HomeMy WebLinkAboutWillow Point Assoc. 2021 � 1 . Southold Town Trustees E 9� V f,,)) John Bredemeyer, PresidentElf,)) i NOV 2 4 2021 November 22,2021 Southol cl'l'bwn Board of Tr«Si008 Dear Mr. Bredemeyer: _ _ Thank you kindly for speaking with Willow Point Association Director Bob Guariello last week concerning our desire to guide the users of Dock 6 at the Willow Point Marina as they plan to repair the dock before it becomes unsafe.for use. Dock 6 is an existing, previously permitted 20-foot floating dock with two pilings, a land-based platform and a ramp from the platform to the float. This letter is to confirm our understanding that you have agreed that we can repair or replace the rotted wooden decking on the float with non-treated wood, and replace the rotting unsafe ramp with a new aluminum ramp constructed for that specific purpose. We understand that we may not alter the position of the float,pilings and land-based ramp. We further understand that we are not required to obtain a permit in order to perform this maintenance work. Our intention is to have the work completed in time for the summor-season of 2022. 1 look forward to your response indicating that the contents of this letter are correct. Again, our thanks for your time and effort. Sincerely, naza mwjAi�rd Fed 5; Donna Blanchard, President Robert Guariello, Director Willow Point Association Willow Point Association 973 489 0589 516-848-5616 dblanchard@embargmail.com gs1641@aol.com �oHo?Y) W A01ef r Willow Point Association Southold, N_ Y R �E C LS� L "n�7 12 November 2021 , NOV 1 A 20 KI �� 21 Southold Town Trustees-• - ----«-��� J. Bredme er, President Southold` sti- Y Board of irt�stQos Dear Mr. Bredmeyer: We Are inquiring in regard to an existing previously permitted floating dock, 2 pilings, a land based platform and ramp to the float. (See original enclosed permit) Our intentions are to repair/replace rotted wood decking on the floating dock with non treated material and replace the rotted wood ramp with an aluminum ramp constructed for that purpose. The location of the 35 year old float, pilings and land based platform will not be altered or moved. We assume this maintenance project is exempt from new permitting,but ask for assurance that our interpretation is correct.. Thank you in advance for any help you might be able to offer. Sincerely, Bob Guarriello �UOr`/c �p an� Director 516 848 5616 gs1641(@aol.com PO Box 215, Southold, NY 11971 cc: Donna Blanchard, President f�✓ jr44'r-"— 5- 2 of r//e+^� Willow Point Association /h �/U dblanchard@embargmail.com f BOARD QF�..5033T; L�:;.. :b.�.;, _ �:.-�t.�.�,"�;,�•�,.s� t .,�,��,,,:•.;:.".�:��: � �f,,: • .. � "y':`%%�q.•"`r`-:.�:F_.�.n':.�",..+Ji.7` ,.7f..,�,; ,;,Ja.� /�Fiyc,_ ..,.. �,`. Y`? j. •JV', V•LV'�'2][�iT.r '.Vl •1�� "�,�,Z,it .-.5'r':c-,"",4:':;L?'rl.::. �: - _ .y .ki:r�� �.i�cY+y}:'.^: ,t,1"Y'.h,�.•�x.�,�'''•��"•'��'�,'.�h'-y,Y is .�-!. 1YPT • �'.. ::;:%?•y ma's::-."y?'r'' ante" s:'Persnit:f>ia:.,: has been lAteiiand ..,,•;;F31 a v'�r< ;�:- ��,•��° :,ky.".•• .. '.s •s•' .+. F'13-GO�t;.:,:.�2:7?.•.'''•••'•"•"• �;�•�' u in 1jC331Ot� ; r .:pod by APP3}East:.:..,...-....• r.,x;-f=:; a�: niatiwrfuiislned 1 Oct. '11 8 5' ro wed rk•vvill bey ^, Dr..ti:rice—n-e C�app . IS......t..A`map of;the P P ....:,«...............«......«son«...........« •.•- «..,•' apP on file:irithe•Trustee Qffice under the ficationFcumbergiven. "- Sttt ..a.:r7rsc]c..r.Azbs3:stisag.Af..,:a:'. Permit ranteci-to do'the fbilamng wArk'l;R. C :•: 16' ed amp and .a 6 �x::20••• float re Lire �� .. .....:.:.».,...,,..•...«.;ck to be'dorie j Ltca'tion of property;on wdricK via �, �'• • •' � = ' Canal-.o...ff .o..f Greek,Say cr};arbor• fronting property .............._.. ...... ._»._......«. «� .«...:. 7s13 P „'•...«...... ..._»....«._........... ...«............._....... ....... a Size of work: Length ° Width »......«3.`.and&»..».....................».............................»........»......................« Height Above High Water .........I;.:...._............. ...................._..«..,•..„_,,......„.... DepthBelow Low Water.............VA.........................»......«......._...._•............ ».._ Yardsto be Excavated......-------....i.___.........«. ...«._...........•.......«..»«..«......« ,({+ Yards to be Fitted # ,--'--~•------••---__"..'••....'«•'__......_......_.......... i Manner in which material is to be reraovei'or t .._................«.......................:....... ....�..::;. �.::: � ..«....... �:. intended use of property P� Conditions if any..................... . ,-. Vg 3. :; . ...................................«.....«...,. ............ Expiration Date . �iLAC..1987,• f;wpr� �� �3izt".c ie.ace�-• � Tr ;ra x Required 2.Trustees are':„,tq be';,''?iot ;�Si:.17aA...cs�Jc1P " ` �'= Number of Inspections equired...... �' = - ofthe work. ........................................................ 5.00 Da]cl ton Fees. ... inspect »..-•. '- ............................ Liability Policies in the Amount of,. The validity of this permit is or may be subject to the approval of other governmental or municipal for or obtaining such approval. In the authorities. The Town accepts no responsibility in applying event'that such approval is necessary,-the holder of this permit shall not commence operations here- under until such approval has beery obtained in writing.The failure.to obtain such other approval when required shall subject this permit to immediate revocation:•by the Trustees upon receipt by the ^>r Trustees of written notice from such other governmental or municipal authorities of its refusal or ''- - disapproval. >�xlse applicarn does.tiy:the acceptanet;:qf�Si§�p2r�ssit;: ii}iestecrt`:`€ e '�s taken ursuan •.tli shall take'a#1 P t to Ss•gee'init;and': •ecaus�' t#�:` "" -;. ,-`"> .�>'£, }`an8'property cesuitin'fro m such operations:8y suais'a "E =i 1F and-save harmless'the town and its'ofiice -from erations under,this permit and ase}r'aa# alf: <" :+ oP P employees. The applicant and,the owner ar;if:o tsfi' _ ;, '' � y % PP ccuPata '., r this 'ermit are iiein c " ` y %} . t? 9 condo ted doy ano-em lenter-upon., its~officers p oyees•to t[#e make'such ecti ns as the Town may'sue ilEemi nar'y'aD°i�ii+e�iaCsilc�=' _ i conformityxq"' '.: -y. Z r, u c x:i,:':,'.•5 *: ducted nw"th this f�Y This operation will not substantially. Y k y r 4f ' A. Adversely affect ttie•wedands bf.the town,,..: 'B. Cause damage from erosion,to d?i�1!,,, ..:.,,::-i,•:M . D. 'Adverse! affect fish,shellfists C. Cause saltwater intrusion.into.ttie `itiateria tovyii: i y oc ot€lei=iiedefi«aT'iiia ocgariYsms;arc wiid}ite and veye6 =_ -tation or the natural habitat!tIle E Inerease•thedanser'of'flti8 idjst,arii t--damage' :. F. Adversely affect riavigatida omit al,waters-or the tidal.flow of the tidal viiatess of the.town. G. Change the course of.ariy channel"oi•.&.e.natdral nid'vement or.flow of any waters. ' H. ,•Weaken or undermine the lateral support of other Lands in the vicinity. 1. Otherwise adverse! affect the health;safety.and• y general w.elfaie of the people of the town.. , Signed .. ....» ...... a_�»s ' ...»� resident MEN- ' Board of Sputhold Town Trustees .. Date.......d zS-1 ..........»...... - ;. �, _; �drographic Map 4 H WILLOW POINT ASSOC. �10 w e i Sutveyed: l0.24.16 - .•• /p � s SCT# 1000-56-5-28 o Q� Town:Southold Suffolk County, NY Datum: M L L W CZ A. ct IV / 'o� a it /• .y` 1 /7 et- 0 1co \ fir• 10 01 C Ej V. E-7 i OCT 2 9 2021 ROBERT H. FOX NYS PLS#50197 Southold Town P O Box#366 Board of Trusteps...—I Aquebogue, NY 11931 Glenn Gol, th, President �QSOFFG', Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas KruNs'hi,Vice President ��p Gym 54375 Route 25 John M. Bredemeyer III y P.O.Box 1179 Michael J. Domino Southold,NY 11971 Greg Williams y p! Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD T Date/Time: 9 `� �"� �V. Completed in field by: V ht 0y IRENE WARREN & MARK MAMRACK request a Pre-Submission Inspection to discuss the existing floating dock #6 at the Willow Point Association docking facility, and discuss the necessary repairs/replacement of said dock. Located: 765 Willow Point Lane, Southold. SCTM# 1000-56-5-28 CH. 275-3 - SETBACKS WETLAND BOUNDARY: Actual Footage or OK=� Setback Waiver Required 1. Residence: 100 feet 2. Driveway: 50 feet 3. Sanitary Leaching Pool (cesspool): 100 feet 4. Septic Tank: 75 feet 5. Swimming Pool and related structures: 50 feet 6. Landscaping or gardening: 50 feet 7. Placement of C&D material: 100 feet TOP OF BLUFF: 1. Residence: 100 feet 2. Driveway: 100 feet 3. Sanitary leaching pool (cesspool) 100 feet: 4. Swimming pool and related structures: 100 feet Public Notice of Hearing Card Posted: Y / N Ch. 275 Ch. 111 SEQRA Type: 1 II Unlisted Action Type of Application: Pre-Submission- Administrative Amendment Wetland Coastal Erosion Emergency Violation Non-Jurisdiction Survey :5 5 years: Y/N Wetland Line by: C.E.H.A. Line Additional information/suggested modifications/conditions/need for outside review/consultant/application0co/mpleteness/comments/standards: ljld-1 'A?1eG1'V AA 4Le_2 I have read & acknowledge the foregoing Trustees comments: Agent/Owner: Present were: J. Bredemeyer /Domino t'."G. Goldsmith /N. Krupski G. Williams Other October 28, 2021 SOUTHOLD TOWN U Board of Trustees Mr. Mike Domino OCT ? 9 2021 1D Southold, NY 11971 Southold Town Board of Trustoes Dear Mr. Domino, ,We are Irene Warren and Mark Mamrack and have lived in Southold since 2010 at 345 Budds Pond Road, Southold, located in the Willow Point neighborhood,The Willow Point Association has informed us that Dock 6 located in our marina needs replacement. We are requesting a site visit from the Board of Trustees to review the current dock 6 and area regarding dock repair/replacement and proper procedures to follow with such a project. 1.The dock is located in Willow Pond, 2. The current dock 6 needs repair/replacement. 3. The current water depth appears it be in conflict with the required depth necessary for dock replacement. 4.We do not know if dredging will be needed to meet the water depth required. (Please refer to attached water depth analysis provided to us by Robert Fox) Dock 6 is circled. S. We have been told that the dock is"grandfathered" in. However,we do not know what this actually means. 6. Is there a Southold Town Code for the boat size for Dock 6. The Willow Point Association has informed us (in conversation)that dock 6 needs be/repai red/repl aced. In� order to comply with this request,we are requesting a site visit from you. Could this site visit be done in the near future (perhaps by the end of November)to enable us to Start working on this proposed project. I have enclosed the following; 1.. A check for the requested $50.00 fee. 2. Water depth analysis provided by Robert Fox for us. We look forward to hearing from you.Thank you. Sincere , GLL, V(/ iferzfWarren and Mark Mamrack property owners 937-272-4056 34"T' 0)00S PoN® 0 igwarren50@gmgil.com SOdnt � N �, ILA?( Enclosures: 2