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fFO(,f�oGy Town of Southold 8/1/2024 o P.O.Box 1179 53095 Main Rd Way Southold,New York 11971 ya CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: 45410 Date: 7/31/2024 THIS CERTIFIES that the building ADDITION/ALTERATION Location of Property: 425 Maple Lane, Southold SCTM#: 473889 Sec/Block/Lot: 64.-1-25 Subdivision: Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated 6/19/2007 - pursuant to which Building Permit No. 33194 dated 6/29/2007 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is: additions and alterations, including front and rear covered porches,attached garage,HVAC and hot tub,to existing single family dwelling as applied for. The certificate is issued to Rooney,John&Phillips Rooney,Dorothy of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. 33194 6/10/2024 PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED 6/28/2024 (—John Roney Aut one latu- e FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING' DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 33194 Z Date JUNE 29, 2007 Permission is hereby granted to: JOHN P ROONEY PO BOX 1622 SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 for ADDITIONS & ALTERATIONS TO AN EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING AS APPLIED FOR at premises located at 425 MAPLE LA SOUTHOLD County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 064 Block 0001 Lot No. 025 pursuant to application dated JUKE 19, 2007 and approved by the Building Inspector to expire on DECEMBER 29, 2008 . Fee $ 847 . 60 Authorized Signature ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 °i ?024 r Town Hall Annex ��� Gym d Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road C. P. O. Box 1179 -BMDING DV�,PT=tp o " Southold, NY 11979^ S� T �(11 y 0 � r BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CERTIFICATION Date: —J u N` 2- Z DZ Building Permit No. Owner: d 14rJ (Please !� TO& (� Plumber: (Please print) 4� I certify that the solder used in the water supply system contains less than 2/10 of 1% lead. (Plumbers Signature) Sworn to before me this day of 20 L/ Notary Public, u r tL County DORQTHYANNE PHILUPS. NOTARI-PU90C$TATE OF NEW YORK No,,02PH6306377 "MY C0MM1SS10N.E0RES JUNE 23.20 1-�- �' MECTFAC CONDENSING UNIT AC : . CONFORMSTO dWSLULSTD.ED7G�'S CERIIflTO C gr US G SA Intertek <H> { 9700058 j t�aoeL MUY-GL18NA i i I MuY-GL18NA -sm I y VOLTS MME N[ e U1rt SUPPLY2T0 1 60 MAMOLTAGE'AL ° MINNOLTAGE lu. ; s APP�YEDIFORlfAGi OR TWE MAY FWE& jFlMAXul RISEJLAVFS UN.CMCUlT NWACRYjL,, L 10 its six a c �IAOOEIIOIIAL.;(_FT LI�ILIIIE. � prom Fm44m.A WE a o �urwr> LoanE o 3 sue. i00O�+15 T af>�ACTu� ^' OF SO�ryo�o G • �O TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [ ] FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE A CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION REMARKS: pbll) DATE �� �� INSPECTOR pf SOUjyolo 31 ? 4- Z- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] ROUGH PL13G. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [INSULATION [ ] FRAMING /STRAPPING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION REMARKS: �4� coL� DATE INSPECTOR SO�lyo�o OOUM`I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] ROUGH PLOG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [ ] FRAMING /STRAPPING [ ] FINAL xiiiPLACE CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION REMARKS: P Or op, . r DATE � —�-c� � LF INSPECTOR ' 31 Fso TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] 1 LATION [ ] FRAMING /STRAPPING [ FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION f ? L REMARKS: J DATE �y ° INSPECTOR q SOUjyO �o �o coutm, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSU ION [ ] FRAMING /STRAPPING [ INAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION REMARKS: L DATE INSPECTOR �o��Of SOUIyOIo 1 !TO��t OF SOUTHOLD BUILD NG EPT. , 631-765-1802 INSPECTION [. ] FOUNDATION 1ST/ REBAR [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION/CAULKING [ ] FRAMING/STRAPPING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION [ ] ELECTRICAL (ROUGH) ELECTRICAL (FINAL) [ ] CODE VIOLATION . [ - ] PRE C/O [ ] RENTAL REMARKS: A f lie tj S\C7 r y r r DATE a C� `T INSPECTOR LPA Architects, LLP ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING rl w www.lpa-plans com Q CL > Lbstjll®Fax Norte 7671 °� a�ecs► June 29,2007 1 ppIDEpL r• Ql_ Town of Southold Building Department P,Q„°+ } °�� •rj�-?At 53495 Main Road , Fmc6 Southold,New York 11971 Re: Rooney Residence i 3 425 Maple Lane Southold;NY � N 2 9 2007 V 1��� BLDG-DEPi. Dear Pat, T yyyy F SPUL' OLa7 I As per our recent discussion regarding the above project,bofh windows labeled"I"on Lti m the window schedule (Andersen 2646 with 5.03 s#clear openings are no higher than 44" in above the adjacent natural grade at the south side of the structure_ I hope this information is helpful_Please don't hesitate to call it I can be of further re) assistance. �n w w z H J H m . J O F- � 0 n Regards, Kevin M.Paul,ALA S4 V C LU LzmmeMPMUkmddM&hieds LLP28 WOM 62reaStile201 _ l!] � Sa�NY 117(2 _ Tek631-589Z914 Fac631•Sft9-64J5 m FIELD INSPECTION REPORT DATE I COMMENTS FOUNDATION(1ST) ------------------------------------- FOUNDATION(2ND) � z i o� s ✓ f ° ROUGH FRANIING& PLUMBING c "� c 9� INSULATION PER N.Y. c y STATE ENERGY CODE FINAL ADDITIONAL COMMENTS S 3/ 2 �a1oc 1�6+7 = M-e S 7c m + J-o de H � C o � z � • y � x d b y TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST BUILDING PEPAI TMENT Do you have or need the following,before applying? TOWN HALL Board of Health SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 —\-4 sets of Building Plans TEL: (631) 765-1802 Planning Board approval FAX: (631) 765-9502 C 7/ .Survey www.northfork.net/Southold/ PERMIT NO. ��l (� Check a p0 .00 Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. , Trustees Examined ,2 // Contact: Approved 2U✓ Mail to: 0:)k A ITna%LLP Disapproved a/c 2$5 Wa`T1 MM^l Phone: &0Sl- 51!1-'Lgl`l Expiration_ ,20 --' Building Inspector �ti 'A!PPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT ,17 ` Date JuNl✓ L- , 2061 INSTRUCTIONS a. This app it cation MUST be,completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 4 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale.Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises,relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application,the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e.No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f.Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim,the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing,the extension of the permit for an addition six months.Thereafter, a new permit shall.be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions, or,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances,building code,housing code,and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. (Signature of applicant or name,if a corporation) cAq (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician,plumber or builder Mlt4+1 MOT Name of owner of premises JxpoRty JWtN P-OuPWy (As on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. Plumbers License No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. 1. Location of land on which proposed w ei House Number Street � �, ���� Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section # � i� Lot /2a Subdivision flap N Lot (Name) �� 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construct* n: a. Existing use and occupancy Slr•.1 bk rftwuly *51A� z b. Intended use and occupancy �I► fz �'/XM�I,y ( sl 3. Nature of work(check which applicable): New Building Addition / Alteration Repair Removal Demolition Other Work 4. Estimated Cost 1�25&,C06 . Fee Q-60._ (Description) (To be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units Number of dwelling units on each floor If garage, number of cars I 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. - 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front 1 gS' Rear 1 �� Depth 120' M 41' Height = 1'1' Number of Stories 1 Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front �S' Rear =45 ' Depth ; ��' Height 2�'(�" Number of Stories 1'Z 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front L ' _Rear ; 10 Height 25�� Number of Stories ti'2 9. Size of lot: Front -1 6,1;�' Rear (og;51 Depth I04.9'a 10. Date of Purchase Name of Former Owner 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated P_`10 -K!4'Q�N 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES NO 0C 13. Will lot be re-graded? YES NO 0C Will excess fill be removed from premises? YES A NO 14. Names of Owner of premises� ft)3NI✓1 Address-q25 MW W 5vAtLP Phone No. b31-7t'6 3202 Name of Architect WA AMhAT5crS,wP Address 2A W-+w1,N 9tvtq4f-t1. Phone No Z,3l- 5?A' 2a14 Name of Contractor 4Lawl 4WLNPoJS Address BLV- 122u, SuuiFiWO Phone No.&3M- III ko 0-1 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES NO o< * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES &D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? * YES NO * IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below,must provide topographical data on survey. 18. Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? * YES NO of * IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF ) WNW M, R'A- , tea- being duly sworn, deposes and says that(?)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (Q'He is the /f 244T51- (Contractor,Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his kn ge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. - Sworn to,before me this day of Ton e 20 0-7 �`0 titd��sti� G�WO�Q►��t�� Not Public .dp��to ignatu of Applicant Erosion Sedimentation and Storm-water Run-off Control Plan ASSESSMENT FORM EXEMPTIONS:. 1�1 -1 b —' I ,, Yes. No. A. Does this project meet the minimum standards for classification as an Agricultural Project. _ ,Note: If you.answered Yes.to any of the above,a Storm-water,Grading,Drainage.&Erosion Control.Plan is not required. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIONS.REQUIRING THE SUBMISSION OF A STORM-WATER, GRADING,DRAINAGE&EROSION. CONTROL.PLAN CERTIFIED.BY A DESIGN.PROFESSIONAL IN.THE STATE.OF NEW.YORK.. Item.Number:. (A Check Mark (J).for each question is required for complete application). Yes. No. 1. Will this.project retain all Storm-Water Runoff generated on Site? (This:will include all run-off created by site.clearing and/or construction activities.as.well as.all Site.Improvements.and the permanent creation of impervious surfaces.) ❑ 2. Will this.project require any land filling, grading or excavation where there is.a change to the natural existing grade involving more than 200 cubic yards.of material within any parcel? 0< 3. Will this application require land disturbing activities encompassing all area of five.thousand(5,000)square feet of ground surface or more? ❑ 4. Is there a Natural Water course.running through the site or is this project within One hundred(100)feet of wetlands or a beach? ❑ 5. Will there be.site.preparation on slopes which exceed fifteen (15) feet of vertical rise to One hundred(100)feet of horizontal distance? 6.. Will driveways,.parking areas or other impervious surfaces direct Storm-Water Run-off into.and/or in the direction of a Town Right-of-Way? 7. Will this application require the placement of material,removal of vegetation and/or the construction of any item within the Town Right-of-Way or road shoulder area? ❑ aC (This.item does not include the installation of driveway aprons.) 8. Will there be.site preparation within the one hundred (100)year floodplain of any watercourse? o(� Note: If.any.answer to questions one.through eight is answered with,a check mark in the Box,a Storm-water,Grading, Drainage&Erosion Control Plan is required and must be submitted for review prior to issuance,of any building.permit. --------------------------------------------- STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF.......5 � That I, .......... Y�....!�!...P'�.9. :�'�:..................•••. being duly sworn, deposes and says that he/semis the applicant for Permit, (Name of individual signing Document) And that He/ate is the .............................../'r1�1t bl �............................................................... (Owner,Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer,etc.) Owner and/or representative of the Owner or Owner's, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed.the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belier;and that the work sill be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed herewith. COLLEEN A HWd NS Sworn to before me this; "OWN tibne-fifth of Now York NO.011N6100Zq fivawlid ffr Wffolk ......................... ........day of. . ...J-Da e--................. 20.0.E 1MV Co wton q l i Notary Public: ... ...... ....�........ .. ....................,................... 1-i-9ture-'o_'i Applicant) LPA Architects, LLP ARCHITECTURE • PLANNING www. lpa-plans .com November 12, 2007 Town of Southold Building Department 53095 Main Road Southold, New York, 11971 Re: Rooney Residence 425 Maple Lane Southold, NY To Whom It May Concern:. Enclosed please find a revised foundation plan,indicating the following changes: , 1 . Change front porch structure from concrete to wood frame. 2. Change rear small porch area structure from concrete to wood frame. I hope this information is helpful. Please don't hesitate to call if I can be of further assistance. , Regards, Kevin M. Paul, AIA Lemmen Paul Associates,Architects,LLP 285 West Main Street Suite 201 Sayville NY 11782 Tel:631-589-2914 Fax:631-589-6935 t I gC E �S%3EF UILDING DEPARTMENT- Electrical Inspector oyo\' Gym AY 3 1 2024 0 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall Annex- 54375 Main Road - PO Box 1179 co "' ;Iding®epartn►Rnt Southold, New York 11971-0959 '1•1 �,�o� -town of Southold Telephone (631) 765-1802 - FAX (631) 765-9502 lamesh(aD-southoldtownny.gov - seand(ab-southoldtownny.gov APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ELECTRICIAN INFORMATION (Ail Information Required) Date: 5 0 D "o7 Company Name: L E E L Electrician's Name: E T License No.: Elec. email: Elec. Phone No: ❑1 request an email copy of Certificate of Compliance Elec. Address.: JOB SITE INFORMATION (All Information Required) Name: b o 2orl-) l fi��/f"'S ( ���� wookiex Address: /d 7,oV ,e 1,4V Lf Sc9 u-T o L-b iJ Cross Street: U#1 Phone No.: -,-//p -- 114/ Bldg.Permit#: 33174 email: P 77777-77 IJAoo,CC) Tax Map District: 1000 Section: 6 Block: / Lot: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK, INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (Please Print Clearly): Square Footage: Circle All That Apply: Is job ready for inspection?: �' YES ❑ NO -]Rough In ❑ Final Do you need a Temp Certificate?: ❑ YES ©'NO Issued On Temp Information: (All information required) Service Size❑1 Ph❑3 Ph Size: A # Meters Old Meter# ❑New Service❑Fire Reconnect❑Flood Reconnect❑Service Reconnect❑Underground❑Overhead # Underground Laterals D 1 R2 H Frame Pole Work done on Service? MY N Additional Information: PAYMENT DUE WITH APPLICATION (atQ, J D-1 � UILDING DEPARTMENT- Electrical Inspector 3 1 2024 0 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD N z Town Hall Annex- 54375 Main Road - PO Box 1179 • 6,11ding Dep9,,rn,nt Southold, New York 11971-0959 Of Southold Telephone (631) 765-1802 - FAX (631) 765-9502 �1 jamesh C@Isoutholdtownny.gov sea nd(aD-southoldtownny.gov APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ELECTRICIAN INFORMATION (Ail Information Required) Date: -:3 c0 qe f Company Name: 'L i�7 ) L L L. C., *,Ce Q- Electrician's Name: c D License No.: Elec. email: Elec. Phone No: ❑1 request an email copy of Certificate of Compliance Elec. Address.: JOB SITE INFORMATION (All Information Required) Name: be"ic0 rps' � J-&/-/k) e0 J Z" Address: 1/111 R4 4- 1,4V L- S0 U cr Z,-b Cross Street: �� U Phone No.: Bldg.Permit#: 33114 email:btP 7777777 Eytwa.cv A Tax Map District: 1000 Section: ' Block: / Lot: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK, INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (Please Print Clearly): Square Footage: Circle All That Apply: Is job ready for inspection?: ©' YES ❑ NO ❑Rough In ❑ Final Do you need a Temp Certificate?: ❑ YES BNO Issued On Temp Information: (All information required) Service Size❑1 Ph❑3 Ph Size: A # Meters Old Meter# ❑New Service❑Fire Reconnect[:]Flood Reconnect[:]Service Reconnect❑Underground❑Overhead # Underground Laterals 1 2 H Frame M Pole Work done on Service? D Y RN Additional Information: PAYMENT DUE WITH APPLICATION PERMIT# Address: Switches Outlets GFI's Surface Sconces H H's UC Lts Fridge HW POOL Panel Fans Mini Fr. W/D Pump Exhaust Oven Sump Heater Trnsfmr Smokes DW Generator Salt Gen. Water Bond Carbon Micro GrbDis Lights Heat Pucks ERV . HOT TUB/SPA Inst Hot DeHum Transfer Disc Combo Cooktop Minisplit I Blower AC AH Hood Blower Service Amps Have Used Sub Amps Have Used Comments ' *pF SO�Tyolo Town iiall Annex Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road cn �r Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 G • Southold,NY 11971-0959 'Q ` OOUNTY,�c� BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 13 2009 John P Rooneyh PO Box 1622 Southold, NY 11971 RE: 425 Maple Lane, Southold TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The following items are needed to complete your Certificate of Occupancy: Application for Certificate of Occupancy. (Enclosed) Electrical Underwriters Certificate. A fee of$25.00 Final Health Department approval. Plumbers solder certificate (all permits involving plumbing after 4/1/84.) Trustees Certificate of Compliance. Final Planning Board Approval. Final Fire Inspection from Fire Marshal. Final inspection from the Building Department. Final Landmark Preservation approval. Building Permit : 33194-Z addition/alteration oF so�ryolo Town Hall Annex Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 yC4UN1`1,0c� BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 9, 2011 Mr. John P. Rooneyh PO Box 1622 Southold, NY 11971 Re: 425 Maple Lane, Southold - TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Following Item(s)Are Needed To Complete Your Certificate of Occupancy: Application for Certificate of Occupancy. (Enclosed) /Electrical Underwriters Certificate. V A fee of$25.00. Final Health Department Approval. Plumbers Solder Certificate. (All permits involving plumbing after 4/1/84) Trustees Certificate of Compliance. (Town Trustees#765-1892) Final Planning Board Approval. Final Fire Inspection from Fire Marshall. — Bob Fisher Final Landmark Preservation approval. BUILDING PERMIT : 33194—Add ition/Alteration OF SO!/T�OI Town Hall Annex Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road Fax(631)765-9502 P.O.Box 1179 G • Q Southold,NY 11971-0959 COUNVI January 21, 2015 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD John Rooney PO Box 1622 ��� �I -0 Lc' Southold NY 11971 l Re: 425 Maple Lane, Southold TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Following Items(if Checked)Are Needed To Complete Your Certificate of Occupancy: tion se Electrical Un rtificate. _p O / roval. Plumbers Solder Certificate. (All permits involving plumbing after 4/1/84) Trustees Certificate of Compliance. (Town Trustees#765-1892) Final Planning Board Approval. (Planning#765-1938) Final Fire Inspection from Fire Marshall. Final Landmark Preservation approval. Final inspection by Building Dept. Final Storm Water Runoff Approval from Town Engineer BUILDING PERMIT — 33194—Addition/Alteration LPA Architects, LLP ARCHITECTURE PLANNING, www.Ipa-pIans.com From Kevin Paul•kpaul@lpa-plans.com ToWN Ir A aPf fef- YdJ . L MIF iWCO if `W Po YfttJ4 W Lemmen Paul Associates,Architects,LLP Tel:631.589.2914•Fax:631.5B9.6935•285 West Main Street•Sayville,NY 11782 DEC 1 2 2Q08 B`DF S DEPT. T WW - �' ,ye //fir a �• .. . . , ... "r�:^ . .- 8 � Pam'. .r�Nn �I.t�'••�rJ!'f1cY�� `�f.l - - • � ('PAP. ��� Fr{1.er-f . 61. Zol Fit MAF SUR VE"�E D VIM.. : .. ` --- _ AT Sots-Ttio�Q,A/. Van 4t °1 ree wt oil . o . REScheck Software Version 4.0.1 Compliance Certificate inn Project Title: Rooney Residence r Report Date:06/12/07 Data filename:C:\Program Files\Check\REScheck\Rooney.rck Energy Code: New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code Location: Suffolk County, New York" Construction Type: Detached 1 or 2 Family Heating Type: Non-Electric Glazing Area Percentage: 8% Heating Degree Days: 5750 Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 425 Maple Lane John&Dorothy Rooney Kevin M.Paul Southold,NY 11971 425 Maple Lane LPA Architects,LLP Southold,NY 11971 285 W.Main Street,Suite 201 Sayville,NY 11782 631.589.2914 kpaul@lpa-plans.com . - Gross Cavity Cont. Glazing UA or D.. Ceiling 1:Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss: 278 0.0 38.0 7 Ceiling 2:Cathedral Ceiling(no attic): 842 0.0 30.0 27 ` Wall 1:Wood Frame,16"o.c.: 1903 0.0 15.0 158 Window 1:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E: 150 0.350 53 Floor 1:All-Wood Joist/Truss:Over Unconditioned Space: 46 0.0 22.0 2 The proposed building represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed systems have been designed to meet the New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements.When a Registered Design Professional has stamped and signed this page,they are attesting that to the best of his/her knowledge,belief,and professional judgment,such plans or specifications are'ykcQmpliance with this Code. Name-Title Signa!y 'C® Date _ �oA �i Rooney Residence Page 1 of 4 REScheck Software Version 4.0.1 Inspection Checklist Date:06/12/07 Ceilings: ❑ Ceiling 1:Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss,R-38.0 continuous insulation Comments: ❑ Ceiling 2:Cathedral Ceiling(no attic),R-30.0 continuous insulation Comments: Above-Grade Wails: ❑ Wall 1:Wood Frame,16"o.c.,R-15.0 continuous insulation Comments: Windows: ❑ Window 1:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low=E,U-factor:0.350 For windows without labeled U-factors,describe features: #Panes Frame Type Thermal Break? Yes No Comments: Floors: ❑ Floor 1:All-Woad Joist/Truss:Over Unconditioned Space,R-22.0 continuous insulation Comments: Air Leakage: ❑ Joints,penetrations,and all other such openings in the building envelope that are sources of air leakage are sealed. ❑ Recessed lights are 1)Type IC rated,or 2)installed inside an appropriate air-tight assembly with a 0.5"clearance from combustible materials.If non-IC rated,fixtures are installed with a 3"clearance from insulation. Vapor Retarder: ❑ Installed on the warm-in-winter side of all non-vented framed ceilings,walls,and floors. Materials Identification: ❑ Materials and equipment are installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. ❑ Materials and equipment are identified so that compliance can be determined. ❑ Manufacturer manuals for all installed heating and cooling equipment and service water heating equipment have been provided. ❑ Insulation R-values and glazing U-factors are clearly marked on the building plans or specifications. ❑ Insulation is installed according to manufacturer's instructions,in substantial contact with the surface being insulated,and in a manner that achieves the rated R-value without compressing the insulation. Duct Insulation: ❑ Supply ducts in unconditioned attics or outside the building are insulated to R-8. ❑ Return ducts in unconditioned attics or outside the building are insulated to R-4. ❑ Supply ducts in unconditioned spaces are insulated to R-8. ❑ Return ducts in unconditioned spaces(except basements)are insulated to R-2.Insulation is not required on return ducts in basements. Duct Construction: ❑ All joints,seams,and connections are securely fastened with welds,gaskets,mastics(adhesives),mastic-plus-embedded-fabric, or tapes.Tapes and mastics are rated UL 181A or UL 181 B. Exceptions: Rooney Residence Page 2 of 4 Continuously welded and locking-type longitudinal joints and seams on ducts operating at less than 2 in,w.g.(500 Pa). The HVAC system provides a means for balancing air and water systems. Temperature Controls: Each dwelling unit has at least one thermostat capable of automatically adjusting the space temperature set point of the largest zone. Electric Systems: Separate electric meters exist for each dwelling unit. Fireplaces: Fireplaces are installed with tight fitting non-combustible fireplace doors. Fireplaces have a source of combustion air,as required by the Fireplace construction provisions of the Building Code of New York State,the Residential Code of New York State or the New York City Building Code,as applicable. Service Water Heating: t] Water heaters with vertical pipe risers have a heat trap on both the inlet and outlet unless the water heater has an integral heat trap or is part of a circulating system. Circulating hot water pipes are insulated to the levels in Table 1. Circulating Hot Water Systems: (] Circulating hot water pipes are insulated to the levels in Table 1. Swimming Pools: n All heated swimming pools have an onloff heater switch and a cover unless over 20%of the heating energy is from non-depletable sources.Pool pumps have a time clock. Heating and Cooling Piping Insulation: O HVAC piping conveying fluids above 105 degrees F or chilled fluids below 55 degrees F are insulated to the levels in Table 2. Rooney Residence Page 3 of 4 Table 1:Minimum Insulation Thickness for Circulating Hot Water Pipes Insulation Thickness In Inches by Pipe Sizes Non-Circulating Runouts Circulating Mains.and Runouts Heated Water Up to 1" Up to 1.25" 1.5"to 2.0" Over 2" Temperature ff) 170-180 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 140-169 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 100-139 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 Table 2:Minimum Insulation Thickness for HVAC Pipes Fluid Temp. Insulation Thickness In Inches by Pipe Sizes Piping System Types Range ff) 2"Runouts 1"and Less 1.25"to 2.0" 2.5"to 4" Heating Systems Low Pressure/Temperature 201-250 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 Low Temperature 120-200 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 Steam Condensate(for feed water) Any 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 Cooling Systems Chilled Water,Refrigerant and 40-55 0.5 0.5 0.75 1.0 Brine Below 40 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 NOTES TO FIELD: (Building Department Use Only) ti Rooney Residence Page 4 of 4 IO; Sheet Notes: z Foundation notes: O - BACKFILL BELOW FOOTINGS IF REQUIRED, SHALL BE DONE W CONCRETE HAVING A 26 DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 51000 PSI. E3 - ALL FOOTIN65 SHALL HAVE A MIN. OF 31-0" u OF COVER. PROVIDE "KARNAK, ONE-GOAT" WATERPROOFING OVER ALL FOUNDATION WALLS BELOW GRADE. CL BARRIER UNDER ALL CONCRETE SLABS ON - PROVIDE b MIL. POLYETHYLENE VAPOR 8-3" GRADE 21-q" - ALL 6ARA6E SLABS, STOOPS, 4 PORCH SLABS _ 10'-5 1/2" 1p• q._T 1/2" 1 TO BE 5500 P51. 5EE TABLE R402.2 _ ZED Z B _ - ANCHOR PROVIDE BOLTS WITHMINIMUMI-I- EMBEDMENT 0 23 O.G., MINIMUM I--O" • CORNERS DISPOSED OF PROPERLY BY CONTRACTOR ALL DEMOLITION 4 DEBRIS MATERIAL TO BE b — — _ — — — — _ r -VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS IN FIELD PRIOR TO START OF WORK TO BEPORDES�RMEBERS IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE 1_1 TREATED PRESERVATIVE (PTP) Rm LUMBER 2X8 PTP 16" JOISTS I -ALL NEW EXF05ED 5LAB5 ON 6RADE 4 6ARA6E ® Ib" O. 2X8 PTP J015T5 ® Ib" O.G. SLABS SHALL HAVE A MIN. COMPRE551VE STRENG O OF 5,500 PSI. SEE TABE R402.2. ON RC-I 3 • i TO 8 XIb POURED CONCRETE FOOTING. •ry I 3 cryv• X I I r' - 0 6" POURED CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL KEYED n g ri �* ALL CONCRETE TO HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE I STRENGTH OF 5000 P51 • 28 DAYS. • ALL FOOTINGS TO REST ON UNDISTURBED 501E �. �P; ; r 2-2XI2 PTP _� WITH A MIN. SOIL BEARING OF I TON/S.F. WITH r __-_--_- �/ _ \ / ^ ` Q MINIMUM OF 36 OF COVER I _ \ J L / XL J•L / \ AL J I O EX�S TNG AND THE NEW FOUNDATION SNTO E_z I r CONSIST OF 24" LONG, #5 BARS • Ib"O.C. ANCHOR WITH "ACRYLIC TIE" ADHESIVE AS MF(S-D BY SIMP50N j I v 1 L ; q , O 2XIO PTP LEDGER BOARD CONNECTED TO L) _ FOUNDATION, EXPANSION BOLTED z t �t W/ BOLTS ® 160 O.G STAGGERED i Exist. L I 40 FROST CURB Crawl space 0 TO REMAIN N � / ,f` O.•18"m POURED CONCRETE FOOTING, R z PROVIDE PTP bXb POST W/ (5ALV ANCHOR d) �N BASE AND GAP AS REQ'D. w © 12"XI2" GONG. BLOCK PIER ON r--- y }•___'y 24"X24"XI2" P.G. FOOTING (TYP FOR 3) 1 I EXISTING J- X8 O EMAIN • 1 i-- • I 1 10 XIO GONG. BLOCK PIER ON 18"X16"X12" P.G. FOOTING (TYP FOR 3) 8" DIA. CONCRETE FILLED "50N0" TUBE. EXISTING FRAME WALLS ABOVE PROVIDE PTP 4X4 POST 6ALV ANCHOR — 11 W/ r I — _I v z BASE AND GAP AS REQ'D. Q EXISTING WASHER 4 DRYER TO BE REMOVED Exist. (0 PROVIDE 8"X8" P.G. TRENCH FOOTING, ° 10 ty ® � Cell� � � LOCATED UNDER NEW WALL ABOVE SIMPSON PH05 5HEA I f't'I z TO REMAIN r RWALL TIEDONlN ADJACENT 1€t1 _ O' TO DOUBLE STUD AT WINDOW OR DOOR ABOVE UP a� REMOVE EX STEEL COLUMNS 1! (SEE UPLIFT CONNECTIONS SHEET RC-2) ro 1 ' r. _ + W 4 REPLA tTf N 3 I/2" O.D. II (SEETYP. FOR 4 LOCATIONS - � � SOLID EL, SGHE r, 40 GOLUMN� y 12 51M N LINE OF NEW r___y O THA218-2 HANG FOR GIRDER � FRAMING ABOVE or, ) EX-IS*ING 3- xt3 TO REM IN ~ __ TYP. R 5 LO - • • .w • 1 N r \ g fV I O v I I �o _- I 1 C _ __, I 1 ' V-5 1/2" 'i'_1" I 12 Revisions: I P ALL_ 1 _______ _� •I TIE PROPE1RrY 5PET HE AR COTE �COPIES TT TO REOF FLIRNISHEO By THE A"TECT BE V5ED ONLY NM 5PECT TO THIS P�T NV ARE IN �__I I NOT TO BE InED ON ANY OTHER PROJECT SLUHIF-ION OR D15TRIQITION TO FEET OFFIGAL REGULATORY r I REWREFENTS OR FOR OTHER PIIRPOSC5 IN CONNECTION IYTH THE PROJECT IS NOT TO B!CON5TRID AS • - d MICATION IN DEROGATION OF THE ARCHITECT5 C04ION LAM COPYRI6HT OR OTER H RESERVED HT''RI6 . i------ � ry• ry l � iv t; ----- ----r 2 �I IX " xI X Ib" O.G _ Proposed sed Addition 2X8 PTP JOISTS a Rooney _ __________ _ _ Residence4 F, 425 Maple Lane Southhold, New York 11971 4--7 6'-3 1/2" LPA Architects LLP 2q'-q" ARCHITECTURE PLANNING www. Ipa - pIans . com Lemmen Paul Associates,Architects LLP 285 West Main St. Sayville, NY 11782 ,- G l: 631 pans 589 2914 Fax: 631 589 6935 t,*UC"k pa FOUNDATION PLAN UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION N OF ANY ITEM ON THIS DOCUMENT 15 A VIOLATION OF CALF: I/41I—I I-OI� NEW YORK STATE LAW. Issue Date: ` r Project Date: MAY 2006 � �- ^, J Scale: AS NOTED Project# Drawn: Sheet 06018 EPH Job: Check: - Amw3 i ROONEY KMP 1 , FOUNDATION 11 z Sheet Notes: O U Foundation notes: - Ln SHALL FBE DONE W/O D GRETE HAVING A2,8 z DAY OOMPRE551 VE STRENGTH OF 5,000 P51. U - ALL FOOTINGS SHALL HAVE A MIN. OF 5.'-O" OF COVER. - PROVIDE "KARNAK, ONE-COAT" WATERPROOFING OVER ALL FOUNDATION WALLS BELOW GRADE. v) - PROVIDE 6 MIL. POLYETHYLENE VAPOR �- BARRIER UNDER ALL CONCRETE 5LAB5 ON 37 GRADE aC - ALL GARAGE SLABS, STOOPS, d PORCH SLABS 8'-5" 21'-q" TO BE 5500 P51. SEE TABLE R402.2 10 '!'-5" 10'-10 1/2" V-2 5/4" 5'-2 5/4" 5" - PROVIDE 1/2"0 X 12" GALVANIZED ANCHOR BOLTS WITH MINIMUM 1" EMBEDMENT 0 25" O.C., MINIMUM 1'-0" ® CORNERS A G -ALL DEMOLITION 4 DEBRIS MATERIAL TO BE U "r r -� DISPOSED OF PROPERLY BY CONTRACTOR z 8 -VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS IN FIELD _0 t ti t PRIOR TO START OF WORK m p 111 -ALL WOOD MEMBERS IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE f . - 2-2XI2 PTP 2-2 12 PT TO BE PRESSURE TREATED PRESERVATIVE (PTP) `'1a ,III v lUl1 4 LUMBER • TYP I I I p I pC p -ALL NEW EXP05ED SLABS ON GRADE d GARAGE i I III I tV I Q SLABS SHALL HAVE A MIN. COMPRESSIVE 5TRENGTFt 2X8 PTP JOISTS I N ' IN ' OF 5,500 P51. SEE TABE R402.2. ON RC-I I ® _ C/') it ® I6" O.G. N P4�1, 0 ' O TO 8"XI6'P" POURED ORED CONCRETENCRETE ATION FOOTING. KEYED 0 � -v ALL CONCRETE TO HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE O I •X �j I I -� a STRENGTH OF 5000 PSI ® 28 DAYS. ALL FOOTINC75 TO REST ON UNDISTURBED 501L r I cv 0111 i 5 WITH A MIN. 501L BEARING OF I TON/5.F. WITH A I j J I TYP MINIMUM OF 56" OF COVER _ I . I I mill x i 3 X I ry 2 UNDERPINNING AND DOWELING BETWEEN THE -------- EXISTING AND THE NEW FOUNDATION 15 TO * /� . I /� . CONSIST OF 24" LONG, #5 BARS ® 16"O.G. "7 t ANCHOR WITH "ACRYLIC TIE" ADHESIVE AS MFG'D 1 BY SIMPSON z E--]'� ^ O 2X O FTF N LEDGER BO ON BOARD N CTED TO I I ' '1 _ I I ___ '� ' NBOLTS ® I6" 0.0 STAGGERED L-1----J et----- z \ I re, I < \1 ® FROST CURB Exist. T O - /� O I O POURED CONCRETE FOOTING, Crawl space PROVIDE PTP 6X6 P05T W/ GALV ANCHOR F" TO REMAIN BASE AND CAP AS REO'D. Ul iV © 12"XI2" GONG. BLOCK PIER ON XX X 24"X24"XI2" P.C. FOOTING (TYP FOR 5) ry W t---� t---� t----► I I I I O 10"XIO" GONG. BLOCK PIER ON • � • � • , +� • i• ��i• �XISTING3- X8 O EMAIL • . }pT 18"XI8"XI2" P.G. FOOTING (TYP FOR 3) I i I I ® 8" MIA. CONCRETE FILLED "SONG" TUBE. -1 - - PROVIDE PTP 4X4 P05T W/ GALV ANCHOR EXISTING FRAME BASE AND OAP AS REO'D. WALLS ABOVE I _ — 1 O 4 O EXISTING WA5HER 4 DRYER TO BE REMOVED — —1 I- _ = O O u�l 10 PROVIDE 8"XS" P.G. TRENCH FOOTING, -7 ® Exist. LOCATED UNDER NEW WALL ABOVE \ 011ar 1O N ® Ce II 51MPSON PHD5 5HEARWALL TIEDOWN ADJACENT Z TO REMAIN TO DOUBLE STUD AT WINDOW OR DOOR ABOVE 4 ~ REMOVE EXISTING STEEL COLUMNS (SEE UPLIFT CONNECTIONS SHEET RC-2) U) TYP. FOR 4 LOCATIONS UP X d REPLACE WITH NEW 5 1/2" O.D. �_ 5 _,. a SOLID STEEL, SCHEDULE 40 COLUMNI I2 SIMP50N THA218-2 HANGER FOR GIRDER v (TYP. FOR 5 LOCAT IOP+S) ro LINE OF NEW t--- t-- 00 FRAMING ABOVE EXI51IN6 5 ?X8 TO REM IN ® I I . _ . �. .p_. . _ . . _ . _y . g� . . — . .moo c _ \ � r 1 N N N I I 2 E ------ 0 z 191F T ------ Revisions: F I 12 I ALL DRAWINGS,SPECIFICATIONS AND COPIES THEREOF FURN15HED BY THE ARCHITECT ARE AND SHALL REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT, THEY ARE TO BE USED ONLY WITH RESPECT TO THIS PROJECT AND ARE 5'-5 1/2" -I'--r" i VOL FTMP •I NOT TO BE USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECT. SUBMISSION OR DISTRIBUTION TO MEET OFFICIAL REGULATORY • REQUIREMENTS OR FOR OTHER PURPOSES IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROJECT 15 NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS i I - ————————— I I PUBLICATION IN DEROGATION OF THE ARCHITECTS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT OR OTHER RESERVED RIGHTS. I I ■ I � � n � �• N I i r------ r jr N2 2 6 dl N( ry l i0 t, ----- ---r Proposed Addition �� �----- -I- •1 dJ � (V• 4 ry ry ry• ry I � i ,_.: j j :',:•• I � `t cXV '� cXV 2X8 PTP JOISTS ®I 16" O.G. RooneyI N m I •I 5 5 I �____________________ ____� ,; TYe >✓ ? p Residence F `,,` •1 — — — - fu __ __ ___ �V 4 , ' d 425 Maple Lane / TYe TYP Southhold, New York 11971 _ LPA Architects, LLP q'-4" 4'-7" 6'-5 1 2" 6:3 5'- " 5'-q" -q° 15'-5" 2q_q ARCHITECTURE PLANN I NG www. lpa- plans . com 4 Lemmen Paul Associates,Architects LLP 285 West Main St. Sayville, NY 1 1782 Tel: 631 589 2914 Fax: 631 589 6935 ° ° G Ipa-plans.com UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OF ANY ITEM ON THI5 DOCUMENT 15 A VIOLATION OF NEW YORK STATE LAW. FOUNDATION PLAN = N SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" Issue Date: r Project Date: i F MAY 2006 Scale: '. F AS NOTED Project# Drawn: Sheet 06018 EPH job: Check: A�3 ROONEY KM P FOUNDATION REScheck Software Version 4.0A Compliance Certificate Project Title: Rooney Residence Report Date:06/12/07 ,Data filename:C:1Program Files\ChecklREScheck\Rooney.rck Energy Code: New York'State Energy Conservation Construction Codex,?: Location: Suffolk County, Newyork: .:. Construction Type: Detached 1'or 2FFar)uly,,' Heating Type: Non-Electric:.' ,' Glazing Area Percentage: 8% Heating Degree Days: 5750 Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: .425 Maple Lane John&Dorothy Rooney Kevin M.Paul' Southold, NY 11971 425 Maple Lane LPA Architects,LLP Southold;NY 11971 285 W.Main Street,Suite 201 Sayville,NY 11782 631.589.2914 kpaul@lpa-plans.com Assembly.. Area or R-Valuie R-Value or D.. Ceiling 1:Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss: 278 0.0 38.0 7 Ceiling 2:Cathedral Ceiling(no attic): 842 0.0 30.0 27 Wall 1:Wood Frame, 16"o.c.: 1903 0.0 15.0 158 Window 1:Wood Frame:Double Pane with-Low-E: 150 0.350 53 Floor 1:All-Wood Joist/Tfuss:Over Unconditioned Space: 46 0.0 22.0 '2 The proposed building represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed systems have been designed to meetthe New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements.When a Registered Design Professional has stamped and signed this page,they are attesting that to the best of his/her knowledge,,belief,and professional judgment,such plans or speci cations are' cpm liance with,this Code. j Name-Title . Signa Date f Rooney Residence Page 1 of 4 ,J I NoREScheck Software Version 4.0.1 t Inspection Checklist Date:06/12/07 Ceilings: ❑ Ceiling 1:Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss,R-38.0 continuous Insulation Comments: ❑ Ceiling 2:Cathedral Ceiling(no attic),R-30.0 continuous insulation Comments: Above-Grade Walls: ❑ Wall 1:Wood Frame, 16"o.c.,R-15.0 continuous insulation Comments: Windows: ❑ Window 1:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Law-E,U-factor:0.350 For windows without labeled U-factors,describe features: #Panes Frame Type Thermal Break? Yes No Comments: Floors: ❑ Floor 1:All-Wood Joist/Truss:Over Uncondidoned Space,R-22.0 continuous insulation Comments: Air Leakage: ❑ Joints,penetrations,and all other such openings in the building envelope that are sources of air leakage are sealed. ❑ Recessed lights are 1).Type IC rated,or 2)installed inside an appropriate air-tight assembly with a 0.5"clearance from combustible materials.If non-IC rated;fixtures are installed with a 3"clearance from insulation. Vapor Retarder: ❑ Installed on the warm-in-winter side of all non-vented framed ceilings,walls,and floors. Materials Identification: ❑ Materials and equipment are installed-in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. ❑ Materials and equipment are identified so that compliance can be determined. ❑ Manufacturer manuals for all installed heating and cooling equipment and service water heating equipment have been provided. ❑ Insulation R-values and.glazing U-factors are clearly marked on the building plans or specifications. ❑ Insulation is installed according to manufacturer's instructions,in substantial contact with the surface being insulated,and in a manner that achieves the rated R-value without compressing the insulation. Duct Insulation: ❑ Supply ducts in unconditioned attics or outside the building are insulated to R-8. ❑ Return ducts in unconditioned attics or outside the building are insulated to R-4. ❑ Supply ducts in unconditioned spaces are insulated to R-8. . 0 Return ducts in unconditioned spaces(except basements)are insulated to R-2.Insulation is not required on return ducts in basements. Duct Construction: ❑ All joints,seams,and connections are securely fastened with welds,gaskets,mastics(adhesives),mastic-plus-embedded-fabric, or tapes.Tapes and mastics are rated UL 181 A or UL 181 B. Exceptions: Rooney Residence Page 2 of 4 Continuously welded and locking-type longitudinal joints and seams on ducts operating at less than 2 in.w.g.(500 Pa). The HVAC system provides a means for balancing air and water systems. Temperature Controls: Each dwelling unit has at least one thermostat capable of automatically adjusting the space temperature set point of the largest zone. Electric Systems: Separate electric meters exist for each dwelling unit. Fireplaces: Fireplaces are installed with tight fitting non-combustible fireplace doors. Fireplaces have a source of combustion air,as required by the Fireplace construction provisions of the Building Code of New York State,the Residential Code of New York State or the New York City Building Code,as applicable. Service Water Heating: Water heaters with vertical pipe risers have a heat trap on both the inlet and outlet unless the water heater has an integral heat, trap or is part of a circulating system. Circulating hot water pipes are insulated to the levels in Table 1. Circulating Hot Water Systems: Circulating hot water pipes are insulated to the levels in Table 1. Swimming Pools: 11 All heated swimming pools have an on/off heater switch and a cover unless over 20%of the heating energy is from non-depletable sources.Pool pumps have a time clock. Heating and Cooling Piping Insulation: HVAC piping conveying fluids above 105 degrees F or chilled fluids below 55 degrees F are insulated to the levels in Table 2. Rooney Residence Page 3 of 4 Table 1:Minimum Insulation Thickness for Circulating Hot Water Pipes Insulation Thickness In Inches by Pipe Sizes Non-Circulating Runouts Circulating Mains and Runouts Heated Water Temperature(°F) Up to 1" Up to 1.25" 1.5"to 2.0" Over 2" 170-180 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 140-169 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 100-139 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 Table 2:Minimum Insulation Thickness for HVAC Pipes Fluid Temp. Insulation Thickness in Inches by Pipe Sizes Piping System Types Range(°F) 2"Runouts 1"and Less 1.25"to 2.0" 2.5"to 4" Heating Systems Low Pressure/Temperature 201-250 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 Low Temperature 120-200 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 Steam Condensate(for feed water) Any 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 Cooling Systems Chilled Water,Refrigerant and 40-55 0.5 0.5 0.75 1.0 Brine Below 40 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 NOTES TO FIELD:(Building Department Use Only) Rooney Residence Page 4 of 4 El 5 16006,501, E 6q.51' z New York State Code Generals specifications Sheet Notes: 0 � Climatic & Geographic Design Criteria table R3 01 .2 (1) CONCRETE WORK (R402) I, ALL CONCRETE WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS AND THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS 1211-1 Seismic Winter EXCEPT WHERE MORE STRINGENT REQUIREMENT5 SHOWN OR SPECIFIED SHALL GOVERN: • • Ground Wind Subject to damage from: Ice shield Flood � Site data. snow design design , N weathering frost termite deca req d hazard AGI 501 "5PECIFICATION5 FOR 5TRUGTURAL CONCRETE FOR BUILDIN65" d load Speed (mph) Cat. g y temp. z LATEST REVISION, TOWN OF 50UTHOLD "R-40" RESIDENCE 45 120 G M SEVERE 36 M-H 5- II YES 10184-1gg8 AGI 502 "GUIDE FOR CONCRETE FLOOR AND SLAB CONSTRUCTION" 5GTM # 1000-064-0I-26 U LATEST REVISION. 5111LE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AGI 511 "RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR CONCRETE INSPECTION" PRINCIPLE BLDG Use & occupancy classification: CONSTRUCTION CLASSIFICATION TYPE V-B LATEST REVISION. AGI 516 "BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENT5 FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE" 0 55' FRONT Typical code requirements: LATEST REVISION, ALL INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR WALL COVERINGS ARE TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTIONS AGI 341 "RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR CONCRETE FORMWORK" 10' 5IDE (MIN) REAR R7 7RC,-I) 5' SIDE (TOTAL) 02.1, R-102.8 AND TABLE -102.5.5 AND 05.4 (SEE RC,-I) LATEST REVISION. 2 ALL INSULATION TO BE INSTALLED AS PER AND MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION R320 CONCRETE REINFORCING STEEL INSTITUTE "MANUAL OF STANDARD 5 PRACTICE LATEST REVISION. -ALL INTERIOR FINISHES SHALL BE FIRE RATED AS PER SECTION R520 � AGI 305, 306 "MIXING AND PLACING OF CONCRETE DURING HOT AND HEIGHT SITE AREA • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • 12,662 5F W -ALIGN ALL RAFTERS OVER STUDS GOLD WEATHER" LATEST REVISION. a -ALL WALL FRAMING TO COMPLY WITH R602.10 THROUGH R602.10.10 2, BASEMENT, FOUNDATION, EXTERIOR WALLS s OTHER VERTICAL CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A COMPRESSIVE EXISTING LOT COVERAGE,. • • • •• • • • • • • • •12.496 -ALL NEW WINDOWS d DOORS TO HAVE A MIN. DP RATING OF 30 A5 PER SEC. R301,1.2.1 3 TABLE R301.2 A GENC7TH F 5 0 P51 TH OF 3500 P51 PORCHES, CARPDAYS. CONCRETE SHALL BE BETAIRE SLAB SHALL HAVE HOUSE 1513 5F -PROVIDE FOR BLOCKING AS PER 5ECTION R602.8 TOTAL AIR CONTENT (% BY VOL. OF GONG) SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 5% OR MORE THAN -7 %. -ALL EXTERIOR WALLS TO BE SHEAR WALLS IN ACCORDANCE WITH WFGM AND TABLE 5.1-7 A,15 MATERIALS USED TO PROVIDE CONCRETE AND TESTIN6 THEREOF SHALL COMPLY WITH THE TOTAL. • • • • • • . • • • • • 1,513 517- Q) -ALL NEW PLUM5IN6 FIXTURES TO BE IN ACCORDANCE W/ SECTION R307 d FIGURE R301.2 APPLICABLE STANDARDS LISTED IN AGI 515 OR A5TM C 115-1. (R402.2) 3. ALL WELDED WIRE FABRIC REINFORCEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A155, LATEST REVISION. PROPOSED LOT GOVERAGE� 11515 z Loads table R301 .4 Deflection table R301 .6 4. ALL FOOTINGS AND GRADE BEAMS SHALL BEAR ON UNDISTURBED 501E HAVING A MINIMUM BEARING PORCHES • • ` ' • • • • • • • • . • 516 5F 0 CAPACITY OF 2000 POUNDS PER SOUARE FOOT IN ANY WAY TO ANY PROPOSED STRUCTURE. IF 6ARAISE • • • ` • • • • • • • • •52 5F m USE DEAD LOAD LIVE LOAD STRUCTURAL MEMBER ALLOWABLE DETERMINED BY THE ARCHITECT, THE ACTUAL SOIL BEARING SETTLEMENT CHARACTERISTICS SHALL BE DEFLECTION A55E55ED BY A QUALIFIED 501L5 TEST LABORATORY AND GEOTECHNIGAL ENGINEER. THE OWNER SHALL TOTAL• • • • • • 2,141 5F BEAR THE EXPENSE OF TESTING. ROOFS 12 P5F 45 P5F RAFTERS HAVING SLOPES GREATER L/180 THAN 5/12 W/ NO FINISHED CEILING ATTACHED TO RAFTERS MA50NRY WORK (R404) FLOORS (5LEEPING) 10.0' p 12 P5F 30 P5F INTERIOR WALLS d PARTITIONS H/180 1, ALL MASONRY WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF AGI 530 / A5GE5 / TMS 402 cis FLOORS (NON-5LEEPING) 12 P5F 40 P5F FLOOR d PLASTERED CEILINGS L/360 2 ALL CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM GqO-qq, LATEST PROPOSED � DECKS 10 P5F 40 P5F ALL OTHER STRUCTURAL MEMBERS L/240 REVISION, FOR FULL LOAD BEARING MA50NRY UNITS WITH MAXIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH, GVRD PORCHES U BALCONIES 10 P5F 60 P5F EXTERIOR WALLS W/ PLASTER OR H/360 5. MORTAR TYPE SHALL BE SUITED FOR THE PARTICULAR ENVIRONMENT IN WHICH MASONRY IS LOCATED N STUCCO FIN15H 61VIN6 DUE RE6ARD FOR STRESS, THERMAL AND MOISTURE CONDITIONS AND COMPLY WITH W A5TM 270 (R607.1) Q ATTIC W/ STORAGE q P5F 20 P5F EXTERIOR WALL5-WIND LOADS* W/ L/240 ^^ BRITTLE FINISHES 4. PREMOULDED AND KEYED VERTICAL EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE LOCATED AT 20 FOOT INTERVALS. H PROP 2ND FLR 5PEGIAL SHAPED MASONRY UNITS CAPABLE OF TRAN5MITTIN6 SHEAR SHALL BE UTILIZED ADDITION ATTIC 1AVO STORAGE q P5F 10 P5F EXTERIOR WALLS-WIND LOAD50 W/ L/120 UNITS CAPABLE OF TRANSMITTING SHEAR SHALL BE UTILIZED AT JOINT LOCATIONS. tL b( FLEXIBLE FINISHES O GARAGE - 50 P5F *THE WIND LOAD SHALL BE PERMITTED TO BE 5. RUNNING BOND MA50NRY COURSES ARE REQUIRED AT ALL LOCATIONS. PROPOSOC TAKEN AS O,1 TIMES THE COMPONENT d CLADDING 6 _ Z RAILING PROPOSED S 200 #/LF LOADS FOR THE PURPOSES OF THE DETERMINING • ALL INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR MASONRY JOINTS SHALL BE TOOLED OR RODDED, NOT RAKED. 6ARAGE GARAED DEFLECTION LIMITS HEREIN. _ 7, TRUSSED GALVANIZED STEEL HORIZONTAL REINFORCING 15 REQUIRED AT Ib" MAXIMUM INTERVALS � W 15.0' GVRD PORCH q (R303 through R305) INCLUDING CORNERS, INTERSECTIONS AND PILASTERS. HORIZONTAL JOINT REINFORCING SHALL BE 10.0' LU q- Room re uirenient5 DUR-O-WALL OR EQUAL. IZ ROOM AREA ` HEIGHT LIGHT RS VENTILATION SG EGRESS 6. IN ADDITION TO REINFORCING INDICATED, GRADE 60 #4 REINFORCING DOWELS ARE REQUIRED AT v 45" O,G, INTERVALS EXTENDING UPWARD ONE FOURTH THE WALL HEIGHT OR 50" WHICHEVER 15 N GREAT ROOM 555 5F 8'-1 1/8" 41 SF II 23 SF 6 5,1 5F 15 GREATER, AND ENCASED IN GROUT FILLED CELLS. FULL HEIGHT #4 BARS ARE REQUIRED AT q6" tom- INTERVALS WITH FULLY GROUTED GELL5. BARS SHALL BE EMBEDDED IN CONCRETE FOUNDATION Z Location LAUI,IDRY 21 5F 8'-1 1/8" 3 5F 11 1 5F 4 - SUFFICIENTLY TO DEVELOP ADEQUATE ANCHORAGE. m map CIRCLE INDICATES ONE MILE RADIUS FATH 13 5F 8'-I 1/8" 8 5F 11 2 5F 5 - SLEEP 1N0 221 5F 8'-1 1/8" 21 SF 1 12 5F 5 5.1 5F 5TRUGTURAL STEEL (502204) DINETTE 1341 5 F 1'-10" 51 517 28 43 5F 31 14.02 5F I. ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENT5 HEREIN 40 3' INDICATED AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENT5 OF THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS. Rooney Residence 425 Maple Lane Southold New York 11971 LIVING 2q0 5F - - - - - - N 16°O6'BO" W WHERE CONFLICTS OCCUR, THE MORE 5TRIN6ENT STANDARD SHALL APPLY: 10.48' RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE I %x,-r.Q ` ,sum s MAPLE LANE N t� _ , 1 ��� �S a or � y � BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE a•.,FI;:<;3l'.r,% v f {.s,t, ;1r: :. ? ,# 'i:',Pj;ji f iF°` , ' i j r'i:Y•`•:;. .,y�:� .."ts;^,^'rrn�Si :'t>.'��� � `� �.,,��"�w'?. d`1•,is ry Fl e,{k;, c+`,q Y''`,1?`.S?'.,�F� THE DESIGN, FABRICATION AND ERECTION OF 5TRUGTURAL STEEL BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH EITHER THE A150 LOAD AND RE515TANCE FACTOR DESIGN i >ia� `� +;. ,•,_ "r11;t O � , r� •"r'T'r;;.';fr;',r,.;i,.i,,;;.:;i''`..r:-;r`''``t�'i:'4��: SPECIFICATION FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL BUILDIN65 (AISG-LRFD), A150 SPECIFICATION FOR 48 r 3 Y,, w`?M„r;; .^,•,:r,;,{ J; 5TRUGTURAL STEEL BUILDINGS-ALLOWABLE 5TRE55 DESIGN (AI5G-A5D) OR AISG SPECIFICATIONS e«eaa, FOR THE DESIGN OF STEEL HOLLOW STRUCTURAL SECTIONS (AISG-H55). WHERE REQUIRED, THE Estates SEISMIC, DESIGN OF STEEL STRUCTURES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ADDITIONAL S TE PLAN ''y`Y� O �'"`"` "•'""`s' '``'' ''`? '"' '``'`,'`` « PROVISIONS OF BG 2212. {cr;+" sn N 'AN51/AW5 D1.1 "STRUCTURAL WELDING GORE-STEEL", LATEST REVISION. I ` • it"t.' 51T INFORMATION AS TAKEN FROM SURVEY BY ALL FRAMING MEMBERS SHALL BE SHOP FABRICATED FOR BOLTED FIELD ASSEMBLY. FIELD � RODERIGK VAN TUYL, PG., DATED APR. 21, Ig13 I +� �" Cj �`'. '•'� s,.,.i,..--,.,,,. � IN BATHS WITH NO VENTING WINDOW5. (R303.3) GUTTING OR DRILLING WHEN REQUIRED SHALL BE CLEARLY NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS. ALL PROVIDE I10 GFM MECHANICAL VENTILATIONO ` •" r.c;•- •� FRAMING MEMBERS SHALL CARRY ANEASILY VISIBLE IDENTIFYING MARK, r ,-EITHER STAMPED �'" '''''`-' ,.,•a:a, �. _• t Z t °O STENCILED OR PAINTED. ALL FIELD CONNECTIONS SHALL BE BOLTED. BOLTS SHALL BE MACHINE BOLTS CONFORMING ,I x Q1 General conditions TO ASTM SPECIFICATIONS A525 OR A4g0 AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWING5. THE FAYING SURFACES ` - :, °,`•' : :;m' ,. ,'4t. .: :t } g OF ALL BOLTED CONNECTIONS SHALL BE SMOOTH AND FREE FROM BURR5 OR DISTORTIONS. cr I. ALL DESIGN, FABRICATION AND CONSTRUCTION WORK SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL BOLTS SHALL BE ELEGTRO-ZING PLATED. ' ,••,.r'Y,v,f:',r.,��+"3tty;t�t,;,''Ij,.,:, .,<,+miF;,;i','i..S..:��`i q ,:;r',,: N APPLICABLE FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL CODES AND ORDINANCES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE I r FOLLOWING, �*. ALL STRUCTURAL STEELB ( = ) SHALL E ASTM A-36 FY 36 KSI 0 ml 0.6 1 1.6 -WFGM Igg5 5. ALL SHOP CONNECTIONS SHALL BE WELDED OR BOLTED. BOLTS TO BE 5/4" AND A5TM A-325 ,. -RESIDENTIAL GODS OFNEW PORK STATE AND MEET A15C SPECIFICATIONS, SECTION 1.16, WELDS TO BE ETOXX AND MEET AISG 8 -ENERGY CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION CODE OF NEW PORK STATE SPECIFICATIONS, SECTION I.I1. ALL SPECIFICATIONS TO BE LATEST REVISION. r; -MECHANICAL CODE OF NEW PORK STATE . -FUEL AND 6A5 CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 6. ALL WELDING SHALL BE DONE BY LICENSED WELDERS. WHERE CONFLICTS ARISE, THE MORE STRINGENT REQUIREMENT5 SHALL I Revisions: b APPLY. 1. ALL STEEL DETAILS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO CONFORM TO ARCHITECTURAL REQUIREMENT5. @ 2. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION OF WORK WITH ALL TRADES 50 THAT 0C.W9MMWbyO"w Cc.V."-.mww>".A%p ft d0 �w,•«.nUl pro..• •Cppyripl„iaw W a.prwmc a+.T.chrglgT/,Inc.M AphY rNwvrd O ND1 H�VEC-0 M,'ly,h wrw0 TM•Mh Me1yEs.I,Mp,mNgn bkm wW,p"m""on hom CunElm nMq"y•yW 4yMy M b Rly.p GnW. ALL pRAWIN65,SPECIFICATIONS AND COPIES THEREOF FLRNISHED BY THE ARCHITECT ARE AND SHALL REMAIN H 8. ALL STEEL FLITCH PLATES TO BE THROUGH BOLTED WITH 5/5" DIAMETER STEEL BOLTS AT 16" O.G. THE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT. THEY ARE TO BE USED ONLY WITH RESPECT TO THIS PROJECT AND ARE NO CONFLICT OR DEFICIENCY RESULTS IN THE COMPLETED WORK, 3. THE ARCHITECT HAS NOT BEEN RETAINED FOR GON5TRUCTION OBSERVATION AND A5%ME5 NO STAGGERED. CERTIFICATION OF NOT IC BE USED E ANY ION OOTHER PROJECT. SUBMISSION OR DISTRIEiPI0N TO HEFT HER REL REGULATORY NAILING & REgtNREMEN75 OR FOR OTHER PURPOSES IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROJECT IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED A5 RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. CONNF n PUBLICATION IN DEROGATION OF THE ARCHITECTS GOh.•ION LAY:COPYRIGHT OR OTHER RESERVED RIGHTS. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN, PRESENT EVIDENCE OF, AND PAY FOR ALL PERMITS NEGE55ARY TO CONDUCT THE WORK AND COMPLETE THIS CONTRACT, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE STRUCTURAL LUMBER (R502, R602, R802) t UIRED. BE PERFORMED PERMIT ER IIT AND IN STRICTCERTIFICATE F WITH THE AND N LALL REOUIREREQUIR APPROVALS. S OF THE ORK SHALL 1. ALL FLOORS, HALLS, CEILIN65 4 ROOFS SHALL BE DE516NED AND CONSTRUCTED IN � y� Q� y� 1 y� ACCORDANCE WITH THE 5PAN TABLES FOUND IN THE RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE AbbreViatiOnS CJC� Sy1116O1S Area calculations Proposed Addition CIVIL A6ENGIE5 HAVING JURISDICTION THEREOF. OR IN ACCORDANCE WITH AFd PA / NDS AND A5CE-1. UPON COMPLETION OF THE WORK PROVIDED FOR IN THIS CONTRACT, AND BEFORE FINAL PAYMENT SHALL ALUM ALUMINUM DESCRIPTION AREA REMARKS ``"r'U".I IUN SHALL Rooney BE MADE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH THE OWNER WITH ANY NEGE55ARY GERTIFIGATES OF 2, ALL LUMBER SHALL BE DOUGLAS FIR CONSTRUCTION GRADE #2 OR BETTER WITH THE FOLLOWING BF BI-FOLD �� JLjr: """"`"IC OF THE OCCUPANCY OR CERTIFICATES OF COMPLIANCE ISSUED BY THESE VARIOUS A6ENGIE5. MINIMUM 5TRE55 GRADES: BRN6 BEARING 8 CONST. NOTE # 5ECT/DTL # EXISTING FIRST FLOOR 1,513 SF INCLUDING GARAGE COS F t� 5. ALL DIMENSIONS INDICATED ON THE DRAWING5 ARE APPROXIMATE AND ARE SUBJECT TO REVISION AS CJ CEILIN6 JOIST SHEET # Residence PER ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS, THE DISCRETION OF THE OWNER, AND AS DIRECTED AND/OR APPROVED PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR q45 Sr- BYQlAl THE ARCHITECT. BENDING STRESS FB = BASE: 875 ADJI 1107 P51 C. CHECK SHEAR 5TRE55 FV ■ C15 P51 CLNG CEILING 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SECURE CONSTRUCTION 51TE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE SAFETY a � # DTL # PROPOSED COVERED PORCHES 516 SF MODULUS OF ELASTICITY E= I.6 X 10 P51 °� GO GLEAN OUT / CASED OPENING DEMO NOTE STANDARDS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONDUCT ALL WORK TO PRECLUDE THE EFFECTS OF WEATHER GONT COffINUOU5 SHEET # PROPOSED GARAGE c ' 425 Maple Lane ON COMPLETED WORK, OR WORK IN PROGRESS. 52 _�t- ALLPRAMING BRACKETS AND ANCHORS SHALL BE I6 GAUGE GALVANIZED STEEL BY 51MPSON OR EQUAL. GT GO LAR TIE PLUMBER TION 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL A55UME ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND EXPENSE OF TEMPORARY ENCLOSURES GMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT � INT. ELEV. # ON LEA,'_ Ut lJTL-0; FfFfl3RE Southhold New York 11971 D DRYER 02 DOOR TAG WHERE NECESSARY OR WHERE GALLED FOR IN THE DRAWINGS. 4. ALL WALL PLATES BEARING ON CONCRETE SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED PRESERVATIVE (PTP) TIMBER. # # V VIA DIAMETER # # SHEET J • � - Gr UC�LINA/.,.,Y 8. ITEMS SUSTAINING DAMAGE DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD SHALL BE REPAIRED AND/OR F, ALL LOAD BEARING DIMENSION LUMBER SHALL BE IDENTIFIED BY A GRADE MARK OR A DJ DECK JOIST REPLACED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER AND TO THE APPROVAL OF THE ARCHITECT, AT THE LUMBER GRADING OR INSPECTION AGENCY THAT HAS BEEN APPROVED BY AN ACCREDITATION DN DO} N SOLDER USED IN BODY THAT COMPLIES WITH DOG P5 20. DIN DISH WAY S lvl GA,NNUT CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. DISH WASHER A WINDOW TAG REVISION q. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONDUCT ALL WORK IN SUCH A MANNER 50 AS TO NOT IMPAIR THE STRUCTURAL INTEGRITYFAI FRESH AIR INTAKE _ o OR STABILITY OF ADJACENT STRUCTURES, EQUIPMENT, OR UTILITIES. SHOULD DAMAGE OCCUR FF FIN 51F1 A FLOOR 'v L/�V r i LPA Architect} s LLP AS A RESULT OF THE WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE SAID DAMAGED ITEMS. THE �'LUMBING AND HEATING WORK (P2502, R303.6) FJ FLOOR JOIST CONTRACTOR SHALL BEAR ANY AND ALL COSTS A550GIATED WITH WORK DISCONTINUATION, MATERIALS -- FIR FIRE RATED ARCHITECTURE P L A N N I N G TESTING, REPAIR AND ALL MISCELLANEOUS RELATED ITEMS. ! PLUMBING - SANITARY, GOLD AND HOT WATER, AND ALL OTHER PIPING SHALL CONFORM TO GALV GALVANIZED W W W. I p a- p I a n s . c o m W 10, THE TERM "OWNER" SHALL REFER TO THE LEGAL OWNER OF THE PROPERTY AND PREMI5E5 AND ITS ALL LOCAL, COUNTY 4 TOWN REQUIREMENTS AND THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE GWB GYPSUM WALL BOARD MINIMUM PIPE INSULATION SHALL COMPLY W/ TABLE 504.5 OI�LfN1EA&ENT5 OR REPRESENTATIVES. RESIDENTIAL CODE OF THE STATE NEWYORK. HT HE16HT Riser diagram (no Scale) CONSERVATION CON5TP.l1CTION CODE OF NYS. I �� 11. THE CONTRACTOR'S AGREEMENT TO ENTER INTO THE WORK SHALL SUFFICE AS THE CONTRACTOR'S LVL' LAt l 4.ATED VENEER LUMBER ALL PLUMBING WASTE Lemmen Paul Associates,Architects LLP M MEMBRANE ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS SPECIFIED HEREIN, AND SHALL BE INCORPORATED INTO ANY AND ALL ME bI Yilh I tt'i LINt5 NEED 285 West Main St, Sayville, NY 11782 2. THE USE OF LEAD SOLDER IN PIPING MANUFACTURED JOINTS 15 STRICTLY PROHIBITED UNDER LAW. MFG D MANUFAUR AGREEMENTS BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR. TESTING BEFORE COVERING Tel: 631 589 2914 Fax: 63 I 589 6935 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE AND/OR VERIFY THE ACTUAL LOCATION OF ANY AND ALL NITS NOT TO SCALE °`°"�'' UTILITIES, ALL SUPPLY, WATTE AND HEATING PIPING AND RELATED ITEMS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF 3, ALL HYDRONIG HEATING SUPPLY AND HOT WATER PIPES SHALL BE INSULATED. O.G. ON GIENTER pVENT THROUGH Ipa-plans.com i WORK. ALL G05T5 INCURRED SHALL BE THE RE5PON51BILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. PG POURED CONCRETE 4 THE ROOF �Y PTP PRESSURE TREATED PRESERVATIVE � �? ! I � 4. HEATING SYSTEM SHALL BE EXISTING TO REMAIN. CONTRACTOR TO MODIFY AS REQUIRED TO BE ----,---*---_ A; P��O D t j ED 13. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL, AT ALL TIMES, PROVIDE CONVENIENT ACCESS AND SAFE AND PROPER R RISER ,--- � � FACILITIES FOR THE INSPECTION OF ALL PARTS OF THE WORK, SUITABLE FOR COMFORT HEATING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENT5 OF THE RD ROOT DRAIN i 1 1 i I 14. ANY MATERIALS OR WORKMANSHIP FOUND AT ANY TIME TO BE DEFECTIVE OR SUBSTANDARD SHALL BE ENERGY CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION CODE OF NEW YORK STATE. REF REEFI6ERATOR II I/2 I i2 III/2" DATE: � �� � g.p,4t 3 [ L'• UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION REMEDIED AT ONCE, REGARDLESS OF PREVIOUS INSPECTIONS. REQ'D REQUIRED f� I ; OF ANY ITEM ON THIS DOCUMENT <. r RR ROOT" RAFTER 7 ' M�S�"ER ; FEE: 7•60 ry. 15 A VIOLATION OF >; , 15. ALL MATERIAL AND ITEMS INDICATED ON THE CONTRACT DRAWING5, DIRECTED BY THE ARCHITECT 5. THE PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL PERMITS d PAY ALL FEES REQUIRED FOR " - HIS WORK. NEW YORK STATE LAW. °'Fa• ,,�- a AND AS PER SITE CONDITIONS DEMAND, SHALL BE DISPOSED OF PROPERLY IN APPROVED 5GDH5 SUF OLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT �) ' ; a -NOTIFY IFY BUILDING DI_"• '�� :�!-NT AT '.- CONTAINER OUT OF THE PATH OF CONSTRUCTION AND AWAY FROM THE PUBLIC, OUT OF THE PATH OF OFEALTH SERVICES ' r 76� 1002 8Ahi s Issue Date: !�: p SH SHON!ER TO 4� rt FOR Tli� ' CONSTRUCTION AND AWAY FROM PUBLIC, AND VEHICLE TRAFFIC, AND TO BE CARTED TO APPROVED R I I/2" ; 3" I I/2" I I Ir r!cr- S: �''' „Ca �'• I-v h1 LAND FILL SITE BY LICENSED GARTERS. SK SINK � ``'� � 2ND FL FO..LO'F� I�:a I,v.,,•[CT'��.,, T TREAD r1 n I ` TS TERNIIITE SHIELD t i 1, FC<<ifV r,T{0t, - TWO R"ZOU!BE) Al 1,t 16. ALL NEW WINDOWS AND SKYLIGHTS TO BE MANUFACTURED BY ANDERSEN CORP., BAYPORT, MN. ELEGTRIGAL WORK ( E3301) 7 r,�i. ti Project Date: �' t OR EQUAL . ALL WINDOW TYPES AND SIZES SHALL BE A5 INDICATED ON THE CONTRACT DRAWING5. I TYP TYPICAL 1 I/2" FC1i r OU„I- C WINDOW GLAZING SHALL BE HIGH PERFORMANCE OR "E" TYPE GLAZING. FURNISH FIBERGLASS IN5EGT ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE RESIDENTIAL CODE OF c ff 3. R;Jriat� - F�,QF - MAY 2C06 '", UON UNLE55 OTHERWISE NOTED 1p ; r1, r, ,IIINJ ,: t };{,I ��^ VIF VERIFY IN FIELD t ' ULATION ` SCREENS WITH ALL NEW WINDOWS. NEW PORK STATE, THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE, THE LOCAL POWER C.O. AND ALL W WAAHER 4. FINAL. - C01':S i 71JCTI^•IV rvAl,`ST VISVIRITE ,CE I I rrrZATE 11. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CHECK AND VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS OF THE SITE PRIOR TO 5TARTING OF APPLICABLE LOCAL REGULATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL PERMITS AND PAY W/ WITH WORK AND HE SHALL FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH THE INTENT OF THESE PLANS AND MAKE WORK ALL FEES REQUIRED FOR HIS WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE THE INSTALLATION WH WA�E'R HEATER W BE CCMPLETE FOIi C.O. REQ RE AS NOTED AGREE WITH SAME. INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY AN INSPECTION AGENCY OF THE FIRE UNDERWRITERS MM WELDED WIRE MESH 15T -I.R ALL CONSTRIlCI'10i J d,I I��LI. pFgEET THE Project# Drawn: Sheet 18. IF IN THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION, A CONDITION EXISTS WHICH DISAGREES WITH THAT A5 ASSOCIATION AND SUBMIT A CERTIFICATE OF FINAL APPROVAL BY THE INSPECTION AGENCY 2' �� REQUIREMIENTS OF THE CODES OF NEW INDICATED ON THESE PLANS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STOP WORK AND NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT. UPON COMPLETION. WALL LE6E D GO YORK STATE. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR V VV� I�"j (I 1$ EPH SHOULD HE FAIL TO FOLLOW THIS PROCEDURE AND CONTINUE TO WORK, HE SHALL ASSUME ALL 2. SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS AND IN `� RESPONSIBILITY AND LIAR►LITY ARISING THEREFROM. ________ EXI TING WALLS EXI ING DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTION ERRORS. ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE FIRE SAFETY AND ELECTRICAL CODES. REMOVED 5A RY SYSTEM ob: Check: Iq. GRADING AROUND NEW CONSTRUCTION SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM HOUSE AND BLEND INTO EXISTING. � A� l 20. DO NOT 50ALE DRAWING5. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SUPERSEDE SCALED DIMENSIONS. 3. . ALL ELECTRICAL FIXTURES, SWITGHE5 AND ACCESSORIES SHALL BE SELECTED BY THE OWNER. EXISTING WALLS - � ° i.�e�d'�'t Y KMP Oft Me 21. IT 15 THE INTENT OF THESE DRAWIN65 TO EXPLAIN THE REQUIREMENT5 OF THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION. HOWEVER, FIELD CONDITIONS MAY ARISE DURING CONSTRUCTION THAT MAY NOT CRAWL SPACE RETAIN STVIM WATER RUhI0Aft �. . I I�'I�,; -� � HAVE BEEN EXHAUSTIVELY DETAILED. NE WALLS PURSUANT TO SECTI�>+d Z,3 (; � �`�� COVER • f f iry r it iOv... vvD!. a Sheet Notes: z 0 Demolition notes: -ALL DEMOLITION 4 DEBRIS MATERIAL TO BE c~ DISPOSED OF PROPERLY BY CONTRACTOR z -VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS IN FIELD 0 PRIOR TO START OF WORK -ALL INTERIOR FINISHES DISTURBED BY DEMOLITION SHALL BE PATCHED AND REPAIRED AS REQUIRED In REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF Ln REFRAME ALLL5 A5 SHOWN XI5TIN6 DOOR t W LU �2 REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF EX15TINCP WINDOW 4 REFRAME WALLS AS SHOWN �3 REMOVE PORTION OF EXISTING WALL FOR NEW DOORMINDOW/C.O. AS SHOWN REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF EXISTING U ROOF 4 OVERHANC75 z 45'-0" �5 REMOVE AND V15POSE OF EXISTING CONCRETE STOOP 0 m 1Jr--------------------------- ---------t I 1 N W 0 In i Inl lul cr� I N I I I III 1 u 5 Exist. ; ; Exist. _ Dinette :;II III Dinette TO REMAIN uwi 1 H 1 .4 I I11 I ----------------- z 7-------------- Illf-------------------------------------- t I 1 11 I I I 1 I 1 1 W If cccc==n-tt==ca�v�- 1 L I — 1— Odrcd- NmfV _ ____°_ • Exist. I IIII11II; I1II1I1II�1\ Exist. Exist. Exist. Exist. Kitchen oit II III __C__°•_ I�I''IIIi' Bednn.REMAIN #1° Bedrm. #1Ktichen Sitti TO I TO REMAINL - ----- n + O 70 :-4 _ 1DD ° N I O Ll L TL3r S Exist. Exist. r Exist. Exist; Bedrm. #2 Gara e � Garage Living Rm. - Exist. Revisions: r- TO REMAIN Exist; Bedrm. #2 Livinj; Mn• ALL DRAWIN65,SPECIFICATIONS AND COPIES THEREOF FURNISHED BY THE ARCHITECT ARE AND 5HALL REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT. THEY ARE TO BE USED ONLY WITH RESPECT TO THIS PROJECT AND ARE TO REMAIN NOT TO BE USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECT, 50M15510N OR DISTRIBUTION TO MEET OFFICIAL RE6"TORY REQUIREMENTS OR FOR OTHER PURPOSES IN GOMJEGTION WITH THE PROJECT IS NOT TO Ef LONSTRLED A5 PUBLICATION IN DER06ATION OF THE ARCHITECTS COMMON LAW COPYRI6HT OR OTHER RESERVED R*HT'r. --- - t--------------------------Y 1 I DN �2 -------- -------- 1 Proposed Addition I ---------------------- ------- --- Rooney _ _____ ____--------- Residence 1 I =�--m-•-E-----?�-�� 1 1 I I 1 1 1 � _ 425 Maple Lane Southhold, New York 11971 ' 5 ------------ -T 1 � 1 LPA Architects, LLP ARCH ITECTURE PLANNING FIRST FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN w w w. I p a - p l a n s , c o m N SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" Lemmen Paul Associates,Architects LLP 45'-0" 285 West Main St. Sayville, NY 1 1782 Tel: 631 589 2914 Fax: 631 589 6935 °°`'rk Ipa-plans.com i 0 EXISTING FIRST FLOOR PLAN UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OF ANY ITEM ON THIS DOCUMENT N 15 A VIOLATION OF NEW YORK STATE LAW. SCALE: 1/4"=1'-011 Issue Date-, I Project Date: MAY 2006 Scale: AS NOTED \ Project# Drawn: Sheet 06018 EPA, job: Check: A�2 ROONEY KMP EXISTING CONDITIONS/DEM0 El Sheet Notes: 0 Foundation notes: - BACKFILL BELOW FOOTINGS IF REQUIRED, N SHALL BE DONE W/CONGRETE HAVING A 28 z DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 5,000 PSI. - ALL FOOTINGS SHALL HAVE A MIN. OF 3'-O" OF COVER. - PROVIDE "KARNAK, ONE-GOAT" WATERPROOFING OVER ALL FOUNDATION WALLS BELOW GRADE. - PROVIDE 6 MIL. POLYETHYLENE VAPOR BARRIER UNDER ALL CONCRETE SLABS ON f— GRADE W 10'-10 I/2" V-2 3/4" V-2 5/4" 5" - PROVIDE 1/2"0 X 12" GALVANIZED ANCHOR BOLTS WITH MINIMUM -7" EMBEDMENT ® 25" O.G., MINIMUM 1'-0" ® CORNERS 8 G -ALL DEMOLITION 4 DEBRIS MATERIAL TO BE 7 'r DISPOSED OF PROPERLY BY CONTRACTOR z 2 8 -VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS IN FIELD PRIOR TO START OF WORK —I11— -ALL WOOD MEMBERS IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE " v•'•`.- s "," "1•,.,•rr..•.,".'. 2- PTP 2-2 :: PT TO BE PRESSURE TREATED PRESERVATIVE (PTP) j %Une /Vated ��� 4 LUMBER -ALL NEW EXP05ED 5LAB5 ON GRADE Q GARAGE 5LAB5 SHALL HAVE A MIN. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTI OF 5,500 P51. SEE TAKE R402.2. ON RG-1 � of/4 tjj� t W w C� _� I� 8" POURED CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL KEYED 2-2 PT ' TO 8 XI6 POURED CONCRETE FOOTING. it I I FILL d T 1 --� III "v ALL CONCRETE TO HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE I N d 4 STRENGTH OF 5000 P51 ® 28 DAYS. O I `.:'. I I i ALL FOOTINGS TO REST ON UNDISTURBED SOIL �� t 5 WITH A MIN. SOIL BEARING OF I TON/S.F. WITH A a- i i III 1 I •Yp MINIMUM OF 36" OF COVER Lal I _ X t 3 _ ry `� O UNDERPINNING AND DOWELING BETWEEN THE \ t \ EXISTING AND THE NEW FOUNDATION 15 TO I ---' I /� . ' /� . CONSIST OF 24" LONG, #5 BARS ® 16"O.C. ANCHOR WITH "ACRYLIC TIE" APHE51VE AS MFG'D i_rl2 I i------ ___ ��a BY 51MP50N Q2XIO PTP LEDGER BOARD CONNECTED TO z I '� FOUNDATION, EXPAN51ON BOLTED W/ BOLTS ® I6" 0.0 STAGGERED Vz ------��--__- O �1 ® FROST CURB a Exist. O 10"XIO" GONG. BLOCK PIER ON / 24"X24"XI2" P.G. FOOTING (TYP FOR -1) Crawl space. �, © SAWGUT EXISTING SLAB, PROVIDE TO REMAIN O z WX6" P.G. TRENCH FOOTING, LOCATED UNDER NEW WALL ABOVE X X O w EXISTING WASHER d DRYER TO BE REMOVED ry t----+ t---� t----+ • I 1 ��'• I• I f} .••�� � • I1 $—I� EXISTING 3JIXSdOIEMAIN BEAM POCKET (TYPICAL). SHIM GIRDER WITH STEEL SHIMS ONLY- PACK POCKET WITH NON-5HRINK GROUT (TYP) EXISTING FRAME ® SIMPSON PHD5 SHEARWALL TIEDOWN ADJACENT WALLS ABOVE TO DOUBLE STUD AT WINDOW OR DOOR ABOVE Z (SEE UPLIFT CONNECTIONS SHEET RC-2) — H v O TYP. FOR 4 LOCATIONS �t L r — — o = ® � Exist. Cellar I 6 N 0 N O > - TO REMAIN - REMOVE EXISTING STEEL COLUMNS , UP X 8 REPLACE WITH NEW 3 1/2" O.D. +? ry w 50LID STEEL, SCHEDULE 40 COLUMNS 1 (TYP. FOR 5 LOCATIONS) b LINE OF NEW t----� t-- � 00 FRAMING ABOVE • EXIS IIN6_3: y;5 TO REM IN ® • �� Q� .moo I I 1 I C: c o�C i N o I o I `'4 I Revisions: 1 ' 2 ALL DRAWIN65,5PECIFICATION5 AND COPIES THEREOF FURNISHED BY THE ARCHITECT ARE AND SHALL REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT, THEY ARE TO BE USED ONLY WITH RESPECT TO THIS PROJECT AND ARE NOT TO BE USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECT, SUBMISSION OR DISTRIBUTION TO MEET OFFICIAL REGULATORY REOUIREMENT5 OR FOR OTHER FURP05E5 IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROJECT 15 NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS PUBLICATION IN DEROGATION OF THE ARCHITECT'S COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT OR OTHER RESERVED RIGHTS. l I ---------- I I t+ I •',. 2 i r I I ' t; L----- ----r I �, Unexcavated ' r: I Proposed Addition F1LL�--TA Rooney m I +•--------------------------{ ----------- ------------------------------------- -; I Residence - --------=__= ---q- --------------------------------------------------- 425 Maple Lane ______=_ -- 4 TYP Southhold, New York 11971 4'-1" LPA Architects, LLP A RC H I T E C T U R E P LA N N I N G www• Ipa- plans . com Lemmen Paul Associates,Architects LLP 285 West Main St. Sayville, NY 11782 Tel: 631 589 2914 Fax: 631 589 6935 8 G Ipa-plans.com YH O UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OF ANY ITEM ON THIS DOCUMENT I5 A VIOLATION OF NEW YORK STATE LAW. FOUND TI N PL 9 . N SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" Issue Date: . •e,� ` ,` -� �� . r Project Date: MAY 2006 Scale: AS NOTED �;�� Project# Drawn: Sheet 06018 EPH Job: Check: A�3 ROO N EY KM P FOUNDATION z Sheet • z Notes. O Plan notes: 1st Floor. -DOUBLE JOISTS UNDER ALL PARALLEL PARTITIONS AND AROUND ALL OPENINGS. Q J015T5-INSTALL ERIDGI JO15 SC7 IN Ld BEAMS. BRIDG NGL FLOOR 4 FLAT ROOF SHALL BE INSTALLED a 8-O 0.0 MAX 4 SHALL BE 50LID U WOOD BLOCKING 2" X DEPTH OF MEMBER OR IS f 45'-O" GAUGE METAL STRAP BRIDGING. 21'-q" -PROVIDE OATS AT ALL LOAD BEARING WALLS -ALL DEMOLITION 4 DEBRIS MATERIAL TO BE 10'-10 I/2" 10'-5 I/2" " DISPOSED OF PROPERLY BY CONTRACTOR I_— 4'-O" -VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS IN FIELD PRIOR TO START OF WORK LU -ALL kNOOD MEMBERS IN CONTACT V41TH CONCRETE a. TO BE PRESSURE TREATED PRESERVATIVE (PTP) LUMBER 4 ti ti n 1( if 11 11 11 -SMOKE DETECTOR5 SHALL BE INSTALLED IN EACH 5LEEPING ROOM, OUTSIDE EACH SEPARATE I I I I I I I 5LEEPING AREA AND ON EACH ADDITIONAL STORY TYP I I I I OF THE DWELLING INCLUDING BASEMENTS 4 z IrLL XI,. IG b UGLAS I GRA 2- 2X10 I S r 1 XI2 ON TRU TIO fl II' I I "lil CELLARS SMOKE INTERCONNECTED ALARMS SHALL BE CLEARLY AUDIBLE IN ALL N' I G DE OU 5 IR 1I 1I 1I I BEDROOMS. SMOKE ALARMS IN EXISTING AREAS .� SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED TO BE INTERCONNECTED m II 1I II 1I 1 1I 11 : 11 11 11 1 1 1 :: 1 0 1I ; 1L AND HARDWIRED WHEE THE ALTERATIONS OR 91 REPAIRS DO NOT RESULT IN THE REMOVAL OF ll II II LI. 1 I I►. : . ll 11 : : .11 : : 11 . 1 1 z l : . �' INTERIOR YNIALL New: II : II II' Exist. 1I 1 New h It .. :. It ll I I r= ®I o n THERE AN ATTIGXGRAWL THE I RE, UN COULD O G Dinette STRUCTURE, UNLESS THE Cvrd Porch` I I Covered Porch I I� _ SPACE OR BASEMENT AVAILABLE WHICH I I I ; I i I ( PROVIDE ACCESS FOR HARDWIRING AND ' m INTERCONNECTION WITHOUT THE REMOVAL OF V) STAMPED CONCRETE TO REMAIN I I IX4 TIMBER TECH DECKING I . ... I INTERIOR FINISHES A5 PER R31-1.1.1(U Ln I p AS PER OWNER I I AS PER OWNER I I I I v1 p . O z oC 1 -ALL NEW INTERIOR TRIM AND DOORS AS II LI 11 ; II° OI I I II II II I I I .. I I IO o I I cv; SELECTED BY OWNER NON) II It _-__I 1.. 1'.. II„ H IIx IL _.�.. .. X I n -ALL BUILT-IN CABINET CONFIGURATIONS 1.75XI1.88 2.OE GPLAM LVL-FLUSH TO BE VERIFIED WITH OWNER (UON) I --- _ ; 0 F!T,,.I SINGLE LVL RIM BOARD AND 5-PROV1 SHELVES AT ALL L NEN CLOSE5 DE ROD 4 SHELF AT EACH NON)0--------------1 O -PROVIDE I LAYER 5/8" TYPE "X" G.W.B. a ALL WALLS 4 CEILIN65 OF GARAGE Q I I `9 v ----- I �? I -ALL POCKET DOOR ALCOVES SHALL BE FRAMED — O O W/ PE-ENGINEERED 5TUD5 ON FLAT. HEAVY DUTY z O I� 5LIDE5 AND HARDWAE AS MFG'D BY GRANT. w ( O ~ ----- I Exist. Exist. a Kitchen % E..'ist; II Bedrm. #1 IO PROVIDE STEPS TO GRADE _ S:ttln 0 ' I tJl �1 9-C TO REMAIN 0 ' . TO REMAIN O II TO REMAIN d? ---- I O PROVIDE 4 INSTALL MIN. 4"0 .016" GAUGE --�� -�� DUCT TO VENT DRYER EXHAUST TO OUTSIDE g WALL. FURNISH 4 INSTALL A BAGKDRAFT DAMPER a DUCT TERMINATION. \\ SD I O OVER 12"XI2T CONC. BLOCBK FIERER STS I._15XI1.aa O G • AM LV -FLUSH — I WRAPPED IN STONE WITH BLUESTONE GAP Ir 44 NEW 10"XIO" TAPERED TIMBER POSTS '1 iv O2 O I OVER 10"XIO" GONG.. BLOCK PIER, N UP WRAPPED IN STONE WITH BLUESTONE GAP NEN FINE BOX OAK TREAD STAIRCASE Y41TH nf Newt I II " O HARDWOOD RAIL A5 SE:L. BY OWNER TO COMPLY --- O WITH R514 4 R515 OF THE RES. CODE OF NY5. Mu : A o I " O © 51MP50N PHD5 SHEARWALL TIEDOWN ADJACENT h i TILE ------ ----- 03 I I TO DOUBLE STUD AT WINDOW OR DOOR ABOVE :J V-_0 I/2" 3'-2" (SEE UPLIFT CONNECTIONS SHEET RC-2) � I I TYP. FOR 4 LOCATIONS r O/------------- to / I O P05T DOWN TO FOUNDATION z ---- -------- ----- ----- 2-1.715X.4 2.OE GPLAM LVL-FLUSH 2-115X14 2.OE GPLAM LVL-FLUSH V I --.--' N WI 40 11.88" JOISTS a 16" O.G 'IX co ° New F � Z Gaffe_ N � \ o ' " 3,_6„ Exist: , ® Exist. #2 ° T _ _ ,� _ Livin�Rm. n w 2-I�-15 IIX .88 GPL M•LVL-FLU TOREMAIN TO REMAIN 0 I N -� o I `A DN SINGLE LVL RIM BOARD I M j G ' �F H 7 I WI 40 II.88" JOISTS a 16" O.G. 1 I I I REPLACE EXISTING WINDOW b I W/ NEW ANDERSEN 'WOODWRIGHT' IF ------------- --- UNIT. GLAZING TO MATCH NEWR2VISIOIIS: WINDOW PATTERN D "7 2-2XI0 O4 "" ALL DRAWINGS,SPECIFICATIONS AND COPIES THEREOF FURNISHED BY THE ARCHITECT ARE AND SHALL REMAIN j 2-1.75XI I.88 2.OE GPL IM LVL New 1 ( ' THE PROPERTY Or THE ARCHITECT. THEY ARE TO BE USED ONLY WITH RESPECT TO THI5 PROJECT AND ARE I' ' �� ' • ' • O O •i NOT TO BE USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECT. SUBMISSION OR DISTRIBUTION TO MEET OFFICIAL REGULATORY — - 1 — N REQUIREMENTS OR FOR OTHER PURPOSES IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROJECT 15 NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS - Dining Porch 1 1 - PUBLICATION IN DEROGATION OF THE ARCHITECTS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT OR OTHER RESERVED RIGHTS. STAMPED CONCRETE I io I V �j I New ° AS PER OWNER n x I o O I Entry Porch r STAMPED CONCRETE• 6 ;I j I AS PER OWNER 3 n Proposed Addition m TYP r I 2-2XIO V I I', 3Xq 1/'2 ANTHONY NY OWER EAM - -- TYP - . J•, . J„ ------- -----------'------ ' �-'---_--� IillAli„Alli '---• -• ' ,N'I4tll„'i, ------- P'R • m 1O B 3 q I/2 ANTHONY POWER AM etl Rooney I - 9iAl IP X � 1 =AtlIYIItlI11N. --UIXAIxA i I 1 • - O5 -- --- L A - Residence 0 5AI^IGUT EXISTING DRIVEWAY FOR 425 Maple Lane PLACEMENT OF NEW FOUNDATION, EXISTNG GPATCH 1VENAY TO 0ND TIONS MATCH PROVIDE ALTERNATE: PRICING Southhold, New York 11971 G TO REMOVE 4 REPLACE ALL EXISTING WINDOWS LPA Architects, LLP ER C H I T E C T U R E P L A N N I N G 2'-6" 6'-�" t 25'-2" ww. lpa - pIans . com 15'-3" t 2q'-q" Lemmen Paul Associates,Architects LLP f 45'-0" 285 West Main St. Sayville, NY 11782 Tel: 631 589 2914 Fax: 631 589 6935 ° ° z Ipa-plans.com \ UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OF ANY ITEM ON THI5 DOCUMENT I5 A VIOLATION OF NEW YORK STATE LAW. �fe� / Issue Date: . FIRST FLOOR PLAN \ 1 e SCALE: 1/4 1 -0 Project Date: 1 l Total Proposed Altered S.F.= 39 MAY 2006 Total Proposed Added S.F.= 52 Scale: AS NOTED -THIS HOUSE IS LOCATED IN A WIND BORNE DEBRIS AREA Project# Drawn: Sheet 4 SEE RC-2 FOR WINDOW SHUTTER DETAIL 06018 EPH job: Check: A�4 ROONEY KMP FIRST FLOOR 0 hNotes:O B DS eet Plan notes: 2nd Floor -DOUBLE JOISTS UNDER ALL PARALLEL PARTITIONS Z t 45'-0" AND AROUND ALL OPENINGS. -INSTALL BRIDGING IN ALL FLOOR $ FLAT ROOF O JOISTS, CEILING JOISTS 4 BEAMS. BRIDGING SHALL 3'-O" 3'-10" 3'-10" 4'-5" '1'--1" BE INSTALLED 0 5'-0" O.0 MAX 4 SHALL BE 50LID WOOD BLOCKING 2" X DEPTH OF MEMBER OR IS GAUGE METAL STRAP BRIDGING. -PROVIDE CATS AT ALL LOAD BEARING WALL5 El A G -ALL DEMOLITION d DEBRIS MATERIAL TO BE Ln D15POSED OF PROPERLY�— VERIFY ALL N CONTRACTOR DIMENSIONS NS ONS IN FIELD PRIOR 37 TO START OF WORK w -ALL WOOD MEMBERS IN CONTACT WITH CONCRETE PRESSURE TREATED PRESERVATIVE ( T _ ... . TO BE PR P )P LUMBER INE OF WALL BE_LO_W_ r y * — � r.-+ .. -SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN EACH a a 5LEEPING ROOM, OUTSIDE EACH SEPARATE (9 5LEEPIN(5 AREA AND ON EACH ADDITIONAL STORY OF THE DWELLING INCLUDING BASEMENTS d CELLARS SMKE ALARMS SHALL 1 .: .. .. I : .. NTERCONNECT ED AND BE CLEARLNYEAUDIBLE IN ALL BEDROOMS. SMOKE ALARMS IN EXISTING AREAS Cp I 1 SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED TO BE INTERCONNECTED AND HARDWIRED WHERE THE ALTERATIONS OR i I , OVAL OF v is INTERIOR WALL OR CEILING FIN 5HRE5 EXPOSING THE STRUCTURE, UNLESS THERE 15 AN ATTIC, CRAWL 1 . .. . : .: .: . . . . , L W H COULD 1 1 AVAILABLE AND SPACE OR BASEMENT A PROVIDE ACCESS FOR H 1 .: : .. I :: :: INTERCONNECTION WITHOUT THE REMOVAL OF WI .. .. .. . . I INTERIOR FIN15HE5 AS PER R51"1.1.1(I) oC �' �' �' INTERIOR TRIM AND DOORS A5 1 , SELECTED i I 2-2X10 2-2XI0 2-2DCI0• a m EGTED BY OWNER (UON) � 1 ' ,p2 I 61 2 I'' -ALL BUILT-IN CABINET GONFI ONS if ry 4' 0 2 i/2" _ - ET S'- 1 I -- - �I --I I " AND 5 SHELVES AT ALL LINEN CLOSETS ( O ) ;'III Q 6 m� . :: I. . . �t New CLOSET O Bath' g I U N IN �' b' KNEE 10 NEW PINE BOX OAK TREAD STAIRCASE WITH f ALL m = HARDWOOD RAIL A5 5EL. BY OWNER TO COMPLY 5 6 W O Q WITH R514 8 R515 OF THE RES. CODE OF Ni h ff Z nkn ! ,il m NF!'I O ^I'iil I 20 NEW LINEN TOWER n _•_ _ Inlll AS SELECTED BY OWNER J � 1 xl xtn,„8' GLG " , .., N L.A ,Nnln , ' rn,„, ,, „„, 4'-0"G.O.• x ,... „., I,L,,.O '08 V _ III 1 m W = I O3 NEW PRE-FAB, DIRECT VENT FIREPLACE ry ++ I I I - " - t i AS SELECTED BY OWNER New. I =' v I SD ( I J 4 O 4 O D 4O BUILT-IN, PAINT GRADE BOOKSHELVES Attics ace I Ob I m = O III43 I I I O AS SELECTED BY OWNER ' EVONN ADJACENT _ �� I �_ pt-w I I m ® ►- I m I I New 0I I NI i O TO DOUBLE HSTUD HAT WINDOW EARWiALL 1OR DOOR ABOVE I ti �, IIIQ Stud \Q AI I IY O I I (SEE UPLIFT CONNECTIONS SHEET RG-2) I' I _ "nnlnll lnttltn«t"t n _ TYP. FOR b LOCATIONS III' O I 1 p111AYlllp�'ii llllleinnnitniliiilw I \ iu I �I +� LI n I p'I, I i [- Z W I O I O I © NEW "DRY" SAUNA A5 5ELECTED BY OWNER. h 6 N uumntut r F VERIFY SAUNA DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO START X OF FRAMING, INSTALL AS PER MFG'R SPECS _ +�I I i J lOa, I I I(x I I o �I �I I 4 _ — J Ali N ---- iAlnuupl�r,niim lmxn I 1� I I I I ` l I I II N nI I I IiiY I NtAIIAII"'�i�,ltlll., I I � V1I ry �I I uli _ I 1 —_— I A NiN114:1 fpryn IIY — k (X PIAYgI i 11':JI1N1 tW� t1L'• \� ________ nMiAtlk;nl'1'InINIIIIAttiU'110 ----I I I nt to m \ u X. --- -------- 1 - k I cV OPEN O N O Q �SHELVE5, Ilt� � p � D 1 I —FALSE RIDGE — z m — — — — _ I x ---- - - m o I III II II II-- '4 li 1 V ul ® ii --- -------- 1 LU n V OS OS 11 51 Ilin --- 1UJI 13'-b" h 2 III 13'-b" I V = --- -------- G i - _ r " ------------- CIDnl I ��.+ r is I.I I:All ' l -- -------- Great Rm. a Oq KIAA. . 4 1 -- ��, I IIN 'I. I b KNEE WALL DN I VAULTED GLG C �n, I 1 8 G p I r (New i ' n I � a w I N \ t i A _ Clst l .: .: Poll' iv GLG - .. -==---------- m ,8 0 1 8 GLG I — II 11 LINE OF WALL BELOW °I A i b 2-2XI I 2-1.75Xq.5 2.OE GPLAM LV HEA ER 2-2XI0 - I: Nu � I Revisions: c ( N ALL DRAWINGS,SPECIFICATIONS AND COPIES THEREOF FLIRN15HEO BY THE ARCHITECT ARE AND SHALL REMAIN 1 " " ' " " " " �._ — " THE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT. THEY RE TO BE USED ONLY WITH RESPECT TO THI5 PROJECT AND ARE 3 1 D 1 m E D g NOT TO BE U5ED ON ANY OTHER PROJECT, SMM155ION OR DI5TRIBJTION TO MEET OFFICIAL REGULATORY E REQUIREMENTS OR FOR OTHER PURPOSES IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROJECT 15 NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS PUBLICATION IN DEROGATION OF THE ARCHITECT'S COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT OR OTHER RESERVED RIGHTS. I . in I .. .. . .. .. 1 .. ryp 1 Proposed Addition �x .. .. .. . LINE.OF WALL BELOW ... T.-' r-' -------------------- - Rooney Residence 425 Maple Lane Southhold, New York 11971 2'-10" LPA Architects, LLP t45'-0" ARCHITECTURE PLANNING www. Ipa - pIans . com Lemmen Paul Associates,Architects LLP 8 285 West Main St. Sayville, NY 1 1782 Tel: 631 589 2914 Fax: 631 589 6935 Ipa-plans.com N 0 UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION _ OF ANY ITEM ON THI5 DOCUMENT r•T' 15 A VIOLATION OF NEW YORK STATE LAW. SECOND FLOOR PLAN NSCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" Issue Date: ; Total Proposed Added S.F.= 948 P Project Date: I I MAY 2006 J11 -THIS HOUSE IS LOCATED IN A WIND BORNE DEBRIS AREA Scale: ; ,:' ."1"• 'r .'!`'�`;..' SEE RC-2 FOR WINDOW SHUTTER DETAIL AS NOTED Project# Drawn: Sheet 06018 EPH Job: Check: A�5 ROONEY KMP SECOND FLOOR El Sheet Notes: 0 Elevation notes: rill 2" BEADED VINYL 11INVIVVENT" PANELS -ALL SOFFITS d PORCH CEILING TO BE O -ALL EXF05ED WOOD TRIM TO BE GLAD W/PVC �U L.G.G. FLA5HIN6 COATED COIL STOCK t - - - t - O NEW ROOF TO BE COVERED W/ 40 YEAR -- "ARCHITECTURAL" ASPHALT 5HINGLE5 A5 SELECTED BY OWNER. - 12 15" CEDAR PERFEGTION5 ® 5 1/2" TO WEATHER AS SELECTED BY OWNER 37 - - - - W PROVIDE WHITE SEAMLESS ALUMINUM GU I I ER5 -- d LEADERS ® ENTIRE HOUSE VERIFY LOCATION Z OF LEADERS W/ARGHITEGT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION � I ® CONGEALED FLASHING C7 / - O EXTEND EXISTING CHIMNEY AS REQUIRED z - © NEW STONE WRAPPED COLUMN W/ BLUESTONE GAP _ r1D E� p d TAPERED P05T A5 SELECTED BY OWNER m 1 12 -- - - - - - � �- - �- =- - �- � '�.. T.O. SUB FLR. _ - - \\ 2ND FLR - ,1 1 It LU ry, it O - ---- [ - � I'-6" 4 2'- JL - nnF P - Z EXISTING TO REMAIN - - _ - - _ - - T.O. SUB FLR. I m- - - Lai W R 1ST FL _ I I I I I I I I I I rL------------------— -----------J, r------------------------------il-----------------------------------------------------------1, ------------- L-------------------------------L-----------------------------------------------------------J NORTH ELEVATION Typical Elevation Notes: WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" ROOF: WALL: SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" 40 YR ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT 5HIN6LE5 la", #1 CEDAR 5HINGLE5 COLOR: AS SELECTED BY OWNER RE5A^4N d REBUTTED 5 1/2" TO WEATHER (VIF) RAKE: GOLOR/FINI5H: BLEACHING OIL, AS SELECTED EY OWNER 11/W X 2 1/4" SOLID GROWN OVER IX& PRIME TRIM (4" EXPOSURE) W/ TRIM: BEAD BOARD SOFFIT IX PRIME TRIM OVER COLOR: WHITE 5/4" X GROUND AT FRIEZE CONDITIONS FLARE 5HIN65LE5 OVER AS REQ'D FASCIA/SOFFIT: g FORCH t 5/4" X 4 PRIME TRIM AT WINDOW5 COLOR: WHITE "RAMGO" OR EQUAL ALUMINUM RAKE FLA5HIN6 OVER U PVC COATED ALUMINUM COIL STOCK OVER % 2X6 SUB FASCIA W/ WINDOWS: 000 PERFORATED VINYL SOFFIT AND o ALUMINUM GUTTERS d DOWN SPOUTS (SEE DETAIL) 400 51=RIE5, TILT WASH, DOUBLE HUNG, TEMP. A5 o (LOCATE GUTTERS AS INDICATED ON ELEVATIONS) REQ'D WITH PREFINI5HED INTERIORS. APPLIED c COLOR: WHITE EXT5GREINT. &RILLES EN5, A5 MFG DITH SPACER BY ANDERSEN.R AND FULL. 8 FA50I A/5OFF I T: ALL INTERIOR FRENCH DOORS 15 LITE !:,INGLE LAZE N I I/W X 2 1/4" 50LID GROWN OVER IX PRIME TRIM OVER 2X6 SUB FASCIA YV o BEAD BOARD SOFFIT W/ N I" CONTINUOUS SCREENED VENT W/ COPPER GUTTERS d DOWN SPOUTS (SEE DETAIL) (LOCATE GUTTERS AS INDICATED ON ELEVATIONS) cm - COLOR: WHITE - - Revisions: - 5 - 4 - - -- _- _ _ ALL DRAWINGS,SPECIFICATIONS AND COPIE5 THEREOF FURNISHED BY THE ARCHITECT ARE AND SHALL REMAIN ----- - - - -- THE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT. THEY ARE TO BE USED ONLY WITH RESPECT TO THIS PROJECT AND ARE __ _ NOT TO BE USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECT. 9UBMI55ION OR DISTRIBUTION TO MEET OFFICIAL REGULATORY -_- - - --- -- ----- -- --_-- ----- - REQUIREMENTS OR FOR OTHER PURPOSES IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROJECT 15 NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS -- ---- -- ------- __-___ 12 PUBLICATION IN DEROGATION OF THE ARCHITECTS COMMON LAW COPYRfGHT OR OTHER RESERVED RIGHTS. --- Q t4 - -- Proposed Addition � Rooney I 1 Residence - 425 Maple Lane Southhold, New York 11971 - 3 12 - --_ - - ZN - -_ UJ FLR. / 6 - z T.O. SUB _ - - --- 2ND FLR 11°- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LPA Architects, LLP - �J LL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' - _ _ _ _- - _ _ _  - _ _ _ _- - _ _ _ _- - _ _'� \' ARCHITECTURE PLANNING I Li www. lpa- plans . com IffE ❑ ■ j I'-6' { ❑ 2-p" 285 e s Paul Associates,Architects LLP aJI 285 West Main St. Sayville, NY 11782 Tel: 14 Fax: 63 1589 6935 L Ipa-plans,com °Z ' II • H M UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION E X 1 5 T I N G TO R E M A I N E X I S T I N G T O REMAIN OI OF ANY ITEM ON THIS DOCUMENT y"";;;; ,'s";; •., IS A VIOLATION OF � ''i NEW YORK STATE LAW. ; T.O. 5UB FLR. 15T FLR Issue ate:, - DI •�, '`��r tE4�` � `t G.�i)„ I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I Project Date: I I I I I I I MAY 2006 r-A_L-1 r_L-L Scale: I I I I I I r1_L, r1-L, r-L-L, rJ.-L� I - _ L_ L--_J L--_J AS NOTED EAST ELEVATION 3 OUTH ELEVATION Project# Drawn: Sheet �--SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" 06018 EPH Job: Check: A�6 ROONEY KMP ELEVATIONS z 0 Sheet Notes: ti) CONTINUOUS RIDGE VENT CONTINUOUS RIDGE VENT O I.'15XI4" LVL RIDGE I.-15XI4" LVL RIDGE 2XI0 RR a 16" O.G. 2X12 RR a I6" O.G. 12 �' '� �� �` 12 �' �-- - TIE-BA F— 2X8 CT a 16" O.G. ---�8 ZJ TO RIDGE `- r-- 11 UJI a 5 RIGANE CLIPS ❑� � I'-6" � �' � a l O.G. (7YP) New � ` 4 z CI Attic space- EXISTING ROOF 2XIO LEDGER BOARD (TYP) n z H2.5 H r,RI NE IPS s „ Shbwe \\ — TO BE REMOVED ® 16" 2X10 RR a lb O.G. ,y, in r co6 �EXI5TIN6 ROOF 0 12 s New 12 _ `� 6 2X8 RR ® I6" O.G. TO BE REMOVED m Stairwell ,{ T.O. SUB FLR. _ - - - 2ND FLR El - - \- ---- � _ __- -_-- 2-1-'15XI1- - _-- - 88 2.OE GF'�.AM L + --- 11 N s EXISTING CEILING SYSTEM TO REMAIN i s_ - -- EXISTING CEILING SYSTEM TO --- EMAIN _ --- - ----I cn ; - LU , I ?" PROVIDE BLOCKING I (D I'_6" 2-1 15XI1.88 ZOE GPLAM LVL I I I-� I'_6 TO ALIGN OVERHANG 0 Ili 2-I.'15XI1.88 2.OE GPLAM LVL I a Exist. New New Ili III r Dinette Kitchen Mud Rm. Garage, ° Exist. - New III Dinette Kitchen Garage TV �• III I h I II III III III � III i III zI h. .II,,T.O. SUB FLR. _ - I Ij EXISTING FLOOR SYSTEM TO REMAIN III 15T FLR EXISTING FLOOR SYSTEM TO REMAIN j� - - _ r I � w Exist. - — — — _ GRADE Exist. Exist. Crawl space. Crawls ace Cellar stair m PROVIDE 8" TRENCH FOOTING I I in I I BENEATH NEW MUDRM WALLS I I I rJ L-1 I I L_J BUILDING SECTION A-A BUILDING SECTION B-B SCALE: 1/4"=F-0" SCALE: 1/4"=V-0" 0 0 0 c CONTINUOUS RIDGE VENT 2XI2 RIDGE CONTINUOUS RIDGE VENT I.'75XI4" LVL RIDGE N 2XIO RR a 16" O.G. 2XI2 RR @ 161, O.G. 0 0 12 12 :Y; SITE BUILT ROOF TRUSSES ±4� t5� 2X6 "DUMMY RAFTERS" a 16" O.G. ------------------ - ------ -' Revisions: i 8 ALL DRAWINGS,SPECIFICATIONS AND COPIE5 THEREOF FURNI5HED BY THE ARCHITECT ARE AND SHALL REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT. THEY ARE TO BE USED ONLY WITH RESPECT TO THIS PROJECT AND ARE NOT TO BE USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECT, SUBMISSION OR P15TRIEUTION TO MEET OFFICIAL REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS OR FOR OTHER PURPOSES IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROJECT 15 NOT TO BE CONSTRUED A5 PUBLICATION IN DEROGATION OF THE ARCHITECTS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT OR OTHER RESERVED RIGHTS. New New New � at � ' rea Rm. \\ _ Proposed Addition 12 Roone Zz zzz y P _ _ — __ T.O. SUB FLR. --_ -_- Residence 2ND FLR __-__- EXISTING CEILING SYSTEM TO REMAIN r 2X6 GJ a lb"O.G. 1 s EXISTING CEILING SYSTEM TO REM ----I 425 Maple Lane REMAIN Southhold, New York 11971 PARTIAL SECTION D-D 2'-0" Ne Exist. Exist. New SCALE: 1/4"=F-0" -Cove ed Porch Bedrm. #1 Bedrm. #2 Dinette Porch LPA Architects, LLP _ A R C H I T E C T U R E P L A N N I N G - r- www. lpa- plans , com T.O. SUB FLR. _ Construction Notes: Roof system:_ Lemmen Paul Associates,Architects LLP IST FLR EXISTING FLOOR SYSTEM TO REMAIN _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 285 West Main St. Sayville, NY 1 1782 Tel: 631 589 2914 Fax; 631 589 6935 ° ROOF: 2ND FLOOR: THE NEW ROOF SYSTEM SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED, TO THE FOLLOWING: ALL Jig VALLEYS, EAVES, RAKES, CRICKETS, ETC., TO RECEIVE G.A.F. "STORM GUARD" FILM Ipa-plans,com i 40 YR ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT SHINGLES FINISH FLOOR ON 5/4" T d G PLYWOOD SURFACE LEAK BARRIER INSTALLED A5 PER MANUFACTURER,5 INSTRUCTIONS. ROOF I I I I 50 # FELT BUILDING PAPER 5U5FLOOR (5TURD1 - FLOOR OR EQUAL) DECK TO RECEIVE G.A.F. "SHINGLE -MATE" 50 LB BUILDING FELT INSTALLED AS PER b 1/2 GDX PLYWOOD SMEATHING WI 80 11.88 J015T5 a I6 O.G. MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS. ROOFING SHINGLES TO BE G.A.F. TIMBERLINE ULTRA I I I I _ 40 YEAR ARCHITECTURAL SHINGLES (AS SELECTED BY OWNER), INSTALLED As PER I I I I Exist. in 2 X 12 ROOF RAFTERS a I6" O/G (U.O.N.) , —L —L Cellar " " UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION I I r m 2 X 6 COLLAR TIES 0.) 52" O/G (U.O.N.) MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS. ALL RIDGE AREAS TO RECEIVE COBRA VENT RIDGE I I I �� r 2 X 8 CEILING J015Ta ® I6" O/G (U.O.N.) FOUNDATION: VENTING WITH G.A.F. "TIMBERTEX" RIDGE GAP SHINGLES. oe AN15IAEVIOLNATION oocuMENT fR INSULATION - SEE SCHEDULE r L———J �—_— �� �� NEW YORK STATE LAW. r •"a � � I/2" GYPSUM BOARD - TAPE SPACKLE 3 GOATS I/2 X 12 GALVANIZED ANCHOR BOLTS ALL CHIMNEY COUNTER AND GAP FLASHING TO BE INSPECTED FOR DAMAGE AND 46" 51N6LE STORY, 25" OG 2 STORY, WITH REPAIRED/REPLACED A5 REOUIRED. Issue Date: t* ° WASHEHE RS, MIN. - I'-O" AT CORNERS d a LAPPEDD MUD UD SILLS T '1 1' v� t'�C:'J 3 :'#-.'�;' • WALL: 8" POURED CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALL KEYED TO 8" X 16" POURED CONCRETE FOOTING N (2) #4 BARS CONT. 18" CEDAR PERFEGTI�N5 a 5 I/2" TO WEATHER 4" POURED CONCRETE SLAB OVER POLY VAPOR BARRIER Project Date: DRAFT RETARDER (71NEK OR EQUAL) KARNAK ONE-KOTE WATERPROOFING ; I 1/2" GDX PLYWOOD'E-HI•'ATHING MAY 2006 2 X 4 STUDS AT 16" c2/G INSULATION - SEE SCHEDULE INSULATION SCHEDULE: Scale: 1/2" GYPSUM BOARD —TAPE d SPACKLE 5 GOATS R-58 a ALL FLAT CEILINGS R-500 a ALL VAULTED CEILINGS AS NOTED BUILDING SECTION C-C 15T FLOOR: R-15 a ALL EXTERIOR WALLS R-22 a ALL UNHEATED CRAWL SPACES 3 CELLARS Project# Drawn: Sheet FIN15H FLOOR ON 5/4"' T 4 G PLYWOOD R-15 a ALL STAIR WALLS SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" 2 15 BOOOOR JJO SITS ©LOG" 0OR (EOUN -)SEE PLAN) 06018 EPH (2) 2 X 6 PTP PLATES, ON SILL SEALER job: Check: OVER TERMITE SHIELD ROONEY KMP A�7 BUILDING SECTIONS El z Sheet Notes: 0 I.'15XI4" LVL RIDGE t) z0 / \ U37 ry / k—ROOFING IN LLJ / BACK6ROUND a / / Room Finish Schedule TIE BACK GJ ROOM FLOOR WALL CEILING CLN6 HT. BASE GROWN REMARKS TO RIDGE z / FIRST FLOOR COVERED PORCHES - - BEAD BOARD VARIES - #10 - MUD ROOM #6 1/2" 6m (MR) '*I/2" &kla (MR) 6-O" #2 m SECOND FLOOR 2X6 CJ ® 16" O.G. GREAT ROOM #1 1/2" 6WB 1/2" 61NB VARIE5 #2 - STUDY #1 1/2" 61615 1/2" 6W5 VARIES #2 BATH #6 1/2" 6WB (MR) 1/2" 6WB (MR) to - - - cn W NOTES: OI - 2 1/4" RED OAK STRIP FLOORING, 3 GOATS POLY, STAIN COLOR AS SELECTED PER OWNER 1 JOIST TIE—BACK DETAIL 2 - O.G. COLONIAL q/Ib X 3 I/4 OR EQUAL BASE TRIM, PAINTED SCALE: 1"=1'-0" 3 - 2 1/2" COLONIAL CASING W/BULLN05E STOOL AND COLONIAL APRON, PAINTED 4 - BLUESTONE PAVERS SET IN MORTAR BASE 5 - SHEET VINYL OVER 1/4" LAUAN UNDERLAYMENT, STYLE AND COLOR AS SELECTED PER OWNER Q 6 - CARPET AND PAD OVER 1/4" LAUAN UNDERLAYMENT, COLOR AND STYLE AS SELECTED BY OWNER _z z '1 - CERAMIC, TILE OVER THINSET ON EXISTING SLAB, COLOR AND STYLE AS SELECTED BY OWNER 12 Q t3 2X12 RR ® I6 O.G. LU 6 - CERAMIC, TILE OVER THINSET OVER MUD BASE, COLOR AND STYLE AS SELECTED BY OWNER q - 5/4" X 4" MAH06ANY PLANK DECKING, STAINED d TREATED 10- 5 1/4" X II/I6 5PRUN6 GROWN OR EQUAL, PAINTED Door Schedule H2.5 HURRICANE CLIPS 2 I/4"X I I/6" SOLID GROWN OVER it I LOCATION TYPE 51ZE OPERATION HARDWARE REMARKS ® 161, O.G. (TYP) IX6 PRIME TRIM OVER FIRST FLOOR 2X6 SUB FASCIA OI DINETTE ENTRY ANDERSEN 3'-0" X 6'-II" HINGED/L EN FWH 31611 2" BEADED "INVISIVENT" SOFFIT 02 MUD ROOM (KIT) - 2'-6" X 6'-6" HIN6ED/L PA - 03 MUD ROOM (GAR) - 2'-6" X 6'-6" HIN6E0/R PA 5/4 HR FIRE RATED, STEEL INSULATED, 5ELF-CL051N6 04 LIVING ENTRY - 3'-0" X 6'-6" HIN6ED/R EN AS SELECTED BY OWNEF: 05 GARAGE HOLMES 41'-0" X 1'-0" OVERHEAD EN "CHARLESTON' CARRIAGE HOUSE DOOR AS MFG'D BY HOLMES OR EQUAL 2 S OFFIT DETAIL SECOND FLOOR - - 06 ATTIC SPACE 3'-0" X 6'-6" HIN6ED/R PA SCALE: 1"=1'-0" 0-1 BATH - 2'-0" X 6'-6" HIN6ED/L PR - v 06 STORAGE CLOSETS - 4'-0" X 6'-O" HINGED PA DOULBE ro 01 CLOSET - I'-10" X HIN6ED/L PA v 00 -ALL DOORS TO BE CRAFTSMAN - 50LID GORE, SMOOTH FIN15H WITH BR16HT BRA55 HIN6E5 AND HARDWARE (U.N.O., 0 ABBREVIATIONS: c PA PASSAGE - LATCHES OPERABLE FROM BOTH SIDE AT ALL TIMES N PR PRIVACY - LOCKABLE PUSH BUTTON INSIDE, UNLOCKED BY EMERGENCY KEY OUTSIDE EN ENTRY - LOCK/UNLOCK WITH KEY OUTSIDE, BY MANUAL MEANS INSIDE S `" 2X6 RR @ 16" O.G. 12 Window Schedule 6 Revisions: v # MANUFACTURER MODEL NO. 6LAZIN6 FINISH REMARKS R.O.H. A.S.F. ALL DRAWING5,9PECIFICATION5 AND COPIE5 THEREOF FURNISHED BY THE ARCHITECT ARE AND SHALL REMAIN EDGE FLASH I N6 BY RAMGO A ANDERSEN ON15 HP LOW-E r n THE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT. THEY ARE TO BE U5E0 ONLY WITH RESPECT TO THI5 PROJECT AND ARE OR EQUAL 6-10 I/2 NOT TO BE U5ED ON ANY OTHER PROJECT. %BMI5510N OR P15TRIEUTION TO MEET OFFICIAL REGULATORY REOUIREMENT5 OR FOR OTHER PURP05E5 IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROJECT 15 NOT TO BE CON5TRUED A5 Q B ANDERSEN SEE REMARKS HP LOW-E - WDH 1652, WDH 3452, WDH 1652 b'-10 1/2" PUBLICATION IN DEROGATION OF THE ARCHITECT'S COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT OR OTHER RE5ERVED RIGHTS. 3X q 1/2" "ANTHONY" POWER BEAM G ANDERSEN WDH 2O52 HP LOW-E - - GLAD W/ IX TRIM PVC COATED COIL STOCK OVER D ANDERSEN WDH 3046 HP LOW-E - - 2X6 SUB FASCIA E ANDERSEN WDH 3046-3 HP LOW-E - - 6'-10 I/2" Proposed Addition F -1 F ANDERSEN WDH 3046-2 HP LOW-E - - b6'-10 I/2"'-10 1/2" RooneyPORCH P05T 2" BEADED "INVISIVENT" SOFFIT _ 6 ANDERSEN A21 HP LOW-E - - IN BACKGROUND H ANDERSEN WDH 2642-2 HP LOW-E - - 6'-10 I/2" Residence I ANDERSEN WDH 2646 HP LOW-E - - 6'-10 I/2" 3 SOFFIT ET IL PORCH J ANDERSEN WDH 2642 HP LOW-E _ _ -10 1/2" 425 Maple Lane K ANDERSEN WDH 24510-3 HP LOW-E 6'-10 1/2" Southhold, New York 11971 SCALE: 1"=1'-0" L ANDERSEN WDH 5052 HP LOW-E - - b'-10 1/2" -ALL WNDWS TO BE ANDERSEN 'WOODWRIGHT' 400 SERIES - VINYL GLAD, HP LOW E 6LAS5 WITH SCREENS, d SIMULATED DIV. LIGHTS AS 5HOWN ON ELEVS (U.N.0) *SCHEDULES FOR REFERENCE ONLY, QUANTITY TAKE-OFFS SHALL BE VERIFIED WITH PLANS LPA Architects, LLP _/ EAR C H I T E C T U R E P L A N N I N G www, Ipa- pIans :com Lemmen Paul Associates,Architects LLP CEDAR 5HIN6LE5 285 West Main St. Sayville, NY 1 1782 DRIP CAP Tel: 631 589 2914 Fax: 631 589 6935 Ipa-plans.com ? ►;fie{\�yNn Y 1LJ 5/4 X 4 TRIM 2 PANEL, SOLID N° GORE, SMOOTH FINISH WINDOW UNIT UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION n CASING TO OF ANY ITEM ON THIS DOCUMENT 15 A VIOLATION OF MATCH EXIST. NEW YORK STATE LAW.2XI0 RR ® I6 O.G. I s„t ,. : ! :,; .,� , ,•,. WINDOW UNIT Issue Date: T BUILT ROOFTRUSS,SAND TO REMOVE STAMPS 3 CASING TO I ; ' 1 IRREGULARITIES, 2X10 RR BEYOND MATCH EXIST. I FINISH AS PER OWNER I -- Project Date: 1 CUSTOM 2X2 SILL W/ 4X4 KING POST 2X6 COLLAR TIES DRIP GUT MAY 2006 �'N`'/ GLAD W/ TRIM BULLN05E SILL r Scale: BASE TO �. ,; �.�;• A f. '. MATCH EXISTING 40 WATT FLORESCENT AS NOTED LIGHTING FIXTURE AS 2X4 PLATE SELECTED BY OWNER APRON TO Project# Drawn: Sheet MATCH EXIST. 06018 EPH WINDOW SECTION TYPICAL WINDOW DOOR TYPE it I if Check: A�8 ROOF TRUSS DETAIL SCALE: 1"=1'-0" SCALE: 1/2"=1'-0" SCALE: 1/2"=1'-0" ROONEY KMP 4 SCALE: 1"=1'-0" SCHEDULES / DETAILS . 1 Z Sheet Notes: 0 0 Section R301 .2. 1 .2 Section R702 Section R905 Table 3 . 1 Nailing Schedule WFCM 1995 edition S ' re, SECTION Joint description #of Common nails Nail Spacing ION R905 underlayment felt parallel with and starting at the eaves, p � p g I- R301.2.1.2 Internal pressure.Windows in buildings lo- TABLE R702.3.5 REQUIREMENTS FOR ROOF COVERINGS fastened sufficiently to hold in place. Starting at the eave, ROOF FRAMING z MINIMUM THICKNESS AND APPLICATION OF GYPSUM BOARD a 1 36-inch-wide 914 mm sheets ofunderla ment over- rated in wind-borne debris regions shall have glazed 1 p Y ( ) Y O openings protected from wind-borne debris or the build- THICKNESS MAXIMUM MAXIMUM SPACING R905.1 Roof covering application.Roof coverings shall be lapping successive sheets 19 inches(483 mm),and fastened RAFTER TO TOP PLATE (TOE-NAILED) PER RAFTER OF SPACING OF OF FASTENERS applied in accordance with the applicable provisions of this sufficient] to hold in lace. For roof slopes of four units 3-aD U ingshall be designedas a partially enclosed building inac- GYPSUM ORIENTATION OF FRAMING (inches) Y p p section and the manufacturer's installation instructions. vertical in 12 units horizontal )zonta ercent slope)or realer, GLNG JST TO TOP PLATE (TOE-NAILED) 3-aD PER JOIST cordance with the Building Code Qf New York State. BOARD GYPSUM BOARD TO MEMBERS SIZE OF NAILS FOR APPLICATION S ( P 1? g > (inches) APPLICATION FRAMING (Inches o.c.) Nailsa crewsb °TO WOOD FRAMING , underlayment shall be one layer lied in the followin Glazed opening protection for wind-borne debris shall R905.2 Asphalt shingles.T ue installation of asphalt shingles Y Y pp g meet the requirements of the Large Missile Test of ASTM Application without adhesive manner. Underlayment shall be applied shingle fashion, GLNG JST TO PARALLEL RAFTER (PAGE-NAILED) EACH LAP I 19 shall comply with the prwiisions of this section. E 1996 and of ASTM E 1886 referenced therein. Ceilingd Perpendicular 16 7 12 13 gage,] /4"long, /64"head;0.098 parallel to and starting from the eave and lapped 2 inches GLNG JST LAPS OVER PARTITIONS (FACE-NAILED) - EACH LAP 3/8 diameter,1114"long,annular-ringed;or 4d R905.2.1 Sheathing requirements.Asphalt shingles shall (51 mm),fastened sufficiently to hold in place.End laps shall Exception: Wood structural panels with a minimum Wall Either direction 16 8 16 cooler nail,0.080"diameter,13/8"long,7/32" be fastened to solidly sheathed decks. be offset by 6 feet(1829 mm). COLLAR TIE TO RAFTER (FACE-NAILED) 6-aD PER TIE F- thickness of 7/16 inch(11.1 mm)and a maximum span head. of 8 feet (2438 mm) shall be permitted for opening Ceiling Either direction 16 7 12 13 gage,13/8"long,19/64"head;0.098 R905.2.2 Slope.Asphalt shingles shall only be used on roof R905.2.7.1 Iee protection. In areas where the average BLOCKING TO RAFTER (TOE-NAILED) 2-aD EACH END p[ protection in one-and two-story buildings.Panels shall Ceilingd Perpendicular 24 7 12 diameter,1114"long,annular-ringed; 15inged;5d slopes of two units verti.nI in 12 units horizontal(2:12)or daily temperature in January is 25°F (-4°C) or less or RIM BIRD TO RAFTER (END-NAILED) 2-I6D EACH END L U be precut to cover the glazed openings with attachment 1/2 cooler nail,0.086 diameter, 1 /8"long, /64" greater. For roof slopes from two units vertical in 12 units when Table 11301.2(1)criteria so designates,an ice barrier hardwFare provided.Attachments shall be provided in Wall Either direction 24 8 12 head;or Byrum board nail,0.086 diameter, horizontal(2:12)up to four units vertical in 12 units horizon- that consists of a least two layers of underlayment cement- WALL FRAMING accordance with Table R301.2.1.2 or shall be designed Wall Either direction 16 8 16 15/8"long, /32"head. tal (4:12), double underlayment application is required in ed together or of a self-adhering polymer modified bitu- to resist the components and cladding loads determined Ceiling Either direction 16 7 12 13 gage,15/8"long,19/64"head;0.098 accordance with Section R905.2.7. men sheet,shall be used in lieu of normal underlayment TOP PLAT E TO TOP PLATE (FACE-NAILED) 2-I6D *1 PER FOOT accordance with the provisions of the Building Code Ceiling' Perpendicular 24 7 12 diameter,13/8"long,annular-ringed;6d and extend from the eave's edge to apoint at least 24 inch- in N acc York State. 5/8 cooler nail,0.092 diameter,17/8"long,1/4" R905.2.3 Underlayment.Unless otherwise noted,required es(610 mm)inside the exterior wall line of the building. TOP PLATES AT INTERSECTIONS (FACE-NAILED) 4-I60 JOINTS-EACH 51DE Y Wall Either direction 24 1 8 12 head;or gypsum board nail,0.0915 diameter, underlayment shall conform with ASTM D 226,Type I,or STUD TO STUD (FACE-NAILED) 2-I6D 24" O.G. z R301.2.1.3 Wind speed conversion. When referenced Wall Either direction 16 8 16 17/8"long,1%4"head. ASTM D 4869,Type I. R905.2.7.2 Underlayment and high wind. Underlay- documents are based on fastest mile wind speeds, the Application with adhesive Self-adhering polymer modified bitumen sheet shall ment applied in areas subject to high winds[greater than HEADER TO HEADER (FACE-NAILED) I6D 16" O.G. ED6E5 n three-second gust wind velocities of Figure R301.2(4) d 110 mph (177km/h) per Figure R301.2(4)] shall be Ceiling Perpendicular 16 16 16 3 comply with ASTM D 1970• TOP OR BOTTOM PLATE TO STUD (END-NAILED) 2,3,4-I6D PER 2X4 0 shall be converted to fastest mile wind velocities using 3/8 Same as above for /8"gypsum board applied with corrosion-resistant fasteners in accordance , 2X6, 2Xa STUD Wall Either direction 16 16 24 with manufacturer's installation instructions. Fasteners pp Table R301.2.1.3. R905.2.4 Asphalt shingles. Asphalt shingles shall have BOTTOM PLATE TO FLR JST, BANDJST, Ceiling Either direction 16 16 16 1 " 5 self-seal strips or be interlocking,and comply with ASTM are to be applied along the overlap not farther apart than ENDJ5T OR BLOCKING (FACE-NAILED) 2-I6D *1,2 PER FOOT i s d Same as above for /2 and /g"gypsum 36 inches 914 mm on center. t l /2 or /g Ceiling Perpendicular 24 12 16 board,respectively D 225 or D 3462. ( ) TABLE R3g1.2.1.2 Wall Either direction 24 16 24 FLOOR FRAMING WIND-BORNE DEBRIS PROTECTION FASTENING SCHEDULE R905.2._5 Fasteners.Fasteners for asphalt shingles shall be R905.2.8 Flashing. Flashing for asphalt shingles shall FOR WOOD STRUCTURAL PANELSa,b,c,d Two Ceiling Perpendicular 16 16 16 Base ply nailed as above for 1/2"gypsum galvanized steel,stainless steel,aluminum or copper roofing comply with this section. JST TO SILL, TOP PLT OR GDR (TOE-NAILED) 4-5D PER J5T FASTENER SPACING 3/8 layers Wall Either direction 24 1 24 1 24 board;face ply installed with adhesive nails,minimum 12 gage[0.105 inch(2.67 mm)]shankwith a R905.2.8.1 Base and cap flashing.Base and cap flashing BRIDGING TO JOIST (TOE-NAILED) 2-aD EACH END to 4 foot 6 foot For Si: I inch=25.4 mm. minimum 3/8-inch(9.5 mm)diameter head,ASTM F 1667, shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's L/) FASTENER Panel span < panel span < panel span a.For application without adhesive,a pair of nails spaced not less than 2 inches apart or more than 21/2 inches apart may be used with the pair of nails spaced of a length to penetrate through the roofing materials and a BLOCKING TO JOIST (TOE-NAILED) 2-aD EACH END LU TYPE s 4 foot s 6 foot s a foot 3 installation instructions. Base flashing sllall be of 12 inches on center. minimum of /4 inch (19.1 mm) into the roof sheathing. 21/2"#6 n rr 1/ b.Screws shall be Type S or W per ASTM C 1002 and shall be sufficient) long to penetrate wood framing not less than 5! inch and metal framing not less than 3 either corrosion-resistant(048n)thickness metal of minimum nominal BLOCKING TO SILL OR TOP PLATE (TOE-NAILED) 3-I6D EACH BLOCK 0 16 12 9 3 YP P Y g P g a g Where the roof sheathing is less than /4 inch (19.1 mm) 0.019-inch(0.483 mm)thickness or mineral surface roll Wood screws /g inch. � penetrate through the sheathing. thick, lice fasteners shall 21/2"#g „ r, c.Where metal framing is used with a clinching design to receive nails by two edges of metal,the nails shall be not less than 5/8 inch longer than the gypsum board groofing weighing a minimum of 77 pounds per 100 square LEDGER STRIP TO BEAM (PAGE-NAILED) 3-I6D EACH JST t1 screws 16 16 12 Fasteners shall comply with ASTM F 1667. z thickness and shell have ringed shanks.Where the metal framing has a nailing groove formed to receive the nails,the nails shall have barbed shanks or be Sd, feet (3.76 kg/m ). Cap flashing shall be corrosion- Wood131/2 gage,15/8 inches long,15/64-inch head for 1/2-inch gypsum board;and 6d,13 gage,17/8 inches long,15/64-inch head for 5/8-inch gypsum board. resistant metal of minimum nominal 0.019-inch JST ON LEDGER TO BEAM (TOE-NAILED) 5-aD PER JST For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, I foot - 304.9 mm, 1 pound = 0.454 kg, d.Three-ei Three-eighths-inch-thick single 1 sum board shall not be used on aceilin where awater-basedtexturedfinishistobea lied,or where it will be required R905.2.6 Attachment.Asphalt shingles shall have the mini-g g -ply g pp q 0.483 min thickness. 1 mile per hour=1.609 km/h. mum number of fasteners I equired by the manufacturer.For ( ) BAND JST TO JST (END-NAILED) 5-I6D PER JST support insulation above a ceiling.On ceiling applications to receive awater-based texture material,either hand or spray applied,the gypsum board shall be fnf a.This table is based on 110 mph wind speeds and a 33-foot mean roof height. applied perpendicular to framing.When applying a water-based texture material,the minimum gypsum board thickness shall be increased from 3/8 inch to nornlal application,asphalt shingles shall be secured to the R905.2.8.2 Valleys. Valley linings shall be installed in BAND J5T TO SILL OR TOP PLATE TOE-NAILED 2-I6D #1 PER FOOT I X 1 b.Fasteners shall be installed at opposing ends of the wood structural panel. 1/2 inch for 164nch on center framing,and from 1/2 inch to 5/8 inch for 24-inch on center framing or 1/2-inch sag-resistant gypsum ceiling board shall be used. roof with not less than four fasteners per strip shingle Or two accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions ( ) JAY e.Type X gypsum board for garage ceilings beneath habitable rooms shall be installed perpendicular to the ceiling framing and shall be fastened at maximum 6"o.c. fasteners per individual shingle. Where the roof slope before applying shingles.Valley linings of the following ROOF SHEATHING d.Where screws are attached to masonry or masonry/stucco,they shall be by minimum 17/8"6d coated nails or equivalent drywall screws. exceeds attached utilizing vibration-resistant anchors having a minimum ultimate units vertical units horizontal 2G:12 20 )� special methods of fasteningg arree required. types shall be permitted: 6" EDGE / 12" FIELD z withdrawal capacity of490pounds. 1, For open valley(valley lining exposed) lined with STRUCTURAL PANELS a Q D / 4" ® GABLE RAKES Exception:Asphalt strip shingles shall have a minimum metal, the valley lining shall be at least 24 inches of six fasteners per shingle where the roof is in one of the (6 10 mm)wide and of any of the corrosion-resistant DIAGONAL BRD 5HEATHING J following categori6s: metals in Table R905.2.8.2. I"X6" OR I 2-8D PER SUPPORT pw[ 1. The basic wind speed per Figure R301.2(4) is 2. Foropenvalleys,valleyIiningoftwopliesofmineral t1 110 miles per hour(177 km/h)or greater and the eave surface roll roofing,complying with ASTM D 249, I"XIO" OR WI DER 3-aD PER SUPPORT is 20 feet(6096 mrn)or higher above grade. shall be permitted. The bottom layer shall be 2. The basic wind speed per Figure R301.2(4) is 18 inches(457 min)and the top layer a minimum of CEILING SHEATHING 120 miles per hour(193 km/h)or greater. 36 inches(914 mm)wide. GYPSUM WALL BOARD 5D COOLERS '7" EDGE / 10" FIELD 3. Special wind zones per Figure R301.2(4). 3. For closed valleys (valley covered with shingles), WALL SHEATHING valley lining of one ply of smooth roll roofing eom- R905.2.7 Underlayment application.Forroof slopes from plying with ASTM D 224 Type II or Type III and at STRUCTURAL PANELS aD 6" EDGE / 12" FIELD two units vertical in 12uri4q horizontal(17-percent slope), least 36 inches (914 min) wide or valley lining as up to four units vertical in 12 units horizontal(33-percent described in Items 1 and 2 above shall be permitted. FIBERBOARD PANELS Section R703 slope), underlayment shall be two layers applied in the Specialty underlayment complying with ASTM '►/I6" 6D 5" EDGE / 6" FIELD following manner. Apply a 19-inch (483 mm) strip of D 1970 may be used in lieu of the lining material. 25/52" aD 5" E06E / 6" FIELD TABLE R703.4 GYPSUM WALL BOARD 5D COOLERS '1" E06E / 10" FIELD WEATHER-RESISTANT SIDING ATTACHMENT AND MINIMUM THICKNESS TYPE OF SUPPORTS FOR THE SIDING MATERIAL AND FASTENERSb,c,d TABLE R905.2.8.2 TABLE R905.7.4 HARDBOARD aD 6" EDGE / 12" FIELD Wood or VALLEY L1141NG MATERIAL WOOD SHINGLE MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS PARTICLEBOARD PANELS aD 6" EDGE / 12" FIELD wood MINIMUM APPLICABLE NOMINAL SHEATHING structural Fiberboard Gypsum Number or TIAICKNESS WEIGHT MATERIAL MINIMUM GRADES GRADING RULES THICKNESS° JOINT PAPER panel sheathing sheathing Direct to spacing of DIAGONAL BOARD 5HEATHIN6 SIDING MATERIAL (inches) TREATMENT REQUIRED sheathing Into stud Into stud studs fasteners MATERIAL (inct,es) GAGE (pounds) 0.120 nail 0.120 nail 0.120 nail Not Copper _. _ I Wood shingles of „ 0.019E Lap No t " pp naturally durable 1,2 or 3 3ldnglehBi r and I X6 OR I Xa 2-aD PER SUPPORT Without 1 /2 long 2 long 2' long allowed Aluminum 0.024 - - wood I"XIO" OR WIDER 5-av PER SUPPORT Horizontal insulation 0024 L 0.120 nail 0.120 nail 0.120 nail Not Same as stud taluminume . ap No 11/2"long 2"long 2"long allowed spacing Stainless steel - 28 - FLOOR SHEATHING With 0.120 nail 0.120 nail 0.120 nail 0.120 nail Galvanized 26(zinc - R905.7.5 Application. Wood shingles shall be installed insulation 0.019 Lap No 11/ "Ion 21/ ion 21/ "ion 11/ ' ion steel O.O179 coated G90) according to this chapter and the manufacturer's installation STRUCTURAL PANELS 2 g 2" g 2 g 2 g instructions.Wood shingles shall be laid with a side lap not ro Brick veneer Zinc alloy 0.027� - less than 11/ inches 38 nlm between joints in courses,and 1" OR LESS aD 6" EDGE / 12" FIELD 0000 Concrete masonry 2 Section Yes See Section R703 and Figure R703.7h - 1 2 ( ) 3 C:) veneer 2 R703 (nr) Lead - 2 /2 no two joints in any three adjacent courses shall be indirect GREATER THAN I" IOD 6" EDGE / 6" FIELD Painted terne - 20 alignment.Spacing between shingles shall not be less than 0 6"panel - 1/4 inch to 3/8 inch(6.4 mm to 9.5 mm).Weather exposure for DIAGONAL BOARD SHEATHING vHardboardl 7 edges For SI: 1 inch=25.4 mm,1 pound=0.454 kg, wood shingles shall not exceed those set in Table R905.7.5. C: "'anel siding-vertical /16 Note g Note g Note o Note o Note o Note o 12"inter. I"X6" OR I"Xa" 2-aD PER SUPPORT O Fasteners for wood shingles shall be corrosion-resistant with sup? R905.2.8.3 Crickets and saddles. A cricket or saddle a minimum penetration Of 1/2 inch (12.7 min) into the I"XIO" OR WIDER 3-aD PER SUPPORT N l lardboardl Same as stud shall be installed on the ridge side of any chimney greater sheathing. For sheathing less than 1/2 inch (12.7 min) in Siding vertical 7/16 Note g Note g Note q Note q Note q Note q spacing than 30 inches(762 min)wide. Cricket or saddle cover- thickness,the fasteners shall extend through the sheathing. *I NAILING REQUIREMENT5 ARE BASE ON WALL 5HEATHING NAILED 6 INCHES ON CENTER AT THE EDGE. �a sidin horizontal 7/ Note r Note r 2 per ings shall be sheetmetal or of the same material as the roof Wood shingles shall be attached to the roof with two fasten- IF WALL 5HEATHING 15 NAILED e INCHES Oil CENTER AT THE PANEL EDGE TO OBTAIN HIGHER SHEAR p g 16 g 3 CAPACITIES, NAILING REQUIREMENT5 FOR STRUCTURAL MEMBERS SHALL BE DOUBLED, OR ALTERNATE S bearing covering. ers per shingle,positioned no more than /4 inch(19.1 min) N 0.113 nail 0.113 nail 0.113 nail from eached eandnomorethan 1 inch(25.4 mm)above the CONNECTORS, SUCH AS SHEAR PLATES , SHALL BE USED TO MAINTAIN THE LOAD PATH. Not Same as stud g ( ) M Stee11 29 ga. Lap No l3/4" 23/a"1 2 e-21 allowed spacing sidewaR905.2 l shall ll a by he flash p-flag. wing method. avertical exposure line. *2 WHEN WALL 5HEATHING 15 CONTINUOUS OVER CONNECTED MEMBERS, THE TABULATED NUMBER OF NAIL Staple-13/4,, Staple-2 1/2" Staple-2 1/4" sidewall shall be by the step-clashing method. SHALL BE PERMITTED TO BE REDUCED TO I-I6D NAIL PER FOOT. T Stone veneer 2 Section Yes See Section R703 and Figure R703.7 R905.2.8.5 Other flashing. Flashing against a vertical TABLE R905.7.5 * Revisions: R703 front wall, as well as soil stack,vent pipe and chimney WOOD SHINGLE WEATHER EXPOSURE AND ROOF SLOPE 3 SEE PLAN FOR LOCATIONS OF ALTERNATE NAIL SPACING 6d box nail, ALL DRANN55,5PEGrICATIONS AND COPIES THEREOF FURN15HED BY THE ARCHITECT ARE AND SHALL REMAIN 3/8_1/2 Note g Note g 6d box nail 6d box nail 6d box nail 3/g not 6"panel flashing, shall be app'.i .d according to asphalt shingle EXPOSURE(Inches) THE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT. THEY ARE TO BE USED ONLY WITH RESPECT TO THIS PROJECT AND ARE allowed edges manufacturer's printed instructions. ROOFING LENGTH 3:12 pitch 4:12 pitch NOT TO BE USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECT. UBMISSION OR DI5TRIBJTION TO MEET OFFICIAL REGULATORY 3 Particleboard panels n REQUIREMENTS OR FOR OTHER PURPOSES IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROJECT 15 NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS 12 inter. MATERIAL (inches) GRADE to<4.12 or steeper PUBLICATION IN DEROGATION OF THE ARCHITECT'S COMMON LAN GOFYR16HT OR OTHER RE5ERVED RI6HT5. 5/8 Note g Note g sup. R905.7 Wood shingles.The installation ofwood shingles shall No 1 33/4 5 6d box nail 8d box nail 8d box nail 6d box nail comply with the provis ons of this section. Plywood panels 3 0.099 0.113 0.099 0.099 g 16 No.2 31/2 4 /g Note g Note g 1 6' on edges (exterior grade) nail-2' mall-2 /2„ nail-2' mall-2„ R905.7.1 Deck requirements. Wood shingles shall be No.3 3 31/z 0.120nail 0.120nail 0.120nail installed on solid or spaced sheathing.Where spaced sheath- Section R402 Proposed Addition n 1 r, , Not Same as stud in is used sheathing boards shall not be less than 1-inch b No. 1 41/4 51/2 Vinyl Siding 0.035 Lap No 1 /2" 2 2' g � g Y Shingles of _ Staple-13/4" Staple-21/2" Staple-21/2" allowed spacing 4-inch(25.4 mm by 102 Inm)notninal dimensions and shall naturally 18 No.2 4 41/2 k 3 Face nailing be spaced on centers equal to the weather exposure to coin- durable wood 1 RooneyWood Rustic,drop /gMin Lap No up to 6" ride with the placement of fasteners. No.3 3 /2 4Shiplap 19/32 Average 0.113 widths,1 No. 1 5314 71/2 • 1 „ nail per R905.7.1.1 Solid sheathing required.In areas where the 1 1 TPRESSI 02.2 Residence Lap No Fastener penetration into stud-1 nail-2 1/2" o 0 24 No.2 5 /2 6 /2 MINIMUM SPECIFIED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE bearing;8 average daily temperature in January is 25 F (-4 C) or Bevel 7/16 Staple-2" widths and less,solid sheathing is required on that portion of the roof No.3 5 51/2 MINIMUM SPECIFIED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTHa(/�) ,2 nails Weathering potential 425 Maple Lane Butt tip 3/16 Lap No over, requiring the applicati�'m of an ice shield. For si: 1 inch=2s.a min. per bearing TYPE OR LOCATIONS OF CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Negligible Moderate Severe For SI: 1 inch=25.4 mm. R905.7.2 Deck slope. Wood shingles shall be installed on Basement walls,foundations and other concrete not exposed 2,500 2,500 2,500c So uth h o I d New York 11971 slopes of three units vertical a.Based on stud spacing of 16 inches on center.Where studs are spaced 24 inches,siding shall be applied to sheathing approved for that spacing. in 12 units horizontal R905.7.6 Valley flashing. Roof flashing shall be not less to the weather f b.Nail is a general description and shall be T-head,modified round head or round head with smooth or deformed shanks. (25-percent slope)or greater, than No. 26 gage [0.019 inches (0.48 mm)] corrosion- Basement slabs and interior slabs on grade,except garage 2,500 2,500 2,500 c c.Staples shall have a minimum crown width of 7/16-inch outside diameter and be manufactured of minimum No.16 gage wire. resistant Sheet metal and shall extend 10 inches(254 mm) floor slabs d.Nails or staples shall be aluminum,galvanized,or rust-preventive coated and shall be driven into the studs for fiberboard or gypsum backing. R905.7.3 Underlayment.Tn areas where the average daily from the centerline each way for roofs having slopes less Basement walls,foundation walls,exterior walls and other 2,500 3,000d 3,000d e.Aluminum nails shall be used to attach aluminum siding. temperature in January is 257(-4°C)or less,or when Table than 12 units vertical in 12 units horizontal (100-percent vertical concrete work exposed to the weather f. Aluminum(0.019 inch)shall be unbacked only when the maximum panel width is 10 inches and the maximum flat area is 8 inches.The tolerance for aluminur R301.2(1)criteria so designates,an ice barrier that consists slope)' ( ) y 2,500 3,000d.e 3 and 7 inches 178 min from the centerline each way Porches,carport slabs and steps exposed to the weather,and d,e LPA Architects, LLP siding shall be+0.002 inch of the nominal dimension, ,500 of at least two layers ofunderlaylnent cemented together or for slopes of 12 units vertical in 12 units horizontal and garage floor slabs g.If boards or panels are applied over sheathing or a weather-resistant membrane,joints need not be treated.Otherwise,vertical joints shall occur at studs and b of a self-adhering polymer modified bitumen sheet Shall ex- For SI: I pound per square inch=6.895 kPa. A R C H I T E C T U R E PLANNING • covered with battens or be lapped, � greater.Sections of flashing shall have an end lap of not less pp tend from the eave's edge to a point at least 24 inches 610 a.At 28 days psi. h.All attachments shall be coated with a corrosion-resistive coating. g p ( than 4 inches(102 rnm). W W W. I p d - p I d n S . C O I tl min)inside the exteriorwall line of the building.Underlay- b.See Table R301.2(1)for weathering potential. " i. Shall be of approved type. ,,.•r• c,Concrete in these locations that may be subject to freezing and thawing during construction shall be air-entrained concrete in accordance with Footnote d. j. Three-ei hths-inch plywood shall not be applied direct] to studs spaced reaterthan 16 inches on center when Ion dimension is parallel to studs.One-half-incl merit shall conform with A:,, M D 226,Type I. g p y pp Y p g g R905.7.7 Label required.Each bundle of shingles shall be d.Concrete shall he air entrained.Total air content(percent by volume of concrete)shall not be less than 5 percent or more than 7 percent. Lemmen Paul Associates,Architects LLP plywood shall not maybe applied directly to studs spaced greater than 24 inches on center.The stud spacing shall not exceed the panel span rating provided by th R905.7.4 Material stand;t rds. Wood shingles shall be of g identified b a label of an approved roved grading or inspection e.See Section R402.2 for minimum cement content. manufacturer unless the panels are installed with the face grain perpendicular to studs or over sheathing approved for that stud spacing. Y PP g g p 285 West Main St. Sayville, NY 11782 1NU 11'J 10 1ABLE K703.4-Continued naturally durable wood and comply with the requirements of bureau or agency. k.Woodboard sidings applied vertically shall be nailed to horizontal nailing strips or blocking set 24 inches on center.Nails shall penetrate 1.5 inches into studs, Tel: 1589 29 14 Fax: 63 I 589 6935 l �aoV` studs and wood sheathing combined,or blocking.A weather-resistant membrane shall be installed weatherboard fashion under the vertical siding unless the Ipa-pans.eom i Y^•o�1 siding boards are lapped or battens are used. 1. Hardboard siding shall comply with AHA A135.6. m.For masonry veneer,a weather-resistant membrane or building paper is net required over water-repellent sheathing materials when a 1-inch airspace is provided between the veneer and the sheathing.When the I-inch space is filled with mortar,a weather-resistant membrane or building paper is required over studs or z UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION _ sheathing. OF ANY ITEM ON TH15 DOCUMENT n.Vinyl siding shall comply with ASTM D 3679. IS A VIOLATION OF NEW YORK STATE LAW. o.Minimum shank diameter of0.092 inch,minimum head diameter of 0.225 inch,and nail length must accommodate sheathing and penetrate flaming 1.5 inches. r �A p.When used to resist shear forces,the spacing must be 4 inches at panel edges and 8 inches on interior supports. Issue Date; ,- ,_,, _ ,,.���,�,;,,"•. ' q.Minimum shank diameter of0.099 inch,minimum head diameter of0.240 inch,and nail length must accommodate sheathing and penetrate framing 1.5 inches. 71 r. Vertical end joints shall occur at studs and shall be covered with a joint cover or shall be caulked. Project Date: TABLE R703.5.2 MAY 2006 MAXIMUM WEATHER EXPOSURE FOR WOOD SHAKES AND SHINGLES ON EXTERIOR WALLSa,b,c (Dimensions are In inches) Scale: Est ' fi~- remA �b LENGTH EXPOSURE FOR SINGLE COURSE EXPOSURE FOR DOUBLE COURSE �" u AS NOTED r..'. Shinglesa 16 71/2 12b 18 81/2 14° Project# Drawn: Sheet 24 111/2 16 06018 EPH Tl C�i Shakes" 18 81/2 14 job: Check: 24 111/2 18 ROONEY KMP For SI: I inch-25.4 mm. a.Dimensions given are for No.1 grade. b.A maximum 10-inch exposure is permitted for No.2 grade. CODE REQUIREMENTS c.A maximum 11-inch exposure is permitted for No.2 grade. El z Sheet Notes: 0 SOLID POST GYPSUM WALL BOARD INSTALLED IN ® SIMP50N PHD5 4 ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 'I (INTERIOR) z ®� HOLDOWN 0 eI U BLOCKING DOUBLE STUD ®� ROD THROUGHD GYPSUM WALL BOARD INSTALLED IN EACH BAY (TYP') e I HEADER I6D NAIL ® 24" O.G. ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER '1 I JOIST HANGER II ® WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL F- EACH JOIST INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE � _I I6D NAIL 24" O.G. WITH TABLE R602.3.1(1) W a- 1 1/4" 20 GA GALV SD NAIL ® 6" O.G. ON ALL FRAMING MEMBERS AT PANEL EDGE5 AND 12" O.G. J01 TPPING EACH I I SD NAIL ® 6 O.G. WOOD ABLE R602O RANSTRUCTURAL ON ALL FRAMING MEMBERS NOT AT cY INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE PANEL EDGE5 I .�= (ALL PANEL ED6E5) 'a 6D NAIL ® 12" O.G. ON ALL U I I - 51MP50N PHD5 FRAMING MEMBERS NOT AT z HOLDOWN PANEL ED6E5 Q ° SOLID F05T co (a) OUTSIDE CORNER DETAIL (b) INSIDE CORNER DETAIL 1 �LCANT�IL�EVER MHOLDOO N (DLla CANTILEVrR EXTERIOR CORNER__ FRAMLNG SCALE: 1"=1'-0" WFCM 1995 cn - w rK Q CORNER POST m" r STU 1/2" BEARING PLATE 51MP50N PHD5 HOLDOWN SIMPSON H2 < HURRICANE TIES 12" MIN I Connector Schedule �; MTS 30 ® 16" O.G., PROVIDE MIN > SUBFLOOR TYP. STUD STRAP ----------- 3-IOD BOX NAILS a EACH END OF Q MEMBER WIDTH CONNECTOR STRAP INTO STUD (TYP ® EACH 5TUD) SEE FLOOR TO z FLOOR DETAIL 1 1/2" (2X LUMBER) L5SU210 II < 2 1/2" (WI 40, 60) L55UH510 00 J II SEE ARCHITECTURAL SHE!''TS 3 1/21, (WI 80) L55U4310 w FOR SPECIFIC, DIM. d DETAILS I I/2" (2X LUMBER) THA218 ry, 5/8" THREADED ROD FLOOR FRAMING I� [A 2 1/2" (WI 40, 60) IUT514 j� II TUSGAN COLUMN 3 1/2" (WI 80) IUT416 A5 MFG'D BY HBdG *REFER TO THI5 SCHEDULE FOR TYPICAL II II CONNECTIONS UNLE55 NOTED OTHERWISE, 12" MIN (I 1/2" THREADED ROD nRafter to Wall SEE PLANS FOR ALL OTHER CONNECTIONS. A4 1 GUT RAFTER TO ALLOW FOR ' SEE NOTES AT II AT VAULTED 5HEATHIN6 TO BE NAILED ,\—TOP PLATES tt RIGHT OLNG5 ONLY TO BOX 'I Roof(cold frame) SIMF50N PHD5 HOLDOWN ,'L'• II : I CNN COUPLER NUT WOOD DECKING I ANCHOR BOLT (5AB) \� C520 COILED 5TRAPPING- -W COMMON 11 SEE ARCHITECTURAL i AI SI DE® EACH RAFTER. LOCKING--A', I , SHEETS 2 HLDO�JN FOR FLOOR TO FLOOD GONG. STOOP )SC!: CONNECTOR A EXTEND ANCHOR II MIN. EMBEDMENT II BOLT TRHOUGH BLOCKING II i- SEE SCHEDULE MT5 20 3 IOD @ 1 " 0S EOVIDACH E MIN OF II OR GIRDER BELOW , Rime 5TRAP INTO STUD (TYP ® EACH STUD) GRADE GRADE r- GUT RAFTER TO ALLOW FOR II MIN. EMBEDMENT Rafter to Ride SHEATHING TO BE NAILED TO BOX co AT VAULTED CEILINGS o OR RIDGE BEAM ONLY Porch Slab _ N TYP. DOUBLE-HUNG WINDOW O TYPICAL PORCH HOLDOWI�T-HEADER CONNECTOR B SEE SCHEDULECONNECTOu 6 SE SCHEDULE Roof N i� �^ SCALE: I"=1'-0" THREADED ROD, HOLDOWN SYSTEM AS MFG'D BY 51MP50N 1/16" STRUCTURAL WOOD PANEL 4 Revisions: zr. - „ ALL D"N65,SPECIFICATIONS AND COPIES THEREOF FURNI5HED BY THE ARCHITECT ARE AND SHALL REMAIN ROOF FRAMING MTS 30 ® 16 O.G., PROVIDE MIN THE PROPERTY OF THE ARCHITECT. THEY ARE TO BE USED ONLY WITH RESPECT TO THIS PROJECT AND ARE 3-IOD BOX NAILS ® EACH END OF NOT TO BE USED ON ANY OTHER PROJECT. SUBMISSION OR DISTRICUTION TO MEET OFFICIAL REGULATORY STRAP INTO STUD (TYP EACH STUD) REQUIREMENTS OR FOR OTHER PURPOSES IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROJECT IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS PUBLICATION IN PER06ATION OF THE ARCHITECT'S COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT OR OTHER RESERVED RIGHTS. <-2 1/2," #6 WOOD SGREW5 DOUBLE TOP PLATE (D&Jmst to Ledger 4 Rafter to Ledger ® I6 O.G. VERTICALLY TYP REO'D CONNECTORS (5EE TABLE R301.2.1.2 ON RG-1) (SEE SHEET RC,-I) CONNECTOR B Proposed Addition \ SEE SCHEDULE >< Rooney >< 2 1/2 #6 WOOD SCREWS RIPPLE \\� ® I6"11O.G. HORIZONTALLY STUDS Residence - (SEE TABLE R301.2.1.2 ON RG-I) ALL SCREWS TO BE SECURED CONNECTOR A 2nd Floor 425 Maple Lane TO FRAME OF WINDOW. PANELS SEE 50HEDULE Southhold, New York 11971 TO BE GUT TO MATCH EXTERIOR FRAME DIMENSIONS. LSTA 21 BOTH Joist to Header nRafter t0 Header LSTA 21 STRAP SIDES -� V STORM SHUTTER DETAIL I 3 EACH SIDE OF O GARAGE HDR HEADER STUDS LPA Architects LLP SCALE: 1/2"=1'-0" CONNECTION DETAILS EXTERIOR WALL SHEATHING ARCHITECTURE PLAN N I N G HEADER 5TUD5 PHD5 5HEARWALL TIEDOWN AS I SCALE: 1"=I'-0" *UPLIFT CONNECTIONS NOT www. Ipa- plans . com 0520 COILED INDICATED ON SHOWN FOR CLARITY PLANS STRAPPING G5 20 COILED STRAPPING Lemmen Paul Associates,Architects LLP ® 16" O.G.VERTICAL, PROVIDE MIN 285 West Main St. Sayville, NY 11782 NO UPLIFT 3-IOD BOX NAILS ® EACH END OF Y" FHV5 SHEAR SHEARNALL CONNECTION STRAP INTO STUD (TYP ® EACH STUD), Tel: 631 589 2914 Fax: 631 589 6935 -4 TIEDOWN A5 REG2'D (5EE DETAIL AT LEFT) Ipa-plans,com i INDICATED ON allDOI (2 8" ¢21MIN. PLANS ===ter==- rT===11 O.G 0.0 O.G STEEL FLITCH PLATE(5) I I I I TERMITE SHIELD OVER LL LER LINAUTH01RIZED ATION Z OF OPEN�GGH SIDE I I I I i _ 1-4 z 5I5TB56(5/8" DIA. -I" MIN EMBEDMENT) W/ OF A 15`A VIIOLATIY ITEM ON ON OF UMENT 1/2 CASE HARDENED GRADE 3 X 3 BP WASHER ® 46 O.G. (I STORY) MIN o s ATE LAW. ,_..,,,, �. EVERY CORNER ;; �: `" :-" �. BOLTS WITH SELF 3 X 3 BP WASHER ® 36 O.G. (GARAGE) MIN �•;;. ti! ,° Issue Date: 0 o iv LOCKING NUTS 2 AT it ►' 3" X 3" BP WASHER ® 25" O.G. (2/3 STORY) MIN $. EACH END ;; ANCHOR BOLTS SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN LINE OF GARAGE 12" OF EACH PLATE SECTION 8 WITHIN 12" OF � 2X_ NOMINAL LUMBER FOUNDATION °? EACH CORNER. PROVIDE ANCHOR BOLTS ® Project Date: p - -- -•- EACH SIDE OF CELLAR WINDOWS. 1 "" 0520 COILED STRAPPING G520 COILED STRAPPING 1st Floor & Sill MAY 2006 .a r eft, 1/2 CA5E HARDENED I/4" STEEL BEARING PLATEGarage �• ". - w" / BOLTS WITH SELF Dwelling LOCKING NUTS AT TYPICAL WIND UPLIFT CONNECTION scale: 16" O.G. STAGGERED SOLID WOOD POST -ELEVATION SILL� AS NOTED SCALE: 1"=F-0" SCALE: 1"=1'-0" Project# Drawn: Sheet UPLIFT CONNECTIONS WALL OPENINGS (SEE DETAIL AT LEFT FOR GARAGE CONDITION) A5 PER RE51DENTIAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE REFERENCE: 06018 EPH TYPICAL STEEL FLITCH PLATE � � -IggS EDITION, ANSI / AF4PA WFCM-iga5 SECTION 5.2.2 SCALE: 1/2"=1'-0" Job: Check: RC�2 (:Dsc ALE:I"=1'-0° -ALL 5TRAPPING TO CON515T OF MIN. 20 GAUGE 1 1/4" WIDE NOTE: GRADE 33 A5TM A653 STEEL STRAP. ROONEY KM P -UPLIFT CONNECTION 15 REQUIRED AT EACH END OF HEADER AND AT BOTTOM OF HEADER STUDS IN ADDITION TO CONNECTIONS AT WALL STUDS AND AT TOP AND BOTTOM OF CRIPPLES -ALL MODEL NUMBERS INDICATED ON THIS DETAIL REFER TO CODE DETAILS -ALL CONNECTORS A5 MANUFACTURED BY "51MP50N" "SIMPSON 5TRON6 TIE GONNEGTOR5"