HomeMy WebLinkAbout1145 ;z //y/1 77' q -~-- so 8. /a-, o7 --- —_— z Den TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ACTION or THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS DATEOCt.Ob2TZ6,1967 Appeal No. 1145 Dated October 9, 1967 ACTIUN OF Tlili ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To Robert Hyatt a/c William Wurtz Appellant Southold Horton Point New York Southold, New York at a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals onThursday, October 26, 1967the appeal was considered and the action indicated below was taken on your Request for variance due to lack of access to property ( ) Request for a special exception under the Zoning Ordinance (X) Reg-jest for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance 1. SPECIAL, EXCEPTION. By resolution of the Board it was determined that a special exception ( - ) be granted ( ) be denied pursuant.to Article .............................. Section ................_........... Subsection .....__................. paragraph ............................. of the Zoning Ordinance, and the decision of tie Building Inspector ( ) be reversed ( ) be confirmed because 7:45 P.M. (E.D.S.T. ) , Upon application of Robert Hyatt, Southold, New York, a/c William Wurtz, Horton Point, ,Southold, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300. Subsection 6, for permission to build an accessory building in the front yard area. Location of. property: north side, Private Road, (Hyatt Road) , Southold, New York, bounded north by Long Island Sound, east by C. Ocame, south by right of way, west by W. L. Mandel. x 2. VARIANCE. By resolution of the Board it was determined that (a) Strict application of the Ordinance (would)(would not) produce practical difficulties or unnec- essary hardship because' } SEE REVERSE (b) The hardship created (is) (is not) unique and (would) (would not) be shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district because SEE REVERSE (c) The var'auce (does) (does not) observe the spirit of the Ordinance and (would) (would not) change the character sof the district because SEE REVERSE and therefore, it was further determined that the requested variance ( ) be granted ( ) be denied and that the previous decisions of the Building Inspector ( ) be confirmed ( ) be reversed. J FORM ZB4-_. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Barbara C. Dittmannj S6cretary After investigation and inspection the Board finds that the applicant requests permission to erect a detached garage and storage building in the front yard area. The Board finds that the lot in question is a waterfront lot which raises sharply from the road and from the waterfront toward the center where the present dwelling is located, thus making it im possible to locate the proposed garage in the legal rear yard area. This variance will not change the character of the district in view of the fact there are other garages, in the -fiont• yard area in this immediate vicinity. - The Board finds that strict application -of the Ordinance will produce practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship; the hardhhip created is unique and would not be shared by all, properties alike in the -immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district; and the variance does observe the spirit of the Ordinance and will not change the character of the district. Therefore, it was RESOLVED that Robert Hyatt, Southold. New York, a/c William Wurtz, Horton Point, Southold, New York, be granted permission to erect an accessory building in the front yard area on property located on the north side Private Road (Hyatt Road) , Southold, New York, subject to the following condition: At no time in the future may this garage be used for living quarters. LEGAL NOTICE Fisher-, .,Land, New York, a/c Brad- Pursuant to Section 267 of the ford Burnham, Fishers Island, New Town Law !and the provisions of York, for recognition of access in the amended Building Zone Ordin- accordance with the State of New ance of the Town of Southold, Suf- York Town Law, Section 280A. Lo- A. J r cation of property: north side private } SS: folk County, New York, public hear- ings will be held by the Zoning Board road, Pennisula, Fishers Island, New';K' J York, bounded north by Burr, east of Appeals of the Town of South- by Right of 'Way-Burr, south by being duly SWOIn. old, at the Town Office, Main Road, Burr, west by West Harbor. . . . g Y Southold, New York, on October 26,. Any person ,desiring to be heard Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK 7:3 19on the following appeals: on any of the 'above applications 7:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), On the should appear at the time and place!;wspaper published at Greenport, in said Board's own motion a rehearing on above specified. Appeal No. 1140, upon application DATED: OCTOBER 11, 1967, BY of Robert S. Pascale, Rabbit Lane, �IOtiC£. Of which theannexed is a printed East Marion, New York, for a vari- ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD ance in accordance with the Zoning TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS i;hed in the said Suffolk Weekly Times Ordinance, Article III, Section 303, 1tO20 , Article X, Section 1000A, for permis- -- I'r • • • • • . • • `• . . . • • • • • • . . • • • • • • Weeks, sion to divide property with insuf- sliccessivEly commencing on the . . . ! .'-. : : . .: I ::-.t f-. . . . . . . . ficient frontage. Location of prop- erty: north side Rabbit Lane, East day of C T -( . . , . 19(.. I, Marion, New York, bounded ,north . by Marion Lake, east by Crowley, . , ,;. , . '� south by Rabbit Lane, west by Jack - Schimatz. Sworn to before me this . . . , I 7:45 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), Upon appli- cation of Robert Hyatt, Southold, clay of . . . . !!-. :•'• .: . . . J New York, William Hoo- ton Point, Southold, Neww York, for .- . la variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection 6, for permission to build an accessory building in the front yard area. Lo- cation of property: ,north side Pri- vate Road, (Hyatt Road), Southold, New York, bounded north by Long Island Sound, east by C. Ocame, south by right of way, west by W. L. Mandel. 8:00 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), Upon appli-', cation of Fred Adler 18 Lion Lane, Westbury, New York, for a variance lin accordance with the Zoning Or- dinance, Article III, Section 303, Il Article X, Section 1000A, for per- i mission to divide property with in- sufficient frontage. Location of property: north east side Lake Side iDrive, lots numbered 77 and 78 in Cedar Beach Subdivision, Southold, New York. 8:15 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), Upon appli- cation of Joseph J. Decker, Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 307, for permission to con- struct a dwellingwith insufficient . side yard. Location of property: west side Wunnewata Road, Nassau Point, Cutchogue, New York, lot number 299 in "Amended Map A of Nassau Point." 8:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), Upon appli- cation of Marian Columbus Club,' Inc., Depot Lane, Cutchogue, New 1 York, for a special exception in ac- cordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection 5 (c), for permission to erect a frat- ernal clubhouse. Location of prop- erty: east side Depot Lane, Cutch- ogue, New York, bounded north by Halecki, east by Zaneski, south by Bialecki, west by Depot Lane. 8:45 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), Upon appli- cation of Robert Waddington, Jr., i I&ftii 82L" swice or ' I t, xsuae+aatvOctivio 247 of t1io V"M Lsw *ant tis � CmrvYt*li~ of t *#woa dod bti14iA 000 OwdiOANAd Of tho ter► of -Sufffol* t;ok+ atyt Xow Vlmkl alit w ls.00sif'jo 'V111 bo hold t►y ttas Skming board of Of #lpa��o Tva�oµ?,ii Sot lA, at �,t�k�twy°wwm +y�tita���yan, HOAR fj� O,3yt II sout W vorke as he qq I � I Kp T. ;�y�. f.1�ly y�,���.. ,yy .J army,{ I6eR k TaRlM Rh' LMw a. . �! o.4 a4*e Soar d-a own w+M"a a Wob"ring Appa&z ito. 1140, UPM aPPl:"tio* Of sabasrt. .A- Ya<ria ecee� 4aft" 'AIN tear „Ot uvq a'dalso"of ,Nrtisl* 111, suction 3,43, A rtielas ='R, �'*CtiQu 1000^- sw+M ,povotaaa.l}ast to 41vuw proposty ,»its$ i ati°iciest 8r�etar�• it'711KitIe?1t ' ' Z :t ' a )°y a6`Rlom LANk*f waft t+l f roaatYa sy alit L*", .4st by ,f ek *00". I r Af s.llif tt.P*9,T. . t"�' re ra lest4an of Ilett potat, S atbe 14, New votkv tot !e vouriameo lean aecbrtimAmmm traf!" t%* '; kOrAsawwOo A tlaeels %if, SMri tlem 100, &ubs est;"o 60 tot ,pier" esus to buti'l " 0000 aeovf � sor+tb. *i" :Y' riv*t* ,good, ("*tt R rdl) , omth*14, Nw, Tbtht r atnortu ty Los% atslan E emmU4, *aunt ! ! I I south by 911ht, of *ayt :,,"t 4Y .L, 1dEiind*" Ja set" _2,. y�.�� of ii- M A4141, is Claud i.aal s, '+IRs!Gb4tryo tfftx. few a waarlosaaaa in I soj%14 styl,'�e 4-Mift&4 f'�#E4p 9pyp �, AVaa�l..3C'* �yL�. YyiiF,yRgf�MW@ WP f e!'M1i yWr •'SitMr�.btr+��.pa{M.�{a.�i¢�'MTRVQA, for t"Ise M "ViAe l '0 0 wove rty, aaa"t aa140 L440 "Ids ftsvo, lstaa °t"1 MA4 74 in C*48 r Paas visiaaae. ��{a.iA 6i Y.f ayRoi V.W.i! /a l`ti��"^ '°.AR'�iWw.Y�i '�Ai. V 91G♦ i3 CYt07C. l►ariaaat 00040 cv Y so" *An at r� to a "Ith " Slav 09* J►attisle lix. aaatti 317. tattaacP&MISsSAM to vowtsvct a *041I1a w!! t 17aaIWlfi+�i:�'� aalt8ua ;�a►r�f �.o+estiana �� � ii 1�@rk s sideUaaltJt *404, aW�i1 af�iWt• lot 333 Aaa 'urea SOO map Ok of vaaaNtSlaas Point. - 6430 V.X. vvwm OPY4"StAm of Malt al;taw col Ca:ub, sWw. . ~spot, Leah. cuttuWaguso New Ywk, I . %Xtielo Ytl. $400t"M 300* § {C� . tow vasolsoleft to aaaatast 0 U&twtaal x0votiou of asst aaidaa Depot "Wo.. cuto,. "Wr. V44% , taloa i. -Ost tty Lloyaat '.ala i i I � rLsh dlNlt 4014044 lww v4wk, 14W Witt" 04 At &$MWAR"" 41a the Stfsta Of s"Awk Tow& 1400# to • 4"44 of Poopmewo mmoth std o pw twttot . fto""t O r 1"6"* saw Flit, weaft by owm. tit by *4t of aar-ft", oowtb by us Ift?* I1y OWN& 19�i@q�' as� s MAY ARMALS MUS (7) +FdiFA or #"BlAt"WiPMllfTono sousswav Obb * * * to Ow fttlowuw so �S� lOS7c +tAlakftwo&"v o r1* 16 #""1* IV"%* &/a 4&MUM NiUM ft" PAlow 3. C, f , #rte 1qw"m colYak+, Sm. "but ^"Uwms4r,* *A as motakm 't! AttlA k {*os hdlg Visa* *0 Long 14 :}a� TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPEAL NO. DATE „October 9; 1967 TO THE ZONING BOARp OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 1 p�gr3q ,_Robert Hyatt A/C William Wertz PrivateRoad (Hyatt Road) Name of Appellant Street and Number ...Horton„Point,,..........Southold........................N.Y: ............................HEREBY APPEAL TO Municipality State THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO. .................................... DATED Q.C.tR.UST...9.....19.67.................. WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO ,RQb.ext.. iY.att....AAQ..V.1 .11.m..Wurt4... Name of Applicant for permit of Ii ,att Road Private Road Horton Point Southold N .Y. ...Y.................... ............................... .. "'."..............................t.......................?...... Street and Number Municipality State ( ) PERMIT TO USE ( ) PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY (X ) Permit to build an accessory building in front yard area 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY .I'�S ,Private„Road.. (Hyatt Rd) "A” di.st. . .. Street Use District on Zoning Map Hyatt - O.D.A.- Southold, IT.Y . ................................................................................. Map No. Lot No. 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) Ar III sec' 00 sub 6 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for (X) A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Low Chap. 62 Cons. Laws Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal (TdM(hos not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ( ) request for a special permit ( ) request for a variance and was made in Appeal No. ................................Dated ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL ( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 ( X) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance is requested for the reason that: The owner wishes to build a detached garage and storage building in the southeasterly corner of his property - HIS of Private ,Road(Hyatt Rd) Horton Point. The lot rises sharply VATard the center khere the dwelling is located and then falls off sharply toward the sound. The _proposed location is the best place for the building. Form zst (Continue on other side) 0 REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces- sary HARDSHIP because : This lot is a waterfront lot which rises sharply from the road and from the waterfront tward the center where the dwelling is located, thus making the legal rear yard all but inaccessable for all practical purposes. The proposed garage will be located in the Southeasterly corner of the lot behind a hedge so it will be pretty well screened from the road. 2. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in this use district because : this is a deep lot, that rises sharply in the center part. 3. The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because : Permits have been granted for other garages along this street at other times which are similar to the proposed garage on this lot. It will be used for private residential purposes and cause no harm to the neighborhood. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss ................................. COUNTY OF Suffolk ) Sign re Sworn to this ................... ........................ day of..............OctobeF......................... 19 67 Notary Public M LD:7Eo cJ;nNraAm JOiARY rUBilc, stare m i7e:v York Commission ExpresUMarch 30,c X4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPEAL NO. DATE .AbtcUr..94...1969 TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. 1, aw ..Robert..]Watt..A/G..William....Wwtz...................Pxivate..Road..(Hyatt...RAad) Name of Appellant Street and Number ..Horton..Point.#..........Southold........................RAT & ............................ APPEAL TO Mun is ipa I ity State THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO. .................................... DATEDOeteber•••94...1967••••••.•••••••••• WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO ..Robalrt--+Hy:&t .... A ••1� 1.1i8m•.•Vlkr"... Name o App scant or permit of (Hyatt..Road).....Private..aoad.,...Hartoa..Paint4...S*Uthold+..R oY. Street and Number Municipality State ( ) PERMIT TO USE ( ) PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY ) Permit to build an accessory building in front yard area 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY N/S...Private...Road...(Hyatt...Ada...............nkA ..dist. Street Use District on Zoning Map H3!ate...+....Q.eA.Axo......................X?4(................. Southold# N.Y. Map No. Lot No. 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) Art T,�..TT .040300sub 6 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for � ) A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Law Chap. 62 Cons. Laws Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal imt (has not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ( ) request for a special permit ( ) request for a variance and was made in Appeal No. ................................Dated ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL ( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 (x ) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance is requested for the reason that The owner wishes to build a detached garage and storage building in the southeasterly corner of his property + NIS of Private Road(Hyatt Rd) Horton Point. The lot rises sharply Ward the center there the dwelling is located and then falls off sharply toward the sound. The proposed location is the best place for the building. Form ZB1 (Continue on other side) REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces- sary HARDSHIP because s This lot is a waterfront lot which rises sharply frog the road and from the waterfront tward the center where the dwelling is locatedo thus making the legal rear yard all but' inaccessable for all practical purposes. The proposed garage will be located in the Southeasterly corner of the lot behind a hedge so it will be pretty well screened from the road. 2. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in this use district because i this is a deep late that rises sharply in the center parts 3. The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT becauses Permits have been granted for other garages along this street at other times which are similar to the proposed garage on this lots It will be used for private residential purposes and cause no harm to the neighborhood. STATE OF NEW YORK )) ss COUNTY OFSuffolk ) Sig na re Sworn to this .................1........................... day of.............QC.toter.......................... 1967 /././.�.(.�.....:`. 1...Notary..Pum Public / - MILC^,ED CHAPMAN NOTARY PU3cIC, 5,a, of f!ew York No. 520618100 Sulloflt Count Commission Expires March 30, 1928 FORM NO. I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT ^ TOWN CLERKS OFFICE SOUTHOLD^ N^ Y^ � � Enonnined ...—���.�~��..�. ]L...., l9.-u/7 Application tVu. .........,.....'. Approved ......................................... lg.... Permit No. ..^......,.... Disapproved a/c ....� ... ,~....—....—...`....—^..—.. —..^.....—.—..-..... ...` ��^~�^^~`�^�^`~^^^'~^^ ^^^`^^^^^^^^^`^^. (8ui|ding | d APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date ..............................O.ctnb8r,,�4,,,, 19_�7_ INSTRUCTIONS o. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted in duplicate to the Building Inspector. 6. Plot plan showing location uflot and ofbuildings onpremises, relationship toadjoining premises orou6|icstreets or nreos, onUgivingod*toi|edJeschptiunof |oyoutufpropedynuustbedro*nonthediogronnwhichisportof 't :hiopp|icu�ion c. The vvn,kcovered bythis application may not 6ecnnomencedbefore issuance of Building Permit. ° � d. Upon approval ofthis opp|icoMon, the Bui� oknhnsoector *i|| issue oBuilding Pernuit1nthe opp|/�cont �uchpe it shall 6ekept nnthe prerniseoavailable for inspection "throughout the pn��reosnf the work. � 'nn e. Nobuilding sho|| 6eoccupied nrused inwhole vri / part for any purpose whatever until oCertificate ofOccupo shall have been granted bythe Building Inspector. »cy APPLICATION /SHEREBY MADE tnthe Building Deoodmentfor the issuance ufoBuilding Permit puoo pursuant th Building Zone Ordinance ofthe Town ofSouthold, Suffolk New York and other applicable Laws, Ordinanceso Regulations, for the const,ucUonvfbuildings, additions -ro|te/oti'-nsvrfor '~' mmm| ordemn|itionos6c reindesc'/opo. »' The applicant agrees tncomply `withall applicable laws, nrJinoncs, 'building code and n��u/oMnns, Robert Hyatt A/C Wm. Wurtz : `. .... �^..�,�^.....�...�.~. ... .~.�.. -...,^ (Signn�uoeofopp|icun\ nrnome/ ifocoqpnroMon) Southold, N.Y.~^^^^........—.. ,. .--.,,_,`,,,,,,__,,,,,^,,^. (Address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder. ^^^~^^^^~—...—^...�coz���/�tu��.������eD�,,,_,,,,,,,,^_,,,_,,_,_,,,__',_,,_,,^,,,,,,,_,,,,^,. Name ufowner vfpremises `,,,...—,,..—...—.^—..^—.. .......................................................... . If applicant is o corporate, signature of 6u|v authorized officer. ~—`—^^^^`—^—`~^^^~^^^^~^~^`~^^^^^^~~^^-~^^^^~ (Name and title ofcorporate officer) l. Location ofland onwhich proposed work will bedone. Map Nn.: ....�����—...~.^.^. Lo� Nn.� .�K][—.,,,^ Street and Number ( ,/BYAttBQ.�Ad\,B0ZtM,�0int, ^ N�Y.,,_ M��i�|� 2. State existing use and occupancy ofpremises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: n Existing use and occupancy O�...fauiily,AnRiu_,,,^,,,^_,,,,,,^_,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,^,^^,,,^ 6. Intended use and occupancy .������.\f1tb, ��t��}l8�,j� ,i�,�frO1lt yard area�. .�....�~...~.��.`..^..`..` � 3. Nature of work (check whiopplicable): New Building ...7�=.....ladition .................. Alteration .................. Repair .................. Removal .................. Demolition.................. Other Work (Describe) ........................................ 4. Estimated Cost ............................................................Fee .... "'..... (to be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units ......norie ....Number of dwelling units on each floor ............................ Ifgarage, number of cars ............................................................................................................................................. 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use ............................ 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front ............................ Rear ................................ Depth .................... Height ........................ Number of Stories ................................................................................................................. Dimensions of some structure with alterations or additions: Front .................................... Rear ............................ Depth ................................ Height ............................Number of Stories ................................ 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front ........� -.�.................. Rear ....a�-.$.............. Depth .....3a-.8......... Height .................... Number of Stories ....one........................................................................................................... 9. Size of lot: Front ......1.25.. + ....... Rear ........... �.5..11;............ Depth .... �Jr..,:............... 10. Date of Purchase ........................................................Name of Former Owner ........................................................ 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated ......"A.'' dist ........................................................................................ 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? ......ye.2............................................... 13. Name of Owner of premises XiU aw...WurtiTr.........Address ....YiYa„t,t,•.R(I....Sontho�p one No. .................... Nameof Architect ......................................................Address ............................................ Phone No. .................... Name of Contractor Eob.t..Eyatt............................Address .....SA.U.thQ.1C1.................... Phone No. .................... PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed, and indicate all set-back dimensions from rproperty lines. Give street and block number or description according to deed, and show street names and indicate whether interior or corner lot. `c y iJ J r - r - z r rti TATE OF NEW YORK, 1 OUNTY OF .....S.Uffo1k..........JS.S. ...,...,.Robert Hyatt.....................................being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the applicant ..................... .... (Name of individual signing application) otor - & -a ent above named. He Is the ....................C.......nt...ra. ....e...........................�i.......................................................................................... (Contractor, agent, corporate officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application ore true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this .................g..... day of .............QP1.Q ?.2.X'................ 19... /gp ............................ ............ ......... ......'......................... Notary Public, .. 2 C�tXit 4t.Cc;;e a� County (Signature pplicant) MILDEE CHAPh1AN NOTARY FIJiLIG, 5.::.c ',v York Na. 5Z-Cfi18i0C tu;.clk Count Commission Expires March 30, 19 • FORM NO. 3 . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD. N. Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL FileNo. ... .............................................................. Date ........ ...........................0ctober.....�..... 19..6.7. To .RQD1,-1iY.att...A/..Q...Wa 2a1am...W�.UX.tz... ......... . ...... ....j outhald... ... .............. ................. .................. ...... ................. .................. .. .................... PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated ...................Qct........9.............. 19-67.. for permit to construct ..Pvt Garage,_,,,,,•,,,,, at the premises located at ro.ad......DHyatt..Rd).................................. Street Southold, N.Y. MapHY..att...-O.D.A. xx . ......Lot ....XX...... ........... is ........... .. ... .........Block ....... ........................... ..................... . disapproved on the following grounds ........aS ......i n...f ror.t...yard...area........... .................... ........................................... ........................................... ........................................... ......... ................................. ............................................ .......... ... ............I............... ................................................ ............... ..................... ....................................................................................... ---- - --r` t - - ......... - - Building Inspector