HomeMy WebLinkAboutGreenport Village-Annex 1966FaOr~, COK'vVIN & GLICKMAN ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT'LAW GREENPORT. N.Y. 11944 516 ~477~0800 TO: Southold Town Clerk Southold, New York 11971 _j SUBJECT: Village of Greenport, Local Law bio. 1, 1966 DATE: 6/22/66 Dear Sir: Enclosed is a certified copy of the captioned law duly filed with the Becreiary of State, Comptroller, and County Clerk. Very truly yours, STANLEY S. COIRWIN Village Attorney ck enclosure June 28, 1966 Hon. Albert W. Richmond Southold T%wn Clenk Southold, New York Re: Greenport Local Law on Annexation Dear Albert: Iam returning to you herew, ith Village of Greenport Local Law No. 1, 1966, which you left at the office the other day. This Local Law is presumably filed with you for information only. Yours very truly, ROBERT W. TASKER RWT:MY Enclosure - Please Use this Form for Filing your Local -Law with the Secretary of State, Text el, law.~hontd Be se xmhca for.new matter, ., ....;~: .nnex certain.territor~ no~ use brackets ' for matter to be,ehmlnated':a/~d d& aot LOCAL Village of Greenpo~, !.-I".: !'." -: J \.::'. C .I'ED by the Board of Trustees of the' Vi' L' :? :.~ :...'.:/.-..' x,t' .- York, as follows: · .. _, ,,:~:.tq ,.... ',,., ~.. '. · e followi.ng described territory is her, u;, · " ::,:.,'~ ,,' ':.e Village of Greehport: .~ .....~. '~ ~ e.,';ain plot, piecb or parcel of'land, ~{'~. :,'3." :q'~ ,!. ~> .,, County of S~ffolk and State of New Yo.':,'. ':'-'.~(;".'X'N[Nf; ;..;a point on thkt'course of the westerly ,, .,. ~, iage of Greenport kxrhieh outh 2:fl ) J ~q ( 0:.' · ~' :'! "' ' ' -ly ' ' "' ' ......... -.azd wester b~unda~f~m.,the no~¢ ,'., , ...'.'. ';";J.', ..'u'.; ':,;! , .:~ 5begSnn~ng rdnning the following 64 co,, .'...,:.;: ! !". ~il"(If additional space is needed, please attach sheets of the same s~ze as this and number each) ~'-~am Complete tbe.eertifiei~ti6n,~in the paragra[~h wbieh 'applies to the £iting uf thislOcal rak~'aad strike out the matter there~n which is not applicable ;~' }~w annexed he~t% d 19 ........ ,of the Cas d~l:}- phs~e~t b/. 7?; - , ~ or ~'~ City : on. ............................................... .19 ........ and was approved repassed after; disapproval ,d~ ~sagp, r~val h y E, le~t~,-e~Ch~ef.Ex~,e, gt~v[e Offtee£ local ,Law an*nexed he~e~o, desi, gaa?d a~dec;al law No .................... 0f. i9 ........ by the ....................................................... and was deemed duly adopt, ed, o~ .~..: .......... ,.}, .................................. 19 ........ , in accordance with the applicable provisibn's of:al'aw.': ' : (Final adoption by ~e~e~'endt~m.) 3. I herebycertifytl/al~!the local law annexed here~o, designatbdas local hw N& .................. of ~9 ......... County . City , ~ . of t~e Town '~ ..................................... was duly passed bj the ............. Village rN .... f LeMslative aodyl not disapproved on ............................. ~ ................... 19 ........ and was aDBroved by the ........................................................... repassed af~eP disapproval ~:]~c,ive Chief Executive Officer on ...................................................................... 19. ........ Such local law was submitted m the people by reason of a mandateW permissive referendum and received the affirmative vote of a majority' of the ~alified electors.young general thereon at the special election held on ...................................................... 19 ........ ', m accordance with ~he appli- annual cable provisions of law. (Subject to permissive referendum and finaI adoption because no valid petition filed requesting referendum. 4.~ I hereby certif~ that-th~ In'al la'ff annbxed' het:ei6, ~des~gnated a'~ l'ocal law Nb ................... of i9 .......... County City of the T6wn of ...................................... was duly passed by the ................................................................................ en Village not disapproved ...................................................... 19 ........ and was anoroved by the ......................................................... on repassed after disapproval ~:le.tivh Chief Executive Officer .............................................................. 19 ......... Such local law being subject to a permissive re£erendum and an valid petition reouesting such referendum having been filed, said local law was deemed duhy adopted en ...................................................................... 19 ........ , in accordance with the applicable [movisions of law. *Electiw~. Chief Executive Officer means or includes the chief i~xeeutive officer ufa county elected on a count}-wide basis or if there be mine the chairman of the huard o[ supervisors, the mayor city or vHlaae nr the supervisor nfa town, where such officer is vested with pnwer to apprnve veto ]oeal laws ,r ordinanees. ~IV~ITIt, TASt~t~i~. FiNKELSTEIAY ~ LUNDBERG ATTO~T~EYS ~T~D COUNSELORS ~kT I~W 425 ~IAIN STREET 1Viay 11, I966 Hon. LesterlM. Aibertson Supervisor of the Town of Southold 1 6 South Street Greenpor~,. New York Re: Extension of Boundaries of Village of Greenport Dear Sir: I have checked the description in the resolution adopted by the To%vn Board on May 10, 1966, and the same conforms to the map prepared by Otto W. Van TuyI dated October 27, 1965~ entilled "Map of Proposed Annexation of the Village of Greenport". Accordingly, 11 approve of the resoIution insofar as the description contained therein is concerned. R WT: MY CC: Hon. Albert W Richmond Southold Town Clerk Yours very truly, RO W. TASKI~.R Southold Towu Attorney Southold Town. Planning Board SOUTHDLD, L. I., M. Y~ PLANNIN~ BOARD MEMBEP. S John ~f/ic~hern. Chairman Henry Moisa A~fred ~ebe Archibald Youn~ ~ll~em Unkelhac~ REPORT TO: Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York March 3~ 1966 Re: Proposed annexation to the Village of G~eenport Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on March 1, 1966: "On motion by Mr. Moisa, seconded by Mr. Grebe~ it was "RESOLVED: WHEREAS the Southold Town Board has requested the Southold Town Planning Board to make a recommendation on the proposed annexation to the Village of Greenport as shown on the map by Otto Van Tuyl & Son, dated October 27, 1965~ and "WHEREAS the Southold Town-Planning Board has met with the Greenport Village Planning Board to discuss this proposal~ "NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board recommend to the Southold Town Board the land of the Village of Greenpnrt as shown on a certainmmap by Otto Van Tuyl & Son, engineers and surveyors, dated October 27~ 1965 be annexed within the Village limits of the VilIage of Greenport; "IT IS FURTHER RECOMMENDED that other lands beginning at the present westerly Village line on the North side of Front Street Bain Road-State Road 2~) and running westerly along the northerly side of said Main Road to the westerly limits of the Village of Greer~port property at Pell=s Garage; thence northerly to the southerly line of the North Road (County Road No. 27); thence easterly along the southerly line of said County Road NOo 27 to the westerly side of Moore's Lane~ thence (City [ucal law concerning Charter rewsian proposed by petition.) 5. I hereby certify that the 16cal law annexed hereto, designated as local law No ....... ; ............. of 19 ........ of the City of .......................................................................... having been submitted to referendum pursuant to the previsions of ~ ~ of the Municipal Home Rule Law and having received the affirmative vote of a majority _ special of the qualified electors of such city voting thereon at the general election held on 'the .................................. ................ 19 ............ :became operative. (If any other authorized form of final adoption has been followed, please provide an appropriate I further certify that I have compared the precedinglocal law with the original on file in this office and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whote of such original local law, and was finally adopted in the manner indicated in paragraph ......... ~. ................ above. Clerk of the Board of S~pervisors~ City, Town or V~Clerk or Officer (Seal) (Certification to he executed by County Attorney, Carporatian:CaunseL Tawn A.ttorney, YfHage Attarney or vther authorized Attorney o£ localityo) STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ..~'~:.~'~x~ ......................... I, t-he undersigned, hereby certify that the foreg6ing local law c6ntains the~eorrect, t~ext and that all proper proceedings have been had or taken for tI~e enactmeni of the local law annexed her6tc. ~ of .*.~e..e.~.~.q~ .................................. Report To Southold TownI Board March 3~ 1966 southe~rly to a point.where a direct extension of Washington Avenue would intersect Moore's Lane; thence easterly on the southerly line of Washington Avenue extended to the present Village Line. Said l~n~s~ not shown on the aforesaid map, shOui~ also be i~clud~d Within the VitZ~9~ limits ,of the village o~f~Greenp0r~ ~as~ ~oonas atl ~necess~zyl~gat steps ean be taken. "Vote of the Board:~ Ayes:- Mr~ Wickham~: Mr. Moisa~ Fir. Grebe, Mr.. Young, Mr. Unkelbach.~ Respectfully submitted, 80u~chold ~own ~lanning Board cc: John Sherwood, Chairman Greenport Village Planning Board Officers MAYOR ARTHUR LEVINE HERBERT I. KALIN HARRY L. BELING 0 Hon. Lester M. Albertson Supervisor, Town of Southold 18-South Streel Greenport, New York 11944 Dear 1VLv. Alber~so~: The Village Board hereby formally requests the Town Board to con- sent, pursuant to the provisions of 3706 of the General Municipal Law, to the annexation to the Village of the uninhabited proper~y owned by and adjoining it as shown by the description amd map an- nexed. We have taken the liberty of drawing a proposed resolution which is also enclosed for your consideration. Very truly yours, Harry L. Beling, Clerk By direction of the village Board enclosures WHEtLEAS, the incorporated Village of Greenporl is the owner of t~ninhabited la~ds ad.]~in~ng 'the Village in the Town of Soulhotd he~ein- after described; and WHEREAS~, the Board of Trustees of auch Village has requested the Town Board o~ the Town of Southold to consani to the annexs~t~ion lhereof by the Village; and WHERE~k~ this Board finds and determines that it is in the over-all public inlerest- that such annex~ation should be consented to., Now~ The~efore~ it is RESOLVE~), that the Town Board of the Town of Southold does find and determine that it is in over-all public interest that the following described prope~t~ of the Village of Greenport adjoining the corporate limits of said viil~ge in the Town of Southotd should be annexed to said Village; and it is further RESOLVED. lhat this Board does hereby consent to the annexation forthwith to and by the Village of Greenpor~ of the uninhabited real proper~y owned by and adjoining the said Village, described as follows: [ see rider attached ] DESCRIPT~0N: Proposed Annexation of the Village of Greenpor~ Beginning at a point on that course of the westerly boundary l~ne o~ the Incorporated Vil~a~e of Greenport, which runm S. 2v 10' 10" W. ~ 605.18 f~et southerly along maid wemterly boundary from the northerly terminum thereof, from maid point of beginningmrUZming the following 64 courmeg: (1) S. 2° 10' 10" W. - 1480.76 feet; thence (2) S. 78° 53' 30' Wo - 139.29 feet; thence (3) S. 14° 29w E. - 120.45 feet; thence (4) N. 83° 19' 00" Wo - 2~.04 feet; thence (5) S. 14° 46' 40" W. - 3.29 feet; thence (6) N. 75° 13' 20" W. - 123.32 feet; thence (7)N. 14° 46' 40" E. - 337.5~ feet; thence (8) N. 87° 17~ 20" ~. - 541.04 feet; thence (9) S. 10° 57' 30" W. - 250.0 feet; thence (10) No 79° 02' 30" W. 418.26 feet; thence (11) S. 2° 4~' 50" W. 77.48 feeS; thence (12) N. 89° 37' 40" W. 330.67 feet; thence (13)S. 2° 42' 40" W. - 813.~ feet; thence (14) N. 89° 21' 30" E. 300.0 feet; thence (15) S. 2° 05~ 00" W. - 227°65 feet; thence (16) $. 89° 41' 30" W. - 302.39 feet; thence (17) ~. 2° 42' 40" W. - 300.33 feet; thence (18) S. 77° 50' ~0" W. - 51.~8 feet; thence Page 2 , , o 57~ ~n~ ~; thence (22} No 82© 2a~ 50" We - 288.30 Fe~; thence {2~ $o 1° 56~ >0" So ~5.0 feet; ~hence ~2b) So ??o 56' 00" W.~'~0.0 Feet., thence (25) N~ 0° Ol~ 30" W. - 7£6o0 Eeet; thence (26) S, 77o 56~ O0~ W. 6~8.26 feet; tnenc~ (27) S, 28° O1~ 40~ Eo 596.0~ feet: thence (28} S. 19° il' 20" E. 138.22 Feet; ~henee (~9) So ??o 56' 00" W. 321oe9 Feet; ghenoe (30) No 85° ~8~ 50" We l?2.~g Feet; ghence (31) N. 79° 57~ 30~ We }93o~4 feet; thence (32) $o 84° 10' 50" We 338.19 feet; thence (33) No 66° 53~ 10" W° - 232.84 feet; ~hence (34) N. 41° 48' 50' W. - 1068o~? feet; thence (35) No 18O 15' 40~ E. - 579°26 feet; thence (36) N. 53° 49' 20" W. - 419.73 feet; thence (37) No 36° 11' 20' E. - ~9°0 feet; ~henee (38) Northeasterly ¢~ a curve to the right having a radius of !~99.39 fees a distance of 563.~1 feet; thence (39) $~ ~o 16~ 00~ Eo 343.69 feet: thene~ (40) N. 720 20~ 30~ E. 119.90 feet; ther~e (41) S. 22° ~0~ 00~ E~ - 565.72 feet; thence (42) S~ 69° 03~ 20" E~ ~32o54 feet; (43) N. 4° ~?~ 00~ E. - 671,25 feet; t (44) N~ 23° 27~ 50t Eo 241.21 feet; (45) S. 21° 45' 30' E, - 6.38 feet; {46) S, ?8° 17~ 40" E. 149.39 feet; (~7) $o 85o 51' 40' Eo 91.98 feet; (~8) S. 0° 45' 00' W. -, 308.0 feet; t (49) S, 80° 07~ 20t Eo 1011o71 feet: (50) N~ 0° 51~ 20" E. 1~17.61 feet; (51) N. 66° 19' 30" Eo - 280.10 feet; (52) N~ 0° 21' 10' Eo -375°0 feet; th~ (53) N= 62° 20' 40~ E, - 255.90 feet; (54) N~ 3° 39' 20' W. 433.69 feet; (55) No 55° 01~ E. - 37.64 feet; then (56) S. 4° 06' 10a E. 830.50 feet; (57) N. $4° 53' 30" Eo - ~74.24 feet; (58) N, 4° 01' 10" W. - 1106.60 feet;! (59) N. 66° 09~ i0" E. - ~00.44 feet (60) So 17° 15' O0 a E. - 1523.22 fe{ (61) N, 74° 45' 00' E. - 670.0 feet; (62) N. 58° 15' 00" E.. 71~.04 feet (63) So 16° 01' 50= E. - 235.8~ feet (64) ~. 87° ~9' 50" E. 306.81 feet 13egi~m~ng. Co~taininE 250.899 hence ~ence ;hence ;hence m~e thence ;hence ~hence nee thence hence e hence thence thence bhen.ce ;; thence ;hence thence thence ;e She point of ~OL hid il MAP PABST "'- .... '~i~: -FO",,VN OF SOL TNOI.D ~ -~'- , ,,, ,- ,~ Jl: .- Ot. !.'_ .,..,: ,"~, ! -~ ."', ~ r.:, .... D VILLAGE O.,r''' t:,~tEiENPO~T PP. OPO5_ MAP OF ED ANNEXATION -FO TH E' VIt..LAGE OF G R EFiN POP.-I AR~A:2$O.8g~ SUFFOLK OOUNTY NEw Yo~:K SCALE: ZOO'=I" ( VAIq I.:'~L, $ $]M Z D