HomeMy WebLinkAbout#7902 GEBBIA AND DUNN Letter fr M. Reichert with exhibitsTown of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Re: Application of Gebbia June 5, 2024 Exhibit A ZBA Decision No. 5254, dated October 15, 2003 i APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS o C Id OG Southold Town Hall Lydia A. Tortora, Chairwomanc yd 53095 Main Road Gerard P. Goehringer t y Z ; P.O. Box 1179 George Horning O fie t Southold,New York 11971-0959 Ruth D. Oliva y40 0 ,f. ZBA Fax (631) 765-9064 Vincent Orlando jig s Telephone (631) 765-1809 http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS RECEIVED TOWN OF SOUTHOLD u. -4A FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION OCT 1 7 200a MEETING OF OCTOBER 9, 2003 Appl. No. 5254 - Nicolo and Caroline DiBartolo Muthold Town Clerk Property Location: 475 Condor Court (extends off the east side of North Oakwood Rd), Laurel; Parcel 1000-127-3-6.2. SEQRA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions, without an adverse effect on the environment if the project is implemented as planned as an accessory use. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: This applicant's property contains 40,000 sq. ft. of area as shown on the November 22, 2000 survey, revised January 16, 2001, by Joseph A. Ingegno, L.S. The property is improved with a 1-1/2 story frame house and recent 2"d- story addition. The property is accessible from Condor Court over the applicant's contiguous 17-acre lot. FINDINGS OF FACT The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on April 17, 2003 and August 21, 2003, at which time written and oral evidence was presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal inspection of the property, and other evidence, the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant: REQUEST MADE BY APPLICANT: Applicants, as the owners and residents of the existing dwelling, request a Special Exception under Article III, Sections 100-30A.2B and 100-31B, sub-sections 14a-d of the Southold Town Zoning Code for an Accessory Bed and Breakfast, accessory to the owner's occupancy in this single-family dwelling, with up to three (3) bedrooms for lodging and serving of breakfast to not more than six (6) casual and transient roomers, incidental and subordinate to the principal use of the dwelling. REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION, DESCRIBED BELOW: After hearing testimony, reviewing submitted materials and making personal inspection of the property, the Board has considered the general standards set fourth in Code Section 100-263, and finds and determines the following. 1) This use as requested is reasonable in relation to the District in which is located, adjacent use districts, and nearby and adjacent residential uses. Page 2—October 9,2003 Appl. No.5254—N. and C. DiBartolo 127-3-6. 2 at Laurel A-The proposed bed-and-breakfast accessory use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent properties, or properties in adjacent use districts, or of permitted or legally established uses in its zoning district or adjacent use districts. B-The safety, heath, welfare, comfort, convenience and order of the town will not be adversely affected by the proposed accessory Bed and Breakfast use and its location. C-The structure will be readily accessible for fire and police protection as evidenced in a letter addressed to the Board of Appeals from the Mattituck Fire District dated October 2, 2003. D-The proposed use will be in harmony with, and promote the general purpose and intent of, the zoning code and will be compatible with the residential neighboring areas and with the character of the community in general. 2) The Special Exception is for approval of the Bed and Breakfast as an accessory use incidental to the applicant-owner's residence in the single-family dwelling and will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent properties and the use has adequate parking and available open space. 3) This accessory use will not prevent orderly and reasonable uses proposed or existing in adjacent residential or agricultural use districts. 4) No evidence has been submitted to show that the safety, health, welfare, comfort, convenience, or order of the town would be adversely affected by this accessory bed-and- breakfast use. The accessory use in the dwelling is required to meet New York State Building Code requirements, before issuance of a Certificate of Compliance for occupancy will be issued by the Building Inspector. 5) A bed-and-breakfast is an accessory use in conjunction with the owner's residence, and is authorized under the zoning code (subject to a Special Exception review and approval by the Board of Appeals) and a Certificate for Occupancy from the Building Inspector for other safety and health regulations. 6) No adverse conditions were found after considering items listed under Section 100-263 and 100-264 of the Zoning Code. BOARD ACTION/RESOLUTION: In considering all of the above factors, the following action was taken: On motion by Member Tortora, seconded by Member Oliva, it was Page 3—October 9,2003 Appl. No.5254—N. and C. DiBartolo 127-3-6. 2 at Laurel RESOLVED, to GRANT the application for an Accessory Bed and Breakfast Use as described above, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1) A minimum of five (5) parking spaces shall be provided on the applicant's property as shown on the survey with sketched-in parking area (three for the Bed and Breakfast Use and two for the single-family dwelling). 2) Applicant-Owner shall occupy the dwelling as his/her principal residence. 3) This Special Exception is authorized by the Board of Appeals solely for an Accessory Bed and Breakfast in conjunction with the owner's residence and ownership, and does not include use of the property and buildings for any other use or purpose. 4) The owner-applicant shall obtain a B&B permit from the Town of Southold Building Department as required by Code Section 100-31(b)(14). 5) A flexible chain ladder shall be placed next to each guest bedroom window for emergency access purposes. 6) The improvements required by the Mattituck Fire District letter dated October 2, 2003 shall be installed. 7) The Board reserves the right to annual inspections to this property for safety and permanent maintenance of the access requirements, without disrepair or damage. This action does not authorize or condone any current or future use, setback or other feature of the subject property that may violate the Zoning Code, other than such uses, setbacks and other features as are expressly addressed in this action. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Tortora (Chairwoman), Orlando and Oliva. (Nay: Member Goehringer). (Absent was: Member Horning of Fishers Island.) This Resolution was duly adopted (3-1). Lydia A. Tortora cting Chairwoman 10/ /6- /03 Approved for Fi ing Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Re: Application of Gebbia June 5, 2024 Exhibit B Town Board of Assessors Memo, dated May 13, 2003 A (061Y vr, 6./1 9")r) cfi/ • roily\ fe' ob ' 0 Gy Southold Town Hall,53095 Route 25 Robert I. Scot Jr., Chairman , c P.O. Box 1179 Scott A. Russell, Assessor 2 W Southold,NY 11971-0959 Darline J. Duffy,Assessor /J t ;G f, F I Fax: (631)765-1356 7,4 Ol A Telephone: (631) 765-1937 go BOARD OF ASSESSORS RECEIVED TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAY 1 3 2003 Date: 5/13/03 3 tr riA) To: Lydia Tortora & Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS From:Scott A. Russel 49 RE: SCTM# 1000-127-3-6.1 & 6.2 I have been asked by several lot owners in the Condor.Court, Laurel area to forward to your board information regarding the above-referenced properties in the name of Nicolo and Caroline DiBartolo. These properties were purchased in a single deed dated April 25, 1994 and filed in Liber 11677 Page 427. Because of this and because the ownership of both properties are identical, my office has flagged these for merger. Because merger of lots has no consequences to taxable value, we give them a low priority. These, like many other properties that we have received deeds on,are subject to merger which will result in our retiring the two existing tax map numbers and then issuing a new single identifying number. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Re: Application of Gebbia June 5, 2024 Exhibit C 1994 Deed Diachun to DiBartolo recorded in Liber 11677 Page 427 L i1 L77 P q 27 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY.ONLY. N.Y. S. THIS INDENTURE, made the 25th day of April- nineteen hundred and ninety-four TRANSFER BETWEEN ELEANOR DIACHUN, residing at (no # ) Peconic Bay Boulevard ,TAX Laurel , New York 11948 and ROSE DIACHUN , re-siding at 875 School Hous(840.00 Road, Cutchogue, New York 11935 , both Individually and Suuccessor Co- as/administratoquix}tof the Estate of Mary Diachun late of Suffolk County, New York, File #517 A 1984 who died intestate on the 3rd day of June nineteen hundred and eighty-foC party of the first part, and NICOLO DiBARTOLO and CAROLINE S . DiBARTOLO, his wife residing at 2146 Main Road, Laurel , New York 11948 BLOCK X10- Y--- DISTRICT SECTION i t., I} party of the second rt 6_[E WH,ITNESSETthat whereas letters'of administration were sued to t$parfyg$f the fist partbytheSurrogate's Court Suffolk County, New York on - gust l , 1991 iyan virtuey18ofthepowerandauthoritygivenbyArticleIIoftheEstates, Powers and TrustsJuLaw, and in consideration of TWO HUNDRED TEN THOUSAND and 00/100-------------------------------- 5210 , 000 . 00) -------------------------------dollars paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the distributees or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and beingxxdacx at Laurel, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and described on Schedule A which is attached hereto. w D PRECORDEDMAY181994OFSUFFO(XROMAINE00UNTY SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot , piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected , situate, lying and being at Laurel , Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York , being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument set in the Northeasterly corner of the premises to be described herein , said point also being the dividing line of the Northwesterly corner of the land now or formerly of Rasweiler , the Northeasterly corner of the premises to be described herein , and the land of the Long Island Railroad Company; running thence along the land now or formerly of Rasweiler, the following four ( 4 ) courses and distances : ( 1 ) South 370 34 ' 20 " East 263 . 31 feet to a concrete monument; ( 2 ) North 610 17 ' 00 " East 95 . 05 feet to a concrete monument; ( 3 ) South 290 19 ' 40" East 517 . 90 feet to a concrete monument; ( 4 ) South 170 48 ' 40 " East 740 . 64 feet to the land now or formerly of T. Diachun; thence South 600 01 ' 20 " West along the land now or formerlyofT. Diachun and the Northerly lot line of Lot 7 as shown on a certain map entitled, "Map of Golden View Estates" , as filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk asMapNumber7770 , 420 . 26 feet to a concrete monument and the Easterly line of Lot Number 8 on the aforesaid map; thence North 310 54 ' 30 " West along the said Easterly line of Lot Number 8 and the Easterly side of a ''recharge basin as shown on the said "Map of Golden View Estates" 173 . 70 feet; thence North 120 30 ' 30 " West still along the Easterly side of said recharge basin 138 . 69 feet to a concrete monument; thence North 630 58 ' 20" West along the Northeasterly side of said recharge basin and the Northeasterly side of Condor Court as both are shown on the said "Map of Golden View Estates" , 208 . 05 feet to a concrete monument and the Easterly side of Lot 15 on the aforesaid map; thence North 440 34 ' 10 " West along the said Easterly side of Lot 15 and the Easterly side of a "Park and Recreation Area" as shown on the said "Map ofGoldenViewEstates" 213 . 35 feet to a concrete monument and the Southeasterly side of said "Park and Recreation Area" ; thence North 3° 29 ' 10 " East along the said Southeasterlysideofthesaid "Park and Recreation Area" 356 . 56 feet to a concrete monument and the land now or formerly of K . Leeds; thence North 34° 09 ' 50 " West along the land now or formerlyofK . Leeds 424 .26 feet to the land of the Long Island Railroad Company and the Northwesterly corner of the premisesdescribedherein; thence North 460 43 ' 10 " East along the land of the Long Island Railroad Company 432 . 59 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH the benefits and SUBJECT TO the burden of a certain right of way to Main Road being bounded and described as follows : BEGINNING at a point on the Southerly side of Main Road, said point bearing South 470 23 ' 00 " West 7 . 03 feet from a concrete monument set in the said Southerly side of Main Road marking the Northeasterly corner of the land now or formerly of Qualls and the Northwesterly corner of land now or formerly of Sawicki ; said monument also being 2 ,077 feet,more or less , Easterly from the Easterly side of Laurel Lane; running thence South 200 17 ' 30" East, through the land now or formerly of Qualls 112 . 72 feet; thence South 220 06 ' 30 "East , still through land now or formerly of Qualls and the RECORDED MAY 18 1994 GM OFSU ROMAINE TY land now or formerly of McCarthy 205 . 04 feet to the Easterly side of land now or formerly of McCarthf and the Westerly line of land now or formerly of Sawicki ; thence South 200 17 ' 30 " East along the said land now or formerly of McCarthy and the land now or formerly of -Sawicki 758 .88 feet to the Southerly line of land of the Long Island Railroad Company and the Northerly line of land now or formerly of Rasweiler; thence South 460 43 ' 10 " West along the said land of the Long Island Railroad Company and land now or formerly of Rasweiler 8 . 66 feet to the extreme Northerly end of an arc of a curve; thence Southerly, Southwesterly and Westerly alongthearcofsaidcurvebearingtotheright , being subtendedbyachordbearingSouth26058 ' 50 " West a chord length of23 . 69 feet , said curve having a radius of 35 . 07 feet , a length of 24 . 17 feet; thence South 460 43 ' 10 " West , through the Northerly side of land now or formerly of Rasweiler 428 . 92 feet to the Westerly side of the land now or formerlyofRasweilerandtheEasterlysideoflandnoworformerlyofDiachun; thence North 370 34 ' 20 " West along the said land now or formerly of Rasweiler and land now or formerlyofDiachun8 . 04 feet to the Southerly line of land of the Long Island Railroad Company; thence North 460 43 ' 10 " East along the said land of the Long Island Railroad Company428 . 12 feet to the extreme Westerly end of an arc of a curve; thence Easterly, Northeasterly and Northerly along the arc of said curve, bearing to the left , being subtended by a chordbearingNorth13012 ' 50 " East a chord length of 29 . 89 feet; said curve having a radius of 27 . 07 feet , a length of 31 . 66feet; thence North 200 17 ' 30 " West through the lands of the Long Island Railroad Company and now or formerly of McCarthy746 . 05 feet ; thence South 69 ° 42 ' 30 " West still through the land now or formerly of McCarthy 2 . 0 feet; thence North 21° 33 ' 00 " West through the land now or formerly of McCarthy and the land now or formerly of Qualls 205 . 0 feet ; thence North 200 17 ' 30" West still through the land now or formerlyofQualls108 . 0 feet to the Southerly side of Main (State)Road; thence North 470 23 ' 00 " East along the Southerly sideofMain (State ) Road 12 .97 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING . BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed bydeeddatedApril11 , 1935 and recorded in the Suffolk CountyClerk' s Office on April 12 , 1935 in Liber 1808 Page 216 . EDWARD P.fRECORDEDMAY181994QMOF$U ROMAINE cx t)NIV Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Re: Application of Gebbia June 5, 2024 Exhibit D Excerpt from ZBA Transcript, dated August 21, 2003, ZBA File No. 5254 C2) 143 1 2 been said about these people as well . MRS . ZUPA: However, they have 3 had the opportunity and they have answered. CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: Off the 4 record. Whereupon, there was- an 5 off-the-record discussion. ) CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: The Board 6 would like to accept it in writing, and it will be read into the transcript; is that 7 sufficient? MRS . ZUPA: Thank you, Madam 8 Chair. CHAIRWOMAN TORTORO: You have a 9 prepared statement there . Would you like to turn that in now? 10 MRS . ZUPA: Yes . CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: Okay, I am 11 going to make a motion to close this hearing and reserve decision. 12 BOARD MEMBER HORNING: Second. CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: All in favor. 13 Whereupon, all Members of the Board responded in favor. ) 14 CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: This hearing is closed. 15 The next hearing is on behalf of Carol'ine:;and Nicolo DiBartolo. Is someone 16 here who would like to speak on behalf of that application? 17 MR. DIBARTOLO : Yes, ma' am. CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: Just a moment . 18 MS . KOWALSKI : Just like to ask that everybody who speaks, please write your 19 name and residence address on the pad. CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: Mr. DiBartolo, 20 I would like to make a couple of comments . The Board had requested that we reopen this 21 hearing to be able to clarify the issues that were raised at the public hearing concerning 22 the safety and adequacy of the bridge, and to insure that it was constructed in a manner 23 that would safely accommodate fire trucks . I see that you did provide us with 24 an engineer' s report . We should get a copy of the engineer' s report certifying that the 25 bridge would carry - - and before I read it , I ' m going to, I was just looking for the COURT REPORTING AND TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE (631) 878-8047 144 1 2 engineer' s report -- ten tons, that it will support an axle load of ten tons, and we also I-7)3 received from you a traffic report, an engineer' s traffic report, which, if anyone in 4 the audience would like or has not reviewed it it is, of course, available in the files . 5 I just said that we have received an engineer' s report, certified engineer' s 6 report stating that the bridge was capable of holding ten tons, five ton per axle; and we 7 also received a certified engineer' s traffic study, and that if any of the information that 8 we had, you have not had an opportunity to review in the file, you' re welcome to review 9 it or look at it or anything else . We have not received a letter from 10 the fire department at this point . The DiBartolos -- I 'm telling you, according to 11 the submissions that we have received since then, have done, met with the fire department 12 and done substantial clearing at the fire department' s request to meet their 13 specifications for the trucks . Would you like to bring us up to 14 date as far as where you are with the fire department, Mr. DiBartolo? 15 MR. DIBARTOLO : You' re absolutely right in terms of the two issues that brings 16 us to this date and the meeting. The merging of the lots was one of them, and the adequacy 17 of the fire department in terms of what the bridge and the driveway will hold. 18 I would like to make a general comment referring to the merging of the lots . 19 Apparently the conclusion had been reached that the lots are merged. As such, we' re 20 talking about as a single lot of 18 acres that borders on one public street , Condor Court . 21 As such, we believe that the fire department has a certain amount of responsibility to 22 address any protection that is required once that lot is reached, which, of course, is 23 reachable through Condor Court, a public street . 24 CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: Who determined the lots were merged? 25 MR. DIBARTOLO : I ' m sorry? CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA- Who COURT REPORTING AND TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE (631) 878-8047 r 145 1 2 determined the lots were merged? MR. DIBARTOLO: Based on what I 3 had read on the file that had been sent to this Board and the letter to the assessors' 4 office indicating that it is the intention of this Town to merge those lots, and that letter 5 I believe is on record. CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: Your attorney 6 had sent us a letter pointing out that your lot, your house lot is 40 , 000 square feet? 7 MR. DIBARTOLO: I ' m sorry? CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: We have a 8 letter in your file from your attorney stating that your house lot is 40 , 000 square feet and 9 the codes said all lots are merged except a lot which is 40 , 000 square feet, and in which 10 case it would not be . I believe that letter is in the file . 11 MR. DIBARTOLO : That is in the file and the assessor' s letter is in the file . 12 So I 'm not clear which really rules at this point, but the bottom line is it is an 18 acre 13 that I 'm dealing with, and it does border on the public street . To that extent, I believe 1/L'L) 14 the fire department has a certain amount of responsibility to meet the conditions of 15 protecting what is on that particular lot . However, I may go on to address 16 the other question relative to the safety of the driveway. We had been in contact with the 17 fire department, the fire chiefs and the fire commissioners, and so has our attorney - - and 18 by the way, I do apologize, the attorney had precommitments for this week and he couldn' t 19 make it -- and we have not received the final response from the commissioners from the fire 20 district . We did have the fire chief and the assistant fire chief come to the property; 21 they walked the driveway with us and indicated what needed to be done to widen it, and we did 22 that and we sent you documentation to that effect . 23 Basically, what we did is we removed some trees, widened the driveway to a 24 15 by 15 regular requirement , and I understand this is the Town' s requirement for any access 25 roadway, so we made our driveway similar to a roadway access in terms of width and. COURT REPORTING AND TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE (631) 878-8047 146 1 2 requirement . So the driveway itself is adequate . 3 As far as the bridge is concerned, we have an engineer' s certificate which I have 4 just indicated it has a capacity of ten tons per axle . We have not received any 5 conclusatory remarks from the fire district, which apparently appears to have a 6 difference -- there' s a difference of opinion between the fire commissioners and the fire 7 chief as to what is adequate in terms of the bridge, but the certified engineer' s report 8 does state that it can hold essentially ten tons per axle . Essentially this will carry 9 just about any fire department vehicle it has ; perhaps not the biggest ones, but , after all, 10 we' re not protecting the high school ; we' re protecting a home, a single home, a single 11 use . But we have done everything in our 12 power to be able to get some additional information from the fire department and the 13 fire district to say, yes, this is adequate . Our attorney has been in contact with them. 14 We have gone to a public hearing the fire district had, and the commissioner has 15 indicated that we would hear from the attorneys for the fire district, which 16 apparently is a Mr. Glass in Port Jefferson. Our attorney has been in contact, the attorney 17 has indicated, the attorney for the fire district has indicated that we' ll be in touch 18 with the commissioner and make some recommendation how to respond. We have not 19 received that response . Now to summarize this, without 20 taking too much of your time, essentially I think we' ve complied, Number one, with the 21 fire chief' s description of what was needed for the driveway. We have an adequate weight 22 limitation on the bridge, and we have provided everything necessary beyond that, including 23 the traffic study. We feel that you have sufficient 24 information based on everything provided, that you can make a determination that you have 25 done a public review adequate to be protect the public here . Call it a due diligence COURT REPORTING AND TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE (631) 878 -8047 cc\147 1 2 review, I understand that this is basically protecting the public, that is fine . We 3 believe up ' til now we submitted sufficient information to come to that conclusion. We 4 think that you can make a decision to approve the application. 5 If, however, we have to leave this open, we have been trying to get detailed 6 information from the fire district; if your information is insufficient for your purposes , 7 then we do need more time to appropriately answer any further detailed representations in 8 terms of the safety of the bridge or the safety of the driveway. 9 CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: Just a moment . 10 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Mr. DiBartolo, I honestly have no objection to 11 your application in any way. I just happen to have been a Mattituck fireman for 30 years, 12 okay? MR. DIBARTOLO: Yes . 13 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: I had a discussion with one of my commissioners, and 14 it ' s my understanding that they are going to submit a letter. I don' t know exactly when 15 they' re going to do this . This discussion was approximately a week or so ago. I have to 16 tell you that I have been charged, and I have been charged with the writing of this 17 decision, and with the right of way qualifications, minimum qualifications that 18 this Board has dealt with since the passing of a board member from Orient who has passed that • 19 along to me, and his name is Bob Douglas, and he' s been dead in excess of ten years or 20 thereabouts . So I have been writing all of these specifications . I am not , I have to be 21 honest with you, I am not an engineer. It concerns me immensely because 22 of the 110 members that we have in this organization and the ability to get those 23 people to your house, 24/7 , 12 months of the year, okay, and that is the reason why I have 24 taken an active interest in this . I want you to be aware of one 25 thing . I have a great rapport with all three chiefs, but the district owns the equipment . COURT REPORTING AND TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE (631) 878-8047 11 148 2 All right . The district buys3ThedistrictsuppliesYtheequipment . district owns the e the equipment and the elected officials , equipment, and they are4So, I am still waitingaletterfromthedistrict r forware, I think, and that ' s where we5atthisjuncturediscussion, very short discussion nwithd athet ' s my a 6 chairperson couple daysWeare . g°, and that ' s where 7 So, whatever ourtogettheletterfrom Y attorney can doMr. the district, from8Glass, we would appreciate itMR. DIBARTOLO: okay? 9 have been veryOf course . We from the ver supportive from your commentsybeginning. We had absolutely10objectionstomaking noobjections We have It as safe as wedoneeverythingpossibly 11 realistically it' s been months, and le but forth and back and forth, and back and nse . and we get no12 tespo pond It ' sinhnttfaormal for a hion public agency 13 we did attend theespecially sincepublictoldtheinformationhad hearing, and we were previously14totheattorneydistrict .been sentforth CHAIRWOMANinterruptTORTORA: Let me15youforamoment .think the Board should send the fi)rearstr, I 16 commissioners a letter. district think that MR DIBARTOLO: Would17onlywouldhelpthink I everything else we have because I 18 us know we will do whateverpised with and let get this done necessary toproperly.19 CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA:will, we will send Boardletter.20 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER:just reflect on one thing, Let me 21 says that the bridge is when the engineer pay axles certified for ten tonsheissayingthator - -22 because it ' s Mr. Tull It is a heY, right?MR. DIBARTOLO: Yes .23 two axles, it ' s BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER:saying that if a truck has t s is 24 then certified for 20 ons? MR. DIBARTOLO: Exactly. But25thereisanotherpointtocourse, the that, which, of to review, fire district commissioner needsIfit ' s a bigger truck and you COURT REPORTING AND TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE 631) 878-Rn47 149 1 2 have three axles, you can' t get three axles on a 24 span. You can only get two axles on a 24 3 span. It' s a small bridge . It has 12 piers underneath it . So what he' s saying is for 4 each axel that' s on there will hold ten tons, but the maximum you can get is two axles, 5 let' s face it, and the truck is longer than 20 feet . 6 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Most of the trucks are 35 to 40 . 7 MR. DIBARTOLO: Of course . But the rest of the truck is going to be on land 8 not on bridge, so the weight is distributed. I 'm not an engineer either. 9 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER : How long is the bridge? 10 MR. DIBARTOLO: 20 feet exactly. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER : So what 11 he' s saying is by the time the second axel comes over the bridge, the nose of the truck 12 will already be off the bridge . MR. DIBARTOLO: Exactly. So 13 you' re dealing with ten tons . The way that bridge is built , I can tell you this now, I 14 haven' t looked into the possibility of getting another engineer and someone who actually is 15 involved in the actual configuration of the weight to get certified, and can certify what 16 the actual weight is that is that bridge can hold. The ten ton is a minimum, ten ton per 17 axle is the minimum, if anything it would be more . So if you' re going to wait for the fire 18 department letter anyway. CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: We really 19 have to . That is part of the thing that we discussed before and we wanted to agree to . I 20 do apologize for the late hour . I recognize that you people have waited through several 21 hearings to be here and I apologize . Mr. DiBartolo, why don' t we let 22 some of the neighbors speak, and then we will get back and try to conclude this with the 23 letter from the fire department? MR. DIBARTOLO: That ' s fine . And 24 please let me know if I can do anything else . Thank you. 25 CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: Someone like to speak in opposition? Yes, sir . COURT REPORTING AND TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE (631) 878 -8047 1 150 2 Chair, BOARD MEMBER HORNING: Madam 3 I have to leave . Whereupon, Board Member Horningleftthehearingroom. )4 MR. DIACHUM: My name is RonDiachum. I lived on that property for many5 years . Actually, when we sold it there was anagreement, repair the barns, repair the house6 windows, whatever, and never build the houseup. And all of a sudden one of my neighbors7 goes, how do you like the motel .what? I went and took a look at it was like8 actually looks like a motel . It 9 their I mean, if they can get awapropertydoingthiszonebusiness, I ' d h like to make mine, I got 17 acres, mine and my 10 mom' s, and I ' d like to build my ss too .You know, make a trailer park, summerecottages 11 something like that, cause I don' t - 12 CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: Bed andbreakfastsarepermitteduseinresidentialdistrict . It' s not a business district .13 not a business use .It ' s 14 MR. DIACHUM:It' s making money.CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: As wediscussedatthelasthearing,ction 15 to the use of it as a bed and breakfastresidentialdistricts, in16theTownBoard, enactedthatlawmany, many years ago and alreadyalegislativefindingthatit ' s allowable made17 which is allowable b they' re here . y some permit . That ' s why18Wehaveanumberofbedandbreakfaststhroughoutthiscommunity, but itisnotacommercialuseinourcodes .19 MR. DIACHUM: It ' s not making20moneythen? CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: I didn' t21createthelaw. I didn' t write it .MR. DIACHUM: So I can make money22onmypropertytoo. CHAIRWOMAN TORTORO: If you would23liketohaveabed and breakfast , apply to theBoard, get a special permit, yes, you are24allowedto. property MR. DIACHUM: Right away, that25ydoesn' t go through Laurel Wood . ItgoestomypropertydownNorthOakwoodDriveItdoesn' t go to Laurel COURT REPORTING AND TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE (631) 878-8047 151 1 2 Wood at all ' cause we tried it one time, my father tried it, and it didn' t work. Now all it 3 of a sudden it works . It goes through North Oakwood Drive and also the Main Road. There' s 4 no Laurel Wood access to that property, legally. 5 CHAIRWOMAN TORTORO: Mr. Goehringer. 6 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Regarding that? 7 CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: Yes . BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: I think 8 the issue here is is Laurel Wood, is the second phase, is that a public road? 9 MR. DIACHUM: Now it is . BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: I think 10 that' s one of the issues here, that' s still an issue that' s still unresolved. 11 MR. DIACHUM: Go through North Oakwood Drive and go to the Main Road. 12 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: I ' m just saying that that' s one of the issues that ' s 13 unresolved. MR. DIACHUM: I request, if 14 there' s a bed and breakfast there, I request a six foot fence all around my property that I 15 don' t get no neighbors roaming around my land. 16 CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: Okay. Thank you . 17 MR. DIACHUM: My property and my mom' s property. Thank you. 18 CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: Is there anybody else that would like to speak against 19 the application? MR. TAOIMINA: How do you do, 20 folks, my name' s Matthew Taoimina . I live at 1100 White Eagle Drive . With the 10 , 000 - - 21 what is it ten ton? Ten ton thing on the axles, when a vehicle of that size is moving, 22 that ' s going to create force . I mean, if you' re just driving slowly across the bridge 23 with ten ton axle, I can see that, if you' re moving with a fire truck with water that 24 sloshes around and creates force of its own, I don' t know if that ten ton is going to be 25 applicable in that use . So it is a danger and him saying COURT REPORTING AND TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE (631) 878-8047 152 1 2 that well, you know, only the biggest trucks can go down, well, listen it' s going to be a 3 danger for a fireman. If they need that big truck to perform a rescue or something of 4 that nature then that bridge should support the biggest truck. 5 Other things that, if that' s all that this Board is addressing at this time, 6 there are other neighborhood concerns that we have referenced, the bed and breakfasts, that 7 there are two other accesses to the bed and breakfast, I don' t know why this gentleman 8 insists on using our access . My biggest concern is you have people coming through our 9 neighborhoods, they' re not buying into that neighborhood in any way. They have no stake 10 in it, and let' s face it, people who are coming out here to vacation, to visit the 11 wineries things like that, we don' t need people that don' t have a stake in our 12 neighborhood, driving through our neighborhood after they have been to a winery, maybe had a 13 few too many, and don' t mind driving through our neighborhood at fast speeds ' cause what 14 the heck, they' re only here for a weekend or whatever. That' s a big concern of most of the 15 neighbors, if not all of the neighbors . Other than that , if they want the 16 bed and breakfast where they are, God bless them, as long as they have safe access and 17 preferably not through our neighborhood. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Do you 18 know if the roads through Section 2 were dedicated yet ; does the Town own them? 19 MR. TAOIMINA: I ' m not sure whether it was or -- 20 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Does the Town maintain them now? 21 MR. TAOIMINA: They plow them, that would be true . If they do plow them, I 22 would assume they have been dedicated. CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: Thank you 23 very much. Is there anyone else who would like to speak against this application? 24 MR. ERICKSON: I ' ll speak . CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: Yes, sir. 25 MR. ERICKSON: My name is Christopher Erickson. I have a parcel of land COURT REPORTING AND TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE (631) 878-8047 1 153 2 1 at 1250 White Eagle Drive . l 3 My concern is similar toTaoimina, it comes back toMr. 4 you have an access, there'good neighbors . If North Oakwood Drive if there s an access to 1///( - why not go5 ualtoe way and avoid the whole neighborhoodginsteadofhavingpeoplethathave nog vested6interestintheneighborhoodcomingIdon' t know how large -- this is m thrrugh. 7 meeting I don' t know how lar Y first bed and breakfast is . ge the proposed lookingHow many rooms he' s8for; do you have that available?CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA:9 three bedroom bed and breakfast . It ' S a bedrooms . Three 10 MR. ERICKSON:dwelling are we lookingHow big a 11 CHAIRWOMAN at here? existin TORTORA: It ' s in theghouse . The code allows ,12 by anybed and breakfasts, so the ap to five the maximum Y re not Proposing smaller bed means . They' re proposing a13andbreakfast . ML—)that been brought htRICKSON: Thank14 You . Has oodaccess; g up about a Nocanyouavoidthewhole rLaurelth wWood15andWhiteEagleDrive,one wa I mean this way it ' s ayinand one way out?16 the first We heaCHAIRWOMAN TORTORA:That was discussed at ea have . believering, I17andtherewasanumberofwiththatbecauseofthedistanceproblemstheo18therewerealot, that was consideredtobe ;alotlonger. I guess the real issue is that19theaccessthatthe public roads, they're proposing, they' re comfortable and as much as you may not feel20havingthattrafficbed and breakfasts going through yourthe three 21 they' re permitted to do g road, public road andso because it is a 22 MR. ERICKSON: Okay.CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA:can' t You really23say, okay, we ' re going to discriminateagainstthesepeopleandnot24 re have access to the same road thatallw them to They' re public roads they' re You have . 25 roads . Y not private MR. ERICKSON: Okay. And themainconcernobviouslyisthefireAnyone COURT REPORTING AND TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE 631) 878-8047 154 1 2 that' s been to any kind of fire scene knows that if they roll equipment, and if they need 3 equipment you can' t get it in there, limited space . They might have that fire vehicle park 4 some axles on that bridge . I ' ve been to scenes where you park, you have limited space , 5 small area, and if the ladder vehicle has to get in there, it could be from Southold Town, 6 mutual aid come from somewhere else, and if you need that equipment that can' t get in 7 there, CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: We' re going 8 to wait and hear from the fire department . This access was chosen because it is the most 9 direct access . If there is any problems whatsoever about inaccess, the Board will look 10 at other alternatives because our charge in this instance is to insure that the public 11 health, safety and welfare of the community, we will do that . 12 MR. ERICKSON: Thank you for your time . 13 CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: Thank you. Mr. DiBartolo, I have a suggestion. We' re 14 going to write the letter to the Board, to the fire district to get their input . In fairness 15 to you, you will want some type of opportunity to respond; do you want to leave this open to 16 written comments for 'another 30 days ; is that a fair thing for everyone in the audience? 17 And, of course, you' re all welcome to come review the file and to go through any new 18 submissions ; is that fair? MR. DIBARTOLO: What we would like 19 because the fire department has not responded, your own volition, simply extend the time to 20 send the information. CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: We are . We' re 21 going to send the letter. We' re allowing you another 30 days, however, to comment on 22 whatever they say, and as is customary to allow anyone in the audience to submit any 23 written comments if they would like to do so; is that fair? 24 MR. DIBARTOLO: That ' s fine . MS . KOWALSKI : Can we do 30 days? 25 CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: We can' t do 30 days because we land on a weekend COURT REPORTING AND TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE (631) 878-8047 155 1 2 MR. DIBARTOLO: There is a another comment I would like to add if I may. 3 CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: I ' m sorry? MR. DIBARTOLO : There is another 4 comment I would like to add, if I may, in response to other comments that were recently 5 made . The question about the Laurel Wood access has been said; we went through the 6 permit application process when the bridge was built . There is no question about access, 7 that is, in fact, a public road, dedicated road. It borders right on the property and it 8 is the only full-size road available . The discussion related to the 9 North Oakwood, that the Board members are not familiar with. It' s a one lane road. It' s a 10 private street basically, private street that belongs to the members . It' s a one lane road 11 that goes all the way down to Laurel Wood, and if the fire trucks can' t get in through the 12 driveway that exists now, believe me, they will never be able to get in from the other 13 end. Because at the other end it borders right along the wetlands and there just 14 wouldn' t be sufficient room. Besides it was mentioned at the 15 last meeting, I think we had one of the witnesses from the area, Mrs . Novak, which is 16 right on my corner that probably had complained vehemently about the trucks or cars 17 passing by. In this particular situation any vehicle will pass right behind her property to 18 get into North Oakwood, even though we believe we do have access going back with an old map 19 that existed in the Town of Southold. I have nothing further. Thank you 20 very much. CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: Thank you. 21 I ' m going to make a motion - - I ' m sorry. MS . SCHANTZ : My name is Jane 22 Schantz . I live on Condor Court . I don' t understand or maybe I ' m just ignorant of the 23 fact whether or not if this is a special permit, is there discretionary by the Board to 24 approve or disapprove this because of the feelings in the neighborhood, or is it 25 automatically approved as long as they meet all the requirements? COURT REPORTING AND TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE (631) 878-8047 156 1 2 CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: Special Exception is a use which is permitted by law 47--) 3 providing the applicant meets all the conditions in the code; that' s what a special 4 permit is . So to answer your question, if he meets all the conditions in the code, he gets 5 a permit . I don' t have a copy of the code 6 here, but there are a number of conditions we are concerned with, and one of the main 7 concerns that we have specified in the code is fire access . That' s one of the reasons -- 8 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Fire and emergency. 9 CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: Fire and emergency vehicles that' s one of the reasons 10 why we are looking at that very carefully. MS . SCHANTZ : So basically the 50 11 or 70 families that are going to be part of their access, don' t get a voice in whether 12 they approve this or not? CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: No . We have 13 listened very carefully to all of your concerns . This is a statement we don' t ever 14 want a bed and breakfast in our neighborhood, is that justification enough for us to turn it 15 down? No, it isn' t . MS . SCHANTZ : My understanding in 16 speaking to someone with legal knowledge was that a B and B, the intent of the code and the 17 law was not to put it in a private residential area . It was more of the intent to put it in 18 the main street in a big old home to revitalize the area, bring people in that will 19 walk to the stores and the restaurants . CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: That ' s not 20 what our town code says . I don' t know who you spoke to, but believe me when I say that the 21 town codes , bed and breakfasts are permitted in R40, R80 , R200, they' re permitted in 22 virtually - - I ' m trying to think of any districts they' re not permitted in, which 23 might be a marine district, but there' s nothing in the town code which says they 24 should only be in hamlet areas or shore front areas . Maybe if there is something that you 25 feel that the town code should be changed, but I think you' ve been given misinformation. COURT REPORTING AND TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE (631) 878-8047 157 1 2 I 'm trying to be as straight as I can with you so you' re not under any -- 3 MS . SCHANTZ : This is why I ' m asking. I 'm quite actually ignorant . 4 CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: Most of us were . Don' t feel bad. 5 MS . SCHANTZ : I ' ve never been a part of this before . 6 CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: That' s okay, you' re not expected to. 7 MS . SCHANTZ : And I certainly don' t, Mrs . DiBartolo said to me one time it ' s 8 been her long held dream to have a B and B, and I certainly wouldn' t want to get in the 9 way of that . My long held dream was to move to a dead end where there' s only four houses 10 on the road, and I don' t have to worry about traffic for my children, and that' s why we 11 picked that lot . And they feel that it ' s only going to be three cars a day, but they only 12 serve breakfast, so they will be going in and out, for the beach or wineries or whatever, 13 and that is a concern to a neighborhood, which is filled with children. 14 But I also don' t want to beat my head against a brick wall . If voicing my 15 opinions, and the opinions -- unfortunately a lot of our neighbors could not even come 16 because of the work. CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: The Board has 17 taken all of your concerns into consideration, please don' t think otherwise . 18 MS . SCHANTZ : Okay. One more thing. I know a B and B is not considered a 19 business use, but with this property will there be able to ever have another country inn 20 built there? CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: There are no 21 country inn permits in our code . It' s not a permitted use in our code . So the answer to 22 that question is no, not at this time . MS . SCHANTZ : Thank you. 23 CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: Thank you very much. 24 I ' m going to make a motion to close the hearing reserving a decision and to 25 leave -- or rather to close the hearing to verbatim testimony, and to leave it open for COURT REPORTING AND TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE (631) 878-8047 158 c\ 1 2 written comments until September 18th, at which time we will close the hearing. r ) 3 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO : Second. CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: All in favor. 4 Whereupon, all Board Members responded in favor. ) 5 CHAIRWOMAN TORTORA: Thank you very much. 6 Time ended: 4 : 30 p.m. ) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 COURT REPORTING AND TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE (631) 878-8047 Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Re: Application of Gebbia June 5, 2024 Exhibit E 2005 Deed Dibartolo to DiBartolo recorded in Liber 12435 Page 494 I 127-'b- &,-3 NY nos. a_in qui S....Oced wi... c..vcaaIllUpiluaG.r.ullur" A<u ladividual urC_iaa (Sinllc SJ.t1 (NYBTIJ 8002, L I ;1..1 2> CONSUI.TYOUR LAWYER BEroN!! SIGNING 11IL~ INSTRUMENT. THL~ INlITRU~IENT SHOUl.D at: USED BY LAWYI!R.~ Olio'LY PyqLI THIS INDENTURE, made lhe Sf++- day of November BETWEEN Nlrolo DiBartolo and Caroline S. DiBartolo 475 Condor Court Laurel NY 11948 in \he year 2004 pany of Ibe filS! pan. and a:.......~:~:!.~ q;v',rJJht '( Y'';'" "" . . ~ . - I I.'" ":1,\Tn~i:'..J I' .... Y,'''!.J,1 ,', ..' - 'r-II::')t., ...1",,- :....l'(J.c"..ntrJ.:h.1 Nicolo DIBartolo and Caroline S. DiBartolo 475 Condor Court Laurel NY 11948 party of the seeond pan. WITNESSETH, I/tallhe party of the fil1il pan. in eonsidelDlion ofTen Dollors and olher valuable eOllllider~lion paid by lhe pany of Ibe second part, does h"",by granl and release unlO \he party of lbe second part. the hei.. or SUC<.."..OI1i and ...igns of the party of the second part fo",v.r. ALL lbal c:ertain plOL piece or parcel of land. wilb lhe buildin~ and improvemenl< Iht:rcon erec:1ed. situare. lying and being in \he SEE SCHEDULE "A" DESCRIPTION ATTACHED BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises as conveyed to the Grantor(s) by deed made by Eleanor Diachun and Rose Dlachun, dated 4125/94 and recorded 5/18194 In L1ber. 11677 at Page 427. SUBJECT to covenant and restriction required by ~ew York State Department of Environmental Conservation ("NYSDEC") as set forth In Schedule "B" annexed hereto. PREMISES ALSO KNOWN AS 475 Condor Court, Laurel NY 119411. District: 1000 Section: 1Z7.00 Block: 02.00 Lot: 006.001 & 006.002 TOGETHER with all righl, tille and inlCl'elil. ifany. uf lbe party of the fi..l part of. in und 10 any SlreelS and roads abolling the aoove-<lescribed promi.... lu the cenlCr lines \hereof; TOGETHER wilb \he appurtenances und all \he eSlalC and righlS of lhe party of the first pan in and 10 said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD lhe premises h....in granled unlo the party of the second part. lh. heil1i or .=....<01'5 and lL.sig"" of Ih. pany uf Ibe second pan fUR:v.r. AND the party of Ibe fin" part covenanlS I/talthe party of lhe lirsl part h1L< not done or surr"",d anything whereby lbe said premises have been incumbered in any way wh...v.r, .~c:epllL. aforesaid. AND lbe party of lhe firsl parl in compliance with Section 13 of lb. Lien Law. covcnun.. lhatlhe party of \he fi1511"U1 will receive the consideration for lbisconveyance and will hold \he righllo receive such consideration "" a truSl fund 10 be applied lirsl for the pUI'JlOSC of paying the COSIOI' the improve.nenl and will apply lhe sanle first 10 the paymenl of \he cost of lb. improvemenl hefore using any part of the lotal uf lhe ..me for w.y oth.r pu.".,... The word "party" shall be eonslrued as if il read "parties" whenever the ...... of this indentuR: so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the firsl part has duly e,.cUled Ibis deed Ibe day and year firsl above wrillCn. IN PRI!SF.NQ; 11I': Schedule A Description ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Laurel, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and descnbcd as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument set in the Northeasterly comer of the premises to be descnbed herein, said point also being dividing line of the Northwesterly comer of the land now or formerly ofRasweiler, the Northeasterly comer of the pn:mises to be described herein, and the land ofthe Long Island Railroad Company; RUNNING THENCE along the land now or formerly of Rasweilcr, the following four (4) courses and distances: - I. South 37 degrees 34 minutcs 20 seconds East ~.;;)feet'19 a concrete monument; 2. North 61 degrees 17 minutes 00 seconds East 95.05 feet to a conaete monument; 3. South 29 degrees 19 minutes 40 seconds East 517.90 feet to a concrete monument; 4. South 17 degrees 48 minutcs 40 seconds East 740.64 feet to the land now or formerly ofT. Diachun; - THENCE South 60 degrees 01 minute 20 seconds West along the land now or formerly ofT. Diachun and the Northerly lot line ofLot 7 as shown on a certain map entitled, "Map of Golden View Estates", as filed in the Office ofthe Clerk of the County of Suffolk as Map Number 7770, 420.26 feet to a concrete monument and the Easterly line of Lot Number 8 on the aforesaid map; THENCE North 31 dcgJ:eCS 54 minutes 30 seconds West along the said Easterly line ofLot Number 8 and the Easterly side of a recharge basin as shown on the said "Map of Goldcn View Estates" 173.70 feet; THENCE North 12 degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds West still along the Easterly side of said recharge basin 138.69 feet to a concrete monumcot; THENCE North 63 degrees 58 minutes 20 seconds West along the Northeasterly side of said recharge basin and the Northeasterly side ofCondor Court as both are shown on the said "Map of Golden View F.states", 208.05 feet to a concrcte monument and the Easterly side of Lot 15 on the aforesaid map; THENCE North 44 degrees 34 minutcs 10 seconds West along the said Easterly side of Lot 15 and the Easterly side of a "Parle and Recreation Area" as shown on the said "Map of Golden TOGETHER with all right, title and interest ofthe party of the first part, in and to the land lying in the street in front of and adjoining said premi!lC.~. View Estatcs" 213.35 feet to a concrete monument and the Southeasterly side of said "Park and Recreation Area'" . mENCE North 3 degrees 29 minutes 10 seconds East along the said Southea.~terly side of thesaid "Park and Recreation Area" 356.56 feet to a concrete monument and the land now or formerly ofK. Leeds; THENCE North 34 degrees 09 minutes 50 seconds West along the land now or formerly ofK. Leeds 424.26 feet to the land of the Long Island Railroad Company and the Northeasterly comerofthepremisesdescribedherein; THENCE North 46 degrees 43 minutes 10 seconds East along the land of Long Island Railroad Company 432.59 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH the benefits and SUBJECT TO the burden of a certain right of way to Main Road being bounded lII!d described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Southerly side of Main Road, said point bearing South 47 degrees 23 minutes 00 seconds West 7.03 feet from a concrete monument set in the said Southerly side ofMain Road marking the Northeasterly comer of the land now Dr formerly of Qualls and the Northwestcrly comer ofland now or formerly Sawicki; said monument also being2,077 feet, more or less, Easterly from the Easterly side ofLaurcl Lane; RUl'o.'NING THENCE South 20 degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds East, through the land now or formerly Qualls I 12.72 feet; THENCE South 22 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds East, still through land now or formerly of Qualls and the land now or formerly of MeCarthy 205.04 feel to the Eastcr:ly side ofland now or formerly of McCarthy and the Westerly line of land now or formerly ofSawicki; THENCE South 20 degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds East along the said land now or formerly of McCarthy and the land now or formerly of Sawicki 758.88 feet to the Southerly line of land of the Long Island Railroad Company and the Northerly line of land now Dr formerly of Rasweilcr; THENCE South 46 degrees 43 minutes'lO seconds West along the said land of the Long Island Railroad Company and land now or formerly ofRasweiler 8.66 feet to the extreme Northerly end of an arc of a curve; THENCE Southerly, Southwesterly and Westerly along the arc ofsaid curve bearing to the right, being subtended by a chord bearing South 26 degrees 58 minutes SO seconds West a chMl length of23.69 feet, 'said curve having a radius of35.07 feet, a length of24. I 7 feet; THENCE South 46 degrees 43 minutes 10 seconds West, through the Northerly side ofland now or formerly ofRasweiler 428.92 feet to the land now or formerly of Rasweilcr and the Easterly side of lilnd now or formerly of Diachun; TOGETHER with all right, title and interest of the party of the first part, in and to the land lyinginthestreetinfrontofandadjoiningsaidpremises. SCHEDULE B This covenant shall serve as notification that regulated freshwater wetlands #MT- 26 is located on the property of Nicolo and Caroline DiBartolo and their heirs, assigns or successors as described in the Suffolk County Tax Map as District 1000 Section 127.00, Block 02.00, Lot 006.001, located in Laurel, New York, which is therefore subject to current environmental conservation laws regarding the conduct of regulated activities on such property. Whereas, it is the responsibility ofthe owner of the property to obtain a current description of all regulated activities from the New York State Depanment of Environmental Conservation ("NYSDEC") or its successor organization for the purpose of determining what is considered a regulated activity. Performance of any regulated activity wiII require prior approval by the NYSDEC or its successor. The foregoing covenants shall run with the land and are binding on this owner and his heirs and assigns, forever. THENCE North 37 degrees 34 minutes 20 seconds West along the said land now or formerly ofRasweilerandlandnoworformerlyofDiachun8.04 feet to the Southerly line of land of theLongIslandRailroadCompany; THENCE North 46 degrees 43 minutes 10 seconds East along the said land ofthe Long IslandRailroadCompany428.J2 feet to the extreme Westerly end ofan arc ofa eurve; THENCE Easterly, Northeasterly.and Northerly along the arc of said curve, bearing to the left,being subtendcd by a chord length of29.89 feet; said eurve having a radius of 27.07 feet, alengthof31.66 feet; THENCE North 20 degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds Weslthrough Ihe lands ofthe Long IslandRailroadCompanyandnoworformerlyofMeCarthy746.05 feet; THENCE South 69 degrees 42 minutcs 20 seconds West still through the land now or formerlyofMcCarthy2. 0 feet; THENCE North 21 degrees 33 minutes 00 seconds West through the land now or formerly of McCarthy and the land now or formerly of Qualls 205.0 feet; THENCE North 20 degrees 17 minutes 30 second.~ West still through the land now or formerlyofQualls108.0 feet to the Southerly side ofMain (State) Road); THENCE North 47 degrees 23 minutes 00 seconds East along the Southerly side of Main (Stale)Road 12.97 feet 10 the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGEllIER with all right, title and intere:.-t of the party of the first part, in and to the land lyinginthestreetinfrontofandadjoiningsaidpremises. U~AaNOWUi1JGMENTFODIBl!LOwwmIlNNEWyJ:;TAn;ONl.I~ StateolNewYork,Countyof Suffolk . I ,.., On 1he,"'tyOf November in1he'J!'llf 1004 before me. !he undersigned, penonaI1y ~ I Nicolo DiBartolo and Caroline S. DIBartolo . pcnonaIly known to me or prow:d 10 me on 1he basis lof lllIIisfllClOl)' evidence 10 be \be individual(s) whose nmn:(sl is (an:) ~bed to the willlin instmnu:n\ and ocknow\edged to me lhat ~ cxa:ull!d 1he smne in hislherllhcir cllpUI:ilylies). and thai jjy hWhedlheir sign.Uft(sl on the inslJumenI, \he individual(sl. or lIic person upon behalfof which the individlllll(s) ~~ \he inltnnncnL 7>..~~. __.." c.....-- ~l;D S. DESMOND NOTARY PUBlIC. Stale 01 .... YllItc No. 02DE4Il94&1l1 Qualified In SulloIk COUntY 1_ CommiBIion Expires April 13. 20 ~ AC/UI'OWUJ1XJMENT Font FOR USIl WITIlIN NEW YOU'STA TP.ONLI', IN.... Yod s./ucrlbblg WI..... Actn....,.._, OI,j1jl</W1 SllIte ofNew York, County of j Onlhc _or ~1he~ hefolC me, the undcnligncd. pcn;onaIly 3pJlllORllI I . the subscribing willlc:SS to the fon:going illlllluJTlenl. with whom I wn personally lIlXIuainled. \\i1o. being by me duly s~. did depose and say that hdsheIthey rcside(s) in I ifl~ place ofn.<idona i. in a dly. include dJ<o Ilrrtll uiuJ nrwlllllUtlbflr. ifan.v. I~nt.>f); lIull heIsheIthcy bow(s) I to be the individual described in and who exc<.'IIli:d the forcgoinJ in.<ltUmenl; lhat said subscribillll wilOCSS w.. present 'and saw said euolle the same; and lhat ..w willleSS at 1111: sarnl'ime ...bl<aibed hisJhedlhcir rwnels) as a wi...... therclO. BARGAIN a SALE Dt:m WTnI CUYF.HANIS AOAINSTCJIIANTOR"i ACI'I T1TuNo. NICOLO DI BARTOLO AND CAROLINE S. Dl BARTOLO TO NICOLO DI BARTOLO AND CAROLINE S. DI BARTOLO I' I FIDELITY NATIONAl. TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NI!:W YORK IIIOJllI'OIt,..m, 1f1111 m."'" FitkUty .l='V---", NrwIhltSlWlr'-'l...."""'a.- i! i;j IL o II: II> IIIII: j U!iBAC6NOWIElX"NI!NTFOIIM IJD.oW'tlmlINNNW)"URII:.\TAJEONl.Y, Slate ofNew York, Countyof On the day of . in the ye-.... 1004 before me. the undersigned. pen;ooa1ly llJIIlCarcd JlCIl'lllWly known to me or provod 10 me 011 the basil; of IIIIlisfactory evidence LO be 1he individuates) whose IllIIDt!(.S) is l=1 subscrihcd LOthe willlin iru;llWneDt and acknowledgcd LO me thai heJsheIIIu:y cxccU\ed 1he same in hi5lherl1heir capacily(ies). and thai by hiolherllheir gnaturc(.) IllI !he illllllUlDCDl. 1he individuates). or the penon upon behulf ofwhic:h the indiyidualCsl1lClCd. execuled the illSlnlllllllll. Acx.\'(1'tl'I.F.uc;.III'.N1' l'OIlAf f'OI/, US/1Ofl1SlDli NEwYOI/1CSTAJEONU", IO.,D/StaI.., Forn,_ G...rtrlAcb,,"""'_ CmiJlaU'l ss,: C",rplrlt VI',",d wllh."Ul<<. C,IUnI'I)'. "rrn.;nc.~tJI'MlllliripiJlill} On lh&: day of in the year hcfUIC me. \he undc:n;igncd. ".",,,o,,lIy appeared nally known IU .oe or provelllO me on the basi. of salisfllC\Ory evidence '" be lh&: individwl(s) whose I\IlIIIC(s) i. (lIIC) ""bl<aihcd to 1he within illSllUnu:n\ and ucknowledged LO me thai hdshellhcy exc:c:ull!d the same in hilllhcdlheir capacily(ies). thai by hislherl their llignatun:(.l on the in..uumerll.lh&: indiVidualI.). or !he person upon behalfofwhich the indiyiduaICI) ucu:d. ellCClllod the inlilMI1l:III. and lhatsuc:h individual II1lIIk such appeanux:c before the undersillnell in the I""", 1M dl)' or odt" pu/iliml mhdivisiO#l and I~ slUll: or allllllry or lJl~r plua I/u! uc!;nm.1tds:_III".". luUn1 DIS'f'Rlcr ]000 Sr.cnoll 117.00 UI,OCK 03.00 LoT 006.001 & 006.001 COUNTY OR TOWN RHC.'ORDED AT REQUf:!.TOF 1'1dell1y N811o.aa1 TIlle Insurmice ComJllUlY of New Yon IIt.7VRNRYMAII. ro DAVID S" DESMOND, ESQ. VAN NOSTRAND & MARTIN 53 BROADWAY- BOX 307 AMITYVILLE NY ] 170] Number of page~ TORRENS Serial # Certificate # Prior CIf. #rz,O: 2-10 Deed. Mortgage Inslrument Deed I Mortga~..e l'~x Stamp 3 FEES Page I Filing Fee 7-1 Handling S. ..lllL 5"TP-584 Notation EA-52 I 7 (County) EA-5217 (Stale)7-) 3fJ - Sub TIlIal R.P.T.S.A. Comm, of Ed.S. JllL Affidavi.! Certilied'Q,py Reg. Copy Other Sub Total 5 Gr.utd Total 4 Di~triet 1000 Section Real Property Tax Sc:ivice Agency Verilication 3127.00 Block 05~~08 f\tMA A EC 1000 12700 0300 005003 6 SatisfactionlDischargeslRcleuse Listl'ropcrty Ownc:n Mailing Address IlECORD & RETURN 1'0: Da\id S. Desmond, Esq. VAN NOSTRAND AND MARTIN 53 BROADWAY 1'.0. BOX 307 AMITYVlLLE NY J17UI 7 RECORDED 2005 [)ec: 14 02:24:56 PM Edward P.Romaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COlklTY L DOO012425 P 494 PttlliirM.g Stamps Mortgage AmI. I. Ba.~ic Tux 2. Additional Tax Sub Totul Spec:. I ASsi!. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appointment _ Transfer Tax 'P Mansinn Tux Tbe property covered by this ',!o18age is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only_ YES or NO If NO, see appropriate tax c:Jause on pagc # of this insJrUment. 5 Communlt Preservation Fund Consideration Amount S CPF Tax Due Improved VlICI\nl~d ~ 1'0 :If) TO TD Co. Nwne Tille # 1. - S - 309'1 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Pa e This page fomlS part of the aunched DEED made by: SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Nicolo DlBarlolo and Caroline S. DIBartolo The premisis herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO . In the Township of South old Nirolo DIBartolo and Caroline S. DIBartolo In the VILLAGE or HAMLET IIf BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING Laurel 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 1111111 111I11111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 7 Receipt Number : 05-0129763 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-19305 Recorded: At: 12/14/2005 02:24:58 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012425 494 District: 1000 Section: Block: 127.00 03.00 BXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS 0.00 Lot: 006.003 Deed ADIount: Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $21.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO A-CTY $5.00 NO :&A-STATE: $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Co_.pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $161.00 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-19305 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htlp:/f www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C,. SWIS Codo s< '7 , ~ J? oS , r I cz. Date Daod R_rdod J ~ / / f/ / O.s-1I.."lh .... v_ C3. _ I / ~ ,Y ,.J.. S"tC4. Pogo o PROPERTYINFORMATMON lit ILocodan 475 Condor Court NAIAIITVTNU~" Southold CllY,,"~ laurel STAn Of NEW YORK STAn IIOARD OF REAL PIIOPERTY S1!R\llCES RP - 5217 fll' I" JII'I 11948 2._ Nomo DiBartolo lASf NAIl[ lCOMI'AN'l' DiBartolo Nicolo Caroline S. IMrNAIII:/CQIII'ANY rN.....:: 3. T.. Indicnl....fulUfIITp:8iIll.fIItotJ.lII.. IInllngifGlIh.chln buvw Midr-. Car baaDm of ianni . Ad_IAlI MlIlllilCQIWtANY 111M'" NUIlIKIl ArC>> IITJlUT NM'l!:a'IYQflICMtriI I...... the number of ~''''nI Ran "'-1 Ir........ 011 .... ....1.I 'of Parcell OR D Pin of . P.rcoI 5.=..., I SIa J 1. 0.0 IIxI D!Pr't lOR I HtDNr ..~ Sell... Nomo DiBartolo INMtlo/COllPNft" Nicolo lISl NAIA UUP'~ IT~Tf Z1Pcca 10nIy..... 01 0 _0 _ _lIloy oppIy: PIonnlng Boanlwfth SubdMslon....__ .0 CII. SublNllon AppIVQI WII RaquirGd for T.....a' 0 c. PI. Apprawd for Subchvlslon with Mep PnMded 0 LAlIT ~[fCOMlWn'HIIIoINMa. Caroline S. I. CIIIGII. _ _ ..... rillh_ ......... _ I J" ~ 1- to tr....t.r: 111 BMweIn Rellti..,.. or Former RlAltive, B &lie ~ RoII&ecI CampI~ or Putnen in au...... C 0... of Iho Buvera II allO . Sellar D Buyer Dr SoIIor I. Govammant Agancy or lJtnding lnItllllllon f. DIed Type nDl WarflnlY or s.g.in .nd .... {Spedty Below' SaI. of Frllelionll or '-- thin F.. In_ (Specify BeIowI G llIgnillconl Chango In "'-rty _ T_ SI.... _ Solo Do. II SIll. at BwII"lUl .. IndudId In Sale Price I Othor UnuouaI _.. AlIoctIng Solo Prl..l~ B_ J NOlMI c.~ ~ D.k~7'.4IC7'''k.J o DiBartolo 7. CIwak the baK bel... ..... mo. ecantely ...... the .. 01 1M praperty .. 1M 11m. at ....: On. Fo...., _ontlol 2 or 3 F.mlly Rnldltntiel C ...._1 Voconl ....nG D Non.AOIidClfl\l,1 Vacant LInd I SALE INFORMATION I 11. .... Contrtlct o.te E~"""''''''' F Cammaod.. C; _ H Entlnlinmlnll AmuIemInI I ~ Communlly SoMco . J 1ndu1b'i.1 K PuIlIIc SoMCll J. F.... 12. ~ of ...., T.......e 8 04 v.. 0-, .0,0 I Full s.t. Prlella the lO&IIlMounI ,.Jd fOf lhe properly inIIuding pertOnII propeI1y. Thla perm,,. rNY .. In the form at CMh. oIhar praperty or aOOdl. or lhe euumpdon of mortg,lges or other obligl1ionLJ ".... round to ",. ,..~r "'"* daIIM .mount. 0- 13. FuU .... Price I 0 0 IIn...._. ~ ' ASSESSMENT INFORMATION -Dolo Ihould reftc tho 101001 Finol _. Roll ond r.. Bill o. v..... "'-~_,'_lnom I tJ ,~I n. Tolo'_ V_ 101011 po_In _I IwhichI....... , ta'-n 1'; Ai. I./J I-LJ 18._010__ I 11,1)o. "'-'"' CI_ 20. T.. Map ............11 RoIIIMnIiI.... OIlftOre ""n tour. MIIlIh eheet with e&IcPIio8I ~n 1000-127.00-03.00-006.01 & 006.002 lIloy- e. OwnIn''lIp Type II Condominium I. Now ConllructlGrl on YlC8l'll UncI OA. PropIrty locMU wilhin ., Agrk:Yllurel DimIct au.,., recotvod , dIIc:IaIur. IIOlicIllldic:eIing 1hlllh. J"PIdY' illn In Agricultural D11111ct o o o D J~{~; J ./J I l CERTIFICATION I certlfy IIuot .. vi Ihe Ik_ vi _dun "'Ie"" WI IhIIIIbnn ,.:. """ ...._ ,... Ihe ..... .. "" "-1Il' .... brllYll end [ ............. IIIIIt .... IIIIIIdntl nlull!' _., _ .. _101 ..... _ "lIIl1U1\11d ... 10 Uoe __ vi.... ...... low .-J.. 10 lbr ............ tllntl II _I..........IL x/-+ J;.~ qJ04 ~_ ~-:ws. icOlO D~~ LAlr_ ""..HAM' 475 1 NlJIIlIIIlIt COndor Court 1...rN/l....IAFrIR~' 631 AVA<GDI' Laurel cmoOA1OWM NY 11948 A"ClIllC 0/" 264-0303 1lU!I'ttONI! NUMIUI NEW YORK STATE COPY Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Re: Application of Gebbia June 5, 2024 Exhibit F 1966 Map Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Re: Application of Gebbia June 5, 2024 Exhibit G 1977 Map TOWN OF SOUTDOLD REAL PROPERTY TAX MAP COUNTY OF SUFFOLK , STATE 0 F NEW YORK DISTRICT 1000 Meruw VIO T 0.WF"LK TOO ...DEPOF 1LVT Or rueu,IO E W.w.nrroHnLunaxxD.R.1ME or TOO w. w er wruvlloH or TNa couxTr ar REµreerltTT TAX JIRYIC!A,JxCl.LWWO JOnbKliDX A IX.TOOL WHY• Yl ro APPOINTMENT OF OIDJCTOI WOYST IJ.I'll SUFFOLK COYNTI REAL NROIC.IT TAX SEMICE A$kKI l6et. ruC.[ciwEN K JIuu.O. X. LEA. i TMTJ! 1WS ARE CONrKID IRO*RECORDS FRED b TM[OAK!W TxE COYNT E[mnpL nuurpulu - me.. Or OW.".cw."uq JRW OInER AYUTAELE MrORYTgN,T1*[l E" In H YE WEDwRwRvtTwO.CMYI. KOr LAW.O.OTNEE IR[GM W. roHI Dw tel IMPORTANT T A w1JT M1Y.IM lw Ict LJ,wuA.,..r,r EMORDERTOSIMPLIFYTHISMAR,ALL NON-ESSENTIAL ZEROS SY' ITITlLG'wlit LfNNE NEN ELIMINATED FROM THE PARCICS TAX MAR IDENTIFICATION NUMBER. THEREFORE, AN IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON THE INDEX TO THE TAX MAP SMALL APPEAR: 1000 001.00 OWO 01OI.000•WHEREAS ON THE MAP ITSELF IT.SMALL 4PPEAR: 1000 001 1 1 RM N.. Ynp*.M .Y w OFAPORTIONOFTHENUMBERISDECIMALIZED, APPROPRIATE wAai.'..::...y rESSENTIAL ZEROS SMALL APPEAR OR THE MAP. THE NIOEX 0n M AXIAI MALL SHOW. 1000 DOLOO 0400 001.001, WHEREAS THE MAP rrSELF WILL MOM 1000 001 1 1.1 r• i FOR PIRCEL004SEE SEL.i[ uL` $` NOJ25-rr. 03-000.1 l SEE SEC NO 125 Srl , SEE SEC. NO 125 4 MATCM._ LINE. 13AIc) ry .,_.MATCH _ _ LINEMATCH LME NaTFX NE__. _MATCH _ LINE 1( LINE O 1 5 V r FOR PARCEL NO I S s'b FOR PARCEL N0.S\ a LOA(O00 SEE SEC.NO T'• 125-03-002.1 SEE SEC. NO. 125.00.021 5.2 b. s 0ry aoa NS O ai. LOA Ob 99. sr. A AAG b SO A(cl F Q Nt z _ t b.SA(0) q A Ixa[su 3 09.0 I iJ9L.16 f.ad 69 A(d 1 ••• VJb. 35.7 A 12 e 33.2 AM) 0 s 2 Z P- 2;A(4 IW d(d 1 b. a Q 11.9 aIel Ao \ ee PS a.P n s.1rs.zaA ss A(m lS.6lld O3.55-F A 17L \ A ., b. 1. 42 \ 2 1' •I .L av t U, Sae b3'', N F q0! b fir t . N N Y\ s N h`9!. a `' Uakt 13.5 AW 1 n A o 3 7 M 3 s r. FOR PARCEL N0. SEE $EC. N0.129-01"001 n z%mq v L Z S b • a e o t • 0b b a s • 38 MATCH LIME O 0 R NL[u OA.o oawu I.. • noP[cn[' N a D O' SNL Y[ .n it rw[ FBI....Ann Ts uwow " u[R usrMroNn o . .as+oN or 381RSTAwnA.wT w. Inw ". MMC[ IC[M Legend REE uv - COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 1ECT10M No RICxAEI BAKER. IR. P•wh RNl+. C•.nh luw F P vLw _--[-- [µw+Pwi.e Lw._—M-- LLe---..Wtl. 13R UTH _ N.Y P.(.1111} 0•'^•••C^e 6..e • Ts.l DaMar lrrw __ RMry O.an•.al R - 0..d0 y .r Real Property Tax Service Agency YLUGE OF ALL wru}.__. -_ . A -- 127 COunly een}eT OgTRurr N0. 1000 _ __ _ O _ R..I.W MM L' - P.A pi M:n Lw R R+..I M J 0.^1 F+.n IYIe) r.a.. saua .rLr _-fcx s....d.r.:..L.r s s+e••,.-.6'tL l." Rtl ca.,.l.+.e A,- uA ld Riverhead, L 1., New YorkPROPERTY MAr...W......r....r.....a. Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Re: Application of Gebbia June 5, 2024 Exhibit H Planning Board Memo, dated April 25, 2024 OFFICE LOCATION:MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 a; Southold, NY 11971 cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold,NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Leslie Weisman, ZBA Chairperson Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals From: James H. Rich III, Chairman Members of the Planning Board Date: April 26, 2024 Re: Request for Comments Gebbia SCTM#1000 127-3-6.4, 6.5 ZBA#7902 The Planning Board has reviewed the requested variances and is opposed to the action for the following reasons: 1. The proposed lot is in a sensitive environmental area adjacent to marine wetlands Brushes Creek is a NYSDEC Critical Environmental Area. 2. The probability of the access to the lot flooding due to sea level rise is high. The road and bridge access from Condor Court was established by a Southold Town Board of Trustees Wetlands Permit Number 4551. The permit limited the use of access to one a "1-family" home. A second access to NYS Route 25 is also available. 3. The subject parcel is located in FEMA Flood Zones AE EL 6 and mapped X. Expansion of structures within these areas is not recommended. Conversely, structures in these areas should be minimized to prevent damage and loss from flooding events. 4. The 200' lot width does not conform to the bulk schedule in the Agricultural Conservation (AC) Zoning District, where 250' is required. The Planning Board does not support the creation or recognition of nonconforming lots in locations that are in environmentally sensitive areas. The concerns here are: a. The function of the sanitary system and the impacts on Brushes Creek water quality b. The distance from the lot improvements and the impacts on the Brushes Creek watershed. rmrrap Ye.yra v f- C .xdb;rvo-rti Y'F". Figure 1. Single Family home on subject parcel showing FEMA flood zone limits. The Planning Board has considered the parcel location, surrounding community character, existing build-out, and location of structures and vegetation on the parcels. Thank you for this opportunity to provide comments. N SURVEY OF PROPERTY SITUATE p jos° Irk LAUREL 100 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD S i9 SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK S.C. TAX No. 1000- 127-03-6.4 5..: SCALE 1 "=60' AUGUST 3, 2012 FEBRUARY 6, 2013 ADD TIDAL WETLANDS LINE APRIL 11, 2013 REVISED AS PER DEC NOTE AUGUST 30, 2013 ADD PROP. SEPTIC SYSTEM OCTOBER 28, 2013 CORRECT PROP. SEPTIC SYSTEM LOCATION MARCH 21, 2023 UPDATE SURVEY OCTOBER 12, 2023 ADD RIGHT OF WAY TOTAL AREA = 735,889 sq. ft. 16.894 ac. FRESHWATER WETLANDS = 72,731 sq. ft. TIDAL WETLANDS = 338, 312 sq. ft. UPLAND AREA = 324, 846 sq. ft. NOTES: 1. RIGHT OF WAY TO MAIN ROAD (S.R. 25) IS AS SHOWN ON SURVEY BY RODERICK VAN TUYL DATED APRIL 22, 1987. C COVERACE DATA OVER UPLAND AREA 9 G FOR DEC 01i>_ JyFo DESCRIPTION AREA X LOT COVERAGE rQ BARN 2,270 sq. ft. 0.70X 2) COVERED PORCHES 609 sq. ft. 0.19X ppL js 2nd STORY DECK 146 sq. ft. 0.04X O STONE PATIO 413 sq. ft. 0.13X O STONE WALKS k STEPS 462 sq. ft. 0.14X BUILDING 769 sq. ft. 0.24X 2) STONE APRONS do STEPS 106 sq. ft. 0.03X SHED k R/0 GARDEN ENTRY 146 sq. ft. 0.04X 4 ARBOR OVER GRAVEL 1,049 sq. ft. 0.32X k \ BRICK WALK 130 sq. ft. 0.04X 2) BRIDGES 278 sq. ft. 0.09X TOTAL 6.378 sq. ft. 1.96X h COVERACE DATA OVER UPLAND AREA FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IoW-0 DESCRIPTION AREA X LOT COVERAGE BARN 2,270 sq. ft. 0.70X 2) COVERED PORCHES 609 sq. ft. 0.19X COQ 2nd STORY DECK 146 sq. ft. 0.04X BUILDING 769 sq. ft. 0.24X b SHED do R/O GARDEN ENTRY 146 sq. ft. 0.04X ARBOR OVER GRAVEL 1,049 sq. ft. 0.32X t TOTAL 4,989 sq. it. 1.54X yo G 5 11 a N 0 MOMJLs o. 1 AIL e•. O sf• -civ' SA \\1y '\ 2, rp AL e AVL AVL3rF+, AL e AL AVL v. AL IN AL d y AL f1 e FsALi 03 p• y nm ae 7 e ALQS S b Fl/O A AVL FLAG 67 AVL Rm 7, AVL AIlL FUO 72 AVL Itbdip tyU Abe e Fuc n AVL AVL rAVL AVL Alli. gi e AVC AIS o s 4P AL AL FLAG 70 Po. AL R nm ro nm n Rm ee N AVL FUO 54 AL nA0 7 O RAC 03 Y Z nP0 70 Q nm 02 W AL AIL nm 00 AL O nm s+ s Rm 01 x AL Rm eo JL nm 82 a xo Rm 49 IL1,K AO RAO 40 BRUSHES CREEK AL Rm 53 AL TIDAL WETLANDS nm 47 AIS Rm 40 ASL Rm x RIO 40 I, FUO 44 AVL FI/O 43 JIL AL Rm 42 ysd ti AL r. nm 41 nm W 200 O Rm 40 AVL ALAILa Rm s Rm as 3e Z00 00 tog f10p N AVLPOOL 0010ry der ZO" W O Jr.Rm 37 AL Alli sr; FLAG 30 am+c wu 03 o L nrr,a N nm o7 Sx 73-ASyyt^ O nm x FLAG JIL 4100," nm ss nm 3o Oa A J, wO RAO 32 nm 2u nm 2s nm 31 26 J1_,1tfL Rm 00 RAG 27 FfI024 AIL RAG 25 r N O FUO 23 00 i y IP li'pqy Rm 22 3 ^V , AL Rm 01 0,00 nm 21 NOG ate' nm 02 I ti w 4444° F1AO 20 00 N"ftiv o N 1 l cP FUO w 08, s m° ' CPOR ,0 Rm a4 0 nm 10 AILC,0 Z FUO 17 nm 00 UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION N' Allo OToTHISSURVEYISAVIOLATIONOF0nmSECTION7209OFTHENEWYORKSTATEn/10 10 AIL EDUCATION LAW. W COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING O nm 07 THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR Rm 10 AL nm 0eEMBOSSEDSEALSHALLNOTBECONSIDERED TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY. J1 FUIO 14 CERTIFICATIONS INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN c 13 AL Ftm ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY Wnm AILFMfooISPREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE 12 TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND nm 101 LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON, AND o ASL TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTI— Rm 102TUTION. CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE. c nm 10 Rm s j FUO 103 THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHT OF WAYS Fm 0 AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF nm 7 nm 1 ANY, NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. L Rm 0 Rm 2 FUO 3 PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MINIMUM x'' FntA0 0 STANDARDS FOR TITLE SURVEYS AS ESTABLISHEDNathanTaftCorwinIII 11& 1BYTHELIALS. AND APPROVED AND ADOPTED IO,C FOR SUCH USE BY THE NEW YORK STATE LAND 01rn_E ASSOCIATION``I A 111 f f fB®dLandSurveyorFNEW1/, , 00 Successor To: Joseph Stanley AJ. Ingegno L.S. L S P (PFT Cp14"% Xr Title Surveys — Subdivisions — Site Plans — Construction Layout PHONE (631)727-2090 Fax (631)727-1727 OFFICES LOCATED AT MAILING ADDRESS I lip r d l4 OS 1586 Main Road P.O. Box 16 a mJamesort, New York 11947 Jaesport, New York 11947 r '' ,,.,, ''.41 S OP E—Mail: NCorwin3®aol.com N.Y.S. Lim. No. 50467 O Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Re: Application of Gebbia June 5, 2024 Exhibit I Judgement Diachun v. Half Hollow Nursery, Lloyd Rasweiler, Long Island Rail Road Company, George A. McCarthy, and the People of the State of New York, Index No. 88-014985 (Suffolk Co. Sup. Ct. October 15, 1992) I e6. il/30N5' 1(-44~d$~ an may at Law, do n&r~ pursuant 10 See. 210S CPLR. thai I have compared the 10re90i'19 w~h the origInal and h"''ii3 iCilild it I,) bo 1~ true ii'id ,:cmp' Cf;T;>J. - -c:;;/~ I-Osler;: _ ,e; :c_ At a Trial Term, Part I of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, held in and for the County of Suffolk at the courthouse thereof, located at Bay Shore Mini Center, 1700 Union ulevard, Bay Shore, New York on the 5-rf~day of 6lc.Yr)ef-f., 1992. PRESENT: HON. PAUL J:. BAISLEY, Justice X ELEANOR DIACHUN and RIOSE DIACHUN, individually, and as Successor Co-Administrators of the goods, chattels and credits of MARY DIACHUN, deceased,JUDGMENT Plaintiffs,Index No. 88-014985 agalinst Calendar No. 9l-01234EQ HALF HOLLOW NURSERY R RASWEILER, THE LONG I OMPANY, GEORG A. Me QUALLS, an HE PEOPL NEW YORK, ALTY CORP., LLOYD L ROAD ARTHY LILLIAN OF THE STATE OF Defendants. X ENTERED: OCT 1 5 1992AT: II: 30 /hn The issues in thi~ action raised by the Summons, verified Complaint and Notice ~f Pendency filed herein, by which it appears Plaintiffs brought th~s action against the Defendants for Judgment pursuant to Article 15 of the Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law to de~ermine the location of a certain easement of right-of-way over property owned by the Defendants, Half Hollow Nursery Realty corp.,IThe Long Island Rail Road Company, George A. I McCarthy and Lillian ?uallS and upon the pleadings and all other papers filed herein aId all the proceedings had herein, and the matter having been re ularly brought on for trial before the Hon. Paul J. Baisley,ITrial Term, Part I, held on September 3, 1991, at the courthou~e, Bay Shore Mini Center, 1700 Union Boulevard, Bay Shore, New York, the Plaintiffs having appeared by Richard F. Lark, Esq.!, their attorney, the Defendants, Half Hollow Nursery Realty' Corp. and Lloyd Rasweiler, having appeared by their attorneys, Dbnald TirsChwell, Esq. and Donald J. White, Esq., the Defendant, ~he Long Island Rail Road Company, having appeared by its attor!ney, Thomas M. Taranto, Esq. by Richard J. Berka, Esq. of counse~, the Defendant, George A. McCarthy, Pro Se, and the Defendant, Lillian Qualls, having appeared by her attorneys, Wickham, W~ckham & Bressler, P.C. by Hubert F. Sullivan, Esq. of cou~sel, and the parties and their respective attorneys having stip~lated in open court and their Stipulation of Settlement having been transcribed and filed in this action, and after due deliberation, there being no opposition thereto. NOW, on motion of'Richard F. Lark, Esq., attorney for Plaintiffs, it is I ORDERED, ADJUDGEDI AND DECREED, that the Stipulation of Settlement entered in~o between the parties and their attorneys in open court, on September 3, 1991, is approved and confirmedl and it is further ORDERED, that the! title of the action be amended in the captioned action by a~ding the names of Eleanor Diachun and Rose Diachun, individUallylas Plaintiffs and without prejudice to the proceedings heretofort had herein; and it is further ORDERED, that the,title of the action be amended striking therefrom the names of the Defendants sued herein as "John Doe" and "Jane Doe" Without prejudice to the proceedings heretofore had hereinl and it is furiher 2- ORDERED, that the Plaintiffs' complaint against The People of the State of New Yor~ is hereby dismissedl and it is further i ORDERED, that the second and third causes of action in the Plaintiffs' Complainb are hereby dismissed, and it is further ORDERED, that all! crossclaims and affirmative defenses of the Defendants interposed in this action are hereby dismissed, and it is further ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the Plaintiffs and the Defendant, Half Hollo!w Nursery Realty Corp. have non-exclusive easements of right-of-way for the purposes of ingress and egress to and from the Main Road (N.Y.S. Route 25) to Plaintiffs' and Defendant, Half HOllo~ Nursery Realty Corp.'s lands which are shown on the Suffolk ~ounty Tax Map as District 1000, Section 127.00, Block 03.00, Lots 006. 001 and 006.002, and District 1000, Section 127.00, Block! 03. 00, Lot 007.000. Said easements of right-of-way are now shown on the map entitled "Rights-of-Way in Favor of Mary Diachun Estate and Eleanor and Rose Diachun at Laurel, Town of South Id, New York" surveyed Oct. 21, 1991, last amended July 23, 1992, by Roderick Van Tuyl, P.C., which is attached to the Judgment as Appendix A and which right-of-way is more particularly bou~ded and described as follows: I ALL that cer situate, lying an County of Suffolk described as foIl ain plot, being at and State ws: piece or parcel of land, Laurel, Town of Southold, of New York, bounded and BEGINNING at Main Road (N.Y.S. along said line f easterly corner 0 northwesterly cor a point on the southeasterly line of Route 25) 7.03 feet southwesterly om a monument set at the north- land of Lillian Qualls and the er of land of Sawickil running 3- thence through s~id land of Qualls the following two 2) courses and distances: (1) South 20" 17' 30. East 112.72 feetl and '(2) South 22" 06' 30" East 164.29 feet to land of deorge McCarthYI thence along said land of McCarthy ISouth 22" 06' 30" East 40.75 feet to said land of Slawicki I thence along said land of Sawicki South 20"117' 30" East 687.19 feet to land of The Long Islanld Rail Road Company I thence throughlandofTheLong ,Island Rail Road Company South 20" 17' 30" East 71.6'9 feet to land of Half Hollow Nursery Realty Corp.; thelnce westerly through land of Half Hollow Nursery Realty Colrp. along a course which is 8 feet southerly of the Inortherly property line of Half Hollow Nursery Realty Colrp. to land of Diachunl thence along land of Diachun N~rth 37" 34' 20" West 10.05 feet to a monument and land of The Long Island Railroad Company; thence along land of The Long Island Railroad Company the following thr e (3) courses and distances: (1) North 46" 43' 10" East 428.12 feet; (2) Northerly on a curve to the Ie t having a radius of 27.07 feet and an arc of 31.66 f etl and (3) North 20" 17' 30" West 53.77 feet to Ian of George McCarthYI thence along said land of McCa thy the following three (3) courses and distances: () North 20" 17' 30" West ~92.28 feetl 2) South 69" 42'130" West 2.0 feetl and (3) North 21" 33' 00" West 4l.2~ feet to said land of Lillian Qualls; thence through sa'd land of Qualls the following two 2) courses and d'stances: (1) North 21" 33' 00" West 163.73 feet; and (2) North 20" 17' 30" West 108.0 feet to the southeaste ly line of Main Road (N.Y.S. Route 25); thence along said line North 47" 23' East 12.97 feet to the point or p ace of BEGINNING I and it is further ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the easement of right-of- way is limited to theipassage of passenger, utility company and farm vehicles and no ?tility lines such as water, gas and electric are allowed 10 be placed thereon. The Plaintiffs are responsible for the m intenance of the aforedescribed right-of-way area, with the except on of the blacktop surface area as it crosses land of the Dtfendant, Lillian Qualls; and it is further ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that as long as said easement of right-of-way is in ex~stence Plaintiffs, their successors and 1 1 4- assigns will be responsible for obtaining and maintaining a liability insurance policy of $100,000/$300,000 coverage naming the Defendants, Half :Hollow Nursery Realty Corp., The Long Island Rail Road Company, G~orge A. McCarthy and Lillian Qualls, their successors and assigns, as additional named insuredl and it is further ORDERED, ADJUDGE AND DECREED that the aforesaid easement of right-of-way will te minate if the Plaintiffs land (SCTM No. 1000-127.00-03.00-00,.001 and 006.002) obtains a roadway for ingress and egress f om another road other than Main Road New York State Rout 25) or the termination of the existence of the one-family dwell'ng on the premisesl and it is further ORDERED, ADJUDGEq AND DECREED that the Plaintiffs will reimburse the Defend nt, Half Hollow Nursery Realty Corp. the sum of Five Thousand and 00/100 ($5,000.00) Dollars towards the cost of a fence to be ins aIled on the land of Half Hollow Nursery Realty Corp. which i~ to be constructed no closer than nine (9') feet from land of The Long Island Rail Road Company on the southerly side of th~ aforedescribed right-of-way as shown on I Appendix AI and as s,curity for the $5,000.00, plaintiffs, Eleanor Diachun and Rose Dia1hun, will execute a mortgage which will be due and payable, Wit~out interest, on September 2, 2001 or on the sale of Plaintiffs' ~and to a third party, whichever event occurs f1rstl and it is fur~her ORDERED, ADJUDGE~ AND DECREED that all legal, recording fees, New York State mortg4ge recording tax and any other expenses incurred in the preptration and recording of said mortgage will be payable by the Defen1ant, Half Hollow Nursery Realty Corp. I and it 5- is further ORDERED, ADJUDGEd AND DECREED that the Defendant, Half Hollow Nursery Realty Corp.~ from the date of the entry of this Judgment, will have an easement of right-of-way, as shown on Appendix A, in the Town of Southqld, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and descr ibed as follows:1 ALL that ce tain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying a d being at Laurel, Town of Southold, County of Suffol and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING a a point on the southeasterly line of Main Road (N.Y.S. Route 25) 7.03 feet southwesterly along said line from a monument set at the north- easterly corner f land of Lillian Qualls and the northwesterly corner of land of Sawicki, running thence through s id land of Qualls the following two 2) courses and istances: (1) South 200 17' 30. East 112.72 feet; and (2) South 220 06' 30" East 164.29 feet to land of eorge McCarthy; thence along said land of McCarthy South 220 06' 30" East 40.75 feet to said land of Sawicki, thence along said land of Sawicki South 20',17' 30. East 687.19 feet to land of The Long Islan,d Rail Road Company; thence through land of The Long 'Island Rail Road Company South 20' 17' 30. East 71.69 feet to land of Half Hollow Nursery Realty Corp., thence along said land South 460 43' 10. West 13.04 feet; thence through land of The Long Island Rail Road Co. North 200 17' 30" West 71.69 feet to land of eorge McCarthy: thence through land of McCarthy the following three (3) courses distances: (1) orth 200 17' 30" West 692.28 feet; 2) South 690 42' 30. West 2.0 feet, and (3) North 210 33' 00. West 41.27 feet to land of Lillian Qualls: thence trough sai land of Qualls the following two 2) courses and distances: (1) North 210 33' 00. West 163.73 feet; and (2) North 20. 17' 30. West 108.0 feet to the south asterly line of Main Road (N.Y.S. Route 251; thence along said line North 47. 23' East 12.97 feet to thel point or place of BEGINNING; I I and it is further , ORDERED, ADJUDGEDI AND DECREED that the aforesaid easement of I 1 6- I right-of-way in favor of the Defendant, Half Hollow Nursery Realty Corp. will terminate when the reinstated farm crossing across the Defendant, The L~ng Island Rail Road Company's property is removed; and it is f~rther ORDERED, ADJUDGEO AND DECREED that the Defendant, The Long Ipland Rail Road Com~any, will do all construction work necessary to reinstate the far~ crossing as it crosses the railroad track between lands of Def:ndants, Half Hollow Nursery Realty Corp. and George A. McCarthy, ithin sixty (60) days after the entry of this udgment, provided thle Plaintiffs' surveyor, Roderick Van Tuyl, P.C. coordinates the xact location of the reinstated farm crossing with the Def ndant, The Long Island Rail Road Company's engineers; and it is urther ORDERED, ADJUDGEDI AND DECREED that the reinstated farm crossing on land of D~fendant, The Long Island Rail Road Company, will be of the same ttpe of construction and characteristics as the former farm cross,'ng and it will remain in this location, unless authorized to be removed by a Court Order, at which time it will be removed Withi~ sixty (60) days after entry of said Order; ianditisfurther ORDERED, ADJUDGEDIAND DECREED that a certain right-of-way heretofore reserved t~ the Defendant, George A. McCarthy, in deeds dated May 31, 1950 ant recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on May 31, 195 in Liber 3082 Page 319, and September 13, 1951 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on November I 26, 1951 in Liber 329i Page 52 over the easterly 12 feet of land of the Defendant, Lil~ian Qualls, leading from the land of the Defendant, George A. *cCarthY, to the Main Road (New York State 7- Route 25) is released and extinguished and in its place and stead Defendant, George A. ~cCarthy, from the date of entry of the Judgment herein, will have an easement of right-of-way in perpetuity from his l~nd to the Main Road (New York state Route 25) over the land of ~he Defendant, Lillian Qualls, for the I purpose of ingress an? egress for passenger cars, farm vehicles and other utility comfany vehicles, which easement of right-of-way is more particularly ~ounded and described as follows: ALL that cer situate, lying an County of Suffolk described as foIl BEGINNING at Main Road (N.Y.S. along said line f easterly corner 0 northwesterly cor thence through sa 2).courses and d 112.72 feet, and feet to land of G land of McCarthy land of Lillian Q the following two 21. 33 I 00" West West 108.0 feet t N.Y.S. Route 25) East 12.97 feet t and it is further ain plot, being at and State piece or parcel of land, Laurel, Town of Southold, of New York, bounded and ws: a point on the southeasterly line of Route 25) 7.03 feet southwesterly om a monument set at the north- land of Lillian Qualls and the er of land of Sawicki, running d land of Qualls the following two stances: (ll South 20. 17' 30" East 2) South 220 06' 30" East 164.29 orge McCarthy, thence along said outh 71. 49' 30. West 13.61 feet to aIls, thence through land of Qualls 2) courses and distances: II) North 63.73 feet: and (2) North 200 17' 30" the southeasterly line of Main Road thence along said line North 470 23' the point or place of BEGINNING: I ORDERED that the 1ntry of this Judgment herein is without costs and disbursemen~s to any party. Fll f,.GRANT :D 1'1.51~92 Edward P..rr,mprne'Clerk of S. .. .""f OC~. 15 992 ENTER PAUL J. BA'S~ J.S.C. 8- ~~~ NoncE 0..- ENT!lY Sic-Please take notice that the within-is a (certified) true copy of a Judgment duly entered in the office of the clerk of the within named court on October 15, 19 92 Dated, october 19, 1992 Yours, etc., RICHARD F. LARK Atwmeyfor Plaintiffs Office and Post Office Address MAIN ROAD - P.O. BOX 973 CUTCHOGUE. NEW YORK 1 1935 TO: DONALD TIRSCHWELb ESQ. DONALD J. ~THITE ,ESQ. Attorneys for Defendants1 Half Hollow Nursery Kealty corp~ b L oyd Raswel~er To: THOMAS M. TARANTO, ESQ. Attorney for Defendant, Long Island Ra~lroal1 coml1amTO::$1<OOlrX'>(<jx><WICK ,WICKHAM & BRESSLER P.C. Attorney for De endant, Lillian Qualls TO: GEORGE A. McCARTHY Pro Se I'tOncE OP' SETTLEMENT Sir:-Please take notice that an order of which the within is a true copy will be presented for settlement to the HOR. one of the judges of the within named Court, at on at Dated, 19 M. Yours. etc., RICHARD F. LARK Atturneyfor Office and POSl Office Address MAIN ROAD - P.O. BOX 973 CUTCHOGUE. NEW YORK 1 1935 1 To Atwrney(s) for r'aJ -- lb. 9l-ol?34l!(l Index No. 88-014985 Year 19 l>UI:'~ CXltlR1' Of!' '!'HE S'l'ATE Of!' NEJV' YORK a:ol'l'Y Of!' ~:rOLB: ELBI\lOl DI10Di and IU>E DIltCHIlN ID:!iW"''''''Y': and as 81.:.- ~~:>1 Q)-1f'hini..trators of the goods, bat.t.e1s and c:redits of MARY n,.,-.".,,~, Plaintiffs, eqainst HALF KlI1..af ~ RElWI.'Y am>., LtD!D 1lllSNEILER, 'mE UN; ISLl\ND RAIL R:lllD a:MPANY, rnnIr.F. A. Mc::CARl'HY, T.TTJ".TlIN ~. and '!'BE PPDPm Of!' '!'BE STATE Of!' Nm lORK, Defemant:s. JUDGMENT RICHAl'>n I=' I AI'>I{ Allom')'fo, Plaintiffs Office and POS! Office Address. Telephone MAIN ROAD - P.O. BOX 973 CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11935 S 1 61 734.6807 To Auorney(s) for Service of a copy of the within is hereby admitted. Dated. Attomey(s) for 3900 _ ~U"'lJ!, SLu"'SE"G. INC.. LAW S......" PUBl-I,...EIOS. ..~c '0013 Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Re: Application of Gebbia June 5, 2024 Exhibit J Trustee Permit No. 4551 Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Re: Application of Gebbia June 5, 2024 Exhibit K ZBA Hearing Transcript dated April 17, 2003. Page 50 April 17, 2003 Southold Town Board of Appeals Regular Meeting Public Hearing one thing that was not done, nor am I speaking for but I am a member of and have been for 35 years and that is the MFD. It's doubtful that the MFD will be able transverse this bridge you've constructed which I of course had no trouble driving over in the car. But the trucks today are so large in weight and magnitude that I doubt seriously that would occur which would only leave us to the point of getting access to your property over the main road access. I don't know if that access is adequate enough to support a fire vehicle. I am talking about from the tracks to your house. MS. DIBARTOLO: Did you travel from the tracks to my house? MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Yes I have. The problem is as you know that several times a year with either snow removal or the freezing and thawing of the ground and what we experienced this winter with significant thaw in the month of March there are questions that I don't want to evaluate. I think we should send a letter to the MFD and ask them if they construe it to be adequate access to the property. MR. DIBARTOLO: There is one comment I'd like to make. When that bridge was built and we got the request, of course we had to go through the DEC, we had to go through the Town Board here. One of the comments was made regarding the fire department trucks and the fact that Ray Nine who is someone most of you probably know helped build that bridge and he's in the MFD. He said listen when we have a fire problem, the fire trucks always take the shortest cut which makes sense. We have the Half Hollow next door which has access through it 3 different passages. I would think technically we don't have_any legal rights to having the fire truck come across there I think for standpoint this is what happens. So I think this should be considered because if there is an emergency that's where the fire trucks are going to go. They are going to take the easiest way to the particular location. MEMBER GOEHRINGER: The question I have is you have ROW over that ROW though- MR. DIBARTOLO: Yes we do have ROW,but it's a limited ROW. It's for personal use. It's a unguarded railroad crossing and it's not supposed to be used for commercial purposes and technically there's a supreme court order on it. It's a limited order, it's not a perpetuity and therefore it can't be considered for permanent basis. MEMBER GOEHRINGER: No one is going to stop us from going to a fire that way, but the point or question today is you're asking for access to the property through the other subdivision and that is I'm sure the nature of the reason all these people have shown up today. I'm just saying to you that I think the board should regardless ofyour application on Condor Ct. that we should discuss it with the chief or send a letter to him and ask him if that access through either your ROW or the Half Hollow Hills situation leading down to it assuming there's a problem getting through your ROW was construed by him as adequate access to your property and then you would have dual access conceivably. Page 50 of 73 Page 55 April 17, 2003 Southold Town Board of Appeals Regular Meeting Public Hearing fire trucks not having access over that when that was one of the reasons that was brought up I need the fire engines I need the ambulance to get to this elderly woman should she become ill and Mr. DiBartolo obviously was at that meeting, myself, Mrs. Fedun and at this point a woman who has moved from the area. So Mr. DiBartolo probably could tell us what meeting that was specifically but I do know I was in this room and it was about that petition and like I said my concern is that the neighborhood be opened up to commercial traffic. CHAIRWOMAN: Can you assist us and enlighten us about this hearing. MR. DIBARTOLO: At the time we had only access through a temporary easement so we wanted to go through Condor Court by the way to all the board members here I brought an aerial picture here to give you a better idea of what the area looks like, but basically we had a dirt driveway which went up across the RR. Condor Court was not a public road at the time we bought the property when Condor Ct. became a pubic road owned by the town of Southold our property the 17 acres that surround 1 acre borders right on that road. As you pointed out a few moments ago, it's:a public road we all pay taxes we all have a right to access and so I applied for a permit for a driveway. The lady that mentioned at the time the application took place is nearly 10 years ago I happen to have my mother living there who is very sick, she's in a nursing home in Maryland but that was mentioned only as an additional support for having a permit applied this was by the way the board of trustees were involved because it was going across that answers that question. CHAIRWOMAN: We were sitting here thinking we were all in the Twilight Zone. So the application- MR. DIBARTOLO: It was because the bridge had to be built over the wetlands. CHAIRWOMAN: Is there anyone else in the audience who would like to speak for or against the application? ROBERT NAB: Good afternoon my name is Robert Nab, I'm a resident of Edgemer Park and I appear individually and as an attorney for the EP community association to the extent that this request would require a variance from the zoning regulations of the town of Southold we would be opposed to it but I would like to reserve my right to submit written comments on behalf of the association prior to your decision. CHAIRWOMAN: Just for the record this is a permit for a special exception permit. There is no violation in terms of NYS town law this is original jurisdiction granted by the town board by special permit which as you know if you are an attorney,is presumed to be an acceptable use. MR. NAB: I would like the right to reserve written comments. Page 55 of 73 Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Re: Application of Gebbia June 5, 2024 Exhibit L Trustees Permit No. 8032 BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO. 8032 DATE: DECEMBER 12, 2012 1SSUED TO: JOSEPH A. GEBBIA PROPERTY ADDRESS: 475 CONDOR COURT~ LAUREL SCTM# 127-3-6.4 AUTHORIZATION Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold and in accordance with the Resolution of the Board ofTrustees adopted at the meeting held on December 12. 2012, and in consideration ofapplication fee in the sum of $250.00 paid by Glean E. Just and subject to the Terms and Conditions as stated in the Resolution, the Southold Town Board of Trastees authorizes and permits the following: Wetland Permit to reconstruct in-place a 61'x24.6' barn; with the i:ondition of the installation of gutters to leaders to drywells; and as depicted on the survey prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin III, Land Surveyor, last dated April 11, 2013, and stamped approved on April 23, 2013. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Board of Trustees hereby causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of the said Board as ofthis date. SURVEY OF NORTH EAST PORTION OF PROPERTY SITUATE LAUREL IOWN OF $OUIHOhD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK S.C. TAX No. 1000-127-03-6.4 SCALE 1"=50' AUGUST 5, 2012 FEBRUARY 6, 2015 ADB TIDAL WETLANBS LINE APRIL 11, 201,3 REVIDED AS PER DEC NOTE DRAINAOE SYSTEM CALCULATIONS: ROOF AREA: 1,5010, 171.501 sq. ff. X 255 cu. fl, 255 cu. ft. / 42,2 -- 5 vertical ft. of 5' dia. leaching pool required PROVIDE (1) 8' dfa. X 6" high STORM DRAIN POOLS PROPOSED 8' DIA. X 6' DEEP DRYWELLS FOR ROOF RUN-OFF ARE SHOWN THUS: Z Nathan Taft Corwn III Land Surveyor Successor Ts: Stanley J. Isaksen, Jr. LS. Joseph A. Ingegno LS, WtieSu~eys - Subdivisions -- PHONE (631)727-2090 Fax (631)727-1727 4, ECEUVE APR 1 9 2013 q Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Re: Application of Gebbia June 5, 2024 Exhibit M Floor Plans submitted to Building Department for Notice of Disapproval Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Re: Application of Gebbia June 5, 2024 Exhibit N Building Department Inspection Reports Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Re: Application of Gebbia June 5, 2024 Exhibit O Correspondence between Joseph Gebbia and Amanda Nunemaker Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Re: Application of Gebbia June 5, 2024 Exhibit P Correspondence from Patricia Moore, Esq. to Amanda Nunemaker