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} TO WNOF SOUTHOLD Rental Permit 1218 Owner Brian & Natalia Traficante Occupied as Single Family Dwelling Located at 5270 Nassau Pt Rd Cutchogue 111-8-18 Maximum Permitted Occupancy 10 Is in compliance with all of the provisions of the code of the Town of Southold, the laws and sanitary and housing regulations of the County of Suffolk and by the laws adopted by the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code Council. Expiration is two (2) years from date of issue. The operator is responsible for arranging for the bi-annual inspection. 10/18/2024 �t Code E fore ent Offi . 1 This Notice must be posted by the main entrance at all times naw Town Hall Annex , Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 ; ON P . ' BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RENTAL PERMIT APPLICATION Lion must be renewed ever twt ears Rental Permit Fee$200(Applrca y �Y ) Section A. Property Information: Rental Property Address: J 6A `l o 5 cy Tax Map Number: 1000 SECTION _ -BLOCK{ --L0T—A-4L- SECTION B. OWNER INFORMATION: Property Owner Name: Property Owner Legal Address: Property Owner Mailing Address: '37y r 0 0 k 1 1 I-2 1 �i r��✓16� Telephone Number(s): Daytime w ' ' Evening Emergency Property Owner Email Address: V)(kA al 1 cv- (.")I" ` C-0Wq ,gym. Page 105 Town Hall Annex ; Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 µ s BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Section C. Authorized Agent Information: Name of Authorized Agent of dwelling unit, if any: Address of Authorized Agent (no P.O. Boxes): Mailing Address of Authorized Agent: Telephone Number(s): Daytime Evening Emergency Email Address: Section D. Managing Agent Information: Name of Authorized Agent of dwelling unit, if any: I Address of Authorized Agent(no P.O. Box /s): Irl Mailing Address of Authorized Agent: ULw Telephone Number(s): Daytime Ev ning_ Emergency Email Address: C SECTION E. SITE MANAGER INFORMATION: (required for rental properties containing 8 or more rental units) Name of Managing Agent of dwelling unit, if any: Address of Managing Agent (no P.O. Boxes): Page 2 of 5 lit to Town Hall Annex Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1 179 p1 Southold,NY 11971-0959 , BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Mailing Address of Managing Agent: Telephone Number(s): Daytime Evening Emergency Email Address: SECTION F. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Number of Rental Dwelling Units on property: For each Rental Dwelling Unit set forth the Rental Dwelling Unit identifier(for example, Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3 or Apt A, B, Q;the use of each room in the Rental Dwelling Unit (for example, Kitchen, Bedroom 1, Bedroom 2, Living Room) and the dimensions of each room. For properties with multiple Rental Dwelling Units use "Rental Permit Application Addendum." Rental Dwelling Unit Identifier: Requested Maximum number of persons allowed to occupy Dwelling Unit: . Number of rooms in Rental Dwelling Unit: 91 1 Use and Dimensions of each room in Rental Dwelling Unit: N111 G"2 P4 2 3 n I S . , 152 3 I I I- I T -dam [-z.-f 0 2nAF( tort L, 9,110 Page 3 of 5 631 765-1802 Telephone Tele Town Hall Annex P ( ) 54375 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959Cou BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOMHOLD SECTION G. INSPECTION: Pursuant to the Town Code of the Town of Southold Chapter 207 (Rental Properties), a safety inspection by Code Enforcement Official is required. If the owner chooses not to have said inspection performed by the Town, a certification from a licensed architect, a licensed professional engineer or a home inspector who has a valid New York State Uniform Fire Prevention Building Code Certification is required stating that the property which is the subject of the rental permit application is in compliance with all of the provisions of the code of the Town of Southold,the laws and sanitary and housing regulations of the County of Suffolk and by the laws adopted by the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code Council. I am requesting a fire safety inspection to be performed by a Code Enforcement Official from the Town of Southold CJ..-tam submitting a completed Town of Southold pertifc ti'on form from a licensed architect or a licensed professional engj'neer. ._� SECTION H. DECLARATION: Signature must be notarized and MUST be the owner of the dwelling unit. STATE OF NEW YORK) ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) I fir' � ertify under penalty of perjury,the following: 1. 1 am the owner of the property identified in "Section A" of this application. 2. The property owner's legal address set forth in "Section B" of this application is my legal address and I understand the Town will use the address for service pursuant to all Page 4 of 5 Town Hall Annex iX Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD applicable laws and rules. I further acknowledge that I will notify the Town of Southold Building Department of any changes of address within five (5) days of any changes thereto. 3. 1 have read and received a copy of Chapter 207 of the Code of the Town of Southold and agreed to abide by the same. 4. 1 will notify the Town within five (5) business days as to any change to the information regarding Authorized Agent, Managing Agent, or Site Manager. Property Owner's Name: Property Owner's Signature: Sworn to before me this 2W day of_�chrct t,' 209-0 Official Notary Public Signature and Original Notary Stamp DARLENE 7BRUSH Notary Public-StNO.01BRQualified in SuMy Commission Exp Page 5 of 5 Stdd�P,yp�� TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 631-765-1802 //1-0-/d' INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST/ REBAR [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION/CAULKING [ ] FRAMING /STRAPPING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION [ ] ELECTRICAL (ROUGH) [ ] ELECTRICAL (FI AL) [ ] CODE VIOLATION [ ] PRE C/O [ RENTAL Su�FOf . Town Hall Annex Town of Southold 54375 Main Road c Rental Inspection Report CFI PO Box 1179 2 , Southold, NY 11971-1179 Tel: 631-765-1802 'Owner g w. ..... .. ... .. ...... . . ......... Date SCTM # � " Phone Address S �.t/ ible Addr......... .,,_ � Vis Hamlet N Inspector ; Floor Level Quantities...__.., Sub 1 2 3 1` f Smoke Detectors (not located in bedrooms) Carbon Monoxide Detectors Fire Extinguishers Exits "iedro Smoke 2 �A 3 .� 5 6 Detectors ' Egress Occupant Count Building ng Systems Maintained & Operational Condition of Property Building in...... Heating error Hot water Building exterior f Electrical I Property clean, maintained &safe ' .Mechanical �.._�....�_ �....... �. .._..�.... . . .........w....�.�_...w.ro.�... ...�.-u�__. ..._..... .. a Handrails &guards installed & secure..... �. ..?..... ..... .�, Pool ..Safety Pool on Site Surface water alarm Date of CO issuance 6 Self closing/ g gates � ~�- �"...... Pool completely fence to code requirements Door alarms !Pool _ enclosed latching r q rements � CO's for all items present Prior Rental Comments: R Town Hall Annex r, Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 t BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RENTAL PROPERTY CERTIFICATION Form is to be completed by a license architect, licensed engineer or licensed home inspector Separate form is required for each individual Rental Dwelling Unit lira ssicanal seal re ullred Lor Arch1tect or fit: iaeer licensed ,one is ectar rrrrrst provid CO _of valid current certi catiarl Rental Property SCTM Number: Rental Property Address.5270 Nassau Point Rd., Cutchogue NY 11935 Owner/Name: Natalia Traficante Rental Dwelling Unit Identifier: Number&Square footage of each bedroom as depicted in the attached floor plan: (i.e. Bedroom#1 -100 sq., Bedroom#2-90 sq., etc.) Property Description (Include all improvements indicated on survey) I certify that I have done a physical inspection of the subject rental dwelling unit and find that it fully complies with all the provisions of the Code of the Town of Southold,the Residential Code of New York State,the Building Code of New York State,the Plumbing Code of New York State, the Fuel Gas Code of New York State, and the Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State. Victor Cornelius III CEO Inspector Print Name and Title Jk(- p Original Signature Please place professional seal: j STATE OF NEWYORK } Be it known that1 ANt Victor Cornelius has successfully completed the requirements of a Basic Code Enforcement training Program established by the Minimum Standards for Code Enforcement Personnel (19 NYC RR Part 1208) inRIC T the State of New York as a: tills, CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL �.� 01, N 3} £. NCO y��� � - �1 John R.Addario,PE,Director Mcom �t OF Division of Building Standards and Codes Certification No.1216-0293 IN trt Issued Date:December 13,2016Wh r ii 1 n��: e �l ld must satisfy annual in training requirements and such p_ advancer'sr,-sere ce training requirements. To maintain this certification, person fY - - - e - - - �� TOWN OF SOUTH OLD 0ROPERTY RED !D T�E ST GE ICT SUS. LOT Zq��ERt N�j STREET VIL� DISTR CL A A7 FORMER OWNER N E ACREAGE J�a r S W I TYPE OF BUILDING RES.; SEAS. 1 VL. FARM Comm, IND. CB. misc. Est. Mkt. Value LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS ,-j el r Jr, C"J A c'57 V L 14, S7 7 '710 j 6 _6 AGE B. UILDINaGNDI `I QN P if— f-ec 41 0a < WATER - 7.�ABOVE FRONT WATER oc, FRONTAGE ON ROAD /z c7q00 V Tillable I BULKHEAD Tillable 2 --rDOCK P; Tillable, 3 6- je j Inc J Woodland 1 01 T Swampland SU ltefa-4- 661 its Brushland 4>1 House Plot ToTa'l if .- CXYD It- y s E � ; ' i- fl • . z r RV �y�\\AVvvV`R�v r: aN ti vti P 111.-8-18 2/06 M. Bldg. Foundation Bath - 0 '- 12 Extension Basement � � Floors � e �a Fi ish Extervlork 4 error n �xt Walls . S Eaten ' sire Place he t t ti �`©t� a . c - c 06s1 � / s Parch Roof Type .. Porch Rooms t st Floor iatio Rbom oor �6� too Ciorer i {gar.g a r a' — , Z riveway b. -� - ? lsu pp > = _ _ �_ d,�0 Ia n �rti� � g �J f - _ :. F Building Sketch (Page - 1) Borrower Brian&NataliaTraficante ........ .... ............ .... _. Property Address 5270 Nassau Point Rd City Catch que Cfjw1Fy SUFFOLK State NY Alp Code 11935 Lender/Client Wells Faro Mortgage a ramNy eri,, 3 3r 1•'/, cs I� 2 w KRwn 4""""� WNoum 1 BdAvam y- BaNYoern� �✓ L C9 wr or y�fpa UYI�p 6acr�`�� as •: D rrry Ile"Sq ftl tss CY Slmo dez�W to C,0:4,• TOM by a la 1 c&.m l WMD Auer First Floor 1710.63 Sq ft 32 x 15.5 = 496 27 x 3.5 = 94.5 51.5 x 21.5 = 1107.25 0.5x51.5x0.5 = 12.B8 Second Floor 1033 Sq ft 6 x 2 12 6 x 2 _ 12 33 x 2 66 23 x 41 943 I ADDITIONS E- V WINMW I EXTERIOR DOORSCHEDULE _ &ALTERATIONS e_ ,- — _-- s 6 FlNf 606dP TO THL DRzbl bill z 10 az 1 76 GRAYSON `i C 4 Ar WG02 j s 11 314.z 0 1IA RESIDENCE NASSAU POINT ROAD CUT CHO Er GU N Y � ' } rn hlaN. g 1 y E s [I I it i - -_ FIRST FLOOR PL�AN ----.--_ - ---- cECa.40FLOOR PLAN - s 5cue v.�.� , .• - JOKN E. STUM['F R.p P C� SCVI "ce$WILL CrEGC M'D rRFT AL—Ow.AT IAE S'E BDE5YN LDACS FwstRmR.AT,Y Lr,Etom '-ILL Ru"EfYa SYI:L eE NSIRKT—E ALTN!:TE 11 AIL F.--1G'dII EE Id1ERd11 EtPPLT'O BT aE.,.G " ARCHITECTS EN(;IN'F.hfti PR e'o�a¢w LF LGK A•D N_susLL GAM:uA+E:cn,EIF UMcrG CQ.SIRICVLN cwE 'E VIETKIIEEE RAVS A}D`L'KE4UM 6•�SF--WIN SINE .b^M.31 LYELJ'IL LR&OIXPGG 6A9 CcD)Ya EGN"fEEr 1 II rcLLNs.:D'PJ LrE LOdp M ALL T SE IL^pFi NtEERS EFJt TO MLS II I.IIND:I'GEMJs4R :CLMR<_ipQ Ce PJER•itil fb-dV d 9d,D:G ffe'1 FP'nE I—r0 9E Nd c MTL x efFCOR GL,IW AS vER itVl O-LI SIER 6e"PROF 10 STutI,VB�T LY% B CEa GV i IE S NI.DDCilS FR SDfY!D)GRADE f8• AL RHTFfva SVeIL BE 4'YJL'�cD TO FIAYEJ LVAL5 dt^a IARe4'AV"c NSIRCrpp_p9Drmf S'a 1 EC�Y k JN8 E%)EIOE% l� I NS P1.E•II3D�9 F5 )i-ALL AS D T W dNT dNYI ALL HrTrYPi AHp EEITI 11 ALL I 15�L SEALL A y 'SPE9M STfC1Y-liE CA0.�LR SGId:dYp,WdLL FA[TDe 4:µ,Dgrex 09f0 tPFi 41,`ER FtOE£5 rllt.L 2 x6'eE x 1H15 r0)2-A' IFF ELEa{V,xE NWdILS PYCA i0*1 LF AL1biW Wt.L Bpd)e _ aEm F:dIE56 PELT,ANL`xyECliP.AEf':OeALS,EIG'DR UGH o)}6'W.SL'S�ME%ILLrED OMRCe ALL i@PEFdRIE LRVIR11W5G 54611 B"e RN CpCFtI:DN WLLS, NL FE .iFORL"l-Vi.'(aTGES�IeY.•C JIF EAGr�Dl ilEtd:Dc RC9R dyp CR f{�L6Ya LAF3E(F W4IX3G L06DS ELME'1 Li)gY€:5 obf4LAlbb £3 r-.r.11glnun 4ALL15]RC ZdLLCDFJ@i 1D 1,5.LQ5IRICV01 LCCE[ff)Al FUiE F41 PCBLE1N6'WYLS LR A'x6' ]b ALL DR»)ALL5 L BE NSCE NAVWdA GTPSM LO n'14CC 5-LILL BEN5-1 rLeFRU}LE DM•WVALVHS 6?'CFICAl105 AE, £i e1p FE/LL53R19Rik rOIN 65WfNCLO PLSrE)M6'NA6LLSIKF59 HZrD CLHFFl5E VE55 O_FI Ap1Ep ✓FtP AT_ <I—E.0515 IMER 4'.L Pd,R1VKA5 NFa EI 0 56 dVD .^OilEe S.ALL Sn c..ALL CCLCFE FLr54tl9£C[w 5'JALL 8_E E%IEROe(AAb R IOLP SSE NIFS c.U'S 6C25iF..G"PI a CPJmLv fYtala u-�I cg,JlD yLL LhyGGs Sp.nE Cp)IR —SAALLItP M1£F9}OSES lw7 5FF�LVDlL—A 9L 61a 1 -PI T�7E 1 r£GMeAL1LR fg iFIXi ACOMLdiEN 0=5A91E MdTEW45 OR R.>YlK''r•iun `X4�L SIOP¢;,fK.AO r lEaFJI.16XLtD "--LL dLL LCrt^GxENrs suALL BF xCTE-p Anp CRiiiM:GY9LT TNC LFETd'05 uLEAMSCDRRACI. <3 a=, Sµ a NLIdLLS GtCCR LV'YB�1TbYL3)E JJJ.INE UM iE 1'P�-=YIfLL CGnnECrEp +rI.'E Gou+LA to -E¢GOG TO PREVE.Vi 3L LRP',FICNff T.£WRCr.E fg1RAL10¢61LLL FfItivE COyt TIE -;- �' -aTf"-L'-'- (i 0.Y T dL 5Gp,51g L"6Np L Ae L TT Al—ihG1 capLeP9E e¢PEEmALNr LAIEFAL MpvErEVi INDER !-u •.m m„e ...r..r. cCRlEb SEll0.5T_MdiSpNS.RLE2I5u A.V E,LH-llS MdIFRAIh € _ &— €c-td'0s w..v....r..�. - . NG tRDA9 kEV Ca.Sliari P.SudLl 5LLFE dut'ddD 915 NIC est E aNp eG�v'ECrcGLE rp 4 BEAMS d.'J B¢AcaG 3 DO NCI YdIE DRdLR4s!'Ib-EN D>E%'n'P5%P'rK"-LE Y� EXIERILe a' 3 5 fX 5R45 Ma 11SI EA 64L RESV0.p eRE-i SVA.L BE SeS FE4 4'VLp BE6cnF]xOBw r�s biLVr iG-IL EweL9 atp eH7L x0 D}£T5'PS uE IDN a DT5�R BdT E.eµ1y L-F D E cP cORRD AT m vu cx MGu REp�CE SL dFWTEGr ILLS 3bt eEEN cEtdYEp RR W SIiE L."/£Li'Q!5 A•D PQ 33 LRe4x f A1p 5iiLFY.d1IIXE/5 NSTRJpR9 6&FACE A)E AVJ 11 E,1I1I—udLL I%BEIF P.PE.R ID,`p__L E"'ML`I GE ABUT 6rxE STRJcrIIFE TO Ffs15TY.\p EFEGis S.IELL HmdN RE FRCF£fLISE ISE dcC+.,LflIEf RE PRJ:ELI LB`4RY6rip�50GiFE fQlS1RC'IPL X IIATR: II-Itl-V9� j •A'L 6ae!G CdPeCAi`6.1LIS fEF N.P eND 5�41L1 NdrE A r�dGiM(F L eesTENEryS txD CGAEe"CR6 xeLUD\M1 w L5.BCLrs STEEL LEE Y1IY11 IV_'r Y£MILE�9 EXEO)tE'J OR k]1 11FY A,nGT ra BE - (I .a C_iEY vD WC4p45.GVD 7255 PLATES eRE ro SE u 11-1 GALvan 2Ep NScDL Mjr—RR21EL15 CR ExlE]:SKt5 i0 rNE iPpJECi c�rEPr E § DR,[VY' It M`L 15LE R W E 911dLL 9E 9"eBIL SE^J ET lv9rA_L+G RE<= E d!>ec5'EY!N ErmiG AVJ CW SAI.TO TIE AR65KT. BALL L0.FIS L& °3 M N f1:R1E E 1606Y5. PGcu•G W11-GDPIG TE-EETLEEN TI FaPLEtM AT Ed" Sl U-JT$!IIALLIEST CN—VATI.LBLLS 0R 91RKrWAL:'E:EcTd �� i SCALE:AE NPTELII :o E PRPrIDE JNFFriC6`G LaM i@CyE.T MA514'PV dli K YJA". GABLE IXp GOR A p S 1E CE b FEET Td AFI T BW_7MG 35 µ p EFI'_fi P YI.E T EE IYLICEO d TE fR•'T,2F15 MTERN]R Ff OM E_GABLE Enp :E><ROR GL.sS III wn��Is a.D DODRa EEE lc G LL AMp BACKF"_L�PTEF 4_CE IE-FR cN bI:E cUI-!� n150.1.9 Cp:DrtICn SECURELY fEITA_LED AND CAPABLE GF OR ExUVAI Gv C4—ES LPGe?p AVeT FP:Lr'"L£ceNSmSGi GS rRAVSFER V4ND LOADe i0 r SUFP FR 9rp.e— SL ALL EXCAVATION COSTS YRL BE fKLl N taiTRA.tLF5 BD F�.>: - € slrE!BCRRLrLEDI.=L EE CLEA'.'9dND,GRAVEL.EAr CR A L PFNSu ANp]ETIAL'FSLE 516TIN's'v.KE LErCTNS ALART 36 CCMRA'.t�1510 PRPrIOE N1tt 411TE b.L__,,I 5E 'e-IC 111TE,, ,.E.ke f/SP'!A}CE WM LECIETI A Sp eF MT5.9L LD!v'i Y-PRT�RE dV4'KT DRM/B�Wr AS G£R SITE FLAY ; S IE _SIE CP5T-1RN CLOE. b GxAL 44A0NG B TP 9E NCLLP:D N CCATRACrORS B®FRFOSAL I -1 CD.IRACTCRS'M11 pFpnpE IK GIXLOdFG ALLCWA`CSS: S ELELTgUL AS $ E EE BOARD a FEE F I €fW35G FImlff5 I FO E *� l P<D151µ165 FR p1E45'WELIIW AI TF}FSFd14�IXMIF0. 1UWTFpRLES —FOX'_ `+* .)-'-=} G¢`G5WLl4 COCEALfD Nt14W.RCORS I'D LR LEYI`CS `KrtC lelp vN9IT CA9M1Er5 D)El`t n'uNNl:N i §.51'L K _ttr ro B_run rn9 e¢ FP IFAMY SIS1B1 SAALL EE LAP69LE OG ttdNTAN)G rP OLhEES LEFAMcrLE (} 7 Fes Elt NTEF C r]FfFAIIIE AT D-FEES FeNR3.wE"1'8'@.r g g E 5 € 2 EM a s r3w rrm vELam ' ADDITIONS q &ALTERATIONS TO THE - 4 aE` GRAYSON RESIDENCE NASSAU POINT ROAD CUTCHOGUE,N.Y,Ra ' di n FF (( = x Mu guuL�Mlv, e. _ n s� � x €€I S REACc ELEVATION e e Ti - JOHN E. STTTMPF R.A. P.C. [777 ` - _. { *� J ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS 71 ni-11 HMO t DR.BY:R W L ' --------- i SCALE:AC rvo]ER e. 'E 'CRI@: f-S� ILI1}$i €b^iAi -=-'' ;.Ez-4 ^E:,E'1'A:`.?i� b # s , ------------------- 9975 1 CCU CAI i ADDITIONS - V? C N.O l 4 &ALTERATIONS . v: T r5 N uM �y£.0 A.o C i TO THE GRAYSON DIG ` 5W.G'MC Nc RESIDENCE NASSAU POINT ROAD CUTCHOGUE,N.Y. z _-- _ =ate.®c�ct s i JO ,s oc. TO¢4 P05T TO r.C,r . TYPICAL DECK COLUMN DETAIL - CAM TYPICAL DECK RAILWG DETAIL € a as rEx aw,N:a i-ro-a i AR - € e @ n--- k� z c:.�7c€ti ,A4ET,DRIP =u� STt s nau § 'EDGE AFPD a ,a LA OVER FELT15 "- ` ALONG KAKF - FEUD ASPti 4 € BUILDING FECTION ''.`, ak '' ; zo --START flK5T GOOK5E %MTH`rULLSTPJF W___ `Il'P 'MTM-IiLL �A .5 HOST TA 5TRIP"NI-5 1lc"TA5 TYPICAL ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLE DETAIL . V � .l0l;N E. STUMPF R.A. P.C. „ - - ARCHITECTS ENC[NEERS 3 _ - TYPICAL DECK GIRDER DETAIL - ii i TYPICAL!HURRfCANH�LfF DETgF�,. x t 37 i K E _ A ,.RA AL'E DETAIL I TYPICAL RIDGE VENT DETAM 3375 7-Ye[CAI.,DECK�?A%���A.� - - wW ,�„� "� e �✓�"a � �i�a+a.� k �'" f �*�'?a �� ��l "* a' �� al� �'�"" pm�^ ��'�'^�^�s.� ,wu*- .a ia,.a � ��,.��'ix.. s, .to�°�,�ur�� a�..� � � x Electrical Inspection Service,Inc. ^' 315 Dunton.Avonue East Pafr-hogue,Nev+rYork 11772 *a (631).2a6-6642 Date: 7 11 20,111 Application No. . 41931 .ti 2 Issued to: Barry Grayson Street: 5270 Nassau-Point-Rd., Village: Ctitclaogtie Zip:11935 Town:Southhold Section: Block: Lot: Introduced by: Modern Electric East Inc. Lic.# 4253E was examned and found to be In aomplla e earth the Matlena/Flectrical Code ❑Attic ❑7st Floor ❑ OIS Residential i Pool ❑ Det. Garage G Basement ❑2nd Floor ❑ OIS Commercial ❑ Hot Tub ❑NV Defects Switches Rece ptacles Fixtures ' GFI Heaters__ P A/C Fans 19 21 21 3 2 Dishwasher Washer/Amp Dryer/Amp Oven RangetAmp Garbage Disposal r,. Furnace Oil Gas Circulator Smoke Detector Bell Transformer 2 i ie er Anips Phase Motors ors Telephone l eretrisit3Y7 Carbon IllvirGxid2 Other Equipment: 20 CIM&Sub Panel-100Amp S41bP ra'1.f�r1 e,1-w Alictowave, 1-Hood, 1-Gas5tove Hugo , Surdi � ; President ' Building Permit No. This certificate must not be altered in any manner �� " Inspectors may be identified by their credentials r o '�^rr^c.X„� ",^r�'«4..r...„� "'1";.adrP" w „♦�k „ r " p:,a "f��r�.&`r ;' tixma,a'✓'',,,�a""��. • y. +t Yd'° �,+. w /+s., w„, .n ;•,fir. r „r` , " + �. :�97'• 'w"Is, "Y` rtM •w"1 t` +�»tom,", ✓�Y. �,�a+. f �.. ..«....,..«r.*.+any»+...�r..w..w.w..+.«n..,......,.,...,�. ,.�..,.....,.........,.«............�..........................................�wa...»n.�w.,w�.......,........�,..,.....,,,,..._..»,....._...,........�.........,..........«. .,...,»....„�,,wv.mwa�»�w+ _,_�,,,;d 0 v � u � ..k w.,„M.,,.x ., "kn.s awx..x x.,weae x r v u.M.. a'k u.6. rv.,.a wfiw«M a max,. Mw,G m..m.wna wm .nxxnwxw,M ax ro.wetr a aM axwv a wP ,w,^,"r.n,o'af• n.ao w,r. n., Nassau,Suffalk Electrical bispections,Inc. 5�1 Canal street Centexl►ilcxricT s New;York T1App934+Tel:;631-878-35OG Fay' 63I-87.9-3764 � n M � lica onle 3957 Date: 3/29N/fl4 Issued.ta^ Gtayso-a .ddtes's.. 5230 NassatiPoint Rd date-and wil.compliance, tyexmxnedada was rt ` d: a},theabQe r • w « SIC Is Rt3 rOl DetGaWe d _ �.�„" —*'a---^�—'•--r^^ -^�^a ... q G .gip,� M .. ., a g�^ "" r �"°""o_ �W���k��� q{^d,fW��S� «" t��+���"�y���� �������`n�+ e IM h' j S ruches Receptaolds Fixtures G.F.I. Pad Ce tan Whk poo[ k J 15 , 20 23 4 t Gven _ Carbon Fans Dishwasher WasherfAinps, dryer]AMRps RangefAnips Monoxide # 1-Fx Birth ����a Smoke Ban. Forrrsaa Off Gas HeafZones g: [3et�af&T& Teansforrners H r Meter Amps Phase Motors fl km P a , t or Equipment: 1 pClf�..$, ,L anet � w.�. e `w ,ax Addition & Ftenovafitin �w ; Ttus certificatem iust not bQ:altered in any manner d. u g � F i i Riff[ ♦ � $- s .��. � WINE GELLAR :I ,t I w [ s EXr ( - _- REG € I � s u , — t 1 <> eke._ , .< LEGENDS -------------- - ------------- FINISHED BASEMENT PLAN 'I 33 °_ 33 �Dmwing No.: A2 f III � - - It Q F = F U s 5� GREA_ROOM a e` I �m_-a-- ' I HEDR0017 El Z V F�V LIVING ROOM �[ j NEW H_ F F a IE U d BEDROOI'1 - � � U E 1 s po a I a=L g§ d,aa�a �a ARCH G4LCULATION9 } =e - - 'F F_ F T T P ours P T ? IE - � � E%5T eeoND FeooR 9 J —P j rs t FIRST FLOOR PLAN `'' RnM IDrew�N .� I N�nesPousiaue woe tuna a no wrru u iei I 1 ee Pr ncc E..—.——..Tl—A..cuena�wcea � 70 !A311 I€ j OF 9 SHEETS o --------- - --------- LID 101 IdA H 21,M if Zl�D �j zi cn BEDROOM A\ L--- --------------- SECOND FLOOR PLAN 5--—8Ix OF S SHEETS