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2440 Village Lane, LLC/Molly McNairy - 2440 Village Ln
David Mammina,Chairperson our Uni9u��.�`� r eh%� 54375 Main Road,NYS Route 25 Anne Surchin,Vice Chair �y�� ` `w PO Box 1179 ^ Marina de Conciliis Q` T�ef sW Southold,NY 11971 Jeri Woodhouse SOUTHOID Telephone: (631)765-1809 • uwma� • Allan Wexler N � t, o kimf@southoldtownny.gov Daryl Ketcham 09� ��0 Kim E.Fuentes,Coordinator RESERVATION Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission Certificate of Appropriateness SEPTEMBER 26,2024 RESOLUTION 409.26.2024.1 RE: 2440 Village Lane, Orient,NY. SCTM# 1000-26-1-17.1 Owner: 2440 Village Lane, LLC/Molly McNairy RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, 2440Village Lane, Orient,NY, is on the Town of Southold Registry of Historic Landmarks; and WHEREAS, as set forth in Section 170-6 of the Town Law(Landmarks Preservation Code)of the Town of Southold, all proposals for material change/alteration must be reviewed and granted a Certificate of Appropriateness by the Southold Town Historic Preservation Commission prior to the issuance of a Building Permit; and WHEREAS, the applicant submitted a proposal on December 18, 2023, requesting permission to construct alterations and additions to an existing single family dwelling, located at 2440 Village Lane, Orient, SCTM No. 1000-26-1-17.1; and WHEREAS, the applicant's representative, Peter M. Marren, Registered Architect, appeared before the Commission fora public hearing on September 26, 2024 -to describe the proposed alterations and additions to the existing single family dwelling; and WHEREAS, the improvements are proposed for a two-story dwelling with an attached garage as depicted on a Sanitary Plan/Site Plan prepared by John J. Condon, dated October 30, 2023. The improvements are depicted on Architectural Plans, Sheets S-2, A-1 thru A-8, last revised September 10, 2024, (received September 13, 2024) prepared by Peter M. Marren, Registered Architect; and WHEREAS,the applicant shall submit to the Commissioners photographs of the finished improvements upon completion; and WHEREAS, the Commissioners may conduct a site inspection of subject premises once improvements are completed; and Certificate of Appropriateness,Res.#09.26.2024.1 2440 Village Lane,LLC, SCTM No. 1000-26-1-17.1 Page 2 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Historic Preservation Commission determines that the proposal for improvements to the two-story dwelling with an attached garage as depicted on Architectural Plans, sheets S-2, A-1 thru A-8, last revised September 10, 2024, (received September 13, 2024) prepared by Peter M. Marren, Registered Architect, meets the criteria for approval under Section 170-8 (A) of the Southold Town Code; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Commission approves the request for a Certificate of Appropriateness, subject to approvals by all involved agencies; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that any deviation from the approved plans referenced above may require further review from the Commission. Motion made by: Commissioner Mammina Motion seconded by: Commissioner Woodhouse VOTES: AYES: Commissioners Mammina, Wexler, Woodhouse, de Conciliis (4-0) RESULT: Passed Please note that any deviation from the approved plans as referenced may require further review from the commission. Signed: Dated October 2, 2024 Kim E. Fuentes Coordinator for the Historic Preservation Commission 24.4' 24.4' 9. 11 LO 9. 11 LO EXISTING HISTOR'C FACADE AREA OF PROPOSED WORK NO PROPOSED WORK W EXISTING MAIN ROOF-NO PROPOSED CHANGES E (rnc:r 5'JRVFr MTIJ'n.Or NEW ROOF&DORMERS OVER Tor nF E<I:-I c. - O ' EX TIIJ( GARAGE STOPA E N:'rs rusE-cr•al,� G Q LOWERED ROOF HEIGHT U 4~ rrr \ on��MA,.r: Lt ■ J f r.' 111 ,J ❑ Cr I 711J {1 J l llL .' t ui 1 C NEW Lil N oI = T TTm _ I .................... 9.0 9.01 Tt,r�F E,I�TI.;.I�s _.._ _....__ _..._. _I-I :<,G � (..I_.l.l..'...i.i.i.,.Ll i_I I.i_i...4..L.L.t L.:I. !I.I_L '..i..L.I..I..L.Li!. I._L_l.' , .. . I L� i 1 -LLi_ LI .l _ LLJ n,.l,o n'n"J A ADJUSTED TRANSOM GLASS N DISTAI ICE FROM EXISTING STRUCTURE TO NORTH PROPERT"LINE `Q C° b®E"`T`E'°p EAST ELEVATION ( NORTH LOT LINE SKY PLANE ) " a°" "'° E - W W E co EX ST NG IV, 1 R(!(F -NO PROPOSED CHANGES /x PRO,)SED NEW ROOF bl-n4:.M aooF I ut 11 LOWER R OF HEIGHT U ; F ncE aooF NEW IL 19.9' I� 19.9' it . it "OUTDOOR,-_ . .............. .._...:..SHOWER .... -... _........_..... ST b. EXISTING FIRST FLOOR PLAN PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR PLAN - NEW —__ ....._.- - : 1642 SO. FT. 1588 SQ.FT. - .. .._.... E.ISTING GARA(,C/;T'RACE '-3 TO REMAIN REDUCED IN FLOOR AREA DISTANCE FROM EAST PROP L NE F- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NORTH ELEVATION ( EAST LOT LINE SKY PLANE ) I FI AREA OF PROPOSED WORK EXISTING HISTORIC FACADE NO PROPOSED WORK I I i T. of Exls-n:v,'I^:ant,F�x No NEW ROOF&DORNERS OVER rr.0 El!TIIJG GARAGE/STORAGE �1l or of rAorr F^ AF M'Ao<< — ALOWERED/XKOOF HEIGHT Ir .I� ."�, >< 1. �i' �.a i t r ' .1J. I' .i li {t!�2�''•',I':'4i.C,l f,i, rt'��'J' u�l L, i �1 I,a , ,t r ❑ ❑ JJn ❑ 1 G( U"TO PROPERT"ENE +I'r�. — k, ,4 / © if ff' r :.1' r,u L — — — — — EX�11 ---�� - EXIST EXIST '� EXIST. ............................. ......... ail ... - 1 I II : _......_.....�_.......:..:..._.. w..:_,y. �... w..'. (. ':-! ,- .�`• .' t i' Uj i_.i:.: _ :.. L.i.::C_ i..i a: - i. _i i . i' : W W Sul fl i.. and b .. M. 00 MM _ .c EI F U fiP,nF ry W W N N WEST ELEVATION ( SOUTH LOT LINE SKY PLANE ) O AREA OF PROPOSED W"PK EXISTING HISTORIC FACADES �2 NO FROPO"ED WORK Trm o 4r , I I 2 4.4' I � G FA2 4.4' I CAHt SKYPLANE ';� li�f _ 4 r Tw f, A r . Historic Preservation Commission DIAGRAM NEW RP LING BEYOND ON NEW ROOF DECK .1 a.(J i L - - - - - - - - - - - - � I L - - - - - - - - - - - - � I - --� -� Resolution #: � 1 EXISTING COVERED PORCH EwTENCED <y^ Dated: ` � d L - - J L - - J SEE PLAN 1 1 .__...._.._.._........_..__....... 1 /811 1 10 W CLAPBOARD SIDING TO MATCH .:::� ::::::::::::::_:::::.::_::�:::-::::::::::::'::::�:::.:` :::��::::::::::::::::::: ❑ . ..._.... ❑ D ....... EXISTING SECOND FLOOR PLAN PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR PLAN E/!STING E'POSUFE&COLOR EF - :: ::-:_ :- : ::...:_::.:::. -i-= 703.4 SQ. FT. 12 3 2.6 SQ. FT. � b �_ 10. 31 . 2 - .......... .__........................................._......._._........-...._._......_ EXISTING MASONRY FOUNDATION& R�+' LL r max. Fi, \����°�r q/ <-1' �'<�,__f�`�� _„1.' T _ SEP 13 2024 EXISTING 1ST FLOOR 1642 .0 FLOOR FRAMILIG TO REMAIN LL c. c ' -, HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - EXISTING 2ND FLOOR 703.4 135'-0STR AiREV. 9. 10.24 DISTANCE FROM EYIST IIG STRUCTURE TO WEST PROPERTY LIIJE 2345.4 nFran o br nT n n W11 oM s„E. nT SOUTH ELEVATION (WEST LOT LINE SKY PLANE ) PROPOSED 1ST FLOOR 1588.0 PROPOSED 2ND FLOOR 1232 .6 2820.6 LOT LANDWARD OF CEHA IS 9,816 ALLOWABLE GFA IS 2100 MAX. R -0 'SRC Afl , 9 GROSS FLOOR AREA CALCULATIONS SKYPLANE DIAGRAMS I, 02 �' OF N , - � U W A P = O U C) EXIST. EXIST. '-8 [r C OUTDOOR OUTDOOR SHOWER EXISTING FACADE SHOWER A.C. Q TO REMAIN TO REMAIN TO REMAIN UNIT z _.. . z E ^` NOTE: o Lev w e BATHRM # 1 W EXISTING BUILDING FOOTPRINT _ EXISTING STOOP ! ; ' ' -�= EXISTING STOOP TO REMAIN TO REMAIN UNCHANGED TO REMAIN 12 SH ER WC f; F O € VJ REMOVE EXISTING FIXTURES, DOOR & WALL REMOVE EXISTING DOORS. L AT EXIST. BATHRM. AS SHOWN REPAIR WALL TO NEW DIMENSIONS 2 2 � FOR NEW DOORS. A-8 q-g ry ... _........ ...... REMOVE EXISTING STEPS, RAII, & WALL // 13 REMOVE EXISTING WINDOW & GARAGE & STORAGE AREA W LAUNDRY MACHINES( �C _._ __ _ _ _....._ .._._. ( .. ......... .......... ......... ......... .._.._ ..._. ........ _..... ........ ... . .._...... ._......`...x.._ ... co EXISTING FLOOR FRAMING & EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB -- - REMOVE EXISTING GIRDER & COLUMNS. FOUNDATION TO REMAIN W REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR UNCONDITIONED SPACE O _. .._. .__.. _; I_.... TEMPORARY BRACING & NEW FRAMING. O 14 CEIL. & WALLS TO BE !, RE-SURFACED W/ 5/8" GYP. BD. EXISTING GARAGE & STORAGE AREA & INSULATED R-15 MIN. REMOVE EXISTING DOORS TO REMAIN °O �€N & PARTITION WALLS €co =' EXISTING BEDRM #1 REMOVE EXISTING DOORS. 15 € REPAIR WALL TO NEW DIMENSIONS FOR NEW DOORS. 1 0 TI ' REMOVE EXISTING WINDOWS 4 rn 0 O Q w N 1 O 16 O - - - :--- -- T- r a- NEW --- - w PWD. RM.DO I! (PROP S NEW STAIRCASE w0 I REMOVE EXISTING STAIRCASE S Q ! CLIOSET Q EXISTING FACADE I ;' LD I ( uR 3 s. o EDRM. w TO REMAIN Q uR 6 & o ND FLOOR Q i - - - - - J� REMOVE EXISTING DOOR/ REMOVE & REPAIR WALL-------)( I I ! I q RE OVE :EXt ';1 STAIRCASE; BOOKC S I I I ; l I(I. I .'II IiI�±!'iI;IiII;I I._ '!i rF,IiIIi±iI!IIIIIII .. I _-_ .......... ---I OOO�O•o Ii - - T;.IIIIII�ji! iIIi'III!!i'jIiiIirI o WINjIj i wQ~ PROVIDE �z IiIIiIiIiiIIi'�i (I iIIi IIIII! 0OO22�2 PRO VIDE NEW D OOOO�R - ,i RE 2M6OVE SECTION I N IIO- F- ' -- A 1-7 OOO23 I, (i(iI±IIiII!IIl!' ' ..i . !�tIi !'iIII!II 'I I IIIII i! i ( ' wREMOVE EXISTING DOOR EXISTING WALLEXISTING 1ST FL. WALL & ROOF EDAREA REMOVED XT4ND EXIST.REMOVED TO ACCOMODATE -- Q COVEREDPORIEXPANSION OF EXISTING COVERED TO ALIGN W/ EXISPORCH. SEE STRUCTURAL DWG. 0QUQZXw ILL OU O I ' j AC DE. ......_. ..._ o O i wo -) u)w REMOVE EXIST. DOOR O o& SECTION OF WALL C7 ZO o n co O w LIVING ROOM LIVING ROOM COVERED 'PORCH EXISTING TO REMAIN FIREPLACEEXISTING EXISTING' EXISTINGFIREPLACE D VER�ED PORCH PORCH PORCH NO HAN ES) I O O KITCHEN DEN KITCHEN DEN N RANGES NO CHANGES No CHANGES) NO CHANGES z ry OW ... ........ ....... . ... ...... ...... ........ ...... ...... ...... ....... ........ ......... ......... ......... ......... .... ......... ........ . .... ....... ....... ......... . ...... ... ....... ZI0 DINING ROOMDINING ROOM (NO CHANGES)CHANGES) FIRS T FLOOR EXISTING UTILITIES PLANS TO REMAIN EXISTI STOEXISTI G EXISTING UTILITIES CELLARDOOR TO EM IN CELLARDOOR (NO CHANGES) TO REMAIN 1 /4 1 0 Historic Preservation Commission Resolution #: 9 -6 r?_ );4 1 Dated: A c1y 10. 31 . 23 EXISTING FIRST FLOOR PLAN PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR PLAN ILLUSTRATING REMOVALS „ #� Me Irb M` 0.2 -, P OF A 7 LU , :i`I!I,Ii1,II 'i iij IlIij IIri -.—. .._❑--M II Ii jj ifj II E ()'-43,, 5'-71, 0 4 4 4 EXIST. EXISTING FACADE EXIST. SHOWER LINE TO REMAIN SHOWER E BELOW BELOW (D C: NOTE: Uj LINE OF SLOPED WALL EXISTING BUILDING FOOTPRINT EXISTING FIRST FLOOR STOOP LINE OF FLAT CEILING EXIST. STOOP BELOW TO REMAIN UNCHANGED BELOW rr 16'-5" 4 < PROPOS PROPOSED BEDROOM #4 —————————— BATHROOM #3 0 K2 r2 0 EXISTING EXTERIOR WALL TO REMAIN EXISTING EXTERIOR WALLS TO REMAIN Ji ROOF & CEILING FRAMING TO BE ROOF & CEILING FRAMING TO BE REMOVED F= ILL REMOVED & REPLACED W/ AND REPLACED W/ NEW STRUCTURE BATHROOM & 0 NEW PERIMETER STRUCTURE FOR NEW ROOF DECK. FOR PROPOSED BEDROOM. I I _j GUARD RAIL CLOSET AREA SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS TO BE DESIGNED.SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS. 0 20 LU LU NEW; � �Etc ND rLOO� DECK O:VER FIRST FLOOR ROOF . ... ...... DN TOJFR�T ` OOR I REMOVEI EXJIST�,; 13 RIS nis STAIRCASE I w 1TAIf E L——————————— REMOVE WINDOW REMOVE WINDOW REMOVE WINDOW 1 REMOVE EXIST.. STAIR Q 1,0 CASE : EXISTING 1ST FL. WALL & ROOF REMOVED TO ACCOMODATE EXPANSION OF EXISTING COVERED . ..... .... PORCH. SEE STRUCTURAL DWG EXTEND EXIST. < COVERED PORCH 77 Ti EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING BEDROOM #3 BEDROOM #2 BEDROOM #3 BEDROOM # (NO CHANGES) (NO CHANGES) CHIMNEY E: [STING EXISTING JOIF BEL OIA EXI$111\11 FO R C:��1 �IROOF 'OR ROOF EJIS NG ROOF BELOW NEW 48"x36" REMOVE TUB & TUB WALL SHOWER CD wI it EXISTING BATHRM. #2 H ADDW&D REMOVE EXIST. NEW LAV LAV. BATHRM. #2 EXIS CABINET C ea ............ 1-J .......... ..................................................... ............................... ........ ........... ...... .......... A�2 ........... ......... ....... ....... .......... .................... _77 ............ .. .........E.- .. .............. .................... X, 7-7 .. ............ ........ ................ ............................... ROOF BE ........ ---BELOW-- ! SECOND .......... ..........= ........ ....... ..............................................-.................. ............ . ................. ........... .....................................- ......... .... ------ :TT=.......... .===L FLOOR .......... . ................................................ ...... ......... ...... .................... ...................... ............. ................................................................................ .............. ....... ----------- . ..................................... jI . : - - .......... ........................... ..................... J-� ........... ................. - ............. ............. L J PLANS .............. ................ ................. .............. 4&----------- ...... .............. . .......... ...... =.-.. &:&__��__& &:_ I ..� =..- &&.---.-----,*,**. .............................. ............ ............ .. ....... .. 44... _ . ............................... .................................... ............... .... ............................ .......................... ........................ .................... ........................ .....................................................t ...... . ............ 1 /4 1 0 .......... .................. ............... ... ...... ............. =................ ........... ................ ............- Historic Preservation Commission 10. 31 . 23 Resolution #: Dated: EXISTING SECOND FLOOR PLAN PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR PLAN ILLUSTRATING REMOVALS z 1 TE H IV J0 r% 2< e 0* 021 OF f4 WINDOW SCHEDULE DOOR SCHEDULE TYPE NOTES TYPE NOTES OEXISTING DH O EXIST.3'-0" x 8'-0" ENTRY PORCH EAST EXTERIOR DOOR & TRANSOM 1 2'-8" x 6'-4" UNIT SIZE DEN EAST A EXISTING DH NEW EXTERIOR DOOR & TRANSOM O 2'-8" x 6'-4" UNIT SIZE DEN EAST BO GARAGE/STORAGE EAST 2'-8"x 8'-0" PART OF SET OEXISTING DH LIVING ROOM EAST O NEW OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR GARAGE/STORAGE EAST U 2'-8" x 6'-4" UNIT SIZE 8'-0"x8'-0" PART OF SET O EXI B x 6 STI 'D UNIT SIZE H LIVING ROOM EAST D NEW EXTERIOR DOOR & TRANSOM GARAGE/STORAGE EAST W O 2'-8"x 8'-0" PART OF SET OEXISTING DH NEW EXTERIOR PATIO DOORS 2'-8" x 4'-6" UNIT SIZE BATHROOM #2 EAST OE 6'-0"x7'-0" GARAGE/STORAGE NORTH EXISDH O 2'-8" x 4'-6" UNIT SIZE BEDROOM #2 EAST EXISTING EXTERIOR ENTRY DOOR O 3'-0" x 6'-10" ENTRY PORCH NORTH � O O EXIBSTIx 4'DH UNIT SIZE BEDROOM #2 EAST O NNE0W EXT. FRENCH DOO SET FIXED BEDROOM #4 WEST ( � ! , ONEW DH TO MATCH EXISTING BATHROOM #3 EAST O NEW EXT. FRENCH DOOR OPER. BEDROOM #4 WEST V `J• 2'-8" x 4'-6" UNIT SIZE 1 6'-0"x7'-0" PART OF SET NEW DH TO MATCH EXISTING EXISTING HISTORIC FACADE AREA OF PROPOSED WORK 9 NEW, x 4TO UNIT SIZE O BATHROOM #3 EAST NO PROPOSED WORK 10 NEW DH TO MATCH EXISTING BEDROOM #4 NORTH O Q 2'-8" x 4'-6" UNIT SIZE 11 NEW DH TO MATCH EXISTING BEDROOM #4 NORTH NEW EXT. ENTRY DR. FULL LITE HALLWAY WEST L 2'-8" x 4'-6" UNIT SIZE 3'-0"0'-0" Wd SCREEN & STORM 1 2 EXIST. AWNING UNIT BATHROOM #1 NORTH O EXISTING EXTERIOR DOOR KITCHEN WEST 4'-0"x1'-0" UNIT SIZE 2'-6"x 6'-10" 1 3 NEW DH 4/1 PART OF SET BEDROOM #1 WEST O EXISTING EXTERIOR DOOR RI n 1 2'-10" x 4'-6" UNIT SIZE N 2'-6"x 6'-10" UTILITY M. WEST (D EXISTING MAIN ROOF TO REMAIN 14 NEW DH 4/1 PART OF SET BEDROOM #1 WEST OP I I I 2'-10" x 4'-6" UNIT SIZE IJJ 15 NEW DH 4/1 PART OF SET BEDROOM #1 WEST OO NEW DH 4/1 - T BEDROOM #1 WEST "P a {1 I! i_1, !,. 2 8 x 4 6 UNIT SIZE EDROOM #3 WEST ART OF SE 16 R co B J. I E:XISTING DH BEDROOM3 EST T # WO W I,. .:...11. .U. !. .I..i ..,.t. JD 5 u... Y ( I! !.1 I EXISTING DH y. 1..,>__.... :.. t 9 '-8" x 4' 6" UNIT SIZE BEDROOM #3 WEST UO TWO EXISTING DORMERS ON I a l E. EXISTING DH /FIxED/DH UNIT NORTH ELEVATION TO BE REMOVED 9'-6"x5'-10" LIVING ROOM WEST >i - IlilI.�!, EXISTING H KITCHEN WEST _ _ UNIT SIZE EXIST O OW f If ' I' I DH/FIXED/DH UNIT I J,�. ';.,1-ii-!_L�,I ,l- LJ; �.�.r�J---i, '.t I.1.f I _ _ IliG ROOM WEST L `I'I IL"�ID , I._ BEDROOM #3 SOUTH 2 2 6: 2..x15: 6:: D it l� 1� :... I J ZXIgTix 4 Ds ! ( r 11 .. !i ._L.s L..l. 1;`L...L.'_ EXISTING DH 1.1_: ...Ll.,il..1.1.... L.1.:11_.L.I, I i._'. < I BATHROOM #2 SOUTH 23 UNIT SIZE '..�. ,.1...1�, ...1.,._!., - - 'I: it l'- i._.I;;_.,_ta_ I<i 24 DH UNIT ' �' 'I ;, x 4' 6" UNIT SIZE EXISTING DOUBLE 1n1 SOUTH �I i I 26 "DDO EXISTING UBLE DH UNIT TING DENNSOUOOM 11 1 IJ J! 'i iLll 1' II I 1 11I':1 I I (2) 2' 6 6" 1_; I LI i !_I.1.1;�1_,i-i _1 1.!rr�l_ . !J;. �,'_Il....i: ;l- : I !_�_),I�._ . 1 ;. EXISTING CEILING FRAMING, ROOF NOTE: 1! ;i 'i_I ( STRUCTURE & DORMERS @ EXIST. 1 I_.._ ',_ CONFIRM MAKE AND MODEL OF ALL WINDOWS & :..._I_ .;.-.1;._!.; 1..1„!.!...-[L..1.1...._l.:. i.. L..l....i.!_ .., l_'.,..!.: _._J_i.:�,1'.:.li...,. l...:i '....L.:..LL lL._...i.._ GARAGE TO BE REMOVED ........_......................._................... !, I. 1 DOORS WITH OWNER PRIOR TO PLACING ORDER. _. L _._i.i.. ......._!..._i...._I! : ...._I_:.. ..I_.. ! I; .1_C_[..1. ..1....1 1..._1.._...I.,..,.:.__:_; <.....,.;...__<..:...,.r,.:;..1_.:.. I. I,, OWNER TO CONFIRM SCREEN CHOICE, HARDWARE . .... ..........._.._._._..._......-. ... ! 1_i.. ... . !..:.:.. .....:. Lji .L....�.J _I ....._1.1..:.l:.....1..11_.,'. !.. ................... _...._._.._......_. �'I :, :; ';, I: ' ;. ; CHOICE AND INTERIOR FINISH AND EXTERIOR ........... . ._.... ENT ...I, .....1,...F. .. I �. Ij I: •,is iII i is i<; <, E! i I�� ! LA __......... ....._... ._....._...._......_.._......._....._. __ __........._.. _.. _. __ OWNER TO APPROVE WINDOW & DOOR LIST ...... .. .. _ ------- — — -- -- -- — --------------------------- PRIOR TO ORDER BEING PLACED _.__...._.._._ — ..._.__........-._. : r _r ..._.......___..._._ ....__...___ _ _ ____ __ _ _. ..............................---......... .-.----....._.............._.._................. _.__..._................_....._................ I . ................._.........................................._....__..........._......_._._...._..._............. ............ _........_...._.. _.__.................. _... ......._..... REMO EXIS IfUG..� RAGE OORS — EXISTING OUTDOOR SHOWER ......................_..................._............. ......... ............................................._....._.__......._ __.... ..... ......_.. ......_......................_........_._....__........_.._.......__._.........__........_..._.._.__...... DOORS I EXISTING A -- .... TO I BE REMOVED I ..._........................... ....... �: ......................... ..... ....... EXISTING EAST ELEVATION ( FRONT ) EXISTING HISTORIC FACADE AREA OF PROPOSED WORK NO PROPOSED WORK z ALL TRIM DETAILS AT NEW ROOF TO MATCH EXISTING z iI it 1 I, ill i;_l 1_-1..1.!<1 ! 1 ._I- fill _i 11-,__l; 'i 1�. LOWERED ROOF HEIGHT I , I i W i. it if I. I ; I I I� I i i � .,.1.. :1.....,. ._i<. I ( li -i 1_J_l. .I~_L�I.... is it plI I �` '' I!� ij :i it I''' II �' !` ' I ' i, . _ ! ..: . ._ t _ L I l _: l _)«1. __ LL_ L J i. L;)J L Ll NEW MANSARD ROOF. SLOPE & CN O 1.. —' 1.1711 L,I I I� 1 J--f I� I� 1 1 11 L 1 ® O _ 1 - 1!- TRIM DETAILS TO MATCH EXISTING ;E _Li, UL l u �.�. .� L <.li�.�UL_ _ J1 L r.tu _,a., 11 !, i .....1 i i.. 't. a . ...11.,, �.. NEW l i l-- NEW T,Ti 11 , Li 1 1...,1 l 1! .I.I I_LI I. T !' ! :1 11 I L LI. la 1.1 NEW DECORATIVE CEDAR SHINGLES J..:..... ...._..t...,..... ..i. .,...I. ... J.. I_ L.l. —1_.i i !. 1. :_l._. _: 1... _ i.l. LI_.... [I ILL ,l,. .L I: . l TO MATCH EXISTING L::.., 1 ..�; 1. ' 1;.._.I�.I..J.J: ! 1 l i..l._!a i ,��i ;,,.... ij 1 .. 1 -- ;i...;; _' N DORMERSWINDOW TRIM —..:.. . 1..I .....L...:.a� I1. : . A� 3 TO MATCH EXISTING IN : NEW ELBOW BRACKETS & WALL TRIM TO MATCH EXISTING EAST HORIZONTAL SMOOTH JOINTED T&G _. ...._.....___........_.. _..._..._____...._..._... PRIMED & PAINTED WHITE -- o o _ -_ ® -_---- 4 _ - -- -- -- ------ - - ---- -------------------- --- --------------- EXTE RI O F ---------- ------------------- --- ------ NEW BAND OF DECORATIVE TRIM TO MATCH TRIM ROOF ABOVE ............._.----—_-------- —__... _ . _...._._ _...... DOORS__........._._..... _._._.....--_. _.._...._ __. .................. . ............................ . EYEBROW ROOF OVER GARAGE DOO ELEVATI 1 _._..._......._._........_. _...... MATCH ........... NEW CLAPBOARD SIDING TO MA .. .._.......... ..................................................._.........._.........................._._. ....._............_. EXISTING EXPOSURE & COLOR ......... .............. ........... .. _. _........................_....._ F I __._ ....... _ .........._ _ - __ /4 - 11 0 —- ------ ------ — EXISTING AC ENCLOSURE .............. ....... i _ _.._..._..-_-___ _...... ....................._..._..._.. _ 10. 31 . 2 3 _ .......... .......... . �.,.:a; ! ....................................... __......._._.............................__i _ - -- L_ --= - :. _ - ........... .. Historic Prese rvation ervation on � I : -I Commis I I 1 l..L.._L.....:.__�.._.:.....L._ _�... .....:.......~..... .;` t.....T t.........l..._ i......_._i._...L....1. ...t._......!..._'......!..__ _._i..... .C_.. ....f...._i._.i.. - - �._,. Res .......... : •.._, .. , � _ I I � : ; i Ion # olut' : �' • oZ�v•�-�. � 1�. REV. 9. 10.24 ��ted: ADJUSTED TRANSOM GLASS PROPOSED EAST ELEVATION ( FRONT ) � IPQ_ OF AREA OF PROPOSED WORK EXISTING HISTORIC FACADE NO PROPOSED WORK U-j F- E F 0 U y rr q I jj J 1 J] LJ I , ;..::.. I:, _t :._�' '- I.`I .I ij._ I I.;1 �:,lJi , J i . _,I,i ; ';;!:, z � Uj TWO EXISTING DORMERS ON 4 III NORTH ELEVATION TO BE REMOVED U -Ij P 1-i 13 1: 1-1-fl T -1711, t4 ji J. < -�i-j _J L i-l.:_" I. LJ I i L! i. 1" H EXISTING CEILING FRAMING, ROOF --j�J LI L-IL L-.--j,j, j! STRUCTURE & DORMERS @ EXIST. GARAGE TO BE REMOVED Uj IL il k 1] LIT j t 1.1 11 11.7, 11 1 t i L 1-11 ROOF & CEILING FRAMING TO BE 1111,11L! 11 !L REMOVED & REPLACED W/ ........ ...... ........ ............. ............ .................... .......... STRUCTURE FOR NEW ROOF DECK. L u-J ...................... ................. ......... I IIIn - ------------------------ ...... ...... ........... ........... . ................ ....................................... ..................... 0 REMOVE ❑ REMOVE ❑ . ......... ------------ ................... .............................. ............... EXISTING OUTDOOR SHOWER I ................. ........... .. .. ........... .......... ........... .......................... TO REMAIN a El --—------——---------- —-----— --------------- ............................. ........... — ..................... .......... ..... ........ .................. . .....................— . .............................. EXTERIOR ENTRY DOOR, STOOP . ............... ....................................................... ........................ ................ RAILING & MASONRY WALL TO STOOP, ..................... ...................... ........................................... .......... . ........................................................ .............. EXISTING 1ST FL. WALL & ROOF--------/ REMOVED TO ACCOMODATE EXPANSION OF EXISTING COVERED PORCH. SEE STRUCTURAL DWG. EXISTING WEST ELEVATION ( REAR ) w fn AREA OF PROPOSED WORK EXISTING HISTORIC FACADE NO PROPOSED WORK < NEW RCOF @ PROPOSED BEDRM #4 ALL TRIM DETAILS TO MATCH EXISTING L L'J-J*'. I II z 1 . LOWERED ROOF HEIGHT I �11-] 1 J1 FLAT ROOF @ DORMER OVER F- ij E NEW PATIO DOORS J ij -1-1 CD j-.1 L-1 L-J J I Jli'--'�ii.'][I ILI.[ TO MATCH EXISTING Uj NEW DORMERS & WINDOWS I U� h L 1 jj I! J LE L M: i; 1! 11 1 1 i i I NEW DECORATIVE CEDAR SHINGLES TO MATCH EXISTINGI i NEW RAILING @ NEW ROOF DECK Tr- ------------- NEW ROOF DECK A�5 .................................................... ................ ........ ................... --- NEW CLAPBOARD SIDING TO MATCH EXISTING EXPOSURE & COLOR ........... ............................. .......... ........ .......... LAU I I"111 EXIST............. ..... .......... .................. ........................ ............................ .................. ..................................................................... ...... EXIST. E� IST. ------ WEST EXISTING SHOWER, AC ENCLOSURE, F EXTER10F EXTERIOR ENTRY DOOR, STOOP, RAILING & MASONRY WALL TO REMAIN F-11-1 FIE] ELEVAT101 ......... .......... ....... ........... ........... ........................................................... ....... .. ..... ........... ............ .................. ............ ...................... ............. ...................................... ............— ............ ............................ ............. ....... .................. -L-111 �L.— L I L i... ....... 1 /4"= 1 '-01' LL� L-4 7.5 ..... ...... EXISTING COVERED PORCH TO BE EXTENDED IN THIS AREA 10. 31 . 23 NEW PORCH POSTS, RAILING, ROOF TRIM AND BALUSTERS TO MATCH EXISTING Historic Preservation Commission Resolution #: ZL REV. 9. 10.24 Dated: C1 ).)--Ll 124 PROPOSED WEST ELEVATION ( REAR ) E A ED J f"N 441 % 0 -4 rLi—ol L 021 Al OF tq'VtA - U W T O U NO PROPOSED ALTERATION TO U EXISTING ROOF r Q (STING ROOF FRAMING TO REMAIN z a) W BATHRM. #2 BEDRM. #2 REMOVE BATH TUB AND PART REMOVE EXISTING ROOF AND CEILING OF INTERIOR WALL @ STRUCTURE OVER GARAGE ATTIC. n BATHRM. #2 NO PROPOSED ALTERATION TO REPAIR FLOOR ..-................_.........----................._...._........... ._..........:.. EXISTING ROOF i � W I j I REMOVAL CEILING FRAMING OVER GARAGE n REMOVE N EXIST. -- - - -I ....:.... ._....I '.. t. NO PROPOSED ALTERATION TO T Cl) o STAIRS (._.,.,. . _ ._. ,s LL EXISTING KITCHEN, DEN & DIN. RM. � �, .- .... ....... .... ...... DEN LIVING RM. HALL ........ . .._. ._.... -_I PROVIDE TEMPORARY SUPPORT AS PER REMOVE I STRUCTURAL DWGS AND REMOVE GIRDER I.......... ....... _.__ .._..... -EXIST.._ & COLUMNS @ GARAGE. - _STAIRS _i GARAGE/STORAGE EXISTING EXTERIOR WALL @ GARAGE ..._..- -- o I TO REMAIN. I - I i I I EXIST. INTERIOR BATHRM. WALL , .. ...... ...... .... _.._ _...... .._. TOP OF FLOOR BEYOND TO REMAIN.� . -- - T EXIST. INTERIOR STAIRS TO BE REMOVED. NO PROPOSED ALTERATION TO I - _ N i I EXISTING CRAWLSPACE OR CELLAR EXIST. CONC. SLAB & GARAGE FOUNDATION TO REMAIN. o CELLAR SECTION # 1 EXISTING ILLUSTRATING REMOVALS NO PROPOSED ALTERATION TO > z EXISTING ROOF NEW ROOF FRAMING @ PROPOSED BEDRM.#4 0- - - - -- z NOTE: Mir BATHRM. #2 BEDRM. #2 SEE DIMENSIONS ON S-2 Q/ co M PROPOSED BEDROOM #4 O REMOVE BATH TUB & PORTION OF o EXIST. WALL TO ACCOMODATE NEW T SHOWER & LAUNDRY AREA Al LOWERED CEILING HEIGHT NO PROPOSED ALTERATION TO � STEPS UP IN HALLWAY BEYON EXISTING ROOF NEW WALL & FLOOR FRAMING @ A� 7 PROPOSED BEDRM #4 NEW CEILING & UPPER WALL @ EXIST. GARAGE. FINISH ALL COMMON WALLS SECTION NO PROPOSED ALTERATION TO riN N & CEILING W/ 5/8" GYP. BD. PAINTED EXISTING KITCHEN, DEN & DIN. RM. M KITCHEN & DEN LIVING RM. NEW STAIRCASE TO PROP. BEDRM. #4 00 °O & EXISTING 2ND FLOOR. o AlLOWERED CEILING HEIGHT EXISTING EXTERIOR WALL @ GARAGE 1 /4"- 1 -O" TO REMAIN. _ EXIST. INTERIOR BATHRM. WALL TOP OF FLOOR BEYOND TO REMAIN. NO PROPOSED ALTERATION TO ' co 10. 31 . 23 EXISTING CRAWLSPACE OR CELLAR EXIST. CONC. SLAB & GARAGE FOUNDATION CELLAR TO REMAIN. 0 Historic Preservation Commission Resolution #: �1.o� �',) A\ REV. 9. 10.2 4 Dated: SECTION # 1 PROPOSED 02 OFT - U W = O U � Q � z � w � EXISTING ROOF BEYOND NO CHANGES T IL :::::: .. ki a REMOVE EXISTING DORMERS ... ..... ...... REMOVE EXISTING ROOF & CEILING OVER ATTIC ABOVE GARAGE. I:_:: ...... ......... ....... . -- w.. .......... i _ ............._.la....._....._.. ...... _..__......._.L................. 4` t ........ -_ _._... .......... ...._. ......._ ......... ..... EXISTING COVERED PORCH BEYOND � _� ATTIC __ _ _ -_--�_� __- - - - NO CHAMGES EXISTING ROOF SECTION BEYOND TO BE REMOVED. SEE WEST ELEV A-5 EXISTING EXTERIOR WALL TO REMAIN ROOFCEILING FRAMING O BE -...-- T...—...— ..... _� ..—...... - -- .... . .. .-x.::.._ .i... ._..:... __:.:.. .:...- 1...;..-._:.:_. !._. _.:..!....... m.. - DECK. & C L G RAMI T REMOVED & REPLACED W/ ... ii STRUCTURE FOR NEW ROOF _1 SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS. N BEDROOM #1 EXISTING WINDOWS ON THIS WALL �--PROVIDE TEMP. SUPPORT AS PER o0 00 TO BE REMOVED OR REPLACED. SEE I.) STRUCTURAL DWGS AND REMOVE FLOOR PLAN GARAGE/STORAGE I GIRDER & COLUMNS @ GARAGE. T.O. FIN. FL. BEYOND �+ EXISTING FLOOR FRAMING & FOUNDATION °° -- - - - ---- ---- -- - -- - - TO REMAIN REMOVE EXIST. STAIRS m i - N CRAWLSPACE SECTION # 2 EXISTING ILLUSTRATING REMOVALS EXIST. ROOF & DORMER BEYOND -- - - -- - - NEW ROOF @ PROPOSED BEDROOM #4 } FLAT ROOF @DORMER OVERC)LOWERED CEILING HEIGHT NEW FRENCH DOORS z NEW WINDOWS & DORMERS NOTE: @ PROPOSED BEDROOM #4 SEE DIMENSIONS ON S-2 ui NEW MANSARD ROOF. SLOPE & PROPOSED BEDROOM #4 TRIM DETAILS TO MATCH EXISTING o NEW DOORS @ PROPOSED BEDRM. #4 NEW RAILING @ NEW ROOF DECK O TOP OF EXIST. 2ND FL. NEW ELBOW BRACKETS & WALL - EXTENDED PORCH ROOF BEYOND TRIM TO MATCH EXISTING I I I EXISTING ENTRY PORCH -- A� 8 NO CHANGES NEW ROOF DECK NEW STAIRCASE BEYOND ADD NEW SECTION OF WALL TO ACCOMODATE RAISED CEILING EYEBROW ROOF OVER GARAGE DOORS AlLOWERED CEILING HEIGHT EXISTING EXTERIOR FRAMED WALL TO REMAIN. ADD NEW WINDOWS AS SECTION BEDROOM #1 PER PLANS. #2 TOP OF EXIST. 1ST._FL. EXISTING FLOOR FRAMING & FOUNDATION ....... ..._.. . TO REMAIN @ BEDRM. #1 TM 1 /4"= 1 '-0" EXISTING MASONRY FOUNDATION CRAWLSPACE TO REMAIN 10. 31 . 23 Historic Preservation Commission Re��i�ti®n #; REV. 9. 10.24 SECTION # 2 PROPOSED Date: ` 1 CC QF MV N Notes: DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS: -�cEssrooL * All wiring and equipment are to be be provided and installed by the Electrical contractor(EC)in accordance with �� / THE PROPOSED ON-SITE DRAINAGE SYSTEM TO PROVIDE STORAGE the National Electric Code(NEC)and Local Electrical Codes. FOR A 2"RAINFALL. STORAGE TO BE PROVIDED IN FRENCH DRAINS * The EC will file all necessary forms and pay all fees for the electrical work shown on these drawings.The PROVIDING 3.5 CF/LF OF STORAGE. THE DESIGN IS BASED ON THE _ contractor will arrange for all inspections and secure a Fire Underwriters certificate which is to be turned over to FOLLOWING RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS:ROOF 1.0. s `� the owner at the completion of the work. s *All foundation penetrations for entry of directly buried feeders are to be equipped with galvanized steel sleeves. DRAINAGE AREA "A" RMC is to be used at all other foundation and floor penetrations. STORAGE REQUIRED: *Furnish and install new service equipment and circuit breakers as shown in these drawings. All panels and WILLOW STREET ROOF AREA: 898 SF X 1.00 X 2"/12=149.7 CF PROJECT LOCATION breakers are to be labeled. The electric panels are to be installed and grounded in accordance with the NEC and 149.7 CF/3.5 CF/LF=42.8 LINEAR FEET REQUIRED Local Electric Codes. w\VVO`N S� *All switch and outlet boxes,junction boxes,and pull boxes installed on the exterior are to be galvanized steel PIPE TIE WITH 30 lb TENSILE STRENGTH STORAGE PROVIDED: and rated for exterior use. WEATHER-RESISTANT POLYPROPYLENE COSPOM USE 2 ROWS 22 L.F. EACH=44 L.F.>42.8 L.F. ORIENT HARBOR N AT EACH CHAMBER CONNECTION *All exterior outlets are to be housed in weather proof enclosures. DRAINAGE AREA "B" ESTABLISH VEGETATIVE COVER NATIVE BACKFILL 3'MIN. 1:3 SLOPE MAX TO STORAGE REQUIRED: MEET EX.GRADE OR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE ROOF AREA: 1,114 SF X 1.00 X 2'712= 185.7 CF LOCATION MAP EX. � � �-�cEssvooL I RETAINING WALL CONNECTED TO PRIVATE WELL / V=600' ELEC 185.7 CF!3.5 CF/LF=53.1 LINEAR FEET REQUIRED GENERAL NOTES PANEL � . . . . .� .�. �.�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . � �' WELL /' STORAGE PROVIDED: . .'. .'.'.'.'.'. .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' _ '�/� TOPSOIL /�/�/ .. • • • •.•_•. _ �/� *THE INFILTRATOR QUICK4 PLUS STANDARD LOW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE USE 3 ROWS 18 L.F. EACH=54 L.F.>53.1 L.F. • • • PROFILE CHAMBER SYSTEM SHALL BE PLACED IN CONNECTED TO PRIVATE WELL 1. ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS / / AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE LOCAL TOWN OR VILLAGE AND THE SUFFOLK COUNTY EXTERIOR RATED JUNCTION ;/// //� ACCEPTABLE LEACHING SOILS WITH CLEAN SAND AND DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AS REQUIRED. BOX BELOW GARDE IN A 20 AMP BREAKER /�/ ;;; + :- ; / GRAVEL("SP"OR BETTER)WITH A 1-5 MPI SPRINKLER BOX //� - -*, /3.3"INVERT PERCOLATION RATE. IN THE EVENT POOR LEACHING WELL y PROPOSED 2ND FLOOR EXPANSION 24.4'X 27.4' W0.�� 2. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY BY NATHAN TAFT CORWIN III LAND SURVEYOR DATED 11/15/2022. MATERIAL IS ENCOUNTERED,EXCAVATION IS TO BE r ` (669±SF OF EX.2ND FUR.TO BE INCREASED IN VERTICAL DATUM N.A.V.D.1988. 12 AWG OF WIRE IN �/ / ����// //�/i,//�� /�/�� /� // CONTINUED TO SUITABLE MATERIAL AND BACKFILLED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE �3 �� HEIGHT BY T±TO INCREASE CEILING HEIGHT 3/4" PVC SCH 80 AS DETAILED. CONNECTED TO PRIVATE WELL ik`--� a. FROM 6'TO 9'. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATION AND DEPTH OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR CONDUIT 34" PRESSURE LATERAL, TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED ALL SUBSURFACE 36"WIDE TRENCH SIZE PER DESIGN DRAINAGE AREA"A" 0/F�Rq �o'MIN q INFORMATION SHOWN ON THESE PLANS IS CONCEPTUAL AND MUST BE CONFORMED *NATIVE SOIL AND/OR SPECIFIED FILL "SP"OR 2 ROWS 22 L.F.FRENCH DRAIN N/4cN Gj* �z eta a NOTES: ACCORDINGLY IN THE FIELD. oK °"'' � 1. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO N.A.V.D. 1988 DATUM BETTER SOIL WITH 1-5 MPI PERCOLATION RATE 'I6' PLC CONTROL PANEL s" �, EXISTING ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS: 4. A MINIMUM SEPARATION OFTEN(10)FEET HORIZONTAL AND EIGHTEEN 18 INCHES W/HP80 COMPRESSOR AIR PUMP F.M ' R W F1A�R ( ) INFILTRATOR QUICK4 PLUS STANDARD LOW TB - GAR AM FLOOR VERTICAL IS TO BE MAINTAINED BETWEEN WATER LINES,STORM DRAINAGE AND/OR ELECTRIC RISER DIAGRAM PROPOSED 9.1'X15.8'TERRACE OVER EX.WELL TO REMAIN B _ TOTM 9F BMH EXISTING ONE STORY ROOF „ �'� 5 TW TOP OF WALL _ H� SANITARY LINES OR STRUCTURES. PROFILE CHAMBER CROSS SECTION '°z W5 �. m= _ e°n°"�WALL \ 6 c°` � �£ �", .. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SECURING ALL NECESSARY PERMITS NOT TO SCALE \N �� 4 a ih hi::ciiiiiiv:.i:.yn\ °P BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. APPROX.7.7'X 6'PORTION OF EX.DWELLING ' �� g,g .• .:........... TEST HOLE DATA NOT TO SCALE TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH 43 SF (rEsr HOLE ouc BY MOM cE on ocrosEx r�zore) .:. .. � •xza o� °' � a'":":;:;';::':;':;:;;:`;:::'.:::::'. "°2 ' COVERED PORCH EXTENSION SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE o• 6. ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL AND DEBRIS SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH CONNECTED TO PRIVATE WELL ,�ago■LOAM a TOWN,COUNTY,STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS,CODES AND ORDINANCES.CONTRACTOR APPROX.1.3'X 6'PORTION OF EX. 'L \ \•\ °� ��� `'`y� P� N� \ r SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DISPOSING OF ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIALS OFFSITE. DEBRIS 1ST FLR.TO BE RENOVED \ 0o�P $° •° ,- WON SILT SHALL NOT BE BURIED ON-SITE. FORCE MAIN CALCULATIONS: UP.,,"` ���` $° � ` � �° °� ON°� \, s °9 2� 7. ALL PRECAST STRUCTURES SHALL INCLUDE SUFFICIENT STEEL REINFORCEMENT FOR o �'r $ f PROPOSED HYDRO-ACTION a■ PROJECT LIMITING FENCE 1 \ ca s P o;s ;s^ •!'a AN-500C I/A OWTS x�N ena�■�T y TEMPERATURE AND SHRINKAGE,TRANSPORT,AND TO ALLOW THE STRUCTURE TO c PIPE MATERIAL: HOPE FRICTION LOSS(C):150 LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE s \ \ �ti m �' °$ * ' _ WITHSTAND AASHTO H-20 LOADING AT THE COVER CONDITIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. n ° PIPE LENGTH: 90 L.F.INCL.BENDS(WORST CASE TO WASTE PIPE OUTLET) �% z °oP 8. ALL PRECAST STRUCTURES SHALL BE MANUFACTURED WITH 4000 PSI/28 DAY STRENGTH LOSS PER 100'@ 1 1/4': 15.3' EXISTING CESSPOOLS TO BE PUMPED DRY \\/� \ M�Ea°'..6 f •'.° •.' N `\ ,i ES5pp0us N OWN ODAM ego CONCRETE. ELEVATION CHANGE: 6.3 AND ABANDONED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE \. ` \V C pf° '' 1�y_` _ *ObOs , PROPOSED HYDRO ACTIO /' 9 TOTAL PIPE LOSS: 15.3'X 90 L.F/100'=13.8'+6.3'=20.1' SCDHS STANDARDS ° ° Sty ° �g ° t / 9. SANITARY PIPE TO BE SDR-35 PVC OR AS SPECIFIED ON PLANS. REMOTE PLC CONTROL PANEL �\ ti,\• °� � PUMP STATION W/HP80 COMPRESSOR AREA OF PIPE: 1 1/4'X(7r/4)=1.22 IN' 9�\ ° Z ° f\ MIN, .. DRAINAGE AREA \ P sP Vic° 36"X 36"X 6"P.C.SLAB 10. DURING CONSTRUCTION,EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES TO BE UTILIZED AS GPM: 27 GPM @ 20.1'HEAD LOSS(SEE CHART BELOW) 3 ROWS 18 L.F.FRENCH DRAIN TA \ G �� \ / T�� 2 \ 1/4" E FORCE MAIN NECESSARY TO PREVENT THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT TO OFF-SITE AREAS,PONDS, WITH 6X6 W1.4XW1.4 WWM " VELOCITY: V=0.4085 X FLOW/AREA OF PIPE(2 FT.PER SEC.MINIMUM) PROPOSED HYDRO-ACTION CONTROL \ �k 3ryn \ a ° ° x OPOSED VALVE BOX DRAINAGE INLETS,ETC. THE METHODS AND MATERIALS EMPLOYED IN THE INSTALLATION ° a ALL ELECTRIC TO BE PLACED PANEL AND AIR PUMP ON A 36"X 36"X 6" \ \ sue° s" i \ a AND MAINTENANCE OF EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL CONFORM TO"THE NEW V=0.4085 X 27 GPM/1.22 IN' = 9.0 FT/SEC>2 FT/SEC. N x = YORK GUIDELINES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL". USE A 1 1l4"HOPE FORCE MAIN P.C.SLAB WITH 6X6 W1.4XW1.4 WWM CONTROL PANEL & AIR PUMP ELEVATION v' PROPOSED 50%EXPANSION IN SCH.80 PVC CONDUIT \ MIN. q£ PROPOSED 18 L.F.INFILTRATOR WATER 11. ALL BACKFILL SHALL BE SELECT GRANULAR MATERIAL COMPACTED TO 95%MAXIMUM 5� �� • ' * e ° TECHNOLOGIES QUICK4 PLUS STANDARD LOW wppO r' �sN n UN°,µt°ENE _\ PROFILE CHAMBER LEACHING SYSTEM(TYP.OF 2) DENSITY AT THE OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT,AS DETERMINED BY STANDARD PROCTOR �\ PROPOSED VENT TO BE TERMINATED \ \x aZ �°I/cam° TEST. THROUGH ROOF WITH A CARBON FILTER aoo ` 20 GPM 2'MIN a PROPOSED 18 L.F.INFILTRATOR WATER 12. TOTAL LOT AREA AREA=12,925 S.F. 1,12 HP ELECTRIC LINE TO BE \ k �\ 6'MIN. TECHNOLOGIES QUICK4 PLUS STANDARD w PLACED IN CONDUIT \ a \ LOW PROFILE CHAMBER LEACHING z 300 1 HP \ \\\ IJ SYSTEM (TYP.OF 3) NAVY STREET I/A UNIT BUOYANCY CALCULATIONS: - w �\� MEET EXISTING GRADE s \ I \ CLEAN OUT WITH A PLASTIC VALVE BOX = 200 AT 1:3 SLOPE MAX. ?ti \ \ "No 2 x �p INSTALLED FLUSH WITH GRADE(TYP.) HIGHEST EXPECTED GROUNDWATER ELEV. =2.0 a 1/LHP \ \•\ f� , �` BOTTOM OF I/A UNIT ELEV. =-3.3 ° ,� ��\ \ P�'qb�� m 20NRNpir N •a' TOTAL BUOYANT FORCE: 5'PROP.DISTAL HEAD HT.(TYP.) r- 49.15 SF X(2.0-(-3.3))X 62.4 PCF=-16,255#X 1.5=24,382# ° 3 s 9 ,2 ,5 ,s 2, 24 27 30 32't(100'MIN.) \ S HEpGE ROW � GALLONS PER MINUTE / £ M RESIST FORCE(WEIGHT OF I/A UNIT)= 16,350# HP Voltage Pump Model \\ WALL FENCE GKE FENCE ", 5 y SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE h 115 HE20-51 � \ � C.L. » W 62.0 4 �• CONNECTED TO PRIVATE WELL ADDITIONAL BALLAST REQUIRED. '/2 230 HE20-52 \ `S 82•52'00 3/4 230 HE20-72 °°cK ,°° JOHN X• BR/EDll, J.R. i 24,382#-16,350#-8,032# 1 230 HE20 102 WCC � JE,�NNE R BREDEYER �yEo k - 1'/z 230 HE20-152 � Gy��� wEu 8,032#/150 PCF=53.5 CF PROVIDE 54 CF OF CONCRETE BALLAST. PUMP STATION BUOYANCY CALCULATIONS. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Historic Preservation Commission CONNECTED TO PRIVATE WELL Resolution #; HIGHEST EXPECTED GROUNDWATER ELEV. =2.0 PSD LEACHING SYSTEM DESIGN CALCULATIONS: Dated; BOTTOM OF I/A UNIT ELEV. =-2.0 -46EDROOMS SITE PLAN TOTAL BUOYANT FORCE: 6.94 SF X(2.0-(-2.0))X 62.4 PCF=-1,732#X 1.5=2,598# 1-5 MIN.PER INCH PERCOLATION PATE SCALE:1"=30' 55 USE 3.0 GPD/SF LEACHING RATE FOR SHALLOW PRESSURE DRAIN FIELD CATEGORY 1 PER TABLE 13. RESIST FORCE BALLAST REQUIRED: 2,598# /150 PCF= 17.3 CF 4 BEDROOMS X 110 GPD/BEDROOM=440 GPD $ PROVIDE 18 CF OF BALLAST. 440 GPD/3.0 GPD/SQ.FT=146.7 SF / R INFILTRATOR WATER TECHNOLOGIES QUICK4 PLUS STANDARD LOW PROFILE CHAMBER LEACHING SYSTEM: D (34"TRENCH WIDTH) t 146.7 SF/2.83'WIDTH=51.8 L.F. LOr. 21 2023 sTgEET TOWN Ot=SOUTHOLD KIN USE 3 ROWS 18 L.F.INFILTRATOR QUICK4 PLUS CHAMBER LEACHING SYSTEM=54 L.F.>51.8 L.F. Cr HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION 50%EXPANSION: USE 2 ROW 18 L.F.INFILTRATOR QUICK4 PLUS CHAMBER LEACHING SYSTEM=36 L.F.=25.9 L.F. N.Y.S.D.E.C. ADJACENT AREA COVERAGE 2"VENT ADJACENT AREA = (12,925 sq. ft.) HEALTH DEPARTMENT APPROVAL STAMP THE VENT TO BE TERMINATED 1 114"0 PVC PERF.PIPE W/118"HOLES @ 18"O.C.PERF.HOLES SHALL BE ° TOWN DEFINED LOT COVERAGE THROUGH THE ROOF. ALONG PIPE INVERT.P'OVIDE GECGUARD ORIFICE SHIELDS @ 18"O.C. DESCRIPTION AREA / LOT COVERAGE BUILDABLE LAND (LOT AREA LANDWARD OF C.E.H.A. BOUNDARY) 9,816 sq. ft. VALVE BOX CAP 12"MIN. ORIFICES TO BE IN THE 12 O'CLOCK POSITION WITH EVERY 5TH ORIFICE (FOR FUTURE EXPANSION) HOUSE 1,642 sq. ft. 12.7% INSTALLED IN 6 O'CLOCK POSITION DESCRIPTION AREA % LOT COVERAGE 6"MIN. VALVE(TYP.) FRONT PORCH 128 s ft. 1.0% WATERTIGHT PLASTIC FRAME&COVER TO PSD MATERIAL OF THE SAME PERMEABILITY AS THE UNDERLYING q HOUSE 1,642 s ft. 16.7% CARBON FILTER W/APPROVED LOCKING DEVICE TO ORIGINAL SOIL SHALL B=USED AS USEABLE FILL � q• ° WATERTIGHT PLASTIC FRAME&COVER W/APPROVED WEIGH 60 LBS.MIN.OR SECONDARY -� TO PSD REAR PORCH 178 sq. ft. 1.4% WOOD DECK AT N.W. DEVICE 18 L.F.INFILTRATOR QUICK4 PLUS STANDARD LOW HOUSE CORNER q LOCKING DEVICE TO WEIGH 60 LBS.MIN.OR SAFETY LIDS/DEVICES TO BE PROVIDED TO PSD WOOD DECKS 67 s ft. 0.5% s ft. 0.3% SECONDARY SAFETY LIDS/DEVICES TO BE PROVIDED PROFILE CHAMBER LEACHING SYSTEM q' REAR PORCH 178 sq. ft. 1.8% PLASTIC VALVE BOX INSTALLED CELLAR ENTRANCE 31 sq. ft. 0.2% CLEANOUT 2"VENT TO I/A UNIT VALVE BOX FLUSH WITH GRADE FRONT PORCH 128 sq. ft. 1.3% REVISIONS EL.5.2 MIN. 1:3 SLOPE MAX TO F.F.EL.8.28 ITMIN. CONC. APRON & SLAB 70 sq. ft. 0.5% L.4.7 EL.5.5 EL.5.5 GR EEL.5.2 EL.6.5MAX. MEET EX.GRADE SHED 127 sq. ft. 1.3% ; .,. .,• : ADJUST VALVE TO PROVIDE 5' EX.GRADE OUTSIDE SHOWER 20 sq. ft. 0.2% OUTSIDE SHOWER 20 s ft. 0.2% �F � ;t •F INV.EL.2.85 BALL VALVE HL MAX.AT DISTAL END INV EL.3.0 `D - � INV EL.5.4 INV.EL.2.8 �f� EL.4.7 z q• /Yl�•fl ' . (5'DISTAL HEAD HEIGHT) � o SHED 127 sq. ft. 1.0% TOTAL EXISTING 2,125 sq. ft. 21.6% INV.EL.3.4 EL.4.0 ^ M EL.2.7 TOTAL EXISTING 2,263 sq. ft. 17.5/ INSTALL LONG INV.EL.2.9524"SANITARY WASTE PIPE INV.EL.2.6 �11 1/4"PVC SCH.40 8" P/0 HOUSE TO BE REMOVED -54 sq. ft. a..., ENDCAP 4"SANITARY WASTE PIPEINV.EL.4.3 SWEEP FITTING PITCH 118 INCH PER FOOT SANITARY FORCE MAIN z P/O HOUSE TO BE REMOVED -54 sq. ft. t7..,• C� PITCH 1/4 INCH PER FOOT 8'(2'MIN.) UNDERLYING ORIGINAL SOIL TO BE PROP. PORCH EXTENSION 46 s ft. � q•s` SLOPE FORCE MAIN TOWARDS EXCAVATED TO ACCEPTABLE "SP"OR"SW" PROP. PORCH EXTENSION 46 s ft. 5'MIN. TREATMENT TANK EL.2.0 HIGHEST EXPECTED GROUNDWATER ELEV. N SOIL WITH A 1-5 MPI PERCOLATION RATE TOTAL PROPOSED 2,1 17 s ft. 21.6%Ell „21'(10'MIN.) q q• --------- 28'L5'MIN.)---------- --------------------------- ---------- ° ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------------------------- TOTAL PROPOSED 2,255 sq. ft. 17.4% ` P POSED HYDRO-ACTION PROVIDE 54 CF of CONc� CALCULATIONS BY EN CONSULTANTS. SO PROVIDE 1s OF of CONC. CALCULATIONS BY EN CONSULTANTS. S.C.T.M.: DIST. 1000 SEC.26 BILK LOT 17.1 AN-500C I/A OWTS BALLAST FOR BUOYANCY BALLAST FOR BUOYANCY POLYLOK 3017-20H6 20" HYDRO ACTION 141 GALLON PUMP TANK WITH SET DISCHARGE PUMP FLOATS TO 12"PEA GRAVEL BASE ROUND SEPTIC VALVE BOX PROPOSED SHALLOW PRESSURIZED DRAINFIELD A 1/2 HP HYDROMATIC HE20-51 EFFLUENT OR APPROVED EQUAL PROVIDE 32GAL./DOSE MAX.TOPSD Condon Engineering, 1 C PUMP OR APPROVED EQUAL NQT-• Scale:AS SHOWN HYDRO-ACTION AN-500C DETAIL SANITARY SEPTIC SYSTEM PROFILE PSD AND TREATMENT UNIT TO BE COVERED p ■ MCNAIRY RESIDENCE NOT TO SCALE BY A MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT. Plans are prepared by Condon Engineering,P.C. It is a violation of the New York State Education 2440 VILLAGE LANE (SEE ADDITIONAL DETAILS ON SHEET 2) Law,Article 145,Section 7209,for any person unless acting under the direction of a licensed 1755 Sigsbee Road o Professional Engineer,Architect,or Land Surveyor,to alter any item in any way.If an item bearing Drawn by:JJC the seal of an Engineer,Architect,or Land Surveyor is altered,the altering Engineer,Architect,or Mattituek, New York 11952 ORIENT, NY Land Surveyor shall affix to the item his/her seal and the notation"Altered by"followed by his/her Date: 10/30/2023 (631) 298-1986 (631) 298-2651 fax SANITARY SEPTIC SYSTEM PROFILE signature and the date of such alterations,and a specific description of the alteration. www.condonengineering.com SANITARY PLAN M PUMP 120105 PRINT/PART NO. PART DESCRIPTION REV DATE �73 G II C81 M1 COMPRESSER POWER CIRCUIT PRINT/PART N0. PART DESCRIPTION REV DATE 024� � HA- BASIN, RIBBED 141 GALLON PUMP TANK UNASSEMBLED 000 5/26/2020 AKP20030 BASIN RIB 24 X 72 11005 1�7/19;2019 0511 047 086 BLK �-� BLK 024J o ° ° I N B1j SP1 U SPRAY PAGE L1 ° > N ""T WIT N PUMP o 0241LO 11 MOTOR PUMP RATINGS: 0571 o '- CB2 CSR 6 LOOPS II G 3/4HP ® 115V (6) INSERTS ON A _ Buc y Buc M2 Mx 15.0 F.L.A. 027 3/4 in 026 3/16 in B.C. a RP1 RECIRC UMP RATINGS: AKP60190 PUMP 3/4HP ® 115V • 13 24" LID I w"T w"T N MOTOR 15.0 F.L.A. O O O 022 3/4 in � I G O O O 0241 � Cam_ M 3 BDc BLX w� P PUMP 3/4HP ®MIXER UMP r115V ° N MOTOR 15.0 F.L.A. o ° CB4 II G 076 j W 070 fRY GRY C1 COMP COMP. RATINGS: 1/4HP @ 115V D GASKET PACK > D'o. 132 ""T N MOTOR 5.4 F.L.A. 1 (INCLUDED with LID) £ c) NOTE: ALL MOTORS PLC CONTROL PANEL �C0 MUST HAVE INTERNAL 5 5 W/ HP80 COMPRESSOR U1 OVERLOAD PROTECTION. 14 15 3 BUJ LR1-Q1 Rm M1 wNr (41 15 _ ® 0 ® _ ILL] C BW LR1-Q2 PINK M2 YAiT M 11 M PINK 0 2 =30 0 A I$ Bw LR1-Q3 ECIRC RUNNING r 8 r M3 WHT -0 2 3 8 70 BLu R1 IXER RUUNNING 0 7 0 ® LR1-Q4 M 4 ® M B B"' REo 16 PLC INPUT 12 6 Bu, AS-1 PINK 7 ® ® o ® ® ® Bu, 5 6 REo RUN AUD. 0 10 D ALARM ® ® 12 > HWA MUTE ORO BRN 7K 14 T• ® ® ® ® 72 1/8 in 84 63 TEST ® ® O 1> H O ALARM 11 REo 'LIGHT > ® O ® > ® ® ® ® A Btx RED "'T z 9 C e 2 1 ENABLE n IWI A/ 4 n ® ® 68 B" 1 2 ra 11 PLC INPUT C ®® C 47 Z 6 z Bw OVERRIDE m 3 4 CSR 12 PLC INPUT r r elu wN NK 14 PLC INPUT 9 n 91'21n TIME DOSE TM 17 PLC INPUT 10 / BILL OF MATERIALS ow 0 DEMAND BILL OF MATERIALS BILL OF MATERIALS ITEM P/N DESCRIPTION QTY: SPRAY TAN 18 PLC INPUT ITEM QTY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION ITEM QTY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 29 3/4 in HA-180056-R TANK, AN500 245 NITROGEN REDUCTION REMOTE 1 NOTES: FLOAT SWITCH TO BE RATED 2 AMP AT 120V MINIMUM. 1 1 AKP20030 BASIN RIB 24X72 9 1 100151 PUMP EFFLUENT MID-SUC 1/2 HP STD A 180055 TANK, AN500 245 PRETREATMENT 1 MAIN PANEL DISCONNECT MUST BE PROVIDED BY INSTALLER. 2 3 AKR240056 GROMMET,1.25 ADAPT-A-FLEX 10 2 120044 SWITCH.FLOAT MM 25'MICRO-MASTER B 130002 KIT, SNG 2 TANK CONNECTING STANDARD 1 W1 B1 DASHED LINES INDICATE ITEMS NOT CONTAIN IN THE PANEL. W1 3 1 100025 PIPE,4"Sch 40 PVC 11 1 702012 ADAPTER MALE 1-1/4" REQUIRED TORQUE FOR TERMINAL BLOCK SCREWS IS 16 in-lbs. BOM C 100111 ASSEMBLY, RE—CIRCULATION 245 COMPLETE AN500/AN600 1 4 1 AKR240059 GROMMET,4.00 ADAPT-A-FLEX SCH40 12 2 240042 CLAMPS NO.241-1/16-2 WITH CLAMP FIELD WIRING MUST BE A, MINIMUM OF 60'C COPPER WIRE. 5 1 700034 1 PIPE,11/4"SCH 80 CONDUIT 30" 1 13 1 1 AKP60190 Rotomold Cover 24 Solid ITEM QTY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION D AN500-P AN500 W PLATFORM COMPLETE 1 E EC50-30-L100-PLC EC50-30-L-100-PLC 1 CHANGES TOLERANCES DRAWN BY DATE 6 1 100028 CAP,HUB 6"PVC SDR 14 1 702014 PIPE,1 1/4"SCH 40 PVC PRESSURE 50" 1 6 AKR10130 1/4-20 Aluminum Insert/Open Ends C. BARRICK 11/3/16 SCHEMATIC ELECTRICAL 7 1 7020054 ELL,90 1 1/4"SCH 40 PVC SXS 15 1 702014 PIPE,1 1/4"SCH 40 PVC PRESSURE 24" E 1D DECIMALS L�5 nfjUroc- *.010 MATERIAL SPECIFICATION: 8 1 702001 UNION,1 1/4"SCH 40 PVC SXS D FRACTIONAL SCALE: PART N0. DRAWN BY MATERI SIGNATURE DRAWN BY MATERIAL SIGNATURE C X/X- *.1/64 TCf `polyethylene + - 0.125 UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE TCT Polyethylene +/- 0.125 UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE SEPTIC PRODUCTS INC B ANGLES AS NOTED FULL 120105 A X'- t112' •. AN500 245 NITROGEN REDUCTION SYSTEM REMOTE DRAWN BY: &DAVIS ° ' APPROVED BY: SIGNATURE DATE REV. PART hyd ton 10/19/17 000 HA-180056-R -P INFILTRATOR WATER TECHNOLOGIES INFILTRATOR WATER TECHNOLOGIES FLUSHING MECHANISM AND QUICK4 PLUS STANDARD LOW PROFILE CHAMBER INSPECTION PORT WITH VALVE BOX PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS TYPICAL DETAIL TOP VIEW (NOT TO SCALE) (NOT TO SCALE) QUICK4 PLUS ALL-IN-ONE END CAP PLASTIC VALVE BOX INSTALLED 53 �---��10.4" EFFECTIVE LENGTH* MONITORING PORT, 4" PVC FLUSH WITH GRADE 0 8„ =1 11=1 i 1=1 I I-11 I INSULATE B O X " �-� — "�7 AS NECESSARY 3.3" INVERT 18 13.3" =I I II Historic Preservation Commission 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 op QUICK4 PLUS END CAP ®® I I II PVC FEMALE ADAPTOR WITH A @ ��tl0n --4.5" EFFECTIVE LENGTH* 0 MALE THREADED CAP t I NOTE: INSTALL LONG INSPECTION PORT 3.3" INVERT 6,t =III: INFILTRATOFr SWEEP FITTING water technologies INFILTRATOR WATER TECHNOLOGIES INFILTRATOR CHAMBER E N DCAP 4 Business Park Rd Old Saybrook,CT 06475 SIDE VIEW END VIEW (ANY MODEL) (800)221-4436 FLUSHING MECHANISM AND 482) INSPECTION PORT WITH VALVE BOX TYPICAL DETAIL (EFFECTIVE LENGTH) 8t1 Drawnby: CTS Date: 07 oa 201 REVISIONS •°° ••• ••. INFILTRATOR® Scale:NOT To scu Checkedby: DFH Sheet water technologies „K.,",�-, �,,;�• y""2,+•° , •t`•„ INFILTRATOR WATER TECHNOLOGIES +tG s 4 Business Park Rd.Old Saybrook,CT 06475 PROTECT FRENCH DRAIN WITH 6 OZ. HEALTH DEPARTMENT APPROVAL STAMP ,' \ 34 (800)221-4436 y EPH ,C`° . (MIN.)NONWOVEN GEOTEXTILE(FILTER 4'-0' ,�, '� �'„ ... QUICK4 PLUS STANDARD FABRIC)MIRAFI 140N OR AN APPROVED LOW PROFILE CHAMBER EQUAL UNTIL LANDSCAPING AND GRASS SEED OR SOD '" PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS IS ESTABLISHED. 'ALL VIEWS= INSTALLED LENGTHS ;;.• ITO PVC PERFORATED PIPE Plans are prepared by Condon Engineering,P.C. It is a violation of the New York State Education 4"MAX. " • ` `' :;:•:''� SAi�DY jOF'SOIC ''.'• ` .'' Law,Article 145,Sedion 7209,for any person unless acting under the direction of a licensed : Drawnby E.AIv. Date: 02 08 201 .••. .. •:. •. .. •. •......... :• •: Scale NOT To scnl Checked by: Sheet: 1 of 1 Professional Engineer,Architect,or Land Surveyor,to alter any item in any way.If an item bearing the seal of an Engineer,Architect,or Land Surveyor is altered,the altering Engineer,Architect,or CO Land Surveyor shall allix to the item his1her seal and the notation'Altered by"followed by his/her signature and the date of such alterations,and a specific description of the alteration. S.C.T.M.: DIST. 1000 SEC.26 BLK" 1 LOT 17.1 WRAP WITH 6 OZ.(MIN.)NONWOVEN GEOTEXTILE(FILTER FABRIC)MIRAFI r p 140N OR AN APPROVED EQUAL. Scale:AS SHOWN Condon Engineering' 1 ■C. IMCNAIRY RESIDENCE *CLASS I OR 11\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \/\\/\\/\\// \\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/ AND COMPACTED TINRACCORDANCE 1755 Si sbee Road IAL PLACED 2440 VILLAGE LANE \\//\\// // /\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\/ WITH ASTM D2321 IN PIPE ZONE. Drawn i)y.JJC g O EXCAVATE THROUGH BOG AND CLAY INTO AVIRGIN ��� i•���������������������i Mattituck, New York 11952 ORIENT, NY STRATA OF SAND AND GRAVEL. BACKFILL WITH (631) 298-1986 (631) 298-2651 fax SUITABLE POROUS SAND AND GRAVEL MATERIAL. FRENCH DRAIN DETAIL Date: 10/30/2023 www.condonengineering.com SANITARY PLAN 2 FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD,N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: November 22, 2023 Renewed: March 7,2024 TO: 2440 Village Ln LLC 115 E 67th St#413 New York,NY 10065 Please take notice that your application dated November 8, 2023: For permit: to construct additions and alterations to an existing single-family dwelling at: Location of property: 2440 Village Lane, Orient,NY County Tax Map No. 1000— Section 26 Block 1 Lot 17.1 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed construction on this non-conforming 12,925 sf(buildable area sf)parcel in a Residential R-40 District is not permitted pursuant to Article XXIII Section 280-124 which states; lots measuring less than 20,000 square feet in total size require a front yard setback of 35 feet, rear yard setback of 35 feet and maximum lot coverage of 20%. The site plan shows the construction to have a front yard setback of 5.3 feet. The site plan shows the construction to have a rear yard setback of 32 feet. The site plan shows the lot coverage calculation at 21.6%. Additionally, the new construction is not permitted pursuant Article XXXVI Section 280-207, which states maximum gross floor area shall not exceed the permitted square footage for lots containing up to 10,000 square feet of lot area: permitted 2,100 square feet maximum. The provided calculations project a total gross floor area of 2,820.6 sf, where 2,1000 sf is permitted (Exceeding the permitted maximum by 720.6 sf). Additionally, the new construction is not permitted pursuant Article XXXVI Section 280-208 Pyramid Law, which states any building or structure on any R-40 zone district must be within the sky plane. The submitted sky plane diagram shows the structure extending outside of the sky plane. Lastly the proposed construction on this nonconforming lot in the Residential R-40 District, is not permitted pursuant to Section 170 of the Southold Town Code and is subject to Historic Preservation Commission approval. horized Signa r Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application, may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC:file, Z.B.A., CC:file, Historic Preservation Commission r p � uU � U - i 2023 TOWN OF SO ON COMHOLD MISSION out Unlgy WIST ICHOLC airperson ���°9' �'y@, . Southold Town Hall Annex Anne Surchin,Vice Chair. 40�Q ,. s 54375 Main Road Fabiola Santana 0 1vJ"`� P.O. Box 1179 SOUTHOLD f Mu.WA Southold, NY 11971 Allan WexlerJ•,. Jerilyn Woodhouse , rcaico ,r"''.o Tele: - Marina de Conciliis °9 `'' w I Wn . I-'— ki u gov Kim Fuentes,Coordinator 'O9e` N �' SEFIVAT' TOWN-OF SOUTHOLD }� ' HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION APPECARICPRE ERA o ONoOMMiSsiON ,SUBJECT PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2440 Village Lane, Orient NY 11957 SUBJECT PROPERTY TAX MAP NO.: 1000- 26 _ 01 _ 17.1 OWNERS'NAME: 2440 Village Lane LLC MAILING ADDRESS: Molly Mcnairy, 115 E 67 St, Apt 4B, New York NY 1oo65 PHONE: 646-831-2156 E-MAIL: mollymcnairy@gmail.com DATE ACQUIRED PROPERTY: October 2020 OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE: Peter Marren AIA MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 532, Orient NY 11957 r PHONE: 917-992-5369 E-MAIL: pm@marrenandnewman.com STATUS: LOCAL LANDMARK X IN LANDMARK DISTRICT X NATIONAL HISTORIC REGISTER PROPERTY ZONING DISTRICT R40 EXISTING USE private residence PROPOSED USE same PROPOSED WORK: Alterations to Garage Facade, Roof and part rear facade REPAIR ADDITION X RENOVATION X NEW WINDOWS X --NEW DOORS X partial partial REPLACE SIDING X REPLACE ROOFING X NEW FENCE NEW SIGN APPROVALS REQUIRED: ZBA X TOWN TRUSTEES X PLANNING BOARD I understand and agree that no work on this request shall commence until written approval has been given by the Building Department if a Building Permit is required. If no permit is required,written approval must be received from the Historic Preservation Commission. n OWNER/REPRESENTATIVE'S SIGNATURE: Print Name: Peter Marren AIA Historic Preservation Commission-Page 2—Building Design and Materials TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HISTORIC PRESERVATION CO MSSION CHECKLIST Instructions for"Certificate of Appropriateness"Application required for Building Permit on Registered Landmarks Items to be included: 1.Application 2.HPC Standard Q&A 3.Notice of Disapproval:Issued by the Building Department,dated within 60 days 4.Agent Authorization Letter: for owner's consent when using a representative 5. Photographs of building, surrounding area and adjacent buildings, labeled 6.Property Survey and Site Plan: showing existing structures and proposed addition. 7.Complete set of construction documents, as submitted to the Building Department, including window and door schedules,materials,dimensions, locations on the fagade(top of sill and dimensions on elevations and on building sections,as well). This document must be prepared by licensed design professional,dated, stamped,signed: Three(3)print sets and(1)digital set of proposed improvements at 1/4" scale,to include: BUILDING PLANS-AND ELEVATIONS: ✓ Provide elevations of all sides affected,with building heights noted. ✓ Indicate location of all finish materials on plans and elevations. ✓ All pages of architectural/engineered plans shall be numbered,signed by a licensed design professional and indicate the date prepared and/or last revised date prepared. CHECKLIST: Please Provide Building Design and Materials below. Samples,supporting materials may be requested: Roof: Existing Form and Material: Mansard Wood shingles Proposed Form and Material: same ;Siding: Existing Form and Material: Horizontal Wood clapboard, painted same Proposed Form and Material: HPC—Application, Building Design and Materials 11_15_2023 (Revision#3) 2 P a g e r Historic Preservation Commission-Page 3—Building Design and Materials Doors: Existing Form and Material: Painted wood Proposed Form and Material: same 'Garase Doors%Basement=Door: Painted wood Existing Form and Material: Proposed Form and Material: same Windows:,, Clad,wood Existing Form and Material: same Proposed: Manufacturer: TBD, likely Andersen Clad, wood (same) Exterior finish: Style: double hung 1 X 1 Types of Sash: Lites: Muntins: Trim & Ornamentation: Existing Painted wood same Proposed:: Chimneys: Existing Form and Material: not applicable Proposed Form and Material: Porches-Decks: Existing Form and Material: painted wood Proposed Form and Material: same HPC—Application, Building Design and Materials 11_15_2023 (Revision#3) 3 1 P a g e ti -- t Historic Preservation Commission -Page 4—Building Design and Materials Fences Existing Form and Material: not applicable Proposed Form and Material: Canopies/A�vniii Existing Form and Material: not applicable Proposed Form and Material: Gutters/Dowinsoouts: Existing Form and Material: Proposed Form and Material: ,Sb1ar.Panels—Please.provide End„ineered.Plans Proposed Form and Material: not applicable Foundation• Existing Form and Material: Proposed Form and Material: FAILURE TO SUBMIT DRAWINGS AND REQUESTED MATERIAL WILL RESULT IN DELAY IN THE APPROVAL PROCESS. • IT IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED THAT THE APPLICANT REVIEW THE HPC HANDBOOK at http://www.southoldtownny.gov/DocumentCenterNiew/320/LPC-Handbook-Final-Draft?bidId= • ALL APPLICATIONS MUST HAVE A REPRESENTATIVE AT THE CONFERENCE AND PUBLIC HEARING TO BE REVIEWED. • A PRE-SUBMISSION CONFERENCE WILL BE SCHEDULED PRIOR TO A FORMAL PUBLIC HEARING.PUBLIC HEARINGS REQUIRE POSTING AND MAILINGS BY THE APPLICANT AS DESCRIBED IN CHAPTER 55 OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE. • SECTIONS OF LOCAL LAWS AUTHORIZING REVIEW BY THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION OF PROPOSED WORK ON DESIGNATED TOWN LANDMARK PROPERTIES CAN BE FOUND IN CHAPTER 170 OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE HPC—Application,Building Design and Materials 11_15_2023 (Revision#3) 4 P a g e Historic Preservation Commission-Page 5—Building Design and Materials AUTHORIZATION FOR REPRESENTATIVE I, Molly Mcnairy residing at_115 E 67 St,Apt 413, New York, NY loo65 (print property owner's name) do hereby authorize Peter Marren AIA (Agent) to apply on my behalf to the Historic Preservation Commission. Owner's Signature: Date: Molly Mcnairy Print Owner's Name 1 HPC=Application,Building Design and Materials 11_15 2023 (Revision#3) 5 P a g e :`� :S4U�{OLO r 1 Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission Standard Q&A for Historic District and Landmarked Properties Welcome to the Historic Preservation Commission. Our goal is to help you achieve your objectives with preservation of the exterior remaining true to its original design, assuring that the continuum and continuity essential to a historic district or property is maintained. There is a process to achieving the best outcome. • All applicants are encouraged to have a Pre-Submission Conference whereby the application and renderings are reviewed, questions are asked, and recommendations made that will guide the applicant to a successful outcome. • If things are very straight forward and clear, a recommendation to go to a Public Hearing will be scheduled. . • If it is necessary to better understand the project, a Site Visit may be suggested. This is a special accommodation, whereby one Commissioner or more will visit your property and have eyes on the ground able to assess your plans within the context of its location. 4 The Commissioners will report back to the Commission, share their newfound knowledge and recommend either another Pre-Submission Conference or a Public Hearing. The Administrative Assistant to the HPC will contact the Applicant and make scheduling appointments. • If there is a Public Hearing, where the Commissioners believe a Site Visit is necessary, the Public Hearing will remain open until it may be resumed at a subsequent date. • Decisions are made because of research and negotiation that lead to a motion to grant a Certificate of Appropriateness. If the motion is not made, further work needs to be done to accomplish a mutual goal. In the case of the,granting of a certificate of appropriateness, the Historic Preservation Commission shall be empowered to impose reasonable conditions upon the applicant to ensure that the activity is conducted in a manner which is consistent with the spirit and intent of Chapter 170 of the Town Code. Incomplete or partial applications are not recommended. They lead tol incorrect thinking and a lack of continuity. 2021-08-24 The HPC is required to have an architect on the Commission. This is the greatest benefit to an applicant. Their knowledge, perspective and experience often lead to the best outcomes that the applicant can have. Please consider this mandate as your best investment. In anticipation of your meeting with the HPC, listed below are standard questions you may wish to be prepared to address: 1. When was your house first built? 2. Do you know your building is within the.Historic District? 3. Are you familiar with Chapter 170 of the Southold Town Code (Landmark Preservation) which applies to this application? 4. How is the design for your project sympathetic to the surrounding neighborhood? 5. How do your plans and elevations show adherence to the historic district mandates in Chapter 170? 6. Have you supplied images of neighboring residences? 7. How does this renovation illustrate compatibility in terms of scale and massing with neighboring structures? 8. What is the square footage of the original building? 9. What is the square footage of the renovated building? 10.What is the height of the original building? 11.What is the height of the proposed alteration, addition or new building? 12.What are the materials you are using for windows/doors, foundation walls, trim and siding? 13.Do these materials match, "in kind", those of the original structure? L, 2021-08-24 L Fuentes, Kim from: Peter Marren <pm@marrenandnewman.com> Sent: Wednesday,August 7, 2024 1:31 PM To: Fuentes, Kim Cc:' mollymcnairy@gmail.c6mi-.,,Robert Herrmann Subject: RE: HPC 2440 Village Lane Orient- HPC Agenda of August 22, 2024 Dear Kim. After careful consideration and review with the Owner, we have decided to proceed with the follow-up discussion at the HPC work session on Aug 22 with the plans as they currently exist,without any other revisions. I know you are aware that the ZBA has granted complete approval for all the Variances we requested. That was a major concern of the HPC Commission when we initially discussed this project back in January of this year. In addition, I hope you will recall the extraordinary comments that Chairperson Leslie Weisman made with regard to the architectural design of the project. From the dais on July 11th, she publicly lauded the sensitivity, appropriateness, quality and integrity of the design for the modest addition to the existing house. Her affirmation of the design was repeated during the ZBA Special Meeting on July 25th when they formally voted to approve the work. (I wonder if there are Transcripts of any of her comments that the HPC could see?) In any case, please make this email available to the Commission Members in advance of our work session. Thank you and we look forward to meeting on Aug 22. Peter Marren 917 992 5369 Peter Marren Architect AIA LEED AP MARREN AND NEWMAN From: Peter Marren Sent:Tuesday,August 6, 2024 2:20 PM To: 'Fuentes, Kim'<kim.fuentes@town.southold.ny.us> Subject: RE: HPC 2440 Village Lane Orient- HPC Agenda of August 22, 2024 Hi Kim. Will send some minor architectural revisions this week. Site Plan will not change. PM From: Fuentes, Kim<kim.fuentes@town.southold.nv.us> Sent:Tuesday,August 6, 2024 9:04 AM 1 4 To: Peter Marren<pm@marrenandnewTf dn.com> !t Cc: Peter Marren<pm@marrenandnewman.com> Subject: FW: HPC 2440 Village Lane Orient- HPC Agenda of August 22, 2024 Hi Peter, Please provide us with plans with changes, if any. A digital copy of all the plans sent to my email will be most helpful. Our server cannot accept files larger than 10 MB. I believe the site plan we have has a revision date of February 12, 2024. Kim E. Fuentes Board Assistant Zoning Board of Appeals Coordinator, Historic Preservation Commission 631-765-1809 kima southoldtownny.gov From: Fuentes, Kim Sent: Friday,July 26, 2024 12:45 PM To: 'Peter Marren'<pm@marrenandnewman.com> Cc: 'Robert Herrmann'<rherrmann@enconsultants.com> Subject: HPC 2440 Village Lane Orient- HPC Agenda of August 22, 2024 Hi Peter, We can add the above matter to the August 22, 2024 HPC Work Session Agenda. Our records show the following plans received on December 18, 2023: Sanitary Plan/Site Plan, pages 1 & 2, by John Condon, LPE, dated October 30, 2023 Architectural plans, pages S-2, A-1 thru A-8, dated October 31, 2023, by Peter Marren, R.A. Please provide us with amended plans of any changes. A digital copy of all the plans sent to my email will be most helpful. I believe the site plan has a revision date of February 12; 2024. Thank you. Kim E. Fuentes Board Assistant Zoning Board of Appeals Coordinator, Historic Preservation Commission 2 From: Peter Marren<pm@marrenandnewman.com> Sent: Friday,July 26, 202412:26 PM To: Fuentes, Kim <kim.fuentes@town.southold.nv.us> Cc:.mollymcnairv@gmail.com Subject: 2440 Village Lane Orient HPC Hi Kim As you are aware,following the July 111h Hearing and the meeting yesterday,the ZBA has indicated their approved of the proposed alterations for this project. They did have 5 conditions and one is to go back to H PC. You will recall that HPC had requested we wait to return for a renewed pre-submission conference until the ZBA had the opportunity to consider the variances needed. Please let me know what additional info will be needed, and when we can be scheduled. Thank you. PeterM 917 992 5369 Peter Marren Architect AIA LEED AP MARREN AND NEWMAN ATTENTION:This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. 3 fte ee�yMarren �r R�Ni-G t' 01r-kV _r 1AY 1171-010,YZ�53&O Subject: FW: HPC 2440 Village Lane Orient - Pre-submission Conference-January 25, 2024 at 3:30 PM From: Fuentes, Kim<kim.fuentes@town.southold.ny.us> Sent: Monday, December 18, 202310:43 AM To: Peter.Marren<pm@marrenandnewman.com> Subject: RE:HPC2440-,Village Lan"#ent,�Pre-submission Conference-January 25,2024 at 3:30 PM Hi Peter, I've added your application to the January 25,2024 meeting at 3:30 PM Pleas-e�—, bruit to-my-off ce three hardcopies—,,Iced-signed-and-sealed-plazrs. Thank you. Board Assistant Zoning Board of Appeals O �ordis�atvr'-Hi�t�ric Pr�sev°vation Conamission � - 631-765-1809 kim,&southoldtownny.gov Q� 1 000 Q ti o�o� 4G 1 our Uniqu David Mammina, Chairperson �� e tietf Town Hall Annex Anne Surchin Vice Chair ��® � w 54375 Route 25 4 Town of i9� PO Box 1179 Allan Wexler SOUTHOLO r , Southold,NY 11971 .'AEW yOAK Jeri Woodhouse = .;_ Z Telephone:(631)765-1809 Marina de Conciliis VN FOUIo °i email:kimf@southoldtownny.gov Daryl Ketcham 0 G Al Kim E. Fuentes, Coordinator 9FSFAVA i00 o LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Southold Town Historic Preservation Commission sets a public hearing regarding the application of 2440 VILLAGE LANE, LLC, MOLLY MCNAIRY,requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness under Chapter 170, Section 170-7 (b) of the Southold Town Code, concerning the alteration and addition of an existing dwelling at 2440 Village Lane, Orient,NY. SCTM# 1000-26-1-17.1, on Thursday, September 26,2024 at 3:30 PM in the Southold Town Hall Annex Second Floor Conference Room, 54375 Main Road, Southold,NY 11971. Zoom Webinar Public access is available via the Town Website www.southoldtownny.gov calendar link. Dated: August 22, 2024 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION, DAVID MAMMINA, CHAIRPERSON Contact: Kim E. Fuentes, Coordinator: Tele: 631-765-1809 or email kimf@southoldtownny.gov Link to view pending applications in the Town's Laserfiche files at: http://24.3 8.28.228/WebLink/DoeView.asl)x?id=13 89977&dbid=0&repo=TownOfSouthold NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEARBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION at the SOUTHOLD TOWN ANNEX CONFERENCE ROOM, 2ND FLOOR, 54375 Main Road, Southold, ` NY, concerning this property: OWNER(S) OF RECORD: 2440 VILLAGE LANE, LLC SCTM # 1000-26-1 -17.1 MOLLY MCNAIRY SUBJECT OF PUBLIC HEARING: 2440 VILLAGE LANE, to construct additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling. TIME & DATE OF HEARING: 3:30 PM - THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2024. SOUTHOLD TOWN HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION:(631 )765-1809 t)kBI.IC HEARING INSTRUCT ecyivS PLEASE REAL) CAREFULLY Please see attached material to prepare for your Historic Preservation Commission public hearing on Thursday, September 26, 2024. (Please let me know if you would like-to pick up hardcopies of these forms) 1. List of parcels by SCTM Nos. —Please request mailing addresses from the Assessor's Office. 2. Posting Notice —post the sign by September 16, 2024 3. Affidavits of Posting and Mailing (complete, scan and email to kimf@southoldtownny.gov) 4. Legal Notice MAILING INSTRUCTIONS: Please send by USPS Certified Mail, Return Receipt the following documents to all owners of property (tax map with property numbers enclosed) vacant or improved, which abuts and any property which is across from any public or private street. Do not forget to print the recipient's mailing address on the white and green USPS Certified Mail Receipt and on the Green Cards.` Mailing must be done by September 13, 2024, 1) Legal Notice informing interested parties of meeting being conducted IN PERSON and via video conferencing. (Enclosed) A WEBLINK to the meeting will be provided on the Town's Website under the date of the meeting. 2) Your Cover Letter — Letter should describe of improvements, include your contact information, date and time of hearing,procedures for submitting written comment via email or USPS to our office. Recipients should be able to contact you for additional information. Furthermore,if recipients need to contact the HPC,they may telephone 631-765-1809 or email me at kimf@southoldtownny.gov. The Town's Laserfiche/Weblink files provides both location addresses and mailing addresses in their current Assessment Roll listing. (See Link Below). Also,the Town Assessor's Office can be reached at 631-765-1937. Contact us via email or by phone if you need further assistance. https://southoldtownny.gov/DocumentCenter/View/10528/2024-FinalAssessRoll ;IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: IScan and email the USPS mailing receipts, green signature cards and (affidavits to kimf(asoutholdtownny.gov, and THEN PROMPTLY DELIVER OR MAIL the ORIGINALS to the HPC Coordinator, ;Town of Southold, HPC, P.O. Box 1179, Southold, NY 11971.;____ POSTING OF SIGN: Affix sign on subject property, no more than 10 feet from the front yard property line. Posting should be done no later than September 16,2023. To avoid weather damage to our sign, affix it to a sturdy surface such as plywood. If your sign is damaged, contact the office and we will provide you with another one. Please note that without your mailing receipts, and your signed and notarized affidavits, the HPC will be prevented from conducting your public hearing, pursuant to Chapter 55 of the Southold Town Code. L > a"'�^e. R"E""�"'""'""""""" •- ^ — ,a,«.m "' "' " COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © NOTICE _ Are wrmOeel m.eTa K 1000 osrRleT IVO 1000 •• ••••• E sowa, z Arm 10_— — _ e�w O •�^'^•o-•` —�— RrA 11.1AW)W13.fA MNNTBYfdLE.ALTE31A7X7,4 SALE OR Y 01T•_ _ .574__• O F� zs —_ — — „rR _ _ _ — .,.�,a ----_ r..rrA� 121 A(c) � Real Property Tax Service Agency W ,E DISTR1—OF A,f1'roRnoN OF 717E M 1 ,� ,� of SOUTHOLD C E LDIfT Al, WATER_ — —w— — I,ye.�m -- In rc Im 0••ltis•bl a 300 Center Drive,M—heal W 11901 SWFOLK COIM,Y TAX MAP Is F>RoHermo O�J IYIRK BS —_• RENSE_ A O sewaR _ _•_ _ w.sTcwAlFn_ _ _ww_ _ eul w. (21) a•erRYeeelFl 4s ,oa mo REAL R EIRTY T PESUMCEN M THE (e — E OF ne ---- Faal S` REAL Ri0P611,'TAX SF3MCE AGBLY 14 m! visa W13-97 f p 02-09-00 SEE SEC,NO.025 .11t 1030-00 5 1 " MATCH .—..LINE i N357 sn 0321-01 /) R3g7•et 11g f >. '-,m 8 \ MATCH _._—._ L _-._- '__ LINE ``� O 4 Z _ 04-22-02 "�J 4 e $' rr"� p�� FOR PCL NO. �.�"r R ao 1.3A 12-22-03 �._�-" �� .0 ,ae 7 �'r 1 FOR PCL NO. i'OQS06011.10 3 1.3A % 1 0j: 4 a04 �.ria r " 3 II4 6 ,e `\ $EE SEC.NO. it 1.4A I C A _ 04-25-05 � 1? ��s n. �Ml ,II RI F 0254"1.9 03-01-07 b ,rf SS. w 33 1 ,,II 2 01-2&08 s n Z { 9 t 1.OA 11 �� 1.4A E 0 09-17-15 2� u, . 05-24-19 a ,O? ( Q 1 `\ 13 y0 Aj.% \\e 151 m 12.2 12.1 a \ I 32.1 zs 30 -24 $ n 29 . " (vac width) ♦ n 21 s 27 ,o la n \\\ \ •° 37 _ a. 26 N li 20.1 0 4 40 \ rr s b♦ 43.4 \ 1- 1 39.15 M, 43.6 \ 1.0A A1- 1.1A(C) O 39.12 Z y A 04l lLllq 1.9A O K) !` / ,0 3917 , O ,s ny 1.OA( 1aa 1 s t 43.11 7.5A 39.14 ! 3 w 42.3 1.4A 4 °J 1.11A 62A (rip•) 1.8A 44 `\, a pR, ♦ 45 39-11 422 46 ;. Al 1 i i m 39.1 a - �/ d 9 1.3A(C) w r @ 22 ° 4 29 7 3 Q 9 \` ♦ + �+ pCO 2 \\\ CI 26 \ q 25 +f 8 3.3A(c) I 10 , �`• l _ R R� 11 N 356.002 / T fs0.1 l L INIPW q•MFRTERWM. FWPF3 F3 SINDFD AREA a R T30E M5—TqN W➢ — w� vow. ----- �� 23 � COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © Notice K R� No loco secnoN No AtE TIM TIE FRLLOWeG gaiICT3: 121P(E or121A E ,000� ;• _ eawcE vnrn _ awaro O2 °'° �nvOi' �� Real Property Tax Service Agency MaNav4cE.ALr81AnoNsuEOR v a1 12 Alcl A' p y W F DI;MIFJLMC)N OF ANY PORTION OF THE 1 TOWN OF 80UTFIOLD Ar1C 75e50d33 kimf@southoldtownny.gov AFFIDAVIT OFPUBLICATION The Suffolk Times State of New York, County of,Suffolk County, The undersigned is the authorized designee of'Ihe Suffolk Times,a Weekly Newspaper published in Suffolk County, New York.I certify that the public notice,a printed copy of which is attached hereto,was printed and published in this newspaper on the following dates: 09/19/2024 This newspaper has been designated by the County Clerk of Suffolk County,as a newspaper of record in this county, and as such,is eligible to publish such notices. Signature Christina Henke Rea Printed Name Subscribed and sworn to before me, This 20 day of September 2024 AL a Digitally signed WREA by douglas w rea tate of New York Date: 2024.09.20 E6398443 19:54:11 +00:00 lbany County [:DOUGLAS pires Sep 30,2027 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the a Southold Town Historic Preservation Commission sets a public hearing regarding the application of 2440 VILLAGE LANE, LLC, MOLLY MCNAIRY, requesting a Certificate of Appropriateness under Chapter 170, Section 170-7 (b) of the Southold Town Code, concerning the alteration and addition of an existing dwelling at 2440 Village Lane, Orient, NY. SCTM# 1000-26- 1 -17.1 , on Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 3:30 PM in the Southold Town Hall Annex Second Floor Conference Rooms 54375 Main Road, Southold, NY 11971 . Also, Zoom Webinar Public access is available via the Town Website www.southoldtownny.gov/calendar. Dated: August 22, 2024 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION, DAVID MAMMINA, CHAIRPERSON Contact: Kim E. Fuentes, Coordinator: Tele: 631 -765-1809 or email kimf@southoldtownny.gov Link to view rending applications in the Town's Laserfiche files at: ew.aspx?id=1389977&dbid=0&repo =TownOfSouthold TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK AFFIDAVIT OF In the Matter of the Application of POSTING 24-4 0 V (Lt A&97 L At JI5 L LC Moue -, m cMA(R-1 (Name of Applicants) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK I, J CAN C RAM60Zs residing at 8 Q S LAcNF�. cSVUl-wtw ,New York,being duly sworn, depose and say that: I am the{ ) Owner or.0e)Agent for owner of the subject property On the I`V" day of SEPTOKSW— , 202 ,I personally placed the Town's Official Poster on subject property located at: The poster shall be prominently displayed on the premises facing each public or private street which the property involved in the application or petition abuts, giving notice of the application or petition,the nature of the approval sought thereby and the time and place of the public hearing thereon. The sign shall be set back not more than 10 feet from the property line. The sign shall be displayed for a period of not less than seven days immediately preceding the date of the public hearing of Se-PT. %o, tLy 24' (Owner/Age ignature) Sworn to before me this �b\ Day of , 204 (Notary Public) CONNIE D.BUNCH Notary Public,State of New York No.0 1 BU6185050 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires April 14,2 � TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK AFFIDAVIT OF In the Matter of the Application of: MAILINGS V 4 0 V t GLAGe, LAn1F, LAX mo u" (mil C&J tk( `f (Name of Applicant/Owner) 244z) V t LLA,Ge LAij16 SCTM No. 1000- '2!v — 1'7' f (Address of Property) (Section,Block&Lot) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK I, ( ) Owner, ()()Agent �3 e{-(�eey- ' residing at E>-7 S G-9,ge0 F«-D-3' LAJG New York, being duly sworn, deposes and says that: ' 4 On the Z* day of 3E?r. , 202h, I personally mailed at the United States Post Office in SOUT tOL t) ,New York,by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true copy of the attached Legal Notice in Prepaid envelopes addressed to current property owners shown on the current assessment roll Verified from the official records on file with the Southold Town Assessors for every property which abuts and is across a public or private street, or vehicular right-of-way of record, surrounding the applicant's property. (S' ature) Sworn to before me this 1 day of Sc4*m1aer , 20 TRACEY L. DWYER NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF NEW YORK NO.01 DW6306900 QUALIFIE..D IN SUFFOLK COUNTY Public COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 30,22acP PLEASE list on the back of this Affidavit or on a sheet of paper,the lot numbers next to the owner names and addresses for which notices were mailed. All original LISPS receipts and mailing confirmations to be submitted to the HPC Office along with this form completed, signed and notarized. v- Domestic In .. • I Ln m If aFor delivery information,visit our website at www.usps.cornO. Certified Mail Fee t�4. ! rrl 171- Certified Mail Fee $4. 119_71 44 G- C>J, O Extra Services&•Fees(check box,add fee as 18 e) 1 U 0 Extra Services&Fees(check box,add fee e I ,fate) S �.._,,.`.Jo ❑Return Receipt(hardcopy) ❑Retum Receipt(hardcopy) $ � �t•1 .� pstmark �'1-�'�, I ; a ❑Return Receipt(electronic) $ $0"i tl 1 cl-p9stmark. r-q ❑Return Receipt(electronic) $---+-+-.�-�•�— ��r� C�A`>a r ( I � ❑Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ 2 f���r 0 ❑CertKed Mail Restricted Delivery $ ,,- w 0 ❑Aduit Signature Required $— -r — ' Iraeoaw� 0 Adult Signature Required $ tc,_ I I:y `�, ?O� I O ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ �rJ rJr 1'0�J 1 ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ 7� Postage �� f� � c $I_i.7,Postage $0.73 � �, s ��C, e a $ tiy4 , a $ 004,172024 Total Postage and Fees `19�•a� ,2024{��G i y��:pg ageand'Fees �-{9AtlSLf� ! ru $$9.68 rU v + "o.,r $ '��U S�. I Sent To P S ru Sent To $CQ F16l.C� r u st Trillatj 15 !NG¢�. 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(Name of Applicant/Owner) a U(L-LA-&e L Ad je SCTM No. 1000- (Address of Property) (Section,Block&Lot) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK I, ( ) Owner, (y)Agent �3 bh7i C f-E M G'Rr S' residing at 8-7 S LA.tj5T New York, being duly sworn, deposes and says that: On the I'/- _ day of 5E?r. , 202h,I personally mailed at the United States Post Office in SOUT'ftLtJ New York,by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true copy of the attached Legal Notice in Prepaid envelopes addressed to current property owners shown on the current assessment roll i Verified from the official records on file with the Southold Town Assessors for every property which abuts and is across a public or private street, or vehicular right-of-way of record,surrounding the applicant's property. I I (S ature) Sworn to before me this 1 day of SCP+e-m ,20 2 TRACEY L. 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