HomeMy WebLinkAbout50871-Z w TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 50871 Date: 6/26/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: LaDuca, Robert ....W . .� .. ...�. ...........�...... � ... 685 Gree _.�.�nwa Y � ... � ..__ ._........... .. ...... _.. . Orient, NY 11957 To: Legalize an "as built' finished basement, roof over deck and mini splits hvac system to include the removal of an existing shed in the side yard accessory to an existing single-family dwelling as applied for. Additional certification may be required. At premises located at: 685 Greenway W Orient SCTM # 473889 Sec/Block/Lot# 15.-1-29 Pursuant to application dated 5/7/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 12/26/2025.. Fees: AS BUILT- SINGLE FAMILY ADDITION/ALTERATION $1,088.00 CO-ALTERATION TO DWELLING $100.00 $ .. ................................ Total: ..,. 1,188.00 _.- ... ... ............. . Building Inspector aP fN (6 � t TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 https:L/www.southoldtownn . pry ' ,01 Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT For Office Use Only ? " � Y 4 r F PERMIT NO. v Building Inspector: MAY 2024 %i, iico, Jte, �pp1i atioh will nab .fed,,;31Uhere t RQI� fin, I�ot oWn , . i�/l/ ///l///% ✓?s�����i� +�ifi;� 'I�rtf#d��P�1�e'����q�#�'���'� +�d, r i Date: oNJR( Y 0 �? OPRT�r,: Name. SCTM# V -�7— 1 D LCA- 1000- 15 - / — 62 9 Project Address: 14) rZ-1 ?.hA/P +" Phone#: Email: 7�a Mailing Address: UgLosIle CONTACT PERSON: Log Name: Mailing Address: /� I Phone#: '1116 p2 Email:�413 S—iT/; V C. CO• '7 DESIGN PROFESSIONAL,INFORMATIOK: Name: U V1 Mailing Address Phone#: Email: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: L) oLokl l D ck- is-Ah Q (-- Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: DESCRIPTION OFTROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition ❑Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estir^lVdLo�of Proje t;. OtherA Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes JpNo Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes o 80qJ,Tf4-. ( Flm-)�e-L �%du e 1ec1c �qL o . l , ooFV MwTE -)e_aL a:-n.54'cv1[-e-,& o2,6 I Q 1 INI'OI�iVIA Existinguse e of property: est JCK�taL Intended use of property: le6ide**�;aL Zone or use district in which premises is situated„ Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? ❑Yes No IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. CheClc BOX After Reading The owner/contradoldeOgn professional is responsiblefor all drainage and storm wateO issues provjded by " f1 APPLICATION N HERppBY MADE to the f}uildln�De artment fad the yssuance of a Buifdit�g permit pur;want to the Building Zone ►tl"236 of t�eTQyvnYe i T r/// „ ! i,,,,/ r, ,! „s i " " " l+rewYar and°other , lie Laws,Ordinances or Re gulations,far fhe construction of birddings, Ord once df thdlown of SauthQld,Suffolk,Wunty, Ic f , auditions,alterations or f „remo4al or derrtoion'as herein;dascrl6ed The applicant agrees to camFr� with all applicable(aws,ordinances;tiyrlld�ng code, i housing code an�1 reg�rlaLiansand to admit authorfed inspe9fs on premises a�tl`in tiiiilding(5�"for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are „ _ ��, punishable as a ClassA Misdemeanor"pursuantto"Section`210A5 of the Mew York State Penal Law, Application Submitted By(print name): RI, DAuthorized Agent Owner Signature of Applicant: j>ti( g ' Date: 3—/� �p2� STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF ) CONNIE d.BUNCH N+)tary Public,State of New York o.OIBU6185050 being duly sworn, deposes and utrrlNt#Iod (s)teffo 1, (Name of individual signing contract)above named, Commission Expires April 1 , (S)heisthe �� dCL (Contra or, Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this day of Psi. 20c `�`' ' �r°�`"/ 4 L�"1 Gh Notary Public PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION (Where the applicant is not the owner) U 1, residing at 0 do hereby authorize to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein, Owner's Signature Date Print Owner's Name 2 o Z '- U .. A o � Z �� p. q M s CID p� Zvi O A ado SOW WZp W� W ( Cc,gwMJ p� mp m� Q 0 ; a O U `� Ce ' CC PC -cc �0 3oz NZ CZ m £s<Z9 � A Om� �(pjZ 04O "Moo (n Q U W ti t• O>» C v tj Q > YU WUQ W [mow ❑ G� W mQ�' � za, a QW O U Ilu Q QC Ov m O W �Is O A' ° + OLu ZS Z � % rl !Q�O m 4{ r rr � � ❑ z ,{'sC1E W p 2 .f a YF VZJ 94, N a {{ r z O m 44 Z O W W Ru V v 2 p �i vZ a a cCO K go cIIµV „ a m � S \ J 4pi Z m Ocn V. �IQC 0 a� ."� CL N F / 41" �y�Z W W y rrr� or, F'AW p r 4y! �c s * lal j O W O 2 O m 0 II d a Vu cr J p J LJJ LLJ rt m �I Fti uu m uQ. Qu urym�pp� �Or . LijIlk 0 {o OW Z l t„p ' OW W w w . O+yyryry Q (nOQ (4 Z _II Ld o w u.w a u C3 Q W 0 2 Z, w Z u . n z _ ¢ p.,. �. �. ouu �uu . u 0 m W N w m puu rr a ��voi2 � U ¢ Z a uia iu , r Q c��Q p Q c� < I u' �. � W O Z ❑ o o: Pu cO Q Z �` W or 94 u Il..0 aar� � o ui 0 O {n �� a0 p� z o o ~o w � O u �uQWO py J G � Z 1 �it a t" N �`O i Z m wo O ¢ (n Y u Ull a�u -J O ��" .0 a ws°u r � u . u u �` I u:u � a � : Q Z ��„ o z } O ¢ o O u� a uu C . o 1u. �u.11 m Qa wO2 o- ¢ w auu u.u.r . ary W Z¢Zm aa� U :.:.. p V L u S J O AY" u, ¢ < Z Q �i v) Cn i—i ,. 4.� u. , Q6"u Q vi � ' | | i � � � ^ ME - - - - - - - __ -_ _- - - - - - - � rr �1 Paul H Bosco I 1 - Architectural Drafter I exl5ting wood I DECK P.O.Box 2473 I 4 Aquebogue, NY 11931 � i 192 SF I WOOD DECK 631.375.7374 y I I v pauldrafter.com I I I I I 4F 1. PROPERTY OWNER >- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — LADUCA 1 Residence DRESS 685 GREENWAY WEST _ ORIENT, NY 11968 Town of Southold, NY I I DINING AREA I I Q BEDROOM I DINING AREA KITCHEN I BATHROOM BEDROOM I PROJECT NAhM I I KITCHEN `I 104 5F 9 I SF 68 SF 147 SF I I I BATH` � —� I I RENT PERMIT I i I "' I III (2)20Gc / III r CONTRACTOR i I I I llYrl�1 R I I I I III O I s � � U I ( s 1 nl U I — I I efrlgerato hoc t I III I SOUITJOLDTOWNLJCENSE# (0 F f- LINEN I I N LINEN DRAWIIN(J NA1vJE I Z I \ 2 2°Gb Z I-— ——— ———— ——— —— —— — — z CLOSET I O ===_=___________- SCALE z I CL05ET I as noted -{R�- --- ------ - -- -- -- ---tK}- I ! I NOTE 1 T TO I TO U BASEMENT ® I I BASEMENT N N LIVING ROOM — —-- I LIVING ROOM BEDROOM 179 SF 149 SF i SEAL BEDROOM - --- -------- - -- -- - - - -- I ---- - --rL- ELECTRICAL SYMBOL LEGEND SwitchL — — —— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - � ' tJJO� s Three Way Switch STOOP TOTAL STOOP o Dimer Control FIR5T FLOOR 42 SF plans reviewed by Duplex Outlet 955 SF Condon Engineering, P.C. Split Wire Duplex Outlet 1755 Sigsbee Road Ground Fault Interrupter Mattituck, NY 11952631.298.1986 Dedicated Outlet } Wall Mounted Fixture Cx15tln FIRST fLOOP ELECTRIC PLAN exl5tlnGj FIRST FLOOR PLAN DRAWJNGM-WER Recessed Ceiling Fixture J WIT#BS1023RL w Recessed Ceding Fixture Wet Area 5Ca I C: IV411 — I 1'0II 5Ca IC: %4" = I '-0" DATE 04-01-2024 Decorative Fixture 0 Porcelan Mounted Ceding Fixture sf>EEr Porcelan Mounted Pull Chain - ® Exhaust Fan ® O Garage Door Opener 0 Garage Door Key Pad ® eilincj Mounted eceptacle for Garage Door Equipment 01 Smoke Detector cM Carbon Monoxide © Fluorescent Fixture j 3 ri Asa,s-5op,3 y Seaway Mfg. Corp: Sunroom Engineering Code Compliance Packet GRANDVIEW/BETTERVIEW PATIO ROOM STRUCTURAL STABILITY FROM RACKNG GRANDVIEW/ BETTERVIEW PATIO ROOMS: GABLE STYLE ,SECTION A/AA.FOUNDATION CONNECTION 1 SECTION 131 GV SILL STD - C 1E - How to Use the Engineering Code Packet: Proj. Proj. Proj. Proj. Proj. Proj. Proj. Proj, Praj. Proj. Pxoj. 1 Wind S eed 10 FT 11 FT 12 FT 13 FT 14 FT 15 FT 16 FT 17 FT 18 FT 19 FT 20 FT DETAIL F FASTANF.R LOCATION 3/8^TYP. U8E FOR ROOM ONLY 00MPH .� ' r r. This packet is designed to provide basic construction details&design criteria for both the gable&studio style roofs for Seaways Grandview&Betterview sumoom systems. Final SECTION H ON GABLE ROOMS ONLY c 90 MPH 9'-0" 9'-0" 9'-0" 9'-5" 9`-10" 10'-3" 10'-9" 19'-2" 11'-7" 12'-0" 12'-5" SECTION H =. ! ua"x 1"x 3-sales" (r - g 2�2 ' sunroom design&consttnctiom will be based on the limiting constraints from each of the five tables(Racking Table,Pest Spacing,Wind Speed Matrix,General Notes,&load , " , „ , " , , • " w • w , w . w but is es iterative recess. 190 MPH 11-1 11-1 11-1 11-7' 12 2 12'$ 13'-3" i 3'-9" 14-3 14-10 15-4 uxTFnTQR STEEL"WASHER PLATE" t t, Spatz'fables)that meet the environmental design loads. Sunroom design 1s relatively easy,b p " , a " , n �• w n " w • " FOR WOOD DECK CONS'1'RUCThON 1. Start by obtaining the environmental design loads through the permit process for your area from your local building authority(wind speed&ground snow load), 110 MPH 13-5 13-5 13-5 14-0 14-8 15-4 16-0 16-8 17-3 17-11 18-7 DETA1ts CnoN E Racking Table basal on your wind s and room projection. The utbulatcd valnc is the minimum width y 120 MPH 15'-11" 15'-11" 15'-11" 16'-8" 1 T•8" 18'-3" 19'-0" 19--9" 20'-7" 21'-4" 22!-1" ONLY,use is-in/4"PLYwooD oR 3/8^TYP 3/8"TYP /..�" 2. Rcvicw the g y peed proposed p ] required to sttuctlitall trsist the lateral r ROVER is in I Rs tt3:rPArt•R �.- r s` ,^* , I, wind loads. Determine if the proposed slmroom width is Beater than the"Min Bldg Width"listed in the table. If not,sills-in eunroom width and/or decrease 130 MPH I V-8" 18'$" 18'$" 19'-7" 20'-6" 21--5" 22'-4" 23'-3" 24'-1" 25--0" 25--11' " r rf' L I I stmroom projection DETAIL UII (7YP.CONCRETE { I ( jL�. e ATION 3. Review the Wind Speed Matrix to determine if the tabulated wind speed based on the proposed sunroom size is greaterthan or equal to the design wind speed. If the M1ri11riU1ri BUl {�11C1 tiVldt ��� SECTION Ct C4 DETAIL UII SECTION E sEcnoN Gt ca CAPACITY OF EXISTING PATE ROOM TO RESIST LOADS FROM PATIO ROOM I w... ' tabulated wind speed is less than the design wind speed,then the proposed slmroom size must be reduced,and step#2 must be repeated for the smaller suntaom sizes. Tables +vet*Testing is based on shear diaphragm testing of a wall assembly for-wind load only(See PET test report T227.99 I OVERHANG ANALYSIS txONsaOEt(ED IN I HIS are dynamic,based as stTnroom width&projection,and are separated by roof type,post spacing,and header&mullion configuration, In general,locations in wind zones ANALvsls I j for materials and setup requirements). Walt hcight of 7. ram't(p UP TO i2" TAIL IHi _ )- >90mph require Gable)Raceway Post headers&mullions, "Assumes summation of windward&leeward pressures,MWFRS,Exposure C_ I TiNG MUST HAVE FULL EMBEDDMENT OF All LAGS INTO JOISTS OR BAND BOARD, 4. Review the Post Spacing Table to determine if proposed header and mullion configuration can resist the design ground snow load. Allowable loads for post spacings are *To account for use of transoms,use the following transom factors:For 12"transom(wall height upto 100.E"), 1 SECTION C1 rOUSE AND MUST HAVE FULL EMBEDDMENT OF ALL TAPCONS INTO CONCRETE 'TO BE USED UNDER GABLE&CORNER based on roof type,two standard post spacings(72.25"&96.375"),and header&mullion configuration. Load carynng capability can be increased by decreasing the post multiply Min Bldg Width by 1.185,and for transoms greater than 12"and upto 18"(wall height upto 106.6"), j SEC N DJD WALL POST ON GRANDVIEW ONLY spacing and/or using a"heavier"header&mullion confi'w�ation. If post spacing and/or header&mullion confi imation changes,repeat ste #2 throu rli IN. In general, *TYP.FASTENERS:90.13oTAPCO p i USE CONCRETE OR LAGS INTO WOOD b b po b gPs b >; multiply Min Bldg Width by 1.25. The product will be the new Alin Bldg Width. �ttT SF � "INTO CONCRETE:9(1.130 MPH USE 1/4"0 X Z'TAPCONS-24"O.C. locations with a ground snow load>65psfrequire Gable/Raceway Post headers&mullions. •Linear interpolation is allowable for Min Bldg Width at other projections&for the transom factor for other "sE L SECit D!DD SECnoN 1-05 *INTO WOOD:9D-130 MPH USE 114`QJ X 4"LAGS-24"O.C. 5. Review the Load Span Tables to determine if the roof panel,based on roof style,panel length,and panel thickmess,can resist both the design wind&snow loads. The loads transom heights. . tabubda d account for max bending stress,max shear stress,&dcflection loads. Use deflection limit of L1120 for snow lard. Load carrying capability can be incrlasedby Wind Speed Matrix SECTION B2:STEEL PLATES&LAGS STUDIO *ON I DETAIL Cl:GV VERTICAL MULLION SECTION C2:GABLE POST MULLION increasing panel thickness and/or decreasing panel length, if proposed slmroom size is reduced due to a load-span requirement of the panel,repeat steps#2 through r5. I) GABLE tvtaxtalaa aid speeds a,r GV/av nmd:b I;ty*room DETAIL B3 S::11DETAIL B3 sEcnoN a UNQER GV GABLE POST 6. Review the General Notes for f irtber instructions or fastener schedules on critical connections to determine what additional fasteners are required for different loading trains simple nmaion oxmstruction(7225 ) �"�� COnditlt>nS• Maximum wind speeds for GV/BV pplblc style.mom using simple maTlion contanio+mn(72.25"spacing) 0•Transom ITT 18'Transom - SECTION A/AA 7. Review ffie Foundation Fastener Schedule for qty of lag strews or Tapcons required untie-each vertical post. Also,this schedule serves as a basic visual repnxent30ion of tFrminsiaat . to 15 1s tT , 19 zr zz z3' zee rw; All"nubs• Alwiav s' All Wlams• 7/13"TYP. A(n,P) SINGLE H-MULLION;90 MPH ONLY 31/4"X 31/2"2PC. .' .. s- GABLE POST o-Transorn ,oa,o- ,00tt0o 1Datoo 11xv100 100n00 ,0a100 100190 lero/so 9aNA 9anw NA iT 1001100 9WNA A FOUNDAtTON MprTH NOM.4"CONCRETE 'VINYL WINDOW FRAME 31 D what surrrWm sizes are available based on tttind speed&roof style. ,r Trartaom -taw+ 9aNA WNA 9aNA la MA WNA 9D/NA NA NA NA ,3 1oa10o GFI NA (SEE GENERAL NOTESI :;, .a. CONCRETE SLAB OR WOOD DECK = B 18`Transom NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14' 1Duna0 9aNA +. FRONT ELEVATION FOUNDATION DONE BY OTHERS �� ' ' m I i +Atrptokoi,muPo2(r.wsnuLc%noW4tdcasmlkcs.lisfixtoLlctaitnandClfauyfiatlKrsacn�stn,chcnsahrn"Pplicabk. t6 100/100 NA NA (SEE GENERAL NOTES) i'ost Spacing , 90I96 NA ,, -- _ __ _ -- .... p 1; Studio Style Gable Style Use of Structural Adhesive(Novaflex 100): ntax�uarwiadVeads fv.UV,%Vgablestyle mom Using a;headers(n.25"apacias) "AuvimM,u;" 4'..+m. -k.d.%Ak .ash bl><u+ll."aCi DETAIL B3•HORIZ.&VERT.POST CONNECTION Grotmd5nowLoadEqulvelants 6' n e's B's 8!span 6 s 6' 8' n 8 span As with snrtacepreparationinimparativcmachieviag 1 col . 14 t5 16 iT 1B' 19' 20' 21' 22 23' 24' nr�^"�•^#^w^°••""•r•1 DETAIL(:POST HEADER CONNECTiONI - _ -. a W A- —A X Maximum wied speeds for GVAty studio style-mom I A-•`. ~ Me�ar-s/Headers+ ormance.It 1s roecmmcax4^d!One air safaces that theO Ill 2 nor 2 rod ? rod root 2 roof 2 tom! rod 2 root oP Pal 0'Trarlamm 1140f`120.114a110 150/110 13a110 12a110 12a100 12a100 1201100 ,10/100 11a90 110/90 usiax GY•1lacavaylGV Gatblc/BV Gablepott POST BRACKET i' -- - -- '•+ A 8ettervlew pose wJ rrxt/iona(6063-Tub 67psf S7paf 36W 36psf 9801' 9" 53W �csisr nil)coew inn ca+tacr with Oc window frmmes&slam53pnf 1 ' 13a100 120l100 t2a100 120190 110/9D 110d90 110/90 t10NA 100NA 100NA 100NA mul}itmsRhrnkax(722i�trimtr)channels)be wiped domt,tith paird thinmu,m;ncrnls0tts o SLI ONLY) w /) tletreMewpoet(6005-T5) 67psf 67psf 36psf 36pst 98pd 9tW 53ps1 53psf robbingalcoholtocnmrethowntatiogs,trPamamfrcefmntdirr. 18`T�ansom 1 110190 1Wt50 100/90 t00NA t00NA 9aHtA 901NA 9D/r4A 90NA 9e)INA 0•Tr3nsoan 17 Tian 1B•Transom SLIPS INTO POST Im ��- --- - 1 M "•+. debris.and/or pity films.Likewise,follow all application 'All projections sign 20' ro'Av' A/Widths Al Wkrdls AI WidthsIm internal Jamb Support w/rMtoru(8063 TS) 67psf 67psf 3cpst 3cpsf sepal - S3s NOM..080 WALES coM iasttucGmns and cute times ypbociric W the aaresivG 1T 170/150 15a130 14a120 SECTION 61 B . 8V Htotows,(Pane!Ktteswal)(6063-T5) 32psP WA WA WA 51psr NIA WA NIA Maximum wind speeds for GV gable style roost only acing 2pc G7artxp Raceway tnaltioms&ltaoeavay/Gable postheaders(7223"spas ng) 1T 1701150 4301120 ,2a110 . BV H mmtAons(Glass KrwewaN)(6t)63 T5 67 I 67 ► 36 98paf "psi 53W 53psf 1FmjIW4h+ 14' 15' t6 1T 18 19 20' 2,' 27 23' 24 14' 150/130 11 100 loom POST MUST HAVE OF FULL MBEOD8, 3J44"POS Wjads eed Convcrstvn5: 0•T.M. 120 120 120 120 120 120 tzD 120 110 110 t1D 19 t3on2o toalso aNA SILL STARTER Fora Gable Room: MUST HAVE FULL EMBEODMENTOFALL FASTENERS 3t1ti'0 SILICONE BEAD;T1rP •BETTERVIEW USES 31lR X L Y'POST GV H-MullonlChaseway MuLon(6005-T6) 67psf 67paf 36ptf 36 90W1 9W 63psf 53psf 1) *20'X E MAX.ROOM 52E 2pc Clamp Cttaseway(6063-T6) 67psf 67psf 36psf 3Bps1 g�y� ggpsf &�f ��{ Formunicipslitirsusingthc20092RC11BCF20121RC,thcs000dcs 12•Transom 110 ,1D 110 tt0 110 110 110 110 ,00 1D0 100 1 110/100 9aN4 NA •90mphttse(2}#8X5/S" FLANKEDW/NON-THERMALLY BROKEN *REFER TO FASTENER SCHEDULE FOR NO. 'FASTENER A.USE#SXt-1/4"AT TOP, H-MULLIONS. use the same basicaindspccd and maps as ASCE 7.05.For 18"Transom 100 1O0 100 1D0 too 100 100 90 90 00 90 TEK(each side)at house OF REQUIRED FASTENERS FOR WiND SPEED MIDDLE&BOTTOM OF FRAME *USE CONNECTION OPTION A FOR INTERNAL Grar-d14ew past swerra 9lara(BODrt-TS) 67psf 67 36psf 36p3f 48pat ti8p f 53f>f 53 d muni-Wi6m asing the 2012IW&20f 5(R0711C,dress sacks use *Speeds-,"mph requite patching of2pc Clamp Raec+a'ay St>astcocts.See Section CS. MOdmirm wild speeds rare:SM&sty*moat only 0 wal)u-dla rne),cor+ter AND R04M St2E 'PRE-DRILL HOLES. CONNECTIONS OR 8 FOR EXTERNAL Upto IT Upto IV Upto 17' Upto IV Upto IT Upto IV Upto IT Upto 18' �sane basic aitedspxd(Nutt)and maps as ASCE 7-10.Ti+oagh .Ail 1,,,,j�,,,,s,ga„� using 2pc Clamp Raceway mullions&RaenvaylGablc Refer to 0 post,&gable post •SILICONE ENTIRE PERIMETER OF FRAME AS SHOWN CONNECTIONS. Trans= Transom Transom Transom Transom Tramsem Transom Transom We basic windspccd inermcd with the adoption of ASCE 7-10,the post�dej0(7 ��"g) Foundation 0 FASTENER A *=screw must ONLY C LAGS CAN BE INSERTED W 1!H!N rtnitilling wind pros m bails to the wane&,norordbe mr,mum arm hfnimum wind speeds far GVIRV gable style loom using GV.saecwaylGV.i*WRvdiabIc post cotillions&leaders(%315"spacing) THE CROSS-SECTION OF THE POST 'USE NOVAFI_E)(10D SILICONE *(A)PRE DRiLL.USE#8X1-1/4- 7 Aasmdtos a single span I po,jectim tr ovedung.&no tateaom ma maio style room,dad a 20'widd- 12•0-mrhans,&no eanwm on gable style room va eat,within acceptable cogincering tokmili e,n what was 0 Trarcaan 12'Trot air,8`Tnn-sal Fastener Schedule penetrate hofiZ post USE 1/4"STEEL WASHERS UPTO 1011MPH w �'t` 14' 15' 1E 1T 1a' 19' 2D 21' 27 23' 24' 1Pro'Iwi All t/ykfOds AII Wldtfrs AI VAR"' ALL VINYL WINDOWS To BE SAICONED SIMRARLY W8 ONI-PROFtLE(PANCAKE)HFJ10 @ 24"OC catca4ated Idling the ASCE 7-0S raaada tt.To crsrtven the foe qty of lag Mullrorts/Headers c header pus , Peat Post Post Post Post Pout Post Yost vrindspeeds used in the 2012IBC&2015 IRGtBC to those used in M Tramexn 123t-- 12a100 11a100 11tN90 110i90 110f90 100f90 10ONA t00'N 100NA 9aNA 12 120 Ila 100 ��. 7/8"(TYP) 'PRE-DRILL LAG HOLES USING 111W0 BIT 'REFER TO REPORT-SEAWAYD01:S1L1CONE BOND (B)USE#8X5t8-24.O.C, BeOeMewGad6postw/mt�als(8005T51 +t00pst +t00pst +10Dpst +Jew +1DOM +100per +100psr +100pa this saamom engineering packc4 use the follo ingcomoxsiontabl-. 12•Transom 11a90 1101NA 1OW4A 100NA 1DOMA 1o0MA 90MA 9aNA 90MA 9aNA 9aNA 13 120 110 100 +100vat +1o0pst �f Transom, 9aNA 9aNA saNA saNA 9oINA NA NA HA NA nw NA 14 120 100 I SECTION C4:GV RACEWAY MULLION SECTION C5:GV CLAMP RACEWAY +1 +,otrpaf +loopaf SECTION C3:BV VERTICAL ik,8eaervlow Garde post(6005•TE) OAR 15' 120 i00 90 • • +toopsf +1QOpsf. +loops- MULLION i( ptmjee.•6rma uplo27 GV Gable Pest Q 9pmph:use(3)118x5/8"at sill,each side(Fastener A) A �...�.�w ..�.�.�..... 1 V Gabi-%W-w Post W)MLBons(600ST5) +100pd +loopst +low +IOOpsf +100psf +10ow +toopsf +100psf Vs,d a V,* V10 =va's 1 110 NA *GV ComerPod @ 90(tt*us;e(2}#8x5/8"at sill&header,each side(j°asienerA) � Upto 12" Upm tee' Upto t2• Upto 48• Upto 12- Upto IV Upt0,2" Upto 1rr 9D mph = U6 mph 115 mph = 89 mph s The Rind Speed Matrix charts tabulate the safe windspeed(mph)for the aluminum frame based on its construction. 'Spate>90mph require--hirtin of2pc Gatup s p : post bracket,( ( ) • • i' 8 B B B sea-Tee:—@.tu dm &Mod. . Tramxxn Transom Transom Transom Transom Trsnean Transom Transom P P P P Raceway&to. men.SecseetirmC5. • BV liable Post«90m h use internal sl 3 x5/8"al silt,each arils(Fastener A B INTERNAL JAMS SUPPORT (TYP) �f I 0.750 s*•rm w,ra A wpv ab.m• Assumes Components&Cladding(Exp C). The indicated values are to be read: Grandview wind speetUBetterview wind HV Corner Yost 94mph use i¢teroal post bracket,(2)-t/8x518 at sill&loader,each sine _ •Aamnrm a Single Spam I7INni etiollk Ir mWIME nn dadin style mom,aryl a24'width&Ir ova tang rn gable myte iron.Catmier lnnots may be pemibk,ran 100 mph = 129 mph 120 mph = 93 mph mod• Maximum wild speeds for GV/BV studio style room (Fastener A).Use(9)screws to attach post bracket to underside of 2pc header. t \ '- - / ' would nood review by liccnso d 4cslgnprofcssional. 110 mph = 142 mph 130 mph = 101 mph *Maximum wind speed for a studio s(yL-sunumm is dictated by room proleclion,and is unchaarred by room width. using Gv.Racoway/GV-GabIcJBV-Crablopo"t •Use post bracket at each end of at Ven.or Hotiz post p3V only) A A A -A ( l � •Srecnua,ly the GV gable post.GV nocw'ay post,DV Cable post ere compatablcln sttengeh. larger e,pr6vided that then=is no taullions&beadm(96.375"spacing) • RACEWAY / Sunroom widths 1 r than the 2d'maxirtrum are allowabl requirement for an intermediate For other windspeed/,ace General Noses wm • I A •e spans arc 72.2V.r spans am 96.375' 120 mph = 155 mph 140 mph = 108 mph Use Post Bracket at each vertical post intersection for HV CAVITY " •Allowable grotred maw loads fa bah balm and gable4al sway post header&mullion rxxisfruclio¢is used.Use the Studio tables based ou projecliun l0 0'Trerlsom 17 T f8'Tian spews and both tmmom he;gha am dictated by the allowable Instil on the brae-. 13l1 mph = 168 mph 1S0 mph = 116 mph post headers. Similar to Detail B3. A !{ l •The above data does not iacladc loafing from unbalanmd•drinire or sliding snow. P extrapolate wind speed for the proposed room width. jt'ro'hvi AS Y__1 Ae Widths Ai WId1Vn •Use similar connection for studio room headers. D 1 L---_--.-� \ / •The above data inoludes a dad bap bops&;2.8psrrmr ro orpmlchs&22;errorsbingles 140 mph = 181 mph 1f10 mph = 124 mph The above tabulated wind speeds are based on a combined lateral wind load&vertical load of5psfdead load+35p,d 1 t70/too 14IV110 13ato0 'Refer to General Notes,Detail 1,far fastener q •9rowI"shavearadtrctioataclord'0.7forlawslopemo&perSectiort?Ao£ASCA7OS;asevmaa"rntd"aaclooaalipperyrwfarCrx Pr0.7CsCeCtRC gr(utndswvrload(Death-4dis2,&psfforpanelweightand2,2psfforasphalt.shingles} 13' 1N/1S0 13UI?C rZQM00 ty' � w _ 1.25'TEK screw •I'searooflmowlotad.CR1.0,Cee0.9.0-1.1,W.0,Pg growdsm,load 270mph = 132mph • 14' 15D1130 1101100 loom- •Thu able onty applies to tlee mof supporting stnwnm Rwrpa d Inds cvakmw atperocly. •Above date can be used to size Enclosed or Open structures. •Basodon 1.65 safely factor farcolwm buckling&bwArlgporAlumimxm Design Mamial,and 100.6"&106.6"watt WgM for 12"&18'lrenwm.-sspediveH.. 1t30 mph = 139 mph Max stock length fa 2pc header is 21'.For header arts>21',2 Headermost be used in conjunction with GV- is 130/120 toes- A SECTION H.RIDGE BEAM CONNECTION A p - I A I (12"O.C.) DETAIL II:H-MULLION HEADER CONNECTION 11 A A •,Above daft ran be used to ales Enclosed or Open stmrtnna. RaL•ew•aylGV-0ab1cBV�rab1C post. 1 110/t00 90/NA ` " , ��•��� � 'SINGLE H-MULLION CONSTRUCTION ONLY;tD MPH IV.RIDGE BEINM B BV H-MULUON #8 X 518"-24"O.C.CANT EXCEED 314•IN LENGTH 5/8"TEK scrmv @ n n *GRAN ONLY 1/4"0 X 3"LAG SCREW SiZE BEAM PER MFG. pRE DRTLLOI1TIIt h1UL ISON WALL WTTTl Tn6'HOLE GENERAL NOTES LOAD SPAN TABLES: 3 &6 ROOF SYSTEM APPLICABLE INSTRUCTIONS BV PATIO SLIDER JAMB gnu starter&header •20 X 18 MAX.ROOM SRE 16"O.C. BV SILL STARTER * s Use for vertical mullion or fan-beam onlyt Ctmtwt be Seaway Mfp's Engineering Code Packet does not make any claims about the stteletutat capacity of the existing structure the sutrrottm is being attached to. Therefore,structural capacity Single Sparc Design:3"Alurn/A1um Panel with-1-beams Single Span Design:6"Alum/OSB/Alton Panel w/Battens ALL EXPOSED SURFACES W�STRIP •Use Fla X 1-1/4"-I g'O.C.(Fasteners Alpre•drtB holes Use fasteners A for internal connection or used horizontally or as support post for an LVL. of the foundatatioa(concrete slab or deck),exist house wall to resist superimposed loads from the suaroom,and/or existing roof overhang to resist superimposed loads from the (PITCH ANGLE) fees o screws w lot external connection TO BE COVERED wmi w Use#SxS,8'TEK screw(rammer B)to attach,o s0i&treader. Always Lae Fastener A. lag $ �B Span Allowable Ground Wind Uplift Loads Span Allowable Ground Wind Uplift Loads I i eGn.STOCK ALUM, PANEL CAP `Intema►lamb support used for mnrlingaa}amn patio slider #NO screwx or Sharp Opjections can penetrate into +For90tnph,attach xti'ittg NovaOex 100(Simr7ar t0 Cl). sunroom were not considered in the engineering evaluation herein. Length Snow Load(PSF) Length Snow Load(PSF) ` I HOLLOW INSIDE •••" •••• •Doom ee span from sill to hcader the racewa cavity. 'For>90mph,notch back 7/8"on all tlnnges(both inns) MULLION ••. .` *Use oft Iamb l Jamb support mind y ty' so that mullion can he seated into sill&header,and Section A/AA: Section B3 Studio Room:Using PostlRaceway MulADns V120 V180 U240 Pressure Gable Studio U120 V180 U244 Pressure Gable 5ttx(lo I ' i . Uses of Tntedna!Jamb support in lieu ol'H-xnWiron is optional, */UI lags screws must have full thread embedment into joist or band board per For GV Studio:Mullions 7' 173 120 90 121 +120mph+120mph 8' 203 157 119 83 +120mph+120mph I I DETAIL 07 faste°`d"song fasteners B. 4th ed.Timber Constnlctlat Manual. *90-120mph,use(2)#8x5J8"screws(each side),at sill&2pc header(Fastener A),for upto 8' 126 90 67 95 +120mph+120mph 9' 183 135 102 66 +120mph+120mph I I PANEL */ill Topcons must have full thread embedment into concrete. 96.375,spacings. g' 93 70 52 74 +120mph +120mph 10' 163 114 86 53 +120mph+12 h + -- -= HANGER *All fasteners into treated lurnber to be hot clipped galvanized(or egWdant), *130mph,use(3)#8x5/8"screws(each side),at sill&2pc header(Fastener&for upto F p OMP i _ (3)3,tt�r X 3" - SECTION D:GV CORNER POST( SECTION DD:BV CORNER POST SECTION E:2PC HEAD SUPPORT &use standard 1/4'0 galvanized washer. 96.375'spacings. 10` 72 56 42 59 +120mph+120mph 11' 147 99 74 44 +120mph +120mph i LAGS.90-130 MPH ---*— 11' 57 45 34 48 +120mph+120mph 12' 129 86 64 38 +120mph+120mph I BOTH SIDES 4 SFecton 81: GV Studio Comer Post 2 + OETAIt.Ct 12 46 38 27 4fl •120mph+120mph IV 113 76 56 3.. 120mph+120mph For Grandview rooms only;use steel plates under gable post&comer post if "Far GV,90-1 I omph,use(3)#8x5/8"screws,each side(Fastener A),at sill&2pc header,for SECTION c2ic4 ::;u .•••, windspeed is s100mph_ Otherwise,use standard 1/4"O steel washer with V fenestration flanking the comer post 13' 38 31 23 33 +120mph+120mph 14' 99 66 50 28 120mph +120mph "WINDOW FRAME IS SILICONED AROUND PERIMETER,SEE DETAIL C1 GABLE fasteners into stab or deck. *For GV,120-130mph,use(4)#8x518"screws,each side(Fastener A),at sill&2pc header, 14' 32 26 20 28 120mph +12 h 15' 87 59 44 25 110mph 120mph *USE NOVAFLEX 100 SItiCONE POST 31/a"IN CORNER PosT •.+••.•• •.' for 8'fenestration flanking the comer post *REFER TO REPORT-SEAWAY001:SiUICONE BOND 7/8' TY REQUIRED IN ALL CONSTRUCTION 15' 2$ 23 17 24 IIOm h 120m h 16' 77 51 39 22 Ioo h 11(hn h 33ls" .••'.•-.• .+ . Section t32&OtDD: 3114• - THERMAL 7/8"tW. Fasten maximum 6 lags directly under the post For BV Studio Mullions: 16 24 20 15 21 100m h loom h 17 69 46 34 20 Dbl San 1 OOm h PANEL *90-11Omph,use(3)#8x5/8"screm(each slde)&post bracket,at all& 'Safety Factors:Shear=3.O(Wind&Snow),Bending=2.5(Snow),2.0(1Nhsd) "Safety Factors:5hearm3.0(Wind&Snow),Bending=3.0('tdnd&Snow) ++ +.+. U-0CHANNEL .".`•" FASTENER A; Bet:ton C4/C5:Clamp Raceway,Raceway Post.Chaseway Header&RUllon 2pc header(Fastener A),for upto 96.375"spacings. Use(9)Stews to attach post - GRAN DV I EW/ BETTERVIEW PATIO ROOMS: STUDIO STYLE + ^ + + � ALSO(44S REFER Per NEC 2002,no objects that could chafe a wire,such as screws,Waits,or bracket to underside of 2{ic header. Double Span Design D + + Notes, General abrasive objects.can protrude into the raceway cavity. Must use plastic or rubber *120-130mph,use(4)#8x5/8"screws(each side)&post bracket,at sill& + + I Notes Detail F. for TO D REFER grommets for each hate thew the alum. 2pc header Fastener A,fox upto 96.375'spacings. Use 12)screws to attach post Span Gr.Snow Loads Wind Uplift Loads Wind Uplift Loads ylA� .•1 DETAIL F -- - -- Qty- To DETAIL F ( ) At ( pD �,¢ )PANEL SECTION K bracket to underside of 2(+c header, Length 3• 8" 3"Alutn/Alum w/6beams 6"AIurNOSB/Alum wl Battens i DIRECTION SECTION K rq 1 i a : j7 2pc Header 11 S Acton E: U120 U120 Pressure Gable Studio Pressure Gable Studio GV Gable post,GV Raceway,or 8V snow load post can be used with the 2pc BV Studio Comer Post '� i �` i o wl Chasoway loads. Raceway and Gable "For BV 90-1IOm ,use Intemal post bracket,use(3)#8x5/8"screws(each side), 12' 93 216 65 +120mph+120mph 74 +120mph+120mph .1%� z -�-� A --- t z Offi ' ht:ad support for longer spans or greater roof i ds. ay 2pc ph -+-��~ 4` post are structurally Interchangeable, at sill&2pc header(Fastener A),for upto 8'fenestration flanking the comer past 1$' 78 200 54 +120m h+120m h 64 +120mph+120m h DETAIL-v.FrTION E l DETAri d 9 -- I __I_ (__ "} *!)Omph,Fastener B not required for single span,use Novallex 100 Attach post bracket to underside of 2pc header using(9)-#8x5/8*screws. I DETAIL III SEc ON E - - -' 'I ij � - _ 14 66 185 46 +12(lrttph +l2(hnph 55 +120mph+120mph 84�I a �A it a u SEE GENERAL *!)Omph,Fastener B.24"O.C.for double spans 'For BV,120.730mph,use internal post bracket,use(4)-#8x518"screws(each side), I FASTENER B 100mph,Fastener B,24"O.C.(single&double sports) at sill&2pc header(Fastener A),for upto 8'fenestration flanking the comer post 15 56 173 39 +120mph+120m h 48 +120m h+120mph I BAN T B _- j NOTES(SECTION E) * 110mpb,Fastener B,IS"O.C.(sfigle&double spans) Attach post bracket to underside of 2pc header using(12)•#8x5/8"strews 16' 49 162 34 +I20m h 12Um 43 +120mph+120mph I DETAIL 1l11 SECT O1-C4 •FASTENER ex SINME SPAN.90 MPPK-Not tin Nwgiao e 120mph,Fastener B,16"O.C.(single&double spans) 17- 43 146 30 +120mph 11Omph 3$ +120mph+120mph p� pt� OVER sEcn N C1 C4 'FA4TEtER a:IXxrBLE SPAN.9r1-11a MPH USL.kE l�#8XS•@ O O.C.t� *130mph,Fastener B,12"O.C.(single&double spans)"Studio Only* Section B3 Gable Room: � � UP To 12• ETAIL U0 � l l FASTetJER 0--DOUBLE 9PAN 120.191!MPH USE Y8X5B`Q78" . For BV @ 100-120mph:Use past header&post mullions J>May/ 31/4"x 31rr POST BRACKET 6,3ctton H&J: Gable Past:Use Intemal(cast bracket,(3)t4ft5J8"each side(fastener A) NOTES: tl 2PC CORNER POST SECTION 81 t1pl .-r DETAIL F:ROOF P'ANELS� Size LVL beams per mans faettlmes instructions using 1.9E or better. Comer Post:Use Intemal post bracket,(3)•#8x5/8"each side(fastener A). Attach `All dean m pounds per square foot ALL:� I SECTIO CI-CS #8 X fig.@ 24-O.C. A:#8 X 5/8-@ 24.O.C.(6 LOCATIONS " " Use deflection limit of UI20 per 2009 TUC,Table I604.3,footnote Tl. Other deflection limits lK� I ANEL ) post bracket to underside of 2pe header using(9)48x5/8 screws.Use(3)48x518 an reference ply. t7�s�,' DIRECTION SEc D/DD SECTI N C1•C5 •FASTENER B.REFER TO FASTENER WALL HANGERR Detall F Studio Room: each side(Fastener A)to connect post header to u-channel at comer post *The above data for 3"&6"panels considers shear deflection,but does not consider shear 0 Far shOlo room using 3"or 6"panels,use the folIOwing number of'/.'0x4"or 6" Mullions:90.120mph.use Internal post bracket&(2WxY81each side(FastenerA)at sl#& creep due to long term loading. SECTIO LVDD •FASTENER B,REFER TO FAST•EWR FOR WIND FORD AND REAM SIZE LAGS OR RIDGE BEAM 4i rn soxews to attach each roof panel. Each 1-beam/Batten has(2)#87c518"saews header. Attach post bracket to underside of 2pc header using(6}/f8x5/8" *Spa„u„gy,des not include ovtxhang. SCHEDULE FOR NO.OF REQClftiED LAGS FOR D SPEED AND ROOM SIZE M. --- --- tsi Connecting tt to the header or beam.Overhang Is 12". screws. Adequate for upto 96.376'spacing. *For double span conditions:double the 11120 snow load as tabulated in single span table for I SECTION G FOR WINO SPEED AND ROOb1 SIZE •F TIER B EDUNTO CONCRETE, F REQLI @ a SECTION NAA SECTION NAA FASTENER SCHEDULE FOR NO,OF RT QCiRID of the longest span bisected by the intermediate beam(ie.if a 2W span consists of an 8'and 12' 1 0 •FASTENER B INTO CONCRETE,REFER TO TAP FOR n'IND SPEED AND ROOM SIZE �a Single Span: Double Span: Double Span: For GV @ IWA20mph,Use racewaylpost header&smillons section,double the trnoyw toad for the 12'section from Ate Single Span table),mind uplift loads 1 �j f ;. •,. ., •. , •.••• FASTENER SCi IEDULE FOP NO.OF REQUIRED it IL L3 Header, Header; Intermediate Beam; Gable Post at silt{4}#BX5/8",each side(Fastener A) ant as listed. Refer to Detail J forconne'ction delails.Size;LVL per mfg.instruclions. t brq !•`• .;� TAPCUNS FUR WJND SPEND AND ROOM SIZE. ONLY(6)LAGS CAN BE INSERTED VJ(TFIN to y m a> !)Omph-1/panel 90mph-1/panel 90mph-//panel Comer post:at sin&header(3}#8x5/8",each side(Fastener A), •Allowable ground snow loads have a reduction factor of 0.7 for low slope roofs per Section I VARIES i-:. r.., r T(iE CROSS SECTION OF THEPOST a tu N a 1()flmph-1/panel 100rnph--1/panel 100mph-//panel Mullions:for prase spacings upto 7226"btwn 90-120mph,use(3)•#Sx518"each side(Fastens 7A ofASCE 7-05. assumes a"cols/and nor-sli roof surface. Ps=0.7CsCcCtlPt: pl OBI a DETAIL 83 DETAIL B3 •ON1 Y(6)t AGS CAN AF.tNSfiRTFD WITHINONLY, to a t, 1'IOmph-?/pastel i tOfnph-//panel 11Omph-2/panel A)at sit&2pc header.For post spacings upto 9&.375"bhvn 90-120rnph,use(4}#&5/8" 0 1prmofsraw 1nad,Cc�I A Ce•-a9,Ct-1.1,1-1.4 P,g-"nd snow load R l� "' "c� THE CROSS SECTION OF TttE POST •FOR BV CKPT INSERT FASTIIVERB j,U THE 47 SILICONE t�i f it, I'?Omph-2/panel 120mph-1/panel 120mph-2/panel each side (Fastener er at$)0&2pc head®-. The above data does not include loading Flom unbalanced,diiRing,o r sliding snow for the del USE 1/4"STEEL WASTTERS UPTO 1 WMPN DUST FJ.WAS T 1/a"FRal.flNNriR AAr,t,uSi. 9 _d W X� A sTet!,WASHER a TOP ONLY w 1:IOmph-3/panel i30mph-2Jpanel 130mph-3lpanet stwmomorkm the existing bousc;wof: �N DETAIL J:INTERMEDIATE BEAMI 0 Z ly0Z5 �+�... *PRE-DRILL LAG HOLES USING 11/6410 BIT. • o`t,. w rn x Detail I:Post header connl>ctlons •For external roorcovcrltlgs such as astlphatl shingles,subtract 3psf from allowable ground DETAIL B3:HORIZ.&VERT.POST CONNECTION ATTACH POST RR ACKRT TO CORNER rOST: � z z" S ...�....�.. . •a10OMPH USE STEEL PLATES FASTENER C,90MPH USE(3)48XI-i/41 ACR SIDE 6 P V D�etall F Gable Room: *GV/BV Gable @ 104-120mph,use(3)48x5f8',eacti side(Fastener A)to conned SDDto IOC Refer to Genera! _ For able room using 3`or 6" nels,use the following number of Or 6" •Altr/wahle ground snow Inds cantml led by either shear,bending or defledinn. POST BRACKET Notes,Detail F,for Qty. rtxt too NOMPH,USE(4}ASYI_tl4 EACH SIDE ' 2� = g pa post/raceway/leader to u channel at comer post&house wall. For BV gable use(8)•#8x518" -•• *REFER TO DETAIL B3 FOR CONNECTION TO HEADER m o •Asphalt shingles$bull only be used on roof slopes of 2:12 or greater per R905.2.2 of 2009 (BV ONL7Q . . `.•.".•. HEADER&SiLL •PRE-DRLL LAG HOI S USW O 11164"O lirr. r soxews to attach each roof panel to header. Each 1-beam/8alten has(2}#8x5J8' screws(Fastener 8)to attach post bracket at each end of header to vertical extrustan IRC, Seaway Mfg.recommends a minimum slope 3:12 for application or asphalt shingles. SLIPS iNT13 POST . .`.'.'. '.'.•.'." •CORNM POST Sirs nmF.c rT v iN STIJ.ST•ARTFM --- ---�-- _ i. cfmnecthhg it to the header. Overhang is 12'. *GV/BV Studio @ 100-130mph:use(3)#8x5/8',each side(Fastener A)to connect •Abe��be�for a gable mofsystem ofEnclosed or Open Anicnres,and for NOM.•080 WALES ---- •REFER 1'O DETAIL 63 FOR CONNECTION TO HEADER --- Oomp post/raceway aceway header to u-channel at confer post&house wall. For BV Studio use(8)-#31t5%8' Enclosed stluctwts with monoslalle roofs. For Open struaWres wM monaslolly rMA,the &SILL . loomph-1/panel screws(Fastener B)to attach post bracket at each end of header to vertical extrusion. maximum wind speed&spans for 3"&6"panels ate:90ntph at 14',100mpb at IT,&i 1 Omph POST FASTF23F.R A,(2y#1tx51tt-SC TtT WS(Ri FF7t 7)p7TA11.F.) 190mph-1/panel at 12'. - 120mph-2Jpanel �- SILL STARTER r/ .' FASTENEftA; Wind Borne Debris Protection: FOUNDATION FASTENER SCHEDULE: SECTIONS B2, C2,C4, C5 & D/DD Foundation lag screws under each vertical post) RKVISION NO'I•S., REFER Also Ynratumlp ah asprcn,Ire,tonR301, ,1.7of,,a XMI ltr ;C, Aft, G FASTENER B REFER TO DETAIL F srrnchimlpnnckospramTeod in R301,).,1,)ofdec)rxw IRC. Aomchmoxu Gable Post La S(ir18Ws 1/4"(�X4"La SG=0.47 EX .0 REV A-C:WORK PRIOR TO ENGINEERINC 0 to the ston,00m as folwws, SECTION G:HOUSE U-CHANNEL' Refer to 1.Attach enrain%wax wewbd Str' m m m APPROVAL Foundation 0 FASTENER A REMOVE FLANGE rp a(pine or tquivalrnt)atleatat l"w de lyP pp' STING HOME WATl a REV D:SECTION B2 REDUCED SIZE OF STEEL 12 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 _ 12 3 17 2 s 3.5"xXX"T.Vf. by perimeter.At hawed woo sothattrue p, . PLATES POST SPACING, Fastener Schedule7 asscmldy fits ovc�rthe frncssrnoimo.AttrxhthcscwoodsttipatraSng CONCRETE OR WOOD 1i8x2.5""oat screws on 12"seaters for horizontal&verdeat forgty of lag 7/8" FASTENER C as listed in Table R30L21.2 ofIRC, S[D(NG 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 - 13' 3 3 13 STUDIO 6 SPAN tTYP) FASTENER D 2.Axaeh this assembly to the alumimtm framing of the sunroom casing 9 14 sett cvs. a' 4; REV E:SECTTON X CORRECTED QTY.TYPO FOR _ 4 4 ( a total of foxes(4)lasz3.5'TEK sercwa per side of the wood sheet; SHEATHING: A 1 4 4 LAGS;3 TNSTEAD OF 6,POST SPACt KG +GV Sttaliu Mullitms:9f>-120mph use(2)J/Rx5/R"sLretvr(cosh ride)at sill&hoxder(Fuslra-er was m.alb end,end the"her two r vrnly six tad ISnda atbould be FOAM,IFELTlt YVEK T COMMENTS,REMOVED 65 PS 8' 4 3iff 3 18' 3 3 1 ' 16' g F SNOW LOAD A),for apto 96.375"spectnRs. 4 4 /A LIMITATION For GV Studio Comer t:90-11 SIZE LVL BFAM PER sized so that the#s d1k;TEK txtmilleun penetrate into the atuminam • 5/8"sLtCVts.each bide teas- L sill t wmp,ia's tfS vettit�rnullious wSt tnSimx6d hxadu.wd , use 3 //8x a(Fes A),a iM "�n ckumcl SB/PLYWOOD R:RLI4 F:lIN GENERAL NOTES,CORRECTED TYPO BV &2pc headtx upto$oration flanking(the rnrna post MF(i LV RULTIUNS O SINGI ElDOU1ILLr STUD -. .: REV -fbr B " 5-r c forwind sprods tiphb 130mph and for wood straiten/3. roxrrlerele at 90m use 2--'+ concrete at 10Dm use '.'pJ>l1ra F"or canaste of 1 'm use 3-W'lbx2'�` eonorota at t use 3- DETATL F-RTMT(),DBL SPAN;4tl T0130,REFLECT *RV Studio Mullions:9D-11(imph-Ilse(3)tPaS/S"screws(eacb side)&past hm&et.at sW& If Intennedlete beam is required,use a Re-way post GV post sbrtt,»I to K tmpr ,t;,PACIry OF EXISrwe 12ESUL'I S NI2UM SUPPLlMI~N7'ARV'1'E5'i'ING I DA'1' header(Fastener A),for upto 96.375'spacings. or BV post to support LVL Locate as dose to the center of the WALL TO RESIST LOADS A ,r m rn m *For BV Studio Coiner post:90-1 IOmph,use internal post bracket use(3)#8x5/8"screws(each project an wall. Attandl post to LVL the same as Section H FROM PATIO ROOM WERE NOT -. -+ -+ - ALLOW REMOVAL OF GV L-BRACKETS (DETAIL side),at sill&2pc header(Fastener A),for upto V fenestmtion franking the comer post. -FASTENER B&C: CONSMRED IN TINSANALYSis H&DETAII.Cl) *Use(9)screws to attach post bracket to underside of 2pc header, -90.100 MPH USE#8X518'@1W O.G. •/ REV G:ADDED WIND UPLIFT TO PANEL SPAN •Post bracket to be used at each end of at Vett,or Horiz.post(BV only) '114130 MPH USE#aX518`@t7"O.C. 4' /A TABLES,MODIFIED WIND SPEED MATRIX «Fur utherwitid speeds.we Generdt Notes *FASTENER M MICROIAM BEAM TYPICAL CONNECTIONS(FASTENER Ay '90 t30 MPH USE 1/4'0X2'LAG SCREW 12'O.C. •SHEATHING NOT PERMITTED BTwN.CHANNEL AND STUD REV H:UPDATED RACKING TABLE •If Intermediate beam is not required,terminals vertical minion at -(�1� � •Two ROM OF 1/4'a x 2 S IAGS REV I: MODIFIED RACKING TABLT„ADDED h � 3 3 TRANSONIS TO POST SPACING,CHANGED SECTION K:WALL&PANEL HANGER 12*O.C.Infro DOLMLI WALL STIM. 19 2 2 2 2 8' 3 2 2 - LAYOUT OF ENTIRE SIIBE'I,MODIFIED SPAN ' ,� 1,Q 3.80 �A IF ONLY ONE WALL STUD IS AVAILABLE .4 -„ V % y DO SINGLE ROW @ S•O.C. or corlcmte at m use -/, or concrete at 100m trso 2-l.• a For concrete at 1 ib-m-t•" A,;0 2aY For wrtcrote at 120m ti Usti 3%.'0a TABLE LAYOUT,ADDED CLAMP RACEWAY, . . / *d=or gable room side wall vertical mullions on 96.25"spacings(Exp C),use 2=/s"0x4"lag strews for 90-120mph ADDED PROVISIONS FOR OPEN STRUCTURES. A"- ATTACH STUDS�6A0 C.WI 1/4.0 X 3-LAGS UP j, � � uh �� 'Two ROWSCR f!4'>3 X RICK WALL , 12.O.G • �', #`�1 INTO CANCREI'E OR BRICK WALL . REV J: Added Windspeed conversion table,moved TO 24'X 14'WI 12"OVERHANG FOR 90- M + " " = Ntndborne Debris table. 110 MPH AND/OR 5OPSF GROUND SNOW LOAD. �` * + . om?,r Post La + -D rt _ _ m m *ATTACH FASTENER A&B TO: Fd' D ry WALL STUDS IF;-16"O.C.W/114*0 X T LAGS UP . 935� tip+$ .,.. ClassiNeation: Modci• Sheet r' 2 2 y 12 3 3 A' TO 24'X 14'W112"OVERHANG FOR 120- off" 13' 2 3' 3 3 3 1"' -3 130 MPH AND/OR 65PSF GROUND SNOW LOAD. � 5 `Qi�t+ Code Compliance PaCILEt Sunroam5 Alum/vtn GrandY►ew 1 Of 1 - i f± I . Alternate Location FasterterA Revisions: 'FOR PROJECTIONS GREATER THAN 14',USE DOUBLE SPAN 11I I13 -2-o 2-e a m use itt- a or conexete at- ..A 4# useconcrete of i 1(trn "!?Jx-'2 °tee r oxurcrete ar uses -"(dux e or concrete at use"=+�v0 1 ATTACH FASTENER A&B TO: PER 1615 3 11f8116;Rev J *Color coded size limitations based on racking&wind loads on sunroom frame only. Assumes t header&mullions w/72.25"spacings. An combination ofwider c' TO 2 STUDS IF 2 16"OVERHANG W/1 FOR X 3"LAGS UP y pis p gs. y post spacings,addition of transoms,or heavier snow loads can restrict sizes further. TO 24'X 18'WJ 12'OVERHANG FOR t10- Drawn by: 2250 East 33rd Street 130 MPH AND/OR 65PSF GROUND SNOW LOAD. WZ DBAFTRIG SERVICE Erie,Pennsylvania 16510 C�Achievable for both GV&BV ii�NIA for BV only C=N/A for both GV&BV - B "THESE INSTRUCTION CAN BE USED TO ATTACH TO AN EXISTING FASCIA P.E; Robbins, P.E. Scale- N.T.S. Phone:(814)898-2255 PROVIDED THAT THE LAGS ARE ANCHORED INTO EACH OF THE RAFTER TAILS. 1777 State Route 167 Rcfercmer.ASCt7.05,•10 Fax.(814)BOMS56 *STRUCTURAL ADEQUACY OF EXISTING FASCIA OR OVERHANG IS NOT Manufacturing Corp. wwwxeawaymfg.com COVERED BY THIS ANALYSIS. Victoria, IL 61485 M99p p 2.70151R(MRC . 1 / , e