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ADF Ventures, LLC
tsu FfFf of Glenn Goldsmith,President ��0 COG q Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President 54375 Route 25 Eric Sepenoski y ,? P.O.Box 1179 Liz Gillooly �y • �� r Southold,NY 11971 Elizabeth PeeplesOlc Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection Report Daterrime: 71112Lf Completed in field by: G. G0tA5'-'r 1� Fred Fragola on behalf of ADF VENTURES, LLC requests a Pre-Application Site Inspection regarding a proposed house, pool, and patio. Located: 1775 Point Pleasant Road, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-114-1-6 Type of area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland (Sound Bay Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: ` /Chapt. 275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: Wetland Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Notice of Hearing card posted on property: Yes No Not Applicable Info needed/Modifications/Conditions/Etc.: OK apply Qs i s Present Were: -� G. Goldsmith �N. Kru ski ✓' E. Sepenoski ./ L. Gillooly �E. Peeples / 525 CIO / / C� / 74 x //2p:9 4r rv. O / l� .OUNO EN / / 7 _ / ��NE I / N1NG OF 5 �, 8�os1 — 100a oPtO`� 6.9/ 0 02 / o \ \ x/14.0 — 1 o CDN 1 g7.9 /x q Ati, 1o�. \ \ \ \ 1 \ ( NOV. x�I 3Q�e p OR �NG05S O„ �,� s \ \\ `� `\\ ,,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /\ ( /+ x� S 6 7. I x i9'00» 30' g� 5 E r \ \ \ \ \ 11 \ \ 3p.0p, E 5 1'3� 28_ 263 `\ \\ \y.r�"� /" \ \ \ \ ` `-5 \ \ , / / Ao 1 5 \ \ L� \ \ \ / f h ZZN 138.78' \\ 1i5�'P'--ix11 \\ \\\ '�\ \\\ \\ `\\`\ `\`\ I�\ \ y '\ lxLL 77 PATIO/ x PORCH 27,2, / I ? / AC AC \\ 22Z'\ \ \ \ \ \ I"\� �--— I x 5� o — I —� s 1-_rho `\aa.6\ \ \ \ \\Vt -1 125 x _-T``�` Q28 N x28'9 / x I a.4 16 29.1' R 1$..Q PROP. 1' _ / + 2 1 _ HOUSE / I .///, J� �` 2.3.2\ \ y7x\ \III 1 I I I I I III xl I II S ' — 143.6' F. STORY 4.7175 P �6.s•1 I 1 I I�II I III '1 ; -L_ I x oPootFN E HoUSE iwu `1 ! I I �Ij 1'II�IyI11p0 1I I I I X_J, x 25.9 / li .��%`_ / \ _ .6PAT10 `y 177 p'p �, I , I x I I 4 xl x28.8 � / pV6�DRN�WpY � �-�6 � 36.5' j ' ' 15/4�.WooD DECK I/ x279 x� (� x11I /� Lu �' x i +����•� 25.0/ FRAME 1J i 'i q <, / c �`2 lx GARAG / i I / 1' / l%/ 4 x I I �OC Tb BEMx�7 ' / l I , I I,,;:l� ? O x N \ �515L `y20'ISETBACK ai / �00 L Wp0 \\a / >� 3,1 / // / 1x l7 �PILf a\\ 4" PVC P 2—' / / // / III_, I, X •Plc 98.49' r X24,6 // x22`7 I / / /x // // / / /7 --� ''9 I f •PILE / 1 \ ( \ 107.5o' / l LLa a so.r' / /x 13.8 / x x �OUND CONC. MON. —FOUND \ \\ \ FOUND OUND 2. \ \\ \ CONc. MON. CONC. MON./ I / I / / / / ,CON¢. MOP}. N o, RO ^ I� ^ "N �, ^O /C�It / I 371 .83' / / DRIVEWAY BEIcIAN 73°47'30" W\\� (DEED) LOT fY BLOCK CURBS /^\ / _ --/— — — N 73°47'30" W // \\ / (TAX MAP) it I ��Q 420' 00 y � 'r 0 ry) V HEAD'W/RES 1 �R74h DRIVEWAY WELL ro�' I I SURVEY OF I ° ]LOTS 15 & 16 MAP OF =12.00 / POINT PLEASANT R=12.0012 oPT L=18.851L =18.85 / / FILE No. 720 FILED MAY 17, 1916 / SITUATE MATTITUCK °'•F //' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK S.C. TAX No. 1000- 1 14-01 —06 00',� SCALE 1 "=40' / JANUARY 22, 2024 o MAY 30, 2024 — ADD PROPOSED POOL, PATIO & HOUSE TOTAL LOT AREA = 66,440 sq. ft. OVI) (DEED) 1 .525 ac. TOTAL LOT AREA = 66,440 sq. ft. 'I 17 (TO TIE LINE 1 .525 a - c. 1 TAX MAP AREA = 73,000 sq. ft. (FILED MAP) 1 .676 aC. 0 MAY 3 1 2024 i �Q� . ?s �� `?• �O- J NO TES: of o' 0 1. FLOOD ZONE INFORMATION TAKEN FROM: N ^"' FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP No. 36103CO481 H ZONE AE: BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS DETERMINED ZONE X: AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHANCE FLOODPLAIN. 2. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO N.A.V.D. 1988 DATUM EXISTING ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS:xx.x EXISTING CONTOUR LINES ARE SHOWN THUS:XX-————-XX F.FL. — FIRST FLOOR G.FL. — GARAGE FLOOR 4O 1O oP/G`�`qr Q�Q Rr°R/W qY NOTE: LOCATIONS SUBSURFACE EXISTENCE F ANY UTILITIES AND/OR STR S o� NOT READILY VISIBLE, ARE NOT CERTIFIED. �2 � E T -.1, •S AN BOUNDS S V E Y N G THIS SURVEY SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENT WHICH OF CA TORD NIITLE SEARCH AND THER MIGHT PD SCILOSE ENT FACTS 4Q 53 P RO B ST DRIVE "UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO A SURVEY MAP BEARING A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR'S Ci 301 SHIRLEY, NY 11967 SEAL IS A VIOLATION OF ARTICLE 134, SECTION ^� PHONE (516) 972-5812 7209,TSU DIIVVIISION 2, OF THE NEW YORK STATE QO o surveyduderheil©gmail.com a "Copies from the original of this survey map 2 not marked with an original of the land surveyor's inked seal or his embossed seal At f6, a� i, LOTS: 06 BLOCK: 01 SECTION: 114 DISTRICT: 1000 shall not be considered a valid true copy." 3 SO4 ` "Certification indicated hereon signify that 7' 0" 1q' 4 MAP OF: POINT PLEASANT this survey was Code Practice are accorda nce Surveys with the e "d adopted by the New York State Association of S1''jJ Professional Land Surveyors. Said SITUATED AT: MATTITUCK r certifications shall run only to the person 7 for whom the survey is prepared, and on his �� °0e°F TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK CO., N.Y, behalf to the title company, �� pAFMFNr S agency and lending institution.overnmental g �p �' Certifications are not transferable to additional institutions or subsequent owners." CERTIFIED TO JOB NO.: 24-106 DATE: JANUARY 22, 2024 ADF Ventures, LLC 13 8 Oregon Avenue Medford, NY 11763 Email: Adfventureskgmail.com (631) 654-1771 * fax (631) 447-1775 June 17, 2024 Town of Southold Trustees Town of Southold 54375 Main Road Southold,NY 11971 Re: 1775 Point Pleasant Road Mattituck,NY 11952 Tax Map: 1000-114.00-01.00-006.000 Dear Board of Trustee's, I am requesting a site meeting for proposed plan for house/pool and patio (Staked out). I give the Trustees permission to enter onto the property. I, Fred Fragola,will be meeting at site with the Trustee's Contact number 631-312-7171 A '� E FIVE , LLC uuu 1 s 2024 Southold Town u Trustees OS OS W ' ?!i SEE aEC NO.IOi t OLr 99 of y yyy{ 14 zu¢ alp, ;.-•. ,�� r o ,�: . r �253, SAY+ NTH 251 Nwsr v r 2 - .- UNpN FREE .S 17usj .'2", ''{ ;•. SCNOOL DISTRICTY 1 ,z a i t< S a\\�s + .•9Lokq. - - 9 e .d� � ,,. �'•-4' txt �,.. : � � r•,x : �s �) >k '4 cnmoLw +� - +�(gy�` .*,'pv a'� a_g••' ,� 'v -n� ���,s `. - e ° � E cNURCN ' Jo ... �. v • v v 4 A \ A'n1 i � Al , 142 _ Y %Ta µ1DflLE ��" s .�� ``"�k" •� „ '��\c" -,' vu s e E 4.+ a.., -� v.... N4�+c COUNTY OF WFFOLK C) NOTICE K `�u rwcl w l000 SECTNJN NO R-1 P-p-ly r-S—i...Agency W iRIemJNa Nrr wR OF rNE Y 7� °r egnNpEo 'A' 114 1 � Cantrell, Elizabeth From: Cantrell, Elizabeth Sent: Monday,June 17, 2024 10:01 AM To: 'ADF Fragola' Subject: RE: 1775 Point Pleasant Road Good Morning, Regarding your proposed plans submitted on May 31,2024 for a proposed dwelling and pool/pool patio,Trustee President Glenn Goldsmith reviewed the plan and at this point you can either apply for a Wetland Permit for the proposed or request another pre-submission inspection at the site with the proposed structures staked out for the full Board to view and possibly discuss at the site. The next pre-submission date is Tuesday,July 91n When you apply for the Wetland Permit, please be advised the submitted survey is incomplete. Each individual proposed structure must have dimensions(pool, pool patio,dwelling,decks/patios/entries/A/C units/generator/I/A OWTS system, etc.). Regarding the pool,the proposed pool enclosure fencing, pool drywell, and pool equipment area must be depicted. Four sets of complete construction plans stamped by the architect of the dwelling must be submitted, including elevations—one to-scale set of architectural plans and three 11"x17"set of plans. Please follow the directions on the first page of the Wetland Permit application to submit a complete application. If for any reason the proposed will need a Zoning Board of Appeals variance (sky plane, lot line issue, etc.)you must apply to the ZBA prior to applying to this office. Elizabeth Cantrell Administrative Assistant Town of Southold Board of Trustees Phone: (631)765-1892 Fax: (631)765-6641 From:ADF Fragola<adfventures@gmail.com> Sent: Friday,June 7,202412:16 PM To:Cantrell, Elizabeth<elizabethc@town.southold.ny.us> Subject: Re: 1775 Point Pleasant Road Hi Elizabeth, Can you give me an idea of when Glen can look at the proposed plan? I just need to know or get a clarification on what is the next step. You help is appreciated, Fred Fragola On Wed,Jun 5, 2024 at 10:45 AM ADF Fragola<adfventures@gmail.com>wrote: Morning, So sorry to hear you're still short handed. i r We don't need a phone call. Fred said Glenn is looking to see a plan of what we would propose. Once Glenn sees it and is o.k. with the proposed plan, we can apply for a demo permit of the existing house. i This is what Glenn wants us to do. (per 2nd site meeting) I IThanks Donna On Tue,Jun 4, 2024 at 4:15 PM Cantrell, Elizabeth<elizabethc@town.southold.nv.us>wrote: Donna Due to this office being understaffed for so long all applications and phone calls will take time for someone to respond to them. I will call when I have a minute sometime this week. Efiza6eth Cantreff Administrative Assistant Town of Southold Board of Trustees f Phone: (631)765-1892 Fax: (631)765-6641 From:ADF Fragola <adfventures@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday,June 4, 2024 3:40 PM To:Cantrell, Elizabeth<elizabethc@town.southold.nv.us> Subject: Re: 1775 Point Pleasant Road Hi Elizabeth, Fred to spoke to Tom earlier today to see If you could give him a call. Is there a good time to call you? 2 I ' , Thank You Donna i freds cell #631-312-7171 On Mon,Jun 3, 2024 at 1:19 PM ADF Fragola<adfventures@gmail.COm>wrote: Hi Elizabeth, Re: 1775 Point Pleasant Road Mattituck, NY Fred had come by your Office last Friday and dropped off site plans for Glenn Goldsmith to review. Glenn had asked for them at the last site meeting. Looking to find out when he can look at or if Fred can get appt. to sit with him for approval to move forward with permits. a ! Thank You, Donna Fragola ADF Ventures, LLC ADFVentures@qmail.com W. 631-654-1771 F. 631-447-1775 1 3 ADF Ventures, LLC ADFVentures0,7mail,cnm W, 631-654-1771 F. 631-447-1775 ADF Ventures, LLC ADFVentures gmail.com W. 631-654-1771 F. 631-447-1775 ADF Ventures, LLC ADFVentures(domail com W. 631-654-1771 F. 631-447-1775 4