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TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51169 Date: 09/11/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: Barbara Keller 11 Joyces Way Bay Shore, NY To Replace wood boards and handrails to an existing deck addition as applied for per Trustees approval. No structural work is permitted. Floodplain Development Permit required. Premises Located at: 380 Knoll Cir, East Marion, NY 11939 SCTM# 37.-5-11 Pursuant to application dated 07/25/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 03/13/2026. Contractors: Required Inspections: FOOTING/REBAR, FRAMING/STRAPPING , DRAINAGE, FINAL, Fees: ADDITION/ALTERATIONS $472.00 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY $100.00 Total $572.00 Building Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold NY 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 httos://www.soutitioglidatoNwvntl,y.gov Y Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT For Office Use Only D FC[E11'V[E , D 6 11 D I J[P 2 5 2024 PERMIT NO. 1 0� Building Inspectors --' Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety.Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an BUMDING DEPT. Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. TOWN iF S(3UTHOI ;' Date: Z Z OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: Name: 40'#R 64 eyl SCTM# 1000 Project Address Phone#: Email: 4,g , l` ca Mailing Address: CONTACT PERSON: " Name: L Mailing Address: �� /Y10 �117 134t/p 134 4 X/ Phone#: .5-jf� DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: 64�6- Mailing Address: Phone#: Email:. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Other SAL , + EGK f iy"Al �/�- �(JjJ $ zo ❑]New Structure ❑Addition ❑Alteration J$�Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost Project- Sit a� Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes;<No Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes No 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: Ae5�(/19,=- /ee Intended use of property: ,ZZE�i!>Eo�C'C Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? ❑YesANo IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. Check Box After Reading: The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By(print name): �DQE2r �C l�Authorized Agert 4wwnerN Signature of Applicant: Date: —7 a 5 -a V C STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF 5u-EEb I•>k ) >rV. being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (S)he is the (Contractor,Agent, Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this Sfi—day of �J� 202�—± otary Public TRACEY L. (VV V f NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE Gf- NPROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION �'t NO.01DW 6lj0,„) (Where the applicant is not tie OWnFr Qu�LIFIfED IN SUFIFOiL � I,t, COMkINSSION EXPIRES I, residing at do hereby authorize to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. Owner's Signature Date Print Owner's Name 2 Glenn Goldsmith, President +Q 5 � Town Hall Annex 54375 Route 25 A. Nicholas Krupski,Vice President P.O. Box 1179 Eric Sepenoski Southold, New York 11971 Liz Gillooly Telephone(631) 765-1892 Elizabeth Peeples Fax(631) 765-6641 o ' BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 18, 2024 Robert Keller 11 Moffitt Boulevard Bay Shore, NY 11706 RE: 380 KNOLL CIRCLE, EAST MARION SCTM#: 1000-37-5-11 Dear Mr. Keller: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Board of Trustees at their Regular Meeting held on Wednesday, July 17, 2024: RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Board of Trustees APPROVE the Administrative Amendment to Wetland Permit#4994, as issued May 26, 1999, to revise the size of the as-built deck to ±253 sq.ft; and as depicted on the site plan prepared by Ira Haspel, Architect, received on June 20, 2024, and stamped approved on July 17, 2024. Any other activity within 100' of the wetland boundary requires a permit from this office. This is not a determination from any other agency. If you have any questions, please call our office at (631) 765-1892. Sincerel Glenn Goldsmith, President Board of Trustees `/ . ,,... .,w..... _ _.. _.. ...... li',• f •1.3q . '� j, f f;� 'F,� ,:i '> f 1 r�i a1?a,4: 'y,F: , .. -•.+• r' ci t y 9'• t• :. t i• [ .Y b" • �•.'..�` r ,w i .. •• , • >,^ -,0 / .F. (,+ i}q >$ f f ,,...," f• ', i', I ° 9, t • i i!.. r t,s ••'q,, r !Y t i .i j,J` � !.w - � :•i L h _. �`g� �/1dV#TH CHAPTER���'C:� .. � §' '•` ; z �; • �c. V ,!f ipL,'1 1@ 1 ' t 1 ••'+ �{ �r■!R GE�REV�t�ITtQN. f�1f�k "aA-`f{<t:f• i• 'M1"s:.,: F=LQrCj �Q,F�1�lA 2024': t ...m " • ,. ?J\� ' TOWN C �'Lj e'� +,+-- �f [ 4 /f j ,w. b..: 4t Uw .Sd.... .i•+ Its Wr..•.. .r i it N i-. r We Y,,,w.Si r . Z.r w i•— w•i_ w aY r 4 Z.rM tlt]5:•_aHi+1•u,r^,:i•.+, �,.i VV L 11 ,r: tpjFi •` 1 jrj , '' ygygyq w 4�� r w.•', _. ...Kin - . oi- 0 C . >, '. • � ' { � l.," �# fit. # '� �, 9' r 1 MA 3'--2"" 7'•�-4" 4 ` '• �--° EXIST, 2X6 WALL rr_ I 1 1 r ' . • :NEW HANDRAIL �4S PEfi � •----fvxiST. SHEATHING N YS CODE AS SELECTED ' i i .' .,•, $Y 'OWNER, TYP-`.' � � � r 6:j.00 DOUR > �--EXIST. 'SIDING ' NE'W 4x4 MAHOGANY ,. NEW 6r,6 CCA j='fl5T1__--- -___ �---- - POST, TYP. ---".-'�-"'-r..� .XIS�. r �311 COCf1 i�On? 1 i P,C. FOOTINGS TYP ivEW 5/4"x6" MAHOGANY L1u1NG ROOM D£CK, TYP' NEW FLA�aN1iJG ___- --_- i .._ NEW 2x$ RAND � �:�--- ------�y• T # r '. NEw.2x8 CCA c 'i16" O.C_ A� rsi . ~ LO I NEW 'SlAdfrSpN' 1f dpWN, TYPt `s r' i EXISTING ? = NEW 2x8 CCA BAND W/ ► ( r Q ( }'?,{ .Y � 5/$„ H.D. GALV. LAG FOUNDATION WALL 10 CCA GI3R'. BOLTS 0 24" C.C. STAGGERED 1 r :,. ;;' ", '' '> ,• }�'/ {,�� :5/$"- H.D. _ �fi 1 ' c'•t t .' ', , ,GALL.,-$OII.T'S. TYPt . �--rNEW 'SIMPSON' TECO . p ti ' EXIST. NEW ../4x6 i .. . . ,�J•i j N r ( `� BASEMENT . MAHOGANY i #`IVIN� CL.%, EXIST. P.C. FOUNDATION A 1 iDECK ..L"".• ,'- ALL TYP. A1-•-s � 1 1 �� rah , r"! > � t it1 .,r•,.. NEW 2X8 CCA 'CCA P{3S�, •TYP:" ,.`, : FCk00 1 , C� t 6 O.C. 1 (-� y,5 l.rt' w,r:r>F;�?`^r< ,rf y r•+ , . , :.,• • .r �{ „ t �id.y"a✓•�F fir.,"+ t•. Cr� i` ,?}. .:ys, ': :;,.};: ►' ;►. I •T. P.C. SLAG ,.b, r.«.:}i. .J{ .. ,�•• ... ,;1' ( r E 1 '► 1 •�► i ` •'t:h'f tl! y Y1:N �'`<rt ;� �A'' . f:•;; 'r 1, . , i, 2 -H R. .PER a.J' `}'•'x" ';:y _ 's�,v�•�:; a C� 1 ► \ 'i: i' O E IY� 1 _ '•••'t }`•' %a1 �J: ,•i,•,. .r' :,t' •i' +'' :+ .7' 1 CODE, ;Lr ,•,w •i r 1 , \ warrrwrr..r 2X€i •CDR 2X$ CCA 'C' -FOOTING. ''► �'` T � P.C. 6 <}'.t�:(yj in :'r'«,:',: 'ti,}:'' ',~; •c., ., , ' �'J :r'' 'sl •®• ••EX,S f,• _ T•'' \► ► ► .y •l •� ... , ,, .l ,v .D •r .�,�,'r w , sa`: 1 J' k• 1 ` ' \.....r. _.i_ r_ ..i._t w. wu_.rw.w.. ... ..« wr►.J...1LZ. i ..w .i ! 1 t 'ki.ie _ Y'rt'•+ d.,• t ,ih . '!' i' ,! .. •;�• . . 1 'r . . f, 't"" _• r.ri "'�.' ti.`,'c�'}`%s.`':: a' N $ '.)C1`6 +C L., a.! 1i4_.,f.J, �, p iry ,w.' :8.1tY%'a• ' ; - ry��Jy•J ��t,jT Aiat �•F'Yid.. .., 1 �.. '1. . r..,w.rt w..n.... .••,� r '�rr , f/,Iy/ t ,}•-'•r +„t'.ti- 't a„'C•. rOU i r ( : r 22' s ,r• ::, *'• );''a'' f'.:..t2 ESA# 1-- r :-.` • . __.,ia.a .rwi. - •J'Yr.:i:.`'i{' .X.. .. ,► ,,w•. � ai...,ue.wrmncws.a rJ ,w 25'.. r � —11 - t , TAIL W � F i r 4 t rt'�� • lei t w s. . ..fit i.. '' ' : 'r ,+ 's :i .. , • SCALE: 1/4,r.+'•')•,,,,� ;f,. .♦ .J,r,< ;•.a.Fsl s 'rvF�•,L 1 IN ROPOSEw" PAR" O"No " SCALE: 1/4., .} A ,.t GENERA!. NQ E` BAST iN PLACE. CflNCRET R UGH -CARPENNY #. Ali wood to be 'in contact with masonry, is to be pressure treated .CU. • 1. Gontr'actot Shall `obtain► all required approvals, permits, certificates 4f 1. Provide cast=':n��(/face concrete, inc#uding formwork and reinforcement, as o Y� P t" ✓ '•. 'v is J r< r 2. All framing timber and dimensional lumber to .be dou ios fir, with, a occu anc ins ectioh approval, etc. for fork. pe'formed from ,agert�ies having re uired to com pletP r-Onstruc-lion shown rn the drawings and as"'specified herein. g 9 Yt p : q p "Specifications " f t PSI - ir. extreme, fiber stress i din riscjct•ion. thereof. 2. Comply with ACl 30i for Structural Concrete for Buildings ,• : •�" i P Y a .0 500e e e n ben g. 3. ' All molts clips, on nails to be hot dipped alvonized. Nail er, :''.;`, T 2: �Il j►vork to tie .done in :conformity.with N.Y. :Staate uilCling C1�des, oll fecal except as modified herein. , p d PP 9 . p cedes .and •NatiQnaf ° #eEtricul Code, #ates:fi .edition. 3. PIrovide' transit-'mix* concrete complying with ASTM 'C94• Compressive strengths to N.Y. State Naiiina schedule. 3. Contr©ctor° to 'verif ail, dimensi4ris prior .to stctrtirig work. `C.oritractor to ,. Y be 300U PSI at days .':.t „• :.; iA drawings, and corm w'it#1 ASTM 615 :.';• ,` .notify Arclai'tect,`•irrir�edia.teiy:o#' any "discreponc «s 4. Provide reinforcement of types shown on the d a gs, y i r t hall 'be irtstalfed irI •strict indicated. 4. All 'moteripis to -be used orr Ili s p ojec s . grade 40, unless otherwise i' Y. f mit'` with th'e manufacturers recommend3pd s ecificotions- for.'installation nsolidate concrete in accordance with AC! 30g. f�ft�ISTURI PRC TI N Con or y >' 5, Co ' of their product. 6. Provide concrete that is-dense and free from honeycomb and other defects, , .',.• . . .'< .' - � 1, �`iash c'•i openings !n exterior walls. ••` •,'�• i in overt] e for all• iFirQnces bonds etc.. �s i•e uired r re free from trowel mark uniform in appearance, „ . . , S. Cantroctor shall. .ma nta c g , a . q 7. Leave. siob stjrfoces that a e pP Y'' r ,> 2. Caulk a i openings and joints in exterior walls with Tremco Mona 4co#Or L- in l 8 in t U U when tested with a ti low and by the a- --owner. F y "With a surface plane tolerance not exceed g R:. os directed). c ntroctar steal rovide all safe cards as:'r..e uir.ed to.• rettude in'iar. to 1. sir i yhted e. s` 6. the a 1 p 9 9 P. �. Y 0 Q g g r er onnel' and ail.:�otl�e ersQllrs at 'Ih�'coi�structFon r:A owners and c6hteacto s p s < „to p :8. Concrete for slabs and. footings to be a minimum 'of. 3000 PSI compressive ,t a Temperature is to be 45 de Tees for 5 •da s after our, ,•4. - . , . • site. strength 'ot 2� days. g y P .' <ra <. met a ilinirrtiZe:tnm'a �s•ad'ace t iconcrete. _ 7, Contractors .shall exe'rcise;• cod• dge, -t g t. 1. or submit ions for protecting., f; n r' fi n. shop be castor to f f ed 0 side and ends - F S Y i 'i�.• r , properties. Al! areas damaged due ta' new co st u o ed g. Place wire meshes conforming to ASTM A185 ,bX6- 10x1a)' nPP THE FOi.LOW1NG PLANS :AND SPECIE IC-AT►ONo, j n THE BEST OF �:- their original :condition: secure) tied together. �' g U MY Y.NO�'�EDGE, BELIEF, AND PROFESSIONAL JUMEMENT,. ARE IN i ti t nt� f. these Inns and i # r m ct d s it r r' , 8. each tratle shall `fo'rr�iliorize themselves w th t e n e P 10, Place concrete on undisturbed soil 'with 4 porous f ( , o .o pa e o # , COMPUANCL WITH THE N. .�. CONSERVATION ONSTRUCT#ON COME, �; ;'• .M; coordinate their' work with •other bodes.. with 4 orous fide• Fit: excess cuts with concrete. Remove foreign matter , PREVENTION, ' P AND THE N.Y.S. bRFORM FIRE ' REVENTION & LDING•,CODE•, =' ff, in the ''course. of construction, .{ r`cOntfitian exists which disagrees :with that rind ovoid se re otion as much as possible. Footings s steal,! have 'a minimum of 9. r , „ g g p g LATEST EDITION. •::;,; `J ' 'not'i.t' .the. architect. __.. _. as indicated on,- th'e 'plans; 'the-�controc:tor sl�ait: stop and. i:y. 4 0 cover. .• •.% w hi` ro ed6re '-end}continue' With>"the + orl,, he shall Should' he fail to',follo t s p ' i r i jilt tied lioi#Ft.. brisin tti'eref om. assume all- espohi: b y- S' R BOA CJE 'i,�UST ,�..,. r' .a:, en d 'of ,no. eae from EB5 . , ,11- . •' . . . .• 10. 'All' work• ond.��::mat.erial'sl�ail�.'t�e uarontire�' fo .p o o tl�,.y :oar #•=,t i u. ,. < ,t Y,• ' ) da#e of occe tonce'b' Awnej'. P Y TQ�N , }F SCUT€ i n scale r squirt s. "Wrft'ten dirrierigioi�� sup"eiYaede scti( d :dirnensiois. " n r " 1, Db' of s a d,o g p . . ` t i. _ f erva are d• shc� •remain ''the �fi Foris F�s'.i stru.rn•ent a s ce an D'rawii7 "s `olio �fv�ec cot n �d�ct `•- .�., ) .f,•r •ZV j 'tie re de S w t r :the ra' cf o which 't. o . _:��: , • o ert of tfi� •�or'cfiit+zct he,.fie �� .. Y• ' not, .• _r n. . r r e # i ns�h xesa �n t e c s can ,..<�:���: .4 ;y�R ::if •gin" ,:,f. '�:� _ '•esceCi�ted..oj° knot. !fie are• ,y: .f� J .� . ,r Mwi :d r tote (64 Inc it are. wr tin :olio` t o r � ••< . . to fiis r,a'ect', eXGe t•',b. � g Pp � -,. • ., •i+t I � Ch �. .h ..ri ii to` t �A e sat ~i r 6 ,f. ,y,.t h I,ff° f1a, . •''•:•:.` ::,'' - 400 {A, ' I^v: „ yt Leo) S•y _ R. 11�t t !aC i0, m of o' no e •F , Project r. •r , �ucrc� oa a tih K`ELLE,.R r j ,[ �•vy Sf�1' ') } 'Lilt# e' toi i ` +cJ LJ F•Y1&dCFF' n is ee'FJ h dd fit` (�`~n ante �i1g' iV .. xt . i 'S3F0tern r r ���taar n, t t .f `#' a c i a ect�• o ,o Fcaisie; F f : N . t ..,. . of ri.rrrchil' ct. earir; the "sea v b ,471 AI I Jy' y t• i . ..r :, •. Jt h� t r 'p'•'Alfy"n' j f'' •t;# fit' CI •t - V F / I* ,> r r r.. j .•fir= ifs,4 <€j x ip � *t j8 :tec` ETAIL -At �� � � • , t f :'A.t.• ,I t ,p •S • 'r l, /}t •f a , s t'r . k , t { t�.; •s sj �` � da sill a ) t -Y •n i SS •t e t f y d • 8 at' :' NEW •t.:. •i ,r R a,: Y♦+ 4. I , ,,i It.'i,:t aPi✓T i t' fY e 'a1 , y ., . 41 .r.. sr= `.: .- .,,... '.,-•,.;.`r;,- nA. '% ij1: •.w. :i' ..vS' .. i.' ., ..�y..'.\':rl tilt. .•'i.,. ''P.', •R: •i, f,t f< i ::a" : �',~•' r•'. ^fir:' 'i'• •i' .a` i rid f..i:)' '•S .i. ...- .•. l'w:,->,�.'iv'Yi-.i.. ,..,.•..r. :'•: .i'1'! YY-f:'1� .. .,. ,t•♦',. SI_`�f'('...Y.' ) .. s, r. -t. •k.'.. r/:'` . e .. ,. .. _. . n.... e . ..•.. w ..... .__ .,.. ..,. .. v..._.,. .,...•. ..