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Mazi Holdings, LLC
Glenn Goldsmith,President o�OCOG Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President y< 54375 Route 25 0 Eric Sepenoski W ,? P.O.Box 1179 Liz Gillooly �y • O!� Southold,NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples �Cl �a Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection Report Date/Time: A/Zy Completed infield by: SIN�A Dimitrios Malakidis, PE, Managing Member on behalf of MAZI HOLDINGS, LLC requests a Pre-Submission Inspection to discuss a different configuration of a proposed set of bluff stairs than what was denied on March 20, 2024. Located: 1900 Bailie Beach Road, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-99-3-13 Type of area to be impacted: / ✓ Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland ✓ Sound Bay Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: �/Chapt. 275 ✓Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: ✓ Wetland ✓ Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Notice of Hearing card posted on property: Yes No Not Applicable Info needed/Modifications/Conditions/Etc.: �t1V LOnanP_nTO.,I Cni'1�I�nS Present Were: ✓ G. G Idsmith N. Kr pski V E. Sepenoski ,�L. Gillooly E. Peeples Mazi Holdings LLC 149 Dosoris Lane Glen Cove NY 11542 March 29,2024 Southold Town of Trustees P.O. Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 LIAR 2 9 ?.= Re: Application for Stair Permit at 1900 Bailie Beach Rd Mattituck NY 11952 Southold Town Request for Pre-submission Site Meeting Board of Trustees Gentlemen/Ladies, In light of the recent rejection of our request for a construction permit of a bluff stair, it is my family's(Mazi Holdings LLC) intention to resubmit the application,sufficiently modified to reduce any environmental impacts (unidentified)which contributed to your decision to reject the subject application. Consequently, I, Dimitrios Malakidis, on behalf of Mazi, request a pre-submission site meeting at your earliest date for site visits. In connection with this visit, I hereby grant permission to the Trustees to enter subject property. Respe idly, imitrios Malakidis PE, Managing Member i gpUND +:j E C F!V Cj > .�S.wE em,.raNXr.,,aNaerxoxia,.�E ND ' uXmuw rs uaaxcsra oL.WcoDLuue.Ee nmau o.w LONG ISLA . JAN N 8 i• h"X0°1G L1�e11a"u�roeerwoA 2024 L ¢�x�.a.:,-Aie-piPCC W,hraLm.oPu•4c • _ Nw,ml4T hw.hn6q,a UGEND 233.30' _, . Tor ANCMc:1 Rx6Rlie sn b RAnICAle35 TRLte!@30.'[A,(a'X n'•116 Sh R. ' MHWM����� � l6 RtiFaS@13a•i Ti3'ELi "� 150.00,-/ -- TIE llNE 1 o- uuremum huusAeAElTAion,(4131CxiER.30siI LKHFAD II D WODO BETA mNC WALL 6•xw•x 16 R. N45433D /`' 80IILOM O P A N5r I' r YNDSRf ND UF.:1a R.X 11 R.i110 a[I /� tRn 2a � roru lANowas.w sruausu-x1Ao sT • -�-IAttY7M' __ �eoaynm".•��'-= ___5_'___ II IS`a � IY ` j j�/ ��. . . - `:.`." \ J� R.ume µi�nxror�.urclrLL� . .nwo..m.:•e,•.w... _\ .e..rt.a- • J.I �/\•, `, '______-----/��\ '-^---_.-' -, buteFA 4aAb1O•¢tro.61 Pom I— 52.1b mar - — -- -- 9 PARo .w E NWSE to L/ W�ORA'EtTAT TYPICAL GROSS SECTION •- �'_.... acALXt T--arEsr ' ' - PARTIAL SURVEY - -ALF:1•.4a FEer rT r ERx6R aa- A 6 f l C ♦_ fRrrPw Ero"e ' - I F aeaev I-Tso I �• -✓1 i 1 Fla oen¢e¢uL4aa L i 1 5f4•x3•tU1LIN6 r)(rsvPPomfmNr.l ••�-:• _ �`' --� . _-- —..--. TYPIOALLAYOOT MAD HOLDINGS, LLC 4•x4'POST@ 4'D•O.G - .. 6GlFi 1 6 rEET —'-- 290D BaMe Beach Road,Mattituck rxrlAtERALIwa(losEn - �,;_. . . -' CERTIFICATION SLIM:1000-99-3-13 ZDne:RADillstrict rxir7REAO(INSETY.'MIN.1Jj Imo•---�^�'�- ^- `• _-�1 1. rxlrSTJ RUNNER - - _ .1 Hereby certify that this isa template ofasurveyof this Property by proposed Construction of a Staircase to Beach with 3'ir cw-ss GRACE Pecanie Surveyors,P.C.dated November 15„2022. Raisable Aluminum Staircase.Construct Small Retaining rx"•POsr@Ba'o.c' .. No details or features which bear upon this application have been emitted. STAIRCASE ELEVATION DETAIL T1R4ALMJUR. WAIL CR42a---- Wall to Accommodate landing at Bulkhead and Sand •.•SCALE I•.3 RR• SCALD 1•.a—` ' 117 crtl/I,�w ' .1 Sitting Area Landward of Bulkhead Michael A.l(Imack Agent,Decombcr3112023 By,Michael A.ximack Dated:December31,2023 N SURVEY OF PROPERTY AT MATTITUCK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. 1000-99-03-13 SCALE. 1'=40 VI Q APRIL 9, 1993 FEBRUARY A 2021 00 2 NON 7URF BUFFER) FEBRUARY 18,2022(Cell- FOUNDATION AS T) ' TO B.5' NOVEAIBER 15�2022(F/NAL SURVEY) TQ 9.5' JAN -8 202d Nip GQ' I ---------------- Mlsm� ,, , �`'�' '`��`��` h.__---___��� ".d ey `61 1".IN•eHN•""rj�A y -�., 961j � M w• , , J 6abli.0 ,� -------- a o�� ----- KEY SEPTIC SYSTEM B�. ------ .;-_----�--- O -R®AR LOCATION — I t 1 M - ® HELL A B `4r• °'\ '„E,s,"^'�' ti i' ' ; L'7 e =STME ST 32 17 6 e ZEST HOLE e PEE . DB 395 29 a LP1 9.5.31? o a MOvuMENr -N£TLAND FL40 LP2 51.5 38.5 U77UTY POLE LP3 51 33.5 HYDRANT 2900 GALSEPRC TANX NTH DISMBURON Box t(J)BXB'LEACHING POOLS T8 9.21-TOP OF ELUKHE40 ELEVA170N " CEHL-ausrAL.m09W7 HAZARD LnvE AROV LFN AREA MAP,SHEET J - ETEYA77WSREf1REVC D lUMAW 88 N.Y.S.UG NO.4961E AREA= 2513 ACRES .`�tY7. �7N£M.3'ATE fDUUn.LKa P� TO TIE LINES 1 PECOYIO�� NY.SO UG NO 051132-01 AS PER sEcnav nog-SVBauscw 2 ALL LLRnRCAnoNS H.7, (WL)765-6 o FAX(6JI)765-1797 ARE YALfO FOR IMS MAP AND LXPlES n1OMW ONLY IF SAM MAP P.O.BOX 909 oR 0YE3 BFAR nE wPatssm SEAL Or 7W SURLE70R NHOSE SW ,NY.1 9� 93 162 90VAn,WE APFGRS IfEREO'L J 4 -- Glenn Goldsmith,President ��O��S�FF'+._.;COGy Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President 54375 Route 25 Eric Sepenoski C ,? P.O.Box 1179 Liz Gillooly �y • o�� Southold,NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples ��l �a' Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection Report Date/Time: 3,12 2 Completed in field by: Co /64m,.A Michael Kimack on behalf of MAZI HOLDINGS, LLC requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to construct bluff stairs consisting of a 2'x4'x8" stepping stone at top of bluff to a 4'x6'top landing to 4'x29' stairs to a 4'x10' lower landing with 3'x10' aluminum retractable stairs to beach; remove and relocate existing large stones in area of retractable stairs for beach access; remove approximately 13 cubic yards of vegetation and soil to create a 10'x12' flat surface area to the east of the bluff stairs and fill area with approximately 5 cubic yards of course sand 1' in depth; construct a 30" high by 16' long wood retaining wall along the landward edge of flat surface-area; restore disturbed areas under and to the sides of the new bluff stairs (6' wide by 37' in length, 222sq.ft.), and remaining 4--5'x12' disturbed area landward of new wood retaining wall with one layer of jute O/E, and planted with American beach grass 18" on-center. Located: 1900 Bailie Beach Road, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-99-3-13 17Typ of area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland ✓ Sound Bay Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: ✓Chapt. 275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: ✓ Wetland ✓ Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Notice-of.Hearing card posted on property: Yes No Not Applicable Info needed/Modifications/Conditions/Etc.: f L Present Were: G. Gpldsmith ✓ N. Krupski /E. Sepenoski L. Gillooly ✓E. Peeples r - Board of Trustees Application AFFIDAVIT /4l`lZDel dS 1?.GL A/WAO jr _BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSk'S AND AFFIRMS TRA'I'HE/SIIE 1S THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S)AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARI+:TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF,.AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN1 THE MANNER SET FORTH 1N THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE'TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAINIAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GILANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION,I HEREBY AUTHORII.E THE TRUSTEES,'THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVES,INCLUDING THE CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL,TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE.PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS APPLICATION, INCLUDING A FINAL INSPECTION. I FURTHER AUTHORIZE THE. BOARD OF '.TRUSTEES TO ENTER ONTO NIY PROPERTY AND AS REQUIRED TO INSURE COMPLIANCE WITH ANY CONDITION OF ANY WETLAND OR COASTAL EROSION PERMIT ISSUED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES DURING THE TERM OF THE PERMIT. Signature of Property Owner —_.. �`:_.. _ _- 1 Af*,vgGlr►4 Signature uf'1 roperty Owner SWORNN 1'O BEFORE ME THIS--J 9 . DAY OF M fL . 20�� 1 Nutary Public MICHAELA.KIMACK Notary Public,State of New York No.02KI5056823 Qualified in Nassau County Commission Expires March 11,2026 PR .IA o,asm 2 0 tea` .• •� N b 0 ps' L / FP GT "p SrRIGr IS, qoP \ \ ® ST TE OF NEWYORK 't.• _TTRUCKPA,IX / • ,`,y�2 'P 0 B3• rl� an m 1TA w L FOR PfJ_NO. i FOR FCI.NO:'`]t QL ,'•\` �,Y, •'`•F`.OM1.c \P P w�:>rag .' oi_�eW NB Iv SEE SEa 0. SEESEEaL0N0. al\ N]�ocM '`�.'y a •" "M1 ^gym .'. b,Slw >F ,T ] Ste'i X .�d 5 3 �^ � Ins � 2wyc1 � MATCH MNE M/1TGN IINE " I � a SEE SEC.N010B IApI R0.CR Ew�w �� __"__ �� . m� ' NOTICE �.rtr. COUNTYOFSUFFOLK © N Ib 0' SOUTNOLO SECTION NO c - r;) —_ __ A_ J Real Property Tax Service Agency Y Nc....�v... A .rn."� counlY CenrorwrerOua.N Y11ea1 A M'E� 099 O.e.rn T] ... Ii,Hal>Iiu w —___ mnu. --.-- m.�--or-- rt •l:•/• ^+ rmn wo --- - 4 by P 1000 PflOPERTY MAP