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TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51205 Date: 09/20/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: Hufflepuff LLC 544 Broadway Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522 To: construct swimming pool addition to existing single-family dwelling as applied for per DEC No-Jurisdiction letter and Trustees approval. Premises Located at: 1580 N Bayview Rd, Southold, NY 11971 SCTM#70.-12-34 Pursuant to application dated 07/17/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 03/22/2026. Contractors: Required Inspections: FOOTING/REBAR, ELECTRICAL- ROUGH, ELECTRICAL- FINAL, DRAINAGE, FINAL, Fees: Single Family Dwelling- Addition&Alteration $448.50 SWIMMING POOLS-IN-GROUND WITH FENCE ENCLOSURE $300.00 CO Single Family Dwelling-Addition /Alteration $100.00 Total $848.50 wilding Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT z Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 1 i971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-95021its:llv. alltl�olltca � a c Date Received APPUCATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT For Office Use Only DID) IS-PERMIT NO. 51) Building Insvector �r Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an . Owners Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. TO 1P SO O Date: I �f'l OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: Name:Hufflepuff LLC scTM# 1000- Project Address:1580 N Bayview ave, southold ny Phone#: 055 -76 7 _ ScI[ GG Email: Mailing Address: CONTACT PERSON: Name:James Blssett- Absolute Property care Mailing Address:32 enterprise zone dr unit D Riverhead ny 11901 Phone#:63176739'15 F-m-aiti--absolutepropertycareli@gmail.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name:Absolute property care Mailing Address:32 enterprise zone drive unit D Riverhead ny 11901 Phone#:6317673915 �PmLaii-abSolutepropertycareli@gmaii.com DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION WNew Structure YAddition ❑Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: ❑Other VEX21 78000 Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes iiiNo Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes ®No 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: 21 Intended use of property: Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? ❑Yes CWo IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. Check Box After Reading: The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance oi"Townaof SmM gJd,Suffolk,County,New York and other appk&iW Je laws,Ordinaries or RegWb ions,for the construction of buNings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant,to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By(print ra ���'�'"J `�� authorized Agent ❑Owner Signature of Applicant: Date: 7 1Z STATE OF NEW YORKJ SS: COUNTY OF ` {, IV—) being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (S)he is the (Contractor,Agent, Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this Y Lary Pu, tic of� A.STkPUN ftly Pll�lil:,Stb PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORMATION Mwowinwlia (Where the applicant is not the owner) I, residing at do hereby authorize to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. Owner's Signature Date Print Owner's Name 2 Building,Department Application AUTHORIZATION (Where the Applicant is not the Owner, Lk-,(— residing at SLq (Print property owner's name) (Mailing Address) 0 do hereby authorize (Agent) to apply on my behalf to the Southold Building Department. ky lc�i � l n is Signature) (Date) (Print Owner's Name) Town Hall Annex Glenn Goldsmith,President 54375 Route 25 A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President P.O.Box 1179 Eric Sepenoski Southold, New York 11971 Liz Gillooly Telephone(631) 765-1892 Elizabeth Peeples Fax(631) 765-6641 �V �� BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 13, 2024 James Bissett Absolute Property Care 3�nterlartsE� Z ne Drivi --- Riverhead, NY 11901 RE: HUFFLEPUFF, LLC 1580 NORH BAYVIEW ROAD, SOUTHOLD SCTM#: 1000-70-12-34 Dear Mr. Bissett: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Board of Trustees at their Regular Meeting held on Wednesday, June 12, 2024: RESOLVED, that the Southold T980860 rd of modify ees AayoRtOVE the to have a 25'x20'Administrative raised Amendment to Wetland Permit# and a deck with a 7'x13' above ground precast pool attached to the existing deck; proposed free-standing 6.5'x7' hot tub on concrete slab 27' from bulkhead; and as depicted on the site plan prepared by Young Associates„ received on May 15, 2024, and stamped approved-on June 12, 2024. Any other aVity witKin.10'r-1' of the tiotlar�,v '�nd ; regtlares a-perrp:t from this office. This is not a determination from any other agency. If you have any questions, please call our office at (631) 765-1892. Sincerely, X& Glenn Goldsmith, President Board of Trustees New York State Department of Environmental"Conservation Division of Environmental Permits, Region 1 SUNY @ Stony Brook 50 Circle Road, Stony Brook, NY 11790-3409 Phone:.(631)444-0365• Fax: (631)444-0360 . Website:MKj.dec.ny,qov Joe Maitens Commissloner TIDAL WETLANDS LETTER OF NO-JURISDICTION July 18,2011 Mr.Michael A.Carbone P.O.Box 1164 Southold NY 11971 Re: NYSDEC#1-4738-0291-2/00002 1580 North Bayview Road Southold SCTM#1000-70-12-34 Dear Applicant: Based on the information your agent subnjitted and additional New York State Department of Environmental Conservation(NYSDEC)information,the NYSDEC has made the following determination. The portion of the referenced property that is landward of the existing fictional bulkhead and western bulkhead return totaling more than 100 feet in length,and the western property line that is less than 100 feet in length and extends from the western bulkhead return to North Bayview Road,is beyond the jurisdiction of Article 25 Tidal Wetlands. Proof the bulkhead,western bulkhead return,and North Bayview Road(paved)were in existence prior to 8/20/77 was verified using Aerographics Corp.aerial photograph(Exp.#72-2023)dated 4/6/76. Therefore,in accordance with the current Tidal Wetlands Land Use.Regulations(6 NYCRR Part 661)no permit is required under thg Tidal Wetlands Act. Please be advised,however,that no construction,sedimentation,or disturbance of any kind may take place seaward of the tidal wetlands jurisdictionajboundary,as indicated above,without a permit. It is your responsibility to ensure that all necessary precautions are taken to prevent any sedimentation or other alteration or disturbance to the ground surface or vegetation within Tidal Wetlands jurisdiction which may result from your project. Such precautions may include maintaining adequate work area between the tidal wetland jurisdictional boundary and your project(i.e.a 15'to 20'wide construction area)or erecting a t porary end,laa auearo ay bale berm. Please be further advised that this letter does not relieve you of the responsibility of obtaining,any necessary permits or approvals from other agencies. Very truly yours, R,R Evans Re nal Permit Administrator CC: FrankUellendahl,Architect BOH—TW File ACC7► 0 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MM7/1Z 024 -` THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATWE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTJF)CATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT NAME: SPECIALIZED INSURANCE&SERVICES PHONE - FAX _ - F AIC Na. 204 RTE. 112 E-MAIL PATCHOGUE,NY 11772 DDRESSr ASHLEYa1SPECIALME.OtNSURANCE.COM _m._.. 11. Auto-Home-Business-cycle-etc. INSURERA IrIsuITRsI AFFORDING COVERAGE Nnic a NTIC CASUALTY INSURANCE CO 42846 �..._ ..... ..� AT__...... INSURED INSURER B: ABSOLUTE PROPERTY CARE LLC :INSURERC RC 36 BLACKBERRY LANE INSURER 0: CENTER MORICHES, NY 11934 ..... INSURER E: INSURER F; COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND C04813ITION5 OF SLICK POLICIES.L_MTS S4iCY8JH MAN 4iAVE SEEIA REM CE4 BY PAID CL OtHS. INSR AIJT SUBR ............................. . ...... fi9CY EFF POLICY EXP LIMITS TR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER MMIDD/YYYYIMMIDOrmn COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY N EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 A CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR Y L266000681-3 3/10/2024 3/10/2025 R9W ( Q� P $ 50 000 MED EXrAn one arson $ 5,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES .._. P ____ PERSONAL&ADV INJURY w-.. 1 000 000 PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 POLICY�JEC LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OPAGG E [ jl i OTHEIRr $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY C t7MB1NSO SINGLE LIMIT $ ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) _....................... .. OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY MAURY(Per w,44sol) S AUTOS ONLY AUTOS HIRED NON-OWNED PROPERTYDAMAAGE AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY Tierccldenl $ $ UMBRELLA LIAB OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ m EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ [RETENTION ......... -. ..... .......... OED RETENTION$ $ WORKERS COMPENSATION STATUTE [ PER OTH- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY FICERIM EMBE EANY XCLUDE 7 E UTGVE NIA E.L.EACH SEASECIDENT EA EMPLOYE a YIN (Mandatory ❑ IF yes,describei under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ I DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS I VEHICLES(ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached If more space Is required) REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CERTICATE HOLDER AND BELOW ARE ADDITIONAL INSURED AS PER WRITTEN CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE 54375 MAIN ROAD THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN 54375 MAIN O 11971 ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. SOUTAUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE w C 1988-2015 ACID D CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD YO c Workers' CERTIFICATE OF sTAT Compensation Board NYS WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE COVERAGE 1a.Legal Name&Address of Insured(use street address only) 1b.Business Telephone Number of Insured ABSOLUTE PROPERTY CARE LLC 631-767-3915 36 BLACKBERRY LANE 1c.NYS Unemployment Insurance Employer Registration Number of CENTER MORICHES, NY 11934 Insured Work Location of Insured(Only required If coverage is speclllcally limited to 1d.Federal E o r i a tan Number of Insured or Social Security certain locations In New York State,i.e.,a Wrap-up Pb&T) Number &fg 2.Name and Address of Entity Requesting Proof of Coverage 3a.Name of I TOM der (Entity Being Listed as the Certificate Holder) fC�..�7 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 54375 MAIN ROAD 3b.Policy Number of Entity 5 Listed In Box"I all WW SOUTHOLD, NY 11971C370275 3c.Policy effective period 3/10/2024 to 3/10/2025 3d.The Propdator,Partners or Executive Mars are Included.(only check box If all pertnerstofticers Included) Rg all excluded or certain partners/officers excluded. This certifies that the insurance carrier Indicated above In box"3"Insures the business referenced above In box"la"for workers' compensation under the New York Mate Workers'Compensation Law.(To use this form,New York(NY)must be listed under Item 3A on the INFORMATION PAGE of the workers'compensation Insurance policy). The Insurance Carrier or Its licensed agent will send this Certificate of Insurance to the entity listed above as the certificate holder In box"2". The Insurance carrier must notify the above certificate holder and the Workers'Compensation Board within 10 days IF a policy Is canceled due to nonpayment of premiums or within 30 days IF there are reasons other than nonpayment of premiums that cancel the policy or eliminate the Insured from the coverage indicated on this Certificate.(These notices may be sent by regular mall.)Otherwise,this Certificate Is valid for one year after this form is approved by the insurance carrier or Its licensed agent,or until the policy expiration date listed in box"3c",whichever is earlier, This certificate Is Issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights upon the certificate holder.This certificate does not amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policy listed,nor does it confer any fights or responsibilities beyond those contained In the referenced policy. This certificate may be used as evidence of a Workers'Compensation contract of insurance only while the underlying policy Is In effect. Please Note; Upon cancellation of the workers'compensation policy Indicated on this form,If the business continues to be named on a permit,license or contract Issued by a certificate holder,the business must provide that certificate holder with a new Certificate of Workers'Compensation Coverage or other authorized proof that the business is complying with the mandatory coverage requirements of the New York State Workers'Compensation Law. Under penalty of perjury,I certify that 1 am an authorized representative or licensed agent of the insurance carrier referenced above and that the named Insured has the coverage as depicted on this form. Approved by: ERIC NOELDECHEN (P name of authorized representative or licensed agent of Insurance carrier) Approved by: 1 a LA s'Ignature) (Date) Title: PRESIDENT Telephone Number of authorized representative or licensed agent of Insurance carrier: 631-758-6780 Please Note: Only Insurance carriers and their licensed agents are authorized to issue Form C-105.2.Insurance brokers are NOT authorized to Issue It. C-105.2(9-17) www.wcb.ny.gov NEW workers' CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE COVERAGE YroAnE Compensation Board NYS DISABILITY AND PAID FAMILY LEAVE BENEFITS LAW PART 1.To be completed by NYS disability and Paid Family Leave benefits carrier or licensed insurance agent of that carrie 1a.Legat Name&Address of twamed(use sheet aMTess only) 1b. skwss Teteoxm Number of t"sused ABSOLUTE PROPERTY CARE LLC 631-767-3915 36 BLACKBERRY LANE CENTER MORICHES,NY 11934 1c.Federal Employer Identification Number of Insured or Social Security Number Work Location of Insured(Only required!/coverage is specificallyllmlfed to cevlaln iocall m M New Yo.*SJale,da,rvhip-up Pdky) 861421258 2.Name and Address of Entity Requesting Proof of Coverage 3a.Name of Insurance Carrier (Entity Being Listed as the Certificate Holder) ShelterPoint Life Insurance Company TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 54375 MAIN ROAD 3b.Policy Number of Entity Listed in Box"la" SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 DBL723237 3c.Policy effective period 06/12/2024 to 06/11/2025 4. Policy provides the following benefits: © A.Both disability and paid family leave benefits. B.Disability benefits only. ❑ C.Paid family leave benefits only. 5. Policy covers: © A.All of the employer's employees eligible under the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law. ❑ B.Only the following class or classes of employer's employees: Under penalty of perjury,I certify that I am an authorized representative or licensed agent of the Insurance carrier referenced above and that the named Insured has NYS Disability and/or Paid Family Leave Benefits insurance coverage as described above. Date Signed 7/12/2024 By (Signature of Insurance carrier's authorized representative or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that Insurance carrier) Telephone Number 516-829-8100 Name and Tille Lesjon Welsh Chief Executive Officer IMPORTANT: If Boxes 4A and 5A are checked,and this form is signed by the insurance carrier's authorized representative or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that carrier,this certificate is COMPLETE.Mail it directly to the certificate holder. If Box 4B,4C or 5B Is checked,this certificate is NOT COMPLETE for purposes of Section 220,Subd.8 of the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law.It must be emalled to PAU@wcb.ny.gov or it can be mailed for completion to the Workers'Compensation Board,Plans Acceptance Unit,PO Box 5200,Binghamton,NY 13902-5200. PART 2.To be completed by the NYS Workers'Compensation Board(only if Box 4B,4C or 5B have been checked) State of New York Workers' Compensation Board According to Information maintained by the NYS Workers'Compensation Board,the above-named employer has complied with the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law(Article 9 of the Workers'Compensation Law)with respect to all of their employees. Date Signed By (Signature of Authorized NYS Workers'Compensation Board Employee) Telephone Number Name and Tige Please Note:Only Insurance carriers licensed to write NYS disability and paid family leave benefits insurance policies and NYS licensed Insurance agents of those Insurance carriers are authorized to Issue Form DB-120.1.Insurance brokers are NOT authorized to Issue this form. DB-120.1 (12-21) 1111II "!���� ����N!'�����°°�111°°°��I°IIII II i of + o 40 ry�a4 S �z 0 LLJ vRs wi < I a O CL Or, wo ° rIon ED " °�20 W , r/ w`' W 3 w o co 0. lb a 1�1 . . o Lo 09 W U O " / oo IX CL dx CC / a•� 1 pL 04 z0 1 \ p z �,�/ q � 11 0+1q WpppU+ND�NG AID 71, 5 06 5 "30" E 060 _ - 5 ". 46"W c o LU - - + - z10 Lu jp Gam 3 ��'„, a o V""0 + . LU LL7 ` 1 Z ix �R j3 z y°' im ppy J z d a m I O ' I Ln OR r 00 ao L in m r*-: COLh 00 0m v ad -• 0 m 0 mYwpFFFawwwacwpFwW W II n n n v3LzLL � NZW � LZL.i -jLLu W � OOZ U Uj LL p Y O Z W W O LL LL-LL J LL U- Uf Y �` F F LL In H Z � CL W Q O H w F r H CD W F F F F F F F F F F F F on Y A W Z LL 0- w CL a Q ' - e V _ kb LL- LL LL LL LL LL Li LL LL LL LL LL Z O I1 F p ZHHDO < OZ � a � " U-) " ZO Q a CJ 0 CJ O O Or O C'1 CIO C3 < a cc W O 11 CL F DC Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln to p m = Z a � a Z V) O n � I pL+n W Z O� 3OO bi WO O OO O �pS � ^ N o 11w w 11 a U CO aC 2 GENERAL NOTES 2020 RESIDENTIAL CODE NAILING SCHEDULE CLIMATIC GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA `® c AL 1. ALL WORK MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2020 NYS RESIDENTIAL CODE AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES PT I E L E R I G ® U �L7 Description of Building Elements Number and Type of Fastener°'0'` Spacing and Location 2. FOUNDATION WALLS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3000PSI AS PER R402.2. ROOt CLIMATECRAWL FOUNDATION MATERIALS I L ZONE FENESTRATION SKYLIGHT GLAZED CEILING WOOD MASS FLOOR BASEMENT SLAB SPACEOF 3. ALL LUMBER SHALL BE GRADE STAMPED DOUGLAS-FIR LARCH STRUCTURAL GRADE#2 OR BETTER 4-8d box(2 1/2"x0.113");or U-FACTOR U-FACTOR FENESTRATION R-VALUE FRAME WALL WALL R-VALUE WALL R-VALUE WALL fl 1.Blocking between ceiling joists or rafters to top plate 3-8d common(2 1/7'x 0.131");or SHGC R-VALUE R-VALUE R-VALUE &DEPTH 4. PROVIDE DOUBLE HEADERS AND TRIMMERS AT ALL STAIR AND FLOOR OPENINGS,POSTS AND PARALLEL PARTITIONS,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON DRAWINGS. 3-10d box(3"x 0.128");or Toenail R-VALUE 3-3"x 0.131"nails 5. BRIDGING TO BE PROVIDED FOR ALL JOISTS AND FLOOR BEAMS WITH SPACING NOT TO EXCEED 8 FEET AS PER R502.7.1 4A 0.35 0.55 0.40 49 120 OR 13+5 8/13 19 10/13 10, 2FT 10/13 CLASS OF MATERIAL LOAD-BEARING PRESSURE Z 4-8d box(2 1/7'x 0.113");or 6. ALL DIMENSIONS AND GRADE CONDITIONS TO BE VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION AND ORDERING OF MATERIALS. THIS FOUNDATION 2.Ceiling joists to top plate 3-8d common(2 1/2"x 0.131");or per joist,toe nail (POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH) HAS BEEN DESIGNED FOR A SOIL BEARING CAPACITY OF TWO(2)TSF AND GRADES LESS THAN 5%. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT THESE CONDITIONS ARE MET. ALL 3-1 Od box I x 0.128"):or FILL BENEATH CONCRETE SLABS TO BE COMPACTED TO 95%. 3-3"x 0.131"nails CRYSTALLINE BEDROCK 12,000 Z O 4-1 Od box(3"x 0.128");or 3.Ceiling joist not attached to parallel rafter,laps over 7. ALL HEADERS 6.OFT IN LENGTH AND OVER SHALL BE SUPPORTED BY DOUBLE UPRIGHTS,9.OF7 AND OVER BY TRIPLE UPRIGHTS. ALL HEADERS TO BE MINIMUM OF(2)2X8 91a P P 3 16d common(3 1/2"x 0.162);or Face nail GROUND WIND DESIGN SEISMIC SUBJECT TO DAMAGE FROM WINTER ICE BARRIER FLOOD AIR MEAN SEDIMENTARY&FOLIATED ROCK 4,000 U OR AS SHOWN ON DRAWING. partitions(see Section R802.5.2 and Table R802.5.2) 4-3"x 0.131"nails SNOW DESIGN DESIGN UNDERLAYMENT HAZARDS FREEZING ANNUAL V > I� ® 8. PROVIDE FIREBLOCKING AT ALL LEVEL PENETRATIONS AS PER R302.11 4.Ceiling joist attached to parallel rafter(heel joint) Per table R802.5.2 Face nail LOAD SPEED TOPOGRAPHIC SPECIAL WIND WINDBORNE CATEGORY WEATHERING FROST LINE TERMITE TEMP. REQUIRED INDEX TEMP. SANDY GRAVEL AND/OR GRAVEL t-/ (see Section R802.5.2 and Table R802.5.2) (MPH) EFFECTS REGION DEBRIS ZONE DEPTH (GW AND GP) 3,000 I /1 Z 9. PROVIDE FLASHING AT ALL ROOF BREAKS,CHIMNEYS,SKYLIGHTS,EXTERIOR DOORS AND WINDOWS AS PER R905. 4-1 Od box IS'x 0.128");or \/ 5.Collar tie to rafter,face nail or 1 114"x 20 ga.ridge 3-1 Od common(3"x 0.148"); Face nail each rafter ,5 SAND,SILTY SAND,CLAYEY SAND, H 10. DESIGN CONSULTANTS OR RECORD ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INSPECTION, SUPERVISION OR ADMINISTRATION OF THIS CONSTRUCTION 20 PSF 140 NO NO T.B.D. B SEVERE 36 MOD/HEAVY 11 D YES X 52.1 D LJ_ strap 4-3"x0.131"nails OR LESS PROJECT. FEDERAL,STATE AND LOCAL ZONING AND BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. SILTY GRAVEL AND CLAYEY GRAVEL 2 000 LJ 3-16d box nails(3 1/2"x0.135');or WIND EXPOSURE CATEGORY:e (SW,SP,SM,SC,GM AND GC) 3-10d common nails 3"x 0.148";or 2 toe nails on one side and 1 toe nail 11. THIS DRAWING IS AN INSTRUMENT PREPARED TO FACILITATE CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS A CONTRACT BETWEEN BUILDER AND OWNER. ( J MANUAL J DESIGN CRITERIA � its 6. Rafter or roof truss to top plate 4-1 Od box(3"x 0.128");or opposite side of each to or truss 4-3"x0.t31"nails CLAY,SANDY CLAY,SILTY CLAY, 12. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND FRESH WATER SUPPLY SHALL BE DESIGNED AND BUILT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. ELEVATION LATITUDE WINTER SUMMER ALTITUDE INDOOR DESIGN DESIGN HEATING TEMPERATURE CLAYEY SILY,SILT AND SANDY SILT 1,000 , �U 1 1 � 4-16d common I1/7'x0.13S');or HEATING COOLING CORRECTION FACTOR TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURE COOLING DIFFERENCE (Cl,ML,MH AND CH)13. THIS STRUCTURE HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2020 NYS RESIDENTIAL CODE. 3-10d common(3 1/7'x 0.148");or Toe nail z 4-1 Od box(3"x 0.128");or I o o FOR SI:1 POUND PER SQUARE FOOT=0.0479 kPa �1 ^` 14. ARCHITECT IS TO BE NOTIFIED IN WRITING OF ALL CHANGES PRIOR TO AND DURING CONSTRUCTION. 4-3"x 0.131"nails 40 N 12.5 DEG 84 DEG CORRECTION 1 70 75 57.5 I v 7. Roof rafters to ridge,valley or hip rafters or roof a.Where soil tests are required by Section R401.4,the allowable bearing capacities of the soil shall be part of the recommendations. r� rafter to 2-inch ridge beam 3-16d box(3 1/2 x 0.135");or b.Where the building offidal determines that in-place soils with an allowable bearing capacity of less than 1,500 psf are likely to be �[ 15. ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL COMPONENTS TO BE DESIGNED AND SPECIFIED BY OTHERS. 2-16d common(3 1/7'x 0.162");or COOLING WIND WIND COINCIDENT DAILY WINTER SUMMER present at the site,the allowable bearing capacity shall be determined by a soils investigation. �. 3-1 Od box J3"x0.128");or End nail TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE VELOCITY HEATING VELOCITY COOLING WET BULB RANGE HUMIDITY HUMIDITY j� U 16. ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL TO BE ASTM,A36 WITH ONE COAT EPDXY PAINT. ALL FASTENERS TO BE ASTM A-325 BOLTS,3/4"DIAM.MIN. 3-3"x 0.131"nails Z 9 15 7.5 71.5 RANGE M 30% 45-55% 17. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL PERMITS AND INSURANCE NECESSARY TO PROTECT THE ARCHITECT AND OWNER. Wall 18. DO NOT BACKFILL AGAINST FOUNDATION WALLS UNTIL FLOOR SYSTEM INSTALLATION IS COMPLETE AS PER R404.1.7 8.Stud to stud(not at braced wall panels) 16d common(3 1/2"x 0.162"); 24"o.c.face nail 0 lOd box .131" x 0.ils;or);or PROTECTION OF OPENINGS _ 3"x 0.131"nails;or 16"o.c.face nail 19. PROVIDE CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS ON EACH LEVEL AND IN BASEMENT(IF APPLICABLE). POSITION NEAR ENTRY FROM HOUSE TO ATTACHED GARAGE AREA AS R301.2.1.2 Exterior glazing in buildings located in windborne debris regions shall be protected from windborne debris. Glazed opening PER R315 9.Stud to stud and abutting studs at intersecting wall 16d common(3 1/2"x 0.135");or protection for windbome debris shall meet the requirements of Large Missile Test ASTM E 1996 and ASTM,E 1886 as modified in Section corners(at braced wall panels) 3"x 0.131"nails 12"o.c.face nail 301. Garage door glazed opening protection for windbome debris shall meet the requirements of an approved impact resisting 20. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN EACH BEDROOM AND ON EACH LEVEL OF DWELLING AS REQUIRED BY NEW YORK STATE BUILDING CODE AS PER R314 16d common(3 1/2"x 0.162") 16"o.c.face nail standard or ANSI/DAFMA 115. 10. Built-up header(2"to 2"header with 1/2"spacer) 16d common(3 1/2"x 0.162");or 16"o.c each edge,face nail 21. ANY ALTERATION,REPAIR,ADDITION OR CONVERSION TO ANY EXISTING DWELLING REQUIRING A BUILDING PERMIT REQUIRES THAT ALL SLEEPING ROOMS IN THE 16d box(3 1/2"x 0.135") 12"o.c each edge,face noel AIR BARRIER AND INSULATION DETAILS Exception:Wood structural ponies with a thickness of not less than 7116 inch and a span of not more than 8 feet shall be permitted for opening HOUSE BE UPGRADED WITH HARD-WIRED AND INTERCONNECTED SMOKE ALARMS.CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS/DETECTORS MAY BE BATTERY OPERATED,CORD-TYPE 5-8d common 2 1/2"x0.113")or, OR DIRECT PLUG WHEN INSTALLED IN BUILDINGS WITHOUT AN ELECTRICAL POWER SOURCE,OR IN BUILDINGS WHERE EXISTING INTERIOR WALL OR CEILING FINISHES ARE 11.Continuous header to stud protection. Panels shall be precut and attached to the framing surrounding the opening containing the product with the glazed opening. 4-8d box(2 1/2"x 0.131"j;or Toenail Panels shall be predrided as required for the anchorage method and shall be secured with the attachment hardware provided. Attachments NOT REMOVED TO EXPOSE THE STRUCTURE AS PER APPENDIX J. 4-1 Go!box(3"x 0.128") shall be designed to resist the component and cladding loads determined in accordance with either Table R301.2(2)or ASCE7,with the 22. THE NYS CODES APPLY TO ACCESSORY STRUCTURE DESIGN. 16d common(3 1/2"x 0.162");or 16"o.c.face nail COMPONENT AIR BARRIER CRITERIA INSULATION INSTALLATION CRITERIA permanent corrosion-tesistant attachment hardware provided and anchors permanently istalled on the building. Attachment in accordance 12.Top plate to top plate I Od box(3"x 0128");or with Table R301.2.1.2 5 premitted for buildings with a mean roof height of 45 feet or less where the ultimate design winds speed,V ult,is 180 mph W x 0.131"nails 12"o.c.face nail A continuous air barrier shall be installed In the building envelope, Air-permeable Insulation shall not be used as a sealing g p p 23. GARAGE DOORS SHALL BE RATED FOR 130MPH WIND LOAD. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The exterior thermal envelope contains a continuous air barrier. or less. 8-16d common(3 1/2"x 0.162"):Or Breaks or joints in the air barrier shall be sealed 12-16d box(3 1/7'x 0.135");or TABLE R301.2.1.2 WINDBORNE DEBRIS PROTECTION FASTENING SCHEDULE FOR WOOD STRUCTURAL PANELS a,b,c,d 13.Double top plate splice Face nail on each side of end joint The air barrier in any dropped ceiling/soffit shall be aligned with the The insulation in any dropped ceiling/soffit shall be aligned with the air 12-10d box(3"x 0.128);or CEILING/ATTIC Insulation and any gaps In the air barrier sealed.Access openings,drop barrier. 12-3"x 0.131"nails (minimum 24"lap splice length each down stairs or knee wall doors to unconditioned attic spaces shall be Panel 4 feet< 6 feet< FRAMING NOTES Side of end joint) sealed. FASTENER TYPE spans panel span panel span The junction of the foundation and sill plate shall be sealed. Cavities within comers and headers of Name walls shall be insulated by 4 feet S 6 feet s 8 feet The junction of the top plate and the top of exterior walls shall be completely filling the cavity with a material having a thermal No.8 wood screw based 16d common(3 1/7'x 0.162") 16"O.C.face nal WALLS sealed.Knee walls shall be sealed. resistance of R-3 per Inch minimum. 1. ALL FRAMING LUMBER SHALL BE GRADE STAMPED DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH STRUCTURAL GRADE N0.2 14.Bottom plate to joist,rim joist,band joist or blocking 16d box(3 1/7'x 0.1 5");or Exterior thermal envelope insulation for framed walls shall be Installed anchor with 2-inch embedment 16 10 8 (not at braced walls) 3"x 0.131"nails 17 o.c.face nail In substantial contact and continuous alignment with the air harder. length 2. ALL SHEATHING TO BE APA RATED,EXPOSURE 1,1/2" The space between window/doorjambs and framing,and skylights No.10 wood screw based 3-1 bd box(3 1/2'x 0.135"J or 3 each 16"O.C.face nail WINDOWS,SKYLIGHTS AND DOORS and naming shall be sealed. anchor with 2-inch embedment 16 12 9 3. ALL SUBFLOORING TO BE APA RATED STURD-I-FLOOR EXPOSURE 1,3/4"MIN.THICKNESS. ALL EDGES OF PLYWOOD TO BE SET ON SOLID BLOCKING. GLUE AND NAIL 15.Bottom plate to joist,rim joist,band joist or blocking 2-16d common(3 1/2"x 0 162);or 2 each 16"o.c.face nail PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR TO FLOOR JOISTS, (at braced wall panels) 4-3"x 0.131"nails 4 each 16"o.c.face nail RIM JOISTS Rim joists shall include the air barrier. Rim joists shall be insulated. length 1/2-inch lag screw based anchor 4-8d common 2 1/2"x 0.1 13";or The air barrier shall be installed at any exposed edge of insulation. Floor framing cavity insulation shall be installed to maintain permanent 16 16 16 4. ALL HEADERS 6'-0"AND OVER SHALL BE SUPPORTED WITH DOUBLE UPRIGHTS,9'-0"AND OVER WITH TRIPLE UPRIGHTS. ALL HEADERS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF(2)2 X 8 ( ) contact with the underside of subfloor decking,or floor framing cavity with 2-inch embedment length 3-16d box(3 1/2"x 0.135");or FLOORS(INCLUDING ABOVE GARAGE Insulation shall be permitted to be In contact with the top side of OR AS SHOWN ON DRAWING. 4-8d common(2 1/7'x 0.131");or Toe nail AND CANTILEVERED FLOORS) sheathing,or continuous insulation installed on the underside of floor 4-11 box(3"x 0.128");or framing;and extends from the bottom to the top of all perimeter floor 5. SOLID BLOCKING SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL JOISTS AND FLOOR BEAMS AS PER NYS CODE OR AS NOTED @ 8'-0" O.C.MIN, PROVIDE 2"SPACE FOR AIR. i6. Top or bottom plate to stud 4-3"x 0.131"nails framing members. 3-16d box(3 1/2"x 0.135")•or Exposed earth In unvented crawl spaces shall be covered with a Class I Where provided Instead of floor insulation,Insulation shall be permanently 6. DOUBLE FRAMING AROUND ALL OPENINGS(SKYLIGHTS,STAIRS,ETC.)OR AS NOTED ON DRAWINGS. 2-16d common(3 1/2"x 0.162");or CRAWL SPACE WALLS vapor retarder with overlapping joints taped. attached to the crawl space walls. 3-16dcommon.12/Z'x End nail ROOF COMPONENT AND CLADDING PRESSURE ZONES 7. DOUBLE UP FRAMING UNDER ALL POSTS AND PARALLEL PARTITIONS OR AS NOTED ON DRAWINGS. SHAFTS,PENETRATIONS Duct shafts,utility penetrations,and flue shafts opening to exterior or 3-3"x 0.131"nails unconditioned space shall be sealed. 8. ALL FLUSH WOOD CONNECTIONS SHALL BE FASTENED WITH RATED GALVANIZED METAL CONNECTORS BY"SIMPSON"OR APPROVED EQUAL,NAIL PER 3-1 Od box(3"x 0.128");or a a Batts in narrow cavities shall be cut to fit,or narrow cavPoes shall be O MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS 2-16d common(3 1/7'x 0.167');or Face nail NARROW CAVITIES filled b Insulation that on Installation readily 17.Top plates,laps at comers and intersections y y conforms to the o a o 3-3"x 0.131"nails available cavity space. 9. NAILING SCHEDULE SHALL BE AS PER THE 2020 NYS RESIDENTIAL CODE. 3-8d box(2 1/2"x 0.113");or GARAGE SEPARATION Air sealing shall be provided between the garage and conditioned spaces. =v 2-8d common(2 1/7'x 0.131");or 10. PLYWOOD SHEATHING TO BE NAILED AS PER NAILING SCHEDULE PROVIDED. 18. 1"brace to each stud and plate 2-11 box(3"x 0.128");or Face nail Recessed light fixtures installed in the building thermal envelope shall Recessed light fixtures installed in the building thermal envelope shall 0 0 NICK MARKS 2 staples 1 3/4" RECESSED LIGHTING be sealed to the drywall. be air tight and IC rated. 11. ALL INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR FINISHES,FLASHING,AND WATERPROOFING SHAH BE BY APPROVED BY ARCHITECT. 3-8d box(2 1/2"x 0.113");or Batt insulation shall be cut neatly to fit around wiring and plumbing in h h a. 2-8d common(2 1/2"x 0.131");Or PLUMBING AND WIRING exterior walls,or Insulation that on installation readily conforms to i ' 12. ALL ROOF RAFTERS SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE PLATE AND STUD WITH GALVANIZED HURRICANE TYPE CONNECTORS BY"SIMPSON"OR EQUAL. 19. I"x 6"sheathing to each bearing 2-1 Od box 13"x 0.128");or Face nail available space shall extend behind piping and vi ring. 0 5 7' w`. 70<O 5 27° 2 staples,1"Crown,16 go.,1 3/4"long The air barrier Installed at exterior walls adjacent to showers and tubs shall Exterior walls adjacent to showers and tubs shall be Insulated. 13. ALL PRE-ENGINEERED LUMBER SHALL BE GEORGIA PACIFIC GPI SERIES WOOD 1•BEAMS AND LVL PRODUCTS OR EQUAL. ALL JOISTS,GIRDERS,AND HEADERS SHALL SHOwER/TU8 ON EXTERIOR separate them from the showers and tubs. ° HAVE BEARING STIFFENERS INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS. WEB STIFFENERS SHALL BE REQUIRED SHALL BE REQUIRED AT ALL LOAD AND 3-8d box(2 1/2"x 0.113");or BEARING POINTS AT A MINIMUM. A SINGLE 1 3/4"LVL RIM JOIST SHALL BE REQUIRED AT FLOOR PERIMETERS. HANDLING,STORAGE,AND ERECTION OF COMPONENTS GABLE ROOFS PROVIDE COMMON NAILS 4'O.C. 3-Sd common(2 1/7'x 0.131");or ELECTRICAUPHONE BOX ON The air barrier shall be installed behind electrical or boxes or HIP ROOFS AT HIGH PRESSURE ZONE-6'"O..C. SHALL BE AS PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS. 3-1 Od box(3"x 0.128");or EXTERIOR WALLS air-sealed boxes shall be Installed. 0 5 7° 70<O 27° AT ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF ROOF 20. 1"x 8"and wider sheathing to each bearing 3 staples,1"crown,16ga.,1 3/4"long Face nail HVAC register boots that penetrate building thermal envelope shall be sealed a }a� TYPICAL, Wider than 1"x 8" HVAC REGISTER BOOTS •' - 4-8d box(2 1/2"x 0.113);or to the subfloor or drywall. 3-8d common(2 1/7'x 0.131");or 4 staples,1"crown,16 ga.,1 3/4"long PROJECT DETAILS: L E NE) �--- 6"DIAMETER Floor ` In 4-8d box(2 1/2"x 0.113"J;or 21. Joist to sill,top plate,or girder 3-8d common(2 1/2"x 0.131");or PROVIDE 8d NAILS @ 4"O.C.AT PERIMETER INTERIOR U_ REFLECTIVE WHITE ® g 3-1 Od box(3"x0.128");or Toenail 70<0 5 45° PORTIONS OF PANELS IN HIGH PRESSURE ZONES REFLECTIVERED - � '� .� �" 3-3'X 0.131"nails a Residential structures wUJ ith PANTONE#187 9 Ed box(21/2"X 0,113") Vo.c,toenail Q V) NOTE:a=4 Ff,IN ALL CASES 22. Rim joist,band joist,or blocking To sill or top plate 8d common(2 1/2"x 0.131");or GABLE ROOFS ,0 Truss type construction, (roof applications else) I Od box IS'x 0.128");or 6"o.c,toenail nail DECKING D 70<Q 45' 3"x 0.131' SIMPSON H8 TIE < Pre-Engineered Wood 23. 1"x 6"subflooror less to each joist 3-8d box(21/7'x0.113");or Face nail EACH FLOOR JOIST �/� Y� ►1 �.J Y 2-8d common(2 1/2"x o.131")'or PROVIDE SIMPSON CCQ 1- J Construction I and/Or Timber 3-1 Od box IS'x 0.128"0;or CAP TO ATTACH POST TO Q �..�.i 'Fxr ` 2 staples,t"crown,16 ga.,1 3/4"long TOP OF GIRDER Construction for new 24.7'subfloor to joist or girder 3-16d box(3 1/2"x 0.135"0;or Blind and face nail 2 X 8 PTL FLOOR z 7- dwelling and/or any - ox(31/Z'x0135);or , Q Cn,6'Q.C.C JOISTS 3 16d b 2 2 X 8 PTL GIRDER BOLTED O 25. 7'planks(plank&beam-floor&roof) At each bearing,face nail ( ) • 2-16d common(3 1/2"x 0.167') TO 4 X 4 PTL WOOD POST WITH addition, alteration a sign MIN.g H 3-16d common(3 1/2"x 0.162") symbol designed in •- 4-10 box(3"x 0.128");or THRU BOLTS WITH WASHERS&NUTS 1/2„ 26. Band 4-3"x0.131"nails;or End nail SIMPSON CC44 POST CAP accordance with Title 10 STROKE 4-3"x14 go.staples.7116"crown +_i ON 12 < Q THE CONSTRUCTION TYPE TAPER \\\\ DESIGNATION SHALL BE Nail each layer as follows:32"o.c.at NYCRR Part 1265 shall be 20d common(4"x0.197') "I","11","III","IV'OR Top and bottom and staggered PTL 4 X 4 WOOD POST / TO INDICATE THE CONSTRUCTION GENERAL NOTES CONTINUED: ry CLASSIFICATION OF THE 10-d box(3"x 0.128");or 24"o.c.face nail at top and bottom SIMPSON ABAZ POST-TO-BASE affixed to any electric box STRUCTURE UNDER DESIGNATION FOR STRUCTURAL 27. Built-up girders and beams,2"lumber layers 3"x 0.131"nails staggered on opposite sides ANCHOR,SET WITH MIN.12"DIAM. SECTION 602 OF THE BCNYS COMPONENTS THAT ARE OF ANCHOR BOLTS Q nrV UJ � a- attached to the exterior o And: 1.THISDRAWINGSHOULDBEUSEDFORDESIGNINTENTPURPOSES. TRUSS TYPE CONSTRUCTION 2-2od common(4"x0.t97');or Face nail at ends and at each plate CC44 `�J, • FLOOR FRAMING,INCWDING 3-1 Od box(3"x 0.128");or ��' 2.THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL WORK AS INDICATED AND SHALL f/1 the structure for field III "F" GIRDERS AND BEAMS 3-3"x0.131"nails `/ ' SIMPSON POST -." .:'••' inspection M IN „ POURED CONCRETE FOOTING PIER •' IR' ROOF FRAMING 4 16d box(3 1/2"x 0.135");or I nS pectl O n CAP (TYPICAL) MIN.14"0 AND 36"BELOW GRADE FIELD VERIFY All DIMENSIONS AND WORK PRIOR TO AND DURING CONSTRUCTION. BUILDING 23, Ledger strip supporting 3-lbdcommon(3I/2"x0.162");or +; ' 1 ' FR' FLOOR AND ROOF FRAMING p ppOrfing jaiStS Of raffers At each joist or rafter,face nail LLI 4-1 Od box(3"x 0.128");or http://www.dos.ny.gov/dcea/ STANDARDS AND CODES ;• 3.CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPANCIES IN THE DOCUMENTS OR FIELD CONSTRUCTION, Q 4-3"x0.131"nails ... •;e• �� notieadopt.html#Truss 29. Bridging or blocking to joist 2-1 Did(3"x0.128")or2-8d common(21/7'x0.131"or2-3"x0.131nails) Each end,toe nail FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN THE CONTRACTOR TAKING FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR SAID DISCREPANCIES. ••� +:•„', 4,WALL THICKNESS ARE NOMINAL NOT ACTUAL DIMENSIONS.REFER TO WALL SPECIFICATIONS ON PLAN. Q Spacing of Fasteners �••, ." S.UNFORESEEN CONSTRUCTION SITUATIONS MAY REQUIRE A CHANGErV Description of Building Elements Number and Type of Fastener°b` Edges Intermediate . :.' (inches)h supports-e ® IN DESIGN FROM ORIGINAL PLANS.(OWNER AND ARCHITECT TO BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TO ANY CHANGES) AS PER CODE: (inches) HOLD DOWN & SHEAR CONNECTION CRITICAL PATH Wood structural panels,subfloor,roof and interior wall sheathing to framing and particleboard wall sheathing to framing PORCH POST/DECK CONNECTION >-- 6d common(2"x0,113")nail(subfloor,wall) , 30. 3/S"-1/2" 8d common(2 1/7'x 0.131")nail(roof)or RSRS-01(2 3/8"x 0.113")nail(roof)' 6 12 31. 19/32'-1" 8dcommon(21/7'xO.131")nail(roof)orRSRS-01(23/8"x0.113")noil(roof? 6 12' DESIGN CRITERIA IOd common(3"x0.148");or NYS REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL SIMPSON lSTA21 STRAP;11/4"X 20 GA. 32. 1 1/8'-1 1/4" 6 12 RIDGE STRAPS TO RESIST WIND UPLIFT; c pNu°N�FROM RAMR 8d(2 1/T x 0.131")deformed nail Buildings and structures,and parts thereof,shall be constructed to safely DRAWN FOR: 4-1 OD BOX(3"X0.128") IOIIUDIttPICAl ALL RARERS Other exterior wall sheathing support all loads,including dead loads,live loads,roof loads,flood loads,snow ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE STATEMENT W/SdO NAILB EACH END loads wind loads and seismic CAROLINE 36°MIN. PROVIDESNOW/KE SHIRO ExTENDING FROM 1 1/2" alvanized roofin nail,7116"head PROVIDE ADEQUATE S m c loads as prescribed by the 2020 NYS Residential ris EDGE OF TIES VSE TUA POMTUPWARDUN 33, 1/2"structural cellulosic fiberboard sheathing g g 3 6 FLASHING BEHIND LEDGER Code. The construction of buildings and structures in accordance with the diameter,orl 1/4"Ion 1 TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, BELIEF TIE ROOF 36-MIN BEYOND INE BKIDE SURFACE g 6 go.staple with 7/16"or 1"crown 9 OF TIE IX1ERgR WALL FYPICALI provisions of this code shall result in a system that provides a complete load 1 13/4"galvanizedrooMgnail,7/16"head PROVIDESIMPSONTECO AND PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENT, (/\J sh,�pO11H1b1 34.25/32"structural cellulosic fiberboard sheathing 3 6 POST CAP JOIST HANGERS(TYP.J path that meets the requirements for the transfer of loads from their point of B U R T\.J N TOPN P�TENECI To RAFTaf diameter,or 1 1/2"long 16 go.staple with 7/16"or 1"crown CONNECTOR Z origin through the load-resisting elements to the foundation. THE ATTACHED PLANS OR SPECIFICATIONS 35. 1/7, 1 1/2"galvanized roofing nad;staple galvanized, ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE 2020 MBT,17 MEpl$TRMa gypsum sheathing 1 1/Z'ong;1 1/4"screws,Type W or S 7 7 -2020 RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE LACK POR;CS7D%36' •sups w/(.IwNNLS 1X6WOOD cN ENERGY CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION EACHSNp 1 3/4"galvanized roofing nail;staple galvanized, 36.5/8'gypsumsheathingd 7 7 DECKING -2020 PLUMBING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE CODE OF NEW YORK, 2020 NYS ROVIDC. PIOMMON OF ' 1 5/8"long;1 5/8"screws,Type W Or$ C6S66 1580 N. B AYV I E W R D. o c.AT ExrERioREDcr of ALL -2020 EXISTING BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK BNEA,HING Wood structural panels,combination subfloor underlayment to framing RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CODE, AND 2020 II BD NNL$TYPICAL SIMPSON POST 2 I 8 PTL STS@FLOOR SOUTHOLD, NY 7/Id•MIN APA RAIEp SIMPSON ROOR TO FLOOR JOISTS®16"O.C. 2020 ENERGY CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION CODE OF NEW YORK STATE EXISTING BUILDING CODE. PLYwoop tO EJ;mmro CONNECTOR azoAx••hd'o.e. 6d deformed(2"x0.120J nail;or TOP CF TOP PIATE T 1 37.3/,"and less 6 12 BASE (TYPICAL) 8d common(2 1/2"x 0.131")nail 8d deformed(2"x 0.129)nail;or 2 X 8 PTL LEDGER BOARD _ S CTM: 1000-70-12-34 PLooa.IOIST 36. 7/8"-1" 6 12 BOLTED TO DWELLING WITH Z 8d common 2 1/2"x 0.131" nail MIN,'2"DIAM.X 6"LONG DOUBLETOPPLAM PLYWOODSHEATNNGOVER W BOX 39. 1 1/8"-1 1/4" 8d deformed(2"x 0.12O')nail;or GALV.LAG SCREWS @ 16"O.C. EEA 'P.ROTOM.MAKE HEADEa 6 12 AqB IP STANDOFF STAGGERED AS PER TABLE R507.2.3 .�•; 2X d•IrO C. AuowANce foe sNaiNKAGE w/ 10dcommon 3"XD.148" nail 0 y CV CO-TIONAL 2x JOIBIB(TYPh 20%36';h I/2 WIDE SATISFIES •t,•.••:. ttPI-AL STUD hEEGINEERED AGE MnAL STRAP HOLD-DOWN DEV ICE MIN.750 LBFor SI:1 inch=25.4mm,1 foot=30.48mm,1 mile er hour=0.447 m/s;1 ksi=6.895MPa 3' MINIMUM CODE CAPACITY AT 4 LOCATIONS,EVENLYSEAL.DESIGN p REQUIREMENTS DISTRIBUTED ALONG DECK AND ONE �•A a.Nails are smooth-common,box or deformed shanks except where otherwise stated. Nails used for framing and sheathing connections shall have minimum average bending SIDECOVER (� WITHIN 24"OF EACH END OF THE SHEET. hnwioEa,cncEMErALnw,P•Rs yield strengths as shown:80 ksi for shank diameter of 0.192 inch(20d commonnail),90 ksi for shank diameters larger than 0.142 inch but not larger than 0.177 inch,and 100ksi for LEDGER.HOLD-DOWN DEVICES SHALL QC.(M )&ITFROMAMCOR,u TOP OF FOUNDATION shank diameters Of 0.142 inch. (MA 1 WW AROUND SILL F A n FULLY ENGAGE DECK JOIST PER PROVIDE(�I BD NAILSIMOSILL PLATE b.Staples are 16 gage wire and have a minimum 7/16-inch on diameter crown Width. a:;, •,c.Nails shall be spaced at not more than 6 inches on center at all supports where spans are 48 inches or greater. HOLD-DOWN MANUFACTURER. TIL/^/ E ER U N N ER d.Four-foot by 8-foot or 4-foot by 9-foot panels shall be applied vertically. FULLY THREADED 8'DIA.LAG �.e• n1C NA I.SHEATHING TO sia PIATE El.Spacing of fasteners not included in this table shell be based on Table R602.3(2). SCREW PREDRILLED W/MIN.3" G Be NABS 0 rO.C. PLOO11.1DIsr I.For wood structural panel roof sheathing attached to gable end roof framing and to Intermediate supports Within 48 inches of roof edges and ridges,nails shall PENETRATION TO CENTER OF ". ;•^, (?,n 2x6AC0SILL PLATE U be spaced of 6 Inch es on center where the ultimate design wind speed is less than 130 mph and shall be spaced 4 inches on center where the ultimate design TOP PLATE,STUDS,OR HEADER ENGINEERING VC DESIGN P.C. !fi wind speed is 130 mph or greater but less than 140 mph. ,5...' •' '•( ••' '� q �' SEE rou DnnoN DRAW tics ANCH.eareoroM Pu Ero DN.;sre n. g.Gypsum sheathing shall conform to ASTM C 1396 and shall be installed in accordance with GA 253.Fiberboard sheathing shall conform To ASTM C 208. TOR DESIGN BOL1S 03YOCIttP.J.PROVIDETMIN. " 4' ; EMBEDMENt IMO CONCRETE FOUNDATION h.Spacing of fasteners on floor sheathing panel edges applies to panel panel edges supported by framing members and required blocking and at floor perimeters only.Spacing ALB,3'SNA0.sO AREE w"EH TO zBE of fasteners on roof sheathing panel edges applies to panel edges supported by framingmembers and required blocking.Blockdn of roof or floor sheathing g 7 R I D G E W O O D ST. t �� �. SECTION ELEVATION q g' g g panel edges ' ANY CORNER,AND d"hY fROMTHEENp OF perpendicular to the framing members need not be provided except as required by other provisions of this code.Floor perimeter shall be supported by framing members or solid :`•..• L°1J EACH PUrE SECLION blocking. 1 P ceiling ceiling BAYS H O R E, NY - ' I.Where a rafter is fastened to an adjacent parallel ceilin Dist in accordance with this schedule,provide two toe nails on one side of the rafter and toe nails from the ceilin Dist to top plate in accordance with this schedule.The toe nail on the opposite side of the rafter shall not be required. 77O{TB�(�@ (G j.RSRS-Ol is a Roof Sheathing Ring Shank nail meeting the specifications in ASTM F1667. �'��` a�P� POST BASE PORCH/DECK TO HOUSE CONNECTION PHONE: 631-839-4824 fSS1 04.12.24 DATE: 03.27.24 SEAL: KW D R, 01 4'-0" 3-4- 2„ w A a A �--- 1—I--r—r-� 25-0" -0° IVO AhL 612„ I I I I : 5-7 1/2" 5'-5 1/2" 5-9 1/2„ �6' S 6(g0 RAr/t/ co -0 I I I I I � A � 3 > N @ ————————— 20-- 1 • (2) 2 X$PTL 1 �� (2) 2 X 8 PTL � -, J �`�/ GIRDER ` / GIRDER J I � I 10 4 X 4 PTL POST ATOP 14" DIAMETER CONCRETE SONO I ` z @ TUBE FOOTING WITH MIN.DEPTH I cq OF 36"BELOW GRADE a 20 O (TYPICAL) i o O CA \ O Z O 00 -J I x ' J O I v^ C� _L_ �— . — . — .r-� . (2) GIRDER / � (2) 2GRRDER EXISTING DECK co, I I 13'-0" 3'-0" U o U� �- " I LL- 13 X 7 X 5 1 DEEP I ` /�� C'� � z J PRECAST SOAKE POOL/SPA00 U� " I ti O °Gs�c s � z ------------------------- 01���,�, 0 // \\ &\69 2 2X8PTL / \ �a• l ( EI�1 . (� �� �� ( ) 2 X 8 PTL . r� - t�� / \ F,F, / GIRDS o ` GIRDER I o V� ��p_ 0� / \ ( (2) 2X8PT1_ r> �� (2)2X8�TC�\ , -----// `sp% \ e ----- GIRDER �� ------- / GIRDER ��I o �i� �' �SO, LH 6-8" 6-8 i/2" A 6'-8" '-0" 41 3'-6 1/2" 21'-5 1/2" I EXISTING 25-0" \ DECK TTC 0 5.0'_ -- ' I4 , D E C K F I P L PROPOSED (9?J I _ — PROPOSED SCALE: 1 /4 1 0 POOL NICK MARKS 4'-0" •� PROJECT DETAILS: 25-0" o O �60 �N a o. z z p Q V) CL N ,7 0 0 F__ - NEW DECK 19'-7 1/2" 54' � 5 w 20.p2► w �C o Q 13'-0" 3'-0" Lu TO UILT EXISTING DECK 36i H GHBw/BALLUSTEERSE @ 1 X 6 PLANKING - <4"APART w 2 X 8 PTL JOISTS @ 16"O.C. In 7-10" w , 7-0 0 ui U PLOT PLAN 13 X 7 X 5 1 DEEP PRECAST SOAKE POOL/SPA q (2) 2 X 8 PTL 13' X 7' X 5'-1" (2)2 X 8 PTL _ n 0 — GIRDER DEEP GIRDER PRECAST SOAKE ALE: 1 = 20' 0 POOL/SPA GRADE . 4 X 4 PTL POSTS ----' 14"DIAMETER CONCRETE DECK COMPLIANCE NOTE: SONOTUBE FOOTING W/ MIN.DEPTH OF 36"BELOW PROPOSED DECK IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE 2020 DRAWN FOR: A GRADE(TYPICAL)25'-0" RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE SECTION R507 CAROLINE 3'-6 1 21'-5 1/2" _71 AND DECK LATERAL ATTACHMENT AS PER FIGURE R507.2.3 (2). BURTON DECK FOOTING SIZES SHALL COMPLY WITH TABLE R507.3.1 SECTIOILN41 —A. 1580 N. BAYVIEW RD. SOUTHOLD, NY SCALE: 1 /4 11 /411 = 1 1 -011 SCTM: 1000-70-12-34 DECK PLAN- SEAL: SHEET: SCALE: 1 /4" = 1 '-0" TIDERUNNER NE ENGINEERING & DESIGN, P.C. >a� 7 RIDGEWOOD ST. ``\' w BAYSHORE, NY s �"` `6 �0 770os PHONE: 631-839-4824 '°'�� ssia �� 04.12.24 DATE: 03.27.24 Page 1 of 15 Checked by:CCFH Project Number:2022.397.002 .�` F CO/VN DESIGN COMPUTATIONS FOR „` t JOS£PHNo 2Cx';23 y00 :��••�/ O : 1 MIEC^,,)NS' � .,sE. ���,,• Soake Pools ,vo. :z» +,` 1 Ga`, 7 » » 7 �7 : * Q ,;,E„►�m,E 7 - 0 x 7 - O x 4 - 4 ID ••.°� ` NSE° At"�'; Precast Pool Mold oz/18/zozz ++'++,sfQ�A:EN�•e°•• PREPARED FOR: 02/18/2022 Larson Design, LLC 118 Perkins Road, Madbury, �•.\� oF.?JEW NH 03823 US T� �I*....... �� ���;�;�s�=, A � m� OF • JO J. °oeepeiAi °%`, r A ' PREPARED BY: MIECZKOWSKI . • No. 11738 .4jr oz/18/zozz '�,�`,S\•• • 6 DELTA EN. ..• �� SPECIALTY PRECAST CONCRETE ENGINEERS 02/18/2022 860 Hooper Road, Endwell,New York 13760 GL TEL: 607-231-6600 FAX: 607-231-6650 EMAIL: precast@delta-eas.com www.delta-eas.com �. ., rA V SSION*L� y,0 Q 02/18/2022 O O G • JOSEPH ,; 1A0% °M#, < o MIEC7J< ;, SKI f �r�(�,QF `/ 4.J qF C� No,5;3333 'a 2 : : fi • Q�' �1 ass/ANAL EN��,.� = No.9297 25 ►►��..•�'` ? Structural I ac 02/18/2022 �'��/ (�•�!CEr4S1V IONAL t •`• 02/18/2022 Page 2 of 15 7'-8" SQUARE 4" 7'-0" SQUARE 4" 1 1•• 2 COV. 1'-10" #3 @ 10" OC if #3 ® 10" OC 6" 4'-10" 7 V 0' OC #3 ® 10" OC 1 •, COV. #3 ® 10" OC OC MIN. ORNERS 6" MIN. LAP 51,• 3'-8„ 51,. 2 4•-7" ELEVATION VIEW >< DESIGN NOTES TYPICAL OPENING DETAIL (TO BE VERIFIED BY EOR) (ROUND SHOWN, SQUARE OR RECTANGULAR SIMILAR 1. DESIGN PER AASHTO 17TH ED WITH 300 PSF PEDESTRIAN LOADING. PREPARED FOR: 2. BAR COVER = 11" U.N.O. LARSON DESIGN, LLC 3. EARTH COVER = 0'-0" MAX. 4. EQUIVALENT FLUID PRESSURE = 81 PCF 118 PERKINS R D 5. f'c @ 28 DAYS = 5,000 PSI MADBURY, NH 03823 6. WATER TABLE = AT FINISHED GRADE REV NO DATE REVISION 7. REINFORCEMENT = BAR PER ASTM A615, PREPARED BY: OATS 02�18�Y2 sNEEr nnR: Drrvm er: CCFH GRADE 60 REINFORCING B. TRIM OPENINGS WITH DIAGONAL #4 BARS, SCALE: N.T.S. SUMMARY D�- JRW PROJECT: EXTEND BARS MINIMUM 12" BEYOND OPENINGS, SOAKE POOLS BEND BARS AS REQ'D TO MAINTAIN BAR COVER. A&DELTA 7'-0" X 7'-0" X 4'-4" ID 9. PROVIDE ADD'L REINF. AT OPENINGS EQUAL TO SPECIALTY PRECAST CONCRETE ENGINEERS PRECAST POOL MOLD THE BARS INTERRUPTED, HALF EA. SIDE AND IN 860 HOOPER ROAD, ENDWELL, NY 13760-1664 °ONiRA°LOR: °WC.�.D. RS-01 THE SAME PLANE. TEL: (607) 231-6600 FAX: (607) 231-6650 DELTA PROJ.NO.: SHT.NO. 2022.397.002 1 OF 1 Page 3 of 15 Checked by:CCFH JOB: 2022.397.002 A&DELTA SSHEETINO.: Custom 7x7 Pool Mold SPECIALTY PRECAST CONCRETE ENGINEERS CALCULATED BY: JRW Date 02/01/2022 860 Hooper Road, Endwell, NY 13760 CHECKED BY: Date delta-eas.com Phone (601)231-6600 Fax(607)231-6650 PRECAST VAULT DESIGN DESCRIPTION Length(I.D.)= 7.00 ft Width (I.D.)= 7.00 ft ' Denotes input field Height(I.D.)= �4.33 ft Wall Thickness= 4.50 in Base Slab Thickness= 6.00 in Cover Slab Thickness=1 0.00 in TECHNICAL DATA 7.00 ft Earth Cover(Min.)= 0.00 ft Earth Cover(Max)= 0.00 ft Min Watertable Depth= . 0.00 ft ka= 0.33 Unit Weight of Soil=1 120 pcf 4.33 ft - Equivalent Lateral Fluid Pressure= 0.081 kcf ' LL Surcharge Depth Below F.G.to Apply Surcharge= 8.00 ft. Concrete Strength (fc)= 5.0 ksi Unit Weight of Concrete= 150 pcf ' 7.00 ft Ec=57,000`4fc= 4.03E+06 psi ( Yield Strength (fy)= 60 ksi Es= 2.90E+07 psi ( Vault Isometric View n=ES/Ec= 7.2 (Joints not shown for clarity) R, = 0.8 (Table (All dimensions I.D.) fr=7.5 4fc= 530 psi ( Rho max= (.75 pb)= 0.0251531 Design Wheel Load (Pw)= 0 kips Uniform Live Load=1 300 psf Capacity Reduction Factors: 0-Shear= 0.75 (Table 21.2.1) Load Factors: (Table 5.3.1) R-LL= 1.60 a- DL= 1.20 R-EL= 1.60 (5.3.8) References: 1. "Specifications for Highway Bridges, 17th Ed."-AASHTO 2."Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete"-ACI 318-14. 3. "Rectangular Concrete Tanks, 5th Ed."-PCA Publication. 4. "Theory of Plates and Shells"-Timoshenko, S. 1959. 5. "Standard Practice for Minimum Structural Design Loading for Monolithic or Sectional Precast Concrete Water and Wastewater Structures"-ASTM C890 Page 4 of 15 Checked by:CCFH JOB: 2022.397.002 A&DELTA SSHEETINO.: Custoof 7x7 Pool Mold SPECIALTY PRECAST CONCRETE ENGINEERS CALCULATED BY: JRW Date 02/01/2022 860 Hooper Road,Endwell, NY 13760 CHECKED BY: Date delta-eas.com Phone (607)231-6600 Fax (607)231-6650 EQUIVALENT LATERAL FLUID PRESSURE: ka= 0.33 Unit Wt.of Soil= 120 pcf Max. Fill Above Structure= 0.00 ft. (Worst Case) Structure Inside Ht. = 4.33 ft. Top Slab Thickness= 0.00 in. Min.Watertable Depth= 0.00 ft. Lateral Pressure(Dry)= 39.6 pcf (Ka*Soil Wt.) Lateral Pressure(Sat.)= 81.4 pcf (Ka*(Soil Wt.-62.4pcf)+62.4pcf) Equivalent Lateral Pressure= 81.4 pcf Finished Grade 0.00 ft. 0.00 ft. 0 in. Water Table �JEq. Lat. Pressure 4.33 ft. 4.33 ft. Page 5 of 15 Checked by:CCFH JOB: 2022.397.002 A&DELTA SSHEETINO.: Custoof 7x7 Pool Mold SPECIALTY PRECAST CONCRETE ENGINEERS CALCULATED BY: JRW Date 02/01/2022 860 Hooper Road, Endwell, NY 13760 CHECKED BY: Date delta-eas.com Phone (607)231-6600 Fax (607)231-66SO MONOLITHIC BASE SECTION WALL DESIGN COMB. UNIFORM &TRIANGULAR LOAD PCA Rectangular Concrete Tanks Soil Loading Diagram W ksf Height,a= 2.50 ft. 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 Length, b= 7.00 ft. 0 Width,c= 7.00 ft. 0.51 Wall Thickness= 4.50 in 1.5 b/a= 2.8 n 2.5 0 3 Top of wall hinged?0(Y or N) 3.4 a OUTSIDE FACE 4.5 -Bar r-- Bar Cover= 1.50 in 5 Uniform Triangular Horizontal line indicates top of wall PCA Case# 8 3 Lateral Earth Pressure (-)Max horiz. Coeff. = 0.361 0.087 Eq. Lat. Press.= 0.081 kcf (-)Max vert. Coeff.= 0.325 0.120 W2= 0.23 ksf W3= 0.43 ksf Max horiz. neg. moment= 0.63 kip-ft (Surcharge Applied Over Entire Height of Unit) Max vent. neg.moment= 0.62 kip-ft Mu Mn Bar Sz Sp d As a Horiz 1.01 ki -ft 1.41 kip-ft #3 10.0 in 2.44 in 0.13 in.s /ft. 0.16 in Vertical 0.99 kip-ft 1.63 kip-ft #3 10.0 in 2.81 in 0.13 in.sq/ft.1 0.16 in Horiz Vertical Moment,OM (ACI 318 Table 21.2.2)= 0.90 1 0.90 (varies from 0.9 for tension c=a/01= 0.19 0.19 controlled to 0.65 for compression controlled) Reinforcing Strain Ef=(d-c)/c*0.003= 0.0345 tension controlled 0.0403 tension controlled Efy=fy/Es= 0.002 0.002 Uniform Trian ular Side Edge Shear coeff.= 1.012 0.299 Vu= 1.17 kips OVc= 3.10 kips �Vc>Vu: OK Bottom Edge Shear coeff. = 0.986 0.492 Vu= 1.30 kips �Vc= 3.58 kips �Vc>Vu: OK Idb= 9 in min lap= 16 in Cracking Reinforcing Spacing: ACI 318-Table 24.3.2 Horizontal Vertical p=As/ b"d= 0.004531 0.003926991 p"n= 0.032602 0.028255177 k=4(2pn +(pn)Z)-pn= 0.225 0.211 j= 1 -(k/3)= 0.925 0.930 M= 0.63 kip-ft 0.62 kip-ft fs=M/As j d= 25.23 ksi OK 21.40 ksi OK s=15(40000/fs)-2.5c0= 19 in OK 22 in OK [and <=12(40000/fs)] Page 6 of 15 Checked by:CCFH • JOB: 2022.397.002 DESCRIPTION: Custom 7x7 Pool Mold A&DELTA SHEET NO.: of SPECIALTY PRECAST CONCRETE ENGINEERS CALCULATED BY: JRW Date 02/01/2022 860 Hooper Road, Endwell, NY 13760 CHECKED BY: Date delta-eas.com Phone (607)231-6600 Fax (607)231-6650 Monolithic Base Section Design Continued: MINIMUM REINFORCING- ACI 318- Table Horizontal As,min=Max of ((0.0018"60,000)/fy)*Ag= 0.10 inz/ft <=Controls OK,As Provided>As Min. OR 0.0014*Ag= 0.08 inz/ft Vertical As,min=Max of ((0.0018*60,000)/fy)*Ag= 0.10 in2/ft <=Controls OK,As Provided>As Min. OR 0.0014*Ag= 0.08 inz/ft INSIDE FACE Bar Cover= 2.25 in Uniform Triangular PCA Case# 8 3 (+)Max horiz. Coeff. = 0.094 0.026 Max horiz.pos. moment= 0.17 kip-ft (+)Max vert. Coeff.= 0.020 0.012 Max vert. pos. moment= 0.04 kip-ft Mu Mn Bar Sz Sp d As a Horiz 0.27 ki -ft 1.18 ki -ft #3 10.0 in 2.06 in 0.13 in.s /ft. 0.16 in Vertical 0.07 ki -ft 0.96 ki -ft #3 1 10.0 in 1.69 in 0.13 in.s /ft. 0.16 in Horiz Vertical Moment,�PM(ACI 318 Table 21.2.2)=l 0.90 1 0.90 (varies from 0.9 for tension c=a/R1= 0.19 0.19 controlled to 0.65 for compression controlled) Reinforcing Strain Et=(d-c)/c*0.003= 0.0287 tension controlled 0.0230 tension controlled Ety=fy/ES= 0.002 0.002 Cracking Reinforcing Spacing: ACI 318-Table 24.3.2 Horizontal Vertical p=As/ b*d= 0.005355 0.006544985 p*n= 0.038530 0.047091961 k=q(2pn+(pn)Z)-pn= 0.242 0.263 j= 1 -(k/3)= 0.919 0.912 M=Mdl+Mil= 0.17 kip-ft 0.04 kip-ft fs=M/As j d= 8.00 ksi OK 2.63 ksi OK s=1 5(40000/fs)-2.5c,= 60 in OK 182 in OK [and<=12(40000/fs)] MINIMUM REINFORCING- ACI 318- Table Horizontal As,min=Max of ((0.0018*60,000)/fy)*Ag= 0.10 inz/ft <=Controls OK,As Provided>As Min. OR 0.0014*Ag= 0.08 inz/ft Vertical As, min=Max of ((0.0018*60,000)/fy)*Ag= 0.10 inz/ft <=Controls OK As Provided>As Min. OR 0.0014*Ag= 0.08 inz/ft ' Page 7 of 15 Checked by:CCFH tADELTA JOB: 2N: Custom DESCRIPTION: Custom 7x7 Pool Mold SPECIALTY PRECAST CONCRETE ENGINEERS SHEET NO.: of 860 Hooper Road,Endwell,NY 13760 CALCULATED BY: JRW Date 02/01/2022 delta-eas.com CHECKED BY: Date Phone (607)231-6600 Fax(607)231-6650 WALL DESIGN UNIFORM LOAD MOMENT DISTRIBUTION RISER Sol Loading Diagram W ksf Height= 1.83 ft (Max.) T.O.R. 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 Length b= 7.00 ft 0 Width c= 7.00 ft 0.5 1 - Wall Thickness= 4.50 in 1.5 2 Use Interior Support(Y'or N)0 a2.5 _9DIL 0 3 3.5 Distribution Factor(1)= 0.500 4 Distribution Factor(s)= 0.500 4.5 Fixed end moment(1)= 0.63 kip-ft 5 Fixed end moment(s)= 0.63 kip-ft Horizontal lines indicate top&bottom of riser wall Simple span moment(long)= 0.95 kip-ft Lateral Earth Pressure Simple span moment(short)= 0.95 kip-ft Eq.Lat. Press.= 0.081 kcf Balanced moment at corner(-)= 0.63 kip-ft W2= 0.08 ksf Pos.moment @ midspan(+)= 0.32 kip-ft W3= 0.23 ksf Wavg= 0.15 ksf OUTSIDE FACE (Surcharge Applied Over Entire Height of Unit) Bar cover= 1.88 in Mu Mn Bar Sz I Sp d As a Horizontal(-)1 1.01 kip-ft 1.41 kip-ft #3 1 10.0 in 2.44 in 0.13 in.sq/ft. 0.16 in Moment,(PM(ACI 318 Table 21.2.2)= 0.9 (varies from 0.9 for tension c=a/(31= 0.19 controlled to 0.65 for compression controlled) Reinforcing Strain Et=(d-c)/c*0.003= 0.0345 tension controlled Ety=fy/ES= 0.002 Vu@ d=y[REL*Wavg]*[(span/2)-d]= 0.82 kips �Vc=3.10 kips �Vc>Vu: OK Inflection pt.(from corner) 1.48 ft Idb= 12 in Extend bar from corner 2.48 ft Lap(1.7*Idb)= 21 in Crackinq Reinforcing Spacing: ACI 318-Table 24.3.2 p=As/ b*d= 0.00453 p*n= 0.03260 k=4(2pn+(pn)2)-pn= 0.225 j=1 -(k/3)= 0.925 M=Mdl+MII= 0.63 kip-ft fs=M/Asjd= 25.35ksi OK s=15(40000/fs)-2.5cc= 18.93 in [and<=12(40000/fs)] OK Page 8 of 15 Checked by:CCFH A&DEI..TAJOB: 2022.Custo 2 DESCRIPTION: Custom 7x7 Pool Mold SPECIALTY PRECAST CONCRETE ENGINEERS SHEET NO.: of 860 Hooper Road, Endwell, NY 13760 CALCULATED BY: JRW Date 02/01/2022 delta-eas.com CHECKED BY: Date Phone(607)231-6600 Fax(607)231-6650 Moment Distribution Riser(cont.) MINIMUM REINFORCING-ACI 318- Table Horizontal As,min=Max of ((0.0018*60,000)/fy)*Ag= 0.10 inz/ft —Controls OK,As Provided>As Min. OR 0.0014*Ag= 0.08 inz/ft Vertical Minimum reinforcing requirement does not apply per ACI R11.6.1 INSIDE FACE Bar Cover= 2.25 in in Mu Mn Bar Sz I Sp d As a Horizontal(+)1 0.51 ki ft 1.18 ki -ft #3 10.0 in 1 2.063 in 10.13!n.sq/ft.1 0.16 in Moment,OM(ACI 318 Table 21.2.2)= 0.9 (varies from 0.9 for tension c=a/01= 0.19 controlled to 0.65 for compression controlled) Reinforcing Strain Et=(d-c)/c*0.003= 0.0287 tension controlled Ety=fy/ES= 0.002 Cracking Check: p=As/ b*d= 0.00535 p*n= 0.03853 k=4(2pn+(pn)2)-pn= 0.242 j=1 -(k/3)= 0.919 M=Mdl+Mil= 0.32kip-ft fs=M/Asjd= 15.07ksi OK s=15(40000/fs)-2.5cc= 31.85 in [and—12(40000/fs)] OK MINIMUM REINFORCING-ACI 318- Table Horizontal As,min=Max of ((0.0018*60,000)/fy)*Ag= 0.10 inz/ft —Controls OK,As Provided>As Min. OR 0.0014*Ag= 0.08 inz/ft Vertical Minimum reinforcing requirement does not apply per ACI R11.6.1 Page 9 of 15 Checked by:CCFH • JOB: 2022.397.002 &DELTA DESCRIPTION: Custom 7x7 Pool-Int. Hydro SHEET NO.: of SPECIALTY PRECAST CONCRETE ENGINEERS CALCULATED BY: JRW Date 02/01/2022 860 Hooper Road,Endwell, NY 13760 CHECKED BY: Date delta-eas.com Phone (607)231-6600 Fax (607)231-6650 PRECAST VAULT DESIGN DESCRIPTION Length(I.D.)= 7.00 ft Width (I.D.)= 7.00 ft Denotes input field Height(I.D.)= 4.33 ft Wall Thickness= 4.50 in Base Slab Thickness= 6.00 in Cover Slab Thickness=1 0.00 in TECHNICAL DATA 7.00 ft Earth Cover(Min.)= 0.00 ft Earth Cover(Max)= 0.00 ft Min Watertable Depth= 0.00 ft ka= 1.00 Unit Weight of Soil=1 62 pcf 4.33 ft - Equivalent Lateral Fluid Pressure= 0.062 kcf ' LL Surcharge= 0.00 Depth Below F.G.to Apply Surcharge= 0.00 ft ' Concrete Strength (fc)= 5.0 ksi Unit Weight of Concrete= 150 cf ' 7.00 ft Ec=57,000"4fc= 4.03E+06 psi ( Yield Strength (fy)= 60 ksi ES=1 2.90E+07 Ipsi ( Vault Isometric View n=ES/Ec= 7.2 (Joints not shown for clarity) R, = 0.8 (Table (All dimensions I.D.) fr=7.5 qfc= 530 psi ( Rho max=(.75 pb)= 0.0251531 Design Wheel Load (Pw)= 0 ki s Uniform Live Load=1 0 psf Capacity Reduction Factors: -Shear= 0.75 (Table 21.2.1) Load Factors: (Table 5.3.1) R- LL= 1.60 R- DL= 1.20 R-EL= 1.60 1(5.3.8) References: 1. "Specifications for Highway Bridges, 17th Ed."-AASHTO 2."Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete"-ACI 318-14. 3. "Rectangular Concrete Tanks, 5th Ed."-PCA Publication. 4. "Theory of Plates and Shells"-Timoshenko, S. 1959. 5. "Standard Practice for Minimum Structural Design Loading for Monolithic or Sectional Precast Concrete Water and Wastewater Structures"-ASTM C890 Page 10 of 15 Checked by:CCFH JOB: 2022.397.002 A&D LTA SSHEETINO.: Custoof 7x7 Pool-Int. Hydro E SPECIALTY PRECAST CONCRETE ENGINEERS CALCULATED BY: JRW Date 02/01/2022 860 Hooper Road,Endwell, NY 13760 CHECKED BY: Date delta-eas.com Phone (607)231-6600 Fax(607)231-6650 MONOLITHIC BASE SECTION WALL DESIGN COMB.UNIFORM &TRIANGULAR LOAD PCA Rectangular Concrete Tanks Soil Loading Diagram W ksf Height,a= 2.50 ft. 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 Length, b= 7.00 ft. Width,c= 7.00 ft. 0.1 Wall Thickness= 4.50 in 1.5 a. b/a= 2.8 z z) �z.s p 3 Top of wall hinged?0(Y or N) 3'4 _ a OUTSIDE FACE a.s ws' Bar Cover= 2.25 in 5 Uniform Triangular Horizontal line indicates top of wall PCA Case# 8 3 Lateral Earth Pressure (-)Max horiz. Coeff. = 0.361 0.087 Eq.Lat. Press.= 0.062 kcf (-)Max vert. Coeff. = 0.325 0.120 W2= 0.11 ksf W 3= 0.27 ksf Max horiz. neg.moment= 0.34 kip-ft No Surcharge Max vert.neg.moment= 0.35 kip-ft Mu Mn Bar Sz Sp d As a Horiz 0.55 ki -ft 1.18 kip-ft #3 10.0 in 2.06 in 0.13 in.s /ft. 0.16 in Vertical 0.56 ki -ft 0.96 ki -ft #3 10.0 in 1.69 in 0.13 in.s /ft. 0.16 in Horiz Vertical Moment,OM(ACI 318 Table 21.2.2)= 0.90 0.90 (varies from 0.9 for tension c=a/[31= 0.19 0.19 controlled to 0.65 for compression controlled) Reinforcing Strain Et=(d-c)/c`0.003= 0.0287 tension controlled 0.0230 tension controlled Ely=fy/ES= 0.002 0.002 Uniform Trian ular Side Edge Shear coeff.=1 1.012 L 0.299 Vu= 0.65 kips �Vc= 2.63 kips �Vc>Vu: OK Bottom Edge Shear coeff.= 0.986 10.492 Vu= 0.76 kips �Vc= 2.15 kips �Vc>Vu: OK Idb= 9 in min lap= 16 in Cracking Reinforcing Spacing: ACI 318-Table 24.3.2 Horizontal Vertical p=As/ b`d= 0.005355 0.006544985 p*n= 0.038530 0.047091961 k=4(2pn+(pn)Z)-pn= 0.242 0.263 j= 1 -(k/3)= 0.919 0.912 M= 0.34 kip-ft 0.35 kip-ft fs=M/As j d= 16.39 ksi OK 20.54 ksi OK s=15(40000/fs)-2.5cc= 29 in OK 23 in OK [and<=12(40000/fs)] Page 11 of 15 Checked by:CCFH JOB: 2022.397.002 A&DELT DESCRIPTION: Custom 7x7 Pool-Int. Hydro SHEET NO.: of SPECIALTY PRECAST CONCRETE ENGINEERS CALCULATED BY: JRW Date 02/01/2022 860 Hooper Road,Endwell, NY 13760 CHECKED BY: Date delta-eas.com Phone (607)231-6600 Fax (607)231-6650 Monolithic Base Section Design Continued: MINIMUM REINFORCING- ACI 318- Table Horizontal As, min=Max of ((0.0018*60,000)/fy)*Ag= 0.10 in2/ft <=Controls OK,As Provided>As Min. OR 0.0014*Ag= 0.08 in2/ft Vertical As, min=Max of ((0.0018*60,000)/fy)*Ag= 0.10 in2/ft <=Controls OK,As Provided>As Min. OR 0.0014*Ag= 0.08 in2/ft INSIDE FACE Bar Cover Uniform Triangular PCA Case# 8 3 (+)Max horiz. Coeff. = EO.O 4 0.026 Max horiz.pos. moment= 0.09 kip-ft (+)Max vert.Coeff.= 0 0.012 Max vert.pos. moment= 0.03 kip-ft Mu Mn Bar Sz Sp d As a Horiz 0.15 ki -ft 1.41 ki -ft #3 10.0 in 2.44 in 0.13 in.s /ft. 0.16 in Vertical 0.04 ki -ft 1.63 ki -ft 43 10.0 in 2.81 in 0.13 in.s /ft. 0.16 in Horiz Vertical Moment,OM (ACI 318 Table 21.2.2)=l 0.90 0.90 (varies from 0.9 for tension c=a/[31= 0.19 0.19 controlled to 0.65 for compression controlled) Reinforcing Strain Et=(d-c)/c*0.003= 0.0345 tension controlled 0.0403 tension controlled sty=fy/Es= 0.002 0.002 Cracking Reinforcing Spacing: ACI 318-Table 24.3.2 Horizontal Vertical p=As/ b*d= 0.004531 0.003926991 p*n= 0.032602 0.028255177 k=�(2pn+(pn)Z)-pn= 0.225 0.211 j= 1 -(k/3)= 0.925 0.930 M=Mdl+MII= 0.09 kip-ft 0.03 kip-ft fs=M/As j d= 3.71 ksi OK 0.92 ksi OK s=15(40000/fs)-2.5cc= 129 in OK 523 in OK [and-12(40000/fs)] MINIMUM REINFORCING- ACI 318- Table Horizontal As,min=Max of ((0.0018*60,000)/fy)*Ag= 0.10 in2/ft <=Controls OK,As Provided>As Min. OR 0.0014*Ag= 0.08 in2/ft Vertical As,min=Max of ((0.0018*60,000)/fy)*Ag= 0.10 in2/ft <=Controls OK,As Provided>As Min. OR 0.0014*Ag= 0.08 in2/ft Page 12 of 15 Checked by:CCFH • tADE JOB: 2022.397.002 LT DESCRIPTION: Custom 7x7 Pool-Int.Hydro SPECIALTY PRECAST CONCRETE ENGINEERS SHEET NO.. of 860 Hooper Road, Endwell, NY 13760 CALCULATED BY: JRW Date 02/01/2022 delta-eas.com CHECKED BY: Date Phone (607)231-6600 Fax(607) 231-6650 WALL DESIGN UNIFORM LOAD MOMENT DISTRIBUTION RISER Sol Loading Diagram W ksf Height= 1.83 ft (Max.) T.O.R. 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 Length b= 7.00 ft 0 Width c= 7.00 ft 0.5 1 Wall Thickness= 4.50 in 1.5 c 2 Use Interior Support(Y or N)0 S2.3 (W3) 3.5 Distribution Factor(1)= 0.500 4 Distribution Factor(s)= 0.500 4.5 -- Fixed end moment(1)= 0.23 kip-ft 5 Fixed end moment(s)= 0.23 kip-ft Horizontal lines indicate top&bottom of riser wall Simple span moment(long)= 0.35 kip-ft Lateral Earth Pressure Simple span moment(short)= 0.35 kip-ft Eq.Lat. Press.= 0.062 kcf Balanced moment at corner(-)= 0.23 kip-ft W2= 0.00 ksf Pos.moment @ midspan(+)= 0.12 kip-ft W3= 0.11 ksf Wavg= 0.06 ksf OUTSIDE FACE No Surcharge Bar cover= 2.13 in Mu Mn Bar Sz I Sp d As a Horizontal(-)1 0.37 kip-ft 1.26 kip-ft #3 1 10.0 in 1 2.19 in 10.13in.sq/ft.1 0.16 in Moment,OM(ACI 318 Table 21.2.2)= 0.9 (varies from 0.9 for tension c=a/01= 0.19 controlled to 0.65 for compression controlled) Reinforcing Strain Et=(d-c)/c*0.003= 0.0307 tension controlled Ety=fy/ES= 0.002 Vu@ d=y[pEL*Wavg]*[(span/2)-d]= 0.30 kips �Vc=2.78 kips �Vc>Vu: OK Inflection pt.(from corner) 1.48 ft Idb= 12 in Extend bar from corner 2.48 ft Lap(1.7*Idb)= 21 in Cracking Reinforcing Spacing: ACI 318-Table 24.3.2 p=As/ b*d= 0.00505 p*n= 0.03633 k=4(2pn+(pn)z)-pn= 0.236 j=1 -(k/3)= 0.921 M=Mdl+Mll= 0.23 kip-ft fs=M/Asjd= 10.49ksi OK s= 15(40000/fs)-2.5cc= 45.75 in [and<=12(40000/fs)] OK Page 13 of 15 Checked by:CCFH tADELTA -JOB: 2022.397.002 DESCRIPTION: Custom 7x7 Pool-Int.Hydro SPECIALTY PRECAST CONCRETE ENGINEERS SHEET NO.: of 860 Hooper Road,Endwell,NY 13760 CALCULATED BY: JRW Date 02/01/2022 delta-eas.com CHECKED BY: Date Phone (607)231-6600 Fax(607)231-6650 Moment Distribution Riser(cont.) MINIMUM REINFORCING-ACI 318- Table Horizontal As,min=Max of ((0.0018*60,000)/fy)*Ag= 0.10 inz/ft —Controls OK,As Provided>As Min. OR 0.0014*Ag= 0.08 in2/ft Vertical Minimum reinforcing requirement does not apply per ACI R11.6.1 INSIDE FACE Bar Cover= 1.50 in in Mu Mn Bar Sz I Sp d As a Horizontal(+) 0.19 ki -ft 1.63 ki -ft #3 10.0 in 2.813 in 0.13 in.s /ft. 0.16 in Moment,OM(ACI 318 Table 21.2.2)= 0.9 (varies from 0.9 for tension c=a/01= 0.19 controlled to 0.65 for compression controlled) Reinforcing Strain Ft=(d-c)/c*0.003= 0.0403 tension controlled Sty=fy/Es= 0.002 Cracking Check: p=As/ b*d= 0.00393 p*n= 0.02826 k=4(2pn+(pn)Z)-pn= 0.211 j=1 -(k/3)= 0.930 M=Mdl+M11= 0.12kip-ft fs=M/Asjd= 4.04ksi OK s=15(40000/fs)-2.5c,= 118.69 in [and<=12(40000/fs)] OK MINIMUM REINFORCING-ACI 318- Table Horizontal As,min=Max of ((0.0018*60,000)/fy)*Ag= 0.10 inz/ft —Controls OR 0.0014*Ag= 0.08 in2/ft OK,As Provided>AS Min. Vertical Minimum reinforcing requirement does not apply per ACI R11.6.1 Page 14 of 15 Checked by:CCFH JOB: 2022.397.002 A FELT,A DESCRIPTION: Custom 7x7 Pool Mold SHEET NO.: of SPECIALTY PRECAST CONCRETE ENGINEERS CALCULATED BY: JRW Date 02/01/2022 860 Hooper Road, Endwell, NY 13760 CHECKED BY: Date delta-eas.com Phone (607)231-6600 Fax (607)231-6650 BASE SLAB DESIGN HINGED 4 SIDES PCA Rectangular Concrete Tanks Case#10 ID OD F.G. Length= 7.00 ft 7.75 ft < Width= 7.00 ft 7.75 ft Wall Thickness= 4.50 in o Slab Thickness= 6.00 in ;-------------; 77 b/a= 1.0 Number of Wheels=ODistributed load used w Vertical Loads: from top slab design cn ' Soil = 0.00 kips Cover slab= 0.00 kips CR Walls= 7.19 kips ' Other= ; Total Dead Load = 7.19 kips `------------ fbuTTTTTTTTT fbdl OR fbhyd T T T T T T T T T Loadinq Diagram Net upward bearinq pressure: Ref:ASTM C857 Sec 4.3 Dead Load,fbdl = 0.12 ksf Hydrostatic,fbhyd= 0.30 ksf (4.83 ft 0.0624 kcf) <==Controls Live Load,fbll = +0.30 ksf w= 0.60 ksf Wu= 0.84 ksf Top cage Transverse Coeff.= 0.044 Longitudinal Coeff. = 0.044 Bar cover= 1.50 in Transverse Moment= 1.30 kip-ft Longitudinal Moment= 1.30 kip-ft Mu Mn Bar Sz Sp d As a Transverse 1.82 kip-ft 2.53 kip-ft #3 10.0 in 4.31 in 0.13 in.s /ft. 0.16 in Longitudinal 1.82 kip-ft 2.30 kip-ft #3 10.0 in 3.94 in 0.13 in. s /ft. 0.16 in Shear Coeff= 0.340 Vu @'d'= 1.90 kips �Vc= 5.49 kips �Vc>Vu: OK Page 15 of 15 Checked by:CCFH JOB: 2022.397.002 DESCRIPTION: Custom 7x7 Pool Mold A&DELTA SHEET NO.: of SPECIALTY PRECAST CONCRETE ENGINEERS CALCULATED BY: JRW Date 02/01/2022 860 Hooper Road, Endwell,NY 13760 CHECKED BY: Date delta-eas.com Phone (607)231-6600 Fax (607)231-6650 BASE SLAB DESIGN HINGED 4 SIDES PCA Rectangular Concrete Tanks Case#10 (Continued) Transverse Longitudinal Moment, OM(ACI 318 Table 21.2.2)= 0.90 0.90 J(varies from 0.9 for tension c=a/R1= 0.19 0.19 controlled to 0.65 for compression controlled) Reinforcing Strain Et=(d-c)/c*0.003= 0.0634 tension controlled 0.0576 tension controlled Sty=fy/ES= 0.002 0.002 Cracking Reinforcing Spacing: ACI 318-Table 24.3.2 Transverse Longitudinal p=As/ b*d= 0.002561 0.002805 p*n= 0.018427 0.020182 k=4(2pn+(pn)2)-pn= 0.174 0.182 j= 1 -(k/3)= 0.942 0.939 M= 1.30 kip-ft 1.30 kip-ft fs=M/As j d = 28.91 ksi OK 31.75 ksi OK s=15(40000/fs)-2.5c,= 16.60 in OK 15.12 in OK [and <=12(40000/fs)] MINIMUM REINFORCING- ACI 318- Table Transverse As, min=Max of ((0.0018*60,000)/fy)*Ag= 0.13 inz/ft <=Controls OK,As Provided>As Min. OR 0.0014*Ag= 0.10 inz/ft Longitudinal As, min=Max of ((0.0018*60,000)/fy)*Ag= 0.13 inz/ft <=Controls OK,As Provided>As Min. OR 0.0014*Ag= 0.10 inz/ft