HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/2024 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS - Town Hall Annex,54375 Route 25
°F P.O.Box 1179
". Southold,New York 11971-0959
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TO: Denis Noncarrow, Town Clerk (for distribution to Supervisor Krupski
and Town Board Members)
FROM: Leslie Kanes Weisman, ZBA Chairperson/Department Head
DATE: September 7, 2024
I. Activities of the Board/Accomplishments:
Regular Meeting_Date:August 1, 2024 Call to Order: 9:10 a.m.Adjourned: 2:09 p.m.
Public Hearings: Total: 14
Number of new applications heard: 10
Number of carryovers from previous hearings: 4
Number closed reserving decision to later date: 5
Number closed subject to receipt of additional information: 2
Number Withdrawn: 0
Number of Decisions Amended: 0
Number adjourned to another date: 7
Number of Resolutions passed: 27
Number of decisions made: 0
Number of decisions tabled: 0
Next Regular Meeting_, September 5, 2024
Special Meeting_ Date:August 15, 2024. Call to Order: 4:32 p.m.Adjourned: 5:48p.m.
Number of assigned draft findings discussed: 10
Number of decisions made: 7
Number hearings closed: 1
Number Withdrawn: 0
Number of adjourn to another date: 1
Number of decisions tabled: 3
Number of hearings re-opened: 0
Number of Resolutions passed: 19
II. Staff Activities
Number of people assisted at the counter: 44
Hours spent assisting: 6 hours;25 minutes
Number of F.O.I L requests processed by staff. 6
(Assistance includes filling out new applications,mailings and postings,providing copies of decisions,
FOIL requests and other materials, and general inquiries)
III. New Applications and Fees Collected: August 2024
9 New Applications Fees Collected: $ 13,250.00
Year to Date Applications and Fees Collected in 2024:
83 Total Applications Total Fees Collected: $ 126,200.00
Number of Pending Applications in the ZBA Office as of August 31,2024 is 43
(complete applications that have been calendared for public hearings)
IV. Innovative Advanced Wastewater Treatment Systems Required as a Condition
of ZBA Approval:
Total for August 2024: 1
Year to Date IA Systems required in 2024: 13
Since Condition Inception: (2018): 107
V. Spreadsheet of ZBA Statistics to Date(attached)
VI. Meetings attended/initiated by ZBA Chairperson/Department Bead
• 8/12/04 Zoning Update Advisory Committee meeting
813/04 Meeting with the Supervisor, Planning,Town Attorney Building Dept. and ZBA re: uses on a
specific property
® 8/13/04 TA DeChance and ATA McGivney re: specific application before the Board
• 8/13/04 Chief Building Inspector Verity and ATA McGivney re: calculation of Gross Floor Area
neighborhood averaging
• 8/26/04 Zoning Update Advisory Committee meeting
• 8/27/04 Town Board meeting re: public hearing on accessory structures in sided yards
• 8/28/24 ZBA budget hearing with Supervisor Krupski and Comptroller Nickonovitz
• 8/29/24 DWSP2 meeting
Respectfully submitted,
Leslie Kanes Weisman
ZBA Chairperson/Department Head
Zoning Board of Appeals Stats for 2024
January February March April May June 4yly August September October November December Total
Public Hearings 12 7 8 10 13 11 12 14 12 99
Hearings Closed 12 7 6 8 10 6 8
Hearings Adjourned/Reopen 1 1 5 1 3 2
Carryover Closed 2
Carryover Adjourned 1 1 4
Decisions Made 5
Granted 9 7 5 8 8 8 5 5
Denied 2 1 1 1
Alternative Relief Granted 1
or Denied,Grant In Part 1 3
Decisions Tabled 1 2
Application Withdrawn 1
IA Wastewater Septic 0 1 0 3 1 4 3 1 13
Breakdown of Applications
By Type:
Residential Area Variances 6 6 6 9 8 9 10 6 9
Non Res.Area Variances 1 1 2 1 2 3
Use Variances
Special Exceptions
General 2 3
Accessory Apartments 3 1 1
Bed&Breakfast 2
Code Interpret/Reversal 1 1
Waiver of Merger/Lot/lot
line/size/width/depth 1 1 2 1
Other/Signs/Fences I 1 1
New Applications Received 14 14 13 8 8 12 5 9 83
Fees Collected(Municity) $28,800.00 $19,500.00 $17,750.00 $9,400.00 $9,750.00 $21,250.00 $6,500.00 $13,250.00 $126,200.00