HomeMy WebLinkAbout51167-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51167 Date: 09/11/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: Glen Wilson 4125 Sound Ave Mattituck, NY To: Construct a pergola accessory to an existing single-family dwelling as applied for. Must maintain minimum side and rear yard setbacks of 25 feet. Premises Located at: 4125 Sound Ave, Mattituck, NY 11952 SCTM# 121.4-1.4 Pursuant to application dated 07/25/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 03/13/2026. Contractors: Required Inspections: FOOTING/REBAR, FOUNDATION 1ST, FRAMING/STRAPPING , PLUMBING , ELECTRICAL- ROUGH, ELECTRICAL- FINAL, DRAINAGE, FINAL, Fees: ACCESSORY $287.00 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY $100.00 Total $387.00 Building Inspector yglpkRg+4�dy k"pu TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 httDs://www.southo+idtownn . &ov WON Date Received BUILDINGAPPLICATION FOR 11 11_ For Office Use Only SIT PERMIT NO, 16 lD� Building Inspector: 1J D APP lications and forms must be filled out in their entirety. Incomplete O applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Date: OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: 1 ,� 1 i, Name: &'p L&i Q(fj 6 M SCTM# 1000- OD �-01 OC) 001 OOT Project Address: 4.(7,;) -5760,AjD A L)f A 1 ( To C- A) Phone#: 137I(r, -qo`�- -71tq Email: � ij�p� A,6L t CoM Mailing Address:. — CONTACT PERSON: Name: bZ) Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: �/ /� Name: -o e/ �'I AJA c#pS -pew Mailing Address: &I 1 'V PN CAA) FC0 � �� � v0lt-44bc /) T 110 U ( Phone#: S(t) — Cj`f(� m �,� LfZ Email:C�luS CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: 6L03 WIL.6a" '� Mailing Address: Akb�(3 A-r, t /" Y Phone#: 91(o _ q 07 -7 q g Email: 6L-/V / Cx. &L"CO- 1 V 1 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION New Structure ❑Addition ❑Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: ❑Other $ f 'old Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes No Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes Ao 1 i PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: 5// f&t;i57 It/y Intended use of property: -5mbte 54MI LY Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to 1A f1 p—EC(o6k//nA-t- A(o9-4CoLquk4-L. this property? ❑Yesxvo IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. CheckBox After Reading: The owner/contractor/design professional Is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code, APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the 9411ding Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized Inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.4S of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By(p "' e): IV ❑Authorized Agent Owner Signature of Applicant: Date:6Z STATE OF NEW YORK) 14 cc- COUNTY OF '' L�) 6L e1J wI L,-';VrV being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (S)he is the VJM � (Contractor,Agent, Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this day of 20�A otary ublic TIFFA 6JBEREZNY Notary Public-State of New York PROPERTY ER TIJ RI TIII I No.016E6284112 Qualified in Suffolk County (Where the applicant is not the owner) My Commission Expires 06/17/2025 I, residing at do hereby authorize to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. Owner's Signature Date Print Owner's Name 2 5l 1(p �rr�a�n �nn�n�mum� mum a E.:SMITH RlICE Z. �E oa w sEn ray .OARi OA, PrEM*:. � wOwl pom m:. t�7u 4. N/O/F of]OHN N SIMICICHMOM p . RAMP w. 1.4X aw000rtrlcc D/. Tax Map " ..: .. FE FOUND ..: ... .... Cot 7.4:: II PO i loo G' WAGE PM£R .OPoV N/0/F ot.: . .:.. .: .. ...: .: YIAY. :.: - .: - .:." E.SM1TF :: V ' WOOD N/O/F of DAVID R. w�Tov e srcr &]ANE STARWOOq :: cAz�so . "}4p1J5E Y N ati28 Yr�iDCW. .: .:.: POND ... .. _ 4-4' :. :. .. uw N .... ... .. .. .. .. .. a .: - �IPO. Q CA .. ., r' a :. EDO&Or PARR UIT .1 . 49,� 227.07 W SOUND . AVE WILLIAMSBURG HIBERGLASS ":: k� at a'a`iJ�aar a.�j?�r�-5 S�' '•'"".r� •PERGOLA - -, CLASSI C:ALN.SI MPLE A'classic pergola design with.intricate:f:inishing.: .: makes this fiberglass pergola alimeless addition.to your.outdoo.r:liying space. = .: . .Will iams urg has a tra itional an: -refined.look that.creates a beautiful focal pointin any ... . setting. The open design of this pultruded . .. structural=fiberglass•pergola kit.provides.: .increased prbtectionfrom the•sun while•adding'- .•a statelyfeel to'your outdoor livi;ng.area. a ... .. ... .. Finished using our proprietary ColorLast paint process for=maximum durability, Williamsburg will. provide:.rriany Years or low=maintenance enjoyment. Stainless steel hardware and detailed installation instructions:are:inclu:ded: with each pergola kit we make. _ B U IET TO:LAST :—"' z:.�!4•,�.g�"�sa.�av ;*r��°fit^.. Y � .. ... .. .. Williamsburg fiberglass pergola is built.with' = :,premium quality fiberglass.components and:- w= _ stain less­:steel hardware, creating along lasting,. _ low-maintenance shade structure.An occasional cleaning will-help your. Williamsburg .. . shad estruct.. maint.. a beautiful . a a o ppe •ar ance br many ye rs to c 'me. , Co e . . . . . mponen. siz s: . Rafter- 2"x.8" • • Doubfe-Beams- :2"x 8"::. : :. : . 75" 175":. . Stringers- 1. . . . .. x . Ledger.- 2" x:8":.. e Create dstructure that perfectly c om�plem nts.: any outdoor living space. : :.. STRUCTUREIO ° . illiamsburglristallation Guide : :Read.this guide and review shop drawings and.n,otes before beginning installation.: .. All.pac ages s ould:be-opened and,inspected for hidden damage upon receipt. A w m ssi g or. damaged components should be noted on the dellvery receiptAth the carrier. before�accUt'hg the _ sbj=jent.All-items should.be- repackaged and stored:where'p. rotected from moisture;_dirt, and: _ . .:.excessive heat. Do not wrap material so that heat or moisture can. become trapped. Ensure that. :Items:ar;.e level,:fully supporte ..,:and have airflow:between.parts Damage from imp:roper.:storage:is:` :not considered:shipping:damage:and is not covered by:product.warranties: Handle materiais so as: to.protect.materials:coatings, fabric and finishes during transportation.and installation to prevent damage or:staining :It is the responsibility of the installer to.meet or.exceed.all code and safety requirements,.-and to...: :' . .. I -Obtain-all required building permits. These instructions:a:re only:a'guide;:and may:not address every -:: circumstance: The installer should determine and:implement appropriat-Onstallation techniques.-. for: each situation.- Structureworks-shall not-be held:liable for improper.or unsafe installations,:: .: Recommended Tools: :.The tools required for:-installation will vary depending onistructure configuration:and the:hiardware.: used. Review shop drawings to confirm drill bit sizes, socket sizes;,and other project specific tools:.:. ;• Pencil • Impact Driver w/ • Circular Saw w/ Phillips Bit: Abrasive Blade • Leve • Adj:ustable Wrench .. • Compressed Air • g'.Ladder-:(2) :. • Tape Measure • ::,Hole-Cleaning:Brush • Framing Square '. • :. .Socket,Wrench.w/* • Hacksaw/Bolt:Cutters.: Deep Sockets •.: Caulk:Cun :: Drill' equire ateria s DeperidIng on=the configuration:of the structu re,-add itiona.l materials such as ledger attachment hardware, silicone caulk; and arichoring epoxy may be,needed:,Review'shop drawings for project specific requiremerits. Cleaning and Maintenance = - - -Use a-combination of:Simple Green Alk-Purpose:Cleaner and hot:waterWith a s(o t'bristle brush. : .: Clean-after installation and on an annual:basis. For more :difficult to clean:marks, a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser can:be'used..Structural'attachments.shou d be ihspec ed'annually. :. 877.489;8064 :1 www.structureworks.com :Installation Sequence This installation guide provides a step by'step sequencd for the installation of the structure:This guide covers only the:structure. separate installation.:guides are provided f6r•accessories and-other' products used in the:installation of the structure. Ensure that:you have.all required installation". guides before beginning the installation.. :All str:u.ctures:are_made to order'and are provided.with:s: h:p dravi►.i.ngs. Shop drawings may:.contain:;. :. .:Additio.nal information;.details,.or Job specific instructions.:'Shop.drawings:take precedence:over this:Installation guide. layout and'Install Columns :.Layout ail'columns according to,the shop drawings: Columns must be located precisely'and -:-:::variations in the:height Af the mounting surface•must be'accounted for by trimming or leveling each: -.:column:The structure"will not install correctly if the columns are installed.o.ut of square ' ' out of- 1evel from one another: Refer to Fiberglas's Column Installation Guide for more information: so F- -l- a. Center to Center:' _ Column Dlmenslon ' :. :. . Cenror to Contor :. Column Dim®ndon . w. 2 877.489.8064 :l www.struc-tureworks.com Install'Bmackets and Beams. Mark the rafter center locations on the'tops of all beams. Install'refter.brackets with screws; Place the beams:on top of the columns and secure;to the double beam adapter with-screws::-: If-the structure includes any integrations such as lighting or wiring for'fans or.:heaters; make any ..::connections or.-chase a.ny.wires and testthe connections:before..installation of the:beams.. : . X1"Sq S S n Tek- •.. � 1 #8ew g10 Square n e ss Stee 1 U Bracket 304 Stainless Steel Exte r 2"Fi rna g ss• I fo• aer la „ 1 i Rafter Center Locations . o 010 X 3"Square Pan Tek Screw.410 Stainless Steel sm 877.489,8064 -1 www.stru:ctureworks.com Install"Brackets and ledger:- Attached Structures Only: Install the internal brackets for the rafters on the ledger with screws..Mount the ledgerto the host structure. Ensure that the ledger is:mounted:to structural components that can:support. the loads of the structure. Hardware for ledger:attachment is not provided and:will vary:depending on: mounting conditions: Hardware.can be installed through the face of the ledg":and left visible or access=holes may be drilled on: the face the ledger so that the hardware.can be:Installed.i.nside.of: the ledger and hidden from view: ' nce•h'le plugs:are instal' Do;not overtighten.the fasteners connecting the ledger to:the host:structure. U Bracket 304:8fainlass Steel External_for•2'Fiberglass o #8 X 1"Square Pan Tek . Screw 410 Stainless Steel I NOW j. 877.489,8064 (www,structureworks.com Install Rafters Mark the center locations for the stringers on the tops of all rafters. Position the'center rafter onto both:double-beams for a freestanding structure or the I edge rlinternal:bracket*and the:double::: beam for an attached structure. Ensure that the rafter is level:for flat structures or has:the correct . . . amount of pitch for sloped structures. Check that the beam is the correct distance awua''from:the . ledger or othe-r:beam before securing the.rafter::Repeat-this process for the outside rafters.and :then the remaining inside rafters. Check that rafters match the Layout in the shop drawing.: If the structure includes fan or canopy blocks:or integrations such as lighting or wiring,-:install brackets and blocking per.the instructions,.-rri.ake conriectio.ns; chase wires, and test.the _ co.nnections:before final installation of the-rafters. When:securing:rafters=tothe internal brackets rriounted to:the ledger, it;can be helpful to pre-drill .: the rafter and internal bracket.- - :Stringer Center Locutions x 4:S rean e Screw 10 Stainless Steel. #8 X 1"Square Pon Tek Strew 410 Stainless Steel' ... 5 877.489.8064 :1 www.structureworks.com Install'Stringers Position the.stringe.rs on the.previously mriarked center locations on the top of:the rafters'and secure with:screws;:A spacer block can be used to speed thel ayout of_the stringers. Ensure thetahe stringers match the:layout,in,the shop drawing. #10 x 2 1/2"•Square Flat Head 7ek Screw 4.10 SS 6 877.489;8064 1 wwwstructureworks,corn - Install'Koystcnes: keystones are provided to cover seams or hardware in beams and rafters:"Secure the.keystones with-screws: 08 X 1 1/2"•Square Flat Head T4 Screw 410-Stalnless Steel #S X•l:a/2"Squar:e4lat Hedd. Tek Screw 41.0 Stalnless Steel 0 0 o 7 877.489.8064 1 www.structureworks.com . 'Other:Condition's. Beam to Wail Connection . Angled Ream Connection ® 10 XT:Screw 41 l0 Stain ssSteel d Tek:� . m 0 Flat Washer. 1/2"Acorn Nut. Beam Blocking Angled Rafter Connection U.Bracket Internal for 2.x l/8"Tube •304 Stainless Stool 16 Guage :. —————— -- -- -- -- . Wedge . :. #8 X:1"Square Pan Head Tek. Screw 410 Stdinloss:Stooi ��,�Square #8 X 2:1 Pan Head TO Screw 410 SS faint ouo - p All:Colorl ast finished.structures will.require.touch up:over tlnle and.at completion of.constru.ction. Use:extreme:care:when handling painted components. Touchup paint is provided. I.r1 the event.of scratching or cracking,touchup the:painted.surface with a foam or:bristle brush.Apply light:coats In order to allow the paint to dry:with a smooth finish. Water'®raina90 : - Weep holes must be drilled in the bott6M of:ahy hollow components s®that water may drain. Failure to:create proper drainage may.result:in finith'br corn panentf6Ilure and is not covered:by thy.warranty. s 8 77.48 92064 www.structureworks,com STR U C T U REWORKS i erg ass Column Insttillation. Guide: Read this guide and review shop drawings:and'notes before beginning installation.:: All packages should be openedand Inspected for hidden damage upon. receipt.;An ._my issiin or dama_ped:_mpobi hts should be noted on the delivery re e t with the carrier. before acce�t'ntbe s e All items should:be repackaged and stored where 0 rote cted.from:Moisture; dirt, and_ :excessive heat. Do not wrap material so that heat.or moisture can become trapped.- Ensure.that -items are level;.fully supported.;.ond have:airflow between parts. Damage.from improper storage-is, : not considered:shipping:damage and is not covered by:product warranties::Handle:materiais so as: to.protect rhaterials,::coatings;fabr:ic.and finishes during transportation-and:i nstallatioh:to prevent damage or staining, :It is the.responsibility'of the installer to meet or-exceed all code and safety;;requirernents,.and to: . . :obtain all required building permits. These instr.uctions:are only:a guide,:arid may.not address every: circumstance. The installer should determine and-implement appropriate installation techniques: for-each situation: Structureworks shall not.be held liable for improper:or unsafe installations. Recommended Tools- - The tools required for installation will vary depending on:$tructure configuration and the hardware:. -:used: Review shop drawings to-confirm. -drill bit sizes, socket sizes; and other project specific tools, •. Pencil:; • Im act Driver.with; • Drill,p Phillips Bit- . • : 4' Level . Circular Saw with • . Torpedo Level • Adjustable.Wrench: Fine Tooth Blade • 8' Ladder{Z) • Tape Measure • Compressed Air,. • Socket:Wr:ench:with • . Hole-CleaningBrush • . Framing Square Deep Sockets • Caulk Gun- • : x 8.':Masonry Drill Bit . : Hacksaw/Bolt:Cutters : Required Materials ...::Depending on the configuration:of the structure; additional materials such: as anchoring epoxy may be needed. Review shop drawings for project specific requirements. Cleaning and'Maintenance - Use a combination of Simple Green All-Purpose Cleaner and h,ot water with a soft bristle brush:. --:.Clean-after installation and on an annual:basis. For more difficult to clean marks; a.Mr. Clean Magic. Eras& can be.us:ed. Structural..attachmbhts should be in spected:annually 8-77,489.8064 1 www.structureworks.com _.:.:Layout . . . . Layout all columns according to the shop-drawings: Columns must be located precisely.and' : . . variations.in the height of the-mounting surface must be accounted.for,by trimming or leveling.each column.Th.e tructure will:not install:correctly.if the:columns:ar:e installed out of square or outbf - .:level from one.anothe.r..:: : . jensionRod Column Installation -:Concrete Embedment.: Coupler_ . f, I Hex Nut------' .�;—Column Shaft or Hex:Nut Base:T.rim �. .. �.: . I : ��' --F Wa sher her ; Bottom Plate- :: 7:Y - - - —.� one Screw - Concrete.S w 4.. .: .: .- a. : . . : ZA Epoxy. . : . � 1. Tarn-Column_Shaft, if Needed .If the:shaft is not.square-at the top or bottom or if theg hei ht of.the:shaft must be adjusted-- measure::the desired length from:the top:of the;shfaft and :mark several locations:around'the: shaft.::Next, apply:painter's tape:a.round the shaft so that:tt a edge of the tape aligns with the marks. Using-a circular saw, cut a long:the tape:Iine.:Cut with.the motor::side of the saw.on the. .. cut-off portion to prevent damaging the finish: 2. Drill1hreaded Rod Hole Drill the:hole forthe threaded:rod.and epoxy. Thehole:should be sized larger than:the :.threaded;rod diameter.per the:epoxy manufacturer's instructions.:Clean the hole.. : 3: ' Install f oxy.and Threaded Rod -. FIII the hole with epoxy per:tie manufacturer's instructions: insert the:short threaded rod in a twisting motion toensure:epoxy flows:into:the threads;of the:rod. Ensure th:at;the rod;is inserted;to the proper;depth and is plumb. 4. Install Column Bottom:Plate .. . 'Install the leveling bolts:on the:column:bottom:plate an.d:slide it over the it stalled:threaded.rod. .: Level the plate by:adjusting the leveling boits.to accommodate:any slope or irregularity.,:in the. mounting surf :Once the column-bottom.plate has been:leveled,:instaIl a:flat wash er.and a . : : : . hex nut on the threaded rod and tighten. Next; drillfour holes for the hex head conerete anchors:and install. Finally, install:_a hex nut and coupler onto the threaded:rod.Tighten the hex nut and. coupler:against each other to prevent the couplerfrom-coming loose.The.coupler. should be installed so that half of'-the.threads.are open to receive'the neXtthreaded.rod: - 2 877.489,8064 www.structureworks,com 5. Install'Base Trim:and Column Shaft.; Plaice.the base trim'around the assembly.on the ground.Then, lift the shaft over the short . ':threaded:rod and set it:on the'column bottom palate and:into the:base trim:-Next,:install the:. -remaini.ng length(s) ofthreaded:rod from above-Using a ladder.:En sure that the threaded:'rod properly engages the coupler.and is fully tightened; : . 6. Position Capital-and Mid Trim : . Sllde the midArim:(If:provided) and the capital:-onto the shaft.-.These.Components will be* secured:once:th.e structure has.been fully:installed: 7: Install Topflate = •Slide th6,top plate overthe threaded rod:. o For use with.a single-beam, slide the beam over the.thr6aded rod and rest the beam on the top plate:Next; install a 1.14" x 2112" x 21/2" washer, flat washer; and two-hex nuts:: Tighten to 30 ft, lbs. o nor use wlth double beams; slide-the double beam:adapter.block:over the threaded rod. Next, install a 1/4" x 2112 x 21 .2°:washer,:flat washer, and two hex nuts.Tighten.to 30, ft. lbs., 8. Tel m Threaded Rod,if Needed Trim the threaded:rod with-a.hacksaw or bolt cutters:if it is more than:2"above.the top hex nut:.; . ..Clean:up any shavings from the-threaded rod around the structure:and in the column capital, : :as they can cause rust to form: Install the threaded rod'cap on top bf the-threaded: 9 Install Capital andMid-Trim Once the structure.is;fully.insta lied,-slide the id-tram and capital into-:position::Secu.re'the . capital using-two 2"-pan head tek screws. Caulk the.:mid-trim with an exterior: latex caulk to : secure. Hex.NUts -, Threaded Rod Cap 1/4",x 21/Z"x:Z.1/2"Washer _ Threaded Rod Cap �c �� �� a Hex Nuts Flat Washer ,, -^ 1/4'.x 2 1/2 .x 21/2 Washer :.. 410 Stainless Steel ,� 410 Stainless Steel _-:-.Flat. Flat Washer TES:. Double Beam Adapter Block' . . i —Top Plate : 2----------__-_. I{i Beam Capital_• . . . a• w _ t f` Top Plate r„ Screws Screws -_ -_-- I I! = --Capital. 'Threaded Rod Column Shaft Columh Shaft.- 4 / Threaded Rod ... ti. is I : "3 �-77.489,8064 j.wwwstructureworks,com: . Tension8.0 Column Installation -framing Mount Coupler Column Sheft :Hex Nut Hex Nut Base Trim • I.: : . -- Flat Washer::=.: :Bottom Plate-�� I �-.......__„__ %'yi :Wood:Screw \. :4 r�_i De fl ckrig .: . .. Joists. I f Pressure Treated Wood Bloc kin . Hex.Nuts Blo k'ng Wood:S.crews: Flat Washer :I Framing y ] IL Mount Plate :1. Trim Column Shaft, if Needed If the:shaft is not.square:at the top or bottom or if the height of the:shaft must be adjusted; .;measure:the desired length from the top:of the shaft and.:mark several locations:around•the shaft:Next, apply.paloter's tape around the shaft so that-the edge of the tape alignswith the. marks. Using.a circular saw; cut along the tape.line..Cut with the motor side of the s Won the: cdt-off portion to prevent damaging:the finish:: I Install Blocking . . . . Install,pressure treated wood blocking-between the joists,:against the underside of the decking: : .;elockfi should-be a no thickness of:2"and:wider.tha:n the:framing mount:plate. -3. Drill Threaded Rod Hale :. Drill:the hole.for the threaded: rod through the:deck-an:d wood blocking: 4. Installframing'Mount Plates and Threaded Rod -:Install ashort.length of-threa de' d�rod with:a flat washer:and hex nut up through thiefrarriing 'mount-plate and:th rough-.the hole in the blockin' and decking, Place a second framing mount .. plate over the threaded rod and onto the deck surface 5. Instaii:Column Bottom Plate Install theleveling-:bolts onthe column bottorr plate.:and slid.eit over.th:e installed threaded rod: . . .. .Level.the;plate by.'adjusting the leveling bolts to acco'mmo.date-any slope or;ireegularity in the mounting surface. Once'the column bottom plate:has been leveled, instail:a flat washer and a hex nut on the-threaded rod and tighten,-:Next,:drill four holes through the framing.mount-plate on the deck surface.-Install four wood.screws:tfirough.the bottom plate; framing mount:piate, . . . . : . ..: :. : . ... and into the.deck and blocking. Finally, install a hex-nut and;coupler;onto the-threaded rod. Tighten the hex nut and co.0 pie r against each:other to prevent-the coupler from: loosening.The::: coupler.should. be installed so that half of:the threads are:open:to:receivethe next:threaded :rod. 4 877.489;8064 . www.structu' reworks.com: 6. Install:Base Trimnd CumSha ..o Shaft.. .Place.the;base trim around the assembly on the deck.Then, lift the;shaft over the short-'. threaded.rod and set it:on the column bottom palate and:l'nto the.base trim: Next,:install the: : : remaining lengths) of:threaded:rod from:above using a ladder.'Ensure that the threaded:rod properly engages the:couplerand is fully tightened: : 7. Position Capital-and Mid-Trim : Slide:the mid=trim:01.0rovided) and=the capital-ontot. a shaft. These components will:tie: ..secure.d:once:the structure has.been fully:Installed:. 8: Install Top:Plate Slide the top plate over the threaded rod:: :.o For use with.a single beam; slide the beam over the threaded rod and:rest the;beaM. ... . . on,the top plate. Next, install:a 114" : 21/2" x 21/2"-washer, flat washer, and•two hex. nuts. Tighten.to.30-ft:.Ibs, Q For use:with double beams; slidethe double beam adapter block overthethreaded rod. Next, instal a 1/4":x 21/2":x 21/2".:washer:,:flat washer, and:two hex nuts.Tighten to 30'ft. lbs: A. Tel Threaded Rod,If Heeded q. Trim the threaded rod with.a:.hack- w or bolt cutte'' Aft it is more than:2"above the top:hex not:.: : Clean:up. any shavings from the threaded.rod around the structure and in the column capital, : : . :as they can cause rust to:form::Install the:threaded rod'cap on top of the threaded:rod. 10 Install Capital and:Mid"Trim :- Once the structure.is:fully]nstalled,-slide the mid-trim:and capital into.:positio.m":Secure.:the capital using two 2" an head. screws. Caulk the.mid-trim with an exterior: latex caulk to secure. Threded RodHex'Nuts . �' Threadedod Cap2 `' 1/4".X 2 1/2':x 21/2"Washer 410 Stainless Steel ,--.'-,Hex Nuts Flat Washer ...F_.l_a._t_.,W._a_s....h._er 410 Stainless Steel ...� : Double Beam Adapter Block:'. I 'I: I a Top Plate : . ; r' .. i, ------ ------, Ia Beam p Ce Top Plate Screws ~- i y Screws Threaded Rod— !: . ... ;a ,, ti...-.__tl. Capital Column Shaft ., �I. • . • . •:: : . v Column Shaft "-Threaded Rod : .41 . 5 : 377.439,8064 .I www.structureworks,com :Aluminum Relddread Fiberglass Column Installation -Concrite:Embedment j� A inum.Colum n Assembly lum Column.5haft._ : j.J1: : II I w :Ii: II II II II . l ij Base Trim : . .:: w r-Nuts f I . Threade d Rod: Hex Flat asher_ --�'�. IC. ..:� /---Column Base:Plate LI . S a « 41 .. .a Epoxy 1. Drili'ThreadedRod Holes -Drill the:hoI es:for the threaded rods and epoxy.The holes:shouId be sizedlarger than the. -t rea ed:rod diameter. a epoxy manufacturer's instructions.:Clean:the hole.:•:-: p 2: Install tl o)y.and:Threaded Rods Fill the holeswith epoxy per the manufacturer's instructions. Insert the:threaded rods irk a twisting motion ta:ensure epoxy flows:into:the threads,of the:rods. Ensure that-the rods are Inserted.to the proper depth and are plumb. 3, Position Fiberglass-Shaft Tip the.aluminum column:assembly onto:its side:a.nd slide:the fiberglass shaft over;'it. This:is safer and:easier than lifting the fiberglass shaft up and over the aluminum column assembly: . .: while it is.upright-Or ce upright, thefiberglass:shaft.can be lifted several inchesand placed on. temporary blocks to allowf0f.-access to the'column'bate plate and mounting hardware;'if :required; 4 •.:Install Aluminum Column 'If the'mountint surface'is-uneven;flat.washers and non=shrink grout can be.used to shim and leve:i:the surface. Once the tolumn base plate. has been leveled, install:flat washers and hex _. nuts.on the-threaded_rods_.and tighten. :_ . . . •5. Install 9ase:Trim as a Place the base trim over the top of the-column assembly end Tower it to the:ground:Some eolumns Will have mor:e:than one base:tri:m. 6. Position Capitat and Mid-Trim Slide:the I id trim:(if:provided) and:the capital :ontdthe shaft.These,components will-be_ secUted once the structure as be0hfully insta e 6 77,4�9;8064 .fwwwstruc urew.orks.coM . 7. InstnllThreaded Rod Install threaded rod into.the top of the aIuminum.C' I.. .mn a- sembly:' o ::For use:with a.single beam; slWe the beam over the threaded rod:and rest the beam . .on the:top of the aluminum column assembly.: Next, install a 1/4'..x 21/2":-x 21/2 washer, flat washer,.and two hex nuts. Tighten to 30 ft. lbs: o For use with:double:beams;:slide the:double:beam:adapter:block over the threaded.. r:o.d::Next install a-1/4" x 21/2" x 21/2" washer,flat Washer;and two:hex nuts:Tighten ..:to 30 ftJbs. 8. Trim Threaded Rod;if Needed Trim the:threade'd rod with a hacksaw or bolt cutters if it:is more than 2"=above the.top hex nut. Clean up any_shavings from the threaded rod around the structure and in the column capital, .. as they can cause-rust to form. Install the threaded.rod cap on:top of the threaded rod. 9. In�stall:Capital and Mid-Trim, Once:the.struct're is fully.installed, slide•the mid=trim and capital into position. Secure the'::. capital.:using two 2" pan head te:k screws::Caulk:the mid--trim with an exterior latexcaulkto . .. secure. Hex Nuts- ;_ -" Threaded Rod Cap _ _1%4"x 21/2:"k 21/2 Washer" " Threaded Rod Cap:: Flat Washer=41' = 1/4"x:2'1/2"x 21/2".Washer: ' . 410'Staiinless Steel: : Y: =: r Hex Nuts ! a_t�Was_h_e_-r.- - 410 Stainless Steel _ ,.- -:Double Beam Adapter.Block { I 0 E I Top Plate —Beam .. t<''� a . � - ♦�-- -i Capital — . . 4--' _ ___ _ ;'�_ _ PI Screws - Screws . _ ; , °pa. t` E —'Capital Plate f,. - Threaded Rod �: ; Qj Column Shaft ,�l\ ` Threaded: d Column Shaft a. yl: i T eaded Ro 877.489.8064 .1 www.st.ructurew.orks.com: Aluminum Reinforced Fiberglass Column Installation Through,:Bolt FTF II ll Il. �r .AluminumcolumnAssembly II - :II Column Shaft is it I-I '—Base Trim: II II L Threaded Rod Hex Nuts ... '- II I Flat Washer r7 column Base;Plate :- --,:. �, .. .�- .���'�- .. . . . . . .. Decking Joists . neat Blocking :Woo - 1 Flat Washer . .. Pressure'T .: Wood Screws . Hex:Nuts : : Framing Nlount:Plate A. Install Blocking: Install pressure treated wood blocking'between the joists.against the underside:of;the decking. Blockingshould be a nominal thickness of.2"and wider than the:framingrnount-plate. 2 ®rill Threaded Rod:We Drill the holes for thethreaded rods through-the deck:and wood blocking. 3. Position Fiberglass Shaft Tip'the aluminum.'column.assembly onto.its side and slide the fiberglass shaft over it: This is safer and easier than lifting the fiberglass shaft up.and over the.aluminum:column assembly . .. while it is upright, Once:upright,.the fiberglass shaft can:be lifted.several:inches and:placed on temporary blocks to allow for access to'the column_base plate;and*mounting hardware,:if required. 4. Install:AluminumColumn .: " .:If the:mounting surface is:uneven;flat washers-can be used to shim and level the.base plate. Once the:column:base:plate has been leveaed, install flat washers.and hex nuts on the threaded :rods and:tighten:: 1. Install case Trim Place the base trim over the top of the column assembly and lower it.to the ground. Some columns wlllhave more than-one base trim = 6. Position Capital and Mid-Trim Slide the:mid-trim (if pr®vided) and the capital onto the shaft. These components will be secured once the structure has been filly Installed.. s 877.489, 064 l w.ww.structureworks.com. . 7. Instal(Threaded Rod Install threaded rod into.the top of the.aluminum.column.assembly: o ":For use with a:single beam; slideahe beam over the threaded ro.d.and rest the beam on the:top ofthe aluminum column assembly.;Next, install a 1/4".-x 21/2":x 21/2": ._ washer,flat washer,..and two.-hex nuts. Tighten to 30 ft. lbs. -:o For use with:double. beams;:$lide the=double beam.adapter block over the threaded: - rod. Next; install a•.1/4" x 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" washer, flat washer, and two:•hex nuts.•Tighten -to 30 ft.:lbs. 8. :Trim Threaded Rod,if Needed p .: Trim the:threa�ded rod:with a hacksaw or bolt cutters if. is more than 2"above the:top hex-:nut. Clean up any.shavings from the threaded rod around the structure and in the column capital, as they can cause rust to form. Install:the threaded.rod cap on'top of the threaded rod: : 9. Install Capital and Mid-Trim Once:the,structure is fully installed, slide the mid-trim and capital into position. Secure the capital.:using two_2" pan head tek screws. _Caulk:the mid:tr.im with an exterior latex caulk to secure. :Hex Nuts —Threaded Rod Cap 1/4"x 2,1/2"x 21/2 Washer . ..... — Threaded Rod Cap:: �� 'r Hex Nuts Flat Washer 1/4 x 2 1J2 x 21/2 .Washer. ' 410�Stainless Steel: 1,: -. . Flat Washer 410 Stainless Steel - ' - .. : . .,a a 1Y.. ;—:Double Beam Adapter Block f . : Top Plate i:: N:. Beam Capital _T_�r, 1; .. —Top Platte Screws-� ���-�,= _ ��..:.:..::.:..� . :, Scr Capital ews— Threaded Rod Column Shaft—�1 ! Column Shaft~ . .. . , t� Threaded'Rod d ,. hint Touch, W All ColorL6st:finished components will require touch up over time and at completion of .:construction._Use extreme care when handling painted:components.Touch up paint is provided. In::- :the event of scratching or cracking, touch=up the painted Surface-with a foam or'bra'stle brush. Apply: :light coats to allow the: paint to-dry with a smooth-finish:.:-.' . .9 8.77.489.8064 .1 www.structureworks,com : SSO�S 18'- 0" NOTE: ALL NEW CONCRETE SHALL BE F'C 3,000 P.S.I. g —0'� 9'—0�� SPECIFY FINISH : MAXIMUM LIVE/DEAD LOAD DEFLECTION TO BE L/240 NOTE: THE STRUCTURE IS PRE—FABRICATED AND MADE BY STRUCTUREWORKS. STANDARD TRIM NOT TO WALE NOTE: SEE ATTACHED WILLIAMSBURG INSTALLATION GUIDE, FIBERGLASS COLUMN INSTALLATION GUIDE C AND MANUFACTURERS PHOTOGRAPH. NOTE: SEE ATTACHED INSTALLATION GUIDES FOR ALL HARDWARE AND CONNECTION DETAILS NOTE: THE FINISH IS UNPAINTED WHITE FIBERGLASS PROJECT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING: ' '• ' •• ' , —2020 BUILDING CODE OF NEW YORK STATE . . • —THE ZONING CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CONCRETE MOUNT NOT to 6Gdk 10" ROUND TAPERED COLUMN, SEE ATTACHED DETAILS CONCRETE MOUNT c 16 — 1 3/4" x 1 GRADE c 3/4" (2) #5 RE-BAR TOP a 00 & BOTTOM, CONTINUOU a a 2'-0" X 2'-0" X 4'-0" DEEP 1 ,— C CONCRETE PIER a Lo 4 00 C BASE CONNECTION : 2'-0" CONCRETE MOUNT r CONCRETE PIER SECTION SCALE: 3/4 = 1 —0 1 '- 3 1 /4" 1 '- 11 1 /4" 1 '- 6" FLOOR PLAN AXONOMETRIC (,:�ED A;?c SCALE: 1 /2" = 1 '-0" NOT TO SCALE ti �C�`� �����`'r'�rrIl' ,��kt` 0,�, ate- 18 — 0 18 — 0 1.05 0350,14 OF N'� �I ri n f7i r_1 n r r_1 ri n r-I n g r_1 0 F=1 F1 LO 9 — 2 x 8 CQ 4 - 2" x 8" 01 24JUL24 ISSUED FOR PERMIT NO. DATE ISSUES/REVISIONS �. 10" x 10' Round Tapered Column 10 x 10' Round Tapered Column D D Architects R GRADE GRADE GRADE COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL PLANNING CORPORATE INTERIOR DESIGN 45 COMMONWEALTH BLVD. BELLEROSE VILLAGE NY 11001 „ � �� E—mai5.1473 r.keax 516.375.1473 lo n®veri on net 2 -0 2 — 0 1 —8 14 — 8 1 — 8 y I I I I I Internet www.quay007/RKD.htm CONCRETE FOOTING i i i i CONCRETE FOOTING i i DWG. TITLE BELOW i i i i BELOW i i PLANS/ELEVATIONS/DETAILS i I i I i I I I I I I I i I L____J L_____) L___ _J L ____J JOB NO. DATE PROJ. DIR. 2024-027 24JUL24 CPD DRAWN BY CKD. BY SCALE: ELEVATION " A " ELEVATION B CPD R.K. SEE DRAWING DWG. NO. SCALE: 1 /2" = 1 '-0" SCALE: 1 /2" = 1 '-0" A - 1