HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-63.-1-19 3� of PAVEM�) O A p Of FSFNAtT VER NEAP UTILITY /''NES - /�_ y A Nd I �lI e.z VE \\ A u DLC �pD b� 1 O V Mp eo WIOE�fT ' o vat Te FO RE 1� CONC PA�EMEu aj h% �i(590 l p19� O3SI86E fN6 W 95 OO, yf 4 30 Fj TAK Q LT SNouLVE /ko '�� , rIL y ESD 3 tt 391 C,qcK Too O y-0 E \ 3� 4a4 (JI ISB] 5e �y�, yM 36 TEST 'YOLE DATA. I/ s KEgL ESTATE TOP 501L O TO / '+.J r , 40 OFF/CE;'. LOAM \ 9 F/¢ST FLoo¢ � /. SAND �G,PAVEL 3 Te 9' SRND 37 m \ %\ \ M �� 3 `. - --40 \ Ga Gc t,o ,✓GLh \ 3� \ ` 39� FEET 0 Si/. ✓A.TBD ]e 9� CVLrr \ OG 37 EDSE Exrs�/NG \ /h"o 11�SEp o0¢K/rte 3 CB dc� 9 Ln � —37 AMENor-D 36, �. PLAN fq� Iq 1-.201-0960 OFF/CE DATE 2 ass 36 V) TOWN OFCAL SOUTyOLO ,5U, FOZ-e COUNTY = NEW YO. APA-/L . 6, / 976 SCALE /" = 20' Ar1EN DED � 36 Oc-F' z414�b 35 —35- I 35/ ELEVAT/OA/ DATUM /S ASSUMED e% 2. ELEVAT/ON SHOWN 39Z AQE ACTUAL 3. ELEVAT/aN IHOWN F3TZ-1 ARE 1-1201-0569 r 4, COIVTOU.2 /"'TER VAL = / FOOT 74'Z.5 S. TEST HOLE DATA CZOA4 SURYEY BY 690 55 'ZO (� VAN TUYL ¢SON - 2/3/92 r FRANK /-/ ATK/NSON L. S. SE TAU/CET Al Y N y STATE L/C No. 32403 l D /� 6F PA�M�T AD EOLE 0 3% G/N65 FSPHALT WA D UTY I EOOE °f oe¢ p p L E r WIDE) ,Aa a.4V�N�E MvEN1ENf C 2 e A/L DAD —� bj I W C w/C. t54. 01TO R O' J 9 �IEtE F41 0 3 466 5 r s'+oucOE,e 1✓ 95.00 ♦c. o P30 FT rAKIN6 O j la/ ASvt+Ac e3606/9' z V ITY L/N 67 f ti \ Q 1 NEAO UTlL � lPv/rze¢ � Q � �3Y� 0� 13 lf7•i.rvN,neza. W m _-_ 39 � co cRga 3� '�yg\ /LIIAMT,N6 aE0 " CUfIVA OLTEO ieass L SE 38.5 y/p�� L qCK TOp �� U / PARK/NCj / PU .. P.COPeS PART/K6 LOT ptITXLA 3500 SQ.p . C �u�+pus 414 38 0 3 �7 LlcIA'r P7-EJ7- DATA.40w— y ` O T6 / ' 3o_+,iJ TO 3 '3' Te 9' .k r37 �JbR 4�C � 4s _4 "I p \ a\S.f ,u ? 1 I t9 3j 1 tz Ile OF L ULT'UAT ED \ �l ExlSf/Nr' . 37\ 3 1 � tn O 3 9 36, o tr1 —37 7-,E- 7- 4./A 7-E E7- UATE O 2 36\ � 1 5 0 U 7- \ 701N/V OF SOUT<1040 SUFFOLK COUNTY =NEW YOK/C Ap.2JL . 6/ 1976 SCALE= J" = Zo' 35 \ 35 — � 35 1 C S! �J—� ELEVAT/ON DATUM 15 ASSUMED ELEVAT/ON SHOWN 39.Z ARE ACTUAL 74.25' 3. ELEVAT/aN J11VkVN 39.2 ARE P,20POSE0 4. CONTOU.e /NYERVAL = / F007- .1 69 S. 7E37- HOLE DATA FROM SUKVEY BY r VAN TUYL WSO)V FRANK H. ATK/N50N L. 1. SETAUKET My N. Y STATE L/C. Na. 32403 Deo9mber „nom,ig 197 i-2r. F4bsrt, Wendell, President Sauthell, New York 11971 Dean BAF, 7',e the zouk�c "d 'Zounn sition war Anezby Plannin Soar? Rt regularmeeting held December 1976. a4to apDrove Y^:...bsite plang October 5, 1976 of ids Vay Construction Comzany located. Mr. Robert Wendell 1020 wl;:n.. Rawl Southold, New York 11971 Lear Mr. uFn edell.° !he Allowing action was taken by tIs Southold Town Planning Board at am regular , eating ami d May 240 19M RE. ED to approve the site p: i6r proposed office situate rs cao '� .o „u `'"g ` o buffer a each side en,... uswse ..��,.':.4 u g, said far a�«3 t:osw. � .3 subject"� � a planting to spa hhdyT- mn Ld The Chairman ^' 'c9'Y' authorized 4 A the sits plan as approved whom map i"1+9s bean recetvad contain=:4 same h1s. Wendell brought in the map this morning and 1 will have, Mr. Qkhan eign the may as moon �e 7a can,, .,o,.' can 5 s considercconsider �,_m?�. ., �you �have '°a?sits i,.®s,..... apprevaZ as indicatat .s.,. t�3e a'Zove Yours truly, Muriel Br ws..s7.*.. a Secretary inbs aV )Suflbinp Corp. Colonial i x z n 1020 GLENN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 (516) 765-1335 October 29,,1976 ;zr4 john 7 ickhamq Chairman P1anni"ng Roam Town. of Southold Suffolk Oountyg?v,y, dear . , Wickham.- s write this letter to inform the Southold Town Planning hoard that T am fully coni�a t of feats concerning the amended site plan of gay office build, under construction on piddle Rd. Those facts are as follolw*sy l.The drive-in from, Middle Road' has been moved over towards the east side of the property to allot for a driveway past the office to the rear of the building for parking. 2,The driveway passing by the office takes away a possible buffer area* 3�Ths proposed parking field in the rear of the buildirsg.crea°tes drainage problems from the site plan approved jjay 2 .,,1976, Thard, you for your consideration in this mattero very aly your82 Ro ert W,y ondell,presiden'y ;minds Way of Southold Building C=r o Southold, L. L, Y. 11471 TELEPHONE 7Ox.N WicBH.m, Chairman 65- 313 ALrRD3® �aREBE MINUTES 765-1313 FR�xo®n $ ENR& iFnyNOR s October 28, 1976 RI$EIDMUCK E. GORDON A special meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board was held on October 28, 1976 at 9:15 a.m. at Mattituck, New York® Present were: John Wickham., Chairman Henry E. Raynor, Jr. , Vice-Chairman Frank S. Coyle The subject of the meeting was the site plan of Robert Wendell for Winds Way Construction Corporation for professional building being constructed on Middle Road (C.R.27) in Southold. On motion made by Mr® Coyle, seconded by Mr. Raynor, it was RESOLVED to authorize the building inspector to lift the stop order issued to Winds Way Construction Corporation upon compliance with the following: 1. Presentation of an amended site plan map showing elevations of building. 2. A list of deviations from the original approved site plana 3® It is obvious that because the rear yard is now used for parking and not for drainage as originally proposed and approved by the building inspector that very substantial drainage structures will be required and the planning board engineer will be requested to make recommendations® 4. Correction of second floor profiles to show what exists. 5® A more detailed planting schedule showing heavier buffering on both sides of the building is to be presented® There should be a polyethelene ground cover with marble chips over that. Planning Board -2- Octob�_ 28,', 1976 6. The Planning Board will insist that if a certificate of occupancy is granted in the near future that it only be a temporary certificate of occupancy and that a final certificate of occupancy not be granted until all the requirements of the Planning Board as regards plantings, parking and drainage are completely met and the building inspector has been so informed in writing. 7. The Planning Board will a ze the building inspector to rescind the stop order on work when the amended maps and site plan have been presented to the Planning Board, and approved. Vote of the Boards Ayes: Wickham, Raynor, Coyle. Respectfully submitted, Muriel Brush, Secretary John Wickham, Chairman S z Southold, L. I., Y. 11971 TEt JopN WIC%AAM, Chairman & I 765-1315-131 3 ALFRED GREBE MINUTESTFPA NHEENRY PE yNOR October 28, 1976 III FR=RIO% E. GORDON A special meeting of the Southold Town. Planning Board was held on October 28, 1976 at 9:15 a.m. at Mattituck,j New York. Present were: John Wickham, Chairman Henry E. Raynor, Jr. , Vice-Chairman Frank S. Coyle The subject of the meeting was the site plan of Robert Wendell for Winds Way Construction Corporation for professional building being constructed on Middle Road (C.R.27) '',in Southold. On motion made by Mr. Coyle, seconded by Mr. Raynor, it was RESOLVED to authorize the building inspector to lift the stop order issued to Winds Way Construction Corporation upon compliance with the following: 1r_PS@?1 t3"C' `-rm-rrP¢`�r, �.rrra �-dam v A list of deviations from the original approved site plane 3. It is obvious that because the rear yard is now used for parking and not for drainage as originally proposed and approved by the building inspector that very substantial drainage structures will be required and the planning board engineer will be requested to make recommendations,'', mor e i� e f ilobi p c�fi e_s�t what,, exis 5. A more detailed planting schedule showing 1,heavier buffering on both sides of the building is to be presented. There should be a polyethelene ground cover with marble chips over that. Planning Board -2- Octc r 28, 1976 6® The Planning Board will insist that if a certificate of occupancy is granted in the near future that it only;be a temporary certificate of occupancy and that a final certificate of occupancy not be granted until all the requirements of the Planning Board as regards plantings, parking and drainage are completely met and the building inspector has been so informed ;n writing. 7e The Planning Board will -a-utl the building inspector to rescind the stop order on work when the amended maps and site plan have been presented to the Planning Board, and approved. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Wickham, Raynor, Coyli�. Respectfully submitted$ Muriel Brush, Secretary Joha Wickham, Chairman "stoic . CC, all - r Wince Tky Z012ding Corporation Gisr "c" Southall, New York 11972, .wvmzp..R}3F De boa Tendell.0 A A`. Y�,.e r ,gU,lar meeting...3<n�"y oY Cho .. m..w;.d..i,.g Mani ..a.a& night, fe, a the s 4.�� ...:� for yourw ,., ,,... k...ng onC a l. '«`.� F T f Ad ,... Ski _ �� a'✓-wathold q 0.,,✓ slow 8 9 'q2 was pe imp aSa e. .:s.i hl 4. ,l:i 1snh..w..�S" �.Au....Gn in w.�s an? �.. 7 ,vki ng as MOWS& 2M Mark was SVISM7 sullyfsld 0 fini thtt 00 haus apparently ramgsi tie e=tqya s,urs S-nfr foam Qs plans which r'ra sub..ti 2 "s",T. to this Mari and Wch vote approved on Nay 24, TS ..fir .,.. C µ^Fn., ! Bunt 2 975 'g°.io is an m_°.,a$°x .ns-ey .� rte"',`',=' x: - n. Planning e��. :�.dGtm� situation� _.1 e„ �P..z.. Bo:...r::: ran.. ._ al b7 as'S $«n.,r to in0ruct the buildinginspector W ,Ace a Hop acmi.r on this .a. y3ulf r .y;.d'µw <d ulm x, bgg ,., a thatyou ims..,, .i...o. .. l✓ got in touch with y=7 attorney nye about teua..+.ia After that; iti next step s R r to present the Planning Board vs t art nays and blud prints showing what has and is being 0snot7notni to that we can estabills-9112 what In enact differs from heapprovei approvesite piF,,eno Upon receipt of this awS _ study ,f e extent of your departure from the approved ed plamz' the Planningappro7riats 'revy sincerely, to �Mle .�<n:r`„" u_>e O 2" �: a Tues ,,.ay �ImOT-"_=,. _� e�'✓<°�y u�m'�. �",a.�e.`"., � �wl fi>a,tv.'��, '�v' a ..w.., `i.'y"" .,..�. , <_,,. >»:.a0 .,w .:, d�"' Mb, .4,C: ...�N o �S �r�Nei. . �.L`.;�i .�,r�.�➢ ..s chis ra.., .b..n. wL'&'•,b ,. y •se t �.,� a� 4 A .�..a..b,d. lFv' -S2 .W fe ""p6°z a 6•�; c ::; GO.,u. 1�' Ycw.�Cw" � a:�...„. ..� aeM� e s'�'aa."e .,��,�W" w r i,it�`p'»+,'w.� .�'Ma'`mea �"�,,.� ?".��.s`'�✓' '.. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK DATE ...=....'-�l 29 g ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal No. 27-21 Dated ;Lpril g 3a 197 ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To Wi2YeSz way Building cor-p—orat.i on Appellant Glen _Road Southold, _Tsw oro at a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals on April 25, 10,76 the appeal was considered and the action indicated below was taken on your ( ) Request for variance due to lack of access to property - ( ) Request for a special exception under the Zoning Ordinance ( Request for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance 1. SPECIAL EXCEPTION. By resolution of the Board it was determined that a speci '1 exception- ( ) be granted ( ) be denied pursuant to Article .................... Section .................... Subsection .................... paragraph ................. Zoning A5 P.M. MD SaTon)of2`pon eY31^tlica:t ool f e reversed ( ) be of the Zo g P ( ) n d Z '? .3gdS aH $ lives 3Cy" ('orpl::katSonr Glen Ronde SC3..su'€'ld, ��e4 York or a �,°ariaF:.vE! in acccrdance with the Zoning Ordinance, A tiCle VI1g 0e-tion 3,00-70A �+ Bulk Schedule for permission to conutL"aot Office b-uilclina with in– su4ffi cisn- side yardsrdsLocation of tropert2 s South SL e ":x27 h7MSS 'evr7u` Cd .a � ® east by R. =y. Gill–ispieq T-T_i,' south by D. Charne?-YS; IL4e. .t by S. Mendelson a Gra. Foe paid as 15 a.00 2. VARIANCE. By resolution of the Board it was determined that (a) Strict application of the Ordinarce (would) (would not) produce practical diffic ties or unnecessary hardship because SEE IR^ rOE (b) The hardship created (is) (is not) unique and (would) (would not) be sha ed by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district because SEE Ri'1,17EPSE (c) The variance (does) (does not) observe the spirit of the Ordinance and (would) (would not) change the character of the district because REVERSE and therefore, it was further determined that the requested variance ( ) be granted, ( ) be denied and that the previous decisions of the Building inspector ( ) be confirmed ( ) be reversed. SMP ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FORM ZBd After investigation and inspection the Doarda fins that applicant requests permission to construct office, buiicing with insufficient £iC'ayards on the south side of CR27) MiddleRoad, .south a lde Yield York. 1e findings of the WON are that since 156S the property was held in single and separate owner- ship as vacant property. There were no side jTeardI requirazents when this lot was created in 108. WeighborinS lots to the east are similar in size and do not meat current ieauirementse The Loc"rd agrees with the reasoning of the a pi 2,Ani. The Loard finds that strict application of theordinance would produce practical difficulties or unaecessa hardship; the hardship created is unique and would not be shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district; and the variance will not change the character of the neighborhoode and will obserfe the spirit of the Ordinance. IT T _ IZOZ,'L E-D p 4` inlsWay Building Corporation, Glen Road, Southoldt New York, he GRANTED permission to con- struct office building with insufficient sidey4rd; -:on the sOE. th side (C 27) Middle Road, Southold, New York, as applied for, subJect to approval of Suffolk County Planning CcaWssion. Vote of the Board: Eyes;- Messrs: Halseg Yt'&ga.n, Grigonise Doyen RESOLVED THAT WHEREAS the Planning Board has ascell'rtained that the Winds Way Construction Corporation is in the ,course of constructing a building on a site, the site plan of which was heretofore approved by this Board, and WHEREAS, this Board has discovered that the construction on said site is not in conformance with said approvedsite plan, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board does hereby request the building inspector to either issue a stop ',order or revoke the building permit issued until the question of the deviation from the approved site plan has been resolved by this Board and the Building Department, and it is further RESOLVED that this Board request that the building inspector not issue a certificate of occupancy until an amended site plan has been approved by this Board, and it is further RESOLVED that the secretary of the Planning Board, send a copy of this resolution to said contractor and to request that said contractor arrange to meet with the Planning Board to resolve the questions set forth herein. LASER FICHE FORM Planning oar ite Plans and Amended Site Plans SPF le Type: Approved Protect Tyge: Site Plans Status: Final Agoroval SCTM # : 1000 - 63.-l-19 Progect Name: Winds Way Office Building 12-11-76 Address: County Road 43 east of Hortons Lane Hamlet: Southold Applicant Name: Robert Wendell, Winds Way Building Corp. Owner Name: Robert Wendell, Winds Way Building Zone 1 : B Approval ®ate: 12/11/1976 OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A date indicates that we have received the related information End SP Date: Zone 2: Zone 3: Location: SC Filing ®ate: C and R's : Florae Assoc: Rand Agreement: SCAN Date: M DAD aP GE E0 3j LINES t-- Q0.1 ASPNACT UT/L/Ty 1 / a GE Of u EF NEI I D p 20 Fr winE� ° a Op— q vCNUE4/ I 111 A4 uL 1 LdNc PAVEME k°2 LILA orv.E _ �e Rp Q sHo04OE,¢ 0 1 -7.5 OO/ a.sf 4/ /D19 a Pap 5F7L TAKN6u�� IA/ ^SVNALT u= IT1 LINES 6700 E 3 Z y ? \ Q o cUL=IVPTED � h �'V lCa' . EDGE gtlpfy EXISrrN6 3 . M M-17 9.a a.L A 3� - � /ST/,�/4 U ?QOO�SEQ�2L'/.v4 LOT P 3' ( I �S50' 38 8.I� \ � ,2EAL ESTATE TEST HOLE DATA, TOP SOIL O TO 3� FELEY 4/B LOAM / TO 3 ' '. SAND 0'GRAVEL 3' TO 9" yGaG. SAND, 37 \ \ /0.5' r n1 FaOer /veer F \ �� �-4O ^y 1 $9 F/ELO GE pF GULrI VA=ED EO EXISTiN(' 36 \ -- —� PRO pO$EO PQ.¢K/rv6 \ AZEC 37, 3 C ELAc,C PDiQ? 6000 G, O 36� In —37 PGA /V � � \ \ C o.20POSS0 OFF/CE O O S / T CJATE S S U 7-,--/ O L ZD C 1 TONIN✓ OF SOUTy04L7 SUFFOLK COUNTY =NEW MWALf / 976 REV/SED Ocf s 35 /976 1 \ � 3 S 35 — — 35- NO T------------------------------ --------------------------- E S ELEVAT/DN DATUM /S ASSUMED 3/ 2. ELEVAT/ON SHOWN 39.2 ARE AMIAL 25 3. ELEVATION dN0/NN 39.2 1901F ",,2d"OSED 74' 4. CONTOUR INTERVAL = / FOOT dIP65 ?o W S. 7E57 HOLE DATq FROM SU,PVEy ey VAN TUYL 001V - 2/3192 FRANK H. ATK/N50A/ L. S. SETAU/CET MY N. Y. JTATE L/C. /Vc. 32403 RECEIVED B'al°.. � �� TOWN dF }dT 'sd� T6 c ,I _ � � 7 f I � f lid- - __ _ ..I ,-'--- - - I i R EAI. L E P R p . F S S ! 0 1\1 � , . . C �I IP, MIhDLE ROAD S 0 U T H LDS 1 i. f I' Ij L , r c _ ' I Z r 6 I L 1 if I I , U 3' C RSI, C C I. i_ A 4, uo - Q "i I 1 i f i Lo, i 8 F S'70RAGE O ul ( u a ( 7RE .ATMEN7 RM I _ � V 7 V e ( V R lt-, co Ln __ --I6PORil �� l R 'Sl 1Cy -t plrlG: m kltCHl:u CA4 f � L;CAI`}S -r ti DIS CLRY ;�� 1 ' 1 JCE 0 I WODD hY4.tIt1 , T , m Ln ani 1 - I LORIT1AIc Hm. Q1 W1kllpiwV SNOW RM. LPr.`FQ { ER �� WINDS WAY OFFICE n1 , C ON F. Rn � 1 a a QI ' � - -- 6GIiJAe I Pic lovc P 0 R 1 6 ,0 Iff 1nIt ❑ o I T RST F— L 0 ci R. F ! A N L, C, NEILAMS , D,n ,5. J ,C,, ST AKER IJ.DS , p = . 900 WINQS WAY MUILOtNQ COgp. - IStb f. 1 kr- r 1 � I � I 3 S s i M ' M Q 4 � n ' r ' T I ,oaJ, too 1-1 I 1 i I 41 L t S h� iTn CORNEF UJf BUS - = P C R E WOOp S I D E J ELF \, k T ► O N I RAfTERS I c" O.C. , MY PIG Y ? ovtt Ig L6 PB.bT _ _ �31 C:4LLRPS i" v /' - _ _ •___ .....,. . ._, 4 V a fir' F O C r a1 4 SHOt � r/z PIG I A v 51 fDER OvYL'-�iJs 3aHRLFlt LY. �.1_,O r, QUf�„P . . __ . _ .. ..:. .... _ _ �_ �.._...._...__ -. ...___._._ + l c..' F.G. Gs. __....._.... ,n' r� h � v ° CROSS S � rOI�� SIDE � [ r y ipgial. _7 C 41 hJ aw t P,j r F R 0 N T ELEVAT1. r All -4 " - -I L , L4 f 1 r s T O R A e t 3iLcp _ CCNL. FLOUq li i ° T i BATN r _ p Lr; - - � 0FFIG 4 FOYER OFFICE q r F� 4, " q y a - - - �� FF - j ON (1 U 11,1 I) A T I () N P L A its = y -- ,. Lo et Z` _ a. � Icr� A _ p' LL( GJ 1.r ":arm I I 'r+ c 1 � eF 4 O D Ep6E 3% Hr— F3FHAa"T 6L/T I / p � E M .� 0.2 � A�£N�£ � ►\\u r 2O FT W UE) QA CONS PA�EMENf C .tj `s"6+°rte oil Y� FI/TUQE a { f POy51BZ >4KiN6 1.5-00 sNpuL �'E Ia% �svNALr y L/N�s �N 67s06 / I 2 R " O i;qa 1 15cVLtivArEO uke� gD6E Y Im Lf � s n M ba• 94.• a.L ' EXISTING - 3 Pq,¢K/NCS F'RePo5E0 PQ RR/11 <eT 2750 0 � / O � CbL4CK �..11 t�Q°�dsa 3� A-4 391 50' 36 I 39.i 9'Y a� S116Ik See _ — — pe cif T 7,E57' HOLE DATA. .2E/JL ESTRTE 40 oF:FicE TOP 50/1 O T- dtf, .: LiYeN 1 FEGEY F4/.B LOAM / T> 3 , S SAND 9GRAVEL 3' 7- 9' \` E,iisn wG BLDG SAND 37 \ Yaws Atoirr+�w P11-11 vi F/eL0 xo s� LP yA>Ep ar pF �' ♦♦ALrN EDGE \ Ex�sT/NG pRope5 R4zellV I 37\' p 3 CBcac1 '� i --37 + S / TE PLA N P 5p,20PO.SEO OFF/C E' T DA7-E -!5 4=0 E SO 4-ITHO2- L7 TOWN OF 3DUTH01-0 \ SUFFOLK COUNTY =NEW YO,¢.0 AP&/L . 6, / 976 SCALE: /" = ZO' _ ._. 36 RWVISED 55 /476 35 \ — n - -35' I NO TE S k I. -LEVATIOM DATUM IS ASSUMED 3� 2. ELEVATION SHOWN 39.2 ARE ACTUAL 3. ELEVATION SN176VV 39.2 ARE -RORISED �q 2$ ¢, CONTOUR INTERVAL = I FOOT S. TEST ROLE DATA FROM SURVEY By 6I VAN TUYL jdSON - 2131-72 FRANK /Y. ATKINSON L. 5. SETAuAeET N. Y N. Y. STATE </C No. 32403