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TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51203 Date: 09/19/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: Lang A Rev Living Trt 1165 Theresa Dr Mattituck, NY 11952 To: install roof-mounted solar panels on existing accessory garage as applied for. Premises Located at: 1165 Theresa Dr, Mattituck, NY 11952 SCTM# 115.45-11 Pursuant to application dated 08/07/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 03/21/2026. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: SOLAR PANELS $100.00 ELECTRIC -Residential $125.00 CO Accessory $100.00 Total $325.00 Building Inspector TONV-i OF SOliTIIOLD - BUILDI�i G DE.PARTME�iT Fla" Annex 543!75 Main Road P. 0. Box i 179 Sout4,o;�;. '\"Y i I97 i-0959 �,- Telephone l63) l S 765-1 8p2 Fax (63 1) 765-9-502 ; Cate Rece!ved API'-"LICATION FOR BUILDING PERPAII y Far Cffice Use Cnly S Y 24 PER;�11i,T `J`� Building Inspector: 20 Appl!catiar66 and forms must he fiiled out in their entiret~i.incomplete gullding DePart""It a pi!ca v7s 414 nct be accepted Where the Applicant is nott evNnep, a Town of Southold f 9swj,rar°s- a��� �r�i�a3i l r (Paige 2J,shaiq be s,om�ted, � date° A OF PR; PERTY- f\iar.e° (�(,�I��i� SCTNI# 10o0- /15. 0() Project Address- & 5 / A. ; 1 q Phone #e 7 0 L� Email., Fz Mailing Address: CC447C PE. r P� Name: Lo if rat. � Mailing Address: o LAyl l TE )iL�lPhone#: y 7 riai!. Name: Mailing address: YY� Phone#: k' Email: C0WRACT OR MAMOft Mailing address: 4 � ® � d 0 9� Phone#: 0 Email: a's '$ ., DESCIRUIPIPION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Neuu Structure ❑Addition ❑alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: Will the lot he re-graded? ❑`les Nci Will excess fill he removed from premises? [],Yes olo PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: Intended use of property: Zone or use district in wh' h premises is situated; Are there any covenants d restrictions with respect to this property? ❑Y� o IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY, heck Box After Reading: The owner/contractor/design professional Is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary Inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By(print name):Lorraine Di Penta RAuthorized Agent ❑Owner Signature of Applicant: Date: STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF Suffolk ), Lorraine DiPenta being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, Nhe is the Contractor (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this cl � v I day of C,c )' 0 PROPERTY1\16taf�Public E "AID�O III "'III'"ION LOUIS J ROMEO Notary Public,State of New York (Where the applicant is not the owner) No.01R06314813 Qualified in Suffolk County 1 Commission Expires November 17,20 '` I, I�✓ LA-viq residing at 7-k.r-e,5 4—, l --t Lo" ` 4' � do hereby authorize LL C, �toyap ply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. rovner"s Signature�•+ " �-� Date �L l_OUIS J ROMEO Notary Public,State of New York 13 Print Owner's Name Oualifiedin Suffolk County Commission Expires NovNo.01 ember 17,20 7-L 2 ��y jL. Z r�z 4 IJctor' 1 �ss '� TOWN of�5aw0c, LD Town Hail .Annex - 5.4375 ��Southold, New Yo71-0059 Telephone (531) 765-1302 - F J&V,� sea " OV APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ELECTRICIAN INFORMATION (Au Information Required) Cate: � �� � _4 Company Name: � Electrician°s Narne-7�rrr.c, License No., � � _ � �� �' Eiec. email, P �e��' 55 e_D4 c Elec. Phone No: 'L2)1s1 rjr-3 [91 request an email copy of Certificate of Compliance Elec. Address.: � 'y (O.)krt, 9) ,' JOB SITE INFORMATION (All Information Required) Name: address: UG Cross Street: Phone No.: a 0 a BId Permit #: email' �.� Tax leap District: 1000 Section: 11 5 . 00 Block. a 1 � oo Lot. O 1/, t� BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK, INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (Please Print Clearly): Square Footage: Clircle That Apply: Is job ready for inspection?: Li YESZNO dough In Li Final ®o you need a Temp Certificate?: YES N NO Issued On 'Temp Information- (All information required) Service Size 1 Ph i Ph Size: A ## Meters Old Meter# ❑New Service❑Fire Reconnect[]Flood Reconnect[]Service Reconnect❑Undergroundverhead #Underground Laterals 1 _LJ2 H Frame Pole Work done on Service? Y N Additional Information: 1 PAYMENT CIE WITH APPLICATION DATE(MM/DD/YYYY1 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 7/16/2024 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW, THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(fes)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed, If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s), PRODUCER NTACT ROBERT S. FEDE INSURANCE AGENCY E MAN Ext: __..... 1760 F� f7B5 A/c . 23 GREEN STREET,SUITE 102 N° -" ------ PHONE L. HUNTINGTON, NY 11743 AmREss.._ _.. .........._." ROBERTS. FEDE INSURANCE __ ... INSURERISI AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURER A:ADMIRAL INSURANCE COMPANY 24856 INSURED INSURER Brp ^INSLIAN E ND _ 52 � Element Energy LLC ""-"" INSURER C: _ _ .. ..---" DBA ELEMENT ENERGY SYSTEMS INsuRERoRAL� " -��� N � 7470 SOUND AVENUE - ...._........ _..........._......... MATTITUCK, NY 11952 INSURER E .----------- .�. .. ._ ....... ................. INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT„TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. LT'R._4.....- TYPEOFmmINSURANCE _....,.. ....... ......_ .....,..._�............. _ ..... ... _ ._... ................_ POLICY EFF POLNCY EXP INS'R' �� " POLICY NUMBER MWDD/YYYY ._.N1 100"YY LIMITS COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ICA00005380701 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000. A X X 7/14/2024 7/14/2025 0A"mA N I t CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR PREMISES�„�aITcccw�rren � $ IT. ... 300„Q'0C w""""". """"'"""""""""- IMA389203C PERSONAL&ADV INJURY S 1000000 X 7/19/2024 7/19/2025 _...__. G.._ 1/ t�� .." GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL POLICY E] PRO' LOG❑ PRODUCTS JECV` GR�GATE � 2„000 00� PRODUCTS-COMP/0 AGG $ OTHER: AU70MOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ Ea acc dent ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ ( _....... .. _....... HIRED NON-OWNED PROPER"Y DAMAGE rl AUTOS ONLY '.AUTOS ONLY (Per,ec�g,J,elylq $ $ UMBRELLA LIAB OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ EXCESS LIAB L CLAIMSw•MADE. AGGREGATE _.. OEL RE"fENTpCN$ $ ANY' AND NY TION EMPLOETOPENSAILIT 124494445 PER WORKERS COOS'LIABILITY Y/N 7/13/2024 7/13/2025 "� 5TA r4.T ER B OFFICERlMMEMSER EXCLUDED,? ECUTIVE' E.L.EACH ACCIDENT s 1 000 000„ R EXCLUDED? � N/A IMandata in NH) E L DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE If yyes describe under - ""-- ID'ES#�R9P"TION OF CPERATlONS below E..L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ NY State DBL DBL567527 1/01/2024 12/31/2025 Statutory DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached it more space is required) CERTIFICATE HOLDER IS ADDITIONAL INSURED- CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION Town of Southold SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE 54375 Main Road THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Southold, NY 11971 ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE I 'R0b12+1. S. F"L& ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Workers'Compensation CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE COVERAGE s�rare ' Board NYS DISABILITY AND PAID FAMILY LEAVE BENEFITS LAW .......... ....... .m PART 1.To be completed by NYS disability and Paid Family Leave benefits carrier or licensed insurance agent of that carrie 1 a. Legal Name&Address of Insured(use street address only) 1 b. Business Telephone Number of Insured ELEMENT ENERGY LLC 7470 SOUND AVE MATTITUCK, NY 11952 1 c. Federal Employer Identification Number of Insured Work Location Of Insured(Only required if coverage is specifically limited to or Social Security Number certain locations in New York State,i.e.,Wrap-Up Policy) 823336604 ..... .... _..... 2.Name and Address of Entity Requesting Proof of Coverage 3a. Name of Insurance Carrier (Entity Being Listed as the Certificate Holder) ShelterPoint Life Insurance Company TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 54375 MAIN STREET 3b. Policy Number of Entity Listed in Box"I a" SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 DBL567527 3c.Policy effective period 01/01/2024 to 12/31/2025 4. Policy provides the following benefits: © A.Both disability and paid family leave benefits. B.Disability benefits only. C.Paid family leave benefits only. 5. Policy covers: © A.All of the employer's employees eligible under the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law. B.Only the following class or classes of employer's employees: Under penaity Of penury,U oerta'ly that I am an authorized represertativa or pioensed agent of the insurance carrier referenced above and that the named insured has NYS Disability and/or Paid Family Leave Benefits insurance coverage as described above. Date Signed 7/10/2024 By /43n&k�,; (Signature of insurance carrier's authorized representative or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that insurance carrier) Telephone Number 516-829-8100 Name and Title Leston Wel h Chief Executive Officer IMPORTANT: If Boxes 4A and 5A are checked, and this form is signed by the insurance carrier's authorized representative or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that carrier,this certificate is COMPLETE. Mail it directly to the certificate holder. If Box 4B, 4C or 5B is checked, this certificate is NOT COMPLETE for purposes of Section 220, Subd.8 of the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law. It must be emailed to PAU@wcb.ny.gov or it can be mailed for completion to the Workers'Compensation Board, Plans Acceptance Unit, PO Box 5200, Binghamton, NY 13902-5200. PART 2.To be completed by the NYS Workers'Compensation Board (only if Box 48,4C or 58 have been checked) State of New York Workers" Compensation Board According to information maintained by the NYS Workers'Compensation Board,the above-named employer has compiled with the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits L w(Article 9 of the Workers°Compensatlon Law)with respect to all of their employees. Date Signed By (Signature of Authorized NYS Workers'Compensation Board Employee) Telephone Number Name and Title Please Note:Only insurance carriers licensed to write NYS disability and paid family leave benefits insurance policies and NYS licensed insurance agents of those insurance carriers are authorized to issue Form DB-120.1.Insurance brokers are NOT authorized to issue this form. DB-120.1 (12-21) 111 111iiiiiiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiii( 1111111 Additional Instructions for Form DBA 20.1 By signing this form, the insurance carrier identified in Box 3 on this form is certifying that it is insuring the business referenced in Box 1a for disability and/or Paid Family Leave benefits under the NYS Disability and Paid. Family Leave Benefits Law. The insurance carrier or its licensed agent will send this Certificate of Insurance Coverage(Certificate) to the entity listed as the certificate holder in Box 2, The insurance carrier must notify the above certificate holder and the Workers' Compensation Board within 10 days IF a policy is cancelled due to nonpayment of premiums or within 30 days IF there are reasons other than nonpayment of premiums that cancel'the policy or eliminate the insured from coverage indicated on this Certificate. (These notices may be sent by regular mail.) Otherwise, this Certificate is valid for one year after this form is approved by the insurance carrier or its licensed agent, or until the policy expiration date listed in Box 3c, whichever is earlier. This Certificate is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights upon the certificate holder. This Certificate does not amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policy listed, nor does it confer any rights or responsibilities beyond those contained in the referenced policy. This Certificate may be used as evidence of a NYS disability and/or Paid Family Leave benefits contract of insurance only while the underlying policy is in effect. Please Note: Upon the cancellation of the disability and/or Paid Family Leave benefits policy indicated on this farm, if the business continues to be named on a permit, license or contract issued' by a certificate holder„the business must provide that certificate holder with a new Certificate of Insurance Coverage for NYS disability and/ or Paid Family Leave Benefits or other authorized proof that the business is complying with the mandatory coverage requirements of the NYS Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits Law. NYS DISABILITY AND PAID FAMILY LEAVE BENEFITS LAW §220. Subd. 8 (a) The head of a state or municipal department, board, commission or office authorized or required by law to issue any permit for or in connection with any work involving the employment of employees in employment as defined in this article, and not withstanding any general or special statute requiring or authorizing the issue of such permits, shall not issue such permit unless proof duly subscribed by an insurance carrier is produced in a form satisfactory to the chair, that the payment of disability benefits and after January first, two thousand and twenty-one, the payment of family leave benefits for all employees has been secured as provided by this article. Nothing herein, however, shall be construed as creating any liability on the part of such state or municipal department, board, commission or office to pay any disability benefits to any such employee if so employed. (b)The head of a state or municipal department, board, commission or office authorized or required by law to enter into any contract for or in connection with any work involving the employment of employees in employment as defined in this article and notwithstanding any general or special statute requiring or authorizing any such contract, shall not enter into any such contract unless proof duly subscribed by an insurance carrier is produced in a form satisfactory to the chair, that the payment of disability benefits and after January first, two thousand eighteen, the payment of family leave benefits for all employees has been secured as provided by this article. DB-120.1 (12-21)Reverse N YS F New York State Insurance Fund PO Box 66699,Albany, NY 12206 1 nysif.com CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (RENEWED) 51 M A"A A A A 823336604 ROBERT S FEDE INSURANCE AGENCY 23 GREEN ST STE 102 HUNTINGTON NY 11743 SCAN TO VALIDATE AND SUBSCRIBE POLICYHOLDER CERTIFICATE HOLDER ELEMENT ENERGY LLC TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DBA ELEMENT ENERGY SYSTEMS 54375 MAIN ROAD 7470 SOUND AVENUE SOUTHOLD NY 11971 MATTITUCK NY 11952 POLICY NUMBER CERTIFICATE NUMBER POLICY PERIOD DATE 12449 444-5 962287 07/13/2024 TO 07/13/2025 7/11/2024 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICYHOLDER NAMED ABOVE IS INSURED WITH THE NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND UNDER POLICY NO. 2449 444-5, COVERING THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF THIS POLICYHOLDER FOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION UNDER THE NEW YORK WORKERS' COMPENSATION LAW WITH RESPECT TO ALL OPERATIONS IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK, EXCEPT AS INDICATED BELOW, AND, WITH RESPECT TO OPERATIONS OUTSIDE OF NEW YORK, TO THE POLICYHOLDER'S REGULAR NEW YORK STATE EMPLOYEES ONLY. IF YOU WISH TO RECEIVE NOTIFICATIONS REGARDING SAID POLICY, INCLUDING ANY NOTIFICATION OF CANCELLATIONS, OR TO VALIDATE THIS CERTIFICATE,VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT HTTPS://WWW.NYSIF.COM/CERTICERTVAL.ASP.THE NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND IS NOT LIABLE IN THE EVENT OF FAILURE TO GIVE SUCH NOTIFICATIONS. THIS POLICY DOES NOT COVER THE SOLE PROPRIETOR, PARTNERS AND/OR MEMBERS OF A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. THE POLICY INCLUDES A WAIVER OF SUBROGATION ENDORSEMENT UNDER WHICH NYSIF AGREES TO WAIVE ITS RIGHT OF SUBROGATION TO BRING AN ACTION AGAINST THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER TO RECOVER AMOUNTS WE PAID IN WORKERS'COMPENSATION AND/OR MEDICAL BENEFITS TO OR ON BEHALF OF AN EMPLOYEE OF OUR INSURED IN THE EVENT THAT, PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE ACCIDENT, THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER HAS ENTERED INTO A WRITTEN CONTRACT WITH OUR INSURED THAT REQUIRES THAT SUCH RIGHT OF SUBROGATION BE WAIVED. THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS NOR INSURANCE COVERAGE UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICY. NEW YORK STAT SU NCE FUND DIRECTOR,INSURANE FUND UNDERWRITING VALIDATION NUMBER: 743799006 Page 1 of 2 Current 08/02/2024 Renewables Element Energy LLC Engineering 7470 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY, 11952 Subject: Structural Certification for Installation of Residential Solar Job: Aurelie Lang Residence Project Address: 1165 Theresa Drive, Mattituck, NY, 11952 Attn.: To Whom It May Concern Observation of the condition of the existing framing system was performed by an audit team of Element Energy LLC. After review of the field observation data, structural capacity calculations were performed in accordance with applicable building codes to determine adequacy of the existing roof framing supporting the proposed panel layout. Please see full Structural Calculations report for details regarding calculations performed and limits of scope of work and liability. The design criteria and structural adequacy are summarized below: Design Criteria Code: 2020 NYSBC, ASCE 7-16 Risk Category: II Ult Wind Speed: 128.0 mph Ground Snow: 25.0 psf Min Snow Roof: N/A Exp:09/30/2025 OF NEW y A. Zq�0'p.� Current Renewables Engineering Inc. Professional Engineer iQ-1 info@currentrenewableseng.com FAA 106793 FE NP Signed on:08/02/2024 1760 Chicago Ave Ste J13, Riverside, CA 92507 (951)405-1733 info currentrenewableseng.com Page 2 of 2 Summaries• Check 1: Shingle roofing supported by 2x6 Rafter @ 16 in. OC spacing. The roof is sloped at approximately 23 degrees and has a max beam span of 14.0 ft between supports. Roof is adequate to support the imposed loads. Therefore, no structural upgrades are required. 1760 Chicago Ave Ste J13, Riverside, CA 92507 (951)405-1733 info@currentrenewableseng.com ROOF MOUNT SOLAR PERMIT PACKAGE AURELIE LANG 7.650 KW DC GRID TIED PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM 1165 THERESA DR, MATTITUCK, NY 11952 AERIAL VIEW VICINITY VIEW CODE INFORMATION GENERAL NOTES: THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION BY US LAW. THE INSTALLATION OF SOLAR ARRAYS AND PHOTOVOLTAIC REPRODUCTION IN ANY FORM IS POWER SYSTEMS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING CODES: 1. LOCAL UTILITY PROVIDER SHALL BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TO USE AND ACTIVATION OF ANY EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT PRIOR s - SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC INSTALLATION• WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT 2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 2. THIS PROJECT SHALL COMPLY WITH LOCAL ORDINANCES RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. w� 2020 RESIDENTIAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 3. PROPER ACCESS AND WORKING CLEARANCE WILL BE PROVIDED MI - 2020 EXISTING BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 4. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHOWN ON THESE PLANS WILL BE COMPLETED BY THE L 2020 FIRE CODE OF NEW YORK STATE UNDERSIGNED Current ":. 2020 PLUMBING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 5. ALLAPPLICABLE PV EQUIPMENT LISTED AND COMPLIANT WITH UL2703,UL1741 AND UL1703 Renewabies _ 2020 MECHANICAL CODE OF NEW YORK STATE 6. ALL ROOF PENETRATIONS TO BE SEALED WITH A HIGH PERFORMANCE ROOF SEALANT 2017 NEW YORK STATE ELECTRICAL CODE SUCH AS GeoCel 2300 CLEAR SEALANT Engineering 7. THE SYSTEM WILL NOT BE INTERCONNECTED UNTIL APPROVAL FROM THE LOCAL JURISDICTION AND THE UTILITY IS OBTAINED CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. ' 8. THE SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC INSTALLATION SHALL NOT OBSTRUCTANY PLUMBING, 1760 CHICAGO AVE SUITE J•13,RIVERSIDECA92507 MECHANICAL,OR BUILDING ROOF VENTS• PHONE:(951)-405.1733,WWW.CRENG.CO AHJ: TOWN DFSOUTHOLD 9. IF THE EXISTING MAIN PANEL DOES NOT HAVE VERIFIABLE GROUNDING ELECTRODE,IT IS THE NECESSARY TO INSTALL A SUPPLEMENTAL GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONTRACTOR INFO LEGEND 10. EACH MODULE WILL BE GROUNDED UL 2703 OR UL 1703 APPROVED USING THE SUPPLIED CONNECTION POINTS IDENTIFIED ON THE MODULE AND THE MANUFACTURER'S a INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS" ©n 11. A LADDER SHALL BE IN PLACE FOR THE INSPECTION IN COMPLIANCE WITH OSHA REGULATIONS- uM UTILITY METER PM PRODUCTION METER 12 MAX HEIGHT OF MODULES OFF OF ROOF FACE:<6' EZSYSi 13. PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM WILL COMPLY WITH 2O17 NEC.- MSP MAIN SERVICE PANEL INV INVERTER 14. PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM INVERTER IS UNGROUNDED.NO CONDUCTORS ARE SOLIDLY ELEMENT ENERGY LLC. GROUNDED IN THE INVERTER,AND SYSTEM COMPLIES WITH 690.35. 747o SOUND AVENUE,MATfffUCK BUILDING INFORMATION ❑ ❑ NEW Y1)779799 C COMBINER Sue SUB PANEL 15. MODULES CONFORM TO AND ARE LISTED UNDER UL 1703.• PH:(637)7797993 16. INVERTER CONFORMS TO AND IS LISTED UNDER UL 1741. services@e2sys.com EV CHARGER Ed BACKUP LOAD PANEL 17. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL TO BE LISTED,LABELED,AND INSTALLED PER THE Licence-ME-52689 1 STORY HOUSE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE NEC,THE INSTALLATION STANDARDS/MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS AND IF (MASTER Licece LHl`674611 �C AC DISCONNECT IQ IQ CONTROLLER 2 REQUIRED A RECOGNIZED ELECTRICAL TESTING LABORATORY.• (SUFFOLK HOME IMPROVEMENTI CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-B OCCUPANCY: R3/U SUB SUB PANEL 18 ABOVE ROOF U FACE. SUNLIGHT ON ROOF SHALL BE LOCATED NOT LESS THAN 7/8" EdBATTERY 19. IN EXPOSED LOCATIONS,WIRING AND CABLING SHALL BE IN CONDUIT OR CABLE SHALL BE AURELIE LANG APN : 1000115001500011000 ❑ MODULE RATED FOR EXPOSURE;TYPE NM CABLE ALLOWED IN PROTECTED LOCATIONS.WITHIN 1165 THERESA DR, QH Q.HOME HUB ATTIC SPACES,ALLOWED TO RUN TYPE NM(ROME))10/3 OR 1213 CONDUCTORS THROUGH Q ROOF OBSTRUCTIONS OPEN SPACE OR TYPE THHN IN MINIMUM 3/4"ALUMINUM CONDUIT MATTITUCK,NY 11952 SHEET INDEX CONDUIT AC ESS DISCONNECT 20. MATERIALS,EQUIPMENTAND INSTALLATION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS, AHJ TOWN OFSOUTHOLD STANDARDS,RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE FOLLOWING AND BE MOST SUITABLE TO MAIN BREAKER LC LOAD CENTER THE PURPOSE INTENDED: LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY PV-1.0 COVER PAGE MBE ENCLOSURE urlLlrr ILIPA) IPV-2.0 SITE PLAN TS AUTOMATIC TRANSFER ❑ SEPTIC TANK WIND SPEED 128 PVSUMMARY SWITCH r SYSTEM SIZE STC 425 X 16 =7.fi50 PV-2.1 ROOF PLAN ��� SNOW LOAD 25 ,��OF NEW,, (KWDC) LEACH LINES PV-3.0 STRUCTURAL © PERMANENT ANCHOR EXPOSURE CATEGORY C .r\Q� j A D SYSTEM SIZE 576 395.3 � X 18=7.115 �� PROPANE TANK (9 'P (KWAC) PV-4.0 ELECTRICAL 3LD OT TEMPORARY ANCHOR O WELL * �� O� * MODULES : 18 M-GZ�25 BLK MICROINVERTER 1g IQSMCENPHASE PV-4.1 ELECTRICAL SLD IL O POWER LINES r -72_M_US PV�.2 ELECTRICAL PHOTOS INSTALLER LADDER NO LADDER ACCESSTEEP nn PV-5.0 BOM S❑ STUB-OUT 0 OR GROU DDLEVEL � 106793 PV-6.0 SIGNAGE &PLACARD ® SKYLIGHT OBSTRUCTIONS) AROFESSIDN1\1 PV-7.0 SPECS+ ®s GAS SHUT OFF Rev Description Date ❑ RESTRICTED ACCESS Exp:9/30/2025 0 INITIAL DESIGN 8=024 O WATER SHUT OFF STAMPED 08/02/2024 s O7 SERVICE DROP PROJECT# NA 36"ACCESS PATHWAYS DATE DRAWN erzrzoza RAIL• ® 18"ACCESS PATHWAYS DRAWN BY E.R RAFTER SHEET# PV-1.0 ROOF ACCESS POINT ATTACHMENT TITLE COVER PAGE R324.6.1 PATHWAYS: NOT LES�THAN TWO MINIMUM 36 INCH WIDE PATHWAYS ON _ L E G E N D SEPARATE ROOF PLANES, FROM LOWEST ROOF EDGE TO RIDGE,SHALL BE PROVIDED ON ALL BUILDINGS. (0) AT LEAST E ONE PATHWAY HE ROOF. A. BE PROVIDED ON THE STREET OR ,`Q��- F A E �/0 L /� \\ UM UTILITY METER FOR EACH ROOF PLANE WITH A PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY,A MINIMUM O0�'R �'�� �/ \\ MSP MAIN SERVICE PANEL 36 INCH-WIDE PATHWAY FROM THE LOWEST ROOF EDGE TO RIDGE SHALL BE PROVIDED ON THE SAME ROOF PLANE OR STRADDLING * fi * / AC C \, COMBINER THE SAME AND ADJACENT ROOF PLANES.PATHWAYS SHALL BE OVER AREAS CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING FIRE FIGHTERS r ACCESSING THE ROOF.PATHWAYS SHALL BE LOCATED IN AREAS C2 I I EV CHARGER WITH MINIMAL OBSTRUCTIONS SUCH AS VENT PIPES,CONDUIT,OR MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT. `Q 106793 � �+ C AC DISCONNECT R324.6.2 SETBACK AT RIDGE: A �, (N)1-1/4"PVC UNDER � SUB EV � FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAYS OCCUPYING NOT MORE THAN 33 ESS�ONP GROUND CONDUIT @ 18" \ GARAGE UB SUB PANEL PERCENT OF THE PLAN VIEW TOTAL ROOF AREA,NOT LESS THAN BELOW GRADE-42' \ / ❑ AN 18 INCH CLEAR SET BACK IS REQUIRED ON BOTH SIDES OF A Exp:9/30/2025 \ / MODULE THESE COPYRIGHT PROTECTION ARE SUBJECT TO HORIZONTAL RIDGE. (TRENCHED) / COPYRIGHT PROTECTION BY US LAW. FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAYS OCCUPYING MORE THAN 33 Q ROOF OBSTRUCTIONS REPRODUCTION IN ANY FORM IS STAMPED 08/9W024 r— EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT PRIOR PERCENT E THE PLAN VIEW TOTAL ROOF BOTH D LESS THAN A I 1981_6`11 / FENCE CONDUIT WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT HORIZONTAL CLEAR SET BACK IS REQUIRED ON BOTH SIDES OF A �N—__— RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. HORIZONTAL RIDGE. __ --_ ~ —__���_ __ �_� 41 �111 SHED PROPERTY LINE R324.6.4 EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENING:PANELS Current AND MODULES INSTALLED ON DWELLINGS SHALL NOT BE PLACED ��e ����� THE PORTION OF A ROOF THAT IS BELOW AN EMERGENCY ESCAPE 91' - r _------.�—.�_"��rT_ AND RESCUE OPENING.A 36-INCH-WIDE PATHWAY SHALL BE I J 80'_516 Engineering PROVIDED TO THE EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENING. • s .• , e' ° IB{{kk 1 DRIVEWAY CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. NOTES: r a•,-- - °' : . 4 ;.4•�,-°. s 1760 CHICAGO AVE SURE J-13,RIVERSIDE CA 92507 1. MINOR FIELD ADJUSTMENTS ALLOWED BASED 1;•� c PHONE:(951)405.1733,WWW.CRENG.CO ON ACTUAL SITE CONDITION AND ' �A• :• - :e:;�. , MEASUREMENTS. s_ '= CONTRACTOR INFO 2. THE 30 SECOND SHUTDOWN REQUIREMENT IS INCORPORATED INTO THE 2017 NEC AND UL STANDARD 1741. e 'm.' ' " t6y 3. EXISTING ROOF VENT SHOULD NOT BE COVERED. N I�}E EZSYS Uj ELEMENT ENERGY LLC. Y� i 5; 7470 SOUND AVENUE,MA7MUCK w O I!i SoNEW YORK,11952 P PH:(631)779 7993 1 16 services@e2sys.com ' O I� Licence-ME-52689 (M Ii ASTER ELECTRICIAN) 53' (SUFFOLicence-HI-67461 II LK HOME IMPROVEMENT) 1 ' G i� AURELIE LANG 1165 THERESA DR, i 78'-1 0" 11 MATTITUCK,NY 11952 16 iit AHJ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 1' UTILITY LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY ROOF LINE L (LIPA) � PV SUMMARY SYSTEM SIZE STC 425 X 18=7.650 (KWDC) a _ FTC 395.3 X 18 =7.115 / • A \\ :r�'r''_ (KWAC) slzE 5.76 @240 \\ 401-811 ���Q', 9aQCELLS MODULES 18 M-G2+425 RON BLK • `! �'"�' 1a POOL MICROINVERTER 18 ENPHASE \ \\ _� IQBMC-72-M-US t ✓\L�. ROOF OBSTRUCTION ��+ r Rev Description Date ®, 0 INITIAL DESIGN 8=024 A MSP I B PROJECT# NA \ I Q I DATE DRAWN a=024 1 n DRAWN BY E.R SITE PLAN FENCE/GATE uM SHEET# Pv-z.o 1 SCALE: 3/64" = 1'-0" I 1 I TITLE I I SITE PLAN L---------LJ ARRAY AREA C LEGEND ARRAY ROOF ROOF TOTAL — — — — — — — ROOF ROOF AZIMUTH #OF AREA AREA AREA AREA — — — — — — — uM UTILITY METER TILT MODULES (Sq.Ft.) (Sq.Ft.) COVERED BY COVERED BY — ARRAY(%) ARRAY(%) — — — — MSP MAIN SERVICE PANEL #1 23° 259° 14 1 294.28 798 36.88 #2 23° 1 79° 4 1 84.08 798 10.54 47.41 — — — — c COMBINER _ -- — — E EV CHARGER �c AC DISCONNECT Sub SUB PANEL MODULE ROOF#2 THESE DRAWNGS ARE SUBJECT TO Q ROOF OBSTRUCTIONS COPYRIGHT PROTECTION BY US LAW. —H — --A I — REPRODUCTION IN ANY FORM IS (N)1-1/4"PVC UNDER — — CONDUIT WRITTTTENAPPROVAL FROM CUR ENT SLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT OR GROUND CONDUIT @ 18" RAIL RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. BELOW DE-42' — — — — RAFTER (TRENCHED) Current cc — — — — � ATTACHMENT Renewables o — _ — —_ Engineering ..Q^ CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. V/ r 1760 CHICAGO AVE SUITE,F13,RIVERSIDE CA 92507 LLI — — — — O EW LO PHONE:(9 �51OS7733,www.CRENG.CO �'t QO�RS A. �90 �� CONTRACTOR INFO ROOF#1 (N)18 QCELLS Q.TRON BLK M-G2+425 r W E2SY5194 V�Q 106793 ��� ELEMENT ENERGY LLC. c 7470 SOUND AVENUE,MATfIfUCK, /QOC�O�p`v NEW YORK.11952 PC� !"C J PH:(631)779 7993 services@e2sys.com Exp:9/30/2025 Licence-ME-52689 (MASTER ELECTRICIAN) Licence-HI-67461 STAMPED 08/02/2024 (SUFFOLK HOME IMPROVEMENT) STRUCTURAL NOTES: 1.THESE PLANS ARE STAMPED FOR STRUCTURAL CODE COMPLIANCE OF AURELIE LANG Q THE ROOF FRAMING SUPPORTING THE PROPOSED PV INSTALLATION ONLY. 1165 THERESA DR, 2.THESE PLANS ARE NOT STAMPED FOR WATER LEAKAGE. MATTITUCK,NY 11952 3.PV MODULES,RACKING,AND ATTACHMENT COMPONENTS MUST FOLLOW AHJ TOWN OFSOUTHOLD MANUFACTURER GUIDELINES AND REQUIREMENTS. 4.PLEASE SEE THE ACCOMPANYING STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS REPORT UTILITY LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. (LIPA) 5.PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK,THE SOLAR INSTALLER SHALL PVSUMMARY VERIFY THE ROOF FRAMING INFO BEFORE INSTALLATION AND NOTIFY THE SYSTEM SIZE(KWDc) STC 425 x 18=7.650 E.O.R. IF THERE IS ANY INCONSISTENCY BETWEEN SITE VERIFICATION AND SYSTEM PTC 395.3 x 1a=7.115 FOLLOWING:2x6 RAFTERS @ 16"OC SPACING WITH MAX UNSUPPORTED (KWAC) SIZE 5.76 @240 SPAN EQUAL OR LESS THAN 14 FT. MODULES 18 QCELLS CLTRON BLK O M-G2+425 MICROINVERTER 18 ENPHASE IQ8MC-72-M-US Rev Description Date 0 INITIAL DESIGN 8/22024 A B PROJECT# NA DATE DRAWN 8=024 DRAWN BY E.R 2 ROOF P LAN SHEET# PV-2.1 MSP TITLE SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" UM ROOF PLAN TABLE 1 TABLE 2 s, FRAMING TYPE RAFTER ROOF ROOF ROOFING FRAMING FRAMING OC MAX PENETRATION MAX NO. TILT TYPE TYPE SIZE SPACING SPACING OVERHANG s2 ATTACHMENT IRONRIDGE QUICKMOUNT HALO ULTRA O GRIP ROOF 1 23° COMP SHINGLE RAFTER 2"X611 1611 6411 2411 s3 RAIL IRONRIDGE XR-100 RAIL ROOF 2 23° COMP SHINGLE RAFTER 2"X6" 16" 64" 24" THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO * * COPYRIGHT PROTECTION BY US LAW. REPRODUCTION IN ANY FORM IS EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT PRIOR r WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. JF� 106793 Current SSIONP� (a Renewabtes Exp:9/30/2025 Engineering CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. STAMPED 08/02/2024 1760 CHICAGO AVE SURE J-13,RIVERSIDE CA 92507 MODULE PHONE:(951)♦05-1733,W W W.CRENG.CO CONTRACTORINFO S3 mum S2 TABLE : PENETRATION CZSYSI ROOF GUIDE FOR INSTALL ELEMENT ENERGY L-C. 7470 SOUND AVENUE,MATTRUCK, TWO OR MORE ROWS OF PANELS NEWYORK,11952 PH:(63D 779 7993 5ervices@e2sys.com Licence-ME-52689 (MASTER ELECTRICIAN) 25"MIN.EMBED. Licence-HI-67461 ( - (SUFFOLK HOME IMPROVEMENT) I I I I I I I I I I I II III III II I III III III III II LAURELIE LAN G (2)-#14 X T' SELF DRILLING 1165 THERESA DR, MATTITUCK,NY 1195 2STRUCTURAL SCREWS TO Si EXISTING STRUCTURE AHJ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHO RITY UTILITY ( IPA)ENLARGED VIEW PVSUMMARY STACKED STAGGERED FULLY STAGGERED SYSTEM SIZE (KWDC) STC 425 X 18 =7.650 PTC 395.3 X 18 =7.115 ONE ROW OF PANELS SYSTEM SIZE(KWAC) 5.76 @24D MODULES 18 QCELLS Q.TRON BLK M-G2+425 MODULE MICROINVERTER 18 ENPHASE IQBMC-72aV1115 I I I I I I I I I I I SEE ENLARGED VIEW I I I I I I I I I --� FULLY STAGGERED STACKED/STAGGERED Rev Description Date 0 INITIAL DESIGN 8=024 A RO OF B PROJECT# NA DATE DRAWN 8/y2024 DRAWN BY E.R ATTACHMENT DETAILS SHEET# PV-3.0 TITLE STRUCTURAL BACKFEED FUSE SIZING ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT LIST MAX.CONTINUOUS OUTPUT 1.33A @ 240V OF NEW �(�G YO 23.94 X 1.25 = 29.93AMPS 30A FUSES-OK. S.NO. ITEMS DESCRIPTION CITY.QCELLS Q.TRON BLK MA 1 PV MODULE 18 M-G2+425 2 MICROINVERTER ENPHASE IQ8MC-72-M-US 18 MODULE gCELLS ACCOUNT NUMBER:-#9620144907 n w D MANUFACTURER ENPHASE IQ COMBINER 2 099128 2 3 COMBINER MODULE MODEL Q.TRON BLK M-G2+425 5/5C CTRWGP� 60A RATED D322NRB (N)100A RATED A MODULE(W) 425 4 AC DISCONNECT SQUARE D KNIFEBLADE 1 SUB PANEL RO�$S(ONP� LOCKABLE NEMA 311 UL 1 PH,1201240V 60HZ MODULE PTC(W) 395.25 LISTED STAMPED 08/02/2024 MODULE Isc(A) 13.49 5 SUB PANEL DEDICATED 100A RATED 1 PANEL BREAKER (E)UTILITY METER TO UTILITY SUB PANEL THESE DRAWINGS MODULE Vac(V) 38.67 GRID COPYRIGHT PROTECTION BY US LAW. MODULE Imp(A) 12.88 6 EV CHARGER 40A EV CHARGER 1 (E)200A RATED REPRODUCTION IN ANY FORM IS MAIN SERVICE PANEL EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT PRIOR MODULE Vmp(V) 32.98 (N)ENPHASE 1 PH.1201240V 60HZ WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT 3 RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. COMBINER BOX 5 •- (N)LOAD (E)200A/2P MAIN �//"I��` SIDE TAP BREAKER Current CELL WIRE LESS (TOP FED) Renewa les MODEM COMMS (N)40A EV CHARGER Et fil .� D Engineering IQ GATEWAY CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. p 1760 CHICAGO AVE SUITE J-13.RIVERSIDE CA 9=7 1 0 0 PHONE:(951)405.1733.NW W.CRENG.CO 2 N)15 r 1 6 I I m CONTRACTOR INFO I I I I ' 1 BRANCH OF 9 E I din MR PV MODULE I I I I I \ I I 4 OACDSCONNECT (N)30A FUSE I I ' CZ SYSI 1 (N)20A� I I I I I ELEMENT ENERGY L-C. I 7470 SOUND AVENUE.MATITIUCK, NEW YORK.11952 I I I PH:(631)779 7993 2BRANCHOF9 NV -- L------- -- ---- --------- L =_ semices@e2sys.com -52689 PV MODULE 1r--------- JASTE EL ETRICIA(MASTER ELECTRICUIN) Licence-HI-67461 L-COATED AWG#6 TO THE I L (SUFFOLK HOMEIMPROVEMEN7)MAIN GROUND ROD ORC TO WATER MAIN.GEC I SHOULD NOT LAND IN L-- ------------ AURELIE LANG NOTE: THE MAIN PANEL (N)1ODA12P 1)CONDUIT AND CONDUCTORS SPECIFICATIONS ARE BASED ON MINIMUM CODE REQUIREMENTS GROUND. FEEDER BREAKER 1165 THERESA DR, AND ARE NOT MEANT TO LIMIT UP-SIZING AS REQUIRED BY FIELD CONDITIONS. (E)GROUNDING ELECTRODE - MATTITUCK,NY 11952 2)ALL CONDUCTORS NOT UNDER ARRAY ARE TO BE IN CONDUIT MINIMUM 7/8"ABOVE ROOF WITH CONDUCTOR#6 BARE COPPER AHJ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPER JUNCTION BOX AT EACH END PER 690.31A UTILITY LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY (LIPA) WIRE CALCULATION PVSUMMARY STARTING ADJUSTMENT MAXIMUM SYSTEM 617E STARTING TEMPERATURE (fONDC) STC 425 X 18 =7.650 CURRENT 7.115 CONDUCTOR CONDUCTOR CONDUIT ALLOWABLE TEMPERATURE CORRECTION FACTOR FOR ADJUSTED CURRENT SYSTEM SIZE PTc 395.3x 1a=5.76 �zao TAG DESCRIPTION APPLIED TO MORE THAN 3 CONDUCTOR APPLIED TO (KWAC) QTY. SIZE(AWG) SIZE&TYPE AMPACITY RATING (°C) FACTOR CONDUCTORS CONDUCTORS AM PACITY CONDUCTORS MODULES 1a QCELLSQTRONBLK M-62+42 310.15(B)(16) IN RACEWAY 310.15(B)(2)(a) 310.15(B)(3)(a) IN RACEWAY ENPHA5E5 MICROINVERTER 18 IQBMC-72-M-US A 2 12 SKU:Q-12-RAW-300,THHN N/A FREE AIR 30 900 11.97 0.96 1 28.80 14.96 1 8 THWN-2 BARE COPPER-(GROUND) 3 10 THWN-2 COPPER-(L1,L2,N) B 3/4"PVC 40 900 23.94 0.96 1 38.40 29.93 1 8 THWN-2 COPPER-(GROUND) Rev Desedpdon Date D INITIAL DESIGN enrzoza 3 6 THWN-2 COPPER-(L1,L2,N) C 3/4"PVC 75 90° 23.94 0.96 1 72.00 29.93 A 1 8 THWN-2 COPPER-(GROUND) B PROJECT# NA 3 3 THWN-2COPPER-(1-1,1.2,N) 1-1/4"PVC DATE DRAWN B=024 D 115 900 80 0.96 1 110.40 100.00 1 8 THWN-2 COPPER-(GROUND) TRENCH DRAWN BY SHEET# PV FV- 11.D 2 8 THWN-2 COPPER-(L1,L2) TITLE E 3/4"PVC 55 900 32 0.96 1 52.80 40.00 1 10 THWN-2 COPPER-(GROUND) ELECTRICAL 3LD BACKFEED FUSE SIZING ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT LIST MAX.CONTINUOUS OUTPUT 1.33A @ 240V S.NO. ITEMS DESCRIPTION QTY. of NEI'Y 23.94 X 1.25 = 29.93AMPS 30A FUSES-OK QCELLS Q.TRON BLK ,tQ- OE Mq/y�,p" 0 1 PV MODULE M-G2+425 18 Gj �O �yQ MODULE 2 MICROINVERTER ENPHASE IQ8MC-72-M-US 18 t' M D M QCELLS ACCOUNT NUMBER:-#9620144907 p LU MANUFACTURER 3 COMBINER ENPHASE IQ COMBINER 1 y 09912E 2 MODULE MODEL Q.TRON BLK M-G2+425 5/5C tp 60A RATED D322NRB (N)100A RATED �OA cTR1cP` �,� MODULE(W) 425 4 AC DISCONNECT SQUARE D KNIFEBLADE 1 SUB PANEL ROFESSIO LOCKABLE NEMA 311 UL 1PH,1201240V 60HZ MODULE PTC(W) 395.25 LISTED STAMPED 08/02/2024 DEDICATED 100A RATED (N)100A/2P SUB MODULE Isc(A) 13.49 5 SUB PANEL SUB PANEL 1 PANEL BREAKER (E)UTILITY METER TO UTILITY THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO MODULE VOc(V) 38.67 6 EV CHARGER 40A EV CHARGER 1 GRID COPYRIGHT PROTECTION BY US LAW. (E)200A RATED REPRODUCTION IN ANY FORM IS MODULE Imp(A) 12.88 MAIN SERVICE PANEL EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT PRIOR • • 1 PH,120/240V 60HZ WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT MODULE Vmp(V) 32.98 (N)ENPHASE RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. 3 COMBINER BOX tj •�• (N)LOAD '(�200A/2P MAIN BREAKER Current CELL •�• SIDE TAP (TOP FED) WIRE LESS Ren-e'�ables MODEM COMMS (N)40A EV CHARGER ° .�. D Engineering IQ GATEWAY CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. 0 • • 1760 CHICAGO AVE SUITE J-13,RNERSIDE CA 92507 1 0 0 PHONE:(951NOS1733,WNW.CRENG.CO CONTRACTORINFO 1 BRANCH OF 9 •�• E 0 ��� PV MODULE (N)20� - 4 ,�• ©� • . (N)20��• (N)FUSED (N)30A FUSE CZSYSOI /'\ AC DISCONNECT • ° ELEMENT ENERGY LLC. 7470 SOUND AVENUE,MATf17UCK �b - NEW YORK 11952 PH:(631)779 7993 2 BRANCH OF 9 el.fti services@e2sys.c°m PV MODULE Ucenee-ME-52689 • - (MASTER ELECTRICIAN) Licence-HI-67461 A (SUFFOLK HOME IMPROVEMENT) B C NOTE: AURELIE LANG 1)CONDUIT AND CONDUCTORS SPECIFICATIONS ARE BASED ON MINIMUM CODE REQUIREMENTS (N)10 1165 THERESA DR, AND ARE NOT MEANT TO LIMIT UP-SIZING AS REQUIRED BY FIELD CONDITIONS. FEEDER BREAKER A/2P (E)GROUNDING ELECTRODE _ 2)ALL CONDUCTORS NOT UNDER ARRAY ARE TO BE IN CONDUIT MINIMUM 7/8"ABOVE ROOF WITH CONDUCTOR#6 BARE COPPER MATTITUCK,NY 11952 PROPER JUNCTION BOX AT EACH END PER 690.31A AHJ TOWN OFSOUTHOLD UTILITY LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY (LIPA) WIRE CALCULATION PVSUMMARY STARTING ADJUSTMENT MAXIMUM SYSTEM SIZE (KWDC) STARTING TEMPERATURE 10NDO> STC 425 x 18=7.650 CURRENT FACTOR FOR ADJUSTED CURRENT Prc 395.3 x 1e =7.115 CONDUCTOR CONDUCTOR CONDUIT ALLOWABLE TEMPERATURE CORRECTION SYSTEM SIZE TAG QTY. SIZE(AWG) SIZE&TYPE AMPACITY RATING (°C)DESCRIPTION FACTOR APPLIED TO MORE THAN 3 CONDUCTOR APPLIED TO (KWAC) 5.78 Sao CONDUCTORS CONDUCTORS AM PACITY CONDUCTORS MODULES 1e QCELLS Q.TRON BLK 310.15(B)(16) IN RACEWAY 310.15(B)(2)(a) 310.15(B)(3)(a) IN RACEWAY ENPHASE MICROINVERTER 18 IQ8MC-72-M-US A 2 12 SKU: Q-12-RAW-300,THHN N/A FREE AIR 30 90° 11.97 0.96 1 28.80 14.96 1 8 THWN-2 BARE COPPER-(GROUND) 3 10 THWN-2 COPPER-(L1,L2,N) B 3/4"PVC 40 90° 23.94 0.96 1 38.40 29.93 1 8 THWN-2 COPPER-(GROUND) Rev Description Data 0 INITIAL DESIGN 8=024 3 6 THWN-2 COPPER-(L1,L2,N) C 3/4"PVC 75 900 23.94 0.96 1 - 72.00 29.93 A 1 8 THWN-2 COPPER-(GROUND) B PROJECT# NA 3 3 THWN-2COPPER-(1-1,1-2,N) 1-1/4"PVC DATE DRAWN 8=024 D 115 90° 80 0.96 1 110.40 100.00 DRAWN BY E.R 1 8 THWN-2 COPPER-(GROUND) TRENCH SHEET# PV-4.1 2 8 THWN-2 COPPER-(1-1,1-2) TITLE E 3/4"PVC 55 90° 32 0.96 1 52.80 40.00 1 10 THWN-2 COPPER-(GROUND) ELECTRICAL SLD EXISTING SERVICE PANEL PHOTOS of: NEl�,Y MAJV •1tl'_ _-- _ � � D W m w 099126 = CTRIGQ� zCJ STAMPED 08/02/2024 THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION BY US LAW. REPRODUCTION IN ANY FORM IS EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. current - Renewables Engineering CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. 1760 CHICAGO AVE SUITE J-13,RIVERSIDE CA 92507 PHONE:(951)40.a1733,W W W.CRENG.CO CONTRACTOR INFO -� a CZSYSI ELEMENT ENERGY U.C. 7470 SOUND AVENUE,MATTTTUCK, NEW YORK,11952 - - ----- _ - - - PH:(631)779 7993 services@e2sys.wm Ucenw-ME-52689 (MASTER ELECTRICIAN) Licence-HI-67461 (SUFFOLK HOME IMPROVEMENT) AURELIE LANG 1165 THERESA DR, MATTITUCK,NY 11952 AHJ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD mmolm- UTILITY LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY PV SUMMARY SYSTEM SIZE STC 425 X 18=7.650 - . 395.3 X 18=7.115 SYSTEM SIZE 5.76 @240 - MODULES 18 QCELLS C,TRON BLK M-G2+425 -" - MICROINVERTER 18 ENPHASE F 108MC-72-M- ., Rev Desedp0on Date �5�1•:,_, - 0 INITIAL DESIGN &=024 A -- - - - - B PROJECT# NA DATE DRAWN a=D24 DRAWN BY E.R SHEETS PV-42 TITLE ELECTRICAL PHOTOS MATERIAL LIST of NEW yo ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTS QTy• PART TYPE PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION D 18 MODULE Q.TRON BLK M-G2+425 QCELLS Q.TRON BLK M-G2+425 2N 099128 �� � 18 MICROINVERTER IQ8MC-72-M-US ENPHASE IQ8MC-72-M-US ,o,Qo CTTtIGNPR, 1 AC DISCONNECT D322NRB 60A RATED 3 POLE 15 HP 240VAC NEMA 311 UL LISTED STAMPED 8 0 s 1 COMBINER X-IQ-AM1-240-5/5C Enphase IQ Combiner 5/5CTHESE DRAWINGS SUBJECT TO /02/2024 2 TAP CONNECTORS IPC TAP IPC INSULATION PIERCING CONNECTORS COPYRIGHT PROTECRIIONBYUSLAW. REPRODUCTION IN ANY FORM IS 1 SUB PANEL 100A SUB PANEL 100A DEDICATED SUB PANEL WRITTENLYFORV LFROMTHOLITPRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT 1 EV CHARGER N/A 40A EV CHARGER RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. Current Renewables Engineering CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. 1760 CHICAGO AVE SUITE J-13,RIVERSIDE CA 92507 PHONE:(951)-405-1733,WIMMCRENG.CO CONTRACTORINFO BREAKER/ FUSES EZSYSI QTy• PART TYPE PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION ELEMENT ENERGY LLC. 7470 SOUND AVENUE,MATTITUCK, 2 FUSES 30A FUSES GENERAL 30A FUSES PH:(631)7797993 2 COMBINER BREAKER 20A 2-POLE BREAKER(S) GENERAL 20A 2-POLE BREAKER(S) servicesLicence--ME-5E-5268969 (MASTER ELECTRICIAN) 1 SUB PANEL BREAKER 100A 2-POLE BREAKER(S) GENERAL 100A 2-POLE BREAKER (SUFFOLK HOM EE IMPROVEMENT) S) LicenceMPROVEMENT) 1 EV CHARGER BREAKER 40A 2-POLE BREAKER(S) GENERAL 40A 2-POLE BREAKER(S) AURELIE LANG 1165 THERESA DR, MATTITUCK,NY 11952 AHJ TOWN OFSOUTHOLD RACKING QTy. PART TYPE PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION UTILITY LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY (LIPA) 12 RAILS & SPLICES XR-100-168B XR100, RAIL 168" BLACK SYSTEMSIZE SUMMARY (KWDC) STC 425 X 16 =7.650 6 RAILS & SPLICES XR100-BOSS-01-M1 BONDED SPLICE, XR100 FTC-7 395.3]XII81=1 7.115 SYSTEM SIZE 5.76 (a]24D 42 CLAMPS & GROUNDING UFO-CL-01-B1 UNIVERSAL MODULE CLAMP BLACK "CNAO' MODULES 16 M-G2+O,TRON BLK MG2+425 12 CLAMPS & GROUNDING UFO-STP-30MM-B1 STOPPER SLEEVE, 30MM, BLACK MICROINVERTER 16 1 Q MC-57 M-US 3 CLAMPS & GROUNDING XR-LUG-03-Al GROUNDING LUG, LOW PROFILE 37 ATTACHMENTS QM-HUG-01-B1 HALO ULTRAGRIP, BLACK 74 ATTACHMENTS HW-RD1430-01-M1 RD STRUCTURAL SCREW, 3.01- 37 ATTACHMENTS BHW-SQ-02-Al SQUARE-BOLT BONDING HARDWARE Rev Description Date 0 INITIAL DESIGN 8=024 A B PROJECT# NA DATE DRAWN 8=024 DRAWN BY E.R SHEET# PV-5.0 TITLE BOM CAUTION MULTIPLE SOURCE OF POWER PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM, M AC DISCONNECT 690.12 INER SUB PANEL COMB EV CHARGER THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO =lm-r COPYRIGHT PROTECTION BY US LAW REPRODUCTION IN MY FORM IS L — EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT PRIOR ITTENPROVAL FROM TURN RAPID ' ` 1 •NNECT RENEWABLES ENG NEERING NC.ENT SHUTDOWN SWITCH TO RATED OUTPUT CURRENT23.94 AMPSo THE"OFF" POSITION TO AC ` • ' ' •' ■ ` • ` ' � • N PVARRAY Current LU enewables SHUT DOWN PV SYSTEM 690.14,690.15,690.54 LU AND REDUCE SHOCK "WARNING" _ � � Engineering CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. HAZARD IN THE ARRAY PM 1760 CHONE:(AVE SURE)-13,RNERSING.0 92507 PHONE:(951)405-1733,W W W.CRENG.CO 690.56(C)(1)(B) CONTRACTOR INFO SECOND SOURCE IS PHOTO-VOLTAIC RATED AC OUTPUT CURRENT- 23.94 AMPS AC NORMAL OPERATING VOLTAGE -240 VOLTS ®� EZSYSI 690.54 ELEMENT ENERGY LLC. 7470 SOUND AVENUE,MATITIUCK — — OPTIONAL SOLAR LOAD CENTER NEWYORK 11952 ARRAY PH:(631)779 7993 s.co Licence-ME-52689 (MASTER ELECTRICIAN) UTILITY METER MAIN SERVICE PANEL Licence-HI-67461 (SUFFOLK HOME IMPROVEMENT) PHOTOVOLTAIC BACK-FED CIRCUIT BREAKER IN MAIN ELECTRICAL AURELIE LANG PANEL IS AC DISCONNECT PER NEC690.17 1165 THERESA DR, MATTITUCK,NY 11952 I — � ■ . OUTPUT ■ • • AHJ TOWN OFSOUTHOLD I LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY D NO VERCURELOCATE ■ ■ DEVICE I NEC 690.31(G)(3)&(4),CRC R324.7 UTILITY (LIPA)�SUMMARY I SYSTEM SIZE (UNLESS BUSBAR IS FULLY RATED) L— (�C) STC 425 X 18 =7.ssD PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER • ■ SYSTEM SIZE PTC 395.3 X 18 =7 115 705.12(D)(2) (KWAC) 5.76 @240 MODULES 19 QCELLS Q.TRON BLK M EVERY 10'ON CONDUIT AND ENCLOSURES MICROINVERTER 18 ENPHASE PH IQBMC-7-72-M-US NOTES: OF NEwyO 1. nec ARTICLES 690 AND 705 AND nec SECTION R324 MARKINGS �Q' opEVi,� 'Q SHOWN HEREON. 2. ALL MARKING SHALL CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING: Rev Description Date A. UV RESISTANT SIGN MATERIAL WITH ENGRAVED OR 0 INITIAL DESIGN 8=024 1- 0 JI MACHINE PRINTED LETTERS OR ELECTRO-PLATING. A Z 099128 = B. RED BACKGROUND COLOR WHITE TEXT AND LINE PROJECT# NA CTRIGPJ WORK. �. C. AERIAL FONT. DATE DRAWN aaaD24 ARO�SS�ONP 3. ALL SIGNS SHALL BE SIZED APPROPRIATELY AND PLACED IN DRAWN BY E.R STAMPED 08/02/2024 THE LOCATIONS SPECIFIED.SIGNAGE CANNOT BE SHEET# PV.6.0 HAND-WRITTEN. TITLE 4. SIGNS SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE SERVICE EQUIPMENT WITH SIGNAGE POP-RIVETS OR SCREWS. XR®N BLK nil-G2+ SERIES Q.TRON BLS z 9 ■Mechanical Specification M-G2+ SERIES Q�e��s a it Format 67.8 in x 44.6 in x 1.1E in(including frame) (1722 mm x 1134MM x 30 mm) -f Weight 47.2lbs(21-4kg) Front Cover 0.13 in(3.2 mm)thermally pre-stressed glass ax- with ant-reflection technology _ 410-430Wp 1108CelIs Back Cover Ccmposftefilm 22.4/o O Maximum Module Efficiency Frame Black anodised aluminium I THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO Ce0 6 x 18 monocrystalline O.ANTUM NEO solar half cells COPYRIGHT PROTECTION BY US LAW. Junction box 2.09-3.98ir,x 126-236inx 0.59-0.71in ( j I REPRODUCTION IN ANY FORM IS (5310tmm x 32 60mm x icri8mm),Prctection cWss IP67,with bypass diodesw °° ' I EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT PRIOR �� WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT �- Cable 4mm2 Solar cable;(+)Z59AM(1510m ,(4) 5 m) 9.41 n(1510mm) �� ranoR �T<u4a"r�� RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. Connector Staubli MC4:IP68 1 MODEL QTRON BLK M-G2+ W�� ■Electrical Characteristics Current WER CLASS 490 495 420 _ 425 430CRene abler 1 PO MINIMUM PERFORMANCE AT STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS,STO(POWERTOLERANCE+5W/-OVA - Ct rgineet Ing Power at MPP' Pam, Im 410 415 420 425 430 osatuTvtn High performance Qcells N- e - -- - - ----'� --- -'--- CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. UITE Cap� g � Short Circuit current I. [A] 1139 13.42 13.46 13.49 T 13.53 ILEA solar cells T -_ "1 - ---'-T ""-- - '3IL67 -- �__ 1760 CHOKE:(9AVE 05-1733,WWW3. ERSIDECA 112507 Open Circuit Voltage' J VQ (VJ �38.58 36.61 38.64 38.67 J 38.70 PHONE:(951)4051733,WWW.CRENG.CO Q.ANTUM NEO Technology with optimized module layout S Current at MPP I- [A] 12.68 12.75 1282 12.88 12.95 boosts module effidency up to 22A%. Voltage at MPP-- _ y_ V_ _IM 32.32 ^- - 32.55 _ 32-77 32.98 _ _33._20 CONTRACTOR INFO Efficiency' 0 1%] 221A ZZLIS z21.9- --- ->_22.2~ z224 `Ar A reliable investment MINIMUM PERFORMANCE AT NORMAL OPERATING CONDITIONS,NMOTr Im Inclusive 25-year product warranty and 25-year linear Power at MPP P� Im 310.0 313.8 3176 321A_ _325.2 Wan®4y performance warranty". E Short C7raitCurrent Is, [A] 10.79 10.82 10.84 _ 10.87 10.90 EP-SYS € Open Circuit Voltage Vpc (V] 36.61 36.63 36.66 36.69 3671 C E Current at MPP [A] %97� 10.03 10.09 J 10.75� 1021 ELEMENT ENERGY L-C. t [V]� 3109 3129 3L48 3166 31.85 7470 SOUND AVENUE,MATr1TUCK, Enduring high performance Voltage at v,�, NEW PORK,11952 'Measurement tolerances P.t3%:Ix;V x i 5%at STC:1000 W/m2,25 x 2'C,AM 15 according to EC 60904-3-'800 W102,NMOT,spectrum AM 1.5 PH:(631)779 7993 Lang-term yield security with Anti LeTID Technology,Anti PID OOBBe Technology,Hot-Spot Protect. Licence-MES 2689 Qce11s PERFORMANCE WARRANTY PERFORMANCE AT LOW IRRADIANCE (MASTER ELECTRICIAN) At least 98.5%of nominal m LicenceE IMPROVEMENT) m sac power y (SUFFOLK HOME MPROVEMENn Extreme weather rating ; r OM%degradduring first Lion per yer At i ___��_! 0.33%degradaflon Per yeas At ' CP High-tech aluminium alloy frame,certified for - least9553%ofnominalpower LL a4---=------------ highh snow 5400Pa and wind loads 600Pa. 0= uptot0yearsAtleaSt9o.58%of AURELIE LANG ( ) (3 ) w o nominal power up to 25 years. All data within rrleastremen[ A 1165 THERESA DR fuo �a - ----��--- -�- �- tolerances.Full wanam7es In < MATTITUCK,NY 11952 accordance with me warranty, Innovative all-weather technology s= M u° terms of the Ocelfs sales orgarlsnionof your respective ^w & AHJ TOWN OFSOUTHOLD l\�J Optimal yields,whatever the weather with excellent low-light 'YEARS country. IwwDlrwce t<wmri and temperature behaviour. q LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY •sandamramsofguaariee for mesPVconp�wnnfne Typicumodepehrama°•.alastanmaaarcecond sm UTILITY bir-u proa¢ capmy In 2021 fr�n y2o2q comwnsa,msrc wnaroass ps c.+000wnn=1 (LIPA) TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS SYSTEM SUMMARY The most thorough testing L-� SYSTEM SIZE Temperature._ _ a [%!K] +0.04 Temperah7reCoefficieMof Vc _�_ ¢ [%]K] -05A programme in the industry (KWDC) STC 425 X 18=7.650 V�I Temperature CoWiiciertt of P_ V [%!K] -0.30 Nominal Module Operatin Tem erature NMOT 109f 5.4 Ocells is the first solar module manufacturer to pass the 9 P (43t3'C) SYSTEM SIZE PTC 395.3 1 X I 18 1=17.115 most comprehensive quakly programme in the industry:The (KWAC) 5.76 @240 new"Quality Controlled PV"of the independent certification ■Properties for System Design o MODULES 18 QCELLS OLTRON BLK institute 71N Rheinland. M-G2+425 Maximum System Voltage Vm M 1000(IEC)/1000(UL) PV module classification Class II ENPHASE -- --- ------�--'-- ----- - - --'--' - - ---------' --- -- - - ----- --- ----'------------------- a MICROINVERTER 18 IQ8MC-72-M-US Maximum Series Fuse Rating [A DC] 20 Fire Rating based on ANSI/UL 61730 C/TYPE 2 8 See data sheet cn rear for luiner Information_ Max.Design Load,Push/PuIP [lbs/ff'] 75(3600 Pa)/50(240OPa) Permitted Module Temperature -40T up to+185T 'APT lest condaicrs according to lECJTS 62804-L20i5,memod A(-i500V,961Q Max.Test Load,Push/Pulp (IbslfRJ 113(5400 Pa)/75(3600 Pa) on Continuous Duty (-40°C up to+85°C) 3 See Installation Manual z ■Qualifications and Certificates Quality Controlled Pv- Rev Description Date TOV Rheinland; 0 INITIAL DESIGN f112/2024 IC-C612152015: SA® A IC{677302076. v ; fins data sheet min lies o 0 The ideal solution for: - '� - p c�,,,a,°Us Its B FADwith DIN EN 50380. r i PROJECT# NA Rooftop arrays on mmv _ a O ° ° residential buildings _ ®® DATE DRAWN ttl2/2D24 Ocelis pursues minimizing paper output in consideration of the global environment. DRAWN BY ER Note N9a0aUon lnstruyyp musthe fcao d.Cm4etl our technlc s tco for rurnm Orton um on approved lnSWlaul of NB prod 1. ��QI'� H OCELLSAmelnc.40Dspearun, enter Drive,Suite wcell-lWES gmllscam ` SHEET# Pv7•D mn ma TITLE MODULE SPEC ENPHASE. IQ8MC Microinverter. INPUT DATA(DC) UNITS 108MC-72-M-US Commonly used module pairings w 260-460. wModule compatibility To meet compatibility,PV modules must be within the following max.Input DC voltage and max.module I Module compatbilitycan be checked athttosJ/enphamcomrnstallers/microinverters/calctdator.I. MPPT voltage range V 25-45 THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO - COPYRIGHT PROTECTION BY US LAW. Operating range V 18-58 REPRODUCTION IN ANY FORM IS ' Min✓Max.start voltage V 22/58 EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT Max,input DC voltage V 60 RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. Max.continuous operating DC current A - 14 Max.input DC short-circuit current A 25 Current Max.module1. A - - 20 Renewa les Overvoltage class DC port II Engineering DC port backfeed current mA 0 CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. PV array configuration - Ungrounded array;no additional DC side protection required;AC side protection requires max 20 A per branch circuit 1760 CHICAGO AVE SUIT'EJ-13,RIVERSIDE CA 92507 _ PHONE:(951)405.1733,VV Wv.CRENG.CQ OUTPUT DATA(AC) --- - - Peak output power VA 330 315 CONTRACTOR INFO Max continuous output power VA 320 310 Q 8 M C M I C 1r O I I�V�1r��1�^ Nominal grid voltage(L{) �V - 240,split-phase(L-L),180° 208,single-phase(L-L),120° Easytoinstail - Min✓Max grid voltage 2 v 211-264 183-229 Our newest I08 Series Microinverters are the industry's first microgrid-forming•,software- • Lightweight and compact with plug- Max:continuous output ..current A 133 149 S9_ _ _ _ CZS defined microinverters with split-phase power Conversion capability to Convert DC power to and-play connectors - Nominal frequency NZ 60 ELEMENT ENERGY LLC. AC power efficiently.The brain of the semiconductor-based microinverter is our proprietary Power line communication(PLC) _ _ 7470 SOUND AVENUE MATTRUCK, application-specific integrated circuit(ASIC),which enables the microinverter to operate in between components - Extended frequency range Hz _ - _ 4Z-6b _ DNEWYORK,ii952 grid-tied or off-grid modes.This chip is bu8t in advanced 55-nm technology with high-speed AC short circuit fault current over three PH:(631)779 7993 digital logic and has superfast response tinttesto changing loads and grid events,alleviating Faster installation with simple two-wire cycles 2.70 servicesIae2sys.cam constraints on battery sizing for home energy systems. cabling _ Licence-ME-52689 _ Max units per20A(L-L)branch circuity _ 12 - - 10 _ (MASTER ELECTRICIAN) - - - - - - -- - - - - --- -- -- --- - - - - -- - - - - Licence-HI-67461 High productivity and reliability Total harmonicdistortion % -5 (SUFFOLK HOME IMPROVEMENT) { _ Enphase Produces power even-when the grid is _ down' Overvoltage class AC Port - AURELIE LANG • More than one million cumulative hours AC port backfeed current MA 18 1165 THERESA DR, oftesting Pow er factor setting _ _ 1'6- MATTITUCK,NY 11952 Part of the En hale Energy System, IQ8 Series Microinverters redefine Class II double-insulated enclosure " P 9Y Y Grid-tied powerfactor(adjustable) ObSleading._0.85lagging I08 Series Microinverters integrate with: reliability standards with more than one Optimized for the latest high-powered - AHJ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD the IQ Battery,IQ Gateway,and the million cumulative hours of power-on PV modules Peak efficiency % 97.4 97.2 Enphase App monitoring and analysis testing,enabling an industry-leading CEC weighted efficiency % 97.0 96.5 UTILITY LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY software. limited warranty of up to 25 years. _ - (LIPA) Microgrid-forming Nighttime power consumption mW 33 25 Compries with the latest advanced grid PV SUMMARY ,rs support MECHANICAL DATA SYSTEM SIZESTC 425 X 18 = .650 nul Ambient temperature range -40'Cto65'C(-40°Fto149'F)- (KWDC)- - • Remote automatic updates for the PT Relative hid 4%t100%( d C 395.3 x 1e=7.115 • e latest grid requirements eatve humidity oconereing) SYSTEM SIZE 5.76 @240 11 DC connector type StaubliMC4 (KWAC) Configurable to support a wide range MODULES 18 4CELL5 Q.TRON BLK of grid profiles Dimensions(H•W•D);Weight 212 mm(8.3")•175 mm(6.9")•302 min(12•);11 kg(2.43lbs) M•G2+425 Connect PV modules quickly and easily IQ8 Series Microinverters are UL Listed ENPHASE to the I08 Series Microinverters that have as PV rapid shutdown equipment and Meets CA Rule 21(UL 1741-SA)and IEEE Cooling - Natural convection=no fans MICROINVERTER 1e IQSMC-72-M-US integrated MC4 connectors. conforms with various regulations when 1547.2018(UL 1741-SB) _ Approved for wet locations;Pollution degree Yes;PD3 installed according to the manufacturer's _ instructions. Enclosure Class II-double-Insulated,corrosion-resistant polymeric enclosure NOTE: IQ8Microinverterscannotbernitedt6getherwith" Environ.category;UV exposure rating NEMA Type 6;outdoor previous generations of Enphase miuoinverters (107 Series.106 Series•etcJ in thesame system • IQ Gateway Is required to change the default grid CA Rule 21(UL 1741-SA),UL 62109-1,IEEE 1547201B(UL 1741-SB),FCC Part 15 Class B,ICES-0003 Class B.CAN/CSA-C222 NO.107.1-OI •MeetsUL7741oniywheninstalledwithlQsystemControler2end3. prohleat the time oflnstallationto meet the local Certifications _ This produaisUL Listed asPV rapid shutdown equipment and conformswith NEC 2014,NEC 2017,NEC 2020,and NEC 2023 section 690.12and Rev Desuiption Dale Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ)requirement. C221-2018 Rule b4-218 rapid shutdown of PV systems for AC and DC conductors when installed according to the manufacturer's instructions. 0 INITIAL DESIGN 8=024 @ 2023 Enphase Energy.AB rights reserved Enphase,the a and CC logos.IQ•and certain other marks fisted at (1)Noenforced DC/AC ratio. A hnps://enphas nt/badamark- gs guideri a aretmdemarksof Enphase Energy,Inc.inthe USandother countries. (2)Nominal voltage range can be extended beyond nominal it required by the utility. Data subject to change. IQBMC-MC4-DSH-00049-3A-EN-US-2023-10-18 (3)Limits may very.Refer to local requirements to define the number of microinverters per branch in your area IQBMC-MC4-0SH-00049-3.0-EN-US-2023-10-18 B PROJECT# NA DATE DRAWN BR2024 DRAWN BY E.R SHEET# PV-7.1 TITLE MICROINVERTER SPEC '=1 ENPHASE. IQ Combiner 5/5C -- - --- - -- - - ----- -- - - -- --- ---- - — -- - - - --- it EUNUM BER —,_ IQ Combiner 5 with Ili Gateway printed circuit board for integrated revenue=grade PV production - " IQ Combiner 5(X-10-AM17240-5) metering(ANSIC12.20 tO.5%),consumption monitoring(t2.5%),and IQ Battery monitoring(2 5%). ~ Includes a sliver solar shield to deflect heat. i IQ Combiner 5C with Ili Gateway printed circuit board for integrated revenue-grade PV production $ENPa ASE metering(ANSI C1220 t0.5%),consumption monitoring(t2.5%)and IQ Battery monitoring(t2.5%). IQ Combiner 5C(X-I0-AM1-240-50 Includes Enphase Mobile Connect cellular modem(CELLMODEM-MI-06-SP-05Y.Includes a silver THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION BY US LAW. solar shield to deflect heat. REPRODUCTION IN ANY FORM IS WHAT'i III THE BOX t EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT PRIOR ± WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT c 10 Gateway printed circuit board IQ Gateway is the platform for total energy management for comprehensive,remote maintenance,and RENEWA13LES ENGINEERING INC. management of the Enphase Energy System 80 A busbar with support for one Ili Gateway breaker and four 20 A breaker for installing Bulbar Current IQ Series Microinverters and IQ Battery 5P -- _ - ,- - _ _ - - - - - C IQ Gateway breaker Circuit breaker;2-pole,l0 A/15 A ��n`� Rt�a �. Engineering �'`°' Production CT Pre-wired revenue-grade solid-core CT,accurate up to t0.5% X-I10-AMl-240-5 Consumption CT Two consumption metering clamp CTs,stripped with the box,accurate up to t25% CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. _ 1760 CHICAGO AVE SUITE.Y13,RIVERSIDE CA 92507 X-IQ-AM7-240-5(.` - - PHONE(951)40S1733,W W W.CRENG.CO IQ Battery C7 One battery metering clamp Cl:shipped with the box,accurate up to±25% -- - - - - - - - -- _ - -- - - - - - -- - CTRL board - -- - - - - Control board forwired communication with 10 System Contro4ler 3/3G and the IQ Battery 5P CONTRACTOR INFO QCombiner 5/5 C Enphase Motile Connect(ontywith 10 Combiner SC) 4G-based LTE-M1 cellular modem(CELLMODEM-Mt-06-SP-05)with a 5-year T-Mobile data plan Accessories kit Spare control headers for the COMMS-KIT-02 board Smart The 10 Combiner 5/5C consolidates interconnection equipment into a single enclosure and ,. , , INCLUDED,ORDER streamlines IQ Series Microinverters and IQ Gateway installation by providing a consistent, Includes IQ Gateway for CP—SYS pre-wired solution for residential applications.IQ Combiner 5/5C uses wired control communication and control _ CELLMODEM=Nit-06-SP-05 4G-based LTE-Ml cellular modern-with a 5-year T-Mobile data plan communication and is compatible with IQ System Controller 3/30 and IQ Battery 5P. Includes Enphase Mobile Connect CELLMODEM441-06-AT-05 4G-based LTE-MI cellular modemwith a 5-year AT&T data plan ELEMENT ENERGY LLC. (CELLMODEM-MI-06-SP-0S),only. _ _ - - _ 7470 SOUND AVENUE,MATMUCK, The IQ Combiner 5/5C,IQ Series Microinverters,IQ System Controller 3/3G,and with IQ Combiner 5C - _ .Supports Eaton BROK Siemens OM and GE/ABB THQL21XX Series circuit breakers(XX represents NEW YORK,11952 IQ Battery 5P provide a complete grid-agnostic Enphase Energy System Circuit breakers(off-the-shelf) - 10,15,20,30,40,50,or 60).Also supports Eaton BR220B,BR230B,and BR240B circuit bieakeis PH:(631)779 7993 Supports flexible networking:Wi-F, _ compatible with the hold-down kit services@e2sys.com Ethernet,or cellular - - Licence-ME-52689 _ BRK-IDA-2-24OV,BRK-15A-2-24OV,BRK-20A-2P-24(X BRK-15A-2P-240V-B,and BRK-20A-2P- (MASTER ELECTRICIAN) • Provides production metering - Circuit breakers(provided by Enphase) Licence-HI-67461 P 9 240V-B(moredetailsInthe Accessories'section) - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - (SUFFOLK HOME IMPROVEMENT) (revenue grade)and consumption 6 monitoring XA-SOLARSHIELD-ES Replacement solar shield for IQ Combiner 5/5C XA-ENV2-PCBA-5 IQ Gateway replacement printed circuit board(PCB)for IQ Combiner 5/5C AU R ELI E LAN G Easy to install - X-I0-NA-HD-725A - Hold-down kit compatible with Eaton BR-B Series circuit breakers(with screws) 1165 TH E RESA DR, IQ Series Microinverters IQ System Controller 3/3G Mounts to one stud with centered MATTITUCK,NY 11952 The high-powered smart grid-ready IQ Series Provides microgind interconnection device brackets XA-COMMS2-PCBA-5 Replacement COMMS-KIT-02 printed circuit board(PCB)for IQ Combiner 5/5C Microinverters(I016,107,and I08 Series) (MID)functionality by automatically detecting Supports bottom,back,and side ELECT ICAL SPECIFICATIO14SAHJ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD simplify the installation process. grid failures and seamlesslytransitioning conduit entries the home energy system from grid power to Rating BOA LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY backup power. Supports up to four 2-polebranch UTILITY ILIPA) circuits for 240 VAC plug-in breakers System voltage and frequency 120/240 VAC,60 Hz - (not-included) PV SUMMARY Bulbar rating 125 A • SYSTEM SIZE 80Atotal PV branch circuits - STC 425 X 18 = .650 e Wi Fault current rating- 10kAIC ( �) PTC 395.3 X 18 =7.115 Bluetooth-based -Fi provisioning for easy WhF)setup Maximum continuous current rating(input from PV/storage) 64 A SYSTEM SIZE 5.76 @240 (KWAC) Branohcircuts(solarand/orstoraga) Up to four 2-pole Eaton BR,Siemens Q,orGE/ABBTHOL Series distributed generation(DG)breakers MODULES 18 IQELLLS4Q2,5TRONBLK Reliable only(not included) '--- - - - - MICROINVERTER 16 ENPHASE IQ Battery 5P 4 IQ Load Controller Durable NRTL-certified NEMA type 3R Maximum total branch circuit breaker rating(input) 80 A of distributed generation/95 Awith IQ Gateway breaker included IQSMC-72 M-US Fully integrated AC battery system.Includes Helps prioritize essential appl-lances during a enclosure 10 Gateway breaker 10 A or 15 A rating GE/Siemens/Eaton included six field-replaceable I08D-BAT Microinverters. grid outage to optimize energy consumption 5-year limited warranty and prolong battery life. Production metering CT 200 A solid core pre-installed and wired to IQ Gateway 2-year labor reimbursement,program coverage included for both the Consumption monitoring CT(CT-200-CLAMP) - A pair of 200 A clamp-style current transformers Is included with the box ❑ IQ Combiner SKUs IQ Battery metering CT 200 A clamp-style current transformer for Ili Battery metering.Included with the box U Rev Description Data UL1741 Listed O 0 INITIAL DESIGN 8=024 ~KM L _ C A � Q X❑� 'Apuug-end-play industrial--grade cell modem to systems of up to 60 micrdnverters.Available in the Linked States,Canada,Meuco.Puerto Rico,erxl the US Virgin Islands,where them adequate ce0ulsr service in the installation area B 5-year limited warranty PROJECT# NA DATE DRAWN 8=o24 'For country-specific warranty information,see the httos✓/enohasecomrnstalem/resources/vrarraritvpage. DRAWN BY ER ®2O24Fnnhw Emw ..All rinhtarw.cwrvwd.F.nnlwcathwawretCCInmu.IQ..d—O.I.Nh-mw,kasstwdwt PV-7.2 SHEET# TITLE COMBINER SPEC ®fir IRONRIDGE XR Rail° Family XR Rail° Family The XR Railg Family offers the strength of-a curved rail in three targeted sizes. Each size supports specific Solar is Not Always Sunny design loads,while minimizing material costs. Depending on your location,there is an XR Rail®to match. Over their lifetime,solar panels experience Countless THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO extreme weather events. Not just the worst storms in years, COPYRIGHT PROTECTION BY US LAW. � --but the worst storms in 40 years. High winds capable of REPRODUCTION IN ANY FORM ISEXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT PRIOR ripping panels from a roof,and snowfalls weighing _ —----— WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT enough to buckle a panel frame. _ �___ , h RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. XR Rails®are the structural backbone ®� Current preventing these results.They resist uplift, XRiO XR100 XR1000 RIeI1eWable5 protect against buckling and safely �� En ineerin P g g y f_ XR10 is a sleek,low-profile mounting XR100 is a residential and commercial XR1000 is a heavyweight among to 9 9 and efficiently transfer loads into the s% rail,designed for regions with light or mounting rail.It supports a range of solar mounting rails.It's built to handle no snow.It achieves spans u to 6 feet wind and snow conditions,while also extreme climates and spans u to 12 CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. spanning structure.Their it superior p p p p building P 1T60 CHICAGO AVE SUITE,Y13,RIVERSIDE CA 92507 • while remaining light and economical. maximizing spans up to 10 feet. feet for commercial applications. PHONE:(s5"05-1733,www.CRENG.co spanning capability requires fewer �_ roof attachments,reducing the ` �-, `- s'spanning capability 10'spanning capability 12'spanning capability { ✓f Moderate load capability Heavy load capability Extreme load capability CONTRACTOR INFO number of roof penetrations ,�_• >`_ d �' "S" `ka iz p ry P _ , _ Clear 8 black anodized finish • Clear&black anodized finish Clear anodized finish and the amount of "•- I Internal splices available Internal splices available Internal splices available /1�� - installation time. -� K,z, im®MAN Rail Selection E2SYSIQ The table below was prepared in compliance with applicable engineering codes and standards.*Values are ELEMENT ENERGY LLC. - 7470 SOUND AVENUE,MATTITUCK, based on the following criteria:ASCE 7-16,Gable Roof Flush Mount, Roof Zones 1 &2e, Exposure B,Roof NEwYORK 11952 4• Slope of 8 to 20 degrees and Mean Building Height of 30 ft.Visit IronRidge.com for detailed certification letters. P":(631)779 services@e2sys.cos.com 1 _ l Licence-ME-52689 (MASTER ELECTRICIAN) ? Licence-HI-67461 (SUFFOLK HOME IMPROVEMENT) Force-Stabilizing Curve 90 ; , AURELIE LANG Sloped roofs generate both vertical and lateral 120 ; _ ` < _ 1165 THERESA DR, forces on mounting rails which can cause them to None MATTITUCK,NY 11952 bend and twist The curved shape of XR Rails =' is specially designed t0 increase strength in both 140 XR10 : AHJ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD directions while resisting the twisting.This unique - h feature ensures greater security during extreme 160 i UTILITY LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY weather and a longer system lifetime. 90 - - _ r - PV SUMMARY SYSTEM SIZE F 120 _ :>' '-. STC 425 X 18 =7.650 20 - - - - - ;,, �-''�•`' PTC 395.3 X 18= .115 140 - SYSTEM SIZE v (KWAC) 5.76 @240 160 {' QCELLS Q.TRON BLK j o ter,- MODULES 18 M-G2+425 90 MICROINVERjER 18 IQBM a%M-us 30 I 160 1, Compatible with Flat&Pitched Roofs Corrosion-Resistant Materials 90 XR Railsm are IronRidge'3 offers All XR Rails®are made of 6000-series 40 j Acompatible with a range of tilt leg aluminum alloy,then protected with an 160 FlashFootO and options for flat anodized finish.Anodizing prevents surface other pitched roof roof mounting and structural corrosion,while also providing 80 160 Rev Description Date attachments. applications. a more attractive appearance. ltk�� 120 160 - D INITIAL DESIGN enrzo24 'Table is meant to he a simplified span chart for conveying general rail capabilities.Use approved certification letters for actual design guidance. B PROJECT# NA DATE DRAWN 82/2024 b 2023 :•r DRAWN BY ER SHEET# PV-7.3 TITLE RAIL SPEC f�� IRONRIDGE QuickMount° O Adaptive, Rafter-Friendly Installation The Respect Your Roof Deserves When integrating with a home,solar attachments THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO must be dependable for the lifetime of the rooftop. • % COPYRIGHT PROTECTION BY US LAW. REPRODUCTION IN ANY FORM IS Due to recent innovations,many asphalt shingles - - - 1 q($ EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT PRIOR have bonded courses.A mount that protects without — ' - __ WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT the need to pry shingles can really speed things up. I • • RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. • Current Halo UltraGrip®(HUGI is here to respect the roof. Its Halo is a cast-aluminum barrier that encases the - - _ - ---- --- - t—'� Renewables UltraGrip,our industrial-grade,foam-and-mastic Engineering seal.This allows HUG to accelerate the installation. process and provide the utmost in waterproofing CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. protection.Give your roof a HUG Hit the rafteO Good •• it Still no luck?Install the 1760 CHICAGO AVE SUITE.r-13•RIVERSIDE CA 92507 PHONE:(951)-405-1733,W W W.CRENG.C.O When you find a rafter,you can move on. �Place another screw to the left or right.If If more than 3 scr6ws miss the rafter. Only 2 •Structural Screws are needed, 'and final screw. secure six screws.to deck mount it. CONTRACTOR INFO Multi-Tiered Waterproofing --� HU&utiT¢es a multi-tiered stack of a 0 01, citmponents to provide revolutionary Trusted Strength &Less Hassle . .,- waterproofug protection.The Halo cast- CP SYSI ahuninum,raised-perimeter foundation kwnds`the UltraGrip base—a foam Structural capacities of HUG®were reviewed in ELEMENT ENERGY LLC. mastic seal combination that many load directions,with racking rail running 7470 SOUND AVENUE,MATFITUCK, water intrusion by adhering cross-slope or up-slope in relation to roof pitch. E O T79 993 11 with the shingle surface. services@e2sys.com Halo UltraGrip-is part For further details,see the HUG certification Licence-ME-52689 of the QuickMount (M LA TER LE 6 61 IICIAN) _ rOdk'6t line.' - ,...—__'— - _ __ letters for attaching t0 rafters and decking. (SUFFOLK HOME IMPROVEMENT) IronRidge designed the HUG,in combination UHMGrie Seal Techno with the RD Structural Screw to streamline AURELIE LANG HUG UlrraGriputirizesastate-of- y Y — _ installs,which means the following: 1165 THERESA DR, art seal design that uses a unir{ue ! `: _ ... foam-and{nasticcomb'mation.• '` MATTITUCK,NY 11952 foam backed adhesive rovities • No prying shingles AHJ TOWN OFSOUTHOLD entirely new flashing system that ;'.: : No roof nail interference conforms and adheres to every s Ynt'; '4s 2�• yw_ No pilot holes necessary BUT LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY and kxanrry of composition shi, 'Pro t(guanht&6fl ee' I "� ; - No sealant(in most cases) (LIPA) fining gaps and shingle step downs — tq(+ ( { i '" 7, (up to 1/8"in height). ` I •+: - ss�.. ' g'r1.3a�.�-;`; - PVSUMMARY • No butyl shims needed A SYSTEM SIZE (ADC) STC 425 X 18 =7.650 PTC 395.3 IXI18 =7.115 - (-•a,4 Attachment Structural Water Seal UL 2703 SYSTEM SIZE 5.76 @240 — �; � (KWAC) �F"�.>` �'�- ••• Loading • • MODULES 18 QCELLSQ,TRONBLK •• MG2+425 ''" - v '� �•,:,:,a,`, MICROINVERTER 18 ENPHASE -. ",. 1; • 'k,. IQSMC-72-M-US Rafter&Deck Mounting Options The rafter-mounted Parts are designed HUG passed both Systems conform to Mount HU&to the roof rafters,the roof HUG has been and certified for the UL 441 Section UL 2703 mechanical ' deck,or both with our custom-engineered Triple Rated&Certified I - RD(rafter-or-deck)Structural Screw.The RD tested and rated to compliance with 27"Rain Test"and and bonding .;. : ; Structural Screw anchors HUG to the roof su ort 1004 Ibs of the International TAS 100 A-95 re uirements.See G to Respect the ROOF" •_ with an EPDM sealing washer,completing PP ( ) ( ) 4 Rev Desu ption Date e5 UL 2703,441(27) the stack of waterproofing barriers.See uplift and 368(Ibs) g Buildin Code& "Wind Driven Rain Flush Mount Manual 0 INITIAL DESIGN BP22024 mtertek TAS 100(495 _ _ _ _ backside for more installation information. of lateral load. ASCE/SEI-7. Test°by Intertek. for more info. A (9 B PROJECT# NA DATE DRAWN 8rM024 0 2023 lronFtjdge,Inc.All rights reserved.Visit www.ir.ipatents.com for patent information.Version 1.03 DRAWN BY E.R SHEET# PV-7A TITLE ATTACHMENT SPEC 28357 Industrial Blvd. 28357 Industrial Blvd. //r I RON R I DGE Hayward,CA 94545 Hayward,CA 1 onRidg .corn ZAk I RON RI DGE s 0 227 952�3545 IronRidge.com IronRidge.com Attn:Corey Geiger,COO,IronRidge Inc. The parameters and adjustments allowed in the span tables are defined as the following: Date:September r,2021 1. The Flush Mount System is designed as a Risk Category 11 structure as defined b ASCE 7-16 Table 1.5-1. THESE COPYDRARIGHT PROTECTIONINGS ARE SUBJECTUS A TO Re:Structural Certification and Span Tables for the IronRidge Flush Mount System y g g ry y REPRODUCTION IN MY FRM Is u►w. 2. Wind speed shall conform to ASCE 7-16 Fig.26.5-1 B(for Risk Category II)and applicable state&local EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT This letter addresses the structural performance and code compliance of IronRidge's Flush Mount System. The county/city amendments to the IBC. No special wind topographic features are included and both topographic RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. contents of the letter shall be read in its entirety before applying to any project design.The Flush Mount System is a coefficient(Kzt)'and Wind ground elevation factor(Ke)are taken as 1.0. proprietary rooftop mounting system used to support photovoltaic(PV)modules installed in portrait orlandscape Current orientation and set parallel to the underlying roof surface. PV modules are supported by extruded aluminum XR Rails 3. Snow load used in the span tables is the ground snow and shall conform to ASCE Fig. and Renewabtes applicable state&local county/city amendments to the IBC.If the local jurisdiction specified snownow load is in the and secured to the rails with IronRidge mounting clamps.The XR Rails are side mounted to a selected roof format of a flat roof snow,it shall first be converted to a ground snow following the local building code/ Engineering attachment with 318"stainless steel bonding hardware and then attached directly to the roof structure or to a stanchion amendments before the application of the attached span tables.No special snow conditions are considered 1W that is fastened to the underlying roof structure. Assembly details of a typical Flush Mount installation and its core including unbalanced,drifting,sliding,retention,or ponding snow.No rain-on-snow surcharge load is CURRENT RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. SIDE CA 92507 components are shown in Exhibit EX-0015. considered.The span tables do not apply to buildings which are intentionally kept below freezing,kept just 750 PHONE AVE 5-rM'1„�RENG.00 above freezing,or unheated. The IronRidge Flush Mount System is designed and certified to the structural requirements of the reference standards 4. The span tables reflect the ASCE 7 prescribed earthquake loads with the maximum magnitudes being: CONTRACTORINFO listed below,for the load conditions and configurations tabulated in the attached span tables. (a)For ground snow no greater than 42psf SS s 2.Og for Site Class A,B,C,&D. o no ASCE/SEI 7-16 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures(ASCE 7-16) (b)For ground snow greater than 65psf:SS s 1.0g for Site Class A,B,C,&D. • 2018 International Building Code(IBC-2018) (c)For ground snow between 42 and 65psf:Ss_51.5g for Site Class A,B,C,&D. EZSYS • 2020 Building Code of New York State(BCNYS-2020,Published in November 2019) • 2015 Aluminum Design Manual(ADM-2015) 5. Roof zones are defined by ASCE 7-16 Figure 30.3-2A to Figure 30.3-21 and are organized into three groups in ELEMENT ENERGY LLC. 7470 SOUND AVENUE MATnTUCK which the zones share the same External Pressure Coefficients(GCp).Roof zones comprising each group along NEW YORK 11952 • Report SEAOC(Structural Engineer Association of California)PV2-2017 Wind Design for Solar Arrays With each roof zone's size and location are depicted in Figures 2 and 3 below each span table. PH:(631)779 7993 services@e2sys.com Licence-ME-52689 The tables included in this letter provide the maximum allowable spans of XR Rails in the Flush Mount System for 6. The maximum rail cantilever length,measured from the rail end to the nearest attachment point,shall (MASTER ELECTRICIAN) be the lesser of the following two conditions:40%of the allowable span provided for the reS ective load Licence-IMPRO61 VEMENT) the respective loads and configurations listed,covering wind exposure categories B,C,&D,roof zones provided in 9 P P P (SUFFOLK HOME IMPROVEMENn ASCE 7-16 for gable&hip roof profiles,and roof slopes of 8`to 450.The tabulated spans are applicable when the &configuration condition from the span tables,or 36". following conditions are met: 7. Allowable span length in the charts may be multiplied by a factor of 1.08 if the rails are continuous over AU RELIE LANG a minimum of three spans. 1165 THERESA DR, 1_ Span is the distance between two adjacent roof attachment points(measured at the center of the MATTITUCK,NY 11952 attachment fastener). 8. No splices are allowed in the rail cantilever. For each XR splice type install per the following requirements: AHJ TOWNOFSOUTHOLD a) XR Bonded Splice cannot be installed in the center 1/3 of interior spans,or the outer 213 of end spans. 2. Each module shall be supported by 2 rails(2 rail system)or 3 rails(3 rail system).Spans are calculated b) BOSS Splice can be installed at any location within a span. LITILITY LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY (LIPA) based on 2 rail systems,and conservatively deemed acceptable for 3 rail systems. 9. Shaded cells of the span tables indicate conditions in which UFO Mid Clamp connection capacity is exceeded.If PV SUMMARY u O Such Conditions are encountered Contact support@ironridge.com. S'(STEM SIZE STC 425 X 18 = .650 3. The underlying roof slope,measured betweed the roof surface and horizontal plane,is 8. to 450. (1,`^C) _ : PTC 395.3 X 18=7.115 S"(STEM S 5.76 (14D MODULES 4. The mean roofheight,defined as the average of the roof eave height and the roof ridge height measured ) from grade,does not exceed 30 feet. oouLEs 1B QCELLSQ.M-G2+425 BLK MICROINVERTER 18 ENPHASE IQBMC-72-M-US 5. A clearance from the underside of the array to the roof surface of 2"minimum shall be provided and the height of the array,the distance from the module top surface to the roof surface(defined as h2),shall not exceed 10". 6. Module length and area shall not exceed the maximum values listed on the respective span tables. Rev Description Dale 0 INITIALDESIGN a122024 7. All Flush Mount components shall be installed in a professional workmanlike manner per IronRidge's Flush A Mount Installation Manual and other applicable standards for the general roof construction practice. B PROJECT# NA DATE DRAWN WnD24 ©2021 IronRidge,Inc, NY Flush Mount System certification Letter-1 ©2021 IronRidge,Inc. NY Flush Mount System Certification Letter-2 DRAWN BY ER SHEET# PV-7.5 TITLE CERTIFICATION 28357 Industrial Blvd. 28357 Industrial Blvd. AML I RON RI DGE Hayward,CA 94545 Zlr I RON RI DGE IronRidge co 94545 1-800-227-9523 1-800-227-9523 IronRidge.cocom rn 10. Systems using CAMO module clamps shall be installed with the following guidance: The span tables provided in this letter are certified based on the structural performance of IronRidge XR Rails only with no a) For single module installations(orphan modules)using modules with a length greater than 67.5",CAMO cons THESE DRAWINGS ARE SUBJECT TO consideration of the structural adequacy of the chosen roof attachments,PV modules,or the underlying roof supporting clamps shall not be installed in regions that experience ground snow loads of 70psf and greater.Such COPYRIGHT PROTECTION BY US LAW. scenarios are shown by asterisks in the applicable span tables. members.It is the responsibility of the installer or system designer to verify the structural capacity and adequacy of the REPRODUCTION IN ANY FORM IS aforementioned system components in regards to the applied or resultant loads of any chosen array configuration. EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN WITHOUT PRIOR b) CAMO will function within a module's design load ratings.Be sure the speck module being used with WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CURRENT CAMO meets the dimensional requirements shown in the figure below and that the module selected is RENEWABLES ENGINEERING INC. suitable for the environmental conditions of a particular project ��Of Ne Sincerely, P 0 2021 .09.07 Current Module Giass/Cep - �- Re€iewables 15:45:16 Engineering w CUR 096579 - C. 17600 CHICAGNT O AVEE SUITE.Y8ERVERSIDE CA 92507 O�p.V�? O�'O O' PHONE:(951)405-1733,1NW W.CRENG.CO I I 1; Frame compoftw X=12-22mm CONTRACTORINFO I Y=15-40rrrn Gang Xuan,PE Y Senior Structural Engineer iI x a M M Figure 1:CAMO Module Frame Dimensional Requirements Ez SYSI ELEMENT ENERGY LLC. Span values for Exposed and Edge module conditions,as defined below,are included in the attached span 7470 SOUND AVENUE,MATMCK, tables and shall be used when each condition exists. The maximum allowable span for Exposed or Edge NEWYORK,11952 PH:(630 779 7993 modules shall be the lesser of the following two:(1)The span value for the Exposed or Edge module condition; services@ersp.com (2)The span value determined by site wind speed and ground snow load.Additionally,irrespective of the lesser Licence-ME-52689 span,the shaded cells for the Exposed and Edge module conditions which reflect the UFO clam Usage (MASTER ELECTRICIAN) P P 9 P g Licence-HI-67461 limitation detailed in note 9 of page 2 shall apply to the respective condition. (SUFFOLK HOME IMPROVEMENT) 1. Exposed Module conditions: AURELIE LANG 1165 THERESA DR, A module is defined as Exposed(per Section 29.4.4 of ASCE 7-16)if the distance from any of its free MATTITUCK,NY 11952 edges(an edge with no connectivity to other modules)to its facing roof edge(such as eave,ridge,rake,or AHJ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD hip)is greater than 0.5h(h is ASCE defined building height)AND if the distance from its free edge to any LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY other adjacent array or panel is greater than 4 feet. UTILITY (UPA) The allowable spans and cantilever shall only be applied to the portion of rail directly under Exposed Pv SUMMARY Modules. SYSTEM SIZE (ATE) STC 425 X 18 = .650 PTC 395.3 X 18=7.115 SYSTEM SIZE 5.76 @240 2. Edge Module conditions: MODULES 16 OCELIS O.TRON BLK M-G2+425 A module is defined as an Edge Module when its distance from any side of the module to its facing MICROINVERTER : 16 ENPHASE IOBMC-72-M-US perimeter roof edge(such as eave,ridge,rake,or hip)is less than 2 times the height of the array(2h2) where h2 is measured from the roof surface to the top surface of the module. The allowable spans and cantilever shall only be applied to the portion of rail directly under Edge Modules. Additionally,if the roof edge is the eave or ridge,only the rail nearest to that roof edge shall be considered for this span adjustment. Rev Desaip0on Date 0 INITIAL DESIGN I&WO24 A ©2021 IronRidge,Inc. NY Flush Mount System Certification Letter-3 O 2021 IronRidge,Inc. NY Flush Mount System Certification Letter-4 B PROJECT# NA DATE DRAWN 8/2nG24 . DRAWN BY ER SHEET# PV-7.6 TITLE CERTIFICATION