HomeMy WebLinkAbout51219-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT , TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51219 Date: 09/26/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: Francis E Lupinacci 18 Sunflower Dr Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 To: legalize "as built" generator as applied for. Premises Located at: 5920 Indian Neck Ln, Peconic, NY 11958 SCTM#98.-5-17.4 Pursuant to application dated 05/28/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 09/28/2026. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: As Built Generator $250.00 ELECTRIC -Residential $200.00 CO-RESIDENTIAL $100.00 Total $550.00 Building Inspector fr °`�� ; TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 v Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 htt ;l/wr , �tl�oldton o,v Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT For Office Use Only t+ U n ..� q q , PERMITNO. � Building Inspector: ...a MAY 2 `3 2024 Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety. Incomplete applications will not be accepted, Where the Aoplica0t Is not the owner,an piwners Authorization fdr P e 2)shall be completed. Date: 5-10 --24 OWNERS)OF PROPERTY: Name: l ( ► ?V IN�A C C. 1 SCTM#1000- 9 g � rJ �, � -7 ' �. Project Address: 51 O N 0i A Phone#: Z01 — fJ-7 5—52$5 Email: Mailing Address: CONTACT PERSON: Na rne: Mailing Address: 1 v LLv Z3;� 4 Phone#: G3 1 -2-18- S ogo Email, ",V S Z,o . ea w l DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: M Name: Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: CON TRACTORaNFORMATION Name' ' t C�6,.► C "" Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION E]NewStructure ❑Addition ❑Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Pr ther i . o .�� °Jett. Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes L�J° Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes c� 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: Intended use of property: <::z- , Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? ❑Yes Fe?llo IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY, by Check BOX After Reading: The owner/contractor/designprofessional is responsible for ralldraina issuance ofaeauidng and mwater Permi pursuant issues as to Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the BuildingDepartment Ordinance of the Town ofSouthold,aISor dedinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, m�ol tion ask County, Vherein described.The appliYork and other cant agrele Laws,erto comply with all applicable laws,o d nan es,building code, additions,alterations or for emov on premises and in building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors punishable as a cla 'A misdemeanor,pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. Alatl�lc�rfzed Agent ❑Owner Application Submitted By(print n e): �,. OZ Date: Signature of Applicant: , STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (S)he is the l this --4, -LL�-- (Contractor, Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the aid work knowledge and and to make and fifeand application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best ofhis/her that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this . dayf ' . o 20 NoW,- I ublic ot✓le ,�- y Na,QI n "" DI:1IV H� ( TIV �Ilatrl 101. (Where the applicant is not the owner) I A—�t A "r esiding at do hereby authorize to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. Date Owner's Signature Print Owner's Name 2 \ 125 SQ.FT. FR. SH 10 \ DTILRY WOOD a \ POLE RAMP y-L Ica PL STAKE STOOP . \\ SLOOP S70NE & GRAVEL DRI ABAnINFO w�) PK_NWL„S W oN 2 STORY ..,_ n M ��WELL d �re sa RY FRAM E .n .. s HOUSE/GARAGE TANKS ADDITION \ BE � (CONC. SLAB EL. 24.0') POOL \\ PL STAKE«STET AC/HF-AT � � �t� l�� rye°- 1 \ 1 STORY FRAM w000 ' ' HOUSEL� � / o \ FF EL.=25.4' CO Iris" � GP. CMF FE CCU#. ' TANK \ \ L OXE LP 2 P 1y ' + \ \ POST do WIRE �. POOL FENCE cep \ \ PL STAKE SET Cx \ ScTmf \ \ 1 �5-14.3 \ r NAN SET C FE COR ET �Q+�N o/L o.4`S S + SCTM \ \ 1000-98-5 17.5 \ \ PHYLLISN& SSAMUEL `% `\ °\ CONSTAN DWELLING \ \ PUBLIC WATER \ o j'.) EL INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Air-cooled Generators TOWN YtM i.1_ O O 1 A rci IN CRITICAL L -;NOT.INTENDED;FO LIFE SUP APPLICATIONS:• "•�:THIS PRODUCT CAN'BE INSTALLED BY TH_ E:HOMEOWNER. HOWEVER;:IF-YOU'ARE UNCOMF ORTABLE WITH,THE SKILLS`;., '_ ;.OR TOOLS'REQUIRED;,HAVE A QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN OR•' THIS.MANUAL MUST gE°.USED IN"CONJU�tCTION -.' "'CONTRACTOR�PERFORM THE-INSTALLATION.;•:" s,... WI TH.THE.APPROPRIATE,OWNER?, MANUAL:,, DEADLY EXHAUST FUMESI OUTDOOR INSTALLATION ONLYI` ' :This' manual , 10. kkk 1 1 remain