HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-62.-3-22.1 Parl is .S o h * Ile V I S� cc PFFFFF. 9 T O � e �qy� ret 9g.so A DPPOVaD BY 9"s tb S 7S• 5'�' hl -� ,. e"Owon,„ won, w ones!.. ., & neq _!±? myetnug halt is . � - AM!= to amprove the at plyroyaw mon slat, :v'e S25 0no Yon - ..,e .. .v ,. n...t 2 .:e, ��,},.��qqqq cc,-Y to Building LASER FICHE FORM Planning" Board Site Plans and Amended Site Plans Print Date: 3/26/2004 Site Plan Pile Type: Approved SCAN Date: �(W \ Protect Type: Site Plans Status: Final Approval SCTM : _ 1000 - 62.-3-22.1 Project Name: Albertson/ Colonial Corners Address: Main Road Location: , Main Road Hamlet: Southold Applicant Name: Albert Albertson Owner Name: Albert Albertson Zone 1 : S File Date: 9/19/1977 OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION _ A date indicates that we have received the related information Endorse Site Plan Dater 9/19/1977 Zone 2: Zone 3: County Filing Date: C and Re : : Homeowners Association R and M Agreement: ,tet 4�5 IV � ) 2 F $ r '•,_` "- t" u �>1r LA J 4 F L M f " R...,ap .v.'3 s . :ro fr x ,f'"' .s S.:;•;w r ir, '�,t w .f,' a I.I.a 1-kbt d»af 1 JNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITIO% TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLA ION OG C�4 � d' SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE + rr* t iy^ x / .rte ' r EDUCATION LAW. tF�Itt%�»a ti;?LA' t E t v" tC�'5al"'tI7,vcc G o„ COPSES OF T'i1S SU V Y MAP NOT BEARINGWE e 9 , ' ,EMBOSSED SLA'S nxo .-AL OR 'ur t,°' ';" p. i,:€.. t,' r✓ =` ''d»,T. EMBOSSED SFS t N-I B:..C;ISIDE.".ED f ( ' a x TO6 AVALD -;J COPY, t p� ,c GUA.A..Te.S'!�2<A Of,-ON 5uALL RUN ONL TO +'-.5 R v 'f.i SV';VEY '�i��"i+ ,IS P A I A.0.� 5 ".£ O THE tt�.,a a r r*- TW C.,M,A.3; AG:NCY AND ro LYNDLICI S Js USTED I KRQA. AND TO THF A55S Of 5 NDiNG INSTV F..rPv 'i f`i✓.£"+..,,( K., �,'%s Z;r.yrPti. y+�',fy,,.f'ar h TUT O t.GLARA°VT S A.r NOT T"NSFERABLE I f�s« rte Y TO ADD11IONAL 1NOiVU1i0N5 OR SUBSEQUENT N%ra�F.C,.` {d ✓ham ,, ,. ® a OWNERS. Southold, N.Y. 11971 JOHN WICKHAM,Chairraart TELEPHONE - FRANK S. COYLE 765-1238 HENRY E. RAYNOR, Jr. FREDERICK E. GORDON JAMES WALL May 18, 1979 Mr. Albert We Albertson, Jr. Colonial Corners Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Albertson: Your proposal to add 20 feet on to one of your buildings and to create a parking lot across the street has been reviewed® Please furnish us with a map showing the building which will be added to, label it an amended map and date it. Furnish us with a drawing of the parking lot area, show buffering, include a planting schedule, egress and ingress, drainage designed for 6 inch rainfall and all legal data as contained in enclosed procedural sheet for site"plan. Yours truly, HENRY E RAYNOR, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Muriel Brush, Secretary TEL. 765-1802 TOWN OF SOUTHOLF9 w G OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN HALL W SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 11971 May 8, 1979 Planning Board Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York Gentlemen: On September 19, 1977,the Planning Board approved the site plan known as Colonial Corners at Main Road and Locust Lane, Southold, N.Y. They now wish to add 20 feet on to a one story building. In so doing, they reduce the planting and one parking space. Such change of a site plan should have the Plann- ing Boards approval. Under retail shopping center ( one parking space per 100 sgofta of office-retail floor area) their present 23 spaces are below the requirements. Mr. Albertson states that they now own a vacant lot accross the street, Locust Lane, to be used for parking. With 25% of this lot for landscaping, the balance would appear to leave more than enough parking to meet code. The parking must have a dustless surface and all rain water returned to the ground within the lot. They would like a building permit now 'which I cannot issue until I have the Planning Boards consent, Your truly, G�> r � 7 I GEORGE H. FISHER Sr® Building Inspector GHF/pjs fr 1 0 g R d � �. �a E co.,�h� •p°O. ' F 2111 Xxor arz ' -gy.����ltC. 7 d��+.a•-TU. r 4��®9 T TY 9 i i d illi.veli YYF / FOP— ID A , r > ONAIRHOAI2ED AIT!=ATION OR ADDITION } �!F ..TO THIS St;:Y:P flS A e'EWfON 06 ttl.reT f`CJY/ [�•G♦ p SECT104 8'<L9 OF TnE NEW YGAC STATE yy EDUCATION LAW. C11k I)o ZINC 1ff5UGG rtlLG COPIES Of THIS SH:Y_Y>fk£NOT EN ING •/ l THE LAX0S+Y_\'J. .D RAL OR �/ ♦ry S as f`y✓ ° EM80552D SAt`_.A t n!T CO:GIDE":D P' TO eE A VALID T D e PY • fltlAeAhTEES tnnAY-J 4 S}tAtt Atlsi YJ f e ONLY TO THE i.S k3 ei ✓!h wE sumv a p� L f a.._.✓ gp' IS P.E.A..:J, A D 3 Y l Y TO THE lLs♦ (r/ G•.�^-• _��..8 ,y- TITLE COKPANI, Y X p Al A6.NCT AND' i 4ENDNG L.S°..k.CLON.AND J s March 9 _ 1 ? Albertson Pfeil Cclonial Corners Main Road & Locust La h tm ema In s such as the buildings on your "Colonial Corners'' enterprise are Completst Signs erected and some of the fenoin is instaaa.ledg the existing hedge an south ,!tie ��Z°d'.pme t og "«Fide the '9�^'&9',�ae„, go z. Of Article X111 section 100-132—B the Planning g .Board requests that you file e, survey of the property showing the locations,location of each building, the parking areas, sign tea: '<Ci screening rtdgaq p etc so that can issue aerti irate of Yours 90rul Wilding Inspector June 14, 1977 main ROW Dear r The U plan Or 7010nial kr...tee.,_ ti. .« .. �.. . .. � .t..� e WWII 2=n _.. ,._.., .., w. Want at a ... gu ..,.r _Wti _..a ',I" we designation of parking 2. %a lighting i.....ng eQ't..dw.cedu a s O 5. Ko planting schedules. Q No ingress and egress shown, 5Front, ---ear an& side profiles of any new acnstruotion. also ..,s:e that. 25 rvs.I:eGw plan applicationfeehas not been presented. Man you have orated the a�ove into you, site , ys4" , lease ewI . N to this office w`nwt will be again TEL. 765-2sso T13WN F' LATHr1LD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TCwN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 11971 May 3, ;10/77 Southold Town Dhnr_ing 3card Hall +a ^ <oad Southold , 2%Y. Gent?oen Enclosed clease find plot Alar. of ;Colonial Corners", Albertson_-Pfeil 9 ,,iai"r Road (S, Iocust kve o s Southold. The two story building on corner of 1ain Locust had a and outsize ce Lar�-ay removed or S/ . side and an adeition built on a little large, #AAll .e -�_stirg hat was removed. The second two story fraise building on uain road to west was a set-- ate "arcel 3alnh Giovers home and office , this has rot been chanced. The bu ld__ng it the Sl", corner was Givvee s r01-a 1bin.2 sho-o and warehoalse , t =s has rot clanged on outside . The two accessory buildings shown along sm-, -. line were originaly three accessory ba' :dir,.-s which have been rebuilt on theav .rig -Dal locations . Pence and sign perrits Were is Sled. before the change in the ordinance ' iting to one ground identification sign. There is Par'�-ing area enough for the sales floor area and office floor area ill the Urojecty however the survey does not clearly indicate all that can be used for sane. = O�@i7lanting or lar scaT)i'^_g -lan has been suDmitted9 as .they want to discuss this before investing in shrubery9 other than what is already there. Kindly advise hie if you will require any further items so we canissue certificate of occ _•ancy for "colonial Corners"as a 1znit a -ours tr y �Q c.C � (. C Building .in,,�.,.Ct01, TEL. 765-2660 F0 �® me TOWN OFSOUTHEILD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR A TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUT OLD, N. Y. 11971 Sept® '19 1977 Southold flown Planning Board Town Fell Southold, N.Y. Gentlemen; Since my letter of -May 3 1977, REO'Colonial Corners" Main Road &Locust Ave. , Southold, i have viewed the property and am satisfied that, there is adequate parking available and that a final approval is in order® I still have not heard from. the Planning Board, about Any further planting being required® Basicaly I feel they have a clean operation and it should be approved. Yours truly Building Inspector _, � . �.. m.. �l w„ wafer mcun Lapp/ou /oc rrfIo - _ I wT new rPo AM cov To GUOE sfiur p � n, � el 52 L N. Y.S. 7\ *e. 25 ) - Eo`-L` Ad ` ROAD I "� A N...= MAIN e ux "' -- ° F ----- _`- --- - a�,a wLer slrE uw 4-01A 'ql siq".�P 9t' I I {` cane [vrn ar°" „ �.i Yrc• I �„r i�M1E ���' TOLE N' ---.—. {^fl „,J e/ L•rp� ce°c E.11'P'” cent. s1+" ---.-- \\,, r wul� a� ® -_ _ --_ r' • e; fi-P ren rl L dl � d _ ®aZE4 �� aJa a rr I I'I 4 Lux .'I °° `''� /'CE% MAP EJ ✓- 133.89• Jscale 7"= 600 00" E. 37 D'/' h s I a Y n ' N. 87.02 �v�l' J� •" Q 5 fll1 q �` EFFEC nVE ter• o102 op � AQP a✓�fa "der uNrcn �'s h rl✓ �a� oo." �� u D � - ;I I' z O ul It'6 �Ih T @z io�T9Ir 'A ^t Il9r el7Tf 0 � ear' a pJ a N3 .. 570RE�i _z0 0 r' S n Z a' c / 3 M WAT I A 2 SYY. IOT ICJ' \ rJ )tee ¢,Fr. LM`,BO 6vaLHl Z I �E IL 10 FR. BLDG. c E m BACKFILL WR L TO BE C 2 STY. e nr:. wr-Irr -i [LEAN.aro AfEi avAvn. e A-, •-+ FR. - S y P�' `0 oN ws",TTUrA1°" n'a OFFICE s;i A n a•sAfa AM rx.vEt Y Ef bloc Haler j I h RE,gL1"Y LF' 1 .0 5 � '• aFFICE- - � � TYPICAL LEACHING POOL 0 �1UL� 30 <-14001971 C 2 �. 1 SOUTHOLDI NISTRICT E) 1 ,.NL 1, o �� ao• 3 P / la \N -A l r rxn ewAnr "ST"mlmrs O D - KI N 17 '0 " �,I fits i, E-25•oe NV -r-,�•. .� N Y H �f 8 a .0 1 _I P I _ 5¢.,4 P N N n; rnArFrc Bew�+s.a.0 � a- ; �c (�('''�� \ N� 9 ; � cry la.+' i 9 �-s•34 h° r� \trio of a•au.` -�^ �E- --r- -I} ouncr 1�f _� \ " 2i - a ••.o. /gam ��— L9a.00r' (� SKIS G ,'i 8 fel •�.�, I-urn-^°^""r °O t' s P H A E N l°� 4' Zob _ '� mmwu.rNr"rE Ix I� 1e• L.L -am 2z nN u e 3 A r 1e as �E ),, I m � � Y E M e /29 2 ,:Ie--� rKrDm w Inx• e• ! (y�q m I.fL DEALERSHIP — 19 P A B .v „ 1 �'',�N ?4• ZONING DISTRICT _ _ _ �. �1/ �4��4.20• Oy?0, 2B'5o••W 1 ras" -113 A,L 3e�^ i I STY. rn. e vela SEPTIC TANK Pr/bl,c STY. :° / y CLf ANER - r m a. 20 g�D� r 9 v OR A' y SITE AREA = 2/,355 Sq, g il. o " STP m< ld7,a \ P ZONjt4G DISTRICT, B (General9uslness \ £P PEr MING y.rrr55 w III.v9' fel f�a L 1 s 6HOO _ w m LOT COVERAGE 5147Sq.11.;2i355'sq.ft = 240 L / g 1 N _ ✓ 5 5 cos• ] rLo' b Zr G LANDSCAPED COVERAGE 5816sq.A121355 sq.11. = 27/ \ 5.39,30' o L In \ Dev 5 71 NE AnDjfION PAR CINE ZONING aO6 ING- reap AMENDS��TE PLAN • i / \ RPO• BOyILIp,ON•Y. 11971 +^ SD�TH RWM ENTERPRISES, INC. A/K/A COLONIAL CORNERS A T SOUTHOLD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COLONIAL CORNERS SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. NOTE, 1000-62-03-P/0 2.2.1 1.004-62-03-P/O 22. 1 IN 1977 THE SITE PLAN WAS APPROVED FOR 23 PARKING SPA OES -9, USES IM254M CKNOLEPFSWUT'TMMND LDmwNcons sEcnoes SCALE: 7" - 20' NOW WE HAVE 23 SPACES INCLUDES SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD DATA "PROVALS(NOIEDDPSTHATTita COmlmoNs or 1l�s BATED 2 HANDICAPPED SPACES ! 6 UAE5 1 2��mm'nFPTED( MOM!D 0MMRMB Jan. 71, 2006 / Aae AccarT®.(sEsmNDmoNe oNRF801.VItoN) SITE AREA = 2/,355 50,FT. PLEASE PBDrr"^^R �� � � -E" JAN, 8, 2006 (revision) � - JUNE B, 2006 (revision) ' ZONING DISTRICT B (GENERAL BUSINESS AUIMU � I � " ° � o'A AVINORrED tVItE LOT COVERAGE 4556 sq.Jl./21,355 = 21 Yo APPROVED BY TOWN OF OUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD LANDSCAPED COVERAGE 5816 sq. 11./21,355 = 27% c �m �7 u - AVIT EU SIGNAiVali TME DATE PARKING = 23 SPACES, INCLUDE 2 HANDICAPPED (EXISTING) NOTE:The approved site development plan shall be valid for a period of three(3)years from the date of approval as per \ code section 100-255. LIGHTING - EXISTING — _„ DRAINAGE - EXISTING APPLICANT" PAVEMENIT - EXISTING ' RICHARD F, MULLEN III CIO MULLEN MOTOP{S JUN - 9 POOR J l SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 Jj OWNERr ",. •. RWM ENTERPRISES, WC. .� nI�L P.O. BOX 1408 ,u,,:r SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 - +-- ;rtg��NEI�. ANY ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY lS A VIOLATION OWN 7. � OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. ENOEPT AS PER SECTION 7209 - SUBDIVISION 2. ALL CERTIFICATIONS HEREON ARE VALID FOR THIS MAP ANO COPIES THEREOF ONLY rF r SAID MAP OR COPIES BEAR THE IMPRESSED SEAL OF THE SURVEYOR WHOSE SIGNATURE APPEARS HEREON. C. 0. 96/8 ECONIC SURY, Rom !6311 765 - 502 - 1797 Sheet 70f 2 F. 0. BOX 909 e 1230, TRAVELER STREET SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 11971 1 i, I r - 97-173 ^- WATER MNM /4PVP0(.GOUTIOM) ,p 1 G EL. 3-i.S u EL. 32.6 5 b c Ips µy.a.1111 EL. 30.7 F aPW f� ( N Y. S. Rte 2..57 � � •dg8a all p,V•m•nf 98.92'-pole E�34.1 r F MAIN ROAD 1 � °"' �- N 85'3700" E _� � -- -- - ole ab 100.00' p II 1 - -_-__ N 87'02'00' E N 67'02'00' E flag Pala on 3' ST 34. m EL. 31 5 . .I I I •, I � KEY MAP y \ fIgn planter m 30.6' - @ e l p n l c l a - _ U1 - 2.1' \ e Z' 8 1 N 20.2' m a A - B.0' .0. I m r 2C.1' C N w \ m \ ASO w IO.T 12. ' \ ; m a 1 \ 1 . j 1 m 01 I a 2 STY. 1 r� -[H. 1 "'�' m.� - 2 STY. y mn O - 62 - 03 '� f �. 3 ;1 22.9' . 1e51 s® ` 9 N FR. N FF. BLDG. p Ni0 1000 O 4 hole . > , rt a 1705 sq.11. No I n P! EL . BLDG. 1.9' '° I c 950 Ball. 1 0= O n f - CONI - !' D _ p E 36.5' 5.9' PARCEL ) Z - % 4.0' W. / nN \ N MULLEN REALTY LP . . . Y3 N e 44,152 sq./f. oo m au C.Py 123' \ P p o TEST HOLE sieios CSS (EXISTING ) \ f. . a� m 39 - . EL. 73.1 C/ i r, \ BYMACDONALD GEOSCIENCE in J eY�i • 7F' 20¢'�� z o �. .'\ s PA CEL 11 INC. ASPHALT m ni -. ` \R I," 1g• D.3• -. ^ 0.1 RWM ENTERPRISES, - - L5, MIXED FINES AND LOAM A O 0 " Com, _ , . E 2/,355 sq.il. I 4oA' BROWN SILT ML O - @ MASONARY 3' k m BUILDING m q FR 01 L g3.0 4 - 20.2' STY. E - 6495 s9� If. - m � (,' •B. > PALE BROWN TO _ • dl'11N �C o g40G• '� _ 9 MEDIUM SAND SP o I STY. O 1312 a9ll EL. 31. - 00 -\ - m . c,c W BLDG. 2,6' fc.P.`, elo, BOasan. m •1.69' O m .D. m `1 TEN 17 ' ' -j UE' poo�.. n `` x" KS W1'OCJI \ - 'I 1 2.2' J taed'�T a /51 w.'I" 20.2' s LB. z Z A G. / x aVea m 1rin9 E. 17. - IF r�EPH _ �, e I\ FR BLD ie `�,P•T1 34. o bsp� N 75.3y 3L)" 10 s .ft. r EL- 16' ,P N I 9 w 5 3 \ 1B E. w 0 \ 99' 5 '4 TING) .0 2 o. 5 LOT COVERAGE (t OST/N FL COVERAGE ,� / l O. 9' m Aso?N'Rv I h N• TI 1� . . A BUILDING N M p. LOT# LOT ARE ZONI STRICT B - - 5 9 _ p,a / _ � - m VE - ..4� - - D d. w -- - 49.5% OWNEF 1000 - 62 - 03 - 19 8 20 0 gp� 1010g4 sgJI- , _ -. -- PARCEL !• 35701 s '.lt. 9050 s .11. - MULLE REALTY LP \ � ', yl90 \ / \ ll *yL_.: .. �• n - ACEL 1 29806 s .It. 6397 s .1/• 21.5% P.O. 91408 � 12.6' _ � 1 � I[C5 � � PA s . s .H, 0.2% SOUTH, N. Y. 1/97/ `° cORRusAtED REMOVED o ,/ / l � r FEB - S 2006 AREA 35,70/ sq.1t. \ „ M&�tO BE \ / o LOT COVERAGE !PROPOSE OWNER 1000 62 03 22.1 8 24.1 DG p o m - 6L 1511 sq. . ]Do.p0, -� � 11LOT AREA BUILDING S0. FT. COVERAGE RWM ERPRISES / o LOT# __ - ARCEL 1 P.00 E 614 I r20 d 22.1 44152 sq.tl. 14,227 sq.11. 32.2Pro SOUTH, N.Y. 1197/ - -, AREA = 54,40/ sg.I1. A � �A �`F-suS+Ll:cil...t»cc'.a_.r� ,ur4� '�r.- 355 s .11. 4556 sq.11. 21 ARCEL 11 P/O 22.1 _ 9 - . PARCEL 111 24.1 24595 sq.t1. 55 sq.11. 0.2% PARCE! 1000-6AREA 9,20, Pio .'2/ AREA 44,152 sq.G. EL. p.K• Exls7trtG 1 u1 90.9 poll A L \ 'w PARCE! 1000-62-03- P/0 22.1 D Z Asp " 1 PARKINS ® a,6 III E$ INC AREA 2/,355 sq. 1. - l $ l A ® - R R 1 \ PA RP 2a` FLOW ANALYSIS PARCE! 1000-6203=24.1 m o "A 1 AREA= 24,595 sq.fl. 6 GE$ RVNM EN762 - U$ AL AREA PARCEL 1 44,152 sq.(J. = 1013 ACRES = 600 gpd. = 608.15 gpd. allowed \ o SPA 1000 - 95 54.11' ` ror g1 EYFOR PARCEL I! SURV 1\ LOT # 22.1 -_ 0.49 ACRES . 600 gpd - 294.1 qpd allowed T LINE CHANG E (REMAINING) 21,355 sq.lf. I \ PARCEL 11 MEN MOTORS INC. ' gp s GPD AT SOUTHOLD ` \ BUILDING 'B; (RETAIL) 1312 0.03 39.36 i/VN OF SOUTHOLDInd e BUILDING 'C (RETIAL) 1 Ind nodn RETAIL IST FLR. 1705 0.03 35.5 OFFICE 2ND. FLR. 595 0.06 35.17 FOLK COUNTY, N. Y E�32. \ ' BUILDING 7Y (RETAIL) 608 0.03 /8.24 TT > „ / z ia' Scale: 1 = 2Sol0 \ BUILDING 'E' 28.50 June 9, 2004 a RETAIL IST. FLR. 950 0.03 40.68 July 30, 2004 (additions) \ / Z o exlaT sr �r OFFICE 2ND FLR. 678 I 0.06 T6' 1 / BUILDING A' REMOVED Feb. 2, 2005 (revisions) _ \ 165• 6 � I- 66 SANITARY DESIGN AND MAY 2 200 Q \ COMPUTATIONS r \ - / �� 1132-66, , 9 DEED ' TOTAL FLOW FOR PARCEL 11 - AFTER LOT LINEess than 294.1 allowed June 15, 2005 (revisions) o JOSEPH FI.SCHETTI, m m *a ( I6a 91 �r`SN PARCEL 1 _ . . . __. - B Y• L.l�-GG _ HOBART ROAD o "� � 1 S SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 119, A / J• SF F(-DOR FL OW'gpd/s/ GPD (631) 765 - 2954 m �p"� �A'YIIC� 4885.7 0.03 146,171 „ /0'Ij0' W VID Os �Pt �f Nflyyo I� DEALER 7 0.04 67.408 m „ Q u� on SERVICE BAYS 1685. O 04 60.536 ANY ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY /S A VIOLATION $ 13•a D O 1 f 50 W 0� pA S oM 1• MErtoF*y� SERVICE TRUCK 1513.4 OF SECTION 7209 OF TPS'NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. m 31 ,, 1 .�,�' 75 L p CE 1046.9 0.04 7L,8 EXCEPT AS PER SECTION 7209 - SUBDIVISION 2. ALL CERTd9CAT70NS SERV! CR - im EOFNgk * r:",. "u,y?a - 31 ti 391 gpd-CIJRREMT FLOW HEREON ARE VALID FOR R T MAP AND COPES SE THEREOF ONE U Y E p ,,?2,, DEALERSHIP SAID MAP W1 COPES A BEAR THE IMaRESSED SEAL W THE SlMVEYOR L 30.0 OR6 `p r .Y.I}�}1' I O.- l8 SUBTOTAL FOR WHOSE SIfiNAT(APE APPEARS HEREON 1 E 1 / \ E �'I BUILDING A BEAUTY PARLOR 1817.8 x� O.l = IB1.78 D uAM Oi OFFICE 2nd. FLOOR 109LI x 0.06= 65.4% ADDITIONALLY TO COWFLY WITH SAID LAW TERM " ALTERED BY ' �) , ,,1'�L e 247.25 gpd. MUST BE USED BY qNY AND ALL SURVEYORS UTKIZMG A COPY �l1' • £CONK UR / .C.i•a1 PARCEL 1 TOTAL FLOW - 563.64 gpd less Iholi 608.15gpd allowed OF ANOTHER SURVEYOR'S MAP. TERMS SUCH 'INSPECTED - APO 3 N/DIF - P.30. BOX 90920 p 767 BROUGHT - TO - DATE 'ARE NOT /N COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAW. OU TRAVELER STR TOTAL AF 90, 102 SCI.ft. THERE NO WELLS WITHIN 150' OF SAMT'ARY. SYSTEM S \ SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11919 7/ ELEVA DONa ARE REFERENCED TO AN-ASSUMED DATUM �I I Pa I YI $ I I� ' l ® o4 D FChet N , tw } �1 I 3 c xtiur - �� Ol i lr - - - A r4v . e/ Art ICII S. 71 '551 e W. ` 75- C eF Lin!/ AP.PpRO;nn P! j _ UC G G y Sheet 2 of 2 i