HomeMy WebLinkAbout51192-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51192 Date: 09/17/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: Peconic Land Trust PO BOX 1776 Southampton, NY 11969 To: Legalize an "as built" finished basement with egress window well and legalize "as built" window replacements throughout the existing single-family dwelling as applied for. Premises Located at: 10273 N Bayview Rd, Southold, NY 11971 SCTM#79.-5-20.12 Pursuant to application dated 02/21/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 03/19/2026. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: As Built Addition/Alteration $740.00 CO-RESIDENTIAL $100.00 Total $840.00 Building Inspector F A TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT w Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 ti Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 hfts://www.souttioldtowniiv.izov Date Received APPLICATION FOR, BUILDING PERMIT For Office Use Only E C i CA PERMIT NO. 5 Buildin Ins ector:, fl 202.4 L. p �' II Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety.Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Date:1/4/2024 OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: Name:Peconic Land Trust SCTM#1000-79-5-20.12 Project Address:10273 N Bayview Rd, Southold, NY 11971 Phone#:631-283-3195 Ext. 143 Email:jwilson@peconiclandtrust.org Mailing Address:296 Hampton Road, Southampton, NY 11968 CONTACT PERSON: Name:Jacqueline Wilson Mailing Address:296 Hampton Road, Southampton, NY 11968 Phone#:631-283-3195 Ext. 143 Email:jwilson@peconiciandtrust.org DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Address: Phone M Email: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name:Sid Beebe & Sons Builders Inc. Mailing Address:24925 Main Road, Cutchogue, NY 11935 Phone#:631-478-1874 Email:sbeebebuilders@optonline.ne DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition ®Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: ❑Other Installation of an Egress Window $15,000 Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes BNo Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes RNo 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property:Education & Aquaculture Intended use of property:Education & Aquaculture Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to R40 this property? ®Yes ONO IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. 8 Check Box After Reading: The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the Issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized Inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 220.45 of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By(print name):Melanie TebbenS (Vice President) ❑Authorized Agent BOwner Signature of Applicant; Date: ,q/r1,0 p[� STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF 'i�OFFcl4-t< ) 71� P y1 S being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (S)he is the J�`C-e- I 'J �-tiV.ct ( V7-1 T ��, ° o (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this 'day of ���O�,i av 20 a2 �a Notary Public If Kathleen Kennedy Notary Public State of New York PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION No. OIKE6047674 Qualified in Suffolk County (Where the applicant is not the owner) Commission Expires 09/05/20. 6 q, residing at do hereby authorize to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein., Owner's Signature Date Print Owner's Name 2 7q cqo� lz EXISTING (2) EXISTING (2) 32"x53" 32"x53" DOUBLE HUNG DOUBLE HUNG WINDOW WINDOW 1 2'-0" 10-4" K-1 5 BATT UP INSULATION IN EXISTING WALLS EXISTING OFFICE EXISTING 32"63" = 32"63" DOUBLE HUNG - DOUBLE HUNG WINDOW LIVING ROOM - WINDOW R-1 5 BATT INSULATION IN DOWN EXISTING WALL5 EXISTING N EXISTING 32"x53" 0 3G"x37" DOUBLE HUNG - BEDROOM #I KITCHEN N DOUBLE HUNG WINDOW = 12G SF WINDOW K-15 BATT oD PECONIC LAND TRUST INSULATION IN SHELLFISHER PRESERVE EXISTING WALLLS 1 5'-2" 10273 NORTH BAYVIEW ROAD SOUTHOLD, NY zo FEBRUARY, 2024 EXISTING EXISTING EXISTING SCALE:1/4"=i-o" 3 2"x53" 3 2"x53" 3 2"x53" DOUBLE HUNG DOUBLE HUNG DOUBLE HUNG Robert I. Brown WINDOW WINDOW WINDOW Architect, P.C. F I K5T P LOOK PLAN zo5 Bay Ave. Greenport NY info@ribrownarchitect.com f�fDM 6 1- z SCALE: 114" = 1'-0" 3 477-975 �� �� 0A5 BUILT ° � vA a fC[SA'VIOLATION OF LAW FOR ANY PERSON. UNLESS ACTING UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A 41 LICENSED ARCHITECT,TO ALTER ANY ITEM O Pr TI IIS DRAWING IN ANYWAY.ANY AUTI{ORIZE ALTERATION MUST BE NOTED,SEALED,AND j DESCRIBED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW. ,0 �� EXISTING EXISTING 32"x53" 32"x53" DOUBLE HUNG DOUBLE HUNG WINDOW WINDOW 13'-1 1 R-1 5 BATT INSULATION IN EXISTING WALLS EXISTING EXISTING 32"x53" O BEDROOM #2 DOWN BEDROOM #3 O 32"x53" DOUBLE HUNG N 144 5F 174 5F N DOUBLE HUNG WINDOW CID co WINDOW R-15 BATT INSULATION IN N N EXISTING WALLS — — — — — — — — — — — 2468 — — — — — — — — — — — 1 2'-O" 1 0 5TORAGE in 7-I I" PECONIC LAND TRUST EXISTING EXISTING SHELLFISHER PRESERVE 24"x3G" 24"x3G" 10273 NORTH BAYVIEW ROAD SOUTHOLD, NY DOUBLE HUNG DOUBLE HUNG WINDOW WINDOW ao FEBRUARY, aoa4 SCALE:1/4" =i-o" Robert I. Brown SECOND F LOOK PLAN Architect, P.C. zo5 BayAve. Green port NY "� into@ibrownarchitect.com:`� _.,�`• SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-O" 631-477-9752r' A5 BUILT IT IS A VIOLATION OFTI IIILAW FOR ANY P N ES .� ` �a''• UNLS ACTING UNDER TIIE DIRECTION OF A LICENSED ARCI ITTECT,TO ALTER ANY ITEM ON -/ TI IIS DRAWING IN ANY WAY.ANY AUTHORIZED T •Y ALTERATION MUST BE NOTED.SEALED,AND DESCRIBED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW. _ OA 54" BILCO 5CAPEWEL EGRESS •' WINDOW 48G2-54 W/DOME COVER 5'-I 1" 27-0" BASEMENT WATER EGRESS WINDOW r HOOKUP ANDERSEN 400 SERIES CXW 145 CASEMENT U O O FINISHED BASEMENT O J `x WATER IN HEATER V _ N (3) 2x8 DROP BEAM — E) e — — — ) — — — O 4" dia. STEEL 4" dla. STEEL 'n COLUMN (TYP.) COLUMN (TYP.) N BOILER v O c j UNFINISHED BASEMENT O rY O O J lL co PECONIC LAND TRUST V ELECTRIC SHELLFISHER PRESERVE V PANEL 10273 NORTH BAYVIEW ROAD SOUTHOLD, NY ao FEBRUARY, 2024 SCALE: 1/4"=i-o" Robert I. Brown FOUNDATION PLAN Architect, P.C. ao Bay Ave. Greenport NY SCALE: I/4" = I'-O" in o@rlbrownarchitect.com},C AD A}3 \ 631-477-9752 AS BUILT IT IS A VIOLATION OUIE LAW FOR ANY P N, UNLESS ACTING INDERTHE DIRECTIONOF A LICENSED ARC[IITECT,TO ALTER ANY IT ON Y 4 firi ''d THIS DRAWING IN ANYWAY.ANY AUTI IORIZED ALTERATION MUST BE NOTED,SEALED,AND DESCRIBED IN ACCORDANCE WITHTIIE LAW. I[Vd