HomeMy WebLinkAbout51259-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUIiLDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51259 Date: 10/08/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: Mark E Berry 925 Donna Dr Mattituck, NY 11952 To: alter the existing deck addition to a screened-in porch of an existing single-family dwelling as applied for. Premises Located at: 925 Donna Dr, Mattituck, NY 11952 SCTM# 115.-16-9 Pursuant to application dated 08/19/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 10/08/2026. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: Single Family Dwelling- Addition &Alteration $410.00 CO-RESIDENTIAL $100.00 Total S510.00 Building Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT l� Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 Telephone 631 765-1802 Fax 631 765-9502 htt as:/lww.soritliojdto nip . ��� Date Received AP ° I �Ilf°° � u" uu ;III �"I" RC[E OV� For Office Use OnlyDD PERMIT NO. Building p Ins ecttr': Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an $L1ILDIPT(i DEPT. Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. OF 50i7HOLD Date:August 1 OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: ... . Name:Claudia & Mark Berry SCTM#1000-115-16-9 Physical Address:925 Donna Drive, Mattituck, NY 11952 Phone#:516-885-0082 Email: Mailing Address:925 Donna Drive CONTACT PERSON: Name:Claudia Berry Mailing Address: Phone#:516-885-0082 Email: DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name:Nicholas Mazzaferro Mailing Address:PO Box 57, Greenport, NY 11944 Phone#:516-457-5596 Email; CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name:homeowner Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑mmNewStructure ❑Addition ZAlteration ❑Repair ❑Dem olition Estimated Cost of Project: ❑Other build a roof with screens on top of deck $25,000 Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes ❑No Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes ONO 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property:full time residence Intended use of property:full time residence Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? ❑Yes ®No IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. lX Check Box After Readis"'IB: The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By(print name): Claudia Berry ❑Authorized Agent ®Owner Signature of Applicant: �. . . Date: August 1 2024 STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (S)he is the (Contractor, Agent,Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this day of ,20 Notary Public N N 1 E�'' IIIIIE1'" lJII�"IIII°°°� GNU'' 1 , l"I1 IIN'' ,. (Where the h e......applicant. is not the owner) I, residing at do hereby authorize to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. Owner's Signature Date Print Owner's Name 2 GENERAL NOTES: The information on this set of construction documents is to relate basic design ELECTRICAL NOTES: intent and framing details. They are intended as a construction aid,not as a 110.0' 52.40.40"W wbstitute for generally accepted good building practice and are in compliance with All electrical work to be BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS approved and to include urrent 2020 New York State Building Codes and the 2018 IRC. The general contractor installation of fixtures&specifications as indicated on plans. Light fixtures to be supplied by - L responsible for providing standard construction details and procedures to ensure a owner and installed by contractor. GFI outlets required at bathrooms and exterior areas.Install professionally finished,structurally sound and weatherproof completed product. all outlets as per code. All work is to be done in strict accordance with the New York State Code • General contractor to coordinate all subcontractors,scheduling of work and by a licensed electrician. All new switches&outlets to be Leviton,Toggle,supplied&installed interaction between trades. by contractor. Contractor to do all hook-ups as required for bathroom fans,cooking exhausts and 3 • The contractor is responsible for ensuring that all work and construction meets provide wiring as required for gas fireplace and cooking appliances. or exceeds current federal,state and local codes,ordinances and regulations,etc. m These codes are to be considered as part of the specifications for this building plan. FRAMING NOTES: z N • If in the course of construction,a condition exists which disagrees with that as indicated on these drawings,the contractor shall stop work and notify the designer All lumber is to be Douglas Fr#2 or better at 16"on center &the engineer immediately. Should he fail to follow this procedure and continue work, he shall assume all responsibility and liability arising therefrom. 0 All wood framing in contact with concrete or masonry is to be pressure treated. 'ACQ'designation • Dimensions take precedent over scale-DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. refers to current arsenic-free treated wood standards and shall take the place of'CCA' • The designer has not been engaged for construction supervision and assumes no 0 All TH's are to be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and shall include responsibility for construction coordinating with these plans,nor responsibility for squash blocking web stiffeners at bearing points on girders and other load bearing areas construction means,methods,techniques,sequences or procedures or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the work indicated. There are no aStructural Steel ASTM A36- FY=36 KSI EXISTING DECK- warranties for a specific use expressed or implied in the use of these plans. • All straps,connectors,plates,bolts,nails,etc.are to be galvanized. Designated connectors,straps, cvPOSTS&SCROOFEENS • Contractor to provide hardwired smoke detectors,with battery back up,and with etc.on these m b Sim drawings are son unless otherwise indicated. All connectors straps,etc.are to be AROUND SIDES 9 Y Y P P 7 no intervening switches,on all floors and in each bedroom.Verify with local code nailed/bolted in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. requirements as per Section R314 New York State Residential Construction Code. Install carbon monoxide detectors as per code. All floor sheathing is to be 31 AC type plywood,tongue&groove and shall be glued and screwed to mo FOUNDATION NOTES: the floor joists(6"D.C.edges&12"o.c.field) • Solid blocking is to be installed every 8'-0"max.or mid span of all floor joists with spans exceeding EXISTING GARAGE General contractor to review plans,elevations and details to determine 8'-0". Blocking is to be installed at all point load bearing points. EXISTING HOUSE intended heights of finished floor above typical grade. 0 Install double joists under all partitions running parallel Footings shall bear on undisturbed soil within bearing capacity of 1.5 tons/sq.fL 0 All exterior wall headers to be as indicated on floor plans&sections and all interior Concrete shall be FC=3,500 PSI @ 28 days headers are to be 2-2"x 10"unless otherwise noted. All headers exceeding T-0"shall have a double r jack stud with a single king stud&on exterior walls provide double sill plate(typical). • Concrete on 4"sand or gravel fill minimum,with 6x6-10/10 welded wire mesh reinforcement. Interior slabs to be placed on 6 mil.stabilized polyethylene vapor Provide insulation baffles at eave vents between rafters and soffit vents as indicated barrier. Welded wire mesh is to be placed in the top third of the slab and is to be on plans adequately supported by precast concrete bar supports to assure that the reinforcement Exterior flashing is to be adequately installed at all connections between roofs,walls, is held in position during concrete placement and finishing. chimneys,projections and penetrations as required by approved constrction practices. • Isolation joints are to be installed between the slab and the walls.Use preformed joint filler that is to be cut 1/2"below the slab surface and the resulting joint is to be filled 110.0' N2'40'40"E with an elastomeric joint sealant. DONNA DRIVE • General contractor to install cop-r-tex(or copper)sheet metal termite shields between all wood surfaces that are exposed to concrete or masonry surfaces. • Dampproof exterior of foundation wall with a bituminous coating;Foundation excavation upon approval of building department inspections. D D CLIMATIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA DESIGN LOAD CALCULATIONS a SCTM#1000-115-16-9 GROUND SfvOW LOAD 25 tb� AUG 1 9 2024 BASIC WIND SPEED 130 rn h MINIMUM UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LIVE LOADS(Ib5f) Expe5ure Caeegory B EXTERIOR BALCONIES GO BjjII,DING DEFT. 5E15MIC DESIGN CATEGORY B DECKS - 40 WEATHERING 5E\•ERE ATTICS WITHOUT STORAGE 10 TOWN OFSOMHOLD Z O FR05T UNE DEPTH 3'-0" ATTICS WITH STORAGE 40 f 59 6 `=1" TERMITE MODERATE TO HEAVY to C� '','CE BARRIER REQUIRED YE5 ROOMS(OTHER THAN SLEEPING ROOMS) 40 O 0 �� NJ.MAzzAFERRo,P.E. SLEEPING ROOMS 30 ,per S1ONN-V PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER P.O.BOX 57,GREENPORT NY,11944 s,a�n�s4 e4au.�cema..m SHEEr NO: r;. SCREEN PORCH Berry Residence S-1 925 Donna Drive Mattituck,NY 11952 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS & WIND LOAD PATH CONNECTION DETAILS GENERAL WIND PROTECTION CONNECTION NOTES ?JAILING SCHEDULE Adapted from Standard for Hurricane Resistant Residential Construction;SSTD 10-99 and 2018 SBC High Wind Edition Wood Frame Construction zDiswoDDr'R r:EcciuSrPuclorJt�An� c ,`.;- --: . •"�",:�`ss tale h`}:v,::�-4as •fi,f .s'-_':: Fasteners and Connectors for Wood Frame Construction - 6i :,oESG- t!si J c ':�c5 T. <.f r:MA�Lc ipi� rz',' :4 :7.Ir�att;,SPACIN 1.A continuous load path between footings,foundations walls,floors,studs and roof P 9 T07OP F.R?E `'70E W+iLED _ $�'Y.�fu:3_B_a PERPareft NOTCHED RAFTER framing shall be provided, RAFTER .. . _ . ,o-c�w:cL:3-se PCRR;,rseR CeiUt.G JO'ST 7070P PLATE TOE NAlLD 5-^�"WA'�:3-ai PCR JOL-T RIDGE .... ... o-c agr�:4-so PEP,J6ST _ .. RIDGE 2.Approved connectors,anchors and other fastening devices not included in the ceiLrr`lcis-=c'r z rcc: race i�Aa® s[ET 3- EACH ihP Standard Building Code,Section 2306 of IBC shall be used in accordance with CEIU G J015T LhP5 OVER PAF771065 FACE...SED 5E[.A iE 3.7 EAch,LAP manufacturer's recommendations. COLLAA TIC TO RA.__F' .. _ FACE NF!ieD SEe?A21E 6.14 PER T7E r:*L'cv,ztc TO kAiirR .TOE ASD .'-9;' EACH EY.D .. _ .. . .. _- . ... !!D .._ _. .. .. Ri.S:EO!RD.. N TO RA.�eF. EA:D e.1laLED -:1 Ed EACH E 3.Metal plates,connectors,screws,bolts,and nails exposed directly to the weather or subject to salt corrosion in costal areas,shall be stainless steel or hot dipped upaa:rRAMtr+c�:;,�.-;_;t:��',-., ;':•-;=..-=,.:;:.f=•.;:� .'::': �__:>.-.,.•_�-.:: ;=.-:��f:;,•�,--;;::,:''^�_:_ . :, -..galvanized. TCP Pv 7T TO TO-PATE FACE wj'ED --?GG• PEP F907 TYPICAL RIDGE TO RAFTER STRAPPING TYPICAL RIDGE BEAM TO RAFTER STRAPPING 9 l _ -- TOF PLa.-eS:,T,rrER=ECT;7:5 F-ee r:�Lec 4_:G� _�n:,s-e.:cr,�D[ 5TVD'TO S7LD FACEFIWJLED 2•:6d 24"0+C 4.Where Windows and doors interrupt wood structural panel sheathing and siding, IH[ADeR.TO He;Dee` FSCe i1AIED i 67 5"o C ALOuG eDcEs framing anchors or connectors shall be provided at the top and bottom of cripple studs, TOP°'E-p7 !f FL:Tom-TO 5-NM END NAILED 64 PEP. Y4 S7UD 3-1 Gd _ _ PPP.i=xG STUD header studs,and at least one stud at each side of opening. 4_Isd reR^s55TUD 5.Ridge straps shall be attached to each pair of opposing rafters except where collar eAt OL5T.:END_JO!57,OF,5LOM—C FACE MAIM C.i Ga'- PEP FOOT PROVIDE 1/2'SPACING ties of 1x6 or 2x4 lumber is located in upper third of attics ace and attach to each air BETWEEN THE END STUD PP P P r.L[:oR± SttNc.�,'i•',<- •'.+ - ..,,. _ ',':. -.. -" -AND THE 2 OTHER STUDS of rafters. ' 1015T TO SLL,TCP PLATE,OR GIRDER ,?OE NA"SD ,,-�- ... 4-95 PEP.-JOi__I. RAFTER FOR ALLOWING aE'Dc Nc=o acsr Toe KAlLEp 2-80 EACH END HOLDDOWN INSTALLATION CONNECT CORNER STUD 6.Uplift connectors shall be provided at each rafter bearing. •• 5:0.:Kie7G TO JOiT TOE!1A,tPC _ '-;�_ r%wH END- TO TRANSFER SHEAR - - - - FASTEN WITH(2)16d EiACK'AG TO S;ii CR TOP PATP TO[NAILED- 3-f Gd EACH SLIXiF TOP PLATE 7.Floor to floor hold-downs to be provided every 48,and every 16"within 4'of exterior —� COMMON NAILS @ 6.O.C. LeDGeR s?xP70 aEA!n PACE iWiED 3-1 Ga__. EALtt.JOIST .. .\._ corners. JOIST Jo teDS[R TO S^�;M - :TO[N+=,:-FD_ 3`3 PEP.JOIST .. .. .. L=,tr✓JOLT WALL STUD SIDEWALL 5At D JOFT TO SILL OR TOP FLATE ENDWALL Tie ryn, o .... =.I G P R rooT - 8.Sill Plate to Foundation Anchorage: Sill plate shall be anchored to the foundation with anchor bolts having a min.bolt diameter of 5/8"and 3"x 3"x 1/8"washers. A ae:orsrlewrns =' =:y; -',. ;Kr :_:_,,,;::.:':•'•: : ::'.:.`•,.`: ;.'..: :%::::+I?-;.; is s. TY_ 1CAL RAFTER TO WALL STUD CONNECTION _ SHEAR WALL CORNER CONNECTION minimum of one anchor bolt shall be provided within 6 to 12 inches of each end of 4•FEFs+,r.ET ER PDG=aot�-:G-o C_r•„T PhI EL eDGE5 STP..UOTURi�P.3LEL iy AND AT MTEP.V.[G.ATL 5UFPORT5 iN THE PAN-1 MELD each plate. Anchor bolts shall have a minimum embedment of 7 inches in concrete/ INTER�nR=C.4L-tG'0.'C-Gh?Fn!Z11.tDGES AND(2':.Y masonry foundations. Anchor bolts shall be located within 12 inches of comers and at sePRlne ATE uPPORT=: 'nE P..NeL FIELD cpnripq not�xrperlapg 4 feet on renter FOR ROOF 5HEATMNG WI'll.4'-O•CF:HE PERh•ETER EDG[OP TY,E;`=F,NCLVDII•IG i'-O'ON EACH 51Dr VF THE Poor P_.U,,THE 4'-0•PERMETER LPG ZoF,X A7—,ACr!ALPNT P.EOL'�g4-ENT5.5".ALL M USED. 1ST.FLOOR WALL STUD KING STUDS _ .. .._ GYPy„'i.A WAL�eOAP.D x COOLEFS -'t7i U'e/!0"r1rW F 1ST.FLOOR PLATE CRIPPLE STUD _.._. SUBFLOOR HEADER SRUCTLP.'i P:,t;E15 1 I ep.CWh.f—'-f—-1 RIM BOARD t.l cx t.sl.,.7:s�.; �Ge;G°FIELD rp I 1 ge.�Ic•.Rmfira,"nl JACK STUDS DOUBLE SILL PLATE Pi5E5OAP,D PANELS 7.1 i G" - GG - 3'EDGE•G FelO FOUNDATION WALL =.s- _ - _ _ sa c GEiG• 1ELD GYF5LiA W LL50ARD 50 C06LP.5 71EDGEr!o-riC.D 4`EDGE POkE-I G-O/C-G-AT PAIL ED t5 A`JD t 2-AT TYPICAL HEADER CONNECTION HAF_-50ARD- _. .. _ _. _ sd. WTEWEWTE SUPPORTS iN ThE PANEL F ELD 1N7EP'OR'ZOAC-I G.0)c-Y-"hT P,+,t:EL EDGES AND I--'AT sa it.�.rtWEC.,A:E SUPPOR_-:N T He FAN EL FML0 .. - .y FLC7CPR SHehTl11NG:: .:::;'-';."-:"•r' :.. : -'•,'i: ._ .._� ...:.,r; -...sr, -,-_ 1 ST FLOOR TO FOUNDATION CONNECTIONS sTRuc-UR;A P-.wPu-I^oR as G^MGe i:_rrE1D - - evil:ng rra�rc"no are i;7d or,"nil sh;z'F.-�r 1; G:•+i. O.C.x iw F­&edee ..:t s1adF ng:s-l'.3 3:roe c O.C.A r:e,' l edae ta +- DOUBLE TOP PLATE m5her d�sr crncrt:e���d•.'a reT,:ra„c+a for a:uc��l mcr,.!+ers o-yli h t a•kc,or AI e a 3/B"PLYWOOD SPACER TYPICAL HEADER Per,,:teed!:be reds,«d to s_:G6 v:t.F­..t. OR AS PER PLANS MTS24C RAFTER TIE BY SIMPSON OR EQ. TYP.AT WIN.HDR. WOOD HEADER/WOOD BEAM �R/ly c REFER TO FLOOR PLAN R.R.AT 16"O.C.AS PER PLANS W (2)2"x6"JACK STUDS 2"x6•KING STUDS DBL.TOP PLATE AT HEADER DETAIL (TYP TO BOTH SIDES) SECOND FLOOR OR AT SINGLE STORY NOT TO SCALE 1 1/4"X24"20 GAGE DBL.2X6 TOP PLATE HEADER STRAPS TYP. TYR AT 2ND FLR.EXT. NEW �I WALLS USE Bd COMMON NAILS @ 6" sae 2X6 WALL FRAME @16"O.C. O SCTM#1000-115-16-9 O.C.AT FIELD AND 4"@ *�E ft,1' EDGES-REFER TO PLANS aP FOR DESIGNATED AREAS 1 1/4"X24"20 GAGE CJ •MI� 0'Q,f 2X6 BLOCKING TYP. JACK STUD STRAPS TYP. 0� r AT SEAM AT ALL AT 2 SIDES OF OPENING BLDG.CORNERS y1 + 2X6 WD STUDS AT RIM JOIST Q 16"O.C.TYP. _ 1/2"COX EXTERIOR GRADE PLYWOOD SHEATHING TYP. 1 1/4"X24"20 GAGE � HEADER STRAPS TYP. = NJ.PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER P.E. °d° I RIM JOIST AS PER PLANS AT EACH STUD �a �� 05700 �\ PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER �... v.a IM•1'a' REMOVE EXISTING SHEATHING �� P.O.sox n,GREENPORT NY,u9a4 "`" sxESTNo: If SCREEN PORCH WALL/HEADER AS REQUIRED TO APPLY STRAPS �FESS100P. °'""''" RGi NOT TO SCALE Berry Residence S-2 NAILING DETAIL(ELEVATION) 925 Donna Drive NOT TO SCALE Mattituck,NY 11952 F7] Fu 2x10 RIDGE EXISTING DORMER SIMPSON CS20 &WINDOWS TO BOLT ALL CT TO RR /2-1"CB CONNECTOR @ REMAIN SIMPSON H7 CONNE OR EACH RAFTER �.. 12 4 EH lx6 AZEK FASCIA,CE TER o.l -� BEADED VENTED VINYL ')vr,CT nn 1A SOFFIT REMOVE EXISTING OVERHANG IN AREA OF NEW SCREEN ROOM ! 3-2x8"HEADER CONTINUOUS AROUND ROOM 4x4 POSTS,WRAP FINISH W/AZEK o i FMSTING i i i i DECKING STRUCTURE TO REMAIN 0 SIMPSON ABU44 CONNECTOR(TYP) 4x4 ACQ POSTS CARRIED THRU DECKING TO 12" _ SCTM#1000-115-16-9 POURED CONCRETE PIERS BACK ELEVATION / SECTION OF w/SPREAD FOOTING *AE ENS y 3'-0"BELOW GRADE O Q' N.J.MA2ZAFERRO,P.E. PRO ONAL ENGINEER P.O.BOX GGRMPORT NY,11944 swe:u•-ra i' E`er 0. 0 nam.sssn au¢:�ysw�.� 5"EET NO: SCREEN PORCH R��E$$�Q�'► Berry Residence A-1 925 Donna Drive Mattituck,NY 11952 •3 NEW ROOF ALL AREAS OF EXISTING HOUSE _ z TO REMAIN ' NEW SCREEN PANELS NEW POSTS EXISTING DECK TO REMAIN SCTM#1000-115-16-9 SIDE ELEVATION OF ew}0� � a� 0 �wN.J.MAZZAFERRO,P.E. 06Q8"' Fj PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER .._.,N..,..,. \- 57d P.O.BOX 57,GREENPORT NY,11944 �r �O? ssmsssa eanmm,�pm� SHEET NO: SCREEN PORCH Berry Residence A-2 925 Donna Drive Mattituck,NY 11952 FLOOR PLAN zo._Z- STUD FRAME GABLE __ _ __ _ __ ___ ROOF LINE END WALL ABOVE HEADER EDGE OF;EXISTING DECK T I I o I I Ln I I o 2x8 RR @ 16"OC j z 4: 12 PITCH I � I j o 2x6 @ 16"OC J a Y-0' ABOVE DECK j W Lu I 4x POST, BUILT OUT& j a SCREEN PORCH WRAPPED w/ 1x TO FINISH Y on existing deck I PO CARRIED THRU DECK Ll TO NEW 12'0 PC FOOTING EXISTING STAIRS I a Y AREA OF FLAT j 36'BELOW GRADE TO GRADE I al- uw CEILING THRU TY ICAL OF ALL SHOWN I 3 o CENTER rx z: j I rn �' X j I j 2x8 RR @ 16"OC 4 : 12 PITCH I EXISTING STAIRS existing deck i j TO GRADE j EXISTING HOUSE- STRUCTURE, FINISHES, WALLS,DOORS,WINDOWS, ETC.ALL TO REMAIN SCTM#1000-115-16-9 •. ���OF Ew r , �.5'• 'fit' '�� _ {�--- 'O N.J.MAZZAFERRO,P.E. Z h r PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER a�=,v,•.,•.�• P.O.aoz n,caEwvoar rvv.==sw 'a (` s,s.nsss aua mo+�mm g1EEr NO: A��FE woo SCREEN PORCH Berry Residence A-3 925 Donna Drive Mattltuck,NY 11952 FOOTING PLAN 20'-2" NEW 4x4"POST ON 12"PIER w/POURED CONCRETE SPREAD FOOTING,MIN.36" BELOW GRADE EDGE OF EXISTING DECK 18'-11'h" 7Y," uJ i EXISTING 2X8 ACQ DJ @ 16"OC TO REMAIN m 0 O' v a c� I z 4 X tL EXISTING STAIRS (DD � ❑ ZD TO GRADE Ln i� w O' p Q U Z a F- Q j< co w EXISTING ZX8 AC D] z @ 16"OC TO REMAIN � STING STAIRS i EXISTING 2X8 ACQ DJ X TD GRADE @ 16"OC TO REMAIN Lu EXISTING HOUSE- STRUCTURE, FINISHES, WALLS, DOORS,WINDOWS, ETC.ALL TO REMAIN OF rEw SCTM#1000-115-16-9 z —0 N.J.MAZZAFERRO,P.E. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER P.O.BO%n,GP.EENPOKr NY.11494 �OFESSIv' s,nmssss Eru��mmmsusn SHEET NO: SCREEN PORCH Berry Residence A-4 925 Donna Drive Mattibick,NY 11952 SSeSsovs 5Z2 59 � iS- 6 9