HomeMy WebLinkAbout50685-Z x TOWN OF SOUTHOLD B• ew � r BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 50685 Date: 5/15/2024 Permission is hereby granted to: Pisani Edwin PO BOX 657 Laurel NY 11948 To: construct additions and alterations to existing accessory garage to include an accessory apartment as applied for per ZBA & SCHD approvals. At premises located at 7180 Great Peconic Ba Blvd, Laurel SCTM # 473889 Sec/Block/Lot# 126.-11-9.1 Pursuant to application dated 4/2/2024 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 11/14/2025. Fees:. ACCESSORY $560.00 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY $100.00 Total: $660.00 Building Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 � i V Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax(631) 765-9502 litt as://wvv . opl°hol.dt m nn .00'v Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERIVIrr �y U U E For Office Use Only C I PERMIT NO. Building Inspector: i Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety.Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Date:03/27/24 OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: Name:Edwin Pisani SCTM# 1000-126-1 1-9.1 Project Address:7180 Peconic Bay Blvd Laurel Phone#:9147301241 Email:edwinjpisani@gmail.com Mailing Address: CONTACT PERSON: Name:Mark Schwartz Mailing Address:PO Box 933 Cutchogue 11935 Phone#:6317344185 Email:mksarchitect@optonline.net DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name:same as above Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name:Gabrielsen Builders Mailing Address: Phone#:6313358197 Email:gabrielsenbuilding@gmail.com DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure @Addition ®Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: ❑Other $ Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes ANo Will excess fill be removed from premises? R�Yes ❑No 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property:Single Family Res Intended use of property:Same VI// acc. apt Zone or use district in which premises is situated.: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to R40 this property? []Yes YNo IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. ® Check llox After eadln&� The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By(print n me):Mark Schwartz GlAuthorized Agent ❑Owner Signature of Applicant: Date: 03/27/24 CONNIE D.BUNCH STATE OF NEW YORK) Notary Public,State of New York SS: No.01 BU6185060 COUNTY OF Suffolk Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires April 14,2-0—a Mark Schwartz being duly sworn,deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (S)heisthe Architect/Agent (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this "J,IA day of Notary Public (Where the applicant is not the owner) Edwin Pisani 7180 Peconic Bay Blvd Laurel, NY I, residing at do hereby authorize Mark Schwartz to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. fl� &L-tsj F 03/27/24 Owner's Signature Date Edwin Pisani Print Owner's Name 2 OFFICE LOCATION: S0111 MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex , " P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Road Route 25 , ° Southold,NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold,NY Telephone: 631 765-1509 �r y http://southoldtownny.gov RECEIVED- ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OL JAN 2 3 2024 Town of Southold FINDINGS,DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATIO OUt tali Tern Clerk MEETING OF JANUARY 18,2024 ZBA Application No.: 7868SE Applicants/Owners: Edwin J Pisani Property Location: 7180 Peconic Bay Boulevard, Laurel,NY SCTM No. 1000-126-11-9.1 SE RA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions,without further requirements under SEQRA. SUFFOLK COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE: This application was referred as required under the Suffolk County Administrative Code Sections A 14-14 to 23, and the Suffolk County Department of Planning issued its reply dated July 31, 2023, stating that this application is considered a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact. mmL_'RP DETERMINATION: This application was referred for review under Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP)Policy Standards.The LWRP Coordinator issued a recommendation dated January 3,2024. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available, it is recommended that the proposed action is CONSISTENT with LWRP policy standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP. REEQQEST MADE BY APPLICANT: The Applicant-Owner requests a Special Exception under Zoning Code Section 280-13(B)(13)to establish an Accessory Apartment in an existing accessory structure. PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: The subject property is a 37,612 square foot nonconforming lot located in the Residential R-40 Zoning District. The northerly property line measures 125.21 feet and is adjacent to Peconic Bay Boulevard,the easterly property line measures 345.76 feet,the southerly property line measures 121.73 feet and is adjacent to Great Peconic Bay, and the westerly property line measures 344.32 feet.The parcel is improved with one and one-half frame dwelling with a large wooden deck attached to the rear of the dwelling. There is a detached frame garage 22 ft. by 20.2 ft. located to the north of the dwelling and shown on a survey prepared by Nathan Taft Corwin III, LS and last revised November 26,2011. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The applicant's representative requested that testimony given with prior application#7834SE be added to the record. The applicant is seeking a Special Exception under Section 280-12(B)(13)of the Town Code to convert a legally existing accessory structure into an accessory apartment to provide necessary housing for their family member(daughter). The accessory structure the Applicant seeks to convert is currently a garage for which a Pre-Existing Certificate of Occupancy(No.Z23586)was issued in 1995. This application for a special exception is being submitted Page 2,January 18,2024 7868SE,Pisani SCTM No. 1000-126-11-9.1 following the denial of the applicant's previous application which sought approval to expand the footprint of the existing garage to enlarge the proposed apartment ZBA#7834SE,which denial was without prejudice to resubmission. The revised plans confining he livable floor area of the proposed apartment are totally within the footprint to the existing garage. Both neighbors to the east and west of the applicant have provided letters of support for this project. FINDINGS OF FACT The Zoning,Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on January 4,2024 at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony,documentation,personal inspection of the property and the surrounding neighborhood,and other evidence,the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant. In considering this application,the Board has reviewed the code requirements set forth pursuant to Article III, Section 280-13(B)(13)to establish. an Accessory Apartment in an Accessory Structure and finds that the applicant does for the reasons noted below: 1. The owner confirms that the accessory apartment shall contain no less than 220 square feet and shall not exceed 750 square feet of livable floor area and shall have no more than two bedrooms and one bathroom with the entirety of the livable floor area of the accessory apartment located on one floor of the accessory structure. The architectural plans prepared by Mark Kevin Schwartz, Architect propose an accessory apartment with one full bathroom entirely on the first floor of the accessory structure with a conforming-- 41.1 square feet of livable floor area:, as verified by the Building Department's "Verification of Livable Floor Area"request by the ZBA received November 22,2023. 2. The dwelling unit complies with the definition of same in §280-4 of the code and complies with all code requirements as defined in Section 280-13(B)(13)e. 3. The accessory structure does comply with the code requirement as defined in Section 280-13(B)(13)(e) of the Zoning Code which states the accessory structure must have been certified a minimum of three years prior to the establishment of the accessory apartment. The applicants were issued a Certificate of Occupancy'No: Z23 5 86 for the subject accessory structure dated April 4, 1995. Consequently,the Board finds that the applicant does meet the minimum standards for approval. 4. The applicant herein, owns and resides at the property as documented by a New York State Driver License,a utility bill from PSEG and a property Tax Levy from the Town of Southold,and confirms that: occupancy of the resident structures on the premises shall he subject to the issuance of an annual rental. permit in accordance with 280-13D and the following requirements: one of the dwelling units shall be for the sole, exclusive occupancy of the owner or family member, as defined in chapter 280-4. The other dwelling unit shall be leased for year-round occupancy evidenced by a written lease for a team'u of one or more,years to a family member or a resident who is currently on the Southold Town Affordable Housing Registry and eligible for placement. The applicant testified that the tenant of the accessory apartment will be his daughter,Genevieve Pisani,as y copy City .cuted lease agreement evidenced b a co of Birth Certificate from the Ci of York and.an unease„m dated November 1,2023. 5. The owners' plans comply with the on-site parking requirements of three spaces,two for the principal dwelling and one for the accessory apartment,and provide for a total of 3 parking spaces,as shown on the site plan prepared by Mark Kevin Schwartz,Architect,and dated October 27,2023. Y Page 3,January 18,2024 7868SE,Pisani SCTM No. 1000-126-11-9.1 6. Only one accessory apartment will be on the subject property and no Bed and Breakfast facility, as authorized by Section 280-13(B)(14) hereof shall be permitted in or on premises for which an accessory apartment is authorized or exists. 7.This conversion shall be subject to a building permit, inspection by the Building Inspector, approval by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services of the water supply and sewage disposal system(s)and the issuance/renewal of an annual permit in accordance with Chapter 280-13D. 8. No special exception shall be granted unless the Zoning Board of Appeals, in addition to the considerations,determinations and findings required in Chapters 280-142(General Standards)and 280-143 (Matters to be Considered)specifically finds and determines the following: 1.That the granting of the special exception will not adversely impact the privacy and use and enjoyment of any adjoining parcel. 2.That the granting of the special exception will not adversely impact the character of the neighborhood in which it is located. 3.,That the cumulative effect of approving the present application along with previously approved applications will not have a cumulative adverse impact on the surrounding neighborhood. 4. That the cumulative effect of approving the present application along with previously approved applications will not have a cumulative adverse impact on the school district in which the property is located. 5. That sufficient off-street parking exists on the subject property to accommodate the proposed accessory apartment. 6. Whether adequate buffer yards and screening can and will be provided to protect adjacent properties from possible detrimental impacts of the proposed use. ESOI-L➢Tlgy O TH BOA In considering the entire record and the applicable code requirements, motion was offered by Member Dantes seconded by Member Planamento, and duty carried,to GRANT the Special Exception Permit as applied for as shown on Site Plan and Architectural Plans, S-1, A-1 thru A-6, prepared by Mark Schwartz, Architect,dated October 27,2023. SI.IB F T TO THE FOLLQWING Q NDITIONS: 1. This Special Exception Permit requires an annual renewal by a Code Enforcement Officer. It is the a licant's responsibility to apply to the Building Department each year to renew the accessory apartment permit. Failure to do so may require a public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals to review potential action to revoke the Special Exception Permit granted herein. 2. This Special Exception permit cannot be transferred to new owners 3. The sanitary system shall be approved by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services That the above conditions be written into the Building Inspector's Certificate of Occupancy, when issued. Page 4,January 18,2024 7868SE,Pisani SCTM No. 1000-126-11-9.1 Any deviation ftom the survey, site plan andlor architectural drawings,cited in this decision, may result in delays andlor a possible denial by the,Building Department of a building permit, and may require a new application and public hearing before the Zoning Board ofAppea& In the event that this is a special permit subject to conditions, the approval shall not'be deemed effective until such time that the foregoing conditions are met; and failure to comply therewith will render this approval null and void. Any violations of the conditions, occupancy or other requirements described herein, may require a public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals to review potential action to revoke the Special Exception Permit granted herein. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Weisman(Chairperson),Dantes, Planamento,Acampora and Lehnert. (5-0) Z-) (Qslie Kanes;We'isman, Chairperson Approved for filing l /�a /2024 �a 2 XIO.L MHD!'7MI(1dT *.srnwu>rsma x a team roar a maa�vm"raav: .. QA111 AVAVE[O1NODad 081L '�% wi se�rwu. Eeaa a ASNBd011d INdBId sEv��•uu aye ni=iro EJw. w."R4a ,14bRa i�2 t 1 • [E6+aH'O'd�{'9ajf w94156YBL tL rn �O a � r ^G o s a a a M N m m00 } `\ a ' W 'w n \y � � Z 3 0 .. 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Cahill Commissioner LE F NON-JUR.ISDICT19N Margaret Claire Pisani 40 Van Wyck Street Croton-On-Hudson, NY 10520 Date: April 17, 2000 RE: 1-473 8-02601/00001 Pisani Property 7180 Peconic Bay Blvd. Laurel,NY 11948 SCTM# 1000-126-11-9.1 Dear Ms. Pisani: Based on the information you have submitted,the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has determined that: The property landward ofthe functioning bulkhead greater than 100 feet in length and constructed priorto 8/20/77, as shown on Aerographics aerial photograph#67-1911 dated 4/6/76,is beyond the jurisdiction of Article 25(Tidal "Wetlands).. Therefore, in accordance with the current Tidal Wetlands Land Use Regulations (6NYCRR Part 661)no permit is required under the'Tidal Wetlands Act Please be advised„ however, that no construction, sedimentation, or disturbance of any kind may tape place seaward of the tidal wet I ands jurisdictional boundary, as indicated above, without a permit. It is your responsibility to ensure that all necessary precautions are taken to prevent any sedimentation or other alteration or disturbance to the ground surface or vegetation. within Tidal Wetlands t,]unsdiction which.may result from your project. Such precautions may include maintaining adequate work area. between the tidal wetland jurisdictional boundary and your project (i.e. a 15' to 20' wide construction area) or erecting a temporary fence, barrier, or hay bale berm. Please be further advised that this letter does not relieve you oft lie re`nonsibility of obtains g any n ssary permits or approvals from other agencies. 4.lAi ly your b Wieland Permit Administrator CC: BMHP File , LU ol Ar Dr, i OC7j C G O C J�C oll LM E eo � T Lt i �' J — 'U � � C � L CCLJ . V J (n 8 C� L LJ r: LJ LY m .. > C > O j L I X O x 0 ❑ C/j w O UW1yZ,ryy Q 0m ❑ } F tn } N CZ"F, X W Q � �_ Wa co T ,n LL. 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N Ch - w w w w w �dT— w w w w W w w w w w Y� w w w w — ` w --------- --------___.� ` ---� DE51GN NO a -- ---------------------------------- PUJI CLEAN ' 500 GPD. C SECON DAR' UNIT COVEF TANK TO 6E AND PROPEL I USE WITH M IN5TALLATIO TN INSTALLER 0 _ — J \,d \J I J — w W START-UP Al'_ IV' AUTHOP12ED --------------- - ---------------- - ---- _ a eI -- --------------- _---_—___---_____---------------------------- :w rEr T HOLE - ST EX w 4'INLET P" C L q Q LP ., „,.. RECIRCULATION I ! ''"^ ...., ,✓ S` ii`+@,* ,$,, ". — FLOW OPENING CI d � d r -- lB'NAME CTYPN ... .. `ro., .� \f NO r❑. 5' k11\E p III n' 8 DW J ( � a.. . ' +,F Y,p ^Yp24 , ✓d ��f���d' "�` -. �J. �" fir""j '�'�^�� �`����� �✓�'�f✓fat ,,....,..a µ.w° MIN yGAS� 4 q �� r �. ( __ � ,�„ ;AS GA. GAS GAS GASGAS — -- 7 eF - GAS GA GAS GA - - . E I RE AC r , � � r SCTM#1000-126-11-9.1 S� LOCATION: AREA: LOT COVERAGE: S�-Eyrj PROPERTY: 37,612 SQ.FT. 0.863 ACRES O p--q H EXISTING HOUSE: 2028.0 SQ.FT. 5.39% lJ lY "J EXISTING HOUSE PORCH. 224.0 SQ.FT. 0.60% �•T� EXISTING HOUSE DECK 390.0 SQ.FT. 1.04% EXISTING DETATCHED GARAGE: 448.4 SQ.FT. 1.19% 3/4"WASHED (3090.4 SQ,FT,) (8.22%) CRUSHED STONE p� PITCH AWAY FROM BUILDING-24"w X 12"d- LANDSCAPE FABRIC PROPOSED GARAGE ADDITION: 430.0 SQ.FT. 1.14% -v MIN.1/4":1'-0" TRENCH - _- 2'BELOW SURFACE III=I I ION HIP SIDES I I 4"PEIFERATED DRAIN PIPE TOTAL: 3520.4 SQ.FT. 9.36% H TO CONNECT TO DRYWELL(S) _EPDM OR EQUAL NATHAN TAFT CORWIN O -III-I (I III I I I I I I MEETS AND BOUNDS BY: LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR E-1 LICENSE No.50467 )--A PROPERTY SURVEYED: MARCH 01,2011 F--1 1--i GROUND GUTTER LOCATION: SF AREA: 100%RUNOFF AT DRYWELL DRYWELL 2'RAIN PER HOUR PROVIDE: CAPACITY: TOTAL ROOF AREA: 1117.0 SQ.FT. 187 CU.FT. (1)8'dia.,5'deep 211 CU.FT. a o O U z �..I a o Z a d 00 N / O / F a JOAN SHANNON DWELLING 6O [PUBLIC WATER] EL. EL. EL. EL. C O, 10.0 o 344.32' 1s.0' �, x 0 6.4 16.3 N 21 15 40 � r-4EL , 20.7' 171' W- -�Xl- W- -W- -W- -W- M O W- Vl-- W- W- W- W- \ --W- -W-- -W-- -W- W- x n G U STONE a\ M p � cri tI� Q EL STONE DRIVEWAY �A ��[, O x 0 ro Q %16 % 19.6' DRIVEWAY % ® m o ":; p �f EL S? �G o v OO Z'�� 0 20.5' o �I 20.0' J\` �� �� .v :16.4' TEST HOLE 10.0' 1�51�0 m a. EL 'LP' in 10^EL p� S � O Ln U M �/ c , N v ---- ------------ --------- EXISTING O% / W Q�Q SEPTIC !� ` P, '-- / 'IJTILfTY vole EXKMG LILCO�.39 fj in COVERED 20.0' / NCH SEPTIC T6-BE.3Y OTHEME4 TO CODE _ / \ �Extsn � 'r, FRAMED HOUSE M STONE 20.1' 8'X6' R��' O d' GREAT EL DRIVEWAY --------4� DW RN� ~ ECONIC 19.6' jo�i �` 0 COVERED �jy / En BAY !�y`� <00 PORCH N FRAMED PROPOSE �� 10,0' %ADDITION / 15.8' � GARAGE 10.0' o 01 7.0' 22 2' POLE -� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ewmraeenw��roeeuo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �A, �+r p vaovose°i STY.APARTMENT N RIGHT OF WAY 19s' N RIGHT OF WAY x EL. EL. S 200 44' 00" E - 345.76' EL. 6.0' 17.2' . _.. 20.7' � 10.0' N / 0 / F 1 �--``� : JOHN HINSCH ayl DWELLING �' `.;- ► ° _`..s . [PUBLIC WATER] cJ cb DRAWN: �` Z �' J N G, 7Y SCALE: SIT PLAN F r >d JOB#: SCALE: V = 20'-0" �`' r' � � a 3/19/2024 i' P fF SHEET NUMBER: z 0 wll C? cn z 0 h-�-1 Q Q w � � O pQq W � z a PROPOSED NORTH ELEVATION PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION a a SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" 00 CD rM w' O e� o v cz 00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , � 4 M 0 x .� in U a. ~ 14 00 v N .0 W O� rr= M 0-4 U O r=i EXISTING NORTH ELEVATION EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" d ftr „� +C1� DRAWN: SCALE: JOB#: 3/19/2024 • ' �:�- SHEET NUMBER: O W C? �y - - - ---- z F-1 F--1 Q O M W a o � PROPOSED EAST ELEVATION z a a SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 00 0 ch C O �M n O M w © .x O rnv V in 00 N o CL, ON cn Emmq V O d N EXISTING EAST ELEVATION � SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" +Ct DRAWN: SCALE: JOB#: -'' 3/19/2024 SHEET NUMBER: � ► F3R'� A-2 z 0 H W 88 cn z O Q Q FM0 H 0 z a z a o a 00 PROPOSED WEST ELEVATION a SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" 0 N N cn m u m o m, o z w u in ed Li. in U r-4 co a� :°- in rd v v N .oEn W O1 -1 EMM4 O U) V) N d EXISTING WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" wr ,� DRAWN: SCALE: i ** * JOB#: w w 3/19/2024 SHEET NUMBER: W 1 52 O W F-� 0 H Q Q A EXISTING ADDITION #5 REBAR �- O ¢ w M a n 0 �+ A 0` G n • A 0` d o • W r'7 0 ----------------------------------------------------------- p '� H REBAR AT -- ►-� 12.00(TYP) 0-4 O r r U z � d' a a o M r 00 r r � r Z Br r •' 0 r r w , J J_ i "R LL r i e W LC r r I- o ' 1 r-4 ~ �O O `-4 v c b. N h s~ p •b 1— r O1 o V pin ^' •' Z O 0 C s V e� .O r r O\ � 'M v tz #5 REBAR AT ; ; _ N O � v i G a v O . p .4 V �. v a . p .4 p 'v 4 p .4 p O . p r .— #5 REBAR 1.CLOSE OFF EXISTING OVERHEAD DOOR OPENING (fYP) WHILE PROVIDING SPACE FOR NEW DOOR(VIF). 22�-0" 21,.6„ ANCHOR CLOSED OFF OPENING(OURED CONCRETE) EW., WITH#4 REBAR AT INTERSECTIONS AND 12'OC Q' VERTICALLY.INSTALL ADDITIONAL ANCHOR BOLTS V WITH WASHERS AND NUTS AT G OC AND WITHIN O l'OF WALL TERMINATIONS. rn 2.PATCH OR REPAIR ANY DEFECTIVE EXISTING WALL U) OR SLAB CRACKS,VOIDS,etc.W 3.ADDITION FOUNDATION WALL TO BE 8"POURED o� CONCRETE WITH 16'X 8"FOOTING ON(2)#5 REBAR. N S N PROJECT NORTH A BOTTOM OF GRADE.TOP OFF WI ALL TO MATCH EXISTING(MINIMUM NG TO BE MINIMUM TBELOW 94 E 6"ABOVE GRADE(ALTER GRADE AND FOOTING DEPTH Q� AS REQUIRED. i 4.SLAB FOR ADDITION TO BE 4"THICK ON COMPACTED CLEAN FILL OR GRAVEL,REINFORCED WITH 10/10 6X6 1 (J WMM.PITCH SLAB MIN.1/8":12"TO OVERHEAD DOOR. CA PROPOSED FOUNDATION GC TO VERIFY WITH OWNER IF FLOOR TO BE COATED x SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" �A DRAWN: SCALE: r v} A JOB#: 3/19/2024 * SHEET NUMBER: 0 A � W H 43'-6" 22'-0" 21'-6" "V �J1 2'-11" 14'-81/2" 13'-10" 8'-9" T-31/2" z 0 ' A . i-------- If i Q ( ELFIN KITCHENETTE ^ M-160-FOV-IS-1 \ HOSE 1 1 BIB TW3046 TW2432 TW3046 TW3046 72'X2' (2)2X8 HDR �.1 ( 2 8 H R (2)2X8 HDR (2)2X8 HDR -------- ---00 0 -------------------- 11'-61/2" : 0 —41 in a 2X4 HANGER ; x "ry = a BATH RR-C1(TYP) 11-4 I v d • 1 O F47.3SF KITCHENETTE B x 0 E Z 1 N W N ce z,�/W U W " 00 2'-6" W r', o I^W/{ o wm BEDR OM o ~ v m �j W N NO 2 ® Z 1 N a s 1 N0. 1 133. SF z STORAGE x o 1121.7 INSTALL 5/8"TYPE-X ON 1 ,; t— SF %j 0 CEILING AND WALLS ' ~ 1 N 0 - \ - '4 ° 1 ,., 11'-61/2" " G 9'-6"0 IT _ _ _ N O ! N O - 2X4 HANGER ' RR-C1(TYP)Ll ; o r` E N v 0 _ 1 u1 •-------------------- cM t v --(2) X ® (2)2X8 HDR rn G u (2)2X8 HDR (2)2X8 HDR o � �7 +� PO M :flfl .2 lu EGRESS EGRESS ° TW3046 TW3046 1.EXISTING OVERHEAD DOOR AND WINDOWS TO BE REMOVED.EXISTING O }�� m Cg TW3046 TW3046 ELECTRIC SERVICE PANEL TO BE REMOVED AND NEW ONE TO BE INSTALLED IN z w v " TOTAL FINISHED METER ADDITION.INSPECT WATERLINE COMING IN AND RELOCATE AS REQUIRED. o in 00 SPACE:398.9 SF GAS METER AND UNDERGROUND LINE TO BE REMOVED AND RELOCATED. P4 bo 2'-4" 12'-41/2" 16'-9" 8'-9" T-31/2" REMOVE EXISTING UTILITIES IN EXISTING BUILDING AND INSTALL NEW. � 4 cr ;-4 L' ELECTRIC METER TO BE EVALUATED TO RELOCATE(VERIFY WITH OWNER) m 11 2.EXISTING FRAMING TO BE REPAIRED,ADDED,OR REPLACED AS REQUIRED :� 0 a; EXISTING ADDITION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.cLOSE OFF EXISTING OPENINGS(TYPICAL) rn U c 3.PROPOSED WALL HEIGHT TO MATCH EXISTING,-7-64/2".WALL FRAMING 000 y TO INSTALL OVER 2X6 ACQ SILL PLATE(TOTAL 7'-8"HEIGHT). N o tia 43'-6" 4.SILL PLATE TO SIT OVER TERMITE SHIELD AND SILLSEAL ANCHOR TO NEW 4 FOUNDATION WITH 5/8"dia.ANCHOR BOLTS WITH SQUARE WASHERS AT 6'O.C.,WITHIN I'OF CORNERS,AND AT SPLICES 5.REMOVE EXISTING SIDING AND UNDERLAYMENT.INSPECT EXISTING eE SHEATHING.PATCH OR REPLACE AS REQUIRED.ALL GAPS TO BE SEALEDEmm( FOR AIRTIGHTNESS W PROJECTN0RTH 6.INSTALL NEW SIDING TO MATCH HOUSE.UNDERLAYMENT TYPE PER MANUFACTURE INSTRUCTIONS [��/' 0-47.WALLS AND CEILING TO BE INSULATED(SEE ENERGY CERTIFICATE). O 8.INSTALL 1/2'SHEETROCK ON WALLS AND CEILING.TAPE,SAND AND PAINT. 9.INSTALL SMOKE AND CO DETECTORS PER CODE PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN 22'-U' SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" i N ----------------------- F+ ..................... OP OF SW-TOP WALL PSAM Fa 1 TVOH-MTV OH-TJ181F 1 2M Sn D WALL VA ON 6 PATE 1 2X6 RR e21,OC(2l(6 R e6'd OC 2X8 1NDC 1 "`1VRiDOOuf APE D .v iSI1NG / TOP OF OP OF W_LPLA DORM 1 FAO P TOP OF WALL PUTS »TM 56A1 WNlfi)OR � V 1 PAWL x 1 1 4 1 1 4 n I p 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 TAT 1 /. ------------------------ 1k �' �� DRAWN: ELECTILIC lsi 22-M "ff'Q 21'-6" • n' SCALE: EXISBVG PROPOSED T 3/19/2024 EXISTING FLOOR PLAN ' � � SHEET NUMBER: SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 'QF A-5 F-1 H wll �y "V O F--1 Q • A Q ROPOSEQ EXISTING PROPOSED ADDITION a O Ulot z --------------------- 1 U 1 RIDGE +++ 12 �� � � NEW ASPHALT ROOK TO MATCH n � no HOUSE.INSTALL OVgR REQUIRED . o p INDERLAYMENT TO CODE. ■ H INSTALL"GROUND C�'UITER"ON HIP-SIDES OF • 1 " a a THE BUILDING ■ B ix u i t 'Q 1 ■ u + 11 1 ■ 1 1 1 • 1 1 " 1 EXISTING■ i ' / 1 2X8 RIDGE ■ u ■ 1 � / � 1 • cry ++1 n / • , / , S 1 ■ CO M Qj U 1�1 ` • 1 ' O / I M Ox m O ' 1 GC TO REVIEW EXISTING WALL ' " , F- SISTER/REPLACE AS REQUIRED n Q rr, " ¢" � 4 INSTALL FIREBLOCKING TO CODE. ; ; �+, w Q t2 , ■ .� v 1�1 REMOVE EXISTING ROOFING AND UNDERLAYMENT; i °C X O � .a-. INSPECT,REPAIR/REPLACE ANY DEFECTIVE SHTG. I ' x v ' r 6 ' " �✓, r .! d� v INSTALL NEW ROOFING TO MATCH ADDITION. i w i j i e s✓. O w' a / O 1 ! 1 ■ '� V M VI of %D I l ■ f � d X of 1 ■ V r_4 ++ CIA1 ! 1 ■ O� m 'ti v ---------------------�-aZ 00 Cq to N 1 1 I U CAj.• 1 } -------- T���� °a �---__---� +� �—r « �--_-----�==--===—=---- -- --------- MATCH OH 24" En W uu u O W w En En S N PROJECT NORTH E A PROPOSED ROOF PLAN cn cn SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" x DRAWN: SCALE: JOB#: `�I A 3/19/2024 SHEET NUMBER: :. ti3P`O4. Generated by REScheck-Web Software 7 Compliance Certificate 0 I� Project PISANI NEW ASPHALT ROOF TO MATCH — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Energy Code: 201E IECC _ Location Southold,Newyork HOUSE.INSTALL OVER REQUIRED Construction Type: Single-family INDERLAYMENT TO CODE. 2X8 W Project Type. New Construction 1/2'SHEATHING RIDGECondi ►( ' Glazing Floor Area: 1i940 ft2 ^�(. 12 r.y Glazing Area 1176 Q ,1`'�"`II Climate Zone: 4 (5572 HDD) Z , r 6 Permit Date-. 6� Permit Number,. 2X4 HANGER Construction Site: Owner/Agent Designer/Contractor: AT EA.U 4"OC 7180 PECONIC BAY BLw -- -- LAMEL,NY r DBL 2X8 U @24"OC r t eanpr nee:e.o+r.settsYtraii coos Raiimum uA 78 ..row uA:72 Maximum sHGc 111.4a row sHGe 033 RAFTER TAILS TO — • •wee^"^ �^R "^- mr ^^�•^�^- ^� MATCH EXISTING 2-0 OH O Slab-on-grade tradeoffs are no long,considered in the UA or performance comp)—ce path in REScheck Each sh"n-grade M assemb'y in the specA ed climate zone must meet the minimum soggy code insulation R-value and depth requirements. r— ^ Envelope Assemblies RE-SIDE BUILDING +� H TO MATCH HOUSE n r F--I WITH UNDERLAYMENT r F-1 Ceiling:Flat CelingorScis—Tn,zs "0 35.0 0.0 0.032 0.026 14 11 2X4 STUD WALL @16'OC �1 Wall:Wood Frame,16'o.c. 672 20.0 0.0 0.059 0-060 40 40 5/8"TYPE-X SHEETROCK 2X6 ACQ SILL PLATE mil( Door:Solid Door(under 50%glazing) 0 0.290 0.320 0 0 11 OVER TERMITE SHIELD W odow µ:woos Frame O.z90 03 Tl,zo 21 27 SHGC:0.33 _ AND SILL SEAL(TYP.) Comply Statement The proposed build'mg design desrnlxd here is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other calculations submitted with the permit application.The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2018 IECC requirements in —- - MATCH JISTING WALL REScheck Version:REScheck-Web and to comply with the mandatory requirements listed in the RESctwc:hispection Checklist Name-Title Signature abate 4 •4'PC SLAB,REINFORCED WITH 10/10 6X6 WMM 4 OVER COMPACTED CLEAN,NON-ORGANIC FILL 8"PC WALL 6 6 O �- •1 ••,e 16"XS"FTG W O (2)#5 BAR r>' Project Title:PISANI Report date: 02/08/24Q CROSS SECTION A w Data filename: Page 1 of 1 V SCALE: 1/4" — 11-0tt z REMOVE EXISTING ROOFING- O fad] REPAIR/REPLACE DEFECTIVE OR I-1 DAMGED SHEATHING AS NECESSARY 7 W EXISTING WALL TO ROOF TO BE INSULATED AND a NEW ASPHALT ROOF TO MATCH H P.t a HOUSE.INSTALL OVER REQUIRED 00 COVERED.SEAL ALL JOINTS AS REQUIRED OW) INDERLAYMENT TO CODE. _ - - - - .-r EXISTING 2X8 RIDGE F-1 F+i STE 2 TO DBL 2X6 RR I I @24"OC 00 DBL 2X8 CJ 24"OC _ _ � - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t-i ;• 2X8 U @24"OC 5/8"TYPE-X SHEETROCK - - N _ o dt Q1 ram'. RAFTER TAILS TO in p M rat � 41 MATCH EXISTING W C;N en O , `i x o _ i� P-' >' r=, Q 34 v 00 RE-SIDE BUILDING SHEETROCK C) Do TO MATCH HOUSE AT WALLS g , w/UNDERLAYMENT it �" CAP OFF EXPOSED SILL AND WALL i!) U DAJ STOOL TRIM w/ PORCELAIN TILE FLOORING _ _ _ � U) e, IX VINYL TRIM AS SELECTED BY OWNER a, —_ — _ .. . • . •. .. . • •. .. . . •. .. . • •. .. . • . •. . •. .. . • . •. .. . • . •. .. . • . •. .. . • •. .. . • N 3'CONC.APRON 0J EXISTING : 4"PC SLAB,REINFORCED WITH 10/10 6X6 WMM ,9 W OVER COMPACTED CLEAN,NON-ORGANIC FILL O 6 XISTING EXISTING 4 6 8'PC WALL �; ' ASSUMED TYPICAL ASSUMED TYPICAL •., INSULATE PERIMETER OF EXISTING FOUNDATION •• \ tY1 INSULATE PERIMETER OF EXISTING FOUNDATION FOUNDATION(VIE) FOUNDATION(VIE) _ WITH R10 RIGID INSULATION.INSULATION TO BE WITH R10 RIGID INSULATION.INSULATION TO BE — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — A MINIMUM OF 2 FT.BELOW GRADE PER NYS R402.1.2 16"X8"FIG — A MINIMUM OF 2 FT.BELOW GRADE PER NYS R402.1.2 (2)#5 BAR OVERHEAD EXTERIOR QI DOOR(TYP) WALL(TYP.) r CROSS SECTION B i i o n 8 SCALE: ��4" = 11-Ott EXPANSION #5 REBAR • s s 1z - - - _ - �r �r JOl ) Q NT(1YP @16'OC .... _ . ..., .,.. . EXPANSION - - -- - . 4"CONC.SLAB JOINT(TYP) - - MIN.1/8"PITCH 3'-0"APRON DRIVEWAY N a"sw000saw e�•naa wrm ir¢ �1 Z I Ali 6X61W10 WWF D r o .,iaa�err 3 - e�Rroa"wrtx ,r« - am e•mnerr uarsrii I D" Z 8' # # Yr•MRY•mmD � 8'(TY � V r•.or RnOOD P) Oi r1 -._ I w,oiN,anwezna-asa., m 1E plT9N.�t1VM:)/16'DSA-) t t/4 F1 11/4 11/2 11/4 y A Q ' -- -. _.- - --- rwsreatree � SINK tAV W G z"+urn or¢ #F # 13- wesoWwt an-aemrs"ieitio - BAH FA.1. I'-4"MIN. -.....- TYPICu wrNDDw OPENING : -.._.-.. .......�_. Li _ ,........ __._. acso rnoa wrtN tr« PANEL SPAN EQUAL OR SMALLER a a�or,n"uaiam �- - -�- 1 1R `- vM» 71M 4FEET W_�� t a+�wr ni ir¢ 2 u�wr rersm � �I� C.O.1 1 1/4 3 1 C.O. y_i �� . TYPIrAI_DOOR OPENING rwsrearne 9.ona 3 PANEL SPAN GREATER THAN 4 FEET YILTa1f RYWOOD""ows r-zx.urn snout coNca � AND EQl1A1.OR 94Al19R rormaswraniuncss srsml m """asm""��"t"wtsa rac 3 3 M9P DRA": Q ULNNntn rmLTi W/W."ERf THAN 6FEET ua run•raoc zi m n' .SCALE' a.,"woao�ews l � . Trpr at MtnTTPLDPEInyrS "a,�iN *« r!I JOB#: ,..., PANEL SPAN GREATER THAN 6 FEET � AND EQUAL R ,r« 4 — � , 3/19/2024 THAN e TO APROVED ,. SHEET NUMBER: WIND-BORNE DEBRIS PROTECTION FOR WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL SLOPE"1 4"PER FOOT PITCH TO DRAIN 4'C.I. SEPTIC SYSTEM . + AS PER SEC. R301.2.1.2 NYS CODE: PROTECTION OF OPENING / TRAP HOUSE WINDBORNE DEBRIS PROTECTION FASTENING SCHEDULE FOR WOOD STRUCTURAL PANES WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEIS wml A MINIMUM THONESS OF 7/16' t AND MAXIMUM PANEL SPAN OF 8 FEET SHALL BE PERMITTED FOR OPENING PROTECTION IN ONE-AND TWO-STORY BUILDINGS.PANELS SHALL BE PRECUT TO ro�► COVER GAZED OPENINGS WITH ATTAOfl4ENr HARDWARE PROVIDE.(REFER TO SECTION 1609.14,1609.6.5 AND TABLE 1609.1.4 OF N.Y.S.RESIDENTIAL t11 r Q • l -7 CONSTRUCTION CODE).THIS IS NOT A SUBSTITUTION FOR DESIGN-PRgR1RE.ALL OPENINGS MUST HAVE DESIGN-PRESSURE UPGRADES WHERE APPLICABLE R'•'"'m �/` ALL PANELS MUST BE OR TO SIZE AND READY TO USE ON ANY NEW WINDOWS AND DOORS.SHUTTERS MUST BE MARIMD FOR WHAT OPENING IT IS TO CMEL HARDWARE MUST ACCOMPANY SHUTTERS FOR INSTALLATION. � 0 H WIND LOAD PATH CONNECTION AND CONSTRUCTION DETAIL DRAWINGS USE THE FOLLOWING APPROVED USP METAL CONNECTORS FOR PROPER WIND RESISTANT & GOOD CONSTRUCTION. FOLLOW MANUFACTURE'S RECOMMENDED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS TO ACHIEVE MAXIMUM UPLIFT LOAD CAPACITY. W KING STUDS \ ? ENDWALL RAFTER CRIPPLE STUD 4WALL STUDz: (/1'^ BOTTOM PLATE RIDGE HEADER LEDGER BATHTUB z DOUBLE JOIST O SIDEWALL RAFTER JACK STUDS H f� FLOOR USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION 1ST. ADS5 HOLD DOWN CONNECT TO 1 SIDE OF ALL CORNERS ANCHOR TO FOUNDATION W/ ANCHOR BOLTS CONNECT TO 1 SIDE OF ALL CORNERS ON BATH / SPA TUBS TO HAVE A DOUBLE FLOOR JOISTS UNDER FOR ADDED SUPPORT LOCATION USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION LOCATION JUSP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION RAFTER SIZE USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION SUPPORT EACH WALL RUNNING PARALLEL WITH THE FLOOR 2ND. ADS5 HOLD DOWN BOTH BOT. PLATE OF 2ND FLOOR AND TOP ALL OPENINGS LSTA12 1-1 4-02" 2 a. STRAP APPLY TO EACH JACK STUD ROOF LSTA24 1-1 4"x24" 2 o. STRAP[APPLY OVER RIDGE TO EACH RA JOIST DIRECTION WITH (2) JOISTS. UNDER WALL ANCHOR PLATES OF 1ST. FLOOR. CONNECT THROUGH / / 2x6-2x8 LS26 18ga. SLOPE HANGER PPLY TO EACH RAFTER/ LEDGER E FLOORS TO EACH OTHER W/ THREADED ROD. ALL OPENINGS RT3 OR RT7 TYDOWN ANCHOR PPLY TO EACH CRIPPLE STUD 2X70 LS210 18go. SLOPE HANGER PPLY TO EACH RAFTER/ LEDGER FOR JOIST NOT DIRECTLY UNDER 024"OC WALLS, PROVIDE WALL STUD THROUGH—ROOF EXHAUST VENTS SELECTED AND LOCATED BY CONTRACTOR METAL STRAP CRICKET AT TOP—SIDE OF ` RIM BOARD HIMNEY VENTILATION CHANNEL RAFTER AS REQUIRED SILL PLATE(S) WALL SHEATHING RAFTERS MAINTAIN VENTILATION WOOD JOIST l:Tl 1•••� O • •• •• •• •' •• SIDEI4ALL FLASHING w FOUNDATION I TOP PLATE BLOCKING FINISH WALL AND MOISTURE 2x4 LEDGER BLOCKING $TAPPING TO BE ATTACHED TO WALL STUDS 048"OC' BARRIER TO LAP FLASHING AND ALL WINDOW/DOOR OPENING JACK STUDS AT WALL -- MAINTAIN GAP 2x4 SOMA JOIST BETWEEN WALL FINISH AND ATTIC M NET BE PROVIDED WITH A O W FLOOR JOIST DEPTH USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION ROOFING TO AVOID SOAKING MINIMUM NET FREE VENTILATING AREA z WALL STUD NOT LESS THAN 1/150 OF THE AREA OF GUTTER INSTALL 4'0" O.C. �: THE SPACE VENTILATED. ALL OPENINGS WOOD GIRDER ' 4" - 8' LSTA24 1-1/4"x24" 20ga. STRAP AND JACK STUDS RESISTANT MSHALL BE ETAL WITH N7TORROSION ONTIN. SCREENED VENT a z �7a] N ALL OPENINGS PROVIDE HEMMED EDGE AT OPENINGS OF%4 INCH IN DIMENSION, ONTIN. SOFFIT/EXT. PLYWOOD c) =] FLASHING TO FORM CHANNEL u (�� INSTALL 4'0" O.C. AND SO AS TO MAINTAIN AIR LOCATION USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION SOFFITED EAVE W 8" - 14" LSTA30 1-1/4"x30" 18go. STRAP AND JACK STUDS GAP TO PREVENT CAPILLARY CONNECT TO z a a ON ALL OPENINGS / ACTION 4" - 6" RAFTER RT10 0-3/4" x 18ga. TYDOWN ANCHOR EACH RAFTER PROVIDE BLOCKING BETWEEN JOISTS THAT ARE SPICED AND INSTALL 4'0" O.C. CONNECT TO ROOF VENTILATION / OVER BEARING WALLS AND HEADERS 14" - 16" LSTA36 1-1/4"x36" 18go. STRAP AND JACK STUDS 8" - 12" RAFTER RT20 1-1/8" x 20go. TYDOWN ANCHOR EACH RAFTER SOFFITED EAVE DETAIL 00 00 ON ALL OPENINGS KEEP ROOFING NAILS OUT OF FLASHING 2ND. FLOOR WALL a ROOFING LAPS BASE FLASHING 4 INCHES BASE FLASHING WRAPS CORNERS, RAFTER RIDGE CAP OF SAME / EXTENDS UNDER SHINGLES AT MATERIAL AS ROOFING SIDES 4 INCHES AND LAPS I NAILED TO SHEATHING SHINGLES AT BASE MIN. 4 INCHES THROUGH VENT WOOD JOIST P"1 0 TOP PLATE GIRDER/HEADER m fh N U SIDE WALL FLASHING (I �-• +' 1S7 FLOOR WALL STAP BE ATTACHED TO PING STUDS 048'OC AND ALL WINDOW/DOOR OPEN STUDS METAL FLASHING AT ALL EAVES, SIDEWALLS• WALL STUD WOOD JOIST ('O Co O AND RAKES -- PROVIDE HEMMED EDGES SO \'o FLOOR JOIST DEPTH USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION AS TO FORM DRAINAGE CHANNELS AND RAFTERS O �.-� � U INSTALL 4'0" O.C. PREVENT CAPILLARY ACTION � O 4' — 8" LSTA36 1-1/4"x36" 18go. STRAP AND JACK STUDS LOCATION USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION PRE—MANUFACTURED z k+ N ALL OPENINGS RIDGE VENT FOLDS KEEP SHEATHING MIN. 1-1/2" ALL JOISTS CONNECTED TO A FLUSH HEADER TO BE SUPPORTED WITH 'LS V �•�, RAFTER/PLATERT15 TYDOWN ANCHOR CONNEC-EACH OVER RIDGE TO FROM PEAK TO ALLOW FREE THE PROPER STEEL CONNECTOR. RS d INSTALL 4'0" O.C. RAFTER TO PLATE AIR PASSAGE 00 - \ 8" - 16" MSTA48 1-1/4"x48" 16 o. STRAP AND JACK STUDS CONFORM TO SLOPE IF AD LE SET FIR JOISTS APROX. 1/2" HIGHER THAN EVE HEADERS O g CONNEC-OVER OF ROOF TO ALLOW FOR SHRINKAGE. & REDUCE BUMP OUTSN-i OA \ N ALL OPENINGS PLATE/WALL SPTH4 STUD PLATE ANCHOR PLATES TO =ACH SPUD - DBL. PLATE "l •4DBL. SILL TERMITE SHIELD i I �"--SUB FLOOR U v'~ SILL GASKET WOOD JOISTS 00 TYP. CONC. FOUNDATION ^ ` CONC. SLAB GASKETNE O 2x6 /2x8 CONTINUOUS WOOD PLATE W DAMPPROOF EXTERIOR V GRANULAR FILL 6 MIL POLY • _ V .>`~ 6MIL POLY ON EXTERIOR � a BOLTED TO STEEL BEAM WITH �r i • V STEEL COLUMN ' ' )•p � I 1/2 " DIA. BOLTS 0 48" o.c. STAG. -4, 11 � _ • •- d I • d •• ° \ ( ROOF JACK •,•• . v CONC. SLAB 'p �•• �� , • STEEL BEAM a•• n 1•p ANCHOR BOLT EMBEDMENT: I1 V COMPACT FILL ' POURED CCJCRETE: 7" 4" x 1 4' x 8" STEEL L>:I •p i I " i aa. _• . BLOCK WALL: 15" LL, FRI ROOFING LAPS TOP AND BOTTOM PLATE p • FLASHING AT WITH 1/2" x 6" ANCHOR BOLT KEYWAY FOOTING • V A • 1/2 GROUT r 1 USE WITH 3x3 SQUARE WASHERS V � • .11 Q•p •- Q CONC. FIG. •p � Q•p L•' SIDES AND TOP • � O ANCHOR BOLT CONNECTION (USP LB PS58 OR BP583) p REINFORCING BAR f 3" STEEL COLUMN O DRAIN TILE v ANCHOR BOLT CONNECTION FOUNDATION /8" LTA. ANCHOR BOLT SUPPORTING MAXIUUM SPACING FLASHING LAPS ( 10 KIPS ) En SILL PLATE TO FOUNDATION ROOFING AT BOTTOM CRAWL SPACE OR FOUNDATION 1 STORY 72' OC NEEDED FOR STRUCTURAL BRACING. SILL PLATE TO FOUNDATION 2 STORIES 36" TYPICAL BEAM DETAIL WHERE NEEDED TYPICAL FOUNDATION. APPLY PILASTERS MIN. 3' STEEL COLUMN ANCHORED TO 24'x24"x12" CONC. FIG. CRAWL SPACE OR FOUNDATION OC STEEL/BOTTOM BEARING N ALL BOTTOM PLATE TO FOUNDATION SLAB-ON-GRADE 1-2 STORIES 57' OC ROOF JACKS& VENTS DETAIL CONC. SLAB 1 r-SUBFLOOR 6X6 WWM DOOR FRAME GORGE a_JOIST COMPACT FILL U I USE 2X8 STEEL BEAM U) FOR BLOCKOUT •" 4" SLABU W • P.T. PLATE W/6X6 WMM \( SLOPE 4"DRIVEWAY NOTCH JOIST AND ADJUST HEIGHT � I • i/2" AIRS E a- • 1 2' _ (WITH A NAILING PLATE IF NEEDED) ' �•s'� AT END AND +• .•' .p ��-• •• :. •' • TO BE APROX. 1/2" OR HIGHER THAN _ - yc•p ES OF WOOD p _• . • STEEL BEAM TO ALLOW FOR SHRINKAGE GRADE • a '`""a • • �`� = BEAMS '•� ° • • •'• (PROVIDE STRAPPING TO KEEP JOISTS ALIGNED) a a a O 12" Q' 6X6 W.W.M. • a�-d -�� d- s •p Cnl p O •O •. •p•.p I_ �- MIN. • �,,;� .Q •� •• Q•p Q•p A• • y NOTCH BEAM FOR MUDSILL IF REQUIRED -- MAXIMUM A I • • • SUBFLOOR •� d REINFORCING BAR NOTCH EQUALS 1/4 DEPTH OF BEAM 1 O • - " °• •O a REINFORCING BAR • • O •'• •° OIST DRAIN TILE 12" ►I •• SHEET METAL/30# FELT UNDER BE)M AT POINT �) • O• O• �• '• OF CONTACT WITH CONCRETE OR COAC. BLOCK .- TYPICAL CONIC. MONOLITHIC FOUNDATION. REINFORCE WITH (2) #4 REINFORCING BARS THICKEN SLABS BENEATH BEARING WALLS AND COLUMNS. �. •. 3 SHIMS TO LEVEL BEAM REINFORCE FOOTING WITH (2) #4 REINFORCING BARS. 3" MINIMUM BEARING SURFACE FOR WOOD BEAM r�, s GARAGE DOOR BLOCKOUT (1A DRAWN: BEAM POCKET SCALE: I ••mot JOB#: . 3/19/2024 SHEET NUMBER: '�,•,•�I'a R`•�� ��, -- Z 0 GENERAL NOTES WIND FRAMING NOTES NAILING SCHEDULE PLAN CONTENTS" 9 1).RIDGE-TO-RAFTER ASSEMBLY: ROOF FRAMING: OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION R3RESIDENTIAL 1-1/4"x 20 gauge strap shall be attached to each pair of rafters in accordance to table 3.4. NAL NAIL RESIDENTIAL DWELLING JOINT DESCRIPTION NOTES BUILDING USE When a collar tie is used in leu of a ridge strap,the number of lOd common nails required QT1r. SPACING CONSTRUCTION NOTES: in each end of the collar tie need not exceed the tabulated number of 8d nails in the strap. RAFTER TO 8'WALL: TOE-NAIL 3-8d COMMON EACH BUILDING HEIGHT (SEE PLANS) TOP PLATE 10'WALL:4-81 COMMONRAFTER TOTAL SQ.FT.OF CONSTRUCTION (SEE PLANS) 1).The information within this set of construction documents is related to basic design 2).RAFTER-TO-WALL ASSEMBLY: CEILING JOIST 8'WALL-3-8d COMMON EACH DESIGN CRITERIA(UNIFORM CODE intent and framing details.They are intended as a construction aid.not a substitute Lateral framing and shear wall connections for rafter,ceiling or truss to top plate shall be in TOE-NAIL N ) 2020 IRC,2020 NYS UNIFORM FIRE PREVENTION AND BUILDING CODE dd for generally accepted good building practice and compliance with current New York accordance to table 3.3.When a rafter or truss do not fall in line with studs below,rafters TO TOP PLATE 10'WALL 48j COMMO JOIST AS PER FLOOR PLANS,CROSS SECTION,DETAILS,AND GENERAL NOTES g Y P g g P P FRAMING ELEMENTS State building codes.The General Contractor is responsible for providing standard or trusses shall be attached to the wall top plate and the wall top plate shall be attached to CEILING JOIST TO AS PER TABLE 3.7 EACH FACE DESIGN LIVE LOAD(PSF)R301.5 construction details and procedures to ensure a professionally finished,structurally the to the wall stud with uplift connections.Roofs overhanging the rake side of the building PARALLEL RAFTER WFCM-SBC LAP NAIL DESIGN DEAD LOAD(PST) 1 ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION OF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS R301.7 UNINHABITABLE ATTICS(NO STORAGE) 10 EXTERIOR(LIGHT FRAME)WOODD WALL WALLS IS RAFTERS GREATER THAN 3:12 PITCH L/I80 O sound and a weatherproof completed product. shall be connected with uplift connections in accordance with table 3.3c. CEILING JOIST LAPS AS PER TABLE 3.7 EACH FACE UNINHABITABLE ATTICS(STORAGE) 20 EXTERIOR(LIGHT FRAME)STEEL WALLS 14 MO FINISHED CEILING) 2).The General Contractor is responsible for ensuring that all work and construction 3).WALL-TO-WALL ASSEMBLY: OVER PARTITION WFCM-SBC LAP NAIL HABITABLE ATTICS AND 30 INTERIOR(LIGHT FRAME)WOOD WALLS 10 INTERIOR WALLS AND PARTITIONS 1,1/180 H� 4 EACH FACE ATTICS WITH FIXED STAIRS INTERIOR meets current federal,state,county and local codes,ordinances and regulations,etc. Wall studs above and studs below a floor level shall be attached with uplift connections in COLLAR TIE AS PER TABLE 3. (LIGHT FRAME)STEEL WALLS 5 FLOORS Ll360 SBC END NAIL EXTERIOR BALCONIES AND DECKS 40 CEILINGS These codes are to be considered as part of the specifications for this building and accordance with table 3.3b.When wall studs above do not fall in line with studs below,the TO RAFTER WFCM- MASONRY WALLS(B'THICK) 80 (PLASTER.STUCCO) IJ360 H^ should be adhered to even if in variance with the plan. studs shall be attached to a common member in the floor assembly with uplift connector FIRE ESCAPES 40 in BLOCKING EACH TOE CONCRETE WALLS(6"THICK) 85 CEILINGS(GYPSUM) I/240 2-8d COMMON GUARDS AND HANDRAILS 200 ALL OTHER STRUCTURAL MEMBERS L/240 accordance with table 3.3. TO RAFTER END NAIL SIP WALLS to GUARD IN-FILL COMPONENTS 50 EXTERIOR WALLS(PLASTER,STUCCO 3).Dimensions shall take precedent over scaled drawings. RIM BOARD EACH END VEHICLE GARAGES(R301.5)PER 20 SQ.IN.20001bs (P ) FV360 (DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS). 4).WALL ASSEMBLY TO FOUNDATION: TO RAFTER 2-16d COMMON END NAIL PASSANGER VEHICLES 50 EXTERIOR WALLS(BRITTLE FINISHES) H/240 First wall studs shall be connected to the foundation,sill plate,or bottom plate with uplift NON-SLEEPING ROOMS 40 EXTERIOR WALLS(FLEXIBLE FINISHES) HA20 4).The designer has not been engaged for construction supervision and assumes no connectors.Steel straps shall have a minimum embedment of 7 inches in concrete WALL FRAMING: SLEEPING ROOMS 30 UNTEIS(SUPPORTING MASONY WALLS) L/600 responsibility for construction coordinating with these plans,nor responsibility for foundation and slab•on-grade,l5 inches in masonry block foundations,or lapped under NAIL NAIL STAIRS 40 construction means,methods,techniques,sequences,or procedures,or for safety the plate and nailed in accordance with table 3.3b.When steel straps are lapped under the JOINT DESCRIPTION NOTES ROOF GROUND SNOW LOAD 20 precautions and programs in connection with the work.There are no warranties for a bottom plate,3 inch square washes shall be used with the anchor bolts.Anchor bolt 2n'• SPACING specific use expressed or implied in the use of these plans. spacing is to be spaced and sized in accordance to table 3.2a.In addition to spacing, TOP PLATE TO PER FACE NAIL EXPOSURE CATAGORY (DESIGNED FOR EXPOSURE C) P P p g pTOP PLATE 2-16dCOMMO FOOT SEE NOTE:1 LOAD PATH SEE CONSTRUCTION ANDWIND PATH CONNECTION anchor bolts are to be spaced between 6-12 inches from the end of a sill plate and all 5).Refer to the Window and Door schedule for exterior openings. comers. TOP PLATES AT 4-16d COMMON JOINTS FACE (ROOF-FOUNDATION DETAIL PAGE&GENERAL NOTE PAGE INTERSECTIONS EA.SIDE NAIL NAILING SCHEDULE SEE GENERAL NOTE PAGE 6).The General Contractor is to ensure that masonry or prefabracted fireplaces meets 5).TYPE 1 EXTERIOR SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS: STUD TO 2-16d COMMON 24' FACE EGRESS SEE FLOOR PLANS AND WINDOW SCHEDULE or exceeds manufacture's specifications and applicable codes. Type I exterior shear walls with a minimum of 7A6 inch wood structural panel on the exterior STUD O.C. NAIL 5 attached with 8d common nails at 6'o.c.at the panel edges and 12"o.c.in the field,and FIRE PROTECTION Y m: SMOKE ALARMS TO COMPLY WITH NFPA 72 AND NYS R314 NYS. 7).The General Contractor is to consult with the owner for all built-in items 1/2 inch gypsum wallboard on the interior attached with 5d cooler nails at 7'o.c.at panel HEADER TO 16"O.C. FACE P 16d EOMMON HEADER ALONG EDGES NAIL SMOKE&CO2 DETECTORS CARBON MONIXIDE ALARMS TO COMPLY WITH R315 NYS. W O such as bookcases,shelving,pantry,cosecs,trims,etc. edges and 10"o.c.in the field shall be in accordance with the length requirements specified ^^ ',••I in table 3.15a-b. TOP OR BOTTOM 2-16dCOMMON PER 2x4 STUD END TRUSS DESIGN N/A-STANDARD STICK FRAME CONSTRUCTION 3 8).Wind load requirements shall be taken into account during construction. PLATE TO STUD 3-16d COMMON PER 2x6 STUD I NAIL ENERGY CALCULATIONS 2020 ENERGY CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION CODE NYS 19 NYCRR PART 124 6).TYPE 11 EXTERIOR SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS: ,�/ Lla Z BOTTOM PLATE TO: FOUNDATION NOTES: Type 11 exterior shearwalls shall meet the requirements of table 3.15a-b times the appropriate PER FACE NAIL (� length adjustment factors in table 3.16. FLOOR JOIST,BAND JOIST, 2-16dCOMMO FOOT SEE NOTE•1,2 CLIMATIC & GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA r-I END JOIST OR BLOCKING rr a 1).The General Contractor and Mason to review plans,elevations,details and notes to GROUND WIND SEISMIC FROST WINTER ICESHIELD FLOOD � Z determine intended heights of finished floor(s)above typical grade. 7)-INTERIOR SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS: FLOOR FRAMING: SNOW SPEED DESIGN WEATHERING LINE TERMITE DECAY DESIGN UNDERLAYMENT F� O HAZARDS Allowable sidewall lengths provided in table 3.14 shall be permitted to be increased when LOAD (MPH) CATEGORY DEPTH TEMP. REQUIRED () 2).All footings to rest on undisturbed(virgin)soil. NAIL NAIL H W interior shearwalls are used.Sheathing and connections shall be in accordance with JOINT DESCRIPTION NOTES SPACING QTY. MODERATE SLIGHT TO a+ Q and 2.2.4 respectively. 20 PSF 130 B SEVERE 3 FT. 17 NONE 3).Provide 1/2"expansion joint material between concrete slabs and abutting JOIST TO: PER TOE TO HEAVY MODERATE concrete or masonry walls oceuring in exterior or unheated interior areas. SILL,TOP PLATE OR GIRDER 4-Ed COMMONCod s).Co""ECTIo"s AROUND XTERIORWALL OPENw JOIST NAIL Gs: ROOF SHEATHING REQUIREMENTS FOR WIND LOADS: '�_( Header and/or girder connections shall be attached with uplift connections in accordance BRIDGING EACH TOE 4).Any new concrete walls being attached to existing concrete structure shall with table 3.5.Window,sill plates shall be have steel connectors in accordance with table TO JOIST 2-Ed COMMON END NAIL SHEATHING LOCATION NAIL SPACING NAIL SPACING AT INTERMEDIATE NOTES be installed with#5 re-bar,18'long at 12'o.c..Use approved epoxy for installation. 3.5. AT PANEL EDGES SUPPORTS IN THE PANEL FIELD BLOCKING EACH TOE 5).Unless otherwise noted,all slabs on de to be 3000P.O..Concrete to be 2-8d COMMON 4'PERIMETER EDGE ZONE 8d COMMON 6'O.C. d COMMON 6'O.C. SEE NOTES:1.3 P 9 CATHEDRAL CEILING ASSEMBLY: TO JOIST END NAIL @ @ poured on 4 inch thick sand or gravel fill with 6x6 wire mesh reinforcing.Interior slabs )• to be minimum 34/2 inch thick.All fill to be compacted to 95%relative density with Where a ridge is to be used as a structural beam,the rafters shall either be notched and BLOCKING TO: 3-16d COMMON EACH TOE INTERIOR ZONE 8d COMMON @ 6'O.C. Sd COMMON @ 12"O.C. SEE NOTES:1(BOTH FIELDS) 6"maximum lifts payers). anchored on top of the beam or slope connectors shall be attached to each rafter-to-ridge SILL OR TOP PLATE BLOCK NAIL NOTE:2 FOR PANEL FIELD along the open ceiling part of the building.Connections to the ridge and wall shall be be LEDGER STRIP EACH FACE GABLE ENDWALL RAKE AND RAKE TRUSS Bd COMMON @ 4"O. Sd COMMON @ 4"O.C. SEE NOTES:1.3 6).Crawl spaces n at provided with r minimum.of err'access opening.Install one attached with the above requirements. TO BEAM 3-lEd COMMON JOIST NAIL 8x16 cart iron foundation vent for every 150 sq.ft.of area. NOTES � DECK AND COVERED PORCH NOTES: 101STONLEDGER 3-EdCOMMO PER TOE 7).Dampproof exterior of foundation with bituminous coating as required by current TO BEAM JOIST NAIL N a N.Y.S.Residential Construction Code.A 6-mil polyethylene film shall be applied over 1).Unless otherwise noted,all framing material to be#1 ACQ pressure treated lumber. BAND JOIST PER END THESE NOTES ARE ONLY TO BE REFERRED TO IF MENTIONED IN SCHEDULE NOTES ONLY. cc)M ) O �M the below grade portion of exterior walls prior to backfilling. All fasteners,hangers and anchors to be galvinized or stainless steel. TO JOIST 3-16d COMMO JOIST NAIL ON n a 1).For roof sheathing within 4 feet of the perimeter edge of the roof,including 4 feet on each side of the roof peak, X _ v 8).Drainage as required by current N.Y.S.Residential Construction Code. 2).Girders for deck joists to be bolted to each post with washers and nuts. BAND JOIST TO: PER TOE NAIL the 4 foot perimeter edge zone attachments required shall be used. O M 2-16d COMMO Girders on concrete piers shall be anchored with proper steel connectors anchored SILL OR TOP PLATE FOOT SEE NOTE:1 � v U FRAMING NOTES g 2).Tabulated 12 inch o.c.nail spacing assumes sheathing attached to rafter/truss framing members with G>0.49. O r' � into concrete with a minimum 1/2'dia x 7"loll anchor bolt with washers and nuts. X O For framing members with<0.42<G<0.49,the nail spacing shall be reduced to 6 inches o.c. P_f }i c (g In 44 1).All framing techniques and methods as prescriptive design of current SBC High Wind 3).Posts supporting girders shall be anchored to a 12'x12"x12"thick concrete footing. JOINT DESCRIPTION NAIL NAIL +z Edition Wood Framing Construction Manual. Use a minimum 1/2'dia x 8"long anchor bolt with washers and nuts.Footings Shall be 3 ft. QTY. SPACING 3).Tabulated 4 inch o.c.nail spacing assumes sheathing to rafter/truss framing members with G>0.49.For 0Do below grade.Porches with covered roofs shall have 12"dia.concrete piers for the girders. STRUCTURAL PANEL gd AS PEP TABLE 3.8 framing members with 0.42<G<0.49,the nail spacing shall be reduced to 3 inches o.c �✓ 93 It 2).Unless otherwise noted,all framing and structural wood material to be/{2+MR. below -SBC O r CIO Douglas Fir. WALL SHEATHING REQUIREMENTS FOR WIND LOADS: .t~ 4 't 4).Deck joists to have blocking at 8'0 o.c.. i v CEILING SHEATHING: NAIL SPACING NAIL SPACING AT INTERMEDIATE ^4 SHEATHING LOCATION NOTES � 0 v 3).Floors,walls,ceilings and rakers to be spaced at 16 inches o.c unless noted AT PANEL EDGES SUPPORTS IN THE PANEL FIELD t�l 5).A minimum of 10 inch flashing shall be installed between the building and ledger. NAIL NAIL Lf') V m otherwise. JOINT DESCRIPTION M Ledger to be fastened to building with 1/2"dia.bolts with washers and nuts QTY. SPACING SEE NOTES 1,3(BOTH FIELDS) dt 4'EDGE ZONE 8d COMMON @ 6'O.C. Sd COMMON @ 12'O.C. co � where needed. GYPSUM 7" O.C.EDGE NOTE:2 FOR PANEL FIELD CAa� a 4).Unless otherwise noted.all bearing wall headers to be(2)2x10 N2+BTR.Doug.Fir. 5d COOLERS s~ r Bearing wall headers to have(2)jack studs and(2)full length studs on each side of all WALLBOARD 10"O.0.FIELD INTERIOR ZONE 8d COMMON @ 6'O.C. 8d COMMON @ 12'O.C. SEE NOTE:3 O W 6).Concrete piers shall be a minimum 6"above grade. 4 openings.LVL headers to have(3)jack studs and(2)full length Studs on each side of WALL SHEATHING: openings.Bearing wall window sills shall also have(2)window sill plates for 2x4 wall 7).All joists to be supported with hangers and anchors.Each Joist shall also be anchored NOTES openings between 4'1 and GO and 2x6 wall openings between 511 and 8'9.Provide fire to girder(s). JOINT DESCRIPTION NAIL NAIL THESE NOTES ARE ONLY TO BE REFERRED TO IF MENTIONED IN SCHEDULE NOTES ONLY. and blocking where applicable. QTY. SPACING 8).Covered Roofs shall be assembled and anchored the same manner as a typical building. STRUCTURAL AS PER TABLE 3.9 5).All flush beams/headers to be installed with heavy duty galvinized hangers and PANELS Sd COMMON WFCM-SBC t) For wall sheathing within 4 feet of the comers,the 4 foot edge zone attachment requirements shall W anchors where applicable to all connecting joists. 3"O be used. 7/16"OSB .C.EDGE 6d COMCOMMONPLUMBING NOTES [-i Qf �..� 6).Double up floor joists under walls that run parallel to the floor joist and under bathtu . 1).All water supply,drainage and venting to be installed as per N.Y.S.Residential PLYWOOD 6"O.C.FIELD 2).Tabulated 12 inch o.c.nail spacing assumes sheathing attached to stud framing members with V Floors to have ceramic tile installed shall be verified for proper load capacity unless noted Construction Code. GYPSUM 5d COOLERS 7' O.C.EDGE G>0.49.For framing members with 0.42<G<,the nail spacings shall be reduced to 6 inches o.c. O on plans. WALLBOARD 10"O.0.FIELD V) 7).Provide 2-1-3/4"thick microlams(height to match floor joists)around stairwell and/ 2)•Verify septic system with the Engineer for Suffolk County Health Department approval. 3).For exterior panel siding,galvinized box nails shall be permitted to be substituted for common nails. Other access openings unless otherwise noted(typical). FLOOR SHEATHINC: 3).If wall studs,plates or joists are cut out during installation for any plumbing related work, NAIL NAIL JOINT DESCRIPTION 8).Dormers running up roof rafters are to be supported by double rafters on either side provide adequate bracing and plates to protect and secure the structure.Verify with the QTY. SPACING 1).PROVIDE 5/8'TYPE-X SHETTRocK FIRE STOPPING AT 1(Y0 MAXIMUM DISTANCES FOR NON ACCESSIBLE AREAS. where applicable unless Otherwise noted. state code and manufacture's recommendation for maximum hole size and spacing permitted. 2).USE SIMPSON HANGERS AND ANCHORS WITH Z-MAX TRIPPLE PROTECTIVE COATING FOR CONTACT WITH ACQ. [� PP STRUCTURAL PANELS 8d COMING 6"O.C.EDGE EGRESS OPENINGS MIN.S.0 SQ GRADE FLOOR 3).INSTALL 1-Cot DETECTOR IN ADDITION TO SMOKE ALARMS PER FLOOR HVAC SYSTEM NOTES V OR LESS 12"O.C.FIELD IN. 4" riI AFF FLOOR) Vim__-f11 9).Provide blocking/bridging in floor joists at 8'0 o.c_Use solid blocking in floor joists MIN.na•SILL-AFT under all bearing walls. NYS Residential Code R302.11-rIREBLocKING REQUIRED 1).Mechanical subcontractor is responsible for adhearing to all applicable codes and safety NOTES: FireNocking shall be provided to cut off an concealed draft openings(both vertical and horizontal) requirements. NOTE: and to form an effective fire barrier between stories.and between a top story and the roof space. 10).Provide insulation baffles at eave vents between rafters.Install draft blocking as THESE NOTES ARE ONLY TO BE REFERRED TO IF CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SOIL TEST TO VERIFY Fireblorking shall be provided in wood-frame mrMnsetion is the following locations. needed. 2).HVAC subcontractor is to full coordinate all System data and requirements with the MENTIONED IN SCHEDULE NOTES ONLY. EXISTING CONDITIONS.MINIMUM 3000If CAPACITY. 1 m concealed V Y � eq ) spaces of stud wens and partitions,kxi�rng furred spaces.a<the ceiling and floor equipment Supplier. levels.Concealed horizontal Tuned spaces shall also be fireblorked at Intervals not exceeding 10 11).Unless otherwise noted,all roofs and walls to have a minimum 1/2'thick,4-ply Fir 1).Nailing requirements are based on Nall sheathing feet.Batts or blankets of mineral or glass fiber shall be allowed as fireblodcing in walls constructed parallel row,of stud:or staggered V using W CDX exterior sheathing grade plywood.Plywood to cover over plates and headers. SOIL COMPACTION: arm studs. 3).HVAC subcontractor to provide final system layout drawing and submit it to the General nailed 6"on-center at the panel edge.If wall sheathing Contractor and owner for final review and approval. is nailed 3'on-center at the panel edge to obtain higher 1).NEW FILL TO BE CLEAN OF ORGANIC MATERIAL CONTRACTOR 2).At all irderconnections between concealed vertical and horizontal spaces such as occur at soffits, 12).Unless otherwise noted use 3/4'thick T&G PTS Fir or Advantech plywood subfloor TO VERIFY EXISTING SOIL CONDITIONS PRIOR TO FILL. drop ceilings and awe«dings. ELECTRICAL NOTES: shear capacities,nailing requirements For structural REMOVE AND ADD ADDITIONAL FILL AS NEEDED. adhered with PL400 adhesive and screwed to floor joists.Finished Floor to be installed members shall be doubled,or alternae connectors, 3).In concealed spares between stair stringers over subfloor as per manufacture's instructions. 2).COMPACTION OF NEW FILL SHALL BE AT LEAST 95%PROCTOR under stairs shall at the top and bottom of the run.Enclosed spaces1).All electrical to be installed as per N.Y.S.Residential Construction Code. such as shear plates,shall be used to maintain load path. DENSITY( ASTM D 698 AND ASTM D 1557).COMPACT THE C°^'PIY h arrant N.Y.S.Residential Code. SOIL AT 12-LIFTS(TYPICAL).CONTRACTOR TO HAVE FILL 4 At ' 13).All bathroom walls to have 1/2"thick moisture-resistant sheetrock.Garage walls and )• openings°'or"rd`R„t'•pipe'mra ar,cis at ceiling and e°°r le�rel•to the tree passage of ceilings and over furnace to have 5/8"thick type-x sheetrock.All other parts of building 2).All electrical work shall be approved by a qualified Underwriter. 2)•When wall sheathing is continuousover connected TESTED BY PROFFESSIONAL AGENCY FOR COMPACTION. flame and products of combustiott shall be the tabulated number of nails sha permitted to have regular 1/2"sheetrock.All walls to be taped and finished. members, perm 3).DO NOT BACKFILL UNnLL FIRST FLOOR DECK CONSTItt1Cf10N, 5).For the firebbdcing of chimneys and fireplaces,as required by current N.Y-S.Residential Code. 3).All electrical work to comply with 2014 NEC. to be reduced tot-16d nail per foot. I INCLUDING SUBFLOOR,IS COMPLETE. 14).All roof with a pitch less than 4:12 shall be installed with an Ice&Water barrier or rr, approved equal.Flat roofs shall be applied with a Fiberglas base sheet with an EPDM 4).Install Smoke detectors and Carbon Monoxide detectors throughout as per section 11,314 M 'AL torch down type material over. and R315 of IRC. t 16).All sill plates and wood in contact with concrete to be pressure treated.Sill plates to EXTERIOR FIBERGLASS COLUMNS TO BE HB&G SCALE' be installed with a foam sill gasket and cop-r-tex termite shield or approved equal. ICOVEROR APPROVED EQUAL INSTALL WITH CAP AND BASES.FUSE WITH FLASHING CAPS TO JOB#: `r �t 3/19/2024 SHEET NUMBER: ` 4T poll ELECTRICAL LEGEND ELECTRICAL LEGEND SINGLE POLE O CEILING MOUNT • DECORA SWITCH CHANDELIER • • F--1 3-WAY DECORA SWITCH 3 CEILING MOUNT O PENDANT DECORA SWITCH $4 UNDER CABINET uc LIGHTING SINGLE POLE DIMMER SWITCH CEILING MOUNT 0 FLOURESCENT LIGHT 3-WAY DIMMER SWITCH $3D CEILING MOUNT EXHAUST FAN HINGE SWITCH M z GARAGE OPENER CEILING FAN O SWITCH F�•1 120v OUTLET GARAGE DOOR DECORA OPENER ^^ F--I 120v FLOOR SMOKE DETECTOR O$ OUTLET 120v GFCI CARBON MONIXIDE DECORA OUTLET DETECTOR 12 COMBINATION OUTLET w/WP BOX GFCI EXT. SMOKE/CO DETECTOR WALL MOUNT WIRED E•�1 LIGHT FIXTURE DOOR BELL rn/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WIRED FF�^^'�-•'1+�1 (� >O•' CEILING MOUNT THERMOSTAT 1 , LIGHT FIXTURE O WIRED CABLE TV ' RECESSED CEILING CONNECTION © W U z LIGHT FIXTURE I1 _ 1-4 a HOSE BIB I WIREDTELEPHONE CEILING MOUNT (� (� (� CONNECTION S7 U ~7 F`7, ' TRACK LIGHTING H W Q, , EXTERIOR MOUNT WIRED LAN ETHERNET O a � � O 1 00 1 g�I O _ SECURITY LIGHTING CONNECTION V) r- CEILING MOUNT 1� PULL CHAIN CEILING SPEAKER SP PORCELAIN LIGHT BATH ` KITCHENETTE NOTE REVIEW ALL ROOMS,BASEMENT,GARAGE,AND OUTSIDE WITH OWNER o E _ , PRIOR TO BIDDING AND INSTALLATION,INCLUDING EXISTING AREAS. ELECTRICIAN AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO SCHEDULE WITH OWNER N v I A WALKTHROUGH FOR FIXTURE TYPES,STYLES,OUTLET AND SWITCH Ccn C) `, G v° H LOCATIONS,etc. t\ v ry - ELECTRICIAN TO EVALUATE ELECTRICAL BOX FOR EXISTING CONDITION OF p M ; 7 CONNECTIONS AND CIRCUIT BREAKERS.PROVIDE OPTION FOR WHOLE HOUSE pm rn $ .i� BEDROOM I o .. SURGE PROTECTION.ALL CIRCUIT BREAKERS,INCLUDING EXISTING,TO BE Q =m , LABELED FOR LOCATION. �; m ® vi \ NO. 2 , I PROVIDE OWNER OPTION FOR GENERATOR BACKUP AND TRANSFER SWITCH. �' v 1 STORAGE PROVIDE OPTION SECURITY SYSTEM WITH SECURITY CAMERAS,INTRUSSION o NO. \ SENSORS,KEY PAD TO ARM AND DISARM,etc. o d� ' %\ \ z ; f M vi Ila mVV ti 1 ' U) 0 _ � ------------------- / W dV u V O Q PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN - ELECTRICAL N SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" US a ^° 16 DRAWN: SCALE: .@O JOB3/19/2024 SHEET NUMBER: E-1 s z I� A � � w 43'-611 �yy 22'-011 21'-611 C? ANfi ._,v�04EKIT � 14'-81/2" 13'-10" 8'-911 3'-31/211 z 1171 C) PROVIDE MICROWAVE I*.c i ; HBIB OSE TW3046 AND TOASTER OVEN TW2432 I TW3046 TW3046 I 2'X2' M/W ABOVE „ BRACKET (2)2X8 HDR;,` LC fr..� ( 2 8 H R ; © t (2)2X8 HDR (2)2X8 HDR I ---------- - -- -- TO e ) 1 ' 00 VEN , /, 5 5 II I 48^ 1 -------------------- M 11'-61/2" t ON DkAND H2Oc?r DO 1 DO v u, �- In �r HANDLER 2X4 HANGER ' M"N O l7 `` '`f iy SE CE PANEL 1 = Q �--�"`� BATH o RR-CJ(TYP) F473 SF ~ KITCHENETTE w C) B B DO 0 I N 1 L 11 Fu N C4 1 O Z C N �f ' P/ 00 ¢2'-6" N ; = P-4 O om BEDR OM o 0-4U oN No 2 N z ;00 � oN a No. 1 133. SF o z STORAGE 5 o a - INSTALL 5/8"TYPE-X ON 1 „� 121.7 SF v L„ O O V _E W CEILING AND WALLS , ^ cl� 'O N O = 0 o nN � 1 11'-61/2" v 9'-611 ; "' N - - - - 1 O I N 0 z 1 2X4 HANGER ' =N RR-CJ(fYP) 1 C) 1 Em ----------------- o (2- X 4 _ FQUEET (2)2X8 HDR (2)2X8 HDR (2)2X8 HDR m d x Q EGRESS EGRESS TW3046 TW3046 1.EXISTING OVERHEAD DOOR AND WINDOWS TO BE REMOVED.EXISTING � >+ 't Ua 'u, TW3046 TW3046 ELECTRIC SERVICE PANEL TO BE REMOVED AND NEW ONE TO BE INSTALLED IN -6 Z w v E TOTAL FINISHED METER ADDITION.INSPECT WATERLINE COMING IN AND RELOCATE AS REQUIRED. O a) LO SPACE:398.9 Sf GAS METER AND UNDERGROUND LINE TO BE REMOVED AND RELOCATED. P4 �c u �� 1 �� �� 11 1 1 11 REMOVE EXISTING UTILITIES IN EXISTING BUILDING AND INSTALL NEW. s~ 2-4 12-4/z 16-9 8-9 3-3/2 ELECTRIC METER TO BE EVALUATED TO RELOCATE(VERIFY WITH OWNER) o 2.EXISTING FRAMING TO BE REPAIRED,ADDED,OR REPLACED AS REQUIRED 0 ^a a; Ln EXISTING ADDITION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.CLOSE OFF EXISTING OPENINGS(TYPICAL) 011 U TV 3.PROPOSED WALL HEIGHT TO MATCH EXISTING,—T-6-1/2".WALL FRAMING 000 y `� TO INSTALL OVER 2X6 ACQ SILL PLATE(TOTAL T-8"HEIGHT). cv o W 431-6t1 4.SILL PLATE TO SIT OVER TERMITE SHIELD AND SILLSEAL.ANCHOR TO NEW 'olFOUNDATION WITH 5/8"dia.ANCHOR BOLTS WITH SQUARE WASHERS AT G O.C.,WITHIN 1'OF CORNERS,AND AT SPLICES 5.REMOVE EXISTING SIDING AND UNDERLAYMENT.INSPECT EXISTING W SHEATHING.PATCH OR REPLACE AS REQUIRED.ALL GAPS TO BE SEALED ! Cn FOR AIR TIGHTNESS 7 W S N PROJECT NORTH 6.INSTALL NEW SIDING TO MATCH HOUSE.UNDERLAYMENT TYPE PER MANUFACTURE INSTRUCTIONS 0-4 E 7.WALLS AND CEILING TO BE INSULATED(SEE ENERGY CERTIFICATE). V 8.INSTALL 1/2"SHEETROCK ON WALLS AND CEILING.TAPE,SAND AND PAINT. 0 PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN 9.INSTALL SMOKE AND CO DEFECTORS PER CODE 22'-0" SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-01' 11 N ------------------------ Top OF SUB-TOP WALL PLATE B'-P rl 2'0 OH-HIPS 1'-d'OH-GABLE 1 2X4 STUD WALL(IVP)ON 2X6 PUTS 1 2%6 RR @24.00 12X6 CT @G' OC 2%R RIDGE ' `•TOW OF/S RE WINDOW: 3-LE HUNG 1 TOP OF OP OF WA B-V2'DOWN 1 :^I FROM TOP W WALL PUTS »TOP SASH WALLED OFF OUTSIDE 1 rrv^^ 1 VJ x (., :. A. ch ' COr. Ac METER 1 �� r^ f•4 ''!!�� 'yS •�y�� C7 �. e"'G►Z_ `d. 'i Ix q q` PANEL I ELECTRIC ------------------------ 1 L '. .rk , .. DRAWN: lsl 22'-0' METER 21'-6" L ` SCALE: LLL EXISTING PROPOSED a� - JOB#: EXISTING FLOOR PLAN SHEET TN M4 NUMBER: SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" A-5