HomeMy WebLinkAboutSmith, Thomas & Jennifer Area Front Side Both Sides Rear (square fast) Lot Coverage (het) (feet) (feet) (feet) t 'oo to 60 30 399.999 199,999 P O S E D R 0 F 120,000 to 1o% 60 30 6o 85 P RU' 80,000 to 11%999 20% 60 20 45 75 ALTERATION AND T`40,000 to 59,999 20% 55 20 45 75 mNVAB,R I M[ g0000 to 59,9gg 20% 50 20 40 60 .:'-G3C�CSQDD,GdCf 99flOo9 20,000 to 39,999 20% 40 15 35 So �e 5 TERIOR Less than wpm 20% 35 to 25 35 onconforming lots with primary and secondary front yards shall be required to meet the following; RENOVATION TO THE SMITH Ana `SStipED ARI-�'r (11111,1fW10 f4m) Primary Front Yard Secondary Front Yard Side Yard Less than 20,000 35 10 RESIDENCE �e 20,000 to 39,999 40 g STORM DRAINAGE GALL: ' 1 O AKLAWN AVE . 1. teNOW GOE FIGII PAVIE 1 1971 RIPOP i 100 NON-TURF SOUTHO LD NY PAVE •I00 , LAM50APE•O2 uc�J�IV LS°o rLAWN 2. PPOJIOE STORIBE FOR 2'RAIIFNI•J6T � 12-I}23 I55111E7 FOR PERMIT LP-24-24 WISED PER TOWN GOWENT5 I. ROAF wr HONSF DRAINAGE AREA 6P). ' REGONSTRUGT REVISED PER TO4N 1415 S.F.ROOF x.16T xI 241 'n EXI5TIN6 ROOF GOM BIT 2. ROOF AT GARAGE DRAINAGE ARE ILP) REGONSTRUG7 552 5F 0�24-24 REV15W PER BOARD OF 300 SF.ROOF x.16T x 1 • 50.1 �' TTd157ff5(,O+UffS EX15T STOOP 5.PAVHt ARE.PATIO AND 5TQ2Pr ti), Iq.5 5F `� ® IM •' 1021 SF PANNB x.bT x I nl V � Y RECONSTRUCT 4 LANDSCAPE ARFr(LP) EXIST STOOP 4014 S `(� Iq.S SF F LAIa'f./iING x J6T X 2 I• '.� i TOTAL 605J REGON5TRUGT/ OG ,066 �^— -Y` USSE DEEPP�(2)12'VIA x 4'D STORM POOL EXIST STOOP g � �! W OPEN eFATE.405E x 2 .001� / .0 vx 1so SF r ® ---- -- ---------- N / / ! NON-TURF / Y / 4qp INTERIORI / ALTERATION I / AL s EX.6 00 A. Z.Ix .. Z M //�/ r I ra wT' 1 p:O C•r Q Q U PII w�W�� � ~ E ab �CL t� Pala o W Z It o "� N Q LU o 3..1 C DRAW I NG INDEX I DWG. INITIAL LATEST 155UANGE .VI NO. DRA IN6 TITLE 155UANGE REV15ION NO.6 DATE TI TITLE SHEET,GENERAL NOTES AND PLOT PLAN 12-13-23 1 03-24-24 EXISTING PEgz/-ENTA6E LrTT !T/FQJ1.ri FAA EXI GROUND FLOOR PLAN-EX15TIN6 12-13-23 225 SF EX.I STY Dl'B.LIN6 1225 SF EX2 EXISTING ELEVATIONS 12-I3-23 1 03-24-24 Cy'QDD frKAS PRO.EGTSS-23-024 PROPOSED PLOT PLAN E.I STY DhELLING 1225 5F EX.I STY 6ARAOIE 1305 SF TOTAL NTH INTERIOR ALTERATION 1225 SP DMOI DEMOLITION PLAN 12-13-23 EX.I STY GARAGE 305 SF EX.GONG STOOP REMOVED -56 5F x.ALc 1'�5p' EX.GONG STOOPS 56 SF EX GONG STOOP RF,G TTL)GTED 56 5F AO 51-HEDULES,NOTES t DETAILS 12-13-23 IWORNATION PROVIDED BY OTHERS FOR REFERENSE ONLY.5ff 5I6WD AND SEALED aRVEr TOTAL ADDITION s ALTERATION 1,586 5F TOTAL ADDITION l ALTERATION I$66 5F NOTE, Al PROPOSED FOUNDATION AND PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN 12-13-25 1 03-24-24 1. ALL EXTERIOR SHEATHING AND SIDING TO RE4AIr1 A2 PROPOSED ELEVATIONS TOTAL LOT AREA 6791 SF TOTAL LOT AREA b-P41 SF 2. NOT A FULL INTERIOR RENOVATION 12-13-23 03-2424 PEiC431TA6E LOT GOVERAGE 23.4% FERGE TASE LOT GOVEiAGE 23.4% 3. NOT A SUBSTANTIAL INTERIOR RENOVATIONS A3 PROPOSED ROOF PLAN 6 SECTION 12-13-23 O}2424 4. BOARD EEQ APPROVAL REWIREDA4 PROPOSED 5KY PLANE DRAWING 5. DEG APPROVAL VAL REQUIRED 12-13-23 To: Southold Town Trustees From:Tom and Jan Smith(Owners and Applicants) Date:8/30/24 Subject: Request for On-Site Inspection—3121 Oaktawn Avenue Dear trustees, Would you kindly add me to the list of properties needing an on-site inspection on September 11 cn I give you permission to visit and inspect my property on that date. You accepted my renovation project during the August 14th Board of Trustee meeting, but I would like to pursue an administrative wetland permit amendment solely for the small patch of lawn that currently exists on my front lawn. I am happy to agree to,no turf everywhere else on my property.My front grass area amounts to only 380 square feet. I have no sprinkler system and do not plan on getting one. I also do not fertilize the lawn area. The lawn has been the way it is now for the past 30 years. For comparison purposes,you will see that the two properties to the west of me have a grass area that is 5-1 Ox the size of my grass area and they do not have the benefit of a bulkhead. Their grass goes right up the wetlands and phragmite. One of them also has a sprinkler system. The property to the east of me also has an extensive lawn area with no bulkhead that runs right into the wetlands. My request is to maintain the current small lawn area with a buffer of 7 feet from the bulkhead. Enclosed with this letter are four photos that illustrate exactly what I have outlined above. The photos show my lawn area and each of my neighbor's lawn areas. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 917-887-4520. Best regards. Tom and Jan Smith C V D AUG 3 0 2024 Southold Town BOefd ofTb0m N" '•`6} r i-: ��..�*�,'.- l:;tt+'(�;i� t T. � t t � ." b �''�' f.`�7r;4�����,e�`aG _ -- ."_ 1 7 "+ �if, fts� e p w Ij op 41w 1 �� fib. A �Ij� L•�,�y.�-� r• tt .'N Y f i t.:r� Y St �� fiY I'• ��a � � �f� 3/-�1 d�1a.c�✓nJ y .F U t solf Aw cc- ry F ^e 4 ,I 'C�" .»' .. / ��\�' ^'ib .+•+ y i/�n,,t_ .y �si�v _ F #:ry_,i III �. ` ,M• Fri r� w i S S !! ����� �s���\��•, ��� `�r� �.�Cy���.�m.�,'Ta �`�r � � � xis�''�. � r4� k 1 h•a ,. s•�eF �:�� �__ 1 7 � ^r����"'._ . a ra =i`��i i fit,. :;t�'�r J '1 � � I i-' s -.7�'�s����►/� wx.� ,.it�. .•.„.tie�si�X;�'�lt� �1�� .+'fit} �A� �' ait , � ��yy '�