HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024 # 64 GENERAL CODE INSTRUCTIONS Town of Southold Code Supplement No.64 The enclosed new and/or replacement pages should be placed in your Code volume immediately! The dateline, on the bottom of the page, indicates the supplement number and the month and year in which the last piece of legislation reviewed for this supplement was adopted. This instruction page should be placed in the front of your Code volume. k........................ ... : . _ .... .... .....,.. . . ..:........................ww, ::: :. . . ... ............,.m,..............:........:....r..............., REliOt�E =;Il�TSIRT:; :, - Table of Contents Table of Contents ..................-._---_......................._._........................... .............,........ ......m..................... Ch 148 Flood Damage 148:1 - 148:18 148:1 - 148:18.2 Prevention .............................................................................................................................e.......................................................................................................................... 148:21 - 148:26 148:21 - 148:27 Ch 215 Sewers and Sewage 215:29-215:30 215:29-215:30.1 Disposal Ch 240 Subdivision of Land 240:11 -240:18.1 240:11 -240:18 .............. ............................................. .. . ........................................................... . .............................................................; 240:41 -240:42 240:41 -240:42.1 .......w.............._:......... ;............._................._......... .................:.:...._......._._........... 240:53 -240:56.1 240:53 -240:56.1 ...... m:..:.:.. ._.:.:....,.._._.....,.._...._........................... m._..,.. m_Mm.. .::_....._............_..__.._m........................... 240:59.-240:62 240:59-240:62 !...__................................._... ..._........._..............w.........._ .............:..........................._. ............................_....... ........._......A.....................................................__-................._........_._._.._._..,, Ch 280 Zoning 280:89-280:90.2 280:89-280:90.2 280:136.1 -280:136.2 280:136.1 -280:136.2 E ......................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... . Ch DL Disposition List DL:13 DL:13 -DL:14 E Index Index i,...,......�, ..r,.::.»..:..........»,..:.......k,., u.,:� ..._..,.w._,,......,..,.,.:_..,..._....m ...,.......................... w:, m,..,»»»,»....:...:.. ::::::.:..:::::.::..:,:_.,..:.::::_......_,,,:._..............»` IP:1 Supp 64,Mar 2024 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I: ADMINISTRATIVE LEGISLATION 1. General Provisions........................................................................................................................ 1:1 Article I Adoption of Code Article II Adoption of Renumbered 2006 Code 5. Appearance Tickets....................................................................................................................... 5:1 9. Assessors.......................................................................................................................................9:1 Article I Election Article II Number 13. Committees,Appointment of...................................................................................................... 13:1 17. Community Preservation Fund and Community Housing Fund................................................. 17:1 Article I Southold Community Preservation Fund Article II Southold Community Preservation Project Plan Article III Community Preservation Fund Advisory Board Article IV Real Estate Transfer Tax Article V Water Quality Improvement Article VI Establishment of Community Housing Fund 21. Defense and Indemnification......................................................................................................21:1 26. Ethics...........................................................................................................................................26:1 30. Expenses of Town Officers.........................................................................................................30:1 34. Housing Fund..............................................................................................................................34:1 38. Local Laws,Adoption of............................................................................................................3 8:1 42. Officers and Employees..............................................................................................................42:1 Article I Town Clerk Article II Superintendent of Highways Article III Residency Requirements 47. Personnel.....................................................................................................................................47:1 Article I Grievance Procedures 51. Police Department....................................................................................................................... 51:1 55. Public Hearings,Notice of.......................................................................................................... : 59. Records ....................................................................................................................................... 59:1 Article I Public Access to Records Article II Records Management TOC:1 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE 64. Transportation Access Management........................................................................................... 64:1 68. Youth Board................................................................................................................................ 68:1 PART II: GENERAL LEGISLATION 70. Agricultural Lands Preservation.................................................................................................70:1 71. Agricultural Advisory Committee..............................................................................................71:1 72. Agricultural Uses........................................................................................................................ 72:1 75. Alarm Systems............................................................................................................................ 75:1 79. Alcoholic Beverages................................................................................................................... 79:1 Article I Public Consumption 83. Animals....................................................................................................................................... 83:1 Article I Ducks Article II Dogs Article III Dog Licensing and Identification Article IV Waterfowl and Gull Feeding and Domestic Pet Waste 88. Bicycles....................................................................................................................................... 88:1 - 92. Bingo and Games of Chance.......................................................................................................92:1 Article I Bingo Article II Games of Chance 96. Boats,Docks and Wharves.........................................................................................................96:1 Article I Obstruction and Use of Town Waters Article II Public Docks Article III Boats Article IV Floating Homes Article V Administration and Enforcement 100. Buildings,Unsafe;Property Maintenance................................................................................ 100:1 104. Burning, Outdoor...................................................................................................................... 104:1 106. Cannabis.................................................................................................................................... 106:1 Article I Cannabis Retail Dispensary and On-Site Consumption Site Opt-Out 111. Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas.................................................................................................. 111:1 117. Sanitary Flow Credits,Transfer of........................................................................................... 117:1 TOC:2 Supp 64,Mar 2024 TABLE OF CONTENTS 121. Domestic Partnerships .............................................................................................................. 121:1 126. Electrical Inspections................................................................................................................ 126:1 130. Environmental Quality Review................................................................................................. 130:1 135. (Reserved)........................................................................................................:........................ 135:1 139. Filming...................................................................................................................................... 139:1 144. Fire Prevention and Building Code Administration................................................................. 144:1 148. Flood Damage Prevention......................................................................................................... 148:1 157. Harbor Management................................................................................................................. 157:1 Article I Fishers Island Harbor Management 161. Highway Specifications............................................................................................................ 161:1 163. Hunting ..................................................................................................................................... 163:1 166. Junkyards.................................................................................................................................. 166:1 170. Landmark Preservation............................................................................................................. 170:1 172. Lighting, Outdoor 172:1 174. Littering..................................................................................................................................... 174:1 177. Municipal Building Energy Benchmarking.............................................................................. 177:1 180. Noise,Prevention of................................................................................................................. 180:1 185. Open Space Preservation.......................................................................................................... 185:1 189. Parking...................................................................................................................................... 189:1 Article I Parking at Beaches 193. Parks and Recreation Areas...................................................................................................... 193:1 Article I Use Regulations and Restrictions 197. Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Retail Merchants................................................................ 197:1 205. Public Entertainment and Special Events.................................................................................205:1 207. Rental Permits............................................................................................................................207:1 211. Salvage Centers.........................................................................................................................211:1 TOC:3 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE 215. Sewers and Sewage Disposal....................................................................................................215:1 Part 1 Sewer Use Part 2 Sewer Rents and Charges 219. Shellfish and Other Marine Resources .....................................................................................219:1 228. Soil Removal.............................................................................................................................228:1 233. Solid Waste...............................................................................................................................233:1 Article I Garbage,Rubbish and Refuse 236. Stormwater Management..........................................................................................................236:1 237. Streets and Sidewalks ...............................................................................................................237:1 Article I Notification of Defects Article II Street Excavations Article III Snow and Ice Removal Article IV Street Numbering Article V Removal of Utility Poles 240. Subdivision of Land..................................................................................................................240:1 245. Taxation....................................................................................................................................245:1 Article I Senior Citizen Exemption Article II Targeted Business Investment Exemption Article III Veterans'Exemption Article IV Exemption for Disabled Persons With Limited Income Article V Exemption for Volunteer Firefighters and Ambulance Workers Article VI Exemption for War Veterans and Gold Star Parents Article VII Exemption for Cold War Veterans Article VIII Exemption for Historic Properties Article IX Assessment and Tax Relief for Superstorm Sandy Impact 249. Tobacco Advertising.................................................................................................................249:1 253. Tourist and Trailer Camps........................................................................................................253:1 Article I General Regulations Article II Recreational Vehicle Parks 260. Vehicles and Traffic..................................................................................................................260:1 264. Vehicles,Motor-Driven............................................................................................................264:1 Article I Unlicensed Motor-Driven Vehicles Article II Motor-Driven Vehicles 268. Waterfront Consistency Review...............................................................................................268:1 275. Wetlands and Shoreline ............................................................................................................275:1 TOC:4 Supp 64,Mar 2024 TABLE OF CONTENTS 277. Wind Energy.............................................................................................................................277:1 Article I Small Wind Energy Systems 280. Zoning.......................................................................................................................................280:1 APPENDIX A290. Police Department Rules and Regulations..............................................................................A290:1 DERIVATION TABLE DT. Derivation Table ........................................................................................................................DT:1 DISPOSITION LIST DL. Disposition List..........................................................................................................................DL:1 INDEX Index........................................................................................................................................IDX:1 TOC:5 Supp 64,Mar 2024 Chapter 148 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION § 148-1. Findings. § 148-14. Duties and responsibilities of § 148-2. Purpose. local administrator. § 148-3. Objectives. § 148-15. General standards. § 148-4. Definitions. § 148-16. Standards for all structures. § 148-5. Applicability. § 148-17. Elevation of residential structures (except coastal § 148-6. Basis for establishing areas of high-hazard areas). special flood hazard. § 148-18. Residential structures (coastal § 148-7. Interpretation; conflict with high-hazard areas). other laws. § 148-19. Nonresidential structures § 148-8. Severability. (except coastal high-hazard § 148-9. Penalties for offenses. areas). § 148-10. Warning and disclaimer of § 148-20. Nonresidential structures liability. (coastal high-hazard areas). § 148-11. Designation of local § 148-21. Manufactured homes and administrator. recreational vehicles. § 148-12. Floodplain development § 148-22. Accessory structures including permit; fees; deposit. detached garages. § 148-13. Application for permit. § 148-23. Zoning Board of Appeals. § 148-24. Conditions for variances. [HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold 8-10-1993 by L.L. No. 16-1993; amended in its entirety 9-8-2009 by L.L. No. 11-2009. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.] GENERAL REFERENCES Coastal erosion hazard areas-See Ch.111. Subdivision of land-See Ch.240. Fire prevention and building code administration-See Waterfront consistency review-See Ch.268. Ch.144. Wetlands and shoreline-See Ch.275. Soil removal-See Ch.228. Zoning-See Ch.280. Stormwater management-See Ch.235. § 148-1. Findings. The Town Board of the Town of Southold finds that the potential and/or actual damages from flooding and erosion may be a problem to the residents of the Town of Southold and that such damages may include destruction or loss of private and public housing, damage to public facilities, both publicly and privately owned, and injury to and loss of human life. In order to minimize the threat of such damages and to achieve the purposes and objectives hereinafter set forth, this chapter is adopted. 148:1 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 148-2 SOUTHOLD CODE § 148-3 § 148-2. Purpose. It is the purpose of this chapter to promote the public health, safety and general welfare and to minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions in specific areas by provisions - designed to: A. Regulate uses which are dangerous to health, safety and property due to water or erosion hazards or which result in damaging increases in erosion or in flood heights or velocities. B. Require that uses vulnerable to floods, including facilities which serve such uses, be protected against flood damage at the time of initial construction. C. Control the alteration of natural floodplains, stream channels and natural protective barriers which are involved in the accommodation of floodwaters. D. Control filling, grading, dredging and other development which may increase erosion or flood damages. E. Regulate the construction of flood barriers which will unnaturally divert floodwaters or which may increase flood hazards to other lands. F. Qualify for and maintain participation in the National Flood Insurance Program. § 148-3. Objectives. The objectives of this chapter are to: A. Protect human life and health. B. Minimize expenditure of public money for costly flood-control projects. C. Minimize the need for rescue and relief efforts associated with flooding and generally undertaken at the expense of the general public. D. Minimize prolonged business interruptions. E. Minimize damage to public facilities and utilities such as water and gas mains, electric, telephone and sewer lines and streets and bridges located in areas of special flood hazard. F. Help maintain a stable tax base by providing for the sound use and development of areas of special flood hazard so as to minimize future flood blight areas. G. Provide that developers are notified that property is in an area of special flood hazard. H. Ensure that those who occupy the areas of special flood hazard assume responsibility for their actions. 148:2 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 148-4 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION § 148-4 § 148-4. Definitions. A. Unless specifically defined below, words or phrases used in this chapter shall be interpreted so as to give them the meanings they have in common usage and to give this chapter its most reasonable application. P pp B. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE —A structure used solely for parking (two-car detached garages or smaller) or limited storage, represent a minimal investment of not more than 10% of the value of the primary structure, and may not be used for human habitation. [Added 12-19-2023 by L.L.No. 1-20241 APPEAL — A request for a review of the local administrator's interpretation of any provision of this chapter or a request for a variance. AREA OF SHALLOW FLOODING — A designated AO, AH or VO Zone on a community's Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) with a one-percent or greater annual chance of flooding to an average annual depth of one to three feet where a clearly defined channel does not exist and where the path of flooding is unpredictable and where velocity flow may be evident. Such flooding is characterized by ponding or sheet flow. AREA OF SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD — The land in the floodplain within a community subject to a one-percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year. This area may be designated as Zone A, AE,AH, AO,Al-A30, A99, V, VO, VE or V1-V30. It is also commonly referred to as the "base floodplain" or "one-hundred-year floodplain." For purposes of this chapter, the term "special flood hazard area(SFHA)" is synonymous in meaning with the phrase "area of special flood hazard." BASE FLOOD—The flood having a one-percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. BASEMENT — That portion of a building having its floor subgrade (below ground level)on all sides. BREAKAWAY WALL—A wall that is not part of the structural support of the building and is intended through its design and construction, to collapse under specific lateral loading forces without causing damage to the elevated portion of the building or the supporting foundation system. BUILDING—See "structure." CELLAR—The same meaning as "basement." COASTAL HIGH-HAZARD AREA—An area of special flood hazard extending from offshore to the inland limit of a primary frontal dune along an open coast and any other area subject to high-velocity wave action from storms or seismic sources. The area is designated on the FIRM as Zone V 1-V30,VE,VO or V. COASTAL A ZONE—Area within a SFHA, landward of a V 1-V30, VE, or V zone or landward of an open coast without mapped coastal high hazard areas. In a coastal A zone, the principal source of flood must be astronomical tides, storm surges, seiches or tsunamis, not riverine flooding. During the base flood conditions, the potential for ,- breaking wave height shall be greater than or equal to 1 1/2 feet (457 mm). The inland 148:3 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 148-4 SOUTHOLD CODE § 148-4 limit of coastal A zone is a)the Limit of Moderate Wave Action if delineated on a FIRM, or b)designated by the authority having jurisdiction. [Added 12-19-2023 by L.L.No. 1- 20241 CRAWL SPACE — An enclosed area beneath the lowest elevated floor, 18 inches or more in height, which is used to service the underside of the lowest elevated floor. The elevation of the floor of this enclosed area, which may be of soil, gravel, concrete or other material, must be equal to or above the lowest adjacent exterior grade. The enclosed crawl space area shall be properly vented to allow for equalization of hydrostatic forces which would be experienced during periods of flooding. DEVELOPMENT — Any man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate, including but not limited to buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, paving, excavation or drilling operations or storage of equipment or materials. ELEVATED BUILDING—A nonbasement building built, in the case of a building in Zone Al-A30, AE, A, A99, AO, AH, B, C, X or D, to have the top of the elevated floor or, in the case of a building in Zone V1-V30, VE or V, to have the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the elevated floor elevated above the ground level by means of pilings, columns (posts and piers) or shear walls parallel to the flow of the water and adequately anchored so as not to impair the structural integrity of the building during a flood of up to the magnitude of the base flood. In the case of Zone Al-A30,AE, A, A99, AO, AH, B, C, X or D, elevated building also includes a building elevated by means of fill or solid foundation perimeter walls with openings sufficient to facilitate the unimpeded movement of floodwaters. In the case of Zone V1-V30, VE or V, elevated building also includes a building otherwise meeting the definition of elevated building even though the lower area is enclosed by means of breakaway walls that meet the federal standards. EXISTING MANUFACTURED HOME PARK OR SUBDIVISION—A manufactured home park or subdivision for which the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed (including, at a minimum, the installation of utilities, the construction of streets and either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads) is complete before the effective date of the floodplain management regulations adopted by the community. EXPANSION TO AN EXISTING MANUFACTURED HOME PARK OR SUBDIVISION—The preparation of additional sites by the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed (including the installation of utilities, the construction of streets and either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads). FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY — The federal agency that administers the National Flood Insurance Program. FLOOD BOUNDARY AND FLOODWAY MAP (FBFM) — An official map of the community published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency as part of a riverine community's Flood Insurance Study. The FBFM delineates a regulatory floodway along watercourses studied in detail in the Flood Insurance Study. 148:4 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 148-4 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION § 148-4 FLOOD ELEVATION STUDY—An examination, evaluation and determination of the flood hazards and, if appropriate, corresponding water surface elevations or an examination,evaluation and determination of floodrelated erosion hazards. FLOOD HAZARD BOUNDARY MAP (FHBM) — An official map of a community, issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, where the boundaries of the areas of special flood hazard have been designated as Zone A but no flood elevations are provided. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) — An official map of a community on which the Federal Emergency Management Agency has delineated both the areas of special flood hazard and the risk premium zones applicable to the community. FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY—See "flood elevation study." FLOOD OR FLOODING —A general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas from the overflow of inland or tidal waters or the unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source. "Flood" or "flooding" also means the collapse or subsidence of land along the shore of a lake or other body of water as a result of erosion or undermining caused by waves or currents of water exceeding anticipated cyclical levels or suddenly caused by an unusually high water level in a natural body of water, accompanied by a severe storm or by an unanticipated force of nature, such as a flash flood or an abnormal tidal surge, or by some similarly unusual and unforeseeable event which results in flooding as defined above. FLOODPLAIN OR FLOOD-PRONE AREA — Any land area susceptible to being inundated by water from any source. (See definition of"flooding.") FLOODPROOFING — Any combination of structural and nonstructural additions, changes or adjustments to structures which reduce or eliminate flood damage to real estate or improved real property, water and sanitary facilities, structures and their contents. FLOODWAY—The same meaning as "regulatory floodway." FUNCTIONALLY DEPENDENT USE — A use which cannot perform its intended purpose unless it is located or carried out in close proximity to water, such as a docking or port facility necessary for the loading and unloading of cargo or passengers, shipbuilding and ship repair facilities. The term does not include long-term storage, manufacturing, sales or service facilities. HIGHEST ADJACENT GRADE—The highest natural elevation of the ground surface, prior to construction,next to the proposed walls of a structure. HISTORIC STRUCTURE—Any structure that is: (1) Listed individually in the National Register of Historic Places (a listing maintained by the Department of the Interior) or preliminarily determined by the Secretary of the Interior as meeting the requirements for individual listing on the National Register; (2) Certified or preliminarily determined by the Secretary of the Interior as contributing to the historical significance of a registered historic district or a 148:5 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 148-4 SOUTHOLD CODE § 148-4 district preliminarily determined by the Secretary to qualify as a registered historic district; (3) Individually listed on a state inventory of historic places in states with historic preservation programs which have been approved by the Secretary of the Interior; or (4) Individually listed on a state inventory of historic places in states with historic preservation programs that have been certified either by an approved state program as determined by the Secretary of the Interior or directly by the Secretary of the Interior in states without approved programs. LIMIT OF MODERATE WAVE ACTION (LiMWA) — Line shown on FIRMS to indicate the inland limit of the 1 1/2 foot(457 min)breaking wave height during the base flood. [Added 12-19-2023 by L.L.No. 1-20241 LOCAL ADMINISTRATOR— The person appointed by the community to administer and implement this chapter by granting or denying development permits in accordance with its provisions. This person is often the Code Enforcement Officer, the Building Inspector or an employee of an engineering department. LOWEST FLOOR—The lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area(including basement or cellar). An unfinished or flood-resistant enclosure usable solely for parking of vehicles, building access or storage in an area other than a basement area is not considered a building's lowest floor, provided that such enclosure is not built so as to render the structure in violation of the applicable non-elevation design requirements of this chapter. MANUFACTURED HOME—A structure,transportable in one or more sections,which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used with or without a permanent P g foundation when connected to the required utilities. The term does not include a recreational vehicle. MANUFACTURED HOME PARK OR SUBDIVISION — A parcel (or contiguous parcels)of land divided into two or more manufactured home lots for rent or sale. MEAN SEA LEVEL — For purposes of the National Flood Insurance Program, the National Geodetic Vertical Datum(NGVD)of 1929,the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) or other datum to which base flood elevations shown on a community's Flood Insurance Rate Map are referenced. MOBILE HOME—The same meaning as "manufactured home." NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM (NGVD) — As corrected in 1929, a vertical control used as a reference for establishing varying elevations within the floodplain. NEW CONSTRUCTION — Structures for which the start of construction commenced on or after the effective date of a floodplain management regulation adopted by the community and includes any subsequent improvements to such structure. NEW MANUFACTURED HOME PARK OR SUBDIVISION—A manufactured home park or subdivision for which the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which 148:6 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 148-4 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION § 148-4 the manufactured homes are to be affixed (including, at a minimum, the installation of utilities,the construction of streets and either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads) is completed on or after the effective date of floodplain management regulations adopted by a community. ONE-HUNDRED-YEAR FLOOD—The same meaning as "base flood." PRIMARY FRONTAL DUNE—A continuous or nearly continuous mound or ridge of sand with relatively steep seaward and landward slopes immediately landward and adjacent to the beach and subject to erosion and overtopping from high tides and waves during major coastal storms. The inland limit of the primary frontal dune occurs at the point where there is a distinct change from a relatively steep slope to a relatively mild slope. PRINCIPALLY ABOVE GROUND — At least 51% of the actual cash value of the structure,excluding land value, is above ground. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE—A vehicle which is: (1) Built on a single chassis; (2) Four hundred square feet or less when measured at the largest horizontal projections; (3) Designed to be self-propelled or permanently towable by a light-duty truck; and (4) Not designed primarily for use as a permanent dwelling but as temporary living quarters for recreational,camping,travel or seasonal use. REGULATORY FLOODWAY— The channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than a designated height as determined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in a Flood Insurance Study or by other agencies as provided in § 148-14B of this chapter. [Amended 12-19-2023 by L.L.No. 1-20241 SAND DUNES — Naturally occurring accumulations of sand in ridges or mounds landward of the beach. START OF CONSTRUCTION—The date of permit issuance for new construction and substantial improvements to existing structures, provided that actual start of construction, repair, reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition placement or other improvement is within 180 days after the date of issuance. The actual start of construction means the first placement of permanent construction of a building(including a manufactured home) on a site, such as the pouring of a slab or footings, installation of pilings or construction of columns. Permanent construction does not include land preparation (such as clearing, excavation, grading or filling), or the installation of streets or walkways, or excavation for a basement, footings, piers or foundations, or the erection of temporary forms, or the installation of accessory buildings such as garages or sheds not occupied as dwelling units or not part of the main building. For a substantial improvement, the actual start of construction means the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor or other structural part of a building,whether or not that alteration affects the external dimensions of the building. 148:7 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 148-4 SOUTHOLD CODE § 148-6 STRUCTURE -A walled and roofed building, including a gas or liquid storage tank, that is principally above ground, as well as a manufactured home. SUBSTANTIAL DAMAGE-Damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of restoring any structure to its before damaged condition would equal or exceed 50%of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred. SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT - Any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition or other improvement of a structure,the cost of which equals or exceeds 50% of the market value of the structure before the start of construction of the improvement. The term includes structures which have incurred substantial damage, regardless of the actual repair work performed.The term does not,however, include either: (1) Any project for improvement of a structure to correct existing violations of state or local health, sanitary or safety code specifications which have been identified by the local code enforcement official and which are the minimum necessary to assure safe living conditions; or (2) Any alteration of an historic structure,provided that the alteration will not preclude the structure's continued designation as an historic structure. VARIANCE - A grant of relief from the requirements of this chapter which permits construction or use in a manner that would otherwise be prohibited by this chapter. VIOLATION - The failure of a structure or other development to be fully compliant with the community's floodplain management regulations. [Added 12-19-2023 by L.L. No. 1-20241 § 148-5. Applicability. This chapter shall apply to all areas of special flood hazard within the jurisdiction of the Town of Southold. § 148-6. Basis for establishing areas of special flood hazard. [Amended 5-23-2017 by L.L. No. 10-2017; 11-21-2017 by L.L. No. 19-20171 A. The areas of special flood hazard for the Town of Southold, Community Number 360813, are identified and defined on the following documents prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency: (1) A scientific and engineering report entitled "Flood Insurance Study, Suffolk County,New York(all jurisdictions)," dated September 25, 2009. (2) Flood Insurance Rate Map Panel Numbers 36103C0017H, 36103C0018H, 36103C0019H, 36103C0036H, 36103C0037H, 36103C0038H, 36103C0039H, 36103C0041H, 36103C0043H, 36103C0063H, 36103C0064H, 36103C0066H, 36103C0067H; 36103C0068H, 36103C0069H, 36103C0079H, 36103C0083H, 36103C0084H, 36103C0086H, 36103C0087H, 36103C0088H, 36103C0089H, 36103C0091H, 36103C0095H, 36103C0105H, 36103C0106H, 36103C0107H, 36103C0115H, 36103C0139H, 36103C0141H, 36103C0142H, 36103C0143H, 36103C0144H, 36103C0154H, 36103C0157H, 36103C0158H, 36103C0159H, 148:8 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 148-6 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION § 148-9 36103C0161H, 36103C0162H, 36103C0163H, 36103C016411, 36103C0166H, 36103C0167H, 36103C0168H, 36103C0169H, 36103C0176H, 36103C0177H, 36103C0178H, 36103C0181H, 36103C0182H, 36103C0184H, 36103C0186H, 36103C0188H, 36103C0192H, 36103CO205H, 36103C0477H, 36103C0479H, 36103C0481H, 36103C0482H, 36103C0483H, 36103C0484H, 36103C0491H, 36103C0492H, 36103C0501H, 36103C0502H, 36103C0503H, 36103C0504H, 36103C0506H, 36103C0507H, 36103C0508H, 36103CO511H whose effective date is September 25, 2009, and any subsequent revisions to these map panels that do not affect areas under our community's jurisdiction. (3) Letter of Map Revision, Case Number 16-02-1018P, effective February 17, 2017, amending Panel 36103CO167H of the Flood Insurance Rate Map. (4) Letter of Map Revision, Case Number 17-02-1400P, effective February 16, 2018, amending Panel 36103CO019H of the Flood Insurance Rate Map. (5) Letter of Map Revision, Case Number 23-02-0178P, effective February 8, 2024, amending Panel 36103CO019H of the Flood Insurance Rate Map. [Added 2-27- 2024 by L.L. No. 5-20241 B. The above documents are hereby adopted and declared to be a part of this chapter. The Flood Insurance Study and/or maps are on file at the office of the Building Department located at the Southold Town Annex, 54375 Route 25, Southold,New York. § 148-7. Interpretation; conflict with other laws. A. This chapter includes all revisions to the National Flood Insurance Program through October 27, 1997, and shall supersede all previous laws adopted for the purpose of flood damage prevention. B. In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this chapter shall be held to be minimum requirements, adopted for the promotion of the public health, safety and welfare. Whenever the requirements of this chapter are at variance with the requirements of any other lawfully adopted rules, regulations or ordinances, the most restrictive or that imposing the highest standards shall govern. § 148-8. Severability. The invalidity of any section or provision of this chapter shall not invalidate any other section or provision thereof. § 148-9. Penalties for offenses. [Amended 12-19-2023 by L.L. No. 1-20241 No structure in an area of special flood hazard shall hereafter be constructed, located, extended, converted or altered and no land shall be excavated or filled without full compliance with the terms of this chapter and any other applicable regulations. Any infraction of the provisions of this chapter by failure to comply with any of its requirements, including infractions of conditions and safeguards established in connection with conditions of the permit, shall constitute a violation. Any person who violates this chapter or fails to 148:9 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 148-9 SOUTHOLD CODE § 148-12 comply with any of its requirements shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined no more than $250 or imprisoned for not more than 15 days, or both. Each day of noncompliance shall be considered a separate offense. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the Town of Southold from taking such other lawful action as necessary to prevent or remedy an infraction. Any structure found not compliant with the requirements of this chapter for which the developer and/or owner has not applied for and received an approved variance under § 148-23 will be declared noncompliant, and notification will be sent to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. § 148-10. Warning and disclaimer of liability. The degree of flood protection required by this chapter is considered reasonable for regulatory purposes and is based on scientific and engineering considerations. Larger floods can and will occur on rare occasions. Flood heights may be increased by man-made or natural causes. This chapter does not imply that land outside the areas of special flood hazard or uses permitted within such areas will be free from flooding or flood damages. This chapter shall not create liability on the part of the Town of Southold, any officer or employee thereof or the Federal Emergency Management Agency for any flood damages that result from reliance on this chapter or any administrative decision lawfully made thereunder. § 148-11. Designation of local administrator. The Building Inspector is hereby appointed local administrator to administer and implement this chapter by granting or denying floodplain development permits in accordance with its provisions. § 148-12. Floodplain development permit; fees; deposit. A. Purpose. A floodplain development permit is hereby established for all construction and other development to be undertaken in areas of special flood hazard in this community for the purpose of protecting its citizens from increased flood hazards and ensuring that new development is constructed in a manner that minimizes its exposure to flooding. It shall be unlawful to undertake any development in an area of special flood hazard, as shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map enumerated in § 148-6, without a valid floodplain development permit. Application for a permit shall be made on forms furnished by the local administrator and may include but not be limited to plans, in duplicate, drawn to scale and showing the nature, location, dimensions and elevations of the area in question; existing or proposed structures; fill; storage of materials; drainage facilities; and the location of the foregoing. B. Fees. All applications for a floodplain development permit shall be accompanied by an application fee as established by resolution of the Town Board. In addition, the applicant shall be responsible for reimbursing the Town of Southold for any additional costs necessary for review, inspection and approval of this project. The local administrator may require a deposit to cover these additional costs. [Amended 8-29- 2023 by L.L. No. 22-20231 148:10 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 148-13 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION § 148-13 § 148-13. Application for permit. The applicant shall provide at least the following information, where applicable. Additional information may be required on the permit application form. A. The proposed elevation, in relation to mean sea level, of the lowest floor (including basement or cellar) of any new or substantially improved structure to be located in Zone Al-A30, AE or AH, or in Zone A if base flood elevation data are available. Upon completion of the lowest floor, the permittee shall submit to the local administrator the as-built elevation, certified by a licensed professional engineer or surveyor. B. The proposed elevation, in relation to mean sea level, of the bottom of the lowest structural member of the lowest floor (excluding pilings and columns) of any new or substantially improved structure to be located in Zone V1-V30 or VE, or in Zone V if base flood elevation data are available. Upon, completion of the lowest floor, the permittee shall submit to the local administrator the as-built elevation, certified by a licensed professional engineer or surveyor. C. The proposed elevation, in relation to mean sea level, to which any new or substantially improved nonresidential structure will be floodproofed. Upon completion of the floodproofed portion of the structure, the permittee shall submit to the local administrator the as-built floodproofed elevation, certified by a professional engineer or surveyor. D. A certificate from a licensed professional engineer or architect that any utility floodproofing will meet the criteria in § 148-16C, Utilities. E. A certificate from a licensed professional engineer or architect that any nonresidential _ floodproofed structure will meet the floodproofing criteria in § 148-19, Nonresidential structures (except coastal high-hazard areas). F. A description of the extent to which any watercourse will be altered or relocated as a result of proposed development. Computations by a licensed professional engineer must be submitted that demonstrate that the altered or relocated segment will provide equal or greater conveyance than•the original stream segment. The applicant must submit any maps, computations or other material required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to revise the documents enumerated in § 148-6, when notified by the local administrator, and must pay any fees or other costs assessed by FEMA for this purpose. The applicant must also provide assurances that the conveyance capacity of the altered or relocated stream segment will be maintained. G. A technical analysis, by a licensed professional engineer, if required by the local administrator, which shows whether proposed development to be located in an area of special flood hazard may result in physical damage to any other property. H. In Zone A, when no base flood elevation data are available from other sources, base flood elevation data for subdivision proposals and other proposed developments (including proposals for manufactured home and recreational vehicle parks and subdivisions)that are greater than either 50 lots or five acres. I. In Zones VI-V30 and VE, and also in Zone V if base flood elevation data are available, designs and specifications, certified by a licensed professional engineer or 148:11 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 148-13 SOUTHOLD CODE § 148-14 architect, for any breakaway walls in a proposed structure with design strengths in excess of 20 pounds per square foot. J. In Zones V 1-V30 and l VE, and also in Zone V if base flood elevation data are available, for all new and substantial improvements to structures, design plans and specifications prepared I in sufficient detail to enable independent review of the foundation support and connection components. Said plans and specifications shall be developed or reviewed by a licensed professional engineer or architect and shall be accompanied by a statement, bearing the signature of the architect or engineer, certifying that the design and methods of construction to be used are in accordance with accepted standards of practice and with all applicable provisions of this chapter. § 148-14. Duties and responsibilities of local administrator. Duties of the local administrator shall include but not be limited to the following: A. Permit application review. The local administrator shall conduct the following permit application review before issuing a floodplain development permit. The local administrator shall: [Amended 12-19-2023 by L.L. No. 1-20241 (1) Review all applications for completeness, particularly with the requirements of § 148-13, Application for permit, and for compliance with the provisions and standards of this chapter. (2) Review subdivision and other proposed new development, including manufactured home parks, to determine whether proposed building sites will be reasonably safe from flooding. If a proposed building site is located in an area of special flood hazard, all new construction and substantial improvements shall meet the applicable standards of § 148-15 through § 148-22 construction standards, and, in particular, § 148-15B, Subdivision proposals. [Amended 12- 19-2023 by L.L. No. 1-20241 (3) Determine whether any proposed development in an area of special flood hazard may result in physical damage to any other property (e.g., stream bank erosion and increased flood velocities). The local administrator may require the applicant to submit additional technical analyses and data necessary to complete the determination. If the proposed development may result in physical damage to any other property or fails to meet the requirements of § 148-15 through § 148-22, construction standards, no permit shall be issued. The applicant may revise the application to include measures that mitigate or eliminate the adverse effects and resubmit the application. [Amended 12-19-2023 by L.L. No. 1-20241 (4) Determine that all necessary permits have been received from those governmental agencies from which approval is required by state or federal law. B. Use of other flood data. (1) When the Federal Emergency Management Agency has designated areas of special flood hazard on the community's Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) but has neither produced water surface elevation data. (These areas are designated Zone A or V on the FIRM.) nor identified a floodway, the local administrator 148:12 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 148-14 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION § 148-14 shall obtain, review and reasonably utilize any base flood elevation and floodway data available from a federal, state or other source, including data developed pursuant to § 148-13H, as criteria for requiring that new construction, substantial improvements or other proposed development meet the requirements of this chapter. [Amended 12-19-2023 by L.L. No. 1-2024] (2) When base flood elevation data are not available, the local administrator may use flood information from any other authoritative source, such as historical data, to establish flood elevations within the areas of special flood hazard for the purposes of this chapter. C. Alteration of watercourses. The local administrator shall: (1) Notify adjacent communities and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation prior to permitting any alteration or relocation of a watercourse and submit evidence of such notification to the Regional Director, Region II, Federal Emergency Management Agency. (2) Determine that the permit holder has provided for maintenance within the altered or relocated portion of said watercourse so that the flood-carrying capacity is not diminished. D. Construction stage. (1) In Zones Al-A30, AE and AH, and also in Zone A if base flood elevation data are available, upon placement of the lowest floor or completion of floodproofing of a new or substantially improved structure, the local administrator shall obtain from the permit holder a certification of the as-built elevation of the lowest floor or floodproofed elevation in relation to mean sea level. The certificate shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of a licensed land surveyor or professional engineer and certified by the same. For manufactured homes, the permit holder shall submit the certificate of elevation upon placement of the structure on the site. A certificate of elevation must also be submitted for a recreational vehicle if it remains on a site for 180 consecutive days or longer (unless it is fully licensed and ready for highway use). (2) In Zones V1-V30 and VE, and also in Zone V if base flood elevation data are available, upon placement of the lowest floor of a new or substantially improved structure, the permit holder shall submit to the local administrator a certificate of elevation, in relation to mean sea level, of the bottom of the lowest structural member of the lowest floor (excluding pilings and columns). The certificate shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of a licensed land surveyor or professional engineer and certified by same. For manufactured homes, the permit holder shall submit the certificate of elevation upon placement of the structure on the site. An elevation certificate must also be submitted for a recreational vehicle if it remains on a site 180 consecutive days or longer (unless it is fully licensed and ready for highway use). (3) Any further work undertaken prior to submission and approval of the certification shall be at the permit holder's risk. The local administrator shall review all data submitted. Deficiencies detected shall be cause to issue a stop-work order for the project unless immediately corrected. 148:13 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 148-14 SOUTHOLD CODE § 148-14 E. Inspections. The local administrator and/or the developer's engineer or architect shall make periodic inspections at appropriate times throughout the period of construction in " order to monitor compliance with permit conditions and to enable said inspector to certify, if requested, that the development is in compliance with the requirements of the floodplain development permit and/or any variance provisions. F. Stop-work orders. (1) The local administrator shall issue or cause to be issued a stop-work order for any floodplain development found ongoing without a development permit. Disregard of a stop-work order shall subject the violator to the penalties described in § 148- 9 of this chapter. (2) The local administrator shall issue or cause to be issued a stop-work order for any floodplain development found noncompliant with the provisions of this chapter and/or the conditions of the development permit. Disregard of a stop-work order shall subject the violator to the penalties described in § 148-9 of this chapter. G. Certificate of compliance. (1) In areas of special flood hazard, as determined by documents enumerated in § 148-6, it shall be unlawful to occupy or to permit the use or occupancy of any building or premises, or both, or part thereof hereafter created, erected, changed, converted or wholly or partly altered or enlarged in its use or structure until a certificate of compliance has been issued by the local administrator stating that the building or land conforms to the requirements of this chapter. (2) A certificate of compliance shall be issued by the local administrator upon satisfactory completion of all development in areas of special flood hazard. - (3) Issuance of the certificate shall be based upon the inspections conducted as prescribed in § 148-14E, Inspections, and/or any certified elevations, hydraulic data, floodproofmg, anchoring requirements or encroachment analyses which may have been required as a condition of the approved permit. H. Information to be retained. The local administrator shall retain and make available for inspection copies of the following: (1) F000dplain development permits and certificates of compliance. (2) Certifications of as-built lowest floor elevations of structures required pursuant to § 148-141)(1) and (2) and whether or not the structures contain a basement. (3) Floodproofing certificates required pursuant to § 148-141)(1) and whether or not the structures contain a basement. (4) Certifications required pursuant to § 148-18N, Breakaway wall design standards, and Subsection J of§ 148-13, Application for permit. (5) Variances issued pursuant to §§ 148-23 and 148-24, variance procedures. [Amended 12-19-2023 by L.L. No. 1-20241 (6) Notices required under § 148-14C, Alteration of watercourses. 148:14 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 148-14 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION § 148-15 (7) Base flood elevations developed pursuant to § 148-13G and supporting technical analysis. [Added 12-19-2023 by L.L. No. 1-20241 § 148-15. General standards. The following standards apply to new development, including new and substantially improved structures, in the areas of special flood hazard shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map designated in § 148-6. A. Coastal high-hazard areas. The following requirements apply within Zones VI-V30, VE and V: (1) All new construction, including manufactured homes and recreational vehicles on site 180 days or longer and not fully licensed for highway use, shall be located landward of the reach of high tide. (2) The use of fill for structural support of buildings, manufactured homes or recreational vehicles on site 180 days or longer is prohibited. (3) Man-made alteration of sand dunes which would increase potential flood damage is prohibited. B. Subdivision and development proposals. The following standards apply to all new subdivision proposals and other proposed development in areas of special flood hazard (including proposals for manufactured home and recreational vehicle parks and subdivisions): [Amended 12-19-2023 by L.L. No. 1-20241 (1) Proposals shall be consistent with the need to minimize flood damage; (2) Public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems shall be located and constructed so as to minimize flood damage; and (3) Adequate drainage shall be provided to reduce exposure to flood damage. (4) Proposed development shall not result in physical damage to any other property (e.g., stream bank erosion or increased flood velocities). If requested by the local administrator, the applicant shall provide a technical analysis, by a licensed professional engineer, demonstrating that this condition has been met. (5) Proposed development shall be designed, located, and constructed so as to offer the minimum resistance to the flow of water and shall be designed to have a minimum effect upon the height of floodwater. (6) Any equipment or materials located in a special flood hazard area shall be elevated, anchored, and floodproofed as necessary to prevent flotation, flood damage, and the release of hazardous substances. (7) No alteration or relocation of a watercourse shall be permitted unless: (a) A technical evaluation by a licensed professional engineer demonstrates that the altered or relocated segment will provide conveyance equal to or greater than that of the original stream segment and will not result in physical - damage to any other property; 148:15 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 148-15 SOUTHOLD CODE § 148-15 (b) If warranted, a conditional revision of the Flood Insurance Rate Map is obtained from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, with the applicant providing the necessary data, analyses, and mapping and reimbursing the Town of Southold for all fees and other costs in relation to the application; and (c) The applicant provides assurance that maintenance will be provided so that the flood-carrying capacity of the altered or relocated portion of the watercourse will not be diminished. C. Encroachments. (1) Within Zones Al-A30 and AE, on streams without a regulatory floodway, no new construction, substantial improvements or other development (including fill) shall be permitted unless: (a) The applicant demonstrates that the cumulative effect of the proposed development, when combined with all other existing and anticipated development, will not increase the water surface elevation of the base flood more than one foot at any location; or (b) The Town of Southold agrees to apply to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for a conditional FIRM revision, FEMA Approval is received and the applicant provides all necessary data, analyses and mapping and reimburses the Town of Southold for all fees and other costs in relation to the application. The applicant must also provide all data, analyses and mapping and reimburse the Town of Southold for all costs related to the final map revision. (2) On streams with a regulatory floodway, as shown on the Flood Boundary and Floodway Map or the Flood Insurance Rate Map adopted in § 148-6, no new construction, substantial improvements or other developments in the floodway (including fill) shall be permitted unless: (a) A technical evaluation by a licensed professional engineer shows that such an encroachment shall not result in any increase in flood levels during occurrence of the base flood; or (b) The Town of Southold agrees to apply to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for a conditional FIRM and floodway revision, FEMA approval is received and the applicant provides all necessary data, analyses and mapping and reimburses the Town of Southold for all fees and other costs in relation to the application. The applicant must also provide all data, analyses and mapping and reimburse the Town of Southold for all costs related to the final map revisions. (3) In a special flood hazard area (SFHA), if any development is found to increase or decrease base flood elevations, the Town of Southold shall as soon as practicable, but not later than six months after the date such information becomes available, notify .FEMA and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation of the changes by submitting technical or scientific data in i 148:16 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 148-15 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION § 148-16 accordance with standard e7gineering practice. [Added 12-19-2023 by L.L. No. 1-20241 § 148-16. Standards for all structures. A. Anchoring. New structures and substantial improvement to structures in areas of special flood hazard shall be anchored to prevent flotation, collapse or lateral movement during the base flood. This requirement is in addition to applicable state and local anchoring requirements for resisting wind forces. B. Construction materials and methods. (1) New construction and substantial improvements to structures shall be constructed with materials and utility equipment resistant to flood damage. (2) New construction and substantial improvements to structures shall be constructed using methods and practices that minimize flood damage. (3) For enclosed areas below the lowest floor of a structure within Zones Al-A30, AE or AH, and also in Zone A if base flood elevation data are available, new and substantially improved structures shall have fully enclosed areas below the lowest floor that are usable solely for parking of vehicles, building access or storage in an area other than a basement and which are subject to flooding designed to automatically equalize hydrostatic flood forces on exterior walls by allowing for the entry and exit of floodwaters. Designs for meeting this requirement must either be certified by a licensed professional engineer or architect or meet or exceed the following minimum criteria: (a) A minimum of two openings having a total net area of not less than one square inch for every square foot of enclosed area subject to flooding shall be provided. (b) The bottom of all such openings shall be no higher than one foot above the lowest adjacent finished grade. (c) Openings not less than three inches in any direction. [Added 12-19-2023 by L.L. No. 1-202411 (d) Openings may be equipped with louvers, valves, screens or other coverings or devices, provided that they permit the automatic entry and exit of floodwaters. Enclosed areas subgrade on all sides are considered basements and are not permitted. (4) Within Zones V 1-V30 and VE, and also within Zone V if base flood elevation are available, new construction and substantial improvements shall have the space below the lowest floor either free from obstruction or constructed with nonsupporting breakaway walls, open wood latticework or insect screening intended to collapse under wind and water loads without causing collapse, displacement or other structural damage to the elevated portion of the building or 1. Editor's Note:This local law also redesignated former Subsection B(3)(c)as Subsection B(3)(d). 148:17 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 148-16 SOUTHOLD CODE § 148-17 supporting foundation system. The enclosed space below the lowest floor shall be used only for parking vehicles, building access or storage. Use of this space for human habitation is expressly prohibited. The construction of stairs, stairwells and elevator shafts are subject to the design requirements for breakaway walls. C. Utilities. (1) New and replacement electrical equipment, heating, ventilating, air conditioning, plumbing connections and other service equipment shall be located at least two feet above the base flood elevation, or above the base flood level or designed to prevent water from entering or accumulating within the components during a flood and to resist hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and stresses. Electrical wiring and outlets, switches, junction boxes and panels shall be elevated or designed to prevent water from entering and accumulating within the components unless they conform to the appropriate provisions of the electrical part of the Building Code of New York State or the Residential Code of New York State for location of such items in wet locations. This includes heating, ventilating and air- conditioning equipment, hot water heaters, appliances, elevator lift machinery and electrical junction and circuit breaker boxes. When located below the base flood elevation, a professional engineer's or architect's certification of the design is required. [Amended 12-19-2023 by L.L. No. 1-20241 (2) New and replacement water supply systems shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the system. (3) New and replacement sanitary sewage systems shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters. Sanitary sewer and storm drainage systems for buildings that have openings below the base flood elevation shall be provided with automatic backflow valves or other automatic backflow devices that are installed in each discharge line passing through a building's exterior wall. (4) On-site waste disposal systems shall be located to avoid impairment to them or contamination from them during flooding. D. Storage tanks. [Added 12-19-2023 by L.L. No. 1-20241 (1) Underground tanks shall be anchored to prevent flotation, collapse and lateral movement during conditions of the base flood. (2) Aboveground tanks shall be: (a) Anchored to prevent floatation, collapse or lateral movement during conditions of the base flood; or (b) Installed at or above the base flood elevation as shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map enumerated in § 148-6 plus two feet. § 148-17. Elevation of residential structures (except coastal high-hazard areas). [Amended 12-19-2023 by L.L. No. 1-20241 The following standards, in addition to the standards in § 148-15B, Subdivision proposals, and § 148-15C, Encroachments, and § 148-16, Standards for all structures, apply to new and - 148:18 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 148-17 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION § 148-18 substantially improved residential structures located in areas of special flood hazard as indicated: A. Within Zones Al-A30, AE and AH, and also in Zone A if base flood elevation data are available, new construction and substantial improvements shall have the lowest floor (including basement) elevated to or above the two feet above the base flood elevation. Within Zone AH adequate drainage paths are required to guide floodwaters around and away from proposed structures on slopes. B. Within Zone A, when no base flood elevation data are available, a base flood elevation shall be determined by either: (1) Obtain and reasonably use data available from a federal, state, or other source plus two feet of freeboard; or (2) Determine the base flood elevation in accordance with accepted hydrologic and hydraulic engineering practice, plus two feet of freeboard. Determinations shall be undertaken by a registered design professional who shall document that the technical methods used reflect currently accepted engineering practice. Studies, analyses, and computations shall be submitted in sufficient detail to allow thorough review and approval. C. Within Zone AO, new construction and substantially improved structures shall have the lowest floor (including basement) elevated above the highest adjacent grade at least as high as two feet above the depth number specified in feet on the community's Flood Insurance Rate Map enumerated in § 148-6 plus one foot of freeboard. In areas designated as Zone AO where a depth number is not specified on the map, the depth number shall be taken as being equal to two feet. Within AO, adequate drainage paths are required to guide floodwaters around and away from proposed structures on slopes. D. Within Zones AH, adequate drainage paths are required to guide floodwaters around and away from proposed structures on slopes. § 148-18. Residential structures (coastal high-hazard areas). [Amended 12-19-2023 by L.L. No. 1-20241 The following standards, in addition to the standards in § 148-15A, Coastal high-hazard areas, and § 148-1513, Subdivision proposals, and § 148-16, Standards for all structures, apply to new and substantially improved residential structures located in areas of special flood hazard shown as Zone V1-V30, VE or V on the community's Flood Insurance Rate Map designated in § 148-6: A. Elevation. New construction and substantial improvements shall be elevated on pilings, columns or shear walls such that the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member supporting the lowest elevated floor (excluding columns, piles, diagonal bracing attached to the piles or columns, grade beams, pile caps and other members designed to either withstand storm action or break away without imparting damaging loads to the structure) is elevated to or above two feet above the base flood elevation so as not to impede the flow of water. 148:18.1 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 148-18 SOUTHOLD CODE § 148-18 B. Determination of loading forces. Structural design shall consider the effects of wind and water loads acting simultaneously during the base flood on all building components. (1) The structural design shall be adequate to resist water forces that would occur during the base flood. Horizontal water loads considered shall include inertial and drag forces of waves, current drag forces and impact forces from waterborne storm debris. Dynamic uplift loads shall also be considered if bulkheads, walls or other natural or man-made flow obstructions could cause wave run-up beyond the elevation of the base flood. (2) Buildings shall be designed and constructed to resist the forces due to wind pressure. Wind forces on the superstructure include windward and leeward forces on vertical walls, uplift on the roof, internal forces when openings allow wind to enter the house and upward force on the underside of the house when it is exposed. In the design, the wind should be assumed to blow potentially from any lateral direction relative to the house. (3) Wind-loading values used shall be those required by the building code. C. Foundation standards. (1) The pilings or column foundation and structure attached thereto shall be adequately anchored to resist flotation, collapse or lateral movement due to the effects of wind and water pressures acting simultaneously on all building components. Foundations must be designed to transfer safely to the underlying soil all loads due to wind, water, dead load, live load and other loads (including uplift due to wind and water). (2) Spread footings and fill material shall not be used for structural support of a new building or substantial improvement of an existing structure. D. Pile foundation design. (1) The design ratio of pile spacing to pile diameter shall not be less than 8:1 for individual piles (This shall not apply to pile clusters located below the design I 148:18.2 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 148-18 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION § 148-18 galvanized steel rods of 1/2 inch diameter or galvanized steel straps not less than one inch wide by 1/16 inch thick may be used to connect from the top wall plate to the sill, beam or girder. Washers with a minimum diameter of three inches shall be used at each end of the 1/2 inch round rods. These anchors shall be installed no more than two feet from each corner rod, no more than four feet on center. J. Ceiling joist/rafter connections. (1) All ceiling joists or rafters shall be installed in such a manner that the joists provide a continuous tie across the rafters. Ceiling joists and rafters shall be securely fastened at their intersections. A metal or wood connector shall be used at alternate ceiling joist/rafter connections to the wall top plate. (2) Gable roofs shall be additionally stabilized by installing two-by-four blocking on two-foot centers between the rafters at each gable end. Blocking shall be installed a minimum of eight feet toward the house interior from each gable end. K. Projecting members. All cantilevers and other projecting members must be adequately supported and braced to withstand wind and water uplift forces. Roof eave overhangs shall be limited to a maximum of two feet and joist overhangs to a maximum of one foot. Larger overhangs and porches will be permitted if designed or reviewed by a registered professional engineer or architect and certified in accordance with § 148-13J of this chapter. L. Roof sheathing. (1) Plywood or other wood material, when used as roof sheathing, shall not be less than 15/32 inch in thickness and shall be of exterior sheathing grade or _ equivalent. All attaching devices for sheathing and roof coverings shall be galvanized or be of other suitable corrosion-resistant material. (2) All corners, gable ends and roof overhangs exceeding six inches shall be reinforced by the application of waterproof industrial adhesive applied to all bearing surfaces of any plywood sheet used in the sheathing of such corner, gable end or roof overhang. (3) In addition, roofs should be sloped as steeply as practicable to reduce uplift pressures, and special care should be used in securing ridges, hips, valleys, eaves, vents, chimneys and other points of discontinuity in the roofing surface. M. Protection of openings. All exterior glass panels, windows and doors shall be designed, detailed and constructed to withstand loads due to the design wind speed of 75 miles per hour. Connections for these elements must be designed to transfer safely the design loads to the supporting structure. Panel widths of multiple panel sliding glass doors shall not exceed three feet. N. Breakaway wall design standards. (1) The breakaway wall shall have a design safe-loading resistance of not less than 10 and not more than 20 pounds per square foot, with the criterion that the safety of the overall structure at the point of wall failure shall be confirmed using established procedures. Grade beams shall be installed in both directions for all 148:21 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 148-18 SOUTHOLD CODE § 148-19 piles considered to carry the breakaway wall load. Knee braces are required for front row piles that support breakaway walls. (2) Use of breakaway wall strengths in excess of 20 pounds per square foot shall not be permitted unless a registered professional engineer or architect has developed or reviewed the structural design and specifications for the building foundation and breakaway wall components and certifies 1) that breakaway walls will fail under water loads less than those that would occur during the base flood; and 2) that the elevated portion of the building and supporting foundation system will not be subject to collapse, displacement or other structural damage due to the effects of wind and water loads acting simultaneously on all building components (structural and nonstructural). Water loading values used shall be those associated with the base flood. Wind loading values shall be those required by the building code. § 148-19. Nonresidential structures (except coastal high-hazard areas). [Amended 12-19- 2023 by L.L. No. 1-20241 The following standards apply to new and substantially improved commercial, industrial and other nonresidential structures located in areas of special flood hazard, in addition to the requirements in § 148-15B, Subdivision and development proposals, and § 148-15C, Encroachments, and § 148-16, Standards for all structures. A. Within Zones Al-A30, AE and AH, and also in Zone A if base flood elevation data are available, new construction and substantial improvements of any nonresidential structure, together with attendant utility and sanitary facilities, shall either: (1) Have the lowest floor, including basement or cellar, elevated to or above two feet above the base flood elevation; or (2) Be floodproofed so that the structure is watertight below two feet above the base flood elevation with walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water. All structural components located below the base flood elevation must be capable of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and the effects of buoyancy. B. Within Zone AO, new construction and substantial improvements of nonresidential structures shall: (1) Have the lowest floor (including basement) elevated above the highest adjacent grade at least as high as two feet above the depth number specified in feet on the community's FIRM (at least two feet if no depth number is specified); or (2) Together with attendant utility and sanitary facilities, be completely floodproofed to that level to meet the floodproofing standard specified in § 148-19A(2). C. If the structure is to be floodproofed, a licensed professional engineer or architect shall develop and/or review structural design, specifications and plans for construction. A floodproofing certificate or other certification shall be provided to the local administrator that certifies that the design and methods of construction are in accordance with accepted standards of practice for meeting the provisions of § 148- 148:22 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 148-19 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION § 148-21 19A(2), including the specific elevation (in relation to mean sea level) to which the structure is to be floodproofed. D. Within Zones AH and AO, adequate drainage paths are required to guide floodwaters around and away from proposed structures on slopes. E. Within Zone A, when no base flood elevation data are available, the lowest floor (including basement) shall be elevated at least three feet above the highest adjacent grade. § 148-20. Nonresidential structures (coastal high-hazard areas). In Zones V1-V30 and VE, and also in Zone V if base flood elevations are available, new construction and substantial improvements of any nonresidential structure, together with attendant utility and sanitary facilities, shall have the bottom of the lowest member of the lowest floor elevated to or above two feet above the base flood elevation. Floodproofing of structures is not an allowable alternative to elevating the lowest floor to two feet above the base flood elevation in Zones V1-V30, VE and V. § 148-21. Manufactured homes and recreational vehicles. The following standards, in addition to the standards in § 148-15, General standards, and § 148-16, Standards for all structures, apply in areas of special flood hazard to manufactured homes and to recreational vehicles which are located in areas of special flood hazard. A. Recreational vehicles. (1) Recreational vehicles placed on sites within Zones Al-A30, AE, AH, V1 - V30, V and VE shall either: (a) Be on site fewer than 180 consecutive days; (b) Be fully licensed and ready for highway use; or (c) Meet the requirements for manufactured homes in Subsections B, C, D and E. [Amended 12-19-2023 by L.L. No. 1-2024] (2) A recreational vehicle is ready for highway use if it is on its wheels or jacking system, is attached to the site only by quick-disconnect-type utilities and security devices and has no permanently attached additions. B. Within Zones Al-A30, AE, AH, the bottom of the frame of the manufactured home shall be elevated to meet the requirements of§ 148-17A. Elevation on piers consisting of dry stacked blocks is prohibited. A manufactured home that is placed or substantially improved in Zones Al-A30, AE, AH, V1-V30, V or VE that is on a site either outside of an existing manufactured home park or subdivision, as herein defined; in a new manufactured home park or subdivision, as herein defined; in an expansion to an existing manufactured home park or subdivision, as herein defined; or in an existing manufactured home park or subdivision, as herein defined, on which a manufactured home has incurred substantial damage as the result of a flood shall, within Zones A1- A30, AE and AH, be elevated on a permanent foundation such that the lowest floor is 148:23 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 148-21 SOUTHOLD CODE § 148-22 elevated to or above two feet above the base flood elevation and is securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation system to resist flotation, collapse and lateral movement or, within Zones V1-V30, V and VE, be elevated on a pile foundation such that the bottom of the lowest structural member of the lowest floor (excluding pilings and columns) is elevated to or above two feet above the base flood elevation and securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation system to resist flotation, collapse and lateral movement. Elevation on piers consisting of dry stacked blocks is prohibited. Methods of anchoring may include but are not limited to use of over-the-top or frame ties to ground anchors. [Amended 12-19-2023 by L.L. No. 1-20241 C. Within Zone A, the bottom of the frame of the manufactured home shall be elevated to meet the requirements of § 148-17B. Elevation on piers consisting of dry stacked blocks is prohibited. A manufactured home to be placed or substantially improved in Zone Al-A30, AE, AH, Vl-V30 or VE in an existing manufactured home park or subdivision that is not to be placed on a site on which a manufactured home has incurred substantial damage shall be elevated in a manner such as required in Subsection B. [Amended 12-19-2023 by L.L. No. 1-20241 D. Within Zone AO, the bottom of the frame of the manufactured home shall be elevated to meet the requirements of § 148-17C. Elevation on piers consisting of dry stacked blocks is prohibited. [Amended 12-19-2023 by L.L. No. 1-20241 E. Within Zones V or VE, manufactured homes must meet the requirements of § 148- 18. [Amended 12-19-2023 by L.L. No. 1-20241 F. The foundation and anchorage of manufactured homes to be located in identified floodways shall be designed and constructed in accordance with ASCE 24. [Added 12- 19-2023 by L.L. No. 1-20241 § 148-22. Accessory structures including detached garages. [Added 12-19-2023 by L.L. No. 1-202421 The following standards apply to new and substantially improved accessory structures, including detached garages, in the areas of special flood hazard shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map designated in § 148-6. A. The accessory structure must meet the definition of "structure," for floodplain management purposes, provided in 44 CFR 59.1, where "walled and roofed" shall be interpreted as having two outside rigid walls and a fully secured roof. B. The accessory structure should be small, as defined by the community and approved by FEMA, and represent a minimal investment. Accessory structures of any size may be considered for a variance; however, FEMA considers accessory structures that meet the following criteria to be small and therefore not necessarily in need of a variance, if the community chooses to allow it: (1) Located in an A Zone (A, AE, Al-A30, AR, A99) and less than or equal to the size of a one-story, two-car garage. 2. Editor's Note:This ordinance also redesignated former§§148-22 and 148-23 as§§148-23 and 148-24. 148:24 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 148-22 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION § 148-23 (2) Located in a V Zone (V, VE, V1-V30) and less than or equal to 100 square feet. C. Accessory structures must meet the standards of§ 148-16A, Anchoring. D. The portions of the accessory structure located below BFE plus two feet of freeboard must be constructed with flood-resistant materials. E. Mechanical and utility equipment for the accessory structure must be elevated or dry floodproofed to or above BFE plus two feet of freeboard. F. Within Zones AO and Zone A, if base flood elevation data are not available, areas below three feet above the highest adjacent grade shall be constructed using methods and practices that minimize flood damage. G. The accessory structure must comply with the floodway encroachment provisions of the NFIP. H. The accessory structure must be wet floodproofed to protect the structure from hydrostatic pressure. The design must meet the NFIP design and performance standards for openings per 44 CFR 60.3(c)(5) and must allow for the automatic entry and exit of floodwaters without manual operation or the presence of a person (or persons). I. Within Zones V1-V30, VE, and V, unelevated accessory buildings must be unfinished inside, constructed with flood-resistant materials, and used only for storage. When an accessory building is placed in these zones, the design professional must determine the effect that debris from the accessory building will have on nearby buildings. If the accessory building is large enough that its failure could create damaging debris or divert flood flows, it must be elevated above the base flood elevation plus two feet. § 148-23. Zoning Board of Appeals. A. The Zoning Board of Appeals, as established by the Town of Southold, shall hear and decide appeals and requests for variances from the requirements of this chapter. B. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall hear and decide appeals when it is alleged that there is an error in any requirement, decision or determination made by the local administrator in the enforcement or administration of this chapter. C. Those aggrieved by the decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals may appeal such decision to the Supreme Court pursuant to Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules. D. In passing upon such applications, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall consider all technical evaluations, all relevant factors, standards specified in other sections of this chapter and: (1) The danger that materials may be swept onto other lands to the injury of others. (2) The danger to life and property due to flooding or erosion damage. (3) The susceptibility of the proposed facility and its contents to flood damage and the effect of such damage on the individual owner. 148:25 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 148-23 SOUTHOLD CODE § 148-24 (4) The importance of the services provided by the proposed facility to the community. - (5) The necessity to the facility of a waterfront location, where applicable. (6) The availability of alternative locations for the proposed use which are not subject to flooding or erosion damage. (7) The compatibility of the proposed use with existing and anticipated development. (8) The relationship of the proposed use to the comprehensive plan and floodplain management program of that area. (9) The safety of access to the property in times of flood for ordinary and emergency vehicles. (10) The costs to local governments and the dangers associated with conducting search-and-rescue operations during periods of flooding. (11) The expected heights, velocity, duration, rate of rise and sediment transport of the floodwaters and the effects of wave action, if applicable, expected at the site. (12) The costs of providing governmental services during and after flood conditions, including search-and-rescue operations and maintenance and repair of public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems and streets and bridges. E. Upon consideration of the factors of § 148-23 and the purposes of this chapter, the Zoning Board of Appeals may attach such conditions to the granting of variances as it deems necessary to further the purposes of this chapter. [Amended 12-19-2023 by L.L. No. 1-20241 F. The local administrator shall maintain the records of all appeal actions, including technical information, and report any variances to the Federal Emergency Management Agency upon request. § 148-24. Conditions for variances. A. Generally, variances may be issued for new construction and substantial improvements to be erected on a lot of 1/2 acre or less in size contiguous to and surrounded by lots with existing structures constructed below the base flood level, provided that § 148- 23D has been fully considered. As the lot size increases beyond 1/2 acre, the technical justification required for issuing the variance increases. [Amended 12-19-2023 by L.L. No. 1-2024] B. Variances may be issued for the repair or rehabilitation of historic structures upon determination that: (1) The proposed repair or rehabilitation will not preclude the structure's continued designation as an historic structure. (2) The variance is the minimum necessary to preserve the historic character and design of the structure. 148:26 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 148-24 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION § 148-24 C. Variances may be issued by a community for new construction and substantial improvements and for other development necessary for the conduct of a functionally dependent use, provided that: (1) The criteria of Subsections A, D, E and F of this section are met. (2) The structure or other development is protected by methods that minimize flood damages during the base flood and create no additional threat to public safety. D. Variances shall not be issued within any designated floodway if any increase in flood levels during the base flood discharge would result. E. Variances shall only be issued upon a determination that the variance is the minimum necessary, considering the flood hazard, to afford relief. . F. Variances shall only be issued upon receiving written justification of: (1) A showing of good and sufficient cause; (2) A determination that failure to grant the variance would result in exceptional hardship to the applicant; and (3) A determination that the granting of a variance will not result in increased flood heights, additional threats to public safety or extraordinary public expense or create nuisances or cause fraud on or victimization of the public or conflict with existing local laws or ordinances. G. Any applicant to whom a variance is granted for a building with the lowest floor below the base flood elevation shall be given written notice over the signature of a community official that the cost of flood insurance will be commensurate with the increased risk resulting from the lowest floor elevation. [Amended 12-19-2023 by L.L. No. 1-20241 (1) The issuance of a variance to construct a structure below the base flood level will result in increased premium rates for flood insurance up to amounts as high as $25 for $100 of insurance coverage; and (2) Such construction below the base flood level increases risks to life and property. Such notification shall be maintained with the record of all variance actions as required in § 148-14H of this chapter. 148:27 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 215-10 SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL § 215-12 other industries beyond that point that has a direct bearing on the kind and source of discharge to the sewers or waterways or facilities for waste treatment. B. While performing the necessary work on private properties referred to in § 215-10A above, the Superintendent or duly authorized employees of the District shall observe all safety rules applicable to the premises established by the owner(s) and the owner(s) shall be held harmless for injury or death to the District employees and against liability claims and demands for personal injury or property damage asserted against the owner(s) and growing out of the gauging and sampling operation, except as such may be caused by negligence or failure of the owner(s) to maintain safe conditions as required in § 21541. C. All duly authorized employees and/or representatives of the District bearing proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter all private properties through which the District holds a duly negotiated easement for the purposes of, but not limited to inspection, observation, measurement, sampling, repair and maintenance of any portion of the sewage works lying within said easement. All entry and subsequent work, if any, on said easement shall be done in full accordance with the terms of the duly negotiated easement pertaining to the private property involved. § 215-11. Penalties for offenses; disconnection. [Amended 1-16-2007 by L.L. No. 3-20071 A. Any person found to be violating any provision of this Part 1 except § 215-6 shall be served by the District with written notice stating the nature of the violation and providing a reasonable time limit for the satisfactory correction thereof. The offender shall, within the period of time stated in such notice, permanently cease all violations. B. Any person who shall violate any provision of this Part 1 shall be guilty of an offense punishable by a fine not to exceed $5,000 or imprisonment for a period not to exceed 15 days, or both such fine and imprisonment. Each day that any violation of this Part 1 continues and each day that any person continues to discharge prohibited wastes or substances into any public sewer shall be deemed to be a separate and additional offense. C. Any person who fails to cease and desist violation of this Part 1 upon notification thereof may, after the period of time stated in the notice for correction thereof, be disconnected from the public sewer system. Notice of disconnection shall be served by the District not less than 10 days prior to the actual disconnection. § 215-12. Discretionary monitoring of effluents. The District may require as a condition to the connection and/or continued use of the District's sewer facilities that flow-metering, pH-monitoring and suitable effluent-sampling stations be provided at the owner'(s) expense by industry connected to the District sewer system as required by prudent engineering standards. 215:29 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 215-13 SOUTHOLD CODE § 215-16 § 215-13. Severability. If any section, clause, sentence or provision of this Part 1 be adjudged invalid or unenforceable, such adjudications shall not affect the validity of any other provision hereof, - but all other provisions shall be deemed valid and effective and shall remain in full force and effect. Part 2 Sewer Rents and Charges [Adopted 3-24-1987 by L.L. No. 5-19871 ARTICLE II Sewer Rents and Charges § 215-14. Purpose. Pursuant to the provisions of Article 14-F of the General Municipal Law, the Town Board, acting for and on behalf of the Fishers Island Sewer District (FISD), does hereby establish a scale of annual charged to be called "sewer rents" for the use of the sewer system within the FISD. § 215-15. Rents; penalty for late payment. A. In addition to any and all other fees and charges provided by law, the owner of a parcel of land served by the sanitary sewer system of the FISD shall pay an annual sewer rent for the use of such sanitary sewer system, which shall be based upon an annual charge of$900 for each separate dwelling unit served by the system. Such annual sewer rents shall be paid in semiannual installments of$450 on the first day of January and June of each year. [Amended 11-15-1988 by L.L. No. 27-1988; 12-11-1990 by L.L. No. 28- 1990; 11-24-1992 by L.L. No. 27-1992; 10-23-2007 by L.L. No. 21-2007; 1-16-2024 by L.L. No. 2-20241 B. If such sewer rents are not paid within 30 days of the due date, a penalty of 5% shall be paid. § 215-16. Liens. Sewer rents shall constitute a lien upon the real property served by the sewer system or such part or parts thereof for which sewer rents shall have been established or imposed. The lien shall be prior and superior to every other lien or claim except the lien of an existing tax, assessment or other lawful charge imposed by or for the state or a political subdivision or district thereof. 215:30 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 215-17 SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL § 215-17 § 215-17. Actions to collect rents. The Town Board, on behalf of the sewer district, may bring and maintain an action as upon - contract for sewer rents in arrears, including penalties and interest, or to foreclose liens for 215:30.1 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 240-7 SUBDIVISION OF LAND § 240-8 (d) Existing resources and site analysis plan(s) (ERSAP); (e) Yield calculation; (f) Primary and secondary conservation area plan; (g) Coastal assessment form (as applicable). (2) Final plat review or open development area(ODA). (a) Final application form; (b) Final plat (not applicable for an ODA); (c) Road and drainage plan and performance bond estimate (not applicable for an ODA); (d) ODA map (ODA only). § 240-8. Fees. A. Fees may be charged for review of sketch, preliminary and final plats and related administrative activities. Such fees shall be paid upon submission of the application. B. Fee schedule; applications. All fees are determined from time to time by resolution of the Town Board. [Amended 1-16-2024 by L.L. No. 4-20241 Subdivision Classification Standard subdivision Sketch plat Preliminary plat Final plat Conservation subdivision Sketch and final plat Sketch and open development map Creation of lot within ODA map Lot line application C. Environmental review fees. The Planning Board may charge the applicant appropriate fees to cover the cost of required environmental review, as permitted by the State Environmental Quality Review Act(SEQRA). 240:11 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 240-9 SOUTHOLD CODE § 240-10 ARTICLE V Sketch Plat Review § 240-9. Submission. A. The applicant shall submit to the Planning Board 12 copies of the sketch plat and other required materials, along with the required fee. The Planning Department staff shall conduct a site inspection upon receipt of an application. B. Upon request, the applicant shall meet with the Planning Department staff to discuss the objectives and applicability of these regulations inclusive of, but not limited to, the requirements for street improvements, drainage, sewerage, water supply, fire protection and other similar aspects as well as the availability of existing services and other pertinent information. § 240-10. Technical requirements. A sketch plat shall be prepared at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet and shall include the following: A. Existing resources and site analysis plan(s) (ERSAP). (1) Purpose. The purpose of the existing resources and site analysis plan(s) (ERSAP) is to provide the applicant and the Planning Board with a comprehensive analysis of existing conditions, both on the proposed development site and within 500 feet of the site. Conditions beyond the parcel boundaries may be described on the - basis of existing published data available from governmental agencies, and from aerial photographs. (2) Review. The Planning Board shall review the ERSAP to determine its accuracy and completeness, and may request additional information necessary to comply with this section. (3) Exceptions. The Planning Board reserves the right to waive one or more of the ERSAP information requirements set forth herein for conservation subdivisions. (4) Preparation. The ERSAP must be prepared by a licensed New York State licensed surveyor, architect and/or engineer. (5) Scale. Unless otherwise specified by the Planning Board, an ERSAP shall be prepared at the scale of one inch equals 100 feet, with a key explaining information and symbols on the plat. (6) The following information shall be included on the ERSAP: (a) All existing structures. (b) Topography, the contour lines of which shall be at five-foot intervals, determined by photogrammetry (although ten-foot intervals are permissible beyond the parcel boundaries, interpolated from published U.S. Geological Service USGS maps). Slopes equal to or greater than 15% shall be clearly indicated. 240:12 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 240-10 SUBDIVISION OF LAND § 240-10 (c) Water resources: [1] Wetlands pursuant to the Freshwater Wetlands Act, Environmental Conservation Law (ECL) § 24-0101, et seq., the Tidal Wetlands Act, ECL § 25-0101, et seq., and Chapter 275, Wetlands and Shoreline, of the Code of the Town of Southold. [2] Sole source aquifers and/or aquifer recharge areas. [3] Municipal water supply watershed areas. (d) Flood-prone areas as shown on Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) maps and other information pursuant to Chapter 148 of the Town Code (Flood Damage Prevention). (e) Areas legally protected by the County of Suffolk, the Town of Southold, private trusts, qualified conservation organizations or other entities or agencies as shown on the Town of Southold Protected Lands Map, including all abutting parcels. (f) Vegetative types described by plant community, relative age and condition on the property according to: [1] General cover type, including cultivated land, permanent grass land, old field, hedgerow, woodland and wetland. [2] Isolated significant trees with a diameter breast height (DBH) in excess of 18 inches, the actual canopy line of existing trees and woodlands. (g) Soil series, types and phases, as mapped by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service in the Suffolk County Soil Survey, and accompanying data published for each soil relating to its suitability for agriculture and construction (and, in unsewered areas, for septic suitability). (h) Top of bluff lines identified and delineated together with the coastal erosion hazard area line pursuant to Chapter 111 of the Town Code (Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas). (i) Scenic viewsheds and special features: [1] Sites bordering designated state, County or Town scenic byways and corridors special features identified in the Town's Comprehensive Plan and all subsequent updates. [2] A viewshed analysis showing the location and extent of views into the property from public lands, roads and from public parks, public forests, and state game lands. (j) Locations and dimensions of all existing public and private streets, roads, buildings, utilities and other man-made improvements. 240:13 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 240-10 SOUTHOLD CODE § 240-10 (k) Locations of all archeological and historically significant sites or structures of national, state or local significance on the tract or on any abutting tract. (1) Locations of trails in current use or of historic use (pedestrian, equestrian, - bicycle, etc.) or those proposed on the Town of Southold Trail Map. (m) All easements and other encumbrances affecting the parcel filed with the Suffolk County Clerk's Office. (n) Agricultural lands. [1] Location and delineation of any active agriculture operation, active farmland within a New York State certified Agricultural District, lands within 2,000 feet of a New York State certified Agricultural District, or soils classified and mapped as Suffolk County and State Prime Farmland Mapping Units, of the New York State Soil Classification System or areas legally protected by the County of Suffolk, the Town of Southold, private trusts or other entities or agencies. [2] Areas identified in the Southold Town Farm and Farmland Protection Strategy 2000 and in the most current version of the Southold Town Farmland Inventory. (o) Location of community water and/or sewer; whether available or planned. (p) Critical environmental areas: lands within or contiguous to a critical environmental area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law. (q) Significant natural areas and features: [1] Areas with endangered and threatened vegetation. [2] Significant habitats, or habitats of endangered, threatened or special concern species as determined by the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (Natural Heritage Program); [3] Mature forests over 100 years old; [4] Locally important vegetation; [5] Unique natural or geological formations based on available published information or more detailed data obtained by the applicant. (r) Recreation: lakes, ponds or other significant recreational areas, or opportunities or sites designated in the Town's Comprehensive Plan and updates to it. (s) If the application applies to real property within 500 feet of any of the following, the location of- [1] The boundary of any city, village or Town; 240:14 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 240-10 SUBDIVISION OF LAND § 240-10 [2] The boundary of any existing or proposed county or state park or other recreation area; [3] The right-of-way of any existing or proposed county or state parkway, thruway, expressway, road or highway; [4] The existing or proposed right-of-way of any stream or drainage channel owned by the county or for which the county has established channel lines; or [5] The existing or proposed boundary of any county or state owned land on which a public building or institution is situated. [6] Existing airport, airbase or airstrip. B. Yield plan. (1) Purpose. The purpose of the yield plan is to determine the allowable density. (2) Standard subdivision. A yield plan shall be prepared for a standard subdivision in accordance with the requirements of this section and shall include a requirement to provide affordable housing. (a) Density. The permitted number of dwelling units shall not exceed the number of units that, in the Planning Board's judgment, would be permitted if the land were subdivided into lots conforming to the minimum lot size and density requirements of this chapter applicable to the zoning district (or districts) in which such land is situated and conforming to all other requirements of the Town Code. (b) Total lot yield shall be determined on buildable lands only. Subdivision design shall exclude the following features, unless the applicant shall have obtained a permit from all relevant regulating authorities approving the applicant's right to place residential structures in the subject areas: [1] All underwater lands. [2] Tidal wetlands or freshwater wetlands, as defined in state and local regulations. [3] Bluffs, primary dunes and secondary dunes. [4] Beaches below mean high water, as defined by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey or latest Tidal Wetlands Survey, and any beach or area lying between this line and the coastal erosion hazard line. [5] Areas required for park dedication pursuant to this chapter. [6] Areas required for recharge basins or for natural area recharge. [7] Areas required for public or private rights-of-way. [8] Areas required for utilities or public facilities, except that minor utility easements of direct service to the subdivision may be included. 240:15 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 240-10 SOUTHOLD CODE § 240-10 [9] Areas for which the development rights have been transferred, sold or extinguished. [10] Areas which the Planning Board shall determine to be of such character that they cannot be used safely for building purposes without danger to health or peril from fire, flood, drainage or other menace to neighboring properties or the public health, safety and welfare. (c) Affordable housing requirement. Every new standard residential subdivision involving the creation of five or more lots shall comply with the requirements herein to provide affordable housing. [Amended 8-12-2008 by L.L. No. 9-2008; 3-26-2024 by L.L. No. 7-20241 [1] Twenty percent of the lot yield as determined pursuant to § 240- 10B(2)(a) and (b) shall be set aside as moderate-income family dwelling units (MIFDUs), as defined, created and administered under the provisions of the Affordable Housing District, §§ 280-24 through 280-33 of this Code. Each NUFDU shall be created subject to covenants and restrictions as set forth at § 280-30 or through another mechanism approved by the Town Board that will keep units perpetually affordable. The number of MIFDU units required in a subdivision shall be rounded up to the next whole number if the fractional requirement is 0.50 or greater, and shall be rounded down to the next whole number if the fractional requirement is less than 0.50. [2] Fee waiver. An applicant shall receive a waiver of all application fees, building permit fees, plan review fees, inspection fees, park and playground fees and such other development fees and costs attributable to the MIFDUs built in the subdivision. A waiver may not be granted for sanitary flow credits purchased pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 117. [3] Phasing of construction. The applicant shall provide to the Planning Board a phasing plan that provides for the timely and integrated development of the affordable housing units as the subdivision is built out. The phasing plan shall provide for the development of the MIFDUs concurrently with the market rate units. Building permits shall be issued for dwelling units within the subdivision based on the phasing plan. The phasing plan may be adjusted by the Planning Board when necessary in order to account for different financing and funding environments, economies of scale, and infrastructure needs applicable to the development of the market rate and the MIFDUs. The phasing plan shall also provide that the MIFDUs shall not be the last units to be developed in the applicable subdivision. [4] Exterior appearance. The exterior appearance of the NHFDUs shall be visually compatible with the market rate units in the development. External building materials and finishes shall be substantially the same in type and quality for MIFDUs and market rate units. 240:16 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 240-10 SUBDIVISION OF LAND § 240-10 [5] Appeal. A developer of any project subject to the requirements of this chapter may appeal to the Town Board for a reduction, adjustment or waiver of the requirements based upon the absence of any reasonable relationship or nexus between the impact of the development and the inclusionary requirement. (d) Yield must be further determined in consideration of the ERSAP. (3) Conservation subdivision. For all conservation subdivisions, one of the following formulas shall be used to calculate yield. (a) 75/75 conservation subdivision. Buildable Lands _ Minimum Lot Area of Zoning District = Yield on Entire Parcel Yield on Entire Parcel x 25% =Yield on Developable Area Total Buildable Lands x Percentage of Buildable Lands not permanently preserved (up to 25%) =Developable Area (b) 80/60 conservation subdivision. Buildable Lands _ Minimum Lot Area of Zoning District = Yield on Entire Parcel Yield on Entire Parcel x 40% =Yield on Developable Area Total Buildable Lands x Percentage of Buildable Lands not permanently preserved (up to 20%) =Developable Area C. Primary and secondary conservation area plan. All subdivisions shall be created in accordance with the primary and secondary conservation area design process described in this section. All sketch plans shall include the documentation set forth below. (1) Primary and secondary conservation areas as defined in § 240-3 shall be identified using existing resources and site analysis plan(s) (ERSAP) as a base map. (2) Location of house sites. Using the information from Subsection C(1) above, the yield as determined pursuant to this chapter, the base map and the ERSAP, potential house sites shall be located. House sites should generally be located not closer than 100 feet to primary conservation areas and 50 feet to secondary conservation areas, taking into consideration the potential negative impacts of residential development on such areas as well as the potential positive benefits of such locations to provide attractive views and visual settings for residences. (3) Alignment of streets and trails. (a) A street plan shall be designed to provide access to each house, complying with the standards identified herein and bearing a logical relationship to topographic conditions. Impacts on proposed open space shall be minimized, particularly with respect to crossing environmentally sensitive areas such as wetlands and traversing slopes equal to or exceeding 15%. Existing and future street connections may be required in order to eliminate 240:17 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 240-10 SOUTHOLD CODE § 240-10 the number of new culs-de-sac to be maintained by the Town and to facilitate access to and from homes in different parts of the tract and adjoining parcels. (b) The potential location of recreational and off-road walking trails shall also be noted. (4) Location of lots. Bubble lines shall denote the proposed locations. D. Cluster design. The design of a cluster subdivision plat shall be pursuant to the requirements of Article XI, Cluster Development, herein, if applicable. E. Site context map. A map showing the location of the proposed subdivision within its neighborhood context shall be submitted. For all sites, such maps shall be at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet, and shall show the relationship of the subject property to natural and man-made features existing within 500 feet of the site. The features that shall be shown on site context maps include topography (from USGS maps), state and/ or federal wetlands, woodlands over one-half acre in area (from aerial photographs), public roads and trails, utility easements and rights-of-way, public land, and protected lands. F. Field survey. A field survey of the boundary lines of the parcel with descriptive data by bearings and distances, made and certified by a licensed land surveyor. The corners of the tract shall also be located on the ground and marked by substantial monuments of such size and type as approved by the Town Engineering Office, and shall be referenced and shown on the sketch plat pursuant to § 240-10I. G. Proposed name of the subdivision. The proposed name shall not duplicate any plat previously filed. 240:18 Supp 64,Mar 2024 " § 240-36 SUBDIVISION OF LAND § 240-36 (a) Cleaning and grubbing. (b) Drainage pipe installed with other drainage structures before backfilling and recharge basin excavation. (c) Road subbase analysis. (d) Curbing and sidewalk. (e) Placement of road base course materials. (f) Finished roadway pavement materials. (g) Landscaping and fencing. (h) Sidewalks. (2) No work on any item in this subsection shall begin on a weekend or legal holiday. C. The developer shall notify the Town Engineering Office and Superintendent of Highways, in writing, at least five days prior to the completion of each of the above phases of construction. D. Construction testing of roadway pavement materials shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of the road and drainage standards for the Town of Southold. E. The, Town Engineering Office shall coordinate the placement of the following improvements, with the developer and the utility company: (1) Water mains and hydrant connections, prior to backfilling. (2) Fire well. (3) Placement of underground electric, telephone or television cables. (4) Placement of underground lines/mains. (5) Installation of all underground drainage structures prior to backfilling. F. A final inspection of all improvements shall be made by the Town Engineering Office and/or Superintendent of Highways to determine whether the work is satisfactory and in substantial agreement with the approved final plat drawings, design standards of these regulations and the construction specifications for subdivisions. The general condition of the site shall also be considered. If it appears likely that hazardous conditions exist or may arise, the Town Engineering Office and/or Superintendent of Highways may require that special measures be taken by the developer. G. All development greater than a cumulative area of one acre shall require Phase H stormwater/erosion control mitigation requirements as set forth by federal and state regulations, including SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity (GP-02-01). 240:41 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 240-37 SOUTHOLD CODE § 240-40 § 240-37. Administration fee. A. Administration fees shall be required for subdivision map review, project coordination and field inspections by the Town Engineering Office. [Amended 5-8-19731 - B. This fee shall be equal to an amount or percentage as determined by resolution of the Town Board of the adopted final total cost of capital improvements (performance bond estimate), including but riot limited to roads, clearing and drainage. [Amended 1-16- 2024 by L.L. No. 4-20241 C. When new road construction is not part of the subdivision (subdivision on an improved road), the applicant shall pay a review fee equivalent to an amount as determined by resolution of the Town Board per lot or a percentage, as determined by resolution of the Town Board, of the bond estimate, whichever is greater. [Amended 1-16-2024 by L.L. No. 4-20241 D. All checks shall be made payable to the Town of Southold. E. If a subdivision is abandoned, no part of the administration fees already paid to the Town will be returned to the applicant. § 240-38. Waiver. With the approval of the Town Engineering Office and the Highway Superintendent, the Planning Board may waive the provision of any or all required improvements which in its judgment and considering the special circumstances of a particular plat or plats, are not required in the interests of the public health, safety and general welfare. For each waiver - granted, the Planning Board shall enter upon the records its reasons why the particular improvement is not necessary and it shall attach appropriate conditions or require such guaranties as may be necessary to protect the public interest. § 240-39. Safeguards during construction. In order to prevent flooding, erosion or any other dangerous or hazardous condition from occurring during the progress and completion of required improvements, the Planning Board may require the developer or his agents to take any action, including the construction and/or installation of temporary facilities, as the Town Engineering Office may recommend. Such recommendations may not supersede state requirements under SPDES permit GP-02-01. § 240-40. Modification of design of improvements. If at any time before or during the construction of the required improvements, the Town Engineering Office, the Highway Superintendent and the Planning Board determine that unforeseen conditions make it necessary or preferable to modify the location or design of any required improvements, the Town Engineering Office may, upon approval of the Planning Board and with the concurrence of the Highway Superintendent, authorize such modifications, provided they are within the spirit and intent of the Planning Board's prior approval and do not extend any waiver or constitute a substantial alteration of the function of any improvements required by the Planning Board. The Town Engineering Office shall issue 240:42 Supp 64,Mar 2024 - § 240-40 SUBDIVISION OF LAND § 240-40 any authorization under this section in writing and shall transmit a copy of such authorization to the Planning Board prior to its next regular meeting. 240:42.1 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 240-45 SUBDIVISION OF LAND § 240-45 (16) Whenever appropriate, street systems should produce vistas of open space. (17) The use of reverse curves should be considered for local access streets in cluster development subdivisions in conjunction with long horizontal curve radii (at least 250 feet) and where traffic speeds will not exceed 30 miles per hour. C. Common driveways. (1) Common driveway access may be provided and shall.be required where street safety and traffic management goals would be served. (2) The maximum number of lots using a proposed common driveway shall be two if the common driveway has one entrance on a public road. Each lot shall have their access on the common driveway, regardless of the potential for access onto an existing Town, county or state road. (3) The boundary of each lot served by a common driveway shall extend to the center line of the common driveway with the right-of-way for ingress and egress across the common driveway granted to each lot served by such common driveway. (4) In the case of a conservation subdivision, the Planning Board may, in its discretion, require professional engineer's drawings showing the exact location, dimensions and grade of the common driveway and specifications for its composition. The Planning Board may refer these drawings to the Town Engineering Office for review and comment. (5) The subdivision plat shall show the road clearly labeled as "common driveway." (6) The common driveway may not be offered for dedication to the Town of Southold. (7) The Planning Board shall require a recorded maintenance agreement executed by the applicant as a condition of subdivision approval. D. Flag lots. The Planning Board may permit a limited number of flag lots in a residential subdivision plat, provided that they are well shaped, they are generally larger than usual lots, their accessway is essentially straight and not excessive in length and their arrangement will not create traffic difficulties on the street system and would not be a means to circumvent a standard lot and street arrangement which might otherwise result in a generally better platting of the subdivision and adjacent lands. (1) To assure that the flag lot is of adequate size and shape, a flag lot located within the residential zones shall contain at least the minimum lot area of the applicable zoning district in which it is situated, within the bulk of the lot, exclusive of the area contained in the flagpole access strip. (2) In allowing flag lot arrangements in subdivision, the Planning Board may require either a formal private lane or common access driveway to service such lots and may require that such lanes or common access driveways be made part of the improvements to be undertaken and made part of a performance bond. 240:53 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 240-45 SOUTHOLD CODE § 240-49 (3) The Planning Board may adopt further policies or regulations to assure compliance with these requirements, including design and legal specifications for the creation of lanes and common access driveways over such flag lot arrangements. § 240-46. Lighting. Streetlighting shall be provided along all streets in the subdivision and along all streets upon which the subdivision abuts, as required by the Town Engineering Office and/or the Highway Superintendent. Public safety, power conservation and preservation of the night sky shall be of primary consideration in choosing the design, location and number of lighting fixtures. Fixtures must be designed to hide the source of illumination from the side and must direct the light downward. § 240-47. Wastewater treatment systems. All wastewater treatment systems shall be installed in accordance with plans approved by the Suffolk County Health Department. Such systems shall provide each residence and other structures containing plumbing fixtures with an adequate and safe method of sewage treatment. Where a public sewage treatment system is not available, an adequate private wastewater treatment system, approved by the Suffolk County Health Department, shall be provided. § 240-48. Water supply systems. All water supply systems shall be installed pursuant to plans approved by the Suffolk County Health Department. Such systems shall be designed to provide a sufficient supply of potable water, under adequate pressure, to all outlets, including, but not limited to, residences, other structures, drinking fountains, hose connections, hydrants. Where a public water supply system is not available, an adequate private water supply system, approved by the Suffolk County Health Department, shall be provided. ARTICLE XIII Preservation of Natural Features § 240-49. Clearing. A. Clearing of vegetation and/or grading is permitted only within the areas designated by the Planning Board and as shown on a final clearing and/or grading plan or plat approved by the Planning Board. B. Clearing of vegetation within the individual residential lots on a subdivision plat approved pursuant to this chapter shall be in accordance with Subsection C of this section. C. Lot size and permissible limits of clearing. Existing native and/or nonnative vegetation shall be preserved subject to the following limits of clearing schedule. 240:54 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 240-49 SUBDIVISION OF LAND § 240-49 "Lot Size to:.. i. . . ............ . ........ 1 to 15,000 75% ............................................ ........... .......... . ....... ............................... 15,001 to 30,000 60% .........................1.11............... .................................................................. .. .......... .......................................................................... ................ . .30,001 to 60,000 50% 60,001 to 90,000 35% ... .............. ..................... .90,001 to 140,000 25% ........... 140,001 to 200,000 20% ............................ ........ :200,001 or greater 15% .................. ......... ....... ................ ................ ............................. D. Clearing limits shall be clearly staked and approved by a New York State licensed engineer or surveyor prior to any clearing or grading. E. Clearing of vegetation within open space areas not in agricultural use is prohibited unless according to an approved final clearing and/or grading plan or approved plat. F. Clearing of vegetation shall be permitted on residential lots within a subdivision as approved in accordance with this chapter upon the issuance of a certificate of occupancy from the Building Department. G. Properties located on the Town of Southold Farm or Farmland Inventory are exempt from these provisions. H. Clearing of slopes equal to greater than 15%. The Planning Board may permit the clearing of slopes equal to or greater than 15% with the approval of an erosion and sediment control plan prepared by a New York State Licensed Engineer. I. Landscaping and ground cover. (1) All lots which are not covered by structures or paving shall be properly seeded or landscaped by the developer pursuant to an approved plan. These lots are to be maintained by the landowner, or as otherwise provided by this chapter. (2) Each lot shall be provided and/or planted with trees that are acceptable to the Planning Board. This requirement may be waived by the Planning Board in wooded areas where the developer intends to maintain existing trees or in areas where the developer meets the limit of clearing requirements. (3) When a proposed subdivision borders upon an existing commercial or industrial establishment, or any other use which, in the opinion of the Planning Board, may be visually detrimental to the tranquility of the future residents of the subdivision, the Planning Board may require a landscape screen/buffer to protect the subdivision from the visually incompatible use. (4) Tree fee. [Added 12-16-2014 by L.L. No. 3-20141 (a) Upon the request of an applicant, if the Planning Board makes a finding pursuant to this chapter that the proposed subdivision presents a proper case 240:55 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 240-49 SOUTHOLD CODE § 240-51 for requiring trees to be planted for screening or landscaping purposes, but that a suitable location for said plantings does not exist, or it is otherwise impracticable, the Planning Board may permit the applicant to pay a sum of money in lieu thereof. The fee shall be as follows: [1] Not less than an amount as determined by resolution of the Town Board, nor more than an amount as determined by resolution of the Town Board, per tree, based on caliper, that would have been required for screening or landscaping purposes. [Amended 1-16-2024 by L.L. No. 4-20241 (b) Timing of fee payment. The fee shall be paid prior to any subdivision approval. (c) The fee shall be deposited into the Fiduciary Fund and used by the Southold Town Tree Committee exclusively for the planting of new street trees and/or the replacement of damaged or removed trees on Town property. § 240-50. Floodplains. A. Land that lies within a floodplain or zone or directly contributes to the watershed of that plain or zone by way of a swale shall be left in its natural state. B. Whenever possible, the ability of the land to naturally channel, retain and drain stormwater shall be maintained and enhanced in ways that augment the existing natural system. C. No subdivision design will be permitted that would create a flood or flooding hazard to adjoining or nearby properties including public roads and property. § 240-51. Stormwater, drainage and erosion control. A. All stormwater runoff resulting from the development or improvement of a subdivision or any of its lots should be retained on-site by adequate on-site drainage structures so that the stormwater runoff will not flow into the right-of-way of a Town, county or state road, upon any neighboring properties under separate ownership, or in any body of water. B. All historic drainage patterns shall be preserved. Where existing grade is altered, the applicant shall submit a grading and drainage plan to the Planning Board. Dewatering, altering, or causing adverse existing drainage patterns and/or conditions on adjacent properties or parcels is prohibited. C. Erosion and sediment control measures as defined by the Planning Board will be required during and immediately after construction on site to help prevent stormwater from carrying soil and other deleterious material onto adjacent properties and highways and into wetland areas and adjoining bodies of water. D. The Planning Board may refer all residential subdivision proposals to the Suffolk County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) and/or the Town Engineering 240:56 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 240-51 SUBDIVISION OF LAND § 240-52 Office, for their review as to the acceptability of proposed drainage, erosion and sediment control measures both during construction phases and after completion. All easements deemed necessary to maintain either natural or man-made stormwater drainage, erosion and/or sediment control measures shall be provided and plotted accordingly on the final plat. E. All subdivisions on parcels greater than 10 acres in size and located within designated watersheds may be required to provide a soil and water conservation plan and/or site development and/or construction best management practices to the Planning Board. F. All construction activity greater than one acre in area is required to comply with federal and state regulations as set forth in the SPDES general permit for stormwater discharge from construction activity (GP-02-01). ARTICLE X17V Additional Requirements § 240-52. Standards and procedures for acceptance of streets; recreation and park areas. A. Acceptance of streets. The approval by the Planning Board and subsequent filing of the final plat at the Suffolk County Clerk's office shall not constitute acceptance by the Town of any street or right-of-way shown on such final plat. The applicant shall comply with all Town rules and regulations regarding the dedication of highways, as set forth in Chapter 161, Highway Specifications, Article IV, Final Dedication of Roads. Any street 240:56.1 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 240-53 SUBDIVISION OF LAND § 240-54 F. Satisfaction of parkland reservation requirement. The park land reservation requirement of this section shall be deemed satisfied upon the presentation to and acceptance by the Town Board of a metes and bounds description of the parcel which is proposed to be reserved for park, playground or recreation purposes, and by the placing of a notation upon the final plat indicating that the land is so reserved and cannot be further subdivided or built upon except for public park, playground or recreational purposes. G. Park and recreation fee. (1) If the Planning Board makes a finding pursuant to this chapter that the proposed subdivision plat presents a proper case for requiring a park or parks suitably located for playgrounds or other recreational purposes, but that a suitable park or parks cannot be properly located on such subdivision plat, the Planning Board may require a sum of money in lieu thereof. The fees shall be as follows: [Amended 1-16-2024 by L.L. No. 4-20241 (a) Standard subdivision: an amount as determined by resolution of the Town Board per lot. (b) Conservation subdivision: an amount as determined by resolution of the Town Board per lot. (c) Affordable housing district: none. (2) Timing of fee payment. Fees must be paid prior to any final approval except in the case of an open development area where the fee shall be paid upon implementation of the ODA [e.g., when the lot(s) is (are) created]. (3) Fees to constitute separate trust fund. All fees collected pursuant to this section shall be placed in a separate trust fund(s) to be established and used by the Town exclusively for the acquisition of public park, playground or recreation land, and/ or for the improvement of public park and recreation facilities. § 240-54. Reservation of lands for pedestrian trails. Pursuant to New York State Town Law § 278 and to foster the goals of trail creation and preservation, the Planning Board may require the reservation of nonagricultural open space lands for park purposes and it may require some or all of that land be designated as pedestrian trails, in accordance with the following considerations: A. To the extent it is consistent with proper overall land use principles, existing trails shall be preserved in their natural state within reserved areas in the proposed subdivision. B. Where a subdivision layout cannot preserve existing trails because of adherence to legitimate land use policies and principles, the Planning Board may require relocation of trails within the proposed reserved areas to maintain the necessary linkage to preserve the integrity of the system. The position of any relocation shall be established by the Planning Board and shall be performed in such a manner as to minimize disturbance to natural features deemed sensitive C. In order to provide notice to the public, all trails shall be shown on the final map of the proposed subdivision. Existing and relocated trails shall be distinguished on the map. 240:59 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 240-54 SOUTHOLD CODE § 240-57 Said trails and all property rights, both private and public, relating to the trails shall be delineated by declaration or other proper legal instrument filed in connection with the subdivision. The resolution of conditional final approval shall also delineate any conditions of approval relating to trail preservation, use and maintenance. D. All trails which are preserved as a condition of Planning Board approval shall be improved in accordance with the Board's rules and regulations relating to clearing and marking of trails. E. All trails shall be buffered to the maximum extent practicable from proposed development through location within proposed reserved areas. F. Except as provided herein, all trails subject to this policy statement shall be limited to recreational uses as outlined in Chapter 193, Parks and Recreation Areas, of the Town Code and shall not be utilized by motorized vehicles. G. The Planning Board shall encourage applicants to grant rights to the public to utilize trails preserved pursuant to this section. H. Dedication, access easements or covenants shall be acceptable means of creating public rights to use the trail system. I. Landowners' liability shall be governed by the applicable New York State law. J. Where the developer has granted rights to the public to utilize trails within his control, the Town shall be responsible for maintenance of the trails, absent an agreement with the developer or a third party to the contrary. K. Where rights have been granted to the Town in the form of dedications, easements or covenants to utilize lands as trails but trails were not required to be constructed by the applicant, future trail construction shall be the responsibility of the Town. Cooperation with owners of the property shall be encouraged. § 240-55. Time limitations. The time limitations set forth in this chapter and in New York State Town Law may be varied when required for the purpose of complying with the provisions of SEQRA and its implementing regulations. § 240-56. Waivers of certain provisions. The Planning Board shall have the authority to modify or waive, subject to appropriate conditions, any provision of these subdivision regulations, if in its judgment they are not requisite in the interest of the public health, safety and general welfare, except where such authority would be contrary to other ordinances or state law. § 240-57. Waiver, adjustment of property lines. A. The following divisions of property shall be eligible for a waiver from subdivision review by the Planning Board. 240:60 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 240-57 SUBDIVISION OF LAND § 240-59 (1) A resubdivision of nonconforming lots shown.on a subdivision map approved by the Planning Board after April 9, 1957, and filed in the office of the Suffolk County Clerk or the Town Clerk, but not held in single-and-separate ownership. However, the reestablishment of the right to build on said lots shall require variance relief from the Zoning Board of Appeals. (2) A resubdivision which involves redrawing original lot lines for the purpose of combining said lots to create conforming parcels shown on a subdivision map approved by the Planning Board after April 9, 1957, and filed in the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk or the Town Clerk. B. The proposed division shall be reviewed by the Town Planning Department, and the office shall inform the Planning Board in writing that the division will have not significant environmental effect, will not make future planning of the affected parcels more difficult or impossible and poses no other immediate or potential problem which would justify more thorough review by this Board. C. Where all the requirements of this section can be met, such a division may be authorized by the Planning Board by resolution. D. Each parcel created by resubdivision shall be shown on a survey prepared by a licensed surveyor and filed in the office of the Planning Board. Any land being transferred by such resubdivision shall be deeded to the owner of the property in identical name so the new area merges with the existing parcel and shares therewith a common identification number on a Suffolk County Tax Map. The deed and legal description for any resubdivided parcel shall be recorded in the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk. § 240-58. When effective; effect on existing plats. These subdivision regulations shall take effect immediately upon approval by the Town Board. However, any subdivision which has received conditional approval of the preliminary plat by the Planning Board prior to the approval or future modification of these regulations may, at the discretion of the Planning Board, be permitted to be completed under the provisions of the subdivision regulations existing at the time of the approval. ARTICLE XV Enforcement § 240-59. Violations. A. Where a violation of the provisions of this chapter, as adopted and as may be amended, has been committed or exists, the owner of the real property where such violation has been committed or exists, any contract vendee and any grantee of such owner who knowingly participates in such violation, and any agent who has executed an application to the Planning Board on behalf of the owner or contract vendee with respect to such real property and who knowingly participates in such violation shall be guilty of a violation of this chapter. 240:61 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 240-59 SOUTHOLD CODE § 240-61 B. Any owner of real property who creates a subdivision or who subdivides real property into lots within that part of the Town of Southold outside the limits of any incorporated village without first obtaining approval of the Planning Board of a subdivision map or plat showing the land to be subdivided shall be guilty of a violation of this chapter. Any contract vendee and any grantee of such owner who knowingly participates in such violation shall also be guilty of a violation of this chapter. As used herein the term "subdivision" shall mean a subdivision as defined in this chapter. C. Where a violation of any provision or condition of any resolution or approval of the Planning Board or of filed covenants and restrictions relating to a subdivision, adopted or granted under the authority of this chapter or Article 16 of the New York State Town Law, has been committed or exists, the owner of the real property where such violation has been committed or exists, any contract vendee and any grantee of such owner who knowingly participates in such violation and any agent who has executed an application to such Planning Board on behalf of the owner or contract vendee with respect to such real property and who knowingly participates in such violation shall be guilty of a violation of this chapter. D. Any person who performs physical work on real property, including but not limited to clearing of land, other site preparation and construction of improvements in violation of this chapter or in violation of any provision or condition of any resolution or approval of the Planning Board relating to subdivision, adopted or granted under the authority of this chapter or Article) 16 of the New York State Town Law, shall be guilty of a violation of this chapter.. § 240-60. Penalties for offenses. [Amended 1-16-2007 by L.L. No. 3-20071 A. Any person in violation of any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a violation punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000 or a period of incarceration not to exceed 15 days, or both such fine and imprisonment. B. This section shall supersede and suspend those provisions of Town Law § 268(1) of the State of New York which pertain to the amount of the fines assessed and/or the terms of imprisonment imposed for a violation of this chapter or subsequent violations of this chapter. § 240-61. Methods of enforcement. The provision of this chapter may be enforced by any method or remedy provided by law. In addition to other remedies provided by law, any appropriate action or proceeding may be instituted to prevent, restrain, correct or abate any violation of this chapter. 240:62 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 280-73 ZONING § 280-74 (3) The wireless communication facility is designed and situated to be compatible with the nature of uses on adjacent and nearby property. (4) The wireless communication facility has been designed to use the surrounding topography to minimize its visual impacts. (5) The wireless communication facility has been designed to use the surrounding tree, building or foliage coverage to minimize its visual impacts. (6) The wireless communication facility maximizes design characteristics to reduce or eliminate visual impacts and obtrusiveness. (7) Other adequate conditions have been placed on the wireless communication facility which will minimize any adverse impacts of the facility on adjoining properties. D. Expiration. Any special exception approval granted under this article shall have a term of five years, commencing from the grant of the special exception, which may be extended for an additional five-year term upon application to the Planning Board. On a renewal application, the applicant shall demonstrate that the wireless communication facility is in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and with all of the conditions of the special exception approval and site plan, that the facility is necessary to provide adequate service, and that there is no reasonable alternative available to the owner which will provide adequate service without the continuing use of the facility. Subsequent special exception renewals shall be subject to review by the Planning Board and subject to such standards that shall be included in the Town Code -- at that point in time. § 280-74. Application fees and requirements. A. 2-27-2024 by L.L. No. 5-2024 [Amended 1-16-2024 by L.L. No. 3-20241 (1) Building permit application fees. (a) Modification of existing wireless facility. (b) New wireless facility. (2) Site plan application fees. (a) Modification of existing wireless facility. (b) New wireless facility. (3) Special exception application fee. (4) Review by independent consultants. (a) The Town may.hire any consultant(s) and/or expert(s) necessary to assist the Town in reviewing and evaluating the application, including the construction and modification of the site, once permitted, and any site inspections. An escrow account shall be funded by the applicant with an initial deposit as determined by the Planning Board, and based upon an 280:89 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 280-74 SOUTHOLD CODE § 280-74 estimate provided by the consultant(s). No application shall be considered complete for review purposes until an escrow account is established and - funded. (b) Withdrawals from said escrow account may be made from time to time to reimburse the Town for the cost of its consultants' professional review services actually incurred in connection with the review of any application including where applicable, the lease negotiation, the preapproval evaluation, and the construction and modification of the site, once permitted. The applicant shall remain responsible for all costs of outside consultants in the event that said escrow deposit is exhausted. If such account is not replenished within 30 days after the applicant is notified in writing of the requirement for such additional deposit, the Planning_Board may suspend its review of the application. (c) The consultant(s) will work under the direction of the Town Planning Director. Copies of the consultants' qualifications, findings and reports will be provided to the applicant and an opportunity given to the applicant to respond to the content of the consultants' report prior to any decisions being made. In the event that the amount held in escrow by the Town is more than the amount of the actual invoicing at.the conclusion of the project, the remaining balance shall be promptly refunded to the applicant. B. Building permit application. (1) The following application requirements are in addition to those required in § 144- 8C. (a) Written analysis demonstrating the project complies with the maximum permissible exposure regulations in accordance with § 280-70K. (b) Written documentation as to the facility's structural compliance with local, state and federal codes. (c) Copies of all applicable FCC licenses, notices of proposed construction or alteration, federal environmental impact statements and other documents verifying compliance with federal, state and local regulations. (d) Propagation maps shall be submitted for existing coverage from existing surrounding and/or approved sites, coverage from all alternative sites considered and coverage from the proposed site. Propagation maps shall include a minimum of three signal strength depictions (-75dBm, -85dBm and -95dBm) and any other signal strength levels deemed appropriate by the applicant based on the applicant's documented coverage and reliability needs. (e) A "gap map" prepared and signed by a qualified radio frequency engineer and overlaid on an "existing coverage" background propagation map demonstrating the area(s) within which the applicant's existing service is not adequate. In addition, a search ring shall be depicted indicating where the wireless communication facility needs to be located in order to provide adequate signal strength and/or capacity to the target gap area. The 280:90 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 280-74 ZONING § 280-74 applicant must explain and document its standards and criteria for adequate - signal strength, capacity and reliability and must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Planning Board why these standards and criteria are applicable to the Town of Southold. (f) Digital files of the propagation and gap maps, including attribute information, in a geographic information system (GIS) format and projecting that is compatible with the GIS technology currently in use by the Town of Southold. (g) A copy of the deed or lease agreement establishing applicant's right to use the parcel on which the wireless communication facility is to be located. (h) Other information deemed necessary to assess the compliance with this article. (2) Once the application is received in the Building Department, it will be forwarded to the Planning Director for report and recommendations on compliance with § 280-70, General requirements for all wireless communication facilities, and any technical consultant reports that may have been required.No building permit for a wireless facility may be granted prior to this report being submitted to the Building Inspector. C. Site plan application. The following application requirements are in addition to those required in § 280-133: (1) Seven copies of the completed building permit application required under Subsection B. (2) Aeronautical study or appropriate consultant's report demonstrating that the proposed facility will not constitute an obstruction or hazard to air navigation. (3) Visual impact analysis: renderings or computer graphics illustrating the appearance of the completed facility from residential and public vantage points to be determined by the Planning Board. (4) Adjacent land uses, structures and zoning within 500 feet. (5) The location in latitude and longitude, type and height of the wireless communication facility. (6) A list of other carriers already located on the facility, with the number, type, height, orientation, effective radiated power, number of channels and operating frequencies of each antenna, including the proposed. (7) Digital information about the facility (AutoCAD, Shapefile) that can be imported into a geographic information system depicting the search ring of the proposed facility. (8) A photo of the facility, if already existing. (9) Location of landmarks listed by federal, state or Town agencies within 300 feet. (10) Distances between the proposed facility and the following: 280:90.1 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 280-74 SOUTHOLD CODE § 280-74 (a) The nearest residential structure. (b) The nearest property line with a residential use. (c) All other structures. (d) Roads, rights-of-way, driveways. (11) Fall zone radius and distance. (12) Proposed means of access. (13) Elevation drawings with dimensions clearly indicated, including diameter or width of the structure at its widest and narrowest, and the tallest point, including antennas or lightning protection. (14) Other information deemed by the Planning Board to be necessary to assess compliance with this article. D. Special exception application. To make the determination on an application for special exception, the Planning Board shall require the following in addition to the requirements of Article XXV of this chapter: (1) Each application shall include: (a) One copy of the building permit application. (b) One copy of the site plan application. (c) A written site location alternative analysis describing the location of other sites considered, the availability of those sites, the extent to which other sites do or do not meet the provider's service or engineering needs and the reason why the subject site was chosen. (d) Other information deemed by the Planning Board to be necessary to assess compliance with this article. (2) The applicant shall document to the satisfaction of the Planning Board that a good-faith effort has been made to locate or co-locate on existing towers or other available and appropriate buildings and structures, that it is not feasible to co- locate on an existing facility and that the proposed location is necessary to provide adequate service to the public. The documentation shall include a notarized statement by the applicant as to whether construction of the wireless communication facility will accommodate co-location of additional antennas for future users. (3) The Planning Board and Planning Department may retain technical consultants as they deem necessary to provide assistance in the review of the needs and site location alternatives analyses and other matters that the Board deems necessary. The applicant shall bear the reasonable cost associated with such consultation, which cost shall be assessed as an additional application fee. The consultants will 280:90.2 Supp 64,Mar 2024 - § 280-137 ZONING § 280-138 detriment to the health, safety and welfare of the neighborhood or community. In making such determination, the Planning Board shall also consider: (a) Whether an undesirable change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties will be created by the granting of the amendment; (b) Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than the sought variance; (c) Whether the variance is substantial; (d) Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district; and (e) Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created, which shall be relevant to the decision but shall not necessarily preclude the proposed amendment or variance. (2) This provision supersedes and amends New York State Town Law §§ 267, 267-a, 267-b and 267-c insofar as these sections give such authority to the Zoning Board of Appeals. § 280-138. Fee schedule for site plan applications. [Added 3-29-2005 by L.L. No. 4-2005; amended 6-17-2014 by L.L. No. 7-2014; 3-26-2024 by L.L. No. 7-20241 A. The fee for new site plan applications, including without limitation applications relating to vacant sites or sites with no previously approved site plan, shall be a flat fee as determined by resolution of the Town Board plus an additional fee as determined by resolution of the Town Board for each acre (or fraction thereof) in excess of the first acre, plus an additional fee as determined by resolution of the Town Board for each gross square foot of proposed construction. B. The fee for amended site plan applications shall be a flat fee as determined by resolution of the Town Board plus an additional fee as determined by resolution of the Town Board for each gross square foot of proposed construction in excess of the square footage of construction included in the previously approved site plan. C. The fee for agricultural site plan applications, excepting retail winery operations, shall be a flat fee as determined by resolution of the Town Board. D. The fee for new site plan applications for commercial solar energy production systems pursuant to §§ 280-58B(10) and 280-62B(10) shall be a flat fee as determined by resolution of the Town Board, and the fee for an amendment to a site plan application for commercial solar energy production systems shall be as determined by resolution of the Town Board. 280:136.1 Supp 64,Mar 2024 § 280-139 SOUTHOLD CODE § 280-140 ARTICLE XXV Special Exception Uses [Added 1-10-1989 by L.L. No. 1-19891 § 280-139. Purpose. The provisions of this article are designed to provide for administrative review of selected types of proposed land uses. Certain uses which are allowable under zoning are nevertheless so likely to significantly affect their surroundings that they require individual review to assure compatibility with existing land use patterns, community character and the natural environment before being permitted to come into existence. Similarly, certain authorized uses may take on such diverse forms in their actual implementation that it is wise to review and pass upon the adherence of each individual proposal to standards and guidelines previously established for the use involved. Finally, the case-by-case review achieved by use of the special exception approval mechanism can increase the flexibility and appropriateness of local development review and better enable local officials to avoid negative consequences which sometimes arise from the otherwise lawful development or use of a particular site. § 280-140. Special exception uses; approval required. [Amended 11-24-1992 by L.L. No. 22-19921 There is hereby created a category of land use approval to be known as "special exception uses." Said uses may not be commenced, created, undertaken, carried out or thereafter 280:136.2 Supp 64,Mar 2024 8DL-1 DISPOSITION LIST 8DL-1 U lee —' �6-6'2023 'Water "":ry Plan Map Amendment 15-2023 7-18-2023 Streets and Sidewalks: Highway Ch. 237, Art. 62 Excavations Amendment II 17-2023 ,1.7-18-2023 Zoning Amendment Amendment; Solid Waste: 1; Ch. 233, Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse Art. I Amendment . 'Vehicles and Traffic Amendment Ch. 260 62 Electrical Inspections Amendment Ch. 126 ��21-2023 8-29-2023 Fire Prevention and Building Code Ch. 144 62 'Administration Amendment Amendment -8 Wind Energy: Small Wind Energy Ch. 277, Art. 1: 62 Systems Amendment ` 24-2023 i 8-29-2023Ch. 207 Amendment; Vehicles and Traffic 'I; Ch. 260 Amendment Community Housing Fund: VI Establishment of Community Housing Fund Amendment Exemption Amendment; I; Ch. 245, Exemption for Volunteer Art. V Firefighters and Ambulance Workers Amendment Amendment Sewer Rents and Charges GDL'l S[UTIfOLDCODE 8DL-1 � ...... �3-2024 1-16-2024 Zoning Amendment � | �5-2O24 |3-27-2034 'Flood �rcvcot��o 'Ch. 148 64 ' | " ----�- i ! . /Amendment ............. -........ -. '...._ ..........-... '............'_ -^ '....... __ " , 6-2024 |3-26-2024 Moratorium K�� �2 / 64 'X / / �7-2O24 '3-26-2024 Subdivision ofLuod 8��tub ��d �b. 240' /��. � 64 ` . . - - � 'Review Amendment iV ............ .............. .................. _ ' - ' �' INDEX DEFINITIONS NOTE:For the convenience of the Code user,all terms defined in this Code are included in the Index under the heading"Definitions and Abbreviations." Agricultural-Conservation Junkyards 1-2 Peddling and soliciting 1-14 - A - (A-C)District and Legislative intent 1-1 Police Department 1-14 Low-Density Liability 1-4 Records 1-14 ABANDONED VEHICLES Residential R-80, Licenses and permits 1-4 Senior citizens 1-14 VEHICLES,MOTOR- R-120,R-200 and Littering 1-2 Sewers 1-14 DRIVEN 264-19 R-400 Districts Parking 1-2 Sidewalks 1-14 ABANDONMENT 280-13;280-15 Peddling and soliciting 1-2 Soil removal 1-14 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; General Business(B) Penalties for offenses 1-11 Street excavations 1-14 PROPERTY District 280-48 Planning Board 1-2 Tobacco 1-14 MAINTENANCE Hamlet Business(HB) Police Department 1-2;14 Town Board 1-14;1-15; 100-3;1004 District 28045 Repeal of enactments not 1-16 Emergency Removal of Hamlet Density(HD) included in Code 1-3 Town Clerk 1-14 Vehicles 260-23 Residential District Salaries and compensation Trailer camps 1-14 Fishers Island Harbor 280-22 1-4 Transient merchants 1-14 Management 157-8 Historic Preservation Sale of Code book; Unsafe buildings 1-14 Light Industrial(LI)District District(HPD)280-193 supplementation 1-10 Vehicles 1-14 280-62 Light Industrial(LI)District Sales 1-4;1-10 Veterans 1-14 Light Industrial Park/ 280-62 Severability 1-6 Volunteer fire fighters 1-14 Planned Office Park Light Industrial Park/ Soil removal 1-2 Wetlands 1-14 (LIO)District 280-58 Planned Office Park Town Board 1-2;1-4;1-8; When effective 1-18 SEWERS AND SEWAGE (LIO)District 280-58 1-9;1-10 ADULT HOMES DISPOSAL 215-3; Limited Business(LB) Town Clerk 1-7;1-9;1-10; ZONING 280-4 215-9 District 280-41 1-11 ADVERTISING Signs 280-88 Low-Density Residential Trailer camps 1-2 Adoption of Renumbered Small Wind Energy Systems R-40 District 280-17 Vehicles 1-2 2006 Code 1-14 277-6 Marine I(MI)District Violations and penalties General Business(B) Special Exception Uses 280-52 14;1-I1 District 28048 280-141 Marine II(Mll)District Wetlands 1-2 Hamlet Business(HB) SUBDIVISION OF LAND 280-55 When effective 1-13 District 280-45 240-37 Marine III Zone District Zoning Maps 14 LITTERING 174-1;174-6 Wireless Communication (IvIIII)280-205 ADOPTION OF POLICE DEPARTMENT Facilities 280-76 Plum Island Conservation RENUMBERED 2006 RULES AND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS District(PIC)280-187 CODE REGULATIONS AND STRUCTURES Plum Island Research Advertising 1-14 A290-15 Agricultural-Conservation District(PIR)280-183 Advisory Board 1-14 RENTAL PERMITS 207-7; (A-C)District and Recreational Floating Zone Alarm systems 1-14 207-9 Low-Density District(RFZ) Alcoholic beverages 1-14 Signs 280-80;280-81; Residential R-80, 280-202;280-204 Appearance tickets 1-14 280-85 R-120,R-200 and RENTAL PERMITS 207-7 Appointments 1-14 Small Wind Energy Systems R-400 Districts Residential Office(RO) Bicycles 1-14 277-4 280-13;280-15 District 280-38 Bingo 1-14 STORMWATER BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Resort Residential(RR) Boats and Boating 1-14 MANAGEMENT PROPERTY District 280-35 Burning 1-14 236-5 MAINTENANCE Site Plan Approval 280-127 Charges 1-14 TOBACCO 100-4 ZONING 280-4;280-78; Continuation of provisions ADVERTISING FIRE PREVENTION AND 280-111 1-16 249-1;249-2;249-3; BUILDING CODE ACCIDENTAL Costs and expenses 1-14 249-4;249-5 ADMINISTRATION DISCHARGES Defense and ZONING 280-4 144-3;144-8;144-15; Illicit Discharges 236-28 indemnification 1-14 ADVISORY BOARD 144-20 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Disabled persons 1-14 Adoption of Renumbered FLOOD DAMAGE DISPOSAL 215-4 Docks 1-14 2006 Code 1-14 PREVENTION 148-4; ADOPTION OF CODE Dogs 1-14 Code of Ethics 26-2 148-22 Amendments to Code 1-8 Domestic partnerships 1-14 Community Preservation Hamlet Density(HD) Bicycles 1-2 Environmental quality Fund Advisory Board Residential District Bingo 1-2 review 1-14 17-16 280-22 Boats and Boating 1-2 Farms and farming 1-14 Establishment of LANDMARK Bonds 14 Fees 1-14 Community Housing PRESERVATION Burning 1-2 Fire prevention 1-14 Fund 17-51 170-7 Charges 1-4 Games of chance 1-14 Ethics Board 26-21 Low-Density Residential Code book to be kept up-to- Garbage,rubbish and refuse Records Management 59-15 R-40 District 280-19 date 1-9 1-14 Southold Community RENTAL PERMITS 207-2 Copy of Code on file 1-7 GENERAL PROVISIONS Preservation Fund 17-4 STORMWATER Distribution of local laws, 1-14\1-18 AFFORDABLE HOUSING MANAGEMENT ordinances and Grievances 1-14 Affordable Housing(AHD) 236-5 resolutions 1-2 Hearings 1-14 District 280-24; WATERFRONT Docks 1-2 Incorporation of provisions 280-25;280-26; CONSISTENCY Easements 1-4 into Code 1-17 280-27;280-30 REVIEW 268-3 Effect on previously Inspections 1-14 Agricultural-Conservation WETLANDS AND adopted legislation 1-5 Junkyards 1-14 (A-C)District and SHORELINE 275-2; Enactments saved from Legislative intent 1-14 Low-Density 275-5 repeal;matters not Licenses and permits 1-16 Residential R-80, ZONING 280-4;280-104; affected 1-4 Littering 1-14 R-120,R-200 and 280-107;280-116 Fees 1-10 Nonsubstantive changes in R-400 Districts 280-13 ACCESSORY USES AND Garbage,rubbish and refuse previously adopted Districts 280-5 STRUCTURES 1-2 legislation 1-15 Establishment of Affordable Housing(AHD) GENERAL PROVISIONS Notices 1-14 Community Housing District 280-27 1-1\1-13 Obstructions 1-14 Fund 17-48 Agricultural Planned Grades and grading 1-4 Officers and employees Hamlet Business(HB) Development District Grievances 1-2 1-14 District 28045 280-172 Improvements 1-4 Open space 1-14 HOUSING FUND 34-1; Incorporation of provisions Parking 1-14 34-2;34-5;34-6 into Code 1-12 Parks and recreation 1-14 IDX:1 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE AFFORDABLE HOUSING... SANITARY FLOW Site plans 280-29;280-31 Town Board 70-2;70-4; Title 72-1 CREDITS, Standing committees 280-31 70-5 Trees 72-4 TRANSFER OF Tenants 280-27;280-28; AGRICULTURAL Variances 72-3 A 117-3;117-6;117-9; 281-30 PLANNED Water 72-4 117-11;117-14 Town Attorney 280-30 DEVELOPMENT AGRICULTURAL- Site Plan Approval 280-137 Town Board 280-25; DISTRICT CONSERVATION(A-C) SUBDIVISION OF LAND 280-26;280-29; Accessory uses and DISTRICT AND LOW- 240-2;240-10;240-25; 280-30;280-31 structures 280-172 DENSITY 240-53 Town Clerk 280-29;280-30 Agricultural districts RESIDENTIAL R-80, ZONING 280-158 Use regulations 280-27 280-173 R-120,R-200 AND R-400 AFFORDABLE HOUSING Utilities 280-25;280-29 Building permits 280-180 DISTRICTS (AHD)DISTRICT Vacant lots 280-30 Classification 280-172 Accessory buildings and Accessory uses and Variances 280-28 Clearing house 280-179 structures 280-13; structures 280-27 Vehicles 280-25 Conditions 280-180 280-15 Administration 280-31 Violations and penalties Conditions of approval Accessory uses and Affordable housing 280-24; 280-31;280-32.1; 280-175 structures 280-13; 280-25;280-26; 280-33 Costs and expenses 280-177 280-15 280-27;280-30 Water 280-29 County Clerk 280-175 Affordable housing 280-13 Ambulance service 280-30 Yards 280-28 Definitions 280-171 Animals 280-13 Apartments 280-27 ZONING 280-24\280-33 Disclosure 280-174 Apartments 280-13 Appeals 280-31 Zoning Board of Appeals Easements 280-175; Appeals 280-13 Applicability 280-26 280-28 280-177;280-179; Bed and breakfast 280-13 Applicability of other Code Zoning districts 280-32.1 280-180 Board of Appeals 280-13 provisions 280-32 Zoning Maps 280-29 Farms and farming 280-174 Boardinghouses 280-13 Application procedure AGRICULTURAL Fire protection 280-174 Boats and Boating 280-13 280-29 ADVISORY Hearings 280-174; Bufferyards 280-13 Boats and Boating 280-25 COMMITTEE 280-175;280-177 Building Inspector 280-13 Building Inspector 280-31 Agricultural districts 71-4 Height regulations 280-171 Bulk,area and parking Building permits 280-31 Appointments 71-3 Improvements 280-171; regulations 280-14 Bulk,area and parking Compensation 71-3 280-174 Camps 280-13 regulations 280-28 Composition;membership; Lots 280-173 Cemeteries 280-13 Certificates of occupancy terms of office; Meetings 280-174 Certificates of 280-31;280-33 removal 71-3 Notices 280-174 appropriateness 280-15 Comprehensive Plan 280-29 Definitions 71-2 Open space 280-181 Certificates of compliance Construction 280-25; Farms and farming 71-1; Permitted uses 280-175 280-13 280-29 71-3;71-4 Planning Board 280-174; Certificates of occupancy Costs and expenses 280-24; Meetings 71-3 280-181 280-13 280-30 Membership 71-3 Price for development rights Communicable diseases Definitions 280-25 Natural resources 71-1 280-176 280-13 Emergencies 280-30 Planning Board 71-1;71-4 Purpose 280-170 Conservation districts Eminent domain 280-25 Powers and duties 71-4 Records 280-175;280-179 280-15 Farms and farming 280-26 Purpose 71-1 Reports 280-174 Construction 280-13 Fees 280-29 Reports 71-4 Requirements for eligibility Drugs and drug General regulations and Site plans 71-4 280-173 paraphernalia 280-13 requirements 280-30 Terms of office 71-3 Sales 280-174;280-175; Dust 280-13 Grievances 280-31 Town Board 71-1;71-3, 280-176;280-177; Emergencies 280-13 Hearings 280-26;280-29 71-4 280-179;280-180; Farms and farming 280-12; Improvements 280-25; Vehicles 714 280-181 280-13 280-30 Zoning Board of Appeals Subdivision 280-181 Fees 280-13 Liens 280-25 71-1 Subsequent development Fences 280-13 Lots 280-30;280-31 Zoning districts 71-2;71-4 right sales to Town Fire prevention 280-13 Maintenance and upkeep AGRICULTURAL 280-177 Fowl 280-13 280-32.1 DISTRICTS Town Attorney 280-175 Fumes 280-13 Meetings 280-29 AGRICULTURAL Town Board 280-173; Garage sales 280-13 Newspaper 280-26 ADVISORY 280-174;280-176; Garages 280-13 Notices 280-26;280-29; COMMITTEE 71-4 280-177;280-180 Gas 280-13 280-30 Agricultural Planned Town Clerk 280-174 Hearings 280-13 Off-street parking 280-27; Development District Water supply 280-174 Height regulations 280-13; 280-28 280-173 ZONING 280-170\280-181 280-15 Parking 280-28 Real Estate Transfer Tax Zoning approval; Historic Preservation Penalties for offenses 17-24 application and review Commission 280-15 280-33 SUBDIVISION OF LAND procedure 280-174 Home occupations 280-13 Permitted uses 280-27 240-10;240-42 Zoning districts 280-174 Horses 280-13 Planning Board 280-24; ZONING 280-110 Zoning Maps 280-174; Hospitals 280-13 280-28;280-29; AGRICULTURAL LANDS 280-175 Inspections 280-13 280-30;280-31 PRESERVATION AGRICULTURAL USES Kennels 280-13 Planning Commission Acquisition of development Alcoholic beverages 724 Liability 280-13 280-29 rights 70-4 Animals 72-4 Licenses and permits 280-13 Property maintenance Alienation of development Christmas trees 72-4 Lighting 280-13 280-32.1 rights 70-5 Deer 72-4 Lots 280-13;280-15 Purpose;applicability of Construction 70-5 Definitions 72-4 Manure 280-13 amendments 280-24 Costs and expenses 70-5 See Farm Stands 72-5\72-12 Membership 280-13 Records 280-25;280-30; Definitions 70-3 Farms and farming 72-2; Mooring 280-13 280-31 Fences 70-3 724 Noise 280-13 Registry 280-25;280-30 Hearings 70-4;70-5 General Provisions 72-1\ Notices 280-13 Rental property 280-30 Improvements 70-2 724 Nursing homes 280-13 Reports 280-29;280-30 Licenses and permits 70-5 Horses 724 Odors 280-13 Retirement 280-25 Livestock 70-3 Livestock 72-4 Off-street parking 280-13 Safety standards 280-28 Open space 70-2 Poultry 724 One-family dwellings Sales 280-25;280-30; Purpose 70-2 Purpose 72-2 280-13 280-31 Sales 704;70-5 Safety standards 72-2;72-3 Parking 280-13;280-14 Schools 280-26 Severability 70-6 Sales 72-4 Permitted uses 280-13 Setbacks 280-24;280-28 Storage 70-3 Shrubs 724 Places of worship 280-13 Sewers 280-29 Title 70-1 Statutory authorization 72-3 Planning Board 280-13 Site plan approval 280-29 Storage 724 Plastics 280-13 IDX:2 Supp 64,Mar 2024 AGRICULTURAL-CONSERVATION(A-C) INDEX DISTRICT AND LOW-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL R-80,R-120,R-200 AND R-400 DISTRICTS... Playgrounds 280-13 FIRE PREVENTION AND PUBLIC PARKS AND Pools 280-13 BUILDING CODE ENTERTAINMENT RECREATION Property maintenance ADMINISTRATION AND SPECIAL AREAS 193-2;193-3.1 280-13 144-15 EVENTS 205-2 Penalties for offenses 83-25 Purpose 280-12 Intentional false alarms 75-5 ZONING 280-4 Proof of vaccination against Radiation 280-13 Investigations 75-1 ANCHORING rabies 83-21 Registry 280-13 Licenses and permits 75-2; BOATS,DOCKS AND Purpose 83-17 Restaurants 280-13 75-3;75-4;75-6 WHARVES 96-2; Rabies control 83-21;83-22 Roller skates 280-13 Penalties for offenses 75-8 96-3;96-7;96-11; Records 83-18;83-24 Roofs 280-15 Permit required 75-3 96-12;96-14;96-22; Repeal of inconsistent local Safety standards 280-13 Police Department 75-2; 96-23 laws or ordinances Sales 280-13 75-6 COASTAL EROSION 83-26 Schools 280-13 Purpose 75-1 HAZARD AREAS Safety standards 83-17 Screens and screening Records 75-2 111-13 Service dogs 83-23 280-13 Reports 75-1;75-2 Fishers Island Harbor SEWERS AND SEWAGE Setbacks 280-13;280-15 Severability 75-7 Management 157-4; DISPOSAL 215-3; Sewers 280-13 Town Board 75-2;75-7 157-6 215-4 Signs 280-13 Town Clerk 75-6 FLOOD DAMAGE Signs 280-85 Single-family dwellings Violations and penalties PREVENTION 148-4; Southold Community 280-13 75-5;75-6;75-8 148-14;148-15; Preservation Fund 17-4 Site plan approval 280-13 ALARMS,FALSE 148-16;148-18; STORMWATER Site plan review and See FALSE ALARMS 148-21;148-22 MANAGEMENT approval 280-13 See FIRE ALARMS Small Wind Energy Systems 236-5 Site plans 280-13 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES 277-4 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Skateboards 280-13 Adoption of Renumbered WETLANDS AND 240-3;240-44 Smoke 280-13 2006 Code 1-14 SHORELINE 275-2 Surcharges 83-19;83-23 Smoke alarms 280-13 AGRICULTURAL USES ZONING 280-4 Term of license and Special exceptions 280-13 72-4 ANIMAL WASTE renewals 83-22 Storage 280-13 ALCOHOLIC See FECAL MATTER Town Board 83-17 Swimming pools 280-13 BEVERAGES 79-1 See PET WASTE Town Clerk 83-18;83-19; Tenants 280-13 Consumption of alcoholic ANIMALS 83-20;83-24 Town Board 280-13 beverages in public AGRICULTURAL USES Vaccinations 83-21 Town Clerk 280-13 restricted 79-1 72-4 Violations and penalties Trustees 280-13 See Also INTOXICATING Agricultural-Conservation 83-25 Two-family dwellings BEVERAGES (A-C)District and Waterfowl and Gull Feeding 280-13 See Also INTOXICATION Low-Density and Domestic Pet Use regulations 280-13 Pedestrians 79-1 Residential R-80, Waste 83-27 Utilities 280-13 Penalties for offenses 79-2 R-120,R-200 and See Waterfowl and Gull Violations and penalties POLICE DEPARTMENT R-400 Districts 280-13 Feeding and Domestic 280-13 RULES AND ANIMALS 83-18;83-23 Pet Waste 83-27\83-31 Water 280-13 REGULATIONS BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; WETLANDS AND Water supply 280-13 A290-15 PROPERTY SHORELINE 275-2 Wind energy systems,small Public Consumption 79-1\ MAINTENANCE ZONING 280-4;280-78; 280-13 79-2 100-3 280-111 Wireless communications Vehicles 79-1 See Also CATS ANTENNAS facilities 280-13 Violations and penalties Costs and expenses 83-23 See Also SATELLITE DISH Yard sales 280-13 79-2 Definitions 83-18 ANTENNAS Yards 280-13;280-15 ZONING 280-4 Dog Licensing and Wireless Communication ZONING 280-12\280-15 ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLES Identification 83-16\ Facilities 280-68; Zoning Board of Appeals See Also OFF-ROAD 83-26 280-69;280-70; 280-13 VEHICLES Dogs 83-6;83-17;83-18; 280-71;280-72; AIR CONDITIONING VEHICLES,MOTOR- 83-19;83-20;83-21; 280-73;280-74; FLOOD DAMAGE DRIVEN 264-3 83-22;83-23;83-24; 280-76;280-76.1; PREVENTION 148-16 ALUMINUM 83-26 280-76.2 Illicit Discharges 236-25 ELECTRICAL See Dogs 83-6\83-15 ZONING 280-4 SEWERS AND SEWAGE INSPECTIONS 126-4 See Ducks 83-1\83-5 APARTMENTS DISPOSAL 215-2; Garbage,Rubbish and Farmland Bill of Rights Affordable Housing(AHD) 215-4 Refuse 233-1 280-98;280-99 District 280-27 AIR POLLUTION LITTERING 174-1 Fees 83-19;83-23 Agricultural-Conservation See Also POLLUTION Roadway Construction Fishers Island Harbor (A-C)District and ZONING 280-77;280-111 161-36 Management 157-11 Low-Density AIR RIFLES Signs 280-82 Garbage,Rubbish and Residential R-80, PARKS AND ZONING 280-111 Refuse 233-1 R-120,R-200 and RECREATION AMBULANCE SERVICE Guide dogs 83-23 R-400 Districts 280-13 AREAS 193-6 Affordable Housing(AHD) Hearing dogs 83-23 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; ALARM SYSTEMS District 280-30 Issuance of license; PROPERTY Adoption of Renumbered Exemption for Volunteer identification tag 83-24 MAINTENANCE 2006 Code 1-14 Firefighters and Legislative authority 83-16 100-4 ALARM SYSTEMS 75-1; Ambulance Workers Liability 83-25 Exemption for War 75-2;75-3;75-5;75-6 245-11;245-13 Licenses and permits Veterans and Gold Star BICYCLES 88-2 Special Events Requiring 83-17;83-19;83-20; Parents 245-16.1 Charges 75-6;75-8 Chairperson of the 83-21;83-22;83-23; General Business(B) Charges for false alarms; Zoning Board of 83-24;83-26 District 280-48 rules and regulations Appeals'Approval Licenses issued only by Hamlet Business(HB) 75-6 205-5 Town Clerk 83-20 District 280-45 Definitions 75-2 AMERICANS WITH Licensing 83-19 Hamlet Density(HD) Disorderly conduct 75-8 DISABILITIES ACT Light Industrial(LI)District Residential District Disorderly persons 75-8 See DISABLED PERSONS 280-62 280-22 Emergencies 75-1;75-2; AMUSEMENTS Light Industrial Park/ Historic Preservation 75-5;75-6 APPEARANCE TICKETS Planned Office Park District(HPD)280-193 False alarms 75-5;75-6 5-2 (LIO)District 280-58 Light Industrial(LI)District See Also FALSE ALARMS FIRE PREVENTION AND LITTERING 174-1 280-62 Fees 75-4;75-8 BUILDING CODE Low-Density Residential Light Industrial Park/ See Also FIRE ALARMS ADMINISTRATION R-40 District 280-17 Planned Office Park Fire Department 75-1;75-2 144-3 (LIO)District 280-58 IDX:3 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE APARTMENTS... Limited Business(LB) Vehicles 5-2 ASSESSMENTS Wireless Communication District 280-41 Violations and penalties Assessment and Tax Relief Facilities 280-76 Plum Island Conservation 5-1;5-2;5-3 for Superstorm Sandy YOUTH BOARD 68-3; District(PIC)280-187 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding Impact 245-20; 684;68-5 Plum Island Research and Domestic Pet 245-21;245-22; ZONING 280-92;280-159 District(PIR)280-183 Waste 83-29 245-23;245-24 ASSESSOR RENTAL PERMITS 207-2 APPOINTMENTS BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Assessment and Tax Relief — B Residential Office(RO) Adoption of Renumbered PROPERTY for Superstorm Sandy District 280-38 2006 Code 1-14 MAINTENANCE Impact 245-23 WETLANDS AND AGRICULTURAL 100-6;100-10 ASSESSORS 9-3;9-4 SHORELINE 275-2 ADVISORY COASTAL EROSION Exemption for Historic ZONING 280-4;280-78 COMMITTEE 71-3 HAZARD AREAS Properties 24549 APPEALS Board of Appeals 280-145 111-10 Exemption for Volunteer Affordable Housing(AHD) Ethics Board 26-21 Exemption for Cold War Firefighters and District 280-31 FIRE PREVENTION AND Veterans 245-18 Ambulance Workers Agricultural-Conservation BUILDING CODE Exemption for Disabled 245-11 (A-C)District and ADMINISTRATION Persons With Limited Exemption for War Low-Density 144-5 Income 245-10 Veterans and Gold Star Residential R-80, POLICE DEPARTMENT Exemption for Historic Parents 245-16 R-120,R-200 and 51-3;51-4 Properties 245-19 LITTERING 174-5 R-400 Districts 280-13 POLICE DEPARTMENT Exemption for Volunteer Senior Citizen Exemption Board of Appeals 280-146 RULES AND Firefighters and 245-3 See Also BOARD OF REGULATIONS Ambulance Workers Targeted Business APPEALS A290-5 245-11;245-12;245-14 Investment Exemption COASTAL EROSION RECORDS 59-5 Exemption for War 245-7 HAZARD AREAS Residency Requirements Veterans and Gold Star See Also TAX ASSESSOR 111-24;111-25;111-26 42-10 Parents 245-16; Veterans'Exemption 245-9 Farm Stands 72-11 Site Plan Approval 280-135 245-16.1 ASSESSORS FIRE PREVENTION AND Small Wind Energy Systems FIRE PREVENTION AND Amendment of Session BUILDING CODE 277-7 BUILDING CODE Laws 9-3 ADMINISTRATION TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION Approval by referendum 9-5 144-5 ACCESS 144-5;144-19;144-20 Assessor 9-3;9-4 FLOOD DAMAGE MANAGEMENT 64-4 Hamlet Business(HB) Conditions as to PREVENTION 148-4; YOUTH BOARD 68-5 District 280-45 effectiveness 9-4 148-23 AREA,YARD AND BULK HOUSING FUND 34-3 See Election 9-1\9-2 LANDMARK REGULATIONS Light Industrial(LI)District Number 9-3\9-5 PRESERVATION See LOTS 280-62 Town Board 9-4 170-11 See YARDS Light Industrial Park/ AUXILIARY POLICE Plum Island Conservation ARREST WARRANTS Planned Office Park See POLICE OFFICERS District(PIC)280-187 Dogs 83-9 (LIO)District 280-58 AWNINGS Plum Island Research See Also SEARCH LITTERING 174-5 FIRE PREVENTION AND District(PIR)280-183 WARRANTS PUBLIC HEARINGS, BUILDING CODE Real Estate Transfer Tax See Also WARRANTS NOTICE OF 55-1 ADMINISTRATION 17-34 ASBESTOS Recreational Floating Zone 144-8 RECORDS 59-8;59-10 SEWERS AND SEWAGE District(RFZ)280-201 Garbage,Rubbish and RENTAL PERMITS 207-8 DISPOSAL 215-9 SANITARY FLOW Refuse 233-4 Special Events Requiring ASHES CREDITS, General Business(B) Chairperson of the PARKS AND TRANSFER OF 117-9 District 280-48 Zoning Board of RECREATION Senior Citizen Exemption Hamlet Business(HB) Appeals'Approval AREAS 193-2 245-3;245-4 District 280-45 205-6 SEWERS AND SEWAGE SEWERS AND SEWAGE Signs 280-85 SUBDIVISION OF LAND DISPOSAL 215-4 DISPOSAL 215-16; 240-10 ASSEMBLIES,PUBLIC 215-18 _ B See Also ZONING BOARD See PUBLIC SHELLFISH AND OTHER OF APPEALS ASSEMBLIES MARINE BACKFILLING APPEALS BOARD ASSESSMENT AND TAX RESOURCES 219-4 See Also EXCAVATIONS See BOARD OF APPEALS RELIEF FOR Signs 280-88 See Also FILL See ZONING BOARD OF SUPERSTORM SANDY Site Plan Approval 280-133 Roadway Construction APPEALS IMPACT SOIL REMOVAL 228-6 161-25;161-36;161-44 APPEARANCE TICKETS Applicability 245-24 Special Events Requiring SEWERS AND SEWAGE Adoption of Renumbered Assessments 245-20; Chairperson of the DISPOSAL 215-9 2006 Code 1-14 245-21;245-22; Zoning Board of Street Excavations 237-13; Amusements 5-2 245-23;245-24 Appeals'Approval 237-16 APPEARANCE TICKETS Assessor 245-23 2054 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 5-1;5-2;5-3 Board of Assessment Special Events Requiring 240-36 Certain public servants 245-23 Town Board Approval WETLANDS AND authorized to issue Definitions 245-20 205-7 SHORELINE 275-11 appearance tickets 5-2 Eligibility criteria;relief STORMWATER BAGS,PLASTIC Code Enforcement Officer granted 245-22 MANAGEMENT See PLASTIC BAGS 5-2 Emergency Management 236-17;236-20 BARRICADES Dogs 5-2 Agency 245-23 Street Excavations 237-14 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Fire prevention 5-2 Implementation and SUBDIVISION OF LAND PROPERTY FIRE PREVENTION AND adoption of Superstorm 240-7;240-44 MAINTENANCE BUILDING CODE Sandy Assessment Targeted Business 100-9 ADMINISTRATION Relief Act 245-21 Investment Exemption SEWERS AND SEWAGE 144-25 Improvements 245-20; 245-7 DISPOSAL 215-9 Firesafety 5-2 245-22;245-23 Veterans'Exemption 245-8; Street Excavations 237-12; Parking 5-2;5-3 Insurance 245-23 245-9 237-13 Peddling and soliciting 5-2 Other provisions 245-23 WATERFRONT WETLANDS AND Purpose 5-1 Reports 245-23 CONSISTENCY SHORELINE 275-11 Safety standards 5-2 Superstorm Sandy 245-20; REVIEW 268-3;268-5 BATHING Sanitation 5-2 245-21;245-22;245-23 WETLANDS AND BOATS,DOCKS AND Service of appearance TAXATION 245-20\245-24 SHORELINE 2754; WHARVES 96-7; tickets 5-3 275-6;275-11 96-11;96-12;96-16; Signs 5-2 96-19;96-20;96-21 IDX:4 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX BATHING... Marine I(MI)District See Also SKATEBOARDS SUBDIVISION OF LAND ZONING 280-4;280-78; 280-52 Southold Community 240-3;240-10;240-17; 280-79;280-121; Marine II(MII)District Preservation Fund 17-8 240-21 280-145\280-150; 280-55 SUBDIVISION OF LAND WATERFRONT 280-154 Parking at Beaches 189-1; 240-10;240-53 CONSISTENCY Zoning Board of Appeals 189-2 TRANSPORTATION REVIEW 268-3 280-149 PARKS AND ACCESS WETLANDS AND See Also ZONING BOARD RECREATION MANAGEMENT 64-5 SHORELINE 275-2 OF APPEALS AREAS 193-3.1; Use of bell or whistle as ZONING 280-4;280-116 Zoning Maps 280-146 193-4;193-5 alarm 88-2 BOARD OF APPEALS BOARD OF ASSESSMENT SHELLFISH AND OTHER Use of sidewalks 88-6 Additional conditions and Assessment and Tax Relief MARINE Vehicles 88-1;88-2;88-3; safeguards 280-147 for Superstorm Sandy RESOURCES 219-4 88-4;88-5;88-6 Agricultural-Conservation Impact 245-23 ZONING 280-78 Violations and penalties (A-C)District and Rules of Conduct 26-13 BATTERIES 88-7 Low-Density BOARD OF JUNKYARDS 166-1 BILLBOARDS Residential R-80, COMMISSIONERS Light Industrial(LI)District Signs 280-83 R-120,R-200 and BURNING,OUTDOOR 280-62 ZONING 280-4 R-400 Districts 280-13 104-1 Light Industrial Park/ BINGO Appeals 280-146 POLICE DEPARTMENT Planned Office Park Adoption of Code 1-2 See Also APPEALS 51-2 (LIO)District 280-58 Adoption of Renumbered Appointment;membership BOARD OF HEALTH BEACH FRIES 2006 Code 1-14 280-145 See Also HEALTH See FIRES BINGO AND GAMES OF Appointments 280-145 OFFICER See OPEN BURNING CHANCE 92-1;92-2; Board of Appeals 280-145; TOURIST AND TRAILER BED AND BREAKFAST 92-3;92-4;92-5;92-6; 280-146;280-147; CAMPS 253-6;253-7; Agricultural-Conservation 92-7;92-8;92-10; 280-148;280-149; 253-14 (A-C)District and 92-11 280-150 BOARD OF REVIEW Low-Density See Also GAMBLING Building Inspector 280-146 COASTAL EROSION Residential R-80, See Also GAMES OF Certificates of occupancy HAZARD AREAS R-120,R-200 and CHANCE 280-146 111-23;111-24; R-400 Districts 280-13 BINGO AND GAMES OF Costs and expenses 280-146 111-25;111-26;111-29 General Business(B) CHANCE County Clerk 280-146 BOARD OF TRUSTEES District 280-48 Bingo 92-1\92-11 Districts 280-9 BOATS,DOCKS AND Hamlet Business(HB) Bingo permitted 92-2 Escrow accounts 280-146 WHARVES 96-1; District 280-45 See Games of Chance EXPENSES OF TOWN 96-2;96-3;96-23; Hamlet Density(HD) 92-12\92-15 OFFICERS 30-1 96-25;96-31;96-32 Residential District Leased premises 92-4 Farm Stands 72-11 COASTAL EROSION 280-22 License required 92-3 Fees 280-149 HAZARD AREAS Historic Preservation Licenses and permits 92-2; General Business(B) 111-6 District(HPD)280-193 92-3 District 280-48 Design Standards 240-45 Limited Business(LB) Management and operation Hamlet Business(HB) Ducks 83-4 District 28041 92-9 District 28045 Shellfish 219-7;219-8 Low-Density Residential Maximum value of all Hamlet Density(HD) SHELLFISH AND OTHER R-40 District 280-17 prizes on one occasion Residential District MARINE Marine I(MI)District 92-8 280-22 RESOURCES 219-4; 280-52 Maximum value of single Hearings 280-146;280-150 219-16;219-17; Marine II(NEI)District prize 92-7 Light Industrial(LI)District 219-18;219-21 280-55 Penalties for offenses 92-11 280-62 Site Plan Approval 280-133 Parking at Beaches 189-3 Purchase of bingo Light Industrial Park/ STORMWATER Residential Office(RO) equipment 92-5 Planned Office Park MANAGEMENT District 280-38 Purpose 92-1 (LIO)District 280-58 236-18 Resort Residential(RR) Remuneration prohibited Limited Business(LB) WETLANDS AND District 280-35 92-10 District 280-41 SHORELINE 275-2; ZONING 2804;280-78 Town Board 92-1 Low-Density Residential 275-3;275-3.1;275-4; BICYCLES Use of proceeds 92-6 R-40 District 280-17 275-6;275-7;275-11 Adoption of Code 1-2 Violations and penalties Marine I(MI)District BOARDINGHOUSES Adoption of Renumbered 92-11 280-52 Agricultural-Conservation 2006 Code 1-14 BLASTING Marine II(MII)District (A-C)District and Alarm systems 88-2 See EXPLOSION 280-55 Low-Density Applicability 88-8 HAZARDS Membership 280-145 Residential R-80, BICYCLES 88-1;88-2; See EXPLOSIVES Notice of hearing 280-150 R-120,R-200 and 88-3;88-5;88-6 BLIGHT Notices 280-146;280-150 R-400 Districts 280-13 Coasting;carrying children BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Permitted uses 280-146 Hamlet Business(HB) 88-5 PROPERTY Plum Island Conservation District 280-45 Cutouts prohibited 88-4 MAINTENANCE District(PIC)280-187 Parking at Beaches 189-3 Design Standards 240-45 100-3;100-4 Plum Island Research ZONING 280-78 Hamlet Business(HB) FLOOD DAMAGE District(PIR)280-183 BOATS AND BOATING District 280-45 PREVENTION 148-3 Powers and duties 280-146 Adoption of Code 1-2 Light required 88-1 LITTERING 174-1 Qualifications 280-146 Adoption of Renumbered Limited Business(LB) RENTAL PERMITS 207-1 Reports 280-146 2006 Code 1-14 District 280-41 BLOCKS Residential Office(RO) Affordable Housing(AHD) Motorcycles 88-4 Design Standards 240-45 District 280-38 District 280-25 Operation of bicycle 88-3 Floating Homes 96-27 Resort Residential(RR) Agricultural-Conservation Parks and recreation 88-1; FLOOD DAMAGE District 280-35 (A-C)District and 88-2;88-3;88-5 PREVENTION 148-21 Rules of conduct and Low-Density Pedestrians 88-2;88-6 General Business(B) procedure 280-148 Residential R-80, Penalties for offenses 88-7 District 280-48 Safety standards 280-146 R-120,R-200 and PUBLIC Hamlet Business(HB) Site Plan Approval 280-131 R-400 Districts 280-13 ENTERTAINMENT District 280-45 Special exceptions 280-146 BOATS,DOCKS AND AND SPECIAL Site Plan Approval 280-133 Special permits 280-146 WHARVES 96-2; EVENTS 205-2 Small Wind Energy Systems Town Board 280-145; 96-3;96-6;96-7;96-9; See Also ROLLER 277-2 280-149 96-10;96-11;96-12; SKATES STORMWATER Town Clerk 280-150 Sidewalks 88-6 MANAGEMENT Variances 280-146 Site Plan Approval 280-137 236-5 Waivers 280-150 IDX:5 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE BOATS AND BOATING... 96-13;96-14;96-15; Costs and expenses 96-10; Stormwater 96-8 See Also GRASS 96-17;96-18;96-20; 96-25 Swimming pools 96-8 CLIPPINGS 96-22;96-23;96-24; Definitions 96-7 Toilet facilities 96-8 JUNKYARDS 166-7 96-25 Docks 96-1;96-3;96-12; Towing 96-7;96-12;96-16 See Also LAWNS COASTAL EROSION 96-14;96-22 Town Board 96-10;96-13; NOISE,PREVENTION OF HAZARD AREAS Drugs and drug 96-18;96-24 180-4 111-5 paraphernalia 96-15 Town Clerk 96-32 Roadway Construction B Fishers Island Harbor Dumps and dumping 96-8 Trustees 96-24;96-25 161-16;161-30;16142 Management 157-3; Emergencies,96-17 Unnavigable boats;hazards Snow and Ice Removal 157-5;157-6;157-8; Enforcing officer 96-30 to navigation 96-10 237-20 157-10;157-12 Equipment 96-14 Vehicles 96-9 SOIL REMOVAL 228-7 Floating Homes 96-26 Explosives 96-16 Violations and penalties STORMWATER Garbage,Rubbish and Fees 96-3 96-8;96-14;96-15; MANAGEMENT Refuse 2334 See Floating Homes 96-26\ 96-31;96-33 236-19 General Business(B) 96-29 Water 96-7;96-12;96-16 Street Excavations 237-13 District 28048 Fuel 96-16 Water-skiers 96-12 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Light Industrial(LI)District Garbage,rubbish and refuse Wetlands 96-8 240-10 280-62 96-8 BONDS TOURIST AND TRAILER Light Industrial Park/ Gas 96-17 Adoption of Code 14 CAMPS 253-5 Planned Office Park Gases 96-16 COASTAL EROSION WETLANDS AND (LIO)District 280-58 Hearing 96-32 HAZARD AREAS SHORELINE 275-2; Marine I(MI)District Hearings 96-31;96-32 111-15;111-27;111-28 275-11 280-52 Historic preservation 96-15 Design Standards 240-45 See Also YARD WASTE Marine II(MII)District Hunting 96-20 HIGHWAY ZONING 2804;280-93; 280-55 Improvements 96-8 SPECIFICATIONS 280-95 Parking at Beaches 189-2 Inspections 96-24 161-49 BUDGET PARKS AND Internal-combustion HOUSING FUND 34-4 Chief of Police A290-7 RECREATION engines;mufflers 96-17 Roadway Construction LITTERING 174-5 AREAS 193-1;193-3; Issuance of permits by 16146 POLICE DEPARTMENT 193-5 Board of Trustees 96-3 SEWERS AND SEWAGE 514 Plum Island Research Liability 96-10;96-25 DISPOSAL 215-8 YOUTH BOARD 684 District(PIR)280-183 Licenses and permits 96-3; Site Plan Approval BUFFERS Resort Residential(RR) 96-24 280-131;280-137 COASTAL EROSION District 280-35 Liens 96-10;96-25 SOIL REMOVAL 228-9 HAZARD AREAS Shellfish 219-8;219-9; Lighting 96-14 Southold Community 111-12 219-10 Markers 96-23 Preservation Fund Light Industrial(LI)District SHELLFISH AND OTHER Mooring 96-3;96-7;96-22; 17-5;17-6 280-62;280-64 MARINE 96-24;96-25 STORMWATER Light Industrial Park/ RESOURCES 219-4; Mooring and anchoring MANAGEMENT Planned Office Park 219-12 96-22 236-5;236-20 (LIO)District 280-58; Site Plan Approval 280-137 Mooring permits 96-24 Street Excavations 237-9; 280-60 STORMWATER Mooring without a permit 237-18 Plum Island Conservation MANAGEMENT 96-25 SUBDIVISION OF LAND District(PIC)280-187 236-5 Motor vehicles 96-24 240-3;240-7;240-20; Plum Island Research WETLANDS AND Mufflers 96-17 240-23;240-25; District(PIR)280-183 - SHORELINE 275-2; Noise 96-17 240-30;240-31; Preservation of Natural 275-11 Notice of violation 96-31 240-32;240-33; Features 240-49 Wireless Communication Notices 96-10;96-13; 240-34;240-35; See Also SCREENS AND Facilities 280-69 96-25;96-31;96-32; 240-36;240-37 SCREENING ZONING 280-4;280-78; 96-33 WETLANDS AND Site Plan Approval 280-110;280-119 Notices of violations 96-31; SHORELINE 275-9 280-131;280-137 BOATS,DOCKS AND 96-32 BONFIRES STORMWATER WHARVES Obstruction and Use of See BURNING MANAGEMENT Administration and Town Waters 96-1\96-3 See FIRES 236-18 Enforcement 96-30\ Operation of boats near See OPEN BURNING SUBDIVISION OF LAND 96-33 beaches and bathers BOWLING ALLEYS 240-3;240-17;240-21; Anchoring 96-2;96-3; 96-11 General Business(B) 240-42;240-43 96-7;96-11;96-12; Operators 96-15 District 280-48 WATERFRONT 96-14;96-22;96-23 Parades 96-16 ZONING 280-4 CONSISTENCY Anchoring in Mattituck Permit required 96-1 BRIDGES REVIEW 268-3 Creek 96-23 Police officers 96-15 FLOOD DAMAGE WETLANDS AND Aquatic events 96-18 Prohibited discharges 96-8 PREVENTION 148-3; SHORELINE 275-2; Bathing 96-7;96-I1;96-12; See Public Docks 96-4\96-5 148-23 275-4;275-5;275-11 96-16;96-19;96-20; Ramps 96-9 Notification of Defects Wireless Communication 96-21 Records 96-10;96-25 237-1 Facilities 280-70; Bathing and swimming Registration 96-24 Parking at Beaches 189-2 280-72 96-19 Regulation of personal Stop and Yield Intersections ZONING 280-4;280-92; Board of Trustees 96-1; watercraft and specialty 260-6 280-94;280-95; 96-2;96-3;96-23; prop-craft 96-16 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 280-96;280-118 96-25;96-31;96-32 Restricted areas at end of 240-17 BUFFERYARDS Boats 96-6\96-25 Town highways 96-2 VEHICLES AND Agricultural-Conservation Boats and Boating 96-2; Safety standards 96-14; TRAFFIC 260-8 (A-C)District and 96-3;96-6;96-7;96-9; 96-15 WETLANDS AND Low-Density 96-10;96-11;96-12; Sales 96-10;96-25 SHORELINE 275-11 Residential R-80, 96-13;96-14;96-15; Sanitary regulations 96-8 BRUSH,GRASS AND R-120,R-200 and 96-17;96-18;96-20; Scuba diving 96-20 WEEDS R-400 Districts 280-13 96-22;96-23;96-24; Short title;applicability BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Special Exception Uses 96-25 96-6 PROPERTY 280-143 Certificates of registration Signs 96-23 MAINTENANCE BUILDING 96-10 Spearfishing 96-21 100-4 CONSTRUCTION Charges 96-10;96-25 Special permits 96-18 BURNING,OUTDOOR See Also CONSTRUCTION Compliance required; Speed limits 96-13 104-1;104-2 penalties for offenses Speed limits;manner of Garbage,Rubbish and 96-33 operation 96-13 Refuse 233-1;233-4 Construction 96-8 Storage 96-10;96-25 IDX:6 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX BUILDING CONSTRUCTION... FIRE PREVENTION AND BUILDING PERMITS Apartments 100-4 Village Trustees 100-5 BUILDING CODE Affordable Housing(AHD) Assessments 100-6;100-10 Violations and penalties ADMINISTRATION District 280-31 Barricades 100-9 100-6;100-7;100-10; 144-5;144-15 Agricultural Planned Blight 100-3;100-4 100-I1 Site Plan Approval 280-128 Development District Brush,grass and weeds Water 100-4 BUILDING INSPECTOR 280-180 100-4 Wells 100-4 - Affordable Housing(AHD) BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Building Inspector 100-5; When effective 100-13 District 280-31 PROPERTY 100-6;100-7;100-9; Yards 100-3;100-4 Agricultural-Conservation MAINTENANCE 100-10 Zoning districts 100-4 (A-C)District and 100-4 Building permits 100-4 BURNING Low-Density COASTAL EROSION Certificates of occupancy Adoption of Code 1-2 Residential R-80, HAZARD AREAS 100-4 Adoption of Renumbered R-120,R-200 and 111-6 Cesspools 100-4 2006 Code 1-14 R-400 Districts 280-13 See Also CONSTRUCTION Combustibles 100-3 BURNING,OUTDOOR Board of Appeals 280-146 PERMITS Condominiums 100-4 - 104-1;104-2 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Districts 280-8;280-9; Contents of notice 100-7 FIRE PREVENTION AND PROPERTY 280-10 Costs and expenses 100-7; BUILDING CODE MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL 100-9;100-10 ADMINISTRATION 100-5;100-6;100-7; INSPECTIONS 126-3 County Clerk 100-8 144-6;144-8;144-19; 100-9;100-10 Ethics Board 26-21 Definitions 100-3 144-21 See Also CODE FIRE PREVENTION AND Demolition 100-4;100-9; See Also FIRES ENFORCEMENT BUILDING CODE 100-10 JUNKYARDS 166-3;166-7 OFFICER ADMINISTRATION Dumpsters 100-3;100-4 See Also OPEN BURNING Districts 280-6;280-8 144-3;144-5;144-6; Easements 100-3 STORMWATER ELECTRICAL 144-8;144-9;144-11; Emergencies 100-4;100-5; MANAGEMENT INSPECTIONS 126-3 144-12;144-13; 100-9 236-5 FILMING 139-8 144-15;144-16; Emergency measures to WETLANDS AND FIRE PREVENTION AND 144-17;144-19;144-25 vacate 100-9 SHORELINE 275-2 BUILDING CODE Garbage,Rubbish and Emergency vehicles 100-2 BURNING,OPEN ADMINISTRATION Refuse 233-6 Fences 100-4 See FIRES 144-3;144-5;144-6; LANDMARK Filing a copy of notice See OPEN BURNING 144-7;144-8;144-9; PRESERVATION 100-8 BURNING,OUTDOOR 144-10;144-12; 170-5;170-6 Fire Department 100-5 Board of Commissioners 144-13;144-14; See Also LICENSES AND Garbage,rubbish and refuse 104-1 144-15;144-16; PERMITS 100-3;100-4 Brush,grass and weeds 144-17;144-18; LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Glass 100-3 104-1;104-2 144-19;144-21; 172-8 Graffiti 100-4 Burning 104-1;104-2 144-23;144-24;144-25 RENTAL PERMITS 207-2 Health hazards 100-2 Exclusions 104-4 FLOOD DAMAGE Residential Office(RO) Hearings 100-7 Fire Department 104-2 PREVENTION 148-4; District280-38 Hedges 1004 Fires 104-1;104-2;104-3 148-11 SANITARY FLOW Height regulations 100-4 See Also FIRES See Also INSPECTIONS CREDITS, Hot tubs 100-4 Garbage,rubbish and refuse Light Industrial(LI)District TRANSFER OF Inspection and report 100-5 104-1 280-62 117-10 Inspections 100-5;100-9 Grass fires;permits 104-2 Light Industrial Park/ SEWERS AND SEWAGE Landscaping 100-4 Issuance of fire permits; Planned Office Park DISPOSAL 215-7 Lawns 100-4 agreement with Fire (LIO)District 280-58 Site Plan Approval Liability 100-11 District 104-1 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 280-127;280-130; Licenses and permits 100-3 Licenses and permits 172-8 280-134 Liens 100-10 104-1;104-2 PUBLIC Small Wind Energy Systems Litter 100-3 Penalties for offenses 104-5 ENTERTAINMENT 277-3;277-6 Notices 100-6;100-7; Sidewalks 104-1 AND SPECIAL Special Exception Uses 100-8;100-9;100-I1 Supervision of fires 104-3 EVENTS 205-2 280-140 Nuisances 100-2 Town Board 104-1 RENTAL PERMITS 207-2 See Also SPECIAL Obstructions 100-2 Violations and penalties SANITARY FLOW PERMITS Open space 100-3 104-1;104-5 CREDITS, STORMWATER Paper 100-3 BUS STOPS TRANSFER OF 117-9 MANAGEMENT Penalties for offenses VEHICLES AND Signs 280-81;280-85; 236-10;236-11 100-11 TRAFFIC 260-21; 280-88 Street Numbering 237-25; Ponds 100-4 260-28 Site Plan Approval 237-26 Property maintenance BUSINESS DISTRICTS 280-127;280-130; SUBDIVISION OF LAND 100-1;100-4 Districts 280-5 280-131 240-10;240-25 Purpose 100-2 General Business(B) Small Wind Energy Systems Wireless Communication Records 100-3;100-8 District 280-48 277-7 Facilities 280-70; Reports 100-5 Light Industrial Park/ SOIL REMOVAL 228-4 280-71;280-74 Residential districts 1004 Planned Office Park STORMWATER ZONING 2804;280-105; Safety standards 100-2; (LIO)District 280-58 MANAGEMENT 280-114;280-121; 100-3;100-4 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 236-5;236-11;236-33; 280-124;280-125; Service of notice 100-6 172-5 236-34;236-35 280-151;280-152; Setbacks 100-4 Signs 280-85 Street Numbering 237-28 280-153 Severability 100-12 Site Plan Approval 280-137 WATERFRONT BUILDINGS, Sidewalks 100-4 ZONING 280-78;280-93; CONSISTENCY DEMOLITION OF Site plan approval 1004 280-94 REVIEW 268-6 See DEMOLITION OF Spas 1004 BUSINESS LICENSES WETLANDS AND BUILDINGS Standards 1004 See LICENSES AND SHORELINE 275-11 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE Storage 100-3 PERMITS Wireless Communication See UNSAFE BUILDINGS Swimming pools 100-4 Facilities 280-70; See UNSAFE Title 100-1 - C - 280-74;280-76 STRUCTURES Town Attorney 100-8; ZONING 2804;280-92; BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; 100-11 CABLE TELEVISION 280-105;280-109; PROPERTY Town Board 100-7 Removal of Utility Poles 280-151;280-152; MAINTENANCE Trees 100-4 237-31 280-153;280-154; Abandonment 100-3;100-4 Unsafe buildings 100-1; CAMPING _ 280-155;280-208 Accessory buildings and 1004;100-5 FLOOD DAMAGE structures 100-4 Vehicles 100-3;1004; PREVENTION 148-4 Animals 100-3 100-5 IDX:7 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE CAMPING... Recreational Vehicle Parks Residential R-80, Site Plan Approval 280-130 Members of the Department 253-20 R-120,R-200 and STORMWATER A290-33 ZONING 2804 R400 Districts 280-15 MANAGEMENT PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS CAMPS LANDMARK 236-11;236-34 AND TRANSIENT Agricultural-Conservation PRESERVATION Street Numbering 237-25 RETAIL (A-C)District and 170-4;170-6;170-7; Targeted Business MERCHANTS 197-11 Low-Density 170-9;170-10;170-12; Investment Exemption See Also POLICE CHIEF Residential R-80, 170-14 245-7 Police Department 51-1; R-120,R-200 and Site Plan Approval 280-131 ZONING 280-4;280-112; A290-7 R-400 Districts 280-13 CERTIFICATES OF 280-151;280-154; POLICE DEPARTMENT C General Business(B) APPROVAL 280-207;280-208 RULES AND District 280-48 SUBDIVISION OF LAND CERTIFICATES OF REGULATIONS Light Industrial Park/ 240-21 REGISTRATION A290-2;A290-3; Planned Office Park CERTIFICATES OF BOATS,DOCKS AND A2904;A290-6\ (LIO)District 280-58 COMPLIANCE WHARVES 96-10 A290-7;A290-8; Low-Density Residential Agricultural-Conservation Fishers Island Harbor A290-9;A290-12; R-40 District 280-17 (A-C)District and Management 157-12 A290-13;A290-15; Resort Residential(RR) Low-Density See Also REGISTRATION A290-16;A290-17; District 280-35 Residential R-80, CESSPOOLS A290-18;A290-19; TOURIST AND TRAILER R-120,R-200 and BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; A290-22;A290-27; CAMPS 253-1;253-2; R400 Districts 280-13 PROPERTY A290-30;A290-36; 253-3;253-5;253-6; ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE A290-41;A29043; 253-7;253-8;253-10; INSPECTIONS 126-3 100-4 A290-44;A29046 253-11;253-12; FIRE PREVENTION AND SEWERS AND SEWAGE PUBLIC 253-13;253-14; BUILDING CODE DISPOSAL 215-3; ENTERTAINMENT 253-15;253-16 ADMINISTRATION 215-5 AND SPECIAL ZONING 2804;280-78; 144-3;144-5;144-15; SOIL REMOVAL 228-4 EVENTS 205-2 280-115 144-19;144-20;144-25 Water Quality Improvement Records A290-7 CANNABIS FLOOD DAMAGE 1743 Reports A290-7 CANNABIS 106-1;106-2; PREVENTION 148-14 WETLANDS AND Security standards A290-7 106-3 Illicit Discharges 236-28 SHORELINE 275-3 Specific duties A290-7 Cannabis Retail Dispensary WETLANDS AND CHARGES Town Board A290-7 and On-Site SHORELINE 275-10; Adoption of Code 1-4 Town Clerk A290-7 Consumption Site Opt- 275-13 Adoption of Renumbered VEHICLES,MOTOR- Out 106-1\106-3 ZONING 280-4 2006 Code 1-14 DRIVEN 264-8; Legislative intent 106-1 CERTIFICATES OF ALARM SYSTEMS 75-6; 264-17;264-19 Licenses and permits 106-2 INSURANCE 75-8 CHILD-CARE CENTERS Local opt-out 106-3 FILMING 139-3;139-11 BOATS,DOCKS AND TOBACCO Statutory authority 106-2 See Also INSURANCE WHARVES 96-10; ADVERTISING 249-2 Town Board 106-2;106-3 Special Events Requiring 96-25 CHIMNEYS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT Chairperson of the See Also COSTS AND FIRE PREVENTION AND PROJECTS Zoning Board of EXPENSES BUILDING CODE See IMPROVEMENTS Appeals'Approval Emergency Removal of ADMINISTRATION CARBON MONOXIDE 205-4 Vehicles 260-24 144-6;144-8;144-21 FIRE PREVENTION AND Special Events Requiring Farmland Bill of Rights FLOOD DAMAGE - BUILDING CODE Town Board Approval 280-101 PREVENTION 148-18 ADMINISTRATION 205-7 See Also FEES ZONING 280-4;280-104 144-15 WETLANDS AND' Fishers Island Harbor CHRISTMAS TREES CARBON MONOXIDE SHORELINE 275-3.1 Management 157-8; AGRICULTURAL USES DETECTORS CERTIFICATES OF 157-12 724 RENTAL PERMITS 2074 OCCUPANCY Garbage,Rubbish and Farmland Bill of Rights CARNIVALS Affordable Housing(AHD) Refuse 233-3.1;233-7 280-98 PUBLIC District 280-31;280-33 LITTERING 174-5 ZONING 2804 ENTERTAINMENT Agricultural-Conservation NOISE,PREVENTION OF CHURCHES AND SPECIAL (A-C)District and 180-4 General Business(B) EVENTS 205-2 Low-Density Parking at Beaches 189-3 District 280-48 CATS Residential R-80, POLICE DEPARTMENT See Also PLACES OF See Also ANIMALS R-120,R-200 and 51-1;51-6 WORSHIP Limited Business(LB) R-400 Districts 280-13 POLICE DEPARTMENT Residential Office(RO) District 280-41 Board of Appeals 280-146 RULES AND District 280-38 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; REGULATIONS SEWERS AND SEWAGE and Domestic Pet PROPERTY A290-36 DISPOSAL 215-7 Waste 83-27 MAINTENANCE RENTAL PERMITS 207-5 Snow and Ice Removal ZONING 2804;280-78 100-4 SEWERS AND SEWAGE 237-20 CEASE AND DESIST Districts 280-10 DISPOSAL 215-7; Special Exception Uses ORDERS ELECTRICAL 215-15;215-16 280-143 COASTAL EROSION INSPECTIONS 126-3' Street Numbering 237-23 CIGARETTES HAZARD AREAS Ethics Board 26-21 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Illicit Discharges 236-28 111-25 FIRE PREVENTION AND 240-8 TOBACCO CEMETERIES BUILDING CODE TOURIST AND TRAILER ADVERTISING Agricultural-Conservation ADMINISTRATION CAMPS 253-2 249-1;249-2 (A-C)District and 144-3;144-5;144-15; VEHICLES,MOTOR- CIRCUSES Low-Density 144-16;144-17; DRIVEN 264-19 PUBLIC Residential R-80, 144-19;144-20;144-25 ZONING 280-4;280-115 ENTERTAINMENT R-120,R-200 and Preservation of Natural CHIEF OF POLICE AND SPECIAL R-400 Districts 280-13 Features 24049 Budget A290-7 EVENTS 205-2 STORMWATER RENTAL PERMITS 207-5; Chief of Police A290-6; CITATIONS MANAGEMENT 207-7 A290-7 FIRE PREVENTION AND 236-10 Residential Office(RO) FILMING 139-3;139-4; BUILDING CODE CERTIFICATES OF District 280-38 139-8;139-13 ADMINISTRATION APPROPRIATENESS SANITARY FLOW General duties A290-6 144-6;144-19 Agricultural-Conservation CREDITS, Inspections A290-7 CIVIL SERVICE (A-C)District and TRANSFER OF Investigations A290-7 COMMISSION Low-Density 117-13 Meetings A290-7 POLICE DEPARTMENT Signs 280-85 51-4 IDX:8 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX CLERK Groundwater 111-5;111-6 FIRE PREVENTION AND Town Board 13-1;13-2; See COUNTY CLERK Hearings 111-23;111-27; BUILDING CODE 13-3;13-4 CLUSTER 111-35 ADMINISTRATION Town Clerk 13-3 DEVELOPMENTS Height regulations 111-6 144-3;144-13;144-15; When effective 13-6 Design Standards 24045 Improvements 111-6 144-19;144-23 COMMUNICABLE Site Plan Approval 280-137 Inspections 111-29 FLOOD DAMAGE DISEASES SUBDIVISION OF LAND Interpretation 111-30 PREVENTION 148-4 Agricultural-Conservation 240-3;240-10;240-42; Issuance of permit 111-9 LANDMARK (A-C)District and 240-43;240-44 Licenses and permits PRESERVATION Low-Density COASTAL EROSION 111-27;111-29;111-31 170-12;170-13 Residential R-80, HAZARD AREAS Mining 111-6;111-11; RENTAL PERMITS 207-2; R-120,R-200 and Administration and 111-12;111-13;111-14 207-10 R-400 Districts 280-13 Enforcement 111-27\ Mobile homes 111-6 Small Wind Energy Systems See Also CONTAGIOUS 111-34 Motorvehicles 111-16 277-7 DISEASES Amendments I11-35\111-36 Natural resources 111-4; Street Numbering 237-28 POLICE DEPARTMENT Anchoring I I1-13 111-5;111-6;111-9; WATERFRONT RULES AND Appeal to Board of Review 111-15 CONSISTENCY REGULATIONS 111-25 Nearshore area I I I-11 REVIEW 268-6 A29045 Appeal to Supreme Court Notices 111-25;111-35 WETLANDS AND TOURIST AND TRAILER 111-26 Notices of violations 111-29 SHORELINE 275-12.1 CAMPS 253-14 Appeals 111-24;111-25; Obstructions I I I-11; ZONING 280-4;280-153 COMMUNITY 111-26 111-13 CODE OF CONDUCT PRESERVATION Assessments 111-10 Open space I11-13 See OFFICERS AND FUND ADVISORY Beach area 111-12 Pedestrians 111-6;111-16 EMPLOYEES BOARD Bluff area 111-14 Penalties for offenses CODE OF ETHICS Advisory Board 17-16 Board of Review 111-23; 111-34 Advisory Board 26-2 Community Preservation 111-24;111-25; Permit required for Compensation 26-2 Fund Advisory Board 111-26;111-29 regulated activities Costs and expenses 26-2 established;purpose; Board of Trustees 111-6 111-8 Definitions 26-2 membership 17-16 Boats and Boating 111-5 Police Department 111-6; Disclosure 26-1 COMMUNITY Bond 111-28 111-29 ETHICS 26-1\26-2 PRESERVATION Bonds 111-15;111-27; Pools 111-6 Legislative intent 26-1 FUND AND 111-28 Porches 111-6 Licenses and permits 26-2 COMMUNITY Buffers 111-12 Powers and duties 111-29 Officers and employees HOUSING FUND Building permits 111-6 Powers and duties of 26-1 17-16\17-18 Cease and desist orders Administrator 111-29 Volunteer fire fighters 26-2 Compensation 17-16 I11-25 Procedure 111-35 CODE OFFICIAL Membership 17-16 Certification 111-36 Purpose 111-4 See BUILDING Severability 17-17 Coastal Erosion Hazard Records 111-10;111-29 INSPECTOR Town Board 17-16 Board of Review Regulations 111-7\I11-16 COLD WAR VETERANS When effective 17-18 I11-24 Reports 111-27;111-29; Exemption for Cold War COMMUNITY Coastal erosion 111-35 Veterans 245-17; PRESERVATION management permit Severability 111-32 245-18 FUND AND 111-27 Sheds 111-6 COMBUSTIBLES COMMUNITY Conflicts 111-31 Structural hazard area BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; HOUSING FUND Conservation districts 111-6 111-10 PROPERTY See Community Construction 1114;111-5; Tests 111-6 MAINTENANCE Preservation Fund 111-6;111-10;111-11; Title 111-2 100-3 Advisory Board 17-16\ 111-13;111-14; Town Board 111-22; See Also EXPLOSION 17-18 111-15;111-23 I11-24;111-27;111-35 HAZARDS See Establishment of Costs and expenses 111-6; Town Clerk 111-25 See Also EXPLOSIVES Community Housing 111-20 Traffic control 111-16 FIRE PREVENTION AND Fund 17-47\17-53 Decks 111-6 Trustees 111-35 BUILDING CODE See Real Estate Transfer Definitions 111-6 Utilities 111-6 ADMINISTRATION Tax 17-19\1740 Docks 111-6 Variances 111-20;111-21; 144-19 See Southold Community Drainage 111-14 111-22;111-23; See Also FLAMMABLES Preservation Fund Dumps and dumping 111-6 111-24;111-27 JUNKYARDS 166-1;166-7 17-1\17-11 Dune area 111-13 Variances and Appeals LITTERING 174-1 See Southold Community See Emergency Activities 111-20\111-26 SOIL REMOVAL 228-7 Preservation Project 111-17\111-19 Variances from standards COMMERCIAL VEHICLES Plan 17-12\17-15 Enactment I I I-1 and restrictions 111-20 Garbage,Rubbish and See Water Quality Environmental quality Violations and penalties Refuse 233-1;2334 Improvement 17-41\ review 111-33 111-29;111-34 See Also VEHICLES 17-46 Environmental review Walls 111-6 VEHICLES AND COMPENSATION 111-33 Water 111-5;111-6;111-7; TRAFFIC 260-15 AGRICULTURAL Erosion protection 111-10;111-13; ZONING 280-78;280-110 ADVISORY structures I I1-15 111-14;111-29 COMMISSIONERS, COMMITTEE 71-3 Establishment 111-7 Water conservation 111-6 BOARD OF Code of Ethics 26-2 Excavations 111-6;111-10; Wetlands 111-6 See BOARD OF COMMITTEES, 111-11;111-12; When effective 111-3 COMMISSIONERS APPOINTMENT OF 111-13;111-14 Wildlife 111-6;111-12; COMMITTEES, 13-2 Expiration 111-23 111-13;111-14;111-15 APPOINTMENT OF Community Preservation Fees 111-22;111-27 CODE ENFORCEMENT Committee members 13-2 Fund Advisory Board Fences 111-6 CITATIONS Compensation 13-2 17-16 Findings I I 1-5 See CITATIONS Costs and expenses 13-4 Establishment of Format and procedure CODE ENFORCEMENT Duties 13-3 Community Housing I11-21 OFFICER Effect on statutory Fund 17-51 Garages 111-6 APPEARANCE TICKETS provisions 13-5 Ethics Board 26-21 Gas 111-10 5-2 Establishment of Exemption for Cold War General Provisions 111-1\ See Also BUILDING committees 13-1 Veterans 245-18 111-6 INSPECTOR Expenses 13-4 Exemption for War Grades and grading 111-6; Dogs 83-7 Meetings 13-3 Veterans and Gold Star I11-10;111-11; FILMING 139-8 Membership 13-2 Parents 245-16 111-12;111-13 Minutes 13-3 EXPENSES OF TOWN Grievances 111-26 OFFICERS 30-1 IDX:9 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE COMPENSATION... FIRE PREVENTION AND CONDITIONAL USES Agricultural-Conservation STORMWATER BUILDING CODE See NONCONFORMING (A-C)District and MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION USES Low-Density 236-2;236-3;236-4; 144-3;144-5 See PERMITTED USES Residential R-80, 236-5;236-7;236-9; Grievance Procedures 47-1 See SPECIAL EXCEPTION R-120,R-200 and 236-10;236-12; HOUSING FUND 34-6 USES R400 Districts 280-13 236-14;236-16; NOISE,PREVENTION OF CONDOMINIUMS BOATS,DOCKS AND 236-17;236-18; - 1804 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; WHARVES 96-8 236-19;236-20; POLICE DEPARTMENT PROPERTY See Also BUILDING 236-22;236-23;236-34 51-1;51-4;51-6 MAINTENANCE CONSTRUCTION Street Excavations 237-12; C POLICE DEPARTMENT 100-4 COASTAL EROSION 237-13;237-14 RULES AND Southold Community HAZARD AREAS Street Numbering 237-25; REGULATIONS Preservation Fund 17-4 111-4;111-5;111-6; 237-26 A29047 WETLANDS AND 111-10;111-11; SUBDIVISION OF LAND Real Estate Transfer Tax SHORELINE 275-2 111-13;111-14; 240-3;240-6;240-10; 17-35 ZONING 280-4 111-15;111-23 240-16;240-17; Rules of Conduct 26-5; CONFIDENTIALITY Districts 280-8 240-21;240-25; 26-12;26-16 POLICE DEPARTMENT Ducks 83-3 240-31;240-32; See Also SALARIES AND RULES AND Establishment of 240-35;240-36; COMPENSATION REGULATIONS Community Housing 240-37;240-39; Site Plan Approval 280-135 A290-14;A290-41 Fund 17-50;17-51 240-40;240-54;240-59 TOBACCO Real Estate Transfer Tax FIRE PREVENTION AND Targeted Business ADVERTISING 249-2 17-37 BUILDING CODE Investment Exemption TOURIST AND TRAILER RECORDS 59-2 ADMINISTRATION 245-7 CAMPS 253-1 Rules of Conduct 26-11 144-2;144-3;144-5; Water Quality Improvement TRANSPORTATION CONFLICTS OF INTEREST 144-6;144-7;144-8; 17-43 ACCESS Rules of Conduct 26-3; 144-11;144-13; WATERFRONT MANAGEMENT 64-4 26-5;26-7 144-15;144-18; CONSISTENCY Water Quality Improvement CONSERVATION BOARD 144-20;144-25;144-26 REVIEW 268-3 1746 SUBDIVISION OF LAND FLOOD DAMAGE WETLANDS AND WETLANDS AND 24042 PREVENTION 148-2; SHORELINE 275-2; SHORELINE 275-3.1 CONSERVATION 148-4;148-12;148-13; 275-3.1;275-5; YOUTH BOARD 68-5 DISTRICTS 148-14;148-15; 275-11;275-12.1; ZONING 280-4 Agricultural-Conservation 148-16;148-17; 275-16 COMPLAINTS (A-C)District and 148-18;148-19; Wireless Communication Dogs 83-8;83-9 Low-Density 148-20;148-24 Facilities 280-70; Ethics Board 26-23 Residential R-80, Garbage,Rubbish and 280-73;280-74;280-75 FIRE PREVENTION AND R-120,R-200 and Refuse 233-1;233-4 ZONING 280-4;280-105; BUILDING CODE R-400 Districts 280-15 General Business(B) 280-114;280-123; ADMINISTRATION COASTAL EROSION District 280-48 280-153;280-156; 144-5;144-20;144-24 HAZARD AREAS Hamlet Business(HB) 280-207;280-208 Garbage,Rubbish and 111-6 District 280-45 CONSTRUCTION CODES Refuse 233-8 Districts 280-5 HIGHWAY See BUILDING Members of the Department General Business(B) SPECIFICATIONS CONSTRUCTION A290-33 District 280-48 161-2;161-4;161-6; CONSTRUCTION CODES, POLICE DEPARTMENT Hamlet Business(HB) 161-7;161-9;161-14 UNIFORM RULES AND District 280-45 HOUSING FUND 34-5 See BUILDING REGULATIONS Hamlet Density(HD) Illicit Discharges 236-25; CONSTRUCTION A290-15;A290-36; Residential District 236-28;236-30 CONSTRUCTION A290-45 280-22 LANDMARK OFFICIAL Senior Citizen Exemption Limited Business(LB) PRESERVATION See BUILDING 245-4 District 280-41 170-6;170-7 INSPECTOR STORMWATER Low-Density Residential LIGHTING,OUTDOOR See CODE MANAGEMENT R-40 District 280-17; 172-4;172-6 ENFORCEMENT 236-24 280-19 NOISE,PREVENTION OF OFFICER TOURIST AND TRAILER Marine I(MI)District 180-4 CONSTRUCTION CAMPS 253-15 280-52 OPEN SPACE PERMITS WETLANDS AND Marine II(MII)District PRESERVATION See Also BUILDING SHORELINE 275-3.1 280-55 185-5 PERMITS Wireless Communication Plum Island Conservation Preservation of Natural FIRE PREVENTION AND Facilities 280-74 District(PIC)280-186; Features 240-51 BUILDING CODE ZONING 280-151 280-187;280-188 Residential Office(RO) ADMINISTRATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Preservation of Natural District 280-38 144-3 Affordable Housing(AHD) Features 240-51 Roadway Construction See Also LICENSES AND District 280-29 Residential Office(RO) 161-15;161-18; PERMITS FLOOD DAMAGE District 280-38 161-21;161-24; See Also SPECIAL PREVENTION 148-23 Resort Residential(RR) 161-25;161-37;161-38 PERMITS General Business(B) District 280-35 SANITARY FLOW CONSTRUCTION SIGNS District 280-48 SEWERS AND SEWAGE CREDITS, See SIGNS Hamlet Business(HB) DISPOSAL 215-2 TRANSFER OF CONSTRUCTION District 280-45 STORMWATER 117-10;117-13 STANDARDS Historic Preservation MANAGEMENT SEWERS AND SEWAGE See BUILDING District(HPD)280-195 236-5;236-17 DISPOSAL 215-2; CONSTRUCTION See Also MASTER PLAN Water Quality Improvement 215-3;215-4;215-9; CONTAGIOUS DISEASES Recreational Floating Zone 1741;17-43 215-18 See Also District(RFZ)280-201 CONSERVATION Signs 280-81;280-85 COMMUNICABLE SOIL REMOVAL 228-6 EASEMENTS Site Plan Approval DISEASES SUBDIVISION OF LAND See EASEMENTS 280-128;280-133; PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS 240-3;2404;240-10; CONSTRUCTION 280-137;280-138 AND TRANSIENT 240-11;240-19; Affordable Housing(AHD) Small Wind Energy Systems RETAIL 240-42;240-43;240-53 District 280-25;280-29 277-4 MERCHANTS 197-6 COMPTROLLER AGRICULTURAL LANDS SOIL REMOVAL 228-4; CONVALESCENT HOMES LOCAL LAWS, PRESERVATION 70-5 228-7 See Also NURSING ADOPTION OF 38-5 Special Exception Uses HOMES RECORDS 59-2 280-140.280-141 ZONING 280-4.280-79 IDX:10 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX CONVENIENCE STORES Light Industrial(LI)District SANITARY FLOW FIRE PREVENTION AND General Business(B) 280-62 CREDITS, BUILDING CODE District 28048 Light Industrial Park/ TRANSFER OF ADMINISTRATION Hamlet Business(HB) Planned Office Park 117-11 144-8 District 280-45 (LIO)District 280-58 STORMWATER FLOOD DAMAGE ZONING 280-4;280-78 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR MANAGEMENT PREVENTION 148-18 CORRUGATED 172-4 236-9;236-11 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR CARDBOARD LITTERING 174-5 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 172-2 Garbage,Rubbish and OPEN SPACE 240-3;240-21;240-25; Site Plan Approval 280-137 Refuse 233-1;233-3.1 PRESERVATION 240-30;240-34; STORMWATER COSTS AND EXPENSES 185-5 240-35;240-44; MANAGEMENT Adoption of Renumbered Parking at Beaches 189-7 240-52;240-57 236-10 2006 Code 1-14 POLICE DEPARTMENT ZONING 280-4 WETLANDS AND Affordable Housing(AHD) 51-1 COURT CLERK SHORELINE 275-2; District 280-24;280-30 Real Estate Transfer Tax Members of the Department 275-5 AGRICULTURAL LANDS 17-35 A290-33 ZONING 280-4;280-104 PRESERVATION 70-5 RECORDS 59-9 CROSSWALKS DEER Agricultural Planned Roadway Construction See Also PEDESTRIAN AGRICULTURAL USES Development District 161-21;161-26;161-40 WALKWAYS 72-4 280-177 SANITARY FLOW Pedestrians 260-27 FIRE PREVENTION AND ANIMALS 83-23 CREDITS, See Also STREETS AND BUILDING CODE Board of Appeals 280-146 TRANSFER OF 117-9 SIDEWALKS ADMINISTRATION BOATS,DOCKS AND Senior Citizen Exemption SUBDIVISION OF LAND 144-8 WHARVES 96-10; 245-1 240-3 HUNTING 163-3 96-25 SEWERS AND SEWAGE VEHICLES AND Stop and Yield Intersections BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; DISPOSAL 215-3; TRAFFIC 260-18 260-4;260-6 PROPERTY 215-4;215-7;215-8; CULTURAL HISTORIC WETLANDS AND MAINTENANCE 215-9;215-12;215-18 PRESERVATION SHORELINE 275-5 100-7;100-9;100-10 Shellfish 219-6 See HISTORIC ZONING 280-4;280-105 See Also CHARGES Signs 280-88;280-90 PRESERVATION DEER HUNTING COASTAL EROSION Site Plan Approval CULVERTS HUNTING 163-3 HAZARD AREAS 280-131;280-137 Notification of Defects DEFECATION 111-6;111-20 Small Wind Energy Systems 237-1 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding Code of Ethics 26-2 277-6 Site Plan Approval 280-133 and Domestic Pet COMMITTEES, SOIL REMOVAL 228-9 STORMWATER Waste 83-28 APPOINTMENT OF Special Events Requiring MANAGEMENT DEFENSE AND 13-4 Chairperson of the 236-5 INDEMNIFICATION DOMESTIC Zoning Board of SUBDIVISION OF LAND Adoption of Renumbered PARTNERSHIPS Appeals'Approval 240-10;240-17 2006 Code 1-14 121-5 205-5 CURBS Adoption of statutory ELECTRICAL Special Events Requiring Design Standards 240-45 provisions 21-1 INSPECTIONS 126-2 Town Board Approval HIGHWAY DEFENSE AND Emergency Removal of 205-7 SPECIFICATIONS INDEMNIFICATION Vehicles 260-24 STORMWATER 161-4 21-2 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Marine II(MII)District Ethics Board 26-21 QUALITY REVIEW 236-8;236-9;236-18; 280-55 Liability 21-2 130-9 236-20;236-34;236-35 POLICE DEPARTMENT See Also LIABILITY Establishment of Street Excavations 237-7; RULES AND Officers and employees Community Housing 237-9;237-14;237-16 REGULATIONS 21-1 Fund 17-50 SUBDIVISION OF LAND A290-37;A290-38 Town Board 21-1 ETHICS 26-17;26-26 240-8;240-10;240-20; Roadway Construction Town to provide defense for Ethics Board 26-21 240-23;240-32; 161-34;161-38; employees 21-2 EXPENSES OF TOWN 240-34;240-37;240-44 161-41;161-45;161-46 DEFINITIONS AND OFFICERS 30-1 Targeted Business Site Plan Approval ABBREVIATIONS See Also FEES Investment Exemption 280-131;280-133; 303(d)LIST 236-5 FILMING 139-4;139-5; 245-7 280-137 ACCESS 280-4 139-14 TRANSPORTATION STORMWATER ACCESS PATH 275-2 FIRE PREVENTION AND ACCESS MANAGEMENT ACCESSORY BUILDING CODE MANAGEMENT 64-2 236-5 APARTMENT 280-4 ADMINISTRATION VEHICLES,MOTOR- Street Excavations 237-6; ACCESSORY BUILDING 144-3;144-8;144-15; DRIVEN 264-19 237-13 OR STRUCTURE 144-19;144-20 Water Quality Improvement SUBDIVISION OF LAND 2804 Fishers Island Harbor 17-44 240-17;240-21 ACCESSORY Management 157-8; WETLANDS AND VEHICLES AND STRUCTURE 275-2; 157-12 SHORELINE 275-7; TRAFFIC 260-1; 148-4 FLOOD DAMAGE 275-11 260-22;260-28 ACCESSORY USE 280-4 PREVENTION 148-3; Wireless Communication ZONING 280-4;280-78; ACQUISITION 185-3 148-4;148-12;148-13; Facilities 280-74; 280-92 ACTIONS 268-3 148-15;148-23;148-24 280-76 CURFEW ACTIVE DUTY 245-17 General Business(B) ZONING 280-4;280-92 See MINORS ADAPTIVE REUSE 170-3 District 280-48 COUNTY CLERK ADDITION 280-4 Hamlet Business(HB) Agricultural Planned - D — ADMINISTRATIVE District 28045 Development District PERMIT 275-2 HIGHWAY 280-175 DANCE HALLS ADMINISTRATOR 111-6 SPECIFICATIONS Board of Appeals 280-146 General Business(B) ADVISORY BOARD 17-4 161-6;161-49 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; District 280-48 AESTHETICS 275-2 HOUSING FUND 34-3; PROPERTY ZONING 280-4 AGENCY 268-3 34-5;34-6 MAINTENANCE DAY-CARE FACILITIES AGRICULTURAL Illicit Discharges 236-28; 100-8 Historic Preservation DEBRIS 233-1 236-31 Historic Preservation District(HPD)280-193 AGRICULTURAL LANDS JUNKYARDS 166-6 District(HPD)280-196 DECKS 70-3 LANDMARK Real Estate Transfer Tax COASTAL EROSION AGRICULTURAL PRESERVATION 17-20 HAZARD AREAS PROCESSING 280-4 170-14 111-6 IDX:11 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS... AGRICULTURAL AUTOMOBILE TRAILER CHANNEL 236-5 COMMISSIONER 177-1 PROCESSING or HOUSE CAR 253-1 CHANNEL SYSTEM COMMITTEE 70-3;71-2; BUILDING 2804 BANK 275-2 96-7;2194 185-3 AGRICULTURAL BASE FLOOD 1484 CHARITABLE EVENT COMMON DRIVEWAY PRODUCTION 70-3; BASE STATION 1804 240-3 72-4;236-5;280-4 EQUIPMENT 280-69 CHILD CARE 280-4 COMMON OPEN SPACE AGRICULTURAL BASEMENT 148-4;280-4 CHILD-CARE CENTER 280-4 PRODUCTION BAY 275-2 249-2 COMMUNICABLE BUILDING 280-4 BEACH 111-6;275-2 CHLORINE DEMAND DISEASE A29045 AGRICULTURAL USES BED-AND-BREAKFAST 215-2 COMMUNITY CENTER 72-4 2804 CHURNING 2194 280-4 AGRICULTURAL BENCHMARKING CIGARETTE 249-2 COMMUNITY FACILITY ZONING DISTRICTS INFORMATION 177-1 CLEAN FILL 236-5 280-191 D 71-2 BERM 280-4 CLEAN WATER ACT COMMUNITY HOUSING AGRICULTURE 236-5; BEST MANAGEMENT 236-5 17-4 275-2;240-3;280-4 PRACTICES(BMPs) CLEARING 236-5;275-2; COMMUNITY AGRICULTURE AND 236-5 240-3 PRESERVATION 174 MARKETS LAW BILLBOARD 2804 CLERK 275-2 COMMUNITY 83-18 BLOCK 2804 CLERK OF THE PRESERVATION AGRICULTURE BLUFF 111-6;275-2 PLANNING BOARD PROJECT PLAN 174 RESERVE AREA BLUFF LINE 275-2 240-3 COMPLAINANT A290-36 240-3 BLUFF,TOE OF 275-2 CLUB,BEACH 280-4 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AIRBORNE SOUND 180-4 BLUFF,TOP OF 275-2 CLUB,MEMBERSHIP OR 240-3 ALARM INSTALLATION BOARD 17-4;275-2 COUNTRY OR GOLF CONDITION 75-2 BOARD OF APPEALS 280-4 ASSESSMENT 144-20 ALIENATION 70-3;185-3 2804 CLUB,YACHT 2804 CONDOMINIUM 2804 ALTER HYDROLOGY BOARD OR CLUSTER 240-3;280-4 CONSERVATION 275-2; FROM PRE-TO DEPARTMENT OF CO-LOCATION 280-69 240-3 POST- PUBLIC HEALTH COASTAL A ZONE 148-4 CONSERVATION DEVELOPMENT 253-1 COASTAL AREA 268-3 AREAS,PRIMARY CONDITIONS 236-5 BOARDING-AND COASTAL ASSESSMENT 240-3 ALTERATION 170-3; TOURIST HOUSES FORM(CAF)268-3 CONSERVATION 280-4 280-4 COASTAL AREAS, AMPLIFIED SOUND BOAT(VESSEL)96-7 CONSTRUCTION SECONDARY 240-3 180-4 BOAT/VESSEL 219-4; 275-2 CONSERVATION ANCHOR 96-7 275-2 COASTAL EASEMENT 240-3 ANTENNA 280-69 BOD(denoting CONTRACTOR 275-2 CONSERVATION ANTENNA SUPPORT "biochemical oxygen COASTAL EROSION SUBDIVISION 240-3 STRUCTURE 280-69 demand")215-2 HAZARD AREA MAP CONSIDERATION 17-20 APARTMENT 280-4 BODY FLUIDS A290-45 111-6 CONSISTENT 268-3 APARTMENT HOUSE BONA FIDE COASTAL EROSION CONSTRUCTION 236-5 280-4 AQUACULTURE/ HAZARD LINE 275-2 CONSTRUCTION APPEAL 1484 MARICULTURE COASTAL HIGH- ACTIVITY 236-5 APPEAR and APPEAR FARM OPERATION HAZARD AREA CONSTRUCTION AND BEFORE 26-2 280-4 1484 DEMOLITION(C& APPLICANT 236-5;275-2; BONA FIDE FARM COASTAL WATERS D)DEBRIS 233-1; 240-3;2804 OPERATION 2804 111-6 275-2 APPLICATION 275-2 BOWRIDING 96-7 COASTLINE 111-6 CONSTRUCTION APPLICATION FOR BREAKAWAY WALL COD(denoting chemical DEVICE 1804 DEVELOPMENT 1484 oxygen demand)215-2 CONSULTANT 26-2 2804 BREEZEWAY 280-4 CODE ENFORCEMENT CONSUMER PRICE AQUACULTURE 2194; BUFFER 2804 OFFICER 144-3 INDEX 280-25 275-2;2804 BUFFER AREA 275-2; CODE ENFORCEMENT CONTAINMENT 219-4 AQUATIC HABITAT 240-3 OFFICIAL 207-2 CONTINUING CARE RESTORATION BUILDABLE AREA 280-4 CODE ENFORCEMENT FACILITY 280-4 PROJECT 17-43 BUILDABLE LAND 280-4 PERSONNEL 144-3 CONTRACT 26-2 ARCADE,AMUSEMENT BUILDABLE LANDS COLD WAR VETERAN CONTROLLING 280-4 240-3 245-17 INTEREST 17-20 ARCHIVES 59-13 BUILDING 236-5;148-4; COMBINED SEWER CONVENIENCE STORE AREA LIGHT 172-2 280-4 236-5 280-4 AREA OF SHALLOW BUILDING AREA 280-4 COMMENCE CONVEYANCE 17-20; FLOODING 148-4 BUILDING ENERGY (COMMENCEMENT 280-25 AREA OF SPECIAL BENCHMARKING OF)CONSTRUCTION COOPERATIVE 280-4 FLOOD HAZARD 177-1 ACTIVITIES 236-5 CORRUGATED 148-4 BUILDING INSPECTOR COMMERCIAL CARDBOARD 233-1 ARMED FORCES 245-17 236-5 AGRICULTURE 275-2 COURT,DEPTH OF ARTISAN MARKET BUILDING LINE 280-4 COMMERCIAL DOCK OUTER 280-4 280-191 BUILDING PERMIT 144-3 275-2 COURT,INNER 280-4 ARTIST STUDIO/ BULKHEAD 275-2;280-4 COMMERCIAL COURT,OUTER 280-4 WORKSHOP 280-191 CABANA/POOL HOUSE LANDSCAPER 180-4 COURT,WIDTH OF AS-BUILT PLANS 275-2 2804 COMMERCIAL OUTER 2804 ASSEMBLY AREA 144-3 CAMP COTTAGE 253-1 LANDSCAPING 180-4 COVERED MUNICIPAL ASSET 280-25 CAMPSITE 253-20 COMMERCIAL BUILDING 177-1 ASTM 215-2 CANOPY 144-3 PURPOSES 219-4 CRAWL SPACE 148-4 ATTENDANT 233-1 CANS 233-1 COMMERCIAL SELF- CREEKS 275-2 ATTIC 280-4 CATWALK 275-2 HAULERS 233-1 CRITICAL AUTHORIZED PRIVATE CELLAR 148-4;280-4 COMMERCIAL SERVICE ENVIRONMENTAL RECEPTACLE 174-1 CENTRAL ALARM EQUIPMENT 180-4 AREAS 275-2 AUTO 166-2 STATION 75-2 COMMERCIAL SOLAR CROPS,LIVESTOCK AUTO REPAIR SHOP CERTIFICATE OF ENERGY AND LIVESTOCK 280-4 COMPLIANCE 144-3; PRODUCTION PRODUCTS 280-98 AUTOMOBILE SALES 280-4 SYSTEM 280-4 CROSSWALK 240-3 LOT OR BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF COMMERCIAL CUL-DE-SAC 280-4 2804 OCCUPANCY 144-3; VEHICLES 233-1 CUL-DE-SAC(COURT) 280-4 COMMISSION 64-3 240-3 IDX:12 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS... CULLING 2194 EMPLOYEE 47-1 FIRE SAFETY AND GIFT and FINANCIAL CULTURAL FEATURES ENERGY 177-1 PROPERTY BENEFIT 26-2 240-3 ENERGY CODE 144-3 MAINTENANCE GLARE 172-2 CURB CUT 280-4 ENERGY INSPECTION 144-3 GLASS 233-1 CURB LEVEL 2804 PERFORMANCE FIRST-TIME GOLD STAR PARENT CURBLINE 260-1 SCORE 177-1 HOMEBUYER 17-4 245-15 CUSTOM WORKSHOP ENERGY USE FISH PROCESSING 280-4 GOLF COURSE, 280-4 INTENSITY(EUI) FIXED DOCK 275-2 STANDARD CUSTOMER or CLIENT 177-1 FIXED GEAR 219-4 REGULATION 280-4 26-2 ENGINEER 240-3 FIXTURE 172-2 GOVERNMENT LIAISON DAYS 47-1 ENLARGEMENT 280-4 FLAT,LOW SLOPE OR OFFICER 280-25 dB(A)180-4 ENVIRONMENT 268-3 MANSARD ROOF GRADING 111-6;236-5; DEBRIS LINE 111-6 EQUIPMENT SHELTER 280-4 240-3 DEC 215-2 280-69 FLEA MARKET 280-4 GRANTEE 17-20 DECIBEL("dB")180-4 EROSION 111-6;236-5 FLOAT 275-2 GRANTOR 17-20 DECK 275-2;280-4 EROSION CONTROL FLOATING DOCK 275-2 GREENHOUSE 280-4 DECKING 275-2 275-2 FLOATING HOME 96-27 GRIEVANCE 47-1 DEDICATION 236-5; EROSION CONTROL FLOATING HOME GROCERY STORE 280-4 280-4 MANUAL 236-5 MARINA 96-27 GROIN 275-2 DEMOLITION 170-3; EROSION HAZARD FLOOD BOUNDARY GROSS FLOOR AREA 280-4 AREA 111-6 AND FLOODWAY 177-1;280-4 DEPARTMENT 47-1; EROSION PROTECTION MAP(FBFM)148-4 GROUND FLOOR 280-4 177-1;236-5;A290-46 STRUCTURE 111-6 FLOOD ELEVATION GUEST 219-4 DESIGN MANUAL 236-5 EROSION, STUDY 148-4 GUEST UNIT 280-4 DESIGN PROFESSIONAL SEDIMENTATION FLOOD HAZARD AREA GUYED ANTENNA 236-5 AND STORMWATER 280-4 SUPPORT DETERIORATION 144-20 RUNOFF CONTROL FLOOD HAZARD STRUCTURE 280-69 DEVELOPER 236-5 PLAN 236-5 BOUNDARY MAP HABITABLE FLOOR DEVELOPMENT 236-5; ESSENTIAL LIGHTING (FHBM)148-4 AREA 280-4 148-4 172-2 FLOOD INSURANCE HABITAT 275-2 DEVELOPMENT RIGHT EXCAVATION 236-5 RATE MAP(FIRM) HABITAT 70-3;185-3 EXCESSIVE LIGHTING 148-4 FRAGMENTATION DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS 172-2 FLOOD INSURANCE 275-2 280-171 EXISTING STUDY 148-4 HANDBILL 174-1 DIAL ALARM 75-2 MANUFACTURED FLOOD OR FLOODING HARVESTING 275-2 DIRECT ACTIONS 268-3 HOME PARK OR 148-4 HAZARDOUS DIRECT ALARM 75-2 SUBDIVISION 148-4 FLOODPLAIN 280-4 MATERIALS 236-5 DIRECT DISCHARGE(TO EXISTING RESOURCE FLOODPLAIN OR HAZARDOUS A SPECIFIC AND SITE FLOOD-PRONE PRODUCTION SURFACE WATER ANALYSIS PLAN AREA 148-4;240-3 MATERIALS 144-3 BODY)236-5 (ERSAP)240-3 FLOODPROOFING 148-4 HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD DISCHARGE 236-5 EXISTING STRUCTURE FLOODWAY 148-4 280-25 DISTRICT 215-2 111-6 FLOOR AREA 280-4 HEALTH CARE DOCK 275-2 EXPANSION TO AN FLOOR AREA RATIO FACILITY 2804 DOCK LENGTH 275-2 EXISTING 2804 HEALTH CLUB 280-4 DOMESTIC LIVESTOCK MANUFACTURED FLOOR AREA,GROSS HEIGHT 280-69 83-27 HOME PARK OR (GFA)280-4 HEIGHT OF ACCESSORY DOMESTIC PET SUBDIVISION 148-4 FLOOR AREA,LIVABLE BUILDING 2804 (ANIMAL)83-27 EXTERIOR LIGHTING 2804 HEIGHT OF BUILDING DOUBLE POLE 237-31 172-2 FOOD CATERING 2804 DRAIN LAYER or EXTERIOR PROPERTY FACILITY 2804 HIGHEST ADJACENT LICENSED DRAIN 100-3 FOOD PROCESSING GRADE 1484 LAYER 215-2 FACADE 170-3 FACILITY 2804 HIGHWAY 237-5 DRAINAGE RIGHT-OF- FALL ZONE 280-69 FOOTCANDLE(FC)172-2 HISTORIC 170-3 WAY 240-3 FALSE EMERGENCY FRATERNAL HISTORIC BUILDING DRAINAGE SYSTEMS ALARM 75-2 ORGANIZATION 280-4 236-5 FAMILY 280-4 280-4 HISTORIC DUMPSTER 100-3 FAMILY MEMBER 280-4 FRONT or FRONTAGE SIGNIFICANCE 64-3 DUNE 111-6;275-2 FAMILY OFFENSE 237-23 HISTORIC STRUCTURE DWELLING 207-2;249-2 A290-36 FRONTAGE 280-4 1484 DWELLING UNIT 207-2; FAMILY/HOUSEHOLD FULL CUTOFF(FCO) HISTORICAL SOCIETY 280-4 A290-36 172-2 2804 DWELLING,MULTIPLE FARM 2804 FULLY SHIELDED 172-2 HOLIDAY LIGHTING 2804 FARM BUILDINGS 2804 FUNCTIONAL 275-2 172-2 DWELLING,MULTIPLE- FARM OPERATION 2804 FUNCTIONAL HOLIDAYS 180-4;260-1 FAMILY 207-2 FARM STAND 724;2804 BULKHEAD 275-2 HOME BUSINESS DWELLING,ONE- FARMHOUSE 280-4 FUNCTIONAL JETTY/ OFFICE 280-4 FAMILY 207-2;280-4 FCNYS 144-3 GROIN 275-2 HOME OCCUPATION DWELLING,ROW OR FEDERAL EMERGENCY FUNCTIONALLY 280-4 ATTACHED 280-4 MANAGEMENT DEPENDENT USE HOME PROFESSIONAL DWELLING, AGENCY 148-4 148-4 OFFICE 2804 SEMIDETACHED FEED or FEEDING 83-27 FUND 17-4;17-20;34-3 HOMEOWNER'S LIGHT 280-4 FENCE 280-4 GABION 275-2 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING,TWO- FILLING 236-5 GAMBLING 280-4 OUTDOOR FAMILY 207-2;280-4 FINAL PLAT 240-3 GARAGE,PRIVATE 280-4 EQUIPMENT 180-4 EASEMENT 240-3;280-4 FINAL PLAT APPROVAL GARAGE,PUBLIC 280-4 HOMEOWNERS'OR EEL 219-4 240-3 GARAGE,REPAIR 280-4 HOMES ELEVATED BUILDING FINAL STABILIZATION GARBAGE 100-3;174-1 ASSOCIATION 148-4 236-5 GARDEN CENTER 275-2;280-4 ELIGIBLE INDIVIDUAL FIRE DEPARTMENTS 280-191 HORTICULTURE 275-2 17-4 75-2 GAS-POWERED LEAF HOTEL OR MOTEL, ELIGIBLE PROJECT FIRE OR POLICE ALARM BLOWER 180-4 RESORT 280-4 117-3 DEVICE 75-2 GASOLINE SERVICE HOTEL OR MOTEL, EMERGENCY ALARM STATION 280-4 TRANSIENT 280-4 75-2 HOUSEHOLD 280-25 IDX:13 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS... HOUSING 34-3 LIFE CARE MOBILE FOOD NONSTORMWATER IDENTIFICATION TAG COMMUNITY 280-4 PREPARATION DISCHARGE 236-5 83-18 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL VEHICLES 144-3 NONTURF BUFFER 275-2 IESNA 172-2 USES 280-4 MOBILE HOME 148-4 NORMAL IESNA RECOMMENDED LIGHT INDUSTRY 280-4 MODERATE-INCOME MAINTENANCE PRACTICES 172-2 LIGHT POLLUTION 172-2 FAMILY 280-25 111-6 ILLEGAL DUMPING LIGHT SOURCE 172-2 MODERATE-INCOME NPDES 215-2 233-1 LIGHT TRESPASS 172-2 FAMILY DWELLING NUISANCE WILDLIFE ILLICIT CONNECTIONS LIGHTING 172-2 UNIT 280-25 268-3 236-5 LIMIT OF MODERATE MODERATE-INCOME NURSERY SCHOOL 280-4 ILLICIT DISCHARGE WAVE ACTION FAMILY OCCUPANT 100-3 236-5 (LiMWA)148-4 UNIMPROVED LOT OFF DUTY A290-46 ILLUMINANCE 172-2 LITTER 100-3;174-1 280-25 OFF-PREMISES SIGN D IMMEDIATE FAMILY LIVABLE FLOOR AREA MODIFICATION 280-69 280-4 207-2 111-6 MONOPOLE 280-69 OFF-STREET PARKING IMMEDIATE FAMILY LIVING AREA 2804 MONOPOLIZE 96-4;275-2 SPACE 280-4 MEMBER 26-2 LOADING BERTH 2804 MOORING 275-2 OFFICER A29046 IMMEDIATE PROJECT LOCAL MOTEL,RESORT 280-4 OFFICIAL MAP 240-3 AREA 275-2 ADMINISTRATOR MOTEL,TRANSIENT OFFICIAL TIME IMMEDIATE 148-4 280-4 STANDARD 260-1 SUPERVISOR 47-1 LOCAL WATERFRONT MOUNT 280-69 ON DUTY A290-46 IMPACTED TAX ROLL REVITALIZATION MOUNTING HEIGHT ON-FARM DIRECT 245-20 PROGRAM or LWRP 172-2 MARKETING IMPERVIOUS SURFACE 268-3 MOVABLE STRUCTURE BUILDING 280-4 236-5;275-2;280-4 LOT 240-3;280-4 111-6 ON-FARM OPERATION IMPROVED VALUE LOT AREA 280-4 MUNICIPAL PERMIT DIRECT 245-20 LOT COVERAGE 280-4 236-5 MARKETING 2804 INCOME ELIGIBLE LOT DEPTH 280-4 MUNICIPAL SEPARATE ONE-HUNDRED-YEAR INDIVIDUALS/ LOT LINE 280-4 STORM SEWER FLOOD 1484 FAMILIES 34-3 LOT LINE SYSTEM(MS4)236-5 ONE-HUNDRED-YEAR INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE MODIFICATION NATIONAL GEODETIC FLOODPLAIN 236-5 TREATMENT 240-3 VERTICAL DATUM OPEN DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM 236-5 LOT LINE,FRONT 280-4 (NGVD)1484 AREA 240-3 INDOOR DOG AND CAT LOT LINE,REAR 280-4 NATURAL BUFFER 240-3 OPEN SPACE 280-4 CARE FACILITY LOT LINE,SIDE 2804 NATURAL DRAINAGE OPEN SPACE or OPEN 2804 LOT WIDTH 280-4 236-5 AREA 185-3 INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY LOT,CORNER 280-4 NATURAL FEATURES, OPERATING PERMIT 236-5 LOT,INTERIOR 280-4 RESOURCES OR 144-3 INDUSTRIAL LOT,REAR OR FLAG SYSTEMS 240-3 OPERATIONS 275-2 STORMWATER 280-4 NATURAL OUTLET 215-2 ORDER OF PROTECTION PERMIT 236-5 LOT,THROUGH 280-4 NATURAL PROTECTIVE A290-36 INFILTRATION 236-5 LOW-PROFILE JETTY FEATURE 111-6; ORDER TO REMEDY INSPECTOR 144-3 275-2 236-5;268-3 144-3 INTEREST IN REAL LOW-SILL BULKHEAD NATURAL PROTECTIVE ORDINARY AND USUAL PROPERTY 17-20 275-2 FEATURE AREA MAINTENANCE - INTRUSION75-2 LOWER-AND 111-6 275-2 JETTY 275-2 MODERATE-COST NATURAL VEGETATED ORDINARY JUNKED VEHICLE 100-3 HOUSING 280-4 BUFFER 268-3 MAINTENANCE JUNKYARD 280-4 LOWEST FLOOR 148-4 NATURAL 280-69 JURISDICTIONAL LUMEN 172-2 WATERCOURSE ORIGINAL STRUCTURE WETLAND 236-5 LUMINAIRE 172-2 236-5 275-2 LAMP 172-2 MAIN FLOOR 280-4 NATURAL WATERSHED OUTDOOR PAVILLION LAND 100-3 MAINTENANCE 236-5 280-4 LAND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 236-5 NEARSHORE AREA OUTDOOR ACTIVITY 236-5 MAINTENANCE 111-6 RECREATIONAL LAND-BASED DREDGING 275-2 NET WORTH 280-25 FACILITIES 280-4 AQUACULTURE MAJOR ADDITION 111-6 NEW CONSTRUCTION OUTDOOR STORAGE 219-4;280-4 MAN-MADE POND 275-2 148-4 280-4 LANDMARK MANUFACTURED HOME NEW MANUFACTURED OUTSIDE EMPLOYER DESIGNATION 280-4 148-4 HOME PARK OR OR BUSINESS 26-2 LANDOWNER 236-5 MANUFACTURED HOME SUBDIVISION 148-4 OWNER 83-18;100-3; LANDSCAPE LIGHTING PARK OR NEW YORK SCENIC 207-2;237-23;2804 172-2 SUBDIVISION 1484 BYWAY(NORTH OWNER OF RECORD LANDSCAPED BUFFER MANUFACTURING 280-4 FORK TRAIL)268-3 83-18 268-3 MAP 237-23 NEWSPAPER 174-1;233-1 PARK 174-1;249-2 LANDSCAPING 1804; MARICULTURE 2194; NOISE POLLUTION 180-4 PARK AND 2804 280-4 NONCONFORMING RECREATION FEE LANDWARD 275-2 MARINA 96-27;275-2 BUILDING OR 240-3 LARGER COMMON MARINA or BOAT BASIN STRUCTURE 280-4 PARK DEDICATION PLAN OF 280-4 NONCONFORMING LOT 240-3 DEVELOPMENT OR MARINE RESOURCES 280-4 PARKING CAPACITY SALE 236-5 219-4 NONCONFORMING USE 205-2 LATEST CLASS RATIO MASTER PLAN 280-4 280-4 PARKING GARAGE 245-17 MATERIAL 275-2 NONDISTURBANCE 144-20 LATEST STATE MEAN HIGH WATER BUFFER 275-2 PARKING LOT 2804 EQUALIZATION (MHW)275-2;2804 NONESSENTIAL PARTIAL SELF-SERVICE RATE 245-17 MEAN LOW WATER EXTERIOR GASOLINE SERVICE LATTICE ANTENNA 111-6 LIGHTING 172-2 STATION 280-4 SUPPORT MEAN LOW WATER NONFERTILIZER 275-2 PARTIALLY SHIELDED STRUCTURE 280-69 (NEW)275-2 NONPOINT SOURCE 172-2 LAWS and ORDINANCES MEAN SEA LEVEL 148-4 POLLUTION 236-5 PATENT LANDS 219-4; A290-46 MEMBER A290-46 NONRECYCLABLE 275-2 LICENSING AUTHORITY MINOR ACTIONS 268-3 WASTE 233-1 PATIO 280-4 75-2 NONRESIDENT 2194 PEAK LUNAR TIDES 275-2 IDX:14 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS... PEDDLER 197-2 PROBABLE CAUSE RECYCLABLE,OTHER SEASONAL STRUCTURE PERFORMANCE BOND A290-36 233-1 275-2 240-3 PROCESSED REFUSE 174-1;233-1 SECONDARY DUNE PERFORMANCE AGRICULTURAL REFUSE HAULER/ 111-6 GUARANTY 2804 PRODUCT 724;280-4 CARTER 233-1 SEDIMENT CONTROL PERIOD OF WAR 245-15 PROFESSIONAL A290-46 REGIONAL WATER 236-5 PERMANENT FIXED PROFESSIONAL QUALITY SEDIMENTATION 236-5 IMPROVEMENT ENGINEER 144-20 IMPROVEMENT SENDING DISTRICT 280-25 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE PLAN 17-43 117-3 PERMANENT MOORING 280-4 REGULATED ACTIVITY SENDING PARCEL 117-3 96-7 PROJECT 236-5 111-6 SENSITIVE AREAS 236-5 PERMANENT RESIDENT PROPERTY 245-20 REGULATION SEPTIC TANK 2804 219-4 PUBLIC PARKING LOT EQUIPMENT A290-46 SEQRA 240-3 PERMIT HOLDER 144-3 260-1 REGULATORY SERVICE CONNECTED PERSON 17-20;26-2; PUBLIC PLACE 174-1 FLOODWAY 148-4 245-17 83-18;83-27;964; PUBLIC PROPERTY 264-3 RELATIVE 26-2 SERVICING 59-13 96-27;100-3;111-6; PUBLIC WAREHOUSING RELIEF ACT 245-20 SETBACK 275-2;2804 144-3;166-2;174-1; 280-4 REMOVAL 170-3 SEWAGE 215-2 180-4;197-2;233-1; PUBLIC WATER:PUBLIC RENT 207-2 SEWAGE TREATMENT 237-5;249-2;275-2; SEWER 2804 RENTAL DWELLING PLANT 215-2 215-2;280-4 PUBLICLY OWNED UNIT 207-2 SEWAGE WORKS 215-2 PERSONAL PROPERTY 83-27 RENTAL OCCUPANCY SEWER or DRAIN 215-2 WATERCRAFT 96-7 QUALIFIED INSPECTOR 207-2 SHEATHING 275-2 PERVIOUS NONTURF 236-5 RENTAL OCCUPANCY SHELLFISH 219-4 BUFFER 268-3 QUALIFIED OWNER PERMIT 207-2 SHOPPING CENTER PERVIOUS SURFACE 245-17 RENTAL PERMIT 280-4 280-4 236-5 QUALIFIED REPAIR 144-3 SHORELINE pH 215-2 PROFESSIONAL RESEARCH STRUCTURE 275-2 PHASING 236-5 236-5 LABORATORY 280-4 SIGN 280-4 PIER 275-2 QUALIFIED RESIDENT 83-18 SIGN AREA 280-4 PIER LINE 275-2 RESIDENTIAL REAL RESIDENTIAL 275-2 SIGNIFICANT FISH AND PLANNING BOARD 280-4 PROPERTY 245-17 RESIDENTIAL CLUSTER WILDLIFE HABITAT PLANNING BOARD or RADIO FREQUENCY 2804 111-6;268-3 BOARD 240-3 (RF)EMISSIONS OR RESIDENTIAL DOCK SILT BOOM 275-2 PLASTICS 233-1 RADIATION 280-69 275-2 SITE PLAN 2804 PLAT 280-4 RADIO FREQUENCY RESIDENTIAL SITE PREPARATION PLATFORM 275-2 (RF)PROFESSIONAL HORTICULTURE 236-5 PMCNYS 144-3 280-69 275-2 SKY PLANE OF LOT POLICE RADIO FREQUENCY RESIDENTIAL SELF- 280-4 HEADQUARTERS (RF)SIGNAL 280-69 HAULERS 233-1 SKYGLOW 172-2 75-2 RCNYS 144-3 RESOURCE BUFFER SLOPING ROOF 280-4 POLITICAL ACTIVITIES REAL PROPERTY 17-20 AREA 275-2 SLUGS 215-2 26-2 RECEDING EDGE 111-6 RESPONSIBLE PARTY SMALL BUSINESS POLITICAL PARTY RECEIVING DISTRICT 236-5 OFFICE 280-191 COMMITTEE 26-2 117-3 RESPONSIBLE SMALL WIND ENERGY POLLUTANT 236-5 RECEIVING PARCEL PROFESSIONAL SYSTEM 277-1;2804 POLLUTANT OF 117-3 ENGINEER 144-20 SNACK BAR 280-4 CONCERN 236-5 RECESSION RATE 111-6 RESTAURANT 280-4 SOLAR POWER FAST POLLUTION RECHARGE 236-5 RESTAURANT, TRACK PROGRAM PREVENTION RECORDING OFFICER FORMULA FOOD 144-3 PROJECT 17-43 17-20 280-4 SOLICITOR and/or POND 275-2 RECORDS 59-13 RESTAURANT,TAKE- CANVASSER 197-2 PORTFOLIO MANAGER RECORDS CENTER 59-13 OUT 2804 SOUND 275-2 177-1 RECORDS DISPOSITION RESTORATION 111-6 SOUND-LEVEL METER PREEXISTING 59-13 RESUBDIVISION 240-3 180-4 NONPERMITTED RECORDS RETAIL SALES AREA SPAWNER SANCTUARY AND/OR MANAGEMENT 72-4 275-2 NONCONFORMING 59-13 RETAIL STORE 280-4 SPDES GENERAL STRUCTURES 275-2 RECREATION FACILITY, RETAINING WALL PERMIT FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT COMMERCIAL 2804 275-2;2804 STORMWATER 240-3 RECREATION FACILITY, REVETMENT 275-2 DISCHARGES FROM PREMISES 100-3;236-5 MAJOR 280-4 RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES MUNICIPAL PRESERVATION 240-3 RECREATION FACILITY, 280-4 SEPARATE PRIMARY DUNE 111-6 MINOR 280-4 RIPRAP 275-2 STORMWATER PRIMARY FRONTAL RECREATION,ACTIVE ROADSIDE FARM SEWER SYSTEMS DUNE 148-4 240-3 STAND or GP-0-10-002 236-5 PRIMARY RESIDENCE RECREATION,PASSIVE AGRICULTURAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS 280-25 240-3 STAND 280-4 236-5 PRIMARY RESIDENTIAL RECREATIONAL AREAS ROADSIDE STAND 280-4 SPECIAL EVENT 205-2 PROPERTY 17-4 193-1 RUBBISH 100-3;174-1 SPECIAL EVENT PRINCIPAL BUILDING RECREATIONAL RULES 130-2 COMMITTEE 205-2 111-6;280-4 FACILITIES 280-4 RUN AT LARGE 83-18 SPECIAL EXCEPTION PRINCIPAL USE 280-4 RECREATIONAL RURAL SIGNIFICANCE USE 280-4 PRINCIPALLY ABOVE VEHICLE 253-20; 64-3 SPECIAL PROJECTS GROUND 148-4 148-4;280-4 SALVAGE CENTER 211-1 COORDINATOR PRIORITY WATER BODY RECREATIONAL SAND DUNES 148-4 280-25 268-3 VEHICLE PARK SANITARY FLOW SPECIALTY PROP- PRIVATE PREMISES 253-20 CREDITS 117-3 CRAFT 96-7 174-1 RECREATIONAL SANITARY FLOW RIGHT SPLIT-RAIL FENCE 275-2 PRIVATE VEHICLE SITE 117-3 STABILIZATION 236-5 WAREHOUSING 253-20 SCAP NET 219-4 STANDARD 280-4 RECYCLABLE WOOD SCENIC SIGNIFICANCE INSTALLATION PROACTIVE 233-1 64-3 144-3 RESTORATION 275-2 RECYCLABLE, SCHOOL 249-2 STANDARD MANDATED 233-1 SUBDIVISION 240-3 IDX:15 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS... START OF SUPERSTORM SANDY UNIFORMITY RATIO("U YOUTH 68-2 CONSTRUCTION 245-20 RATIO")172-2 YOUTH SERVICE 1484 SUPERVISOR OF A UNIT 253-1 PROJECT 68-2 STATE POLLUTANT TOWN OFFICER OR UNLICENSED MOTOR- ZONE 280-4 DISCHARGE EMPLOYEE 26-2 DRIVEN VEHICLE ZONING BOARD 280-4 ELIMINATION SUPERVISORY OFFICER 264-3 ZONING MAP 2804 SYSTEM(SPDES) A29046 UNREGULATED DEMOLITION 236-5 SURFACE WATERS OF ACTIVITY I11-6 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; STATE POLLUTANT THE STATE OF NEW UNSAFE CONDITION PROPERTY DISCHARGE YORK 236-5 144-20 MAINTENANCE ELIMINATION SUSPENDED SOLIDS UNSAFE STRUCTURE 100-4;100-9;100-10 SYSTEM(SPDES) 215-2 144-20 FIRE PREVENTION AND GENERAL PERMIT SWIM PLATFORM 275-2 UNSHIELDED FIXTURE BUILDING CODE D FOR SWIMMING POOL 280-4 172-2 ADMINISTRATION CONSTRUCTION TAKING 2194 USABLE OPEN SPACE 144-3;144-8 ACTIVITIES TAXPAYER 2194 2804 Garbage,Rubbish and GP-0-10-001 236-5 TELECOMMUNICATION USE 280-4 Refuse 233-1;233-4 STOP-WORK ORDER TOWER 2804 USE,ACCESSORY 2804 Historic Preservation 144-3;236-5 TEMPORARY UTILITY 177-1;237-31 District(HPD)280-190 STORMWATER 236-5 ANCHORING 96-7 VARIANCE 148-4 LANDMARK STORMWATER TEMPORARY VEGETATED PRESERVATION COLLECTING CERTIFICATE OF WETLANDS 275-2 170-2;170-3;170-4; SYSTEM 17-43 OCCUPANCY 144-3 VEGETATION 111-6 170-5;170-6;170-7; STORMWATER TEMPORARY VEHICLE 193-1 170-9;170-10 HOTSPOT 236-5 STABILIZATION VEHICLES 174-1 Roadway Construction STORMWATER 236-5 VESSEL PUMPOUT 161-21 MANAGEMENT TENT 144-3 STATION 17-43 Special Exception Uses 236-5 TIDAL WATERS 275-2 VETERAN 245-15 280-140 STORMWATER TOBACCO 249-2 VIOLATION 148-4 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT TOBACCO PRODUCT WALER 275-2 MANAGEMENT CONTROL PLAN ADVERTISEMENT WASTEWATER 236-5 236-5;236-19 236-5 249-2 WASTEWATER WETLANDS AND STORMWATER TOE 111-6 TREATMENT SHORELINE 275-2; MANAGEMENT TOPSOIL 236-5 IMPROVEMENT 2754;275-11 FACILITY 236-5 TOTAL ASSESSED PROJECT 1743 ZONING 2804 STORMWATER VALUE 245-20 WATER QUALITY DEMOLITION DEBRIS MANAGEMENT TOTAL MAXIMUM IMPROVEMENT Garbage,Rubbish and OFFICER(SMO) DAILY LOAD PROJECT 1743 Refuse 233-1 236-5 (TMDL)236-5 WATER QUALITY DEMOLITION OF STORMWATER TOURIST CAMP 253-1; STANDARD 236-5 BUILDINGS MANAGEMENT 2804 WATER-DEPENDENT FIRE PREVENTION AND PRACTICES(SMPs) TOURIST COTTAGE USES 275-2 BUILDING CODE 236-5 280-4 WATERCOURSE 236-5; ADMINISTRATION STORMWATER TOWER HEIGHT 277-1 215-2 144-5 POLLUTION TOWN 17-20;34-3;83-18; WATERFOWL 83-27 DEPARTMENT OF - PREVENTION PLAN 130-2;144-3;174-1; WATERWAY 236-5 HEALTH (SWPPP)236-5 237-5;275-2 WATERWAYS 83-27 See BOARD OF HEALTH STORMWATER RUNOFF TOWN AGENCY 130-2 WEATHER DEPARTMENT OF PARKS 236-5 TOWN BOARD 237-5; NORMALIZED SITE AND RECREATION STORY 280-4 A29046;280-4 EUI 177-1 See PARKS AND STREET 237-23;280-4 TOWN GARBAGE BAG WETLAND BOUNDARY RECREATION STREET LINE 2804 233-1 OR BOUNDARIES OF DEPARTMENT OF STREET OR RIGHT-OF- TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WETLAND 275-2 PLANNING WAY WIDTH 240-3 75-2 WETLANDS See PLANNING BOARD STREET,ARTERIAL TOWN OFFICER OR (FRESHWATER) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC 240-3 EMPLOYEE 26-2 275-2 WORKS STREET,COLLECTOR TOWN SUPERVISOR WETLANDS(TIDAL) MUNICIPAL BUILDING 240-3 17-20 275-2 ENERGY STREET,LOCAL 240-3 TOWN WATERS 96-27; WHARF 275-2 BENCHMARKING STRIPPING 236-5 219-4;275-2 WIDTH OF CREEK 275-2 177-1 STRUCTURAL TOWNHOUSE 280-4 WILDLIFE PROTECTIVE PARKS AND ALTERATION 2804 TRAIL 240-3 STRUCTURES 111-6 RECREATION STRUCTURAL TRAILER OR MOBILE WIRELESS CARRIER AREAS 193-1 COMPONENTS 275-2 HOME 280-4 280-69 DESIGN STANDARDS STRUCTURAL HAZARD TRAINED CONTRACTOR WIRELESS Bicycles 24045 AREA 111-6 236-5 COMMUNICATION Blocks 24045 STRUCTURE 70-3;111-6; TRANSFER OF FACILITY 2804 Board of Trustees 240-45 185-3;236-5;275-2; SANITARY FLOW WIRELESS Bonds 24045 148-4;280-4 CREDITS 117-3 COMMUNICATIONS Cluster developments SUBDIVISION 240-3 TRANSFER STATION, 280-4 240-45 SUBORDINATE OF A PRIVATE 233-1 WIRELESS Curbs 240-45 TOWN OFFICER OR TRANSFER STATION, COMMUNICATIONS Driveways 240-45 EMPLOYEE 26-2 TOWN 233-1 FACILITY 280-69 Final plats 240-45 SUBSTANTIAL DAMAGE TRANSIENT RENTAL WIRELESS SERVICES Fire hydrants 240-48 148-4 AMENITY 280-4 280-69 FLOOD DAMAGE SUBSTANTIAL TRANSIENT RENTAL YARD 280-4 PREVENTION IMPROVEMENT PROPERTY 2804 YARD LINE 2804 148-14;148-18 148-4 TRANSIENT RETAIL YARD,FRONT 280-4 Grades and grading 240-45 SUBTIDAL 275-2 BUSINESS 197-2 YARD,PRIMARY FRONT Improvements 24045 SUGARHOUSE 144-3 TREASURER(COUNTY 280-4 Lighting 240-46 SUPERINTENDENT TREASURER)17-20 YARD,REAR 280-4 Lots 240-45 193-1;237-5;215-2 TROPICAL HARDWOOD YARD,SECONDARY Lots;streets;common SUPERIOR OFFICER 275-2 FRONT 280-4 driveways;flag lot _ A290-46 TRUSTEES 275-2 YARD,SIDE 2804 design 24045 UNIFORM CODE 144-3 YIELD 240-3 Off-street parking 24045 IDX:16 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX DESIGN STANDARDS... Open space 24045 Code of Ethics 26-1 Adoption of Renumbered Seizure of dogs at large See Also PERFORMANCE ETHICS 26-17;26-18; 2006 Code 1-14 83-11 STANDARDS 26-19;26-20 BOATS,DOCKS AND Severability 83-14 Planning Board 240-45 Ethics Board 26-21;26-22; WHARVES 96-1; Summons;arrest warrant Plumbing 24047 26-24;26-25 96-3;96-12;96-14; 83-9 Records 24045 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 96-22 Summonses 83-9 Safety standards 240-45; ENERGY COASTAL EROSION Town Attorney 83-9 240-46 BENCHMARKING HAZARD AREAS Town Board 83-12 Setbacks 240-45 177-4 111-6 Town Clerk 83-12 Sidewalks 240-45 RECORDS 59-2 Fishers Island Harbor Violations and penalties STORMWATER WETLANDS AND Management 157-5; 83-13 MANAGEMENT SHORELINE 275-6 157-6;157-7 Warrants 83-9 236-9 DISCRIMINATION Floating Homes 96-27; Waterfowl and Gull Feeding Streetlighting 240-46 Grievance Procedures 47-2 96-28 and Domestic Pet SUBDIVISION OF LAND DISEASE CONTROL Light Industrial(LI)District Waste 83-27 240-36;240-45\240-48 TOBACCO 280-62 When effective 83-15 Wastewater treatment ADVERTISING 249-1 Light Industrial Park/ ZONING 2804;280-78 systems 240-47 DISORDERLY CONDUCT Planned Office Park DOMESTIC Water 240-48 ALARM SYSTEMS 75-8 (LIO)District 280-58 PARTNERSHIPS Water supply 240-48 See Also NOISE Marine I(MI)District Adoption of Renumbered Water supply systems POLICE DEPARTMENT 280-52 2006 Code 1-14 24048 RULES AND Marine II(MII)District Costs and expenses 121-5 Wireless Communication REGULATIONS 280-55 DOMESTIC Facilities 280-70; A290-9;A290-15; Parking at Beaches 189-4 PARTNERSHIPS 280-72 A290-36 Public Docks 96-4;96-5 121-1;121-2;121-3; Yards 240-45 SEWERS AND SEWAGE SHELLFISH AND OTHER 121-4;121-5 Zoning Board of Appeals DISPOSAL 215-6 MARINE Fees 121-3;121-5 24045 DISORDERLY PERSONS RESOURCES 2194 Filing of statements;fees Zoning districts 24045 ALARM SYSTEMS 75-8 STORMWATER 121-5 DEVELOPMENT FEES DISTRICT ATTORNEY MANAGEMENT Purpose and objectives See FEES Ethics Board 26-22 236-5 121-2 DINING FACILITIES DISTRICTS WETLANDS AND Records 1214 See RESTAURANTS Affordable housing 280-5 SHORELINE 275-2; Requirements 121-3 DIRECT SELLERS Board of Appeals 280-9 275-3;275-4;275-5; Statement of domestic See SALES Building Inspector 280-6; 275-7;275-11 partnership 121-4 DIRT 280-8 ZONING 280-4;280-78; Title 121-1 See Also EXCAVATIONS Building permits 280-8; 280-111;280-116 Town Board 121-5 See Also FILL 280-9;280-10 DOG RUNS Town Clerk 1214;121-5 HIGHWAY Business districts 280-5 PARKS AND Violations and penalties SPECIFICATIONS Certificates of occupancy RECREATION 121-4;121-5 161-9 280-10 AREAS 193-3.1 DRAINAGE NOISE,PREVENTION OF Conservation districts 280-5 DOG WASTE COASTAL EROSION 1804 Construction 280-8 See FECAL MATTER HAZARD AREAS PARKS AND District boundaries 280-7 See PET WASTE 111-14 RECREATION District designations 280-5 DOGS FLOOD DAMAGE AREAS 193-2 Effect of establishment of Adoption of Renumbered PREVENTION PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS districts 280-8 2006 Code 1-14 148-12;148-15; AND TRANSIENT Hearings 280-11 ANIMALS 83-6\83-15; 148-16;148-17;148-19 RETAIL Industrial districts 280-5 83-17;83-18;83-19; HIGHWAY MERCHANTS 197-10 Insurance 280-10 83-20;83-21;83-22; SPECIFICATIONS SEWERS AND SEWAGE Landscaping 280-7 83-23;83-24;83-26 161-2;161-3;161-4; DISPOSAL 215-3 Lot recognition 280-9 APPEARANCE TICKETS 161-8;161-9;161-13 Snow and Ice Removal Lots 280-9;280-10;280-11 5-2 JUNKYARDS 166-4 237-20 Merger 280-10 Arrest warrants 83-9 Preservation of Natural See Also SOIL REMOVAL Nonconforming lots 280-10 Code Enforcement Officer Features 240-51 STORMWATER Office districts 280-5 83-7 Recreational Vehicle Parks MANAGEMENT One-family dwellings Complaints 83-8;83-9 253-22 236-5 280-10 Confinement;redemption; Roadway Construction See Also TOPSOIL Open space 280-8 disposition 83-12 161-18;161-25; REMOVAL Parks and recreation 280-7 Dogs 83-6;83-7;83-8; 161-27;161-28; DISABILITY Planning Board 280-9 83-9;83-10;83-11; 161-29;161-30; Exemption for Cold War Prohibited uses 280-8 83-12 161-31;161-32; Veterans 245-17; Records 280-7;280-9 Enforcement 83-7 161-36;161-45 245-18 Residential districts 280-5 Fees 83-12 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Exemption for Disabled Screens and screening 280-7 Filing of complaints 83-8 DISPOSAL 215-2; Persons With Limited Town Board 280-9 Impoundment 83-11;83-12 215-4;215-5 Income 245-10 Variances 280-10 Limited Business(LB) Site Plan Approval Exemption for War Waiver of merger 280-11 District 28041 280-127;280-129; Veterans and Gold Star Waivers 280-11 PARKS AND 280-133 Parents 245-16 Water 280-7;280-8 RECREATION SOIL REMOVAL 228-2; LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Yards 280-7;280-8 AREAS 193-3.1 228-4;228-7 172-2 ZONING 280-5\280-11 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS STORMWATER POLICE DEPARTMENT Zoning Board of Appeals AND TRANSIENT MANAGEMENT RULES AND 280-I1 RETAIL 236-4;236-5;236-6; REGULATIONS Zoning Map 280-6 MERCHANTS 197-5; 236-13;236-16; A290-3 Zoning Maps 280-6;280-7 197-10 236-17;236-18;236-24 DISABLED PERSONS DISTURBING THE PEACE Penalties for offenses 83-13 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Adoption of Renumbered See Also NOISE Police officers 83-7 240-3;240-4;240-9; 2006 Code 1-14 NOISE,PREVENTION OF Prohibited activities 83-6 240-10;240-11; DISABLED VETERANS 180-4 Recreation areas 83-6 240-17;240-19; See VETERANS DOCKING AND MOORING Seeing eye dogs 83-10 240-21;240-32; DISCLOSURE See MOORING Seeing Eye dogs exempted 240-36;240-37; Agricultural Planned DOCKS 83-10 240-41;240-44 Development District Adoption of Code 1-2 Seizure 83-I1 TOURIST AND TRAILER 280-174 CAMPS 253-5 IDX:17 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE DRAINAGE... Water Quality Improvement VEHICLES,MOTOR- Electrical Inspector 126-1; 1743 DRIVEN 264-15 _ E 126-2;126-3 WATERFRONT ZONING 280-4 Emergencies 126-3 CONSISTENCY DUCKS EARTH REMOVAL Fees 126-1 REVIEW 268-3 ANIMALS 83-1\83-5 See TOPSOIL REMOVAL Inspections 126-1;126-2; WETLANDS AND Applications and issuance of EASEMENTS 126-3 SHORELINE 275-5; permit 83-3 Adoption of Code 1-4 Insurance 126-2 - 275-6;275-11 Board of Trustees 83-4 Agricultural Planned Penalties for offenses 126-5 Wireless Communication Construction 83-3 Development District Reports 126-3 Facilities 280-72 Deposit of waste matter in 280-175;280-177; Restrictions on materials ZONING 280-4;280-78; Town waters prohibited 280-179;280-180 126-4 280-91 83-4 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Severability 126-6 DRAINAGE PLAN Keeping of ducks for private PROPERTY Town Attorney 126-2 Preservation of Natural use 83-2 MAINTENANCE Town Board 126-1;126-2; Features 240-51 Penalties for offenses 83-5 100-3 126-3 Site Plan Approval Permit required for FILMING 139-3 Violations and penalties 280-129;280-133 commercial enterprise HIGHWAY 126-3;126-5 E SOIL REMOVAL 228-5 83-1 SPECIFICATIONS When effective 126-7 STORMWATER Town Board 83-1;83-2; 161-2;161-3;161-4; ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR MANAGEMENT 83-3;83-5 161-13 ELECTRICAL 236-10 Town Clerk 83-1;83-3 LANDMARK INSPECTIONS 126-1; SUBDIVISION OF LAND Violations and penalties PRESERVATION 126-2;126-3 240-7;240-17;240-20; 83-5 170-4 RENTAL PERMITS 207-2 240-21;240-23; Water 83-3;83-4 Preservation of Natural ELECTROMAGNETIC 240-25;240-30; DUMPS AND DUMPING Features 240-51 INTERFERENCE 240-32;240-35 BOATS,DOCKS AND Real Estate Transfer Tax Small Wind Energy Systems WETLANDS AND WHARVES 96-8 17-24 277-4 SHORELINE 275-6; COASTAL EROSION Roadway Construction ELEVATORS 275-11 HAZARD AREAS 161-18 FLOOD DAMAGE DRIVE-IN RESTAURANTS 111-6 SANITARY FLOW PREVENTION 148-16 Limited Business(LB) Garbage,Rubbish and CREDITS, ZONING 280-104 District 280-41 Refuse 233-1;233-2; TRANSFER OF E-MAIL DRIVEWAYS 233-7 117-5;117-8 Rules of Conduct 26-12 Design Standards 240-45 JUNKYARDS 166-3;166-7 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Special Events Requiring General Business(B) PARKS AND DISPOSAL 215-9; Town Board Approval District 28048 RECREATION 215-10 205-7 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR AREAS 193-2 Site Plan Approval 280-133 EMERGENCIES 172-2 Roadway Construction Southold Community Affordable Housing(AHD) LITTERING 174-1;174-2 161-19;161-21 Preservation Fund 17-9 District 280-30 PARKS AND DUMPSTERS Special Events Requiring Agricultural-Conservation RECREATION BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Chairperson of the (A-C)District and AREAS 193-1 PROPERTY Zoning Board of Low-Density Recreational Vehicle Parks MAINTENANCE Appeals'Approval Residential R-80, 253-22 100-3;100-4 205-4;205-5 R-120,R-200 and Roadway Construction DUST STORMWATER R-400 Districts 280-13 - 161-39;161-46 Agricultural-Conservation MANAGEMENT ALARM SYSTEMS 75-1; Signs 280-85 (A-C)District and 236-9;236-20 75-2;75-5;75-6 Site Plan Approval 280-137 Low-Density SUBDIVISION OF LAND BOATS,DOCKS AND SOIL REMOVAL 228-4 Residential R-80, 240-3;240-10;240-17; WHARVES 96-17 STORMWATER R-120,R-200 and 240-21;240-26; BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; MANAGEMENT R-400 Districts 280-13 240-27;240-28; PROPERTY 236-13;236-17;236-18 Farmland Bill of Rights 240-42;240-44;240-54 MAINTENANCE Street Excavations 237-13 280-99 VEHICLES,MOTOR- 100-4;100-5;100-9 Street Numbering 237-23 FIRE PREVENTION AND DRIVEN 264-3 ELECTRICAL SUBDIVISION OF LAND BUILDING CODE WETLANDS AND INSPECTIONS 126-3 240-3 ADMINISTRATION SHORELINE 275-11 Emergency Activities TOURIST AND TRAILER 144-19 ZONING 280-3;280-4 111-17;111-18;111-19 CAMPS 253-3; General Business(B) ELECTION Emergency Removal of 253-10;253-11 District 280-48 Approval by referendum 9-2 Vehicles 260-23 VEHICLES AND Light Industrial(LI)District ASSESSORS 9-1\9-2 FILMING 139-3 TRAFFIC 260-9; 280-62 Continuation as elective FIRE PREVENTION AND 260-15;260-17; Light Industrial Park/ office 9-1 BUILDING CODE 260-18;260-22;260-28 Planned Office Park ELECTRICAL CODE ADMINISTRATION WATERFRONT (LIO)District 280-58 FIRE PREVENTION AND 144-3;144-6 CONSISTENCY NOISE,PREVENTION OF BUILDING CODE Fishers Island Harbor REVIEW 268-3 180-4 ADMINISTRATION Management 157-6 WETLANDS AND PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS 144-3 Floating Homes 96-26 SHORELINE 275-2; AND TRANSIENT Roadway Construction Garbage,Rubbish and 275-3;275-5 RETAIL 161-46 Refuse 233-6 Wireless Communication MERCHANTS 197-10 ELECTRICAL HOUSING FUND 34-2; Facilities 280-74 Plum Island Research INSPECTIONS 34-6 ZONING 280-4;280-78; District(PIR)280-183 Administration;inspection Illicit Discharges 236-29; 280-92;280-93 Roadway Construction fee 126-1 236-32 DRUGS AND DRUG 161-23 Aluminum 126-4 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR PARAPHERNALIA SOIL REMOVAL 228-2; Building Inspector 126-3 172-6 Agricultural-Conservation 228-5;228-7 Building permits 126-3 Members of the Department (A-C)District and Special Exception Uses Certificates of compliance A290-33 Low-Density 280-143 126-3 NOISE,PREVENTION OF Residential R-80, STORMWATER Certificates of occupancy 180-7 R-120,R-200 and MANAGEMENT 126-3 PARKS AND R-400 Districts 280-13 236-18 Costs and expenses 126-2 RECREATION BOATS,DOCKS AND ZONING 280-91;280-111 Designation of Inspectors AREAS 193-3 WHARVES 96-15 126-2 POLICE DEPARTMENT Senior Citizen Exemption Duties of Electrical 51-4 245-1 Inspector 126-3 IDX:18 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX EMERGENCIES... POLICE DEPARTMENT Town Board 260-24 Maintenance of files open to Wireless Communication RULES AND Vehicles 260-23;260-24; public inspection Facilities 280-74 REGULATIONS 260-25 130-17 . ESTABLISHMENT OF A290-3;A290-11; VEHICLES AND Meetings 130-7 COMMUNITY A290-46 TRAFFIC 260-23\ Notice of completion of HOUSING FUND RENTAL PERMITS 207-5 260-25 draft environmental Advisory Board 17-51 SEWERS AND SEWAGE EMERGENCY VEHICLES impact statement Affordable housing 17-48 DISPOSAL 215-4 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; 130-10 Community Housing Plan Site Plan Approval 280-137 PROPERTY Notice of completion of 17-52 Special Events Requiring MAINTENANCE final environmental COMMUNITY Chairperson of the 100-2 impact statement PRESERVATION Zoning Board of FLOOD DAMAGE 130-13 FUND AND Appeals'Approval PREVENTION 148-23 Notice of receipt of COMMUNITY 205-4 Roadway Construction complete application HOUSING FUND Special Exception Uses 161-20 130-6 17-47\17-53 280-143 See Also VEHICLES Notices 130-6;130-10; Compensation 17-51 STORMWATER VEHICLES,MOTOR- 130-13;130-17 Construction 17-50;17-51 MANAGEMENT DRIVEN 264-18 Preparation of draft Costs and expenses 17-50 236-10 EMINENT DOMAIN environmental impact Eligible expenses 17-50 Street Excavations 237-6; Affordable Housing(AHD) statement 130-9 Fund established 1747 237-13 District 280-25 Preparation of final Liability 17-48 Street Numbering 237-22 LANDMARK environmental impact Management of fund 17-49 WATERFRONT PRESERVATION statement 130-12 Purposes of fund 1748 CONSISTENCY 170-7 Processing of proposed Sales 17-47;17-48;17-50 REVIEW 268-3 Real Estate Transfer Tax actions 130-8 Town Board 17-51;17-53 WETLANDS AND 17-20 Processing of proposed Village participation 17-53 SHORELINE 275-5 Senior Citizen Exemption actions not affecting Websites 17-52 Wireless Communication 245-2 environment 130-11 ETHICS Facilities 280-70 ENCROACHMENTS Required findings in written Annual disclosure 26-17 ZONING 280-4;280-111 FLOOD DAMAGE determination 130-15 Applicant disclosure 26-20 EMERGENCY ACTIVITIES PREVENTION SANITARY FLOW See Code of Ethics 26-1\ Applicability 111-17 148-14;148-15; CREDITS, 26-2 COASTAL EROSION 148-17;148-19;148-22 TRANSFER OF 117-9 Costs and expenses 26-17; HAZARD AREAS ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Site Plan Approval 26-26 111-17\111-19 See CODE 280-131;280-137 Debarment 26-28 Emergencies I I 1-17; ENFORCEMENT STORMWATER Designation of officers and 111-18;111-19 OFFICER MANAGEMENT employees required to Improper or insufficient ENVIRONMENTAL 236-5 file annual disclosure notification 111-19 IMPACT SUBDIVISION OF LAND statements 26-18 Natural resources I I1-17 STATEMENTS 240-3;240-8;240-18; Disclosure 26-17;26-18; Notices 111-18;111-19 ENVIRONMENTAL 240-19;240-22; 26-19;26-20 Notification to QUALITY REVIEW 240-25;240-30 Disclosure Requirements Administrator I I1-18 130-9;130-10;130-11; Time limit for written 26-17\26-20 Safety standards I I1-17; 130-12;130-13; determination by See Ethics Board 26-21\ 111-18 130-14;130-17 agency 130-7 26-25 EMERGENCY SUBDIVISION OF LAND Title 130-1 Liability 26-26 MANAGEMENT 240-18;240-19; Types of actions 130-4 Licenses and permits 26-17 AGENCY 240-22;240-25 When effective 130-20 Maintenance of disclosure Assessment and Tax Relief Wireless Communication ENVIRONMENTALLY statements 26-19 for Superstorm Sandy Facilities 280-74 SENSITIVE AREAS Officers and employees Impact 245-23 ENVIRONMENTAL SUBDIVISION OF LAND 26-17;26-18 FIRE PREVENTION AND QUALITY REVIEW 240-10;240-43 Penalties 26-26\26-28 BUILDING CODE Actions involving more than ZONING 280-4 Penalties for offenses 26-26 ADMINISTRATION one agency 130-18 EROSION AND SEDIMENT Retirement 26-17 144-10 Adoption of Renumbered CONTROL See Rules of Conduct 26-3\ FLOOD DAMAGE 2006 Code 1-14 Preservation of Natural 26-16 PREVENTION 148-4; COASTAL EROSION Features 240-49; Town Board 26-18;26-26 148-6;148-9;148-10; HAZARD AREAS 240-51 Town Clerk 26-19 148-13;148-14; 111-33 See Also SOIL EROSION Variances 26-17 148-15;148-23 Compliance required; AND SEDIMENT Violations and penalties STORMWATER exceptions 130-3 CONTROL 26-17;26-26;26-27; MANAGEMENT Costs and expenses 130-9 STORMWATER 26-28 236-5 Decision to approve or MANAGEMENT Voidable contracts 26-27 SUBDIVISION OF LAND disapprove action;time 236-1;236-3;236-5; ETHICS BOARD 240-10;240-42 limit 130-14 236-6;236-7;236-9; Advisory Board 26-21 EMERGENCY REMOVAL Definitions 130-2 236-12;236-17; Appointments 26-21 OF VEHICLES Environmental impact 236-18;236-19; Building permits 26-21 Abandonment 260-23 statements 130-9; 236-20;236-22;236-34 Certificates of occupancy Authority to remove 130-10;130-I1; SUBDIVISION OF LAND 26-21 vehicles 260-23 130-12;130-13; 240-11;240-19;240-36 Compensation 26-21 Charges 260-24 130-14;130-17 WATERFRONT Complaints 26-23 Costs and expenses 260-24 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSISTENCY Costs and expenses 26-21 Emergencies 260-23 QUALITY REVIEW REVIEW 268-2;268-3 Defense and Impoundment 260-24 130-1 WETLANDS AND indemnification 26-21 Notice of removal 260-25 Fee 130-19 SHORELINE 275-2; Disclosure 26-21;26-22; Notices 260-25 Fees 130-9;130-19 275-3;275-6;275-11 26-24;26-25 Obstructions 260-23 Filing of copy of ESCROW ACCOUNTS District Attorney 26-22 Parking 260-23 determination 130-16 Board of Appeals 280-146 Establishment of Ethics Police Department 260-24; Filing of written statement Wireless Communication Board 26-21 260-25 by applicant 130-5 Facilities 280-74 ETHICS 26-21\26-25 Police officers 260-23; Garbage,Rubbish and ESCROW DEPOSITS Investigation procedures 260-24 Refuse 233-6 STORMWATER 26-23 -- Seizure 260-24 Hearings 130-10;130-11; MANAGEMENT Investigations 26-21; Storage 260-24 130-12 236-20 26-22;26-23;26-25 Storage and charges 260-24 Licenses and permits 130-5 Licenses and permits 26-21 IDX:19 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE ETHICS BOARD... Meetings 26-21 EXEMPTION FOR EXPLOSION HAZARDS Enforcement 280-102 Officers and employees DISABLED PERSONS See Also COMBUSTIBLES Farms and farming 280-97; 26-24;26-25 WITH LIMITED See Also FIREWORKS 280-98;280-99; Powers of the Ethics Board INCOME See Also FLAMMABLES 280-100;280-101 26-22 Assessments 245-10 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Fences 280-99 Public inspection of Ethics Disability 245-10 DISPOSAL 215-4 Grades and grading 280-99 Board records 26-25 Exemption granted 245-10 EXPLOSIVES Holidays 280-99 Qualifications 26-21 TAXATION 245-10; BOATS,DOCKS AND Horses 280-98;280-99 Records 26-23;26-25 245-10 WHARVES 96-16 Inspections 280-101 Reports 26-25 EXEMPTION FOR See Also COMBUSTIBLES Livestock 280-98;280-99 Review of lists and HISTORIC FIRE PREVENTION AND Noise 280-99 disclosure statements PROPERTIES BUILDING CODE Notices 280-97;280-100; 26-24 Assessments 245-19 ADMINISTRATION 280-101 Terms of office 26-21; Assessor 245-19 144-19 Nuisances 280-97;280-99 26-23 Historic preservation 245-19 See Also FIREWORKS Odors 280-99 Town Attorney 26-22 Historic Preservation See Also FLAMMABLES Planning Board 280-100 Town Board 26-21;26-22; Commission 245-19 JUNKYARDS 166-1 Poultry 280-98;280-99 26-23 Historic properties 245-19 Light Industrial(LI)District Right to farm 280-97 Violations and penalties Real property exemption 280-62 Right to notice by brokers 26-23;26-24 245-19 Light Industrial Park/ and agents 280-101 F EXCAVATIONS TAXATION 245-19; Planned Office Park Right to notice provided by See Also BACKFILLING 245-19 (LIO)District 280-58 Town agencies 280-100 COASTAL EROSION EXEMPTION FOR Plum Island Research Right to undertake protected HAZARD AREAS VOLUNTEER District(PIR)280-183 farm practices 280-99 111-6;111-10;111-11; FIREFIGHTERS AND SEWERS AND SEWAGE Safety standards 280-97; 111-12;111-13;111-14 AMBULANCE DISPOSAL 215-4 280-99 See Also DIRT WORKERS STORMWATER Sales 280-98 See Also FILL Ambulance service 245-11; MANAGEMENT Severability 280-103 FIRE PREVENTION AND 245-13 236-5 Shrubs 280-98 BUILDING CODE Applicability 245-14 ZONING 280-111 Signs 280-101 ADMINISTRATION Assessments 245-11; Smoke 280-99 144-8 245-12;245-14 _ F — Town Board 280-97; FLOOD DAMAGE Assessor 245-11 280-100 PREVENTION 148-4 Effective date 245-12 FAIR HOUSING Trees 280-98 HIGHWAY Exemption granted;amount; See AFFORDABLE Vehicles 280-99 SPECIFICATIONS qualifications 245-11 HOUSING Vibrations 280-99 161-2 Fire Department 245-11; FALSE ALARMS Violations and penalties Roadway Construction 245-13 ALARM SYSTEMS 75-5; 280-102 161-17;161-18; Qualifications 245-11 75-6 Water 280-99 161-25;161-29; Schools 245-11 See Also ALARM ZONING 280-97\280-103 161-30;161-36 TAXATION 245-11\245-14 SYSTEMS Zoning Board of Appeals SEWERS AND SEWAGE Unremarried spouses of See Also FIRE ALARMS 280-100 DISPOSAL 215-7; deceased volunteer FAMILY DAY-CARE FARMS AND FARMING 215-8;215-9 firefighters or See DAY-CARE Adoption of Renumbered Site Plan Approval ambulance workers FACILITIES 2006 Code 1-14 280-129;280-136 245-13 FARM STANDS Affordable Housing(AHD) SOIL REMOVAL 228-1; Volunteer Ambulance AGRICULTURAL USES District 280-26 228-3;228-4;228-5; 245-11;245-13 72-5\72-12 AGRICULTURAL 228-6;228-7 Volunteer fire fighters Appeals 72-11 ADVISORY STORMWATER 245-11;245-13 Board of Appeals 72-11 COMMITTEE 71-1; MANAGEMENT EXEMPTION FOR WAR Farm stand offerings 72-7 71-3;71-4 236-5;236-9;236-10; VETERANS AND Farm stand permit required Agricultural Planned 236-15;236-16; GOLD STAR PARENTS 72-5 Development District 236-17;236-18; Apartments 245-16.1 Farm stand permits issued 280-174 236-34;236-35 Assessments 245-16; without requirement of AGRICULTURAL USES Street Excavations 237-4; 245-16.1 site plan approval 72-6 72-2;72-4 237-6;237-9;237-11; Assessor 245-16 Farms and farming 72-5; Agricultural-Conservation 237-12;237-13;237-16 Compensation 245-16 72-6;72-7;72-8; (A-C)District and See Also STREET Definitions 245-15 72-11;72-12 Low-Density EXCAVATIONS Disability 245-16 Licenses and permits 72-6 Residential R-80, See Also STREET Exemption granted to Livestock 72-5 R-120,R-200 and OPENINGS veterans and Gold Star Maximum size of farm R-400 Districts SUBDIVISION OF LAND parents 245-16 stand 72-8 280-12;280-13 240-36 Gold Star Parents 245-15; Off-street parking 72-6 Farm Stands 72-5;72-6; See Also TOPSOIL 245-16 Parking 72-5;72-6 72-7;72-8;72-11; REMOVAL Reports 245-15 Penalties for offenses 72-12 72-12 See Also TRENCHES Schools 245-16 Planning Board 72-6 Farmland Bill of Rights WETLANDS AND TAXATION 245-15\ Safety standards 72-11 280-97;280-98; SHORELINE 275-2; 245-16.1 Sales 72-5;72-6;72-7 280-99;280-100; 275-11 Tenant-stockholders Setbacks 72-6 280-101 ZONING 280-114 245-16.1 Site plan approval 72-6 FIRE PREVENTION AND EXEMPTION FOR COLD Tenants 245-16.1 Site plans 72-6 BUILDING CODE WAR VETERANS Veterans 245-15;245-16 Variance procedures 72-11 ADMINISTRATION Assessments 245-18 Water 245-15 Variances 72-11 144-8 Cold War veterans 245-17; EXPENSES OF TOWN Violations and penalties Garbage,Rubbish and 245-18 OFFICERS 72-12 Refuse 233-1 Compensation 245-18 Board of Appeals 30-1 Zoning Board of Appeals General Business(B) Definitions 245-17 Compensation 30-1 72-11 District 280-48 Disability 245-17;245-18 Compensation for expense FARMLAND BILL OF Historic Preservation Exemption granted 245-18 of attendance at official RIGHTS District(HPD)280-191 Schools 245-18 meetings 30-1 Animals 280-98;280-99 HOUSING FUND 34-6 TAXATION 245-17\245-18 Costs and expenses 30-1 Charges 280-101 Light Industrial(LI)District Veterans 245-17;245-18 Meetings 30-1 Christmas trees 280-98 280-62 -- Violations and penalties Planning Board 30-1 Definitions 280-98 245-18 Town Board 30-1 Dust 280-99 IDX:20 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX FARMS AND FARMING... Light Industrial Park/ Fishers Island Harbor 240-16;240-19; FERAL CATS Planned Office Park Management 157-6 240-20;240-30; See CATS (LIO)District 280-58 FLOOD DAMAGE 240-34;240-37; FILL Limited Business(LB) PREVENTION 24044;240-53 See Also BACKFILLING District 28041 148-12;148-13;148-15 TOURIST AND TRAILER See Also DIRT Low-Density Residential Garbage,Rubbish and CAMPS 253-4 See Also EXCAVATIONS R-40 District 280-17 Refuse 233-2;233-3; WETLANDS AND FLOOD DAMAGE PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS 233-3.1;233-4;233-6; SHORELINE 275-2; PREVENTION AND TRANSIENT 233-7 275-3.1;275-7;275-8; 148-15;148-18 RETAIL HIGHWAY 275-14 Roadway Construction MERCHANTS 197-2 SPECIFICATIONS Wireless Communication 161-25 Preservation of Natural 16149 Facilities 280-71; SOIL REMOVAL 228-7 Features 240-49 Historic Preservation 280-74 STORMWATER PUBLIC District(HPD)280-195 ZONING 280-4;280-154; MANAGEMENT ENTERTAINMENT JUNKYARDS 166-6 280-158 236-5;236-18 AND SPECIAL LANDMARK FENCES Street Excavations 237-13 EVENTS 205-2 PRESERVATION AGRICULTURAL LANDS WETLANDS AND See Also RIGHT TO FARM 170-7;170-14 PRESERVATION 70-3 SHORELINE 275-I1 NOISE,PREVENTION OF Agricultural-Conservation FILLING STATIONS Signs 280-85;280-86; 1804 (A-C)District and See GAS STATIONS 280-87 OPEN SPACE Low-Density See SERVICE STATIONS SOIL REMOVAL 228-3; PRESERVATION Residential R-80, FILMING 228-4;228-6;228-7 185-3;185-4;185-5 R-120,R-200 and Application for a permit SUBDIVISION OF LAND Parking at Beaches 189-3; R400 Districts 280-13 139-3 240-10;240-42;240-43 189-4 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Building Inspector 139-8 TRANSPORTATION PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS PROPERTY Certificates of insurance ACCESS AND TRANSIENT MAINTENANCE 139-3;139-11 MANAGEMENT RETAIL 100-4 Chief of Police 139-3; 64-2;64-3 MERCHANTS 197-4; COASTAL EROSION 1394;139-8;139-13 ZONING 280-4;280-78; 197-7;197-8;197-9 HAZARD AREAS Cleanup deposit 139-5 280-207 Plum Island Conservation 111-6 Code Enforcement Officer FAST-FOOD District(PIC)280-187 Farmland Bill of Rights 139-8 RESTAURANTS Plum Island Research 280-99 Compliance with other laws See RESTAURANTS District(PIR)280-183 FIRE PREVENTION AND 139-10 FECAL MATTER POLICE DEPARTMENT BUILDING CODE Costs and expenses 1394; See Also PET WASTE RULES AND ADMINISTRATION 139-5;139-14 POLICE DEPARTMENT REGULATIONS 144-8 Easements 139-3 RULES AND A290-15 General Business(B) Emergencies 139-3 REGULATIONS Preservation of Natural District 28048 Extension of permit period A290-45 Features 24049 See Also HEDGES 139-13 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding Real Estate Transfer Tax See Also HEIGHT Fees 139-3;139-4;139-6; and Domestic Pet 17-20;17-35 REGULATIONS 139-7;139-13 Waste 83-28 RECORDS 59-3;59-9 JUNKYARDS 1664;166-7 Fire extinguishers 139-3 FEES Recreational Floating Zone Light Industrial(LI)District Fire Marshal 139-8 Adoption of Code I-10 District(RFZ)280-201 280-62 Firesafety 139-3 Adoption of Renumbered RENTAL PERMITS 207-3; Light Industrial Park/ Garbage,rubbish and refuse 2006 Code 1-14 207-5;207-8 Planned Office Park 139-3 Affordable Housing(AHD) Rules of Conduct 26-5 (L IO)District 280-58 Insurance 139-11 District 280-29 SALVAGE CENTERS Limited Business(LB) Insurance requirements Agricultural-Conservation 211-3 District 28041 139-11 (A-C)District and SEWERS AND SEWAGE OPEN SPACE Liability 139-3;139-11 Low-Density DISPOSAL 215-7 PRESERVATION Liability insurance 139-11 Residential R-80, Shellfish 219-7 185-3 Licenses and permits R-120,R-200 and SHELLFISH AND OTHER Roadway Construction 139-1;139-3 R-400 Districts 280-13 MARINE 161-16;161-29; No alterations to Town ALARM SYSTEMS 75-4; RESOURCES 219-4 161-41;161-42 property 139-9 75-8 Signs 280-81 Signs 280-82;280-85 No donations accepted ANIMALS 83-19;83-23 Site Plan Approval Site Plan Approval 139-7 Board of Appeals 280-149 280-129;280-131; 280-133;280-134; Notice to other officials BOATS,DOCKS AND 280-133;280-137; 280-137 139-8 WHARVES 96-3 280-138 Small Wind Energy Systems Notices 139-4;139-8 See Also CHARGES Small Wind Energy Systems 2774 Parking 139-3 COASTAL EROSION 277-5 SOIL REMOVAL 228-4; Payment of fees 139-6 HAZARD AREAS SOIL REMOVAL 228-8; 228-7 Pedestrians 139-1;139-3 111-22;111-27 228-11 STORMWATER Penalties for offenses See Also COSTS AND Southold Community MANAGEMENT 139-14 EXPENSES Preservation Fund 17-8 236-5;236-10;236-18 Permit available at film site Dogs 83-12 Special Events Requiring SUBDIVISION OF LAND 139-12 DOMESTIC Chairperson of the 240-36 Permit required;exemption PARTNERSHIPS Zoning Board of TOURIST AND TRAILER 139-2 121-3;121-5 Appeals'Approval CAMPS 253-15 Police Department 139-12 ELECTRICAL 205-4;205-5 WATERFRONT Police officers 139-4 INSPECTIONS 126-1 Special Events Requiring CONSISTENCY Purpose 139-1 ENVIRONMENTAL Town Board Approval REVIEW 268-3 Safety standards 139-1; QUALITY REVIEW 205-7 WETLANDS AND 139-3 130-9;130-19 Special Exception Uses SHORELINE 275-2; Salaries and compensation FILMING 139-3;1394; 280-141 275-5;275-11 139-4 139-6;139-7;139-13 Street Excavations 237-10 Wireless Communication Sanitary facilities 139-3 FIRE PREVENTION AND Street Numbering 237-23 Facilities 280-69; Security standards 139-3 BUILDING CODE SUBDIVISION OF LAND 280-70;280-71 Severability 139-15 ADMINISTRATION 240-3;240-6;240-7; ZONING 280-4;280-78; Sidewalks 139-2 144-5;144-6;144-8; 240-8;240-9;240-10; 280-92;280-94; Signs 139-3 144-9;144-11;144-15; 280-104;280-105; Town Attorney 139-3 144-17;144-19;144-23 280-106;280-114 Town Board 139-1;139-3; 139-4;139-9 IDX:21 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE FILMING... Town Clerk 139-3;1394; FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Administration and Emergency Management 139-5;139-6;139-8; FILMING 139-3 enforcement officers Agency 144-10 139-13 FIRE PREVENTION AND designated;definitions Excavations 144-8 Traffic control fee 1394 BUILDING CODE 144-3 Explosives 144-19 Trash 139-3 ADMINISTRATION Alarm systems 144-15 Farms and farming 144-8 Trees 139-9 144-6 Amusements 144-3 Fees 144-5;144-6;144-8; Utilities 139-3 General Business(B) Appeals 144-5 144-9;144-11;144-15; Vehicles 139-3 District 280-48 Appearance tickets 144-25 144-17;144-19;144-23 Violations and penalties JUNKYARDS 166-7 Appointments 144-5 Fences 144-8 139-14 Special Events Requiring Assessments 144-5; Fire Department 144-21 When effective 139-16 Chairperson of the 144-19;144-20 Fire extinguishers 144-6 FINAL PLANS Zoning Board of Awnings 144-8 Fire Inspector 144-3 HIGHWAY Appeals'Approval Building construction Fire prevention 144-1; SPECIFICATIONS 205-4 144-5;144-15 144-2;144-3;144-5; 161-3;161-4 TOURIST AND TRAILER Building Inspector 144-3; 144-6;144-23 STORMWATER CAMPS 253-14 144-5;144-6;144-7; Fire protection 144-6; MANAGEMENT FIRE HAZARDS 144-8;144-9;144-10; 144-8;144-15 236-9 JUNKYARDS 166-7 144-12;144-13; Fire safety and property FINAL PLATS FIRE HYDRANTS 144-14;144-15; maintenance44 Design Standards 240-45 Design Standards 240-48 1 -16;144-17; inspections 144-23 F Preservation of Natural Site Plan Approval 144-18;144-19; Firesafety 144-3;144-5; Features 240-51 280-133;280-137 144-21;144-23; 144-6;144-8;144-19; SUBDIVISION OF LAND Street Excavations 237-12; 144-24;144-25 144-20;144-23 240-3;240-6;240-7; 237-13 Building permit fees 144-11 Fireworks 144-19 240-8;240-13;240-15; SUBDIVISION OF LAND Building permit required; Flammables 144-19 240-16;240-19; 240-10;240-17; application for permit Flood hazard areas 144-8; 240-20;240-21; 240-21;240-35;240-36 144-8 144-10 240-22;240-23; VEHICLES AND Building permits 144-3; Floodways 144-8;144-10 240-24;240-25; TRAFFIC 260-14; 144-5;144-6;144-8; Fuel 144-6;144-8;144-21 240-28;240-31; 260-28 144-9;144-11;144-12; Garages 144-8;144-19; 240-32;240-35; FIRE INSPECTOR 144-13;144-15; 144-20 240-36;240-41; FIRE PREVENTION AND 144-16;144-17; Gas 144-3;144-6;144-19; 240-42;24044; BUILDING CODE 144-19;144-25 144-21 240-52;240-53 ADMINISTRATION Burning 144-6;144-8; Grades and grading 144-6; ZONING 280-4 144-3 144-19;144-21 144-8;144-20 FINANCIAL FIRE INSURANCE Carbon monoxide 144-15 Hazardous materials and DISCLOSURES See CERTIFICATES OF Certificate of occupancy substances 144-19 See DISCLOSURE INSURANCE required;application Heating 144-6;144-8; FINANCIAL See INSURANCE 144-15 144-10 INSTITUTIONS FIRE INSURANCE Certificates of compliance Height regulations 144-8 Hamlet Business(HB) CLAIMS 144-3;144-5;144-15; Hotels 144-8 District 280-45 See CERTIFICATES OF 144-19;144-20;144-25 Impoundment 144-8 STORMWATER INSURANCE Certificates of occupancy Improvements 144-8 MANAGEMENT See INSURANCE 144-3;144-5;144-15; Inspection prior to issuance 236-20 FIRE LANES 144-16;144-17; of certificate;records FINES JUNKYARDS 166-7 144-19;144-20;144-25 144-16 See VIOLATIONS AND VEHICLES AND Chimneys 144-6;144-8; Inspections 144-3;144-5; PENALTIES TRAFFIC 260-14; 144-21 144-6;144-8;144-15; FINGERPRINTING 260-15;260-28 Citations 144-6;144-19 144-16;144-19; PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS FIRE MARSHAL Climatic and Geographic 144-20;144-23;144-24 AND TRANSIENT FILMING 139-8 Design Criteria 144-10 Inspections required 144-6 RETAIL RENTAL PERMITS 207-2 Code Enforcement Officer Insurance 144-10 MERCHANTS 197-7 Special Events Requiring 144-3;144-13;144-15; Intermunicipal agreements FIRE ALARMS Chairperson of the 144-19;144-23 144-27 See Also ALARM Zoning Board of Combustibles 144-19 Investigations 144-5 SYSTEMS Appeals'Approval Compensation 144-3;144-5 Issuance or denial of See Also FALSE ALARMS 205-5 Complaints 144-5;144-20; building permit 144-9 SUBDIVISION OF LAND FIRE PREVENTION 144-24 Liability 144-3;144-20 240-17 Adoption of Renumbered Compliance required; Licenses and permits FIRE DEPARTMENT 2006 Code 1-14 penalties for offenses 144-5;144-8;144-19 ALARM SYSTEMS 75-1; Agricultural-Conservation 144-25 Lighting 144-6 75-2 (A-C)District and Condition assessments of Manufactured homes BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Low-Density parking garages 144-20 144-6;144-15 PROPERTY Residential R-80, Conflicts with other Motels 144-8 MAINTENANCE R-120,R-200 and regulations 144-4 Motor vehicles 144-20 100-5 R-400 Districts 280-13 Construction 144-2;144-3; Notices 144-5;144-8; BURNING,OUTDOOR APPEARANCE TICKETS 144-5;144-6;144-7; 144-21;144-24;144-25 104-2 5-2 144-8;144-11;144-13; Notification regarding fire Exemption for Volunteer FIRE PREVENTION AND 144-15;144-18; or explosion 144-21 Firefighters and BUILDING CODE 144-20;144-25;144-26 One-family dwellings Ambulance Workers ADMINISTRATION Construction permits 144-3 144-19 245-11;245-13 144-1;144-2;144-3; Cooperation with other Open burning 144-19 FIRE PREVENTION AND 144-5;144-6;144-23 departments 144-7 Operating permits 144-19 BUILDING CODE Historic Preservation Costs and expenses 144-3; Parking 144-19;144-20 ADMINISTRATION District(HPD)280-196 144-8;144-15;144-19; Permitted uses 144-8 144-21 RENTAL PERMITS 207-1; 144-20 Playgrounds 144-8 Members of the Department 207-4;207-7;207-8 Decks 144-8 Plumbing 144-6;144-8 A290-33 FIRE PREVENTION AND Deer 144-8 Powers and duties 144-5 PARKS AND BUILDING CODE Demolition 144-3;144-8 Powers and duties of RECREATION ADMINISTRATION Demolition of buildings Building Inspector AREAS 193-3 Abatement of violations 144-5 144-5 Street Excavations 237-13 144-26 Dust 144-19 Property maintenance 144-3 See Also VOLUNTEER Accessory buildings and Electrical Code 144-3 Purpose 144-2 FIRE FIGHTERS structures 144-3; Emergencies 144-3;144-6 Records 144-5;144-10; 144-8;144-15;144-20 144-16 IDX:22 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX FIRE PREVENTION AND BUILDING CODE ADMINISTRATION... Recreational fires 144-19 FIRE ZONES Notices 157-3;157-9; Storage 96-26;96-27 Registration 144-8 VEHICLES AND 157-12;157-14 Town Board 96-26 Reports 144-5;144-6; TRAFFIC 260-14; Penalties for offenses Trash 96-26 144-15;144-19; 260-20;260-28 157-14 Water 96-27 144-20;144-23;144-24 FIREARMS Ponds 157-6 Water pollution 96-26 Residential Code 144-3 See Also GUNS Rafting 157-10 Water quality 96-26 Retaining walls 144-8 Members of the Department Records 157-12 FLOOD DAMAGE Revocation of building A290-33 Safety standards 157-6 PREVENTION permit 144-12 PARKS AND Sales 157-12 Accessory buildings and Right of entry 144-14 RECREATION Severability 157-13 structures 148-4; Roofs 144-3 AREAS 193-6 Speed and wake regulation 148-22 Safety standards 144-8; POLICE DEPARTMENT 157-4 Accessory structures 144-15;144-19 RULES AND Storage 157-6;157-12 including detached Schools 144-8;144-15; REGULATIONS Title;applicability 157-1 garages 148-22 144-23 A290-9 Town Board 157-3;157-6; Air conditioning 148-16 Sheds 144-8 See Also WEAPONS 157-7;157-12 Anchoring 1484;148-14; Signs 144-6;144-8 FIRES Traffic control authority 148-15;148-16; Single-family dwellings See Also BURNING 157-2 148-18;148-21;148-22 144-8 BURNING,OUTDOOR Unnavigable boats;hazards Appeals 148-4;148-23 Site plan review and 104-1;104-2;104-3 to navigation 157-12 Applicability 148-5 approval 144-8 See Also BURNING, Use of private moorings by Application for permit Site plans 144-8 OUTDOOR guests 157-9 148-13 Smoke 144-3;144-15 See Also OPEN BURNING Use of vessel as abode Basis for establishing areas Smoke detectors 144-8 See Also RECREATIONAL 157-7 of special flood hazard Solar collectors 144-3 FIRES Violations and penalties 148-6 Solar energy systems 144-8 FIRESAFETY 157-11;157-14 Blight 148-3 Sprinkler systems 144-8 APPEARANCE TICKETS Water 157-1;157-5 Blocks 148-21 Stop-work orders 144-3; 5-2 Waterskiing 157-5 Bridges 148-3;148-23 144-5;144-12;144-13; FILMING 139-3 FISHING Building Inspector 1484; 144-24;144-25 FIRE PREVENTION AND Floating Homes 96-26 148-I1 Storage 144-3;144-8; BUILDING CODE Marine I(MI)District Camping 148-4 144-19;144-20 ADMINISTRATION 280-52 Certificates of compliance Surcharges 144-8 144-3;144-5;144-6; Marine II(MII)District 148-14 Swimming pools 144-8 144-8;144-19;144-20; 280-55 Chimneys 148-18 Temporary certificates of 144-23 Parking at Beaches 189-3 Code Enforcement Officer occupancy;fee 144-17 Special Events Requiring SHELLFISH AND OTHER 1484 Tenants 144-13;144-25 Chairperson of the MARINE Comprehensive Plan 148-23 Tests 144-3;144-5;144-15; Zoning Board of RESOURCES 219-4 Conditions for variances 144-18;144-19 Appeals'Approval TRANSPORTATION 148-24 Tests for compliance with 205-4 ACCESS Construction 148-2;148-4; standards 144-18 FIREWORKS MANAGEMENT 64-3 148-12;148-13; Tires 144-19 See Also EXPLOSION VEHICLES AND 148-14;148-15; Title 144-1 HAZARDS TRAFFIC 260-28 148-16;148-17; Town Board 144-3;144-5; See Also EXPLOSIVES WETLANDS AND 148-18;148-19; 144-8;144-15;144-19; FIRE PREVENTION AND SHORELINE 275-2; 148-20;148-24 144-25;144-27 BUILDING CODE 275-11 Costs and expenses 148-3; Two-family dwellings ADMINISTRATION ZONING 280-4;280-78 148-4;148-12;148-13; 144-8;144-19;144-20 144-19 FLAMMABLES 148-15;148-23;148-24 Unsafe buildings 144-22 FISHERS ISLAND See Also COMBUSTIBLES Decks 148-18 Unsafe buildings,structures, HARBOR See Also EXPLOSION Definitions 148-4 and equipment and MANAGEMENT HAZARDS Design standards 148-14; conditions of imminent Abandonment 157-8 See Also EXPLOSIVES 148-18 danger 144-22 Anchoring 157-4;157-6 FIRE PREVENTION AND Designation of local Unsafe structures 144-20 Anchoring and mooring BUILDING CODE administrator 148-11 Vapors 144-3 157-6 ADMINISTRATION Drainage 148-12;148-15; Vehicles 144-3;144-19 Animals 157-11 144-19 148-16;148-17;148-19 Ventilation 144-6;144-8 Boats and Boating 157-3; General Business(B) Duties and responsibilities Veterans 144-8 157-5;157-6;157-8; District 280-48 of local administrator Violations and penalties 157-10;157-12 JUNKYARDS 166-1 148-14 144-5;144-6;144-8; Certificates of registration SEWERS AND SEWAGE Elevation of residential 144-12;144-13; 157-12 DISPOSAL 215-4 structures(except 144-16;144-23; Charges 157-8;157-12 STORMWATER coastal high-hazard 144-24;144-25; Costs and expenses 157-8; MANAGEMENT areas)148-17 144-26;144-27 157-12 236-5 Elevators 148-16 Walls 144-8 Discharge of refuse 157-11 FLOATING HOMES Emergency Management Warrants 144-8;144-23 Docks 157-5;157-6;157-7 Blocks 96-27 Agency 148-4;148-6; Water 144-3;144-8 Emergencies 157-6 Boats and Boating 96-26 148-9;148-10;148-13; FIRE PROTECTION Fees 157-6 BOATS,DOCKS AND 148-14;148-15;148-23 Agricultural Planned Fishers Island Harbor WHARVES 96-26\ Emergency vehicles 148-23 Development District Committee 157-3 96-29 Encroachments 148-14; 280-174 HARBOR Definitions 96-27 148-15;148-17; FIRE PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT Docks 96-27;96-28 148-19;148-22 BUILDING CODE 157-1\157-14 Emergencies 96-26 Excavations 148-4 ADMINISTRATION Height regulations 157-6 Fire protection 96-26 Fees 148-12;148-13; 144-6;144-8;144-15 Inspections 157-8 Fishing 96-26 148-15 Floating Homes 96-26 Liability 157-12 Legislative findings 96-26 Fill 148-15;148-18 General Business(B) Licenses and permits 157-6 Marinas 96-26;96-27; Findings 148-1 District 280-48 Liens 157-12 96-28 Flood hazard areas 1484; SANITARY FLOW Marinas 1574 Mooring 96-26;96-28 148-15 CREDITS, Meetings 157-3 Pollution 96-26 Floodplain development TRANSFER OF 117-9 Membership 157-3 Prohibited acts 96-28 permit;fees;deposit SUBDIVISION OF LAND Mooring 157-6;157-7; Recreation areas 96-26 148-12 2404;240-9 157-8;157-9;157-10 Safety standards 96-26 Floodplains 148-2;1484; Mooring maintenance 157-8 Sales 96-27 148-I1;148-12; Severability 96-29 148-14;148-22;148-23 IDX:23 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION... Floodways 1484;148-14; Security standards 148-21 FORESTRY GAMES OF CHANCE 148-15;148-21; Severability 148-8 STORMWATER Adoption of Renumbered 148-22;148-24 Sewers 148-3;148-15; MANAGEMENT 2006 Code 1-14 Garages 148-4;148-22 148-16;148-23 236-5 Approval by electors 92-15 Gas 148-3;148-4;148-15; Sheds 148-4 SUBDIVISION OF LAND See Also BINGO 148-23 Standards for all structures 240-3;24044 BINGO AND GAMES OF General standards 148-15 148-16 WETLANDS AND CHANCE 92-12\92-15 Glass 148-18 Steep slopes 148-4 SHORELINE 275-2 Definitions 92-12 Grades and grading 148-2; Stop-work orders 148-14 ZONING 280-4 Games of Chance 92-13; 148-4;148-16;148-17; Storage 1484;148-12; FOWL 92-14 148-18;148-19;148-22 148-16;148-22 Agricultural-Conservation Games of chance authorized Grievances 148-23 Storage tanks 148-4;148-16 (A-C)District and 92-13 Hazardous materials and Town Board 148-1;148-12 Low-Density Licenses and permits substances 148-15 Trucks 148-4 Residential R-80, 92-13;92-14 Heating 148-16 Utilities 148-3;148-4; R-120,R-200 and Restrictions 92-14 Height regulations 148-4; 148-13;148-15; R-400 Districts 280-13 GAMING 148-15 148-16;148-19; Light Industrial(LI)District See BINGO Historic districts 148-4 148-20;148-21; 280-62 GARAGE SALES Historic preservation 148-4 148-22;148-23 Light Industrial Park/ Agricultural-Conservation Improvements 148-4; Variances 148-4;148-7; Planned Office Park (A-C)District and 148-13;148-14; 148-9;148-14;148-22; (LIO)District 280-58 Low-Density 148-15;148-16; 148-23;148-24 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding Residential R-80, 148-17;148-18; Vehicles 148-4;148-16 and Domestic Pet R-120,R-200 and G 148-19;148-20;148-24 Violations and penalties Waste 83-27 R400 Districts 280-13 Insects 148-16 148-4;148-9;148-14 ZONING 280-4 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS Inspections 148-12;148-14 Walls 148-4;148-13; FUEL AND TRANSIENT Insurance 148-2;148-4; 148-14;148-16; BOATS,DOCKS AND RETAIL 148-6;148-7;148-12; 148-18;148-19;148-22 WHARVES 96-16 MERCHANTS 197-4 148-14;148-15; Warning and disclaimer of FIRE PREVENTION AND See Also SALES 148-16;148-17; liability 148-10 BUILDING CODE See Also YARD SALES 148-18;148-22;148-24 Water 148-2;148-3;148-4; ADMINISTRATION GARAGES Interpretation;conflict with 148-14;148-15; 144-6;144-8;144-21 Agricultural-Conservation other laws 148-7 148-16;148-18; Garbage,Rubbish and (A-C)District and Liability 148-10 148-19;148-23 Refuse 233-3 Low-Density Licenses and permits Water supply 148-16 General Business(B) Residential R-80, 148-4;148-11;148-14 Watercourses 148-4; District 280-48 R-120,R-200 and Lots 148-4;148-13;148-24 148-13;148-14;148-15 Hamlet Business(HB) R-400 Districts 280-13 Manufactured home parks Zoning Board of Appeals District 280-45 COASTAL EROSION 148-4;148-21 148-23 Light Industrial(LI)District HAZARD AREAS Manufactured homes FLOOD HAZARD AREAS 280-62 111-6 148-4;148-13;148-14; FIRE PREVENTION AND Light Industrial Parkl FIRE PREVENTION AND 148-15;148-21 BUILDING CODE Planned Office Park BUILDING CODE Manufactured homes and ADMINISTRATION (LIO)District 280-58 ADMINISTRATION recreational vehicles 144-8;144-10 Marine I(MI)District 144-8;144-19;144-20 148-21 FLOOD DAMAGE 280-52 FLOOD DAMAGE Mining 148-4 PREVENTION 148-4; Marine II(MII)District PREVENTION 148-4; Mobile homes 148-4 148-15 280-55 148-22 Nonresidential structures Site Plan Approval MUNICIPAL BUILDING General Business(B) (coastal high-hazard 280-129;280-133 ENERGY District 280-48 areas)148-20 WETLANDS AND BENCHMARKING Hamlet Business(HB) Nonresidential structures SHORELINE 275-3 177-1 District 280-45 (except coastal high- ZONING 280-4 NOISE,PREVENTION OF Light Industrial(LI)District hazard areas)148-19 FLOODPLAINS 1804 280-62 Notices 148-9;148-14; FLOOD DAMAGE SEWERS AND SEWAGE Light Industrial Park/ 148-24 PREVENTION 148-2; DISPOSAL 215-4 Planned Office Park Nuisances 148-24 148-4;148-11;148-12; WATERFRONT (LIO)District 280-58 Objectives 148-3 148-14;148-22;148-23 CONSISTENCY Site Plan Approval Obstructions 148-16; Preservation of Natural REVIEW 268-3 280-134;280-137 148-18 Features 240-50 WETLANDS AND WETLANDS AND Official Map 148-4 STORMWATER SHORELINE 275-4 SHORELINE 275-2 Parking 148-4;148-16 MANAGEMENT ZONING 280-4;280-111 ZONING 2804;280-78; Penalties for offenses 148-9 2364;236-5;236-15; FUMES 280-104 Performance standards 236-18 Agricultural-Conservation GARBAGE,RUBBISH AND 148-22 SUBDIVISION OF LAND (A-C)District and REFUSE Plumbing 148-16 240-3;240-4 Low-Density Adoption of Code 1-2 Porches 148-18 ZONING 280-4 Residential R-80, Adoption of Renumbered Purpose 148-2 FLOODWAYS R-120,R-200 and 2006 Code 1-14 Records 148-23;148-24 FIRE PREVENTION AND R-400 Districts 280-13 Aluminum 233-1 Recreational vehicles BUILDING CODE See Also GAS Animals 233-1 148-4;148-14;148-15; ADMINISTRATION See Also GASES Awnings 233-4 148-21 144-8;144-10 Light Industrial(LI)District Boats and Boating 2334 Reports 148-6;148-23 FLOOD DAMAGE 280-62 BOATS,DOCKS AND Residential Code 148-16 PREVENTION 148-4; Light Industrial Park/ WHARVES 96-8 Residential structures 148-14;148-15; Planned Office Park Brush,grass and weeds (coastal high-hazard 148-21;148-22;148-24 (LIO)District 280-58 233-1;233-4 areas)148-18 STORMWATER See Also ODORS Building permits 233-6 Roofs 148-18;148-22 MANAGEMENT Plum Island Research BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Safety standards 148-2; 236-18 District(PIR)280-183 PROPERTY 148-4;148-7;148-18; FLY ASH See Also VAPORS MAINTENANCE 148-23;148-24 See ASHES 100-3;100-4 Sales 148-4 FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS - G _ BURNING,OUTDOOR Sanitary facilities 148-4; See RESTAURANTS 104-1 148-19;148-20 GAMBLING Charges 233-3.1;233-7 Screens and screening See Also BINGO Commercial vehicles 148-16 ZONING 280-4 233-1;233-4 IDX:24 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX GARBAGE,RUBBISH AND REFUSE... Complaints 233-8 STORMWATER See Also SERVICE Sales 280-48 Construction 233-1;233-4 MANAGEMENT STATIONS Schools 280-48 Conveyance and 236-5 GASES Screens and screening transportation of refuse TOURIST AND TRAILER BOATS,DOCKS AND 280-48 233-5 CAMPS 253-7;253-14 WHARVES 96-16 Service stations 280-48 Corrugated cardboard Town Board 233-1;233-2; See Also FUMES Setbacks 280-50 233-1;233-3.1 233-3;233-3.1;233-4; Light Industrial(LI)District Shopping centers 280-48 Definitions 233-1 233-6;233-7;233-8 280-62 Sidewalks 280-48 Demolition 233-1;233-4 Town Clerk 233-4;233-6 Light Industrial Park/ Signs 28048 Demolition debris 233-1 Town transfer station 233-3 Planned Office Park Site plan approval 280-48 Disposal and collection of Transfer station special (LIO)District 280-58 Site plan review and solid waste and permit 233-6 See Also ODORS approval 280-48 recyclables 233-3.1 Trash 233-3.1 Plum Island Research Site plans 280-48 Dumping prohibited See Also TRASH District(PIR)280-183 Smoke 280-48 generally 233-2 Trees 233-4 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Spas 280-48 Dumps and dumping 233-1; Trucks 233-6 DISPOSAL 215-4 Special exception uses 233-2;233-7 Vehicles 233-1;233-3; Special Exception Uses 280-48 Emergencies 233-6 233-3.1;233-4;233-5; 280-143 Special exceptions 28048 Environmental quality 233-6 GENERAL BUSINESS(B) Storage 280-48 review 233-6 Violations and penalties DISTRICT Tests 280-48 Farms and farming 233-1 233-3.1;233-7;233-8 Accessory uses and Tires 280-48 Fees 233-2;233-3;233-3.1; Waterfowl and Gull Feeding structures 280-48 Trailer camps 280-48 233-4;233-6;233-7 and Domestic Pet Advertising 280-48 Trailers 280-48 Fees;issuance and duration Waste 83-28 Apartments 280-48 Two-family dwellings of permits and licenses WETLANDS AND Awnings 28048 28048 2334 SHORELINE 275-11 Bed and breakfast 280-48 Use regulations 280-48 FILMING 139-3 Yard waste 233-3.1 Blocks 280-48 Vehicles 28048 Fuel 233-3 Yards 233-3.1;233-4 Board of Appeals 28048 Vibrations 28048 Garbage,Rubbish and ZONING 280-114 Boats and Boating 280-48 Walls 280-48 Refuse 233-1;233-2; GARDEN APARTMENTS Bowling alleys 28048 Yards 280-48;280-50 233-3;233-3.1;233-4 See APARTMENTS Bulk,area and parking ZONING 280-47\280-50 Glass 233-1;233-3.1 GAS requirements 28049 Zoning Board of Appeals Grass clippings 2334 Agricultural-Conservation Business districts 28048 28048 Hazardous wastes 233-1; (A-C)District and Camps 28048 GENERAL PROVISIONS 233-2 Low-Density Churches 28048 See Adoption of Code I-1\ Hearings 233-6;233-8 Residential R-80, Comprehensive Plan 28048 1-13 Inspections 233-4;233-6 R-120,R-200 and Conservation districts See Adoption of Junk 233-1;233-2 R-400 Districts 280-13 28048 Renumbered 2006 Landfills 233-3.1;233-4 BOATS,DOCKS AND Construction 280-48 Code 1-14\I-18 Landscaping 2334 WHARVES 96-17 Convenience stores 280-48 GLARE Licenses and permits COASTAL EROSION Costs and expenses 280-48 Light Industrial(LI)District 233-2;233-3;233-3.1; HAZARD AREAS Dance halls 280-48 280-62 233-4;233-8 111-10 Driveways 280-48 Light Industrial Park/ LITTERING 174-1;174-2 FIRE PREVENTION AND Dust 28048 Planned Office Park Magazines 233-1 BUILDING CODE Farms and farming 28048 (LIO)District 280-58 Motor vehicles 233-3;2334 ADMINISTRATION Fences 28048 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Newspaper 233-1;233-3.1 144-3;144-6;144-19; Fire extinguishers 280-48 172-2;172-5 Notices 233-6;233-8 144-21 Fire protection 280-48 Site Plan Approval 280-129 Paper 233-1 FLOOD DAMAGE Flammables 280-48 ZONING 280-91;280-94; PARKS AND PREVENTION 148-3; Front yard setbacks 280-50 280-111;280-117 RECREATION 148-4;148-15;148-23 Fuel 280-48 GLASS AREAS 193-2;193-7 See Also FUMES Garages 280-48 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Penalties for offenses 233-7 JUNKYARDS 166-4 Gas stations 280-48 PROPERTY Planning Board 233-6 Light Industrial(LI)District Glass 280-48 MAINTENANCE Plastic bags 233-1 280-62 Groundwater 280-48 100-3 Plastics 233-1;233-3.1 Light Industrial Park/ Height regulations 280-48 FLOOD DAMAGE Recyclable materials 233-1 Planned Office Park Hospitals 280-48 PREVENTION 148-18 Recyclables 233-1;233-2; (LIO)District 280-58 Hotels 280-48 Garbage,Rubbish and 233-3;233-3.1;233-4; MUNICIPAL BUILDING Industrial districts 280-48 Refuse 233-1;233-3.1 233-5;233-6 ENERGY Junk 280-48 General Business(B) Recycling 233-7 BENCHMARKING Library 280-48 District 280-48 Registration 233-4 177-1 Licenses and permits 280-48 Hamlet Business(HB) Revocation of permit and/or NOISE,PREVENTION OF Lots 280-48 District 280-45 license 233-8 180-4;180-7 Meetings 280-48 JUNKYARDS 166-1 Schools 233-3 See Also ODORS Motels 280-48 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR SEWERS AND SEWAGE POLICE DEPARTMENT Motor vehicles 280-48 172-2 DISPOSAL 215-2; RULES AND Noise 280-47;280-48 LITTERING 174-1 215-3;215-4 REGULATIONS Nonconforming uses 280-48 PARKS AND Shrubs 233-4 A290-15 Odors 280-48 RECREATION Sidewalks 233-2 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Off-street parking 280-48 AREAS 193-2 Signs 233-3 DISPOSAL 215-4 Office districts 280-48 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Site plan approval 233-6 Signs 280-83 Parking 280-48;280-49 DISPOSAL 2154 Site plans 233-6 Site Plan Approval 280-129 Patios 280-48 Signs 280-82;280-85 SOIL REMOVAL 228-7 STORMWATER Pedestrian walkways 280-48 GOLD STAR PARENTS SOLID WASTE 233-1\ MANAGEMENT Pedestrians 280-48 Exemption for War 233-8;233-3.1 236-19 Permitted uses 280-48 Veterans and Gold Star See Also SOLID WASTE Street Excavations 237-6 Planning Board 280-48 Parents 245-15;245-16 Special Events Requiring SUBDIVISION OF LAND Plastics 280-48 GOLF COURSES Chairperson of the 240-35 Plumbing 28048 Light Industrial Park/ Zoning Board of ZONING 280-111 Pollution 280-48 Planned Office Park Appeals'Approval GAS STATIONS Purpose 28047 (LIO)District 280-58 2054 General Business(B) Restaurants 280-48 ZONING 280-4;280-78 Special permits 233-6 District 28048 Roofs 28048 GRADES AND GRADING Storage 233-1 Hamlet Business(HB) Salaries and compensation Adoption of Code 1-4 District 280-45 280-48 IDX:25 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE GRADES AND GRADING... COASTAL EROSION GRIEVANCE WETLANDS AND Planning Board 28045 HAZARD AREAS PROCEDURES SHORELINE 275-9; Plastics 280-45 111-6;111-10;111-11; Compensation 47-1 275-10 Plumbing 28045 111-12;111-13 Declaration of policy 47-2 Wireless Communication Purpose 280-44 Design Standards 24045 Definitions 47-1 Facilities 280-72 Registry 280-45 Farmland Bill of Rights Discrimination 47-2 GUARANTIES Restaurants 280-45 280-99 Grievances 47-1;47-2; SEWERS AND SEWAGE Roofs 280-45 - FIRE PREVENTION AND 47-3;47-4 DISPOSAL 215-8 Salaries and compensation BUILDING CODE Hearings 47-4 Site Plan Approval 280-131 280-45 ADMINISTRATION Holidays 47-1 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Sales 280-45 144-6;144-8;144-20 Initial presentation 47-3 240-34;240-38 Schools 280-45 FLOOD DAMAGE Investigations 47-3 ZONING 280-4 Screens and screening PREVENTION 148-2; Notices 47-1 GUIDE DOGS 280-45 148-4;148-16;148-17; PERSONNEL 47-1\47-4 ANIMALS 83-23 Setbacks 280-45 148-18;148-19;148-22 Records 47-1 See Also HEARING DOGS Sidewalks 280-45 Hamlet Business(HB) Retirement 47-1 See Also SEEING EYE Signs 28045 District 280-45 Review by Town Board DOGS Site plan approval 28045 HIGHWAY 474 See Also SERVICE DOGS Site plan review and SPECIFICATIONS Safety standards 47-1 GUNS approval 280-45 161-2;161-4 Town Board 47-4 See Also FIREARMS Site plans 280-45 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Violations and penalties PARKS AND Special exception uses 172-2 47-1 RECREATION 280-45 Preservation of Natural GRIEVANCES AREAS 193-6 Special exceptions 280-45 Features 240-49; Adoption of Code 1-2 POLICE DEPARTMENT Storage 280-45 240-51 Adoption of Renumbered RULES AND Two-family dwellings Roadway Construction 2006 Code 1-14 REGULATIONS 28045 H 161-18;161-19; Affordable Housing(AHD) A290-15 Use regulations 280-45 161-21;161-22; 1 District 280-3 1 See Also WEAPONS Walls 280-45 161-23;161-24; COASTAL EROSION GUTTERS Yards 280-45 161-29;161-30; HAZARD AREAS LITTERING 174-2 ZONING 280-44\280-46 161-35;161-42;161-46 111-26 Roadway Construction HAMLET DENSITY(HD) SEWERS AND SEWAGE FLOOD DAMAGE 161-29;161-34 RESIDENTIAL DISPOSAL 215-9 PREVENTION 148-23 STORMWATER DISTRICT Signs 280-85 Grievance Procedures 47-1; MANAGEMENT Accessory buildings and Site Plan Approval 47-2;47-3;474 236-5;236-14 structures 280-22 280-129;280-133; LANDMARK SUBDIVISION OF LAND Accessory uses and 280-134;280-136 PRESERVATION 240-44 structures 280-22 Small Wind Energy Systems 170-11 ZONING 280-4 Apartments 280-22 277-1 GROUNDWATER Applicability 280-21 SOIL REMOVAL 228-4; COASTAL EROSION _ H _ Bed and breakfast 280-22 228-6;228-7 HAZARD AREAS Board of Appeals 280-22 STORMWATER 111-5;111-6 HAMLET BUSINESS(HB) Bulk,area and parking MANAGEMENT General Business(B) DISTRICT regulations 280-23 236-3;236-5;236-6; District 28048 Accessory uses and Conservation districts 236-9;236-10;236-15; HOUSING FUND 34-6 structures 280-45 280-22 236-17;236-18; Illicit Discharges 236-25; Advertising 280-45 Parking 280-23 236-19;236-34 236-26 Affordable housing 280-45 Permitted uses 280-22 Street Excavations 237-13 Light Industrial(LI)District Apartments 280-45 Planning Board 280-22 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 280-62 Assessments 280-45 Purpose 280-20 240-3;240-4;240-6; Light Industrial Park/ Awnings 280-45 Residential districts 280-20; 240-10;240-17; Planned Office Park Bed and breakfast 280-45 280-21;280-23 240-19;240-21;24041 (LIO)District 280-58 Bicycles 280-45 Sewers 280-22 TOBACCO Plum Island Research Blocks 28045 Single-family dwellings ADVERTISING 249-2 District(PIR)280-183 Board of Appeals 28045 280-22 TOURIST AND TRAILER Roadway Construction Boardinghouses 280-45 Site plan approval 280-22 CAMPS 253-5 161-29;161-30 Bulk,area and parking Special exceptions 280-22 WATERFRONT SANITARY FLOW regulations 28046 Town Board 280-21 CONSISTENCY CREDITS, Comprehensive Plan 28045 Two-family dwellings REVIEW 268-3 TRANSFER OF Conservation districts 280-22 WETLANDS AND 117-3;117-6 280-45 Use regulations 280-22 SHORELINE 275-2; SEWERS AND SEWAGE Construction 280-45 Utilities 280-22 2754;275-11 DISPOSAL 215-2; Convenience stores 28045 Water 280-22 ZONING 2804;280-78; 215-3;215-4;215-9 Costs and expenses 280-45 ZONING 280-20\280-23 280-108;280-114 Site Plan Approval Financial institutions 280-45 Zoning Maps 280-21 GRAFFITI 280-129;280-137 Fuel 280-45 HANDBILLS BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Special Exception Uses Garages 280-45 LITTERING 174-1;174-6 PROPERTY 280-143 Gas stations 280-45 RENTAL PERMITS 207-7 MAINTENANCE STORMWATER Glass 28045 HANDICAPPED PARKING 1004 MANAGEMENT Grades and grading 280-45 See Also PARKING GRASS 236-3;236-5;236-10; Height regulations 280-45 VEHICLES AND See BRUSH,GRASS AND 236-18;236-24 Hotels 280-44;280-45 TRAFFIC 260-17; WEEDS SUBDIVISION OF LAND Improvements 280-45 260-28 GRASS CLIPPINGS 240-4 Industrial districts 280-45 HANDICAPPED PERSONS See Also BRUSH,GRASS WETLANDS AND Library 280-45 See DISABLED PERSONS AND WEEDS SHORELINE 275-3 Meetings 280-45 HARASSMENT Garbage,Rubbish and Wireless Communication Motels 280-44;280-45 POLICE DEPARTMENT Refuse 233-4 Facilities 280-70 Motorcycles 280-45 RULES AND See Also LAWNS ZONING 280-4;280-91 Museums 280-45 REGULATIONS NOISE,PREVENTION OF GUARANTEES Off-street parking 280-45 A290-36 1804 STORMWATER Office districts 28045 HARBOR MANAGEMENT See Also YARD WASTE MANAGEMENT Parking 280-45;280-46 See Fishers Island Harbor GRAVEYARDS 236-20 Parking off-street 280-45 Management 157-1\ JUNKYARDS 166-1 Street Excavations 237-9 Patios 280-45 157-14 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Pedestrian walkways 280-45 240-31;240-33;240-34 Permitted uses 280-45 IDX:26 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Districts 280-11 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 280-107;280-108; AND SUBSTANCES ENVIRONMENTAL ENERGY 280-109;280-117; FIRE PREVENTION AND QUALITY REVIEW BENCHMARKING 280-208 BUILDING CODE 130-10;130-11;130-12 177-1 HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION Garbage,Rubbish and Roadway Construction SPECIFICATIONS 144-19 Refuse 233-6;233-8 161-22;161-23 Bonds 161-49 FLOOD DAMAGE Grievance Procedures 47-4 HEDGES Construction 161-2;161-4; PREVENTION 148-15 Historic Preservation BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; 161-6;161-7;161-9; Illicit Discharges 236-32 District(HPD)280-195 PROPERTY 161-14 Light Industrial Park/ HOUSING FUND 34-4; MAINTENANCE Construction plans 161-4 Planned Office Park 34-6 100-4 Costs and expenses 161-6; (LIO)District 280-58 JUNKYARDS 166-6 See Also FENCES 16149 STORMWATER LANDMARK Stop and Yield Intersections Curbs 161-4 MANAGEMENT PRESERVATION 260-4 Dead-end streets 161-11 236-3;236-5 170-5;170-7;170-14 WETLANDS AND Dirt 161-9 See Also TOXIC LIGHTING,OUTDOOR SHORELINE 275-2 Drainage 161-2;161-3; SUBSTANCES 172-8 ZONING 280-78;280-106 1614;161-8;161-9; Water Quality Improvement LOCAL LAWS, HEIGHT REGULATIONS 161-13 1743;17-44;17-45 ADOPTION OF 38-1; Agricultural Planned Drainage easements 161-13 WATERFRONT 38-2;38-4;38-6 Development District Easements 161-2;161-3; CONSISTENCY NOISE,PREVENTION OF 280-171 161-4;161-13 REVIEW 268-3;268-5 180-4 Agricultural-Conservation Excavations 161-2 HAZARDOUS WASTES OPEN SPACE (A-C)District and Fees 161-49 Garbage,Rubbish and PRESERVATION Low-Density Final Dedication of Roads Refuse 233-1;233-2 185-4;185-5 Residential R-80, 161-49 POLICE DEPARTMENT PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS R-120,R-200 and Final plans 161-3;161-4 RULES AND AND TRANSIENT R-400 Districts General Construction REGULATIONS RETAIL 280-13;280-15 Requirements 161-5\ A290-45 MERCHANTS 197-11 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; 161-14 STORMWATER POLICE DEPARTMENT PROPERTY Grades and grading 161-2; MANAGEMENT 51-6 MAINTENANCE 1614 2364 PUBLIC HEARINGS, 1004 Improvements 161-6 See Also TOXIC NOTICE OF 55-1 COASTAL EROSION Inspections 16149 SUBSTANCES Real Estate Transfer Tax HAZARD AREAS Lighting 1614 HEALTH DEPARTMENT 17-34 111-6 Lots 161-11 See BOARD OF HEALTH Recreational Floating Zone See Also FENCES Major subdivisions 161-4 HEALTH HAZARDS District(RFZ)280-201 FIRE PREVENTION AND Manholes 161-2 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; RENTAL PERMITS 207-8 BUILDING CODE Monuments 161-3 PROPERTY SANITARY FLOW ADMINISTRATION Planning Board 161-49 MAINTENANCE CREDITS, 144-8 Plans and Maps for 100-2 TRANSFER OF Fishers Island Harbor Subdivisions 161-1\ HEALTH OFFICER 117-7;117-9;117-12; Management 157-6 161-4 See Also BOARD OF 117-14 FLOOD DAMAGE Preliminary plans 161-2; HEALTH Senior Citizen Exemption PREVENTION 148-4; 161-3 SEWERS AND SEWAGE 245-4 148-15 Procedure 161-49 DISPOSAL 215-3 Site Plan Approval General Business(B) Progress schedule 161-5 HEARING DOGS 280-130;280-131; District 28048 Protection of new drainage ANIMALS 83-23 280-137 Hamlet Business(HB) installations 161-9 See Also GUIDE DOGS SOIL REMOVAL 228-5; District 280-45 Records 16149 See Also SEEING EYE 228-12 Light Industrial(LI)District Reports 161-49 DOGS Southold Community 280-62 Responsibility of developer See Also SERVICE DOGS Preservation Fund 17-7 Light Industrial Park/ 161-6 HEARING OFFICER Special Events Requiring Planned Office Park See Roadway Construction Real Estate Transfer Tax Chairperson of the (LIO)District 280-58 161-15\161-48 17-34 Zoning Board of LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Safety standards 161-6; HEARINGS Appeals'Approval 172-2;172-5;172-6; 161-7 Adoption of Renumbered 205-6 172-8 Sales 161-49 2006 Code 1-14 Special Exception Uses Removal of Utility Poles Sidewalks 161-3;161-4 Affordable Housing(AHD) 280-141 237-31 Signs 161-11;161-12 District 280-26;280-29 STORMWATER Roadway Construction Sketch plans 161-1 AGRICULTURAL LANDS MANAGEMENT 161-44;161-46 Soil removal 161-10 PRESERVATION 236-5 Signs 280-82;280-85 Speed limits 161-12 70-4;70-5 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Site Plan Approval 280-134 Stormwater 161-6;161-8 Agricultural Planned 240-13;240-19; Small Wind Energy Systems Stormwater runoff 161-8 Development District 240-25;240-29; 277-1;277-2;277-3; Street signs 161-12 280-174;280-175; 240-30;240-53 2774 Street trees 161-3 280-177 TOURIST AND TRAILER SOIL REMOVAL 228-7 Streetlighting 161-3;161-4 Agricultural-Conservation CAMPS 253-2;253-4 Street Numbering 237-26 Temporary roads 161-14 (A-C)District and WETLANDS AND SUBDIVISION OF LAND Tests 161-2;161-6 Low-Density SHORELINE 275-3.1; 240-10 Topsoil removal 161-10 Residential R-80, 275-8 WATERFRONT Town Attorney 16149 R-120,R-200 and ZONING 280-92;280-157; CONSISTENCY Town Board 161-12;161-49 R-400 Districts 280-13 280-159 REVIEW 268-3 Town Clerk 161-49 Board of Appeals 280-146; HEATING WETLANDS AND Town Engineer 161-5; 280-150 FIRE PREVENTION AND SHORELINE 275-2; 161-6;161-8;161-49 BOATS,DOCKS AND BUILDING CODE 275-11 Traffic maintenance 161-7 WHARVES 96-31; ADMINISTRATION Wireless Communication Trees 161-11 96-32 144-6;144-8;144-10 Facilities 280-69; Vehicles 161-7 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; FLOOD DAMAGE 280-70;280-71; Water 161-11 PROPERTY PREVENTION 148-16 280-72;280-73; Wells 161-3 MAINTENANCE Light Industrial Park/ 280-74;280-76; HISTORIC DISTRICTS 100-7 Planned Office Park 280-76.2 FLOOD DAMAGE COASTAL EROSION (LIO)District 280-58 ZONING 280-4;280-78; PREVENTION 1484 HAZARD AREAS 280-94;280-104; 111-23;111-27;111-35 280-105;280-106; IDX:27 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE HISTORIC DISTRICTS... LANDMARK Day-care facilities 280-193 PUBLIC Parking at Beaches 189-3 PRESERVATION Definitions 280-191 ENTERTAINMENT Resort Residential(RR) 170-4;170-5 Demolition 280-190 AND SPECIAL District 280-35 WATERFRONT Eligibility 280-192 EVENTS 205-3 Signs 280-85 CONSISTENCY Farms and farming 280-191 VEHICLES AND ZONING 280-4;280-78; REVIEW 268-3 Fees 280-195 TRAFFIC 260-1; 280-79 Wireless Communication Fire prevention 280-196 260-11 HOUSES OF WORSHIP Facilities 280-75 Hearings 280-195 HOME OCCUPATIONS See CHURCHES HISTORIC FEATURES Historic landmarks Agricultural-Conservation See PLACES OF LANDMARK 280-192;280-195 (A-C)District and WORSHIP PRESERVATION Historic preservation Low-Density HOUSING FUND 170-3;170-8 280-190;280-192 Residential R-80, Affordable housing 34-1; SUBDIVISION OF LAND Historic Preservation R-120,R-200 and 34-2;34-5;34-6 240-4 Commission 280-192; R400 Districts 280-13 Assessments 34-3 HISTORIC LANDMARKS 280-195 ZONING 280-4;280-78 Bonds 34-4 Historic Preservation Insurance 280-191 HORSES Compensation 34-6 District(HPD) Library 280-191;280-193 AGRICULTURAL USES Construction 34-5 280-192;280-195 Maintenance and 724 Costs and expenses 34-3; LANDMARK termination 280-196 Agricultural-Conservation 34-5;34-6 PRESERVATION Meetings 280-193;280-195 (A-C)District and Definitions 34-3 170-1;170-2;170-4; Museums 280-193 Low-Density Emergencies 34-2;34-6 170-5;170-8;170-9; Notices 280-195 Residential R-80, Farms and farming 34-6 170-10 Permitted uses 280-193 R-120,R-200 and Findings 34-2 Plum Island Conservation Planning Board 280-193; R-400 Districts 280-13 Fund established 344 District(PIC)280-187 280-195;280-196 Farmland Bill of Rights Groundwater 34-6 Plum Island Research Planning Commission 280-98;280-99 Hearings 344;34-6 District(PIR)280-183 280-195 Light Industrial(LI)District Housing Advisory Site Plan Approval 280-131 Pre-application procedure 280-62 Commission HISTORIC 280-194 Light Industrial Park/ established 34-6 I PRESERVATION Property maintenance Planned Office Park Improvements 34-2;34-5;BOATS,DOCKS AND 280-196 (LIO)District 280-58 34-6 WHARVES 96-15 Purpose;applicability of See Also LIVESTOCK Meetings 34-6 Exemption for Historic amendments 280-190 STORMWATER Membership 34-6 Properties 245-19 Reports 280-195 MANAGEMENT Minutes 34-6 FLOOD DAMAGE Sales 280-191 236-5 Natural resources 34-6 PREVENTION 1484 Schools 280-191;280-193 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Open space 34-6 Historic Preservation Sewers 280-195 240-3 Parking 34-6 District(HPD) Site plan approval 280-193 TRANSPORTATION Planned unit developments 280-190;280-192 Town Attorney 280-196 ACCESS 34-6 LANDMARK Town Board 280-190; MANAGEMENT 64-2 Police officers 34-2 PRESERVATION 280-195;280-196 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding Purpose 34-1 170-4 Town Clerk 280-195; and Domestic Pet Purposes of fund 34-5 Real Estate Transfer Tax 280-196 Waste 83-27 Qualifications 34-2;34-5 17-24 Use regulations 280-193 WETLANDS AND Sales 34-2;34-4;34-5;34-6 Southold Community Utilities 280-195 SHORELINE 275-2 Town Board 34-3;34-4; Preservation Fund Violations and penalties ZONING 280-4 34-6 17-4;17-8 280-196 HOSPITALS Water 34-6 STORMWATER Water 280-195 Agricultural-Conservation HUNTING MANAGEMENT ZONING 280-190\280-196 (A-C)District and BOATS,DOCKS AND 236-6 Zoning districts 280-190 Low-Density WHARVES 96-20 HISTORIC Zoning Maps 280-195; Residential R-80, Deer 163-3 PRESERVATION 280-196 R-120,R-200 and Deer hunting 163-3 COMMISSION HISTORIC PROPERTIES R-400 Districts 280-13 HUNTING 163-1;163-2; Agricultural-Conservation Exemption for Historic General Business(B) 163-3 (A-C)District and Properties 245-19 District 280-48 Licenses and permits 163-2 Low-Density Southold Community Low-Density Residential PARKS AND Residential R-80, Preservation Fund 17-8 R-40 District 280-17 RECREATION R-120,R-200 and HISTORIC RESOURCES POLICE DEPARTMENT AREAS 193-2; R-400 Districts 280-15 LANDMARK RULES AND 193-3.1;193-6 Exemption for Historic PRESERVATION REGULATIONS Purpose 163-2 Properties 245-19 170-2 A290-44;A290-45 Special permits 163-3 Historic Preservation Plum Island Conservation ZONING 280-4;280-78; Title 163-1 District(HPD) District(PIC)280-186 280-79 Town Board 163-2 280-192;280-195 Real Estate Transfer Tax HOT TUBS Town Clerk 163-2 LANDMARK 17-19 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Waiver 163-3 PRESERVATION STORMWATER PROPERTY Waivers 163-2;163-3 1704;170-5;170-6; MANAGEMENT MAINTENANCE ZONING 2804 170-7;170-8;170-9; 236-20 1004 170-10;170-11; WATERFRONT STORMWATER _ I 170-12;170-14 CONSISTENCY MANAGEMENT Rules of Conduct 26-16 REVIEW 268-5 236-5 ILLICIT CONNECTIONS Site Plan Approval HISTORICAL DISTRICTS HOTELS Illicit Discharges 236-25 280-131;280-135 Wireless Communication FIRE PREVENTION AND See Also SEWAGE HISTORIC Facilities 280-70 BUILDING CODE DISPOSAL,PRIVATE PRESERVATION HISTORICAL FEATURES ADMINISTRATION DISTRICT(HPD) Site Plan Approval 280-133 144-8 See Also SEWERS Accessory uses and HOLDING TANKS General Business(B) STORMWATER structures 280-193 Water Quality Improvement District 280-48 MANAGEMENT Apartments 280-193 1743 Hamlet Business(HB) 236-4;236-5;236-35 Application procedure HOLIDAYS District 280-44;28045 ILLICIT DISCHARGES 280-195 Farmland Bill of Rights Limited Business(LB) Access and monitoring of Bed and breakfast 280-193 280-99 District 280-41 discharges 236-31 Comprehensive Plan Grievance Procedures 47-1 Marine II(MII)District Accidental discharges 280-195 NOISE,PREVENTION OF 280-55 236-28 County Clerk 280-196 1804;180-7 See Also MOTELS IDX:28 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX ILLICIT DISCHARGES... Activities contaminating AGRICULTURAL LANDS General Business(B) SEWERS AND SEWAGE stormwater prohibited PRESERVATION 70-2 District 28048 DISPOSAL 215-3; 236-27 Agricultural Planned Hamlet Business(HB) 215-4;215-7;215-9; Air conditioning 236-25 Development District District 28045 215-10 Certificates of compliance 280-171;280-174 Light Industrial(LI)District Site Plan Approval 280-137 236-28 Assessment and Tax Relief 280-63 Special Events Requiring Cigarettes 236-28 for Superstorm Sandy Roadway Construction Chairperson of the Construction 236-25; Impact 245-20; 161-15 Zoning Board of 236-28;236-30 245-22;245-23 ZONING 280-93;280-94 Appeals'Approval Costs and expenses 236-28; BOATS,DOCKS AND INDUSTRIAL WASTES 205-5 236-31 WHARVES 96-8 SEWERS AND SEWAGE STORMWATER Discharge and connection COASTAL EROSION DISPOSAL 215-2; MANAGEMENT prohibitions 236-25 HAZARD AREAS 215-3;215-4 236-4;236-9;236-20; Emergencies 236-29; 111-6 INSECTS 236-22;236-24;236-34 236-32 Design Standards 240-45 FLOOD DAMAGE Street Excavations 237-14 Failing individual sewage FIRE PREVENTION AND PREVENTION 148-16 SUBDIVISION OF LAND treatment systems BUILDING CODE PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS 240-9;240-10;240-20; prohibited 236-26 ADMINISTRATION AND TRANSIENT 240-32;240-33; Groundwater 236-25; 144-8 RETAIL 240-36;240-37 236-26 FLOOD DAMAGE MERCHANTS 197-10 TOURIST AND TRAILER Hazardous materials and PREVENTION 148-4; Roadway Construction CAMPS 253-13 substances 236-32 148-13;148-14; 161-44 VEHICLES AND Illicit connections 236-25 148-15;148-16; INSPECTIONS TRAFFIC 260-28 Industrial or construction 148-17;148-18; Adoption of Renumbered WATERFRONT activity discharges 148-19;148-20;148-24 2006 Code 1-14 CONSISTENCY 236-30 Hamlet Business(HB) Agricultural-Conservation REVIEW 268-3;268-5 Inspections 236-31 District 280-45 (A-C)District and WETLANDS AND Lawns 236-25 HIGHWAY Low-Density SHORELINE 275-7; Notices 236-25;236-27; SPECIFICATIONS Residential R-80, 275-9;275-10;275-11; 236-29;236-32 161-6 R-120,R-200 and 275-16 Notification of spills 236-32 HOUSING FUND 34-2; R-400 Districts 280-13 Wireless Communication Pet waste 236-27 34-5;34-6 BOATS,DOCKS AND Facilities 280-69; Prevention,control and LIGHTING,OUTDOOR WHARVES 96-24 280-70;280-74 reduction of stormwater 172-4 See Also BUILDING ZONING 280-151;280-154 pollutants by use of Preservation of Natural INSPECTOR INSURANCE best management Features 240-51 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Assessment and Tax Relief practices 236-28 Real Estate Transfer Tax PROPERTY for Superstorm Sandy Records 236-31;236-32 17-20 MAINTENANCE Impact 245-23 Search warrants 236-31 Records Management 59-15 100-5;100-9 See Also CERTIFICATES Security standards 236-31 Roadway Construction Chief of Police A290-7 OF INSURANCE Septic tanks 236-26;236-28 161-25 COASTAL EROSION Districts 280-10 See Also SEWAGE Site Plan Approval HAZARD AREAS ELECTRICAL DISPOSAL,PRIVATE 280-129;280-131; 111-29 INSPECTIONS 126-2 280-133;280-137 ELECTRICAL FILMING 139-11 Sewers 236-26 SOIL REMOVAL 228-4 INSPECTIONS 126-1; FIRE PREVENTION AND Stormwater 236-25; Southold Community 126-2;126-3 BUILDING CODE 236-26;236-27; Preservation Fund 17-8 Farmland Bill of Rights ADMINISTRATION 236-28;236-30;236-31 STORMWATER 280-101 144-10 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FIRE PREVENTION AND FLOOD DAMAGE MANAGEMENT 236-5;236-17 BUILDING CODE PREVENTION 148-2; 236-25\236-32 SUBDIVISION OF LAND ADMINISTRATION 148-4;148-6;148-7; Suspension of access to 240-3;240-6;240-9; 144-3;144-5;144-6; 148-12;148-14; MS4 in emergency 240-10;240-16; 144-8;144-15;144-16; 148-15;148-16; situations or due to 240-17;240-20; 144-19;144-20; 148-17;148-18; illicit discharge 236-29 240-30;240-31; 144-23;144-24 148-22;148-24 Tests 236-25 240-32;240-33; Fishers Island Harbor Historic Preservation Trash 236-28 240-34;240-35; Management 157-8 District(HPD)280-191 Violations and penalties 240-36;240-37; FLOOD DAMAGE Marine I(MI)District 236-25;236-27; 240-38;240-39; PREVENTION 280-52 236-29;236-31 24040;24041; 148-12;148-14 Marine II(MII)District Waivers 236-25 240-53;240-59 Garbage,Rubbish and 280-55 Water 236-25;236-26 Targeted Business Refuse 2334;233-6 Real Estate Transfer Tax Wetlands 236-25 Investment Exemption HIGHWAY 17-32;17-34 IMPACT FEES 245-7 SPECIFICATIONS Residential Office(RO) See FEES TRANSPORTATION 161-49 District 280-38 IMPOUNDMENT ACCESS Illicit Discharges 236-31 Senior Citizen Exemption Dogs 83-11;83-12 MANAGEMENT 64-5 JUNKYARDS 166-6 245-1 Emergency Removal of VEHICLES,MOTOR- LOCAL LAWS, SEWERS AND SEWAGE Vehicles 260-24 DRIVEN 264-6 ADOPTION OF 38-2 DISPOSAL 215-8 FIRE PREVENTION AND Water Quality Improvement Parking at Beaches 189-3; SOIL REMOVAL 228-6 BUILDING CODE 17-41;17-42;17-43; 189-4 STORMWATER ADMINISTRATION 17-44;17-45;17-46 POLICE DEPARTMENT MANAGEMENT 144-8 WATERFRONT RULES AND 236-5 STORMWATER CONSISTENCY REGULATIONS Street Excavations 237-8; MANAGEMENT REVIEW 268-3 A290-15;A290-27 237-18 236-5 WETLANDS AND RECORDS 59-3;59-9; WETLANDS AND VEHICLES,MOTOR- SHORELINE 275-3; 59-10 SHORELINE 275-3.1 DRIVEN 264-9 275-5 RENTAL PERMITS 207-5; INTERNET WETLANDS AND ZONING 280-4;280-207 207-6;207-7 MUNICIPAL BUILDING SHORELINE 275-6 INDECENT LANGUAGE Roadway Construction ENERGY IMPROVEMENTS See PROFANITY 161-19;161-21; BENCHMARKING Adoption of Code 1-4 INDEMNIFICATION 161-42;161-46;161-48 177-1;177-4 Affordable Housing(AHD) See LIABILITY Rules of Conduct 26-12 District 280-25;280-30 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS Districts 280-5 IDX:29 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE INTOXICATED PERSONS Fences 166-4;166-7 Certificate of LANDSCAPING See ALCOHOLIC Fire extinguishers 166-7 appropriateness for BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; BEVERAGES Fire hazards 166-7 alteration,demolition PROPERTY INTOXICATING Fire lanes 166-7 or new construction MAINTENANCE BEVERAGES Flammables 166-1 170-6 100-4 See Also ALCOHOLIC Gas 166-4 Certificates of Districts 280-7 BEVERAGES Glass 166-1 appropriateness 170-4; Garbage,Rubbish and PARKS AND Graveyards 166-1 170-6;170-7;170-9; Refuse 233-4 RECREATION Hearings 166-6 170-10;170-12;170-14 Limited Business(LB) AREAS 193-9 Inspections 166-6 Code Enforcement Officer District 280-41 POLICE DEPARTMENT Issuance of license;fee; 170-12;170-13 NOISE,PREVENTION OF RULES AND - display;duration; Construction 170-6;170-7 180-4;180-7 REGULATIONS transferability; Costs and expenses 170-14 Preservation of Natural A290-15;A290-24 revocation;previous Criteria for approval of Features 240-49 INTOXICATION licenses 166-6 alteration of facades of Recreational Floating Zone See Also ALCOHOLIC Junk 166-6;166-7 historic landmarks District(RFZ)280-201 BEVERAGES JUNKYARDS 166-1 170-8 Roadway Construction POLICE DEPARTMENT Legislative intent 166-1 Criteria for approval of 161-42;161-43 RULES AND Liability 166-8 demolition or removal See Also SCREENS AND REGULATIONS License required 166-3 of historic landmarks SCREENING A290-9 Licenses and permits 170-9 Site Plan Approval INVESTIGATIONS 166-1;166-3;166-4; Definitions 170-3 280-129;280-131; ALARM SYSTEMS 75-1 166-5;166-6;166-7; Demolition 170-2;170-3; 280-133;280-134; Chief of Police A290-7 166-8 170-4;170-5;170-6; 280-137 Ethics Board 26-21;26-22; Motorcycles 166-2 170-7;170-9;170-10 SOIL REMOVAL 228-4 26-23;26-25 Notices 166-5 Designation of historic STORMWATER FIRE PREVENTION AND Nuisances 166-1 landmarks 170-5 MANAGEMENT BUILDING CODE Penalties for offenses 166-8 Easements 170-4 236-10;236-16; ADMINISTRATION Plastics 166-1 Eminent domain 170-7 236-20;236-34 144-5 Regulations 166-7 Enforcement 170-12 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Grievance Procedures 47-3 Sales 166-3 Fees 170-7;170-14 240-32;240-36; PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS Sanitary facilities 166-7 Grievances 170-I1 240-42;240-43 AND TRANSIENT Septic tanks 166-7 Hardship criteria for WATERFRONT RETAIL Sewers 1664;166-7 approval of demolition, CONSISTENCY MERCHANTS 197-7 Storage 166-3 removal or alteration of REVIEW 268-3 POLICE DEPARTMENT Tires 166-1 historic landmarks WETLANDS AND 51-6 Town Board 166-1;166-6; 170-10 SHORELINE 275-3; POLICE DEPARTMENT 166-7;166-8 Hearings 170-5;170-7; 275-5;275-11 RULES AND Town Clerk 166-4;166-5; 170-14 Wireless Communication L REGULATIONS 166-7 Historic districts 170-4; Facilities 280-69; A290-15;A290-17; Trash 166-7 170-5 280-70;280-76.2 A290-19;A290-20; Trespassing 166-7 Historic features 170-3; ZONING 280-4;280-78; A290-21;A290-24; Trucks 166-2 170-8 280-91;280-92; A290-25;A290-31 Vehicles 166-2 Historic landmarks 170-1; 280-93;280-94; RECORDS 59-2 Violations and penalties 170-2;170-4;170-5; 280-95;280-123 Site Plan Approval 280-130 166-8 170-8;170-9;170-10 LAWNS WATERFRONT Water 1664 Historic preservation 1704 See Also BRUSH,GRASS CONSISTENCY ZONING 2804 Historic Preservation AND WEEDS REVIEW 268-3 JUVENILES Commission 170-4; BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; WETLANDS AND See MINORS 170-5;170-6;170-7; PROPERTY SHORELINE 275-8 170-8;170-9;170-10; MAINTENANCE - K — 170-11;170-12;170-14 1004 J_ Historic Preservation See Also GRASS KENNELS Commission; CLIPPINGS JUNK Agricultural-Conservation membership;terns; Illicit Discharges 236-25 Garbage,Rubbish and (A-C)District and powers and duties NOISE,PREVENTION OF Refuse 233-1;233-2 Low-Density 170-4 180-4 General Business(B) Residential R-80, Historic resources 170-2 STORMWATER District 280-48 R-120,R-200 and Meetings 170-4 MANAGEMENT JUNKYARDS 166-6;166-7 R-400 Districts 280-13 Membership 170-4 236-4;236-19 Light Industrial(LI)District ZONING 280-4 Minutes 170-4 WETLANDS AND 280-62 Notices 1704;170-5; SHORELINE 275-2 Light Industrial Park/ _ L _ 170-7;170-14 See Also YARD WASTE Planned Office Park Obstructions 170-3 LEAF WASTE (LIO)District 280-58 LANDFILLS Penalties for offenses See YARD WASTE ZONING 2804 Garbage,Rubbish and 170-13 LEASHING JUNKYARDS Refuse 233-3.1;2334 Powers and duties 170-4 PARKS AND Adoption of Code 1-2 Roadway Construction Purpose 170-2 RECREATION Adoption of Renumbered 161-16 Qualifications 170-5 AREAS 193-3.1 2006 Code 1-14 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Quorum 1704 LEAVES OF ABSENCE Application for license 24044 Records 170-5;170-11 See SICK LEAVE 1664 ZONING 280-4 Reports 170-5 LETTERS OF CREDIT Batteries 166-1 LANDLORDS Stop-work orders 170-12 Site Plan Approval 280-131 Brush,grass and weeds RENTAL PERMITS 207-2 Title 170-1 STORMWATER 166-7 See Also RENTAL Town Attorney 170-13 MANAGEMENT Burning 166-3;166-7 PROPERTY Town Board 170-4;170-5; 236-20 Combustibles 166-1;166-7 LANDMARK 170-10;170-11;170-14 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Costs and expenses 166-6 PRESERVATION Town Clerk 170-5 240-34 Definitions 166-2 Accessory buildings and Violations and penalties LIABILITY Drainage 1664 structures 170-7 170-13 Adoption of Code 1-4 Dumps and dumping 166-3; Appeals 170-11 Zoning districts 170-8 Agricultural-Conservation 166-7 Application for certificate of (A-C)District and Existing businesses 166-5 appropriateness 170-7 Low-Density Explosives 166-1 Building permits 170-5; Fees 166-6 170-6 IDX:30 Supp 64,Mar2024 INDEX LIABILITY... Residential R-80, AGRICULTURAL LANDS RENTAL PERMITS 207-7 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL(LI) R-120,R-200 and PRESERVATION 70-5 Residential Office(RO) DISTRICT R-400 Districts 280-13 Agricultural-Conservation District 280-38 Abandonment 280-62 ANIMALS 83-25 (A-C)District and Rules of Conduct 26-16 Accessory uses and BOATS,DOCKS AND Low-Density SALVAGE CENTERS structures 280-62 WHARVES 96-10; Residential R-80, 211-5 Animals 280-62 96-25 R-120,R-200 and SEWERS AND SEWAGE Apartments 280-62 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; R-400 Districts 280-13 DISPOSAL 215-2; Assessments 280-62 PROPERTY ALARM SYSTEMS 75-2; 215-7;215-8 Batteries 280-62 MAINTENANCE 75-3;75-4;75-6 Shellfish 219-6 Board of Appeals 280-62 100-11 ANIMALS 83-17;83-19; Site Plan Approval Boats and Boating 280-62 DEFENSE AND 83-20;83-21;83-22; 280-130;280-131; Buffers 280-62;280-64 INDEMNIFICATION 83-23;83-24;83-26 280-133;280-136 Building Inspector 280-62 21-2 BINGO AND GAMES OF SOIL REMOVAL 228-8; Bulk,area and parking See Also DEFENSE AND CHANCE 92-2;92-3 228-12 regulations 280-63 INDEMNIFICATION BOATS,DOCKS AND Special Events Requiring Costs and expenses 280-62 Establishment of WHARVES 96-3; Chairperson of the Docks 280-62 Community Housing 96-24 Zoning Board of Dust 280-62 Fund 17-48 See Also BUILDING Appeals'Approval Explosives 280-62 ETHICS 26-26 PERMITS 205-4;205-5 Farms and farming 280-62 FILMING 139-3;139-11 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Special Events Requiring Fences 280-62 FIRE PREVENTION AND PROPERTY Town Board Approval Fowl 280-62 BUILDING CODE MAINTENANCE 205-7 Front yard setbacks 280-64 ADMINISTRATION 100-3 See Also SPECIAL Fuel 280-62 144-3;144-20 BURNING,OUTDOOR PERMITS Fumes 280-62 Fishers Island Harbor 104-1;104-2 STORMWATER Garages 280-62 Management 157-12 CANNABIS 106-2 MANAGEMENT Gas 280-62 FLOOD DAMAGE COASTAL EROSION 236-2;236-4;236-5; Gases 280-62 PREVENTION 148-10 HAZARD AREAS 236-14;236-21 Glare 280-62 JUNKYARDS 166-8 111-27;111-29;111-31 Street Excavations 237-6; Groundwater 280-62 Real Estate Transfer Tax Code of Ethics 26-2 237-10;237-13 Height regulations 280-62 17-20;17-23;17-29; See Also CONSTRUCTION SUBDIVISION OF LAND Horses 280-62 17-31;17-34;17-35 PERMITS 240-21;240-25;240-26 Industrial districts 280-63 SEWERS AND SEWAGE ENVIRONMENTAL TOBACCO Junk 280-62 DISPOSAL 215-4; QUALITY REVIEW ADVERTISING 249-2 Liens 280-62 215-8;215-10;215-17 130-5 TOURIST AND TRAILER Lots 280-61 Signs 280-88 ETHICS 26-17 CAMPS 253-3;253-12 Noise 280-62 SOIL REMOVAL 228-9 Ethics Board 26-21 VEHICLES AND Notices 280-62 STORMWATER Farm Stands 72-6 TRAFFIC 260-17 Nuisances 280-62 MANAGEMENT FILMING 139-1;139-3 WATERFRONT Odors 280-62 236-20 FIRE PREVENTION AND CONSISTENCY Office districts 280-62 Street Excavations 237-13; BUILDING CODE REVIEW 268-3 Parking 280-62;280-63 237-14;237-16;237-18 ADMINISTRATION WETLANDS AND Permitted uses 280-62 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 144-5;144-8;144-19 SHORELINE 275-2; Planning Board 280-62 240-54 Fishers Island Harbor 275-3.1;275-5;275-6; Plumbing 280-62 TOBACCO Management 157-6 275-8;275-11;275-16 Pollution 280-62 ADVERTISING 249-2 FLOOD DAMAGE Wireless Communication Purpose 280-61 VEHICLES,MOTOR- PREVENTION 1484; Facilities 280-71; Safety standards 280-62 DRIVEN 264-20 148-11;148-14 280-74;280-76.1 Sales 280-62 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding Games of Chance 92-13; ZONING 280-3;280-4; Schools 280-62 and Domestic Pet 92-14 280-115 Screens and screening Waste 83-27 Garbage,Rubbish and LIENS 280-62;280-64 WETLANDS AND Refuse 233-2;233-3; Affordable Housing(AHD) Setbacks 280-62;280-64 SHORELINE 275-3.1; 233-3.1;233-4;233-8 District 280-25 Shrubs 280-62 275-9;275-10 General Business(B) BOATS,DOCKS AND Signs 280-62 LIABILITY INSURANCE District 280-48 WHARVES 96-10; Site plan approval 280-62 FILMING 139-11 HUNTING 163-2 96-25 Site plan review and Special Events Requiring JUNKYARDS 166-1; BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; approval 280-62 Chairperson of the 166-3;166-4;166-5; PROPERTY Smoke 280-62 Zoning Board of 166-6;166-7;166-8 MAINTENANCE Solar collectors 280-62 Appeals'Approval LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 100-10 Solar energy 280-62 205-4 172-8 Fishers Island Harbor Solar energy systems WETLANDS AND Members of the Department Management 157-12 280-62 SHORELINE 275-9 A290-33 Light Industrial(LI)District Special exception uses LIBRARY OPEN SPACE 280-62 280-62 General Business(B) PRESERVATION Light Industrial Park/ Special exceptions 280-62 District 280-48 185-5 Planned Office Park Storage 280-62 Hamlet Business(HB) Parking at Beaches 189-2; (LIO)District 280-58 Tests 280-62 District 280-45 189-3;189-4;189-5 Real Estate Transfer Tax Trees 280-62 Historic Preservation PARKS AND 17-20;17-27;17-35 Trucks 280-62 District(HPD) RECREATION SEWERS AND SEWAGE Use regulations 280-62 280-191;280-193 AREAS 193-3.1 DISPOSAL 215-16; Utilities 280-62 Limited Business(LB) PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS 215-17 Vibrations 280-62 District 28041 AND TRANSIENT Signs 280-88 Violations and penalties Low-Density Residential RETAIL Site Plan Approval 280-131 280-62 R-40 District 280-17 MERCHANTS 197-3; STORMWATER Waivers 280-62 Residential Office(RO) 197-4;197-6;197-7; MANAGEMENT Yards 280-62;280-64 District 280-38 197-8;197-9;197-11; 236-9;236-34 ZONING 280-61\280-64 YOUTH BOARD 68-1 197-13 SUBDIVISION OF LAND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ZONING 280-78;280-79 Preservation of Natural 240-34;240-44 PARK/PLANNED LICENSES AND PERMITS Features 24049 WETLANDS AND OFFICE PARK(LIO) Adoption of Code 1-4 PUBLIC SHORELINE 275-11 DISTRICT Adoption of Renumbered ENTERTAINMENT Wireless Communication Abandonment 280-58 2006 Code 1-16 AND SPECIAL Facilities 280-76 Accessory uses and EVENTS 205-2;205-9 ZONING 280-92 structures 280-58 IDX:31 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE LIGHT INDUSTRIAL PARK/PLANNED OFFICE PARK(LIO)DISTRICT... Animals 280-58 Wireless communications Licenses and permits 172-8 Special exceptions 28041 Apartments 280-58 facilities 280-58 Lighting 172-1;172-2; Storage 28041 Assessments 280-58 Yards 280-58;280-60 172-4;172-5;172-6; Use regulations 280-41 Batteries 280-58 ZONING 280-57\280-60 172-7;172-8 Waivers 280-42 Board of Appeals 280-58 LIGHTING Lots 172-5 Yards 280-41;280-43 Boats and Boating 280-58 Agricultural-Conservation Markers 172-7 ZONING 280-40\280-43 Buffers 280-58;280-60 (A-C)District and Meters 172-2;172-5 LITTER Building Inspector 280-58 Low-Density Nuisances 172-2;172-5 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Bulk,area and parking Residential R-80, Parking 172-2;172-5 PROPERTY regulations 280-59 R-120,R-200 and Patios 172-2 MAINTENANCE Business districts 280-58 R-400 Districts 280-13 Pedestrians 172-2 100-3 Camps 280-58 BOATS,DOCKS AND Penalties for offenses 172-9 LITTERING 174-1;174-2; Costs and expenses 280-58 WHARVES 96-14 Planning Board 172-5; 174-3; 174-4;174-5 Docks 280-58 Design Standards 240-46 172-8 NOISE,PREVENTION OF Dust 280-58 FIRE PREVENTION AND Pollution 172-2 180-4 Explosives 280-58 BUILDING CODE Prohibitions 172-7 STORMWATER Fauns and farming 280-58 ADMINISTRATION Public assemblies 172-2 MANAGEMENT Fences 280-58 144-6 Reports 172-2 236-17 Fowl 280-58 HIGHWAY Review procedures 172-8 TRANSPORTATION Front yard setbacks 280-60 SPECIFICATIONS Safety standards 172-2; ACCESS Fuel 280-58 161-4 172-5 MANAGEMENT 64-5 Fumes 280-58 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Security standards 172-2 LITTERING Garages 280-58 172-1;172-2;172-4; Service stations 172-5 Adoption of Code 1-2 Gas 280-58 172-5;172-6;172-7; Sidewalks 172-5 Adoption of Renumbered Gases 280-58 172-8 Signs 172-7;172-8 2006 Code 1-14 Glare 280-58 MUNICIPAL BUILDING Site plans 172-8 Advertising 174-1;174-6 Golf courses 280-58 ENERGY Standards for exterior Aluminum 174-1 Groundwater 280-58 BENCHMARKING lighting 172-5 Animals 174-1 Hazardous materials and 177-1 Streetlighting 172-2;172-5; Assessments 174-5 substances 280-58 Roadway Construction 172-8 Assessor 174-5 Heating 280-58 16146 Title 172-1 Blight 174-1 Height regulations 280-58 Signs 280-81;280-83; Towers 172-6 Budget 174-5 Horses 280-58 280-87;280-88 Trespassing 172-2;172-5 Charges 174-5 Junk 280-58 Site Plan Approval Utilities 172-4;172-5 Combustibles 174-1 Liens 280-58 280-129;280-133; Vapors 172-7 Costs and expenses 174-5 Motor vehicles 280-58 280-137 Variances 172-8 Definitions 174-1 Noise 280-58 Small Wind Energy Systems Violations and penalties Driveways 174-1;174-2 Notices 280-58 277-4 172-9 Garbage,rubbish and refuse Nuisances 280-58 Special Events Requiring Walls 172-2;172-7;172-8 174-1; 174-2 L Odors 280-58 Chairperson of the Yards 172-2 Glass 174-1 Off-street parking 280-58 Zoning Board of Zoning Board of Appeals Gutters 174-2 Office districts 280-58 Appeals'Approval 172-8 Handbills 174-1;174-6 Parking 280-58;280-59 205-4 LINIITED BUSINESS(LB) Litter 174-1;174-2;174-3; Permitted uses 280-58 Special Events Requiring DISTRICT 174-4;174-5 Planning Board 280-58 Town Board Approval Accessory uses and Litter from vehicles 174-3 Plumbing 280-58 205-7 structures 280-41 Litter in parks,beaches and Pollution 280-58 Street Excavations 237-12 Apartments 280-41 bodies of water 174-4 Purpose 280-57 See Also Bed and breakfast 280-41 Litter in public places 174-2 Recyclables 280-58 STREETLIGHTING Bicycles 280-41 Litter on private property Recycling 280-58 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Board of Appeals 280-41 174-5 Safety standards 280-58 240-44 Bulk,area and parking Newspaper 174-6 Sales 280-58 TOURIST AND TRAILER regulations 280-42 Notices 174-5 Schools 280-58 CAMPS 253-3 Cats 280-41 Paper 174-1 Screens and screening TRANSPORTATION Conservation districts Parking 174-1 280-58;280-60 ACCESS 28041 Parks and recreation 174-1; Setbacks 280-58;280-60 MANAGEMENT 64-5 Dogs 280-41 1744 Shrubs 280-58 WETLANDS AND Drive-in restaurants 280-41 Peddling and soliciting Signs 280-58 SHORELINE 275-11 Farms and farming 28041 174-6 Site plan approval 280-58 Wireless Communication Fences 290-41 Penalties for offenses 174-7 Site plan review and Facilities 280-69; Front yard setbacks 280-43 Plastics 174-1 approval 280-58 280-70 Hotels 280-41 Playgrounds 174-1 Site plans 280-58 ZONING 280-4;280-111; Landscaping 280-41 Ponds 174-4 Smoke 280-58 280-117 Library 280-41 Porches 174-1 Solar collectors 280-58 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Lots 280-41 Records 174-5 Solar energy 280-58 Applicability 172-4 Motorcycles 280-41 Reports 174-5 Solar energy systems Building Inspector 172-8 Museums 280-41 Safety standards 174-1 280-58 Building permits 172-8 Office districts 280-41 Sidewalks 174-1;174-2; Solid waste 280-58 Business districts 172-5 Parking 280-42 174-5;174-6 Special exception uses Conflict with other laws Pedestrians 280-41 Signs 174-6 280-58 172-3 Permitted uses 280-41 Storage 174-1 Special exceptions 280-58 Construction 172-4;172-6 Planning Board 280-41; Tires 174-3 Special permits 280-58 Costs and expenses 172-4 280-42 Town Board 174-5 Storage 280-58 Decks 172-2 Plumbing 280-41 Trucks 174-3 Street trees 280-58 Definitions 172-2 Purpose 280-40 Vehicles 174-1;174-3; Tests 280-58 Disability 172-2 Restaurants 280-41 174-6 Town Board 280-58 Driveways 172-2 Sales 280-41 Violations and penalties Trees 280-58 Emergencies 172-6 Screens and screening 174-7 Trucks 280-58 Exemptions 172-6 280-41 Water 174-4 Use regulations 280-58 Glare 172-2;172-5 Setbacks 280-43 Yards 174-1 Utilities 280-58 Glass 172-2 Signs 280-41 LIVESTOCK _ Vehicles 280-58 Grades and grading 172-2 Site plan approval 280-41 AGRICULTURAL LANDS Vibrations 280-58 Hearings 172-8 Site plan review and PRESERVATION 70-3 Violations and penalties Height regulations 172-2; approval 28041 AGRICULTURAL USES 280-58 172-5;172-6;172-8 Special exception uses 72-4 Waivers 280-58 Improvements 172-4 280-41 Farm Stands 72-5 IDX:32 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX LIVESTOCK... Farmland Bill of Rights 240-26;240-27; MANUFACTURED HOMES Conservation districts 280-98;280-99 240-30;240-41; FIRE PREVENTION AND 280-55 See Also HORSES 240-42;240-43; BUILDING CODE Curbs 280-55 STORMWATER 240-44;240-53; ADMINISTRATION Docks 280-55 MANAGEMENT 240-57;240-59 144-6;144-15 Fishing 280-55 236-5 VEHICLES AND FLOOD DAMAGE Fuel 280-55 SUBDIVISION OF LAND TRAFFIC 260-12; PREVENTION 148-4; Hotels 280-55 240-3;240-44 260-28 148-13;148-14; Insurance 280-55 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding WETLANDS AND 148-15;148-21 Marinas 280-55 and Domestic Pet SHORELINE 275-2 See Also MOBILE HOMES Mooring 280-55 Waste 83-27;83-28 ZONING 280-4;280-78; MANURE Motels 280-55 WATERFRONT 280-79;280-95; Agricultural-Conservation Museums 280-55 CONSISTENCY 280-106;280-109; (A-C)District and Parking 280-56 REVIEW 268-3 280-113;280-116; Low-Density Permitted uses 280-55 WETLANDS AND 280-124;280-207 Residential R-80, Planning Board 280-55 SHORELINE 275-2 LOW-DENSITY R-120,R-200 and Porches 280-55 ZONING 280-4 RESIDENTIAL R-40 R-400 Districts 280-13 Purpose 280-54 LOCAL LAWS,ADOPTION DISTRICT Roadway Construction Records 280-55 OF Accessory buildings 280-19 16144 Restaurants 280-55 Comptroller 38-5 Accessory buildings and SEWERS AND SEWAGE Sales 280-55 Filing of proof of structures 280-19 DISPOSAL 2154 Schools 280-55 publication and posting Accessory uses and ZONING 280-4 Sewers 280-55 384 structures 280-17 MARINAS Signs 280-55 Hearings 38-1;38-2;384; Animals 280-17 Fishers Island Harbor Site plan approval 280-55 38-6 Bed and breakfast 280-17 Management 157-4 Site plan review and Inspections 38-2 Board of Appeals 280-17 Floating Homes 96-26; approval 280-55 Notices 38-1;38-2;38-4; Bulk,area and parking 96-27;96-28 Special exceptions 280-55 38-6 regulations 280-18 Marine I(MI)District Swimming pools 280-55 Numbering 38-5 Camps 280-17 280-52 Use regulations 280-55 Posting and availability of Conservation districts Marine II(MII)District Water 280-54;280-55 copies 38-2 280-17;280-19 280-55 ZONING 280-54\280-56 Posting of copy upon Farms and farming 280-17 Resort Residential(RR) MARINE HI ZONE adoption 38-3 Hospitals 280-17 District 280-35 DISTRICT(MIII) Public hearing;notice 38-1 Library 280-17 Signs 280-85;280-86 Accessory uses and Rezonings 38-6 Museums 280-17 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding structures 280-205 Town Board 38-1;38-3 Open space 280-16 and Domestic Pet Bulk,area and parking Town Clerk 38-1;38-2; Parking 280-18 Waste 83-27 regulations 280-206 38-3;38-4;38-5 Permitted uses 280-17 WETLANDS AND Museums 280-205 LOTS Planning Board 280-17 SHORELINE 275-2; Off-street parking 280-205 Affordable Housing(AHD) Purpose 280-16 275-11 Parking 280-206 District 280-30;280-31 Single-family dwellings ZONING 280-4;280-78 Permitted uses 280-205 Agricultural Planned 280-17 MARINE I(MI)DISTRICT Planning Board 280-205 Development District Site plan approval 280-17 Accessory uses and Sheds 280-205 280-173 Special exceptions 280-17 structures 280-52 Site plan approval 280-205 Agricultural-Conservation Use regulations 280-17 Bathing 280-52 Storage 280-205 (A-C)District and Water supply 280-16 Bed and breakfast 280-52 Use regulations 280-205 Low-Density Yards 280-17 Board of Appeals 280-52 Water 280-205 Residential R-80, ZONING 280-16\280-19 Boats and Boating 280-52 ZONING 280-205\280-206 R-120,R-200 and Bulk,area and parking MARKERS R-400 Districts _ M — regulations 280-53 BOATS,DOCKS AND 280-13;280-15 Conservation districts WHARVES 96-23 Design Standards 24045 MAGAZINES 280-52 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Districts 280-9;280-10; Garbage,Rubbish and Docks 280-52 172-7 280-11 Refuse 233-1 Fishing 280-52 SHELLFISH AND OTHER FLOOD DAMAGE ZONING 280-4 Fuel 280-52 MARINE PREVENTION 148-4; MAJOR SUBDIVISIONS Insurance 280-52 RESOURCES 2194 148-13;148-24 HIGHWAY Marinas 280-52 Site Plan Approval 280-137 General Business(B) SPECIFICATIONS Mooring 280-52 SUBDIVISION OF LAND District 28048 1614 Parking 280-53 24041 HIGHWAY Roadway Construction Permitted uses 280-52 TOURIST AND TRAILER SPECIFICATIONS 161-38 Planning Board 280-52 CAMPS 253-8 161-11 See Also SUBDIVISION Purpose 280-51 MASTER PLAN Light Industrial(LI)District OF LAND Records 280-52 See Also 280-61 MANHOLES Sales 280-52 COMPREHENSIVE LIGHTING,OUTDOOR HIGHWAY Schools 280-52 PLAN 172-5 SPECIFICATIONS Signs 280-52 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Limited Business(LB) 161-2 Site plan approval 280-52 240-10;240-17 District 28041 Roadway Construction Site plan review and ZONING 2804 Preservation of Natural 161-35 approval 280-52 MEETINGS Features 240-49; SEWERS AND SEWAGE Special exceptions 280-52 Affordable Housing(AHD) 240-51 DISPOSAL 215-2; Swimming pools 280-52 District 280-29 Recreational Floating Zone 2154;215-6 Use regulations 280-52 AGRICULTURAL District(RFZ)280-201 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Water 280-51 ADVISORY Roadway Construction 240-17 ZONING 280-51\280-53 COMMITTEE 71-3 161-15;161-16 MANUFACTURED HOME MARINE H(MII) Agricultural Planned Site Plan Approval 280-137 PARKS DISTRICT Development District SOIL REMOVAL 228-7 FLOOD DAMAGE Accessory uses and 280-174 STORMWATER PREVENTION 148-4; structures 280-55 Chief of Police A290-7 MANAGEMENT 148-21 Bathing 280-55 COMMITTEES, _ 236-13;236-16 See Also MOBILE HOME Bed and breakfast 280-55 APPOINTMENT OF Street Excavations 237-14 PARKS Board of Appeals 280-55 13-3 Street Numbering 237-23 Boats and Boating 280-55 ENVIRONMENTAL SUBDIVISION OF LAND Bulk,area and parking QUALITY REVIEW 240-3;240-4;240-10; regulations 280-56 130-7 240-17;240-21; Ethics Board 26-21 IDX:33 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE MEETINGS... EXPENSES OF TOWN Fishers Island Harbor Fishers Island Harbor MULCHING OFFICERS 30-1 Management 157-3 Management 157-6; STORMWATER Fishers Island Harbor HOUSING FUND 34-6 157-7;157-8;157-9; MANAGEMENT Management 157-3 LANDMARK 157-10 236-5;236-18 General Business(B) PRESERVATION Floating Homes 96-26; WETLANDS AND District 280-48 170-4 96-28 SHORELINE 275-2 Hamlet Business(HB) SUBDIVISION OF LAND Marine I(MI)District MULTIFAMILY - District 280-45 240-44 280-52 DWELLINGS Historic Preservation YOUTH BOARD 68-5 Marine II(MII)District SEWERS AND SEWAGE District(HPD) ZONING 280-4;280-78 280-55 DISPOSAL 215-7 280-193;280-195 METERS Resort Residential(RR) ZONING 280-108 HOUSING FUND 34-6 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR District 280-35 MUNICIPAL BUILDING LANDMARK 172-2;172-5 WETLANDS AND ENERGY PRESERVATION NOISE,PREVENTION OF SHORELINE 275-2; BENCHMARKING 1704 180-4;180-6 275-11 Applicability 177-2 Notification of Defects See Also PARKING ZONING 280-4;280-78 Benchmarking required for 237-2 METERS MOTELS covered municipal PARKS AND SEWERS AND SEWAGE FIRE PREVENTION AND buildings 177-3 RECREATION DISPOSAL 215-4 BUILDING CODE Definitions 177-1 AREAS 193-9 MINING ADMINISTRATION Department of Public Works PUBLIC HEARINGS, COASTAL EROSION 144-8 177-1 NOTICE OF 55-2 HAZARD AREAS General Business(B) Disclosure 177-4 Residential Office(RO) 111-6;111-11;111-12; District 280-48 Disclosure and publication District 280-38 111-13;111-14 Hamlet Business(HB) of benchmarking SANITARY FLOW FLOOD DAMAGE District 280-44;280-45 information 177-4 CREDITS, PREVENTION 148-4 See Also HOTELS Enforcement and TRANSFER OF 117-9 STORMWATER Marine II(MII)District administration 177-6 Site Plan Approval MANAGEMENT 280-55 Fuel 177-1 280-131;280-133; 236-5 Parking at Beaches 189-3 Gas 177-1 280-137 MINORS Resort Residential(RR) Heating 177-1 Southold Community TOBACCO District 280-35 Internet 177-1;177-4 Preservation Project ADVERTISING 249-1 Signs 280-85 Lighting 177-1 Plan 17-13 ZONING 2804 ZONING 280-4;280-78 Maintenance of records SUBDIVISION OF LAND MINUTES MOTOR VEHICLES 177-5 240-13;240-23;24040 COMMITTEES, BOATS,DOCKS AND Records 177-5 WETLANDS AND APPOINTMENT OF WHARVES 96-24 Reports 177-6 SHORELINE 275-8 13-3 COASTAL EROSION Tenants 177-5 YOUTH BOARD 68-4; HOUSING FUND 34-6 HAZARD AREAS Town Board 177-6 68-5 LANDMARK 111-16 Utilities 177-1;177-5 ZONING 2804;280-78; PRESERVATION FIRE PREVENTION AND Walls 177-1 280-157 170-4 BUILDING CODE Water 177-1 MEMBERS OF THE See Also RECORDS ADMINISTRATION MUSEUMS DEPARTMENT Records Management 59-13 144-20 Hamlet Business(HB) Chief of Police A290-33 YOUTH BOARD 684 Garbage,Rubbish and District 280-45 i Complaints A290-33 MOBILE HOME PARKS Refuse 233-3;233-4 Historic Preservation Court Clerk A290-33 See Also General Business(B) District(HPD)280-193 N Duties A290-33 MANUFACTURED District 28048 Limited Business(LB) Emergencies A290-33 HOME PARKS Light Industrial Park/ District 28041 Fire Department A290-33 ZONING 2804 Planned Office Park Low-Density Residential Firearms A290-33 MOBILE HOMES (LIO)District 280-58 R-40 District 280-17 Licenses and permits COASTAL EROSION Parking at Beaches 189-3; Marine II(MII)District A290-33 HAZARD AREAS 1894 280-55 Notices A290-33 111-6 PARKS AND Marine III Zone District Police Department A290-33 FLOOD DAMAGE RECREATION (MIII)280-205 POLICE DEPARTMENT PREVENTION 148-4 AREAS 193-3 Plum Island Conservation RULES AND See Also See Also VEHICLES District(PIC)280-187 REGULATIONS MANUFACTURED VEHICLES AND Plum Island Research A290-33 HOMES TRAFFIC 260-18 District(PIR)280-183 Police officers A290-33 STORMWATER VEHICLES,MOTOR- Residential Office(RO) Records A290-33 MANAGEMENT DRIVEN 264-3; District 280-38 Reports A290-33 236-5 264-11;264-15 ZONING 280-78;280-79; Retirement A290-33 WETLANDS AND ZONING 280-4;280-77; 280-119 Safety standards A290-33 SHORELINE 275-2 280-78;280-110 Security standards A290-33 ZONING 2804;280-78 MOTORCYCLES - N Vehicles A290-33 MONUMENTS BICYCLES 88-4 Violations and penalties HIGHWAY Hamlet Business(HB) NATURAL FEATURES A290-33 SPECIFICATIONS District 28045 See Also PRESERVATION Weapons A290-33 161-3 JUNKYARDS 166-2 OF NATURAL MEMBERSHIP SUBDIVISION OF LAND Limited Business(LB) FEATURES AGRICULTURAL 240-10;240-17; District 280-41 Real Estate Transfer Tax ADVISORY 240-21;240-41 PUBLIC 17-19 COMMITTEE 71-3 WETLANDS AND ENTERTAINMENT Site Plan Approval Agricultural-Conservation SHORELINE 275-6 AND SPECIAL 280-129;280-133 (A-C)District and ZONING 280-104 EVENTS 205-2 Special Exception Uses Low-Density MOORING VEHICLES,MOTOR- 280-143 Residential R-80, Agricultural-Conservation DRIVEN 264-15 STORMWATER R-120,R-200 and (A-C)District and MUFFLERS MANAGEMENT R-400 Districts 280-13 Low-Density BOATS,DOCKS AND 236-18 Board of Appeals 280-145 Residential R-80, WHARVES 96-17 SUBDIVISION OF LAND COMMITTEES, R-120,R-200 and PARKS AND 240-3;240-43;240-53; APPOINTMENT OF R400 Districts 280-13 RECREATION 240-54 13-2 BOATS,DOCKS AND AREAS 193-3 WATERFRONT Community Preservation WHARVES 96-3; CONSISTENCY Fund Advisory Board 96-7;96-22;96-24; REVIEW 268-3 17-16 96-25 IDX:34 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX NATURAL FEATURES... Wireless Communication TRANSPORTATION NONRESIDENTIAL POLICE DEPARTMENT Facilities 280-72 ACCESS DISTRICTS RULES AND ZONING 2804 MANAGEMENT 64-5 ZONING 280-93 REGULATIONS NATURAL RESOURCES Wireless Communication NOTICES A29044 AGRICULTURAL Facilities 280-70; Adoption of Renumbered PUBLIC ADVISORY 280-71 2006 Code 1-14 ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE 71-1 ZONING 280-4;280-91; Affordable Housing(AHD) AND SPECIAL COASTAL EROSION 280-94;280-111 District 280-26; EVENTS 205-8;205-9 HAZARD AREAS NOISE,PREVENTION OF 280-29;280-30 PUBLIC HEARINGS, 111-4;111-5;111-6; Brush,grass and weeds Agricultural Planned NOTICE OF 55-1 111-9;111-15 180-4 Development District Real Estate Transfer Tax Emergency Activities Charges 180-4 280-174 17-32;17-34 I11-17 Compensation 180-4 Agricultural-Conservation RECORDS 59-10 HOUSING FUND 34-6 Construction 180-4 (A-C)District and Recreational Floating Zone Plum Island Conservation Definitions 1804 Low-Density District(RFZ)280-201 District(PIC)280-187 Dirt 1804 Residential R-80, Removal of Utility Poles Real Estate Transfer Tax Disturbing the peace 1804 R-120,R-200 and 237-32 17-19 Dust 1804 R400 Districts 280-13 RENTAL PERMITS 207-8 Southold Community Emergencies 180-7 Board of Appeals 280-146; Roadway Construction Preservation Fund Fees 180-4 280-150 161-44 17-2;17-3;17-8 Fuel 180-4 BOATS,DOCKS AND SANITARY FLOW Southold Community Gas 180-4;180-7 WHARVES 96-10; CREDITS, Preservation Project General prohibition 180-5 96-13;96-25;96-31; TRANSFER OF Plan 17-12 Grass clippings 1804 96-32;96-33 117-9;117-10;117-12; STORMWATER Hearings 180-4 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; 117-13;117-14 MANAGEMENT Holidays 180-4;180-7 PROPERTY Senior Citizen Exemption 236-5;236-10 Landscaping 1804;180-7 MAINTENANCE 245-3;2454;245-6 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Lawns 180-4 100-6;100-7;100-8; SEWERS AND SEWAGE 240-4;240-10 Litter 180-4 100-9;100-11 DISPOSAL 215-3; WATERFRONT Meters 180-4;180-6 COASTAL EROSION 2154;215-7;215-8; CONSISTENCY Noise 180-1;180-2;180-3; HAZARD AREAS 215-9;215-I1 REVIEW 268-2; 1804;180-5;180-6; 111-25;111-35 SHELLFISH AND OTHER 268-3;268-5 180-7 Emergency Activities MARINE WETLANDS AND Pollution 180-1;180-2; 111-18;111-19 RESOURCES 219-16 SHORELINE 275-2; 180-3;180-4;180-5; Emergency Removal of Signs 280-88 275-3;275-11 180-6;180-7 Vehicles 260-25 Site Plan Approval NEWSPAPER Prohibited noises;evidence ENVIRONMENTAL 280-131;280-137 Affordable Housing(AHD) of violation 180-7 QUALITY REVIEW Small Wind Energy Systems District 280-26 Property maintenance 180-4 130-6;130-10;130-13; 277-3 Garbage,Rubbish and Purpose 180-2 130-17 SOIL REMOVAL 228-5; Refuse 233-1;233-3.1 Safety standards 180-2; Farmland Bill of Rights 228-9;228-12 LITTERING 174-6 180-3 280-97;280-100; Special Events Requiring See Also PAPER Shrubs 1804 280-101 Chairperson of the PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS Standards 180-6 FILMING 1394;139-8 Zoning Board of AND TRANSIENT Statutory authorization FIRE PREVENTION AND Appeals'Approval RETAIL 180-3 BUILDING CODE 2054 MERCHANTS 1974 Tenants 180-4 ADMINISTRATION Special Events Requiring T NOISE Title 180-1 144-5;144-8;144-21; Town Board Approval Il� Agricultural-Conservation Town Board 180-2 144-24;144-25 205-7 (A-C)District and Town Supervisor 180-7 Fishers Island Harbor STORMWATER Low-Density Trees 180-4 Management 157-3; MANAGEMENT Residential R-80, Trucks 180-4 157-9;157-12;157-14 236-5;236-9;236-12; R-120,R-200 and Veterans 180-4 FLOOD DAMAGE 236-23;236-24; R-400 Districts 280-13 Violations and penalties PREVENTION 148-9; 236-34;236-35 BOATS,DOCKS AND 180-7 148-14;148-24 Street Excavations 237-6; WHARVES 96-17 NONCONFORMING Garbage,Rubbish and 237-11;237-13 See Also DISORDERLY BUILDINGS Refuse 233-6;233-8 SUBDIVISION OF LAND CONDUCT ZONING 280-122;280-123 Grievance Procedures 47-1 240-13;240-18; See Also DISTURBING NONCONFORMING LOTS Historic Preservation 240-19;240-22; THE PEACE Districts 280-10 District(HPD)280-195 240-25;240-29; Farmland Bill of Rights SUBDIVISION OF LAND Illicit Discharges 236-25; 240-30;240-32; 280-99 240-57 236-27;236-29;236-32 240-36;240-44;240-54 General Business(B) ZONING 280-4;280-124 JUNKYARDS 166-5 TOURIST AND TRAILER District 280-47;280-48 NONCONFORMING SIGNS LANDMARK CAMPS 253-4 Light Industrial(LI)District Signs 280-90 PRESERVATION VEHICLES,MOTOR- 280-62 See Also SIGNS 170-4;170-5;170-7; DRIVEN 264-8 Light Industrial Park/ NONCONFORMING 170-14 WETLANDS AND Planned Office Park STRUCTURES Light Industrial(LI)District SHORELINE 275-3.1; (LIO)District 280-58 WETLANDS AND 280-62 275-8;275-9;275-10; NOISE,PREVENTION OF SHORELINE 275-2; Light Industrial Park/ 275-11;275-16 180-1;180-2;180-3; 275-11 Planned Office Park Wireless Communication 180-4;180-5;180-6; NONCONFORMING USES (LIO)District 280-58 Facilities 280-74; 180-7 General Business(B) LITTERING 174-5 280-76 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS District 280-48 LOCAL LAWS, ZONING 280-92;280-153; AND TRANSIENT See Also PERMITTED ADOPTION OF 38-1; 280-155;280-157; RETAIL USES 38-2;38-4;38-6 280-159 MERCHANTS 197-10 See Also PROHIBITED Members of the Department NOTICES OF VIOLATIONS Small Wind Energy Systems USES A290-33 BOATS,DOCKS AND 277-2;277-3 Signs 280-90 Notification of Defects WHARVES 96-31; SOIL REMOVAL 228-5 See Also SPECIAL 237-1;237-2 96-32 Special Events Requiring EXCEPTION USES PARKS AND COASTAL EROSION Town Board Approval ZONING 280-2;280-4; RECREATION HAZARD AREAS 205-7 280-120;280-121; AREAS 193-10 111-29 Special Exception Uses 280-123;280-154 POLICE DEPARTMENT 280-143 51-6 IDX:35 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE NOTICES OF VIOLATIONS... STORMWATER LANDMARK See Residency Signs 260-3.1 MANAGEMENT PRESERVATION Requirements 42-9\ U-tums 260-3.1 236-35 170-3 42-10 Vehicles 260-3;260-3.1 See Also VIOLATIONS Notification of Defects Rules of Conduct 26-4; VEHICLES AND AND PENALTIES 237-1 26-11 TRAFFIC 260-3\ NOTIFICATION OF PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS See Superintendent of 260-3.1 DEFECTS AND TRANSIENT Highways 42-5\42-8 OPEN BURNING Bridges 237-1 RETAIL See Town Clerk 42-1\42-4 See Also BURNING Culverts 237-1 MERCHANTS 197-10 OFFICIAL MAP FIRE PREVENTION AND Meetings 237-2 SEWERS AND SEWAGE FLOOD DAMAGE BUILDING CODE Notices 237-1;237-2 DISPOSAL 215-4 PREVENTION 148-4 ADMINISTRATION Obstructions 237-1 Signs 280-80 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 144-19 Prior written notice required Snow and Ice Removal 240-3;240-4;240-10; See Also FIRES 237-1 237-20 240-17 OPEN FIRES Statutory provisions Street Excavations 237-12 ZONING 280-4 See BURNING superseded 237-3 Wireless Communication See Also ZONING MAPS See FIRES STREETS AND Facilities 280-70; OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OPEN SPACE SIDEWALKS 237-1\ 280-74 See ZONING MAPS Adoption of Renumbered 237-3 ZONING 280-104; OFF-ROAD VEHICLES 2006 Code 1-14 Town Board 237-2 280-106;280-111 See Also ALL-TERRAIN AGRICULTURAL LANDS Town Clerk 237-1;237-2 OCCUPANCY, VEHICLES PRESERVATION 70-2 Transmission and CERTIFICATES OF SUBDIVISION OF LAND Agricultural Planned presentation of notices See CERTIFICATES OF • 240-44 Development District 237-2 OCCUPANCY VEHICLES,MOTOR- 280-181 NUISANCES OCCUPANCY PERMITS DRIVEN 264-16 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; See CERTIFICATES OF OFF-STREET LOADING PROPERTY PROPERTY OCCUPANCY See Also PARKING MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE ODORS ZONING 280-79 100-3 100-2 Agricultural-Conservation OFF-STREET PARKING COASTAL EROSION Farmland Bill of Rights (A-C)District and Affordable Housing(AHD) HAZARD AREAS 280-97;280-99 Low-Density District 280-27;280-28 111-13 FLOOD DAMAGE Residential R-80, Agricultural-Conservation Design Standards 240-45 PREVENTION 148-24 R-120,R-200 and (A-C)District and Districts 280-8 JUNKYARDS 166-1 R400 Districts 280-13 Low-Density HOUSING FUND 34-6 Light Industrial(LI)District Farmland Bill of Rights Residential R-80, Low-Density Residential 280-62 280-99 R-120,R-200 and R40 District 280-16 Light Industrial Park/ See Also FUMES R400 Districts 280-13 OPEN SPACE Planned Office Park See Also GAS Design Standards 240-45 PRESERVATION (LIO)District 280-58 See Also GASES Farm Stands 72-6 185-1;185-2;185-3; LIGHTING,OUTDOOR General Business(B) General Business(B) 185-5 172-2;172-5 District 280-48 District 280-48 Preservation of Natural Plum Island Research Light Industrial(LI)District Hamlet Business(HB) Features 240-49 District(PIR)280-183 280-62 District 280-45 Real Estate Transfer Tax SEWERS AND SEWAGE Light Industrial Park/ Light Industrial Park/ 17-24 DISPOSAL 215-4 Planned Office Park Planned Office Park SANITARY FLOW SOIL REMOVAL 228-5 (LIO)District 280-58 (LIO)District 280-58 CREDITS, VEHICLES,MOTOR- Plum Island Research Marine III Zone District TRANSFER OF DRIVEN 264-14 District(PIR)280-183 (MIII)280-205 117-2;117-3 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding SEWERS AND SEWAGE See Also PARKING Site Plan Approval O and Domestic Pet DISPOSAL 215-4 See Also PARKING OFF- 280-127;280-128; Waste 83-28 Special Exception Uses STREET 280-137 WATERFRONT 280-143 Site Plan Approval Southold Community CONSISTENCY SUBDIVISION OF LAND 280-129;280-133; Preservation Fund REVIEW 268-3 240-44 280-137 17-4;17-5;17-8;17-9 ZONING 280-111 ZONING 280-4;280-111 Special Exception Uses Southold Community NURSING HOMES OFFENSES 280-143 Preservation Project Agricultural-Conservation See VIOLATIONS AND SUBDIVISION OF LAND Plan 17-12 (A-C)District and PENALTIES 240-4 STORMWATER Low-Density OFFICE DISTRICTS Wireless Communication MANAGEMENT Residential R-80, Districts 280-5 Facilities 280-70 236-19 R-120,R-200 and General Business(B) ZONING 280-4;280-77; SUBDIVISION OF LAND R-400 Districts 280-13 District 280-48 280-78;280-95; 240-2;240-3;240-10; See Also Hamlet Business(HB) 280-109 240-21;240-42; CONVALESCENT District 280-45 ONE-FAMILY 240-43;240-44;240-54 HOMES Light Industrial(LI)District DWELLINGS TRANSPORTATION ZONING 280-4;280-78 280-62 Agricultural-Conservation ACCESS Light Industrial Park/ (A-C)District and MANAGEMENT 64-3 - U _ Planned Office Park Low-Density WATERFRONT (LIO)District 280-58 Residential R-80, CONSISTENCY OBSTRUCTIONS Limited Business(LB) R-120,R-200 and REVIEW 268-2;268-5 Adoption of Renumbered District 280-41 R400 Districts 280-13 WETLANDS AND 2006 Code 1-14 OFFICERS AND Districts 280-10 SHORELINE 275-2 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; EMPLOYEES FIRE PREVENTION AND ZONING 280-4 PROPERTY Adoption of Renumbered BUILDING CODE OPEN SPACE MAINTENANCE 2006 Code 1-14 ADMINISTRATION PRESERVATION 100-2 Code of Ethics 26-1 144-19 Acquisition 1854 COASTAL EROSION DEFENSE AND RENTAL PERMITS 207-2 Alienation of fee,interest or HAZARD AREAS INDEMNIFICATION See Also SINGLE-FAMILY right;instrument of 111-11;111-13 21-1 DWELLINGS conveyance;Open Emergency Removal of ETHICS 26-17;26-18 ZONING 280-4;280-109 Space Committee Vehicles 260-23 Ethics Board 26-24;26-25 ONE-WAY STREETS 185-5 FLOOD DAMAGE See Also PERSONNEL No U-tum areas 260-3.1 Construction 185-5 PREVENTION POLICE DEPARTMENT One-Way Streets 260-3 Costs and expenses 185-5 148-16;148-18 51-1 One-way streets designated Definitions 185-3 260-3 Fees 185-3;185-4;185-5 IDX:36 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION... Fences 185-3 See Also HANDICAPPED TRANSPORTATION See Also OFF-STREET Findings 185-2 PARKING ACCESS PARKING Hearings 185-4;185-5 HOUSING FUND 34-6 MANAGEMENT 64-5 PARKS AND Licenses and permits 185-5 Light Industrial(LI)District VEHICLES AND RECREATION Open space 185-1;185-2; 280-62;280-63 TRAFFIC 260-1; Adoption of Renumbered 185-3;185-5 Light Industrial Park/ 260-8;260-8.1;260-9; 2006 Code 1-14 Sales 185-4;185-5 Planned Office Park 260-10;260-11; BICYCLES 88-1;88-2; Severability 185-6 (LIO)District 280-58; 260-12;260-14; 88-3;88-5 Title 185-1 280-59 260-15;260-16; Districts 280-7 Town Board 185-2;185-4; LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 260-17;260-18; LITTERING 174-1;174-4 185-5 172-2;172-5 260-19;260-20; PARKS AND OUTDOOR BURNING Limited Business(LB) 260-21;260-22;260-28 RECREATION See FIRES District 280-42 WATERFRONT AREAS 193-1;193-3.1 LITTERING 174-1 CONSISTENCY See Also PLAYGROUNDS P _ Low-Density Residential REVIEW 268-3 Real Estate Transfer Tax R-40 District 280-18 WETLANDS AND 17-24 PAPER Marine I(MI)District SHORELINE 275-2 See Also RECREATION BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; 280-53 Wireless Communication AREAS PROPERTY Marine II(MII)District Facilities 280-69; Southold Community MAINTENANCE 280-56 280-72 Preservation Fund 17-4 100-3 Marine III Zone District ZONING 280-4;280-65; Special Events Requiring Garbage,Rubbish and (1VIIII)280-206 280-78;280-79; Town Board Approval Refuse 233-1 See Also OFF-STREET 280-91280-95; 205-7 LITTERING 174-1 LOADING 280-111;280-117 STORMWATER See Also NEWSPAPER See Also OFF-STREET PARKING AT BEACHES MANAGEMENT PARKS AND PARKING Bathing 189-1;189-2 236-19 RECREATION Parking at Beaches 189-1; Bed and breakfast 189-3 SUBDIVISION OF LAND AREAS 193-2 189-2;189-3;189-4; Boardinghouses 189-3 240-3;240-4;240-10; SEWERS AND SEWAGE 189-5;189-6 Boats and Boating 189-2 240-42;240-52; DISPOSAL 215-4; See Parking at Beaches Bridges 189-2 240-53;240-54 215-10 189-1\189-8 Charges 189-3 TOBACCO Signs 280-83;280-85 PARKS AND Costs and expenses 189-7 ADVERTISING 249-1 SUBDIVISION OF LAND RECREATION Designation of parking areas Waterfowl and Gull Feeding 240-20;240-28; AREAS 193-1;193-3 on Fishers Island 189-4 and Domestic Pet 240-29;240-30 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS Designation of parking areas Waste 83-27 TOBACCO AND TRANSIENT requiring permits 189-2 ZONING 280-4 ADVERTISING 249-2 RETAIL Docks 189-4 PARKS AND ZONING 280-4;280-111 MERCHANTS 197-2; Duration of permits 189-5 RECREATION AREAS PARADES 197-10 Fees 189-3;189-4 Air rifles 193-6 BOATS,DOCKS AND Plum Island Conservation Fishing 189-3 Animals 193-2;193-3.1 WHARVES 96-16 District(PIC)280-188 Hotels 189-3 Ashes 193-2 PARKS AND Plum Island Research Inspections 189-3;189-4 Authority to promulgate RECREATION District(PIR)280-184 Licenses and permits rules and regulations AREAS 193-9 PUBLIC 189-2;189-3;1894; 193-11 PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT 189-5 Bathing 193-3.1;193-4; ENTERTAINMENT AND SPECIAL Motels 189-3 193-5 AND SPECIAL EVENTS 205-2;205-3 Motor vehicles 189-3;189-4 Beach activities 193-5 EVENTS 205-2 Recreational Floating Zone Other regulations 189-6 Behavior and conduct 193-9 PARENT AND GUARDIAN District(RFZ) PARKING 189-1\189-8 Boats and Boating 193-1; RESPONSIBILITIES 280-201;280-203; Parking permits 189-3 193-3;193-5 Shellfish 219-6 280-204 Penalties for offenses 189-8 Certain acts prohibited PARKING RENTAL PERMITS 207-1 Police Department 189-7 193-2 Adoption of Code 1-2 Residential Office(RO) Police officers 189-7 Definitions 193-1 Adoption of Renumbered District 280-38;280-39 Policy 189-1 Department of Public Works 2006 Code 1-14 Resort Residential(RR) Ponds 189-2 193-1 Affordable Housing(AHD) District 280-36 Recreation areas 189-4 Dirt 193-2 District 280-28 Roadway Construction Registration 189-3;189-4 Dog runs 193-3.1 Agricultural-Conservation 161-15 Removal of vehicles parked Dogs 193-3.1 (A-C)District and SALVAGE CENTERS in violation 189-7 Driveways 193-1 Low-Density 211-3;211-4 Rental units 189-3 Dumps and dumping 193-2 Residential R-80, Signs 280-85 Signs 189-4 Emergencies 193-3 R-120,R-200 and Site Plan Approval Storage 189-7 Enforcement;penalties for R-400 Districts 280-127;280-128; Town Board 189-1;189-3; offenses 193-12 280-13;280-14 280-129;280-131; 189-4 Fire Department 193-3 APPEARANCE TICKETS 280-133;280-134; Town Clerk 189-3;189-4 Firearms 193-6 5-2;5-3 280-137 Trailers 189-2 Garbage,rubbish and refuse Emergency Removal of SOIL REMOVAL 228-7 Vehicles 189-1;189-2; 193-2;193-7 Vehicles 260-23 Southold Community 189-3;189-4;189-7 Glass 193-2 Farm Stands 72-5;72-6 Preservation Fund 17-8 Violations and penalties Guns 193-6 FILMING 139-3 Special Events Requiring 189-2;189-3;189-4; Hours of use 193-10 FIRE PREVENTION AND Chairperson of the 189-7;189-8 Hunting 193-2;193-3.1; BUILDING CODE Zoning Board of Water 189-1 193-6 ADMINISTRATION Appeals'Approval Wells 189-2 Hunting and use of firearms 144-19;144-20 2054 PARKING FOR prohibited 193-6 FLOOD DAMAGE Special Events Requiring HANDICAPPED Intoxicating beverages PREVENTION 148-4; Town Board Approval See HANDICAPPED 193-9 148-16 205-7 PARKING Leashing 193-3.1 General Business(B) Special Exception Uses PARKING METERS Licenses and permits District 280-48;280-49 280-143 See Also METERS 193-3.1 Hamlet Business(HB) STORMWATER VEHICLES AND Meetings 193-9 District 280-45;280-46 MANAGEMENT TRAFFIC 260-1 Motor vehicles 193-3 Hamlet Density(HD) 236-5;236-13;236-19 PARKING OFF-STREET Mufflers 193-3 Residential District SUBDIVISION OF LAND Hamlet Business(HB) Notices 193-10 280-23 240-44 District 280-45 Paper 193-2 Parades 193-9 IDX:37 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE PARKS AND RECREATION AREAS... Parking 193-1;193-3 Farms and farming 197-2 COASTAL EROSION Historic Preservation Parks and recreation 193-1; Fees 197-4;197-7;197-8; HAZARD AREAS District(HPD)280-193 193-3.1 197-9 111-6;111-16 Light Industrial(LI)District Playgrounds 193-1 Fees;expiration of license Crosswalks 260-27 280-62 Police Department 193-12 197-9 FILMING 139-1;139-3 Light Industrial Park/ Police officers 193-3 Fingerprinting 197-7 General Business(B) Planned Office Park Recreation areas 193-1; Garage sales 197-4 District 280-48 (LIO)District 280-58 193-3.1;193-6;193-7; Hearings 197-11 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Limited Business(LB) 193-10;193-11 Insects 197-10 172-2 District 280-41 Regulations concerning Investigation of applicant Limited Business(LB) Low-Density Residential bathing and swimming 197-7 District 280-41 R-40 District 280-17 193-4 Investigations 197-7 Pedestrians 260-27 Marine I(MI)District Regulations concerning Issuance of license;records; Recreational Floating Zone 280-52 dogs or domestic possession 197-8 District(RFZ)280-201 Marine II(MII)District animals 193-3.1 Legislative intent 197-1 Safety standards 260-27 280-55 Regulations concerning License required 197-3 Signs 280-85 Marine III Zone District motor vehicles 193-3 Licenses and permits Site Plan Approval (MIII)280-205 Restrictions concerning 197-3;197-4;197-6; 280-128;280-129; See Also certain games and 197-7;197-8;197-9; 280-133;280-137 NONCONFORMING sports activities 193-8 197-11;197-13 Street Numbering 237-26 USES Safety standards 193-6; Licensing and Regulation SUBDIVISION OF LAND Plum Island Conservation 193-11 197-1\197-13 240-3;240-4;240-10; District(PIC)280-187 Service dogs 193-3.1 Newspaper 197-4 240-42;240-53;240-54 Plum Island Research Signs 193-3;193-3.1 Noise 197-10 Town Board 260-27 District(PIR)280-183 Special permits 193-7 Obstructions 197-10 TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC Toilet facilities 193-4 Parking 197-2;197-10 ACCESS ENTERTAINMENT Town Board 193-3.1; Peddling and soliciting MANAGEMENT 64-5 AND SPECIAL 193-10 197-1;197-2;197-3; Vehicle Traffic 260-26 EVENTS 205-2 Trap 193-6 197-4;197-7;197-8; VEHICLES AND Recreational Floating Zone Trash 193-2;193-7 197-10 TRAFFIC 260-18; District(RFZ)280-202 Trees 193-2 Penalties for offenses 260-27 Residential Office(RO) Trucks 193-3 197-13 WETLANDS AND District 280-38 Use of picnic areas 193-7 Permitted activities 197-5 SHORELINE 275-11 Resort Residential(RR) Use Regulations and Police Chief 197-7 ZONING 280-2;280-77 District 280-35 Restrictions 193-1\ Police Department 197-7 PENALTIES FOR SANITARY FLOW 193-13 Records 197-7;197-8 OFFENSES CREDITS, Vehicles 193-1;193-3; Registration 197-1;197-4; See VIOLATIONS AND TRANSFER OF 117-3 193-4 197-6 PENALTIES Special Events Requiring Violations and penalties Restrictions 197-10 PENSIONS Chairperson of the 193-7;193-12 Revocation of license; See Also RETIREMENT Zoning Board of Water 193-4 hearing 197-11 WATERFRONT Appeals'Approval Weapons 193-6 Sales 197-2;197-4;197-5; CONSISTENCY 205-5 When effective 193-13 197-6;197-10 REVIEW 268-3 Special Exception Uses Wildlife 193-6 Schools 197-10 PERFORMANCE 280-143 PARKS AND Signs 197-12 GUARANTEES See Also SPECIAL RECREATION Town Board 197-11;197-12 STORMWATER EXCEPTION USES COMMITTEE Town Clerk 197-3;197-6; MANAGEMENT Targeted Business See Also RECREATION 197-8;197-I1 236-20 Investment Exemption AREAS Transient merchants 197-1; WETLANDS AND 245-7 Recreational Floating Zone 197-2;197-5;197-6 SHORELINE 275-9 Wireless Communication District(RFZ)280-201 Trucks 197-2;197-5 PERFORMANCE Facilities 280-71 PATIOS Vehicles 197-10 STANDARDS PERSONNEL P General Business(B) Violations and penalties See Also DESIGN See Grievance Procedures District 28048 197-6;197-I1;197-13 STANDARDS 47-I\474 Hamlet Business(HB) PEDDLING AND FLOOD DAMAGE See Also OFFICERS AND District 28045 SOLICITING PREVENTION 148-22 EMPLOYEES LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Adoption of Code 1-2 STORMWATER PERSONNEL POLICIES 172-2 Adoption of Renumbered MANAGEMENT See OFFICERS AND STORMWATER 2006 Code 1-14 236-3;236-9;236-18 EMPLOYEES MANAGEMENT APPEARANCE TICKETS PERMIT PARKING PET WASTE 236-5 5-2 See PARKING See Also FECAL MATTER WETLANDS AND LITTERING 174-6 PERMITTED USES Illicit Discharges 236-27 SHORELINE 275-2 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS Affordable Housing(AHD) STORMWATER ZONING 280-4;280-104 AND TRANSIENT District 280-27 MANAGEMENT PEACE AND GOOD RETAIL Agricultural Planned 2364 ORDER MERCHANTS 197-1; Development District PET WASTE DISPOSAL See DISORDERLY 197-2;197-3;197-4; 280-175 See FECAL MATTER CONDUCT 197-7;197-8;197-10 Agricultural-Conservation PLACES OF WORSHIP See DISTURBING THE POLICE DEPARTMENT (A-C)District and Agricultural-Conservation PEACE RULES AND Low-Density (A-C)District and See NOISE REGULATIONS Residential R-80, Low-Density PEDALCYCLES A290-15 R-120,R-200 and Residential R-80, See BICYCLES See Also SALES R-400 Districts 280-13 R-120,R-200 and PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS See Also VENDORS Board of Appeals 280-146 R-400 Districts 280-13 AND TRANSIENT PEDESTRIAN FIRE PREVENTION AND See Also CHURCHES RETAIL MERCHANTS WALKWAYS BUILDING CODE Residential Office(RO) Application for license See Also CROSSWALKS ADMINISTRATION District 280-38 197-6 General Business(B) 144-8 ZONING 280-78 Chief of Police 197-11 District 28048 General Business(B) PLANNED UNIT Contagious diseases 197-6 Hamlet Business(HB) District 280-48 DEVELOPMENTS Definitions 197-2 District 28045 Hamlet Business(HB) HOUSING FUND 34-6 Dirt 197-10 PEDESTRIANS District 28045 PLANNING BOARD Dogs 197-5;197-10 ALCOHOLIC Hamlet Density(HD) Adoption of Code 1-2 Dust 197-10 BEVERAGES 79-1 Residential District Exemptions 197-4 BICYCLES 88-2;88-6 280-22 IDX:38 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX PLANNING BOARD... Affordable Housing(AHD) Site Plan Approval Roadway Construction Permitted uses 280-183 District 280-24; 280-127;280-129; 161-46 Planning Board 280-183 280-28;280-29; 280-130;280-131; SEWERS AND SEWAGE Purpose 280-182 280-30;280-31 280-132;280-133; DISPOSAL 215-4 Setbacks 280-185 AGRICULTURAL 280-137 Signs 280-82 Sewers 280-183 ADVISORY SOIL REMOVAL 228-4; WETLANDS AND Site plan approval 280-183 COMMITTEE 71-1; 228-7 SHORELINE 275-11 Smoke 280-183 714 Special Events Requiring ZONING 280-4;280-111 Solar energy 280-183 Agricultural Planned Chairperson of the PLAYGROUNDS Special exception uses Development District Zoning Board of Agricultural-Conservation 280-183 280-174;280-181 Appeals'Approval (A-C)District and Special exceptions 280-183 Agricultural-Conservation 205-5 Low-Density Storage 280-183 (A-C)District and STORMWATER Residential R-80, Town Board 280-183 Low-Density MANAGEMENT R-120,R-200 and Use regulations 280-183 Residential R-80, 236-10 R-400 Districts 280-13 Utilities 280-183 R-120,R-200 and Street Numbering 237-25 FIRE PREVENTION AND Vibrations 280-183 R-400 Districts 280-13 SUBDIVISION OF LAND BUILDING CODE Water 280-183 Design Standards 240-45 240-3;240-5;240-6; ADMINISTRATION Wetlands 280-185 Districts 280-9 240-8;240-9;240-10; 144-8 ZONING 280-182\280-185 EXPENSES OF TOWN 240-11;240-12; LITTERING 174-1 PLUMBERS OFFICERS 30-1 240-13;240-14; See Also PARKS AND SEWERS AND SEWAGE Farm Stands 72-6 240-16;240-18; RECREATION DISPOSAL 215-8 Farmland Bill of Rights 240-19;240-20; PARKS AND ZONING 2804 280-100 240-21;240-22; RECREATION PLUMBING Garbage,Rubbish and 240-23;240-24; AREAS 193-1 Design Standards 240-47 Refuse 233-6 240-25;240-29; See Also RECREATION FIRE PREVENTION AND General Business(B) 240-30;240-32; AREAS BUILDING CODE District 280-48 240-34;240-35; SUBDIVISION OF LAND ADMINISTRATION Hamlet Business(HB) 240-38;240-39; 240-10;240-43; 144-6;144-8 District 280-45 240-40;24041; 240-44;240-52;240-53 FLOOD DAMAGE Hamlet Density(HD) 240-42;240-44; PLUM ISLAND PREVENTION 148-16 Residential District 240-52;240-53; CONSERVATION General Business(B) 280-22 240-54;240-56; DISTRICT(PIC) District 280-48 HIGHWAY 240-57;240-58;240-59 Accessory uses and Hamlet Business(HB) SPECIFICATIONS WATERFRONT structures 280-187 District 280-45 161-49 CONSISTENCY Apartments 280-187 Light Industrial(LI)District Historic Preservation REVIEW 268-4 Appeals 280-187 280-62 District(HPD) Wireless Communication Board of Appeals 280-187 Light Industrial Park/ 280-193;280-195; Facilities 280-70; Buffers 280-187 Planned Office Park 280-196 280-72;280-73; Bulk,area and parking (LIO)District 280-58 Light Industrial(LI)District 280-74;280-76.2 regulations 280-188 Limited Business(LB) 280-62 ZONING 280-4;280-78; Conservation districts District 28041 Light Industrial Park/ 280-92;280-94; 280-186;280-187; RENTAL PERMITS 207-2 Planned Office Park 280-104;280-123; 280-188 SEWERS AND SEWAGE (LIO)District 280-58 280-151;280-154; Fees 280-187 DISPOSAL 215-2; LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 280-157 Historic landmarks 280-187 215-9 172-5;172-8 PLANNING COMMISSION Historic resources 280-186 ZONING 280-4;280-78 Limited Business(LB) Affordable Housing(AHD) Museums 280-187 POLICE CHIEF District 28041;28042 District 280-29 Natural resources 280-187 See Also CHIEF OF Low-Density Residential Historic Preservation Parking 280-188 POLICE R-40 District 280-17 District(HPD)280-195 Permitted uses 280-187 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS Marine I(MI)District Site Plan Approval 280-131 Planning Board 280-187 AND TRANSIENT 280-52 Special Events Requiring Purpose 280-186 RETAIL Marine II(MII)District Chairperson of the Setbacks 280-189 MERCHANTS 197-7 280-55 Zoning Board of Site plan approval 280-187 POLICE DEPARTMENT Marine III Zone District Appeals'Approval Solar energy 280-187 Administration;rules and (mill)280-205 205-5 Special exception uses regulations 51-5 Plum Island Conservation SUBDIVISION OF LAND 280-187 Adoption of Code 1-2;1-4 District(PIC)280-187 240-12 Special exceptions 280-187 Adoption of Renumbered Plum Island Research PLASTIC BAGS Town Board 280-187 2006 Code 1-14 District(PIR)280-183 Garbage,Rubbish and Use regulations 280-187 ALARM SYSTEMS 75-2; Preservation of Natural Refuse 233-1 Wetlands 280-189 75-6 Features 24049; POLICE DEPARTMENT ZONING 280-186\280-189 Appointments 51-3;51-4 240-51 RULES AND PLUM ISLAND RESEARCH Board of Commissioners PUBLIC REGULATIONS DISTRICT(PIR) 51-2 ENTERTAINMENT A29045 Accessory uses and Board of Police AND SPECIAL PLASTICS structures 280-183 Commissioners 51-2 EVENTS 205-2 Agricultural-Conservation Apartments 280-183 Budget 51-4 Recreational Floating Zone (A-C)District and Appeals 280-183 Charges 51-1;51-6 District(RFZ) Low-Density Board of Appeals 280-183 Charges;disciplinary action 280-201;280-202 Residential R-80, Boats and Boating 280-183 51-6 Residential Office(RO) R-120,R-200 and Buffers 280-183 Chief of Police 51-1; District 280-38 R-400 Districts 280-13 Bulk,area and parking A290-7 Resort Residential(RR) Garbage,Rubbish and regulations 280-184 Civil Service Commission District 280-35 Refuse 233-1;233-3.1 Dust 280-183 514 Roadway Construction General Business(B) Explosives 280-183 COASTAL EROSION 161-15;16144 District 280-48 Fees 280-183 HAZARD AREAS Rules of Conduct 26-13 Hamlet Business(HB) Fumes 280-183 111-6;111-29 SANITARY FLOW District 280-45 Gases 280-183 Compensation 51-1;514; CREDITS, JUNKYARDS 166-1 Groundwater 280-183 51-6 TRANSFER OF LITTERING 174-1 Historic landmarks 280-183 Costs and expenses 51-1 117-9;117-11 POLICE DEPARTMENT Museums 280-183 Emergencies 51-4 Signs 280-81 RULES AND Nuisances 280-183 Emergency Removal of REGULATIONS Odors 280-183 Vehicles 260-24; A290-45 Parking 280-184 260-25 IDX:39 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE POLICE DEPARTMENT... Establishment;members; A290-36;A290-41; Patrol duty A290-37 FILMING 139-4 powers and duties; A290-43;A290-44; Peddling and soliciting HOUSING FUND 34-2 compensation; A290-46 A290-15 Members of the Department equipment 51-1 See Chief of Police A290-6\ Plastic bags A290-45 A290-33 FILMING 139-12 A290-7 Plastics A290-45 Parking at Beaches 189-7 Hearings 51-6 Civilian Members A290-12\ Police Department A290-1; PARKS AND Investigations 51-6 A290-14 A290-2;A290-4; RECREATION - Members of the Department Communicable diseases A290-8;A290-11; AREAS 193-3 A290-33 A290-45 A290-34;A290-35; POLICE DEPARTMENT Notices 51-6 Communicable/infectious A290-36;A290-41; 51-3;51-4 Officers and employees diseases A290-45 A290-46;A290-47 POLICE DEPARTMENT 51-1 Compensation A290-47 Police officers A290-4; RULES AND Parking at Beaches 189-7 Complaints A290-15; A290-16;A290-23; REGULATIONS PARKS AND A290-36;A29045 A290-36;A290-37 A2904;A290-16; RECREATION Composition A290-18 Powers and duties A290-1 A290-23;A290-36; AREAS 193-12 Conduct A290-15 Pro-arrest policy A290-36 A290-37 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS Confidentiality A290-14; Procedures A290-30 Special Events Requiring AND TRANSIENT A290-41 Profanity A290-15 Chairperson of the RETAIL Confidentiality of official Qualifications A290-16 Zoning Board of MERCHANTS 197-7 business A290-41 Records A290-9;A290-11; Appeals'Approval POLICE DEPARTMENT Conflict with Police A290-15;A290-28; 205-5 51-1;51-2;51-3;51-5; Benevolent Association A290-45 Street Numbering 237-28 51-6 agreements A290-48 Records and documents VEHICLES AND POLICE DEPARTMENT Construal of Provisions A290-28 TRAFFIC 260-7 RULES AND A290-48 Reports A290-3;A290-9; VEHICLES,MOTOR- REGULATIONS Cooperation with other law A290-11;A290-13; DRIVEN 264-15; A290-1;A290-2; enforcement agencies A290-15;A290-31; 264-17 A290-4;A290-8; A290-22 A290-32;A290-36; POLITICAL SIGNS A290-11;A290-34; Curbs A290-37;A290-38 A290-37;A290-38; See SIGNS A290-35;A290-36; Definitions;word usage A290-44 POLLUTION A290-41;A290-46; A290-46 Requesting assistance See A1so AIR POLLUTION A290-47 Detectives A290-16\ A290-26 Floating Homes 96-26 Police officers 51-3;51-4 A290-32 Rules of conduct A290-15; General Business(B) Powers and duties 51-1 Detectives to be on call A290-23 District 28048 PUBLIC A290-32 Safeguarding information Light Industrial(LI)District ENTERTAINMENT Disability A290-3 A290-14 280-62 AND SPECIAL Disciplinary Action Safety standards A29045 Light Industrial Park/ EVENTS 205-9 A290-47 Salaries and compensation Planned Office Park Qualifications 51-3 Disorderly conduct A290-9; A290-47 (LIO)District 280-58 Qualifications of members A290-15;A290-36 Scene of investigation LIGHTING,OUTDOOR of Police Department Dress A290-29 A290-20 172-2 51-3 Duty of Department Security standards A290-9; NOISE,PREVENTION OF Salaries and compensation A290-35 A290-42 180-1;180-2;180-3; 51-6 Emergencies A290-3; Seniority A290-5 1804;180-5;180-6; Special Events Requiring A290-11;A29046 Sergeants A290-10\A290-11 180-7 - Chairperson of the Fecal matter A29045 Sick leave A290-39 SOIL REMOVAL 228-7 Zoning Board of Fees A290-15 Sick time A29044 Special Exception Uses Appeals'Approval Firearms A290-9 Sidearms A29042 280-143 205-5 Fitness for duty A290-39 Sidewalks A290-37; STORMWATER Special policemen 51-4 Gas A290-15 A290-38 MANAGEMENT STORMWATER General duties A290-8; Smoke A29045 236-3;236-4;236-5; MANAGEMENT A290-10;A290-12 Specific duties A290-9; 236-17;236-19; P 236-33 General Rules A290-34\ A290-11;A290-13 236-20;236-35 Street Excavations 237-12; A29045 Streetlighting A290-37; See A1so WATER 237-13 Grooming A290-43 A290-38 POLLUTION Town Board 51-1;51-2; Guns A290-15 Supervisory officers Water Quality Improvement 51-4;51-5;51-6 HarassmentA290-36 A290-38 17-41;17-43;1744; VEHICLES,MOTOR- Hazardous wastes A290-45 Tests A290-45 17-45 DRIVEN 264-17; Hospitals A29044; Tobacco A290-15 WATERFRONT 264-19 A290-45 Towing A290-15 CONSISTENCY Violations and penalties Inquiries A290-25 Town Board A290-2; REVIEW 268-3 51-6 Inspections A290-15; A290-4;A290-15; ZONING 280-91 WATERFRONT A290-27 A290-46 PONDS CONSISTENCY Intoxicating beverages Types of action A290-47 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; REVIEW 2684;268-6 A290-15;A290-24 Use of intoxicating PROPERTY POLICE DEPARTMENT Intoxication A290-9 beverages A290-24 MAINTENANCE RULES AND Investigation of Vehicles A290-11; 100-4 REGULATIONS questionable deaths A290-15;A290-45 Fishers Island Harbor Absence for disability of A290-21 Violations and penalties Management 157-6 Chief A290-3 Investigations A290-15; A290-9;A290-13; LITTERING 174-4 Additional duties A290-19 A290-17;A290-19; A290-15;A290-19; Parking at Beaches 189-2 Advertising A290-15 A290-20;A290-21; A290-36;A290-47 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Alcoholic beverages A290-24;A290-25; Waivers A29043 DISPOSAL 215-2 A290-15 A290-31 Warrants A290-17; Site Plan Approval 280-133 Appointments A290-5 Lieutenant A290-8\A290-9 A290-36 Southold Community Assignment A290-17 Maintenance of order Water A29045 Preservation Project Charges A290-36 A290-34 Weapons A290-15 Plan 17-13 Chief of Police A290-2; See Members of the Word Usage A29046 Stop and Yield Intersections A290-3;A2904; Department A290-33 POLICE OFFICERS 2604;260-6 A290-8;A290-9; Monthly report A290-31 BOATS,DOCKS AND STORMWATER A290-12;A290-13; Notices A29044 WHARVES 96-15 MANAGEMENT A290-15;A290-16; Order of rank A290-4 Dogs 83-7 236-5;236-9;236-17; A290-17;A290-18; Organization A290-1\ Emergency Removal of 236-18 A290-19;A290-22; A290-5 Vehicles 260-23; SUBDIVISION OF LAND A290-27;A290-30; Other occupations A290-40 260-24 240-4;240-10;240-42 IDX:40 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX PONDS... VEHICLES AND PRELIMINARY PLATS Residential R-80, PUBLIC HEARINGS, TRAFFIC 260-8; SUBDIVISION OF LAND R-120,R-200 and NOTICE OF 260-9;260-11 240-3;240-6;240-7; R400 Districts 280-13 Assessments 55-1 Water Quality Improvement 240-8;240-13;240-15; BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Hearings 55-1 17-43 240-16;240-17; PROPERTY Meetings 55-2 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding 240-18;240-19; MAINTENANCE Notices 55-1 and Domestic Pet 240-20;240-22; 100-1;100-4 Providing notice of public Waste 83-27 240-24;240-25; FIRE PREVENTION AND hearings 55-1 WETLANDS AND 240-53;240-58 BUILDING CODE Records 55-1 SHORELINE 275-2; PRESERVATION OF ADMINISTRATION Setbacks 55-1 275-3;275-4;275-11 NATURAL FEATURES 144-3 Signs 55-1 ZONING 280-4;280-113 Buffers 240-49 Historic Preservation Town Board 55-1;55-2 POOLS Certificates of occupancy District(HPD)280-196 Videoconferencing for Agricultural-Conservation 24049 NOISE,PREVENTION OF public meetings 55-2 (A-C)District and Clearing 240-49 1804 PUBLIC RECORDS, Low-Density Conservation districts PUBLIC ASSEMBLIES ACCESS TO Residential R-80, 240-51 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR See RECORDS R-120,R-200 and Construction 240-51 172-2 PUBLIC SAFETY R-400 Districts 280-13 Drainage 240-51 Site Plan Approval 280-129 See SAFETY COASTAL EROSION Drainage plan 240-51 Special Exception Uses STANDARDS HAZARD AREAS Easements 240-51 280-143 PUBLIC WORKS 111-6 Erosion and sediment PUBLIC DOCKS DEPARTMENT RENTAL PERMITS 207-7 control 24049;240-51 BOATS,DOCKS AND See DEPARTMENT OF See Also SWIMMING Farms and fanning 240-49 WHARVES 96-4\96-5 PUBLIC WORKS POOLS Fees 240-49 Definitions 96-4 WETLANDS AND Final plats 240-51 Docks 96-4;96-5 _ Q - SHORELINE 275-2 Floodplains 240-50 Monopolization of docks, ZONING 280-4 Grades and grading 240-49; bulkheads and landing QUALIFICATIONS PORCHES 240-51 places prohibited 96-5 Board of Appeals 280-146 COASTAL EROSION Improvements 240-51 PUBLIC Ethics Board 26-21 HAZARD AREAS Landscaping 240-49 ENTERTAINMENT Exemption for Volunteer I11-6 Licenses and permits 240-49 AND SPECIAL Firefighters and FLOOD DAMAGE Lots 240-49;240-51 EVENTS Ambulance Workers PREVENTION 148-18 See Also NATURAL Amusements 205-2 245-11 LITTERING 174-1 FEATURES Bicycles 205-2 HOUSING FUND 34-2; Marine II(MII)District Open space 240-49 Building Inspector 205-2 34-5 280-55 Planning Board 240-49; Carnivals 205-2 LANDMARK Site Plan Approval 240-51 Chief of Police 205-2 PRESERVATION 280-134;280-137 Screens and screening Circuses 205-2 170-5 STORMWATER 240-49 Definitions 205-2 POLICE DEPARTMENT MANAGEMENT Stormwater 240-50;240-51 Enforcement 205-8\205-9 51-3 236-5 Stormwater,drainage and Fauns and farming 205-2 POLICE DEPARTMENT ZONING 280-4 erosion control 240-51 General Provisions 205-1\ RULES AND POULTRY Street trees 240-49 205-3 REGULATIONS AGRICULTURAL USES SUBDIVISION OF LAND Holidays 205-3 A290-16 72-4 24049\240-51 Licenses and permits Residency Requirements Farmland Bill of Rights Town Board 240-49 205-2;205-9 42-9 280-98;280-99 Trees 240-49 Modification or rescission WATERFRONT STORMWATER Water 240-51 of permit 205-8 CONSISTENCY MANAGEMENT Water conservation 240-51 Motorcycles 205-2 REVIEW 268-3 236-5 Wetlands 240-51 Notices 205-8;205-9 Wireless Communication SUBDIVISION OF LAND PRIVACY PROTECTION Parades 205-2 Facilities 280-74 240-3;240-44 See CONFIDENTIALITY Parking 205-2;205-3 QUORUM WETLANDS AND PRIVIES Penalties for offenses 205-9 LANDMARK SHORELINE 275-2 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Permit required 205-3 PRESERVATION ZONING 280-4 DISPOSAL 215-3 Permitted uses 205-2 170-4 POWERS AND DUTIES PRIVY VAULTS Planning Board 205-2 AGRICULTURAL SEWERS AND SEWAGE Police Department 205-9 _ R ADVISORY DISPOSAL 215-3 Purpose 205-1 COMMITTEE 71-4 PROFANITY Safety standards 205-1; RABIES CONTROL Board of Appeals 280-146 POLICE DEPARTMENT 205-3 ANIMALS 83-21;83-22 COASTAL EROSION RULES AND Sales 205-2 RADIATION HAZARD AREAS REGULATIONS Sanitary facilities 205-3 Agricultural-Conservation 111-29 A290-15 Signs 205-2 (A-C)District and FIRE PREVENTION AND PROHIBITED Site plans 205-2 Low-Density BUILDING CODE DISCHARGES See Special Events Residential R-80, ADMINISTRATION BOATS,DOCKS AND Requiring Chairperson R-120,R-200 and 144-5 WHARVES 96-8 of the Zoning Board of R-400 Districts 280-13 LANDMARK PROHIBITED USES Appeals'Approval Wireless Communication PRESERVATION Districts 280-8 205-4\205-6 Facilities 280-69; 170-4 See Also See Special Events 280-70 POLICE DEPARTMENT NONCONFORMING Requiring Town Board ZONING 280-4 51-1 USES Approval 205-7 RADIOACTIVE WASTE POLICE DEPARTMENT See Also SPECIAL Special permits 205-8 SEWERS AND SEWAGE RULES AND EXCEPTION USES Toilet facilities 205-2 DISPOSAL 215-4 REGULATIONS ZONING 280-111 Town Attorney 205-2 RAFFLES A290-1 PROPERTY Town Board 205-2;205-3; See GAMBLING Records Management 59-14 MAINTENANCE 205-8 REAL ESTATE SIGNS YOUTH BOARD 68-5 Affordable Housing(AHD) Vehicles 205-2 Signs 280-81;280-85 PRELIMINARY PLANS District 280-32.1 Violations and penalties See Also SIGNS HIGHWAY Agricultural-Conservation 205-1;205-9 REAL ESTATE TRANSFER SPECIFICATIONS (A-C)District and Zoning Board of Appeals TAX 161-2;161-3 Low-Density 205-2;205-8 Additional exemptions Zoning districts 205-2 17-25 Agricultural districts 17-24 IDX:41 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX... Appeals 17-34 Treasurer 17-20;17-21; Maintenance of list of Definitions 59-13 Apportionment of 17-22;17-27;17-28; records by subject Disposition of records 59-17 consideration subject to 17-30;17-31;17-32; matter 59-7 Improvements 59-15 tax for property located 17-33;17-34;17-35; Marine I(MI)District Intent 59-11 only partly within 17-36 280-52 Minutes 59-13 Town 17-33 Violations and penalties Marine II(MII)District Powers and duties 59-14 COMMUNITY 17-31;17-32;17-34; 280-55 Powers and duties of PRESERVATION 17-35;17-36;17-37 Members of the Department records management FUND AND Waivers 17-36 A290-33 officer 59-14 COMMUNITY Warrants 17-35 See Also MINUTES Program established; HOUSING FUND Wetlands 17-19 MUNICIPAL BUILDING designation of records 17-19\17-40 RECEIVER OF TAXES ENERGY management officer Compensation 17-35 Senior Citizen Exemption BENCHMARKING 59-12 Confidentiality 17-37 245-3 177-5 RECORDS 59-11\59-17 Confidentiality of transfer SOIL REMOVAL 228-6 Notices 59-10 Records Advisory Board tax returns 17-37 RECORDS PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS 59-15 Cooperative housing Adoption of Renumbered AND TRANSIENT Security standards 59-13 corporation transfers 2006 Code 1-14 RETAIL Signs 59-15 17-27 Affordable Housing(AHD) MERCHANTS 197-7; Storage 59-12;59-13;59-14 Costs and expenses 17-35 District 280-25; 197-8 Town Board 59-15 County Clerk 17-20 280-30;280-31 POLICE DEPARTMENT Town Clerk 59-12 Credit 17-26 Agricultural Planned RULES AND RECREATION AREAS Definitions 17-20 Development District REGULATIONS Dogs 83-6 Deposit and disposition of 280-175;280-179 A290-9;A290-11; Floating Homes 96-26 revenue 17-31 ALARM SYSTEMS 75-2 A290-15;A290-28; Parking at Beaches 189-4 Designation of agent by ANIMALS 83-18;83-24 A290-45 See Also PARKS AND County Treasurer 17-28 Appeals 59-8;59-10 Public Access to Records RECREATION Determination of tax; Appointments 59-5 59-1\59-10 PARKS AND petition to Town BOATS,DOCKS AND PUBLIC HEARINGS, RECREATION Supervisor 17-34 WHARVES 96-10; NOTICE OF 55-1 AREAS 193-1; Easements 17-24 96-25 Public notice required 59-10 193-3.1;193-6;193-7; Effective date;referendum BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Real Estate Transfer Tax 193-10;193-11 requirement 17-40 PROPERTY 17-20;17-21;17-22; See Also PARKS AND Eminent domain 17-20 MAINTENANCE 17-24;17-28;17-29; RECREATION Exemptions from tax 17-24 100-3;100-8 17-34;17-35;17-37 COMMITTEE Fees 17-20;17-35 Chief of Police A290-7 RECORDS 59-2;59-3; See Also PLAYGROUNDS Hearing Officer 17-34 COASTAL EROSION 59-4;59-5;59-6;59-7; Real Estate Transfer Tax Hearings 17-34 HAZARD AREAS 59-8;59-9;59-10 17-19 Historic preservation 17-24 I11-10;111-29 Records access officer Recreational Floating Zone Historic resources 17-19 Comptroller 59-2 59-3;59-8;59-10 District(RFZ)280-201 Imposition of tax;use of Confidentiality 59-2 Records Management Southold Community tax;applicability 17-21 Costs and expenses 59-9 59-11;59-12;59-13; Preservation Fund 174 Improvements 17-20 Definitions 59-1 59-14;59-15;59-16; SUBDIVISION OF LAND Insurance 17-32;17-34 Denial of access;appeals 59-17 240-3;240-4;240-10; Interest and civil penalties 59-8 See Records Management 240-42;240-43; 17-36 Design Standards 240-45 59-11\59-17 240-44;240-52 Intergovernmental Designation of records Requests for access 59-6 ZONING 280-4 agreement authority access officer;duties Rules of Conduct 26-7 RECREATIONAL FIRES 17-38 59-3 Safety standards 59-2 FIRE PREVENTION AND Judicial review 17-32 Designation of records Salaries and compensation BUILDING CODE Legislative findings 17-19 location 59-4 59-2;59-9 ADMINISTRATION Liability 17-20;17-23; Disclosure 59-2 SEWERS AND SEWAGE 144-19 17-29;17-31;17-34; Districts 280-7;280-9 DISPOSAL 215-1; See Also FIRES 17-35 DOMESTIC 215-9 RECREATIONAL Liability for tax 17-23 PARTNERSHIPS Site Plan Approval 280-133 FLOATING ZONE Liability of Recording 121-4 SOIL REMOVAL 228-6; DISTRICT(RFZ) Officer 17-29 Ethics Board 26-23;26-25 228-9;228-12 Accessory uses and Liens 17-20;17-27;17-35 Exceptions;records to be STORMWATER structures 280-202; Natural features 17-19 maintained 59-2 MANAGEMENT 280-204 R Natural resources 17-19 Fees 59-3;59-9 236-5;236-9;236-20; Applicability 280-198 Notices 17-32;17-34 FIRE PREVENTION AND 236-24 Application procedure Open space 17-24 BUILDING CODE Street Numbering 237-24 280-201 Parks and recreation 17-24 ADMINISTRATION SUBDIVISION OF LAND Assessments 280-201 Payment of tax;filing of 144-5;144-10;144-16 240-10;240-17; Boundaries 280-200 return;recording 17-22 Fishers Island Harbor 240-19;240-21; Comprehensive Plan Proceedings to recover tax Management 157-12 240-25;240-29; 280-201 due 17-35 FLOOD DAMAGE 240-34;240-35; Dimensional and parking Records 17-20;17-21; PREVENTION 240-38;240-41; requirements 280-203 17-22;17-24;17-28; 148-23;148-24 240-44;240-52;240-57 Eligibility 280-199 17-29;17-34;17-35; Grievance Procedures 47-1 TOURIST AND TRAILER Fees 280-201 17-37 HIGHWAY CAMPS 253-13 Hearings 280-201 Recreation areas 17-19 SPECIFICATIONS Town Board 59-3;59-8 Landscaping 280-201 Refunds 17-30 161-49 Town Clerk 59-3;59-8 Lots 280-201 Reports 17-34 Hours for public inspection WETLANDS AND Notices 280-201 Sales 17-20;17-24 59-5 SHORELINE 275-10 Parking 280-201;280-203; Severability 17-39 Illicit Discharges 236-31; ZONING 280-4;280-92; 280-204 Social Security 17-27 236-32 280-151;280-154 Parking requirements Town Attorney 17-35 Inspections 59-3;59-9; RECORDS ACCESS 280-204 Town Board 17-19;17-34; 59-10 OFFICER Parks and Recreation 17-38 Investigations 59-2 RECORDS 59-3;59-8; Committee 280-201 Town Supervisor 17-20; LANDMARK 59-10 Pedestrians 280-201 17-31;17-34 PRESERVATION RECORDS MANAGEMENT Permitted uses 280-202 170-5;170-11 Advisory Board 59-15 Planning Board 280-201; LITTERING 174-5 Custody and control of 280-202 records 59-16 Purpose 280-197 IDX:42 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX RECREATIONAL FLOATING ZONE DISTRICT (RFZ)... Recreation areas 280-201 See Also CERTIFICATES Emergencies 207-5 ELECTRICAL Reports 280-201 OF REGISTRATION Enforcement 207-10 INSPECTIONS 126-3 Safety standards 280-201 FIRE PREVENTION AND Fees 207-3;207-5;207-8 Ethics Board 26-25 Screens and screening BUILDING CODE Fire Marshal 207-2 Exemption for War 280-201 ADMINISTRATION Fire prevention 207-1; Veterans and Gold Star Setbacks 280-201;280-203 144-8 207-4;207-7;207-8 Parents 245-15 Sewers 280-201 Garbage,Rubbish and Handbills 207-7 FIRE PREVENTION AND Site plan approval 280-202 Refuse 233-4 Hearings 207-8 BUILDING CODE Site plans 280-201 Parking at Beaches 189-3; Implementation 207-12 ADMINISTRATION Town Board 280-197; 189-4 Inspections 207-5;207-6; 144-5;144-6;144-15; 280-198;280-200; PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS 207-7 144-19;144-20; 280-201;280-204 AND TRANSIENT Landlords 207-2 144-23;144-24 Town Clerk 280-200; RETAIL Legislative intent 207-1 FLOOD DAMAGE 280-201 MERCHANTS 197-1; Licenses and permits 207-7 PREVENTION 148-6; Utilities 280-201 197-4;197-6 Notices 207-8 148-23 Water 280-201 TOURIST AND TRAILER One-family dwellings 207-2 HIGHWAY Yards 280-203 CAMPS 253-14 Parking 207-1 SPECIFICATIONS ZONING 280-197\280-204 VEHICLES AND Penalties for offenses 161-49 Zoning districts 280-201 TRAFFIC 260-28 207-11 Historic Preservation Zoning Maps 280-200; VEHICLES,MOTOR- Plumbing 207-2 District(HPD)280-195 280-201 DRIVEN 264-11 Pools 207-7 LANDMARK RECREATIONAL REGISTRY Rental permit required PRESERVATION VEHICLE PARKS Affordable Housing(AHD) 207-7 170-5 Applicability of other District 280-25;280-30 Rental property 207-7 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR chapter provisions Agricultural-Conservation Rental units 207-7;207-9 172-2 253-24 (A-C)District and Revocation of permit 207-8 LITTERING 174-5 Camping 253-20 Low-Density Safety standards 207-1; Members of the Department Dates of operation;time Residential R-80, 207-5;207-8 A290-33 limit for R-120,R-200 and Sales 207-7 MUNICIPAL BUILDING accommodation 253-23 R-400 Districts 280-13 Sanitation 207-2 ENERGY Definitions 253-20 Hamlet Business(HB) Search warrants 207-6 BENCHMARKING Drainage 253-22 District 280-45 Signs 207-7 177-6 Driveways 253-22 Residential Office(RO) Smoke detectors 207-4 POLICE DEPARTMENT Recreational vehicles District 280-38 Smoke detectors and carbon RULES AND 253-20;253-21; SANITARY FLOW monoxide detectors REGULATIONS 253-23;253-24 CREDITS, 207-4 A290-3;A290-9; Roadways and driveways TRANSFER OF Social media 207-7 A290-11;A290-13; 253-22 117-11 Storage 207-7 A290-15;A290-31; Setbacks 253-21 REMOVAL OF UTILITY Stormwater 207-2 A290-32;A290-36; Site requirements 253-21 POLES Tenants 207-2 ,A290-37;A290-38; TOURIST AND TRAILER Cable television 237-31 Town Board 207-1;207-2; A290-44 CAMPS 253-20\253-24 Definitions 237-31 207-3;207-8 Real Estate Transfer Tax Trailers 253-20 Height regulations 237-31 Town Clerk 207-8 17-34 Vehicles 253-20 Legislative intent and Town Engineer 207-2 Recreational Floating Zone Yards 253-21 purpose 237-30 Vehicles 207-1 District(RFZ)280-201 RECREATIONAL Notices 237-32 Violations and penalties SANITARY FLOW VEHICLES Penalties for offenses 207-1;207-6;207-7; CREDITS, FLOOD DAMAGE 237-33 207-8;207-11;207-12 TRANSFER OF 117-9 PREVENTION 148-4; Removal of damaged or Warrants 207-5 Senior Citizen Exemption 148-14;148-15;148-21 double utility poles Websites 207-7 245-1;245-2 Recreational Vehicle Parks 237-32 Yards 207-7 SEWERS AND SEWAGE 253-20;253-21; Safety standards 237-30 RENTAL PROPERTY DISPOSAL 215-4 253-23;253-24 STREETS AND Affordable Housing(AHD) STORMWATER Site Plan Approval 280-137 SIDEWALKS 237-30\ District 280-30 MANAGEMENT See Also VEHICLES 237-33 See Also LANDLORDS 236-20 ZONING 280-4 Utilities 237-30;237-31; RENTAL PERMITS 207-7 SUBDIVISION OF LAND RECYCLABLE 237-32 See Also TENANTS 240-3;240-19 MATERIALS Utility poles 237-30; ZONING 280-4;280-111 TOBACCO Garbage,Rubbish and 237-31;237-32 RENTAL UNITS ADVERTISING 249-1 Refuse 233-1 Violations and penalties Parking at Beaches 189-3 TOURIST AND TRAILER RECYCLABLES 237-30;237-32;237-33 RENTAL PERMITS 207-7; CAMPS 253-14 Garbage,Rubbish and RENTAL PERMITS 207-9 TRANSPORTATION Refuse 233-1;233-2; Accessory buildings and REPORTS ACCESS 233-3;233-3.1;233-4; structures 207-2 Affordable Housing(AHD) MANAGEMENT 64-4 233-5;233-6 Accessory uses and District 280-29;280-30 WATERFRONT Light Industrial Park/ structures 207-7 AGRICULTURAL CONSISTENCY Planned Office Park Advertising 207-7;207-9 ADVISORY REVIEW 268-4 (LIO)District 280-58 Apartments 207-2 COMMITTEE 71-4 WETLANDS AND SALVAGE CENTERS Appeals 207-8 Agricultural Planned SHORELINE 275-8 211-1 Application for search Development District Wireless Communication RECYCLING warrant 207-6 280-174 Facilities 280-70; Garbage,Rubbish and Blight 207-1 ALARM SYSTEMS 75-1; 280-74 Refuse 233-7 Broker's/agent's 75-2 YOUTH BOARD 68-4 Light Industrial Park/ responsibility 207-9 Assessment and Tax Relief ZONING 280-4;280-151; Planned Office Park Building Inspector 207-2 for Superstorm Sandy 280-157 (LIO)District 280-58 Building permits 207-2 Impact 245-23 RESIDENCY See Also SOLID WASTE Carbon monoxide detectors Board of Appeals 280-146 REQUIREMENTS Water Quality Improvement 207-4 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Appointments 42-10 17-43 Certificates of occupancy PROPERTY Eligibility requirements for REFUSE 207-5;207-7 MAINTENANCE Town Attorney 42-10 See GARBAGE,RUBBISH Charges 207-5 100-5 OFFICERS AND AND REFUSE Code Enforcement Officer Chief of Police A290-7 EMPLOYEES 42-9\ REGISTRATION 207-2;207-10 COASTAL EROSION 42-10 BOATS,DOCKS AND Definitions 207-2 HAZARD AREAS Qualifications 42-9 WHARVES 96-24 Electrical Inspector 207-2 111-27;111-29;111-35 IDX:43 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS... Supersession of Town Law RESORT RESIDENTIAL REVIEW,BOARD OF Excavation and and enactment (RR)DISTRICT See BOARD OF REVIEW embankment 161-18 authority 42-9 Accessory uses and RIGHT OF ENTRY Excavations 161-17; Terms of office 42-10 structures 280-35 FIRE PREVENTION AND 161-18;161-25; Town Attorney 42-10 Bed and breakfast 280-35 BUILDING CODE 161-29;161-30;161-36 RESIDENTIAL CODE Board of Appeals 280-35 ADMINISTRATION Fences 161-16;161-29; FIRE PREVENTION AND Boats and Boating 280-35 144-14 161-41;161-42 BUILDING CODE Bulk,area and parking STORMWATER Fencing and curbs at ADMINISTRATION regulations 280-36 MANAGEMENT recharge basins 161-41 144-3 Camps 280-35 236-20 Fill 161-25 FLOOD DAMAGE Conservation districts RIGHT TO FARM Grades and grading 161-18; PREVENTION 148-16 280-35 Farmland Bill of Rights 161-19;161-21; RESIDENTIAL Hotels 280-35 280-97 161-22;161-23; CONSTRUCTION Marinas 280-35 See Also FARMS AND 161-24;161-29; See BUILDING Mooring 280-35 FARMING 161-30;161-35; CONSTRUCTION Motels 280-35 ROADS 161-42;161-46 See CONSTRUCTION Parking 280-36 See STREETS AND Groundwater 161-29; RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS Permitted uses 280-35 SIDEWALKS 161-30 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Planning Board 280-35 ROADSIDE STANDS Gutters 161-29;161-34 PROPERTY Purpose 280-34 ZONING 280-4 Heating 161-22;161-23 MAINTENANCE Residential districts 280-35 ROADWAY Height regulations 161-44; 100-4 Restaurants 280-35 CONSTRUCTION 161-46 Districts 280-5 Sewers 280-34;280-35 Alterations or modifications HIGHWAY Hamlet Density(HD) Signs 280-35 to specifications 161-47 SPECIFICATIONS Residential District Site plan approval 280-35 Aluminum 161-36 161-15\161-48 280-20;280-21;280-23 Site plan review and As-constructed survey Improvements 161-25 Residential Office(RO) approval 280-35 161-45 Industrial districts 161-15 District 280-38 Special exception uses Asphalt binder course Insects 161-44 Resort Residential(RR) 280-35 161-22 Inspection of work 161-48 District 280-35 Special exceptions 280-35 Asphalt pavement cores Inspections 161-19;161-21; Site Plan Approval Trailer camps 280-35 161-26 161-42;161-46;161-48 280-129;280-137 Use regulations 280-35 Asphalt wearing course Landfills 161-16 Wireless Communication Water 280-34;280-35 161-23 Landscaping 161-42; Facilities 280-73 ZONING 280-34\280-36 Backfrlling 161-25;161-36; 161-43 ZONING 280-78;280-93; RESTAURANTS 161-44 Landscaping of recharge 280-94;280-104; Agricultural-Conservation Base course for asphalt basins Types A and B 280-110 (A-C)District and pavement 161-21 161-42 RESIDENTIAL OFFICE Low-Density Base course for stone blend Lighting 161-46 (RO)DISTRICT Residential R-80, road 161-19 Lots 161-15;161-16 Accessory uses and R-120,R-200 and Bituminous surface Major subdivisions 161-38 structures 280-38 R-400 Districts 280-13 treatment double Manholes 161-35 Apartments 280-38 General Business(B) application 161-24 Manure 161-44 Bed and breakfast 280-38 District 280-48 Bonds 161-46 Modifications to existing Board of Appeals 280-38 Hamlet Business(HB) Brush,grass and weeds private roads 161-25 Building permits 280-38 District 280-45 161-16;161-30;161-42 Notices 161-44 Bulk,area and parking Limited Business(LB) Catch basins 161-34 Parking 161-15 regulations 280-39 District 280-41 Clearing and grubbing Planning Board 161-15; Certificates of occupancy Marine II(IvIII)District 161-16 161-44 280-38 280-55 Concrete curbs 161-38 Plastics 161-46 Churches 280-38 Residential Office(RO) Concrete cylinders 161-40 Recharge basins Type A and Conservation districts District 280-38 Concrete footings,slabs and drainage areas 161-29 280-38 Resort Residential(RR) headwalls 161-37 Recharge basins Type B and Construction 280-38 District 280-35 Concrete sidewalks and drainage areas 161-30 Insurance 280-38 Signs 280-85 driveway entrances Recharge Basins Type C Library 280-38 WETLANDS AND 161-39 161-31 Licenses and permits 280-38 SHORELINE 275-11 Construction 161-15; Safety standards 161-44; Meetings 280-38 ZONING 280-4;280-78 161-18;161-21; 161-46 Museums 280-38 RETAIL FOOD 161-24;161-25; Screens and screening Parking 280-38;280-39 ESTABLISHMENTS 161-37;161-38 161-22;161-23; R Permitted uses 280-38 See RESTAURANTS Construction specifications 161-24;161-29; Places of worship 280-38 RETAINING WALLS 161-15 161-30;161-42 Planning Board 280-38 - FIRE PREVENTION AND Costs and expenses 161-21; Seeding 161-43 Purpose 280-37 BUILDING CODE 161-26;161-40 Sheds 161-46 Registry 280-38 ADMINISTRATION Curbs 161-34;161-38; Sidewalks 161-39;161-46 Residential districts 280-38 144-8 161-41;161-45;161-46 Stone blend wearing course Restaurants 280-38 Site Plan Approval 280-134 Demolition 161-21 161-20 Sales 280-38 See Also WALLS Design criteria for leaching Storage 161-29;161-30 Schools 280-38 WETLANDS AND basins 161-28 Storm drains 161-33 Signs 280-38 SHORELINE 275-2; Drainage 161-18;161-25; Stormwater 161-27; Single-family dwellings 275-11 161-27;161-28; 161-29;161-30; 280-38 ZONING 280-4 161-29;161-30; 161-32;161-36 Site plan approval 280-38 RETIREMENT 161-31;161-32; Stormwater drainage Site plan review and Affordable Housing(AHD) 161-36;161-45 systems 161-32 approval 280-38 District 280-25 Drainage design criteria Street trees 161-44 Special exception uses ETHICS 26-17 161-27 Streetlighting 161-46 280-38 Grievance Procedures 47-1 Drainage pipe criteria Streetlighting specifications Special exceptions 280-38 Members of the Department 161-36 161-46 Storage 280-38 A290-33 Driveways 161-39;161-46 Stripping and stockpiling Two-family dwellings See Also PENSIONS Dumps and dumping soil 161-17 280-38 Senior Citizen Exemption 161-19;161-21 Tests 161-26;161-29; Use regulations 280-38 245-1;245-2 Dust 161-23 161-30;161-40;161-46 ZONING 280-37\280-39 WATERFRONT Easements 161-18 Through streets 161-46 CONSISTENCY Electrical Code 16146 Town Board 161-44;161-47 REVIEW 268-3 Emergency vehicles 161-20 IDX:44 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION... Town Engineer 161-26; Inducement of others and NOISE,PREVENTION OF Hamlet Business(HB) 161-27;161-29; bribery 26-15 180-2;180-3 District 280-45 161-30;161-31;161-44 Internet 26-12 • PARKS AND POLICE DEPARTMENT Trees 161-16;161-29; Licenses and permits 26-16 RECREATION 51-6 161-30;161-42;161-44 Officers and employees AREAS 193-6;193-11 POLICE DEPARTMENT Trenches 161-36 26-4;26-11 Pedestrians 260-27 RULES AND Trucks 161-19;161-21 Planning Board 26-13 POLICE DEPARTMENT REGULATIONS Utility poles 161-46 Political activities RULES AND A290-47 Vibrations 161-21 prohibited 26-12 REGULATIONS RECORDS 59-2;59-9 Warrants 161-46 Records 26-7 A290-45 WETLANDS AND Water 161-30;161-39; Recusal 26-6 PUBLIC SHORELINE 275-3.1 161-44 Recusal procedure 26-7 ENTERTAINMENT SALES Yards 161-24 Representation 26-9 AND SPECIAL Adoption of Code 1-4;1-10 Zoning districts 161-15 Restriction on elected EVENTS 205-1;205-3 Affordable Housing(AHD) ROLLER BLADES official or member of RECORDS 59-2 District 280-25; See BICYCLES board 26-13 Recreational Floating Zone 280-30;280-31 See SKATEBOARDS Revolving door 26-14 District(RFZ)280-201 AGRICULTURAL LANDS ROLLER SKATES Sales 26-12 Removal of Utility Poles PRESERVATION Agricultural-Conservation Town Attorney 26-13 • 237-30 70-4;70-5 (A-C)District and Town Board 26-5;26-9; RENTAL PERMITS 207-1; Agricultural Planned Low-Density 26-10;26-13 207-5;207-8 Development District Residential R-80, Town Clerk 26-5 Roadway Construction 280-174;280-175; R-120,R-200 and Violations and penalties 161-44;161-46 280-176;280-177; R-400 Districts 280-13 26-4;26-15 SEWERS AND SEWAGE 280-179;280-180; See Also BICYCLES Waivers 26-5 DISPOSAL 215-10 280-181 See Also SKATEBOARDS Zoning Board of Appeals SHELLFISH AND OTHER AGRICULTURAL USES ROOFS 26-13 MARINE 72-4 Agricultural-Conservation RESOURCES 219-5 Agricultural-Conservation (A-C)District and - S — Signs 280-82;280-88 (A-C)District and Low-Density Site Plan Approval Low-Density Residential R-80, SAFETY STANDARDS 280-128;280-129; Residential R-80, R-120,R-200 and Affordable Housing(AHD) 280-131;280-133; R-120,R-200 and R-400 Districts 280-15 District 280-28 280-137 R-400 Districts 280-13 FIRE PREVENTION AND AGRICULTURAL USES Small Wind Energy Systems BOATS,DOCKS AND BUILDING CODE 72-2;72-3 277-3 WHARVES 96-10; ADMINISTRATION Agricultural-Conservation SOIL REMOVAL 228-1; 96-25 144-3 (A-C)District and 228-5;228-7 Establishment of FLOOD DAMAGE Low-Density Special Events Requiring Community Housing PREVENTION Residential R-80, Chairperson of the Fund 1747;17-48; 148-18;148-22 R-120,R-200 and Zoning Board of 17-50 General Business(B) R400 Districts 280-13 Appeals'Approval Farm Stands 72-5;72-6; District 280-48 ANIMALS 83-17 2054;205-5 72-7 Hamlet Business(HB) APPEARANCE TICKETS Special Events Requiring Farmland Bill of Rights District 28045 5-2 Town Board Approval 280-98 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Board of Appeals 280-146 205-7 Fishers Island Harbor DISPOSAL 215-2; BOATS,DOCKS AND Special Exception Uses Management 157-12 2154;215-9 WHARVES 96-14; 280-142;280-143 Floating Homes 96-27 Signs 280-85;280-86 96-15 STORMWATER FLOOD DAMAGE Site Plan Approval 280-134 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; MANAGEMENT PREVENTION 148-4 STORMWATER PROPERTY 236-2;236-3;236-4; See Also GARAGE SALES MANAGEMENT MAINTENANCE 236-5;236-18;236-24 General Business(B) 236-5 100-2;100-3;100-4 SUBDIVISION OF LAND District 280-48 WETLANDS AND Design Standards 240-45; 240-2;240-4;240-10; Hamlet Business(HB) SHORELINE 275-2; 240-46 240-38;240-43;240-56 District 280-45 275-4 Emergency Activities TRANSPORTATION HIGHWAY Wireless Communication 111-17;111-18 ACCESS SPECIFICATIONS Facilities 280-69; Farm Stands 72-11 MANAGEMENT 64-5 161-49 280-71;280-72 Farmland Bill of Rights Vehicle Traffic 260-26 Historic Preservation ZONING 2804;280-104; 280-97;280-99 VEHICLES,MOTOR- District(HPD)280-191 280-108 FILMING 139-1;139-3 DRIVEN 264-2; HOUSING FUND 34-2; RUBBISH FIRE PREVENTION AND 264-14;264-15 34-4;34-5;34-6 See GARBAGE,RUBBISH BUILDING CODE Waterfowl and Gull Feeding JUNKYARDS 166-3 AND REFUSE ADMINISTRATION and Domestic Pet Light Industrial(LI)District RULES OF CONDUCT 144-8;144-15;144-19 Waste 83-28;83-31 280-62 Appearances 26-10 Fishers Island Harbor WATERFRONT Light Industrial Park/ Avoidance of conflicts 264 Management 157-6 CONSISTENCY Planned Office Park Board of Assessment 26-13 Floating Homes 96-26 REVIEW 268-3 (LIO)District 280-58 Compensation 26-5;26-12; FLOOD DAMAGE WETLANDS AND Limited Business(LB) 26-16 PREVENTION 148-2; SHORELINE 275-3; District 280-41 Confidential information 1484;148-7;148-18; 275-11;275-12 Marine I(MI)District 26-11 148-23;148-24 Wireless Communication 280-52 Confidentiality 26-11 Grievance Procedures 47-1 Facilities 280-67; Marine II(Mll)District Conflicts of interest 26-3; HIGHWAY 280-70;280-76; 280-55 26-5;26-7 SPECIFICATIONS 280-76.2 OPEN SPACE E-mail 26-12 161-6;161-7 ZONING 280-2;280-3; PRESERVATION ETHICS 26-3\26-16 Light Industrial(LI)District 280-111;280-125 185-4;185-5 Exclusion from Code of 280-62 SALARIES AND PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS Ethics 26-16 Light Industrial Park/ COMPENSATION AND TRANSIENT Fees 26-5 Planned Office Park Adoption of Code 1-4 RETAIL General prohibition 26-5 (LIO)District 280-58 See Also COMPENSATION MERCHANTS 197-2; Gifts 26-8 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 197-4;197-5;197-6; Goal 26-3 172-2;172-5 FILMING 139-4 197-10 Historic Preservation LITTERING 174-1 General Business(B) See Also PEDDLING AND Commission 26-16 Members of the Department District 280-48 SOLICITING A290-33 IDX:45 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE SALES... PUBLIC SANITARY FLOW Agricultural-Conservation General Business(B) ENTERTAINMENT CREDITS,TRANSFER (A-C)District and District 280-48 AND SPECIAL OF Low-Density Hamlet Business(HB) EVENTS 205-2 Affordable housing 117-3; Residential R-80, District 280-45 - Real Estate Transfer Tax 117-6;117-9;117-11; R-120,R-200 and See Also LANDSCAPING 17-20;17-24 117-14 R-400 Districts 280-13 Light Industrial(LI)District RENTAL PERMITS 207-7 Applicability;general Exemption for Cold War 280-62;280-64 Residential Office(RO) prohibitions 117-4 Veterans 245-18 Light Industrial Park/ District 280-38 Assessments 117-9 Exemption for Volunteer Planned Office Park Rules of Conduct 26-12 Building Inspector 117-9 Firefighters and (LIO)District 280-58; SANITARY FLOW Building permits 117-10 Ambulance Workers 280-60 CREDITS, Certificates of occupancy 245-11 Limited Business(LB) TRANSFER OF 117-13 Exemption for War District 280-41 117-5;117-6;117-11 Construction 117-10; Veterans and Gold Star Preservation of Natural Senior Citizen Exemption 117-13 Parents 245-16 Features 240-49 245-2 Costs and expenses 117-9 FIRE PREVENTION AND Recreational Floating Zone SEWERS AND SEWAGE County Clerk 117-11 BUILDING CODE District(RFZ)280-201 DISPOSAL 215-2 Covenants and restrictions ADMINISTRATION Roadway Construction Signs 280-85 117-11 144-8;144-15;144-23 161-22;161-23; Southold Community Definitions 117-3 Garbage,Rubbish and 161-24;161-29; Preservation Fund Determination of credits to Refuse 233-3 161-30;161-42 17-4;17-9 be deposited;duties of General Business(B) SEWERS AND SEWAGE Special Events Requiring Clerk 117-7 District 280-48 DISPOSAL 215-4 Chairperson of the Easements 117-5;117-8 Hamlet Business(HB) Site Plan Approval Zoning Board of Environmental quality District 280-45 280-129;280-131 Appeals'Approval review 117-9 Historic Preservation SOIL REMOVAL 228-7 205-4 Expiration 117-13 District(HPD) Special Exception Uses STORMWATER Fire protection 117-9 280-191;280-193 280-143 MANAGEMENT Groundwater 117-3;117-6 Light Industrial(LI)District STORMWATER 236-5 Hearings 117-7;117-9; 280-62 MANAGEMENT SUBDIVISION OF LAND 117-12;117-14 Light Industrial Park/ 236-20 240-3;240-34 Irreversible transfer 117-8 Planned Office Park TOURIST AND TRAILER TOBACCO Meetings 117-9 (LIO)District 280-58 CAMPS 253-16 ADVERTISING Notices 117-9;117-10; Marine I(MI)District Wireless Communication 249-1;249-2 117-12;117-13;117-14 280-52 Facilities 280-70; Waterfowl and Gull Feeding Open space 117-2;117-3 Marine II(MII)District 280-71;280-72; and Domestic Pet Permitted uses 117-3 280-55 280-76.2 Waste 83-27 Planning Board 117-9; PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS ZONING 280-4;280-78; WATERFRONT 117-11 AND TRANSIENT 280-91;280-92; CONSISTENCY Procedure for transfer from RETAIL 280-93;280-94; REVIEW 268-3 bank to receiving MERCHANTS 197-10 280-104;280-117 WETLANDS AND district 117-9 Residential Office(RO) SEARCH WARRANTS SHORELINE 275-2 Purpose and intent 117-2 District 280-38 See Also ARREST See Also YARD SALES Registry 117-11 SANITARY FLOW WARRANTS ZONING 280-4;280-78; Reports 117-9 CREDITS, Illicit Discharges 236-31 280-79;280-104; Return of credit to bank TRANSFER OF 117-9 RENTAL PERMITS 207-6 280-118 117-14 SEWERS AND SEWAGE See Also WARRANTS SALVAGE CENTERS Revocation 117-12 DISPOSAL 215-7 SECURITY STANDARDS Application and fee 211-3 Sales 117-5;117-6;117-11 Special Exception Uses Chief of Police A290-7 Definitions 211-1 Sanitary flow credit bank 280-143 FILMING 139-3 Fees 211-3 117-5 Stop and Yield Intersections FLOOD DAMAGE Licenses and permits 211-5 Sanitary flow credit 260-6 PREVENTION 148-21 Parking 211-3;211-4 certificate 117-10 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Illicit Discharges 236-31 Parking and access 211-4 Sanitary flow credit transfer 240-4;240-53 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Penalties for offenses 211-6 117-6 Targeted Business 172-2 Permit provisions 211-5 Schools 117-9 Investment Exemption Members of the Department Permit required 211-2 Tide 117-1 245-7 A290-33 Recyclables 211-1 Town Attorney 117-5; TOBACCO POLICE DEPARTMENT Storage 211-3 117-9;117-10;117-11 ADVERTISING RULES AND Town Board 211-3;211-5 Town Board 117-5;117-6; 249-1;249-2;249-3 REGULATIONS Town Clerk 211-3 117-7;117-9;117-10; VEHICLES AND A290-9;A290-42 Violations and penalties 117-11;117-12; TRAFFIC 260-9; Records Management 59-13 S 211-6 117-13;117-14 260-15 Special Events Requiring SANITARY FACILITIES Town Clerk 117-7;117-9; VEHICLES,MOTOR- Chairperson of the FILMING 139-3 117-10;117-I1; DRIVEN 264-6 Zoning Board of FLOOD DAMAGE 117-13;117-14 YOUTH BOARD 68-1; Appeals'Approval PREVENTION 148-4; Water supply 117-9 68-5 205-4 148-19;148-20 Zoning districts 117-3; ZONING 280-4;280-78; Wireless Communication JUNKYARDS 166-7 117-6;117-14 280-79 Facilities 280-69 PUBLIC SANITARY LANDFILL SCOOTERS SEEING EYE DOGS ENTERTAINMENT See LANDFILLS VEHICLES,MOTOR- Dogs 83-10 AND SPECIAL SANITATION DRIVEN 264-3 See Also GUIDE DOGS EVENTS 205-3 APPEARANCE TICKETS SCREENS AND See Also HEARING DOGS Special Events Requiring 5-2 SCREENING See Also SERVICE DOGS Chairperson of the RENTAL PERMITS 207-2 Agricultural-Conservation SEIZURE Zoning Board of SATELLITE DISH (A-C)District and Dogs 83-11 Appeals'Approval ANTENNAS Low-Density Emergency Removal of 205-4 See Also ANTENNAS Residential R-80, Vehicles 260-24 See Also TOILET Wireless Communication R-120,R-200 and SENIOR CITIZEN FACILITIES Facilities 280-68; R-400 Districts 280-13 EXEMPTION _-- ZONING 280-4 280-72 See Also BUFFERS Applications 245-3 SCHOOLS Districts 280-7 Assessments 245-3;245-4 Affordable Housing(AHD) FLOOD DAMAGE Assessor 245-3 District 280-26 PREVENTION 148-16 Complaints 245-4 Conditions 245-2 IDX:46 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX SENIOR CITIZEN EXEMPTION... Costs and expenses 245-1 Light Industrial Park/ Resort Residential(RR) Inspections 215-3;215-4; Drugs and drug Planned Office Park District 280-34;280-35 215-7;215-9;215-10 paraphernalia 245-1 (LIO)District 280-58; SEWERS AND SEWAGE Insurance 215-8 Eminent domain 245-2 280-60 DISPOSAL 215-1; Liability 215-4;215-8; Hearings 245-4 Limited Business(LB) 215-2;215-3;2154; 215-10,215-17 Insurance 245-1 District 280-43 215-5;215-6;215-7; Licenses and permits Notice 245-6 Plum Island Conservation 215-8;215-9;215-10; 215-2;215-7;215-8 Notices 245-3;245-4;245-6 District(PIC)280-189 215-11;215-12; Liens 215-16;215-17 Partial exemption for senior Plum Island Research 215-14;215-15; Manholes 215-2;215-4; citizens 245-1 District(PIR)280-185 215-16;215-17;215-18 215-6 Penalties for offenses 245-5 PUBLIC HEARINGS, Site Plan Approval 280-133 Manure 215-4 Reapplications 245-4 NOTICE OF 55-1 STORMWATER Meters 215-4 Receiver of Taxes 245-3 Recreational Floating Zone MANAGEMENT Multifamily dwellings Reports 245-1;245-2 District(RFZ) 236-4;236-5;236-19 215-7 Retirement 245-1;245-2 280-201;280-203 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Notices 215-3;2154; Sales 245-2 Recreational Vehicle Parks 240-10;240-17; 215-7;215-8;215-9; Senior citizens 245-1 253-21 24042;240-44 215-11 Social Security 245-1;245-2 Signs 280-85 TOURIST AND TRAILER Nuisances 215-4 TAXATION 245-1\245-6 Site Plan Approval CAMPS 253-7 Obstructions 215-4 Violations and penalties 280-133;280-134; ZONING 280-4;280-112 Odors 215-4 245-5 280-137 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Paper 215-4;215-10 SENIOR CITIZENS Small Wind Energy Systems DISPOSAL Penalties for offenses; Adoption of Renumbered 277-3 Abandonment 215-3;215-9 disconnection 215-11 2006 Code 1-14 SOIL REMOVAL 228-5; Accidental discharges 215-4 Permit required to work on Senior Citizen Exemption 228-7 Actions to collect rents public sewers; 245-1 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 215-17 tampering prohibited; ZONING 280-4 240-19;240-42;240-43 Air conditioning 215-2; penalties 215-6 SEPTIC SYSTEMS WATERFRONT 215-4 Persons authorized to work SUBDIVISION OF LAND CONSISTENCY Animals 215-3;215-4 on sewers;licensed 240-10 REVIEW 268-3 Asbestos 215-9 drain layers 215-8 Water Quality Improvement WETLANDS AND Ashes 215-4 Plastics 215-4 17-43 SHORELINE 275-2; Assessments 215-16; Plumbers 215-8 WETLANDS AND 275-3;275-5 215-18 Plumbing 215-2;215-9 SHORELINE 275-4 Wireless Communication Backfilling 215-9 Ponds 215-2 SEPTIC TANKS Facilities 280-70; Barricades 215-9 Powers and authority of Illicit Discharges 236-26; 280-72;280-76.2 Bonds 215-8 inspectors 215-10 236-28 ZONING 280-4;280-104; Building permits 215-7 Privies 215-3 JUNKYARDS 166-7 280-105;280-116; Building sewer permits;fees Privy vaults 215-3 SEWERS AND SEWAGE 280-123 215-7 Purpose 215-1;215-14 DISPOSAL 215-3; SEWAGE DISPOSAL, Cesspools 215-3;215-5 Radioactive waste 215-4 215-5 INDIVIDUAL Charges 215-7;215-15; Records 215-1;215-9 TOURIST AND TRAILER See ILLICIT 215-16 Rents;penalty for late CAMPS 253-7 CONNECTIONS Churches 215-7 payment 215-15 WETLANDS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL, Conservation districts 215-2 Reports 215-4 SHORELINE 275-3 PRIVATE Construction 215-2;215-3; Roofs 215-2;215-4;215-9 ZONING 280-4 See Also ILLICIT 215-4;215-9;215-18 Safety standards 215-10 SERVICE DOGS CONNECTIONS Costs and expenses 215-3; Sales 215-2 ANIMALS 83-23 See Also ILLICIT 215-4;215-7;215-8; Schools 215-7 See Also GUIDE DOGS DISCHARGES 215-9;215-12;215-18 Screens and screening 215-4 See Also HEARING DOGS SEWERS AND SEWAGE Definitions;word usage Septic tanks 215-3;215-5 PARKS AND DISPOSAL 215-3 215-2 Severability 215-13 RECREATION SEWER DISTRICTS Dirt 215-3 Sewage disposal,private AREAS 193-3.1 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Discharges from private 215-3 See Also SEEING EYE DISPOSAL 215-1; systems 215-5 Sewer districts 215-1; DOGS 215-2;215-3;215-14; Discretionary monitoring of 215-2;215-3;215-14; SERVICE STATIONS 215-17 effluents 215-12 215-17 See Also GAS STATIONS SEWERS Disorderly conduct 215-6 Sewer rent fund 215-18 General Business(B) Adoption of Renumbered Drainage 215-2;2154; Sewer Rents and Charges District 28048 2006 Code 1-14 215-5 215-14\215-18 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Affordable Housing(AHD) Easements 215-9;215-10 Sewer Use 215-1\215-13 172-5 District 280-29 Emergencies 215-4 Sewers 215-1;215-2; ZONING 280-4;280-78 Agricultural-Conservation Excavations 215-7;215-8; 215-3;215-4;215-5; SETBACKS (A-C)District and 215-9 215-6;215-7;215-8; Affordable Housing(AHD) Low-Density Explosion hazards 215-4 215-9;215-10;215-11; District 280-24;280-28 Residential R-80, Explosives 215-4 215-12;215-14; Agricultural-Conservation R-120,R-200 and Fees 215-7 215-15;215-16; (A-C)District and R400 Districts 280-13 Flammables 2154 215-17;215-18 Low-Density FLOOD DAMAGE Fuel 215-4 Single-family dwellings Residential R-80, PREVENTION 148-3; Garbage,rubbish and refuse 215-3 R-120,R-200 and 148-15;148-16;148-23 215-2;215-3;2154 Standards for building R-400 Districts Hamlet Density(HD) Gas 2154 sewers 215-9 280-13;280-15 Residential District Gases 215-4 Storage 215-2;215-4 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; 280-22 General discharge Storm sewers 215-2;215-3 PROPERTY Historic Preservation prohibitions 2154 Stormwater 215-2;2154 MAINTENANCE District(HPD)280-195 General waste disposal Tests 215-2;2154;215-9; 1004 See Also ILLICIT requirements 215-3 215-10 Design Standards 240-45 CONNECTIONS Glass 2154 Toilet facilities 215-2 Farm Stands 72-6 Illicit Discharges 236-26 Grades and grading 215-9 Town Board 215-1;215-14; General Business(B) JUNKYARDS 166-4;166-7 Groundwater 215-2;215-3; 215-17 District 280-50 Marine II(MI)District 2154;215-9 Town Engineer 215-9 Hamlet Business(HB) 280-55 Guaranties 215-8 Toxic substances 215-4 District 28045 Plum Island Research Health Officer 215-3 Trees 215-9 Light Industrial(LI)District District(PIR)280-183 Industrial wastes 215-2; Trenches 215-5;215-9 280-62;280-64 Recreational Floating Zone 215-3;2154 Two-family dwellings 215-7 District(RFZ)280-201 Utilities 215-8;215-9 IDX:47 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL... Violations and penalties Eels 219-13 BURNING,OUTDOOR Farmland Bill of Rights 2154;215-6;215-7; Fees 219-4 104-1 280-101 215-8;215-9;215-11; Fishing 219-4 Design Standards 240-45 Farms and farming 280-85; 215-15;215-17;215-18 Fixed gear 219-15 FILMING 139-2 280-86;280-87 Walls 215-2;215-9 Markers 219-4 Garbage,Rubbish and Fees 280-81 Water 215-2;215-3;215-4; Mussels 219-12 Refuse 233-2 Fences 280-82;280-85 215-9 Notices 219-16 General Business(B) FILMING 139-3 Water pollution 215-4 Other Marine Resources District 280-48 FIRE PREVENTION AND Watercourses 215-2 219-11\219-13 Hamlet Business(HB) BUILDING CODE Workmen's Compensation Penalties for offenses District 28045 ADMINISTRATION 215-8 219-22 HIGHWAY 144-6;144-8 SEXUAL HARASSMENT Planting of shellfish seed SPECIFICATIONS Garbage,Rubbish and See HARASSMENT 219-17 161-3;1614 Refuse 233-3 SHADE TREES Prohibited Activities; LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Gas 280-83 See Also TREES Restricted Areas; 172-5 General Business(B) ZONING 280-93 Enforcement 219-14\ LITTERING 174-1;174-2; District 28048 SHEDS 219-23 174-5;174-6 General design principles COASTAL EROSION Purpose 219-5 POLICE DEPARTMENT 280-82 HAZARD AREAS Residence requirements RULES AND Glass 280-82;280-85 111-6 219-1 REGULATIONS Grades and grading 280-85 FIRE PREVENTION AND Residence Requirements; A290-37;A290-38 Hamlet Business(HB) BUILDING CODE Title;Definitions; Roadway Construction District 28045 ADMINISTRATION Purpose 219-1\219-5 161-39;161-46 Height regulations 280-82; 144-8 Restricted areas 219-16 Signs 280-85 280-85 FLOOD DAMAGE Safety standards 219-5 Site Plan Approval HIGHWAY PREVENTION 148-4 See Shellfish 219-6\219-10 280-133;280-137 SPECIFICATIONS Marine III Zone District Title 219-3 Snow and Ice Removal 161-11;161-12 (MIII)280-205 Town Board 219-22 237-19;237-20 Hotels 280-85 Roadway Construction Transplanting of shellfish SOIL REMOVAL 228-4 Liability 280-88 161-46 219-18 Special Exception Uses Liens280-88 STORMWATER Trustees 219-19;219-20 280-143 Light Industrial(LI)District MANAGEMENT Variances 219-21 STORMWATER 280-62 236-5 Vegetation removal MANAGEMENT Light Industrial Park/ SUBDIVISION OF LAND prohibited 219-20 236-5;236-17;236-19 Planned Office Park 240-42 Violations and penalties Street Excavations 237-5; (LIO)District 280-58 WETLANDS AND 219-22;219-23 237-6;237-12;237-13 Lighting 280-81;280-83; SHORELINE 275-2 Water 219-4;219-14 See Also STREETS AND 280-87;280-88 ZONING 280-4 Wetlands 219-20 SIDEWALKS LIGHTING,OUTDOOR SHELLFISH SHOPPING CENTERS SUBDIVISION OF LAND 172-7; 172-8 Board of Trustees 219-7; General Business(B) 240-17;240-21;240-36 Limitation of content or 219-8 District 280-48 VEHICLES AND copy 280-84 Boats and Boating 219-8; Signs 280-87 TRAFFIC 260-14; Limited Business(LB) 219-9;219-10 VEHICLES AND 260-18;260-28 District 280-41 Clams 219-9 TRAFFIC 260-12; VEHICLES,MOTOR- LITTERING 174-6 Costs and expenses 219-6 260-14;260-22 DRIVEN 264-3 Marinas 280-85;280-86 - Fees 219-7 ZONING 280-4 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding Marine I(Ml)District Licenses and permits 219-6 SHRUBS and Domestic Pet 280-52 Oysters 219-10 AGRICULTURAL USES Waste 83-28 Marine II(MII)District Parent and guardian 72-4 WETLANDS AND 280-55 responsibilities 219-6 Farmland Bill of Rights SHORELINE 275-2 Motels 280-85 Permit fee;expiration; 280-98 ZONING 280-78;280-95; Nonconforming signs display 219-7 Garbage,Rubbish and 280-111 280-90 Permit requirements 219-6 Refuse 233-4 SIGNS See Also Scallops 219-8 Light Industrial(LI)District Abandonment 280-88 NONCONFORMING SHELLFISH AND OTHER 280-62 Advertising 280-80; SIGNS MARINE Light Industrial Park/ 280-81;280-85 Nonconforming uses 280-90 RESOURCES 219-6\ Planned Office Park Agricultural-Conservation Notices 280-88 219-10 (LIO)District 280-58 (A-C)District and Obstructions 280-80 Towing 219-8 NOISE,PREVENTION OF Low-Density One-Way Streets 260-3.1 Town Board 219-7 180-4 Residential R-80, Paper 280-83;280-85 Town Clerk 219-6 See Also TREES R-120,R-200 and Parking 280-85 Violations and penalties WETLANDS AND R-400 Districts 280-13 Parking at Beaches 189-4 S 219-6 SHORELINE 275-2 Aluminum 280-82 PARKS AND SHELLFISH AND OTHER Wireless Communication Animals 280-85 RECREATION MARINE RESOURCES Facilities 280-70; APPEARANCE TICKETS AREAS 193-3;193-3.1 Angling for fish 219-2 280-72 5-2 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS Aquaculture/mariculture ZONING 280-4;280-92; Applicability;permit AND TRANSIENT exemption 219-21 280-93;280-95; required;application; RETAIL Assessments 219-4 280-118 approval;fees 280-81 MERCHANTS 197-12 Bathing 219-4 SICK LEAVE Assessments 280-88 Pedestrians 280-85 Blue claw crabs 219-11 POLICE DEPARTMENT Awnings 280-85 Planning Board 280-81 Board of Trustees 219-4; RULES AND Billboards 280-83 Plastics 280-82 219-16;219-17; REGULATIONS BOATS,DOCKS AND Prohibitions and general 219-18;219-21 A290-39 WHARVES 96-23 restrictions 280-83 Boats and Boating 219-4; SIDEWALK SALES Building Inspector 280-81; PUBLIC 219-12 See GARAGE SALES 280-85;280-88 ENTERTAINMENT Coordination and See YARD SALES Business districts 280-85 AND SPECIAL enforcement 219-23 SIDEWALKS Certificates of occupancy EVENTS 205-2 Culling shellfish and Adoption of Renumbered 280-85 PUBLIC HEARINGS, restoration of 2006 Code 1-14 Construction 280-81; NOTICE OF 55-1 underwater lands BICYCLES 88-6 280-85 Purpose 280-80 219-14 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Costs and expenses 280-88; Real estate signs 280-81; Definitions 219-4 PROPERTY 280-90 280-85 Docks 219-4 MAINTENANCE Driveways 280-85 See Also REAL ESTATE Dredges and scrapes 219-19 100-4 SIGNS IDX:48 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX SIGNS... Records Management 59-15 FIRE PREVENTION AND Drainage plan 280-129; Markers 280-137 RENTAL PERMITS 207-7 BUILDING CODE 280-133 Meetings 280-131; Residential Office(RO) ADMINISTRATION Driveways 280-137 280-133;280-137 District 280-38 144-8 Duration of plan 280-132 Natural features 280-129; Resort Residential(RR) Hamlet Density(HD) Easements 280-133 280-133 District 280-35 Residential District Emergencies 280-137 Notices 280-131;280-137 Restaurants 280-85 280-22 Environmental quality Objectives 280-129 Roofs 280-85;280-86 Low-Density Residential review 280-131; Off-street parking 280-129; Safety standards 280-82; R-40 District 280-17 280-137 280-133;280-137 280-88 See Also ONE-FAMILY Excavations 280-129; Open space 280-127; Sales 280-85 DWELLINGS 280-136 280-128;280-137 Setbacks 280-85 Residential Office(RO) Farm Stands 72-6 Parking 280-127;280-128; Shopping centers 280-87 District 280-38 Fee schedule for site plan 280-129;280-131; Sidewalks 280-85 SEWERS AND SEWAGE applications 280-138 280-133;280-134; Sign illumination 280-87 DISPOSAL 215-3 Fees 280-129;280-131; 280-137 Signs 280-80;280-81; STORMWATER 280-133;280-137; Pedestrians 280-128; 280-82;280-83; MANAGEMENT 280-138 280-129;280-133; 280-84;280-85; 236-19 Fences 280-133;280-134; 280-137 280-86;280-87; WETLANDS AND 280-137 Planning Board 280-127; 280-88;280-89;280-90 SHORELINE 275-5 Findings of fact;purpose 280-129;280-130; Site Plan Approval ZONING 280-4;280-78 280-128 280-131;280-132; 280-133;280-134; SINGLE-USE PLASTIC Fire hydrants 280-133; 280-133;280-137 280-137 BAGS 280-137 Planning Commission Small Wind Energy Systems See PLASTIC BAGS Flood hazard areas 280-131 277-4 SITE PLAN APPROVAL 280-129;280-133 Plum Island Conservation Special Events Requiring Accessory uses and Garages 280-134;280-137 District(PIC)280-187 Chairperson of the structures 280-127 Garbage,Rubbish and Plum Island Research Zoning Board of Affordable housing 280-137 Refuse 233-6 District(PIR)280-183 Appeals'Approval Affordable Housing(AHD) Gas 280-129 Ponds 280-133 205-4 District 280-29 General Business(B) Porches 280-134;280-137 Specific sign requirements Agricultural-Conservation District 280-48 Public assemblies 280-129 280-86 (A-C)District and Glare 280-129 Records 280-133 Specific signs 280-85 Low-Density Grades and grading Recreational Floating Zone Stop and Yield Intersections Residential R-80, 280-129;280-133; District(RFZ)280-202 260-4;260-6 R-120,R-200 and 280-134;280-136 Recreational vehicles Storage 280-88 R-400 Districts 280-13 Groundwater 280-129; 280-137 STORMWATER Applicability 280-127 280-137 Residential districts MANAGEMENT Application requirements Guaranties 280-131 280-129;280-137 236-5;236-10 280-133 Hamlet Business(HB) Residential Office(RO) Street Excavations 237-13 Appointments 280-135 District 280-45 District 280-38 Street Numbering 237-26 Approval of site plan Hamlet Density(HD) Resort Residential(RR) SUBDIVISION OF LAND required 280-130 Residential District District 280-35 240-17;240-19;240-21 Architectural Review 280-22 Retaining walls 280-134 TOBACCO Committee 280-135 Hearings 280-130; Review procedure 280-131 ADVERTISING Architectural review 280-131;280-137 Roofs 280-134 249-2;249-4 standards 280-134 Height regulations 280-134 Safety standards 280-128; Town Board 280-81 Assessments 280-133 Historic landmarks 280-131 280-129;280-131; Transition 280-89 Bicycles 280-137 Historic Preservation 280-133;280-137 TRANSPORTATION Blocks 280-133 Commission 280-131; Screens and screening ACCESS Board of Appeals 280-131 280-135 280-129;280-131 MANAGEMENT 64-5 Board of Trustees 280-133 Historic Preservation Setbacks 280-133;280-134; Trees 280-83 Boats and Boating 280-137 District(HPD)280-193 280-137 Unsafe,abandoned and Bonds 280-131;280-137 Historical features 280-133 Sewers 280-133 unlawful signs 280-88 Buffers 280-131;280-137 Improvements 280-129; Sidewalks 280-133; Utilities 280-83 Building construction 280-131;280-133; 280-137 Utility poles 280-83 280-128 280-137 Signs 280-133;280-134; Variances 280-81;280-86 Building Inspector Inspections 280-137 280-137 VEHICLES AND 280-127;280-130; Investigations 280-130 Site Plan Approval TRAFFIC 260-1; 280-131 Land clearing 280-136 280-127;280-129; 260-8;260-8.1; Building permits 280-127; Landscaping 280-129; 280-130;280-131; 260-12;260-13; 280-130;280-134 280-131;280-133; 280-132 260-17;260-18 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; 280-134;280-137 Site plan review and Violations and penalties PROPERTY Letters of credit 280-131 approval 280-133; 280-81;280-88 MAINTENANCE Licenses and permits 280-137 Walls 280-82;280-85; 100-4 280-130;280-131; Site plans 280-127; 280-86;280-87 Business districts 280-137 280-133;280-136 280-129;280-130; WETLANDS AND Certificates of Liens 280-131 280-131;280-132; SHORELINE 275-2; appropriateness Light Industrial(LI)District 280-133;280-134; 275-11 280-131 280-62 280-137;280-138 Wireless Communication Certificates of occupancy Light Industrial Park/ SOIL REMOVAL 228-4 Facilities 280-70 280-130 Planned Office Park Solar energy 280-138 Yard sales 280-86 Cluster developments (LIO)District 280-58 Special exceptions ZONING 280-4;280-78; 280-137 Lighting 280-129;280-133; 280-130;280-131 280-80\280-90 Compensation 280-135 280-137 Standards for residential site Zoning Board of Appeals Construction 280-128; Limited Business(LB) plans 280-137 280-81;280-86 280-133;280-137; District 280-41 Storage 280-134;280-137 SINGLE-FAMILY 280-138 Lots 280-137 Stormwater 280-129; DWELLINGS Costs and expenses Low-Density Residential 280-133 Agricultural-Conservation 280-131;280-137 R40 District 280-17 STORMWATER (A-C)District and Culverts 280-133 Marine I(MI)District MANAGEMENT Low-Density Curbs 280-131;280-133; 280-52 236-16;280-133 Residential R-80, 280-137 Marine II(MII)District Street trees 280-129; R-120,R-200 and Decks 280-137 280-55 280-133 R-400 Districts 280-13 Drainage 280-127; Marine III Zone District Terms of office 280-135 280-129;280-133 (MIII)280-205 Town Attorney 280-130 IDX:49 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE SITE PLAN APPROVAL... Town Board 280-128; Agricultural-Conservation Code Enforcement Officer SMOKING 280-131;280-135; (A-C)District and 277-7 TOBACCO 280-138 Low-Density Construction 277-4 ADVERTISING 249-1 Town Engineer 280-129; Residential R-80, Construction standards ZONING 280-4 280-131 R-120,R-200 and 277-4 SNOW AND ICE Trailers 280-137 R-400 Districts 280-13 Costs and expenses 277-6 EMERGENCIES Trees 280-129;280-130; Farm Stands 72-6 Definitions 277-1 See EMERGENCIES 280-133;280-136 FIRE PREVENTION AND Development standards SNOW AND ICE Trustees 280-131 BUILDING CODE 277-3 REMOVAL Utilities 280-127;280-129; ADMINISTRATION Electromagnetic Brush,grass and weeds 280-133 144-8 interference 277-4 237-20 Utility poles 280-133 Garbage,Rubbish and Enforcement;penalties for Churches 237-20 Variances 280-131;280-137 Refuse 233-6 offenses;remedies for Dirt 237-20 Vehicles 280-129;280-137 General Business(B) violations 277-7 Intent 237-19 Violations and penalties District 280-48 Fees 277-5 Obstructions 237-20 280-130;280-136 Hamlet Business(HB) Fences 277-4 Penalties for offenses Waivers 280-131;280-133 District 280-45 Grades and grading 277-1 237-21 Walls 280-137 Light Industrial Park/ Height regulations 277-1; Sidewalks 237-19;237-20 Water 280-128;280-129; Planned Office Park 277-2;277-3;277-4 Snow and Ice Removal 280-133 (LIO)District 280-58 Lighting 277-4 237-20 Water supply 280-129; LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Noise 277-2;277-3 Snow and ice removal; 280-133 172-8 Notices 277-3 general maintenance Watercourses 280-133 PUBLIC Safety standards 277-3 237-20 Wells 280-133 ENTERTAINMENT Setbacks 277-3 STREETS AND Wetlands 280-129;280-133 AND SPECIAL Signs 277-4 SIDEWALKS 237-19\ Wildlife 280-129;280-133 EVENTS 205-2 Towers 277-1;277-2; 237-21 Wireless Communication Recreational Floating Zone 277-3;277-4;277-7 Town Board 237-19 Facilities 280-70; District(RFZ)280-201 Town Attorney 277-7 Vacant lots 237-20 280-71;280-72 Site Plan Approval Town Board 277-5;277-7 Violations and penalties Yards 280-137 280-127;280-129; Trees 277-3 237-21 ZONING 280-92;280-104; 280-130;280-131; Utilities 277-1;277-2; SNOWMOBILES 280-119;280-127\ 280-132;280-133; 277-3;277-4 VEHICLES,MOTOR- 280-138;280-154 280-134;280-137; Violations and penalties DRIVEN 264-3; Zoning Board of Appeals 280-138 277-7 264-15 280-130;280-131; SOIL REMOVAL 228-4 WIND ENERGY 277-1\ SOCIAL MEDIA 280-137 STORMWATER 277-7 RENTAL PERMITS 207-7 Zoning districts 280-129; MANAGEMENT Wind energy systems,small SOCIAL SECURITY 280-137 236-5;236-17 277-2;277-3;277-4; Real Estate Transfer Tax SITE PLAN REVIEW AND SUBDIVISION OF LAND 277-6 17-27 APPROVAL 240-42 Wind turbines 277-1;277-3 Senior Citizen Exemption Agricultural-Conservation TOURIST AND TRAILER SMOKE 245-1;245-2 (A-C)District and CAMPS 253-3 Agricultural-Conservation SOIL EROSION AND Low-Density Wireless Communication (A-C)District and SEDIMENT CONTROL Residential R-80, Facilities 280-71; Low-Density See Also EROSION AND R-120,R-200 and 280-73;280-74; Residential R-80, SEDIMENT R-400 Districts 280-13 280-76.2 R-120,R-200 and CONTROL FIRE PREVENTION AND ZONING 280-4;280-151 R-400 Districts 280-13 STORMWATER BUILDING CODE SKATEBOARDS Farmland Bill of Rights MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION Agricultural-Conservation 280-99 236-3;236-4;236-17; 144-8 (A-C)District and FIRE PREVENTION AND 236-18 General Business(B) Low-Density BUILDING CODE SOIL MOVEMENT District 280-48 Residential R-80, ADMINISTRATION See TOPSOIL REMOVAL Hamlet Business(HB) R-120,R-200 and 144-3;144-15 SOIL REMOVAL District 280-45 R400 Districts 280-13 General Business(B) Adoption of Code 1-2 Light Industrial(LI)District See Also BICYCLES District 280-48 Adoption of Renumbered 280-62 See Also ROLLER Light Industrial(LI)District 2006 Code 1-14 Light Industrial Park/ SKATES 280-62 Application for permit Planned Office Park SKETCH PLANS Light Industrial Park/ 228-6 (LIO)District 280-58 HIGHWAY Planned Office Park Assessments 228-6 Limited Business(LB) SPECIFICATIONS (LIO)District 280-58 Bond or cash deposit 228-9 District 28041 161-1 Plum Island Research Bonds 228-9 Marine I(MI)District SUBDIVISION OF LAND District(PIR)280-183 Brush,grass and weeds S 280-52 240-7;240-10;240-13; POLICE DEPARTMENT 228-7 Marine II(MII)District 240-16;240-20 RULES AND Building Inspector 228-4 280-55 SKETCH PLATS REGULATIONS Cesspools 228-4 Residential Office(RO) SUBDIVISION OF LAND A290-45 Combustibles 228-7 District 280-38 240-6;240-7;240-8; Special Exception Uses Comprehensive Plan 228-6 Resort Residential(RR) 240-9;240-10;240-11; 280-143 Construction 228-4;228-7 District 280-35 240-12;240-13; TOBACCO Costs and expenses 228-9 Site Plan Approval 240-17;240-20; ADVERTISING 249-1 See Also DIRT 280-133;280-137 240-26;240-27;240-28 ZONING 280-111 Drainage 228-2;228-4; Special Events Requiring SLAUGHTERHOUSES SMOKE ALARMS 228-7 Chairperson of the ZONING 280-111 Agricultural-Conservation Drainage plan 228-5 Zoning Board of SMALL WIND ENERGY (A-C)District and Driveways 228-4 Appeals'Approval SYSTEMS Low-Density Dust 228-2;228-5;228-7 205-5 Abandonment 277-6 Residential R-80, Excavations 228-1;228-3; ZONING 280-4 Abandonment of use 277-6 R-120,R-200 and 228-4;228-5;228-6; SITE PLANS Advertising 277-4 R-400 Districts 280-13 228-7 Affordable Housing(AHD) Anchoring 277-4 SMOKE DETECTORS Farms and farming 228-3; District 280-29;280-31 Application 277-2 FIRE PREVENTION AND 228-4;228-6;228-7 AGRICULTURAL Appointments 277-7 BUILDING CODE Fees 228-8;228-11 ADVISORY Blocks 277-2 ADMINISTRATION Fences 228-4;228-7 COMMITTEE 71-4 Building Inspector 277-7 144-8 Fill 228-7 Building permits 277-3; RENTAL PERMITS 207-4 Garbage,rubbish and refuse 277-6 228-7 IDX:50 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX SOIL REMOVAL... Grades and grading 228-4; Light Industrial Park/ Severability 17-10 Police Department 205-5 228-6;228-7 Planned Office Park Southold Community Police officers 205-5 Hearings 228-5;228-12 (LIO)District 280-58 Preservation Fund PUBLIC Height regulations 228-7 Plum Island Conservation established 17-5 ENTERTAINMENT HIGHWAY District(PIC)280-187 Title 17-1 AND SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS Plum Island Research Town Board 17-2;17-4; EVENTS 205-4\205-6 161-10 District(PIR)280-183 17-5;17-6;17-7;17-8 Safety standards 205-4; Improvements 228-4 Site Plan Approval 280-138 Water 17-8 205-5 Insurance 228-6 ZONING 280-4 Wetlands 17-3;17-4 Sales 205-4 Intent of regulations 228-2 SOLAR ENERGY Wildlife 17-4;17-8 Sanitary facilities 205-4 Issuance and renewal of SYSTEMS SOUTHOLD COMMUNITY Security standards 205-4 permits 228-8 FIRE PREVENTION AND PRESERVATION Signs 205-4 Landscaping 228-4 BUILDING CODE PROJECT PLAN Site plan review and Legislative declaration ADMINISTRATION COMMUNITY approval 205-5 228-1 144-8 PRESERVATION Town Attorney 205-5 Liability 228-9 Light Industrial(LI)District FUND AND Town Board 205-4;205-5; Licenses and permits 280-62 COMMUNITY 205-6 228-8;228-12 Light Industrial Park/ HOUSING FUND Town Clerk 205-5;205-6 Lots 228-7 Planned Office Park 17-12\17-15 Trash 205-4 Noise 228-5 (LIO)District 280-58 Community Preservation Utilities 205-4 Notices 228-5;228-9; ZONING 280-2 Fund Management and Variances 205-5 228-12 SOLID WASTE Stewardship Plan Vehicles 205-4 Nuisances 228-5 Garbage,Rubbish and adopted 17-13.1 Vendors 205-4 Operations excepted 228-4 Refuse 233-1;233-3.1; Community preservation Violations and penalties Parking 228-7 233-6 project plan adopted 205-5 Penalties for offenses See Garbage,Rubbish and 17-13 Waivers 205-4 228-13 Refuse 233-1\233-8 Legislative findings; Zoning Board of Appeals Permit required 228-3 See Also GARBAGE, purpose 17-12 205-5 Permit standards 228-5 RUBBISH AND Meetings 17-13 SPECIAL EVENTS Planning Board 228-4; REFUSE Natural resources 17-12 REQUIRING TOWN 228-7 Light Industrial Park/ Open space 17-12 BOARD APPROVAL Pollution 228-7 Planned Office Park Ponds 17-13 Assessments 205-7 Public hearing 228-12 (LIO)District 280-58 Severability 17-14 Certificates of insurance Receiver of Taxes 228-6 See Also RECYCLING Town Board 17-12;17-13; 205-7 Records 228-6;228-9; STORMWATER 17-13.1 Costs and expenses 205-7 228-12 MANAGEMENT Water quality 17-13 E-mail 205-7 Regulations 228-7 236-5 Wetlands 17-13 Events held on Town lands Safety standards 228-1; See Also TRASH When effective 17-15 or events exceeding 228-5;228-7 WATERFRONT SPAS 1,000 attendees 205-7 Screens and screening 228-7 CONSISTENCY BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Fees 205-7 Setbacks 228-5;228-7 REVIEW 268-5 PROPERTY Licenses and permits 205-7 Sidewalks 228-4 SOUTHOLD COMMUNITY MAINTENANCE Lighting 205-7 Site plan approval 228-4 PRESERVATION 100-4 Noise 205-7 Site plans 228-4 FUND General Business(B) Notices 205-7 Storage 228-7 Acquisition of interests in District 280-48 Parking 205-7 Stormwater 228-4 property;public ZONING 280-4 Parks and recreation 205-7 Stormwater management hearing and other SPECIAL EVENTS PUBLIC 228-6 requirements 17-7 REQUIRING ENTERTAINMENT Topsoil removal 228-3; Advisory Board 17-4 CHAIRPERSON OF AND SPECIAL 228-4;228-5;228-6 Alienation of land acquired THE ZONING BOARD EVENTS 205-7 See Also TOPSOIL using fund moneys OF APPEALS' Safety standards 205-7 REMOVAL 17-9 APPROVAL Town Board 205-7 Town Board 228-3;228-4; Animals 17-4 Ambulance service 205-5 Town Clerk 205-7 228-5;228-6;228-7; Bicycles 17-8 Appeal from denial of a Vendors 205-7 228-8;228-9;228-10; Bonds 17-5;17-6 special event permit Violations and penalties 228-12;228-13 COMMUNITY 205-6 205-7 Town Clerk 228-6;228-7; PRESERVATION Appeals 205-6 Waivers 205-7 228-8;228-9;228-10; FUND AND Application requirements Zoning Board of Appeals 228-11 COMMUNITY 205-4 205-7 Treasurer 228-6 HOUSING FUND Application review SPECIAL EXCEPTION Vibrations 228-5 17-1\17-11 procedure and USES Violations and penalties Condominiums 17-4 standards 205-5 Abandonment 280-141 228-13 Definitions 17-4 Assessments 205-4 Additional conditions and Waiver by Town Board Easements 17-9 Certificates of insurance safeguards 280-144 228-10 Effective date 17-11 205-4 Application;hearing; Waivers 228-10 Fees 17-8 Costs and expenses 205-5 approval;violations of Water 228-2;228-4;228-5; Findings 17-2 Easements 205-4;205-5 conditions 280-141 228-7 Hearings 17-7 Emergencies 205-4 Bufferyards 280-143 Water supply 228-7 Historic preservation 17-4; Fees 205-4;205-5 Building permits 280-140 Yards 228-6;228-11 17-8 Fire extinguishers 205-4 Churches 280-143 SOLAR COLLECTORS Historic properties 17-8 Fire Marshal 205-5 Construction 280-140; FIRE PREVENTION AND Improvements 17-8 Firesafety 205-4 280-141 BUILDING CODE Legislative purpose 17-3 Garbage,rubbish and refuse Demolition 280-140 ADMINISTRATION Management of lands 2054 Dust 280-143 144-3 acquired pursuant to Hearings 205-6 Emergencies 280-143 Light Industrial(LI)District chapter 17-8 Inspections 205-5 Fees 280-141 280-62 Natural resources 17-2; Liability insurance 2054 Gases 280-143 Light Industrial Park/ 17-3;17-8 Licenses and permits General Business(B) Planned Office Park Open space 17-4;17-5; 2054;205-5 District 280-48 (LIO)District 280-58 17-8;17-9 Lighting 2054 General standards 280-142 SOLAR ENERGY Parking 17-8 Notices 205-4 Groundwater 280-143 Light Industrial(LI)District Parks and recreation 17-4 Parking 205-4 Hamlet Business(HB) 280-62 Purposes of fund 17-6 Permitted uses 205-5 District 280-45 Recreation areas 17-4 Planning Board 205-5 Hearings 280-141 Sales 17-4;17-9 Planning Commission 205-5 IDX:51 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE SPECIAL EXCEPTION USES... Light Industrial(LI)District Low-Density Residential Trees 2604;260-6 Residential Office(RO) 280-62 R40 District 280-17 VEHICLES AND District 280-38 Light Industrial Park/ Marine I(MI)District TRAFFIC 260-4\260-6 Roadway Construction Planned Office Park 280-52 Wells 260-4;260-6 161-29;161-30 (LIO)District 280-58 Marine II(MII)District Yield intersections 260-6 SALVAGE CENTERS Limited Business(LB) 280-55 STOP INTERSECTIONS 211-3 District 280-41 Plum Island Conservation Stop and Yield Intersections SEWERS AND SEWAGE Matters to be considered District(PIC)280-187 260-4;260-5 DISPOSAL 215-2; 280-143 Plum Island Research STOP-WORK ORDERS 215-4 Natural features 280-143 District(PIR)280-183 FIRE PREVENTION AND Signs 280-88 Noise 280-143 Residential Office(RO) BUILDING CODE Site Plan Approval See Also District 280-38 ADMINISTRATION 280-134;280-137 NONCONFORMING Resort Residential(RR) 144-3;144-5;144-12; SOIL REMOVAL 228-7 USES District 280-35 144-13;144-24;144-25 STORMWATER Odors 280-143 Site Plan Approval FLOOD DAMAGE MANAGEMENT Off-street parking 280-143 280-130;280-131 PREVENTION 148-14 236-5;236-17;236-18 Parking 280-143 Special Exception Uses LANDMARK SUBDIVISION OF LAND Permitted uses 280-143 280-139;280-140; PRESERVATION 240-44 See Also PERMITTED 280-141;280-142 170-12 TOURIST AND TRAILER USES Wireless Communication STORMWATER CAMPS 253-14 Plum Island Conservation Facilities 280-70; MANAGEMENT VEHICLES,MOTOR- District(PIC)280-187 280-71;280-73; 236-5 DRIVEN 264-19 Plum Island Research 280-74;280-76.2; WATERFRONT WATERFRONT District(PIR)280-183 280-76.3 CONSISTENCY CONSISTENCY Pollution 280-143 ZONING 280-154 REVIEW 268-6 REVIEW 268-3 See Also PROHIBITED SPECIAL PERMITS WETLANDS AND WETLANDS AND USES Board of Appeals 280-146 SHORELINE SHORELINE 275-2 Public assemblies 280-143 BOATS,DOCKS AND 275-12.1;275-16 ZONING 280-4;280-78; Purpose 280-139 WHARVES 96-18 STORAGE 280-79;280-104; Residential Office(RO) See Also BUILDING AGRICULTURAL LANDS 280-110;280-111; District 280-38 PERMITS PRESERVATION 70-3 280-118;280-119 Resort Residential(RR) See Also CONSTRUCTION AGRICULTURAL USES STORAGE TANKS District 280-35 PERMITS 724 FLOOD DAMAGE Safety standards 280-142; Garbage,Rubbish and Agricultural-Conservation PREVENTION 148-4; 280-143 Refuse 233-6 (A-C)District and 148-16 Schools 280-143 HUNTING 163-3 Low-Density STORM SEWERS Screens and screening See Also LICENSES AND Residential R-80, SEWERS AND SEWAGE 280-143 PERMITS R-120,R-200 and DISPOSAL 215-2; Sidewalks 280-143 Light Industrial Park/ R-400 Districts 280-13 215-3 Smoke 280-143 Planned Office Park BOATS,DOCKS AND STORMWATER Special Exception Uses (LIO)District 280-58 WHARVES 96-10; MANAGEMENT 280-140;280-141; PARKS AND 96-25 236-4;236-5 280-144 RECREATION BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; See Also STORMWATER Special exception uses; AREAS 193-7 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT approval required PUBLIC MAINTENANCE STORMWATER 280-140 ENTERTAINMENT 100-3 BOATS,DOCKS AND Special exceptions AND SPECIAL Emergency Removal of WHARVES 96-8 280-139;280-140; EVENTS 205-8 Vehicles 260-24 HIGHWAY 280-141;280-142 ZONING 280-4;280-154 FIRE PREVENTION AND SPECIFICATIONS Stormwater 280-143 SPEED LIMITS BUILDING CODE 161-6;161-8 Stormwater management BOATS,DOCKS AND ADMINISTRATION Illicit Discharges 236-25; 280-142 WHARVES 96-13 144-3;144-8;144-19; 236-26;236-27; Vehicles 280-143 HIGHWAY 144-20 236-28;236-30;236-31 Vibrations 280-143 SPECIFICATIONS Fishers Island Harbor Preservation of Natural Violations and penalties 161-12 Management 157-6; Features 240-50; 280-141 TRANSPORTATION 157-12 240-51 Water supply 280-143 ACCESS Floating Homes 96-26; RENTAL PERMITS 207-2 ZONING 280-4;280-78; MANAGEMENT 64-5 96-27 Roadway Construction 280-139\280-144 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS FLOOD DAMAGE 161-27;161-29; Zoning Board of Appeals FIRE PREVENTION AND PREVENTION 148-4; 161-30;161-32;161-36 280-140;280-141; BUILDING CODE 148-12;148-16;148-22 SEWERS AND SEWAGE 280-142;280-144 ADMINISTRATION Garbage,Rubbish and DISPOSAL 215-2; S SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS 144-8 Refuse 233-1 215-4 Agricultural-Conservation STANDING COMMITTEES General Business(B) Site Plan Approval (A-C)District and Affordable Housing(AHD) District 280-48 280-129;280-133 Low-Density District 280-31 Hamlet Business(HB) SOIL REMOVAL 228-4 Residential R-80, STEEP SLOPES District 280-45 Special Exception Uses R-120,R-200 and FLOOD DAMAGE JUNKYARDS 166-3 280-143 R-400 Districts 280-13 PREVENTION 148-4 Light Industrial(LI)District STORMWATER Board of Appeals 280-146 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 280-62 MANAGEMENT General Business(B) 240-4 Light Industrial Park/ 236-2;236-3;236-4; District 280-48 STOP AND YIELD Planned Office Park 236-5;236-9;236-10; Hamlet Business(HB) INTERSECTIONS (LIO)District 280-58 236-12;236-13; District 280-45 Bridges 260-6 Limited Business(LB) 236-17;236-18; Hamlet Density(HD) Deer 260-4;260-6 District 280-41 236-19;236-20; Residential District Hedges 260-4 LITTERING 174-1 236-21;236-22; 280-22 Ponds 260-4;260-6 Marine III Zone District 236-24;236-34;236-35 Light Industrial(LI)District Schools 260-6 (MIII)280-205 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 280-62 Signs 260-4;260-6 Parking at Beaches 189-7 240-3;240-11;240-19; Light Industrial Park/ Stop intersections 260-4; Plum Island Research 240-36;240-44 Planned Office Park 260-5 District(PIR)280-183 Water Quality Improvement (LIO)District 280-58 Stop intersections with Records Management 17-43 Limited Business(LB) flashing signals 260-5 59-12;59-13;59-14 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding District 280-41 Stop intersections with stop RENTAL PERMITS 207-7 and Domestic Pet signs 260-4 Waste 83-27 IDX:52 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX STORMWATER... WATERFRONT Drainage plan 236-10 Maintenance,inspection and Stop-work orders 236-5 CONSISTENCY Driveways 236-13;236-17; repair of stormwater Storage 236-5;236-17; REVIEW 268-3 236-18 facilities 236-9 236-18 WETLANDS AND Dust 236-18 Mining 236-5 Storm sewers 236-4;236-5 SHORELINE 275-3 Easements 236-9;236-20 Mobile homes 236-5 See Also STORM SEWERS Wireless Communication Emergencies 236-10 Mulching 236-5;236-18 Facilities 280-72 Emergency Management Natural features 236-18 Stormwater 236-2;236-3; STORMWATER CONTROL Agency 236-5 Natural resources 236-5; 236-4;236-5;236-9; STORMWATER Enforcement 236-33 236-10 236-10;236-12; MANAGEMENT Environmental quality Notices 236-5;236-9; 236-13;236-17; 236-5 review 236-5 236-12;236-23; 236-18;236-19; STORMWATER Erosion and sediment 236-24;236-34;236-35 236-20;236-21; MANAGEMENT control 236-1;236-3; Notices of violations 236-35 236-22;236-24; Accessory buildings and 236-5;236-6;236-7; Open space 236-19 236-34;236-35 structures 236-5 236-9;236-12;236-17; Other environmental Stormwater control 236-5 Activities covered 236-19 236-18;236-19; permits 236-21 STORMWATER Activities requiring 236-20;236-22;236-34 Parking 236-5;236-13; MANAGEMENT stormwater Escrow deposits 236-20 236-19 236-1;236-3;236-4; management control Excavations 236-5;236-9; Parks and recreation 236-19 236-5;236-7;236-8; approval 236-15 236-10;236-15; Patios 236-5 236-9;236-10;236-11; Additional Requirements 236-16;236-17; Performance and design 236-12;236-15; 236-19\236-24 236-18;236-34;236-35 criteria for stormwater 236-16;236-17; Administration and Exemptions 236-10 management and 236-18;236-20; Enforcement 236-33\ Explosives 236-5 erosion and sediment 236-22;236-24 236-36 Fences 236-5;236-10; control 236-7 Stormwater Management Advertising 236-5 236-18 Performance guarantees Officer and authority All stormwater discharges Fill 236-5;236-18 236-20 236-8 236-34 Final plans 236-9 Performance standards Stormwater pollution Amendments and Financial institutions 236-20 236-3;236-9;236-18 prevention plans modifications to Findings of fact 236-3 Performance standards for 236-5;236-8;236-20; stormwater Flammables 236-5 approval of stormwater 236-34 management control Floodplains 236-4;236-5; management control Street Excavations 237-7 plan 236-12 236-15;236-18 plan 236-18 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Animals 236-5 Floodways 236-18 Pet waste 236-4 240-17 Applicability and Forestry 236-5 Planning Board 236-10 Swimming pools 236-5 prohibitions 236-6 Garbage,rubbish and refuse Police Department 236-33 SWPPP and other Application process 236-5 Pollution 236-3;236-4; documents retained on 236-17;236-20 Gas 236-19 236-5;236-17;236-19; site 236-23 Approved plans 236-11 General Provisions 236-1\ 236-20;236-35 Technical standards 236-5; Assessments 236-17; 236-12 Ponds 236-5;236-9; 236-7;236-17;236-20 236-20 Grades and grading 236-3; 236-17;236-18 Tests 236-17 Blocks 236-5 236-5;236-6;236-9; Porches 236-5 Title 236-1 Board of Trustees 236-18 236-10;236-15; Poultry 236-5 Topsoil removal 236-10 Boats and Boating 236-5 236-17;236-18; Purpose 236-4 TOURIST AND TRAILER Bonds 236-5;236-20 236-19;236-34 Records 236-5;236-9; CAMPS 253-2 Brush,grass and weeds Groundwater 236-3;236-5; 236-20;236-24 Town Attorney 236-9; 236-19 236-10;236-18;236-24 Remedies not exclusive 236-33 Buffers 236-18 Guarantees 236-20 236-36 Town Board 236-5;236-8; Building Inspector 236-5; Gutters 236-5;236-14 Reports 236-20 236-33 236-11;236-33; Hazardous materials and Requirements for all land- Trash 236-4 236-34;236-35 substances 236-3; disturbing activities or Trees 236-18 Building permits 236-10; 236-5 impervious surfaces Utilities 236-5;236-6; 236-11 Hazardous wastes 236-4 236-14 236-10;236-17;236-19 Burning 236-5 Hearings 236-5 Requirements for All Variances 236-2 Cemeteries 236-10 Historic preservation 236-6 Stormwater Discharges Violations and penalties Certificates of occupancy Historic resources 236-20 236-13\236-18 236-5;236-6;236-7; 236-11;236-34 Horses 236-5 Right of entry 236-20 236-9;236-22;236-24; Complaints 236-24 Hot tubs 236-5 Roofs 236-5 236-33;236-34;236-35 Compliance 236-16 Illicit connections 236-4; Safety standards 236-2; Waivers 236-20 Conservation districts 236-5;236-35 236-3;236-4;236-5; Walls 236-5 236-5;236-17 Illicit discharges 236-35 236-18;236-24 Warrants 236-35 Construction 236-2;236-3; See Illicit Discharges Sales 236-5 Water 236-3;236-4;236-5; 236-4;236-5;236-7; 236-25\236-32 Screens and screening 236-6;236-10;236-17; 236-9;236-10;236-12; Impoundment 236-5 236-20 236-18;236-19;236-24 236-14;236-16; Improvements 236-5; Sewers 236-4;236-5; Water conservation 236-7 236-17;236-18; 236-17 236-19 Water pollution 236-5 236-19;236-20; Inspection of stormwater Sheds 236-5 Water quality 236-3;236-4; 236-22;236-23;236-34 facilities after project Sidewalks 236-5;236-17; 236-5;236-6;236-7; Contractor identification completion 236-24 236-19 236-9;236-20;236-22 and certification 236-22 Inspections 236-4;236-9; Signs 236-5;236-10 Water supply 236-4;236-5 Costs and expenses 236-8; 236-20;236-22; Single-family dwellings Watercourses 236-5; 236-9;236-18;236-20; 236-24;236-34 236-19 236-15;236-18 236-34;236-35 Insurance 236-5 Site plan approval 236-16; Websites 236-20 County Clerk 236-9;236-11 Landscaping 236-10; 280-133 Wells 236-5;236-14 Culverts 236-5 236-16;236-20;236-34 Site plans 236-5;236-17 Wetlands 236-4;236-5; Curbs 236-5 Lawns 2364;236-19 Soil erosion and sediment 236-6;236-15;236-17; Decks 236-10 Letters of credit 236-20 control 236-3;236-4; 236-18;236-19 Definitions 236-5 Liability 236-20 236-17;236-18 WETLANDS AND Demolition 236-5;236-19 Licenses and permits SOIL REMOVAL 228-6 SHORELINE 275-6; Design standards 236-9 236-2;236-4;236-5; Solid waste 236-5 275-8 Dirt 236-5 236-14;236-21 Special Exception Uses Yard waste 236-4;236-5 Docks 236-5 Liens 236-9;236-34 280-142 Yards 236-15 Drainage 236-4;236-5; Litter 236-17 Statutory authorization/and 236-6;236-13;236-16; Livestock 236-5 conflicts with other ,236-17;236-18;236-24 Lots 236-13;236-16 laws 236-2 IDX:53 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE STORMWATER Waiver of insurance and STREETS AND Coordination with other POLLUTION bond requirements SIDEWALKS agencies 240-12 PREVENTION PLANS 237-18 See Also CROSSWALKS Costs and expenses 240-8; STORMWATER Waivers 237-13;237-18 See Notification of Defects 240-10;240-20; MANAGEMENT Water 237-6;237-13 237-1\237-3 240-23;240-32; 236-5;236-8;236-20; STREET NUMBERING See Removal of Utility 240-34;240-37;240-44 236-34 Building Inspector 237-28 Poles 237-30\237-33 County Clerk 240-3; STREET EXCAVATIONS Building permits 237-25; See Also SIDEWALKS 240-21;240-25; Adoption of Renumbered 237-26 See Snow and Ice Removal 240-30;240-34; 2006 Code 1-14 Certificates of occupancy 237-19\237-21 240-35;240-44; Application requirements 237-25 See Street Excavations 240-52;240-57 237-7 Charges 237-23 237-4\237-18 Creation of lots 240-30 Assessments 237-14 Code Enforcement Officer See Street Numbering Crosswalks 240-3 Backfilling 237-13;237-16 237-28 237-22\237-29 Culverts 240-10;240-17 Barricades 237-12;237-13 Construction 237-25; STRUCTURES,UNSAFE Curbs 240-17;240-21 Bonds 237-9;237-18 237-26 See UNSAFE BUILDINGS Definitions 240-3 Brush,grass and weeds Definitions 237-23 See UNSAFE Design standards 240-36 237-13 Display of numbers;style STRUCTURES See Design Standards Completion reimbursement and size 237-26 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 240-45\240-48 and assessment 237-14 Driveways 237-23 Abandonment 240-37 Determination of location of Construction 237-12; Emergencies 237-22 •Action on final plats which open spaces created by 237-13;237-14 Enforcement 237-28 are in substantial cluster development Costs and expenses 237-7; Fees 237-23 agreement with using primary and 237-9;237-14;237-16 Height regulations 237-26 approved preliminary secondary conservation Curbs 237-6;237-13 Legislative intent 237-22 plats 240-24 areas 240-43 Definitions 237-5 Lots 237-23 Action on preliminary plat Drainage 240-3;240-4; Driveways 237-13 Numbering system 240-19 240-9;240-10;240-11; Emergencies 237-6;237-13 established;changes; Action on sketch plat; 240-17;240-19; Excavations 237-4;237-6; unnamed roads 237-24 decision 240-13 240-21;240-32; 237-9;237-11;237-12; Pedestrians 237-26 Additional Requirements 240-36;240-37; 237-13;237-16 Penalties for offenses 240-52\240-58 240-41;240-44 See Also EXCAVATIONS 237-29 Administration fee 240-37 Drainage plan 240-7; Fees 237-10 Planning Board 237-25 Affordable housing 240-2; 240-17;240-20; Fill 237-13 Police officers 237-28 240-10;240-25;240-53 240-21;240-23; Fire Department 237-13 Posting of numbers 237-25 Agricultural districts 240-25;240-30; Fire hydrants 237-12; Records 237-24 240-10;240-42 240-32;240-35 237-13 Signs 237-26 Animals 240-3;240-44 Driveways 240-3 Gas 237-6 STREETS AND Appeals 240-10 Easements 240-3;240-10; Grades and grading 237-13 SIDEWALKS 237-22\ Assessments 240-7;240-44 240-17;240-21; Guarantees 237-9 237-29 Authority and purpose 240-26;240-27; Inspections 237-14 Tax bill;compliance 240-42 240-28;240-42; Insurance 237-8;237-18 deadline 237-27 Backfilling 240-36 240-44;240-54 Insurance coverage 237-8 Town Board 237-24;237-28 Bicycles 240-10;240-53 Emergency Management Liability 237-13;237-14; Trustees 237-25 Blocks 240-3;240-10; Agency 240-10;240-42 237-16;237-18 Vehicles 237-26 240-17;240-21 Enforcement 240-59\240-61 Licenses and permits Violations and penalties Bonds 240-3;240-7; Environmental impact 237-6;237-10;237-13 237-29 240-20;240-23; statements 240-18; Lighting 237-12 STREET OPENINGS 240-25;240-30; 240-19;240-22;240-25 Lots 237-14 See Also EXCAVATIONS 240-31;240-32; Environmental quality Notice to public utilities WATERFRONT 240-33;240-34; review 240-3;240-8; 237-11 CONSISTENCY 240-35;240-36;240-37 240-18;240-19; Notices 237-6;237-11; REVIEW 268-3 Bonds and Other Security 240-22;240-25;240-30 237-13 STREET TREES 240-31\240-34 Environmental review Obstructions 237-12 HIGHWAY Bridges 240-17 240-18;240-22 Penalties for offenses SPECIFICATIONS Brush,grass and weeds Environmentally sensitive 237-17 161-3 240-10 areas 240-10;240-43 Permit required 237-6 Light Industrial Park/ Buffers 240-3;240-17; Erosion and sediment Permit requirements 237-13 Planned Office Park 240-21;240-42;240-43 control 240-11; Police Department 237-12; (LIO)District 280-58 Building permits 240-10; 240-19;240-36 237-13 Preservation of Natural 240-25 Establishment 240-26 Protective measures 237-12 Features 240-49 Certificates of approval Excavations 240-36 Responsibility for damages; Roadway Construction 240-21 Expiration 240-14 S repair 237-16 161-44 Charges 240-8 Farms and farming 240-10; Revocation 237-15 Site Plan Approval Cluster Development 240-42;240-43 Short title 237-4 280-129;280-133 240-42\240-44 Fees 240-3;240-6;240-7; Sidewalks 237-5;237-6; SUBDIVISION OF LAND Cluster developments 240-8;240-9;240-10; 237-12;237-13 240-17;240-21 240-3;240-10;240-42; 240-16;240-19; Signs 237-13 STREETLIGHTING 240-43;240-44 240-20;240-30; Stormwater management Design Standards 24046 Comprehensive Plan 240-3; 240-34;240-37; 237-7 HIGHWAY 240-4;240-10;240-11; 240-44;240-53 STREETS AND SPECIFICATIONS 240-19;240-42; Fences 240-36 SIDEWALKS 237-4\ 161-3;161-4 24043;240-53 Final Plat Review 240-20\ 237-18 See Also LIGHTING Conservation Board 240-42 240-25 Town Board 237-5;237-10; LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Construction 240-3;240-6; Final plats 240-3;240-6; 237-17;237-18 172-2;172-5;172-8 240-10;240-16; 240-7;240-8;240-13; Town Clerk 237-10 POLICE DEPARTMENT 240-17;240-21; 240-15;240-16; Trees 237-13 RULES AND 240-25;240-31; 240-19;240-20; Trenches 237-13 REGULATIONS 240-32;240-35; 240-21;240-22; Utilities 237-11;237-16 A290-37;A290-38 240-36;240-37; 240-23;240-24; Utility poles 237-13 Roadway Construction 240-39;240-40; 240-25;240-28; Vehicles 237-13 161-46 240-54;240-59 240-31;240-32; Violations and penalties SUBDIVISION OF LAND Coordination of review of 240-35;240-36; 237-17 240-17;240-21 performance bond 240-41;240-42; estimate 240-23 240-44;240-52;240-53 IDX:54 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX SUBDIVISION OF LAND... Final plats not in substantial Master Plan 240-10;240-17 Protection and use of open Tests 240-17;240-21; agreement with Meetings 240-13;240-23; space lands created by 240-35;240-36 approved preliminary 240-40 cluster development Time limitations 240-55 plats or when no Membership 240-44 240-44 Topsoil removal 240-3 preliminary plat is Methods of enforcement Purpose 240-2 Town Attorney 240-21; required 240-25 240-61 Purpose of performance 240-32;240-34;24044 Fire alarms 240-17 Modification of design of bond 240-31 Town Board 240-3;240-8; Fire hydrants 240-10; improvements 240-40 Records 240-10;240-17; 240-10;240-12; 240-17;240-21; Monuments 240-10; 240-19;240-21; 240-19;240-25; 240-35;240-36 240-17;240-21;240-41 240-25;240-29; 240-26;240-28; Fire protection 240-4;240-9 Natural features 240-3; 240-34;240-35; 240-29;240-32; Floodplains 240-3;240-4 240-43;240-53;240-54 240-3 8;240-4 1; 240-33;240-34; Forestry 240-3;240-44 Natural resources 240-4; 24044;240-52;240-57 240-37;24042; Forms of security; 240-10 Recreation areas 240-3; 240-52;240-53;240-58 expiration and terms of Nonconforming lots 240-57 240-4;240-10;240-42; Town Clerk 240-19; bonds;default 240-34 Notices 240-13;240-18; 240-43;240-44;240-52 240-25;240-29;. Gas 240-35 240-19;240-22; Reports 240-3;240-19 240-30;240-32;240-57 General application 240-25;240-29; Required improvements and Town Supervisor 240-29 procedure 240-6 240-30;240-32; utilities 240-35 Trees 240-3;240-10 General Application 240-36;240-44;240-54 Required Public Utilities 240-4;240-10; Procedure;Submission Odors 24044 Improvements; 240-17;240-21; Requirements;Fees Off-road vehicles 24044 Inspections;Fees 240-35;240-36; 240-6\240-8 Off-street parking 240-4 240-35\240-41 240-41;240-42 General Provisions 240-1\ Official Map 240-3;240-4; Reservation of lands for Variances 240-57 240-2 240-10;240-17 pedestrian trails 240-54 Vehicles 240-3;240-54 General requirements Open Development Area Reservation of parkland on Violations 240-59 240-4;240-27 240-26\240-30 subdivision plats Violations and penalties General Requirements; Open space 240-2;240-3; containing residential 240-44;240-59; Classification 240-4\ 240-10;240-21; units 240-53 240-60;240-61 240-5 240-42;240-43; Review of sketch plat Waiver 240-38 Grades and grading 240-3; 240-44;240-54 240-11 Waiver of requirements 240-4;240-6;240-10; Paper 240-20;240-28; Safeguards during 240-15 240-17;240-19; 240-29;240-30 construction 240-39 Waiver,adjustment of 240-21;240-41 Parking 24044 Safety standards 240-2; property lines 240-57 Groundwater 240-4 Parks and recreation 240-3; 240-4;240-10;240-38; Waivers 240-10;240-15; Guarantees 240-31;240-33; 240-4;240-10;240-42; 240-43;240-56 240-38;240-40; 240-34 240-52;240-53;240-54 Sales 240-3;240-34 240-56;240-57 Guaranties 240-34;240-38 Pedestrians 240-3;240-4; Schools 240-4;240-53 Waivers of certain Gutters 240-44 240-10;24042; Septic systems 240-10 provisions 240-56 Hearings 240-13;240-19; 240-53;240-54 Setbacks 240-19;240-42; Water 240-3;240-4; 240-25;240-29; Penalties for offenses 240-43 240-10;240-17; 240-30;240-53 240-60 Sewers 240-10;240-17; 240-21;240-35; Height regulations 240-10 Performance bond 240-32 240-42;240-44 240-36;240-42;240-44 Historic features 240-4 Planning Board 240-3; Sheds 24042 Water supply 240-9; Horses 240-3 240-5;240-6;240-8; Sidewalks 240-17;240-21; 240-10;240-11; Improvements 240-3; 240-9;240-10;240-11; 240-36 240-17;240-19; 240-6;240-9;240-10; 240-12;240-13; Signs 240-17;240-19; 240-42;240-44 240-16;240-17; 240-14;240-16; 240-21 Watercourses 240-3;240-41 240-20;240-30; 240-18;240-19; Site plans 240-42 Wells 240-4;240-10; 240-31;240-32; 240-20;240-21; Sketch plans 240-7; 240-17;240-21; 240-33;240-34; 240-22;240-23; 240-10;240-13; 240-35;240-44 240-35;240-36; 240-24;240-25; 240-16;240-20 Wetlands 240-3;240-4; 240-37;240-38; 240-29;240-30; Sketch Plat Review 240-9\ 240-10;240-17; 240-39;240-40; 240-32;240-34; 240-14 240-21;240-42 240-41;240-53;240-59 240-35;240-38; Sketch plats 240-6;240-7; When effective;effect on Inspection of improvements 240-39;240-40; 240-8;240-9;240-10; existing plats 240-58 240-36 240-41;240-42; 240-11;240-12; Wildlife 240-3;240-44 Inspections 240-9;240-10; 240-44;240-52; 240-13;240-17; Zoning Board of Appeals 240-20;240-32; 240-53;240-54; 240-20;240-26; 240-57 240-33;240-36;240-37 240-56;240-57; 240-27;240-28 Zoning districts 240-10; Landfills 240-44 240-58;240-59 Standards and procedures 240-17;240-26; Landscaping 240-32; Planning Commission for acceptance of 240-27;240-42 240-36;240-42;240-43 240-12 streets;recreation and SUMMONSES Letters of credit 240-34 Playgrounds 240-10; park areas 240-52 Dogs 83-9 Liability 240-54 240-43;240-44; Statutory authority 240-1 SUPERINTENDENT OF Licenses and permits 240-52;240-53 Steep slopes 240-4 HIGHWAYS 240-21;240-25;240-26 Ponds 240-4;240-10; Storage 240-44 OFFICERS AND Liens 240-34;240-44 240-42 Stormwater 240-3;240-11; EMPLOYEES 42-5\ Lighting 240-44 Poultry 240-3;240-44 240-19;240-36;240-44 42-8 Livestock 240-3;240-44 Preliminary Plat Review Stormwater management Referendum to be held 42-7 Lots 240-3;240-4;240-10; 240-15\240-19 240-17 Supersession of Town Law 240-17;240-21; Preliminary plats 240-3; Street trees 240-17;240-21 42-6 240-26;240-27; 240-6;240-7;240-8; Streetlighting 240-17; Term of office 42-5 240-30;240-41; 240-13;240-15; 240-21 Terms of office 42-5 24042;240-43; 240-16;240-17; Subdivision classifications When effective 42-8 240-44;240-53; 240-18;240-19; 240-5 SUPERSTORM SANDY 240-57;240-59 240-20;240-22; Submission 240-9;240-16; Assessment and Tax Relief Maintenance bond 240-33 240-24;240-25; 240-20 for Superstorm Sandy See Also MAJOR 240-53;240-58 Submission requirements Impact 245-20; SUBDIVISIONS See Preservation of Natural 240-7;240-28 245-21;245-22;245-23 Manholes 240-17 Features 240-49\240-51 Swimming pools 240-3 SURCHARGES Mapping of completed Procedure 240-29 Tax Assessor 240-34 ANIMALS 83-19;83-23 improvements; Technical requirements monuments 240-41 240-10;240-17;240-21 Markers 240-41 Terms defined 240-3 IDX:55 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE SURCHARGES... FIRE PREVENTION AND See Veterans'Exemption SEWERS AND SEWAGE See Also SANITARY BUILDING CODE 245-8\245-9 DISPOSAL 215-2; FACILITIES ADMINISTRATION TAXICABS 2154;215-9;215-10 SEWERS AND SEWAGE 144-8 ZONING 280-111 STORMWATER DISPOSAL 215-2 VEHICLES AND TECHNICAL STANDARDS MANAGEMENT ZONING 280-4 TRAFFIC 260-28 STORMWATER 236-17 TOPSOIL PROTECTION SWIMMING POOLS MANAGEMENT SUBDIVISION OF LAND See DIRT Agricultural-Conservation 236-5;236-7;236-17; 240-17;240-21; See EXCAVATIONS (A-C)District and 236-20 240-35;240-36 See FILL Low-Density TELECOMMUNICATIONS WETLANDS AND TOPSOIL REMOVAL Residential R-80, FACILITIES SHORELINE 275-4 See Also DIRT R-120,R-200 and Wireless Communication Wireless Communication See Also EXCAVATIONS R-400 Districts 280-13 Facilities 280-69; Facilities 280-69; HIGHWAY BOATS,DOCKS AND 280-71 280-74 SPECIFICATIONS WHARVES 96-8 TENANTS THROUGH STREETS 161-10 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Affordable Housing(AHD) Roadway Construction SOIL REMOVAL 228-3; PROPERTY District 280-27; 16146 2284;228-5;228-6 MAINTENANCE 280-28;280-30 TIRES See Also SOIL REMOVAL 100-4 Agricultural-Conservation FIRE PREVENTION AND STORMWATER FIRE PREVENTION AND (A-C)District and BUILDING CODE MANAGEMENT BUILDING CODE Low-Density ADMINISTRATION 236-10 ADMINISTRATION Residential R-80, 144-19 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 144-8 R-120,R-200 and General Business(B) 240-3 Marine I(MI)District R-400 Districts 280-13 District 280-48 TOURIST AND TRAILER 280-52 Exemption for War JUNKYARDS 166-1 CAMPS Marine II(MII)District Veterans and Gold Star LITTERING 174-3 Application;site plan 253-3 280-55 Parents 245-16.1 TOBACCO Board of Health 253-6; See Also POOLS FIRE PREVENTION AND Adoption of Renumbered 253-7;253-14 STORMWATER BUILDING CODE 2006 Code 1-14 Brush,grass and weeds MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION POLICE DEPARTMENT 253-5 236-5 144-13;144-25 RULES AND Camps 253-1;253-2; SUBDIVISION OF LAND MUNICIPAL BUILDING REGULATIONS 253-3;253-5;253-6; 240-3 ENERGY A290-15 253-7;253-8;253-10; WETLANDS AND BENCHMARKING TOBACCO 253-11;253-12; SHORELINE 275-3; 177-5 ADVERTISING 253-13;253-14; 275-11 NOISE,PREVENTION OF 249-1;249-2;249-3; 253-15;253-16 ZONING 280-4 180-4 249-4;249-5 Charges 253-2 RENTAL PERMITS 207-2 TOBACCO ADVERTISING Communicable diseases T _ See Also RENTAL Advertising 249-1;249-2; 253-14 PROPERTY 249-3;249-4;249-5 Compensation 253-1 TARGETED BUSINESS WETLANDS AND Child-care centers 249-2 Complaints 253-15 INVESTMENT SHORELINE 275-12.1 Cigarettes 249-1;249-2 Definitions 253-1 EXEMPTION ZONING 280-4 Compensation 249-2 Distance between cottages Assessments 245-7 TERMS OF OFFICE Definitions and word usage and other buildings or Assessor 245-7 AGRICULTURAL 249-2 trailers 253-9 Certificates of occupancy ADVISORY Disease control 249-1 Distance from property lines 245-7 COMMITTEE 71-3 Exceptions 249-4 and roadways 253-10 Construction 245-7 Ethics Board 26-21;26-23 Grades and grading 249-2 Drainage 253-5 Costs and expenses 245-7 Residency Requirements Legislative intent and Driveways 253-3;253-10; Exemption granted 245-7 42-10 findings 249-1 253-11 Improvements 245-7 Site Plan Approval 280-135 Liability 249-2 Duties of owner 253-14 Permitted uses 245-7 Superintendent of Highways Licenses and permits 249-2 Entrances and exits;trespass Schools 245-7 42-5 Minors 249-1 on adjoining property TAXATION 245-7 Town Clerk 42-1 Paper 249-2 253-15 TAX ASSESSOR TRANSPORTATION Parks and recreation 249-1 Fees 253-4 See Also ASSESSOR ACCESS Penalties for offenses 249-6 Fees;public hearing 253-4 SUBDIVISION OF LAND MANAGEMENT 64-4 Reports 249-1 Fences 253-15 240-34 TESTS Restrictions 249-3 Fire extinguishers 253-14 TAXATION COASTAL EROSION Sales 249-1;249-2 Garbage collection;sewer See Assessment and Tax HAZARD AREAS Schools 249-1;249-2;249-3 system 253-7 Relief for Superstorm 111-6 Severability 249-7 Garbage,rubbish and refuse Sandy Impact 245-20\ FIRE PREVENTION AND Signs 249-2;249-4 253-7;253-14 245-24 BUILDING CODE Smoke 249-1 General Regulations 253-1\ See Exemption for Cold ADMINISTRATION Smoking 249-1 253-19 War Veterans 245-17\ 144-3;144-5;144-15; Time frame for compliance Grades and grading 253-5 T 245-18 144-18;144-19 249-5 Hearings 253-2;253-4 See Exemption for Disabled General Business(B) Tobacco 249-1;249-2; Inspections 253-13 Persons With Limited District 280-48 249-3;249-4;249-5 Licenses and permits Income 245-10 HIGHWAY Town Board 249-1 253-3;253-12 See Exemption for Historic SPECIFICATIONS Variances 249-1 Lighting 253-3 Properties 245-19 161-2;161-6 Violations and penalties Management 253-12 See Exemption for Illicit Discharges 236-25 249-6 Markers 253-8 Volunteer Firefighters Light Industrial(LI)District Walls 249-3 Minimum unit dimensions and Ambulance 280-62 When effective 249-8 253-8 Workers 245-11\245-14 Light Industrial Park/ TOILET FACILITIES Nonapplicability 253-18 See Exemption for War Planned Office Park BOATS,DOCKS AND Notices 253-4 Veterans and Gold Star (LIO)District 280-58 WHARVES 96-8 Other ordinances and Parents 245-15\ POLICE DEPARTMENT PARKS AND regulations 253-17 245-16.1 RULES AND RECREATION Penalties for offenses See Senior Citizen REGULATIONS AREAS 193-4 253-19 Exemption 245-1\245-6 A290-45 PUBLIC Permit required 253-2 See Targeted Business Roadway Construction ENTERTAINMENT Records 253-13 Investment Exemption 161-26;161-29; AND SPECIAL See Recreational Vehicle 245-7 161-30;161-40;16146 EVENTS 205-2 Parks 253-20\253-24 Registration 253-14 IDX:56 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX TOURIST AND TRAILER CAMPS... Reports 253-14 Site Plan Approval 280-130 Ducks 83-1;83-2;83-3; Pedestrians 260-27 Roadways and driveways Small Wind Energy Systems 83-5 Plum Island Conservation 253-11 277-7 ELECTRICAL District(PIC)280-187 Screening by plantings Special Events Requiring INSPECTIONS 126-1; Plum Island Research 253-16 Chairperson of the 126-2;126-3 District(PIR)280-183 Screens and screening Zoning Board of Emergency Removal of POLICE DEPARTMENT 253-16 Appeals'Approval Vehicles 260-24 51-1;51-2;51-4;51-5; Septic tanks 253-7 205-5 Establishment of 51-6 Sewers 253-7 STORMWATER Community Housing POLICE DEPARTMENT Site plans 253-3 MANAGEMENT Fund 17-51;17-53 RULES AND Site requirements 253-5 236-9;236-33 ETHICS 26-18;26-26 REGULATIONS Storage 253-14 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Ethics Board 26-21;26-22; A290-2;A290-4; Stormwater management 240-21;240-32; 26-23 A290-15;A290-46 253-2 240-34;240-44 EXPENSES OF TOWN Preservation of Natural Town Board 253-2;253-14; WATERFRONT OFFICERS 30-1 Features 240-49 253-16;253-19 CONSISTENCY Farmland Bill of Rights PUBLIC Town Clerk 253-3;253-4 REVIEW 268-6;268-7 280-97;280-100 ENTERTAINMENT Trailer camps 253-10; WETLANDS AND FILMING 139-1;139-3; AND SPECIAL 253-16 SHORELINE 275-6 139-4;139-9 EVENTS 205-2; Trailers 253-1;253-3; TOWN BOARD FIRE PREVENTION AND 205-3;205-8 253-9;253-10 Adoption of Code 1-2;14; BUILDING CODE PUBLIC HEARINGS, Trespassing 253-15 1-8;1-9;1-10 ADMINISTRATION NOTICE OF 55-1;55-2 Vehicles 253-1;253-14 Adoption of Renumbered 144-3;144-5;144-8; Real Estate Transfer Tax Violations and penalties 2006 Code 1-14;1-15; 144-15;144-19; 17-19;17-34;17-38 253-14;253-19 1-16 144-25;144-27 RECORDS 59-3;59-8 Water 253-6 Affordable Housing(AHD) Fishers Island Harbor Records Management 59-15 Water supply 253-3;253-6; District 280-25; Management 157-3; Recreational Floating Zone 253-14 280-26;280-29; 157-6;157-7;157-12 District(RFZ) TOWERS 280-30;280-31 Floating Homes 96-26 280-197;280-198; LIGHTING,OUTDOOR AGRICULTURAL FLOOD DAMAGE 280-200;280-201; 172-6 ADVISORY PREVENTION 148-1; 280-204 Small Wind Energy Systems COMMITTEE 71-1; 148-12 RENTAL PERMITS 207-1; 277-1;277-2;277-3; 71-3;71-4 Garbage,Rubbish and 207-2;207-3;207-8 277-4;277-7 AGRICULTURAL LANDS Refuse 233-1;233-2; Roadway Construction Wireless Communication PRESERVATION 233-3;233-3.1;233-4; 161-44;161-47 Facilities 280-69; 70-2;704;70-5 233-6;233-7;233-8 Rules of Conduct 26-5; 280-72;280-74 Agricultural Planned Grievance Procedures 47-4 26-9;26-10;26-13 ZONING 280-4;280-104 Development District Hamlet Density(HD) SALVAGE CENTERS TOWING 280-173;280-174; Residential District 211-3;211-5 BOATS,DOCKS AND 280-176;280-177; 280-21 SANITARY FLOW WHARVES 96-7; 280-180 HIGHWAY CREDITS, 96-12;96-16 Agricultural-Conservation SPECIFICATIONS TRANSFER OF POLICE DEPARTMENT (A-C)District and 161-12;161-49 117-5;117-6;117-7; RULES AND Low-Density Historic Preservation 117-9;117-10;117-11; REGULATIONS Residential R-80, District(HPD) 117-12;117-13;117-14 A290-15 R-120,R-200 and 280-190;280-195; SEWERS AND SEWAGE Shellfish 219-8 R-400 Districts 280-13 280-196 DISPOSAL 215-1; ZONING 280-4 ALARM SYSTEMS 75-2; HOUSING FUND 34-3; 215-14;215-17 TOWN ATTORNEY 75-7 344;34-6 Shellfish 219-7 Affordable Housing(AHD) ANIMALS 83-17 HUNTING 163-2 SHELLFISH AND OTHER District 280-30 ASSESSORS 9-4 JUNKYARDS 166-1; MARINE Agricultural Planned BINGO AND GAMES OF 166-6;166-7;166-8 RESOURCES 219-22 Development District CHANCE 92-1 LANDMARK Signs 280-81 280-175 Board of Appeals 280-145; PRESERVATION Site Plan Approval BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; 280-149 1704;170-5;170-10; 280-128;280-131; PROPERTY BOATS,DOCKS AND 170-11;170-14 280-135;280-138 MAINTENANCE WHARVES 96-10; Light Industrial Park/ Small Wind Energy Systems 100-8;100-11 96-13;96-18;96-24 Planned Office Park 277-5;277-7 Dogs 83-9 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; (LIO)District 280-58 Snow and Ice Removal ELECTRICAL PROPERTY LITTERING 174-5 237-19 INSPECTIONS 126-2 MAINTENANCE LOCAL LAWS, SOIL REMOVAL 228-3; Ethics Board 26-22 100-7 ADOPTION OF 38-1; 228-4;228-5;228-6; FILMING 139-3 BURNING,OUTDOOR 38-3 228-7;228-8;228-9; HIGHWAY 104-1 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 228-10;228-12;228-13 SPECIFICATIONS CANNABIS 106-2;106-3 ENERGY Southold Community 161-49 Chief of Police A290-7 BENCHMARKING Preservation Fund Historic Preservation COASTAL EROSION 177-6 17-2;17-4;17-5;17-6; District(HPD)280-196 HAZARD AREAS NOISE,PREVENTION OF 17-7;17-8 LANDMARK 111-22;111-24; 180-2 Southold Community PRESERVATION 111-27;111-35 Notification of Defects Preservation Project 170-13 COMMITTEES, 237-2 Plan 17-12;17-13; PUBLIC APPOINTMENT OF OPEN SPACE 17-13.1 ENTERTAINMENT 13-1;13-2;13-3;13-4 PRESERVATION Special Events Requiring AND SPECIAL Community Preservation 185-2;1854;185-5 Chairperson of the EVENTS 205-2 Fund Advisory Board Parking at Beaches 189-1; Zoning Board of Real Estate Transfer Tax 17-16 189-3;1894 Appeals'Approval 17-35 DEFENSE AND PARKS AND 205-4;205-5;205-6 Residency Requirements INDEMNIFICATION RECREATION Special Events Requiring 42-10 21-1 AREAS 193-3.1; Town Board Approval Rules of Conduct 26-13 Districts 280-9 193-10 205-7 SANITARY FLOW Dogs 83-12 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS STORMWATER CREDITS, DOMESTIC AND TRANSIENT MANAGEMENT TRANSFER OF PARTNERSHIPS RETAIL 236-5;236-8;236-33 117-5;117-9;117-10; 121-5 MERCHANTS Street Excavations 237-5; 117-11 197-11;197-12 237-10;237-17;237-18 IDX:57 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE TOWN BOARD... Street Numbering 237-24; Historic Preservation Real Estate Transfer Tax Transportation Commission 237-28 District(HPD) 17-20;17-31;17-34 64-4 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 280-195;280-196 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Vacancies 64-4 240-3;240-8;240-10; HUNTING 163-2 240-29 Vehicles 64-5 240-12;240-19; JUNKYARDS 166-4; TOXIC SUBSTANCES Water quality 64-5 240-25;240-26; 166-5;166-7 See Also HAZARDOUS When effective 64-6 240-28;240-29; LANDMARK MATERIALS AND TRAP 240-32;240-33; PRESERVATION SUBSTANCES PARKS AND 240-34;240-37; 170-5 See Also HAZARDOUS RECREATION 240-42;240-52; LOCAL LAWS, WASTES AREAS 193-6 240-53;240-58 ADOPTION OF 38-1; SEWERS AND SEWAGE TRASH TOBACCO 38-2;38-3;38-4;38-5 DISPOSAL 215-4 FILMING 139-3 ADVERTISING 249-1 Notification of Defects TOXIC WASTES Floating Homes 96-26 TOURIST AND TRAILER 237-1;237-2 See HAZARDOUS Garbage,Rubbish and CAMPS 253-2; OFFICERS AND MATERIALS AND Refuse 233-3.1 253-14;253-16;253-19 EMPLOYEES 42-1\ SUBSTANCES See Also GARBAGE, TRANSPORTATION 42-4 See HAZARDOUS RUBBISH AND ACCESS Parking at Beaches 189-3; WASTES REFUSE MANAGEMENT 189-4 TRAILER CAMPS Illicit Discharges 236-28 64-2;64-4;64-5 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS Adoption of Code 1-2 JUNKYARDS 166-7 Vehicle Traffic 260-26 AND TRANSIENT Adoption of Renumbered PARKS AND VEHICLES,MOTOR- RETAIL 2006 Code 1-14 RECREATION DRIVEN 264-2 MERCHANTS 197-3; General Business(B) AREAS 193-2;193-7 Water Quality Improvement 197-6;197-8;197-11 District 280-48 See Also SOLID WASTE 17-41;17-42;17-43; RECORDS 59-3;59-8 Resort Residential(RR) Special Events Requiring 17-44;17-45;17-46 Records Management 59-12 District 280-35 Chairperson of the Waterfowl and Gull Feeding Recreational Floating Zone TOURIST AND TRAILER Zoning Board of and Domestic Pet District(RFZ) CAMPS 253-10; Appeals'Approval Waste 83-31 280-200;280-201 253-16 205-4 WATERFRONT Referendum to be held 42-3 ZONING 280-115 STORMWATER CONSISTENCY RENTAL PERMITS 207-8 TRAILERS MANAGEMENT REVIEW 268-3; Rules of Conduct 26-5 General Business(B) 236-4 268-4;268-5 SALVAGE CENTERS District 280-48 TREASURER WETLANDS AND 211-3 Parking at Beaches 189-2 Real Estate Transfer Tax SHORELINE 275-3; SANITARY FLOW Recreational Vehicle Parks 17-20;17-21;17-22; 275-3.1;275-7;275-16 CREDITS, 253-20 17-27;17-28;17-30; YOUTH BOARD 68-1; TRANSFER OF Site Plan Approval 280-137 17-31;17-32;17-33; 68-4;68-5 117-7;117-9;117-10; TOURIST AND TRAILER 17-34;17-35;17-36 ZONING 280-4;280-92; 117-11;117-13;117-14 CAMPS 253-1;253-3; SOIL REMOVAL 228-6 280-115;280-151; Shellfish 219-6 253-9;253-10 TREES 280-155;280-157; SOIL REMOVAL 228-6; VEHICLES AND AGRICULTURAL USES 280-158;280-159 228-7;228-8;228-9; TRAFFIC 260-8.1 72-4 TOWN CLERK 228-10;228-11 ZONING 280-4;280-78; BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Adoption of Code 1-7;1-9; Special Events Requiring 280-115 PROPERTY 1-10;1-11 Chairperson of the TRANSIENT MERCHANTS MAINTENANCE - Adoption of Renumbered Zoning Board of Adoption of Renumbered 100-4 2006 Code 1-14 Appeals'Approval 2006 Code 1-14 Farmland Bill of Rights Affordable Housing(AHD) 205-5;205-6 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS 280-98 District 280-29;280-30 Special Events Requiring AND TRANSIENT FILMING 139-9 Agricultural Planned Town Board Approval RETAIL Garbage,Rubbish and Development District 205-7 MERCHANTS 197-1; Refuse 233-4 280-174 Street Excavations 237-10 197-2;197-5;197-6 HIGHWAY Agricultural-Conservation SUBDIVISION OF LAND TRANSIENT VENDORS SPECIFICATIONS (A-C)District and 240-19;240-25; See PEDDLING AND 161-11 Low-Density 240-29;240-30; SOLICITING Light Industrial(LI)District Residential R-80, 240-32;240-57 See SALES 280-62 R-120,R-200 and Supersession of Town Law TRANSPORTATION Light Industrial Park/ R-400 Districts 280-13 42-2 ACCESS Planned Office Park ALARM SYSTEMS 75-6 Term of office 42-1 MANAGEMENT (LIO)District 280-58 ANIMALS 83-18;83-19; Terms of office 42-1 Appointments 64-4 NOISE,PREVENTION OF 83-20;83-24 TOURIST AND TRAILER Bicycles 64-5 180-4 Board of Appeals 280-150 CAMPS 253-3;253-4 Compensation 64-4 PARKS AND BOATS,DOCKS AND Town Clerk 42-1 Costs and expenses 64-2 RECREATION WHARVES 96-32 WETLANDS AND Definitions 64-3 AREAS 193-2 Chief of Police A290-7 SHORELINE 275-7 Duties of Commission 64-5 Preservation of Natural T COASTAL EROSION When effective 424 Farms and farming 64-2; Features 240-49 HAZARD AREAS ZONING 280-92;280-158; 64-3 Roadway Construction 111-25 280-159 Fishing 64-3 161-16;161-29; COMMITTEES, TOWN ENGINEER Horses 64-2 161-30;161-42;16144 APPOINTMENT OF HIGHWAY Improvements 64-5 SEWERS AND SEWAGE 13-3 SPECIFICATIONS Lighting 64-5 DISPOSAL 215-9 Dogs 83-12 161-5;161-6;161-8; Litter 64-5 See Also SHADE TREES DOMESTIC 161-49 Noise 64-5 See Also SHRUBS PARTNERSHIPS RENTAL PERMITS 207-2 Open space 64-3 Signs 280-83 121-4;121-5 Roadway Construction Parking 64-5 Site Plan Approval Ducks 83-1;83-3 161-26;161-27; Pedestrians 64-5 280-129;280-130; ETHICS 26-19 161-29;161-30; Purpose 64-2 280-133;280-136 FILMING 139-3;139-4; 161-31;161-44 Reports 644 Small Wind Energy Systems 139-5;139-6;139-8; SEWERS AND SEWAGE Safety standards 64-5 277-3 139-13 DISPOSAL 215-9 Signs 64-5 Stop and Yield Intersections Garbage,Rubbish and Site Plan Approval Speed limits 64-5 260-4;260-6 Refuse 233-4;233-6 280-129;280-131 Terms of office 64-4 STORMWATER HIGHWAY TOWN SUPERVISOR Title 64-1 MANAGEMENT SPECIFICATIONS NOISE,PREVENTION OF Town Board 64-2;64-4; 236-18 161-49 180-7 64-5 Street Excavations 237-13 IDX:58 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX TREES... SUBDIVISION OF LAND 275-6;275-8;275-9; MUNICIPAL BUILDING Board of Appeals 280-146 240-3;240-10 275-10;275-11; ENERGY COASTAL EROSION WATERFRONT 275-12;275-13; BENCHMARKING HAZARD AREAS CONSISTENCY 275-14;275-16 177-1;177-5 111-20;111-21; REVIEW 268-3 ZONING 280-116 Plum Island Research 111-22;I11-23; WETLANDS AND TWO-FAMILY District(PIR)280-183 111-24;111-27 SHORELINE 275-2; DWELLINGS Recreational Floating Zone Districts 280-10 2754 Agricultural-Conservation District(RFZ)280-201 ETHICS 26-17 Wireless Communication (A-C)District and Removal of Utility Poles Farm Stands 72-11 Facilities 280-70; Low-Density 237-30;237-31;237-32 FLOOD DAMAGE 280-72;280-73; Residential R-80, SEWERS AND SEWAGE PREVENTION 1484; 280-76.2 R-120,R-200 and DISPOSAL 215-8; 148-7;148-9;148-14; ZONING 280-4;280-92; R400 Districts 280-13 215-9 148-22;148-23;148-24 280-93;280-94; FIRE PREVENTION AND Signs 280-83 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 280-95;280-118 BUILDING CODE Site Plan Approval 172-8 TRENCHES ADMINISTRATION 280-127;280-129; SHELLFISH AND OTHER See Also EXCAVATIONS 144-8;144-19;144-20 280-133 MARINE Roadway Construction General Business(B) Small Wind Energy Systems' RESOURCES 219-21 161-36 District 280-48 277-1;277-2;277-3; Signs 280-81;280-86 SEWERS AND SEWAGE Hamlet Business(HB) 2774 Site Plan Approval DISPOSAL 215-5; District 280-45 Special Events Requiring 280-131;280-137 215-9 Hamlet Density(HD) Chairperson of the Special Events Requiring Street Excavations 237-13 Residential District Zoning Board of Chairperson of the TRESPASSING 280-22 Appeals'Approval Zoning Board of JUNKYARDS 166-7 Residential Office(RO) 205-4 Appeals'Approval LIGHTING,OUTDOOR District 280-38 STORMWATER 205-5 172-2;172-5 SEWERS AND SEWAGE MANAGEMENT STORMWATER TOURIST AND TRAILER DISPOSAL 215-7 236-5;236-6;236-10; MANAGEMENT CAMPS 253-15 ZONING 280-78 236-17;236-19 236-2 VEHICLES,MOTOR- Street Excavations 237-11; SUBDIVISION OF LAND DRIVEN 264-14 - U — 237-16 240-57 ZONING 280-4 SUBDIVISION OF LAND TOBACCO TRUCKS UNDERGROUND 240-4;240-10;240-17; ADVERTISING 249-1 FLOOD DAMAGE STORAGE TANKS 240-21;240-35; WATERFRONT PREVENTION 148-4 See STORAGE TANKS 240-36;240-41;240-42 CONSISTENCY Garbage,Rubbish and UNSAFE BUILDINGS WATERFRONT REVIEW 268-3;268-5 Refuse 233-6 Adoption of Renumbered CONSISTENCY Wireless Communication JUNKYARDS 166-2 2006 Code 1-14 REVIEW 268-3 Facilities 280-76.3 Light Industrial(LI)District BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; WETLANDS AND ZONING 280-92;280-121; 280-62 PROPERTY SHORELINE 275-11 280-154;280-207 Light Industrial Park/ MAINTENANCE Wireless Communication VECTORS Planned Office Park 100-1;100-4;100-5 Facilities 280-69 See INSECTS (LIO)District 280-58 FIRE PREVENTION AND ZONING 280-2;280-4; VEHICLE TRAFFIC LITTERING 174-3 BUILDING CODE 280-112 Pedestrians 260-26 NOISE,PREVENTION OF ADMINISTRATION UTILITY POLES Restricted vehicle traffic 180-4 144-22 Removal of Utility Poles 260-26 PARKS AND UNSAFE STRUCTURES 237-30;237-31;237-32 Safety standards 260-26 RECREATION FIRE PREVENTION AND Roadway Construction Town Board 260-26 AREAS 193-3 BUILDING CODE 16146 Trucks 260-26 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS ADMINISTRATION Signs 280-83 Vehicles 260-26 AND TRANSIENT 144-20 Site Plan Approval 280-133 VEHICLES AND RETAIL UTILITIES Street Excavations 237-13 TRAFFIC 260-26 MERCHANTS 197-2; Affordable Housing(AHD) VEHICLES AND VEHICLES 197-5 District 280-25;280-29 TRAFFIC 260-8 Adoption of Code 1-2 Roadway Construction Agricultural-Conservation Wireless Communication Adoption of Renumbered 161-19;161-21 (A-C)District and Facilities 280-69 2006 Code 1-14 Vehicle Traffic 260-26 Low-Density U-TURNS Affordable Housing(AHD) ZONING 280-4;280-77; Residential R-80, One-Way Streets 260-3.1 District 280-25 280-79 R-120,R-200 and AGRICULTURAL TRUSTEES R-400 Districts 280-13 - V— ADVISORY Agricultural-Conservation COASTAL EROSION COMMITTEE 71-4 (A-C)District and HAZARD AREAS VACANCIES ALCOHOLIC Low-Density 111-6 TRANSPORTATION BEVERAGES 79-1 Residential R-80, FILMING 139-3 ACCESS APPEARANCE TICKETS R-120,R-200 and FLOOD DAMAGE MANAGEMENT 64-4 5-2 R-400 Districts 280-13 PREVENTION 148-3; VACANT LOTS BICYCLES 88-1;88-2; BOATS,DOCKS AND 148-4;148-13;148-15; Affordable Housing(AHD) 88-3;884;88-5;88-6 WHARVES 96-24; 148-16;148-19; District 280-30 BOATS,DOCKS AND 96-25 148-20;148-21; Snow and Ice Removal WHARVES 96-9 COASTAL EROSION 148-22;148-23 237-20 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; HAZARD AREAS Hamlet Density(HD) VACCINATIONS PROPERTY 111-35 Residential District ANIMALS 83-21 MAINTENANCE SHELLFISH AND OTHER 280-22 VAPORS 100-3;100-4;100-5 MARINE Historic Preservation FIRE PREVENTION AND See Also COMMERCIAL RESOURCES 219-19; District(HPD)280-195 BUILDING CODE VEHICLES 219-20 Light Industrial(LI)District ADMINISTRATION Emergency Removal of Site Plan Approval 280-131 280-62 144-3 Vehicles 260-23; Street Numbering 237-25 Light Industrial Park/ See Also FUMES 260-24;260-25 WATERFRONT Planned Office Park LIGHTING,OUTDOOR See Also EMERGENCY CONSISTENCY (LIO)District 280-58 172-7 VEHICLES REVIEW 268-4 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR VARIANCES Farmland Bill of Rights WETLANDS AND 172-4;172-5 Affordable Housing(AHD) 280-99 SHORELINE 275-2; District 280-28 FILMING 139-3 275-3.1;275-4;275-5; AGRICULTURAL USES 72-3 IDX:59 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE VEHICLES... FIRE PREVENTION AND VEHICLES,MOTOR- Parking,Standing and Operation on Town property BUILDING CODE DRIVEN 264-1; Stopping 260-7\260-22 prohibited 2644 ADMINISTRATION 264-2;264-3;264-4; Pedestrians 260-18 Parents or guardians to be 144-3;144-19 264-5;264-6;264-7; See Pedestrians 260-27 notified of violations FLOOD DAMAGE 264-9;264-14;264-15; Penalties 260-28 264-8 PREVENTION 148-4; 264-16;264-19;264-20 Penalties for offenses Penalties for offenses 148-16 Wireless Communication 260-28 264-10 Garbage,Rubbish and Facilities 280-69; Police officers 260-7 Penalties for offenses; Refuse 233-1;233-3; 280-70 Ponds 260-8;260-9;260-11 restitution 264-20 233-3.1;233-4;233-5; ZONING 280-2;280-4; Public parking lots 260-12 Police Department 264-17; 233-6 280-78;280-79; Registration 260-28 264-19 General Business(B) 280-I10;280-111 Schools 260-9;260-15 Police officers 264-15; District 280-48 VEHICLES,ABANDONED Shopping centers 260-12; 264-17 HIGHWAY See ABANDONED 260-14;260-22 Presumptive evidence SPECIFICATIONS VEHICLES Sidewalks 260-14;260-18; 264-16 161-7 See ABANDONMENT 260-28 Purpose 264-2 JUNKYARDS 166-2 VEHICLES,ALL-TERRAIN Signs 260-1;260-8; Registration 264-11 Light Industrial Park/ See ALL-TERRAIN 260-8.1;260-12; Responsibility of parents or Planned Office Park VEHICLES 260-13;260-17;260-18 guardians 264-7 (LIO)District 280-58 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC See Stop and Yield Restrictions 264-15 LITTERING 174-1;174-3; Additional parking Intersections 2604\ Safety standards 264-2; 174-6 regulations 260-18 260-6 264-14;264-15 Members of the Department Application 260-7 Stopping prohibited at all Schools 264-6 A290-33 Authority to install traffic times 260-13 Scooters 264-3 See Also MOTOR control devices 260-2 Surcharges 260-28 Severability 264-12;264-21 VEHICLES Bridges 260-8 Trailer parking prohibited at Sidewalks 264-3 One-Way Streets 260-3; Bus stops 260-21;260-28 all times 260-8.1 Snowmobiles 264-3;264-15 260-3.1 Commercial vehicles Trailers 260-8.1 Storage 264-19 Parking at Beaches 189-1; 260-15 Utility poles 260-8 Title 264-1 189-2;189-3;189-4; Crosswalks 260-18 See Vehicle Traffic 260-26 Town Board 264-2 189-7 Curbs 260-1;260-22; Vehicles 260-1;260-2; Trespassing 264-14 PARKS AND 260-28 260-7;260-8;260-8.1; Unlicensed Motor-Driven RECREATION Definitions of words and 260-9;260-10;260-11; Vehicles 264-1\264-13 AREAS 193-1;193-3; phrases 260-1 260-12;260-13; Vehicles 264-1;264-2; 193-4 Driveways 260-9;260-15; 260-14;260-15; 264-3;264-4;264-5; PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS 260-17;260-18; 260-16;260-17; 264-6;264-7;264-9; AND TRANSIENT 260-22;260-28 260-18;260-19; 264-14;264-15; RETAIL See Emergency Removal of 260-20;260-21; 264-16;264-19;264-20 MERCHANTS 197-10 Vehicles 260-23\ 260-22;260-28 Vehicles in violation to be POLICE DEPARTMENT 260-25 Violations and penalties impounded 264-9 RULES AND Fire hydrants 260-14; 260-28 Violations and penalties REGULATIONS 260-28 Wells 260-12;260-14; 264-7;264-8;264-9; A290-11;A290-15; Fire lanes 260-14;260-15; 260-16;260-28 264-10;264-19;264-20 A290-45 260-28 VEHICLES, When effective 264-13; PUBLIC Fire wells 260-16 COMMERCIAL 264-22 ENTERTAINMENT Fire zone 260-20 See COMMERCIAL VEHICLES, AND SPECIAL Fire zones 260-14;260-20; VEHICLES RECREATIONAL EVENTS 205-2 260-28 VEHICLES, See RECREATIONAL Recreational Vehicle Parks Fire zones;fire lanes;fire IMPOUNDMENT OF VEHICLES 253-20 hydrants;fire wells See IMPOUNDMENT VEHICLES,TOWING OF See Also RECREATIONAL 260-14 VEHICLES,MOTOR- See TOWING VEHICLES Fishing 260-28 DRIVEN• VENDORS RENTAL PERMITS 207-1 General Provisions 260-1\ Abandoned vehicles 264-19 See Also PEDDLING AND Site Plan Approval 260-2 All-terrain vehicles 264-3 SOLICITING 280-129;280-137 Handicapped parking Charges 264-19 Special Events Requiring Special Events Requiring 260-17;260-28 Chief of Police 264-8; Chairperson of the Chairperson of the Holidays 260-1;260-11 264-17;264-19 Zoning Board of Zoning Board of Inspections 260-28 Confiscation and Appeals'Approval Appeals'Approval Licenses and permits 260-17 redemption of vehicles 205-4 205-4 Loading zones 260-22 264-19 Special Events Requiring Special Exception Uses Lots 260-12;260-28 Conflicts with state law Town Board Approval 280-143 Motor vehicles 260-18 264-11 205-7 Street Excavations 237-13 No stopping zones 260-19 Costs and expenses 264-19 VENTILATION Street Numbering 237-26 See One-Way Streets 260-3\ Definitions 264-3 FIRE PREVENTION AND SUBDIVISION OF LAND 260-3.1 Drugs and drug BUILDING CODE 240-3;240-54 Parking 260-1;260-8; paraphernalia 264-15 ADMINISTRATION TOURIST AND TRAILER 260-8.1;260-9; Easements 264-3 144-6;144-8 CAMPS 253-1;253-14 260-10;260-11; Emergency vehicles 264-18 VERNAL POOLS TRANSPORTATION 260-12;260-14; Enforcement 264-17 WETLANDS AND ACCESS 260-15;260-16; Exceptions 264-6;264-18 SHORELINE 275-3 MANAGEMENT 64-5 260-17;260-18; Impoundment 264-9 VETERANS Vehicle Traffic 260-26 260-19;260-20; Improvements 264-6 Adoption of Renumbered V VEHICLES AND 260-21;260-22;260-28 Intent 264-14 2006 Code 1-14 TRAFFIC 260-1; Parking for limited time Liability 264-20 Exemption for Cold War 260-2;260-7;260-8; only 260-11 Motor vehicles 264-3; Veterans 245-17; 260-8.1;260-9; Parking meters 260-1 264-11;264-15 245-18 260-10;260-11; Parking or standing Motor-Driven Vehicles Exemption for War 260-12;260-13; prohibited during 264-14\264-22 Veterans and Gold Star 260-14;260-15; certain times 260-15 Motorcycles 264-15 Parents 245-15;245-16 260-16;260-17; Parking prohibited at all Notices 264-8 FIRE PREVENTION AND 260-18;260-19; times 260-8 Nuisances 264-14 BUILDING CODE 260-20;260-21; Parking prohibited during Off-road vehicles 264-16 ADMINISTRATION 260-22;260-28 certain hours 260-9 Operation on private 144-8 Parking prohibited during property restricted NOISE,PREVENTION OF certain months 260-10 264-5 180-4 IDX:60 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX VETERANS... Veterans'Exemption 245-8 FIRE PREVENTION AND SHELLFISH AND OTHER HUNTING 163-2;163-3 VETERANS'EXEMPTION BUILDING CODE MARINE Illicit Discharges 236-25 Amount of exemption 245-9 ADMINISTRATION RESOURCES 219-22; Light Industrial(LI)District Assessments 245-8;245-9 144-5;144-6;144-8; 219-23 280-62 Assessor 245-9 144-12;144-13; Signs 280-81;280-88 Light Industrial Park/ Purpose 245-8 144-16;144-23; Site Plan Approval Planned Office Park TAXATION 245-8\745-9 144-24;144-25; 280-130;280-136 (LIO)District 280-58 Veterans 245-8 144-26;144-27 Small Wind Energy Systems Limited Business(LB) VIBRATIONS Fishers Island Harbor 277-7 District 280-42 Farmland Bill of Rights Management 157-11; Snow and Ice Removal POLICE DEPARTMENT 280-99 157-14 237-21 RULES AND General Business(B) FLOOD DAMAGE SOIL REMOVAL 228-13 REGULATIONS District 280-48 PREVENTION 148-4; Special Events Requiring A290-43 Light Industrial(LI)District 148-9;148-14 Chairperson of the Real Estate Transfer Tax 280-62 Garbage,Rubbish and Zoning Board of 17-36 Light Industrial Park/ Refuse 233-3.1;233-7; Appeals'Approval Rules of Conduct 26-5 Planned Office Park 233-8 205-5 Site Plan Approval (LIO)District 280-58 Grievance Procedures 47-1 Special Events Requiring 280-131;280-133 Plum Island Research Historic Preservation Town Board Approval SOIL REMOVAL 228-10 District(PIR)280-183 District(HPD)280-196 205-7 Special Events Requiring Roadway Construction Illicit Discharges 236-25; Special Exception Uses Chairperson of the 161-21 236-27;236-29;236-31 280-141 Zoning Board of SOIL REMOVAL 228-5 JUNKYARDS 166-8 STORMWATER Appeals'Approval Special Exception Uses LANDMARK MANAGEMENT 205-4 280-143 PRESERVATION 236-5;236-6;236-7; Special Events Requiring ZONING 280-111 170-13 236-9;236-22;236-24; Town Board Approval VILLAGE TRUSTEES Light Industrial(LI)District 236-33;236-34;236-35 205-7 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; 280-62 Street Excavations 237-17 STORMWATER PROPERTY Light Industrial Park/ Street Numbering 237-29 MANAGEMENT MAINTENANCE Planned Office Park SUBDIVISION OF LAND 236-20 100-5 (LIO)District 280-58 240-44;240-59; Street Excavations 237-13; VIOLATIONS AND LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 240-60;240-61 237718 PENALTIES 172-9 TOBACCO SUBDIVISION OF LAND Adoption of Code 1-4;1-11 LITTERING 174-7 ADVERTISING 249-6 240-10;240-15; Affordable Housing(AHD) Members of the Department TOURIST AND TRAILER 240-38;24040; District 280-31; A290-33 CAMPS 253-14; 240-56;240-57 280-32.1;280-33 NOISE,PREVENTION OF 253-19 WETLANDS AND Agricultural-Conservation 180-7 VEHICLES AND SHORELINE 275-3; (A-C)District and See Also NOTICES OF TRAFFIC 260-28 275-6 Low-Density VIOLATIONS VEHICLES,MOTOR- Wireless Communication Residential R-80, Parking at Beaches 189-2; DRIVEN 264-7; Facilities 280-76.2 R-120,R-200 and 189-3;189-4;189-7; 264-8;264-9;264-10; ZONING 280-78;280-159 R-400 Districts 280-13 189-8 264-19;264-20 WALLS ALARM SYSTEMS 75-5; PARKS AND Waterfowl and Gull Feeding COASTAL EROSION 75-6;75-8 RECREATION and Domestic Pet HAZARD AREAS ALCOHOLIC AREAS 193-7;193-12 Waste 83-28;83-29; 111-6 BEVERAGES 79-2 PEDDLERS,SOLICITORS 83-30 FIRE PREVENTION AND ANIMALS 83-25 AND TRANSIENT WATERFRONT BUILDING CODE APPEARANCE TICKETS RETAIL CONSISTENCY ADMINISTRATION 5-1;5-2;5-3 MERCHANTS 197-6; REVIEW 268-6;268-7 144-8 BICYCLES 88-7 197-11;197-13 WETLANDS AND FLOOD DAMAGE BINGO AND GAMES OF POLICE DEPARTMENT SHORELINE 275-3.1; PREVENTION 148-4; CHANCE 92-11 51-6 275-11;275-12.1; 148-13;148-14; BOATS,DOCKS AND POLICE DEPARTMENT 275-15;275-16 148-16;148-18; WHARVES 96-8; RULES AND Wireless Communication 148-19;148-22 96-14;96-15;96-31; REGULATIONS - Facilities 280-76 General Business(B) 96-33 A290-9;A290-13; ZONING 280-151; District 280-48 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; A290-15;A290-19; 280-153;280-155; Hamlet Business(HB) PROPERTY A290-36;A290-47 280-156 District 28045 MAINTENANCE PUBLIC VOLUNTEER LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 100-6;100-7;100-10; ENTERTAINMENT AMBULANCE 172-2;172-7;172-8 100-11 AND SPECIAL Exemption for Volunteer MUNICIPAL BUILDING BURNING,OUTDOOR EVENTS 205-1;205-9 Firefighters and ENERGY 104-1;104-5 Real Estate Transfer Tax Ambulance Workers BENCHMARKING COASTAL EROSION 17-31;17-32;17-34; 245-11;245-13 177-1 HAZARD AREAS 17-35;17-36;17-37 VOLUNTEER FIRE See Also RETAINING 111-29;111-34 Removal of Utility Poles DEPARTMENT WALLS Dogs 83-13 237-30;237-32;237-33 See FIRE DEPARTMENT SEWERS AND SEWAGE DOMESTIC RENTAL PERMITS 207-1; VOLUNTEER FIRE DISPOSAL 215-2; PARTNERSHIPS 207-6;207-7;207-8; FIGHTERS 215-9 121-4;121-5 207-11;207-12 Adoption of Renumbered Signs 280-82;280-85; Ducks 83-5 Rules of Conduct 26-4; 2006 Code 1-14 280-86;280-87 ELECTRICAL 26-15 Code of Ethics 26-2 Site Plan Approval 280-137 INSPECTIONS 126-3; SALVAGE CENTERS Exemption for Volunteer STORMWATER 126-5 211-6 Firefighters and MANAGEMENT ETHICS 26-17;26-26; Senior Citizen Exemption Ambulance Workers 236-5 26-27;26-28 245-5 245-11;245-13 TOBACCO Ethics Board 26-23;26-24 SEWERS AND SEWAGE See Also FIRE ADVERTISING 249-3 Exemption for Cold War DISPOSAL 215-4; DEPARTMENT ZONING 2804;280-78; Veterans 245-18 215-6;215-7;215-8; 280-92;280-94; Farm Stands 72-12 215-9;215-11;215-15; - W — 280-104;280-105; Farmland Bill of Rights 215-17;215-18 280-106;280-108; 280-102 Shellfish 219-6 WAIVERS 280-116 FILMING 139-14 Board of Appeals 280-150 Districts 280-11 IDX:61 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE WARRANTS MUNICIPAL BUILDING WATER QUALITY SANITARY FLOW See Also ARREST ENERGY Floating Homes 96-26 CREDITS, WARRANTS BENCHMARKING Southold Community TRANSFER OF 117-9 Dogs 83-9 177-1 Preservation Project Site Plan Approval FIRE PREVENTION AND Parking at Beaches 189-1 Plan 17-13 280-129;280-133 BUILDING CODE PARKS AND STORMWATER SOIL REMOVAL 228-7 ADMINISTRATION RECREATION MANAGEMENT Special Exception Uses 144-8;144-23 AREAS 1934 236-3;236-4;236-5; 280-143 POLICE DEPARTMENT Plum Island Research 236-6;236-7;236-9; STORMWATER RULES AND District(PIR)280-183 236-20;236-22 MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS POLICE DEPARTMENT TRANSPORTATION 236-4;236-5 A290-17;A290-36 RULES AND ACCESS SUBDIVISION OF LAND Real Estate Transfer Tax REGULATIONS MANAGEMENT 64-5 240-9;240-10;240-11; 17-35 A290-45 Water Quality Improvement 240-17;240-19; RENTAL PERMITS 207-5 Preservation of Natural 17-41;17-42;17-43; 240-42;240-44 Roadway Construction Features 240-51 17-44;17-45;17-46 TOURIST AND TRAILER 161-46 Recreational Floating Zone WATERFRONT CAMPS 253-3;253-6; See Also SEARCH District(RFZ)280-201 CONSISTENCY 253-14 WARRANTS Resort Residential(RR) REVIEW 268-2; WETLANDS AND STORMWATER District 280-34;280-35 268-3;268-5 SHORELINE 275-3 MANAGEMENT Roadway Construction WETLANDS AND ZONING 280-2;280-4 236-35 161-30;161-39;161-44 SHORELINE 275-3; WATERCOURSES WATER SEWERS AND SEWAGE 275-11 FLOOD DAMAGE Affordable Housing(AHD) DISPOSAL 215-2; WATER QUALITY PREVENTION 148-4; District 280-29 215-3;215-4;215-9 IMPROVEMENT 148-13;148-14;148-15 AGRICULTURAL USES SHELLFISH AND OTHER Authority 1742 SEWERS AND SEWAGE 72-4 MARINE Certification 17-45 DISPOSAL 215-2 Agricultural-Conservation RESOURCES 219-4; Cesspools 1743 Site Plan Approval 280-133 (A-C)District and 219-14 COMMUNITY STORMWATER Low-Density Site Plan Approval PRESERVATION MANAGEMENT Residential R-80, 280-128;280-129; FUND AND 236-5;236-15;236-18 R-120,R-200 and 280-133 COMMUNITY SUBDIVISION OF LAND R-400 Districts 280-13 SOIL REMOVAL 228-2; HOUSING FUND 240-3;240-41 BOATS,DOCKS AND 228-4;228-5;228-7 1741\1746 ZONING 2804 WHARVES 96-7; Southold Community Community Preservation WATERFOWL 96-12;96-16 Preservation Fund 17-8 Fund Project Plan Waterfowl and Gull Feeding BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; STORMWATER 1744 and Domestic Pet PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Compensation 1746 Waste 83-27;83-28 MAINTENANCE 236-3;236-4;236-5; Conservation districts WETLANDS AND 1004 236-6;236-10;236-17; 17-41;17-43 SHORELINE 275-3 COASTAL EROSION 236-18;236-19;236-24 Construction 1743 WATERFOWL AND GULL HAZARD AREAS Street Excavations 237-6; Costs and expenses 17-44 FEEDING AND 111-5;111-6;111-7; 237-13 Definitions 1743 DOMESTIC PET 111-10;111-13; SUBDIVISION OF LAND Drainage 17-43 WASTE 111-14;111-29 240-3;240-4;240-10; Hazardous materials and ANIMALS 83-27\83-31 Design Standards 240-48 240-17;240-21; substances 17-43; Appearance tickets 83-29 Districts 280-7;280-8 240-35;240-36; 17-44;17-45 Cats 83-27 Ducks 83-3;83-4 240-42;240-44 Holding tanks 17-43 Defecation 83-28 Exemption for War TOURIST AND TRAILER Improvements 17-41; Definitions 83-27 Veterans and Gold Star CAMPS 253-6 17-42;17-43;17-44; Dogs 83-27 Parents 245-15 Water Quality Improvement 17-45;17-46 Enforcement 83-29 Farmland Bill of Rights 1743;17-44 Pollution 17-41;1743; Fecal matter 83-28 280-99 WATERFRONT 17-44;17-45 Fowl 83-27 FIRE PREVENTION AND CONSISTENCY Ponds 17-43 Garbage,rubbish and refuse BUILDING CODE REVIEW 268-3;268-5 Purpose 17-41 83-28 ADMINISTRATION WETLANDS AND Recycling 1743 Horses 83-27 144-3;144-8 SHORELINE 275-2; Septic systems 17-43 Liability 83-27 Fishers Island Harbor 275-3;275-4;275-11; Stormwater 1743 Livestock 83-27;83-28 Management 157-1; 275-12 Town Board 1741;17-42; Marinas 83-27 157-5 Wireless Communication 1743;17-44;17-45; Nuisances 83-28 Floating Homes 96-27 Facilities 280-69 1746 Parks and recreation 83-27 FLOOD DAMAGE ZONING 2804;280-91; Water 17-43;1744 Penalties for offenses 83-30 PREVENTION 148-2; 280-96;280-104; Water quality 17-41;1742; Ponds 83-27 148-3;1484;148-14; 280-111;280-112; 1743;17-44;17-45; Prohibitions 83-28 148-15;148-16; 280-113;280-116 1746 Safety standards 83-28; 148-18;148-19;148-23 WATER CONSERVATION Water Quality Advisory 83-31 Hamlet Density(HD) COASTAL EROSION Committee 17-46 Sales 83-27 Residential District HAZARD AREAS Wetlands 17-43 Sidewalks 83-28 280-22 111-6 Wildlife 17-43 Statutory authority 83-31 HIGHWAY Preservation of Natural WATER SUPPLY Stormwater 83-27 SPECIFICATIONS Features 240-51 Agricultural Planned Town Board 83-31 161-11 STORMWATER Development District Violations and penalties Historic Preservation MANAGEMENT 280-174 83-28;83-29;83-30 District(HPD)280-195 236-7 Agricultural-Conservation Waterfowl 83-27;83-28 HOUSING FUND 34-6 WATER POLLUTION (A-C)District and Wildlife 83-27 W Illicit Discharges 236-25; Floating Homes 96-26 Low-Density WATERFRONT 236-26 See Also POLLUTION Residential R-80, CONSISTENCY JUNKYARDS 1664 SEWERS AND SEWAGE R-120,R-200 and REVIEW LITTERING 1744 DISPOSAL 215-4 R-400 Districts 280-13 Accessory buildings and Marine I(MI)District STORMWATER Design Standards 240-48 structures 268-3 280-51 MANAGEMENT FLOOD DAMAGE Assessments 268-3;268-5 Marine II(MII)District 236-5 PREVENTION 148-16 Authority and purpose 280-54;280-55 WETLANDS AND Low-Density Residential 268-2 Marine III Zone District SHORELINE 275-3 R-40 District 280-16 Blocks 268-3 (MIII)280-205 Buffers 268-3 IDX:62 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX WATERFRONT CONSISTENCY REVIEW... Building Inspector 268-6 WEBSITES WETLANDS AND Fill 275-11 Code Enforcement Officer Establishment of SHORELINE Findings;purpose; 268-6 Community Housing Accessory buildings and jurisdiction;setbacks Construction 268-3 Fund 17-52 structures 275-2;275-5 275-3 Definitions 268-3 RENTAL PERMITS 207-7 Administration and Fishing 275-2;275-11 Drainage 268-3 STORMWATER Enforcement 275-15\ Flood hazard areas 275-3 Driveways 268-3 MANAGEMENT 275-16 Forestry 275-2 Emergencies 268-3 236-20 Anchoring 275-2 Fuel 275-4 Enforcement 268-6 YOUTH BOARD 68-4 Animals 275-2 Garages 275-2 Erosion and sediment ZONING 280-4 Apartments 275-2 Garbage,rubbish and refuse control 268-2;268-3 WEEDS Application 275-6 275-11 Fences 268-3 See BRUSH,GRASS AND Assessments 275-4;275-6; General Provisions 275-1\ Fuel 268-3 WEEDS 275-11 275-4 Grades and grading 268-3 WELLS Backfilling 275-11 Grades and grading 275-2; Hazardous materials and BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Barricades 275-11 2754;275-11 substances 268-3; PROPERTY Blocks 275-2 Groundwater 275-3 268-5 MAINTENANCE Board of Trustees 275-2; Guarantees 275-9;275-10 Height regulations 268-3 100-4 275-3;275-3.1;275-4; Hearings 275-3.1;275-8 Historic districts 268-3 HIGHWAY 275-6;275-7;275-11 Hedges 275-2 Historic resources 268-5 SPECIFICATIONS Boats and Boating 275-2; Height regulations 275-2; Improvements 268-3 161-3 275-11 275-11 Inspections 268-3;268-5 Parking at Beaches 189-2 Bonds 275-9 Horses 275-2 Investigations 268-3 Site Plan Approval 280-133 Bridges 275-11 Impoundment 275-6 Landscaping 268-3 Stop and Yield Intersections Brush,grass and weeds Improvements 275-3;275-5 Licenses and permits 268-3 260-4;260-6 275-2;275-11 Inspections 275-7;275-9; Livestock 268-3 STORMWATER Buffers 275-2;275-4; 275-10;275-11;275-16 Management and MANAGEMENT 275-5;275-11 Insurance 275-3.1 coordination of LWRP 236-5;236-14 Building Inspector 275-11 Investigations 275-8 268-4 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Burning 275-2 Landscaping 275-3;275-5; Natural features 268-3 240-4;240-10;240-17; Certificate of compliance 275-11 Natural resources 268-2; 240-21;240-35;240-44 275-13 Lawns 275-2 268-3;268-5 VEHICLES AND Certificates of compliance Liability 275-3.1;275-9; Nuisances 268-3 TRAFFIC 260-12; 275-10;275-13 275-10 Open space 268-2;268-5 260-14;260-16;260-28 Certificates of insurance Liability insurance 275-9 Parking 268-3 WETLANDS 275-3.1 Licenses and permits Penalties for offenses 268-7 Adoption of Code 1-2 Cesspools 275-3 275-2;275-3.1;275-5; Pensions 268-3 Adoption of Renumbered Code Enforcement Officer 275-6;275-8;275-11; Planning Board 2684 2006 Code 1-14 275-12.1 275-16 Police Department 268-4; BOATS,DOCKS AND Compensation 275-3.1 Licensing of coastal 268-6 WHARVES 96-8 Complaints 275-3.1 contractors 275-3.1 Pollution 268-3 COASTAL EROSION Compliance requirements; Liens 275-11 Qualifications 268-3 HAZARD AREAS penalties for offenses Lighting 275-11 Reports 268-4 I11-6 275-16 Livestock 275-2 Retirement 268-3 Illicit Discharges 236-25 Conditions,inspection fees, Lots 275-2 Review of actions 268-5 Plum Island Conservation performance guarantee Marinas 275-2;275-11 Safety standards 268-3 District(PIC)280-189 upon issuance of permit Meetings 275-8 Sales 268-3 Plum Island Research 275-9 Mobile homes 275-2 Setbacks 268-3 District(PIR)280-185 Condominiums 275-2 Monuments 275-6 Solid waste 268-5 Preservation of Natural Construction 275-2; Mooring 275-2;275-11 Stop-work orders 268-6 Features 240-51 275-3.1;275-5; Mulching 275-2 Storage 268-3 Real Estate Transfer Tax 275-11;275-12.1; Natural resources 275-2; Stormwater 268-3 17-19 275-16 275-3;275-11 Street openings 268-3 SHELLFISH AND OTHER Construction and operation Nonconforming structures Title 268-1 MARINE standards 275-11 275-2;275-11 Town Attorney 268-6; RESOURCES 219-20 Contents of permit 275-10 Notices 275-3.1;275-8; 268-7 Site Plan Approval Coordination and 275-9;275-10;275-11; Town Board 268-3;268-4; 280-129;280-133 enforcement 275-15 275-16 268-5 Southold Community Costs and expenses 275-7; Open space 275-2 Trees 268-3 Preservation Fund 275-11 Parking 275-2 Trustees 268-4 17-3;17-4 Decks 275-2;275-5 Patios 275-2 Utilities 268-3 Southold Community Deer 275-5 Pedestrians 275-11 Variances 268-3;268-5 Preservation Project Definitions;word usage Performance guarantees Violations and penalties Plan 17-13 275-2 275-9 268-6;268-7 STORMWATER Demolition 275-2;275-4; Permit procedures 275-5 Water 268-3;268-5 MANAGEMENT 275-11 Permits 275-5\275-14 Water quality 268-2;268-3; 236-4;236-5;236-6; Disclosure 275-6 Plastics 275-11 268-5 236-15;236-17; Docks 275-2;275-3;275-4; Ponds 275-2;275-3;275-4; Wetlands 268-3 236-18;236-19 275-5;275-7;275-11 275-11 Wildlife 268-2;268-3" SUBDIVISION OF LAND Drainage 275-5;275-6; Pools 275-2 Zoning Board of Appeals 240-3;240-4;240-10; 275-11 Poultry 275-2 268-4;268-5 240-17;240-21;240-42 Drainage plan 275-6; Processing of application WEAPONS Water Quality Improvement 275-11 275-8 See Also FIREARMS 1743 Driveways 275-2;275-3; Records 275-10 See Also GUNS WATERFRONT 275-5 Reports 275-8 Members of the Department CONSISTENCY Easements 275-11 Restaurants 275-11 A290-33 REVIEW 268-3 Emergencies 275-5 Retaining walls 275-2; PARKS AND WETLANDS AND Erosion and sediment 275-11 RECREATION SHORELINE 275-1; control 275-2;275-3; Roofs 275-2;275-4 AREAS 193-6 275-2;275-3;275-4; 275-6;275-11 Safety standards 275-3; POLICE DEPARTMENT 275-5;275-6;275-8; Excavations 275-2;275-11 275-11;275-12 RULES AND 275-11;275-12;275-16 Exceptions 275-4 Salaries and compensation REGULATIONS Wireless Communication Fees 275-2;275-3.1;275-7; 275-3.1 A290-15 Facilities 280-70 275-8;275-14 Sales 275-2 ZONING 2804;280-96; Fences 275-2;275-5; Septic systems 2754 280-111;280-116 275-11 Septic tanks 275-3 IDX:63 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE WETLANDS AND SHORELINE... Setbacks 275-2;275-3; WIND ENERGY SYSTEMS, Planning Board 280-70; WIRELESS 275-5 SMALL 280-72;280-73; COMMUNICATIONS Sheds 275-2 Agricultural-Conservation 280-74;280-76.2 FACILITIES Shrubs 275-2 (A-C)District and Preexisting antenna support Agricultural-Conservation Sidewalks 275-2 Low-Density structures and antennas (A-C)District and Signs 275-2;275-11 Residential R-80, 280-76.1 Low-Density Single-family dwellings R-120,R-200 and Purpose 280-67 Residential R-80, 275-5 R-400 Districts 280-13 Qualifications 280-74 R-120,R-200 and Standards for issuance of Small Wind Energy Systems Radiation 280-69;280-70 R400 Districts 280-13 permit 275-12 277-2;277-3;277-4; Relief 280-76.3 Light Industrial Park/ Stop-work orders 275-12.1; 277-6 Removal;height reduction Planned Office Park 275-16 ZONING 2804 280-76 (LIO)District 280-58 Storage 275-2 WIND TURBINES Reports 280-70;280-74 Wireless Communication Stormwater 275-3 Small Wind Energy Systems Required approvals 280-71 Facilities 280-67; Stormwater management 277-1;277-3 Residential districts 280-73 280-68;280-69; 275-6;275-8 ZONING 2804 Roofs 280-69;280-71; 280-70;280-71; Swimming pools 275-3; WIRELESS 280-72 280-72;280-73; 275-11 COMMUNICATION Safety standards 280-67; 280-74;280-75;280-76 Tenants 275-12.1 FACILITIES 280-70;280-76; ZONING 280-4;280-104 Tests 275-4 Abandonment 280-76 280-76.2 WIRELESS Title 275-1 Antennas 280-68;280-69; Satellite dish antennas TELECOMMUNICATIONS Town Attorney 275-6 280-70;280-71; 280-68;280-72 FACILITIES Town Board 275-3; 280-72;280-73; Scope 280-68 See 275-3.1;275-7;275-16 280-74;280-76; Screens and screening TELECOMMUNICAT Town Clerk 275-7 280-76.1;280-76.2 280-70;280-71; IONS FACILITIES Transferability 275-14 Application fees and 280-72;280-76.2 WORKMEN'S Trees 275-2;275-4 requirements 280-74 Security standards 280-69 COMPENSATION Trustees 275-2;275-3.1; Assessments 280-76 Setbacks 280-70;280-72; SEWERS AND SEWAGE 275-4;275-5;275-6; Boats and Boating 280-69 280-76.2 DISPOSAL 215-8 275-8;275-9;275-10; Buffers 280-70;280-72 Severability 280-76.4 275-11;275-12; Building Inspector 280-70; Shrubs 280-70;280-72 - XYZ - 275-13;275-14;275-16 280-74;280-76 Signs 280-70 Utilities 275-11 Building permits 280-70; Site plan approval 280-70; YARD SALES Vernal pools 275-3 280-71;280-74 280-71;280-72 Agricultural-Conservation Violations and penalties Complaints 280-74 Site plans 280-71;280-73; (A-C)District and 275-3.1;275-11; Construction 280-70; 280-74;280-76.2 Low-Density 275-12.1;275-15; 280-73;280-74;280-75 Special exception approval Residential R-80, 275-16 Costs and expenses 280-74; 280-73 R-120,R-200 and Waivers 275-3;275-6 280-76 Special exceptions 280-70; R400 Districts 280-13 Water 275-2;275-3;2754; Definitions 280-69 280-71;280-73; See Also GARAGE SALES 275-11;275-12 Design standards 280-70; 280-74;280-76.2; See Also SALES Water pollution 275-3 280-72 280-76.3 Signs 280-86 Water quality 275-3;275-11 Drainage 280-72 Stormwater 280-72 YARD WASTE Water supply 275-3 Driveways 280-74 Telecommunications See Also BRUSH,GRASS Waterfowl 275-3 Emergencies 280-70 facilities 280-69; AND WEEDS Wetlands 275-1;275-2; Environmental impact 280-71 Garbage,Rubbish and 275-3;2754;275-5; statements 280-74 Tests 280-69;280-74 Refuse 233-3.1 275-6;275-8;275-11; Escrow accounts 280-74 Towers 280-69;280-72; See Also GRASS 275-12;275-16 Escrow deposits 280-74 280-74 CLIPPINGS Wildlife 275-3;275-4; Fees 280-71;280-74 Trees 280-70;280-72; See Also LAWNS 275-11;275-12 Fences 280-69;280-70; 280-73;280-76.2 STORMWATER Yards 275-5 280-71 Utilities 280-69 MANAGEMENT WILD ANIMALS General requirements for all Utility poles 280-69 236-4;236-5 See ANIMALS wireless Variances 280-76.3 YARDS WILDLIFE communication Vehicles 280-69;280-70 Affordable Housing(AHD) COASTAL EROSION facilities 280-70 Violations and penalties District 280-28 HAZARD AREAS Groundwater 280-70 280-76 Agricultural-Conservation 111-6;I11-12;I11-13; Guarantees 280-72 Waivers 280-76.2 (A-C)District and 111-14;111-15 Height regulations 280-69; Waivers of criteria 280-76.2 Low-Density PARKS AND 280-70;280-71; Water 280-69 Residential R-80, RECREATION 280-72;280-73; Wetlands 280-70 R-120,R-200 and AREAS 193-6 280-74;280-76; When effective 280-76.5 R-400 Districts Site Plan Approval 280-76.2 Wireless communications 280-13;280-15 280-129;280-133 Historic buildings and 280-69;280-70 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; Southold Community districts 280-75 Wireless communications PROPERTY Preservation Fund Historic districts 280-75 facilities 280-67; MAINTENANCE 17-4;17-8 Historical districts 280-70 280-68;280-69; 100-3;100-4 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Inspections 280-69;280-70; 280-70;280-71; Design Standards 240-45 240-3;240-44 280-74 280-72;280-73; Districts 280-7;280-8 Water Quality Improvement Landscaping 280-69; 280-74;280-75;280-76 Garbage,Rubbish and 1743 280-70;280-76.2 Yards 280-70 Refuse 233-3.1;233-4 Waterfowl and Gull Feeding Licenses and permits ZONING 280-67\280-76.5 General Business(B) and Domestic Pet 280-71;280-74; Zoning Board of Appeals District 28048;280-50 Waste 83-27 280-76.1 280-76.3 Hamlet Business(HB) WATERFRONT Liens 280-76 Zoning districts 280-70; District 280-45 CONSISTENCY Lighting 280-69;280-70 280-71 Light Industrial(LI)District REVIEW 268-2;268-3 Natural features 280-72 WIRELESS 280-62;280-64 WETLANDS AND Noise 280-70;280-71 COMMUNICATIONS Light Industrial Park/ SHORELINE 275-3; Notices 280-74;280-76 Wireless Communication Planned Office Park Xyz 275-4;275-11;275-12 Obstructions 280-70; Facilities 280-69; (LIO)District 280-58; WIND ENERGY 280-74 280-70 280-60 See Small Wind Energy Off-street parking 280-70 ZONING 280-4 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Systems 277-1\277-7 Parking 280-69;280-72 172-2 - Permitted uses 280-71 Limited Business(LB) District 280-41;280-43 IDX:64 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX YARDS.. LITTERING 174-1 R-80,R-120,R-200 Convalescent homes 280-4; See Hamlet Density(HD) Low-Density Residential and R-400 Districts 280-79 Residential District R-40 District 280-17 280-12\280-15 Convenience stores 280-4; 280-20\280-23 Recreational Floating Zone Air pollution 280-77; 280-78 Hearings 280-92;280-157; District(RFZ)280-203 280-111 Comer lots 280-106 280-159 Recreational Vehicle Parks Alcoholic beverages 280-4 Costs and expenses 280-4; Hedges 280-78;280-106 253-21 Aluminum 280-111 280-92 Height of fences,walls and RENTAL PERMITS 207-7 Amendments 280-157\ County Clerk 280-4 berms 280-105 Roadway Construction 280-159 Courts 280-108 Height regulations 280-4; 161-24 Amusements 280-4 Curbs 2804;280-78; 280-78;280-94; Site Plan Approval 280-137 Anchoring 280-4 280-92 280-104;280-105; SOIL REMOVAL 228-6; Animals 280-4;280-78; Dance halls 2804 280-106;280-107; 228-11 280-111 Decks 2804;280-104 280-108;280-109; STORMWATER Antennas 280-4 Deer 280-4;280-105 280-117;280-208 MANAGEMENT Apartments 280-4;280-78 Definitions 280-4 See Historic Preservation 236-15 Assessments 280-92; Demolition 2804 District(HPD) WETLANDS AND 280-159 Density,Minimum Lot Size 280-190\280-196 SHORELINE 275-5 Bathing 280-78 and Bulk Schedules Home occupations 280-4; Wireless Communication Bed and breakfast 280-4; 280-65\280-66 280-78 Facilities 280-70 280-78 See Districts 280-5\280-11 Horses 280-4 ZONING 2804;280-78; Billboards 280-4 Docks 280-4;280-78; Hospitals 280-4;280-78; 280-79;280-93; Blocks 280-4;280-116 280-111;280-116 280-79 280-96;280-104; Board of Appeals 280-4; Dogs 2804;280-78 Hotels 280-4;280-78; 280-105;280-109; 280-78;280-79; Drainage 280-4;280-78; 280-79 280-124 280-121;280-154 280-91 Hunting 280-4 YIELD INTERSECTIONS See Board of Appeals Driveways 280-4;280-78; Improvements 280-4; Stop and Yield Intersections 280-145\280-150 280-92;280-93 280-207 260-6 Boardinghouses 280-78 Drugs and drug Industrial districts 280-93; YOUTH BOARD Boats and Boating 280-4; paraphernalia 280-4 280-94 Appointments 68-5 280-78;280-110; Dust 280-91;280-111 Inspections 280-151; Assessments 68-3;68-4; 280-119 Easements 280-3;2804 280-154 68-5 Bowling alleys 280-4 Elevators 280-104 Interpretation and conflicts Budget 68-4 Brush,grass and weeds Emergencies 280-4; 280-3 Compensation 68-5 280-4;280-93;280-95 280-111 Involuntary moves 280-126 Definitions 68-2 Buffers 280-4;280-92; Environmentally sensitive Junk 280-4 Director 68-4 280-94;280-95; areas 280-4 Junkyards 280-4 Legislative intent 68-1 280-96;280-118 Excavations 280-114 Kennels 2804 Library 68-1 Building Inspector 280-4; Exceptions and Land under water;filled Meetings 68-4;68-5 280-92;280-105; modifications 280-104 land 280-113 Membership 68-5 280-109;280-151; Explosives 280-111 Landfills 280-4 Minutes 68-4 280-152;280-153; See Farmland Bill of Rights Landscaped parking area Powers and duties 68-5 280-154;280-155; 280-97\280-103 280-95 Reports 684 280-208 Farms and farming 2804; Landscaping 2804; Schools 68-1;68-5 Building length and 280-78;280-207 280-78;280-91; Town Board 68-1;684; separation for buildings Fees 2804;280-154; 280-92;280-93; 68-5 containing multiple 280-158 280-94;280-95; Websites 684 dwellings 280-107 Fees for petitions for 280-123 Youth Board 68-5 Building permits 280-4; proposed amendments Landscaping,Screening and Youth Bureau created 68-3 280-105;280-114; 280-158 Buffer Regulations ZONING 280-121;280-124; Fences 280-4;280-78; 280-91\280-96 Access requirements 280-125;280-151; 280-92;280-94; Library 280-78;280-79 280-109 280-152;280-153 280-104;280-105; Licenses and permits Accessory buildings and Building setback 280-106;280-114 280-3;280-4;280-115 structures 280-4; requirements adjacent Final plats 2804 Liens 280-92 280-104;280-107; to water bodies and Fishing 2804;280-78 See Light Industrial(LI) 280-116 wetlands 280-116 Flood hazard areas 280-4 District 280-61\280-64 Accessory uses and Business districts 280-78; Floodplains 280-4 See Light Industrial Park/ structures 2804; 280-93;280-94 Forestry 2804 Planned Office Park 280-78;280-111 Camping 280-4 Fow12804 (LIO)District 280-57\ Additional notice Camps 280-4;280-78; Front landscaped area 280-60 requirements relating to 280-115 280-93 Lighting 280-4;280-111; petitions for proposed Cats 2804;280-78 Fuel 280-4;280-111 280-117 amendments 280-159 Certificates of compliance Gambling 280-4 Lighting restrictions Administration and 280-4 Garages 280-4;280-78; 280-117 Enforcement 280-151\ Certificates of occupancy 280-104 See Limited Business(LB) 280-156 280-4;280-112; Garbage,rubbish and refuse District 28040\280-43 Administrative and 280-151;280-154; 280-114 Livestock 280-4 enforcing officer 280-207;280-208 Gas 280-111 Long-term outdoor display 280-151 Charges 2804;280-115 See General Business(B) or storage 280-119 Adult homes 280-4 Chimneys 280-4;280-104 District 280-47\280-50 Lots 2804;280-78; Advertising 280-4 Christmas trees 280-4 General Provisions 280-1\ 280-79;280-95; Affordable housing 280-158 Code Enforcement Officer 280-4 280-106;280-109; See Affordable Housing 280-4;280-153 General requirements 280-113;280-116; (AHD)District 280-24\ Commercial vehicles 280-92 280-124;280-207 280-33 280-78;280-110 Glare 280-91;280-94; See Low-Density Agricultural districts Compensation 280-4 280-111;280-117 Residential R-40 280-110 Complaints 280-151 Golf courses 280-4;280-78 District 280-16\280-19 See Agricultural Planned Condominiums 280-4 Grades and grading 280-4; Magazines 280-4 Development District Conformance required 280-78;280-108; Manure 280-4 tTt T� 280-170\280-181 280-66 280-114 Marinas 280-4;280-78 lx� See Agricultural- Construction 280-4; Groundwater 280-4;280-91 See Marine I(MI)District Y Conservation(A-C) 280-105;280-114; Guaranties 280-4 280-51\280-53 District and Low- 280-123;280-153; Gutters 280-4 See Marine It(MII)District Density Residential 280-156;280-207; See Hamlet Business(HB) 280-54\280-56 280-208 District 280-44\28046 IDX:65 Supp 64,Mar 2024 SOUTHOLD CODE ZONING... See Marine III Zone District Planning Board 280-4; Setbacks 280-4;280-104; Violations and penalties (MIII)280-205\ 280-78;280-92; 280-105;280-116; 280-151;280-153; 280-206 280-94;280-104; 280-123 280-155;280-156 Master Plan 280-4 280-123;280-151; Severability 280-160 Waivers 280-78;280-159 Maximum gross floor area 280-154;280-157 Sewers 280-4;280-112 Walls 280-4;280-78; for residential Plastics 280-4;280-111 Shade trees 280-93 280-92;280-94; dwellings in A-C,R40, See Plum Island Sheds 280-4 280-104;280-105; R-80,R-120,R-200, Conservation District Shopping centers 280-4 280-106;280-108; and R400 Districts (PIC)280-186\280-189 Shrubs 280-4;280-92; 280-116 280-207 See Plum Island Research 280-93;280-95; Water 280-4;280-91; Meetings 280-4;280-78; District(PIR)280-182\ 280-118 280-96;280-104; 280-157 280-185 Sidewalks 280-78;280-95; 280-111;280-112; Membership 2804;280-78 Plumbers 2804 280-111 280-113;280-116 Minors 280-4 Plumbing 280-4;280-78 Signs 280-4;280-78 Water supply 280-2;2804 Mobile home parks 280-4 Pollution 280-91 See Signs 280-80\280-90 Watercourses 280-4 Mobile homes 2804; Ponds 280-4;280-113 Single-family dwellings Websites 2804 280-78 Pools 280-4 2804;280-78 Wetlands 2804;280-96; Monuments 280-104 Porches 280-4 Site plan approval 280-92; 280-I11;280-116 Mooring 2804;280-78 Poultry 280-4 280-104;280-119; Wind energy systems,small Motels 280-4;280-78 Procedures 280-157 280-154 280-4 Motor vehicles 280-4; Prohibited uses 280-111 See Site Plan Approval Wind turbines 280-4 280-77;280-78; Prohibited uses in all 280-127\280-138 See Wireless 280-110 districts 280-111 Site plan review and Communication Multifamily dwellings Properties located adjacent approval 2804 Facilities 280-67\ 280-108 to creeks 280-96 Site plans 280-4;280-151 i280-76.5 Museums 280-78;280-79; Provisions for community . Slaughterhouses 280-111 Wireless communications 280-119 water,sewer and utility Smoke 280-111 ;280-4 Natural features 2804 facilities 280-112 Smoking 280-4 Wireless communications Noise 2804;280-91; Purpose 280-77;280-91; Solar energy 280-4 facilities 2804; 280-94;280-111 280-120 Solar energy systems 280-2 280-104 Nonconforming buildings Purposes 280-2 Spas 280-4 Yards 2804;280-78; 280-122;280-123 Pyramid Law 280-208 Special exception uses 280-79;280-93; Nonconforming buildings Radiation 2804 280-4;280-78 280-96;280-104; with conforming uses Records 280-4;280-92; See Special Exception Uses 280-105;280-109; 280-122 280-151;280-154 280-139\280-144 280-124 Nonconforming buildings Recreation areas 280-4 Special exceptions 280-154 Zoning Board of Appeals with nonconforming See Recreational Floating Special permits 2804; 2804;280-92;280-207 uses 280-123 Zone District(RFZ) 280-154 Zoning districts 2804; Nonconforming lots 280-4; 280-197\280-204 Stop orders 280-153 280-92;280-93; 280-124 Recreational vehicles 280-4 Storage 280-4;280-78; 280-104;280-113; Nonconforming uses 280-2; Remedies 280-156 280-79;280-104; 280-159;280-208 280-4;280-120; Rental property 2804; 280-110;280-111; Zoning Maps 2804; 280-121;280-123; 280-111 280-118;280-119 280-113;280-157; 280-154 Repairs and maintenance Supplementary Regulations 280-158;280-159 Nonconforming Uses and 280-125 280-104\280-119 ZONING BOARD OF Buildings 280-120\ Repeal of existing schedule; Swimming pools 2804 APPEALS 280-126 incorporation of new Taxicabs 280-111 Affordable Housing(AHD) Nonresidential districts schedules 280-65 Temporary outdoor display District 280-28 280-93 Reports 2804;280-151; or storage 280-118 AGRICULTURAL Notices 280-92;280-153; 280-157 Tenants 280-4 ADVISORY 280-155;280-157; Residential districts 280-78; Title 280-1 COMMITTEE 71-1 280-159 280-93;280-94; Toilet facilities 280-4 Agricultural-Conservation Nuisances 280-111 280-104;280-110 Tourist camps,camp (A-C)District and Nursing homes 280-4; Residential Dwelling Size cottages and trailers Low-Density 280-78 Limits 280-207\ 280-115 Residential R-80, Obstructions 280-104; 280-208 Towers 280-4;280-104 R-120,R-200 and 280-106;280-111 See Residential Office(RO) Towing 280-4 R400 Districts 280-13 Odors 280-4;280-111 District 280-37\280-39 Town Board 280-4;280-92; See Also APPEALS Off-street loading 280-79 See Resort Residential(RR) 280-115;280-151; Board of Appeals 280-149 Off-street loading areas District 280-34\280-36 280-155;280-157; See Also BOARD OF 280-79 Restaurants 280-4;280-78 280-158;280-159 :APPEALS Off-street parking 280-4; Retaining walls 280-4 Town Clerk 280-92; Design Standards 240-45 280-77;280-78; Revocation of permit 280-158;280-159 Districts 280-11 280-95;280-109 280-152 Trailer camps 280-115 Farm Stands 72-11 Off-street parking areas Roadside stands 280-4 Trailers 280-4;280-78; Farmland Bill of Rights 280-78 Roofs 280-4;280-104; 280-115 280-100 Official Map 2804 280-108 Transition buffer area FLOOD DAMAGE One-family dwellings Safety standards 280-2; 280-94 PREVENTION 148-23 280-4;280-109 280-3;280-111; Trees 280-4;280-92; General Business(B) Open space 280-4 280-125 280-93;280-94; District 280-48 Open storage 280-110 Sales 280-4;280-78; 280-95;280-118 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Paper 280-4;280-111 280-79;280-104; Trespassing 280-4 172-8 Parking 280-4;280-65; 280-118 Trucks 280-4;280-77; PUBLIC 280-78;280-79; Sanitary facilities 280-4 280-79 ENTERTAINMENT 280-92;280-95; Schools 280-4;280-78; Trustees 280-116 AND SPECIAL 280-111;280-117 280-79 Two-family dwellings EVENTS 205-2;205-8 Parking and Loading Areas Screens and screening 280-78 Rules of Conduct 26-13 280-77\280-79 280-4;280-78;280-91; Utilities 280-2;280-4; Signs 280-81;280-86 X� T� Parks and recreation 280-4 280-92;280-93; 280-112 Site Plan Approval Patios 280-4;280-104 280-94;280-104; Variances 280-92;280-121; 280-130;280-131;Y Pedestrians 280-2;280-77 280-117 280-154;280-207 280-137 Penalties for offenses Senior citizens 2804 Vehicles 280-2;280-4; 280-155 Septic tanks 280-4 280-78;280-79; Places of worship 280-78 Service stations 280-4; 280-110;280-111 280-78 Vibrations 280-111 IDX:66 Supp 64,Mar 2024 INDEX ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS... Special Events Requiring Historic Preservation Chairperson of the District(HPD) Zoning Board of 280-195;280-196 Appeals'Approval See Also OFFICIAL MAP 205-5 Recreational Floating Zone Special Events Requiring District(RFZ) — Town Board Approval 280-200;280-201 205-7 ZONING 2804;280-113; Special Exception Uses 280-157;280-158; 280-140;280-141; 280-159 280-142;280-144 ZONING OFFICER SUBDIVISION OF LAND See BUILDING 240-57 INSPECTOR WATERFRONT See CODE CONSISTENCY ENFORCEMENT REVIEW 268-4;268-5 OFFICER Wireless Communication ZONING PERMITS Facilities 280-76.3 See BUILDING PERMITS ZONING 280-4;280-92; See CONSTRUCTION 280-207 PERMITS ZONING DISTRICTS See LICENSES AND Affordable Housing(AHD) PERMITS District 280-32.1 See SPECIAL PERMITS AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE 71-2; 71-4 Agricultural Planned Development District 280-174 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE; PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 100-4 Design Standards 240-45 Historic Preservation District(HPD)280-190 LANDMARK PRESERVATION 170-8 PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT AND SPECIAL EVENTS 205-2 Recreational Floating Zone District(RFZ)280-201 Roadway Construction 161-15 SANITARY FLOW CREDITS, TRANSFER OF 117-3;117-6;117-14 Site Plan Approval 280-129;280-137 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 240-10;240-17; 240-26;240-27;240-42 Wireless Communication Facilities 280-70; 280-71 ZONING 2804;280-92; 280-93;280-104; 280-113;280-159; 280-208 ZONING ENFORCEMENT OFFICER See CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER ZONING HEARING BOARD See HEARING OFFICER See HEARINGS ZONING MAPS Adoption of Code 1-4 Affordable Housing(AHD) District 280-29 Agricultural Planned Development District 280-174;280-175 XYZ Board of Appeals 280-146 Districts 280-6;280-7 Hamlet Density(HD) Residential District 280-21 IDX:67 Supp 64,Mar 2024