HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-06/18/2024 PH 1 1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK : STATE OF NEW YORK 2 ------------------------------------------- X 3 TOWN BOARD 4 REGULAR BOARD MEETING 5 ------------------------------------------- X 6 7 Southold, New York 8 June 18 , 2024 9 4 : 30 P .M . 10 11 12 13 14 15 B E F 0 R E : 16 17 ALBERT KRUPSKI JR, SUPERVISOR 18 LOUISA P . EVANS , JUSTICE 19 JILL DOHERTY, COUNCILWOMAN 20 BRIAN 0 . MEALY, COUNCILMAN 21 GREG DOROSKI , COUNCILMAN 22 ANNE H . SMITH, COUNCILWOMAN 23 24 25 2 1 INDEX TO PUBLIC HEARINGS 2 3 NAME PAGE 4 5 CHAPTER 234 - SPDES 4- 9 6 LL CHAPTER 235 STORM SEWER SYSTEMS 9- 12 7 CHANGE OF ZONE F . I . USCG 12-15 8 CHAPTER 236 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT 15-18 9 LL MORATORIUM ON RESORTS , HOTELS & MOTELS 26-55 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 3 1 PUBLIC COMMENTS 2 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Besides 3 the Public Hearing, does anyone want to 4 address -- 5 DAVE BERGEN : Dave Bergen, 6 Cutchogue . I ' m here on behalf as 7 Chairman of the Board of Commissioners 8 for the Cutchogue, New Suffolk Park 9 District . And this is in reference to 10 Resolution 546 for a fireworks permit . 11 I want to thank the Board . First of all 12 starting to thanking the Board for 13 listening to our feedback when putting 14 in the specific conditions . This event 15 has been a great event for the local 16 community . Many people go down to the 17 park to watch this fireworks at night . 18 Have a great time . And so we enjoy it, 19 but we ' re happy to see the conditions 20 that have put into address cleaning up 21 after the event . The one question I 22 have I just, I didn ' t realize until I 23 read the resolution yesterday that this 24 is being done from barge this year 25 rather than from the beach . It always JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 4 1 been done from the beach, and now it ' s 2 being done from barge . So I would just 3 ask that the cleanup include all the 4 fireworks debris that ' ll float onto the 5 beach naturally from that barge . And 6 just be mentioned to the host if you 7 would also police the beach . So that I 8 know the Town received a letter 9 forwarded today from a concerned citizen 10 about this . So I would just ask that 11 that be included also . Thank you . 12 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 13 you . That ' s a good idea . We can pass 14 that on . He ' s been a good neighbor . 15 Would anyone else like to speak on any 16 agenda item? 17 (No Response ) . 18 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : All 19 right, seeing none . 20 (Whereupon, the meeting continued 21 onto the Resolutions at this time . ) 22 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 23 CHAPTER 34 - SPDES 24 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : The 25 purpose of tonight ' s first public JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 5 1 hearing is to consider the adoption of 2 New Code Chapter 234 , SPDES , Stormwater 3 Management and Erosion Sediment Control . 4 In accordance with Federal and New York 5 State Guidelines for stormwater control . 6 The purpose of the law is to establish 7 minimum stormwater management 8 requirements and controls to protect and 9 safeguard the general health, safety and 10 welfare of town residents . The chapter 11 being considered establishes a state 12 pollution discharge elimination system. 13 SPDES permit requirement when conducting 14 certain land development activities . 15 The new law would establish a stormwater 16 management control officer, SMO to 17 accept and review stormwater pollution 18 prevention plans establish requirements 19 for these plans . Provide for 20 maintenance inspection and repair of 21 stormwater facilities and establish 22 enforcement powers and penalties . The 23 full text of the proposed law is 24 available for review in the Town Clerk ' s 25 office and on the Town ' s website . JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 6 1 In the folder here, I have a copy 2 of the SEQRA determination, classifying 3 this as a Type 2 Action, and therefore 4 not subject to review . I have a copy of 5 the Southold Town Planning comments . I 6 have a copy of the LWRP comments . 7 Saying it ' s consistent with the LWRP . 8 An affidavit of publication in the 9 Suffolk Times . I have a copy of the 10 referral to the Suffolk County Planning 11 Commission . A copy of the legal notice . 12 Affidavit of the posting of the notice 13 on the back bulletin board, signed by 14 our Town Clerk, Denis Noncarrow . Copy 15 of the resolution setting the public 16 hearing . We seem to be absent -- excuse 17 me for a second . That ' s what I got, but 18 do note , we are missing the Suffolk 19 County Planning Commission ' s comments . 20 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Do we 21 have -- how many days has it been? 22 PAUL DECHANCE : There ' s been 23 sufficient time, but I would suggest 24 that we ' ll close the matter and for 25 those comments . JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 7 1 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Okay . 2 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : All 3 right . So you heard the description, a 4 local law . A local law in relation to 5 SPDES stormwater management, erosion, 6 and sediment control . Would anyone in 7 the public like to comment? There is 8 two microphones . 9 (No Response ) . 10 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : All 11 right . Seeing none , no comment . Do we 12 have any comment on Zoom? I do not see 13 anyone with their hand . So do I have a 14 motion to close the -- 15 PAUL DECHANCE : Mr . Supervisor, 16 we ' re going to look at the companion 17 code section adoption . The companion 18 public hearing . So we do have comment 19 from Suffolk County Planning on that . 20 And they refer to Chapter 235 , Chapter 21 236, and Chapter 234 . And they find 22 that the matter is considered to be a 23 matter of local determination, as 24 there ' s no apparent significant 25 countywide or any community impact . So JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 8 1 the Board can accept this for each of 2 the public hearings referring to the 3 stormwater management . 4 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : So 5 we ' re in legal compliance to act? 6 PAUL DECHANCE : Yes . 7 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 8 you . 9 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : I will 10 make a motion -- 11 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Before we 12 do that , I ' d like to make a motion that 13 we adopt the SEQRA determination as a 14 Type 2 action and therefore not subject 15 to review . 16 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Second . 17 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : All in 18 favor? 19 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . 20 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Aye . 21 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Aye . 22 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Aye . 23 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Aye . 24 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Aye . 25 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : I am JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 9 1 going to make a motion to close the 2 hearing . 3 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Second . 4 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : All in 5 favor? 6 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . 7 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Aye . 8 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Aye . 9 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Aye . 10 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Aye . 11 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Aye . 12 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 13 LL CHAPTER 235 STORM SEWER SYSTEM 14 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : The 15 purpose of tonight ' s second public 16 hearing is to consider the adoption of 17 new code Chapter 235 Stormwater -- 235 18 stormwater sewer systems elicit 19 discharge activities and connections in 20 accordance with Federal and New York 21 State Guidelines through the regulation 22 of non-stormwater discharge to the 23 municipal separate water stormwater 24 sewer system, MS4 . The proposed chapter 25 establishes methods for controlling the JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 10 1 introduction of pollutants into the MS4 , 2 prohibits illicit connections into MS4 , 3 establishes legal authority to carry out 4 inspections , surveillance , and 5 monitoring procedures to ensure 6 compliance , and establishes enforcement 7 powers and penalties . The full text of 8 the proposed law is available for review 9 in the Town Clerk ' s Office and on the 10 Town ' s website . In the file here, I 11 have a copy of the SEQRA determination, 12 classifying it as a Type 2 Action, not 13 subject to review . I have a -- comments 14 from the Southold Town Planning 15 confirming that they don ' t require 16 comments . I have a copy of a letter 17 from the LWRP coordinator, Mark Terry, 18 saying that this is consistent with the 19 LWRP . I have a letter from the Suffolk 20 County Planning Commission stating that 21 this is a matter for local 22 determination, because there is no 23 apparent significant countywide or 24 inter-community impacts . I have a copy 25 of the affidavit of publication along JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 11 1 with the invoice from the Suffolk Times , 2 along with a copy of the ad . I have a 3 copy of the legal notice . I have a copy 4 of the affidavit that it was posted on 5 the Clerk ' s Bulletin Board in the back, 6 signed by our Town Clerk, Denis 7 Noncarrow . I have a copy of the 8 resolution setting the public hearing . 9 That ' s what I got . 10 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : All 11 right . Thank you . Paul , is all that in 12 order for us to properly act? 13 PAUL DECHANCE : Yes . 14 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Okay . 15 Thank you . So a local law in relation 16 to the storm sewer systems illicit 17 discharges activities and connections , 18 is there anyone like to speak to this 19 local law? Looking at Zoom, I ' m seeing 20 no one -- no one ' s interested in 21 commenting . 22 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Motion to 23 close the hearing . 24 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Second . 25 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : All in JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 12 1 favor? 2 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . 3 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Aye . 4 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Aye . 5 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Aye . 6 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Aye . 7 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Aye . g * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 9 CHANGE OF ZONE, F . I . USCG 10 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : 11 Resolution 536, excuse me , 563 . The 12 purpose of tonight ' s third public 13 hearing is to consider a change of zone 14 of the property identified by Suffolk 15 County Tax Map numbers listed, the 16 United States Coast Guard Station, 17 Fisher ' s Island, consistent of 0 . 781 18 acre waterfront parcel from General 19 Business B to Marine 1 , MI . The full 20 text of the proposed law is available 21 for review in the Town Clerk ' s Office on 22 the Town ' s website . 23 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Did we 24 skip over one? 25 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Yeah, we JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 13 1 did . I had the right folder in front of 2 me, I just read it . Okay . I have a 3 copy of the Southold Town Planning Board 4 comments , supporting this 5 recommendation, or support recommending 6 this rezone . I have a copy of a letter 7 from our LWRP coordinator, Mark Terry, 8 saying this is consistent with the LWRP . 9 I have a copy of the SEQRA determination 10 classifying this as a negative 11 declaration . I have a copy of the 12 Suffolk County Planning Commission ' s 13 comments , classifying this as a matter 14 of local determination, as there ' s no 15 apparent significant countywide or near 16 community impacts . I have an affidavit 17 of publication and an invoice for The 18 Day . I have the same for the Suffolk 19 Times , along with a copy of the legal 20 notice . I have a copy of a notice that 21 was sent to adjacent jurisdictions . I 22 have a copy of the legal notice . I have 23 an affidavit that the legal notice was 24 posted on the Town Clerk ' s Bulletin 25 Board . Signed by our Town Clerk, Denis JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 14 1 Noncarrow . I have a copy of the 2 resolution setting the public hearing . 3 That ' s what I got . 4 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Is all 5 that in order, Paul ? 6 PAUL DECHANCE : Everything ' s in 7 order . 8 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 9 you . Would anyone like to speak on this 10 matter on of rezoning, the Coast Guard 11 parcel on Fisher ' s Island? 12 (No Response ) . 13 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Seeing 14 none in-person . I ' m looking on Zoom, I 15 don ' t see any hands raised . Is there a 16 motion to close the hearing? 17 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Motion to 18 close the hearing? 19 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : 20 Second . 21 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : All in 22 favor? 23 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . 24 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Aye . 25 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Aye . JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 15 1 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Aye . 2 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Aye . 3 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Aye . 4 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 5 CHAPTER 236 - STORMWATER MANAGE 6 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Now, we 7 will go back to the change in stormwater 8 management , Chapter 236 . And I have to 9 say, it does seem rather real dry, but 10 this is something that the Town has 11 focused on for decades . I want to thank 12 the Town Engineer Michael Collins , who 13 is in the back of the room here for 14 working on this . This has to do with a 15 lot of unfunded mandated reporting from 16 New York State, but it ' s also testimony 17 to the commitment of the Town to improve 18 water quality . And it ' s the reason 19 these kind of actions that are being 20 taken, plus the commitment to drainage . 21 That ' s why our beaches are open all 22 Summer . It ' s why the shell fishing 23 opportunities , both commercial and 24 residential , that can take place here . 25 Because of these efforts and sustained JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 16 1 efforts . So thank you, Michael . 2 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : The 3 purpose of tonight ' s Public Hearing is 4 to consider certain amendments of 5 Chapter 236, stormwater management . The 6 proposed changes eliminate all reference 7 to SPDES permit requirements and MS4 . 8 Each of which have now been revised to 9 comply with current Federal and State 10 Law, and rearranged into proposed 11 Chapter 234 and 235 of the code , and are 12 considered for adoption this evening . 13 In the folder here, I have a copy of a 14 memo . A SEQRA determination that this 15 is a Type 2 Action, not subject to 16 review . I have a copy of comments from 17 Southold Town Planning . Saying that 18 they don ' t believe they ' re required to 19 comment on this . I have a copy of our 20 LWRP letter from our LWRP Coordinator, 21 Mark Terry . Saying that this proposed 22 action is consistent with LWRP . I have 23 a letter from the Suffolk County 24 Planning Commission stating that this is 25 a matter of local determination as there JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 17 1 is no apparent significant countywide or 2 intercommunity impacts . I have an 3 affidavit that it was posted in the 4 Suffolk Times , along with a copy of the 5 legal notice that was published . An 6 invoice supporting this . I have a copy 7 of the legal notice . I have an 8 affidavit of posting that it was posted 9 on our bulletin board in the back, our 10 Town Clerk, Denis Noncarrow, and a copy 11 of the resolution setting the Public 12 Hearing . 13 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 14 you . Is everything in order? 15 PAUL DECHANCE : Everything is in 16 order . 17 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 18 you . 19 Would anyone like to speak to Local 20 Law in relation to the amendment to 21 Chapter 236, Stormwater Management? 22 (No Response ) . 23 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Motion to 24 close the hearing . 25 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : For the JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 18 1 record, I am checking Zoom. I don ' t see 2 any hands up . I have a motion to close . 3 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Second . 4 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : All in 5 favor? 6 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . 7 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Aye . 8 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Aye . 9 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Aye . 10 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Aye . 11 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Aye . 12 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 13 RESOLUTIONS 14 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : So I ' ll 15 make a motion we go back into Regular 16 Session? 17 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Second . 18 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : All in 19 favor? 20 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . 21 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Aye . 22 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Aye . 23 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Aye . 24 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Aye . 25 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Aye . JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 19 1 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : I ' ll make a 2 motion that we adopt a Type 2 3 determination under SEQRA for the new 4 Chapter 234 , SPDES stormwater management 5 and erosion and sediment control . So 6 moved . 7 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : I ' ll 8 second that . 9 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : All in 10 favor? 11 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . 12 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Aye . 13 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Aye . 14 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Aye . 15 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Aye . 16 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Aye . 17 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : All right . 18 Then we make a motion to adopt 19 Resolution 560 , which is the new Chapter 20 234 SPDES , stormwater management and 21 erosion and sediment control . So moved . 22 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : I ' ll 23 second that . 24 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Could 25 you call the vote on that , Mr . Clerk? JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 20 1 DENIS NONCARROW : Sure . 2 Councilman Doroski ? 3 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Yes . 4 DENIS NONCARROW : Councilman Mealy? 5 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Aye . 6 DENIS NONCARROW : Councilwoman 7 Smith? 8 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Aye . 9 DENIS NONCARROW : Councilwoman 10 Doherty? 11 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . 12 DENIS NONCARROW : Justice Evans ? 13 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Aye . 14 DENIS NONCARROW : And Supervisor 15 Krupski ? 16 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Aye . 17 DENIS NONCARROW : Thank you . This 18 resolution has passed . 19 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 20 you . 21 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : I ' ll make a 22 motion that we adopt a Type 2 23 determination of SEQRA for the new 24 Chapter 235 , Storm Sewer Systems , elicit 25 discharges , activities , and connections . JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 21 1 So move . 2 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Second . 3 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : All in 4 favor? 5 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . 6 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Aye . 7 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Aye . 8 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Aye . 9 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Aye . 10 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Aye . 11 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Then I will 12 make a motion that we adopt, Resolution 13 561 , which is the new Chapter 235, storm 14 sewer system, elicit discharges , 15 activities , and connections . So moved . 16 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Second . 17 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Call 18 the roll , Mr . Clerk? 19 DENIS NONCARROW : Councilman 20 Doroski ? 21 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Yes . 22 DENIS NONCARROW : Councilman Mealy? 23 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Aye . 24 DENIS NONCARROW : Councilwoman 25 Smith? JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 22 1 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Aye . 2 DENIS NONCARROW : Councilwoman 3 Doherty? 4 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . 5 DENIS NONCARROW : Justice Evans ? 6 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Yes . 7 DENIS NONCARROW : Supervisor 8 Krupski ? 9 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Aye . 10 DENIS NONCARROW : This resolution 11 has passed . 12 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : So I ' ll also 13 make a motion to adopt a Type II 14 determination under SEQRA for the 15 Chapter 236 stormwater management . So 16 moved . 17 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Second . 18 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : All in 19 favor? 20 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . 21 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Aye . 22 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Aye . 23 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Aye . 24 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Aye . 25 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Aye . JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 23 1 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : I ' ll make 2 the motion that for Resolution 562 , 3 Chapter 236, Stormwater Management , that 4 we adopt such, the new Chapter 236 , so 5 moved . 6 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Second . 7 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Please 8 call the roll . 9 DENIS NONCARROW : Councilman 10 Doroski ? 11 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Yes . 12 DENIS NONCARROW : Councilman Mealy? 13 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Aye . 14 DENIS NONCARROW : Councilwoman 15 Smith? 16 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Aye . 17 DENIS NONCARROW : Councilwoman 18 Doherty? 19 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . 20 DENIS NONCARROW : Justice Evans ? 21 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Yes . 22 DENIS NONCARROW : Supervisor 23 Krupski ? 24 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Aye . 25 DENIS NONCARROW : This resolution JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 24 1 has passed . 2 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : And I ' ll 3 make a motion to adopt an unlisted 4 action with a negative declaration, the 5 SEQRA vote is applied to the change of 6 zone of the U . S . Coast Guard property . 7 So moved . 8 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Second . 9 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : All in 10 favor? 11 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . 12 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Aye . 13 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Aye . 14 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Aye . 15 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Aye . 16 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Aye . 17 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : And I ' ll 18 make a motion that we adopt Resolution 19 563 , which is the change of zone of the 20 U . S . Coast Guard property . So moved . 21 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Second . 22 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Please 23 call a vote, Mr . Clerk . 24 DENIS NONCARROW : Very good . 25 Councilman Doroski ? JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 25 1 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Yes . 2 DENIS NONCARROW : Councilman Mealy? 3 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Aye . 4 DENIS NONCARROW : Councilwoman 5 Smith? 6 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Aye . 7 DENIS NONCARROW : Councilwoman 8 Doherty? 9 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . 10 DENIS NONCARROW : Justice Evans ? 11 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Yes . 12 DENIS NONCARROW : Supervisor 13 Krupski ? 14 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Aye . 15 DENIS NONCARROW : This resolution 16 has passed . 17 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Now I ' ll 18 make a motion we recess for the purpose 19 of another public hearing . 20 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Second . 21 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : All in 22 favor? 23 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . 24 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Aye . 25 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Aye . JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 26 1 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Aye . 2 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Aye . 3 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Aye . 4 5 LL MORATORIUM ON RESORTS , HOTELS & 6 MOTELS 7 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : The 8 purpose of tonight ' s final public 9 hearing is to consider a 12-month 10 moratorium on the review, approval 11 and/or issuance of all permits for or 12 related to new development of resorts , 13 hotels and motels . The proposed 14 moratorium would prohibit the Planning 15 Board, Zoning Board of Appeals , Town 16 Board, Building Department, Board of 17 Trustees from accepting, considering or 18 acting upon any application for or 19 related to the new development or 20 redevelopment of any property, parcel , 21 land build or anything else for the new 22 construction of a resort, hotel or motel 23 as defined in the Town Code . The full 24 text of the proposed Local Law can be 25 found on the Town ' s website and posted JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 27 1 on the Clerk ' s Bulletin Board . In the 2 folder here, I have a significant packet 3 of letters in favor of the proposed 4 moratorium . I have a letter from the 5 Suffolk County Planning Commission . I 6 guess I ' ll read this letter because it 7 outlines a number of different things . 8 No . This is actually this -- this is 9 this Southold Town Planning Board, but 10 it is mislabeled . The Southold Town 11 Planning Board supports the proposed 12 moratorium, and I ' ll outline the 13 reasons . The economic benefit and 14 positive and negative impact supporting 15 infrastructure and growth inducing 16 developments of resorts , hotels , and 17 motels in current zone districts by 18 hamlet . The economic benefit and 19 positive and negative impacts in growth 20 inducing development of short term 21 rentals in relation to resorts , hotels , 22 and motels by hamlet . The economic 23 benefit , zoning equity and application 24 process of a Bed and Breakfast use 25 versus transient rentals and short term JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 28 1 rentals , the consistency of resorts 2 hotels , motel uses and zoning with the 3 goals and objectives of the Southold 4 Town Comprehensive Plan . The Planning 5 Board appreciates the opportunity to 6 comment on this Local Law . The Suffolk 7 County Planning Commission, they have a 8 motion here approving this , but request 9 that it be a six month duration, where 10 we report back in two months , or three 11 months rather, sorry . I have a letter 12 from our LWRP coordinator, Mark Terry, 13 that says this action is exempt from the 14 LWRP Coastal Resiliency Review . I have 15 a SEQRA determination, classifying this 16 as a Type 2 action and therefore not 17 subject to SEQRA review . I have an 18 affidavit of publication in the Suffolk 19 Times along with the legal notice that 20 was published in the Suffolk Times . I 21 have a notice that was sent to adjacent 22 jurisdictions . I have a copy of the 23 legal notice, and affidavit that the 24 legal notice was posted on the Town 25 Clerk ' s Bulletin Board in the back . JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 29 1 Sign by our Town Clerk Denis Noncarrow, 2 and a resolution setting the Public 3 Hearing . That ' s what I got . 4 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 5 you . Is the record complete? 6 PAUL DECHANCE : The record is 7 complete . 8 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 9 you . All right . So on a Local Law for 10 a 12 month moratorium on resorts , 11 hotels , and motels . Is there anyone 12 here who would like to speak on that 13 proposal? 14 MR . CHARLIE : Charlie ( inaudible ) , 15 Laurel . I ' d like to read a letter dated 16 April loth, and I believe was sent to 17 you already . Asking for a broader 18 moratorium because there is a great deal 19 of concern about what might happen with 20 the restricted moratorium that is 21 proposed tonight . To the -- Dear 22 Supervisor Krupski and Town Board 23 Members , The North Fork Civic Coalition 24 rights to request the Town Board ' s 25 immediate consideration of a carefully JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 30 1 scoped 12 month development moratorium 2 for Southold Town . In September of 3 2020 , after a decade of dedicated 4 municipal and community engagement , 5 Southold Town unanimously adopted its 6 current Comprehensive Plan . The plan 7 sets a long awaited and ambitious course 8 for future planning, conservation, 9 development, and human resources . Human 10 services , sorry . The plan also sets the 11 important overarching goals of 12 protecting the Town ' s rural and historic 13 character, as well as the fragile, 14 natural environment that supports our 15 local economy and exceptional quality of 16 life . To help implement the myriad 17 policies expressed in the Comprehensive 18 Plan, the Town is now engaged in an 19 ambitious project to reshape the Town ' s 20 Zoning Code, and other related Town 21 Codes . It is expected that this effort 22 will engage the entire community over a 23 12 to 15 month period and result in a 24 reshaping of Town Codes to support the 25 Comprehensive Plan . However, in the JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 31 1 almost four years from the time of the 2 Comprehensive Plan ' s adoption, Southold 3 Town has been experiencing an 4 unprecedented and accelerating surge in 5 development pressure . In particular, 6 the size, scale, number, and complexity 7 of development proposals now being 8 discussed and coming before the Town 9 clearly has the capacity to negatively 10 alter the Town ' s future character, 11 resources , and infrastructure, and to 12 permanently impact the way of life that 13 is enjoyed and supported by Town 14 residents . Rising development pressures 15 threaten to comply -- sorry, threaten to 16 simply outpace the Town ' s ability to 17 rapidly implement its most critical 18 community planning and zoning goals , 19 including retaining the rural character, 20 protecting agriculture , managing traffic 21 congestion, and preserving resources of 22 natural and historic significance . The 23 extended timeframe needed to shape Town 24 Codes to meet the objectives of the 25 Comprehensive Plan could have an JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 32 1 unintended kinds of permitting projects 2 to go forward that would undermine the 3 plan and create lasting adverse impacts 4 for the Town . In an effort to avoid 5 such an outcome and more rapidly 6 advanced the implementation of the 7 Town ' s comprehensive planning goals , we 8 strongly urge the Town to seriously 9 consider enacting a 12 month development 10 moratorium on proposals that are likely 11 to have the greatest potential impact on 12 the future of the Town, and it 13 undermined the duly adopted goals of the 14 comprehensive plan . To meet the 15 challenges of potentially ill-time 16 proposals , the Town Board could enact a 17 very carefully defined development 18 moratorium that would be limited to not 19 only new resorts , hotels , and motels , 20 but also new commercial development, 21 major subdivisions , special exception 22 permit applications , zone change 23 requests , and use variances . Such a 24 pause will allow a clear path forward 25 for such developments to in alignment JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 33 1 with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan 2 once the zoning update is complete . 3 Should the Town enact a moratorium it 4 should clearly identify the types of 5 applications and entitlements that would 6 not consider -- that would not be 7 considered during the moratorium period . 8 In addition, the Local Law enacting the 9 moratorium should include a clearly 10 stated exception and/or variance section 11 that specifies the procedure and 12 enumerates the findings required for 13 granting such a request . We welcome 14 such an opportunity to participate in 15 the community and develop effective 16 modifications in the Town Code . We 17 appreciate the time and consideration of 18 our requests and look forward to your 19 comments . That ' s signed by 20 representative ' s of the civic 21 associations and their boards . 22 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 23 you . 24 MR . CHARLIE : Thank you . 25 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Can we JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 34 1 get a copy of that or do we have a copy 2 -- okay . Thank you . Go ahead, sir . 3 JOHN ARMENTANO : Supervisor, 4 Members of the Board . My name is John 5 Armentano, I ' m an attorney with Farrell , 6 Fritz , and we represent 9025 Main 7 Street, LLC, which as you know was the 8 owner of the abandoned Capital One 9 property located in Main Street in 10 Mattituck . Tonight , I would just like 11 to speak to you regarding if possible 12 exceptions to the criteria for pending 13 applications for redevelopment that 14 might qualify for a possible exclusion 15 from this moratorium. We would suggest 16 that property that is an existing and 17 vacant structure that has parking, that 18 does not propose to have any other 19 development . This plan has been 20 significantly reduced, but if the 21 concern is that there ' s an 22 infrastructure concern, the property 23 that my clients -- that we now 24 represent, are concerned with is that 25 they ' ve been in process since 2021 for JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 35 1 the reuse, which I think is a 2 consideration for the Board . I know 3 there ' s discussion about new 4 development, but I think reuse and 5 redevelopment has its own place and 6 possibly may be excluded from this 7 moratorium . As you know, originally 8 this property was proposed to be 9 developed with 121 homes that was 10 submitted to the Town in 2021 , but based 11 on revisions to the plan based on Town 12 Planning comments and outreach with the 13 public, the project has been reduced to 14 81 homes . Within the 81 hotel rooms , 15 within the existing building, with all 16 of the open space that currently exists 17 to be preserved . So there ' s no impact 18 to the environmentally sensitive 19 property that are located to the west . 20 As you know, the 7 . 5 acre of property 21 was once a supermarket in the 70 ' s . It 22 fell out of use . It was then bought out 23 of foreclosure and sold to the North 24 Fork Bank, which operated it for a 25 number of years , and employed 350 JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 36 1 employees . In 2006 , Capital One 2 purchased the property from North Fork 3 Bank, and they operated until September 4 of 2011 . In 2013 , the property was then 5 put up for auction, and it was purchased 6 by my client and subsequently the entity 7 that now owns the property . But as we 8 are aware, this is a rather large 9 building and has been unused and it ' s 10 somewhat of an unsightly issue in the 11 downtown area of Mattituck . There 12 really is no other viable use for the 13 property . Retail is not what was wanted 14 by the Town at the time . It was 15 considered for redevelopment . So the 16 next option here is further reuse . 17 Obviously under this code section, we ' d 18 have to submit to the Zoning Board for a 19 Special Permit criteria, but as you ' re 20 also may be where because of the reduced 21 use of the property, it had a full 22 market value of $ 11 million dollars . 23 That has been significant reduced based 24 on unused by the property . Providing a 25 mechanism to redevelop the property will JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 37 1 inject much tax funds into the Town, 2 which of course will go to good use . 3 Again, my clients are here to suggest 4 that this repurposing of the property be 5 considered as part of your exclusions . 6 Currently, the exclusions , as drafted, 7 prohibit any consideration of any 8 application in any form. We are 9 currently in -- with a new application, 10 with a revised application, that has 11 been going through the process for the 12 last four years , we would suggest, 13 obviously, at your discretion, to 14 possibly have a provision to allow for 15 pending redevelopments to be considered, 16 or at the very least to have the Special 17 Permit application be considered by the 18 Zoning Board, which will take some wants 19 to proceed without losing the ability to 20 prevent any further approvals through 21 site plan . So there ' s a way to keep the 22 process moving as you redesign your 23 code , but obviously having in the bumper 24 and the buffer, to not allow for further 25 proceedings before the Site Plan Board . JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 38 1 Another criteria that was used for the 2 exemption is the use criteria under Town 3 Law . That ' s a very onerous condition . 4 We ' re aware of that and we you know 5 those are very difficult applications to 6 make . As currently drafted, it has the 7 Town Board being the Board that oversees 8 this hearts of application . We would 9 suggest that that is possibly better 10 suited to be before the Zoning Board, 11 who typically does hear area and use 12 variances . It ' s a modification you may 13 want to consider, but we also understand 14 the concern that the Town Board would 15 like to have control . But it is a use 16 variance criteria, which is a difficult 17 criteria, and it may be best to have the 18 Zoning Board consider that as it is more 19 within their value of applications that 20 they have received before . Again, we do 21 echo the Planning Commission ' s comments 22 that the one year moratorium may be 23 excessive . Especially considering the 24 length of time that my applicants , my 25 clients have been before the Town . We JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 39 1 recommend a moratorium of six months . 2 That ' s a recommendation also about the 3 Suffolk County Planning Commission . It 4 is a typical moratorium duration . What 5 we would suggest or hopefully you would 6 consider a shorter moratorium or at the 7 very least , have carve out provision so 8 that we can proceed with the process 9 without changing what the Town ' s 10 ultimate objective would be . But again, 11 our consideration here for you to 12 consider tonight is that redevelopment 13 is very different from new development . 14 And redevelopment does not have the same 15 impacts on infrastructure , which I 16 believe is the concern, or one of the 17 concerns that the Town and the Town -- 18 the public has for more development . We 19 are not putting in more development . We 20 are redeveloping an existing property, 21 which is a sound planning practice . 22 Again, the location is located in a 23 location that is between the train 24 tracks on a well traveled road . It 25 would also probably take less of the JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 40 1 impacts that you ' re feeling from the 2 Airbnb ' s that are in the community . 3 This is a center that would be 4 adequately handled for hotel use, and we 5 appreciate you having given us the 6 opportunity to address the Board 7 tonight . 8 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 9 you . Thank you for those comments . 10 Would everyone also like to address the 11 Board? 12 CHUCK SIMON : Chuck Simon and then 13 in Southold . Hotels and motels 14 essentially attract a transient 15 population . And when you think about 16 that , they come and go . While at the 17 same time, if we look at the Southold 18 school system, one realizes that the 19 number of students in the whole school 20 system in the last 10 years has dropped 21 from close to nine of their students to 22 at the 500 students next year . So we ' re 23 seeing a dramatic diminishment in the 24 number of students attending our school 25 systems . And by -- so I would certainly JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 41 1 be in favor of extending the moratorium, 2 but I think also what ' s really important 3 is we to spend more time considering 4 affordable housing for those people who 5 could live there and their children so 6 they can stay in the school system . 7 Because the school system is in a 8 challenging state right now . Thank you . 9 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 10 you . 11 ANNE MURRAY : My name is Anne 12 Murray . I represent the North Fork 13 Environmental Council as the Southold 14 Land Use Coordinator . I ' m here to say 15 that it ' s great that you ' re doing a 16 moratorium, but we ' ve sent you a letter 17 a couple of months back, asking for a 18 full moratorium, as did the Southold 19 Civics . I think a hotel/motel is too 20 limited . Just before I came to this 21 meeting, I was talking to John Sepp, and 22 I said, John, when you look at the map 23 of all the preserved land in Southold, 24 how much is left that ' s vacant and open 25 that can be developed? And he said, JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 42 1 gosh, off the top, my head probably 2 thousands of acres . And I thought , wow . 3 Okay . So let ' s picture 20 years from 4 now, are we gonna be like another 5 Levittown because I can guarantee you 6 that a lot of people who all those 7 vacant parcels are not going to come to 8 Land Preservation and say I want to sell 9 my development rights to the Town . And 10 they ' re not going to keep farming it 11 because farmers are having a really hard 12 time . So they ' re going to develop it . 13 So you need to picture that . When you 14 go home , go in your computer and look at 15 the land preservation map and see what ' s 16 left . And I ' m here to ask you to save 17 what ' s left . So consider expanding the 18 moratorium before it ' s too late . We 19 live in one of the last great places . 20 Thank you . 21 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 22 you, Anne . And we actually have that . 23 Thank you suggesting that . That is 24 online, but it ' s also a nice map in the 25 Conference Room down there . It ' s just JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 43 1 been updated with protected lands map to 2 give everyone an idea what that looks 3 like . Go ahead, sir . 4 RAY WETHERS : My name is Ray 5 Wethers . I live at 335 Oak Street in 6 Cutchogue . And I would like to see the 7 moratorium extended . First, the type of 8 work you ' re completing in your 9 comprehensive review of the zoning, 10 completes ( inaudible ) . Supposedly those 11 moratorium ( inaudible ) . I think you 12 would need at least 12 months past the 13 completion of your first goal in order 14 to be able to plan the use of the 15 remainder of the East End, which is no 16 more than 23 square mile . I counted the 17 number of possibilities for completing 18 complexes like some of the expansion of 19 restaurants and motel . There ' s 57 . 20 That would be a tremendous building 21 effort and impact on the sustainability 22 of the North Fork . You ' ve described a 23 number of the constraints for the 24 sustainability of the North Fork in your 25 work that you have done and published in JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 44 1 the Town . And I think you should stage 2 your activities . The moratorium first 3 to complete the zoning classification, 4 then 12 months more for you to consider 5 the development of these proposed motels 6 develop, really a comprehensive 7 development of motels and a church 8 attraction . I think you should also 9 consider the ability to extend that if 10 you still feel that you ' re not at the 11 point you want to be in your planning, 12 to extend it another month on a simple 13 vote of the Board . I would like -- one 14 of the reasons that I have come forward 15 with this is , that at some time past, 16 Supervisor Krupski described some of the 17 efforts that had been done informing and 18 the development of the East End . It was 19 a business model that associated itself 20 with individuals , the State of New York, 21 local organizations and farmers who 22 acted together to react against markets 23 and other factors that affected their 24 very livelihood . And because of 25 cooperation within that group, this was JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 45 1 allowed to proceed, expand and has been 2 fruitful . But what we see now is 3 limited partnerships , limited liability 4 partnerships , of which when they buy a 5 property in an R-40 area, they can ' t 6 even -- they can ' t live there . It ' s a 7 business . They have to assign the 8 rights to something in order for a 9 person to even live there . It doesn ' t 10 meet a single family . A partnership is 11 not a family . The other component that 12 I seem to realize now is that the 13 portion that comes to you with their 14 proposal , the partnership that comes to 15 you, may not be the principal factor of 16 the partnership . You sometimes see the 17 only -- shared partnership can have 18 multiple components . You see today in 19 Mattituck and the Szilovia ' s Group, you 20 see the operational component . The 21 major stockholder or the major partner, 22 you don ' t see . You see the operational 23 component and have to deal with it and 24 you do not -- you can ' t deal with the 25 principal stockholder in that JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 46 1 partnership . And I think those are very 2 serious limitations when you ' re looking 3 at the sustainability of 23 square 4 miles . So I think you need time . A 5 number of people have talked about the 6 impact upon the resources of this Town . 7 I think we ' ve been saturated in the 8 Building Department and the resources of 9 this Town for years . This is not going 10 on now . It has been -- this has been -- 11 we ' ve been under this pressure for 12 years . And that needs to -- you may 13 need to make changes in the processes of 14 this Town in order to deal with the 15 results of the Zoning change . And then 16 the methods by which you incorporate the 17 proposals for hotels and whatnot, and 18 even to limit that on the basis of 19 sustainability . I think the job is much 20 larger than 12 months . I suggest that 21 the moratorium go on for at least 24 22 months on the development or you 23 complete the zone . And I think you 24 should have the ability to extend that 25 moratorium for another 12 months based JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 47 1 on simple vote of this Board . I think 2 there are also factors that could affect 3 the business model that occur in the tax 4 laws for the Federal Government in 2025 5 there may be others at the State . I do 6 think you should take the time and 7 address this . We have already seen the 8 number of areas in the nation, 9 nationwide , that have been impacted by 10 people who move out and didn ' t protect 11 themselves . This is a very unique 12 place . Never more unique than when I 13 realized that last night, I ' ve been 14 sleeping in Texas in 86 degree weather, 15 where that was the high tip, that was 16 the coldest temperature of the day . And 17 here you have a natural environment that 18 you can actually enjoy . We don ' t need a 19 dome over it . But thank you very much . 20 I hope that -- I hope you will extend 21 the moratorium to full two years . 22 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 23 you . 24 GEORGE MAUL : Hello . My name is 25 George Maul . I ' m a resident of New JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 48 1 Suffolk . The letter that Charlie read 2 from the Combined Civics was submitted 3 to you more than a month ago . In 4 response to that letter, Ms . Lanza came 5 up to a work session, and she gave a lot 6 of great statistics showing that 7 development really isn ' t accelerating on 8 the North Fork . They were really 9 detailed and I think it was really great 10 to get that kind of information from the 11 Planning Department . Since that time , 12 the Zoning Advisory Committee has been 13 doing really great work in moving 14 forward on the 13 goals in the 15 Comprehensive Plan . It ' s a huge amount 16 of work to accomplish . It ' s a 600 page 17 plan . 300 pages of verbiage and 300 18 pages of statistics . A lot of great 19 stuff in there . And the Zoning Advisory 20 Committee has been meeting every other 21 week . Last Wednesday they met, and They 22 looked at Mattituck and Cutchogue . Just 23 the, you know, those two hamlets . So it 24 seems to me like we need more time than 25 the three proposed sessions that Heather JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 49 1 has come up with to discuss just the 2 hamlets individually . What ' s happening 3 there? I mean, one of the goals in the 4 Comprehensive Plan is walkable hamlets . 5 And, you know, if you go to Cutchogue , 6 it ' s easy to see how the deli ' s and 7 stores have gone away and turned into 8 real estates . And the banks have turned 9 into real estates . And the florist ' s 10 shop is a construction company . And, 11 you know, we ' re losing the walkable 12 hamlet . The thing that about Greenport 13 is so great is the walkable nature of 14 it . And we need to somehow help our 15 hamlets become more walkable . We need 16 incentives for that . And the Zoning 17 Advisory Committee is just getting to 18 that one issue . So I ' m here to say that 19 the Zoning Advisory Committee needs more 20 time . It means more sessions . The way 21 that it ' s being run now, I would 22 respectfully like to request that it be 23 opened up . So there could be public 24 comment at the end of those meetings . 25 The way it ' s being run now, Heather has JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 50 1 a rope up, you know, to separate the 2 committee from the public . If there ' s 3 more than one conversation going on, she 4 stops that conversation . I was there -- 5 I was there last week . And All asked me 6 ask a question, and I didn ' t feel like I 7 could answer because I didn ' t want to , 8 you know, speak out of turn . So I would 9 respectfully like to request that at 10 some point those great meetings be 11 opened up for comments to the public . 12 Heather has said that we can submit 13 comments to the zoning update address , 14 but that ' s a very cold process . You 15 know, all great projects are 16 accomplished by people in groups of like 17 5 to 12 people who come together and use 18 all of their different skills to 19 accomplish great things that are greater 20 than the sum of the individual people in 21 that -- in that process . And we need to 22 have that kind of open and bold process 23 to -- I don ' t really feel , you know, the 24 Town has said that they ' re going to be 25 really transparent and the community is JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 51 1 dying to be involved and help the 2 process . And, you know, what I saw 3 today with the, what Mike Verity said 4 about the Big House Code, I mean, you 5 know, the combined civics did a huge 6 amount of work over a year to help that 7 process , and Mike said it ' s working . 8 So, you know, let ' s continue that 9 process . We can -- the residents , there 10 are so many people in the Town of 11 Southold with great skills and they ' re 12 willing to help . So it would be really 13 great if we could keep that process 14 open . That will help -- you know if we 15 can ' t keep it open, we ' re going to need 16 a broader moratorium and we ' re going to 17 need more time . If we have people that 18 are willing to work and help, let ' s do 19 that work . Let ' s get that help . And 20 Let ' s go forward in that way . I just 21 want to say one more thing . I found 22 this full page ad in one of the 23 lifestyle magazines that ' s dropped off 24 at King Kullen . And it says , "Crush 25 Your Zoning Project . " And it ' s an JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 52 1 advertisement from a bunch -- a real 2 estate law firm, Adam Miller, Denise 3 Scherne , Brian Los Gascosco, and Haley 4 Willis . Denise ' s former Town Attorney 5 for Sag Harbor . And, you know, this is 6 a full page ad on, you know, on how you 7 can hire this law firm to get what you 8 want . And I ' m just amazed that there 9 are piles of these in King Kullen . And, 10 you know, I just want -- you know, if 11 Paul knows any of these people, please 12 let him know that the residents of the 13 Town of Southold are willing to fight 14 for the beautiful community that we have 15 up here . And greed is not going to be 16 the way that this Town goes . We welcome 17 business . It ' s part of the 18 Comprehensive Plan . But any large 19 project that wants to come in here and 20 just like turn a quick buck, and then 21 send it over to mergers and acquisitions 22 for the next owner group to own, that ' s 23 not what we want here . And I heard a 24 quote from somebody . I don ' t know what 25 was and said that there ' s a big JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 53 1 difference between growing pumpkins and 2 having a resort with pumpkins in the 3 front yard . So, you know, this , if you 4 see this ad in the lifestyle magazines , 5 let ' s remember that the lifestyle on the 6 North Fork is not the same as the 7 lifestyle in Virginia . Thank you . 8 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 9 you . 10 JEN HARTNAGLE : Hi , good evening . 11 My name is Jen Hartnagle and I ' m 12 speaking on behalf of the group for the 13 East End . I ' m here tonight to lend our 14 support for the moratorium. The group 15 at the previous hearing supported a 16 broader moratorium that we advocated 17 should have encompassed additional types 18 of developments , because we felt and we 19 still do, that it ' s a legally permitted 20 and warranted action . Given the fact 21 that the Town is underway with a 22 thorough review of the Zoning Code ; 23 however, we also certainly support the 24 moratorium on the hotel and resort uses . 25 So that a rational review of the JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 54 1 Planning and Zoning issues associated 2 with this type of development is 3 completed within the Zoning Code update . 4 The North Fork is really at a turning 5 point . I think we all know that, in 6 terms of development . And now is the 7 appropriate time to really get this work 8 completed, and to make sure that the 9 Comp Plan is implemented as it was 10 intended . I also want to argue not to 11 exempt redevelopment applications that 12 was just previously requested . That 13 would completely undermine the purpose 14 of what you ' re trying to achieve here . 15 That site specifically is a complete 16 tear down . It ' s not an innocuous reuse 17 of the site . So for all these reasons , 18 we respectfully ask that you support 19 this moratorium at a minimum -- at a 20 minimum, and work to finish the Comp 21 Plan update as soon as possible . Thank 22 you for the opportunity to speak 23 tonight . 24 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 25 you . Anyone else like to speak? JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 55 1 (No Response ) . 2 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Do we 3 have any hands up on the Zoom platform? 4 (No Response ) . 5 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : All 6 right . Seeing none -- 7 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : I make a 8 motion we close the Public Hearing . 9 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Second . 10 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : All in 11 favor to close? 12 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . 13 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Aye . 14 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Aye . 15 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Aye . 16 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Aye . 17 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Aye . 18 So is there a motion to approve it 19 as written? 20 PAUL DECHANCE : Mr . Supervisor, if 21 I may, if the Board will move forward 22 with this , I ' ll ask that the Board adopt 23 a SEQRA determination first . 24 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 25 you . JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 56 1 PAUL DECHANCE : And in the motion 2 of adoption, it would be very specific 3 about the duration of the motion being 4 adopted . 5 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 6 you . 7 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : So I ' ll 8 make a motion that we adopt a Type 2 9 determination under SEQRA for a 12 month 10 moratorium . 11 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Second . 12 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : All in 13 favor? 14 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . 15 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Aye . 16 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Aye . 17 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Aye . 18 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Aye . 19 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Aye . 20 Is there a motion to act on it? 21 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Motion . 22 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Second . 23 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : I just 24 want to make sure, and I just like to 25 say in, I ' d like to thank everyone for JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 57 1 coming to speak on this tonight . And I 2 understand the call for a broader 3 moratorium and I think people understand 4 the complications with that . And I just 5 want to address the -- there ' s two 6 things . Well , one, is that the zoning 7 update this Board is committed to 8 completing the zoning update in March 9 because we feel like we to drag that out 10 for longer, I feel like the past 11 supervisor and past Town Board did a 12 really good job of launching this zoning 13 update process . Hiring a consultant, 14 and setting up a Task Force Committee to 15 review different parts , and the hamlet 16 part was mentioned tonight . So any 17 comment now is welcome . The consultant 18 has not issued any recommendations yet 19 to change, but they ' re considering 20 things that were sent in, and they ' re 21 considering things that the Planning 22 Department and also of course working 23 with a with a Task Force are reviewing . 24 When those recommendations are made 25 there ' ll be -- there ' s 19 zoning JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 58 1 categories , if there ' s any 2 recommendations made for changes in land 3 use, you know, we really do welcome 4 public comment on any of those, because 5 I think that ' s one that ' s going to be 6 very impactful , if changes are made to 7 the land uses in those zones , or if any 8 zones are going to be eliminated . I 9 haven ' t heard that yet , but anything 10 certainly is possible . If you look at 11 the current land uses that are allowed 12 versus the current land use today, you 13 know, they can be quite different . And 14 I would encourage anyone to go to the 15 next Zoning Update Meeting, and I would 16 suffer the rope you ' re on . You can take 17 a look and get an idea of how it ' s going 18 because you should be, you know, we need 19 a lot of public participation . And at 20 the very least we ' re going to make all 21 the definitions throughout the code 22 consistent because over time the 23 definitions haven ' t been . So we want to 24 make it clear for everyone . So I ' d just 25 like to thank everyone for their JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 59 1 participation . 2 We have a motion and a second . So 3 please call the vote . 4 DENIS NONCARROW : Councilman 5 Doroski ? 6 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : So before 7 I vote, I ' d just like to say that, you 8 know, although the gentleman did make a 9 compelling argument to maybe consider 10 exempting redevelopment sites , which you 11 know is a goal of smart growth . You 12 know, reusing existing parcels and 13 existing development, one of the 14 challenges we faced going back, you 15 know, early in this discussion, even 16 looking at exempting new development 17 projects versus existing development 18 projects , is really a tension between 19 creating a moratorium that may be a bit 20 too restrictive and really preventing 21 anything from happening or one that is 22 too -- too open and really doesn ' t do 23 anything . I think one of the challenges 24 specifically as we look at redevelopment 25 is a lot of the parcels that , you know, JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 60 1 rumors are swirling around about 2 development, particularly on the 3 waterfront , have existing development 4 there and could make a compelling 5 argument that they are redevelopment 6 when, in fact , they really are a change 7 of use . And I do believe that the 8 appeal process is probably the best way 9 to make sure that the goals of this 10 moratorium are achieved . And I would, 11 you know, I would welcome any applicant 12 that thinks that they have a good 13 argument to appeal for relief under this 14 as , you know, redevelopment that should 15 be considered within this 12 month 16 period, to submit an application to the 17 Town Board . It ' s my firm belief that 18 the Town Board should be the one that ' s 19 hearing these appeals because this is 20 our moratorium. And it ' s something that 21 we ' ve really struggled with and really, 22 I think, put a lot of good time and 23 thought into it . I do -- just to 24 quickly address the kind of call for a 25 broader moratorium, I think there ' s a JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 61 1 lot of legitimate concern about the pace 2 of development in Southold Town, but as 3 we look at the hard numbers that Heather 4 provided, there ' s not really one 5 individual use that really rises to the 6 level of requiring a pretty -- you know, 7 moratoriums are -- you know, a pretty 8 significant tool . And just applying a 9 broad moratorium on any development 10 could have a really detrimental impact 11 to the economy of Southold Town . And I 12 think this moratorium, as we ' ve crafted 13 it, really addresses a threat that our 14 community is facing that is supported in 15 the number of applications that have 16 been submitted, and the rumors swirling 17 about applications that may be down the 18 road . So I vote , yes , for this 19 moratorium . And thank my colleagues on 20 the Board for really what has been 21 months of discussion about this . The 22 Planning Department , and the community . 23 You know, some of these early sessions , 24 you know, we have a very engaged 25 community that really helped shape these JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 62 1 discussions . And I ' m very hopeful for 2 these zoning updates that we enact , that 3 this community input, that this Board 4 that we have here, our Planning 5 Department , the right people are here 6 for the job . Thank you . I vote, yes . 7 DENIS NONCARROW : Councilman Mealy? 8 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : I too just 9 want to quickly comment . I ' m so 10 appreciative of the local civics , as 11 Supervisor Krupski and Councilman 12 Doroski said . We have super engaged 13 citizens , and it ' s been such a pleasure 14 to go to your civic meetings , whether 15 it ' s Cutchogue or Mattituck Civic or the 16 Southold Peconic . I ' ve learned and 17 tried to be a student of the community 18 and I just appreciate so much your work 19 concurrently as we deal with these 20 difficult issues . And I do feel as has 21 been mentioned, that a general 22 moratorium is an important tool in our 23 toolbox, but I think at the point the 24 juncture that we ' re at now, we need a 25 strategic strike at something that is JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 63 1 troubling the expansion of resorts and 2 hotels . So I think the Town is correct 3 in our current position . That 4 strategically, right now, it ' s resorts 5 and hotels that must be looked at . But 6 I ' m not opposed to looking at additional 7 tools . We were trying to open our 8 understanding . I don ' t know everything . 9 I will freely admit , I don ' t know 10 everything, but I want to learn . We 11 have a pretty good team. I ' m just 12 blessed to have the leadership of 13 Supervisor Krupski , who has so much 14 understanding on the County and State 15 level . We all want to be engaged and 16 be -- you know, somebody told me the 17 Board needs to be agile, and somebody 18 else said the Board needs to be nimble . 19 I want to be agile and responsive to the 20 things that are kind of coming towards 21 us , and I think we ' re on the right 22 track . And you have to help us keep on 23 the right track . So I vote, yes , aye , 24 for this . 25 DENIS NONCARROW : Councilwoman JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 64 1 Smith? 2 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Also to 3 echo some of the comments that we just 4 heard . Particularly the issue that we 5 heard Councilman Doroski talk about, 6 which was redevelopment . I think the 7 own is working really hard on multiple 8 fronts . So this is one tool that is a 9 strategic strike , and I think a really 10 important one that we can really use as 11 a tool and keep that zoning work going, 12 but at the same time, be sure we ' re 13 looking at building trust with the 14 community around practices and 15 procedures around Special Exceptions , 16 around cleaning up our codes . So please 17 be assured that we are in the -- at the 18 same time that the zoning work is being 19 done , we are also quickly and nimbly 20 working at trying to help stave off the 21 other issues around the pressure of 22 development . It ' s not that long ago 23 that I would have been Charlie on the 24 other side of the podium asking for a 25 broader moratorium working with our JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 65 1 civics . But sitting on this side, I ' ve 2 come to understand that there ' s a more 3 complex nuanced kind of decision making 4 that we have to keep in mind and pay 5 attention to . Most in so many of our 6 discussions right now are around issues 7 around families being able to stay 8 around priorities around developing, 9 intergenerational , diverse housing . 10 Supporting local businesses who are 11 really trying to not only stay here and 12 thrive, but be able to hire the staff 13 and employees that they need . So I just 14 want to assure everyone we are working 15 hard on all fronts . I keep saying it ' s 16 like we ' re Penn Station and all the 17 trains are on time . We ' re working hard, 18 and we appreciate the engagement and any 19 honest of open feedback you can give us . 20 And I vote , yes . 21 DENIS NONCARROW : Councilwoman 22 Doherty? 23 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . 24 DENIS NONCARROW : Justice Evans ? 25 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Yes . JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 66 1 DENIS NONCARROW : Supervisor 2 Krupski ? 3 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Aye . 4 DENIS NONCARROW : This resolution 5 has passed . Thank you . 6 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 7 PUBLIC COMMENTS 8 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Is 9 there anyone who ' d like to speak to any 10 matter? 11 DAVE BERGEN : Dave Bergen from 12 Cutchogue . I was just looking for an 13 update on where we are with developing 14 code regarding prohibiting the clear 15 cutting of lots for construction of 16 house or business? 17 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Say 18 that again, Dave , I ' m sorry? 19 DAVE BERGEN : -- code development 20 to address clear cutting of lots? 21 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : I was 22 working with Julie the Assistant Town 23 Attorney the other day . And she just 24 e-mailed the update to myself and we 25 have a couple questions from Planning JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 67 1 because we want to make sure it melds 2 with the subdivision cycling codes and I 3 will be asking the Town Board to review 4 it hopefully in July, we can move 5 forward with it . We will probably have 6 to go to the Code Committee after that, 7 but the Town Board has not seen the 14th 8 revision that we ' re at now . So it ' s 9 getting that close to handing it to 10 them . 11 DAVE BERGEN : I appreciate that 12 because it ' s been a long time coming . 13 And I just like to commend for anybody 14 who ' s interested in what the right thing 15 to do is . There was a gentleman who 16 bought a large piece of property on 17 Nassau Point Road recently . And he had 18 a company come in and it was a large lot 19 that hadn ' t been touched in years . And 20 he very carefully took out invasive 21 species , trimmed the dead stuff out . So 22 that the healthy trees will survive . 23 And it was a great example of what I ' m 24 hoping the code will address the ability 25 to trim out invasive species , to trim JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 68 1 trees , the dead stuff . So that the live 2 trees will survive . 3 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : So you 4 can enjoy the trees in your lifetime . 5 DAVE BERGEN : Yes . Thank you . 6 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 7 you . Anyone else like to speak? 8 ERIC MCCLURE : Good evening . Eric 9 McClure , Westview Drive in Mattituck . 10 Thanks for hearing me out a couple weeks 11 ago about the noise from Strong ' s Water 12 Club and Windermere . I realized I 13 neglected to also mention the last 14 meeting, that in addition to increasing 15 the number of live music events this 16 season from about 50 to about 80 , they 17 also pushed the start time back for the 18 evenings from 6 o ' clock to 6 : 30 . So 19 they ' re going 6 : 30 to 9 : 30 now instead 20 of 6 : 00 to 9 : 00 , as they were last year . 21 And on this past Saturday night when the 22 band finished for the first time at 23 9 : 30 , I could hear the band leader 24 saying, are we going to get in trouble 25 if we go a little longer? And then some JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 69 1 guy yelling, it ' s only 9 : 44 . And so 2 they went on until about 9 : 50 . Very 3 loudly . I filed a Code Complaint on 4 Saturday evening and also the previous 5 Sunday evening, where they were really 6 up against the code level , about 65 , 7 hitting around 65 decibels . But also , 8 again, just penetrating through the 9 walls . So I just wanted to provide that 10 update . And also just note that I know 11 you folks this evening approved a number 12 of special activity permits for wineries 13 to hold a wedding or two during the 14 Summer . We are essentially getting at 15 least a wedding reception two or three 16 times a week with the attendant music 17 that goes on for several hours . So it 18 seems like the two should probably align 19 in some way that a business like Strong 20 should not be able to just decide when 21 and where, and how loudly they ' re going 22 to have entertainment . So thanks very 23 much . 24 PAUL DECHANCE : Mr . Supervisor, if 25 I may? JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 70 1 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Yes , 2 sir . 3 PAUL DECHANCE : Mr . McClure, by the 4 way, thank you very much for submitting 5 the most recent Code Complaint Form. In 6 reviewing them, I ' m noting that when the 7 application asks you for when the 8 offending music or event occurred, what 9 you ' re doing is you ' re just listening 10 out the business hours , and what that 11 leads to me is either one or two things . 12 The music starts immediately and just 13 goes to the end or you ' re just listing 14 it out for us to -- it ' s very difficult 15 to respond to something, if you don ' t 16 let us know when primarily the offending 17 noise is . We would like to go to your 18 area and also to Strong ' s during those 19 time periods to assess the situation . 20 It ' s sometimes as confounding that there 21 are several hundred houses there, yet 22 you ' re the only one that ' s complaining . 23 And I don ' t know whether or not you ' re 24 here on behalf of many other people, or 25 you ' re the only one that it ' s affecting . JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 71 1 I ' m trying to get a better feel for the 2 situation . 3 ERIC MCCLURE : I think John Mara 4 addressed that a little bit last time , 5 that he too, was kind of surprised that 6 more people in our community . 7 PAUL DECHANCE : Last year, it was 8 only you . We did see Mr . Mara this 9 year . 10 ERIC MCCLURE : Yeah . And so I know 11 at least in one case, my next door 12 neighbor ' s son-in-law is an employee of 13 Strong ' s . And I think she ' s very 14 reticent to come forward and complain 15 about it because of the possibility of 16 some kind of perceived possibility of 17 some blow back . 18 PAUL DECHANCE : You know, is this 19 an issue that ' s discussed within your 20 local civic? Or any other entity? 21 ERIC MCCLURE : I have not raised it 22 with Matt at the Laurel Civic . I think 23 John Mara had said that he had many 24 times with Charlie who was here earlier . 25 I have not brought it to their JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 72 1 attention . I certainly could do that . 2 We have a Homeowners Association, but I 3 have not pushed them hard on it because 4 Jeff Strong is a member of the 5 Homeowners Association . In fact, on 6 Saturday night after the music, finally 7 I went out for a walk and noted that 8 there were about 10 cars in front of the 9 Strong ' s house . So they were 10 entertaining on Saturday night, which we 11 really couldn ' t do because of the level 12 of music volume coming across the wire . 13 I have talked to a couple of neighbors 14 about it . The former neighbors on the 15 other side , several years ago, this was 16 going back probably early on when 17 Strong ' s took ownership of the property . 18 There were about seven or eight of us 19 who had a meeting with Supervisor 20 Russell at the time . And my two 21 neighbors on the other side both have 22 passed away . The one of them very 23 recently . People -- other people moved . 24 We had a neighbor who was renting a 25 house a couple doors down and she was JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 73 1 really, I think ended up moving because 2 of the sound . So I mean, I certainly 3 can reach out to more neighbors and see 4 if they want to sign a petition or 5 something that effect . 6 PAUL DECHANCE : As you know last 7 year, my office was proactive, I 8 believe , and in sitting down with Jeff 9 Strong and sitting down and listening to 10 what the issues were . It remains a 11 priority; however, when we look at a 12 Code Complaint and it just lists 13 business hours , it ' s not as helpful as 14 it could be . I ' d like you to be in the 15 future when you ' re submitting those, 16 just a little bit more specific . It 17 will alert us to when to monitor 18 ourselves . 19 ERIC MCCLURE : Sure , okay . I know 20 that the form -- I believe the form asks 21 for when this type of activity occurs . 22 And so I think I ' ve just been putting 23 the hours . 24 PAUL DECHANCE : Office hours -- I 25 mean, the business hours . JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 74 1 ERIC MCCLURE : The hours of when 2 they play music, which is 6 : 30 to 9 : 30 3 or 12 : 00 to 3 : 00 on Sunday afternoon . 4 Because depending on the band, it ' s an 5 issue for the three hours that they ' re 6 scheduled to play . Some are quieter, 7 whoever they had playing on Sunday 8 afternoon was not very loud . I couldn ' t 9 hear it much, so it wasn ' t a problem. 10 But often, depending on the band that 11 they have, it will be loud when they 12 start, and it will be loud for three 13 hours until they stop . But I ' ll try to 14 pinpoint that a little bit more . And I 15 really -- our door is always opened if 16 anybody wants to come experience it . I 17 know -- I hate being the complainer 18 coming out here, and talking about it . 19 But I don ' t know that I can do it 20 justice . I thought about bringing the 21 speaker in my decibel meter and trying 22 to get it to sync up to the level so you 23 can hear how loud it is , but you really 24 just need to experience it . 25 PAUL DECHANCE : And that ' s one of JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 75 1 the reasons why we ' d like to interview 2 you, just be a little bit more specific 3 -- 4 ERIC MCCLURE : Sure . Thank you . 5 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Thank 6 you . Anyone else like to address the 7 Board? 8 (No Response ) . 9 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Seeing 10 none , I ' ll take a motion? 11 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Motion to 12 adjourn . 13 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Second . 14 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : All in 15 favor? 16 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . 17 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Aye . 18 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Aye . 19 COUNCILWOMAN ANNE SMITH : Aye . 20 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Aye . 21 SUPERVISOR AL KRUPSKI JR . : Aye . 22 23 (Whereupon, the meeting concluded 24 at this time . ) 25 JUNE 18, 2024 REGULAR MEETING 76 1 C E R T I F I C A T I O N 2 3 I , Jessica DiLallo, a Notary Public 4 for and within the State of New York, 5 do hereby certify : 6 THAT , the within transcript is a 7 true record of said Board Meeting . 8 I further certify that I am not 9 related either by blood or marriage to 10 any of the parties to this action; and 11 that I am in no way interested in the 12 outcome of this matter . 13 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto 14 set my hand this day, June 18 , 2024 . 15 16 17 ( essic DiLallo ) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25