HomeMy WebLinkAbout3675 Main Street Feb. 4, 1960 Southold, NY Page 5 GRANTED special exception for additional advertising sign on front of Mullen Motors building, Southold, subject to conditions on Page 7. Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN RDAD- STATE ROAD 2r~ SDUTHrlLD, I-.I., N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal No. 3675 Application Dated September ]8, ]987 TO: Mr. John Bertani, as Agent for 1380 Oakwood Drive Southold, NY 11971 RICHARD MULLEN JR. [Appellant(s)] At a Meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals held on November ]8~ ]987, the above appeal was considered, and the action indicated below was taken on your [ ] Request for Variance Due to Lack of Access to Property New York Town Law, Section 280-a [ ] Request for Special Exception under the Zoning Ordinance Article , Section [X] Request for Variance to the Zoning Ordinance Article VII , Section ]00-7], Bulk Schedule [ ] Request for Application of RICHARD MULLEN'JR. for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article VII, Section 100-71, Bulk Schedule, for permission to construct showroom addition with an insufficient frontyard setback from the north property line. Location of Property: Corner of Main Road and the East Side of Cottage Place, Southold, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-62-3-20 and 19. WHEREAS, a public hearing was held and ber lO, 1987 in the Matter of the Application under Application No. 3675; and concluded on Novem- of RICHARD MULLEN JR. WHEREAS, at said hearing all those who desired to be heard were heard and their testimony recorded; and WHEREAS, the Board has carefully considered all testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application; and WHEREAS, the Board Members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question, its present zoning, and the surrounding areas; and WHEREAS, the Board made the following Findings of Fact: 1. The premises in question is locate~ in the B~l~Geheral BUsiness Zoning District and is 100' by 197' parcel of improved land identified on the Suffolk County Tax Maps as District 1000, Section 62, Block 3, Lot 20. Abutting this property along the south side is other land of the applicant herein which has been the subject of prior Appeals No. 3608 rendered April 2, 1987 and No. 3634 rendered June 30, 1987. 2. The subject premises is improved w~th the principal one-story building used for car sales and repairs, and two existing accessory buildings, all as shown by site plan prepared June 15, 1987 by Antonucci & Lawless, Yonkers, New (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO) York. DATED: December 2, 1987. Fo~ ZB4 (rev. 12/81) CHAIRMAN, SOUTHOLD TOWN OF APPEALS ZONING BOARD Page 2 - Appeal No. 3675 Decision Rendered November 18~ Southold Town Board oS Appeals 1987 3. By this application, appellant requests a variance from the provisions of Article VII, Section 100-71, Bulk Schedule of the Zoning Code which requires a minimum front- yard setback at 35 feet. 4. The relief requested by this application is a reduction from the present 33.5 feet,f~r a 19' by 29' wide addition, to a setback at not less th~Fn 15 feet at the northea.st corner and with a setback of approximately 20 feet at the northwest corner from the northerly front property line (along the Main Road). A 10-foot grass buffer area exists between the applicant's property line and the street line. The setback from the westerly front property line (along Cottage Place) will not be reduced by this proposed project. 5. In viewing the immediate area, it is noted that principal buildings in the area are set back off the Main Road at a similar or lesser setback than that proposed herein. 6. It is noted for the record that although provision has been made for the residential zoning district under Article III, Section 100-33 of the Zoning Code for similar circumstances, no provision has been added under the B-1 General Business District which would permit the average setback of existing structures within 300 feet on the same side of the street, same block, and same use district. 7. It is the opinion of this Board that the grant of this variance: (a) will not cause a change in the character of this district; (b) will not cause a substantial effect or detriment to adjoining properties; (c) is the minimal necessary and is not substantial in relation to those established in the immediate area~ (d) will be within the spirit of the zoning ordinance. 8. It was further determined that: (a) the circum- stances of the property are unique and are not personal in nature; (b) there is no other method feasible for appellant to pursue other than a variance; (c) in view of all the above factors, the interests of justice will be served by granting the variance, as conditionally noted below. Accordingly, on motion by Mr. Douglass, seconded by Mr. Grigonis, it was RESOLVED, to GRANT the relief requested under Appeal No. 3675 in the Matter of the Application of RICHARD MULLEN, JR. for the construction of a one-story, 19-foot addition as shown on the June 15, 1987 Site Plan prepared by Antonucci & Lawless, Architects and Engineers, and SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. That the setback at the closest points be not less than 14 feet from the front (north) property line [as applied]; 2. No vehicles between the proposed addition and forward (to the north front property line). Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Goehringer, Grigonis, Douglass and Sawicki. (Member Doyen of Fishers Island was absent.) This resolution was duly adopted. lk GERARD P l-- G O~E tiq~ I N~Gl~ R -,-~$qTR M A N December 2, 1987 '~ RECEIVED AND FILED BY THE SOU'I'~{OLD T©V~q~ C~_, ~,2 FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTItOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL Date ...~ &",,o ......... ICi }"]. , File No ................................ To .~.~.).-¢~&..'~ .. ~,,,xP~...~9...H :. ~ ~ .~..-7./ ...... PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated .. ~y. for pemit to constmct..~. ~¢.~...~~ at Location of Property ~(~¢ .... m.~..~ .~.. ~ .... ~%~ ~, .J.~.~. , House No. Street I Ha~, h,r County Tax MapNo. 1000S~'ction ...~.~.~ ..... i~lock ...~.~. ...... Lot .. Subdivision ................. Filed Map No ................. Lot No ............. is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds . -- · .~ ,.tX" '~, ....... .' ....... ~:~" ...... thtihling lnsp¢ct,~r RV 1/80 Be. eEIVI[D APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING NEW YORK INSPECTOR APPEAL NO. ~'~ (~ '~ H~-- Street and Number r~,,,~ ..... ........... TO State THE ZON,I,I~G, rBOARD OF A~.PEAJ-S FROM THE DECISION ~ THE~ APPLICATION FOR PERMIT ldO ..................................... DATED .....~.~'~g-~..:....q.~..!..~../~. WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO ......... ....................... Name of Applicant for permit of Street and Number Municipality State ( ) PERMIT TO USE ( ) PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY · . Street,/Hamlet / _Use District on Zoning Map Mop No, Lot No. Prior O~ner 2 PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordi.monce.) Article ~ Section too-T/ 3.TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for (please check appropriate box) ~( ) A VARIANCE to the ~oning Ordinance or Zoning Mop ( ) A VARIANCE au to lack of .access (State. of New York Town Low Chap. 62 Cons. L~s Art. 16Sec. 2.80A'Subsection 3 ( v~ e- U~,,r~ ~r ~r~u~;~cn~r ¢-~n~r. Hc~ra- ~. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal (has)~ been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ( ) request for a special permit ( ) request for a variance aha was made in Appeal No ................................. Dated ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL ( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 ( ) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance ( ) is requested for the reason that Form ZB! (Continue on other side) REASON FOR APPEAL ' ~r' ~ .... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1. STRICT APPLICATION Of THE ORDINANCE would produce practical d~l~neces~ saryHARDSHIP~ecause ,~-~ I-Y~LL.~[e~-m~ ~~ I~ ~~ 2. The hardsh p created is UNIQUE and is not shared by all properties alike in the immediate vic.inity gf th(s,prpperty~ and .in this use district because 3. The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ord narice, and WOULD NOt 'CHAN.GE THE "CHARA~CJ'~R-OF ,THE,DISTRICT because O~r' ~OL~(~e_~(~4' 0 ~ bo~ ~rt(~c'~4 STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss COUNW OE ) Signature Sworn to this ...................................J.~ ..... day of ~.~..j~.. ................................... 19~? Notary Public QUESTIONNArRE TO BE COHPLETED AriD SUBHITTED WITH YOUR APPLICATION FORHS TO TIlE BOARD OF /NPP£ALS Please complete, sign and return to the Office of the Board of Appeals with your completed application forms. If "Yes" is answered to any questions below, please be sure to depict these areas on your survey (or certified sketch), to scale, and submit other supporting documenta- tion. 1. Are there any proposals to change or alter land contours? · . - : . '' Yes 2.a) Are there any areas which contain wetland grasses? (Attached is a list of the wetland grasses defined by Town Code, Ch. 97 for your reference.) Yes *b) Are there any areas open to a waterway without bulkhead? Yes 2. Are there existing structures at or below ground level, such as patios, foundations, etc? Yes Are theFe any exis$ing or proposed fences, concrete barriers, decks, etc? Yes If project is proposed for an accessory building or structure, is total height at more than 18 feet above average ground..level? State total: ft. Yes If project is proposed for principal building or structure, is total height at more than 35 feet above average ground~l? State total: ft. Yes Are there other premises under your ownership abutting this parcel? If.yes, please submit copy of deed. Yes Are there any building permits pending on this parcel (or abutting land under your ownership,-if any)? Yes. State Permit # and Nature: 10. 12: 13. Do state whether or not applications are pending concerning these premises before any other department or agency (State, Town, County, Village, etc.): Planning. Board Town Board Town Trustees County Health Department Village' Of Greenport N.Y.S.D.E.C. Other Is premises pending a sale or conveyance? If yes, please submit copy of names or purchasers and conditions of sale.(from contract). Is new construction proposed in the area of contours at 5 feet or less as exists? If new construction is proposed in an area within 75 feet of wetland grasses, or land area at a, eleva- tion of five feet or less above mean sea level, have you made application to the Town Trustees for an inspection for possible waiver or permit under the requirements of Ch. 97 of the Town Code? Please list present use or operations conducted upon subject prgperty at this time and proposed q~ ~- *Please submit photographs for the record. I certify that the above statements are true and reIiance by the Board of Appeals in considering S~-~.qna~ure (Prop~r:y ~.~;~F-) ' CALl~hor~zed ~jen~) L~ t h ~_~ are being submitted my applicaciou. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes for ,IlIST~UCTIONS~ (8) In ordor to annwor tho quasr, ion:l In th~ nhort ~A[" 1~ 13 a3nu~,~d th~c ccHplotad Envlro~entB1 Assessment Fo~ In (c) l~ ~11 quu~tionn hovo boon ~nriwered lb) It i~ ll',~oiy ~'~,u th~'; ;:ro~,.ct (d) ~nvtrnnmentnl A~nnnmt. nt ~0 the project sit~ or physically alter more than ~0 acCea o~ ~and? ....... unusual land ~o~ found on tho site? , _ Y-'l ~* W~I ~l'oJe¢~ altoF Or havo a lar~;,~ of foot on an oxiu%ln~ body Of ~ator? ..... 7c:~ &. W~! pro Joe= have a potentially largo lmpacb on gro~watc~ quali~7? * * ..... __ '(,:u ~. W~i proJoc~ ol~iflcnntly. ~ff,:ct dralna~2~ flu,/ on n~Jacent olio37 * ' ' ' ' ' ' _ .... f"': 6. Will project affect nny throat.:n.,I ')r endt, n~?ro, '-plant or ani~%l species'/ ...... __~ 'f< ~ - 7, W~i preset% rest~t tn a ~raJcr hdv,n-:,. -ffcct au W~i prajecc hav~'a c.~Jor effec~ cn vt:r. mL chn;- acter of tho corn. reunify or ~ccnlu vie'au or 9. %1111 pro]oc~ adversely impact nn7 :~t,~ o~. ufo Of h~orlc~ pro-historic, or importance et any sl~o dosiKna~nd al; n o~vironmo~l urea by a local alro~ cy? * * .. You 10. W~i project havo a ~Jor effect On exlut~ or futura recreational Opportunitiu~7 -- Y,:u ~ tJo 11. %{11~ proJoct.rnsult' in ~'~Jor traffic probleu,n or anco as a ron~lt of thc IU'OJCct,a ~;;,crntiou/ . _~_ '(.':; _.~_ '~, Will prOJOCt have ally il~l~,lCt on publ lc hen)t~l or sal'ut7? Page 2 November 10~987 .?ublic Hearing - R~hard Mullen, Southold Z.B.A. Jr. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: What about the, it's a one-story structure? MR. BERTANI: Yes. One-story. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: And what type of roof does it have? MR. BERTANI:~ Flat roof. Almost what is there now. A flat roof with a little para-foot wall around the front. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: And it will approximately be as high as the front part of the building? So it's going to conform to the front of the building. MR. BERTANI: Yes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Do you have any idea what the distance is to the front property line if this was built? Maybe you can get it to us. That's what I was looking for. MR. BERTANI: I think it's 27 feet or 26 feet. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Exactly 27 feet? Alright. So we'll subtract that. Is there anything else you'd like to add to the application? M~. BERTANI: No, nothing. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Is there anybody else who would like to speak on behalf of this application? Anybody like to speak against it? You have to raise your hand fast. We keep this thing going. Any- body like to speak against the application? Questions from Board members? Hearing no further questions, I'll make a motion closing the hearing, reserving decision until later° Ail in favor - AYE. TRANSCRIPT'OF HEARING SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS R'EGULAR'MEETING OF TUESDAY~ NOVEMBER i0, 1987 Appl.-N0.,3674 & 3675 Appolicant(s): Richard Mullen, Jr. Location of Property: Corner of Main Road and E. Side of Cottage Place ,County Tax. Map ID No. ]000- 62 ~ 3 - 19.and 20 Southold. Board-Members'present were: Chairman Goehringer P. Goehringer, Members: Grigonis, Douglass, Doyen and Sawicki. Absent was: (None) Also Present Were: Victor Lessard (Building Dept.) Linda Kowalski, Z.B.A. Secretary, and approximately 20 persons in the audience. The Chairman opened the hearing at 7:35 o'clock p.m. and read the notice of hearing and application for the record. CHAIRMAN GOEHRING·ER: I have be~(~re me a site plan dated 6/15/87 submitted by a-licensed architect'~ndicating the new addition and the planting area to be attached or affixed to the front of the Mullen Motors building. It appears to be approximately a six-sided addition. And we'll ask the c0ntr~ctor about it. And I have a copy of the Suffolk County Tax Map indicating this and surrounding properties in the area. Is there anything you'd like to add to this application? JOHN BERTANI: No. It'~ just as I stated in the application', they are building within one or two feet of the Main Road across direct- ly from the sidewa~lk on either side of Mullens. This would definitely, I think enhance the building. The Planning Board has gone over it. They've asked for a few· things '(we told them there would be no prob- lem) which is creating the p~nting in the front and doing ·away with that parking i..n the front of the building and block off the access across the fron·t there to the other garag·e doors that he has now in the front and which we will comply with.by putting curbs and putting things in the'front. CHAIRMAN GOEHt~INGE.R: How big is the actual addition? I see that it's 29 feet wade'. What is the actual depth of it? MR. BERTANI: I think it is 18 or 19. I'd have to look. I think it's about 250 or 300 square feet maximum is the whole addition.. It's an octagon shape. I think we'd be able to fit two more small cars in the fron~. So we'll have a total of three cars we'll be able to ge~ in the showroom. R~ght now he's limited to one car and I think that's a problem 'for him. He can't show the cars properly out there. APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Charles Grigonis, Jr. Serge Doyen, Jr. Joseph H. Sawicki James Dinizio, Jr. Telephone (516) 765-1809 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SCOTT L. HARRIS Supervisor Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1800 June 15, 1990 Karen Hagen, Esq. Wickham, Wickham & Bressler Main Road P.O. Box 1424 Mattituck, NY 11952 Re: Appeal No. 3674 and 3675 Richard Mullen, Jr. Dear Ms. Hagen, In response to your letter dated May 23, 1990 regarding the above application, on which an interdepartmental memorandum was issued to Valerie Scopaz on September 19, 1988. This Board based its approval conditionally that "No vehicles between proposed addition and forward (to the north front property line)." Under this condition it prohibits any vehicle to be located between these two points, whether the vehicles are par~ed, stopped or for show. If you require any further assistance please contact this office at 765-1809. Yours very truly, Gerard P. Goehringer Chairman ZBA/df LAW OFFICES WICKHAM, WICKHAM & BRESSLER, HAIN ROAD. P,O. BOX 1424 HATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND NEW YORK 11952 516-29e-e353 TELEFAX NO. 516o298-8565 May 23, 1990 $outhold Town Board of Appeals Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Appeal No. 3674 and 3675 Richard Mulle~, Jr. Gentlemen: We would like some clarification on Appeal No. 3674 and 3675 on which a decision was issued on December 3, 1987, and on which interdepartmental memorandum was issued to Valerie Scopaz on September 19, 1988. Please clarify whether the condition concerning vehicles between the addition and front property line was to include pads for showing new cars. These pads are not used for parking, but solely to show cars. Thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours, Karen J. Haj~n KJH:mjb 23 April 20, 1990 Eric Bressler Wickham, Wickham, & Bressler P.O. Box 1424 Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: Mullen Motors SCTM9 1000-62-3-20 Dear Mr. Bressler: The Planning Board has made an inspection of the above mentioned premises and found it is not in conformance with the approved site plan of October 31, 1988. The two car pads in front of the new addition must be removed to bring the site into conformance with the approved plan. If you have any questions, or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, Bennett Orlowski Jr. Chairman cc: Richard Mullen Victor Lessard, Principal Buidling Inspector Harvey Arnoff, Town Attorney Thomas Wickham, Councilman Toxvn Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1938 Eric Bressler W~ckham, Wickham~ P.O. Box 1424 Mattituck, NY 11952 Dear Mr. Bressler: PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ Bressler September 21, 1989 RE: Mullen Motors SCTM~ 1000-62-3-20 The Planning Board has made an inspection of the above mentioned premises and found it is not in conformance with the approved site plan of October 31, 1988. The two car pads in front of the new addition must be removed to bring the site into conformance with the approved plan. If you have any questions, or reqllire further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very t ru]3~-~ou~, /'7 /~ Bennett Orlowski Jr. CHAIRMAN CC: Richard Mullen Victor Lessard James A. Schondebare APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS, .JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. JOSEPH H. SAWICKI Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN RE}AD- STATE RI'tAD 25 SnUTHE}LD, L.I., N.Y. 11c:J'71 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MS. Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner Southold Town Planning Board Chairman and Members Board of Appeals September 19, 1988 Appeal No. 3675 - Richard Mullen, Jr. 1000-62-3-20 and 19 Please let this memorandum clarify for the records Condition No. 2 of this Board's decision rendered November 18, 1987, which reads: "No vehicles between the proposed addition and forward (to the north front property line)." That Condition would prohibit parking or stopping of any vehicles directly between the new showroom addition and the property line along the Main Road of the proposed addition and is not intended to affect parking which may be continued immediately to the west of this area, along Cottage Place. The Board Members had indicated during deliberations that they would have no objection to a few occasional parking spaces along Cottage Place, provided sufficient visibility was not adversely affected and all elements under the site-plan review process were determined pursuant to law. lk Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-Z938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 16, 1988 John Bertani 1380 Oakwood Driv~ Southold, NY 11971 RE: Mullen Motors' SCTM ~1000-62-3-10.3,11,20 Dear Mr. Bertani: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, August 15, 1988. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board set forth the following conditions to be satisfied before the final approval is granted: line.1. The grassed area shall extend to the westerly property 2. the sidewalk which is shown as being 3' wide, but is scaled at 5' shall be constructed at the 3' width. 3. The grassed area between the sidewalk and the curb is shown as being 2' in depth. It shall be constructed so as to extend from the edge of the sidewalk to the curb, which is to be installed as per NYSDOT standards and specifications. 4. The street trees shall be planted in accordance with the provisions of Section A108-41 of the Highway Specifactions. 5. Any exterior lighting that may be added to the facade of th eaddition or to the existing structure in order to illuminate the facade of the addition shall be shielded so as not to throw light beyond the property boundaries.. APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT J. DOUGLASS JOSEPH H. SAWICKI Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN RI:lAD- STATE Rr~AD 25 5DUTH[3LD, L.l., N.Y. ]]~J?l TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 CHAIRMAN December 2, 1987 Mr. John Bertani 1380 Oakwood Drive Southold, NY 11971 Re: Appeal No. 3675 - Richard Mullen Jr. (Variance) Dear Mr. Bertani: Transmitted herewith for your file and perusal is a copy of the official findings and determination recently rendered by the Board of Appeals, the original of which has this date been filed with the Office of the Town Clerk. If.this project involves an application with the Planning Board, please be sure to return to their office for further processing. A copy of this determination is sfmultaneously being furnished to their office. In any event, please be sure to return to the Building Department for issuance of any permits or other approvals in writing as may be applicable. Please do not hesitate to call either our office (765-1809) or that of the Building Inspector (765-1802) if you have any questions. Yours very truly, GERARD P. GOEHRINGER Enclosure CHAIRMAN Copy of Decision to: Building Department By Linda Kowalski Planning Board Suffolk County Planning Commission Mr. Richard Mu]len, Jr. Southold Town Board. of Appeals MAIN ROAD- STATE ROAD :25 SOUTHOLD, L.I., N,Y. ll9?l APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS (;ERARD P GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN ~HARLES GRIGONIS, JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. ~OBERT J DOUGLASS JOSEPH H. SAWlCKI September 30, 1987 M,'. John Bertani, Builder 1380 Oakwood Drive Southold, NY 11971 Re: Appl. Nos. 3674 and 3675 - Mullen Motors Dear John: This letter will.acknowledge receipt of your receDt application before the Board of Appeals. The Board Members will be conducting reviews as required by State and local laws prior to advertising this matter for a public hearing. At this point in time, the Planning Board is expect(~d to furnish a report evaluating the parking and egress/ingress areas which may or may not be affected by this project. We have asked that they submit their written comments rio ater than Monday, October 19th, in order that we may }dvertise this matter for a hearing shortly thereafter. A copy of the Legal Notice as published by our office in the Long Island Traveler-Watchman and Suffolk Times will be sent to you on or about October 20th as confirmati(a~ of the hearing date. Please feel free to call at any time if you have Yours very truly, cc: Planning Board GERARD P. GOEHR]NGER CK_~IRMAN ~./ j , . '~By Linda Kowalski APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT J. DOUGLASS JOSEPH H. SAWICKI Southold Town Board o£ Appeals HAIN RI}AD - STATE RaAD 25 SnUTHaLD, L.I., N.Y. 11cJ'71 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Mrs. Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner Southold Town Planner Board FROM: Board of Appeals~) DATE: September 30, 1987 SUBJECT:Mullen Motors Showroom Addition Side of Cottage Place, Southold Your Memorandum dated August 30, Proposal 1987 at the East In reviewing the above proposal filed with our office on September 18, 1987, it is noted that there appears to be a deletion of some of the parking spaces in the front yard presently used by customers for the proposed showroom expansion. We request your Department's evaluation of these site-plan elements at this time, particularly the parking areas and egress/ingress. The public hearing on this matter is expected for our latter October Meeting, and the advertising deadline is Monday, October 19th. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. September 15, 1987 Town of Southold Building Department Town Clerks Office Southold, New'York 11971 Dear Sirs, I Richard F. Mullen Jr. do hereby assign John Bertani to act as my agent in obtaining a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals in regard to the building of a showcase addition at my place of business located at 56120 Main Road & 45 Cottage Place,Southold. Yours T~uly, Richard F. Mullen Jr. ~MITII, I~INKELSTEIN, LLTNI)I~F. II¢i, [~LV. ll AND Y;kI~AII¢)~I(I August 31, 1997 Victor Lessard, Building Inspector Town of Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: DJnizio and Mullen Motors Dear Victor: My correspondence is a bit that in connection with the matt~:r accessory structure will requite if it is sought as an expansion exception and will most certainly variance for side and rear yard In connection with .Mullen Motor~;. several conversations and t:hosc wi~h thc Town in my opinion that the structur<~ ~m thc property may not be added to wJ lh(m~ hcarin9 anti if there is to b~ oz[~,lm.i(m the main highway thereby r~ducin,j t. he i~(mt special exception hearing will have request also to permit a r(.ducoo [ roIit '/,il d . Vt!ly iruly '/[,ul t;'I<ANCI~ J . YT~F.AI~OSK I FJY:knm NOTICE OF HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the Code of the Town of Southold, the following hearings will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at a Regular Meeting at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1987 at the following times: 7:30 p.m. Appl. No. 3677 - ROBERT MOHR. Variances to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31, Bulk Schedule, for approval of decks attached to dwelling with insufficient rear and front yard setbacks, and Article III, Section 100-32 for approval of accessory garage structure located partly in the sideyard area. Location of Property: West Side of Wabasso Street, Southold, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-78-3-34.2. /~ 7:35 p.m. Appl. No. 3675 - RIC'HARD MULLEN, JR. Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article VII, Section lO0-71, Bulk Schedule,~ for permission to construct showroom addition with an insufficient frontyard setback from the north property line. Location of Property: Corner of Main Road and the East Side of Cottage Place, ~_~outhold, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-62-3-20 and 19. 7:35 p.m. Appl. No. 3674 - RICHARD MULLEN, JR. Special Exception to the Zoning Ordinance, Article VII, Section 100-71, Bulk Schedule, for permission to construct addition for showroom use incidental to the existing car-sales business use in this "B-I" General Business Zoning District. Location of Property: Corner of Main Road and the East Side of Cottage Place, Southold, NY, 1000-62-3-19 and 20. 7:45 p.m. Appl. No. 3684 WILLIAM AND VERA MOLCHAN. Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-32, for permission to locate accessory inground swimmingpool, decks, and fence enclosure in the frontyard area (in excess of 300 feet from the front property line) at premises located along the north side of Ruth Road (north of Sunset Drive), Mattituck, NY, County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-106-1-3. 7:50 p.m. Appl. No. 3514 - GEORGE P. SCHADE. Variances to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31, Bulk Schedule, for approval of the proposed insufficient lot area and width of two parcels in this pending set-off division of land located along the west side of Cedar Lane (west of Summit Road), Southold, NY; County Tax Map P~cel No. 1000-78-7-42. Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN ROAD- STATE ROAD 25 SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS November 10, 1987 GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR. S · 'R.. Q . R . A . SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT J. DOUG~ASS NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION JOSEPH H. SAWICKI Notice of Determination of Non-Significanc~ APPEAL NO.: 3675 PROJECT NAME: RICHARD MULLEN, JR. This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 of the N.Y.S. Environmental Quality Review Act of the Environmental Conservation Law and Local Law #44-4 of the Town of Southold. This board determines the within project not to have a signifi- cant adverse effect on the environment for the reasons indicated below. Please take further notice that this declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. TYPE OF ACTION: ~ Type II [ ] Unlisted [ ] DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: Insufficient frontyard setback from the north line of the proposed showroom addition LOCATION OF PROJECT: Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, more particularly known as: Corner of Main Road and Cottage Place, Southold, NY 1000-62-3-19 and 20 REASON(S) SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: (1) An Environmental Assessment in the short form has been submitted which indicates that no significant adverse effects to the environment are likely to occur should this project be imple- ' mented as planned; Secti~2~ The relief requested is a setback Variance as regulated by 617.13, 6 NYCRR, SEQRA. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: Linda KowalsRi, Secretary, Southold Town Board of Appeals, Town Hall, Southold, NY 11971; tel. 516- 765-1809 or 1802. Copies of this notice sent to the applicant or his agent and posted on the Town Clerk Bulletin Board. mc DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING COUNTY OF SUFFOLK MICHAEL A. LOGRANDE: SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE 360-5206 December 10, 1987 Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Pursuant to the requirements of Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the following application(s) which have been referred to the Suffolk County Planning Co~anission are considered to be a'matter for local determination. A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or a disapproval. Applicant(s) Municipal File Number(s) Richard Mullen, Jr. ~Richard Muller, Jr. David LaFreniere Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schissel Mr. & Mrs. William Molchan 3674 3675 3678 3679 3684 Very truly yours, Lee E. Koppelman Director of Planning GGN:mb $/s Gerald G. Newman Chief Planner APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONI$, .IR. SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT J. DOUGLASS JOSEPH H. SAW[CKI Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN ROAD- STATE ROAD 25 SOUTHOLD, L,h, N.Y. llg?l IELEPHONE (516/ 765 1809 Pursuant to Article XIII of the Suffolk County Charter, the Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold, New York, hereby refers the following to the Suffolk County Planning Commission: ×X Variance from the Zoning Code, ArticleTM , Section100-71 Bulk Schedule Variance from Determination of Southold Town Building Inspector Special Exception, Article , Section Special Permit Appeal No.: 3675 Applicant: Richard Mullen Jr. Location of Affected Land: Corner of Main Rd. and Cottage 1'1., Southold,NY County Tax Map Item No.: 1000-62-3-20 and 19 Within 500 feet of: Town or Village Boundary Line XX Body of Water (Bay, Sound or Estuary) State or County Road, Parkway, Highway, Thruway Boundary of Existing or Proposed £ounty, State or Boundary of Existing or Proposed County, State or Other Recreation Area Federally Owned Federal Pnrk or or Existing or Proposed Right-of Way of Any Stream or Drdinage Owned by the County or for Which The County Itas Established Lines, Within One Mile of a Nuclear Power Plan~ Within One Mile of An Airport. ~ h a ri i1 rs ] Channe 1 COMMENTS: Applicant is requesting permission to_ COD_~$Jb~.~W~OQD_ addition ~fh an ~n~nff~n~nf frnnf~arH ~fh~mk frD]I~DSth-~r_O3~_~t3~ line Copies of Town file a'nd related documents eD¢losed for your review. Dated: December 4, 1987 NOTICE OF HI~AI~I~-G~-- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the Code of the TO'vD of Southold, the following hea~'ings will be held by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD O~F APPEALS at a Regular Meeting at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, NY on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1987 at the following times: 7:30 p.m. Appl. No. 367% ROBERT MOHR. Variances to the Zoning Ordinance, Article 111, Section 100-31 Bulk Schedule, for approval of decks attached to dwelling with insuf- ficient rear and front yard set- backs, and Article 111, Section 100-32 for approval of accessory garage structure located partly in the sideyard area. Location of Property: West Side of Wabasso St~et, Southold, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-78-3-34.2. N 7:35 p.m: Appl. No. 3675- RICHARD MULLEN. JR. Variance to the Zoning Or- dinance, Article VII, Section 100-71, Bulk Schedule, ,for per- mission'to construct showroom, addition with an insufficient frontyard setback from thc north property line. Location PrQt~r tya. Cor ncr of. Mai~l~3a~ andtthe East Side of Cottage Place. Southold, NY; Co~inty Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-62-3-20 and 19. 7:35 p.m. Appl. No. 3674-' RICHARD MULLEN, JR. Special Exception to the~Zoning Ordinance. Article Vll, Section 100-71, Bulk Schedule, for per- mission to construct addition for ~howroom use incidental to the existing car-sales business use in this "B-I" General Business Zoning District· Loca- tion of Property: Corner of Main Road and East Side of Cottage Place, Southold, NY, 1000-62-3-19 and 20. 7:45 p.m. Appl. No. 3684- WILLIAM AND VERA MOLCHAN. Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Artic(e 111, Section 100-32, for permission to locate accessory inground swimming pool, decks, and fence enclosure in the frontyard area (in excess of 300 feet from the front property line) at premises located along the north side of Ruth Road (north of Sunset Drive), Mattituck, NY County Tax Map Parcel No. 100~-106-~ 7:50 p..]]l~. App No. 3514~: GEORG'E P. ' SCHADE. Vari~.nces to :the' Zoning.~r; dinance, Artiffie Ill, 'Section 100-31. Bulk Schedule, for pr6~'al of the proposed insuffi- cient lot area and width ~f two parcels in this pending set-off division of land located along ~fie vOest-side of ~c0~ar Lane (~;est of ~umm~~' Southolc~ N~ county x~ Parcel No~ 1000-~-7~4Z, 7:55 NICK M[HALI0~ Varta~o~ t6 tlxe ~ning Ordinance, A~icle XI, Section 1~-119~2 for ~r- mission to locate inground swimming ~ol, d~ks and f~ enclosure with 5afl ~i~ufficient setback from the top of bluff along the Long l~nd Sound. ~cation of ~o~rty:~nonh side of The Strand, ~t:~. 124, Map of Pebble Beach Farms, East Marion, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1~-30-2-74. 8:~ p.m. Appl No. 3680- LEONARDUS AND MARIE VANOUDENALLEN. Variance to the ~ning Ordinance, Arti- cle 1[1, Section 1~-31, Bulk Sch~ulg for ~rmission to con- struct addtion to dwelling with an insufficient setback from the struct addition to dwelling with an i~uffici~t s~ack from the closest poifit or're a~ng the front property line. L~ation of Property: North Side of Sailors Lane (a private road), approx- imately 147 ~ ~t.of~Littie 8:05 p.m.' AP~i. ~: Variance 'to the Zoning Or- dinance, Article X!, Section 100~119.1, for permission to erect fence in the frontyard ar{~ a height not, 'to exce~d'6~ LoCation~ Of Property! N6rth Side of Sound Avenue (or North Road), and the South Side of C.R. 48, (Middle Road); Mattituck, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-141-3-38.1. 8:10 p.m. Appl. b~682- GEORGE L.~l~rN NY INC./JERRY SHULMAN. Special EXgeption to the Zoning Ordinance, Art!c!~ V'I ~['~, S¢~ion IO0-80(B) f~r~ ~0 ~ existing storage building£~f0r w~e~lousJog,, an_~ ?Og~gg q o f I~nber ap, d ~gi!din~?~a~i~rSals an~l sfi~l~ilds, ffi with the existin~ lum~ op- Tak' ~K4a~' ~Par:cel" 8~;15 p.m: A'p~l. No: 3678- Varian~ to the ~ning Or- dinance, Article VII, ~ctI6n 1~.71, Bul~; Se~edul~fo~per- mission fo construct addltloh to existing ~ldlng ficient s~thack from the {west~17) P~op~rty line tion of ~rope~y: Corner of Main Road and the West Side Peconic ~ne, Peconiq County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-75-5-10. Zone District: "B-I" General Business. 8:20 p.m. Appl. No. 3671- ANDRE AND CYBULSKI, Variance io: the Zoning Ordinance, Articl(tlL Section I~-30(A) for permis- sion to utiliz~ p~mises for ~ok pub~hing operatipns, bo~. ~t°rage and 280-A appr~l ov~Lthe private light-of-way for such use. ~ District: "A" ~siden- tim an~r~ricultuml. ~cation of Pr0~ty: West Side of Depot Lane, Cutchogue, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. l~L2~aBd part of 1.1. RO~BERT AND DOLORES addt~ ~h tm ins ~ation of Pm~y:~lo West Sho~ Dri~ Mag ~t 9 and ~uthold, ~gel No. 8:45 p.m. JOHN RAEBURN. for final approval t and (b) for proposed with an in- sufficient top of bluff along ~thi~ Long Island Sound, per ~icle XI, Section 100-119.2. Lo~iion of ProPerty. Extending a~t ihe north end private rig~l~of-Way (travei~d over lands~{~ Bokina from ~he north sid0~of Bridge Lane 'Ex- tension and Oregon Road ~n a northerly directioi~) to the sub- ject premises identified on the Suffolk County 'Pax Maps as District 1000, Section 73, Block 2, Lot 3.6 (prev. 3.4 and 3.5). :~9~09p, m~ AppL No. 3672-- Variance to the Zoning Or- dinance, Article XL Section 100-119.2 for approval of the construction of ne~ dwelling with an insufficient setback from nearest tidal wetlands and/or ordinary highwater mark along Deep Hole Creek. Loca- tion of Property: East End of Lupton Point Road, Mattituck, NY: County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-115-11-10. The Board of Appeals will hear at said time and place all persons or representatives desir- ing to be hqardin each of the above matters. EaCh hearing will not start before the time allot- ted. Written comments may be submitted prior to the conclu- sion of the subject hearing. For more information, please call 765-1809. Dated: October 26, 1987 BY ORDER OF THE sOUTHOL, t) TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS GERARD P. GO~EH.~INGER, · : CHAIRMAN · Linda Kowalski, ~ Board Secretary IT-10/29/87(30) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK SS: STATE OF NEW YORK Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watchman once each week for / weeks successively, commencing on the .......... .~..~ ..z~. ..... Sworn to before me this ...... ~ ............. day of Notary Public BARBARA FORBI~ lqotaty Public, State of Ne~, York No. 48/~45 IP~jle ~l/The $utfolk Times/~OCmtOber 2g, lg87 ~ O~inance, A~icle VII, ~tion ~ ~~ 1~-71, Bulk ~h~ule, for ~r- ~~ ~ minion ~ ~nst~ct addition for '~' ~?~Jl shoW~m u~ incidsn~i ~ the NOTICE OF~I~ARINGS NOTICE ,: JJj/ HEREBY GIVEN, p~to Section 267 of the Town Law and the Code of the Town of Southold, the follow- ing bearing~ will be held by the SO.OLD TOWN BOARD O~I~PEALS at a Regular Mes~g at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 19~/ at the following times: 7:30 p.m. Appl. No. 3677 - ROBERT. MOH1L Variances to the ZOUl~g Ordinance, Article HI, Section 100-31, Bulk Schedule, ~ approval of ds~ks attached to ~elling with in~f- ficisnt r~il front yawl ~ 100-32 f~r .~. vni of ~ry in th~ ~l~j~rd ar~. L~at~m ~f Property:. Wear ~ of Wabemo Street, ~outhald, NY; County Tax M~ Papal No. 1000-78-3- RICHARD MI~ V~ ~ ~e ~, ~cle ~, ~on 1~ 71, B~ ~e, f~ ~ ~on ~ ~ bon ~ ~ i~tent ty~ ~ p~ ~. ~on e~y: ~mer of M~ ~ E~ ~e of ~u~oi~ ~; ~ty T~ ~p P~i No. 1~2~ ~:35 p.m. Appl. S~al E~ption ~ ~ ~ning existing car-sales business-use in this "B-I" General Business Zoning District. Location of Property: Corner of Main Read and the East Side of Cottage Place, Southold, NY, 1000-62-3- 19 and 20. 7:45 p.m. Appl. No. 3684 - WILLIAM' AND VERA MOL- CHAN. Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-32~ for permission to locate accessory ingronnd swim- mingpeol, decks, and fence en- clo~ure in the frontyard area (in excess of 300 feet from the front property line) at premises 1o- cated along the north side of Ruth Road (north of Sunset Drive), Mattituck, NY, County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-106-1- 3. 7:50 p.m. Appl. No. 3514 - GEORGE P. SCHADE. Vari- am~s to the Zoning Ordinance, Article HI, Section 100-31, Bulk So. hedule, for approval of the pmpezed insufficient lot area and width of two parcels in this pending set-off division of land lo~atod along the west side of Cedar Lane (west of Summit Road), ~outhold, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-78-7- 42. 7:55 p.m. Appl. Bio. 3673 - NICK MII~&LIO~ Variance to the Zoning Ordin~ce, Article XI, Section 100-119.2 for permis- sion to locate inground swim- mingpeol, decks and fence enclo. sum with an insufficient setback from the tap of bluff along the Long Island Sound. Location of Property: north side of The Strand, Lot #124, Map of Pebble Beach Farnm, East Marion, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 10~0-30-2-74. 8:00 p.m. AppL No. 3680 - LEONARDUS AND MARIE VANOUDENALLEN. Vari- ance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 100-31, Bulk Schedule, for permission to con- struct addition to dwelling with an insufficient setback from the closest point of arc along the front property line. Location of Property: North Side of Sailors Lane (a private road), approxi- mately 147 feet west of Little Peconic Bay Road, Nassau Point, Cutchogue, NY, County ,Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-111- 14-7. 8:05 p.m. Appl. No. 3683 - GEORGE L. PENNY INC. Variance to the Zoning Ordi- nonce, Article XI, Section 100- 119.1, for permission to erect fence in the frontyard area at a height not to exceed 61/~ feet. Lo- cation of Property: North Side of Sound Avenue (or North Road), and the South Side of C.R. 48, (Middle Read), Mattituck, NY, County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-141-3-38.1. 8:10 p.m. Appl. No. 3682 - GEORGE L. PENNY INCJ JERRY SHULMAN. Special Exception to the Zoning Ordi- nance, Article VIII. Section 100- 80~B) for permiasion to uae exist- ing storage building for war~h- ousing and storage of lumber and building materials ~nd supplies, in conjunction with ~he existing lumberyard oppez~to Sound Avenue. Zone Distr~ct: "C-Light Industrial." Laeatio~ of Preperty: South Side of Sound Avenue (or North Road), Mat- tituck, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-141-3-41. 8:15 p.m. Appl. No. 3678 - DAV1D LaFRENIERE. Vari. ance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article VII, Section 100-71, Bulk Schedule, for permission to con- struct addition to existing build- ing with an insufficient setback from the side (westor]y) property line. Location of Property: Corner of Main Road and the West Side of Peconic Lane, Peconic, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-75-5-10. Zone District: "B-I" General Bnsi- ness. 8:20 p.m. AppL No. 3671 - ANDRE AND THOMAS CYBULSKI. Variance to ~he Zoning Ordinance, Articl~ HI, Section 100~30(A) for permission to utilize premises for book pub- lishing operations, wholesale book storage, and updated 280-A approval over the existing pri- vato right-of-way for such use. Zone District: "A' Residential and Agricultural. L~ation of Property: West Side of Depot Lane, Cutohogue, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-96-5- 1.2 ond part of 1.1. 8:35 p.m. Appl. No. 3679 - ROBERT AND DOLORES SCHISSEL. Variance for per. mission to construct open deck addition with an insufficient set- back from nearest wetlands per Article XI, Section 100-119.2. Lacation of Prop~ty: 710 West Shore Drive, Reydon Shores Map, Lot 9 and part of 8, South- old, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 10~0-80-1-46. 8:45 p.m. Appl. No. 3564 - JOHN DEMPSEY/ROBIN RAEBURN. Vari~ces: (a) for final approval under Blew York Town Law, Section 280-A over the existing private right.of- way, and (b) for permission to lo- cate propezed dwelling with an insufficient setback from top of bluff along the Long Island Sound, per Article XI, Section 100-119.2. Location of Property: Extending at the north end of a private fight-of-way (traveled over lands of Reknia from the north side of Bridgo Lane Exten- sion and Oregon Road in a northerly direction) to the sub- ject premises identified on the Suffolk County Tax Maps a~ Dis- trict 1000, Section 73, Block 2, Lot 3.6 (prev. 3.4 and 3.5). 9:00 p.m. Appl. No. 3672 - ANTHONY GAMBINO. Val- ance to the Zoning Ordinance, Article XI, Section 100-119.2 for approval of the construction of new dwelling with an insufficient setback from nearest tidal wet- lands and/or ordinary hlghwator mark along Deep Hole Creek. Location of Property: East End of Lupton Point Road, Mat- tituck, NY; County Tax Map Parcel No. 1000-115-11-10. The Board of Appeals will hear at said time and place all persons or representatives desir- ing to be heard in each of the above matters. Each hearing will not start before the time al- lotted. Written comments may be submitted prior to the conclu- sion of the subject hearing. For more information, please call 765-1809. Dated: October 26, 1987. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS GERARD p. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN Linda Kowalaki, Board Secretary 5756-1TO29 Southold Town Board of Appeals ~'~ ~°~'~ ~°~ ~ ~°"~°~'~;~i~?~:o~ APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, CHAIRMAN CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR... SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT J. DOUGLASS JOSEPH R. SAWICKI TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Enclosed of the public a copy of the Watchman, Inc. herewith as confirmation of the time and date hearing concerning your recent application is Legal Notice as published in the L.I. Traveler- and Suffolk Weekly Times, Inc. Someone should appear in your behal.f during the public hearing in the event there are questions from board members or persons in the audience. Please be assured that your public hearing will not start before the time allotted in the Legal Notice. If you have any questions, please feel free to 'call our office, 765-1809. Yours very tr~lv_,~ G'ERARD P. GOEHR[NGER CHAIRMAN Enclosure Linda Kowal ski Secretary and Board Clerk BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter or' the Petition of : to the Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold : TO: NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. ThaLLL~ the inten.~.]ion o~f the undersigned to petition the Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold to request a(~ari~(~_~ial_~Ex~c?_pt~io~ (Special Permit) (Other) [circle choice] 2. That the property which is the subject of the Petition is located adjacent to your property and is des- cribed as follows: .,~"~1~9.0 ~r"}O..~k_, /~L ~- .%t_~" ~D~G~ ~/~, ~o1~ 3. That the property which is the subject of such Petition is located in the following zoning district: 4. That by such Petition, the undersigned will request the following relief: i $. That the provisions of the $outhold Town Zoning Code applicable to the relief sought by the under- signed are Article ~ Section I OZ~'-- ~! [ ] Section 280-A, New York Town Law for approval of access over right(s)-of-way. 6. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in the Southold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road. Southold, New York and you may then and there examine the same during regular office hours. (5].6) 76'5-'1809. 7. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the matter by the Board of Appeals; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times and in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of Southold and designated for the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Ow6ers 'Names: Post Office Address PROOF OF MAIL, lNG OF NOTICF ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS ADDRESS 676 926 648 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL 9 INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INT[RNADONAL MAIL (See Reverse) ou.9-ko(4, ¢J.LI. P 676 926 L~9 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) day of .t).~.,/..' . - , 19 ~j '7 Notary Public 0 residingat /.~,~'~') ~o.~: (,~'z,'o~ ii/~x' . , being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the /~z~ day 19 J"~ , deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth on the re- )f the above-named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective ire the names of said persons are the addresses of said persons as shown on own of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Of- ; that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by Y (This side does not have to be completed on form transmitted to adjoining property owners.) ~uLU~ ,0