiCn7 M~ SCHWARTZ, ARCH: M~k Schwamz, ~chkect fCr the project. CHAIRWOMAN: Okay, what c~ you te~I M~. SC~TZ: Yon had a&ed fer ~e exist~g ~¢or plus ~d proposed floor pI~s, which ~ subm~aed. CHA~WO~: Yes you d~d. ~. SC~TZ: As ~ mentioned at the previous hea~ng, it's going to be a cape s~le house, ene ~d a h~f stories, you have the first ~oor pl~. ~e second floer plan wi!~ :" have space for probably 2 bedro¢ms ~d ane barroom, bnr we ~e not ge~ng to, ~e space w~II be there. We're not go~g t¢ ~sh t~s ~ffas p~ af this pro~ect. MEMBER OL~A: You have pI~s h~e for 2 ~tchens, Mr. Schw~z7 SPECIAL MEETING - IPUBL~C ~EAFC&NG MR. SCHWARTZ: Nc ME.ER OLd-A: T~n ~ don'~ ~d~smnd. T2is is proposed ? ~oor confused. CH~WOMAN: ~ Sck~-~:z, if you co'rid use t~e ~op~mne beca-ase we don2 ge~ ~hing on ~e record~ ~MBER OLFVA: MR. SCrOVARTZ: U~e*s one pl~:. The 5rsi sheet shows you fne exis~ng ~e second skee¢ shows ~he proposed. Tixe ~rd slee~ acmai¢ shows Ge existk~g ~MBER GOET~GER: Now my quos!on 5s ~e s~e gues~o:l I karl a the pn~lic hemng. ~d ~:at is, E~e was diso'assio= goou~ whal yon ref~ m a ~e 5rsi ~a: is gohng ro r~am Thai is ~ en~oack~-:¢ on cie propmW line, ~. SCHW~TZ: ~ t~ k~s l~e 2", or 6" ~om the prop~ Eno. ~t's you dose. MEMBER GOEHP~GER: That is staying7 ~. SC~ARTZ: ~a~ is s:a~ng ~ is. ~fs going to be, it was a beOoom, we ~e going to n~iiize il as a close~. ~HA~WOM~: %ars what we, ~ere was some conh~shon about the heafii~g, a~ the l ~[:~ we goi thai cleaed up, ~es 5~ is going ro r~aN. ~R. SCHWARTZ: Exactly gs CHARWOMAN: Only going to be one MR. SCHW~TZ: Yes, we're no: going to be charting that ar ail CHAIRWOMAN: The new addilon is nor going to ~YZner increase, or go line. ifs going re follow tine Eno ofihe house d:_recily ro the south. ~. SC~¢ARTZ: Yes. CHA~RWOM~N: Cle~ to me. I p~sonally thi~< ~:e applican~ bas ~ mqusua2 si:uation. T?=ere is no expansion wi~[~ a key ~ea thai ~ was concerned ~oui wi5 <~e zxpalzshon of that E~le niche, h is an ex/r~e!y na~'ow loL ifs o:%y 80' wide, ~thou~ ifs ve~~ deep. Page 2 of i 4 SPECIAL MEETKNG- ?UBL][C ~E~G And there are limitations on it. So I personally do not have a problem. I don't really think the applicant has any other alternatives in this instance. Mr. Goehfinger? MEMBER GOEHRINGER: We could, of course, make you cut back that area that is within 2" of the existing property, since this is really like a total renovation of the house. Is it not? I mean they are moving out to do this renovation, r~ght? MR. SCHWARTZ: We haven't discussed that, but yes, it's big enough that they may have to move out. MEMBER GOEHRINGER: I don't know at what point 50% mark is, it's probably at least 50%, if not more· Not in reference to total square footage, but in reference to things that are going to be done to the house· So again, we could make it more conforrrfing if we wanted to, but it appears the board doesn't to do that. I don't mean that in a sarcastic mmmer, I mean that in a pragmatic manner. So, we~i1 go firom hhere. CHAIRWOMAN: Let me ask you a question. If we cut this back, how many inches? MEMBER GOEHRKNGER: He said it was 2". CHA~RWOMAN: So if we cut this back, what are you suggesting? MEMBER GOEHRINGER: I'm not suggesti~.g, if it's 2" or a foot, it's still very close to the prope~w line. CHAIRWOMAN: What are you suggesting that he would cut it back? MEMBER GOEHR1NGER: In reality, 3' MR. SCHWARTZ: In that area, I don't thir& so. Is there a basement under... BOARD SECRETARY KOWALSKh Excuse me, Mr. Combs, because we are recording, somebody else needs to transcribe it. What was the question? MR. COMBS: Not a question, just a statement that the structure existed before the current owner purchased the property. Years ago apparently they were not that accurate with SUi~ve S A ~'~ ~ ~nd ~ · y an,~ ~ z rormar owner discovered when they were putting their affairs in order that we were actually over the line and be deeded~ there is a separate deed for that few inches of property. And at the time, I wanted to purchase some more, and he didn't want to sell it. MEMBER ORLANDO: That section, that 10*xl0', or whatever, there is a full basement under that? MR. COMBS: It's not a full, but it is up on block, and it's excavated underneath. That's how _~ got the heat out there when we... Page 3 o£14 MBMBBR O~ANDO: Ohs so 2% a c~awispace, It% no{ a f~H 8~ basement. Mit. COMBS: Pssdon. MB~ER ORE~NDO: It's a ~awIspac~ with awood~:, Pm so~, di~ ~affs how fl~ happened. Appgenfly the st~ey yem~s ag% su~eys~ were nor as gcc,arare. As a m~ of fact wh~ 'gze people moved in tsar had ~ house, fi~ey had a f~ce put up wi%& we never had ~e~ ~d they Fat it up 5~ on ~neir line~ md then back ~nd ~oved it when ff~ey discovered that tlneir ~o~leet er whatever~ fenc* b~lder had made mn MEI~nR OL~A: ~d'how long hgs ~. COMB S: We had ac~aHy been moMng the la~ ~d eve~>Jng on abo~t 5~ of iagt for prob~oly 4-0 ye~s, ME~ER OL~A: How tong has ~at house been ff~ere~ tl~ou~? ~. CO~S: ~e house was bnilt in ~ 94,7. ~d fine addition A~es. was? MRS, CO~S: ~4-9. MR. CO~S: '4-g or ~49. Ss that has 5eon ii, ere s{nce tlnat time. CHAIRWOMAN: Mr. Sdnwa~z, co~d you give us a cost esfi~s~e ofw%at it wo~dbe !o remove a 3' section of that ~itfie spit? A rou~ cos: MR. SCHWARTZ: I don't tln{~ Fd be able ro ~ve yon m-~l~g you aec,~ate. To be honest witlz you. It ~ust would, it's considerable, i coul~n~i ~ve you a n-~_ber off2~e top sf~y hca& ~ousgmds of doll.s, CHAW<WOMAN: ~. Goel~nger? MEMBER GOEHR~GER: i apoio~ze for mi~ing you sit 5ack down again~ Combs. but m_y qu. esiion ~o you zs~ is fi:e o~er offfzat 3 '/2 acres the sg~e owr~ presently that you bought that li~le Nt of area MR. COMBS: T/nat w~ 2 own~s back. MEMBER GOEHR~GEX: ~at was 2 o-~ers back ~ta! prope~, is 5zat ~. CO~S: No. sir, Page 4- of 14 S?ECIAL MEETI[NG - PUBL][C Ja~EARLNG MEMBER GOEHR~,IGER: ~e is a house on ~. COMBS: Yes. ~ey put a sM~ng pool ~d a pvolhouse ~d a dock out ov~ the wet!~ds. ME~ER GOEH~GER: I apolo~e. I was fixated on yo~ house ~d I ~dn't look at that house. I looked at ~e house on the opposite side. ~. COMBS: The~ve done a gear de~ of work. ~d they took out a lot of~e na~ vegetation that was ~e. But that's ne~ here nor ~ere. MEMBER GOE~GER: But ~ey definitely ~ow that yo~ prope~ line is of... MR. CO~S: Yes sir. Because when ~ey p~chased it I c~led ~d ~ked ifCaey w~ted to cohs~d~ seli]ng some. ~d ~ey s~d no. ME~ER GOEH~GER: ~o brou~t hke issue up at 'd~e hem4mg ~at ~s... MR. CO~S: I believe ~t was a stepfath~ or fa~er-in-law of one of~e o~s of~e prope~y. MEMBER GOEH~GER: Of~e prop~: ~. COMBS: They've o~ybee2 in thee about 5 or 6 ye~s. MEMBER GOEHR~GER: ~ got coursed at ~e being. I thou~t ~t was the n~bor on ~e o~er side that w~ compl~ing about, ~d I coul&n't ~e out why ~ne ne~bor on ~e off, er side wo~d complain about that addition was so close to ~e prop~ line. Now I see, as you said, it was a relative of~e p~son that lives next door. ~. CO~S: It w~ some so~ a relative of a person hSat lives to ~e south, X ~ess you would call it. MEMBER GOEH~GER: Southeast. MR. COMBS: East, closer to the public latching rmp. C~WOMAN: Are ~ere ~y olher co~ents? Is there ~yone in the audience who would like to speak in favor or. against the applica~on? Seeing no broads 711 m~e a .. motion to c~ose the being and rese~e decision ~til ~ater. PLEASE SEE M~TES FOR RESOLUTION Page 5 of 14 8PECEAL MEETNG- PUBLIC EZ~Pt_~rNG CHARWOMAN: Is someone t~e who wo~d Hke to spe~ on behglf of gppliczfien? JOSEPH GUw~MI: Good ev~fng~ Myngrne ~s los~h Gulmi. CHA~WOM~: ~gt cmn you tell ns since we saw yen '~e i~st {me? ~d fi w~n~t ~oo tong age. MR. GUL~: No {t was about 2 monGs ago. We sffemi~ed to you g s*~ey v~th proposed swimzs~ng peol~ g~g% ~d shed on it. We ~e re{ues~ng a 2P setbaet propenI is m~que h~ ~g it h~ 2 ~*ont y~ds. ~md the side grad back of e~ property hgve joined the wetl~ds. ~is is the orJy area i~g we lave ti%g we c~ b~!d in. I don~t k~ow thgt ~here's arising else to add. MEMBER O~N'DO: It looks like you moved the pod from last time? MR. GULMI: Well we had someone come in, ~ad we located it within that 25* setbaok I beEeve fl~ere was some probl~_ wi{Jn the &awings that we suC, mitted at 'due last Se we h~d someone corse xn mud work off Ine s~wey, shew the 25' setbaok, mud wh~'e we would be peskfoning the pool Ifs basfc~ly a Iago, open field. The rest ~f prope~ is heavily wooded, meal has r~ained in a ns:$~ srg:e. Tiis fs mn open field we decided we would place ~ae ~oool in MEMBER ORL~O: Vd:at is just east of~e pool aggin? Is that dee poe!house, cz% on yo~' su:wey here? MR. GULMI: East of itc pool. thee is ~ g~age, combination, garage and shed th[t we are lookfng :o ~u: in, whfch would house 2ze 51~atior. sysr~ flor ~&e 7oo]: pool :hem~cals and g~age, whfch would, we put our cgrs MEMBER ORL~DO: The n~es ere the Walk,es. ~s tl~a': co:Tect? ~ne ne[~Y~o:s Ge W~lkers, fs that tlefr... MR. GULMN WeN. the Walkers ~e one of o'~ rtei~bors, tkat's co~ec'z. MEMBER ORLANDO: She had a lett~ in the:~e ~om last time. is that MR. GULMr: 2tear concern was that we no~ place or7 &iveway on Pine Tree Road which ~,~ps ~onnd o:~ prop~y. And our propexy abuts our prop~' in the vicinity' Page 6 of 14 s?Ec a gV O- EAmNG their house. They have a t~s ~m ~n their ~ont y~d~ ~d ~ey were concerned ~at we wo~d pu~ a ~veway ~ ~ere off that section of p~e Wee road ~at world inv~e privacy, if you MEMBER OLWA: But you ~e keeping yo~ ~veway just ~he way it is now? MR. GUL~: There w~e no pI~s to ch~ge the ~veway at ~1. I~m jus~ ass~ng MEMBER OL~A: ~ey ass~e that you mi~t ch~ge it. ~. GULMI: Welt, I ~ess, we nev~ had my discussions Mth ~ ~at we w~e chang ~t. ~d in fact, we've located the g~age ~ ~2e vhc~W ~at we've located it in so ~at we wouldn*t have to excavate for a new ~veway. We would be able to use ex, stag driveway m~d ~ off to ~e le~, wMch ~s wh~e we woMd place the g~age. ~at is ~t at the edge of the opm field. ME~ER GOE~GER: May I ask a question? CHA~WO~N: C~a~y, Mr. Goe~g~? ME~ER GOE~GER: ~. G~mi, what acPaaliy is going to be p~ or,at ~ea ba~ of the g~age? ~ ~ow you just des~bed it to us as accesso~ cont~ning pool ~d ~e pool ~l~on syst~. MR. GULMI: A cheung room, possible a show~, maybe a toilet, I don't ~ow. We're tMh~ng about that now, ~d ckec~ng what ~e req~rements wo~d be to hook up to o~ ex~sfing cesspool. ~d the g~age would be a g~age. MEMBER GOEHR~GER: ~s ~ere ~ing in ~s pa~cul~ project, ~d I'm z~oing in on ~e gmrage, heated on a ye~ rotund basis? ~. GULMI: We have no ~nt~fion ofhea~ng the g~age. It would simplybe a g~age. MEMBER GOEHR~GER: So ~I it would have is the u~iiW of bo~ elecMc~ty ~d wat~? MR. GULMI: Yes. ~MBER ORLA~O: I don't believe we have ~y k~nd of drawing of¢~t, do we? MR. GULMX: No. TbJs is a multi-phase project. MEMBER ORLA~O: Before we could approve that g~age Mth all those men,ties it, we'd have to see a pl~. We c~'t approve based on genetic he,say of what may or may not put in it. Page 7 of 14 bo~d lo get approvM to ge'~ a 25~ setback to ti~e MB~ER ORLANDO: Well you w~e de,fled for accessoU sized in an ~ea other ~e rea~ y~d. ~. GULMI: ~t's al~, my pro!se~ -~fo~ately is ~i ~ont yard exert for ~_e side~ w~xch ~ns ~ong ~e wetl~ds~ ~d ~ie bad~. whick r~s along the weff~ds. ME~ER GOEHR~GER: I tl'~ink what Mr. Orl~do ~s saying, Mm G~=2. 5s il~at~ you gave us a floor plan. w~ch wo,~d show us what you ini~d to b:~ff[d no manet you w~r a buiidk~g~ oka~ i don2 ti~rX you'd have a 7robl~. ~hh ihaL MR. GULMI: Exc~r Fd kayo to i~re m ~c~tect at th~s po~t ~o prepae a draMxg. ~ ?tm no~ prepared to do ME~ER GOEI~-GER: Well ibex you've got to ~ve '~ some sizes. 1~. GULMt: I have. 30xgO on tko garage, 35~ id~5. 20~0 o~ fne ~ned. ~5~ MEMBER ~OEHR~GER: Okay~ so the 30x30 on ice g~age ~ncludes *~ai little aea ~e back ~ai you are conside~ng ro be~ because wkat ?m loo~ng s.'l 5s, maybe if ?u cen~e ;als h~e~ I']I just point it our ';o you. I see t[-Js as being the accessou she& i ~ow what ff~Js is ha& }~. GUL~x Oh so~. We ~e refe~ng to tko ~ea ar i?xe ve~ back of ~al is g~age btfi~ng. ~d thafs storage ~ea. We wo~d have. r~a*: ffzmc going '~z'ou~z g~age~ I would have doors in the back of hhe gm, age ~ere ~ :otfid store ckemJcals ~d otker sosl p~aphem~ia. ME~BR GOEHR~G~X: Okay. Sc the accessou bu{lding would actually be tko buil~ng where fire changing ~ea would be ~. GULMI: So I don't have mbs of chlorine azd oiher pool chem{ca!s ~d fire nets and the ski~ers ~d the vacu~s. Basically so youke not tripping over ?hose kerns yin;ko chsn~ng. CHARWOMAN: T~_e off,ha! pla~s to the Building Donas_em showed a~ L-shs:ged pool You have since chmged? ~. GULM~: Yes we have We spoke Mtk, fi~Js pool is smaller tka~ tine one fizat we had o~nally en~:sioned building. The Z shaned pool Ifs a fiber~ass pool that we looking ar. CHA~WO~N: Is it elevated? Page S?ECIAL MEETING - ?~JBLXC ~EARENG MR. GULMI: No, it's mn ingrou~nd pool. CHAIRWOMAN: Amd the elevation is about I57 MR. GULMh It's a 40x15 or 16' pool. 16 wide, I think, 16 and a few inches a~d 40' long. CHAIRWOMAN: W~at would the board 1/ke to do at this point? T~Ss is our 2nd hearing on this. MEMBER ORLANDO: I know we had asked for these drawings. He d~d a better survey, but I can't approve a 30x20 whatever s~ruc~re that's fictitious fight now. It's not even in conception of being drawn. It could change tomorrow, the design. MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Well at least a floor plan. MEMBER ORLANDO: Or a floor plan. CHAIRWOMAN: Are we ta~king about the pool? MEMBER ORLANDO: No the garage with the attachments, the bathroom and the shower. MR. GULMI: Fm tookSng for a 30x30 building, 36~ high. Amd a 20x20 building 16' high. CHAIRWOMAN: Which one is going to be 36~ high? MR. GULMI: The garage, ~'m sorry, 16' high. 2M~d a 20x20 16~ high. CHAIRWOMAN: Back kup... MR. @ULMI: Sure, 30x30, I6' high, and 20x20 16' high. CHAIRWOMAN: One story?. MR. GULMh Yes. It's the same height as the house. MEMBER ORLANDO: But you don't know that, you don't have any drawings to look CHAIRWOMAN: Ali you have to do is say that in the decision. 30x30, one single story s~-ucture, max/mum height of 16'. That's all you have to say. Page 9 of 14 MEMBER GO H~ER. rna~s ~n~ ~er the g~age~ Lyd{a, Bu~ we nave a prebi~ ~ih ~e storage b~lding. ~e problem we have Mth ¢~e storage bui]d~g is ~d Pm ncr ~ GUL~: Fm here to be helped, e~ MEMBER GOEH~GER: Because if you donk skew us a floor elan on k ~xd we donzi approve a fleer pl~. then the Building Depm~t is going m m~{e yon come back~ sometime m t~e MR. GUnMI: That maybe, ~d Fm prepped to ~o that, ~fn gets to ff~xa~ pm~:t V~%~. don't w~t to is, before i have Ge pool in, h~ve someboey We me &a~mgs~ wkJc~ ~e~ have to p~y for, V~at i would tike to do, ~_d what we intend on doing, is hanna pool installed, then weq1 msh~e ~ decision as to whe~ or not weYe gmng to go Mff~ a g~ge~ a pool house~ or sized, ~d a g~age, ~d at fizat point, ~ tho~t _ h~ ~o deal wifln the Bufld~ng D~m%~em (BD}. My understmnding w~s ~e ~ ~ctures wonis e~ p]~ to m~e s*~e it was btfilt to code. MEMBER GOEHP~GER: Ev~Z~Jng we've seen so fg: ~ ~ - * m :eze~ence m pooHxo~sea fire remote they stm~ geR~g · lifgle ov~ the size of ~e pool, equipment goes in~ it goes to us. Becanse ~en they become mediate/oekdng MR. GULMI: ~en. I ~s~e, !ql be back in front of As bo~d with gc>fitec~ra~ &a~mgs. ME~ER GO~H~ER~ Woke ~ust ~elHng you that finals probity ~naffs going to happy. MR GULMI: I appreciate '~at. And I ass~._e nothmg ~ess. Ijnst ~mnt inzm{ xi was az ~is isoini that [ needed ffqose &awings. Because quite ff~ly~ ~ didn't ~ow what i want ~o co with MEMBER GOmHR~G~R: W~rejt*st fi~ng ~o save you a CHAIRWOMAN: Okay. I lhi~ the board has. wculd really like is t~<e a seious at frae pool, as far as the g~age~ when you have fi:~ pitons of~e garage mat we can review. Then we c~ review that ai ffhat time. ~e only off:er alta_afire is lo ~eave 8~e~e _s a fi~ location er_ LEe g~age deafly showing ~ae dimension he~ng open until ~ ~ ; the setbacks to Fine Tree Road, :o aH,ys~ sidey~ds. Beck, se ffzese are flings !hat we don~t wanr m end up m a s~tmalmn wn~re ~ months do~_ the road. we have anm'oved accesso~ garage ~d a shed. and we don~t ~zow the location. MR. GULMI: ~e locater ,s whe_e ~ appe~s. Fhis is why ~ don~t Page lO of i4 SPECIAL MEET~51G - PUBLIC CHAIRWOMAN: We don't ~ow ~e squ~e foot, we don~t ~ow how f~ it ~s ~om P~e Tree Co~. We have n~ng. ~d I c~ ~e~ you ~al ~ }o~g as I have been en ~e b~d, we have nev~ approved ~ accessory gmge ~ a ~on~ y~d M~out stating spec~c~l~y hew f~ ~t ~s ~om ~e s~eet l~nes. ~at*s ~e way ~t ~s, period. ~. GULMI: ~e bo~d 5s pr~ed t~ p~s on the application to hhe pool 5n ~ae y~d, but youYe d~xg ~e application for ~e g~age. C~IRWOM~: We're not going to deny ~. You have 2 ~pfions at ~s point. You c~ ge back ~d sub~t m~ded plus hhat clergy show hhe setbacks ~a~ you m'e proposing, bo~ t¢ ~e no~ ~d ~ ~e west. MR G~MI: ~hs ~s to sca~e, ~s draw~g ~t*s ~n ~ont cf you. C~WO~: I'm not ~ en~e~, ~d I'm not gong t~ ~ess~ate ~om ~e 2 sc~es ~ow- f~ you're setback ~om P~ne Tree Road. We s~ply don*t do that. We do ~a~, ce~a~y. MR GULM~: So if~e numb~s w~e pu~ in, jnst so I ~derst~d what you ~e sa~ng, because ICes ~s the 2~a time I~ve appe~ed here. ~d [ don't w~t to leave tod~y w~th ~e s~e m~s~d~st~d~ng ~a~ I ~e~ wi~ ~e l~t time. IfI had someone &aw the aumb~s in ~om the wes~ ~d ~¢m ~e no~, on ~s plm, fnen ~e bo~d w¢-~d be acc~fing where ~e location of the g~age ~d ~e poo~ shed ~e on ~e appl~cationg CHA~WO~N: Yes, the bo~d wo'~d also custom~ly t~ke to see ~oor p~s of ~his. ~ o[her words, you ~ave ~ ~age of what y~u wmnt, MR GULMI: I haven't ~y idea what I w~t ~'e. Ai~ [ ~ow ~s that the s~ze of the g~age ~m~ ~ w~t ~s 30x30, ~d t~e s~ze of¢~e sBed ~s 20x20. Cr~WOMAN: You've k~nd ofg~t o~ h~ds tied. Because ~til you ~w what you wmnt, ~en we c~t see what we*re appmhng or d~sappro~ng. ~d ~e bo~d s~mply ~s not going t¢ put ~tself ~ ~at k~d of post,on. We've never done ~n, ~d wege not g¢ing t¢ do ~t MR GULM[: ~y don't [ do t~s, assuming that's yo~ fina~ word on that. I hear ~vhat you ~e sa~ng... BOA~ SEC~TARY KOWALS~: I'd l~ke to just add one thing. I rememb~ when you filed yo~ application. Ofig of~e th~ngs ~at the staff had reco~ended to you was thru you &aw, er Bave someone &aw a rou~ d~a~m efwhm you would l~ke. MR GULM~: ~d ~a~:'s what I thou~t ~s w~. BOA~ SEC~TARY KOWALSKI: If you co~'t a~ee Mth PI~ A, you could do Pi~ B, ~d Plan C, and show the beard the epfians ~at you ~e cons~d~ng. Page 11 ofi4 SPEC~T~ ~EET~G - PL~J~L~C ZE~L~dNG I~ GULMI: T~nat's what I thought.. 1MEMBER ORLANDO: Why don't we ghve tlqJs g~nil~ [~s p~it foz his po&, ~d he'll come back in 6 months for 1~s shed. CHARWOMAN: YouYe nol ready. ~en youYe ready, ~&afs ~:~e. We c~= wM¢. Bui if you wo~d Hke us ro go ~ead mhd ac: on t[~e pool, thafs firce~ ~ GULM~: [51 take f; one sicp at a t~me th~ ~_d s~e, Fd like Ce app~hcafion for t¢~e 25~ sefoack m have the sw~fi~g poe[ placed ~ my fi'omt y~d conshdezed. )md as f~ as ~e bufld~gs m~e cencemed~ [ ~.d~st~.d yen w~r a pt~ and you w~: a locafiom CHARWOMAN: ~e se*~ack for Eno pool is g& MR. GD~: ~e setback Fm as~ng for ~s 25~. ~'ve sho~ on ~s p~mu, a positioning ~he pool ~h a 25* se%ack CHA~WOM~: No. we don% have tlzat. We haw a s¢~ack aC g&. ~ GULM[: Yes. Tnafs ~nere we*d pos~thon [xe pool w~ that 25' set~aek. ~ ~om · he prop~ line on ~e west s~de ~d 50~ ~om 5ce proper~ i~xe on 5~e rm~2~ side~ MEMBER O~XDO: I~tl buy l~at MR. GULMI: Rather [~mx bmncPJng 2 up figh'r Ohm the 25* m~x, we moved it back ro see what space we had. Bui ~e sefaa~x l*m asldmg for 5s a 2? so,back. MEMBER ORLANDO: But you did se~ i~ up wh~i a g&.. MR. DULM[: Yes ~ d~d. MEMBER OLWA: ~_d you conld live wEB teat? MR GULM[: Yes, CHA~WOM~N: Then we are going ~o acl on ~e pl~ vi~iy 5n ~ont of us. MEMBER ORLANDO: We ~us: had a recem application in Nassr~ Poinl where it was 25~ mad we den~ed it So ~6 5s ~_e winnhng nmmber. MR. GULMI: 15you creme our an~ looked at the prope~, ~d ~ lmow m~y of t~-xe bo~d m~_bers have. I mm rocked away in Ihe 5ack woods. My ne~Jaors on the wes~ shde have less than a 50~ set~ack ~om the road for the ccns~:~cfion of a 2 strut house. The W'alkers. who ~e on 5ae no~h shde have a tem~Js cou~ ~n their front yard, wl~Jch is less ~so than Eae 25~ so,back. I find 5t difficult ro undersi~d wha* ~he concrete of Kze board Page SPECIAL MEETING- ?rdBL~C ME~G if they gave me a 25' setback. I'm perfectly happy if th~s engineer that came out and made th/s drawing is able to sit the pool where he places it on the drawing. But if it needs to be moved 4 or 5~, does that mean that I have to then come back to the board? Well, okay. Thegn I guess that*s what k means, k's your logic, not n~ne. So ?m stuck with it. I~d like the hemSng, at least, to close on the swim~ng pool. And if it works o~at when they are constructing it that I need the 25~ setback, I guess I~ll have to come in front of you again. CHAIRWOMAN: Is there anyone in the audience who would l~ke to speak in favor or against the application? SUSAN BRAVER: I'm Susan Braver, I~m the other half. The garage is going where it's at. Period. And it's going to be there, exactly where you have it. But the question I have is can I keep t~his process open, or do I have to submit a whole new thing in order to, suppose 1 leave it exactly the way you have it~ exactly the way it looks? Suppose I don~t even have a shed, I just have a garage. Can I just come back in, or do I have m start this whole process ali over again? MEMBER ORLANDO: For the garage? MS. BRAVER: Yes. MEMBER ORLANDO: Because we're not approving your garage. MS. BRAVER: I understand that. MEMBER OLiVA: So you'd have to start it all over again. MS. BRAVER: Even if it's exactly what it is r~ow. MEMBER ORLANDO: You'd subrrfit a new application with drawings, and setbacks. Because you'll submk it to the BD~ they'll deny it because it's in the front yard. And it will come to us. MS. BRAVER: So even if~t's exactly where it is on your plans, fight now with the exact same setbacks they have now? CHAIRWOMAN: Show it to us now. MS. BRAVER: You need the numbers of the property line to wher~ the garage is. CHAIRWOMAN: And the floor plan. We need to see what we are approving. And the exact location of what it is. If you don't know what that is, we can... MEMBER ORLANDO: Give you the pool, and you can come back when you are ready. Page i3 oft4 MS~ B~V~R: C~ ~us¢ leave ]topex beee~e ~] we h~ve to do MEMBER GOE~R~GER: Th~ she s¢[2 b~s to re-~dve~::se, CHarWOMAN: Let me ~ve it to you v~ c~early~ We w~2 to see of~ of the proposed s~c~es, We w~c to see :he se~}~cks to wa~ re see flooKo~ of~ of~,e proposed s~e~es~ ~:~ yera ~ave io~a~ is recess Mthou¢ a da~e. ~ch r. eans Sat it Mll have to that ~nfo~ation has bees provided. But you will not have to. m~ess v~mnc~s ~at you ~ s~e~ng, fi will not ~rJg] g ~o!e n~w BO~ ME~ER KOWALSI~: ~:ere ~e o~ sI~s ~g need to be takem VTe have re repos~ Ge s~_ ~:d re-do the ce~fied mafi~r_gs aga:m to [~e ne~:~ora g~:t 5xa~: would be fl. CHARWOMAN: Yon Mil not have ¢0 pay sm ad~fion~ app2icat]mz MS. B~R: ~.en you wouId ]nst set it up for ~aalever date you have av~Iabie /hat po]:~ ~ t{me? CHARWOMAN: Co=oct MR. GULMI: ~a~ mm I going to do, te]~ them [ don~t ~e the MS. B~VER: You Mil leave Ce wtole <~plicadon open? SHAIRWOMAN: You will hear exactly M~g Ilm doing. Fm going recess the appHcgion 5340 without a date, Page 14 off4