HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-09/24/2003g~lbert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Al-tie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 7~5-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MINUTES September 24, 2003 7:00 p.m. PRESENT WERE: Albert J. Kru pski, Jr., President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster, Trustee Ken Poliwoda, Trustee Peggy Dickerson, Trustee E. Brownell Johnston, Esq. Charlotte Cunningham, Clerk CALL MEETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NEXT FIELD INSPECTION: Wednesday, October 15th' 2003 at 8:00 a.m. TRUSTEE KING moved to Ac)prove. TRUSTEE DICKERSON seconded. AL AYES NEXT TRUSTEE MEETING; Wednesday, October 22nd, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. WORKSESSION: 6:00 p.m. TRUSTEE KING moved to Approve. TRUSTEE DICKERSON seconded. AL AYES APPROVE MINUTES: Approve Minutes of May 21,2003, July 23, 2003 and August 20, 2003 TRUSTEE POLIWODA moved to Approve. TRUSTEE DICKERSON seconded. ALL AYES III. Trustee Krupski: A tittle change in operation. We are going to ask any agent or anyone representing any person to fill out a disclosure form for the Town. So anyone that comes up before us will have to get one of these and fill it out and putJt into the file, So this is going to be new from now,on ~stand",ard procedure M. ONT_HLY__R_E~O_R_T: ,The Trustees monthly report for August 2003. A J check for $1,350.93'was forwarded to the Supe[¥isor's Office for the General Fu,nd. PUBLIC NOTICES: Public Notices are posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Bd~ard for review'. AMENDMENT/WAIVER/CHANGES TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We have postponements: Namber 3 G~egory Mazzanobile has been postponed per the applicant, NUmber 7 Catherine Mesiano on behalf of Dennis Henchy has been Postponed, T(~TM Schlichter is postponed ~ublic heanngs: J&ffrey Hallock has been postponed. · I, ANTHONY FOROSICH request an Amendment to Permit #125 to re? ,~at existing bulkhead using vinyl sheathing. Located: 1405 Anchor Lane Southold, NY SCTM#79-4-4 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Ken this is one of yours. Do you want to make a Motion? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I looked at it and I will make a Motion to apl; 'ore the Amendment to Permit #125 with the stipulation that there be a ter foot non-turf buffer placed behind the new sheathing. Do I have a second 9d? TRUSTEE DICK ERSON: Seconded. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: All in favor, ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Charlotte, what we are going to need on that Before you issue the permit, Have him show the ten-foot non-turf buffer on 'dhe plans. That is all. JAMES CAVANAUGH requests an Amendment to Permit #5441 to include deck and removal of eight (8) trees, Located: 205 Gull Pond Lane Greenport, NY SCTM#35-4-28.39 TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I would like to make a motion to deny the amendment because we have been g~ven further information· TRUSTEE KRUPSKi: It might be better to amend the plan and approve the amendment for the deck. Not the trees. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I will make a Motion to Approve the deck for the existing permit 5441 but deny the removal of the eight trees. Do I have a seconded? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded TRUSTEE DICKER,SON: The reason for the denial is it was a previou~ condition of the permit, that there be a fifty foot non-turf and non- disturbance buffer, adjacent [o the wetlands. CAC also recommended a fifty foot non-disturbance buffer. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: All in favor. ALL AYES PROPER-T PERMIT SERVICES on behalf of GREGORY MAZZANOBILE requests an Amendment to Permit 5631 to allow the I location of the sewage disposal system and the necessary 'fill and retaining wall. Located: 1400 Lake Avenue, Southo d, NY SCTM#59-1- 21 6 & 21.7 Postponed as per Agent's Request Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. On behalf of ROBERT & BARBARA HOLLEY request an Amendment to Permit #5238 to rem~.ve the existing driveway and modify the design of the previously approved for gravel driveway attendant to the detached garage. Located 1085 Bayshore Road, Greenport, NY SCTM#53-03-12 TRUSTEE KING: I did not have any problem with it. [ will make a Mot on to Approve. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor. ALL AYES Jennifer Gould, Esq. on behalf of ALLEN KRAUS request an Amendment to Permit #5501 to relocate well to the southwest corner ~)f premises. Located: S/E corner Second Avenue & Huntington Blvd., Peconic, NY SCTM#67-4-20.3&20.4 j TRUSTEE FOSTER: Anybody here on behalf of this application Jennifer? MS. GOULD If you have any questions. TRUSTEE FOSTER: I went out and looked at it. It is relevant really ju ;t required by the Health Department. MS GOULD: The DEC also. TRUSTEE FOSTER: I see no significant impact if any. MS. GOULD: It is not in the non-disturbance area. It is forty feet back. TRUSTEE FOSTER: I will make a Motion to Approve the Amendmen(. 3 MS. GOULD: One question this permit is going to expire on February 211. 2004 and I do not know if he will have broken ground by that time. Do I have to come back for an extension? After it expires. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No before it expires MS. GOULD: I am on my second year. It expires in February. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Apply in January for the extension: KATHLEEN BOWER request an Amendment to Permit #5260 to do selective cutting of trees and grading to the north side of house. Located: 2710 Soundview Avenue, Southold, NY 54-7-1.3 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We were happy to ask for and receive help fror¢ Senior Environmental Planner,in Town, Mark Terry and I will read you the letter that he sent, over to us. ' I have reviewed the proposed action fei' the ref, erenced property. The proposed action is vague and unspecified. As you are aware, a small freshwater wetland exists on the north of the property, q'he wetland was flagged and verified by the DEC on 12/97 and again on April 12 2000 by Eh-Consultants, Past correspondence in the fil~ references a culvert (sfnce removed)from Sound View Avenue to the depr~sior~. The,property owner stated that the runoff from Sound Vie[w Av'er~u.,e th~-ougf) t;l~e culyert was thecause of the Wetland. This state~?nt is partia, lly cor~t; the Wetland is witEin the waterShed for Lily Pond an~l continUes.~o received runoff from sound View Avenue and the surrounding sloPes. An exiSting cut from Sound View Avenue contributes s~snd, lng W, ater~;the system, togeth~e[~ith the on-site swale ranging from 20 ~iG.v:D. TO ~' N,G,V.D, The cor~strUction of Sound View Avenue in~erru'pte~d, the,~Ural ,d, rainage oft.ke '~tershed and contributed to longer h~l~-o-~b~eds ' ~egardl,ess the area,is st 1~ a'wetland, As stated above the s~lect~b eari~n,¢;smd gta~'3g reqb~st is ~ague a,nd shou!d be mappe¢ on "' e" sur~' The At, on wo~' .opcurwith n the75' buCd:ers and he eXter~,¢the pr¢¢osed actbn cann¢, he, assessed. I recommend that[the t.r,e:es, i~t. are. t(~. ~ removed be m[~ppe~ upon the su~e_y and labeled [in the fi~lc~ tO avoid~l)ega[ c!~ing i:n' the f~ture. In addition, a simple gra~ing plan sf),~UJd also !be subr~iEed to our office in the eve. nt that a large area of 9~a~li,Cio~tree ?mOval s~hSu!d oc-c,r, I;recommend that ha~,bales be[ inSt~ ~¢ t4) pre~'¢ aclver~e mpact~to the wetland· Recognizing that[this · ..... 'ire l' sene~itha)[u ~nt a' roYedsu~veyNete2sta s the "Ngid~turbat~e on l,¢¢r~h Side" Will pccur, I~n add'itl.Ch a 1:0 foot limit of cJeari~g ~asl p~'eposed o.~' the wee.; sou.th:and east sides. These sta~m~nfs We~e,evaluat~di!tprevieLLSly Dy the Board during the permit process f, er the residenc~ and sheu.'ld be weighted in any upcoming ~1 -ec~ston ~his ac~it~p woutild,t)e wi$ir~. 1101)feet and would also require pbrraftlfrom the BEC as ~tated imtfteir better of Non~.jurisdiction. Please let me'lmow if yc~u ,need arChing else 'Basically he is saying what we told you in ~e field t!~at the permit as written. Was written [or specific reasons. Based~en site codditions: 4 MS. BOWER: I have a letter that I wrote: Thank you for your time and efforts in the consideration of my permit amendment application. I have come before the Board essentially for guidance and clarity with regard to the parameters of my building envelope. I also'hope to find resolve an~t closure in this matter. I have followed the parameters of the odginal permit thatwas handed down to me by the previous owner Norman Wamback to the best of my ability. I designed a home that would fit into 'the building envelope with room to spare (5') to the south. Unfortu nato ~y, during the surveying and staking process, my entire foundation was moved five feet to the south. Pushing the house/foundation five feet further away from the wetlands barri.er. When we began the original excavati~)'n it was our goal.to leave as 'many large trees i~,taot around ~ build.in;g e~velope as possible. This is stil our goal. Unfortunate y th( we have a situation in which we must fort fy the land to the north of thc found~tia~n either by creating a more gradual P aae of earth between o~ fo~ndati09 and the clea~lng parameters or, the con W~i¢;fec[qifing a footing. ~t~r speaking witJh the ir~v~tfga~on on 9/17/03, Is believe we n,.e~?.'s~¢~ grading or builiding Of a w~th'ln i-e~s~nabty, close proximity approved by ~he Board', as we , b~ down ~ ~ trees that fall within these par~met~s in order to cornplgt~ this nec~essary work. TR~$~'~I" KRUPSKI: I do not think that we have any problem with th. Becau;s~it~confbrms to the original permit. Yod would not need any a by ou~'l~a'rd. MS, BO~JER: That basically is my understanding now. Because h few nCg~bors calling and worrying that we are going to impact the wetland. We had to take a few trees down because we had to mow entire,septic system. Which we did not intend to do. So these trees ~re being.t~l~en down and we really did not plan on it. We did not want tc Unfort:~.r~ately that is what happened. TF~UStC~.E KRUPSKI: So you can go ahead with that. You do not ne ~d aoy a~n~dment. MS. B~ER: Thank you very much, Do you want this letter?. take ir it. ;tion a )ur CATHERINE MESIANO, INC. on behalf of DENNIS HENCHY request an Amendment to Permit 5732 dated March 18, 2003 for construction of J 4'x37' elevated walk @ +3.5' with steps to grade. Located: 1325 Kiml~erly Lane, Southold, NY SCTM#70-13-20.008 POSTPONED AS PER AGENT'S REQUEST UNTIL OCTOBER TOM SCHLICHTER request an Amendment to Permit #4986 to grow turf grass in back yard covering a 50 foot wide by 40 foot wide deep section directly behind the house. Located 400 Reno Drive Southold, NY SCTM#54-6-4,4 POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Alpha Consulting on behalf of PETER & STEPHANIE C,OSOLA requ~,st an Amendment to Permit #5798 for an addition of new 10 wide x 28'. 9 (house depthl foundation and structure. Located: 2880 Minnehaha Blvd. Southold, NY SCTM#87-03-43 TRUSTEE POLIWODA: looked at this. Anyone have any comments MR. ANGEL: Just answer any questions that you may have. I am vep recent to this project. As I understand it. The second story has been ' approved and Mr. Cosola wants to extend a modest amount 13 feet by 28.9f'eet in a northedydirection with the same lateral lines as the build ~g mas now. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I looked at this I did not see any encroachme it toWardthe wetlands. It is more a side ward motion. MR. ANGEL: Exactly. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Drywells? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: will stipulate that they put drywells for roof run- off. So I will make a Motion to Approve Amendment Permit #5798 to inclu~ drywells for the roof run-off on the addition. TRUSTEE D1CKERSON: Seconded. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: All in favor. ALL AYES. 10. WILLIAM & SUSAN TRAWICK request transfer Permit #2109 dated March 27, 1986 for a wetland permit und ar the Grandfather Clause to register a dock, consisting of a 3'x9'10" walk, 3'x9'2" ramp and 3'x10'4" hinged ramp with a 5'x14'6" [Ioat in Jockey Creek Southold, NY transfer~ permit from Thomas Kelly and Nancy anicelli to William & Susan Trawibk Located: 2725 Wells Road, Southold, NY SCTM#70-4-16 TRUSTEE DICKERSON: This is just a transfer? TRUSTEE 'KRUPSKh Kenny will clear this up. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: The fixed dock is actually 3x20. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Remember we went out there Peggy and we were at the wrong house. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Actually it is a 3x20 foot fixed dock a nine-foot rem ~3, and 5x14 feet float. So how does the Board feel about it? It does extend out into the channel greater than a third. So there are all kinds Of policy problems with this transfer, think we should deny it and meet th~9 homeowner down there. He has to build it accordingly. 6 JOHN COSTELLO: As you can see the only thing that happened on that site, Is that the odginal permit I went there and built it myself? Was that there is a little degree of erosion? We tried to move it over to limit the extension of two feet into shore. The present float is six inches less than the one that was previously permitted. We went out and located old pieces of piling removed them and placed the dock and when we came into shore. It ended that the dock was approximately two feet in length longer, I do not know the ramp. There is a combination of a ramp something like 19 feet 2 inches. The dock is 9 feet 10 inches. Which is nineteen feet the existing structure is 21 foot 11 fnches. Atthe longest poi'fit. A!so there_; is a gully ne'xt to it. The bank is eroding right nOW there is a Sm~lt;sp ;ace th, at they need one additional pl~[~k. We t~k 24 foot/ timberswe'l~bt.them into the land shoUl'd, th~ bank-keep eroding, The~will need andth~r two DY six to go in there, T~ere [sa small space ii1 the.re/ .! ~p hs f you want add tionat hotogra' hst~ have th ~ .m off shore end of the,final. There w~s a pipe t~o and pipe, which was rotted, ou~,. Replaced ft with inch piling, The r~p if you rneasgre tt~e eye[all length Of at there is 12 foot I~y 32 ~;6hes. P're~i~):,u, sPy, t~h;ey Wad Je fo¢ :four inches l~ss. Ttie spacing,- i~t ~as, hing:ed to: ~e : dock. It was one piece te keep the end shore: en(~from, mev l know,~at the fl?at at that time; we. S taken i~ did it once. several yiaaCs a~e and,,l:C~nn0t tell you ~ow ~e~g ,ag~. The fl(~at was bad b,~t it was Si~ ~ches longer~ {t wa,s fourt, ;eh a~/s o:ne is fourteen. All the old .material was I .ef.[ id the wetiar d. W~e. remS)red'it and disposed of it. Yo~ wilt see at mid tide the space ~eer~ the ramp and float is exactly ten fool fio~ in,ohOs. As ,the tid fails tb~t leith increased a few inches. ~h,e ph~otos that wer, e presented, It w,~s t, er~¢oo~ five inches. The space between [he ramp at3d thb float ~RUS~_E POLIWODA: The ma n piece of the puzzle ~ith regard to the d,eck. ~here ~s a, permit for a 3~-10 and the fized deck ~S 3~20, -~RUS~ KRUPSKI: The ori~ltnal permit the walk and ramp where one. JOHN ~C)$TELLO: The raml~frem I~rld I do ~ot, kno~ what the ang e Was. I ~t¢ not know if there was; t~n angle, We we~t ou~ there and p~lled ~e old,~i~ing out. Went back to the plan. J ~RUS~E; POLi~WODA: You can understand my main concern. I read 4~x9 or ~10 andl this is twenty. So that is fine. ,¢ ~RUS~BE DICKERSON: Wh ch numbers are we us ng ~RUS~-EE pOLIWODA: If you use tliose numbers. It adds up to that. JOHN ~UOSTEhLO: The floatis six inches less. The ramp is four f(Cet less in width but the dock is a coup e of feint longer In order to meet the land TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Make a Motior~ Ken. TRUStTEE DICKERSON: I will make a Motion to ,Approve this dock, ramp and fiq_~t as built. ~RUS~EE KRUPSKh With the condition that there be a new set of plans Showi~g what is built. 7 JOHN COSTELLO: You should have one for your record. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh The Motion is that the dock, ramp and float are approved for transfer as built with the stipulation that the owner will provide us with an updated plan. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded TRUSTEE D/CKERSON: All in favor. ALL AYES 11. Patricia Moore. Esq. on behalf of MARC & ANNA CLEJAN request a One Year Extension to Permit #5241 with the stipulation fhat the fence 15,feet - sO that the 50 foot non-disturbance buffer willtbe be moved completely non-disturbance. This will be the final one-year extension, Located: 2570 Clearview Avenue, Southold, NY SCTM#70L10- 29.2 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I will Approve. Do I have a seconded on it? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh All in favor. ALL AYES 12. ROBERT & DIANE SCHROEDER request a One Year Extension to Wetland Permit 5451 for a two-story house, garage and swimming po~ol with option #2 for driveway. Located: 150 Rene Drive, Southold, NY [ SCTM#54-06-4-,3 [ TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Is there a seconded on that one-year extension. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh All in favor. ALL AYES Is the foundation in? TRUSTEE FOSTER: Yes TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: So then they will not need any more extensions! Because, that is a substantial start. 13. John Bertani Builder, Inc. request a One Year Extension to Wetland Permit #5321 for Ronald & Kris Hernance to construct a 55'x55' single family dwelling, on site sewage disposal system, with pubic water an / pervi~)us driveway with the condition of a 50 foot non-disturbance buffer and a staked row of hay bales during constructed. As depicted on sur~ey dated Dec. 11 2000 and last revised October 26, 2001 Located: 240 Briar Lane, Southold, NY SCTM#81-1-16.8. ~ TRUSTEE KRUPSKh The original permit was for John Dempsey. Th[ey should also change the name. I will also make a Motion to Approve the one-year extension. With the condition that dwwells and gutters be adfded to contain roof run-off. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. TRUSTEE FOSTER: All in favor. ALL AYES 8 TRUSTEE KRUPSKh They also have to change the name. The original permit was issued to John Dempsey. MR. JOHNSTON: They have got to revise their application for the name ,change. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh am going to ask for a Motion to go offthe regular meeting TRUSTEE FOSTER: So moved. .TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES THIS IS A PUBLIC HEARING IN THE MATTER OF THE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS UNDER THE WETLANDS ORDINANC OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. I HA VE AN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATIONS FROM THE TRAVELER-WA TCHMAN; PERTINENT CORRESPONDENCE MAY BE READ PRIOR TO ASKING FOR COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC. PLEASE KEEP YOUR COMMENTS ORGANIZED AND BRIEF FIVE (5) MINUTES OR LESS IF POSSIBLE Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc on behalf of KREISCHER (FELDMAN) requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 135.0 square f +/- bedroom addition, A 644.0 square foot +/- kitchen addition and ne~ sanitary system. Located: 825 Harbor Lig ~ts Drive, Southold, NY SCTM#71-02-16 TRUSTEE FOSTER: To speak on behalf of this application is? BRUCE ANDERSON: Bruce Anderson a very simple application talki~lg about some minor additions the chief mitigation here is the septic syst ~m that is going to be presently approximately 50 feet from the water. W( are going to take that and relocate it to the other side of the house, So it ~ Jill be 150 feet from the wetlands. This is a small two-bedroom house, TI ~ey seek to build a kitchen and install one bathroom. That is essential wh you have here. It is a simple project it is a good project. I understood that there is some concern on visual impacts, We analyzed that and we can show you to what extent, What we are left with is a small project that will benefit the environment and the determent of none. TRUSTEE FOSTER: There were a few concerns in the field. But I think that we remedied that in the field and I do not think that there is any problem. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Can see the picture Artie? 9 BRUCE ANDERSON: That is taken from the neighbor's property on the declc Looks out across their view towards the bay. The addition is scaled off plan and is accurate. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh It is always our concern that it is going to be addressed. The way we ad~,ress it was not so much the view part but the Set backs between the houses going to the south. TRUSTEE FQSTER: Do I have a Motion to close the hearing? TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Seconded. TRUSTEE FOSTER: All in favor. ALL AYES application of Suffolk Environmen,tal man) f( r the additions at 825 ~. [rywefls for roof run-off with roof Any other Board concerns. Do I have a Seconded. :ER: All in favor. ALL AYES Did you say hay bales? No I did not say. Do you want hay bales? row of hay bales. FOSTER: A staked row of hay bales outside of the construction SOUNDVlEW RESTAURANT, INC, requests a Wetland Permit and Coastal Erosion Permit to repair the existing east wall - no other l alterations or expansion. Located: 11220 Soundview Avenue, Southbld, NY SCTM#44-2-20 TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Anyone would like to make a comment on this application? Any Board comments? They are just rebuilding the east wall here. We granted them an emergency permit September 5th. De I have a Motion on that? TRUSTEE KING: So moved TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We have got to close the hearing. TRUSTEE KING: Do I have a Motion to close the hearing? TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor. ALL AYES I will make a Motion to Approve the request to repair the east wall at the Soundview Restaurant. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Seconded. TRUSTEE KING: All in favor. ALL AYES BENJAMIN & JOCELYN SUGLIA request a Wetland Permit in an area landwa rd of the 10 foot contour elevation - construct 14'x37' wood deck attached to seaward side of existing house, remove 8'xl 3' section oN seaward side of existing .h, ou.s,e within existing footprint, construct tw~ additions to house, one 6 x16 and one 8'x13' both on landward side of 10 house and both on concrete btock foundation. Located: 4639 Stillwater Avenue, Cutchegue, NY SCTM#137-3-7 TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I saw this as a bunch of little additions. Is them anyone here who would like to speak to this application? TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Peggy, it is not going to be a tear down? TRUSTEE DICKERSON: No, it is just butting out each of those corners, small little additions and the deck out front, CAC tabled the application because the project was not staked, They just mowed th~ lawn and theY pulled the stakes out, I went there after'they mowed. [ do not see any problem with this at atl. D~wells and gutters. So I will make a Motion to 'ing. IG: Seconded. All in favor. ALL AYES Wetland Permit for BENJAMIN & with additions to the house with a wood deck with the and gutters are part of their plans. Seconded. .RSON: All in favor. ALL AYES = Garrett A. Strang Architect on behalf of ELIZABETH A, SENTELL request aWetiand Permit for a proposed addition to existing dwelling; con~sisting of three bedrooms and expansion of waterside porch. Located: 220 LakLe~iew Drive East Marion NY SCTM#31-09-16 TRUSTEE PbLIWODA: s them anyone who wou d ke to comment en this ap¢icati?n? M.R. S-¢RAN~:. Yes, Garrett Strang - good evening - on behalf of Elizabeth., Se;ntell. The original permit on this particular parcel was issqed ir~ JUly 2~01 and unfortunate y exp red S rice the Board had ssued the permit. -~hey h.a, ve had a very lengthy and unfortunate impediment thr~)ugh, thezo~ng process. The Zoning Board which was resolved to eVe~n~', s satisfaction. It delayed the project extensively. Subsequently ge~ti,n.g tl~e Zon ~g Board variance that we needed. We filed for the Buildi~ng, permit, which was received in the latter part of last year and ~ad enga~6~l,~the cCntractor who was suppose to start in March. As of thisI J~ei~e Stiil:.haU not started. So he was terminated. We had engage,d another ¢o~tractor who was going to start next week. Unfortunately in/ all thfs mess we lo;st site of the fact. That the permit was coming up and expir~ '~e r6aiized it in early August but expired July 25% [ Unfortunately it"was too ate to ask for any extens on at that t me. So We are before you,at this point asking for either reinstatement or a new permit. Whatever the Board policy is on this. There will be no changes to the @roje~ct, which was previously approved. TRL)$1:~EE POLI~WODA: I looked at this and did not see a problem. As far as the existing permit I do not have a problem with it. Create a new permit. One stipulation that I see is that the CAC wants the rock wall to remain. 11 MR. STRANG: I have not seen any comments from the CAC. The rock wall has been there and I am not sure how long. think it may have been there when the last permit was issued. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: It seems to create a good buffer for the uplag'd construction area. MR. STRANG: It would be the intention of my client to keep that in place. If you want to make that a condition. It is certainly acceptable. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: As well as drywells and gutters for roof run-on. 'MR. STRANG: That is fine, Are there any other comments on this a pplicati0n? ~RUS:I-EE KRUPSKh No RUS'~'EE ~OLIWODA: If there are no other comments. I will make a I~10tior~ to ~l~se t~e Public Hearing. ~RUS~B,~,,.D]~RSON: Seconded. TR:~POLI~ODA: All in favor. ALL AYES we"Will i~§~e a r~ew permit according to plans. TRUS~.,E.?~ F(RUPS~I: To change the plans to show drywells and gutters, TRU, S"I'~E POLIWODA: I will Approve a Wetland Permit for ELIZABETH A. S. EN:rELL accordingly to plans with the additions and with the st~f~. ,i~,, ,, ~ the'rock wa[ wd remain and drywells and gutters will ~ no~. DO I have a seconded. ~ ~7~;~1 ;CI~iE R S O N: Seconded., T,,~?~?,~L~ODA All in favor.' ALL AYES. 5. GarrettStrang Architect on behalf of THOMAS & PEGGY PROKOP requests a Wetland Permit for an elevated rear deck addition. Locate~: 2245 Little Peconic Bay Blvd. Southold, NY SCTM#90-01-16 TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Anyone who would like to comment on this application? MR. STRANG: Once again, Garrett Strang on behalf of the Prokop's, We have what I believe is a relatively straight forwarded application here. There is an existing family residence on these premises. It has an existing elevated and partial roofed over deck on the waterside of the house. Whal we are proposing to do is expand that deck somewhat as wel~ expand the roof covering over. The proposed new work will be eighty feet back from the mean high water mark and that is pretty much the extent of the ~'ork that was within the jurisdiction of the Trustee's. As I understgod it. With one minor change which came to a head the other day. There is a proposed shed shown on the site plan. Which was to be located 10~i feet b,ack from the high water mark. My client is entertaining an altern.~ate location for that. Moving it somewhat closer to the high water mark in'~o where the gravel area is. Basically shifting it a little bit to the east and it would b,e subject to this Board as well as the DEC. We have an application in front of the DEC. But they have not made their 12 determination. That would basically make that shed 90 feet back from the high watermark. I can submit a couple of plans with that marked up in red so that you can have an idea of what we are talking about there. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Jim you see any problem with that shed being moved? TRUSTEE KING: I did not have a problem with the deck additions as proposed. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Make a Motion. TI~USTEE POLIWODA: Any other comments? If not [ will make a to Close the hearing. Do I have a seconded? DICKERSON: Seconded All in favor. ALL AYES ; the Wetland Permit for an elevated rear s as well as moving the shed' towards the wetlands that to stamp plans, Do I have a seconded? Seconded. ~DA: All in favor, ALL AYES. 6. Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of PETER BOGOVIC request for Wetland Permit to construct a 124' retaining wall at the cui'rent high water mark with C-Loc vinyl sheathing. Located: 1980 North Bayview Road. Southold, NY 70-12-39.5 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Would anyone like to speak in favor of this application? JOHN COSTELLO: My name is John Costello and I am the agent forlthis application for Mr. Bogovic. I am not quite sure that we can resolve this tonight. Mr. Bogovic wants me to be able to build the rock revetment/for the same price. Leave his trees all alone, Pay for the repairs of his I~.wn. Build a boat ram p over the top of the rocks so that he can pull his boat out. I have not been in the business lately to donate, It is considerably mpre labor to put the rocks in. I am not sc~ sure. He told me that if I could tnot accept those conditions. He is tough. He said if you could do all those things, Plus you should entertain giving me a break in the price. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Might have to get Angelo in there. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We are okay with that too. JOHN COSTELLO: I do not know how it can be done. The access [o the rocksto bring the rocks in there. He is going to have to go through his driveway and take a tree down and drive them in there. There is no other access. TRUST,,EE KRUPSKh You cannot get access from the County. J;OHN COSTELLO: The road is considerably higher and I did not tryto get the Qounty to agree to allow me to build a passageway, it is a pretty big dump trunk. It comes in forty yards. They have to be on level ground to dum~. He is only going to take about three truckloads For me to p~ay for 13 the improvements. I am not so sure of that. I can do that also ask the Trustee's to modify and allow me to build some kind of a wooden ramp. For some access ways. He only has an aluminum boat. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh It seems neasonable. TRUSTEE FOSTER: You might want to consider it, Since you do not have any jobs to go to. JOHN COSTELLO: 1 tell you the loss of thousands of dollars is not my hobby. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh I will make a Motion to Table this application. JOF~N COSTELLO: I will try to talk to him again, If I cannot move he will ~eav, e it the way it is. Or he said he would get some debris and lay it agai,n~ the bank, What' are you going to do? You cannot get: b ood out of a s~en~, -You f~eep giving him violatio,ns. He is, just gra;bbing sti~ff that is fl~?g?a~,eur~ a~c[ stuffing it, up against the wall, He lost 24, feet. , TC~S~E PO~IW~DA: Se if he will work with us and removethe illegal fenCinga~ a start · JO~;N: COSTE, bLO: I am sure that he would. He is a nice guy but stt~b~em, TR~EE KRUPSKI: We will make a Motion to Table the application. JOH~OSTEBI_O: I will see what I can do between now and the next R~',S~EE FOSTER: Seconded. TR~EE KRUPSKh All in favor. ALL AYES Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of CATHERINE HEARST request a Wetland Permit to install a 51 foot bulkhead with C-Loc vinyl sheathing place 18" in front of existing bulkhead Install a 4'x8' drywell ring with an 8' diameter dome and cast iron cover. Located: 1196 Shore Road, Green port, NY SCTM#47-2-24 TRUSTEE KING: Is there anyone who wishes to comment? JOHN COSTELLO: Yes, again John Costello with Costello Madne Contracting Corp. and I am the agent for Catherine Hearst. On this application and it is basically asking for the same thing that three other properties that we did down the road. The age of the bulkheads you can see the backside of the sheathing. The creosote sheathing is starting to leak. The same thing that happened on the other shore the amount of clay in the area and the unaccompaning roof run off contributing additional weight to the bulkhead. I am making the application the same as the other neighbors. One of the problems is. The drawing indicates that there is IM there is no M on the site. It is a mistake by our drafts men There is no IM. There is a degree of phragmites on the eastern return. There is phra§ mites that protrudes on the neighboring property out past the property line. Towards the water. We would be excavating. Excavating behind the bulkhead to relieve the pressure. Removing the piling. Placing 14 the vinyl C- lock in front of it. Putting a 6x6 on and putting a new piling on front with a new backing system. We would be backfilling with sand. Instead of some of the clay that is there now. Try to reduce the effects ef the run-off on the lawn. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh I did talk to the applicant. I do not think that because of the neighbor's bulkhead gutting out there. He would like to see, that return put in first. JOHN COSTELLO: I think that there is only a piece of the return. But it will haveto be put in. 1 do not believe that the matedal on the return is For the protection of the property and we cannot go on o have a ten-foot non-turf buffer after What about the stairs? I am going to take them down and by the time we take ~ rebuild then in the same location, same size, same newer. They would be in the same direction. They hewater. Because they seem to survive Tight'up'against the bulkhead. Any other comments? Do I have a Motion to Close the FOSTER: Seconded. make a Motion to Approve the application with a [;buffer and return put in place. Seconded. ALL AYES En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of EUGENE & MARY ANN BOLTER request a Wetland Permit to remove and replace in place approximately 74 linear feet of existing timber bulkhead with vinyl bulkhead and backfill with approximately 20 cubic yards of clean sand fill to be trucked in from an upland source. Temporarily remove during construction and replace (in kind, in place) existing deck, platform and dock. Located: 510 Bayberry Road, Cutchogue, NY SCTM#I 11-14-36,1&36.3 TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Is there anyone here who would like to speak to this application? ROB HERRMANN: Rob Herrmann of En-Consultants on behalf of the applicant. The Bolter's it is a very straightforward application. Basically in place replacement of timber bulkhead with a vinyl bulkhead. The dock structur~and platform and decking that are there will have to be removed during construction and will be replaced in kind/in place. TRUSTEE' DICI~ERSON: Anyone else? was impressed with the natural buffer that was to the south of the decking. The whole area looked very natural very nice. Does anyone on the Board have any comments? TRUSTEE KRUPSKh None at all 15 TRUSTEE DICKERSON: A not,-turf buffer? Yes ROB HERRMANN: It is basically a continuation of what is there. Part of it is decking, The rest of it is just plantings. I think it is about eight feet so they can just continue that another two feet back. TR'USTEE D/C KERSON: Continue it across behind. ROB HERRMANN: Two feet closer to the house. It is basically eight foot buffer now. So they will have to back fill farther than that anyway. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: ! will make a Motion to Close the hearing. TRUS~TEE KING: Seconded. TRUSTEE DIcKERSoN: All in favor. ALL AYES Wetland Permit to remove and 7'4 lin'ear feet of existing timber butkhead yards of from an upland source at 510 Bayberry ~/fth aten foot non-turf buffer, Is there a ER: Seconded. TF All in favor. ALL AYES Eh-Consultants, Inc. On behalf of JENNIFER & PHILIP STANTON request a Wetland Permit to remove existing asphalt driveway and replace with pervious driveway, install drywall, and remove portion of existing bituminous ddveway located within 100 feet of tidal wetlands boundary. Located: 302 Town Creek Lane, Southold, NY SCTM#64-1-12 10.Eh-Consultants, Inc. On behalf of JENNIFER & PHILIP STANTON request a Wetland Permit for removal of existing masonry walk and construct new walkway realign curb of existing driveway Located: 720 Town Creek Lane, Southold, NY SCTM #64-1-14.4 TRUSTEE FOSTER: Let us do nine and ten together. I have a couple of questions. I looked at the plan and read the description but I was not quite clear on this. To remove this all the way out to Youngs Avenue only on the two sites. ROB HERRMANN: It is only. TRUSTEE FOSTER: You are not going to fix that mess going in there with all those holes in it. That is okay. It does not matter. I have no problem with the rest of Jr. ROB HERRMANN: They may come m for that. I had spoken to the landscape contractor just a few days ago and apparently there was some issue, qf clarifying ownership when the lots were transferred How far out was wfihin the ownership of these current owners. TRUSTEE FOSTER: In terms of encumbrance of the right of way? ROB ~ERRMAN: No in terms of what they have legal ownership of. So I do not:want to speak too much about it. Because I was not clear on what he said~and In the conversation he said get this covered for now. Then we 16 resolve that. It is basically contained within the two sites. As shown on the two Ehler site plans. TRUSTEE KING: t looks pretty straight forward. TRUSTEE FOSTER: They are taking out asphalt and putting in a pervious driveway. That is why I askec aboutthe road going in. Because it would eliminate a lot of those mudding situations. Just the two there is no. problem. ROB HERRMANN: We may be back. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Any comments from the Board? TRUSTEE KRUPSKh No that is it. I will make aMotion to Close the hearing. Seconded. All in favor. ALL AYES ~Appro~e the applications for JENNIFER & PHILIP located at 302 Town Creek Lane aqd remove the existing impervious driveway and ~,: All i.n favor. ALL AYES ~N: Artie, in the permits themselves you may want to reference !.hese plans specifically. So that there is no confusion. Thank you 11. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of EAST OF EDEN LLC request a Wetland Permit for a 4'x68' set of timber stairs/platforms down bluff to provide access from upland to beach. Located: 1380 Sound Drive. Greenport, NY SCTM#33-3-19.25 COVERED UNDER MORATORIUM 12.JEFFREY HALLOCK requests a Wetland Permit to cut into ground of right of way for installation of underground utilities and permission to cut/ base. of existing dirt roadway to upgrade with stone materials as require~t by Southold Zoning Board - to locate dwelling with attached garage andl sanitary system at least 110-115 ff from nearest edge of tidal wetlands Located: Diachon Road/Peconic Bay Blvd. Laurel, NY SCTM#127-3-9.1 POSTPONED AS PER ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT REVIEW '13. Land Use Ecological Consulting, Inc. on behalf of CHARLES SNOW request a Wetland Permit to construct dock facility consisting of 4'xl 6' fixed timber catwalk, 4'x15' fixed timber catwalk, 3'x20' ramp and 6'x20' float - first catwalk is proposed to be supported by two (2) 4"x4" CCA timber piles second catwalk proposed to be supported by two (2) 6" diameter timber piles float proposed to be supported by two (2) 8" diameter timber piles dock piles are proposed to have a penetration of 10' Located: 2826 Cox Neck Road, Mattituck, NY SCTM#113-8-7.5 17 COVERED UNDER MORATORIUM TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Do I have a Motion to go back to the Regular Meeting. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: So moved. TRUSTEE KING: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES IV. RESOLUTION: ROBERT & RITA WIECZOREK/COSTELLO MARINE CONTRACTING CORP. built a 6'x30' float instead ora 6'x20' float. Located: 835 Tarpon Drive Southold, NY SCTM#53-O5-O8&57-01.39.2 TRUSTEE KRUPSKh WHEREAS, the Southold Town Board of Trustees held an administrative hearing on September 27, 2001 an~ testimony was presented on behalf of the applicant; and WHEREA ', owner Robert Wieczorek and Costello Marine Contracting Corporation received a Wetland Permit to construct a fixed timber dock consisting ora 4'x12' ramp to a 4'x42' fixed catwalk, elevated -1/2 ' above marsh, a 3'x20' hinged ramp and a 6'x20' float with a 4'x4' extension for ramp, to be secured by (2) two pile dolphins located at 835 Tarpon Road, Southold, New York; and WHEREAS, contrary to what was allowed in the permit, applicants had constructed a float that was 6'x30'; and WHEREAS, the float is par of the single structure that includes the ramps and catwalk startin in the upland and running through the Wetlands as defined in Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code and attested to by applica~ own witness Robert Herrmann at page 9-10 of the transcript; and WHEREAS, the board finds that the credible evidence prescribed indicates that the float at mean Iow tide is located in less than five feet of water; and WHEREAS, based on the above findings, the Southold Town Board of Trustees has jurisdiction over the size of the float; and It is hereby, RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board of Trustees denies the Administrative Hearing the appeal held on September 27, 2001 because the structure was not built in accordance with the permit set forth in the violation. IS i¸8 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I need a seconded on that. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh All in favor. ALL AYES. 2. GARDINERS BA¥ ESTATES HOMEOWNER ASSOClATION, INC. Requesting permission to reapply for another two years to fully eradicate Japanese Knotweed showing pictures "before and after" after two proper spraying. Located: Knoll Circle, East Marion, NY SCTM#37-5-23.3 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We had inspected the site. We found th~ the I eradication efforts have been succeSsful. I will make a Motion to extend their permission for another two years. To fully eradicate'the Japanese Knotweed. TRUSTEE,KING: Seconded. 'FRUSTEE KRUPSKh All in favor. ALL AYES DONNA GOGGINS request an Emergency Permit for a leaching pool collapse in rear of property. - Replacement in the same location, in kind/In place. Located: 1780 Jackson Street, New Suffolk, NY SCTM#117.10.13 & 14 TRUSTEE KRUPSKh We all looked at this. I would like to make a Motion to ^ppmve an Emergency Permit and request a separate letter that access for the beach be restored with either a set of stairs or jetty for access along the beach. TR~JSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE KRUPSKh I will make a Motion to Adjourn. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: All in favor, All 19 Meeting AdjoUrned: 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted by, C~h~nCg'h'~a~ Board of Trustees 2O