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Albert J. Krupski, Presicient James King, Vice-Presidenl~ Arlie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York ~1971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MINUTES Wednesday, August 20, 2003 7:00 PM Present were: Albert J. Kru pski, Jr.. President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster, Trustee Ken Poliwoda, Trustee Peggy Dickerson, Trustee E. Brownell Johnston, Esq. - Assistant Town Attorney for Trustees Lauren Standish, Senior-Clerk CALL MEETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NEXT FIELD INSPECTION: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 at 8:00 AM TRUSTEE DICKERSON moved to Approve, TRUSTEE KING seconded. ALL AYES NEXT TRUSTEE MEETING: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 at 7:00 PM WORKSESSION: 6:00 PM TRUSTEE KING moved to Approve, TRUSTEE DICKERSON seconded. ALL AYES APPROVE MINUTES: Approve Minutes of May 21, 2003, June 18, 2003. TRUSTEE KING moved to Approve the Minutes of June 18, 2003, TRUSTEE POLIWODA seconded. ALL AYES. Minutes of May 21, 2003 were held until September. MONTHLY REPORT: The Trustees monthly report for July 2003. A check for $3,365.51 was forwarded to the Su pervisor's Office for the General Fund. II. PUBLIC NOTICES: Public Notices are posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board for review. 2 Ill. APPLICATIONS FOR AMENDMENTS/VVAIVERS/CHANGES: ROBERT & SUSAN TOMAN request the last One-Year [ !xtension to Permit #5239 to construct a single-family dwelling, deck, pool, driveway and garage. Located: 3480 Main Bayview Rd., Southold. SCTM#78-2-13 TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Do I have a motion on that? TRUSTEE FOSTER: No changes.? TRUSTEE KRUPSKh No. FII make a motion to Approve. ~RUSTEE DICKRESON: Seconded. TRus~E~ KP~UPS~I; B¢ore we vote on that, do you want to see anything on the .d"~el[~ ~f;:fse~¢~0for~b, .,Well.. they show four drywells, plus one for the pool ~w~h~ I I~av~amofion and a second. All in favor? Ab[; A~E~ ARTH UR R. TORELL requests an Amendment to Permit #5587 to accommodate I building plans and keep the single-family dwelling at 50'. Located: Green porL SCTM#33-2-10&l 1 JOHNSTON: Al, what does accommodate mean. What are we ER: What did we issue a permit for?. believe the original permit was 1993. Is that correct? Correct. Okay, in 1993 the survey... it showed the footprint of the house at 40'. That was drawing showed the house at 50' but the surveyor had is to go back to the original 50' measurement. 31ication showed the house, and the little different because the garage is moved back, and it's a 50' one here. What happened over the years, this tnged. 'This has been amended numerous times. What Mr. Torell kept getting extensions and then once his again, we approved that, and then he's got a but over the years somehow you deviated off the that was brought over to you today... : This is a 40' house. That's basically what was approved. it got turned into 40'. But the original one wasn't ~ne was: 50'. .L: Actuaily now it has changed to 47.5'. Fm not requesting as much Of a !!)ack'..v, ariance. TRCiS"~Iz-iE KRIJ'.~SSKh I!.'s an amendment because we're changing the house, but n~t~- ~ese.!~go ng to be 47 5 instead of the 50, A~¢}~BLL: Actually no other changes have occurred. It's still based on wh~;~E~ ~a~d approved. T~t~EI~SKI. Instead of 50 ~t s going to be 47.5. m E. BROWNELL JOHNSTON: From the tidal wetlands? TRUSTEE KRUPSKh No, the house itself. The house s~ze. Originally it was a 50' long house. Somehow during the course of many extensions and amendments .... E, BROWNELL JOHNSTON: So the house is not going to be any closer to the ~vetlands? TRUSTEE KRUPSKh No. It's neutral. E. BROW'NELL JOHNSTON- Okay, neutral or positive. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh We approVed the permit July 24, 2002 for a single-family d~elI ?g with attached garage with a pervious driveway and septic system with [[?,d ~ tion (,here be n0 turf at the site there be no dear ng excel:ff for the , ay~,b~elow the 8 contQur, tha~ there be a staked row of hay ,b, ales before con' :.~-u~(ioh, and be left in at the 8 cont_o, ur. One thing that wasn t put (~n was that be~?ere"no dn~/Wel~ls a~)d. what We re go ng to add onto you r ameridment s that ,ob ifib-ve drY~efls and gutters to contain the roof'run-off ARTHUR TORELLL: Fine. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Would someone like to make a motion? TRUSTEE DI ..CKE'RSON: ['11 make a motion to Approve the request of Arthur Tore.,I f..o A'mond Pormit ~:5587 to accommodate the Original building plans and keep. the 'single-family dwelling at 47.5'. TRUSTEE 't~I'RG: And that's to inctude drywells and gutters to contain the roof ~E PQbIWODA: Seconded. ALL AYES I~' ' '~,¢r pL;JOHNS~ON: Alr, we'll deem that you considered this beneficial or n (¢~ta ~to the env ronment T~~PSKI' Actuall t's benefic a because we added the " d~jl'~;t ~h~Urh;Wllf, el~rh~nate any kind of sedimentation to the adjacent wetlands. ~/IA~,~TI~.& DOBEEN EVANS request an Amendment to Permit #5302 to include tlie .~.is~ing~ s_h~l. Located: 5050 New Suffolk Ave., Mattituck SCTM#115-10-3 ~P,U~;TE,~: I~.II~G: I looked at this. There's a little shed over in the corner. It's be~lhe(e.~ ! b~v,e no problem with it. I'll make a motion to Approve. TRUSTEE PO£1WODA: Seconded. ALL AYES A,I.;FRED~MAGILL requ,ests an Amendment to Permit #1911 to include the 4'X 40 ¢~oatill~g dock and to repair dock and piles. Located: 1145 F eetwood Rd., Cutc~ogu~. SCTM#137-4-26 APPLICANT MUST APPLY FOR A FULL WETLANDS PERMIT. THOMAS SCHLICHTER requests an Amendment to Permit #4986 to grow turf grass in the backyard, covering a 50'X 40' section directly behind the house. Located: 400 Rene's Dr., Southold. SCTM#54-6-4.4 TRUSTEE KRUPSKh All I have to say to the applicant is we asked for...he asked us nfor~ally about h s current permit and we gave him an answer and then he appl e8 for his request to put turf on the property and we said we had to give it to our environmental person that the Town had hired for us, part-time. We did so. Mr. Hughes went on a prolonged maternity leave and when he got back, very briefly before he left the Town, he wrote us a report. I don't know if the rest of the Town, the Tow~ Board has seen it. Has anyone seen the report? TRUSTEE FOSTER: No. TRUSTEE KING: No. TP~USTEE,POLIWODA: No. THOMAS SCHLtCHTER: My understanding is that the report is memo form and on ya, coup.e of paragraphs Perhaps you could take time now and just take a look at it. At o~ur last meeting, I was concerned that it would be delayed, if I agreed to the POstponement, that when we came to this month, that you wou d d~l~,i~t fo the ~ex~, Wl~[ch then would make it impossible basically to plant grass ?~r','~he ci::~?r¢!e?~f the wihter. You said it automatically comes up on the thing. I h~e~rd ~.h~e.dl~!,met~ !?day that it doesn't have to come up. However, 1 know Mr. Hugho~s delivered [hat:a week ago Wednesday, it's short, and atour last meeting Mr. Krupski, I,Lhink it was you actually, that said, are we going to take the advise or this onv!rgr{mental analyst now after receiving a vote of confidence from'the CAC .a'hd having gone through all. of the oth~r things were been through, and ygu;~aid, yeah basically, and we're just;g~0ing to defer,it to him; and you closed .ove!?o ~i!'e.. So. I donlt see, why we'don't jus{~he memo' a~d if the,~emo i~oks fa~Dl~!~'/~l~a~ff..ver it requests. I donft see wh~ thAdis,cussio~ wZ>Uld,be. · ,,,., , :!'sappdnted n t's unprofessona demeanor I ..... " ~rence the work that the Board origina y d d ,, ·. ........~. ,. =',, ,,,, .:armit, which is disappointing to me,,because ,., ~ ¢ :;, ..,. ,suing a house permit here and we visited the · ~.. ~ .......... ,, ,, .......... ,,:,: ': lot of work. So, when someone is going to : ..... ~., .-' :::..,,;~., ,, , ..... .. ton that sensitive piece of prop[erty I really .~ ............... , ,~,~, ,, ,,. ......... ,.. something that s de!~ber, ate an.d sc~meth~n ,.,..,. ..........., .. acts and not just a quick, broad brush, oh, I "":'.':,'.,~ .' .'.:' ~:'.. ...'. , ....... ..... · ... . So therefore I really. I~ can't, as'a ,, ..... *,l.,: ..,,, ......... ncomfortable. He ga.~/e .L~ t~o reports o~ h~s . .. . ,..;. ~ ........ my opm[eh, unsati~Acto, ry. Not, just yours .....!.,,~, ~., ~..J~,~;! ~ _ ~. ,5,. . .: .)ard has previous ylooked at all the ...... , .!..a,... ~..., t,1~, ~ .......... )n t know ~f the Board rea lzes that by the ..... r. "'" ", ', ",~". '."'.'. ',; ':,, ,,i , . .,']enoa, which is a nat ona organ zatlon, the "'" ' i' · ~ ~ .' ":': '"' · · ' "'"' .,.,soc~a[~pn which ~s a New York association, ......... · ~-... '4.. ,~..,. .. ~ · . ' .,.ss andTn-State Outdoor Wnters Association; "". :" .. '.'~ '." · ,, , rt. W',e have e ght members on the CAC, who ~, , ?,~.,. ..,~': .',, ,..'"..,"..Ii",... ~'.' ," .,.' · · · ', '~ "'. id Iooi~,iinto it. -i:hey came and they visited and · "'"..,,.,.;" "..., ..~'~" · ,.,r ~m als0. t~ired by tl:ie ~oard to be on that committee and I abstained from voting. It just seems that every time I've g~ven you what you've wanted or requested, it's gone another step. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That's not true because when you originally requested it, we saidno because the permit you bought with the house said no turf on the site. So it's nottrue. When you came to us with that, that's the answer that we gave you. THOMAS SCHLICHTER: But that brought us back to my original trip, my very first trip into the Town Trustees building, which I don't know who I spokewith, but I don't believe it is anyone on this Board, so it could've been somebody else, and asl(ed for a definition of what turf was. I was told no sod. At that .point I was ' and we had decided wewould not buy that property cl have othergrass; just not permit. pdmary things about building ope away, the grade had to slope away it's got vegetated buffers, it's got none of the neighbors have property as anywhere. I've also g way I would construct this lawn would actuall :~r:r~nmontally sensitive. Right now I have so much crabgrass grow~ng.',.,'ho~.cjb .it tl~,d..t'! c. an't pick it ouLI can legally spray the whole thing with all tho.:~.sti¢ des want and kill the grass, which Woulci be horrible for anything in tha£ w~ter. I'~,lould),b~e much better oil' maintaining a small plot of'grass, which will al~.~or, b ttie wa.ter, ahd,'stop the run-off Irom going in. There's probably been no mo~'.b, en,zir~)nm~n.~aily'~friendly submission ever made to this thir~g, right down to the ~;(3cL tdat I .sucl~osL~d planting 1.000 earthworms. I suggested to Scott also to add a:berfn or~.tbo, opposite side, the one side you were concerned with. You thou. gl~;i that'~,~s a ~g~)od idea. You said it was unnecessary but, if it would make me Ioel),betLor. then. ~,ou ~/ou (d pul. it in that I should add it, and I said okay that seenls~.r.easo, n~blo. ~, I!js ~s a pl~tce thai. f tin~es and 1 property to ,~ of that propeKy (;hanged. There is l~,e shown yo~u th~ ~ictures of the run-off m:d' how the w,o~pd~cJ~ips a~ perform ng no funcl, i(J¢l are huifing at:this point. TRU: water. 'I'H ~ ~, ;.. ICH rBR: g directly to it. It's sloping to tho bai:J4: pro ~er~t~ on that. I'RUSi:EE KJ~-LiPSKI.. I.ve been ~qrough ~ m~ny t mes. The CAC obviously didn't uncors[.',-~r~d...(~.r!~g~n,~l!y ..tho CA6 ¢[dn~!~t to see anything budt on th~s site, so I don't' umd'ers.t~: ~f! how the CAe ~6°Ul~ apl~rove putting turf there to start with, but they didl~, tVhicl~ is'fine, they can ~ote anyway they want. 6 THOMAS SCHLICHTER: But that was you who told me, sarcastically, perhaps I should go have the CAC look at this because they turned it down the first time. So, then I went and I did that. You asked to find a grass that requires little or no fertilizer. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No I didn't ask that. THOMAS SCHL[CHTER: Well the gentleman on the end did. You asked to send the environmenta~analyst over. He came and his remark was, I can't believe they,had me come to look at this when you're building a 5,000 sq. ft. monstrosity on the quddle next door, which I've got to tell you, this is my tax money, I've put a lot of time iht,0 this, J~m a taxpayer, and I can't believe that we've gone from April unt~t.':pow ta]l~l'n .~ a~bcut a 5.0'~ ,~0' plQt'of land that drains away fr~m the Wetlands. ~'i~U~T~E KRU~,~I~'I: Yea ]us[ said-it ran into itl It doesn't drain away from the wetland, s; it runs i~te it; TH0~8~CHEI6.HT[ ~R: I'm having difficulty following that. If nothing else, all thablCm ~.~dh¢~.¢~a~ tl~at certainly better than the woodchips. And certainly, it s m,o~'e'n~~i~ ~ie~tiy then me having to spray it to keep killing the grass I~a'~corili'ng~h~d~;~J~ ~r p ant ng a tomato ga den or a b~g ose garden. TRLCSTEE KRUPSKh ~0,one said you had to spr,a,y anything. THOMAS S'CHLIC'HTI R: Ofcours~ I don't. I dontwant to ~pray. That's my PSKh The condition of the permit that you bought said, no turf on we just approved an amendment for a permit just before dition to that permit. It says no turf on the in an environmentally sensitive areas, that's a permit. We'll do it for a reason. It's not like we just one. I don't think you decide every second one, but I don't we h If someone comes in and theywant something different, you buy something, you buy what you want. You and then say, well I really didn't want that. Right but you also wouldn't walk into a place and have unqualified give you the answer to the question. J;PS~I: don't know what happened because none of us gave you -ITER: I understand but somebody in that office gave me the which made quite a difference here. I would just think dly friendly options whenever It seems to me that this is certainly a more environmentally friendly Ol KRUPSKh I don't think we saw it that way, however, I'm going to start ~n my opinion that you should have it rewewed by an environmental what was submitted, because like I said, there were two items that submitted, your application and another application, and were both Ily wanting for real background information and a real actual review. SCHL[CHTER: Okay, when will that be done? 7 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Well what I suggest is that you petition the Town Board, because right now, after Mr. Hughes left, we have no one on staff for an environmental planner. When we heard he was leaving, we petitioned the Town Board for help. We said he's leaving, this is not a surprise because he gave us notice, we know he's leaving, so we need help, we need professional help to protect the Town and to work for the Town. THOMAS. SCHLICHTER: I'm .available. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: So, you have to petition the Town Board. The Town Board bas to hire. We can't hire. We need the help. you're telling me is this lawn thing that you are efinitely until you get help. there is another way out of it. ., the Board vote tonight because that can get a ' that s the best thing I'm not l~ying tothreaten; I'm ju~'tryjng..tO.move this along. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI; Don'tworry we don't feel threatened. TklO.IgAS SCHLICF.'I-CER: Well thank you. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh You can get a lawyer no matter how we vote. Whether we vote yes.er not. you can still get a lawyer, either way, so we're not threatened at all That's fair. If we're going to vote on this, we're not going to vote information, so how could we vote without all of the Jldn't be fair to you have to say, the person that you sent out, I walked Of the yard and said, isn't this a beautiful tree, and he said if~ he knew what type it was and he said no. It was a sent an environmental analyst to my house who couldn't even out of the forest. I understand that's your point, but the e responsible in sending somebody out here who hut wa~r. That's a very good point. s was my concern originally, what were his ;,Board decided to leave it in his hands. So, now I'm basically to have a lawn. I have to go through another year of frozen out. I wouldn't look at it that way. I would look at it that you that's what you got. =R: What bought is beautiful but what is happening is, it is ause there is nothing to soak up the water in the backyard e not perform the function in the backyard of soaking up the TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: don't think the Board specified you had to have woodchips there. I think the permit says "no turf". You could plant any kind of groundcover, you could plant shrubs you could plant blueberries, you could plant any kind of bushes, Rhododendrons, and you don't have to have woodchips. THOMAS SCHLICHTER: And all that will do is funnel into the tracks so that it clogs up and' goes in. None of that is going to prevent it from going into the water. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: What you need a root system. THOMAS SCHLICHTER: Oh like 5,000 Myrtle plants at $2.50 each I guess, or Iike that. That actual num her was 6,200 to cover that section. root system, if you have an erosion ¢Vhich a lawn, according to Comell Cooperative to yo.ur own analyst, according to the CAC, and according eferenced, will do. which it's not. so we're postponed? Is that where correct. you very much. a motion to postpone the amendment to Permit KING: Seconded. ALL AYES J.~.O, Environmental Consulting on behalf of FRANCES E. NIELSEN requests a~!~mendment to Permit #5172 to construct a screened porch, deck and boulder ~,a, ll, ~Located: East End Rd., Fishers Island. SCTM#5-1-8 F~U~.TEE KING: I'll make a motion to Table it and to re-inspect in September. TF~iJJ§TEE DICKERSON: Seconded. ALL AYES CdStello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of NICHOLAS CHIOTELIS requests anAmendment to Permit #5401 to install a walkway on top of the bulkhead for beth access. Located: 21365 Soundview Ave., Southold. SCTM#135-1-3 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Number 7 & 8, I think we'll do together. Just a little ba,c,k, ground on these, we try to keep beach access whenever possible. The pro~l~lSm there is that right now there is only beach access at certain tides, is that co~re¢t?. J~N .COSTELLO: Yes, my name is John Costello. The only time there is beach ac~¢$ s if we have a coup e of good days There is at ow water, there s a sm:all, gravelly beach that sits on clay and if we have an easterly wind, that beach le~, ~l goes down to the clay bottom in that area. The beach varies quite co~si~?ntlY. We've had good weather and there is a little beach right now. It's proba~!y a foot~ maybe 18" thick at the most, but it's short. TP, US,:i;'EE POLIWODA: l think we came up with an answer with the armoring out ir~.~i'bql~..of the bulkhead. You could cover that with sand and that would actually raise Ibe grade a hair and allow access. JOHN COSTELLO: That sand would stay one day. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: How about gravel, JOHN COSTELLO: Gravel would just disperse. The DEC would never allow that. There's just too much wave energy,in the area, as you well know. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Sure tlier6s a lot of wave energy however if you just put something in as a filler, something might stick. JOHN COSTELLO: The DEC, they don't even want a core to any degree becauSe the core will disperse. The 1.5 lbs. rocks, you're supposed to chink the capstone with, in order to try to bind it into position, they don't like that in the area will move the core down towards the west. It's a tough lost a section. Of bulkhead la, st year and bulkhead to be reconstructed a~d.we did put That's was 4'., ~nformatiOn was given ~xisting front of sped [hat. I LhintdLffe d'is6us,~ior? with this here and f~'~,~ bu.L. Was in, order ~o s tl~o top of Lhe bulF,'hea0'. 'f;h8re isn't more 1 t0" y, because you coulUn;~ ?lan't an;yfhing thore that,~q~.ever survivo a!n'y'way: It.'s just sand and scm ,e.'.'t~'hra~,~]1£e:~ '~.~,~d' 'Lhe Board ~'~t ~;on site last y~p~'r. The,.'~rouble is, wo ran out el~dt~o,, gp, LL.h~ Lhe' porm~ts g.e~ln§,~e rocks out tl~ero [~causo ra weather is no~ a g(~od place~to work. TRUS~BE'~I~RUP~KI: Thib Js just an amendment to.pu~ a little, platform across Lhe 'Lop. o~ ~o~'.b.,b. ulbl.~eads so if somebody wants to get ~bp th~ere they can wa k across. T.-.h~e.~t~'68§~ 'is limited as it is now, That's why we granted the permit last year"~er ~ne. TR:US.,i'B.Ei¢9:C}./IWODA: Will there be a set of stairs or a ladder to get up. TRUS,q-BB'Kf~UPSK: don t th nk sta rs wou d ast too long. I think you're on your of the neighbors down further to the east, you can ~of the bulkheads, believe it's probably pdvate property but 1 '~s ever going to get chased off and I know in other localities letter saying that you could, if somebody did , beach, and have access, that they would allow that access to that around every dock because the dock stops at ~rivate property. You have to give them a letter saying that you is important. You couldn't walk very far encumbering previously existing rock jetties and/or a 10 couple of bulkheads that are falling over and/or, some of the bulkheads are unsafe to walk on top of too. Not here, par[icutarly right now. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I think that's why we're here tonight is to stipulate that there be a public access in some form to get it in front of those proper[les, whether they give us a letter stating the people of the Town can cross their bulkhead., that's fine. JOHN COSTELLO: A lot of it has to do with weather condition.s. If you had a nor'easter you would not have an access anywhere along that shoreline. Right now ttiere has been faidy decent weather lately. There is minimal access along the shorelir~e. TB~USTEE I¢,RUPSKI: The access across the top is actual ~y better than the way it is 'now. JOHN COSTELLO: Plus there is a non-tUrf buffer, if you want to walk threugh the bulkhead and there is minimal growth if anything except for a oertain times of the year. But, I'm sure the beachgrass has survived it. It's a tough area. LIWODA: FII make a mo/~on to Approve the request of the as well as The Amendment to Permit #5400 on :lreas Karacostas to install a walkway on top ~ the stipulation that they offer a letter of ~. top of the bulkhead. I think that's wise. Thank you. Cost, ellO Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of ANDREAS KARACOSTAS requests an A~ndment to Permit #5400 to install a walkway on top of the bui~afl for~be~ch access. Located: 21275 Soundview Ave, Southold. SQT~#135-~122 (SEE A,GEN~)A ITEM #7) Pro. per-T Permit Services on behalf of GREGORY MAZZANOBILE requests an Ame.~dment to Permit #5631 to allow the location of the sewage disposa system andihe necessary fill and retaining wall. Located: 1460 Lake Dr., Southold. SC~MC~59-1-21.6&21.7 POSTPONED UNTIL SEPTEMBER AS PER THE AGENT'S REQUEST 10.William A. DiConza, Esq, on behalf of SHAWN & JOLYNE FITZGERALD req.uests a Waiver to erect an open split-rail fence within 100' of Wolf Pit Lake. Located: 495 Paddock Way, Mattituck. SCTM#107-4-2.1 TRUSTEE KRUPSKh I have a Resolution, which I would like to read: WHEREAS, Shawn and Jolyne Fitzgerald filed an application to erect an open split-rail fence on their property at 495 Paddock Way, Mattituck, SCTM# 107-4-2.1, and WHEREAS, the proposed location of the fence is within 100 feet of Wolf Pit Lake, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was opened on December 18, 2002 on this application at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and oral and written comments were received and reviewed by this Board including letters of William DiConza, Esq., dated May 19, 2003 and June 30, 2003, letter of Abigail Wickham, Esq., dated June '~8, 2003 and letter of Stephen R. Angel, Esquire, dated June 9, 2003, and WHEREAS, the public hearing was closed on July 2, 2003, and WHEREAS, applicants property is subject to Covenants and Restrictions which were imposed by the Southold Town Planning Board at the time the subdivision was created and approved, and the Covenants and Restrictions are incorporated herein by r"eference, and WHEREAS, the proposed location of the fence is within the Wetland and Natural Vegetation Retention Buffer Easement, and the Scenic and Natural Vegetation Retentfon Buffer Easement on the property, and WHEREAS, the Covenants and Restrictions dictate that the aforementioned easements must be kept open and free of buildings and other structures and WHEREAS the Covenants and Restrictions refer to the scenic beauty, openness, and natural, conditions of the land, and dictate that the natural vegetation and resources of the easements shall remain undisturbed and in its natural state, and, therefore Be it RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board of Trustees DENIES the Fitzgerald application for a. split-rail fence within the Wetlands and the Wetland and Scenic Natural Vegetation Retention Buffer Easements. The application is denied witheut prejudice to the applicants' ability to re-apply after application to modify the Covenants and Restrictions has been granted by the Planning Board. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh That's the Resolution. Is there a second? TRUSTEE KING: Seconded. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KING moved to go off the Regular Meeting and onto the Public Hearings, TRUSTEE POLIWODA seconded. ALL AYES IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: THIS ISA PUBLIC HEARING IN THE MATTER OF THE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS UNDER THE WETLANDS ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. HAVE AN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION FROM ]2 THE TRAVELER WATCHMAN. PERTINENT CORRESPONDENCE MAY BE READ PRIOR TO ASKING FOR COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC. PLEASE KEEP YOUR COMMENTS ORGANIZED AND BRIEF. FIVE (5) MINUTES OR LESS IF POSSIBLE CRESCENT BEACH CONDOMINIUM requests a Wetland Permit to erect a pergola (sunscreen) on 30' of existing deck, which is approx. 99' long.. Located: 2500 Maple Lane, Greenport. SCTM#38-7-13 TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Is there anyone who would like to comment on this application? EMIL NATALE: Goo, d evening, I represent the Crescent Beach Condos. I was here last month and the gentleme~ asked for a newer survey, which I have p~ovided which shows the high-water mark and also a schematic of the current ~leCk that's in p ace on Which we propose to build a pergola The purpose of the perg~o~ a.. s,. it's actua, ly a sunscreen to protect the res dents of Crescent Beach from the SUnr A number of us have already had skin cancer and other problems. be approved. Ilythe CAC made a recommendation of Denial but I think that was old information. , now is more current and we're putting it on not doing anything else. How high will it'be? igh as the deck house. It's going to be Any more comments? )roblem with it. public heanng. ALL AYES FII make 'a motion to Approve the Wetland Permit to erecLa pe'rgo a, ont. he oxisting deck TRB~T..EE FOSTER: Seconded. ALL AYES ;IRRITO request a Wetland Permit to improve the g a master bedroom, full bath and guest ', Lecated: 7625 Nassau Point Rd., Cutchogue. RSON: Is there anyone here who would like to speak to this ,a Good evening. My name is Michael Cirrito and I am here we're both the owners of the subject property at 7625 Nassau application for a Wetland Permit to construct a second-floor on structure to accommodate a master bedroom, master bath, )m. The second floor will be built entirely on the existing footprint home that's there now and there wilt be no encroachment on the The house now sits approximately 60' from the average high water mark and sits up on a 20' bluff from that average high water mark. There is also a bulkhead in place at the line underneath the bluff. The house has approximately 100' of waterfront and none of the proposed construction would impose any more upon the waterfront. Itwould be exactly within the footprint of the house that exists now. So, I don't believe that this will at all affect the wetlands. We have applied to the DEC for a letter of Non-Jurisdiction. We have received [hat letter of Non-Jurisdictien. I would just like to point out the letter says that the BEC would like u's to take such precautions which nlay include maintainir~g an adequate work area between the tidal wetland jurisdictbnal boundary sucl~ as erecting a temPorary,fence or a hay pale berm. We would agree tO;do that when we~ db, the cons{~uctiPn. I thir~ {~at~s,a re~aSonabte r~§'uJ~?d'~nt: Oth,e?thanth~t; I can't seetbi,s.ccin~t~cti0n With th"e, ma~itenance (~ ~s'econd-stdry will cause any problems W th the Wet[at,ds that e~j¥~eJltly exist on ,t~e;,pr~operty. TR~D,[~KE, R, SON' Do ou have p aris for utters and'drywe s? M]:~i"~ i~'~i'F~JTO'. ,.... Actua·. y the house s n~)w guttered and the gutters on the si~t~.~i:slde,.g~ ntod e s Thosed e swllbe mantaned or enlar~ed.;,depending, upon what the architect requires. TRU&'[E'E 'KRUPSKh We just need.to see that on a plan, that's all. MICEIAE,L CrRRITO: You need to see a set of planswith drywells on the No, you just include it on your survey that you provided They just make a stamp and say "drywell". We'll of the permit so it will run with the permit. Anyone else here to speak? Do you have drywells on your swimming pool? we don't. That swimming, pool however is located, well it 200' from the water. How do you drain it? ; don't drain it. You leave it full all year around. full all year around. We have one of those vinyl lock Any other comments? I'll make a motion to close the to E POLIWODA: Seconded. ALL AYES )ICKERSON: I'll make a motion to Approve the request for a permit g one-story residence by adding a master bedroom, full ]~est room to new second floor, with the condition that gutters and to the plans, and a staked row of hay bales. Seconded. ALL AYES RITA HOLOBIGIAN requests a Wet and Perm t to f n ow spots in back garden witl~ ~d',C~f. of clean fill and 20 cy. of screened top fill to seed for lawn. Lo~;ated: 420'~1~ Rd, SoU[ho d SCT1~#78-2-22 TRM~EE P(~LIWODA: ~ould you like to speak in favor of this application? ]4 RITA HOLOBIGIAN: It's pretty obvious we have some Iow spots in the back garden and I said and we need to level and plant grass seed there and just make it a little more agreeable to the eye and for our neighbors too. We do back onto Goose Creek and we have the phragmites growing at the end of the garden and this is a good 20' from the end of the creek. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I visited the sitea couple of days ago and I find that you shouldleave those holes in place closest to the creek, up to 50' from the tidal wetland delineation line. and for that reason it will catch any run-off from your lawn, any fertilizers you put down, that will act as a catch basin for the water so it doesn't~ :into the creek. I can envision what you want to an'~. se when. we get very heavy rain it there. ctually saving the creek from the nutrients into the creek. You're actually filtering the water filter the nutrients out. But I can understand you want ~,elso. I was hoping you would work with us and say 50' wetland' line back towards your house, leave that as is with the holes, from that point up, forward, towards your h Se we can grade par[? )DA: Sure but leave the first 50' from the tree line. I believe Pine tree. on the other side. That really wasn't the area. Right next to the dock there was a tree. So 50' from that and don't grade that. When you grade it, I would a hay bale line down so you can grade and do what you have agree? : Sounds good. ,1: Thank you. ,: Ar~y other comments? ~'. Do you have a DEC permit for this? ~, ,.':~ .','~, ,~ ~ r.C.I..',\: 4,..~S I <~,* ,.,K l~s a completely different agency so we don't require that ' ' i "."" come to us It was just a question 4 ,,: ,. ',..,,~..,, f~ ¢¢e went to the DEC when l wanted to expand my deck. IDA: In the file, the CAC recommended Approval with a 25' vent with 50' from the tree next to your dock. 4: Thank you. So we can just go ahead with it now? We have )DA: You have our approval. Yes. you have our approval. We'll vote on it. anyone else have any comment? I'll make a g. Seconded. ALL AYES TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I'll make a motion to Approve the permit with the stipulation of a 50' non-disturbance buffer with a hay bale line set at 50'. Do I have a second? TRUSTEE FOSTER: Seconded. ALL AYES PETER COSOLA requests a Wetland Permit to add a second-storv to the existing dwelling. Located: 2880 Minnehaha Blvd., Southold. SCT1~1#87-3-43 TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Would anyone like to comment on this application? PETER COSOLA: We're the owners if you have any questions. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: No, it was pretty straight-forward. 1 was there two or You're not excavating. point. it's minimal. The only thing I could contain your roof run-off. That's : [~1o, just the drywe s Do you want a hay bale line during )LA: / would agree to that. going to need it? it will catch any garbage. It can be a silt fence just garbage from the construction crew. far out from the house? ; 25' from the house itself. n r ~e contractors to work. If there are no other comments, I'll make a motion to nC. TRU .8"FE E,KI~qG: Secosded. ALL AYES TRU"S~'E~.P~LI,WOD/~{ i'11 make a motion to Approve the wetland permit on b¢hsfl¢ e[ '~elor Gosola 'Mth the stipulation that you have a s t containment fence on. tilo we, i.'l~'n.d ~ide of t~e house as well as drywells and gutters for the roof run- off. TRUSTEEiKR~PSKI: Now for that you have to show that on your plans, the d~ells. 3asf. t~ake it to Your surveyor and he II draw it right on the plan. You can dt~'!t temofro~and br h9 jt back to the office and we'll stamp it. PE,:TER C~SOLA: Re-sUbmit it? TC sT, PSKi:, Right, but we could do it tomorrow. PE~ER:C~S~bA: undo?stood TRt~S~'~dQ!bJ,~VQE~A :Do l have a second? -iiRUS%BE ~ (~I'¢~RSON: Seconded. ALL AYES 5. JOSEPH ~ DONNA ST, PIERRE request a Wetland Perm t to construct a one- story adOifl~)n f~o the exist ng s ngle-family dwelling. Located 370 Goose Creek Lane, Sbuthold: SCTM#79-1-6 TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Is there anyone who would like to comment on this applicati~on? 16 JOSEPH ST. PIERRE: I'm Mr. St. Pierre, the owner and the applicant. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I was over there yesterday. It's very straight-forward What I looked for between the line of the homes to the, east and west, looked for a line there, and you're well behind that line. You're net going in front of the homes next to you so I didn't have. a problem with your expansion. It's all over turf grass right now and behind a bulkhead. I didn't see a problem~ with allowing the expansion to occur. TRUSTEE KRUF'SKI; Wh~ about drywells. TRUSTEE. PO, LIWODA; Sure, and~ drywells for your roof run-off. JO~[PH $~. ;PIERRE..: Ther~e are, drywel s on the original house. They presently ~]re 'n~:4 connected 5~ause We did a :new roof at the early part of the summer and we didn't replace 'tho gutters because this extension now is going to involve .ta, k~',tf ~,r:0, q~¢ ~ing them back op again. I don't think there are any shown f0,r :~.',e ~) ~ ~,[{i~d!~ ]1~'~ ~ at6 four drywel[$ for the exiSti~g:'h0use. ~R_~ ~i~i~ '¢¢hink We;il sti'~ ate. You should hav~ drywe,[s placed on t '~,~-',~p~O!8.&~:{he ~-eJ-de,a~ ~the.,l~ast pbrmit. ;~'ou Il just,have to have it ~OS¢~i'I'.STi ~iEF~i~E: Fine. 'FR~J ~T.T:E PO.LI,~.¥:ODA: I.[ there are no other Board comments, I'll make a motion to 6;r~se tt~e.p,ub o:hear ng. TR~.ST.E-_E D (:;'K'ERSON: Seconded. ALL AYES Tfit~-CE;E'.P~)L]¥~.¢',ODA: I:11 make a motion to Approve the permit to construct a ono~.-b.~tO;r~/,~d.di~ie~,'to the ex st ng sing e-family dwe ng wth the st pu aton that thoy~nc.,I,u, d'd tbe'~:d,~Wolls as well as a s It fence during construction, at)p:.~'~b),(i~'~, I~ ~t~ ';Jr/)m the construcbon. TRI~$'~'~q~:~K.ING: 8~econdod. ALL AYES requests a Wetland Permit to construct a first-floor , . , _ single-family dwelling. Located: 2325 Nassau Point Rd., Cut(~f?o¢,u, e. Sc'FM#104-13-5 TRtJSTEE,DICNERSON: I also mentioned when I was there the other day about gutters a.~d I have. 8.1etter [rom them that I would like to read. Dear Trustees, I'm sorry but,~b.e~abse of a back problem that is worse today, cannot attend this me,tin~' ¢/iib.'t,,y.h,u~band. I understand that you may stipulate that we install a lrad(~O/~al:gul[~ system 1o our house as par of our Trustee approval for our one- be~(qOm.~diiion. For many years we have used a ve~ effective French gu~er sys~;m, wtJk;l'~. Jets ,M~ffng water and snow melt filter down to the ground where aqu¢er ardt~r~d,the.¢ntire perimeter of our house while keeping it from settling aro~iKt (be~,fo~Tnd~ien. The area a¢und the bedroom addition that we now proAeso db¢s"¢~ot slope towards the Bay. We also have two bulkheads each km8~br[? qf'th~ Bay and each with more than 10' of vegetation landward of them Iha~/o[~ld,i~,qe¢.ai~y flowing ra~bwater from be~g absorbed ~ the ground close to the ~y. ~du a'llowed us to keep our French gutters in past Trustees approvals ~or ~[#ld#~g ~e ~lklTeads. which we appreciate, tt has worked ve~ well for ma~y. d~bny ydar~.~nd we respecffully request that you allow us to continue t7 using this Iow cost, Iow maintenance, safe and environmentally friendly system. Thank you, Christine Rathgeber. Does anyone have a problem with that? TRUSTEE KRUPSKh I don't have a problem with the French drains. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Any other comment? MR., RATHGEBER: Ne. She's sorry she can't be here today. She did all the leg- work for this addition. Unfortunately she got a herniated disk two weeks ago. It's a good time to be planning a bedroom on the first floor. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: No other comments? 1'11 make a motion to close the headng. TRU~ ,STEE KING: Seconded. ALL AYES YR~'.~T~D]CK~RSON; I'll make a motion to Approve the permit with the coh~l~t'on t~e e×i§fing Fre~nct~ drains be used to control the roof run-off and a line 0:~;~'~aies~,along the tol~ of the bulkhead. TP~US~BE ~IN~.: Seconded. ALL AYES uests a Wetland Permit to construct an le-family dwelling. Located: 825 Harbor Lights Dr., -16 INTIL SEPTEMBER 8. J requests a Wetland Permit to cut into ground of right-of- round utilities, permission to cut base of existing dirt stone materials, and for the proposed driveway 'ight-of-way. Located: Diachun Rd., Laurel. SCTM#127-3-9.1 IL SEPTEMBER J.M.O~ En~i[onmental Consulting Services on behalf of MARC RUBENSTEIN requests a Wetl~ Permit to construct an addition deck and terrace onto an ex~sfi~g single-;family dwelling an.d, to construct an addition and porch onto an exis~g~co?~ge; l~:ated ~adel ne Ave F shers s and SCTM#6-7-7 TRU~tI'EE KING: I'll make a motion to Table the application. TRU~rI'EE Po~IWODA: Seconded. ALL AYES 10. Coste~lo Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of PETER BOGOVIC requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 124' retaining wall above the current high-water mark. with C-Lpc v!nyl sheathing. Located: 1980 North Bayview Rd., Southold. SCTM#70-12J39.5 TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Would anyone like to comment on the application? JOHI~ COSTELLO: Yes, my name is John Costello and I'm the agent who made th~ ,a~P'l~i!cation ~d I would like to try to answer any quest OhS that the Board may haye. be~ .eve tbl 'a, Board asked to have t staked as d d the DEC. t was staked several m ,enths ~ago but time has gone by, and I re-staked it. I think Ken had the fil~ a~d h~ wa~s~0ing to go down and verify that the stakes were in, TRU~EE~ POI~I~ODA: I-didn't see anything about the stakes but ] stopped on the bdUge and looked down. 18 JOHN COSTELLO: Well every comer of it was staked and marked in orange and I tried to make it...there's one angle in it. As you can see, over a period of years, believe it or not, in that little unexposed area, there is considerable erosion. It's evidenced by the bridge abu. tment that ,the Suffolk County has in there. On his north side, they have Io~t approximately 12' of [and since the property was last surveyed. Inthe middle they lost approximately 10' ef land since itwas last surveyed. On the south side, they lost approximately 24'. The monuments are Still there. The monuments are painted and w. hat Mr. Bogo¥ic has dpne was pick up ; debris and tried to utilize it up.against the ~wr we say. of all of the dob'tis, allow nature ;to replenish,t there 3efore ,the deb'tis was,pi'aced on. top et i[~ and.then we'll work 'from there. JOHN COS:I;EPLO: Wait Ksn. you don't' lose 24'-if~:th~'e:i~mt: ._tl~f~,i;s~mei tide going Lhroug~. ~bere. TRUSTEE.' K'R~PSK: Well wait. before we even get that far Ken~ I think what we need and f[he. Cbde provides us now. is Lo ask for an updated survey because that Wou!d real~y demonstrate, because we saw some: mark, we saw two marker, s, on.q ce.,rner and. one middle marker, but we.cpu dn'.l:find the other marker b,y th.o',tbS'lC,ge. Itwas underneath thatchainqir!kfence. JOFfN C:OS.-I'~_~LL.O: f did 'find it. TRL~,~:'FEr2. I~",EIP.,~KI: Okay. because we were unable to find it with the applicant there ,~ha!,dacy l'a;st week. ,So. think what we need is an updated survey so we can; really g~¢',be;tt.e,r idea about what is going on there, There is also an issue ab.cbt a vidl~,t,[eri t~ere from Ju y 19"' actually two Years. ago that was never resolved; on: fhe p~oporLy.. There was a violation that says there was a dock rardp. ~nd f~{~vit~0ut .L~e p~ropor Trustees' perrr)it I, t]~ink tl~e app cant shou d ad~J.roos th~ n~he moa~me wh Io ho s getting that, sU!rvey. Now were not enl~rcomoh't T'~ s was.id the f e As far as know this; s an,ongD ng matter JOi~t~4 CO~7'.E~.i'~O Coutinu¢,, ~.o look in the file 'Fhere;fs a p~rm t TR'~ . ." ' . '- '- " ' ~$TEE E~PSK Yestlero s. A perm,[from 1977 fora 4X 12 ramp, a 5X 20" float a nr!!~[~¢ pipes. JOl~ ~,¢ CD.S~L6): would hope thai you would also understand that as you lose the ¢?oport,v.. ~¢b~[ew;r you lose. and ho has lost, partiCu!arly in the middle, he Ios'l..¢ipproxir'ca~.~ly 10-12' in the middle, where the doc~ is. I'm sure if you looked at ~.1~;o dock', ¥o,.~ can see that ho probably personally e~ended that landward so tha,[ ho oould~g.~t on and off el it. I don't know. The file was out so I could not review ~,¢h(;t~8~'the walkway or tho drawing [hat was originally permitted for the flea'[; .tho p~f.~iS~ and tho catwalk. I don t know the exterit, and yOUr may be rght You ~laV bo: ~'i(,ih.t. If he dk! extend iL inshore in lengthening [t~ technically that coul~t, b~ a vio'lht~on, but I'nn sure this Board has eno~ug~n knowledge that as a bank erodes and your losing property, he is going to make an approach to get on the dock. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh There is also another issue that I just wanted to bring up at the headng before we conclude it ton!ght. There's an issue aboutthe chain-lfnk fence underneath the dock that blocks access. No uncertain terms, that has to be removed because you can't block access with a chain-link fence. JOHN COSTELLO: You're right. At one time access was not an item. But it has becomemore and more of an item because there are more people here. I ~ndersta, nd th .',at. 1 also understand that by removing the debris or whatever, if you lost ady degree.of land bver a period of time, arid. there are no vegetated ~g the ba~nk,, because only t~'oubte is if you're-Io~ing 10', under the doc'k or ovor the ( from~tho dock down [b the you re ¢oncernod at)out. . You have to c~a¢l*~ridu.¢ dock b0c~u.s'e ifs TF~U:S-"EE POL:I~&~QDA: Do ~pinion or why there are no wetlan'd.s on h~s ~ property lirie,, going south, it's heavily vogetated. JOHI!I.,COSTEJ_LO: It's not heavily but there is...we'll I'll give. you a professional opin~r.~. Tide.~n~ tho enorgy of the water running through, underneath the brid.go~ is, scdt~g out. Ti~U;~-EE ¢ObI~;NODA: Upland, why is there such a Baccharis line just south of his p?O'pfrty, fino. thon he has all planks, sheds, boats and .... JO.F:.¢. C~S~'¢:1' LO: You see that everywhere Ken You've been there. DENNIS LA'N~: I'm Dennis Lane from Cutchogue. I own the property next to it and ~cl,u~lly ~vl~a~ J think is occurring there is the bridge wh:ere they have the rerurr~, ~,.1Toy '~'~r tiod !.hem back in. The water gets behind there and when the l,ide .4rart~ !z) go oql, it comes out twice as fast and it's ca~ving his whole property in a be~v!:sli'a~po. ~ow his property is st~arting to pull out fram'my property. I don't wanL'a b~lkh~ad, live,got 500' of waterfront there I'd like to see him do his bu kbead..., d(.,~ to ..preserve thal, who efront because they shoU d've but that return all'th~;~v,fiy;Jnto~O bridge. That s why fyou ook at it froth, the beach sfde you soo ~,lboks ko. a Fr'.ankonsto n They p~ut steel g~rders on the embankment of the bridge, which :is like :useloss. It's just going to kill somebody when they are trying to got'.tbe a,cqass, to Lhe boach because they are going, to t¢ip over that. As far as lhe a.cce~s t(~',tt~e, [)each. the chain-link fence that goes under the deck, probably couldi,.be!roCnove~¢ bet peop!~ do go do~n there. They arel¢l~mming and they're fishid.9, and'tb'o~ aro, doing what they want t° do. But I woul~l definitely say that if he's r~b~. allow.b.d~'to rernody his, irs going to pull more of my property out, which has ~iFJ-eacly o~derrod. Thai monurnent is really, it's not that far before it lands in th'e ~te0 J©HI~b~.STELLu' O: The monument is a couple of feet. 20 TRUSTEE POLIWODA: It is a dangerous situation on both sides of that bridge and since it is such a public profile spot, I lived there all my life, and I've been there, they should actually build stairs down there on both sides to make it safer. DENNIS LANE: They should. And they should connect that return all the way in so it doesn't pull away from the side of the bridge because that's why it's acting to counter-rotate on his prOperty, It's just getting I~rger as time goes on. As we,a_ll know, tides are gettng higher with everything that s melting in ~is world. So, it s going to get worse and. worse and worse. 3OHN COSTELLO: Hopefully that helps answer...the amount of flow of water that goes thro~gt~ and underneath that ~ridge, the gallonage that feeds all of thai Cre:e~; GO°se .G-Creek, isa lot of W~lte~'. When it~ comes back out on a falling ti~te, tl~e.~'i~;is ~a cons'~e~ab]e eddy cre~it~ed by ~he returns, on the COunty bridge See I'm concemed with putting a hard structure there and neighbo(s property, with a h~d structure. ~vhere you kind of absorb that energy? at is occurring and the loss of land ~=r trying to get out ora small eddy. But, somewhere along the line clean that up because it~s~basica!ly time down , you ~1o have an older:survey that monurao'n'ts that are ~use of the amount T~RUST,.E. E KRUPSKh If there is no other comment, I'lt make a motion ~get a survey. get, the survey and agree to provide and allow the the. water, because there is a nice beach there, temporarily, JOH~ C;J~,~T~:'ILLO: TRUST~E~ KI~EIPSKI: It JOl-I~ C?,STJ~I;LO: Okay. ~ Board will... see the survey then see it re-staked. ~takes are there. You can see the stakes anytime. better probably if we could meet you out there. TRUSTE~E P(D.L- I,WODA: Arewe going to stipulate that the debds be removed in tho r~ea~q~mo. I mean. h~ has p anks and he's just piling garbage up there. JOH~ OO'STE~E. LO: It wilii'~be removed. It's got to be removed. I couldn't build anything fl~ero: wit',hout removing it. It's out of the water and it should stay out of the water. That's where, most of it came from. As long as he keeps it above high- ,.vaJer. lhink he's okay. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Is there a second to that motion? TRLJ~'I'EE KING: Seconded. ALL AYES 21 11 .Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of ORIENT WHARF CO., INC. requests a Wetland Permit and Coastal Erosion Permit to saw between 12 to 15, 3'X 3' inspection ports in the existing concrete floor in order to inspect and evaluate the exist!ng foundation then repair as needed. Located: 2110 Village Lane, Orient. SCTM#24-2-28.1 TRUSTEE FOSTER: Is there anyone here crt behalf of this application? JOHN COST,ELLO: I am the agent from Costelle Marine Contracting and I made the applicatioh to this Board. I don't, know if any of the Board saw the condition of the inside of that. building, but the floor over the past few years has started to is leaning to some degree and they want to two engineers to, go down there, the condition is until you cut the inspection~ ports. ~loor?. ,, if:'s a c ) cutit and inspect to find out what it is. I mean I can Grout is basically fieldstone, oyster after they built the rock walls so that they s leaked out over the period of time, but how know howto support the floor and/or if it's much grout, broken rock, filling some of the voids l,hat's undern'e~h .[he concrete, and/or sonar tubes on the corner of the buildings to be able to ~,]old [hem up on a level plain, but I don't know that until I open il. I've. h~ad c,o.n~.etsal,ions with the DEC. There is no permit necessary to open it up and'instinct ii. They said after you do tha'q there s n al likelihood no permit' necossar.y b. ec~use it's landward of an existing functional structure but they ~.~ould like'Lo hav~ the courtesy of me calling them after the holes are cut so Chris Arfste:n ~oulrJ come down, view it, and then I could explain to him exactly wh at is going !.o r~cCu'.[..~/hother it's concrete sonar ~bes, grout, small rock, what is neces~'a~r~, to, sg~i~dr!, the ricer, A lot of kids participate' in that building. To go down thc~r.e .bn,;~o'~d.N.y now. boy there's a sailing school and kids a lover t~at place. In Or'd'e'r tb §~[.) the tripping and whatever, they pasted rugs across the cracks, and.,th~y;rei iu.th,ere playing. Kids will survive. But. :when they do have~ a little drinkihg ',p~. ~!y fb~r~) at night, I'm not so sure that some,body is goin§ to survive. Th.~.1!~bo'r (s pr~,tty well cracked-up So that is where we are with the DEC aad hqp.c,ff.~tly~[lff!s Board will concur. TRUSTEE .-PJ'C~I"I~,~[~A! No problem JOHN CQS.TE~.. E,©: I'[ I ~1o cut the holes, if there's a Board member that wants to como down a~d ~i(i~y, ii l.e see. I would give them the courtesy, the same as I would[do wi!h it.~.e:l~EC. What I don't want to do is cut them and leave them open. TRUSTEE KF~I~9.N.I: Well when you're going to cut it, you can call Lauren and she car] teJ. I us and:~we'll see il someone is available. TRU~T~E ~O~[~: ~1, ~make a mot on to c ese the hear RLI~ D ~.,SiDI~' Seconded ALL AYES TRD;~ ~:![E~: I~11 make a mot on to Approve the application. TRU~",~O~: SeConded. ALL AYES 12.Amy Martin of Fairweather-Brown on behalf of ROBERT & CAROL ABRAHAMS requests a Wetland Permit to renovate the existing single-family dwelling within the existing footprint, and an addition of a patio 9.9'X 16' (even with the existing waterside structure). Located: 920 Bmadwaters Dr., Cutchogue. SCTM#104-7-7 TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Is there anyone here who would like to speak to this application? AMY MARTIN: I'm from Fairweather-Bmwn representing Bob & Carol Abrahams. [ just got back today from a vacation. In the meantime while I was away, called and they don't want to do the patio. They just want to rebuild the deck only it ttie size that we've shown. They want to rebuild the deck. )vati'ng within the footPdn~ tha't's going~to be a so it's ju(st re;ally rebuildim before the'!DEC also. There's 62' or [is cement be removed, ~'it and it is TRUSTEJ2:DICKERSON: The only thing I noticed iSryOU didn't have the shed closest [d t~o road on tho survey. It's not a problem with any of the plans or anytl~ing bu,t I just noticed that there is a shed, closer tothe road, past the screened-in, porch. AMY I~J'IA_R-E,'~N: 1 do know that everything on the property has C.O's. TRtdS,-I:EE ~RUPSKI: Are you going to ~ave this re'surveyed when it's done? AMY' MART]N: Yes. it will be. TR~STEC:.,I;C,RUPSKh Then as a condition of the permit, we'd like a copy of that. AMY MA..'R'¥1 .N: Okay. 'FREISTE,,E :.KRUPSK As opposed to requ r ng one for the rev ew, I didn't really think it ~.s; n~,cessary. AMY M~R'rlN: Okay, very good. Yes the survey is older. The earliest record we 984 and there aren't going to be any changes and ~1 with the footprint other than removing that little off and that walkway is coming out and now in cement, it's going to be deck, opposing the architects in they will put French drains around the deck for run-off, landward of that. I'll make a motion to close the headng. \LL AYES I'll make a motion to Approve the request to renovate th , dwelling with the condition that a survey be brought in ound the deck and drywells on the survey. AMY i' amend the plans. ~ded. ALL AYES 13. Catherine Mesiano, Inc. on behalf of DENNIS HENCHY requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 4'× 37'elevated walk @ 3.5' with steps to grade. Located: 1325 Kimberly Lane, Southold. SCTM#70-13-20.8 POSTPONED' UNTIL SEPTEMBER AS PER THEAGENT'S REQUEST TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to go off the Public Hearings and back to the Regular Meeting. TRUSTEE DICKERSON seconded. ALL AYES V. RESOLUTIONS: 1 Board to set the scallop season. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I have a Resolution here: The following action was taken at the Southold Town Board of Trustees Regular Meeting held on August 20, 2003. RESOLVED., that the Southold Town Board of Trustees open the following dates to scallop harvesting: From Monday, October 6, 2003 from sunrise to sunset through Sunday, October 19, 2003 inclusive, dip net or scalp net s perm tted for non-commercial scallop harvesting only. From Monday, October 20, 2003 from sunrise to sunset th rough Wednesday, March 31. 2004 inclusive, all gear permitted pursuant to Chapter 77 (shellfish) of the Code of the Town of Southold is permitted. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. ALL AYES Meeting adjourned at: 9:15 PM. RECEIYED Soatholcl Town Cle~ Respectfully submitted by, Lauren M. Standish, Senior Clerk Board of Trustees