HomeMy WebLinkAbout51165-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 51165 Date: 09/11/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: Dawn Duerwald 475 Wells Rd Laurel, NY To: Install roof mounted solar panels to an existing single-family dwelling as applied for per manufacturers specifications. Additional certification may be required. Premises Located at: 475 Wells Rd, Laurel, NY 11948 SCTM# 126.-8-20.1 Pursuant to application dated 07/25/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector, To expire on 03/13/2026. Contractors: Required Inspections: Fees: SOLAR PANELS $100.00 ELECTRIC -Residential $125.00 CO-ALTERATION TO DWELLING $100.00 Total $325.00 Building Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Telephone 631 765-1802 Fax 631 765-9502 littps://www.sotitholdlp y� Date Received APPLICATON FOR BUILDING PERMIT II E E For Office Use Only PERMIT NO. Building Inspector;. , .. �3 202.4 Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety. Incomplete Building Department applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an Town of Southold Owners Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Date: OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: Name: SCTM # 1000- Ili-(DO -0a 00-- OQ0 00� ProjectAddress:y75 11 Phone#: 5 — 762— Email: Mailing Address: CONTACT PERSON: Name: Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: 031 00 DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Address: a)q*U k4n& Lbwel! IN 0-7731 Phone#: —7,&) _ - w 3 Email: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Address: ,� R Phone#: G31 yco 3b@D Email: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition ❑Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: Cher $ �r� `']M Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes13ko Will excess fill be removed from remrises? ❑Yes ❑No 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: Intended use of property: Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? Dyes ❑No IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. ❑ C 14eck Box After Reading. The owner/contractor/design professional Is responsible for all drainage and storm water Issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the Issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized Inspectors on premises and In building(s)for necessary Inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal law. Application Submitted By(print name): cIA-thorized Agent ❑Owner Signature of Applicant: Date: 711-7 I � STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF ) being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (S)he is the (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this day of ,200 Notary Public Lisa M. Gustam I 1110PER II YOWNUR AU1 HORIZA 1 ION NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF NEW YORK Registration No.01GU6414369 (Where the applicant is not the owner) Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires February 22,2025 I, residing atq 75 UlK Pnad Wgrell do hereby authorize to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein.. r" Signature Date ,� Print Owner's Name 2 sr BUILDING DEPARTMENT- Electric iarr t TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall Annex- 54375 Main Road - PO Saws 179 � Southold, New York 11971-0959 p ) ) 9502 ' Tele hone (631 765-1802 - FAX 631 765- arneshi south oldtonn . ov- seand, soluthioldtownn . ov APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ELECTRICIAN INFORMATION (Ali Information Required) Date: t4 Company Name: Electrician's Name: License No.: ME_ f�q j Elec. email: Elec. Phone No:Sal 44 .PRI'request an email copy of Certificate of Compliance Elec. Address.: .. . Qiw ' 'JOB SITE INFORMATION (All Information Required) Name: Address: Cross Street: v Phone No.: ' I97-A,Mo Bldg.Permit#: 5 email: M=na.IacA Tax Map District: 1000 Section: (o Block: aLot: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK, INCLUDE SQUARE, FOOTAGE (Please Print Clearly): R00009 SAC Pal-P-1 I MJ'(0AkCe ian O� (gib )SEGr 44IO' Soko-r Pa neLi 1Oe�25 vtv4 sc s+eey) Square Footage: Circle All That Apply: Is job ready for inspection?: YESNO [:],Rough In Final Do you need a Temp Certificate?: 11 YES�RN0 Issued On Temp Information: (All information required) Service Size1:11 PhE]3 Ph Size: A # Meters Old Meter# ❑New Service❑Fire Reconnect❑Flood Reconnect❑Service Reconnect❑Underground❑Overhead #Underground Laterals 1 2 D H Frame Pole Work done on Service? Y ON Additional Information: PAYMENT DUE WITH APPLICATION Suffolk County Dew. of Labor, Lfcensing b Consumer Affairs ' �" � MASTER ELECTRICAL LICENSE Name SEAN R DEPTULA .•' � Business Name NYS Essen" Power Inc. This ceKltles that the bearer is duly licensed License NumOet ME-64897 by the County of wffdk Issued: 0412&1022 Way w` T. "t**k E�tp+�ts: 0410 t�Q26 Commissioner Suffolk county [kept. of Labor, Licensing & consumer Affairs HOME IMPROVEMENT LICENSE Name SEAM R DEPTULA Business Name YS Essential Power Inc. This certifies that the bearer is duly licensed License Number H-58990 by the County of suffolk Issued : 08/17/2017 R Pr Expires: 08/01 /2025 Commissioner STATE OF NEW YORK WORKERS' COMPENSATION BOARD CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE COVERAGE UNDER THE NYS DISABILITY BENEFITS LAW _ __... ...... PART 1. To be completed b l)isbility Benefits Carrier or Licensed Insurance Agent of that Carrier 1 a. Legal Name and Address of Insured(Use street address only) 1b.Business Telephone Number of Insured 631-398-3574 NYS Essential Power Inc. 1 c.NYS Unemployment Insurance Employer Registration 333 Smith Road Number of Insured Shirley,NY 11967 1 d.Federal Employer Identification Number of Insured or Social Security Number 85-1275095 2. Name and Address of the Entity Requesting Proof of 3a. Name of Insurance Carrier Coverage(Entity Being Listed as the Certificate Holder) Standard Security Life Insurance Company Town of Southold 3b.Policy Number of entity listed in box"la": Z20899-000 Town Hall Annex 3c. Policy effective period: 54375 Route 25 01/01/24 to 12/31/24 Southold,NY 11971 _...._� ............ __. 4.Policy covers: a.X All of the employer's employees eligible under the New York Disability Benefits Law b. ❑ Only the following class or classes of the employer's employees: Under penalty of perjury,I certify that I am an authorized representative or licensed agent of the insurance carrier referenced above and that the named insured has NYS Disability Benefits insurance coverage as described above. 2 2 Date Signed�l�l;/ 5�",-4 & '/..._w_���.._............�........ (Signature of insurance carrier's authorized representative or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that insurance carrier) 95 Title sed rance IMPORTANT: If box"4a'('r slch checked,and this form is signed by the insurance ercarrrier's autho authorized n1 Telephone � representative or NYS Licensed Insurance Agent of that carrier,this certificate is COMPLETE. Mail it directly to the certificate holder. If box"0"is checked,this certificate is NOT COMPLETE for purposes of Section 220,Subd.8 of the Disability Benefits Law.It must be mailed p _._.p.- tc L arid,20 Park sti°c,�t,A__._ _.A!t any.New Fork 12207,.. for tom @etion to the Workers tour caisatiiyn II'oard,II1l 1 Ions Acce tan PART 2. To be completed by NYS Workers' Compensation Board(Only if box "4b"°"of Part I has been cheated) State Of New York Workers' Compensation Board According to information maintained by the NYS Workers'Compensation Board,the above-named employer has complied with the NYS Disability Benefits Law with respect to all of his/her employees. Date Signed By (Signature of NYS Workers'Compensation Board Employee) Telephone Number ..__ Title .. ....... ....... ... Please Note: Only insurance carriers licensed to write NYS disability benefits insurance policies and NYS licensed insurance agents of those insurance carriers are authorized to issue Form DB-120.1. Insurance brokers are NOT authorized to issue this form. DB-120.1 (5-06) NYSIF New York State Insurance Fund PO Box 66699,Albany,NY 12206 1 nysif.com CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (RENEWED) AAA^A A 851275095 AJ BONOCORE AGENCY INC 223 WALL ST#14891114 HUNTINGTON NY 11743 SCAN TO VALIDATE AND SUBSCRIBE POLICYHOLDER CERTIFICATE HOLDER NYS ESSENTIAL POWER INC TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 333 SMITH ROAD TOWN HALL ANNEX SHIRLEY NY 11967 54375 ROUTE 25 SOUTHOLD NY 11971 POLICY NUMBER CERTIFICATE NUMBER POLICY PERIOD DATE 12572 295-0 727177 06/14/2024 TO 06/14/2025 L7/9/2024_j 1 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICYHOLDER NAMED ABOVE IS INSURED WITH THE NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND UNDER POLICY NO. 2572 295-0, COVERING THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF THIS POLICYHOLDER FOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION UNDER THE NEW YORK WORKERS' COMPENSATION LAW WITH RESPECT TO ALL OPERATIONS IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK, EXCEPT AS INDICATED BELOW, AND, WITH RESPECT TO OPERATIONS OUTSIDE OF NEW YORK, TO THE POLICYHOLDER'S REGULAR NEW YORK STATE EMPLOYEES ONLY. IF YOU WISH TO RECEIVE NOTIFICATIONS REGARDING SAID POLICY,INCLUDING ANY NOTIFICATION OF CANCELLATIONS, OR TO VALIDATE THIS CERTIFICATE,VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT HTTPS:IIWWW.NYSIF.COM/CERT/CERTVAL.ASP.THE NEW YORK STATE INSURANCE FUND IS NOT LIABLE IN THE EVENT OF FAILURE TO GIVE SUCH NOTIFICATIONS. THE POLICY INCLUDES A WAIVER OF SUBROGATION ENDORSEMENT UNDER WHICH NYSIF AGREES TO WAIVE ITS RIGHT OF SUBROGATION TO BRING AN ACTION AGAINST THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER TO RECOVER AMOUNTS WE PAID IN WORKERS'COMPENSATION AND/OR MEDICAL BENEFITS TO OR ON BEHALF OF AN EMPLOYEE OF OUR INSURED IN THE EVENT THAT, PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE ACCIDENT, THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER HAS ENTERED INTO A WRITTEN CONTRACT WITH OUR INSURED THAT REQUIRES THAT SUCH RIGHT OF SUBROGATION BE WAIVED. THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS NOR INSURANCE COVERAGE UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICY. BY CAUSING THIS CERTIFICATE TO BE ISSUED TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, THE POLICYHOLDER UNDERTAKES TO PROVIDE THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER 30 CALENDAR DAYS' NOTICE OF ANY CANCELLATION OF THE POLICY. NEW YORK STILT '4 SIU NCE FUND 0/ DIRECTOR„INSURAN,CE:FUND UNDERWRITING VALIDATION NUMBER:69545291 U-26.3 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MMIDDlYYYY) f „w 07109/24 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer ri hts to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CON NAIN - Matthew BOnocore ,Ir: ,.�. .._.� ......_., AX A.J.BONOCORE AGENCY,INC. PHO (631)234-5595 .NE G/ Ival �ITITITITIT 223 Wall St#148 Alt S matthewtaon_ocol e{ itionoCore. orn .. Huntington,NY 11743 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURERA; Acceptance Indemnity Insurance Company 20010 INSURED INSURER B: Guard Insurance Company Compapy 16495 NYS Essential Power Inc INSURER C: Mesa Underwriters Speciality Insurance Company 36838 333 Smith Road INSURER D: New York State Insurance Fund __523930 ENSURER E: Ohio Security Insurance Company 24082 Shine NY 11967 INSURER F COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER:. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. ........ .........._._..... �.,. _._ .... INSR ADDL SU'-R POLICYEFP POLICY EXP LIMITS TR � TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER MMI D X I COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 ....._........ ".p ITITITI CLAIMS-MADE FX7 OCCUR - rfEnnu�cB $ 100,000 1 Primary✓i Non-Contributory MED EXP(Any one ptTanJ $ 5,000 A X Contractual Liabili _ Y Y BND0013009 00 04/13/24 04/13126 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 2 000 000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: 'GENERAL AGGREGATE $ POLICY[K PRO- ❑LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG_ $ 2,000,000 Cb'T6iER:; $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMWNED SINGLE LIMIT $ 1 000 000 X I ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ OWNED SCHEDULED _........ B AUTOS ONLY AUTOS Y Y NYAU587129 04/13/24 04/13125 BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ HIRED _W.NON-OWNED ATYDAMAGE. $ -AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY Peracc4dan X f COMP X COLL $ UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ 2,000 000 _......... C X I EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE Y Y MX0083001000258 04/13/24 04/13/25 AGGREGATE " ...... .$.... 2,000,000 DED RETENTION$ $ WORKERS COMPENSATION PER I I O�oTH AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY YIN N STATUTE '_FR „ ...... ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNERIEXECUTIVE E,L.EACH ACCIDENT $ 11000,000 D OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED? NIA Y 12572 295-0 06/14/24 06114/25 (Mandatory in NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA,EM,PLOYE $ 1,000,000 If yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ 1 000 000 Property/Inland Marine E Y Y BMO(25)66159930 04/17/24 04/17/25 Limit $10,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached If more space Is required) The Certificate Holder is Additional Insured as their interest may appear subject to policy terms and conditions. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE Town of Southold THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Town Hall Annex ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 54375 Route 25 AUTHORIZED REPRE5ENTATfVE Southold,NY 11971 ©1988-2015 ACOAd CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Wt 5 1114 - Tom Petersen Architects Planners Construction Official July 15,2024 Town of Southold Building Department 53095 Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 Re: Solar Panel Installation Anderer Residence 475 Wells Road Laurel,NY 11948 Dear Town of Southold Building Department, I've reviewed'the proposed solar panel installation at this location-to evaluate the existing roof structure and the connection of the panels to the roof. Criteria: Applicable codes: 2020,Residential Code of New'York,State(pub.date:Nov., 2019) 2018 Wood Frame Construction Manual Design roof load: 20 psf live(ground snow) load, 10 psf dead load,30 psf total load Design wind load: 130 mph 'My findings are as follows. 1. The new solar panels will imply an additional dead load of 3 psf. The existing roof structure (verified:2x6 roof rafters @ 16"o.c.,with 2x8 ridge,span=+/-9%10")is sufficient to bear this additional load. Any assumed, inaccessible or concealed structural members-not documented during the initial site analysis will be verified by the solar panel system installers prior to the system installation,and any discrepancies will be reported.to the Architect in writing. 2. The solar panels are attached to.the roof with the rack system, connectors.and components as shown on the attached drawings. The tack system,roof connections and connection spacing are rated for 130 mph. It is a violation of NYSED 7209 for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensed professional, to alter an item in any way. If ail.item bearing the seal of a licensed professional is altered, the altering licensed professional must attach the notation `altered by'with his seal, signature, date of alteration, and description of the alteration. I therefote certify that this installation complies with the applicable codes and design loads mentioned above,as well as ASCE 7-16,and is acceptable for approval. Please let me know if you have any questions on this information. Thanks! D ARCy Sincerely yours, �Ir Tom Petersen ESN =� O� Cc: Lisa Gustam,Essential Power Tfi O F t4 6 Country Lane 9 Howell,New Jersey 07731 •Telephone 732-730-1763 r SITE LAYOUT GENERAL NOTE _ THE SCOPE OF THIS PROJECT INVOLVES THE PLACEMENT OF SOLAR PANELS,WHICH WILL BE - SECURED USING A PRE-DESIGNED RACKING SYSTEM.AFTER BEING ARRANGED ON THE RACKS, THE SOLAR MODULES WILL BE JOINED TOGETHER . USING DC TO AC POWER INVERTERS,AND THEN ESSENTIAL POWER LINKED TO THE LOCAL UTILITY THROUGH METHODS l.' THAT COMPLY WITH THE REGULATIONS IMPOSED BY THE UTILITY AND THE JURISDICTION RESPONSIBLE - - - 13 Trade Zone Drive, FOR ISSUING PERMITS. w ' _:;; IDIOM >, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Unit#13 coil Customer Information PROJECT DETAILS � � _ � ZONING RESIDENTIAL X �V , s Michael Anderer Residence USE AND OCCUPANCY SINGLE FAMILY CLASSIFICATION DWELLING PERMITTING AUTHORITY 475 Wells Road, UTILITY COMPANY PSE&G Laurel, NY 11948 METER SERIAL NUMBER NEC VERSION 2017 NEC(NFPA 70) FIRE CODE 2020 NYS RESIDENTIAL CODE, IBC 2015. INTERCONNECTION DETAILS DRAWN BY: ALEX JOHN LINE SIDE(AC POINT OF CONNECTION CONNECTION PER NEC DATE: 07/15/2024 ARTICLE 705.12(D) SYSTEM DETAILS PAGE: 1,PROJECT SUMMARY UTILITY SERVICE 120/240 V NEW GRID-INTERACTIVE DIRECTORY OF PAGES MAIN SERVICE PANEL PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM W/BOTTOM-FED 200 A DESCRIPTION WITH NO BATTERY PV-1 TITLE PAGE ELECTRICAL PANEL BUSBAR,200 A MAIN STORAGE PV-2 SITE PLAN BREAKER DC RATING OF SYSTEM 10,250 W Engineering Seal: PV-3 ATTACHMENT PLAN AC RATING OF SYSTEM 7,250 W PV-4 3-LINE DIAGRAM SITE DETAILS INVERTER(S) (25)ENPHASE IQ7+ PV-5 SAFETY LABELS (240 V) (EC)A j ASHRAE EXTREME LOW 5.0° F INVERTER TYPE MICRO INVERTER PV-6 DATASHEETS f� ,,`r t' , ASHRAE 2% HIGH 87.8°F `fir rS, INVERTER DATASHEET CLIMATE DATA SOURCE TMY3 MODULE (25)SEG410-BMD-HV MOUNTING SYSTEM DATASHEET WIND SPEED 128 MPH PANEL DATASHEET WIND EXPOSURE � CATEGORY B 'VT - 0352 0 GROUND SNOW LOAD 30 PSF MICRO INVERTERS UNDER MODULES (12)PV ARRAY ROOF ESSENTIAL.,POWER 13 Trade Zone Drive, Az�sLAL ARonkonkoma) NY 11779 Unit#13 Ll c Customer Information Michael Anderer Residence V [Ivvvvv 475 Wells Road, VV Laurel, NY 11948 BOX W MONITORING , PV AC COMBINER MAIN SERVICE PANEL UTILITY METER ROOF (13)PV ARRAY DRAWN BY: ALEX JOHN GENERAL NOTES MICRO INVERTERS � DATE: 07/1512024 UNDER MODULES THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE ONLY COMPONENTS ��_ �_ PAGE: 2,SITE PLAN 1 LISTED BY A NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED TESTING SCALE 1/8 1 LABORATORY FOR THE INTENDED USE. FRONT OF HOUSE, FACING STREET THE CONTRACTOR IS ACCOUNTABLE FOR PROVIDING ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT,CABLES,ADDITIONAL 2 CONDUITS,BOXES,RACEWAYS,AND OTHER ACCESSORIES REQUIRED TO ENSURE A FULLY Engineering Seal: FUNCTIONAL AND OPERATIONAL PV SYSTEM. R324.6 ROOF ACCESS AND PATHWAYS-ROOF ACCESS,PATHWAYS,AND SETBACK REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTIONS R324.6.1 THROUGH R.324.6.2.1.ACCESS AND MINIMUM SPACING SHALL BE En g•m g REQUIRED TO PROVIDE EMERGENCY ACCESS TO THE ROOF,TO PROVIDE PATHWAYS TO SPECIFIC AREAS OF THE ROOF,PROVIDE FOR SMOKE VENTILATION OPPORTUNITY AREAS,AND TO PROVIDE EMERGENCY EGRESS FROM THE EQUIPMENT LIKELY TO BE WORKED UPON WHILE ROOF. 3 ENERGIZED SHALL BE INSTALLED IN LOCATIONS THAT SATISFY MINIMUM WORKING CLEARANCES PER NEC EXCEPTIONS: 110.26 1.DETACHED,UNINHABITABLE STRUCTURES,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DETACHED GARAGES,PARKING SHADE STRUCTURES,CARPORTS,SOLAR TRELLISES AND SIMILAR STRUCTURES,SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE ROOF ACCESS. �0S THE SYSTEM MUST SATISFY THE NEC ARTICLE 690, 2,ROOF ACCESS,PATHWAYS AND SETBACKS NEED NOT BE PROVIDED WHERE THE BUILDING OFFICIAL HAS DETERMINED THAT ROOFTOP OPERATIONS WILL NOT BE EMPLOYED. 6� ter' ADHERE TO ALL MANUFACTURERS'LISTING AND 3.THESE REQUIREMENTS SHALL NOT APPLY TO ROOFS WITH SLOPES OF TWO UNITS VERTICAL IN 12 UNITS HORIZONTAL(1 7-PERCENTSLOPE)OR LESS. �'� Vr,Per,,, �� 4 INSTALLATION GUIDELINES,AND COMPLY WITH THE yy+ r' -1 PERTINENT CODES AS STATED BY THE AUTHORITY (NY)R324.6.1 PATHWAYS-NOT FEWER THAN TWO PATHWAYS,ON SEPARATE ROOF PLANES FROM LOWEST ROOF EDGE TO RIDE AND NOT LESS THAN 36 INCHES(914MM)WIDE,SHALL BE PROVIDED ON ALL BUILDINGS.NOT FEWER `'y, p HAVING JURISDICTION'S(AHJ)RELEVANT THAN ONE PATHWAY SHALL BE PROVIDED ON THE STREET OR DRIVEWAY SIDE OF THE ROOF.FOR EACH ROOF PLANE WITH A PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY,A PATHWAY NOT LESS THAN 361NCHES WIDE(914MM)SHALL BE PROVIDED FROM �•' "`A REGULATIONS. THE LOWEST ROOF EDGE TO RIDGE ON THE SAME ROOF PLANE AS THE PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY,ON AN ADJACENT ROOF PLANE,OR STRADDLING THE SAME AND ADJACENT ROOF PLANES.PATHWAYS SHALL BE OVER AREAS CAPABLE ` 614 IF A DC PV SOURCE OR DC PV OUTPUT CIRCUITS ARE * OF SUPPORTING FIRE FIGHTERS ACCESSING THE ROOF.PATHWAYS SHALL BE LOCATED IN AREAS WITH MINIMAL OBSTRUCTIONS SUCH AS VENT PIPES,CONDUIT,OR MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT.PATHWAYS ON OPPOSING ROOF `f I '' f _, �.. 1 ROUTED WITHIN THE BUILDING,THEY MUST BE SLOPES SHALL NOT BE LOCATED ALONG THE SAME PLANE AS THE TRUSS,RAFTER,OR OTHER SUCH FRAMING SYSTEM THAT SUPPORTS THE PATHWAY. r 1 q ENCLOSED IN METAL RACEWAYS,TYPE MC 4p 5 METAL-CLAD CABLE,OR METAL ENCLOSURES FROM EXCEPTION:ACCESS PATHWAYS SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED ON ROOF SLOPES CONTAINING PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES,PANELS,OR AN ARRAY WHERE THE OPPOSING OR ADJACENT ROOF SLOPE IS AN ACCESS ROOF. _ f� � � ,(`... THE POINT OF ENTRY INTO THE BUILDING UP TO THE T 3 S 20" Q INITIAL DISCONNECTING MECHANISM READILY (NY)R324.6.2 SETBACK AT RIDGE-PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAYS SHALL NOT BE LOCATED LESS THAN 18 INCHES(457MM)FROM A HORIZONTAL RIDGE. ACCESSIBLE,AS PER NEC 690.31(G). O F 0 � ROOF AREA 1 31'-2" 77"TRUE;20"TILT; [3741 4.4/12 PITCH 2"x 6"RAFTER 16"O.C.SPACING [225.1 _ (13)MODULES ROOF STRUCTURE (42)ATTACHMENTS 46 RAFTER/SPACING: R1&R2:2"x 6"@ 16"O.C. I { i 00 - � 11 ! � ! II� I . ! j `/ '� i� �✓ lye, SPAN: R1&R2: 12'-6" ESSENTIAL POVU'ER SHEATHING: PLYWOOD 13 Trade Zone Drive, Ronkonkoma, NY 31 -2 COLLAR TIES: N/A 11779 Unit#13 ROOF AREA 2 [374"] 257°TRUE;20"TILT; TYPE/LAYERS: ARCH/1 4.4112 PITCH 2"x 6"RAFTER ' 1 16"O.C.SPACING (12)MODULES (38)ATTACHMENTS i i i i—) i Customer Information V 1 o o Michael Anderer IA 2 Residence UNIRAC SYSTEM (TYPICAL RAIL ACROSS i EACH ROW OF ARRAY) ONLY TWO SHOWN 475 Wells Road, FOR CLARITY 26'-3Y2" Laurel, NY 11948 [316'1 SCALE 3/32"=V-0 - PV MODULE,TYP. q C 1/2"SPACING BETWEEN ROWS AND COLUMNS -�—"RAIL END OVERHANG" "RAIL SPAN"DISTANCE BETWEEN DISTANCE FROM RAIL END CENTERS OF TWO ROOF ATTACHMENTS TO OUTER ROOF ATTACHMENT CENTER. NOT TO EXCEED 34%OF ALLOWABLE SPAN DRAWN BY: ALEX JOHN STRUCTURAL MEMBER DATE: 07/15/2024 NOTE PAGE: 3,ATTACHMENT PLAN •AN 18"WIDE CLEARING(FREE OF SOLAR EQUIPMENT)SHALL BE PROVIDED ALONG AT LEAST ONE SIDE OF THE ROOF RIDGE ON THE SAME SIDE AS THE SOLAR EQUIPMENT OR ON ANOTHER SIDE OF MID CLAMP ASSEMBLY 6-12 AWG BARE Fil16'-18 SS BOLT COPPER WIRE SS SPLIT LOCK WASHER THE RIDGE THAT DOES NOT HAVE SOLAR EQUIPMENT ON IT.SUFFICIENT ACCESS PATHWAYS, ROOF �I �, (TORQUE To 16 FT-LBS) ACCESS POINTS,AND GROUND ACCESS AREAS SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ' i �`�� SNAPNRACK Engineering Seal: 2020 NYS RESIDENTIAL CODE. / — GROUNDLUG •ROOF SHALL HAVE NO MORE THAN A SINGLE LAYER OF ROOF COVERING IN ADDITION TO THE SOLAR SS BONDING PIN ; / EQUIPMENT. ��-- - MODULEFRA �� I / CHANNELNUT •INSTALLATION OF SOLAR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE FLUSH-MOUNTED, PARALLEL TO AND NO MORE I RAILME '------ RED Ajy THAN 6-INCHES ABOVE THE SURFACE OF THE ROOF. SS BONDING RAIL C`�• •WEIGHT OF THE INSTALLED SYSTEM SHALL NOT EXCEED MORE THAN 5-PSF. �f�� CHANNELNUT PINS ���.� ipSP7 •ANY PLUMBING VENTS ARE NOT TO BE CUT OR COVERED FOR SOLAR EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION. L� A� i kp C ANY RELOCATION OR MODIFICATION OF THE VENT REQUIRES A PLUMBING PERMIT AND INSPECTION. THIS PV SYSTEM HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO MEET THE MINIMUM DESIGN STANDARDS FOR BUILDING AND ,�! 'm OTHER STRUCTURES OF THE ASCE 7-16,2020 NYS RESIDENTIAL CODE. �. afiq�,N- l 7. 1 F_„ PART#TABLE PART#TABLE P/N DESCRIPTION P/N DESCRIPTION _ �Fj KO 4'�� V 6I SHCPKTMI STRONGHOLD ATT KIT COMP MILL SBUiYLMI. STRONGHOLDATTW/BUTYL,MILL 7 SHCPKTD1 STRONGHOLD ATT KIT COMP DRK SBUTYLDI STRONGHOLD ATT W/BUrYI DARK _ pf j , SHCPKrMI-NS STRONGHOLD ATT COMP MILL(NS) _ - SHCPKTDI-NS STRONGHOLD ATr COMP DRK(NS) RAIL STRONGHOLD ATTACHMENT KIT O RAIL CLAMP A551'� �G _ SEE PAGE NU-P01 SEE PAGE NU-A04 . 4 ESSENTIAL POWER V� 2X#12-14SCREW,HWH,SS,SELF-DR .,� 3M. III II i i �f I /•IG�f W/#12 EPDM WASHER 13 Trade Zone Drive Ronkonkoma, NY j I I DM BUTYL ATTASSY� 11779 Unit#13 SERRATED FLANGE HD(SOiEW 21/2°---� 41/2" 43A t.334, ! 2v(6 �— {!{ I -c- a Customer Information j' -T --� r T—F BL Michael Anderer 5/36•x4.55 LAG BOLT Ilj� W,SS EPDN BONDED WASHER 1 Residence WUSTME A STMNi zl tE 13/4° RAIL SPLICE COMBO CLAMP SEE PAGE NU-P02 tt SEE PAGE NLM3 U O PRODUCT LINE: NXT UMOUNT DRAWING NOTTO SCALE �� PRODUCT UNE: NXr UMOUNT DRANR4G NOrTOSCALE J[PRODUCT LINE: NXTUMOUNT DRAWING NOT TO SCALE dFUNIRAC AT,DIMTNSI ARE o :•UNIRAC ALLDIN,ENSIONSAREE o Al ALL DIMENSIONS ARE � 475 Wells Road, DRAWING TYPE: PART&ASSEMBLY NOh1INAL Q DRAWING PARTS ASSEMBLY NOMINAL Q AWINGTYPE: PARTS NOMINAL14118(tOADWAYBLVD.NE � 1411BROADWAYBLVD.NE STRONG O D 7 SHBUTYL Laurel NY 11948 A BUQUERn NM 8710EUSA DESCRIPTION: MODULEASSEMBLY PROOUCTPROTiCIIDBY Z NBWUMQUE,NM 87102 USA DESCRIPTION: PRODUCTR(OTEBYZ AIBiiQUFAQUE SCRIPRON: PRODUCT PROTECTED BY ,PHO 505.24t6411 ONE OR MORE US PATENTS PHONE 50£2426111 ONEOR MORE US PATEMS PHONE:50 ATTAOJMENT ONEOR MORE LS PATENTS WWW.UNDNCOMI REWSION DATE: 11/17R022 GAL NOTICET VYWW.UHQUCO]M REVISION DATE: 11J37/2022 �� � 1WNYUIVIVISION DATE: 2/3/2023 LEGALNOTICE PART#TABLE PART#TABLE PART#TABLE P/N DEsaumON P/N DESCRIPTION P/N DESCRIPTION 0¢AMFMI NXTOOMBOaAMP-PILL WRMCNSDS NXTUMOUNr NS WIRE Mr CUP WRMCLPDl JNX7UMOUNTWIREMGMi 0.IP ODmmi M(Ta1MB0amv-DARK 4� heaa ,ems DRAWN BY: ALEX JOHN DATE: 07/1512024 � ���"� •� ��/�' �'�,�� \��'a PAGE: 3 ATTACHMENT PLAN { 30MM TO 40MM I -- I 5/16•48 x 1- MODULE FRAME SHtRATED RANGE HIX SCREW� S Engineering Seal: PF �c��g�-_=� ��------- 1� 14S• u' (� ��Y+", air ��^�l �`' �� PRODUCT LINE: NXi UMOUNi DRAWING NOTTD SCALE �� PRODUCT UNE: NXT UMOUM DRAWING NO SU1lE PRODUCT UNE: NKi UMOUNi DRAW04GNOT1 SCALE •T\ U N I RAC "'DIMENSIONS ARE o :rUNIRAC ALL DIMENSIOFS ARE o U N I RAC ALL DIMINs1oNS ARE c a' k DRAWING TYPE: PART&ASSEMBLY NOMINAL Q DRAWING TYPE: PARTS ASSEMBLY NOMINAL Q DRAWING TYPE: PARTS NOMINAL Q �-:'-. 1411 BROADWAY BLVD.NE HUBMADWAYSLVDAE 14118AOAD'A'AY BLYD.NE �1� '<2^.;t Fkl- ,.'s•'�: MMUERM NM 871D2 MA DESCRIPTION: COMBO CLAMP PRODUCTPROTECIID BY Z Al&lQUERQUE,NM 87102 USA DESCRIPTION: NS WIRE MGMr CUP PRODUCT PROTECTED BY Z AIBUQII&QUF,NF181f02 U54 DESCRIPTION: WIRE MGMT CUP PRODUCT PROEEC- Z �- PHONE 505142.6411 ONE OR MORE LS PATENTS PH0e SM42.6411 ONE OR MORE US PATENTS PHONE 50524261U ONE OR MORELS PATH] 0 at�tV� �^j VAVWIWUXCY4 REVISION DATE: 11/17/2022 �,AL NOTICE SHEET M%%V.UN1PXOJM REVISION DATE: 11/17/2022 ILGAL NOTICE �� VAVW.UifAALO]M REVISION DATE: 11/17/2022 LEGAL NOTICE Sf4tT j' 1 TO UTILITY - 1 2 12 13 UTILITY METER 1 ESSENTIAL^POWER I STRING OF - I 1131 SEG410-BMD-HV I (131 ENPHASE IQ7i-72-2-US 13 Trade Zone Drive, MICRO INVERTER IN PARALLEL ROOF ATTIC MSP I NOTE: Ronkonkoma, NY 1 2 IQ COMBINER PANEL I NAS A THIS a2DO DISTRIBUTION P PIED BUS� LINE SIDE WITH 200 AMP MAIN BREAKER 11779 Unit#13 • ENPHASE ENVOY TAP 13 MODULES/STRINGx 1.21 A/MODULE=15.73 AMP LOAD/STRING 1 200 A BUS%1201L 240 A 15.73 AMP 1.25 COM DUTY=19.66AMP(WIREAMPACIN MIN.) ROOF MOUNTED DECK I 15A/2P I i 240 A-200 A MAIN-40 A I I I THE MAXIMUM BACK FEED 200A CIRCUIT BREAKER SIZE IS 1 2 11 12 ��2P I I MAIN 40 AMP PER NEC 2017 SECTION 705.12(D)(2)(3Xb). • TH I- —— ----- - 20A/2P I 60A RATED LOADS AC DISCONNECT I CONNECTION "�P Customer Information L----- 41A RATED FUSES I LINE SIDE TAP PER NEC 2017 - --- ----� I I SECTION 230.82(6) - I ------ -- --- ------ -- - -- Michaei Anderer STRING OF I N L EGC/GEC (121 SEG4IMMD-HV (12)EI4PHASEI07+_72-2-US Residence MICRO INVERTER IN PARALLEL _J 3 5 -1-GROUND ROD EGC ATTACHED 4 TO RAIL EXTERIOR WALL 12 MODULEWSTRING x 1.21 A/MODULE=14.S2 AMP LOAD/STRING ,.J 14S2AMPx1,2SCOMDUY=18.15 AMP(WIRE AMPACIY MIN.) - 475 Wells Road, Laurel, NY 11948 CONDUIT AND CONDUCTOR SCHEDULE GENERAL NOTES DRAWN BY: ALEXJOHN CONDUCTOR NUMBER OF 1 ALL MODULES WILL BE GROUNDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CODE AND THE MANUFACTURER'S DATE: 07/15/2024 TAG CONDUCTOR TYPE GAUGE CONDUCTORS CONDUIT TYPE CONDUCTSIZE RUN LENGTH INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS PAGE: 4,LINE DIAGRAM 1 ENPHASE Q-CABLE 12 4 N/A N/A 100'-01, 2 ALL PV EQUIPMENT SHALL LISTED BY RECOGNIZED TESTING LAB WHEN A BACKFEED BREAKER IS METHOD OF UTILITY INTERCONNECTION,BREAKER SHALL NOT BARE COPPER GND IN 6 1 N/A N/A 25'-011 3 READ LINE AND LOAD FREE AIR - WHEN A BACKFEED BREAKER IS METHOD OF UTILITY INTERCONNECTION,THE BREAKER SHALL BE 4 INSTALLED AT THE OPPOSITE END OF THE BASS BAR OF THE MAIN BREAKER 2 THHN 10 4 LFMC&PVC V. 40'-0" Engineering Seal: WORK CLEARANCE AROUND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT WILL BE MAINTAINED PER NEC 110.26(A)(1), 3 THHN 10 4 PVC SCH.40 1" 40'-0" 5 110.26(A)(2),110.269(A)(3) EGC 10 1 PVC SCH.40 1" 40'-0" 6 ALL EXTERIOR CONDUITS,FITTINGS AND BOXES SHALL BE RAIN TIGH AND BE MIN.NEMA 3R RATED 4 THHN b 3 PVC SCH.40 1" 20'-0" AC AND DC GROUNDING CONDUCTORS PER NEX ARTICLE 690.43(A)THRU(F)CONNECTED AS PER 7 690.45(A),690.46 AND SIZED PER 250.112 vzSD AR6- EGC 6 1 PVC SCH.40 1" 20'-0" 8 PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINTS AND ANCHORING OF ALL CONDUIT RUNS AS PER NEC REQUIREMENTS 5 THHN 6 3 PVC SCH.40 1" 20'-0" PROVIDE LABEL,PLACARD AT EXISTING UTILITY CONNECTION WITH"WARNING-CUSTOMER OWNED ' W1. 4 ! ' 9 ELECTRICAL GENERATION M EQUIPMENT CONNECTED'WITH APPROPRIATE HAZARD AND OUTPUT GEC 6 1 RMC N/A 20'-0" PV J ((ate -7t, 35?cw' �OP Ne"o • 1 • 1• ME LABELING NOTES OG NEC ARTICLE 690.56(C) ALL PLAQUES AND SIGNAGE REQUIRED BY 2017 NEC _ NEC ARTICLE 690.31(G)(3) 6 WILL BE INSTALLED AS REQUIRED Nis IT IS REQUIRED TO PLACE WARNING LABELS ON EACH . DC ONE CEWAOOT F EVERY TURN T, S WELL AS WITHIN ONE FOOTABOVE AND BELOW ANY PENETRATION OF 2ROOF/CEILING ASSEMBLIES,WALLS,OR BARRIERS. 13 Trade Zone Drive, THESE LABELS MUST CONTAIN THE MARKING Ronkonkoma, NY SOLAR BREAKER(MSP)NEC "WARNING: PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE"AND 11779 Unit#13 7 ARTICLE 705.12(D)(2)(3)(B) HAVE 3/8"TALL LETTERS.THE LABEL MUST BE REFLECTIVE WITH WHITE TEXT ON A RED AT THE EACH DISCONNECTINGO _ BACKGROUND. - MEANS FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC EQUIPMENT.NEC ARTICLE -• - - A PERMANENT PLAQUE OR DIRECTORY MUST BE 690.17(4) INSTALLED TO INDICATE THE LOCATION OF THE Customer Information •TOVOLTAA SERVICE DISCONNECTING MEANS AND THE ®EMO. I 110 ® 3 PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM DISCONNECTING MEANS, IF Michael Anderer ANY AC ELECTRICAL PANEL THEY ARE NOT IN THE SAME LOCATION.THIS IS TO • THAT IS FEED BY BOTH THE ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH NEC 690.56(B). - Residence IF UTILITY AND THE GROUNDALL NORMALLY INDICATED,GROUNDED PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM(MSP) LABEL(S)WITH MARKING"SOLAR PV SYSTEM UNGROUNDED :CONDUCTORS• • NEC ARTICLE 705.12(D)(4) EQUIPPED WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN."SHALL BE 475 Wells Road, 4 LOCATED POINT-OF-INTERCONNECTION OR AT MAIN - SERVICE DISCONNECT.THE LABEL SHALL HAVE 3/8" Laurel, NY 11948 OAT EACH DEVICE WHERE CAUTION TALL LETTERS AND BE REFLECTIVE WITH WHITE TEXT ENERGIZED, UNGROUNDED • ' ' ® ON A RED BACKGROUND CIRCUITS MAY BE EXPOSED DURING SERVICE.NEC ARTICLE IF THE INVERTERS ARE REMOTELY LOCATED FROM 690.35(F) PLACED ON ALL INTERIOR ONE ANOTHER, DIRECTORIES MUST BE INSTALLED AT O AND EXTERIOR DC EACH DC PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM DISCONNECTING • • • • •• • CONDUIT,RACEWAYS, MEANS,AC IS CONNECTING MEANS,AND MAIN • .. • ENCLOSURES,AND CABLE 5 SERVICE DISCONNECTING MEANS.THESE • , ASSEMBLIES AT LEAST DIRECTORIES MUST SHOW THE LOCATION OF ALL AC • . EVERY 10 FEET AND DC PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM DISCONNECTING DRAWN BY: ALEXJOHN • ,; , • IFC603.11.1.4 MEANS IN TF E BUILDING, IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC DATE: 07/15l2024 690.4(H). DC DISCONNECT,NEC ARTICLE PAGE: 5,SAFETY LABELS ® 690.53(FOR REFERENCE ONLY) ALL LABELS,WARNINGS,AND MARKINGS MUST FOLLOW ANSI Z535.4 REGULATIONS.THIS REQUIRES • THE USE OF DANGER,WARNING,AND CAUTION SIGNS PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTE6 WITH STANDARD HEADER COLORS, HEADER TEXT, POWER • AND SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL ON EACH LABEL.THE Engineering Seal: RATED' ANSI STANDARD ALSO DEMANDS A HEADING THAT IS OUTPUT CURRENT', AT LEAST 50%TALLER THAN THE BODY TEXT,AS NOMINAL • -SPECIFIED BY NEC ARTICLE 110.21(B)I. THE MATERIALS USED FOR MARKING MUST BE AC DISCONNECT, NEC ARTICLE O 690.54(FOR REFERENCE ONLY) WEATHER RESISTANT,IN COMPLIANCE WITH CBC 7 511.3.1. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT UL 969 BE USED G ' t = AS STANDARD TO DETERMINE WEATHER RATING ' ' 03 0 ��0 r 7 S EG SEG SOLAR INC,(SEG) S a G SEG SOLAR INC.(SEG) wwwsegsolar.com www.segsolar.com IS o L a R - - - = ESSENTIAL POWER DC Electrical Characteristics 11a�1 RI �`M E� 13 Trade Zone Drive, Ronkonkoma, NY L STC NOCT STC NOCT ? STC'NOCT STC NOCT t _ 11779 Unit#13 y^ 1 �i Maximum Power at STC(Pmp) i 400 301 j 405 304 410 308 415 311 I`ER v>M Open Circuit Voltage(Voc) 37.12 34.(34 1 37.22 34.73 37.32 34.81 37A2 34.90 1 F Short Circuit Current(Isc) 13.60 10.99 1 13.70 11.07 3 13.80 11.15 13.90 11.23 • , Maximum Power Voltage(Vmp) 30.81 28.82 30.93 28.91 ' 31.05 29A5 31.16 29.19 I �__�- �.� F�.a t.,�i SERIES Maximum Power Current(Imp) 1 12.99 10.44 13.10 10.51 i 1321 10.59 13.32 10.66 i - A 20.48 20.74 ( 21.00 2125 1 rpi �I Customer Information Small Changes, : • • • Module Efficiency at STC(gm) j ) y}J Ar lA Power Tolerance (0,+3%) 1 III g576T ,z:,aaa 1 ' Maximum System Vohage l 1500V DC { <::owag ° i f Michael An d e re r Maximum Series Fuse Rating 25A �r Residence ns/u m STC:Irradiance 1000 W/mt module temperature 25'C AM=1.5 I`!esaoatit NOCT'.Irradiance 600W/m'ambient temperature 20°C module temperature 45'C wind speed:fm/s Powermeasumment tolerance:/-3% _ Temperature Characteristics rV �_-;' Pmmc Temperature Coefficient -0.35/.PC ' 0. 475 Wells Road, °° Laurel NY 11948 'Voc Temperature Coefedent l -0.27 a/t/'C s Isc Temperature Coefficient +0.05%PC 'Refer to SEG installation Manual for details Operating Temperature 40-+85"C DC input fNominal Operating Cell Temperature(NOCT)I 4532 aC Recommended Max PV Power(Wp) 450 • SIV AC MODULE SERIES = 'PRODUCT CERTIFICATION 1 I Max DC Open CiladtVolage(Vdc) 60 Mechanical Specifications Max DC Inputcurrent(Adc) 14 SEG Solar INC.(SEG)redefined the high-efficiency AC module � IEC612152016:IEC 81730:2016;UL1703;UL61730YCSfJCEC T.---• P I series by integrating 182 mm silicon wafers with multi-busbar, _-FEC62SD4 - _._ _PID _-_ _ I MPPT Trucking Accuracy >99.5% half-cut cell and Micro inverter technology, ( .'iEceijot, `son ,:' -_. External Dimensions 1722x1134x35 rem i oily,SEG panel combined - - '- MPPT Tracking Renee(Vdc) 2255 I IEC62718 Amnrona Resistance creative technology effectively and extremely improved the AC ; ",IEcsoosti y- _' Weight 21.5 kg Ix pV(absolute maximum)(Ado) I 78 module efficiency and power output tEC6tzts - Hailstone(25mm)� Solar Cells I PERC Mono(108 PCs) Fire Type(UL8/730):728,(TypelJiV Type29:BG)_�. Maximum Inverter Baddeed current to Ue Anay(Adc) D tsot400l zots:Isosoot:2ou:lsaasoot:2ota Front Glass 3.2/mm AR coating tempered glass/low iron • KEY FEATURES Black anodized aluminiumallo _ AC output Frame � y DRAWN BY: ALEX JOHN Afth (�+ /� j I Peak AC Output Po%er(wp) 300 Less mismatch to get more power clk- s (9 I v ( CE j O Junction Box IP66/3 diodes �. Rated AC Output Power(Wp) 25D Aoft1 j Connector Type MC4 Nominal Power Grid voltage(Vac) 240 i 208 ; 230 DATE: 0 711 5/2 0 24 Less power loss by minimizing the shading impact i * INSURANCE Cable Type/Length 12 AWG PV Wire(UL)11200 mm Allowable Power Grid Voltage(Vac) 211V2e4.1 IWV-229'j..%a PAGE: 6,DATASHEETS Mechanical Load(Front)) 5400 Pa/113 psP Allowable Power Grid Frequency(Hz) s9.a a�.r jm'�'vveeb- Competitive low light performance Mechanical Load(Rear) 3600 Pa/75 psf TMp et%(etrated power) WARRANTY p� 1 • ■YARRAN 1 11 Reterto SEG installation Manual fordela7s ! Power Factor(cos pnl,ra ed) w.ss(at rated power) 3 times EL test to ensure best quality 1 eez % Addi troml Velm ff m uno r wmunty Rated output current(Aac) 1.04 I 1.2 ' 1.09 osali Ideal choice for utility and commercial scale projects Packing Configuration Current CmnrshxPeak and Duration) 12A.15us by reduced BoS and improved ROI eole eoax Nominal Frequency(Hz) 6o i 50 erssx Container 20'GP 40'!10 SI8% Maximum Output Fault Current(Aac) 2.2A peak Engineering Seal: Outstanding reliability proven by PVEL for pieces per Pallet 31 3t stringent environment condition: B0% Pallets per Container 6 I 26 Maldmum Output Oveicurrent Protection(Aac) 6.3 iam s 10 s m 25 / Maximum Number ofUnib Per Branch(20A) 15 13 14 -Sand,acid,salt and hailstones Pieces perConta-user 188 808 g1NECddustmenttadomtravabeencoWde •Anti-Anti i 25 Gaas etanRodud 25 lnea p-, m5edi,m,drorknanaNp ouweaamuy Pordetailt please consult SEG. �E faARC''� swur�uoneomwvaa�wneawldrartmrdrernaucm,w,6EGosrRm2,gn oeavnydmx,sw Y 0' SEG SOLAR INC.(SEG) O' l7 SEG SOLAR INC.(SEG) SEO Htxdquxrtor California emu:SM StonerH90 fall Rd..Ste 300Plmfanlm,CA 94668 SEOHetdqunlvr CtEf-dxanko:6200Sb-id9arWORLSb30a Ph-raan.CA64598 SEG San Antaolo.T.-affi-973 Imm Rg3l SaeM.O.,Tx78218 - SEG San Anbnlo,Texax oflkn:8131xin Road Sen Anfanb,T%78216 Q TO 9254684198 wbGww.m95datpn Q�- Tet 9264684168 wee nww g6 alarm ALtf'� ip 'Y�, 035 �0 MONO U N I RACO UMOUNT BETTER SOLAR STARTS HERE f ;: , _.� ._.;r== --- I ESSEN. T`1 POWER DISCOVER NXT:_UMOUN;T , I� - r ,- I � NXT UMOUNT"COMOO,GLAMP - - _-- OARi(:CGIA iPDt - -- _ _ vh;=•.;r, _:" $ ��__ :_!_!- 13 Trade Zone Drive, Introducing,the Unirac.NXT UMOUNT"Solar Racking;System=the culmination:,,..` ! f�ILL.ccLLAtiipMl ,...__-_i __,_ _i___._ _; : 'Y '.!r` [_ - I , ! !' ;::.`rt: - a Ronkonkoma, NY of over two decadesof experience in the renewable:e0ergy industry:Built upon : => . ,: ;t ! ! Cllcks into raitari lvhere(even where there are cab 4 Sdt-standing =i ., - *, �> ;'- t 11779 Unit#13 tile pillars.of,thoughtful=design,rigorous-engineering,46rld-cl-ass supporf:andj clampyrrihspiingcombiiiesa hothinidandendclampClamps304Q, I . I ; , ! a reliable'supoly chain,the NXT UMOUNT'!s-trdyJhe embodiment of the NXT=° u! d,uaui'ao„am a ad�Iro�c���for deans en � . levei of design,simplicity,and value.,_ ! : E b =_ .'r u_ v, g as d ps IYEAH ,! -'l - FULL _-i—_ I i t NEW NXT UMOUNT=HIDDEN END CLAMP, i `I �- , I G WARRANTY Customer Information i � !'-4-- x t ! ! z�:, � - -- -_��-t_'___.! NXT,DMDUNT�^'.,r-- - - - u The W Hidden end damp comes preasser�ihlbd to the end cap ii• ei , CAP KIT=-,`°€ STRONGHOLD"RAIL CLAMP ;'i= ' witha ullvrimialkvrin' thelnstallirtooas, slidelheclam " -` :"- ! } -=t- r P g = Michael Andere DARK:SHCIMPOI ; _ Intethe ra(l;set the module p}111 and hold the clamp in piece while'.:,- ;: ( j , EtJOCAP01 fastening in place,then cover thelcnd o[thcrah-for'a Residence MILL:SHCLMPMt - I _ ' -,_1-,-- I Clamps any-module with a retiirniflaoga..vL.__-, _ "�_' '__ _1 _ __ 1:61ake 16oinstatl look _=!__ ! F I - i - -[<< "I _:l c�wil�ilhcendcapWl -,- Adaptable fail connection to, j I ! - j ;`' !designed to complement;.'• t attachments illdwsclick-!n _J_�bmadule.end'c!amp_` ! i- featurecompabbil!tywithalmost. ' __ --__-_ ti_ - t `l�' all'of Unirab's attachments. _ ,and rail erds 475 Wells Road, Laurel, NY 11948 6411 rlashLoc,technologycombidedwith now features:"click•In`r;IL I &o en slot L-Footfor-the best'(�ash less install e'Brien _.. - f _j _ _ r:__ _ _-i .! _ i I.- i _�F mr"''� 1 ! i. i i C^ ! -';f'• I NXT UMOONT'RAILIJ 1 ! WIRE MANAGEMENT `.i ;DIRECT.=TO-DECKSCREWS- _ rt� : -- m _ DARK:168RLDl-- �` i DRAWN BY: ALEX JOHN 1O0 IW _ _ i 325 - tit.•{ I t1 i .� I g r - - C ILL: 68RLIA1''= ` f D 07/1 512 0 24 _?_. ,..-,.,�--;_, _ e, ;BUTYL`'•PADS i _ < - :3Uohig,tightWeigiitopen-channe�V.' -� --�.-i- -� �at-t- _ _`__ ATF,- ! :'•'railw1t hfnvisible,easy.unfailing, ; f x ! g XTRABItTL - -'- PAGE: 6,DATASHEETS - i- --- and ipl_grated_wire_managemepC- :. ,-=:.,:a. --- -t-- I-'- STRONGHOLD'ATTACHMENTKIT ---- DUTYC ATTACHMENT KIT system I I :-I` 1 i. I t t -- DARK:SHCPKTDt --•- FT- MILC:SHGPKTMI ! ' MILLSHBUTYLh42 i r} *• i Rail licks into the dams t c i p altac ed to the The re a lied butyl ad removes the iheid.for.additlorial flashing. _NXLUMOUNT"RAIL'SPLICE! `J NXT UMOUNT`.MLPE&lUG CWMP,JNXT.0 OUNT"WIRE MANAGEMENT CLIP"'•`Nj UMOU T` )S WIRE MGM P PP p ng M XT ra N T P• ba ii Open I 0- - STRONGHOLD' s p n s at n L-foot Just peel the liner,place the attachment;and faslbn!t to the roof,` - t ;<' f S ».r i 1 r ,r-� Seal: -�� ,�_�. Engineering all d� it a - - - _ mvs ro-fn rail damp,, -- - ci v a - , ehfo` oliesci rs ndroaffo 'd en'al "RS. - 1`-€�,:"�'. - - P robs t I c r a hobos e d b e seal with fro L PLCM2� -�:r--�` , _. LU MIPE W MClP01.� - P:, - L P - G R --- -.WRIACNSDI r g g 1 _.� c is '^ - t orkl - - ',�� , i� i li h _ - All ma' a 'S rue um internal s Ce al fides e hve tta'dh ant Options:: t tt as fit er j'P A ,n m n t sWorks � , esl et'ic�et fu c€ienal ace P ! I j- iP ! P;C EMeuot,er?";;,';`.f',- ,Y P •ess�ry`thatworla ! An tdhelpin'sltallers'get��'''-ri*' t - ---i- - :; not.laterlub with roef;connecto Grodnd'iog Lug connection to the rail. -,: t'a help Installers kde wi 6 his! tho raih o the hamo`tun.T�e s3me hardware. i ----- ! ,:;,;;nor;riiodu!�connect�n;and can l ; _ '=L'�hysourcd.l}'io parts when bne Bali do",'' ,Nazilrties reghired,OptlorialZip tie leap far t'}works(o provide bot!i easy entry sotnahioars i °iashotrrrno', rtnsiimc o0o t even install outside the cantllevrjr!''_:I I I`_ r =the hibT+-.- •;__=;-r•'.; f ;pira'wire managemep(rapabllitles! I and adjustability for cable lhlraaiess'.« ;. ! ; Wntl0, iaux:eaaasso; +' 0ARI6 W42150 .'-4 _ ., , _ _'-''ry'.__ —�_I_T?._ _t t•r` -:. ;i___...t (._— _}_L I- _i:'.�":•�+.'.',-.��.'_ '._i_i - Mu.aocusssi ,�u oaa2rs>,- - t -_-_Pre assembled trozd'cuttngbdlts.,,. „I .i _ _ _ _ - _.. ---- _ _ Rip j� • - --= _i_l ( :( is t lv ,'...__.__,_ !p !_ __,•w ��^ iw GJ FOR QUESTIONS OR CUSTOMER . SERVICE UNIRAC.COM OR CALL �Op N q4 �J IQ7 and IQ7+Microinverters --- Data Sheet INPUT DATA(DC) IQ7-60-2-US IQ7PLUS-72-2-US _ EnphaSeMlCroinVerterS ;Commonly used module pairings' 235W-350W ,' ,',t 235W-44OW. Region:AMERICAS - ._.. -_ .. ___ -- Module compatibility 60-ceIV120 half-cell PV modules only 60-cell/120-half-cell and 72-cell/144-half-cell PV modules ESSE NTIAI. POWER Maximum input DC voltage 48V 60V - Peak power tracking voltage 27V-37V 27V-45V "- __ - ' - Aerating range "I.. -- 16V.-48V 16V-60V 13 Trade Zone Drive, Min/Max start voltage 22V/48V 22V/60V �- - -. :Max,input DC short-circuit current' 25A^ :G -'�. 25ARonkonkoma, NY Max.module iso 20A - - - 20A ------- 11779 Unit#13 IQ7 and IQ7+ The high-powered,smart grid-ready IQ7 and IQ7+ Dc ort backfeed current DA OA c . C PVarra,confi uration, 1-x1'ungrounded" Y P fY v . ,. ._ 9 P t tl vervo to e' ass or 9 ___.,_.__..._•'- array; additi --.. .-- Microinverters dramatically simplify the installation ? _� oA 7 -77 IVIleroinverterS p g g y onalDrbideproirctioniequired; rocess while achieving the highest system ,-AC side maz20A-per branch circuit, ' efficiency. OUTPUT DATA(AC) IQ7 Microinyerter IQ7+Microinverter ;''Peakoutpu;:power .250VA 295VA .. Part of the Enphase Energy System,the IQ7 and Maximum continuous output power 240VA 290VA - - __ __ Customer Information IQ7+Microinverters integrates with the IQ Gateway, :Nomina[(L--L)voltage/range°. ., 240V%'"� 208V/ 240V/ 208V/ g Y 211-264V, 783-229V 211 264V._- 183-229V IQ Battery,and the Enphase Installer App monitoring Maximum continuous output current 1.OA(240V) 1.15A(208V) - 1,21A(240V) 1.39A(208V) -- —, INominalfrequency ----::_.__.._.__ 60Hz ,L .=' = _ 60Hz' Michael n erer and analysis Software- Extended frequency range 49-68 Hz 49-68 Hz ;,AC short circuit fault current over 3 cycles ,- 5,8(Arms, ) Maximum units per 20A L-L branch circuit 16 240VAC IQ Series Microinverters extend the reliability -_,-- _--.__ __-_ _.__.__ Residence 13(208VAC)_- -- --13(240VAC)--�11(208VAC)-----" --- -"--� standards set forth by previous generations and 0vervoltage class AC port_ '"III_-,"'7 III - undergo over a million hours of power-on testing, AC port backfeed current 18 mA 1:0' •.L, "' 1.0. enabling Enphase to provide an industry-leading Powerfabtocsetting- - - - - Powerfactor(adjustable) 0.85leading..-0.85lagging 0.85leading..0.85lagging - 475 Wells Road, warranty of up to 25-years. EFFICIENCY @240V @208V @240V 208V 'Peak efficiency 9Z.6�_ 976-�, 9Z0�"--" -97.OK --- Laurel, NY 11948 97.596 97.39' CEC weig hied efficienty 97.0% 97.0 MECHANICAL DATA Ambient temperature range - -401Cto+65"Q'.''_-," Relative humidity range 4%to 106%(condensing) Easy to Install ;Connectortype; MC4(orAmhenol H4 UTX wthadditional" Q-DCC-5 adapter) Dimensions(HxWxD) 212 mm x 175 mm x 30.2 mm(without bracket) Lightweight and simple —- - � Faster installation with improved,lighter two-wire cabling Cooling - -1 Natural convection-No fans_ _ __ _ ^� - __ • Built-in rapid shutdown compliant(NEC 2014,2017,&2020) :App roved for wet,locations'- _; Yes' 4 1 Ji,'• Pollution degree PD3 -- ---- --- - --"-" - Envionmentalcategory/UV ex exposure ~1NEMAToe le,tdoated,corrosion'resisiantpolymericericlosuie " _.. riy Productive and Reliable - -•--- -----= P 9 yP -or - • Optimized for high powered 60-cell/120 half-cell and FEATURES DRAWN BY: ALEX JOHN r 72-cell/144 half-cell PV modules Communication Power Line Communication(PLC)` • More than a million hours of testing Monitoring Enphase InstallerApp and monitoring options - _ - y u� DATE: 07/15/2024 • Class II double-insulated enclosure Compatible with IQ Gateway Disconnecting means- _ _ The'AC"and DC connectors have been evaluated and approved by UL for use as the load-break" PAGE: 6,DATASHEETS © UL listed z- disconnect re'qul�ed by,NEC 69D and C22,1-2018 Rule 64 22D. T , y i Compliance CA Rule 21(UL 1741-SA),IEEE 1547:2018(UL 1741-SB,3i'Ed) HEI Rule 14H SRD 2.0 I-- UL 62109-1,FCC Part 15 Class B,ICES-0003 Class B, Smart Grid-Ready CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO.107.1-01 ":1 This product is UL Listed as PV Rapid Shut Down Equipment and conforms with NEC 2014,NEC Complies with advanced grid support,voltage and frequency 2017,and NEC 2020,section 690.72 and C22.1-2015 Rule 64-218 Rapid Shutdown of PV Systems, ride-through requirements farAC and DC conductors,when installed according manufacturer's Instructions- Engineering Seal: Remotely updates to respond to changing grid requirements Configurable for varying grid profiles 1-Pairing PV modules with wattage above the limit may result in additional clipping losses.See the compatibility calculator • UL 1741-SA and at https, link enehase comlmodule-comp tibilit Meets CA Rule 21 y ( ) 2.Nominal voltage range can be extended beyond nominal if required bythe utility. IEEE 1547:2018(UL 1741-SB,31d Ed.) 3.Limits may vary.Referto local requirements to define the number of microinverters per branch In your area. To learn more about Enphase offerings,visit enphase.com DAI-3 ` ®2022 Enphase Energy.All rights reserved.Enphase,the Enphase logo,IQ7,IQ7+,IQ Battery,Enphase Installer App,IQ Gateway,and u - /y To leam more about Enphase offerings,visit enphase.com ENPHASE. other trademarks or service names are the trademarks ofEnphaseEnergy,Inc.Datasubecttochange. ENPf7ASE. C7~� IQ7-IQ7PIus-DS-0097-01-EN-US-12-23-2022 s�. IQ7-IQ7PIus-DS-0097-01-EN-US-12-23-2022 n } n ENPHASE. IQ combiner 5/5C _ESSE..NTIA4L_P0W_'ER MBER MODEL NU _ •.. _ " .-- :.-•. � :�. ' - . ', --` `.� =" - - t]Cooibiner5withlQ ate',. Tr PV�r ••- � 13 ode Zone Drive meter,ng(ANSIC12.20+0.%- ' ).conwmptton monitoring(i25%)and 10 Battery-monitoring :'! g - l Ronkonkoma NY ncludesasllversolarshieldto'deFlect heat r -. - ' _ Io Combiner 5owi 11779 Unit 1 with lQGatewa printed � 3 P Combhner5C(X-IQ-AM7240-SC) metering(ANSI C7220 t0.5%),consumption moortorng(32S%)_and lQ Battery grad (t2b%). Connect cellular d ( LLMODEM ) . - • .. „- Includes Mobile Conn ce u rmo era CE -MI-OB-SP-OS'.Includesasilver � shield to deflect heat Inclu sour e :r " - - - IQ Gat IO Gateway is the platform for total energy management for comprehensive.remote maintenance .. eway printed circuit board management of the Enphase lO System g nonce and .. -:.. - ,• .. ,, c : ., - .: - - „ B ,,,,, - _ ' .. f kerto 5Abusbarwithsu PortwlzlOGatewaY raakerar4x20 Abrearns�allnl� erus6ar -- - 'Mcroinverters andlQBattery Customer Information IQ Gateway breaker Circuit breaker,2-pole,10 A/15 A ' ,• - r Production CT-t--t ;'.Prewired revenue-grade sold core CT,accuratetipto0,5% 1VIIC��eI Al I�erer X-IQ-AM1-240-5 -` :., - - - - metering clamp CTs,shipped with the box,accurate up to 2S% onsumptionm- - '- X IQ AMt 2d0 SC Consumption CT Twoc Cons n i Residence .IQ Battery CT')'; :lone oattery metering clamp bTshippe6.witlithe_box,accurate up to 2.5%`,- IQ Combiner 5/5C Lboard . _ . QTR t Control board wired communicationwtth lQSystem Controller 3/3G and the to Battery SP - - _ ,Enphase Mobile Connect(on(ywhthIQCembiner5C),, +, _ ",g:AG-based LTE-Mlcellular'modem,(CELLMODEM-Mf-OB�§P-OS)wiih'a 5-ear7-Mobledata'' Y Wan.•r The IQ Combiner 5/5C consolidates interconnection equipment le enclosure and ''•Smart, Spare P g Accessories kit P 475 Wells Road, streamlines IQ Series Microinverters and IQ Gateway installation by providing aconsistent, '• Includes IQ Gateway for - pre-wiredsolution for reslderttiatapplications.IQ Combiner 5/SC uses wired control communicationandcontrol '• ' • ' ORDER SEPARATELYj„ ,}; communication and is compatible with IQ System Controller 3/3G and IQBattery 5R. M1.OBS - $ LTE-MIc-ellula r-mod awl , 4 Laurel, NY 11948includesEn haseMobile'Connect CELL AODEM- 4G-bas d(CELLMODEM-Ml-06-SP-OS);'Only CELLMODEM-MI-06-AT-05 i 4G-based LTE-Mlcellularmodern with a5-year AT&T data plan The IQ Combiner 5/50,along with IQ Series Microinverters,IQ System Controller3/3G,and Willi IQ Combiner 5CIQ : _ Battery 5P provides you with acomplete grid-agnostic Enphase Energy System. • '-- .;. -- -- - - - ---- - - -- - '- •,.Supports flexible netwotkingc Wi=Fi,.,-- 'Cucuitbre_akeis(oH-the-sheH):'t:'."'. .':: ',`Supports Eaton B,R210.BR215;BR220,BR2301BR240,BR250,and 8R280 circuittireakers''';',,`r.'••I L -!Ethernet,or cellular ... - SupportsEatonBR220B,SR230B,and SR2408circuitbreakers compatiblewithhold-down kit- ,, BRK-10A-2-24OV,BRK-15A-2-24OV.BRK-20A-2P-24OV,BRK-15A-2P-24OV-%and BRK-20A-2P- Providesproduction meterin - Circuit breakers(providedbyEnphase)grade)and consumption action) monitoring,• "`: 'XA-SOLARSHIELDES:�: - for..-.:.'.' - .RePlacement'solershi"eld lo r5%SC - _ -- , - printed circuit board(PCB)for Combiner5/SC asy_to install-"." - - -- - -- - --� xA ENV2 PCBA-5 IO Gateway replacement '"X-10-NA-HD-125A,!✓., _ j.:H'I- - -- _ r.. IQ - " `. ._•:._ r.- -.`:.:.i. o d-dowr;ki4 comtible with Eaton BR-B'series circuit breakers(with scre SeriesMicrolnverters IQSystemController3/3G -;:.. Mounts to onestudwdhceniered - � s _. -_ __ The high-powered smart grid-ready IQ Series Provides mfcrogrid interconnection . . }bracketsSPECIFICATIONS Microinverters(I06,IQ7,and IQ8 Series) device(MID)functionality by :Su o s - rt bottom back and dramatically simple the Installation process autom )c PP, s de Rating ,: �• , A;:`^: " a simplify p at ally detecting grid failures and coridbit ant' ,_ - ..-_ DRAWN BY: seamlesslytransitiomngthehomeenergy ry,,."' ALEXJOHN i System voltage '� "'•" �"`�' " Y � 120/240 VAC,80 Hz . system from grid power to backup power :-'' •;Supports up to four 2jpolebranch`. -...__.-_Y�___._�.;._ ,._ 125 circuits for 240VAC lu'-)nbreakers' '. �;,Busbarmw "' "•=; °;�., ° ;'°� :'<- - _'. , _ - _ - ... _. _.. _ .... ' _- .. • ,..- .. :.., . -_ .. - DATE: 07/15/2024 .�_:, „(not included).=: - ,.. Fault curent rating 80AtotalPVbranchcirobts _ _ PAGE: 6,DATASHEETS 10 kAIC Maxlinum candnuous cur -.a;. rent ratio-(In`utfrom PV/stor�e)�•-','a'�64 ' B afoot , - - h ba ed. "s Wi-Fi roV _.-foceas Wi= setu - " Branch t - .,, ,y,,,,Fi p. .. ,.. _ - ra hcrcults(solarand/or storage) Up to four Eaton-BRsaries _ „- - - _ _ -P distributed generation(DO)breakers only(not Included) ;;Maximum total branch oircuitb -I�? 1 .•.. .,:-,. reakerratin (input):"� .,_ , ,..... ...-., - .,.,,.. _ • ",� A'witFilQGa{ewe brealierfn -- .. .'�Reliable:'` ,,,.;,. .., •=' � ...- - _ ed gene y-,. 'chided•';. - -. - .80Adf,dLstribut` raflon/gSy - .. -'"�.y-``�' ' Durable NRTC:certified NEMAyp '• IQ Gateway breaker Aor lSAmting GE/Siemens/Eaton Included - - - - ,.. 'enclosure, - Pioduction mete ring CT.,.; '.'i: ': -;`;�'..,,;%' �'-t 200Asolidcore`r?in IQ Battery 5P IQ Load Controller P stars roller :c .., - ,. ed,ard wiled to lDGateway FullyintegratedACbatterysystem.Includes six Helps prioritize essential appliances `5-yearlltnitedW3franty:' -- - Consumption monitoring CT(CT-200-CLAMP) A pair of200A clamp-style current transformers is Included with the box Engineering S " ; field-replaceable108D-BAT Microinverters during a grid outage too optimize `y`n; ` •, g g Seal: P :•,Two,yearslgborreimbursament.. - _ _ '' - - - �, ... � - •,I IQ eattery metering CL,: 200 A'cWm s ee curremtranstormer'for,lQ Batts•toetertn';included with the tiox','.`'� energy consumption and prolong " program coverage include i forboth Ty'' ry' : 9• - - batterylife •thelOCom6inerSKUs_r ..'_'"- ........................._..__,_.._.._.....,--,..----- UL17411isted . uL �aM1 LISTED AR 5-year limited 'A plug-and-play industrial-grade cell modem fersystems up to 60 Maoinverters.(AvaOaMeinthe US,Carmda,Mateo.Puerto Rico,sndthe y rt US Virgin Islands.wherethere is celW'ar service area.)warranty y 02023 Enphase Energy.All rlgMsreserved.Enphase,the eand CC logos,IQ,and certain other marks listed at https://enphasecom/tmdemark-usace-cuidernes are trademarks of Enphase Energy,Ina in the US and other countries. Data subJect To change. ICG5-5C-aSH-0OD07-2A-F,i•7-US-2023-09-27 IOC-5-SC-DSH-00007-2,0-EN-US-2023.09-27 , ... w� 03579 F0� Ceti