HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAC-09/11/2024 Caroline Burghardt,Chairperson co coo Town Hall,53095 Main Rd. Lauren Standish,Secretary P.O.Box 1179 • `� Southold,NY 11971 Telephone(631)765-1889 Fax(631)765-1823 Conservation Advisory Council Town of Southold MINUTES Wed., September 11, 2024 4:30 PM Conference Room and Zoom Online Platform A meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council was held Wed., September 11, 2024 in the Town Hall Conference Room and via Zoom. Present were: Carol Brown, Co-Chairperson John Chandler, Member Shannon Wright, Member Inga Van Eysden, Member Nancy May, Member Maggie Merrill, Member Jocelyn Kaelin, Student Member—Via Zoom Brian Mealy, Town Board Liaison —Via Zoom Lauren Standish, Secretary Absent: Caroline Burghardt, Chairperson Liz Gillooly, Trustee Liaison Guest Speakers: Heather Lanza, Planning Director Mark Terry, Assistant Planning Director CALL TO ORDER Co-Chairperson Carol Brown called the meeting to order at 4:30pm. MOMENT OF SILENCE — 9/11 GUEST SPEAKERS Heather Lanza, Planning Director and Mark Terry, Assistant Planning Director provided an overview of the Zoning Update and current work being conducted by the Zoning Update 2 advisory committee and the consultant, as they review the current uses and the architecture of what the zoning code will look like. Their work can be found on the town's website at: southoldzoningupdate.com. The CAC asked they consider their concerns with the CEHA, the NYSDEC 25 year projected sea-level rise, and how will zoning translate along the shoreline. Other areas of concern for consideration are tree cutting for pools, the clearing of native vegetation, water use and water quality. Risk management should be the focus. Mark Terry highly recommended the CAC read the Comprehensive Plan as leverage in their decision making. REPORTS John Chandler attended the Board of Trustees meeting on August 14th and reported the meeting was business as usual. UPDATES/OLD BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS Carol Brown distributed a list of indicator plants for high marsh and low marsh areas, as well as a draft field observation checklist for review. Progress is being made on the Resident's Guide. Maggie Merrill mentioned that the Water Advisory Committee would like to review the draft. Inga Van Eysden asked if there was an update on streamlining the application review process. Any process to streamline would be helpful. Councilman Mealy suggested the CAC continue doing what they are doing until further notice. CLIMATE SMART COMMUNITIES Carol Brown spoke with Andrew Manitt and she is now an owner of the Climate Smart Communities website. All CAC members can sign on as contributors and Carol offered her assistance. She suggested inviting Andrew to a CAC meeting, however some of the members suggested holding off as there is more work to be done and they all need to be on the same page. Inga Van Eysden offered to consult with Mark Haubner. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Maggie Merrill, seconded by John Chandler to Approve the Minutes of August 8, 2024. RECOMMENDATIONS —WETLAND PERMIT & COASTAL EROSION PERMIT APPLICATIONS Moved by John Chandler, seconded by Inga Van Eysden, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of PATRICK DiLOLLO to construct a one-story addition to the existing one-story frame dwelling with basement. Proposed 16'X 21' in- ground swimming pool, 16'X 21' pool house, and pool equipment. Proposed detached garage, I/A septic system and drywells. Existing rear frame deck, patio frame steps and retaining walls to remain. 3 Located: 870 Inlet Lane, Greenport. SCTM#43-2-8.1 Inspected by: Shannon Wright, Inga Van Eysden, John Chandler The CAC Supports the application and recommends a landscaping plan to include retaining walls, as needed. There is a concern with the pool being too close to the flood zone. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by John Chandler, seconded by Inga Van Eysden, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of GARY M. NAPOLITANO & MARY L. NAPOLITANO for a partial second-floor addition over existing first-floor. No change in building footprint. Located: 1250 Blue Marlin Dr., Southold. SCTM#57-1-34 Inspected by: Shannon Wright, Inga Van Eysden, John Chandler The CAC Supports the application and recommends the installation of an I/A septic system. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by John Chandler, seconded by Shannon Wright, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of SAM ORLOFSKY to replace raised patio with deck. Proposed 25.4' X 13'4" open deck with 3.2 Y steps to grade, no closer than 44.5' to top of bluff, steps down to easterly on grade patio, 94 sf., westerly on grade patio 50.21'X 17.42', deck no closer to bluff than original raised concrete patio westerly wood landing (stoop) off bedroom doors 13'X 5.6' with steps to grade 56.62' to top of bluff. Located: 18575 Soundview Ave., Southold. SCTM#51-1-12 Inspected by: Shannon Wright, Inga Van Eysden, John Chandler The CAC Supports the application with the condition the deck is replaced within the same footprint or less. It was observed that the lawn area leading to the bluff was over-saturated with water, and believed it was a result of irrigation. The CAC recommends this be addressed by the installation of a rain sensor. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by John Chandler, seconded by Inga Van Eysden, it was 4 RESOLVED to NOT SUPPORT the application of KIM & BRETT DOHNAL to construct 48" wide stairs with 36" high railing to extend down bank. Stairs to be built into existing slope and to extend approx. 17 If. A pervious pebble platform at grade, approx. 6' long proposed approx. halfway down stairs. Stairs to be constructed with.6X6s and 2x8s with compacted crushed stone base and open grate decking. Lumber to be both non-treated and pressure treated, and thru-flow decking to be used at the bottom three (3) treads. Stairs not to extend seaward of the mean low water. Non-turf buffer proposed on separate administrative application. A 4' wide path is proposed through the buffer for stair access. Located: 1225 Long Creek Dr., Southold. SCTM#55-3-29 Inspected by: Shannon Wright, Inga Van Eysden, John Chandler The CAC does Not Support the application because the project was not staked and it was unclear where the bottom of the stairs would rest. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by Carol Brown, seconded by Inga Van Eysden, it was RESOOLED to NOT SUPPORT the application of ELIZABETH RERISI & SAMUEL FISHMAN to construct a two-story 2,878 sf. house with an I/A septic system, permeable driveway, gutters and leaders going to drywells and a 25' non-disturbance buffer. Located: 3085 Laurel Ave., Southold. SCTM#55-3-31 Inspected by: Shannon Wright, Inga Van Eysden, John Chandler The CAC does Not Support the application because the project is not in compliance with Chapter 275-Setbacks. The main structure has a proposed setback of 75' from the wetland boundary. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by John Chandler, seconded by Inga Van Eysden, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of TOPAZ PAGE-GREEN AND EMMANUAL ROMAN to restore existing 184 sf. beach cabana and 292 sf. cabana deck in kind. Restore existing 152 sf. lighthouse in need of interior and exterior repair. Replacement in- kind of existing windows and doors on the north and east elevations of the main house that fall within 100' wetlands setback. Rebuild and expand existing main house deck on east side of main house by 65 sf. Deck stairs and handrail to be rebuilt in-kind. Rebuild existing stairs and porch landing on eastern side of main house. Proposed railings to be rebuilt, similar to existing north side stair handrail, to be in-kind materials. Repair existing porch and rebuild existing stairs. Located: 2080 Town Harbor Lane, Southold. SCTM#65-1-16 Inspected by: Shannon Wright, Inga Van Eysden, John Chandler 5 Vote of Council: Ayes: John Chandler, Inga Van Eysden, Nancy May, Shannon Wright, Maggie Merrill Nay: Carol Brown Motion Carried Moved by Carol Brown, seconded by Nancy May, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of MARK & AN,N SCHAEFER to construct additions and alterations to the existing two-story dwelling and new second-floor. Replace existing sanitary system with an I/A septic system, add gutters to drywells for house roof drainage, and a 10' non-turf buffer along landward side of bulkhead. Concrete pad in front yard to be removed. Located: 2300 Hobart Road, Southold. SCTM#64-3-5 Inspected by: Carol Brown, Nancy May Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by Carol Brown, seconded by Nancy May, it was RESOVLED to NOT SUPPORT the application of AJIT KUMAR & JENNIFER ECCLESTONE for the existing two-story dwelling, garage, stoops and wood bin at garage. Proposed restoration of cabana with roof deck, restoration of frame steps and landings, reconstruction of retaining wall, and proposed drywell. Proposed 623 sf. non-turf buffer at top of bank, proposed native revegetation at bank, approx. 2,057 sf., and proposed stepping stones w/40% open space 44 sf. Located: 1490 Paradise Point Road, Southold. SCTM#81-3-20 Inspected by: Carol Brown, Nancy May The CAC does Not Support the application because the area is environmentally unsound and the cabana is over 100 sf. The bank is currently well-stabilized with bayberry. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by Carol Brown, seconded by Nancy May, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of WEST LAKE ASSOCIATION, INC., KENNETH QUIGLEY, PRESIDENT for a 10-Year Maintenance Permit to dredge the channel access to West Lake. - Located: West Lake.Channel, Southold. SCTM#90-1-11 Inspected by: Carol Brown, Nancy May The CAC recommends the applicant considers rebuilding the failing bulkhead. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried 6 Moved by Carol Brown, seconded by Nancy May, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of NICHOLAS & BARBARA PALLANTE for the construction of 90 If. of shoreline stabilization consisting of 2 rows of coir logs along eroded shoreline. Each row shall have three logs stacked and staked with 2"X 2" oak stakes and be infilled with native soil and planted with approved wetland plantings. Located: 4302 Wunneweta Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#111-14-30 Inspected by: Carol Brown, Nancy May Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by Nancy May, seconded by Carol Brown, it was RESOLVED to NOT SUPPORT the application of ABBY P. ROSMARIN & DAVID M. ROSS, as Trustees of Revocable Trust of Abby P. Rosmarin to remove existing pool and construct new 16'X 36' inground pool more than 100' from top of bluff. Remove existing on grade patio and reconfigure and construct proposed 550 sf. patio on grade. Connect drainage to existing drywell on west side of patio. During construction 115' silt fence installed seaward of all ground disturbance. Proposed 4' pool fence around pool patio. Existing Black Cherry tree to be removed and replaced with 3" Oak, and existing steps on east side of patio to be removed. Located: 640 Lloyds Lane, Mattituck. SCTM#99-3-4.1 Inspected by: Carol Brown, Nancy May The CAC does Not Support the application due to the concern with the distance,from the CEHA and the patio and fencing are out of compliance with Ch. 275. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Moved by Carol Brown, seconded by Nancy May, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application of ROBERT FINN for the removal and replacement of 90 If. of existing timber bulkhead with a vinyl bulkhead in same location as existing. Install a 10' wide non-turf buffer at landward side of proposed'bulkhead. Located: 8908 Peconic Bay Blvd., Laurel. SCTM#126-5-19 Inspected by: Carol Brown, Nancy May The CAC Supports the application and recommends the downspouts are connected to drywells. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried e 7 Nancy May will attend the Board of Trustees meeting scheduled for Wed., September 18, 2024. The next meeting of the Conservation Advisory Council is scheduled for October 15, 2024 at 4:30PM in the Conference Room. There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM. Respectfully submitted by, DXaI.Ul.0 i 4& c4o h Lauren M. Standish, Secretary Conservation Advisory Council