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HomeMy WebLinkAbout460442- 61 94 iO.eELL qre-rwa�e .� Z97 It/4 �eT6Ac.�(.YA<.ia�cd- o.G_,CpT.�i.�,'G- G.P_/_i._vT_ �� gyp _. ycb 11-1g-oy � f p TORELL, ARTHUR 33-2-11 5610 GG 'D NEW HOUSE - REAR YARD SETBACK 365 WESTWOOD LANE GREENPORT A 1a- a -0y APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman James Dinizio, Jr. Lydia A. Tortora Lora S. Collins George Horning BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 ZBA Fax (516) 765-9064 Telephone (516) 765-1809 FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 10, 1998 Appl. No. 4604 — ARTHUR TORELL PARCELS 1000-33-2-10 & 11 STREET & LOCALITY: 365 and 465 Westwood Lane, Greenport DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: September 24, 1998 and December 10, 1998 FINDINGS OF FACT PROPERTY FACTS/ DESCRIPTION: The subject property is located on the westerly side of Westwood Lane, Greenport. The property is shown as Lot No 67 and No. 68 on the 1965 Map of Eastern Shores (duplicate submitted) at Greenport, Section Two. The property was acquired by Arthur R. Torell, Jr. by deed dated April 24, 1971, which deeds refers to Subdivision Map Lots 67 and 68 (not by metes -and -bounds). The Map of Eastern Shores was filed with the Suffolk County Clerk's Office August 10, 1965 as File No. 4426 Abstract No. 5155. The subject property is vacant land and consists as a total land area of 46,214 sq. ft. The original sizes of the lots in question shown on the Map of Eastern Shores are 24,756 sq. ft. for Lot 67, and Lot 68 at 21,458 sq. ft. BASIS OF APPLICATION: Building Inspector's August 4, 1997 Notice of Disapproval with regard to inadequate setbacks under Article XXIV. AREA VARIANCE RELIEF REQUESTED: Applicant is requesting either: a) reduction of the 15 ft. required side yard setback to 10 ft. for the proposed location of a dwelling with garage; or b) reduction of lot size of the northerly lot (68) from 21,458 sq. ft. to 20,403 sq. ft, to allow for a 15 ft. side yard setback on Lot 67, which would result in an increase of lot area for the southerly lot (67) from 24,756 sq. ft. to 25,811 sq. ft. REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION, DESCRIBED BELOW: On the basis of testimony and record presented and personal inspection, the Board makes the following findings: 1. The subject lot slopes downward to the south, and a substantial part of the southerly portion of the lot is wetland. These topographical facts significantly constrain applicant's ability to build on the lot, and the proposed house is consequently long, i?age 2 — Appl. No. 4604 Re: 1000-33-2-11 (Torell) December 10, 1998 ZBA Decision t narrow and close to the northerly property line. 2. The adjoining lot (SCTM 10) owned by applicant is significantly smaller than the subject lot and would be reduced a further 1055 sq. ft. if the proposed change in lot line were made. The Board believes that grant of a setback variance is preferable to creation of greater nonconformity in the adjoining lot. 3. Grant of the requested setback variance will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or detriment to nearby properties because the proposed house will cover only a small part of the lot and will be set well back from the street, so that the small side yard setback will not create a sense of crowding. 4. The requested setback variance is not expected to have an adverse effect or impact on physical or environmental conditions because this application is subject to Town Trustees' approval. 5. Grant of the setback variance is the minimum necessary and adequate to enable applicant to erect a house while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood, and the health, safety, and welfare of the community. RESOLUTION/ACTION: On motion by Member Collins, seconded by Chairman Goehringer, it was RESOLVED, to GRANT the setback variance, as applied for, subject to the CONDITION that Town Trustees approval be obtained. VOTE OF THE BOARD: AYES: MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER (Chairman), JAMES DINIZIO, JR., LYDIA A. TORTORA, LORA S. COLLINS. This Resolution was duly adopted (4-0). (Member Horning of Fishers Island w sent g n of this determination. j GERARD P. GOEHRI GER CHAIRMAN 12/15/98 Approved for Filing 12/16/98 1000-33-2-11 O 1 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Gerard P Goehringer, Chairman c %� James Dinizio, Jr. W Lydia A. Tortora Oy Lora S Collins George Homing Appl. No. 4603;-'A STREET & LOCALI7 DATE OF PUBLIC H BOARD OF A"FALS TOWN OF SOUTHO'I D iARINGi September 24,1998 HADM65OFFACT V Southb3o Town Hall 53095 Mainoad P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 ZBA Fax (516) 765-9064 Telephone (516) 765-1809 PROPERTY FACTSIDESCRIPTION: The subject, property; is located on the westerly side of Westwood Lane, Greenport. The property is shown as Lot No 67 and No. 68 on the 1965 Map of Eastern Shores (duplicate submitted) at Greenport, Section Two. The property was acquired by Arthur R.. Torell,.Jr. by deed dated April 24, 1971, which deeds refers to Subdivision Map Lots 67 and 68 (not by -metes -and -bounds). The Map of Eastern Shores was filed with the Suffolk county Clerk's Office August 10, 1965 as File No. 4426 Abstract No. 5155, BASIS OF APPEAL: Building Inspector's August 4, 1997 (re -written September 21, '1998) Notice of Disapproval which indicated that under Section 100-25, the, two properties were merged as one in this R-40 Residential Zone District. RELIEF REOUESTEU, BY .APPLICANT: The request made by applicant is to re - separate (unmerge) Lots 67 .and 68 shown on the Map of Eastern Shores, Section Two by Board of Appeals approval for a Waiver under Section 100-26 of the Zoning Code. REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: 1. Merger of Lots#67 and #68 occurred with the Town Board's adoption (11/28/95) of Local Law No.. 23,, which became effective January 1, 1996. Prior to January 1, 1996, all lots in the Eastern Shores Subdivision, including the applicant's Lots #67 and #68, were excepted from the lot area and lot width requirements of the Zoning Chapter. The exemption existed for 24 years, since 1973. L The applicant submitted plans in 1993 to the Town Trustees and the New York State DEC to construct a single-family residence on Lot #67, indicating lot #68 as a vacant and single and separate lot. Page 2 — Appl. No. 4603(Torell) Re: 1000-33-2-10 (& il) ZBA September 30, 1998 Determination 3. The applicant has testified that he only became aware that the two lots had merged this year when he sought to reactivate his building permit. RESOLUTION/ACTION: Accordingly, on motion by Member Tortora, seconded by Member Collins, it was RESOLVED, to GRANT the Waiver of merger in accordance with the application for the following reasons: 1. Most of the Eastern Shores Subdivision is developed with single-family residences on lots similar in size to each of the two lots that would be recognized by this waiver of merger. 2. The two lots were created by subdivision and protected on the Town's Exception List from 1993 until 1997. 3. The waiver will not result in a significant increase in the density of the neighborhood. 4. No adverse environmental conditions are anticipated that would not otherwise be addressed by the Town Trustees or the State DEC. VOTE OF THE BOARD: AYES: MEMBERS GOEHRINGER, DINIZIO, TORTORA, AND COLLINS. (Member Horning was absent during this action.) This Resolution was duty adopted (4-0). GERARD P. GOEHRIN ER CHAIRMAN 10/7/98 Approved for Filing RECEIVED AND FILED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOW14 CLERK DATE 101715�� HOUR S' 4-500 ?A. Clerk, Town. of 'couthc :3. Page 7 - Legal Notice C September 24, 1998 Hearings Southold Town Board of Appeals LEGAL NOTICE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1998 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the Code of the Town r of Southold, the fallowing application will be held for public hearing by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS, at the SoutholdTowrt Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1998 at the time noted below (or as soon thereafter as possible*: 7.20., p.m. ARTHUR TORELL regarding properties known as, 365 Wes. ood ;Lane and 465 Westwood Lane, Greenport,, NY; Map of Eastern Shores, Section 2, Lots 4fo, and #68; Parcel ID Nos. 1000-33-2-10 and 111r as :follows: Appl. No. V03, for a Lot Waiver under Article II, Section 100-26 regarding an existing nonconforming lot identified on the Suffolk County Tax Map as ,Lot 11, Section 33, Blocii 2, which lot has been deemed merged with adjacent lot ref. #10 based on the Buililing Inspector's August 4, 1997 Notice of Disapproval; and Appl. No. 4604, for a Variance under Article )OXIV, Section 10072446 for permission to c struct dwelling with a side yard setback at less than 15 feet from the existing prerty line between Lots #IO and #1 as shown on the Map of Eastern Shores, Section 2, or alternatively a Variance for adjusted lot sizes of Lots 68 and 57, to reduce the square footage and lot width of Lot #.68, thereby increasing the nei'nconforming lot #67 for a 15 -ft. conforming side yard setback. r he Board, of Appeals will at said time and place hear any and all persons or representatives desiring to be heard in the above application or desiting to submit written statements before the end of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated. Files are available for review during regular Town Hall Business hours (8-4 p.m.). If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call 765-1809. Dated: August 25 1998. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CHAIRMAN FORM NO 3 p/ } TOWN OF SDDTH'UE \~ d BDILDING DEPARTMENT �(� SOUTHOLD, N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: September 21, 1998 Aurthur Robert Torrell To........................................ 377 Thomas Place, _ ..............'...... Wycoff, New Jersey. .07481 July 30 9& PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated 19.,.... for permit to construct. a. ...... ...... single family .$....._...'-'........ dwell in .... at ................. Location of Property 365 Westwood Lane ........................................Green or ........ House No. Street Hamlet County -Tax Nap No. 1000 - Section ..33....... BLOCK .2 ........ LOT .1I.......... Subdivision ............................... Filed Map No. ......... Lot No. ....... is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds .............................. Under Article Il, .Section 100-25A, a non -conforming lot (SCTMI1000-33 2-11) shall merge with an adjacent conforming or non -conforming lot (SCTM$1000-33-2-10) which has been held in common ownership at_ an time_ after July. 1, _ 1983 _ ; s}nc� . t11g .loCS ttave AAxgrA)ppF, -Article.. IISection_ 100; 24A: 1 the _ propgs@ct _q;�a4;qq _q> , _RQK .14CS ytQu7 d �ioJL the Bulk Schedule AA2 as of the date of lot creation. ............................................................................................ ......_.................................................................................... o ......................_;/'-�............................ ...... .. ........ BUILDING INSPECT0 RV 1/80 o- • �,&G(tL'ti� _ FORM NO. 3 1 ' T01VN OI' SOUTIIOLD —yamBUILDING DEPARTMENT— TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE 1 . l7, r- IN SOUTHOLD, N.Y. I NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL Date AUGUST. A ................... 19 97. . To ...ARTIiUR ROBERT TORRELL..... ..../-Jol- 9GI1-30`�3 377 THOMAS PLACE WYCOFF, N.J. 07481 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated JUNE _27,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , 19 97.. . for permit toCONSTRUCT A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING .................................... at Location of Property 365'WESTWOOD LANE GREENPORT . ..... .........................S....................ii ... . Nouse Na, treer 02 Nam7et County Tax Map No. 1000 Section .... 33........ Block .............. Subdivision ................. Filed Map No. ................ Lot No........-. is returned herewith and disapproved on the followin.- °rounds A NONCONFORMING. LOT. SHALL..... . i MERGE WITH AN ADJACENTCONFORMING OR NON-CONFORMING LOT WHICH HAS BEEN HELD IN COMMON OWNERSHIP WITH THE FIRST LOT AT ANY TIME AFTER JULY 1. 1983. LOTS TAX MAP# 33-2-10 AND 33-2-11 HAVE MERGED. ARTICLE II 100-25 A. IF THE WAIVER IS GRANTED BY THE ZBA A VARIANCE WILL BE REQUIRED BASED ON THE FACT e THAT THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION WILL HAVE A SIDE YARD SETBACK OF 10`. THE REQUIRED SETBACK FOR ANON-CONFORMING LOT BETWEEN 20,000 and 39,999 IS 15`. ARTICLE XXIV ... _...... ......,................. 100 ..244 B: ACTION REQUIRED BY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS. �i ..................................................... i Q ................................................................. t, / �.._.._. ing Ins..... pector /// GARY FISH RV 1/8O I, 0of 11 . LrORl7=NO 1 „oor k T$ OF 1'f hfii$ P. D r TOWN 01+ SO11711blob SUitSr'z'd , ... . . .... . ........... BI Ii.DING DEPARTMENT CNECR ......,».:...:............ TORN 114LL SEPTIC 179119 ..' .. ......... SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 TEL: 765-1802 NOTIFY: CALL I ixanined. ., 19. MAIi• TO.... ARn'M. ............ ...,. 19. dnt No ............. ... ........................ •• .. .... c�d Disapproved a/c/d.,P^ ... .. ........... 0kdIding Inspector) APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERIM Date. L .19C INSTRUCTIONS a, Timis application most be acdoletely filled in by typewriter or in ink and suimitted to the ikiilding inspector ori 3 is of. planns,_accurate plot plan to scale. ':Fee according to :sd�eduIs. . h. Flot plan slowing location of lot and of buildings,on,prenises, relationship to adjoining premises or 1x0ilic ' streets or areas, and giving a detailed description of layout, of property most be drawn on the diagram part of this application, - c. 'llie %*rk covered by this application ray not be cmmenced before issuance of building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building'Toapector wilt 4asue a Building Permit to the applicant:. Sudn Permit shall be,kept on the premises available for inspection throViout the work w . e. lb building shall be occupied or used in hole or, in part for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been granted by the Building Inspector: ' APPI.Icaim IS 1SRLa time to the building. Department for the issuanceof a Building Permit. pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable l.a.s, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of luildings, aIWitions or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described. the applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, horsing code, and regulstions,ianxl to admit authorized inspectors on premniaea and in building'f r necessary pectiion,a ignatu�re/of applicant. or acme, if a corporation) (Mailing address of applicant) 0 7 �° State uiretNeer�r'appliica/n�t is owner, lessee, agent, architect; engineer, general contractor, electrician, plurher or builde ............ ................... .... ............. Nam of amer of premises AFZ 1 f:' ...-Z,.. oAI.-L(- .. (as on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly autlx>rized officer. ...... ..................... ........ I..................... (Name and title of corporate officer) Wilders License No. Pluabers License No. Ciectricians License No. Odnez Trade's License Ib . .................... 1, location of .land on uhieh proposed work will be dcna..........................:.............................>..... Ibuse Nu,ix.... ......Street ' ....................... ........................ lismlet .. . . . ... ... .. �}} 7, f7d^svp�e dp CcxmCy rax trap No. 10Ci0 Section :.1.% .` •:��Illock ..�, , ... Lot Subdivision R37r� S Ff�!?5 ................ Piled Map No. ........ i.ot ............... (Nave) 2. .State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy ... M....... 0. .... z b. Intended use and accvparncy ... .(?..... .. G =. . .. ............... 1. K,ture of work (dick difdu applieah._): Neta Building ..,, Addition ...... Alteration .......... Repair ............ 11M) al ............. Demolition , ..... Other Work .... .. .... ................ Y .� (Bescription)..... 4. Bstivatet Cost ............ fee ..., I........ . (to be. paidonfiling this application) 15. If dwelling, :anter of dwelling units ... ........ tlatixr of chilling units o: each floor ................ - If garage, wd�er of cera ..... 41 ..................... If Imahness, cxmrereial or mixatf occupancy, specifynature and extent of each. type of use...,U.:,`4?.... Disensions of existing structures, if arty: Front./ ............... Bear ............... teptit ........ Ikight......................... Rxilmr of Stories ...................... Dhnensions of sane structure with alterations or'aciditions: Front ............... hear ............ Depth .................... lleiglit ..................I. limber of Stories ............... � Dhiensiors of entire rrew construction: Front .....7(. ........ Bear .... 1. U...... Depth IIeigilt ............. ....`..f.}......Hamner of Stories Size of lots Front ..4.41.> ......t. pear .....i1/idrJ..5.5.. Denth Mile of Nrchase'..................... time of hooter Owner ... Zoo or use district In uhidu premises are situated 4. GL.. .,.... , '. ......... Does proposedlconstruetion violate any zoning lana, ordinance or regulations Ale. ... Will lot be regraded ,.....1 i0''... Will exons//s fill Doe removed fr prem{ YESNO Nares of 0 roar of premises YLllt��?. .T /� l� Acklress �.702.. .. Nate of Architect Address ..."! V .. More No 140�$ Mire of Contractor ................................. Address .... .............. .........,,1111one No. Q� Is this property withlln 300 feet.of a tidal twetland? * YES ;.........( NO .jam...... *lf YES, SCUIIOQ'D WN IMIS EES pglUrf MAY BE DiC(ilRRM. FI.OT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, tdnether.existing or proposed, and indicate all set-baLk dimensions from property lines. Give street and block rmber or description according to deed, and show street nsrtes anis indicate ubether Interior or corner lot. C cu, C21 /Oro Sl'A'lis M N•W Y(XiK, M; MINI'l ........ � i--.L---,..,,being duty Swam, depusea and says Lhat lieis the applicant (Nan: of Individual signing contract) above tuxted, . Ile in the .................... (Contractor, agent, corporate officer., etc.) of said owner or cm—ers, and is duly authorized to perConp or have performed Line said work and to make and file this algniicnLim; Lhat all statements contained in this application are, true to the best of his knowledge and belief; vizi that the work will be performed In Lite manner set forth in tbe,appl.icstion filed therewith. Stwcnnn to before me tit{a ...... d.-.. a �,..d E ... ....19. . NoLary Riblic . 4 ........... ..... (Siam wore of Applicant) JOYCE K WILKINS .. _s u.....V .L Term RD OF NFAITF...../... .. ,� n 6 k#. FORM NO. 1 31' TS OF PL S ✓ . est �y u °" TOWN OF SOII2DOLD "SOA;EY RUILD'jNG. DEPARTMENT � � . . %TOWN 1tALT "" ,� n : " SEPTIC FORM .......... JUNI2Ti3t4svDToLD, N.Y_ 11971 TEL: 765-1802 61 DG. DEPT SO" T61W4 OF S r.S3,,, ." CALL,�2k t -8 11:- .}v! F t� 3. txadned.................. 19.... ', MAIL TO:................,...., Approved ........ 19.... Permit No. ................ .................................... Disapproved a/c�9n..%................................ _ .. _ .... . ./.....`............ . ....... ....... (Building Inspector) APPLICATION FOR 13UILDING PERMIT' / co 919 7 ..Date ................. .... INSTRUCTIONS a. This application mask.;be completely filled loby, typenariter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector,witlh 3 sets of plans, accurate plot, plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan sbavinng location of lot sod of buildings on premises„relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and giving adetailed description of layout of property must be drawn.. on the diagram which is part of, i� this application. c.. The work, covered by this application rmay,not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit..: h. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such `permit shall be kept on the promises available for inspection throughout the Mork. -' e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for am+ purposewbatever until :aCertificateof �Occirpancy shall have been granted by the Building,InspectPr. APPLICATION IS.F$4[M W=- to the Building F)epartmciit fort the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the 77. Buildingane Ordinance of the Town of Southold,. Suffollc(Camty, Neta York, and other applicable Laws., ordinancesor i Regulations? ? for the construction of buildings, additions, or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein p described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building. code, housing rode, and regulations, and to, admit authorized inspectors on and in building T. necessary inspects ( .................... (signature of applicant, or•name, if a corporation) 3 77 VO M4-9- P -9- LUF A), �7 , ..... (Hailing address of applicant) ©7 4-5 j State w[wther applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, pluhber or builder. Name of owner of premises AR`%!4U R 720 /3ERT ................................................................................... (as on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer. (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. Plumbers License No . ......................... .. Electricians License No . ..................... Other Trade's License No. '.....n ....._.. menti I. Location of land on which proposed work will be done .......................... / ................................... /-oT ;46-(o % mn/ uJES CU&OO 1, 4Mir ....... ........ ....... DaweCas Tax No. 1000 .Section Street Iiamlet%' y y Ta �p St.. .`1...... Block .... ........ Lot h�.......4`.�177..�A/.`}u-vrrepm4p) Subdivision iiS7 ft /Sj 9fZ S ............. riled Map No �Qf��-13:u�'✓Yot ..&.(... (Name) 2 State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy ._.op .......... b. Intended use and occupancy W � .. Sl . X74.! ..... I 3. Nature cif work (check which aptiticable): tJew uldin-.... L ..... tuldition Alteration Repair .. .....q.... Removal I)gm tr Boll Other Work ........... ..... (Description) 11.. .' Est iauted cost. .................. ��. Q. .:. _.......... , ....... fee ................. (to b, e* paid cxc filing, Chis apiplicat 1on) 5. If tk< lling, n ilher of dwelling units .. 6N' tlunber of d,a lling units on each floor. ................ Ifgarage, nnber of cars ... O ............................ 6. if Ixisiness, rnvaercial or mixed] oem ancy, specify nature and extent of each type of e- .. us /.. .. 7. Dinensiois of' existing strictures, if any; Fruit_&O N :'..... dear ............... Depth ......... _... IleigtuC ........................ .. Nudier of Stories ..................�../. Dimensions of same stricture with alterations or additions: Front ..`.V.O .. Rear I . ............... DepLh ............. ...':... lleijit Ikniier. of Stories R. Dimensions,d entire new construction: Front ................ hear ............... Depth .............. 1+ lleig�mt .. .................... MnCuCU. iier of Stories ....... 0 //._..2...._..._. 'L ). Size of lot. Front ��. .^..� _. Rear �.6t� ,?. Depth ....A7 3:S�. 10.. (kite of hudhase Iluie of Fonmer (Xminer ... ..................... :'. 11 Zone or use district in whicinpremises are situat! ed ..�iy/6tf�. fps �:�/y..!r.':j!- •-- 12. Does proposed constriction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulations ti O f 13. Will lot be regraeled Will excess fill he reawed frau praaises: YES . M. Mies of (kreier of premises :. ...:.................. Acklress ..:... ....................:.. l'baie Pb. .-.• E None of. Ard iltect��Rn .4 114 L.. / .. Address�0lib % .. _.. ...� til: ..Phone No. ... ...... t �>gs�� � � _ 5"/`6-7r7-.26 6 ' Naw of. C.cxitractor. ...... ..... ....: .:_. Acklress .... 15. Is this property Within 300 feet of a tidal w0 mel? * YIS .. m........ (�4t1i *IF Yxs, s1>Irnnrll Taal Imisns 1�.1tElrr myIE 1'1.01' DIAGRAM Itx:ate clearly and distinctly all buildings, iAlether existing or proposer], and indicate all set -b" dimensions frau property lines. Give street and block amber or description according to deed, and show street nanes and indicate ddmetlier interior or currier .lot. SlAtli ov t1m, wm, .::..........being Only swum, deposes and says that Ice is the app) .icant (Pare of individual signing contract) _ above canicnl, fleis the ........ ..:.......:.. ......... ........ .:............... .. (Contractor, agent, corporate officer, etc.) of said owner or (Ywners:, andis du Ly audlorized to'perfonm or have performed the. said work and to nnke and fide this apps ication; iliac all staunents contained] in this apptication are tune to'the. best of his luxaaledge and belief; ,.cmxl that tlx: work perfornedl 'a Che rimer setforth in the appLication filed therewith. ;)cxirn to Before art] 115 ..2... day. of . ...... Notary Pudilic_ F :_"�'/==-=> •- •--rte° _---- ROBERTI. SCOTT. . / (Sig; kature ofhl Applicant) ' NotaryPublic Slate of ew gosh OualNied tri Suffolk ounty Na 01 SG47250B9 , Term EiNlraa MaY 31, 9 TOW"OF St�llTH'OLD, NEW ` ORK L " W� zr. �, j L 3 1ST @"� I APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUiLDI1,JG INSPECTOR APPEAL NO. Town Clerk Southold DATE ........................ Tf? `T14F ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN Of SOUTHOLD, N Y Nome of Appellant 7 Street and Number � .. ... y ........1IFREBY APPEAL TO Mvrtilctpality State J . THE ZONING BOARD Of- APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF TIME BUILDING INSPECTOR ON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO, ..... ... DATED .• ................ WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO 90 g ti, .. . �............. h me of A(>,lrc t for Perm �rt� StreC1 o d NumherMunial !y ;State PERMIT To USE ( ) PERMIT FOR OCCUP NCY I LOCATION OF TRE PROPERTY .1.i?. .!'....:.... ... ?�dlD'. Street /1latnlet / ,Ube tx;W�Icl- 111strict ning Mop 1000 Sectlon't33� Bloc.1 °lot jjI ......................... ... ...1 .. ...,1....(.trrrent Owner Mop No' Lot No. Prior Owner 2. PROVISION (S) Or THrm Z01111NG ORI)INANCE'TPPFALrD (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Porogroph of the ZoningOrdinance number. Do not quote The Ordinance;) ta1ro _ 3. TYPE OF APPEAL /appeal is mode herewith for (please check appropriate box) Z U A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ord'+nonce or zoning Map { ) A VARIANCE due to fack of access (State of New York Town Low Chap, 62 Cons. Laws Art. 16 Sec. MA Subsection 3 ( ) rt. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous oPPenl (hos) (has not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or wilh respect to this property_ �� AVS - Such oppeal was ( ) request for o special Permit ( ) request for o variance and was made in Appeal No .............. ..... ...:.r...... .Dated ........... ..... .............................. REASON FOR APPEAL { ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance _ is requested for the reason that 1 still. ZBt (Continue on other side) f ,` i .l REASON FOR APPEAL Continued I. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces spry HARDSH4P�\hecause 2. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not sbared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and ip this use district because l j} i i i t 3. The Variance would observe tl+ spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE Cf IARACTER OF T1 IE DISTRICT becotijse 'i 9� STATE OF IJEW YORK ) ` 1 ss ...... ................ :....... ........................................ ... COUNTY OF ) Signature Sworn to this ....................... ......... clay of... ......................... i Flotory Public 101 REASONS FOR AREA VARIANCE ONLY (to be completed by applicant)': Do not use these standards for "use variance" or "special exception_" (Also attach sheets if necessary, with signatures.) 1. An undesirable change will NOT be produced in the character, of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties, if'.gr'anted BECAUSE r1d u3 e. �G � (J e r E"" 7 2. The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area, variance BECAUSE.: f C 0 9-G Ykt�ew7S t 3. The amount of relief requested is not substantial BECAUSE 66 ,�- 4. The variance will NOT have an averse effect or impact, on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district BECAUSE/ 7` ow� ', G41 u!c23 Sic �C v!� 2 5.- Has the alleged difficulty_ been self-created? Yes. ( No. 6. This is the minimum that is necessary and adequate, and at the same time preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Sworn to before me this 1ki_o= vazi te= {Appli^ant) Agent must attach written from owner. aJV8MAStAiMS MrARYPU9UC.3tMatNewYb* T TOWN OF S` QTWD PROPERTY RECORD CARD OWNER STREET 3 VILLAGE DIST.1 SUB t- LOT "W4 LA A/4 - FORMER OWNER N E AC 7 r 1 S W TYPE OF BUILDING RES. " SEAS. VL. 3 FARM COMM. CB. MICS. Mkt. Value LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS z 5z Uv> S2, AGE BUILDING CONDITION NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE FARM Acre =Aurereper Value Tillable FRONTAGE ON WATER Woodland FRONTAGE ON ROAD j'��✓ Meadowland DEPTH House Plot BULKHEAD Total DOCK /AA A . 77 _ _ JA rk4vvim vp 4vu i Il'11VU6U4 t'I21G V4E IV RIS OU0 CAM VILLAGE DIST. sup.;,LOT G� OWNER STRI ET J FORMER OWNER N E ACR: S W TYPE OF BUILDING RES. SEAS. VL �+ FARM CB. MICS. Mkt, Value LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS rf71 G AGE BUILDING CONDITION NEW NORMAL BELOW T ABOVE FARM Acre Value .Per Acre Value Tillable FRONTAGE ON WATER Woodland FRONTAGE ON ROAD Meadowland DEPTH House Plot BULKHEAD 5 Total DOCK 5e. Ak'R,r . . a... .. ' ... ry •.y y,. . t.A� .R .. Pr., r. f. '� �I p s• . SITE ' , 4801;. �q4' i. � �,• N11 KEY MAP x a C xh r Yy -'r eif Ham»Ak *,x d r r x � y Yk a �m� fir• �� y y y g _ iiE FASTERi FILED W CL ERIC'S .or, � "�7E'S`b� REF.�2El3CE�1 T`�) T�lE T..T+Jus �f3Pt3�RA1�l{C,CftS.�A7,G�ft.) z sou�i�tc�, riser - r, rN ` i n��t �+ •. vl m.� SITE L G: 609 Vol "`o e c 1 ZONING DISTRICT: R40 hr�-eA wE�ca•�cs o AaAa Pzv,�o:,L-!i liKE'LCi�/G' �o TOTAL AREA - 46,214 sq. ft. 3 - Or 1 0609 ac c 1 ZONING DISTRICT: R40 hr�-eA wE�ca•�cs AaAa Pzv,�o:,L-!i liKE'LCi�/G' 'S 1pt � SAO-' ca kV.. as r . , . uyg - Zoo• .6REP 5, E9 02 / i^fop p :.,.. 1,01 . 2 aEa A,'�„g 2 . a� I 0-0 I OVER �II } 8oe '. 'IDTE , LOT Nuiev?S R&EY TO ".VAP %r.^ EAS,,, RN SHORES - SECTION 2' r FILED V THE SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE AS MAP NO. 4426 OWNER, ARTHUR TORELL' 377 THOMAS PLACE WYCKOFF, N.J. 0748/ ,,• ' 2 • �F'Np E N�p�F �M9 • No. O NN 36O C MAP OF PROPERTY FOR LOT LINE CHANGE AT GREENPORT TOWN OF SOUTHOL D SUFFOLK COUN;►'Y, N Y" 1000 - 33 - 02 - 10&11 SCALE 1"= 40' MAY 7, 1998 I I CONTOURS LINES ARE REFERENCED TO THE FIVE EASTERN TOWNS TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS (N.vG.V,D.) :'. O. BOX A?Y; S(,71 !OLD. .ti. Y. .: 9?! .97-1-47 ZONING DISTRICT: R40 hr�-eA wE�ca•�cs AaAa Pzv,�o:,L-!i liKE'LCi�/G' TOTAL AREA - 46,214 sq. ft. Y.S. ' 8 Or 1 0609 ac �a3o -' 7 �o 'E 17%r!C' f�i::r`lEYjRS;..�. :r' I I CONTOURS LINES ARE REFERENCED TO THE FIVE EASTERN TOWNS TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS (N.vG.V,D.) :'. O. BOX A?Y; S(,71 !OLD. .ti. Y. .: 9?! .97-1-47 APPEALS BOARD MEMBEI' Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman James Dinizio, Jr. Lydia A. Tortora Lora S. Collins George Horning Mr. Arthur Torell 377 Thomas PI. Wyckoff, NJ 07481 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 18, 1998 Re: Appl. No. 4604 — Setback Variance Determination Dear Mr. Torell: Southold T6wn Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 ZBA Fax (516) 765-9064 Telephone (516) 765-1809 Enclosed please find a copy of the Appeals Board determination rendered at our December 10, 1998 Meeting. A copy has been furnished to the Building Department for their permanent records and for the pending building permit application. Please contact the Building Department (765=1802) directly for the next step in the building permit process. Wishing you and your family the very best during the Holidays. Very truly yours, Linda Kowalski 12/18/98 Copy of Decision to: Building Department NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1998 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the Code of the Town of Southold, the following application will be held for public hearing by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS, at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1998 at the time noted below (or as soon thereafter as possible): 6:40 p.m. Appl. No. 4604 — ARTHUR TORELL. (Recessed from September 24, 1998). Variance under Article XXIV, Section 100-244b, based upon the Building Inspector's August 4, 1997 Notice of Disapproval regarding a building permit application to construct dwelling with an insufficient side yard setback for property identified as 365 Westwood Lane, Greenport, NY, Parcel 1000-33-2-11, or in the alternative, approval of reduction in lot area for Parcel 1000-33-2-10, with a lot - line change to widen Parcel 1000-33-2-11 by five feet, which alternative would eliminate the need for a side yard variance at 465 Westwood Lane, Greenport, Parcel 1000-33-2-11. The Board of Appeals will at said time and place hear any and all persons or representative desiring to be heard in the above application or desiring to submit written statements before the end of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated. Files are available for review during regular Town Hall business hours (8-4 p.m.). If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call 765-1809. Dated: November 25, 1998. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CHAIRMAN 07'rCE 0-T BOARD OF APPEALS Soutlaold�Io7vn 3lall 53°95 -amain Road- So oad .S'outkZolG�.WJ -17-97" 765-18og ZBA teC. 765-9064 ZBA telefax. November 25, 1998 Mr. Arthur Torell 377 Thomas Place Wyckoff, NJ 07481-1035 Re: Appl. No. 4604 — Variance (Setback or Lot Line Change) Dear Mr. Torell: Please substitute the attached Legal Notice for the certified mailings instead of the one mailed to you yesterday. If you have questions, please call. Very truly yours, Linda Kowalski Enclosure vQ�IQ/1C°l. - Sicle Yi4xic ort,. tor L.;A)e'f, NOTICE OF HEARING UrSr NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, concerning this property. OWNER(S) OF RECORD: rl inwmt Tom -L k ESL DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: d qqec. urs. 1 I p � If you have an interest in this project, you are invited to view the Town file(s) which are available for inspection prior to the day of the hearing during' normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and BOARD OF APPEALS •TOWN OF SOUTHOLD o (516) 765-1809 34s wesTmoc� u, 6ree-A) Po g. r LEGALNOTICE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY;~ DECEMBER 10;1998 NOTICE ISHEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to . Section 267 of the Town Law and' the Code of the Town of Souiliold,. the following applications"will be held forpub- 66 the SOUTHOLD at the Southold.Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York ' 11971, onTHURSDAY. DECEM- BER 10, 1998. at the times noted below. (or as soon thereafter as possible):; 6:30.p:m. App1.: No. 3426 - ALEX AND STEPHANIE VILLANI (Owner: GERALD OROS This is an applica-. tion' f�ahimce under New York ,TownLaw, Section 280-A to esiablish'minimum specifmca- tions:and improvements for-sa fe,_ adequateaccess by, emergency and othei,�vehfcles,- over a pri- vate•right=of-'way'located along the north side,"of.County:Road 48"(aFg"roximately-1800 feet east of Mill Road);:Peconic, NY, ex- tending not, feet, thence extending easterly 292+- feet, to . appl'icant's 10`.9+- acre parcel identif ed .ori. the County Tax " Maps.`as1000=68-04-10.1 (for-. `. merly...6 and-10).;The subject right=of-way. area, is: locate on Lots•1000=68449,1000-684-20, , _ and. 100C=69-11-601`3. The'pnnci- pal.use.of tlie,10.9+= acre prop- erty:is proposed;for:one, single= . fhri& ' 1w' elling.';,; '- 6:40 tm.m.' Apel: 14o.'4604— from o.' 4604- fromS '"p"tenib''' 24;:1998);Vari- ance under Article XXN Section 100-244b,_ based. upon' ing .Inspe&6r`s'Aiigust 4,:.1997 a budang permitapplieation to constrict, dwelling with an insuf s..ficienfside ',ard"etbackforprop- :erty.identified_s'365 Westwood Lane, Gieenort, )\tY,•Pamce11000- 33-2-1-1,,or,inthe alternative; ap, provalof reduction in lot area for Piice11000-33:2-10, with a lot line change to widen Parcel 1000=33- 2-11�by:fve'feet�which alteriia- five would eliminate the need for - a side ,yard Y4rianoe at 465 Westwood Lane`;:Greenport, Par- ce11000 33-2=11,=-';'` ' 6;45 p iri-App1 'No'. 4640- KIM CAMPBELL:' -This is a request ` for a-Yariance.under Article III, Section.l0U=132 `based`upg tithe,`; 2 Building Inspector's August 2T 193$-TTgt3c pf Disapgioval of ,; liuilduigp Opp pattoriiiated July -7-,;:1.998; to', construcx,.addi tion-toydwelling:wi&-ah.insuffi= oient:,front.'yard:'Location` of Property:;1000=4=16,-Eastliaz- bor, Private'Road:extending off the East, .End; Road, Fishers Is- land, Twwn. of Southold, Suffolk` County, New York. Zone: R -120 - Residential. 6:50 p.m. Appl. No. 4639 - -JOHN AND GAIL MEYER. - This is a request for a Variance under Article III -A, -Section 100- • 330A.4, based upon the Build- ing Inspector's October 30, 1998 Notice of Disapproval regarding a building permit application for "as built'. accessory storage shed as located in the front yard, at 2645 Reeve Road, Mattituck, NY; 1000 100-1-44. - 6:55 p.m. Appl. No. 4631- LYDIA LAYDA. This is a re - .,guest for•Lot, Waivers under Ar ticle II, Section 100-26' for Lots referred to as 1000-103-14-10(va- cant) and 1000-103-4-1.1(dwell- ing), also. re: rred to as 460 and 600 Eastwood Drive, Cutchogue, NY.. -A Lot Waiver is also "re quested for.. 1000- 103-M-1.2, which adjoins :1000-103-14-11 (and was: the sub'ect of'ZBA Action #1810 rendlered July 19, 1973): The Building Inspector's September 2,1998 -Notice of.Dis- approval states that the lots are merged pursuant to Article II, Section 100-25A. 7:10" p.m. Appl No. 4638 - JUDITH FALBO. Owner, re= questing approval of a proposed Bed and Breakfast in accordance with•Article III, Section:.100= 31-B(14) ofthe Zoning Code, for the';r' n g of not more than three rooms for lodging, and serving of breakfast to not more than six casual'and'transient roomers, subordinate ' and inci- dental to the principal single- �,._ family dwelling use of the owner as resident. Location of Prop- erty; 2320 New Suffolk Avenue; Mattituck, NY; County Tax Map Parcel 1000-,115-9-1:' . ' 7:20 p.m. Appl. No. 4581- JO- SEPH LEBKUECHER. ;This is a . request, for" a Variance based " upon the Building Inspector's ..March 4,' '1998 No.,tice ofDisap- proval; to -'allow placement of- fences which -exceed' the height limitations of'Zoning Code Ar- ticle XXIII, Section.100-31A. Lo- cation ` of '"Pr "Propperty:. 935 Franklinville Road, -Laurel, NY; . Parcel 1000-.125-2-2.2: (Note: This'application'was amended by applicant to eliminate the vari- ance requestfoi a retaining wall stricture which would have ex- ceeded height limitations of Sec- tion 100-31A). 7:30 P'' Appl.'. No. 4633- W1T.LIt1M AND ROSE MAURY. This is a.request for a Variance under Article IIIA, Section 100- 30A.3 andArticleM V, Section 100-244B,based upon the Build- ingInspector's. September 18, 1998'Notice.ofDisapprovaL for, a Building ' Permit to construct additions. and. accessory shed, ..all of which will exceed the al- ovable lot coverage of 20%, and addition which will reduce -the regliired total side yard setbacks from25 feet to apppproximately 20.9 feet: Location.ofProperty: 3145 Minnefiiha . Boulevard, Southokd' NY, Parcel 1000-87-3- 35. :4p.4'A<7pl.: No. 4642- S CHEMBRIHMS. This is a request'for aWarlince based . upon . the 'Building Inspector's November. 13,1998 Notice ofDis- ' approval, Article)DC V, Section 100-244B for "as built" construc- tion with an insufficient front yard setback (ref. Building Per mit #25090Z for a new dwelling _ 7QQ17P,1 Q/iaiQN T .. ,...a._.. . rT port, NY; Parc 1000-53-4- 44.017. 7:45 p.m. Appl. No. 4624SE „ and 4625- LAUREL LINKS (Re- cessed from" 10/15/98). Special Exception for Golf Course and Related Activities, and Variance for ground sign. Sls Main Road, LaureLNY;.1000-126=7-1;125-3- .13,15 and 17;125-4-21 and 24.1; 126-7-1.. 7:55 p:m: Appl. No. 4635- DR CYNTHIA H. ICKES AND COLLETTE CLAYTON .This is a request for" a Variance under Article IIIA, Section 100-30A.3 based upon the Building Inspector's August 28, 1998 No - lice of Disapproval for a Build- ing Permit,to place an accessory storage shed in an area other than the rear yard, at 160 West Street and 531 Madison Avenue, Greenport, NY, Parcel ID 1000-42- 1-3.3. 8:00 p.m. Appl. No. 4637 - JAMES AND LAURIE CARNEY. This is a request for a Variance underArticle-RIA; Sec- tion 100=33, based- upon the Building Inspector'sSeptember 17, 1998 -Notice of Disapproval of a Building Permit application, to construct accessory garage in an area other than the'rear yard: Location of Property: Heathulie Avenue, Fishers Island, Town of SOuthold; NY; Parcel 1000=9-6.2 8:05 .p.m. Appl. No. 45937 ZARRO SLAVOTIC. (Recessed from Octob'er'l5,1998). Variance under Article XXIV, Section 100- 244B (ref. 100-232A- comer lots) as to insufficient rear yard for proposed dwelling at 12355 New Suffolk Avenue, Cutchogue, NY; 1000-116-2-5. 8:30 p.m. Appl. No. `4641 - MARY LOU WICKHAXOwner, requesting -approval of a pro- posed Bed and Breakfast in ac- cordance with Article III, Section 100-31B(14) ofthe Zoning Code, for the renting of not more than three rooms -for lodging, ``and serving of breakfast to not more than six casual. and transient roomers, subordinate and inci- dental "to the principal .single- family dwelling use of the owner as resident of property known,, as 1535 New Suffolk Road, Cutchogue, NY; County TaxMap; Parcel 1000-109-7-103. The Board.ofAppeals will at said time and place hear any and all.persons or representatives desiring to be'heard regarding the above (or desiring to submit written statements before ;the end of each hearing): The hear- ings will�not start, earlier than designated'. Files are available for review during regular Town Hall business hours (84 p.m). If you have -questions, please do not hesitate to call 765-1809. Dated: No_vember27,1998 BYORDEROFTHE SOUTHOLD;TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS GERARD R GOEHRINGER, By Linda Kowalski ` 1X-12/3/98(392) LK K ss: --ing duly sworn, says that coordinator, of the TRAV- public newspaper printed c County; and that the no- nexed is a printed copy, i said Traveler Watchman ................................. weeks ncing on t%e ............. p .................... .. ,19.... this of ...�...`!?%......... iL....... 119...1.. ............................................. ary Public BARBARA A SCHNEIDER NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No, 4806846 Qualified in Suffolk C Commission Expires 131/.,0&0 �BOARD'I ;�10TICE'L. Im . puisuaiif-to. S Town Lawi at Town.of Squf a�iplicati0 ... hchearuiggli� �� TO�VNBOA] :at i . :att$oho Aa°SiMo BER40.1998 below po$sib` O) r �m j ALEX•`"ANI VILLANI X DOROSKII: tion fora ;V, ai YorkTo, to egtablisli'm tions.andimpr ade44*i4cci and ,otlief`,vel vaie,if:4-i the north"side pal use Srtyjs.l from. ance� 100 ing:I Nq- -.-abil ' const proyalo�'re; Pai-cel 10W ehaiige,tij w 2-11''b'y,:fivi tive would•c. a side,yai .. Westwoodl -ce1I00031 CAMPBEL' for a :,Varian Se0t1Pa.-Ibi Building -In'; 199$I Ott! buildiniO JuIY������£ tion to "', Giant frb bo6.a .the East�Eri r` • ti r ;ngmeers' tailpoviile' :4 ring 1 2: 1ionsu hngse '= led posals; Ynust:, re= "} 4 ednorjai6i- l' au3:,00 .IYi,;.r, COUN'i Y OF SUFFOLK F � A ER: 199S-,�r 1 STATE OF NEW YORK ss: 1998!',zk,:.,of,tti' V ge; of:;e en brt " leo'e "e 'GIVE1`T; . , in area 'p- 67 -of th 67ioftfie i ikeds,RFPfD2'A ,idiGE =s Patricia C. Lollot, being duly sworn, says that de,ofthe' JECT(SIL'vER .:3 ,= followifig' Sfreeti.,G.reen it NY.3 };-. ; she is the Production Coordinator, of the TRAV- d-foi pup-,` j. =;} {; ,rr!•:T.f ,; tr r j ELER WATCHMAN, a public newspaper i'fHOLD IS Fproject`'uivo; es': printed PPEAthee; , I S`''w,;r; a; ,•-�r.�,o'r : at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the no- s, W I °5 5." asg lyATl er evie :oft5 year;.' � ti y• ,-.-.. -.� tice of which the annexed is a printed copy, 1 rk exishngT,PF�.... laps s 3?-- cost stimates or tie in - L; : i has been published in said Traveler Watchman ries'}iotecl " , vemerit.of an,etin�gg drain=; '; s: r'eaftei'as system-to`allev te•loodiju s - ' once each week for / floofl-r'one• of- � p- :,�. r�:,. Green-,•r.{;:- .-3`4�6�=' village: -;,4.��:�,.. ,�,` :i:--`�;;�,.: i........................................................................weeks �Price , 'HANE.; :...:.' r.. gjur Y } successively, commencing on t e ..... a`se_2- To:,d` i iERALD > : an " re;` �.,.:: , o; applica the necess :consthi tion . ides;New„ LVt ings;and: ntracZ�docu= of .... ................. .... .. ,19.... . on'280=A' s; -::prepare" e`=Bidocu,t day ifica.�nts.Terinit plications, and s f& -s fe,' ``fform others ices -normally nergenc �ocia_1ed,wi.. uchprojects as;; a,pri Municipal' a_Ibeguue [ed along ` , juts. is, a _Road;, �. ;;::-Piic ; n �< .'-,�, ;rtn::; Sworn to before me this of )`feei'east„ is �'o' Qvt edess ' ec-tion Q ;Jcpordijuation 9 J et; thence ge=order eview •- a ent ,1 P Yn? t,;feet;�to, ests <and 11 o he-4eivicev,,_ e parcel-' all as ciatedwi;the ��� ` y "" stwcho" ''ha a brf such` �. 01= for I ect as:'r ............ 1Glunici- "j::..Q uti ect,. and - re uirementg:;, Notary Public ',1 6820,.': parate` ces must, _e'pro- NOTARY PUBLIC, A. SCHNEIDER fie rinci= ' , d: for_ ach.,of xhe,;.three= " UBLIC, State of New York a ,re `rop=� ses of:# e;project!:`;:`? :.:. es le- rinfo ttonandZoieview:.;: ',` i No. 4806846 Qualified in Suffolk C . r xistin project desczip(ion; s' " o ;4{60",4`.=,; se co of 0avid: Aliatelli, _ Commission Expires esse0 ,; 96 " at516=4Z7 INV /\l�''''ax f �on•.• ,,1�i� Y• •H�y'Qrdeioithe:'= 1 heljYuild� "- - ., � Village of Greenport 'r43 "r ;�,' ;Board "of Trustees„ � t gaffl* "'J"7 D' . d -M �A13461 i Village' cahan_to,>�k hintsf ator..r� -, .,.,� , _:.*_f.�t�•,�1�-'12/3 98 39� 'a estwood cel=1000- iJEIiLICNOUCE ,; itiv'e; ap_ -, ,, e: is: ereb hy; given_ that - Yat`ea'for 11c'.Coun'tyDDepartment'. ialotline ' i?? ice • _...hold 1000+33-'' g;, xaiiiinations;on Janu altexna f - 3,-1 99_.whez'e,�pplications L need foi ?`a't 465 I mg, ccepteduntilDecem=,:,; io�it'Par , lA :' :. r: �;a. :•= 3, ;.,- :x, 1 chin 't;S)C,.Assets;& es' er�ns0�,+�'i: pkS$��ti r i it•:` 4 ogra' dsanagei?R;-��.�s4 i Audi" rl? Cliild; i tible:I13=�= S5600QTrt r r, alisl' Pit;. Cful�<_Sup oit�;i TV R s ! :gust 2,% inenf tlL"P r al•.of .�. �1is.Com=.�;�`i if=i=:: 1 ' h'ey'opip tHqu Ting; ,,i;.z iatets,;. Ciao Coinmiuiitylin citi�ad ement" oordinator;-qC; ' `insui=;, j gency.;S ; -,ices Dispatcher iiioni` of Einer c ySer�ices D' ` '` sagt'HerrIIPR;`, cords`Retent"on .: ,g o ;s ge 00, entat Siil;s d S hers Ise , am Tec ian O�,;Sd y N y a `hon wIn�wKodfice•-tlie- TP.Al71TPA }ntal eiriA spar i eA4�" . FOLLOW-UP and UPDATE FOR YOUR RECORD: b+ TO': All ZBA Members FROM: ZBA Chairman via ZBA Office DATE: 199$ Attached is an (origi (co of up (new information added to the original Town ZBA. file) re: Pending Application of Other Comments: I of Pages Attached: I—) Placed in Members' office mail boxes for update on / o 19% by YAC . -------------------- Board.Trans Ak t,." v P .., ; cT TEST HOLE STAMP Led efte -wen to this survey is a violation of •� 4k;von 7208 of the New York Stat• -7--, NIA ' OFic. vC'Z t 5 ZQ tAf1 t _ LRi�'� 'fir F:CE t: -.a lard sury-;yoi sa t•*d seal or: t cm ;.. sad seal shatt,tot be considered to ba a valid rue copy. . _AE f. t rte• _„ 1 Gr'arantees indicated hereon shall nm r 1 on, tc the person for whom the survey is _ • Prepared• and on his behalf to the title o)mpar; y, governmental agency aW CvP LA-_ ti : T; E L O Y 9 f..: ,%.'-� J': d .1 I" 5 landing institu_icn ,tsted hereon and , I tv the assignecs of the lending Insti- S.0 FS D j •__ tution. Guara ite:-s arrz not transferable I to add -Nona] irs;;tudons or Subsequent 1 • owners. _m�tavgy n — 10f Q G G ry Gam: w: rcrr � N � - _ . • � �_•• ell `C L,3 O O LU ID z p 0 kt1 V Z TEST 94OLE -- _ 2, �.. �i� �0� ,- !� _ - - _I pL.�L.• 15..4.. _,FL---1-,o--�ry.r= q i • ♦ V LU 0 V ' w Z \.�jr f1Y5 vEC ► `F2Esf�wATi_2: U1. fl 3 Q d AS iaE[fIV c A d✓ p..tJ�GA2i j i. U 191 \ �;c1. c'.`♦SCG£ .eTE ; 3' ' C� Z .. J + -AND DE`Y'ELC -I`ENT nn,LU Ak t,." v P .., ; cT J• ` F` �C&L-'�E- 5Q r == IJ Y I E�/f I g -.MON UM •� TOTAL Ai�tA, 106 Ac.) MA1'Z 1 16 , ,993; MAV. -Z3,1993. 24:1993 t.:OV.3,l4g3 AS �IJRVEYED OCT Ej2re, RODERICK VAN TUYL. P.C�„ LICENSED LAND SURVEYORS GREENPORT NEW YORK STATEMENT OF INTENT THE WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL' SYSTEMS FOR THIS RESIDENCE WILL CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS OF,THE SUFFOLK CO. DEPT. OF HEALTH SERVICES. (S) APPLICANT _ SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPT. OF HEALTH ERV ICES — FOR APPROVAL FOR- ONSTRUCTION ONLY ATE: S. REF. NO.: PPROVED: SUFFOLK CO. TAX MAP DESIGNATION: DIST. SECT. BLOCK_ PCL. l OC1C; � � , O � � • WNERS ADDRESS: 50 ANTHONY S-, QCER,�,I IDE,N.Y, 1,5`72 Ij REED: L. W/A P. TEST HOLE STAMP Led efte -wen to this survey is a violation of •� 4k;von 7208 of the New York Stat• -7--, NIA ' OFic. vC'Z 5 ZQ tAf1 t _ LRi�'� 'fir F:CE t: -.a lard sury-;yoi sa t•*d seal or: t cm ;.. sad seal shatt,tot be considered to ba a valid rue copy. . _AE f. t rte• _„ 1 Gr'arantees indicated hereon shall nm `,''�`fC�c' 3AT�.•t-'l = i Ertia� rA ' N.r-D ' on, tc the person for whom the survey is _ • Prepared• and on his behalf to the title o)mpar; y, governmental agency aW CvP LA-_ ti : T; E L O Y 9 f..: ,%.'-� J': d .1 I" 5 landing institu_icn ,tsted hereon and "Pee Post .atm I tv the assignecs of the lending Insti- J• ` F` �C&L-'�E- 5Q r == IJ Y I E�/f I g -.MON UM •� TOTAL Ai�tA, 106 Ac.) MA1'Z 1 16 , ,993; MAV. -Z3,1993. 24:1993 t.:OV.3,l4g3 AS �IJRVEYED OCT Ej2re, RODERICK VAN TUYL. P.C�„ LICENSED LAND SURVEYORS GREENPORT NEW YORK STATEMENT OF INTENT THE WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL' SYSTEMS FOR THIS RESIDENCE WILL CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS OF,THE SUFFOLK CO. DEPT. OF HEALTH SERVICES. (S) APPLICANT _ SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPT. OF HEALTH ERV ICES — FOR APPROVAL FOR- ONSTRUCTION ONLY ATE: S. REF. NO.: PPROVED: SUFFOLK CO. TAX MAP DESIGNATION: DIST. SECT. BLOCK_ PCL. l OC1C; � � , O � � • WNERS ADDRESS: 50 ANTHONY S-, QCER,�,I IDE,N.Y, 1,5`72 Ij REED: L. W/A P. TEST HOLE STAMP Led efte -wen to this survey is a violation of •� 4k;von 7208 of the New York Stat• Education law. Ccpies of N, s survsr-wp not bew- N 5 ZQ tAf1 t _ C L a YE Y- L M . t: -.a lard sury-;yoi sa t•*d seal or: t cm ;.. sad seal shatt,tot be considered to ba a valid rue copy. . _ GL A j 1 Gr'arantees indicated hereon shall nm -,WE,4u Y ' on, tc the person for whom the survey is Prepared• and on his behalf to the title o)mpar; y, governmental agency aW I" 5 landing institu_icn ,tsted hereon and Iff R.. rL1y-YSY I tv the assignecs of the lending Insti- S.0 FS D j tution. Guara ite:-s arrz not transferable I to add -Nona] irs;;tudons or Subsequent tfEA V� 1 owners. _m�tavgy — 10f 0.0 Azz S A rt D IT Gam: w: rcrr � ! � - _ . • � �_•• ell radioAr1'.toWeraAatenna-fall,un- pp`oNo'rthe isofj �ieless LY MRD` : .;. Comin}uuc� vAracle'XVI of This'is'a '-request'',+ the{Southold own.. q ingCode;;, x ss: I for a Variance u 91As rticle IIIA' t °' i -�whe t,is in nde .foie Sectign'-100=30A`.•3�foratiuilding�" vateuse, �an�6�vneriwholoperaf� permit autli�rizing:theconstruc r- tio�i}a_4 Radio tuier;a;3Li-z? g duly sworn, says that tion/location ofan "as built"ac-.': cense issued„tQklurP/lier' li -�, l4 `aordinator of the TRAV- cessorygazebo structure, which'­' FCC�for�tlicZse ofcoininti�= will'exceed-the•20%o;1ot`coveiage . nkat*, all=asz:par-jq�.,hi�s(her;: iblic newspaper printed limitatibnfoftlie-codeat825- jl-": bupine\Ss;'fw!h4c?locitec:�in Eount • and that the no- de s Li lit=IndustnBY' • `Zone�Dis� y1 Pa 6i:11000=56=5=26, trict?;' ,ced is a printed copy, alsokdov�m a , as:Lot#24;r-Wi11bwlPoint sx,=D=f'.f. 8:55. A' LN 582=ALI- r p pppp Qs;4::�.-,�- lid Traveler Watchman `7:20 ':m.ARTHURTOREE-L=,: YUKBASIOGLU" Co ct.' P .” a.,Tr 11F - regaiding properties known=a's°^ Vendee SoQuoKimz� curtgn ; €,.w•i;F(:ALNOTICE<;?,:.; :.; 65''Westwood'Flaiie;°and;465;-'.o ers:,...,, E and: THET" SOUTHOLD�TOWN-BOARD. BER. `RA lic' `'�' r.,e Lane SG NY,=.; SC .� P t,is9 t ..6_7. .............weeks z, OF APPEALS; : s.1 xR l€ astern' h ePe p ; P .i............ stwoo orf;= ,D of s� �n e a AY;,'i:: -, 2, Lots #67 and,, 68` Paicel ID:��' Rvers � Buildin'�7ns ecto s`;_. n g:. P 3 �' �'SEPTEMBER24;1Q98`; t. y. Nos. 1000-33-2=10'audT1 ; . Apel •1 : '•8 N"tic of isa ,ing on the ... ......... S L as;fol�.: ilk ..>=0, D p_`-- OTI lows -. j t l l:'F i s'v�s3r? ::7 7', * Y i ro , ":ii%.w ch,a canfa Q� ,•, �r;HEREB.Y,GIVEN._ ,.. �� P PPS .". PPS? ::`�`::'�f�y..1�" Y, A 1No`:"4603 fora Lot to :us_e'_ remises; an; automo •• purspantj;tonSectign`267f'of tli PP. :P; Y Waiver dei. dr. Section Tbwn°Law"and'ifi Code' e; un bile service,. tatiori,,witli gasp Torwx outlioWIlied'ollo�ving . � 2.6 reg'ardingr_saA:existing Pumgsr�Thoe uildiuglimpectgi;. i FPI ecarri ns lithe' OU I Ii0 D� ' K the S ff llco�inty `I a�e,Mq on a as cation undedthec ebXXIV' Sec r ` .. ............... -ti, �a TOWN,BOARD'OFAPPEAI S'` Lot�ll�Section}33-Block2,which_ tiopQz4 ii=for-,tlie;,easonttlt of the"SoutlioldToy a '=53095; . _ lost as been deemed;,ngerged with thoprpoSe; ............... day Of N f111, COntu7. is . ew.York ad'acen ,Yo ref #.10b 1VIainR*ga� ,Soutl�otd,`N' �1` tt 3..,r,, sedF9n.-uedindri ifQmung•use'inFthis;',c 1197x1, on THi7RSDAY =SER= the Biiding fIr;s ecfor€ Aii st. R-4.0 . o-Sv-De i TEMBER24; Nbtice�P '' L ris xy:tgsidenhal�;, ...... ... .... 1'998 at�tfie; imes:=4ndi99 „,�; :,-i4 i�aPl? bvaly 3 Distri4:;wd s.tliere€Qiitlolonge% ... 9...... note, bloyv (o'as•"s"soon.tli eaf--` a a., ,' , 1 ' r., ;r';F : permitted iuiilessa yari c. 1 teras,pos'� Appl •>o; 4604; fdr.\a,Vatiance `� ' grantediliy the Bdard bAppeals:l " 10 0`lP m_. Appl',IVo. 494,der'A_ihcle};�ScttQnflO©� ;Locatign;o 0 43$U'ROute-- AANI FERRARIS. 244B. r:permisslon co titi'ct . ' 2 ' p } andN CIS Q 4 .. D j� 5 Caeenporr:nea Vlanoiioj.rdj........................... He froin Au ns dwelliin lth'a sid V jc x ° h .r ar[i(ri�pg_;contiiiuf ii t Y j e, and se ac NY 100035 5i ��tt ::ay is 3';199$ S A F4:2t: %r73Cia i gg !.' 4:•t.;1f •; . ' I.`' j v ;•. 1 " !. .. at than•��5'fee't om' a ex- i Public .. Jf '„ Yb', M'7a `'111eBoardofAgpealrswill'atsaai.- r<#+ 'istin ro luiebet. r'r s '6'35rp.m"Apel': N'o::4592=: g-P, ertY,�. en'I.ofs time lace ear andall #l0 and' ff1:1'`a jslio" ;`� P.. Y `= BARBARA A SCHNEIDER BiJIIDINGD wn' o thew �' EPARTMENT.: - ,. es desiiin to:; is a,R ue'st id. a .T•o W ' Maprof'Edsfe S " 'q �e ii> fiore's;?Se'etion : ' be-`rd' A Ye. pli r .7rARY PUBLIC, State of New York basis or D� ' ',ff INIBRP TATION. - 2;`oralteruatively.•a atiarioe` or' or a uin subriii" +� �y,� No.4806848 7 a. � •F. t �LL! ;, i 4 c Y �^'113 uA• �t. _ ttwrltWL•Ol:aw-i. s _b "tted b "t1i �Bi ldiri De- adjustedlot-sizes ot'La' 68`audM :• m ts, o ualified in Suffolk C i - Y , g` ell, be ler:ttie end f:eachhh ,� Q paitinenthy. its Diree'tgt'of Code : , G7;`to reduce°the quare fooXae ` '� ;h F' nos eat-A CommiSsiOq Expires31 f Q EnforCennent :.ask .fQr..':a De= arid'lotv�+ dt)i oflpt#68 theiebvv p8T' 'O''t�1'at.4-F � " a, " a ,I, 3i '•'i,g. .. t. �, j, t.< r? F:.r;.tri'i� li_f;.thein.:, •C'-'^" incr`easin the'no `cbnformm =`' tern}ination3ansv�erinp the quer , g: ?t ,- , g ` .:.:ableorrevielvg?ega]asTgwn:, tion "DoesArtcleyy� ee Loi #67 torKa;75=ft .c'onformin ` n, 7 � i 9i' �; fa;i. ti t �cc.• > 1sr l `;gzii � bl]S sil P1Pi a( P IIL):Ifyo11}: 00,125�-T� and"t�lea ng,•apply:fo; sine yard setli�ck: _ have questi lease do notliesi- vacaiif aii,in.4.4onlilg ;Djs= °'7:30'`.p.m. AppF'~ o: 460&` fateto-ca1170 $, n TH`O1yIO7Rr f ..: tY.• ti7Ct' ,i ' 3 .._ IVI:A J ' A s„=r c;r AND`.. :. Dated Agust25,”"799.8:. a.6 lQs : ' ' A l:`Notr4592='K.` MASTRO:SThi is a'Re uesf foi` BY, R PP:,. << ,•• .cif`; ?' i ORDtOFTHE ZACHARI:ADIS.,This`,`is a re= as Vanaiiceuniiei'AnccleIII'4 ` ; SOI1`IzfiQLDTQWIV- est foi ;3 ari aces; ( ); un$e Section l0p,239.4B #or mus n_ ,.. '-'BOARD.OFAI?PBA�i;S' sibii'to'extendfence'w c woul Aittcl rSection 00-294 _ GERARD,P:GOEHRINC.�ER,, for a eiint auto in' be at less than-75 feet:fr ts: ;. �1, g l? 1 ??, g.z' f r P.? Chairman, i i t y' .i r' , 'Y;; '9/3 98 277j; the "astinilf"..constiuctiou"of.-a -bulkhead; or aloe" bn cad at -deckaddition.,af airiuiiniuin=set=' 6760 Great Peconic"Bay Bodle= A "` back ofless, 'than'y5 fee't\fromthe vard;;I aiuel NY; Eacel 1000= fignt'p"ro`perty fuie;_aiid; ui% 12fr1.X=3:1J I �) , , derAnc�le.lII,:Sec"tion1000.33,for " "7:40p"".iii-A I--No,4607,.JON,., pe:.iussxoi%'•towlocate accessory SCHRIBRR= JAIVEROSS a '/,� e �S @ �• swimzn4Pg.p,OpLi'nanarea'located This is aRaquestfor a Variance partl}!,}n he.9 de. yarn; ;af;169� underArdcleXXIV ech�on 100 1;ittle,TeckItbad,: ;�utchogue; .. 244B',althpiizmg'.the`.."as built" NY; Parcel-_100¢103-5-2.2:ProF= raised brick terrace addition lo- � (a city Size 4x0,604 silrfE:' ; "� cated on`a 19476v sq ft. -non `• -: 6:55^pp m App1No 4599= conforiiun'g'- lot':at a'irbrif ;yard' PATRIMMORTIiVIER' This-is setliaok.of less ihan'35 feet R L6: a;Request:foir'a;Varlance under cationofPropert'1295:OIdHar Article .XXII1, Section 100=239; -bor Roa Cutchogu,N1; 4B for' ' 'Par-_-' :.(a� a.building.permit ali= cel-1000-117=3=10. _ •_ "' `'r thorizing construe, on'of:an"'as -7:50 m"AppLNo:4598 JEFF built"''shed -i iicl';(b ' perqussion GOUB ALTD.' This is a'Request to locateproposed:deck,'allata foriUariances�underAifi, eIIIA;=I' setbackoflss-tlian75;feetfrom..- Sectioni00-3'OA:3`•o'ftlie'Bulk°= the'kh6ad`afi:M4§-Paradise and Parldngg Schedule; or ap=". Point Road;}S-outhold;'NY,, 'Par- provaL,of,-a lbt"area of 23;638+=. `•cefi,1000.'''$.1LI alsolmo -as fl:: this; ro osed uli, : r8;. , wn;, 'sq.,, � r •p. p s dk�vi�s�.. -Lot bn°,the`Para'dis;6Tdin(.' slon: the R-QU Loyv=Density f Seetioii I; Subdivision Map:: €i ` Residei;tial Zone established:in January,11989;- regwre . a,nim mum r> - 1;iLEN°ZINIIVIERIVIANiSTliis is lotarea'of40,000 sq ft ;Location = .'a"Request,fot:4 Variance :uti er . of P=opperry; Extending from th Aiticle3;.Section:1.00f239,4B easterly",side ofiGagen's:Iand-- atidSedtion�1.00-244Bforperuvs- ing:Road,.and-2950, P,ine,Neck_�: sioa`to'constractideck=acldition: :Road,Soutli014 ;-,Parcel~t004�;;: with a'setiYack at-less than 35'feet 70-10-37.(63;638;03 from the`re-ar piop erryairie'and 8:00: p m:.;App`1 SNo less than:75•'feet.frbm°the,biil%� . ° P�IIMEIt�lI1�TES I T, C rTliisis.a ,� r-r Bead; at SO,O SbiitliT L ane;"fast . Recluest:�1'oi=•a .Vanance .uiidei F Manoii' NY'ParceN000.3& �clel,, 'Secfion<100 31A(4.)(b);:," ':i fOipern"f'6ntQCOnslruct Vein-;:3. '­7-05' : ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER off° Gy1 y Z OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Elizabeth A. Neville DATED: July 31, 1998 RE: Zoning Appeal No. 4604 - Arthur Torell Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeal No. 4604 - Arthur Torell - Zoning Board of Appeals application.. Also included is Notice of Disapproval with Building Application attatched, copy of survey, copy of property card, Board of Trustees Permit #4165, Amendment to Permit, letter from Board of Trustees dated June 28, 1996, Short Environmental Assessment Form and Z.B.A. Questionnaire -he N.Y.S. znvironmenzal Quality Review act requires submission of `orm, a..d an environMent_l review will �je imide Ly tnis Uoara before any action is taken. SHORT_ =ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM INSTR C^_=ONS: (a) In order to answer the questions in this short F_k it is assumed that the oreparer will use currently available in -formation concerning the project and the Likely i:pacts of the action. It is not expected that additional studies, researcn or other investigations will be undertaken. (b) If any question has been answered Yes the project may be sig- nificant and ccmp'_eted Environmental assessment Form is necessary. (c) If all questions have been answered No it is likely that the _ project is not significant. (d) Envirc=ental assessment L. Will project result in a large physical change to the project site or physically'alter more than 10 acres of land? _YesNO Z. Will there be a major change to any unique or unusual land -foron the site? es � m Y o 3. Will project alter or have a large er=ect on an eX-Isting body of water? _Yes No 4. Will project :ave a n_ot=_ntially large impact on grou-.-nater quality? Yes AO I. Will croject significantly effect drai=age flow on-dtace. sites? .Yes XVO 5. Will zroject affect any threatened or endangered plant or animal species? Yes Io 7. Will project result in a major adverse effect on air _ alio? rYes�NO 8. Will project have a major effect on visual char- acterof tie or scenic views or vistas known to be important to the community? . Yes YI-Xo 9. Will project adversely impact any site or struct- ure of historic, pre -historic, or paleontological import ssce or any site desicnated as a critical envirczmental area by a Y es .90 10. Will project have a major effect on existing or fut,=:re recreational opportunities? \ � Yes ""1110 T� U. Will project result in major traffic problems or cause a major effect to existing transportation systems? _Yes �o 12. Will project regularly cause objectionable odors, noise, glare, vibration, or electrical disturb— ance as a result of the project's operation? Yes o L-. . Will project have any impact on public health or sa:et_r? '_res o 14. Will Project affect theexisting community by direct_y causing a growth in permanent pooula- tier. c -f ::ore than S percent over a one-year Yes period or have a major negative effect on the _ charactr Of the community or neighborhood? l3. Is _..,.r2 public controversv concerning the project? Q _Yes10 rzparer' s Signat::r=_ • �f,(�-t �/ l ''e r`se^ Oat_ _�A S/-- QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR Z.B.A. APPLICATION A. Please disclose the names of the owner(s) and any other individuals (and entities) having a financial interest in the subject premises and a description of their interests: ( Separate s e t m be attached� ) B. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for -or being shown to prospective buyers? { } Yes } No. (1f Fes, please attach CC= of "conditions" of sale.) C. Are there xny -praposals to change = alter land contc=? { } Yes No i D. 1. Are there any areas which contain wetland grasses?�s 2. Are the wetland area own on the map submitted wish this application? 3. Is the property �e bul' `aded bn the wetlands area and the upland building area? 4. If your property contains wetlands or pond areas, have you contacted the Office of the Town Trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? ' 5' E. is there a depression or sloping elevaticti near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea O®75 $ level? �� (If not applicable, state "N.A.") 61000/-0 F. Are there any patios, concrete barriers, bulkheads or fenr—s which exist and are not shown on the survey map that you are submitting? _,dL61. If none exist, please state "none." G. Do you have any constructicab taking place at this time concerning your premises? AJO If yes, please submit a copy of your building permit and map as approved by the Building Department. If none, please state. ,: H. Do yoV-0—Ty1f co-owner also own other lap parcel? y s, please explain where of deeds . ��W � � (IXG� 1. Please lis'- Pres ,It us or operations cond parcel 0 �'9/` X,r9Y15 proposed use ,n ,�,,., p/,, j ,#A , CP ?_�,a%�z .�� Autzorized Signature End Date 3/37, 10/901k d close to this or submit copies acted at this and ^Albert J. Krupski, President John Holzapfel, Vice President Jim King Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel une 28, 1996 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax .(516) 765-1823 Arthur E. Torell, Jr. - 460 Anthony. Street Oceanside NY 11572 RE: SCTM #33-2-10 & 11 Dear Mr. Torell, The following action was taken by the Board of -Trustees at their regular meeting of June 27, 1996: RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board of Trustees approve the request for a second and last 1 -year extension to Permit #4165 for a 1 -family dwelling. Permit to expire August 31, 1997. If you have any questions, please call the Trustee office. Sincerely, Albert.J. Krupski, Jr. President,, Board of Trustees AJK/djh CC. CAC - BLDG. DEPT 9 a all in accordance with the detailed specifications as presented in the originating application. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees here - its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these presents to by causes i .............. a this date. be subscribed by a 'majority of the aid Board .................. .......... ............ . .......... ................................. O .................................................................. ....................... Trustees Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK j65 ..5./...2I .6.../93PERMIT NO-.... DATE: ..... ......... : ISSUED TO ...... _ARTHUR ... R. .... TORZU ............. . ... ............... .................. ............. ton Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of the State of New York, 1893 -,.and Chapter 404 of the Laws of the State of New York 1952; and the Southold Town Ordinance en- titled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS. and the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and in accordance with the Resolution of The Board adopted at a meeting held on ....5/•26/93 ..... °lland 19 .......... �3 in consideration of the sum of $...150..Q.0. ... .... paid by ....AR.T.HUR R.. .70RELL .......... ....................................................................................... of ...................... QneiApprt ................. I... ................... N. Y. and subject to the Terms and Conditions - listed on the reverse side hereof, of Southold Town Trustees. authorizes and permits the following: To construct a one -family dwelling with pervious driveway as per revised survey dated April 9, 1993. Greenport. all in accordance with the detailed specifications as presented in the originating application. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees here - its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these presents to by causes i .............. a this date. be subscribed by a 'majority of the aid Board .................. .......... ............ . .......... ................................. O .................................................................. ....................... Trustees New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Building 40 - SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11790-2356 Telephone (516) 44.4-0365 Facsimile (516) 444-0373 A r I � , , 1-2- 3 T43.,4s !'1.4ce �..� /C a f,C ,vim' OJ ltil-/o 7 vr 0 Michael D. Zagata Commissioner Date: 'ye J9�e r" � e � 2 � � 9 7 1''17-79-oauCroy_o Re: Permit No. & LOC tion: oSe -f 4., , J y yyt,.. (`�� 1' Dear - Your recent request to extend reviewed pursuant to 6NYc the above permit has-been extended to 1Part 621. -The expiration date is N Your recent re re iewed Quest to modify the above e pursuant to 6NYCRR, part 621. permit has been the proposed modifications will not substantially chaneen e determined that Of the permitted actions or the existing g e scope Therefore, the permit is amended to 'authorize: conditions. This letter is an amendment to shall be available at the the original permit and, as such, Progress. lob site whenever authorized work is in All other terms and conditions remain as written ten in the original . Very truly yours, / Iv. Af,- cc: Permit Administrator I ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLMNEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of - 46GL (Names of Applicants) r Parcel ID #1000- - - ------------- ------ -------x COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) AFFIDA OF MAILINGS R-i'ffap- 7-0e e L -t- residing ,at New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that: On the 36*kday of l/oO�'"4e-K-OL� I personally mailed at the United States Post Office in t e ani 1IS by CERTIFIED MAIL, ti RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTE , a true copy of the attached Legal Notice in i prepaid envelopes addressed to current owners shown on the current assessment roll verified from the official records on file with the 0 Assessors, or ( ) County Real Property Office , for every property which abuts and is across a public or private street, or vehicular right-of-way of record, surrounding the applicant's property. X7 / (signature) LINDA F. KOWALSKI Notary Public, State of New York Sworn to before me this C� No. 52-4624771 144- of �r+�Y a 19 / • Qualified In Suffolk County zooa T Commission Expires Nov. 30, 10 — (Notary Public) PLEASE list, on the back of this Affidavit or on a sheet of paper, the lot nu to the owner names and addresses for fvl:icl: notices lucre mailed ^+ Thank you. '` _6-1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC Hl-_ ING § 58-1 Chapter 58 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING §5&.1. Providing notice of public hearings. (HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold 12-27-1995 as L.L. No. 25-1995. Amendments noted where applicable.] § 58-1. Providing notice of public hearings. Whenever the Code calls for a public hearing, this .section shall apply. Upon determining that an application is complete, the board or commission reviewing the same shall fix a time and place for a public hearing thereon. The board or commission reviewing an application shall provide for the giving of notice: A. By causing a notice giving the time, date, place and nature of the hearing to be published in the official newspaper within the period prescribed by law. B. By requiring the applicant to erect the sign provided by the town, which shall be prominently displayed on the premises facing each public or private street Which the property involved in the application abuts, giving notice of the application, the. nature of the approval sought thereby and the time and place of the public hearing thereon. The sign shall be set back not more than ten (10) feet from the property line. The sign shall be displayed for a period of not less than seven (7) days immediately preceding the date of the public hearing. The applicant or his/her agent shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision. C. By requiring the applicant to send notice to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across from any public or private street SOUTIjOLD CODE _ § 58-1 from the property included in the application. Such notice shall be made by certified mail, return receipt roquested. posted at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the initial public hearing on the application and addressed to the owners at the addresses listed f h m on the local assessment roll. The applicant or agent t file an affidavit that s/he has compiled with this provision. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD:NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of (Name of Applicant) Regarding Posting of Sign upon Applicant's Land Identified as 1000- - - x COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) I, AP-7-I.Wr- . residing at AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that: On the I S+- day of NO2 ►m b ,19 ?f*-, I personally placed the Town's official Poster, with the date of hearing and nature of my application, in a secure position upon my property, located ten (10) feet or closer from the street or right-of- way - facing the street or facing each street or right-of-way abutting this property;* and that I hereby confirm that the Poster has remained in place forseven days prior to the date of the subject hearing date, which hearing date was shown to be (Signa re) Sworn to before me this /-It- day of J�eC _ , 1917L . (Notary , ublic) LINDA F. KOWALSKI Notary Public, State of Newyork No. 62-4524771 Qualified In Suffolk County Commission Expires Nov. 30, 10�oDd *near the entrance or driveway entrance of my property, as the area most visible to passersby. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY DECEMBER 10, 1998 NOTICE IS HEREBY .GIVEN, -pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the Code of the Town of Southold, the following application will be held for public hearing by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Southold Town Hall ,W.53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1998 at the time noted below (or as soon thereafter as possible): 6:40 p.m. Appl. No. 4604 — ARTHUR TORELL. (Recessed from September 24, 1998). Variance under Article XXIV, Section 100-244b, based upon the Building Inspector's August 4, 1997 Notice of Disapproval regarding a building permit application to construct dwelling with an insufficient side yard setback for property identified as 365 Westwood Lane, Greenport, NY, Parcel 1000-33-2-11, or in the alternative, approval of reduction in lot area for Parcel 1000-33-2-10, with a lot - line change to widen Parcel 1000-33-2-11 by five feet, which alternative would eliminate the need for a side yard variance at 465 Westwood Lane, Greenport, Parcel 1000-33-2-11. The Board of Appeals will at said time.and place hear any and all persons or representative desiring to be heard in the above application or desiring to submit written statements before the end of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated. Files are available for review during regular Town Hall business hours (8-4 p.m.). If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call 765-1809. Dated: November 25, 1998. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CHAIRMAN (516) 765-1809 OFFICE OF ZONING BOARD OFAPPEALS 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 fax 765-9064 November lf-, 1998 Re: Chapter 58 — Public Notice for Thursday, December 10, 1998 Hearing Dear Applicant: Please find enclosed a copy of the Legal Notice describing your application. The Notice will be published in the next issue of the L.I. Traveler Newspaper, the Town's official newspaper for 1998. Pursuant to Chapter 58 of the Southold Town Code (copy enclosed), formal notice of your application and hearing must be mailed and shall include a map or sketch showing the location of this project with the setbacks and use noted. Send this Notice with the map to all owners of land (vacant or improved) surrounding yours, including land across any street or right-of-way that borders your property. Use the current addresses shown on the assessment rolls maintained by the Town Assessors' Office (765-1937) or the County Real Property Office. If you know of another address for a neighbor, you may want to send the notice to that address as well. Please submit your Affidavit of Mailing to us by the Friday before the hearing date, with the post office receipts postmarked. Later, when the green signature cards are returned to you by the Post Office, please mail or deliver them to us. If any signature card is not returned, please advise the Board at the hearing. You must post the enclosed sign no later than 12/3/98. Post the sign facing the street, no more than 10 feet from your front property line bordering the street. (If you border more than one street or roadway, a sign is enclosed for the front yard facing each one.) The sign(s) must remain in place for at least seven (7) days, and if possible, should remain posted through the day of the hearing. If you need a replacement sign, please contact us. After the signs have been in place for seven (7) days, please submit your Affidavit of Posting to us for the permanent file. If you do not meet the deadlines stated in this letter, please contact us promptly. It may be necessary to postpone your hearing if the required steps are not followed. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, ZBA Office ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD:NEW YORK _x �______------ -- In the Matter of the Application Of (Names of Appli nts) J Parcel ID 01000- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) SEP ll4 - - - 3'�pe-Y AFFIDAVIT OF MAILINGS e)ry residing at r37 7� New-YoTlq being duly sworn, depose and say that: Uj Fr 0114-Fi da of X419 —+ I personally mailed at the United On the y At N Ark, by CERTIFIED MAIL, States Post Office in M IDL_, of the attached Legal Notice in RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true copy prepaid envelopes addressed to current tenon the current assessment cial records oownersshown hAsessorsor County roll verified from the offi r every property which Real Property Office _ ular right-of-way of record, shutc_�d-�• - .. • Z .586 480 066 us Postal Service Receipt for Certified dMail No Insurance Coverag Do not use for International Mail See �t�-piiD:A uAIiD�S Street & Number (C� �t Post otficp State. & C a Postage s Certified Fee �! l Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee `OG Return Receipt Showing to r whom & Date Delivered Retum Receipt 9-Mng to Whom. O TOTAL Postage & Fees co Cq Postmark or Dale t. LL N o_ H 0 I also wis settrvices (for an following i return this extra fee): 1 ❑ Addressee's Address d ture) ,es not 2 ❑ Restricted Delivery N lumber • ostmaster for fee. ne date Consult p cc LINDA F KOWALSKI 4a. A[<icleNumber �� G l�9/ ` try public, State of New York' 7v � , NO. 62-4524771 4b. Service Type 5(Cerlitied cc lual fieri In Suffolk County 0 lission Expires Nov. 30, 19 ❑ Registered ❑ Insured a ❑Express Mail 3 Merchandise COD ❑ Retum 7. D °t r ested - paper, (It,, lot numbers next A On 8. A res ress ( Entailed an fee ' paid •.. 1998 o+r trri Receipt 95-96-8.0729 VU""'_ e��zcrh tw _:- ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLMNEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of AFFIDAVIT Ol�� 1 OF (Name of Applicant) POSTING Regarding Posting of Sign upon Applicant's Land Identified as 1000- _ r I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) residing at N4w4erk, being duly sworn, depose and say that: On the r� day of ��-,19 I , I personally placed the Town's official Poster, with the date of Kearing and nature of my application, in a secure position upon my property, located ten (10) feet or closer from the street or right-of- way - facing the street or facing each street or right-of-way abutting this property;* and that Ihereby confirm that the Poster has remained in place forseven days prior to the . of bject hearing date, which hearing date wa hown to be Sworn to before me this / / �A' day of Seo � , 19g. Qa'(Notary Public) UN DA F. KOWALSKI No" State of NGWYG* No.62-4524771 Qualified In Suffolk GmNMy+ F.)i8 QvmhMIon res Nov. 20,10G *near the entrance or driveway entrance of my property, as the area most visible to passersby. OFFICE OF ZONING BOARD OFAPPEALS 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 (516) 765-1809 ,.....................................fa: 7659064 ...................................... August 25, 1998 '�/Re: Application Notice Requirements Hearing Date: Thursday, September 24,1998 Dear Applicant: �VZ7l��' For your record and next transmittal step, please find enclosed a copy of the Legal Notice regarding your application which will be published by our office in the next "issue of the L.I. Traveler Newspaper. Pursuant to Chapter 58 of the Southold Town Code, notice of your application and hearing must now be sent by you or your agent, by certified mail, return recei t requested, to the all surrounding property owners together with a copy of "a map or sketch describing the location and/or use of the property or new construction. Please send the notices by 9/2 if possible. Owners of vacant property and other properties, surrounding your project, along all sides and abutting the boundaries of the subject lot are those as listed on the assessment rolls. A copy of Chapter 58 is enclosed for your reference. Please also post the enclosed sign on your property at ten (10) feet, or closer, to the front property line, facing the street by 9/15. The sign must remain for a period of not less than seven (7) days). Once the sign is placed, please complete and return the Affidavit of Posting to us. If another sign is needed, please let us know. When the Certified Mailings have been sent, please furnish your Affidavit of Mailing to us as soon as possible, together with white certified mail receipts postmarked by the post office. Once the green/signature cards are returned to you by the post office, please file them with us. These will all be made a part of your permanent file as proof of service under Chapter 58. In the event there is any signature card that was not returned to you, please confirm the same at the public hearing for an update and record purposes. Thank you. Very truly yours, Enclosures Office of the ZBA 14 uHle�n1�/CE.� .t•SF.'aAcK 1�Ak./[�+•TL, 9LTN. pop NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, concerning this property. OWNER(S) OF RECORD: OWNE"Now DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: A Ifff - 7t,"4o P, 1*49, If you have an interest in this project, you are invited to view the Town file(s) which are available for inspection prior to the day of the hearing during normal business days between the hours of 3 a.m. and BOARD OF APPEALS •TOWN OF SOUTHOLD (516) 765-1809 0 CL (a a Uj .............. BOARD OF APPEALS Southold Town Han PO 18OX .1179, 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 -, Mr. Arthur:..,.. Torell - 377 Thomas Place Wycoff, NJ 07481 CL (a a Uj