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Albert J. Krupski, President .~ames King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peg~ A~ Dickerson Town HaE 53095 Routel~25 P.O. Box 11~9 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 7~5-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OFTOWNTRUSTEES TOWN OFSOUTHOLD MINUTES Wednesday, July 23, 2003 7:00 PM PRESENT WERE: Albert J. Krupski, Jr., President James King, Vice-President Ar[ie Foster, Trustee Ken Poliwoda, Trustee Peggy Dickerson, Trustee E. Brownell Johnston, Esq. Charlotte Cunningham, Clerk CALL MEETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NEXT FIELD INSPECTION: Wednesday, August 13th, 2003 at 8:00 a.m. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI do I have a Motion to set the date for next field inspectiqn? TRUSTEE KING change inspection date to Tuesday, August 12th, 2003 becaBse August 13th is our town trip to Fisher's Island moved to Approve. TRUSTEE FOSTER seconded. ALL AYES. NEXT TRUSTEE MEETING: Wednesday, August 20th, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. WORKSESSION: 6:00 p.m. TRUSTEE FOSTER moved to Approve TRUSTEE DICKERSON seconded, ALL AYES II. Iff. APPROVE MINUTES: Approve Minutes May 21,2003 June 18th, 2003 TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Is there any Motion to Approve the Minutes for May o~ ,June? TRUSTEE KING: [ have not read them? TRUS'I-EE DICKERSON: I need more time. :,TRUSTEE POLIWODA: have one correction on page 27 for the record it rE ads stee P0]iw,oda "ifyou went tO build it without a berm on the wet and side.; I ~t th~,~'un off .~hobl~go. intO the wetlands." Instead of should it shoul ~0~TE ~UNNIGHAM: Would or could have? ::~;~ 'F~TER: Woul~ of should of could of? ~.~P~LIWODA: Not's~ould. MONTHLY REPORT: The T~stees monthly repo~ for June 2003. A ch for $2,202.85 was fo~arded to the Supe~isor's Office for the General Fu ~d PUBLIC NOTICES: Public Notices are posted on the Town Clerk's Bulle' n Board for review TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Currently we are redoing the Code - Chapter 97. /e have copies of the draft that we are working on it. If anyone is interested. We heve input all ready from numerous people. We have hed one public hea~ng all ready and comments from among others Chief of Police, Town Planning Depa~ent and various environmental consultants, dock builders, marina] owners. So if anyone else would like to look at the draft. Or comments o~ it? It is available. . AMENDMENT~AIVE~CHANGES TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Actually, before we sta~ there is on the agenda that are not ~oin~ to be heard tonight. them first: Number 9 Number 11 Number 16 Number 19 Number 29 Number 21 Gregory Mazzanobile will not be heard tonight. Tom Schlichter will not be heard tonight. We can change the name. Shawn & Jolyne Fitzgerald will not be heard tonight. Dennis Henchy will not be heard. Rochelle Reis Bob Fox 2 On the Public Hearings: .Number 9 Fred Glasser ~Number 14 William Lois & Bina Comes Marc Rubenstein Amendments Waiver and Chan,qes - These are not public hearin.qs iPlease step forward to the microphone and identify yourself for the ~:~ecord and we are _~oinq to try to qo throu_qh them very (~uicklv. Be ~'eadY With your comments: Frank Uellendahl on behalf of JESSE PERETZ request an Amendment to Permif #5564 and the transfer of ownership - owner requests permission o demolish exi;st.i.flg boat house and wood deck to restore waterfront to a les urban condition. Located: 1705 Truman's Path, East Marion, NY SCTM#: 1- 13~5 TRLIS~EE FOSTE P,: Let me comment on this application because I Iooke ~ at i£ this at all I think it is going to be a big d of that boathouse, CAC recommended would suggest is that this is bullheaded bul it demolish it. So I would recomm( ~d the top of:the bulkhead:line and I would like to sE ~ down spouts for run-off~ Presently, there is no coming down and everything is pitching towar ~ it is bulkhead Grass is right uptothe bulkhead. The boathouse and deck are therergoing to be :F~US~EE FOSTER: The deck is here and the boathouse is under ground SO t~', s where the pabo s going E.~iI~NELL JOHNSTON: Do you want to Table this when you are Iool~ing T~tC~TEE FOSTER: No, it will take me a minute I am looking at the scop(~ of thSf~Ork. 'There really s no job descr pt on Anyone take papers out of he~-e? It i~ U:h~[ear as to exact y what the are o'n to do w'th that area where th~\ ... : Y g g ,Y a~l~iilg t, he boathouse. TR~TEE KING.: If you look at the one drawing they are drawing those tw¢ TI~r~STEE FOSTER: I see that they are going to extend those two over. TF~TEE KING: They should be on the plans. T~TE E FOSTER: No mention of how much fill they are going to bring in here. JUst approve it as requested TF{~S'CEE KRUPSKh Do that - subject of getting plans and if it is somethin dil~i~(e, t~t The~3 they cannot get a perm t. TI~S'[TEE FOSTER: Approve ~t subject to. 3 TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Give them a permit. If it is different it is going to be a month anyway. TRUSTEE FOSTER: I have no problem with that. Approving it as requested ;subject to a~ plan indicating how,many cubicyards of fi that they are going to ~ring in. Basipallythat [sit Theydo showthe lines, Somehow a cross §ecfion. S¢ this ~retty much completes t but it does . not say on here how much material that they are going to bring in. You want to approve it. I de not ,know t, he measurements? Askthem to give us a letter indicating how much m~terial is going to bring in TRUSTEE ~JPSKI: No put it in the plan. If is not correct we will amend ,it I will make a Motion to Approve the request for Fraa of Jesse Peretz to amend permit 5564 and transfer de:molish existing boat house and wood deck and restore conditions and replace with brick patio ,extend the g how much material is ~?ir~g to be the top of the bulkhead line and drywellsf~ ik Ali in favor. ALL AYES - so carried. = DAVID BELL & RICHARD BUCKHEIT request a One Year Extension to Permit 5389 dated July 24, 2001 for decking and raised three foot wide catwalk above the tidal wetlands from the edge of the tidal wetland to edge of water Located: 1375 Island View Lane, Greenport, NY SCTM#57-2-14 TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Any comments? TRUSTEE KRUPSKh We looked at this at the last field inspection TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Okay I do not have a problem with it. As it is written out, will make a Motion to Approve. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded TRUSTEE POLIWODA: All in favor. ALL AYES. COSTELLO MARINE CONTRACTING CORP. on behalf of NICHOLAS & SOPH IA CHIOTELIS request an Amendment to Permit #5401 to install rock armor in front the existing bulkhead. Located: 21365 Soundview Avenue, Southold, NY SCTM#135-1-3 TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Did anyone discuss this? TRUSTEE KRUPSKh No we have not discussed it with Mr. Costelio. We looked at this last month and the question was? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I think that the question that we had was create a walkway? TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Unless you want him to bury it corn pletely. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: That is an idea. 4 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: What he shows here is half buded. So if he buries~it completely. Basically armor the toe. We walked along the sound last week and that was all armored it was all covered. If it is a big problem he can come back and amend it. He has the same one next-door approval you gave tffe neighbor last year. Artie is that all right. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Yes. ~USTEE D!CKERSON: I will make a Motion to Approve Costello Marine COnfi'acting Corp. on behalf of Nicholas & Sophia Chiotelis to amend perr tit ff5401 to install rock armor with the Stipulation that the top of the armor b, at beach grade ~B~Sz~;~E~E:pOLtWOA: Seconded. ¢~S~i;BI~ERSON: All in favor. ALL AYES ~DAN!EL ,BASSEY requests a Transfer of Permit #1332 from Nora Hickey Da~iel~,Ba'sseY - permit is for an onshore/off shore stake with pulley line t( on,,sbore sta~e ,a,,hd a 3'x15' catwalk Off the right of way known as Rochelle pl~ce,'at Ja~s~ Creek. ~ROSTEE KING: Are there any comments? evening, I am Kevin McLaughlin on behalf of I thir~k that you will see in your file that you ,assey obtained .signatures. Six out of seven homeowner's or COnsenting to the transfer of these permits. I' g~uess felt u, ncomfortable that he might be f right did not si~n the consent form. He did give my ¢ ient ave any objection to continuing use of ti ~e My clier!t ourchased 345 Bartlett Avenue about a /who had thes, e permits since 1994. She 1ad Pulaski who had the same permits since 197, r~g that the permits continue to go along with the ; been attached with. I will just read the letter we got from Mr. O'Donnell ~my boat where you are. Then my father had a boat, I hope t;o have a boat for my grandchildren. I canr )t the meantime, use it. Hope you understand - Che6 rs '. McLaugf~lia Said in 1979 Mr. Pulaski got everyone )n signatures. I do not have a problem with qis. !R: It is good until fl~e grandson's boat comes along. Any other comments? W/~at do you do about that? think we can vote on it. It is a matter of transferring tho per~bi~ It is a dock. It has been there since 1979 and I do not have a probler~ ~,~th t[a'nsternng it. You are just transferring a structure that is there. II'.you do ~o'[ [ran'si'or it then no'ohe uses it. -' RUS?E¢_'-' FOS:FER: I guess it is an intema matter when the grandson ge~s a boat: TR, tCSTEE KRUPSKh Maybe the grandson can be squeezed in there. 5 KEVIN MC LAUGHLIN: Thero is probably room for another not too large boat. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh We do not have a problem with the transferring sometimes become unnecessarily complicated. ~RUSTEE FOSTER: We just want to make everyone happy ~EV N MCLAUGHL N: do not th nk that anyone s unhappy. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Someone make a Motion. TRUSTEE-KING: Iwill make a Motion to transfer Permit 1332 from Nora Hickey to' Daniel ,Bassey. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. -FRue~E Kt.NG]' AtlJn favor. ALL AYES. PECONIC DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION request an Amendment to Perm t #5446 for a four-foot path to water. Located: South side of Main Road, Southold, NY SCTM#66-2-2.2 TRUSTEE KRUPSKh I will make a Motion to approve this. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh All in favor. ALLAYES JAMES SLECKMAN request an Amendment to Permit #5453 to reduce the · size of the dock to 4 feet by 60 feet in order to meet the requirement of th,e New York State DEC. Located: 150 Oak Avenue, Southold, NY SCTM#77-2- 5 TRUSTEE FOSTER: Any comments on this application? Any Board , comments? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: We looked at this in house. It says to reduce theI size of the dock to sixty feet. On the application it says fifty-two feet. So it is actually growing eight feet. / JAMES SLECKMAN: Excuse me, I am James Sleckman. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Where have you been? JAMES SLECKMAN: The permit that I originally had was for a seventy five. foot with a sixteen foot catwalk and six foot wide floating dock on top of that. We have reduced it to sixty feet. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Sixty feet period. JAMES SLECKMAN: Sixty feet period with a ladder at the end. That is wllat DEC approved. TRUSTE, E POLIWODA: Okay thanks you. E. BROWNELL JOHN STON: Do we have a copy of the DEC permit? TRUSTEE POLI'~/VODA: Mr. Sleckman will it extend any further than it's original plan. of t ' ' JAMES SLECKMAN: The original permit that was one ne requ remen[s. TRUSTEE FOSTER: The Permit is here. Any other comments? I will make a Motion to approve the application of James Sleckman. / TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Seconded. TRUSTEE FOSTER: All in favor ALL AYES. ROB HERRMANN: Al, may I make a suggestion as. a hum public. You. candor regulate the seaward height of the dock by drOpping the elevation over a wetland. The DEC will not approve it. You have to regulate each separately. Let me finish. You have a rain)mum elevation the. vegetated m~rsh and then you put a maximum el seaward Same as Southampton Town Trustees write into t e~'permit. It is minimum i'h'h.~Xi~um elievati'ori and how docks are built corr. octl, 'then every single dock that i~ ~u are seaward el the ma[ iShqwwe ~slgn evdry : over d el break in [he dock. which is done al keep thEo. e half foo~.above .the grade over high wa,fer. In (~ther words ~h~n have th'e deck, i.ag so high· That a br6~ak.' in~ eYer~f si'n.¢~ d:ock.. That is not care il: you~pal, a ma;xim Jm o~. a. he gh[ )rog !.o relbr~:pnce ~ a. wlide [hey wdl. 9tared he, ach. R©B';HE.RRMANN: ButJ It mi~t]t mat,tor ie this to him and maybe [he p'roblem' an8 t!.~o way put a.~m~ximtlril ,t-¢eigBt. you end up~ith a, break n ttie Bock. It works. / · RU~TEE__,:,_ ~.,K'RUPSKI: high water. ROB..H'ERR~, 1ANN: Correct ~ ~re ~reak. Otherwise you sltart 3L~L at 3-1 .'2 -That if you grade is going down, J is going to end dp i,k6 that. Wh~.~h you ar~:t~ng ~.a~/~ d But; tnot fix that by making , s,, ............................... will not relent and the They are sayin~g w de they want four feet, Federal level if you ¢ in his case. a ht once you are :'J,' ",: ,, ',,';,' ,,, %, ¢'; I .~ .. ; one. Four "' bove t ........... "' · ...... ' '....have .:,,:..,:.. S:: ~h ..... "' ,, · . ........ : , m...':~', on. ,, ,il , ,~., ,.,. !' ,i l~' ,, · · i: ]ve to give us a new drawing showing this and that · .' ...., .:~.. '::. appro~'al. .... · :i~ .y:.,'.:..,, :::.~:... subjectto a new drawing showing the dock coming : ·..', ~j. ,..~..'." .d, ;j )t to a certain point at Io~v water at average Iow 7 water the dock ramps down goes out. Here is the water. The dock is going to ramp down at Iow water you can ram p down there to two feet; it will be two feet above high water. It will be two feet above high water. You go out and come out over high water. It would take away a four and one half of ladder. Give you much better access, Ta k to your dock bu Ider before you start.,t,?.e wdl give you an approval for tonight. Talk to.your dock budder and see wtClch way is the best for your to. go. Give. us the plans and then we will giye yo~,/i the Perm t f the'DEC gives you a hard time we will work with you. JAMES SLECKMAN: Thank you, very muoh. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I will make a Motion to approve the application with the set, O~ p~a~. '~ shewing decreases height. Is there a seconded? TR ~¢~IG: S~C~led. TRI~S~E, ~-UPS~i~ AIl in favor. ALL AYES litik NY F, ROSE request an Amendment to Permit #5150 'to extend ~O~th end within 8 inches of property line and to install a chaln end of bulkhead. Located: 95 Kimberly Lane Soutttold, do not mind doing that. CAC recommended a be~'m. you would put a berm. I would recommend giving the condition that the Town does the drainage Work up. Is that okay? Do I have a seconded on that? led. in favor. ALL AYES PROPER T SERVICES on behalf of STEVEN KRAM request an Amendment to Permit #5634 to construct 4 foot high mesh deer fence around the property beginning 15 feet landward of the existing bulkhead - construct 4'x4' platform and stairs to beach on the seaward side of the existing bulkhead. Located: 100 West Lane, Southold, NY SCTM#88-6-12 TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I will read the CAC comments. Any Board comment? Iwas up there tonight. The CAC recommends Disapproval for~ the following reasons the CAC recommends disapproval of the application to construct a four-foot high deer fence because CAC does not want to see fragmentation of the wildlife corridors along the wetlands recommends Approval of the application to construct a platform and stairs with the condition of a 15' non-turf buffer. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh I do not see how this is going to affect any deer we do not have a problem that is the CAC comments. E, BROWNELL JOHNSTON: Can you speak into the mike since we are transcribing for the record. MR. FITZGERALD: It is not in the wetlands at any point. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: As far as the fifteen-foot nomturf buffer. 8 · It is a good idea but it may come into the bulkhead. Approval as written. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. TRUSTEE POLiWODA: All in favor. ALL AYES will recommend PROPER T SERVICES on behalf of GREGORY MAZZANOBILE request~s an Amendment to Permit 5631 to allow the location of the sewage disposal ~ ,system and the necessary fill'and retan ng wa I. Located: 1400 Lake Avelnue, ~uthold,, N¥~CTM#59-1-21.6 & 21.7 (P~)STpONED AS PER AGENT'S 10. JOHN 8x BEATRICE LEH NER request a One Year Extension to Permit #,~ dated July 25 2001 for the construction of replacement deck servic ng th~ rear entrar)Ce of exist'ing house· Located: 505 Lake Drive, Southold~ NY SCTM?5g-5-20 TR~ !TE~ D!~KERSON: Is there anyone here? No problem I will mak Mbtit n -~O Appi'ove the request for a one-year extension for the constructi( rep! ~me~t, dedk servicing the rear entrance of existing house on Lake ~ i~b~K'I:I~G: Seconded 'I~R~ ~;EE Di'¢KERSON: All in favor. ALLAYES. 371 a ~n of 11.TOM SCHLICHTER request an Amendment to Permit #4986 to grow turf grass in b~ick yard covering a 50 foot wide by 40 foot wide deep section [ di]'eO'~ly be.b n(J the house transfer Perm t #4986 from Manzi Homes, Inc. t~ T0rn Schli~hter Located 400 Rene Drve South'old, NY SCTM#54-6-4.4 TRUsTE;E'KROPSKh We are going to actually have had much diScussion the turf on the property. Because you have applied formally we~ ) :have our Environmental Planner for the Trustee's take a look We are not going to act on that portion of the We will act on the transfer of permit - In reference to the postponement will this be on the meeting? It will come up automatically· Will I See the report for this? Absolutely. ,;.. ,~' .,,)es the Environmental And yst come to the house? Or ~,...; ;,',',,.., ': i :;: .'.: .... work that is provided. '1'~ ~E~!.I~PSKI: would assume that he wou d go to the site. T~¢:~¢¢~(~ER Wou d be ab e to be there? CI~.F~L~ OUNNINGHAM: Can I have a number that Scott Hughes can c,~JJ! The number is 924-9000 Extension 2277 is the work Tl~' S~L~GHTER: number: ~'h;at would be the easiest for him. I am not going to argue if you 9 need more information I understand that. would appreciate someone to come and take a good look. Thank you. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh I will make a Motion to Transfer the Permit 4986 from Manzi Homes to Tom Schlichter located 400 Rene Drive, Southold. ~RUTEE POLiWODA: Seconded. TRUST. EE KRUPSKh All in favor. ALL AYES TOM SCHLICHTER: I just had one more question. The analyst comes looks ~n,d makes ,reco, mn~eQdation on what 'we gave him or does he say this is ~ etter way df d~ing it. TR~U~TE~ ERUPSKI: We are not sure. t ~ST~ ~R:O'P~t~h I just gave him the file. 12. Samuels & Steelman Architects on behalf of RONALD CASSARA requestan Amendment to Permit #5602 to demolish the existing house and reconstdJct- L further back'from edge of bluff. Located: 30185 Cabot Wood Road, Pecenic, NY SCTM#73-04-01 TRUSTEE KING: Does anyone have a problem with this? The Advisory Counsel recommends Approval - originally this was to renoyate and now they have changed their mind. I will make a Motion to Approvel TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor. ALL AYES 13. Abigail Wickham, Esq. on behalf of SEBASTIAN AVOLESE request a Waiver to erect a split "as built" rail fence along the right of way south of property prevent other users of the right of way encroaching property and damagin~g shrubbery. Located: 4150 Wunneweta Road, Cutchogue, NY SCTM#111~ 14-25 TRUSTEE FOSTER: Any comments? ABIGAIL WlCKHAM: Good evening I am Gall Wickham representing the applicant. I just want to give the Board a brief history of the situation that~ eds to this fence. This was a fairly modest right of way accessing a few I properties off of Wunneweta Road. It does drop down from Wunneweta Road. Last year a gentlemen who was building a house on the inter portion I had quite a bit of construction equipment that comes through and widenec the road. t broke off the aspha t driveway. Caused qu tea bit of erosion. To he property putting a foundation in and then a modular home, which is a fairl~ Iarge, two-story home. There was a lot of equipment that came in on that road. Dug in trenches for Suffolk County Water to five homes. So there v as a lot of going on the road and the roadway was encroaching further and further over to the Avolese properties. They tried staking it several times ,y surveyors1 WhiCh was covered up and ripped out. Further their shrubber was actually physically removed from the dirt. Particularly at the western ~nd and then machinery wi~en the construction was going on thrown on the si, te. 10 So they really have quite a situation down there. There were three Suffolk County Waiter vaults that ended up on their lawn. Having their lawn dug up. So they really did not know what else to do. So they contacted a fence company and they unfortunately did not realize, that the western end of the fence is Within your jurisdicti0n. We ask that you approve the fence as bu~ilt. Just to be able to protect their property. If you have any question the Avolese's can 'help you out. TRUSTEE KRUPSKt: We took a look at it. FOSTER: Any other comments? I have a letter, which am going to ~ :o that. "To the Board of Trustees, dated 6/21/03 b iii:' .... ~' · :U splat rail fertce referenced In your n~t~ce road,., a right of way, which serves five.~epara(e ~t'of V(/unnewe.f,a R,~ad.,, It ts ,,m,y un;ders~an~ding the tax nap as a tCrwn' roa;d ~ind is ~ a. wetlantJ arga. ]'his 'is p esumably~he ramp of use for !.hodast fifty years idfr, nging on.what is'now known possil:fility.~r.vehicles r, unnin poss'ib;.,i!t~ 6~' such vehicular traffic o~l~e resul!.ing if] the cQIla¢¢b,ofthe ba~nk inl,o the wef, l~andTho other propert~ewne?s on th ~ ~.eniri!~mJa .rec"~ll that this ~a~s ~een t~e case for as on( as thee have .... ..~, ,. .., . g . y been k~g I.~1i'6' road 'BoLh for many, many years I bought my property n the fall ql' 1~.¢9: an,d I recall such to bo tll, g case a so nc dentally at lCa,~t one o1' Lhem'has.~ot' hoo~ notified about tbi~appli~atibn. I have not, been able to roac,h tl.)e 8i~(-;i:. Dut since his nam~,~lid not.apPear cfi Ms ¥iVicbkha~'s letter e~Lh'o'r, I: ~-sCqm'¢ that, he, Loc has co'scor'r~(Cd:;.I have no objection [o ~ co~%orn6¢8 ¢~.t~o resulting saCdLy preM~m.s for the traffic, whi o~ [~ 5~k ~z~icb it supports. I who,r.~'tb~ 0~i¢inal edge of the rk · '..~..' ")l ~ .' ' obj~cbdn~ fr~m any of the o'Lher nb~d to be ,~esured the uso of the can'b~ rcachE~ at my'New York ha~,se~ie'us ~urgery. I have been arton~ I w~ ~ke. However if to 8~ten~.a ~bCt[ng as scheduled TR~¢T~EE ~¢~KI: Excuse me ABI'~b'AIL'~JJCKHAM I would jus~ ~hat occas, l'~o Avolese's did feeL. Bbpa~¢ t~af[ic ~ad been · [h¢~ ~'~e;~,,ade~uat~ area. ~re T~U¢~¢~¢S~ ~ ~o ~hem the ne ~ ~i ~ ~r I~to a~mmodate ~h~ concern. · '1~ SO 'f-a*f~'§"~l~'~fonce is However. I am vow wh~ch"may cause a po~dr~tial erosion ]s:recon y Cutchog.ue house as olJt ~r~ ~e a couple of ~Off and I thJnJk ; that is a y gone 11 TRUSTEE FOSTER: It certainly is an issue regarding an Emergency Vehicle. I am not sure that you aregoin~j to get them down there. Certainly you cannot pass one another on that dght of way and if it indicated as a town road. Maybe the tpwn should be notified and consider widening it. [f that road has been traveled as it was for years and years. I went through thist myself With a piece of property that t..~)Wned. Tried to do the same th ng Could notdo it. ABIGAIL WICKHAM: That is why the fence was built inside the lin ~ because there had been a. long time over the line at thal point. Not down on the wetlands are closer' ' a correct. TRUST. EE KRt. JPS'I¢I: Because ii enviro:nme~ital con .cprns that in. I:~ct cbuld, do~tabilize the:l tho,,ro~:d ~Jn~l gully, ri~lht into tho ~ mo~ed the road ABiGA.I'L ~'i(~FI/~i: ,Excuse met s any ¢los, o'r to Lhait'~drop off. Then Ihin'k Lhe town can say. That T'RUS'-TE:~.,ICR~J .P.' S;l~l.: ?low do you knorr that? AB GA, Ii_ ~f~.~Ft/~l:. Basod on the survey fyou !ook atthe sketch tha drear t.t.~at~,sll~asq¢,.e., n where Lhe road,'c/as. Because the actual boundary ine of t~e ;i,'re')8¢t'".D. ~ , y, s i~,the bod of the r0~i' a,. ~ y now. T~eb yput the fence furth ,~rto the.-.noC[h e[~0~,~[. -Pl~en tho stakes where the line ~s. I do not to~v~ h~s !.bp r~gh~ say. They can m;.o,ve the road .even further in becaus~e the~e i:s~.ne~ ~en~)u¢~.~room there. Tha~ ~ a ZBA determ nat on on 280-A an~d sh~cJlclJqav¢ib~en ~Jdressod when th~Se houses,were built. At the least the ne~r.~nes: '~,.o!mo of the oldor ones were D~e-ex~s~ ha, TR~S,'F~E, .EONS. B~:. I have been do~wn, there, ACta. y we a have been do(¢n t~,~'o, i'~ri..er t'~ tho fence going up. That roa~ishrunk a lot. After th4t f~,n'.co wbnt ~Jp. [ TR.¢S'CE-~.':'I~RUPSKI: That lino of shrubs on the other side of that road is~hat ;FIAM: Some of them are - yes some were ripped out. IPSKh They looked all new. I think that there were some hydrangeas. They were of the fence not on the outside. I think what I would rather see is but it does not show Jt does not show the wetland line. The pond drops off. I think the line would be dght along 12 TRUSTEE KRUPSKh What I was thinking was how is it going to affect the lagoon? ABIGAIL WlCKHAM: We do not own that property. Mr. Cello owns that property. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh It is jurisdictional. I think that is where the judsdictio~ ~s, Because it' the road goes up. In this case I do not think that it would c~use any erosion going towards the applicant's property. You say that Mr. Cellbs proPeKY. ABIGAIL WICKHAM: It is lot 226. KRUPSKI: It is narrow. It always has been a narrow roac. I ca, not remember it being that narrow. My concer[n is o drift o~ er.. No, w it is going to change slightly and all Iow right down into the lagoon· ' That is an issueto who is using the road. How they and there is a, lot o~ run-off, That is a road issue ~ind. r~ot a fence issue, and with allowance for s 3me AvoJese property o?er the years· That is where the I am not disputing that. But how these people's road is going to impact on1 le side~ I think that they have to address that. (1:But the impact is from the change in the road. KHAi~I: We did not do the Change in the road. That is wha · The fence is at,the was. That has no~ ;nco intb where the road had been· They the read was recently encroaching as a result of th~sf C¢ f -ecl / Yes, i sm Rosemary Avo ese. Org nay when we bou( ht ) t~ere was nothing on the road. When we bought the stone to continue down to the end of our property ended. So that road was in place. It was f ~s. Itwas not until Mr. Coombe came in with his there and the stone. Wide On ,. He destroyed the embankm6 ac 0 a A[ I am her husband· The road was actually changed by w building that retaining wall. If that is what you are talk the retaining wall out of that CCA 6x6 lumber that of the road. We did not change anything. The ros lal!y is where i! has always been, You are talking about the lagoon or dr Side of my pi'eperty. Not the pond. Is that what you are concerned ut?. ~STEE KRUPSK Where s the CCA ~ A~VOLESE: The retaining wall along his property. BAiL WICKHAM: Thal s ~vay down at the west end. lied ~ned nt tat ng d the 13 MR. AVOLESE: That cha'i~ged the d~ection of the road. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I do not know it is a "as built" so it should be double the fee. ABIGAIL WICKHAM; We did do that. TRUSTEE KRUSKI: Is everyone comfortable with this? ABIGAIL WlCKHAM: I do not,know how they can protect their property. iPeople arej'ust driving on it. They broke up the roadway. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: On the tax map it shows it as a public street. Gall that for me please. Do you have this in the file? Read what?. .~hind Publi.c. Street I cannot make it ~ut. It is a fiffe~mfoot wide right e: ~ copy. The legal roadbed is fiffee~ fE ',et. Artie do you want to make a Mot Motion to approve the request for a You cannot give them a waiver. There is no such They have to get a permit. There is no such thing as s we will request a permit. ~Kh They have to apply for a permit. What you should d gust 29, 2000 - you have a ~)ermit for a one st¢ ~uld do is to apply to amend the existing permit to rail~ fence. You cannot get a waiver?. Any other comments? So I will make a Motion to T~ ble there a seconded? Seconded. you should look at it. go down and look at it. ABI:G,A, IL V~!ICKMAN: Apply for an Amendment TR~GTEE POLIWODA: I will second. TRUSTEE KRblPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES. 14. Eh-Consultants, Inc on behalf of PATRICK SCOLLARD rec~ uests an Amendment to Permit 5701 to construct (in lieu of previously approved proposed bulkhead) approximately 59 linear feet of rip rap on filter cloth ~ng top of embankment and armor existing bulkhead return. Located: 905 Willis Creek Drive, Mattituck, NY SCTM#123-10-3 TRUSTEE KRUPSKh I will do fourteen and fifteen together. One question for you. We did receive the survey showing the both properties together. 14 ROB HERRMANN: 1 dropped one off. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh But we needed is a plan showing the location of the amendment. ROB H.ERRMANN: You have my project plan that shows the project plant,or each pa rca Which is a digital r~plica of the survey that show's the stakes: and I showedthe dprap proposal along with the stakes. The survey that It: dropped off was the day before your field inspection. Charlotte said that ~ou he .survey do~s not show the proposal of our, pi )roved was way behind the CUNNINGHAM: The two properties together that is the one survey. We are talking about our plans. I am just trying to find it. nike more copies. t iswhat we were looking for ; our plan, which shows the proposed dprap, which was su application. Charlotte called me and asked for an o.xtra s~Jr,.~fo¥1 .So I, dropp~ed! off a copy of~each for each property and one sh~i~g ;be~tf~i prq'i~edies; But they do not show the proposed stone. TR'...U'Sc.?EE kRu.?.,,SKh Th~it ~hould be stamped. RCB I~F~B'i~I/~hI~I: If you look at it all of the triangles are stakes are all the TBI;M~BE KRUPSKI: So what we are going to need is another' copy. t E. BR~W~N, ELL JOHNSTON: Al, ~f you can work w~th what he has to mal~e the f c~co ~¢ eta We can have a Xerox afterwards TB~..EE KRUPSKh We are going to have to. I do not want to hold this up right now. ~yone have any problem with that? I did not 2roblems with that. [ e were all in agreement when we were out there.~ I want to make sure. We understand what~ e -parailel rock designed to stabilize an4iembankments typically consisting of a loose .~he~,¢n quarry stone". POLIWODA: I recommend that we cover that riprap. TR.~ .,S~..~E..E KRURSKI: Ask Rob ~s there any merits to that. RO,~.~I' '"'E:R~M/~NN: It has to be on filter quad unless you are going to fill it up Lo.~.p~.in'[ thai ~ou are going to create a. new slope. It probably is just goir~g to W~'~' ¢~i.~y~.ath~ t.p~urposely wanted to keep everyth,ng natural as ,t ,s now~. J~!~i ~' ~ ~s~rne of this has to work ts way around some of the [ b~ai~i~ ¢~1~h~¢ aiadward.: I do not know ~f bnng,ng ,n sand and startir~g to b~."~slCm~e oif'tf~at stuff. 15 TRUSTEE FOSTER: It is not going to be easy to get it there. ROB HERRMANN: I think I have the specks in here. It should be fifty to one hundred pound stone. Trucked down through the property. It is going to be tedious and not cheap. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI; I will make. a Motion to Approve both applications fbr PATRICKSCOLLARD and HELEN & ROBERT KEITH. ROB HERRMANN: Thank You TRUSTEE KING: Seconded TRUSTEE KRUPSKI:: All in favor. ALL AYES. 15. Eh,Consultants, Inc. on behalf of HELEN'& ROBERT KEITH request an Amendment to Permit #5700 to construct (in lieu of previously approved proposed bulkhead) approximately 210 linear feet of dp rap on filter cloth along top of embankment. Located: 995 Willis Creek Drive, Mattituck, N~' SCTM#123-lO~2 16. William A. DiConza, Esq., on behalf of SHAWN & JOLYNE FITZGERALD request a Waiver to erect an open split-rail fence within 100 feet of Wolfe Pit Lake. Lo~cated:.485 Paddock Way Mattituck, NY SCTM#107o4-2.1 POSTPONED AS ,PER AGENT'S REQUEST. 17. MICHAEL & DANA SAVINO request a transfer of Permit # 2303 construct a timber dock of a 4'x35' fixed elevated walk extending from an existing bulkhead 4'x16' hinged ramp, 6'x50' float and (2) 6'x3' floats and a Gazebo and deck. Change Of name from PHILIP SALICE to MICHAEL & DANA sAVJNO Located: 1945 Bayview Avenue Mattituck, NY SCTM#106-6-37 TRUSTEEKNG: tisa there, tisalexstng. An'y other comment? Wi make a Motion to Approve. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: [s the homeowner here? TRUSTEE KRUPSKh It is all there. TRUSTEE KIN~G: I will make a Motion to transfer Permit 2303. CHARLOTTE CUNNINGHA~: T,hat float should,be 2- 6x30, TRUSTEE KIN~: Yes, two 6 x30 and one 6'x50 float. TRUSTEE .KRUPSKh Seconded. TRUSTEE KI;NG: All in favor. ALL AYES 18.JOHN FISHER on behalf of REV. W. JOEL WARNER, JR. request a One Year Extension to Permit #5379 dated July 25, 2001 for a second stoW addition not to exceed existing boundaries of structure to be used as a study and second stoW deck Drywells installed to contain roof run-off- hay bales with silt screen silt up during construction and to be removed after property) is landscaped and vegetated and amend permit for to include septic system. Located: 270 Smith Drive South, Southold, NY SCTM#76-03-34.3 16 TRUSTEE KING: Should read silt screen up during construction. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We approved it in 2001 drywells for roof run-off. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Just a one year extension. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh With silt screen put up during construction. Anyone like to add? Amendment for to include nclude septic, Charlotte? for an extension plus an amendment. TRUS,TEE systemb TRUSTEE'FOSTE Ihat. )rove the One Year Extension and Amend the TRUSTEE POLIWODA: TRUSTEE DICERKSO'N: ALL AYES 19.Catherine Mesiano on behalf of DENNIS HENCHY reque,st a,n, Amendmetnt to Per~it 5732 dated March 18, 2003 for construction of 4 x37 elevated v~alk @ +3.5 with steps to grade. Located: 1325 Kimberly Lane, Southold, NY S~TM#70-13-2(~.008 POSTPONED AS PER AGENT'S REQUEST UNTIE AUGUST 20.Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of ROCHELLE REIS request an Amendment to Permit #5225 Coastal Erosion Permit and Wetland Permit - 500-1500 cubic yards, or as may be required to restore bluff and plant in accordance with Permit 5225 Located: 470 Lloyd's Lane, Mattituck, NY SCTM#99-3-4.3 WITHDRAWN AS PER AGENT'S REQUEST 21. Patricia C. Moore, Esq.. on behalf of BOB FOX request an Amendment to Permit #5224 Coastal Erosion Permit & Wetland Permit - 500-1500 cubic yards or as may be required to restore bluff and plant in accordance with Permit 5224 Located: 580 Lloyd's Lane Mattituck, NY SCTM#99-3-4.2 WITHDRAWN AS PER A GENT'S REQUEST TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Before we go into the Public Hearings we will have a brief recess. 17 PUBLIC HEARINGS: ~THIS IS A PUBLIC HEARING IN THE MATTER OF THE FOLLOWING ~PPLICA TIONS FOR PERMITS UNDER THE WETLANDS ORDINANCE !0F THE TOWN'OF SOUTHOLD. I HA VE AN AFFIDAVIT OF ~U'BLICA TIONS FROM THE TRA VELER-WA TCHMAN; PERTINENT CORRESPONDENCE MA Y BE READ PRIOR TO ASKING FOR ~COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC. PLEASE KEEP YOUR, COMMENTS ORGANIZED AND .BPdEF RiVE (5) MINLFFES OR LESS IF POSSIBLE 1. Samuels & Steelman Architects on behalf of DARBY MOORE request a Wetland Permit to renovate existing residence with new proposed interior renovations, partial second floor addition and new screen porch addition. Located:. 50 Oak Road, New Suffolk, NY SCTM#117~02-01 I TRUSTEE POLIWODA Is there anyone would like to comment on this application? Any Board comments? CAC recommends approval. If there are no comments I will close the meetfng. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Just want drywells and gutters. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I will make a Motion to close the Public Hearipg. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: All in favor. ALL AYES ~ I will make a Motion to App~r~ye the wetland permit on behalf of DARB¥ MOORE with the stipulations that~ there be dry wells and gutters to contain the run off. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Seconded. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: All ib favor. ALL AYES SAMUELS & STEELMAN ARCHITECTS on behalf of ALISON BYERS request a Wetland Permit to renovate existing main house and guest house existing windows, roofing & siding to be removed and replaced with new windows, rooting and siding. Existing main house interior to have minor renovations. Located: 10335 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue, N~' SCTM#119-01-14.1 [ TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Is there anyone who would like to speak to this application? TRUSTEE KRUPSKh t is pretty straightforward. TRIUSTEE DICKERSON: CAC gave its approval. I will make a Motion to close the hearing, All in favor. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: All in favor. I will make a Motion to Approve the wetland permit for ALISON BYERS to renovate existing main house an~l 18 quest house existing windows, roofing an siding to be removed and replaced with new windows, roofing and siding - existing interior to have to have minor renovations. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. TRUSTEE FOSTER: With the addition of drywells for the down spouts. TRUSTEE DICI~ERSON: With the addition of drywells forthe down spouts. All in favor. ALL AYES DEN:A. SHAND request a Wetland Permit to remove dead and.diseasE li.~bs oftreee. Remove nfestation of non-nat v~e, plants top dress and replaritwi;~h natfv'e p ants and grasses Located 1460 North Oakwoo React Laure, NY SCTM#127-06-11 TRUSTEE KING; Is there anyone here who cares to speak for or aga we name is lan Shand I would like to speak for Dena w This is in lieu because of a notice of violatior submitted the application. The appropriate Atthe out set of this discus undertaking this work w thout a permit. At the on',e was required. Because the nature wa of what people would normally do in their.Own st :hat on I am sure that you will teach me the errors of myI me to I can answer any of your questions. I know ~(~u Week and al: the. time, Yo~ prop~ed that should (~ffer a plan for continuing ac[ions [o id'e~al with the infes{at, iCn,of Japanese K;~not We.ed or, Bambe. o. Since !.hatlime I researched it as ,best~l c~n either co'nlirm or der~y..whaL we wore, do~g, Pcetty well confirms both the se~ribusa~,ss or tl~e irffesl,.al,ion and what it can do to the habitant. I hav, arrived a;t. thp conc!us~on that ~n a~ a:rea there, are tw~o~ basis, ways of approar~in,(i or d(~aling wiLh o~,~-o,n,'trel of th.is'; pest One recom'rhende( )y Cornoll i'~:. b) cov/ar with two la~4~s~ 0f'bla¢k plastic muli:h, fiTr a period ol we or l,hree ~',ears. ~j~ a similar note the univer,~i,~y of~ Ma~ ne ~ooperative E,~,~Rs,~:~ag~!et<actly ~.¥hat, We have been` dofng which is to cut be ;k t,,ho sten~ r.e'~)e~!~dly and there by red~ee the vita ity ef {h.e ~ Se zone~. Which iS.,!ho~,va~ .the plant spreads. I w@u!d ,like tO ~ent~.nSe dofng'wh~ i we are r~'¢i.n~no~v,. But. wi!.h an option to I~ black ,mu ch, if t s o~;av v~ ith you. I w~)bld.ti.k~i¢o listen [o y¢ur. OPini0'n:s on this. My firs[, impressJo'n vas that tho '~.iac..l~ mulch was unsi~htl,y, but I {hick that the rnai~ g(~a ~0uld )e o geL nd.' oi' ~h~s ~lanL So that ~s my plan I car submit ~ to you, n wnti ~g. Do you ~v¢,,. an~.quesrions for me? TRUST '-C-~ I~RU '.~SKh What thibkness mulch do they recommend? IA~ SHA~,ID~ Bla~(~k plastic. They said that it is a flexible plastic and it has to be n CJttce Lwr~ or ~hreo years. I would guess that it is a fairly mill thi~kdess, 19 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: This is just a suggestion could you just put the plastic down in that area Mulch it on top like a native wood chip. lAN SHAND: They recommend not doing that. TRUSTEE, KRUPSKI: First of all the'black plastic and then the mulch to hide the plastic. Then you plant the native species, The bacchads through that. lAN SHAND: We have all ready planted the native species. The ground fill and thebayberry. We can certainly make room for them. When welay the blaCk plqstic mulch But the way it was described in there d0cu~nentadon.' I have this and I can leave this research book that have prep,~";e~of~ Y°u.g,uys, Ifyou wou d Want; They a~e unSpecifiC as to thi~n~s~l~, th~,'~l~ration and it.has t,° fast for: a Pei'i-od~f,t~o 6r th.re!. Years. ~eo~ not to i';nPlud~ °rg&nic ~b, teria[ b6C~se this stuff i ~ so inv,h'sive th~.~'[ it just goes right [hrOUgfj it. I h~,e i[comingup ri~htthro[ h tarmad acd OhO root thick grovel. TRUSTEE ,KRUPSKI: You will probably need substant a th ck plastic. lAN SH/~ND': I cannot telJ you the mill 'thickness,at this. point ai am g(4ng to do is LO go out. I[ I get vo,ur pe'rmissJon to and find ou[ what is most [ ~ ~ (~.~r-a~riod O~teo'~r:[hree,~ ~..~ .., . ,. .. , years. But am., ~sumng that d~g ~J~no,cf: 1-~ll ha~,e ~:o rcp~lace t at some point. It s an area, hat is g0in. g ~!'g'et W(~ered:~L~ b~i,i~'s very nature. TRUS-F.E.ECKI~UPSKI: Co~in§,~it ~'ith wood chips would protect the vir yl. IAN~SH~C'D: It would. TRLCSTE 3 POLI~,~.ZODA: Hay bales? TR;~S~ RRrg~,~EI: Wood chips would look better. That sounds f nefto me;,iAi~i~Ft~ ~, yO.ur'Su:rvey, the a~. that s going to be ~i ~r~?ow you on tBe map or the surveY/draw, ng where the are,~'~{~ ~-i~p~.f~'dlarly infested,. Because the distance fro~ the water line is teret !.o tw~,lvo feet, Ir'various but that is where the substance of the is~ were out there. d has been suggested by both cooperative contacted CornelL They promised to get back to me. ~; But their recommendation, which I four~d was to use the mulch: Because it is a more permanent thihg. it back. Sure. Does any one have a problem approving this on: lAN [ I00~ lAN make I think we would like to see twelve feet across. If wood chips because the plants are not going You would be protecting it with wood chips and get the plastic from a greenhouse supply. y comments, any comments from the Board? I will to Close the hearing. 20 TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. TRUSTEE KING: A] in favor. ALL AYES Just for the record the Conservation Advisory Council recommended disapproval recbmmend a non-turf buffer· That is what we a~'e going to do. I wi]l make a Motion ~o Approve based, on drawings submitted showing the area that is going to be restored. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Seconded. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor. ALL AYES CB, ESCENT BEACH CONDOM NIUM requests a Wetland Perm t to erect a ,l~,~'g?a (sun,screen) on 30 feet .of existing deck, which is approximale y 9¢:fee~*l~,~,, I~ocate~ 2500 Maple Lane G~'eenport NY SCTM# 38-7-'~3 TRB'STBE t~RCPSK]~ An one ike to s eak n favor of the a cat , .,. , . · Y , P pp .on, EM'L N~,T, ALE- 'Good evenin' ~ m na e is E i a I ~ A ,~,::, . , ~ ,.g, y ,rE rn N taelrepresentthe C~"eSce~'B'eaoh Condo and am, here t~answer any questions tfia-~ ydu P~ the TR on EM the TF~ EM be~ do t~ EMI TRL Last month we discussed this and we asked fo~ survey. survey marked and you can see it mark lin SKI: Does that property line jog around like that? , just the way it shows, We have any existing de( ail That is approximately 99 feet long. We are trying to build a Thirty feet wide and fifteen feet deep, The CAC recommends disapproval because of he and actual design are also unknown. submitted a copy in my own crude way. A diagram it is going. KRUPSKh How far off the beach is that? . NATALE: It,is going to be placed on top of the deck that is all ready · We are not go ng on the beach. S,.T~ KRUPSKI: How far offthe beach s the deck? ~iN','~'FAEE: Approximately one hundred feet crone hundred ten f~ ~t, ST~ KRUP~K]: Because the survey you submitted shows it rigl~ ~e be. ach. £ NATALE: No it is about one hundred feet from the water and wf ~re eck !s. -)TEE; POLIWODA How about the beach. ' N~A~LE: I am sorry the deck is right on the beach. It is right on he 3.-...--rih:at was grand fathered in a number of years ago. ~TEE KRUPSKi: This is ten or twenty feet off the high water mark I ~t see, ; NA:TALE: May I come up. STEt= KRUPSKI: think the Board requested a newer survey. i NA:TALE: That is the only one we have. It shows the deck itself, 21 TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seems awful intrusive out into the beach area for anyone to have that. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: What is shown is vague. EMILNATALE: It is going to be behind the deckhouse. There is a deckhouse there all ready and the pergola is going to be just four posts and it is going to be attached to the deckhouse, TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: HOW big is thisdeckhouse. about sixty feet long I al!~o I ,~ constructed with. ~s structure, I think th~ ~t is Do I have a seconded? I will make a Motion favor. ALL AYES do I have to resubmit? No it will automatically come up next month. Okay, tha~'k you. JOSEPH & GRACE FINORA request Wetland Permit to construct Iow-~ill bulkhead IZ)curtail rapid erosion of soil and trees. Located 185 Bay Avenue,,iMattituck~ NY SCTM#122-3-12 TRUSTBE KRUPSKh I do not know if we have plans? I am going to go out of iinb., here and ask Mr. Just if he knows any thing about this? GLENN JUST: I am supposed to meet with Chris Arfsten next week at lhe site. ?! ? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Could you give us a call. Can we come out there. Meet witl~ Chris Arfsten at the site. Is this any relations to the State project or not, Gt. ENN JUST: He has checked the files and records and cannot find any record of that so ever. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I meet with DOT two years ago. We received plans from ~he ~m. I heard the other day that they were going to do that work. will mee~with them on site. GLENN JUST: I spoke with Chuck Hamilton as far as getting involved. TRUSTE',E KRUPSKh I will make a Motion to Table the application. All in favor. ALL ACES Please give the office a call. 22 E. BROWNELL JOHNSTON: Glenn is that your client Joseph & Gall Finora? GLENN JUST: I have offered my services, but have not accepted any monies but have offered to meet with Mr. Arisen and Mr. Hamilton at the site. E. BROWN ELL JOHNSTON: It is above the high water mark? GLENN JUST: Iris not. E. BROWNELL JOHNSTON: Why would that not be covered under the nioratodUm? wight be as you are concerned but not by the DEC. JOHNSTON: Why would they not be covered under o~ur f are you asking him that? It mightWell be. are trying to tie it into a State project and save the been discussing this for a number of Mr. Finora is adjacent to this huge State we have been'holding him off up until the State does could do in conjunction to service the area with THOMAS & BEVERLY CHRISTIANSON request a Wetland Permit for ten.ovations and additions to an existing single-family residence. Additi~)ns to inc[u.de new Screened porch with deck above, new sanitary system ,~ith ret~iin~g walls, and parking area Located: 7065 New Suffolk Road, New Suffot~ NY SCTM#t 17-5-30 TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Is there anyone here who would like to speak in fav0r of or against the application? 'We have May's drawings but they do not r,el~i'eSent any change and we did not receive anything new. I will make a ~¢~tion to Table the app cat on TRU~EE 'POLIWODA: Seconded. TR0~E KRUPSKi: All in t;avor ALL AYES TRAV~S & BETTY RAUCH request a Wetland Permit to remove dead trees -harvest firewood and improve access of property. Located: 2704 Long Creek Drive, Southold, NY SCTM#52-7-11 & 13 TRUSTEE KING: Is there anyone here wishes to comment on the application? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Scott looked at it? TRUSTEE KING: Scott looked this all over. Advisory Council recommended disapproval because they have not seen the plans. Any otherc~)mments? I will.make a Motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. TRUSTEE KING: I will make a Motion to Approve the application. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. 23 TRUSTEE KING: Ail in favor. ALL AYES 8. JEFFREY HALLOCK requests a Wetland Permit to cut into ground of right of way for installation of underground utilities and permission to cut ba~e Of existing di~ road~vay to.upgrade with; stone materials as required by Southoid Zdnlng Board - to locate dwelling with attaohed garage and sanftary system at least 110~ 15 f[ from nearest edge of tidal wetlands Laurel, NY SCTM#127-3-9tt All in favor. ALL AYES 9. PatriciaC. Moore, Esq.. On behalf of FRED GLASSER request a Wet!an¢ Permit to repair the existing 4'x59' timber dock, 8'xl 2' platforr~, 3¢×~i~"r~l~p.and 5'x24' float. Located: 220 Oak Street, Southold NY SCTM#77-2-4 WITHDRAWN AS PER AGENT'S REQUEST 10. PROPER T SERVICES on behalf of STEPHEN MATTEINI request a Wetland Permit to construct additions to single-family dwelling and install new sewage disposal system if required by Health Department. Located: 3855 Bay Shore Road. Greenport, NY SCTM#53-6-19 TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Is there anyone here who would like to speal to this application? Good evening Mr. Fitzgerald, Do you have anything t, add or are you asking questions. JIM FITZGERALD: I think that it is relatively straightforward, there ai'e additions proposed which are more seaward then the most seaward portion of the existing structure. Everything is behind a concrete sea w; iii, which ha¢ been there since 1976. We think with regard to the septic system tldat we would be able to get it certified in its present position. will not need to put in or expanded system. However, we do not think it is necessary I would appreciate if you were inclined to approve it. Include the possible new or expanded septic system, which is as far away as as you.c,ag get on the property from the wetlands. TRUSTEE DICKEFS, SON: CAC recommends approval. Of the applica with~the stipulation that hay bales are. placed down during construction and ~ fifteen foot non-turf buffer be established. TRUSTEE KRU'PSKh I do not know if we are going to go with the non-' u rf buffer?.. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I will make a Motion to Close the hearing. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Seconded. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: All in favor. ALL AYES 24 I wi]l make a Metier1 to Approve the request for the Wetland Permit to construct additions to single family dwelling and install new sewage disposal system if required by the Health Department and a row of stake hay bales dunng construction. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Seconded. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: All in favor. ALL AYES 11. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of RITA & JOSEPH DE NICOLO request a Wetland Permit to remove and replace (in place) approximately 101 linear feet of existing timber bulkhead and existing 7' return with vinyl bulk ~.elevation by 14 inChes, and construct 7' )roximately 30 cubic yards of dean sand fill rce. Located: 3475 Wells Avenue. st~lere any one who would lika to comment c~n ~ Hei'rmann of En-Consultants on behalf of the ~ . traightforw~ "d application. It is a bulkhead L repl~i.cenlent in [he same I~cation. But will substitute the timber with viflyl. If the Beaird.has any questions I will be happy to answer them. T~-L~S'rE~E KRUPSKI: What happened at the easterly end of that burl~)~ea~J? , , It;disappears. R.O~'HE~RRMANN: There is basically a pile of vegetated material, cl~'ri~$K~l'ls arid other stulr piles up there. I do not know if there is an ap',pl~.~a:[]~n L~ofore [he Board for Hufe was the prior owner. At that time the sur~.eyer.;had:to un¢o~ er the top of that bulkhead in order to venfy that ~t co~nuQ,s thrgugh [here iunct~onally. That was the prem se of the t t e wetl~od~le[J~i' all'non-jurisdiction thatwas issued bythe DEG. So it dc~es corii~'i-i~hro~gh that area and what the contractor has to do is to pull,hat out. Pus~ the ~.r. ea,upland as necessary to come through' with the bul~.l-fea~J insP~'!Jlatioh and push it back. Basically it is just veg~etated ma.t~dal ~hra,g~ito~', s'holls just fill I~iled up aEthe eCl~e. Th~ bulkhead l co'nt.'.ir~u(~ t~'rbu~h t~e eas[~rly ad~cent property. TRLI~',[:~. I~JP..SKI: Wha~ about the possibi it¥ on the wester y side that httle.,Jog? ~[~.ld make more. sense to. button up to. the neighbor. Take[ th~b.~ut ~)i~,~ho.re. The neighbor's bu kt~ead needs attentons a so ~ you ~'a~fro.m. ,.h,~ n,eighbor s co~r~er makea straight line The whole th ng ha,~ to b~'removed and excavated obwously I RO,~, .1' I~l~l~'i~ N: RighL ' ~ TRtJ.,.~'T~:E K:I~J,PSKI: If you bring that back whatever the eighteen inch~.s at th.a:[. (~n.c:~., You would not be losing that much up-land. Plus it would make. a.~,'~aig~.... Itnet RC)~.H~'.~RI~.I~NN: I do not know if that would accomplish that bulkhead [o tb'o ~.~.~.t 'k!~' pf ~ngles ~nto the s~de of the return. I think it is about ~ coL or ~m,=~l,%ng l~k,~ thaL We could t~e ~t from that corner. 25 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: They Will be coming in for work next. I do not know if you noticed the condition of that bulkhead. It is pretty rough If we can eliminate that jog. ROB HERRMANN: As long as t.here is no problem n doing that I donot know andr I am. not sure m(~chanically ~het~er the. contractor goes in and replaces the turn first and them ties the face. across. It is not much of~ change so I'd:6 not know if they wou]d have any prob em with it. They[ wouJ~ effectNe y ~o~en the I~ngth of t~eir WeSterly prope~ dine. Fr0~ what i~ is n~. I Could oe~ain]y d~cuss ~t ~ th ~y cl en~ ~nd' see f they would haveany objection:to it~ I dO n~ ~ink it is a big de~ e~th~ way, ~SZ~EL:~P~Ei: Mechanica v ~ ~' t~o 'sff~u~ation:tha[ a bOrm in the es[abli~[ieS. Do you have any ~oblem wi~h~ ReB. I"I,~RM~NN' A ber~ TR~.s$~ ,~OLIWbDA ' P~bably because, it stopes downward ROb ~k~IA'NN: I do n~?hink that they would put a berm in. I would eXF~ct'~¢~¢He~e ~e a [en-f~'Ot~ nOn-tuff b~ff~ ~[hin the area shown o~ the plans a limit,of backf I. I d~ not have a pr~le~with that; I do not thi~k ' ' berm, I do n~t u~derstan8 what the point that Any other comments on that? They put up a berm.they do not need the non-turf yo~ I think that the buffer is a better way to go. The non-tuff buffer. well that is the way to go. The buffer serves the purpose of absorbing any of the it gets to the bulkhead. A berm would only be effective if trace flow above. It really is an issue of absorption. Which ; of the buffer. So that is a given. Any other comments? I will make a Motion tol g. econded. WODA: Ail in favor. ALL AYES 'l~lotion to Ap,orove the wetland permit on behalf of RITA & I~II:~OLA to remove and replace'in place approximately 1.,~01 isting timber bu khead and ex st ng 7 feet return w th vinyl be increased in elevat on by 14 inches and construct 7, easterly side back fill with approximately 30 cubic yar~ls Id create a ten foot buffer behind the bulkhead. Seconded. All in favor. ALL AYES. 26 12. En-Consultants, lnc on behalf of RE STRONG request a Wetland Permit to remove and replace (in place} approximately 91 linear feet of existing timber bulkhead and 16'x30' returns with vinyl bulk heading - dredge an area up to 10 feet off bulkhead to a maximum deep hole -4' ALW approximately 70 cub c yards sand spoil as backfill and truck remain ng spoil off site to an approved upland source. Located 1095 Wes{viewl Drive, Mattituck, N~; §CTM#139-1-2 TRU'i-E, EE FOSTER: Pul: on this application? ~rrmann of Eh-Consultants on behalf of the project adja.c.eh!.' pro~).efty own. ers. Who propp,~o¢ incident~fl d?edging which is from boffind.".l.l~e.buJkhc, ad? I d.e not kr wo~ld' beth ~¢e, !.oqigh!.,to. speak. It wa had sorrr(~, co~lberd":[hat ii the dredging was cor~ducted through the pro~oorty.fin.gs.'.as p~pposed. They would have spme~fear there could some distur.,,ban6e for ~.ndermining thei'r adjacent bul,kbeads. In respor to,thai, I wo,~r¢:¢ ,ay that 'the Strong's are. ce~tai~*ly ~b£e tO redbcinc SCOld, of~h~,d,ro~!~.n.g. '.inward [rom the prUper.!.y hhes'fbr example to ~ mininhu'rh,,'ef~tf~i~.',f'8(J~ off'each protTer[y line. So a~ n.~L !.o cause any d'i¢!.u,r.~ar!i;~t~Je!th~r of,the neighbors. If tho B.o~i'd'wo"ld. have ,any otl quro.sti0'n~¢ I ~,~,o,ul~:'~o happy !.o answer [hem. Jetf'~otreng is here It is otb. orwise, a s'!.~(g~.[fo~,~ard application ' TRI~S~-E~ [~t2;~t_'J~\~DA: I have q ~osti~ns, but ~ wB take public comm~ fir~ Jr, and my parents own the property to 1 ¢ we have abutting bulkheads. I .'ust wanted to rthe trench that he wants to dig in front of the lesl a considerable amount of sand over the past ~ front of our bulkhead. I am afraid a trench woul~ filling it UP. Washing it away in f an undermining. I do not know how d ~ the soil now. I tried.to pock 8found with ~ :1 the bottom of it. t think it maybe four feet ~cern is if they are going to trench next to our backofit. I spoke with J~ ten-feet buffer zone tha~ would help. ,,the dredging would be Cror~ our l~ulkhead. ~g Defter?. I gu( I concern over the bulkhead~,it is an expert., putthis letter in the file? Saying what I just said the ~t he )nt ;ep ]to 27 TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I have two questions for you Rob. Has this area every been dredged before? ROB HERRMANN: Jeff has this area been dredged before? JEFF STRONG: To the best of my knowledge twice the County has dredged it. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: 1'4o right up against your bulkhead? JEFF STRONG; No not that I am aware of. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Second question have you approached DEC with ROB Yes we have applications f ed with the DEC and I ne the g ore movemont of~hd wator, g conLfnuir~g shoaling under the dock, which cannot.'be remedy'. Beca'use noitl~er 'tt~o I~EC. nor 'this Beard as far as I am aware, evor approves new dr(;c~ing' for.residential ,b, ottom So;this is the on ¢:.~,~ay of helping mitigato tho situa:tion I ti-ed to recovor the fil :that has boen:.los[' ir. om behind the bulkhea'~ a,s n.c.~lenta drodg ngdu~ t~ie bu khead replacement. That was tias 'bqen p!oposed to all TRIJ~TCE;POLI~¥ODA: I am it lost lill. T.'.l~at is an inter-tidal '11 histoJ'ically .boemthbre. Some ha.s .t,)oen t~ore i;or twenty years Or ~ ROBtHERRMANN: I would have tot th pa~t I would1 not ~;a it'has ~ That fl~t since he lives you are somewhat correct but not 100% correct and it. We¢have been there forthe past that bulkhead has been about forty-f vd years. If you bulkhead. It would be;obvious to see. TO ching sand for sor0e ~oeriod of time So the on. Some aspect of the,~a~ has been there for a But if the bottom of the bulkh~a¢ has been erodedI s. We have consistently putsat~d behind it. To ke~p That sand has to. have to go 80me~vhere: It is fa rl~ I thfhk my neigh:bors that thee ~and has gone and 28 added to those fiats over the last fifteen years or so. All we are looking to do is reclaim a very small section. Just right in front of that. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I have to state for the record that I am against this type of dredging, Because it is an intentitle fiat. By all means it ltas existed before that bulkhead was placed. It probably was a land grab~to build into. that fiat. What exists there today is a shellfish bed. JEFF STRONG:. Within ten feet of the bulkhead? TRUSTEE P©L,IWODA: There are clams all through there. JEFF STRONG: i do not agree with th&t. Ten feet of the bulkhead. I ge down and ¢ lam myself and I am familiar wi,th ~hat area and I agree out fu.,rt,ber be n~:v ~th, l~t~n feet of ~p bti[~¢a~. I CE"POL ;WODA: It weul~l.~bave a~,urcdermin ng effect on the [ She;llfi§~:~ed bfl '¢Sho~e. TR'EI,ST~ t(~L4 ¢$~,:: The way you have it shown you have it shown an t~ cr'o~ ~¢ti¢ ~..~0,,u have a 4xl 0 foot trench. F~B ~J~! ~N. Unless you would dredge out farther which you l~: Basically it is dredging on an inter-t dal area. There is no doubt that it* is intertitle and that high [khead. Low water iS not am sure what Kenny is it is an intertitle flat. It is not an intertitle marsh being down there. It is pretty much pure sand. I do Celevance of whether you call it an intertitle flat or not. hour a doubt accumulating in front of that bulkhead a these gentlemofi jusL testified that ~he same tt~ ng is occurring in front hiC'l~u~¢l~l~e~d: Se I do not think that. possible that all these homeowner wduld, b~. imaging thai. sand is accumulating i'n frout of their bulkhead. JOE M~I~A: ~tually in front of our bulkhead i,s, the opposite. We hai lost.' t~*~,el~/e to oi~jhtoon inch os of sand over the past twenty years. I dO know why. For some reason. ROB B -EJRRMANN: Are you loosing sand from behind your bulkheadl JOE M~!ISA: W,e have lost sand from behind the bulkhead but also rrqdt. It~.~ront of tho bulkhead the sand is washing away. JBEF S~RONG: It is going out towards the dock. What is happening conaing out from the bulkhead and gradually working it's way out towar qtJ6S..tib[ id not is :is ~N: We could DOSSible reduce the proposal to have le~;s has to be some possibility to have the homeowneq ill is lost from behind the bu khead and sand grad4ally th,e, dock. Then what are you going to do? You haye ,dge by the dock. In other words- I understand is the truth which none df us can verify is undoub~tly It is not that whole area - There is no way that ~ou me fhat the bar of sand has been there. There is no sand Ikhead. At times some part of it is,natural. So the i if you dredge this area. I think that Kenny s point is that he 29 does not want an area that has existed for how many decades to be dredged. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Because it is going to have a negative inn pact on that shellfish bed. If I dug a trench f~ur feet deep next to any shellfish bed in this town it woeld have a negative impact. TRUSTEE KRUPSKk It is reallyis tl~e sand I am sure come from the upland_ But it Ceally isan unspoiled area as far as the last ten years. Fifteen year ithas no:[ been touched~ TRU,~TEE PQLIWODA: It is in frent.of each property and goes all the north, which Joe is here what the re~l issue is. TRLJS..T. E'E KRUPSKI: Suffolk County- good luck the Army Core. ,~EFF ~'~RO'NG: I believe it is both the County and Army Core. klr. Bishop was the on~ who made the proclamation of the funds for the mou'!.ih o1' Lh6. crook, ir am not mista."k:en. TREIST. EE I~.RUPSKI: That is Army Core. J.EEF STRONG: Se on the Federal Side than the real issue is the creek nee.ds.to, be,,dredged. That is wtlat the real issue is. TI~STEE P'QLI\,~,(ODA: Not there. JEFF S'FRO. ING: C'ome over and have a cold beer and sit on my deck,and see at, Io~.v.tii:le wh ch Joey will justify, boats coming in from Connecticut !.hat"canneL ii]ake it up !.o Matt-a-,':Ma~; because they get stuck right in th middle (~, Lbo channel. TI~I~S'TE~,E POLIWODA: agree that out in the middle. JEFF S']iRONG: What do you mean out in the middle? JQ)E, IY].O.:ISA: Wha!: Jell says is true our floating dock used to be in fo f~/~eat. IO~¢~t Zide. ~J:~F ~ ..1"~.,,?'~'~: ~.*,~e float,ng dock and we do not th,nk that ,n all do r~¢~ ~ in t~U~ch with the real situation as maybe you would Ilk( :O be,~"~ - ~"~ '~ '~'~ --Itl A~g~en. ~matically worse over the last ten years. If it is no1 the COuntF.'~ tt~'.~ Ar~ Core of Engineer's. The real issue is there has b, en a grad.~l,!sil..tii~.g.. ~/here our properties are is so what silted. Definitel, bocomir~D ptOIdlcm~li~c. There are other areas of the creek that are a )t w?rso [ti~n.i~!.a!.. You made the comment that the sand is the same ac~'oss tFi~ b~ ~t s~ ~et accurate. Just directly to the south to me. That p~B~!~.~o,~j~at~, reason has had natura grass grown n and a a~ay f~'~;~:~r. ~S had natural grass so there is no claming there ~t all. Y~u ar~i~a~ df that So the s~atement that a the property s th~ same.. ~o I~et coi~cUr w~th that statement, mean nter-t da. There s no 30 intertitle to the north of me, which is productive for soft claming. It is all grass. TRUSTEE POLIWDOA: I refer to that as intertitle. I did not say soft olaming al/along, 'jEF~ STRQNG: lntertitle I may have misunderstood you. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: There is no dredging. JEFF STRONG: Bu[ the bottom line is that over the past fifteen years~the sand.:J~ working ~t s ay out. TRIJ/S~TE~i K~UpSKI: I am sorry Jeff, what was the condition at the bu, Ikizea'd'!fiffe, e~n ye~s ago. J~F S~R~O[~.G: The consolidation at the bulkhead was basically the Jeff's bulkhead was basically the same. But in front of r ~me reason the sand is dropping a little bit lower. From property it goes down. : What is happening in my case. The vertical height ~ past fifteen years is the same? But we ha, fifteen years consistently sand from the upland side. 1 eroding. So the actions of the tide. Ikhead. Has not bui it way out toward the dock. : is a lot of sand - one hundred feet off sho seventy. Jnd'- volume of sand. ~p four feet~ That is not what I am out has pushed, its way Y ~the ~e It d a ~RUPSKJ: That is a lot of sand. agree and I think Joey.can attest to that. I t~ave no problem with the bulkhead. But you cannot you need that dredging~ That is the bottom ~ne. You agree, with that. We do not want to drag it on Our feeling in the field that it was an unspoiled area and lams but horse shoes or what not. BeCaUse it has not been mainten~ nce We would not like to see it touched. We do not tlave ~g [he bulkhead. prejudice the portion of th~ naintain our request to replace the ~ further i.nvestigate the eople involved and maybe that ge. Hewill have to come back Trustee's intend to g able to utilize t~heir TRUSTEE KRUPSKh It would be told on a case-to-case basis. JEFF STRONG: What about this case. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: We have allowed dredging where there is no inter[itle and the water is two or three feet. So we can scoop that sane out. We do work with the homeowner. TRUSTEE KRUPSK If you want tq. exp ore someth ng around your dock. Then, y~pu Wou d have to give us an application with soundings. JEFF STRON'G: It is my ~nderstanding with Mr Hoffmann that is a waste of time. ,Reali,stieally you a~fe not going to consider that. TRUST6E P~LI .W(~DA: If,you c~t~ get your boat in there and you cand~ g~y, ,o. ur'~ OL~. , JEF~S~BG. ¢ 1~4~.0I: directly under my dock. But the bow of the boat i~s ~i~'~illg. ~n §a~d at ioW tid~:e. ' / TRU~¥EE FOSTER: I do not understand that digging ten feet off the some of the sand that ha~ eroded out there is g~ing r dock. e amount of sand that is moving o~ is sand being lost behind the bulkhead the bulkhead. Through on shore/off shore n~ler the dock and ~ou get shoaling under premise.was that some put there behind the ; back what was placed there. I of thaf( is from that cause. TRtdS'C~'E , I bateto gelt into this bul: I am sorry but the effedt s not:,tl~e..~:~mo A,tl~o~g '~ th~ sand s added f you change and that sa~d mo.,ves .,o!,r,~ti. ore. Be yo~ c .t'~angff the eco system in front of the, bulkhead? ROS,HEi~RIt, A~N No I' d,~ not rmean to apply that you have the same eva'si,vo drl'e~t oh I;he eco system,. If the sand is creating there. From the Iow :. FOSTE~ We are going to withdraw it. Bu~ have no answer to my question. If I have a bos and the bow is at Iow tide sitting on the san( Is ecommend that we address that. Off shore of your float where you keep your f )at. I do not know what you are asking? The bo~ of You tie the boat bow in corn ct. .~ same. problem. But I live with it. ~ in all do respect. All the commercial boats do not ~f t is you go aground. I do not want to get in a you Tl~e co ~J reality of it is. The commercial boats at ear and run it at 1500 rpm and flush it TRM~ ]{lNG: cold ,reality of,it is that we live with it. ~e way that ~ just said. am not going to sit here and argue. 32 TRUSTEE FOSTER: Do I have a motion to close the hearing? TRUSTEE KING: So moved. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Seconded. ROB H ERRMANN: We would also have to amend TRUSTEE FOSTER: All in favor. ALL AYES ROB. HERRMANN: We would have to amend the application to truck in backfill So I would have to submit revised drawings with revised ~,Rescdpt, ion UTEE POLIWODA: That is fine. TRUSTEE ~OSTER: will make a Motion to Approve the application to re;m~ev~¢~; rePJlac'~e in place approximately 91 linear feet of e~isting ! ~ber Bull~h~aC~ ~-n8 ~no~:~l 6 f(~o;~and one 30 foo[ return with.v ny bulk head g. TRUS'I'EE KING: Seconded, RPB HERRMANN: Seventy yards of,fill to be trucked other than spoil. So it will be. seventy yards of.tiff to be trucked in from an upland source, TRUS;I EE FOSTER: To include seventy yards of fill trucked in from ~ uplahd &ourco for backfill: TRUS~I'EE P'OJ_IWODA: Maintain a ten-foot non-turf buffer. TRUS'~TEE FOSTER: Seconded. TR, us~E':E DICKERSON: Seconded. TB~S,T~,E' F0ST'ER: All in favor. ALL AYES 13. Eq-COh~ llt~ TRu f pr~lO0.~ ~Prc~ ~,,~ Inc. on beha f of PETER KRANES request a Wet and ~atb; approximately 176 linear feet of ex st ng t tuber )~!t~ i~wer whaler with vinyl sheathing. Located: 7480 ',~,~ilevard, Laurel, NY SCTM#126-11-12 biG: Is there anyone here that wants to comment on this eot?. ROB HERRMAI11N: Rob Herrmann of En-Consultants on behalf of the applib~nl 'PE~rER KRAIVES. This should be a very straightforward api)licati?0. Just involves basically the repair of existing bulkhead. Ohly th,g shb,~t~in9 .below 'the whaler would be vinyl instead of treated timber. TRUSTEE KING: How is he going to fasten that? He has a six by six w;~!~ ~¢~hey go below that with the vinyl? Is it going to be fa~ed;~ t§~ d~ sheath na? '. ¢-'~i' °' Y · g ej b. R~.Bt;~H , 'A~'~I As far as know es Steve Po ack sdon th H~,~.'ld~¢~ ~,c~ld get in two feet max ~nto the soil. Then it would be fa,~tb~n'e~ir~'t.l~,~nto the existing sheathing. TRtCS'i'~¢ KlrCG~ Not to be out in front of the poles. ROB .I:-II~.I~MANN: No thai is shown on the cross section Jim. TRLJ~-J-C.'E KIIXlG: I was just curious. Any other comments. I looked at it myCel[. I~ is jest straighLfep, vard. Very simple. No problem with it. I will mako a Mdmioo;to close; the bearing. TI~.UTEE ~O~TER: Second od. TI~UTEE KING: All in favor. Al. L AYES. I ~11 mal[e~a i~btibn to Approve the application. 33 TRUSTEE FOSTER: Seconded. TRUTEE KING: All in favor· ALL AYES I like the easy ones. 'ROB HERRMAN.N: I try to make them easy. 14. Catherine Mesiano, Inc. on behalf of WILLIAM LOIS & BINA COMES requests a Wetland & Coastal Erosion Permit for installation of approximately 330 I.f. Rock revetment along the bank of two contiguous lots; consisting of appro×. 300 cy. 3-4 ton armor capstone, 600 cy. 2-3 :.ton armor capstone,. 300 cy. 1-2ton armor capstone, over 350,cy, Bedding stone and 350 cy.' Core stone and filter fa~bric and associated access th.e site i to set The Locatecl 57875 & 581( PER AGENT'S, REQUEST UNTIL AUGUST' 15. JM0 CONSULTING, iNC. on behalf of WILLIAM &. PEGGY SCHWAR request,' a We,t~,nid Permit to reconstrUct n place +/- 78feet of timber he~dir~'utilizfnq ~ir~yl shoathing and ~ backfill strUcture with +/- 10 c ~ cle~l.rl sand Lo [~o'trucked in fre~ an u~)land source. Located 3210 L Neck NY SCTM#103-9-12 :1: Anyone like to speak in favor of the project? ~[ evening, .I am Glerfn Just of JMO Consulting ag~ Any questions from. the Board? Howis ~going to be d~ne wthout d sturb ng th id there"?. ~ras done last year. The' e back lawn. When The object is- actually is to reshea1 fro01 sheathin( tak.en out Initially when we ~rs¢looke¢ at the job. Resheathing with v right behind [he v~ood and ,just p, utting~neW tie rods in would be the be,, way to do iL. We aro trying to WOrk with the ether agencies involved. nol~:;~r~ if y~ ~1,[ M~'. DeLo ~elle tCae neighbor. That's how t was ex~t ~ ~on~ ~e% ' TR:~S~'~,iE E~CJP~KI: He was pretty wide opened. This is heavy ve~j~t~¢~d. ~e't¥ill be replanted NY TZ ~ulk · Of tie rlt t ~O 34 GLENN JUST: There was quite a bit of bacchads on Mr. DeLoiselle that was transplanted and put back in. Not as much as here. TRUTEE KRUPSKI: The baccharis will be replaced. Anything else? ~oLENN JUST: .Bacchads.some iva, patents. Anything within the twer~y- t buffer. ~Which is temporarily taken out. ~ TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Because there is a. lot of patents further back right along the bulkheadl A lot of phragmiJ[es, l do not have a problem witl~,it, If the~ is n~o o~ther comment,5 Do I have a Motion to close the hearing[? TRUS~T£E DICKERSON: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRiUPSK: All in favor. AIL AYES. I will make a Motion, t~ Approve the app Cat on v¢I~i the cenditiort that it will be replanted w~th~ut everything ,bu[ the phragmitos. TRUS:TEE; D'ICKERSON: Seconded. 16.JMO CONSULTING, INC. on behalf of MARC RUBENSTEIN request a Wetland Permit to construct an addition, deck and terrace onto an exi., ting single-family dwelling and to construct an addition and porch on to an existing cottage. Located Madeline Avenue No # Fisher's Island, NY SCTM#6~7-7 POSTPONED AS PER AG ENT'S REQUEST 17.JMO CONSULTING, INC. on behalf of BARREN U. KIDD requests a Wetland Permit to construct an 18'x15.3' screened porch on an existi deck at a point 68 feet landward of an existing freshwater wetland. Located:. Private Road, Fisher's Island, NY SCTM#3-1-10 GLENN JUST: I am Glenn:Just of JMO Consulting for Mr. ~idd. We ave gotten a permit for the same activity. About three years ago or mayb( [it is five years ago since that time the jurisdiction of the DEC has changed ~nd the wetlands have changed. The contractor went ahead and started t~ work on t~e project. I think if, was in ei~ther in March or April. When Mr~ King and myself and a very angry guy from, the DEC The work was shat down at that time. We are just here to get back on track. It is a screened porch on top of an existing deck. TRUSTEE KING: Any other comments? I will make a Motion to Closethe hearing. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Seconded. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor. ALL AYES I wi] make a Motion to Approve the screened porch on the deck. TRUSTEE FOSTER": Seconded. GLENN JUST: Thank you very much. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor, ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKh I need a motion to go back to the Regular Meeting? TRUSTEE FOSTER: So moved. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor, ALL AYES 35 IV. MOORINGS/STAKES: PAUL A, ARMSTRONG Replace stake #20 in Narrow River with a 17-foot boat. Access Public 2. LAWRENCE SUTTER Replace stake #1 in Narrow River with a boat nc) larger than 1,6 feet- Access Public 3, CHRISTOPHER BUTTERFIELD Replace stake #8 in Narrow River v~ith 13 foot boa1 Access Public 4 JOSEPH T. REITER Replace stake #56 in ARSHAMOMOQUE PONE (EnVoi Laurel Avenue) with a 16 foot boat AcceSs Public TRUSTEE POLJWODA: Under Moorings and Stakes I looked at the ab and had ne problem. CHARLOTTE CUNNINGHAM: There was one added. At the end. It is down, where Scott Hughes is. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I .ust want to see whose stake it was? CHARLOTTE CUNNINGHAM: I think it was 56. It is marked on the m~ See where it i~. TRIJ,S, TEE KRUPSKh Do you have a problem with it at all? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I will make a Motion to approve four moorings. ~aUl Armstrong, Lawrence Sutter, Christopher Butterfield and Joseph e,~tet as written. T~RU~EE FOSTER: Seconded RLJ,~EE DiCKERSON: All in favor. ALL AYES ce V. RESOLUTION: 36 ROBERT & RITA WIECZOREFJCOSTELLO MARINE CONTRACTING CORP. built a 6'x30' float instead of a 6'x20' float. Located: 835 Tarpon Drive Southold, NY SCTM#53-05-08&57-01-39.2 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI; We have a resolution going back a couples of years. WHEREAS, the Southold Town Board of Trustees held an administrative ~hearing on September 27, 2001 and testimony was presented on behalf of the applicant; and WHEREAS, Robert Wieczorek r,e, ceived a Wetland Permit to construct a i ~imber do~k consis/~g.of a 4 x12 ramp to a 4'x4~2' fixed ca~wall(, e evated rl/2' &bove; marsh, a 3'x20' hinlged ramp and a 6~'x20"fioat with a 4'x4' .?x:tenSion.for.ramp, to .be secured by (2) two pile dolphins located at 835 ~arpon Ro~i~t, Southeld, New York; and WHEREAS~ contrary to what was allowed in the permit, the applicant had constructed a float that was 6'x30'; and WHEREAS, the float is part of the single structure that includes the ram and catwalk starting in the upland and running through the Wetlands as defined in Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code and attested to by applicant's own witness Robert Herrmann at page 9-10 of the transcript; ~nd WHEREAS, the board finds that the credible evidence prescribed indicates[ that the float at mean Iow tide is located in less than five feet of water; anti ixed ;3- WHEREAS, based on the above findings, the Southold Town Board of Trustees has jurisdiction over the size of the float; and t is hereby, RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board of Trustees denies the Administrative Hearing the appeal held on September 27, 2001 because the structure was not built in accordance with the permit, as set forth in the violation. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh There is a Motion. Is there a seconded? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES TRUSTEEE POLIWODA: I wrote some things regarding the Spawner Sancteary RESOLVED that the Town Trustees of the Town of Southold passed a resolution July 23, 2003 that four (4) spawner sanctuaries/grew out sites be placed in 37 Wickham Creek andmay commence immediately on this date of July 23, 2003 and be removed by September 1st. 2003. RESOLVED that the Town Trustees of the Town of Southold passed a resolutfon 3uly 23, 2003 that the,resulting shb'llfish (100%) to be donated to the Town an~ :placed in town waters. As diScussed [n the July 23, 2003 memorandum ~Presented at the Public Hearing. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Do you want letters from those four homeowners? TRUSTEE FOSTER: Yes ~RUSTEE DlCKERSON: Did you want a better site plan - what was stapled to this sheet? E. BR(OW, NELL JOHNSTON: We do not need that in the resolution. ~RU~EE~POLIWODA: With this Spawner Sanctuaries set up n Wickham Cree~, 4'08% efthe Shellfish shall be donated to the [own and placed in town TR $'~'~ ~KRUPSKI: What about the letters? ~:.,POLIWODA: Four homeowners will submit letters of approval. NELL JOHNSTON: We do not need that in the resolution. : ~OLtOWODA: You got that Charlotte. r'CE OUNNtNGHAM: Got every word Hope th s roach ne s work ~ POLIWODA: I do not understand what I said. ~ELL JOHNSTON: As numerated in the paper presented. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I will make a Motion to Adjourn TRUS~EE DfCKERSON: All in favor. ALL AYES Meeting Adjourned: 10:45 p.m. .~ I~CE[VED Respectfully submitted by: ~ o t .I. ¢t~t~in~l~am, ~rk Board of Trustees ~./ 38