HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnderson - 1675 Lower Road Anne Surchin,Vice Chair our Unlql,,A/ 54375 Main Road,NYS Route 25 Allan Wexler `�ym� )�, ^�rd� PO Box 1179 Marina de Conciliis a TO Southold,NY 11971 sourNo�c Jeri Woodhouse ' L=Wrg ' Telephone: (631)765-1809 David Mammina Med %* y kimf@southoldtownny.gov Daryl Ketcham o��o Kim E.Fuentes, Coordinator A o0 9FSERVATION Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission Certificate of Appropriateness May 23, 2024 RESOLUTION #05.23.2024.1 RE: 1675 Lower Road, Southold,NY. SCTM# 1000-69-5-13.2 Owner: Eric Anderson RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, 1675 Lower Road, Southold,NY, is on the Town of Southold Registry of Historic Landmarks; and WHEREAS, as set forth in Section 170-6 of the Town Law(Landmarks Preservation Code) of the Town of Southold, all proposals for material change/alteration must be reviewed and granted a Certificate of Appropriateness by the Southold Town Historic Preservation Commission prior to the issuance of a Building Permit; and WHEREAS, the applicant submitted a proposal on May 8, 2024,to replace all existing windows of an existing single-family dwelling; and WHEREAS, the applicant appeared before the Commission on May 23, 2024 to describe the proposed improvements; and WHEREAS, the proposal is described as Anderson A Series Windows (6 over) to replace 12 each existing windows on the front fagade of the dwelling facing Lower Road, and the remaining windows on the rear and sides of the dwelling to be replaced with Anderson 400 Series Windows; and WHEREAS, the Commission has determined that pursuant to Chapter 170-4(E)(2) of the Southold Town Code,the Commission has the authority to determine that some proposals do not rise to the level of requiring a public hearing, as the proposal is de minimis in nature; and WHEREAS, the Commission has determined that the subject application is de minimis in nature and therefore does not require a Public Hearing; and Certificate of Appropriateness #05.23.2024.1 HPC,Anderson—Windows-SCTM No. 1000-69-5-13.2 ' Page 2 i WHEREAS, the applicant shall submit to the Commissioners photographs of the finished improvements upon completion; and WHEREAS, the Commissioners may conduct a site inspection of subject premises once improvements are completed; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,that the Southold Town Historic Preservation Commission determines that the replacement of the front fagade windows with Anderson A Series Windows (6 over), and the remaining windows on the rear and sides of the dwelling to be replaced with Anderson 400 Series Windows; meets the criteria for approval under Section 170-8 (A) of the Southold Town Code; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Commission approves the request for a Certificate of Appropriateness, subject to approvals by all involved agencies; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that any deviation from the approved plans referenced above may require further review from the Commission. Motion made by: Commissioner de Conciliis Motion seconded by: Commissioner Surchin VOTES: AYES: Commissioners Surchin, Woodhouse, de Conciliis, Mammino and Ketchum. (5-0) RESULT: Passed Please note that any deviation from the approved plans as referenced may require further review from the commission. Signed: Dated: May 29,2024 Kim E. Fuentes Coordinator for the Historic Preservation Commission Fuentes, Kim From: Fuentes, Kim Sent: Monday, November 18, 2024 9:11 AM To: 'Eric Andersen' Cc: Bunch, Connie Subject: HPC - Eric Anderson/Kelly Peragallo - C of A#05.23.2024.1, 1675 Lower Road, Southold Hi Eric, During the HPC Meeting of November 14, 2024, the members reviewed your submission which included photographs of the above subject finished project and communicated their satisfaction. This email is being forwarded to the Building Department. Kim E. Fuentes Board Assistant Zoning Board of Appeals Coordinator, Historic Preservation Commission Town of Southold 631-765-1809 kim&southoldtownny.gov Location: 54375 Main Road Mail:P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Fuentes, Kim From: Fuentes, Kim Sent: Friday, November 8, 2024 8:47 AM To: 'Eric Andersen' Cc: 'Kelly Peragallo'; Bunch, Connie Subject: RE: HPC 1675 Lower Rd - Eric Anderson/Kelly Peragallo - Replace Windows Hi Eric, Regarding your final approval, it's possible that the photos of the replacement.windows that you sent were too large for our server. Please reduce your emails to 10 NIB and resend. I did ask the Building Department staff if they received your email and was told that they did not. Once I receive your request, the HPC members will review the photos and conduct a site inspection. Thank you. Kim E. Fuentes Board Assistant Zoning Board of Appeals Coordinator, Historic Preservation Commission Town of Southold 631-765-1809 kit fa southoldtownny;gov Location: 54375 Main Road Mail:P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 From: Fuentes, Kim Sent: Friday, May 31, 2024 8:20 AM To: 'Eric Andersen'<e.andersen916@gmail.com> Cc: Kelly Peragallo<kelly.peragallo@gmail.com> Subject: RE: HPC 1675 Lower Rd - Eric Anderson/Kelly Peragallo i Please see attached Certificate of Appropriateness. Kim E. Fuentes Board Assistant Zoning Board of Appeals Coordinator, Historic Preservation Commission 631-765-1809 kim&southoldtownny.gov Location: 54375 Main Road Mail:P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 From: Eric Andersen<e.andersen916@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, May 10,202410:48 AM To: Fuentes, Kim <kim.fuentes town.southold.ny.us> Cc: Kelly Peragallo<kelly.peragallo@gmail.com> Subject: Re: HPC Application: Window replacement for 1675 Lower Rd -Eric Anderson/Kelly Peragallo Sorry Kim, ��s bS - I will send up close photo of a window when I get home from work.Thank you for putting us in the schedule. Eric On Wed, May 8, 2024 at 1:52'PM Fuentes, Kim<kim.fuentes town.southold.ny.us>wrote: Hi, I forwarded your application to the members of the HPC and they asked that you supply/email us photographs of the existing windows with at least one photo showing, close up, the muntin bars in a typical sash. Thank you. Kim E. Fuentes Board Assistant 2 . •.- .dam• �.«v tea•+._".�N �1 -' � 'u�;. j 'fie/ {► �M�„ �� o YA� ':. ;f° ._...._ i-��1 $�• �]s�4;ye 4"A:` ` �4t. � r 4�' '+t L••r. t-10 -`a. ." _ ...,•. awe.-Ls a r�Y.° i+e.. 2, a 1..'.-Am. . .. . .t-j" z - 'G •- ,J �' - r L x.�..a- �_ .fir .._.kY!, %. •a V1 ,• n ..' �W AI AIL A 1 asC�i _ .rs • y _ ..r q ty ' 3 4 1 r t a t c t' Lw it MINOR d; At _ a �v � a d y y r ;�;• � .a'.` f .tea . i! �tl�['=� v pur'Un41j . Mariella Ostroski,Chairperson OV e� Southold Town Hall Annex Anne Surchin,Vice Chair. `m�' �� 54375 Main Road Fabiola Santana 4 r P.O. Box 1179 AMC Allan Wexler u"°" Southold, NY 11971 J Tel 1. h:0?d&N0 Jerilyn Woodhouse �Marina de Conciliis 9 /j' ww Kim Fuentes, Coordinator AA kim Lb TOWN OF SOUTHOLD S E HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION APP SSION SUBJECT PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1615 L r r—� 5cU ) 4-hd1 d f 04 I (��I SUBJECT PROPERTY TAX MAP NO.: 1000- - -�--- OWNERS NAME: -�el_��f�r>LU MAILING ADDRESS; Ou-er 9C` (� PHONE: Cj�l-�h • �4 E-MAIL: • 1�C' u��I l�J6 W i DATE ACQUIRED PROPERTY: OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE: S� MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: E-MAIL: STATUS: LOCAL LANDMARK./-_ IN LANDMARK DISTRICT NATIONAL HISTORIC REGISTER PROPERTY ZONING DISTRICT (, AAd (Jg6 ^ EXISTING USE 1 d1(ft(Lk PROPOSED USE PROPOSED WORK: REPAIR ADDITION RENOVATION NEW WINDOWS-NEW DOORS REPLACE SIDING REPLACE ROOFING NEW FENCE NEW SIGN APPROVALS REQUIRED: ZBA TOWN TRUSTEES PLANNING BOARD I understand and agree that no work on this request shall commence until written approval has been given by the Building Department if a Building Permit is required. If no permit is required,written approval must be received from the Historic Preservation Commission. OWNER/REPRESENTATIVE'S SIGNATURE: _ 96= Print Name: )4 "L4 &(M 4A> Historic Preservation Commission -Page 2—Building Design and Materials TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HISTORIC PRESERVATION CONMSSION CHECKLIST Instructions for"Certificate of Appropriateness' co� �n required for Building Permit on Registered L �J Items to be included: MAY ' 8 2024 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 1. Application HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION 2. HPC Standard Q&A 3.Notice of Disapproval: Issued by the Building Department,dated within 60 days 4. Agent Authorization Letter:for owner's consent when using a representative 5. Photographs of building, surrounding area and adjacent buildings, labeled 6. Property Survey and Site Plan: showing existing structures and proposed addition. 7. Complete set of construction documents,as submitted to the Building Department,including window and door schedules,materials,dimensions, locations on the fagade(top of sill and dimensions on elevations and on building sections,as vvell). This document must be prepared y licensed design professional, dated, stamped, signed: Three(3)print sets and(1)digital set of proposed improvements at 1/4"scale,to include: BUILDING PLANS AND ELEVATIONS: ✓ Provide elevations of all sides affected,with building heights noted. i ✓ Indicate location of all finish materials on plans and elevations. ✓ All pages of architectural/engineered plans shall be numbered,signed by a licensed design professional and indicate the date prepared and/or 1ast.revised:date prepared. CHECKLIST: Please Provide Building Design and Materials below. Samples,supporting materials may be requested: Roof: Existing Form and Material: / Proposed Form and Material: siding: Existing Form and Material: Proposed Form and Material: HPC—Application, Building Design and Materials 11_15_2023 (Revision#3) 2 P a g e Historic Preservation Commission-Page 3—Building Design and Materials Doors: Existing Form and Material: Proposed Form and Material: Gars Oe Doors/Basement•Door: Existing Form and Material: Proposed Form and Material: Windows: Existing Form and Material: LM 0.4 ® �/�✓� el l Proposed: Al&� eIV<jf—N A-csO -)e—V e-S Manufacturer: Av,)PVS-,A Exterior finish: LiJ�n Style: Types of Sash: a vbVe Lites: Muntins: 3 a'Je-'V Trim &Ornamentation: Existing : Proposed: Chimneys: Existing Form and Material: Proposed Form and Material: Porches-Decks: Existing Form and Material: Proposed Form and Material: HPC—Application, Building Design and Materials 11_15_2023 (Revision#3) 3 P a g e r i Historic Preservation Commission-Page 4—Building Design and Materials Fences Existing Form and Material: Proposed Form and Material: Canopies/Awnings: Existing Form and Material: Proposed Form and Material: Gutters/Downspouts: Existing Form and Material: Proposed Form and Material: Solar Panels—Please provide Engineered.Plans Proposed Form and Material: Foundation• Existing Form and Material: Proposed Form and Material: • FAILURE TO SUBMIT DRAWINGS AND REQUESTED MATERIAL WILL RESULT IN DELAY IN THE APPROVAL PROCESS. • IT IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED THAT THE APPLICANT REVIEW THE HPC HANDBOOK at http://www.southoldtownny.gov/DocumentCenterNiew/320/LPC-Handbook-Final-Draft?bidld= • ALL APPLICATIONS MUST HAVE A REPRESENTATIVE AT THE CONFERENCE AND PUBLIC HEARING TO BE REVIEWED. • A PRE-SUBMISSION CONFERENCE WILL BE SCHEDULED PRIOR TO A FORMAL PUBLIC HEARING. PUBLIC HEARINGS REQUIRE POSTING AND MAILINGS BY THE APPLICANT AS DESCRIBED IN CHAPTER 55 OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE. • SECTIONS OF LOCAL LAWS AUTHORIZING REVIEW BY THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION OF PROPOSED WORK ON DESIGNATED TOWN LANDMARK PROPERTIES CAN BE FOUND IN CHAPTER 170 OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE HPC—Application, Building Design and Materials 11_15_2023 (Revision#3) 4 1 P a g e tiw Town of Southold Historic Preservation Commission Standard Q&A for Historic District and Landmarked Properties Welcome to the Historic Preservation Commission. Our goal is to help you achieve your objectives with preservation of the exterior remaining true to its original design, assuring that the continuum and continuity essential to a historic district or property is maintained. There is a process to achieving the best outcome. • All applicants are encouraged to have a Pre-Submission Conference whereby the application and renderings-are reviewed, questions are asked, and recommendations made that will guide the applicant to a successful outcome. • If things are very straight forward and clear, a recommendation to go to a Public Hearing will be scheduled. • If it is necessary to better understand the project, a Site Visit may be suggested. This is a special accommodation, whereby one Commissioner or more will visit your property and have eyes on the ground able to assess your plans within the context of its location. • The Commissioners will report back to the Commission, share their newfound knowledge and recommend either another Pre-Submission Conference or a Public Hearing. The Administrative Assistant to the HPC will contact the Applicant and make scheduling appointments. • If there is a Public Hearing, where the,Commissioners believe a Site Visit is necessary, the Public Hearing will remain open,until it may be resumed at a subsequent date. • Decisions are made because of research and negotiation that lead to a motion to grant a Certificate of Appropriateness. If the motion is not made, further work needs to be done to accomplish a mutual goal. • In the case of the granting of a certificate of appropriateness, the Historic Preservation' Commission shall be empowered to impose reasonable conditions upon the applicant to ensure that the-activity is conducted in a manner which is consistent with the spirit and intent of Chapter 170 of the Town Code. Incomplete or partial applications are not recommended. They lead to incorrect thinking and a lack of continuity. 2021-08-24 1 The HPC is required to have an architect on the Commission. This is the greatest benefit to an applicant. Their knowledge, perspective and experience often lead to the best outcomes that the applicant can have. Please consider this mandate as your best investment. In anticipation of your meeting with the HPC, listed below are standard questions you may wish to be prepared to address: 1. When was your house first built? 2. Do you know your building is within the Historic District? 3. Are you familiar with Chapter 170 of the Southold Town Code (Landmark Preservation) which applies to this application? 4. How is the design for your project sympathetic to the surrounding neighborhood? 5. How do your plans and elevations show adherence to the historic district mandates in Chapter 170? 6. Have you supplied images of neighboring residences? 7. How does this renovation illustrate compatibility in terms of scale and massing with neighboring structures? 8. What is the square footage of the original building? 9. What is the square footage of the renovated building? 10.What is the height of the original building? 11.What is the height of the proposed alteration, addition or new building? 12.What are the materials you are using for windows/doors, foundation walls, trim and siding? 13.Do these materials match, "in kind", those of the original structure? 2021-08-24 2�C. 2-2 HISTO Item (3t t Operation Location Unit Price Ext.Price 400 3 AA None Assigned $957.39 $2,872.17 k RO Size:32"x 52" Unit Size:31 1/4"x 51 114, oG Lf ADH2844,Unit,8 Degrees-Moderate,A Series Double-Hung,Traditional,Standard Product Performance,Equal Sash,4 9/16" __ Frame Depth,Standard Flange,White xtenor Frame,White Exterior Sash/Panel,Pine w/White-Painted Interior Frame,Pine w/White-Painted Interior Sash/Panel,AN Dual Pane Low-E4 Standard Argon Fill Simulated Divided Light(SDL) Division,3 -�]�1]6• •r—� Wide,2 High,Specified Equal Light Pattern,White,Pine w/White,Chamfer Exterior Grille Bar/Chamfer Interior Grille Bar,3/4" Grille Bar,Chamfer Glass Stop Stainless Glass/Grille Spacer,Traditional,1 Sash Locks White,White,Full Screen,Aluminum Insect Screen 1:A Series Double-Hung,ADH2844 8 Degrees-Moderate Full Screen Aluminum White PN:0400314 Unit# U-Factor SHGC ENERGY STAR Clear Opening/Unit# Width Height Area(Sq.Ft) ----------------------------- ---------------Al 0.29 0.27 NO Al 27.1875 21.0000 3.96000 SUB-TOTAL: $12,389.48 FREIGHT: $0.00 LABOR:, $0.00 TAX-, $1,068.59 TOTAL: . :-` $13,458.07 CUSTOMER SIGNATURE DATE *All graphics as viewed from the exterior.**Rough opening dimensions are minimums and may need to be increased to allow for use of building wraps or flashings or sill panning or brackets or fasteners or other items. Thank you for choosing Andersen Windows & Doors Quote M 5846925 Print Date: 5/24/2024 4:58:32 PM UTC All Images Viewed from Exterior Page 3 of 3 Historic Preservation Commission resolution Dated: MAY TOYdN OF SOUT}{OLD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Item ( t Operation Location Unit Price Ext.Price 200 1 AA-AA-AA None Assigned $3,372.50 $3,372.50 8 - RO Size:96"x 56" Unit Size:95 1/4"x 651/4" S I Mull:Factory Mulled,Reinforced Join-Factory Assembled Ribbon Mull,3/4"4 9/16"Fiberglass Reinforced Joining Material ADH2848-ADH2848-ADH2848,Unit,8 Degrees-Moderate,A Series Double-Hung,Traditional,Standard Product Performance,Equal Sash,4 9/16"Frame Depth,Standard Flange,White Exterior Frame,White Exterior Sash/Panel,Pine w/White-Painted Interior Frame,Pine w/White-Painted Interior Sash/Panel,AA,Dual Pane Low-E4 Standard Argon Fill Simulated Divided Light(SDL) Division,3 Wide,2 High,Specified Equal Light Pattern,White,Pine w/White,Chamfer Exterior Grille Bar/Chamfer Interior Grille Bar,3/4"Grille Bar,Chamfer Glass Stop Stainless Glass/Grille Spacer,Traditional,1 Sash Locks White,White,Full Screen,Aluminum Insect Screen 1:A Series Double-Hung,ADH2848 8 Degrees-Moderate Full Screen Aluminum White Insect Screen 1:A Series Double-Hung,ADH2848 8 Degrees-Moderate Full Screen Aluminum White Insect Screen 1:A Series Double-Hung,ADH2848 8 Degrees-Moderate Full Screen Aluminum White Unit# U-Factor SHGC ENERGY STAR Clear Opening/Unit# Width Height Area(Sq.Ft) -------------�--_ ----------- ---—---------------------------------— A1 0.29 0.27 NO Al 27.1875 23.0000 4.34000 B1 0.29 0.27 B1 27.1875 23.0000 4.34000 C1 0.29 0.27 C1 27.1875 23.0000 4.34000 Item ,(3tv Operation Location Unit Price Ext Price 1 300 1 AA-AA None Assigned $2,183.49 $2,183.49 g RO Size:64"x 56" Unit Size:63 1/4"x 661/4" Mull:Factory Mulled,Reinforced Join-Factory Assembled Ribbon Mull,3/4"4 9/16"Fiberglass Reinforced Joining Material fl ADH2848-2,Unit,8 Degrees-Moderate,A Series Double-H Traditional,Standard Product Performance,Equal Sash,4 9/16"Frame Depth,Standard Flange,White Extenor rame,White Exterior Sash/Panel,Pine w/White-Painted Interior Frame, Pine w/White-Painted Interior Sash/Panel,AA,Dual Pane Low-E4 Standard Argon Fill Simulated Divided Light(SDL) Division, 3 Wide,2 High,Specified Equal Light Pattern,White,Pine w/White,Chamfer Exterior Grille Bar/Chamfer Interior Grille Bar,3/4" Grille Bar,Chamfer Glass Stop Stainless Glass/Grille Spacer,Traditional,1 Sash Locks White,White,Full Screen,Aluminum Insect Screen 1:A Series Double-Hung,ADH2848 8 Degrees-Moderate Full Screen Aluminum White Insect Screen 1:A Series Double-Hung,ADH2848 8 Degrees-Moderate Full Screen Aluminum White Unit# U-Factor, SHGC ENERGY STAR Clear Opening/Unit# Width Height Area(Sq.Ft) ------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------- A1 0.29 0.27 NO Al 27.1875 23.0000 4.34000 B1 0.29 0.27 B1 27.1875 23.0000 4.34000 Quote#: 5846925 Print Date: 5/24/2024 4:58:32 PM UTC All Images Viewed from Exterior Page 2 of 3 Historic Preservation Commission Resolution#: as. a3, aoa Dated: S 3 7 DG MaY 2� 202y TOWN OF SOUR{OLO MISS{ON NN3TOR�PRESERVATION COM mANDERSEN' WINDOWS & DOOR CREATED! R EATED DATE___ SOLD BY: SOLD TO: 5/24/2024 Riverhead Building Supply Co Calverton 250 David Ct .LATEST,UPDATE. Calverton,NY 11933-3052 5/24/2024 Fax:631-996-5109 OWNER Thomas Buckley Abbreviated Quote Report-Customer Pricing _ �- - QUOTE NAME; .. '_ PROJECT NAME_ QUOTE NUMBER � CUSTOMER'PO# TRADE ID i QUOTE Eric Andersen DH's Unassigned Project 5846925 NOTES: _ r„DELIVERY.NOTES: Item (Q Operation Location Unit Price Ext.Price Itt 100 4 AA None Assigned $990.33 $3,961.32 RO Size:32"x 56" Unit Size:31 1/4"x 55 1/4" 1 ADH2848,Unit,8 Degrees-Moderate,A Series Double-Hung,Traditional,Standard Product Performance,Equal Sash,4 9/16" Frame Depth,Standard Flange,White Exterior Frame,White Exterior Sash/Panel,Pine w/White-Painted Interior Frame,Pine w/White-Painted Interior Sash/Panel,AA,Dual Pane Low-E4 Standard Argon Fill Simulated Divided Light(SDL) Division,3 Wide,2 High,Specified Equal Light Pattern,White,Pine w/White,Chamfer Exterior Grille Bar/Chamfer Interior Grille Bar,3/4" Grille Bar,Chamfer Glass Stop Stainless Glass/Grille Spacer,Traditional,1 Sash Locks White,White,Full Screen,Aluminum Insect Screen 1:A Series Double-Hung,ADH2848 8 Degrees-Moderate Full Screen Aluminum White Unit# U-Factor SHGC ENERGY STAR Clear Opening/Unit# Width Height Area(Sq.Ft) --------------------------- ------------Al 0.29 0.27 NO Al 27.1875 23.0000 4.34000 Quote M 5846925 Print Date: 5/24/2024 4:58:32 PM UTC All Images Viewed from Exterior Page 1 of 3 A Seel e�S J Historic Preservation Commission Kabolution s3., (o l 04ted; 's; a3- a Item Qtv Operation Location Unit Price Ext. Price cl — �t 200 3 AA-AA None Assigned $1,628.45 $4 885.35 - - RO Size: 63 7/8"x 56 7/8" Unit Size: 63 3/8"x 56 7/8" ? �? Mull: Factory Mulled, Andersen Ribbon Mull, 1/8 Non Reinforced Material TW2646-2, Unit,400 Series Double-Hung, Equal Sash, White Exterior Frame, White Exterior Sash/Panel, Pine w/White- Painted Interior Frame, Pine w/White- Painted Interior Sash/Panel,'-AA, Dual Pane Low-E4 Standard Argon Fill Simulated 39.E3' . 3,S2S Divided Light(SDL) Division, 3 Wide, 2 High, Specified Equal Light Pattern, White, Pine w/White, 3/4"Grille Bar, Stainless sa3s Glass/Grille Spacer, Traditional, 1 Sash Locks White (Factory Applied), WhiteJamb Liner, White, Full Screen, Aluminum Insect Screen 1: 400 Series Double-Hung, TW2646 Full Screen Aluminum White PN:1610174 Insect Screen 1: 400 Series Double-Hung, TW2646 Full Screen Aluminum White PN:1610174 Unit# U-Factor SHGC ENERGY STAR Clear Opening/Unit# Width Height Area (Sq. Ft) ---------------------------------------- ------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Al 0.29 0.28 NO Al 27.8750 24.2500 4.71000 J31 0.29 0.28 B1 27.8750 24.2500 4.71000 Item Qtv Operation Location Unit Price Ext. Price I _ 300. 1 ' AA-AA-AA one 9 N Assigned $2,481.28 $2,481.28 - - ❑ ;0" �1( RO Size: 95 5/8"x 56 7/8" Unit Size: 951/8"x 56 7/8" L` Q" Mull: Factory Mulled,Andersen Ribbon Mull, 1/8 Non Reinforced Material TV12646-TW2646-TW2646, Unit, 400 Series Double-Hung, Equal Sash, White Exterior Frame, White Exterior Sash/Panel, Pine w/White- Painted Interior Frame, Pine w/White- Painted Interior Sash/Panel,AA, Dual Pane Low-E4 Standard Argon Fill Simulated Divided Light(SDL) Division, 3 Wide, 2 High, Specified Equal Light Pattern, White, Pine w/White, 3/4"Grille Bar, Stainless Glass/Grille Spacer, Traditional, 1 Sash Locks White (Factory Applied), WhiteJamb Liner, White, Full Screen, Aluminum Insect Screen 1: 400 Series Double-Hung, TW2646 Full Screen Aluminum White PN:1610174`-" Insect Screen 1: 400 Series Double-Hung, TW2646 Full Screen Aluminum White PN:1610174 D Insect Screen 1: 4.00 Series Double-Hung, TW2646 Full Screen Aluminum White PN:1610174 REHR D iJnit# U-Factor SHGC ENERGY STAR Clear Opening/Unit# Width Height Area (Sq. Ft) MAY -b 2024 Al 0.29 0.28 NO Al 27.8750 24.2500 4.71000 B1 0.29 0.28 B1 27.8750 24.2500 4.71000 TOWN OF SOI HISTORIC PRESERVATIONON CO COMMISSION C1 0.29 0.28 C1 27.8750 24.2500 4.71000 Historic Preservation Commission qLe)D S� Q Resolution * Dated: a Quote#: 5729379 Print Date: 5/3/2024 1:29:08 PM UTC All Images Viewed from Exterior Page 2 of 4 ` ' Item �� ����. Location 400 6 AA None Assigned � RO Size:321/8"x 527/8^ Unit Sizm: 31 6/8"x52 7/0~ TW2642, Unit,400 Series Double-Hung, Equal Sash, Installation Flange-White Exterior Frame,White Exterior Sash/Panel, Pine ' w/White- Painted Interior Frame, Pine w/White-Painted Interior Sash/Panel,AN Dual Pane Low-E4 StandardFill . | Simulated Divided Light(SDL) Division, 3 Wide,2 High, Specified Equal Light Pattern, White, Pine w/White,3/4"Grille Bar, �-3212v���` Stainless Glass/Grille Spacer,Traditional, 1 Sash Locks White (Factory Applied),WhiteJamb Liner,White, Full Screen, Aluminum Insect Screen 1:4OO Series Doub|m-Hung..TVV3842 Full Screen Aluminum White PN:1810173 - Unit# U-Factor SHGC ENERGY STAR Clear Opening/Unit# Width Height Area (Sq. Ft) Al 0.38 0.28 NO Al 27.8750 21.7500 4.22000 ocition Un"ItI-Pilde Ext. Price Soo 3 AA None Assigned $1,959.39 TVV2432, Unit,400 Series Double-Hung, Equal Sash, Installation Flange, White Exterior Frame,White Exterior Sash/Panel, Pine w/White- Painted Interior Frame, Pine w/White-Painted Interior Sash/Panel,AA, Dual Pane Low-E4 Standard Argon Fill Simulated Divided Light(SDL) Division, 3 Wide,2 High, Specified Equal Light Pattern, White, Pine w/White, 3/4"Grille Bar, RO-30J2F Stainless Glass/Grille Spacer, Traditional, 1 Sash Locks White (Factory Applied),WhiteJamb Liner,White, Full Screen, Aluminum Insect Screen 1:4OO Series Ooub|e'Hun0,T\K2432 Full Screen Aluminum White PN:181O13O ^ � &� Unit U-Fador GHGC ENERGY STAR Clear Qpening/Un�# Width Height /�oam (Sq. FU ��, �L� Al 0.39 0.28 NO All 15'7508 2.84000 Historic Pmervallon Commission D Dated,: MAY 082024 TOM OF SOUTH= Quote#: 5729379 Print Date: 5/3/20241:29:08 PMUTC All Images Viewed from Exterior Page 3 of 4 NV JA fy., '' 4 t�r '• ; a '• t -�:..� .. a. • • ,is .r. .� �� � �.. ' 0 j .ems %k. ,an. �,•+e -is - a: - .a+� .ate. ..,. w y�� lir i; - �. e,:$_a+• t� aMlbraa r �. :. F. I f. M , , '7•� "1► y_"6*T �' Yid . r . f IAU Y =� 44 Ak F � • !. i �, . ti P � r t r • iVI i iVCt r 1 ` k;� ��� � ,.,,_ .L � � Lam" as`,�',_ tF�� 1 S � j t ',, F. � �V ti 4� r�L i _ ' 4 �• 3 i ��t- 7 �� w G` '� � � '� a r ., x, � `� i��� ��,,�. � «. ��� ��' M '1�`u � r ��� it ��'!� f� 1 1 On May 29, 2024, at 8:37 AM, Fuentes, Kim<kim.fuentes@town.southold.ny.us>wrote: Please see attached Specs for Anderson A Series Windows from Eric Anderson. A Certificate of Appropriateness will be issued for these A Series Windows for the fagade, with Anderson 400 Series for the remaining windows, per Commissioners' approval. Kim E. Fuentes Board Assistant Zoning Board of Appeals Coordinator, Historic Preservation Commission 631-765-1809 kim, asoutholdtownntigov Location: 54375 Main Road Mail:P.O. Box 1179 Southold, AY 11971 From: Eric Andersen<e.andersen916@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, May 27, 2024 7:23 AM To: Fuentes, Kim<kim.fuentes@town.southold.ny.us> Subject:A series window schedule for 1675 Lower Rd. 2 Fuentes, Kim From: Anne Surchin Sent: Friday, May 10, 2024 11:30 AM To: Fuentes, Kim Cc: Wexler Allan;Jeri Woodhouse; De Conciliis Marina; McGivney,Julie Subject: Re: HPC Eri_ An_•ers'.1 5 dow photo 1675 Lower Rd. Hi Kim, r Just to be clear about terminology- I don't know what the term "elevation plan" means.We have elevation views and plan views. In this case I believe you mean an elevation drawing of the front facade and,yes,we definitely need to see this documented. Thank you for your perseverance with this applicant. Best, -Anne Anne Surchin Architect P.O.Box 1201 Southold,New York 11971 631-765-6364 866-370-3806 (fax) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------- This email message,including any attachments,is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain information that is proprietary,confidential,and exempt from disclosure under applicable law.Any unauthorized review,use,disclosure,or distribution is prohibited.If you have received this email in error please notify the sender by return email and delete the original message.Please note,the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses.This office accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email. 1 On May 10, 2024, at 9:32 AM, Fuentes, Kim <kim.fuentes@town.southold.ny.us>wrote: Hi All, Please see photo below from applicant showing windows to be replaced. The application which I sent you earlier is attached showing the proposed new window specs. I have been requesting an Elevation Plan depictingthe he replacement windows on the front fagade, which the applicants have been reluctant to invest in because of price and timeliness. I will place this matter on the May 23, 2024 meeting agenda for you to review and decide if further information/detail is required. Kim E. Fuentes Board Assistant Zoning Board of Appeals Coordinator, Historic Preservation Commission 631-765-1809 kim- southoldtownny gov Location: 54375 Main Road Mail:P.O. Box 1179 Southold, AY 11971 2 Fuentes, Kim From: Kelly Peragallo <kelly.peragallo@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, May 9, 2024 9:41 AM To: McGivney,Julie Cc: Fuentes, Kim; e.andersen916@gmail.com Subject: Re: FW: Historic Preservation Commission/Replacing Windows Hi, So are these only recommendations or legally binding requirements? We are replacing windows ourselves, so paying for elevations seems like an unnecessary burden/expense.Appreciate your help on that matter.We have ten windows on the front of the house facing the street. Is there any recourse for becoming"undesignated"? I can confer with out lawyer, but wanted to ask the Town where the line is drawn as far as our rights as property owners and maintaining our home in a timely and costly manner. Kelly Peragallo Visual Design Lead Portfolio I Mobile: 631-276-8334 On Thu, May 9,2024 at 9:36 AM McGivney,Julie<iuliem@southoldtownny.gov>wrote: Hello. I am following up regarding your inquiry about the windows. The HPC has certain policies in place to ensure 1.)they have enough information to make recommendations on the property; and 2.)give homeowners a consistent guide to follow. They require elevations because the facade should be consistent with retaining the historic appearance. If you could send how many windows you have on the facade that faces the street or visible to the public, I will speak with them about trying to work it out. Unfortunately, if they don't have information they request and the work is done improperly.,the HPC may ask you to redo the work. The Town of Southold designated your house as historical in 1986. This is the reason you are under the purview of the HPC. Please let me know what you can provide. Thank you, Julie � 1 I I r• I IlIIIII IIII Illlf Illll IIIII 11111 ICIII Iflll Illll llll Illf Illlllffllllllllllllfllll SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED Recorded: 03/13/2024 Number of Pages: 4 At: 02 :41:59 PM Receipt Number : 24-0032342 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 23-22888 1.LIBER: D00013239 • PAGE: 839 I District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 069. 00 05 .00 013.002 j EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $907,500.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $20.00 NO Handling $20.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO i EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $125.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation $0.00 NO ! Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $200.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $17,687.50 NO Fees Paid $18,082.50 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 23-22888 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL VINCENT PULEO County Clerk, Suffolk County i i i i i I ❑❑ l Number of pages RECORDED 2024 filar 13 02,41-59 PH VINCENT PULEO + CLERK OF I This document will be public SUFFOLK COUNTY record. Please remove all L D00013239 Social Security Numbers P 1839 prior to recording. DT# 23-22$88 Deed/Mortgage Instrument Deed/Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording/Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page/Filing Fee Mortgage Amt. 1.Basic Tax Handling 20, 00 2. Additional Tax TP-584 Sub Total Notation SpecJAssit. or £A-5217(County) Sub Total Spec./Add. /EA-5217(Stale) TOT.MTG.TAX R.P.T.S.A. U Dual Town Dual County ` Held for Appointment Comm.of Ed. 5. 00 Transfer Tax Affidavit + . Mansion Tax 1 The property covered by this mortgage is Certified Copy or will be improved by a one or two NYS Surcharge 15. 00 .� family dwelling only. Sub Total YES or NO Ocher Grand Total If NO,see appropriate tax clause on i r�r page# l of this ins ume 1. f 4 1 Dist.10 24006020 1000 069,00 0500 013002 �a2 5 Community Preservati Fund Real Property p T s Consideration AmouW$ 7TaxServicei loll 111111111111l11111111 CPF Tax Due $ 5D Agency - Verification Improved 6 Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD&RETURN TO: Vacant land I Corinne McBride, Esq. / TD 600 Johnson Avenue V Suite A-1 TD i -Bohemia, NY 11716 TD ' Mail to: Vincent Puleo, Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Company Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co.Name South Shore Abstract Inc f www.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk Title# 23-SSA-5496 B Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page _ This page forms part of the attached peed made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) 4 Claude R.Carlson The premises herein Is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK. i TO In the TOWN of Southold Eric Andersen&Kelly Peragallo In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. over j IMPORTANT NOTICE If the document you've just recorded is your SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE,please be aware of the following: If a portion of your monthly mortgage payment included your property taxes,`you will now need to contact your Iocal,Town Tax Receiver so that you maybe billed directly for all future property tax statements. Local property taxes are payable twice a year: on or before January 10L and on or before May 31µ Failure to make payments In a timely fashion could result Ina penalty. Please contact your local Town Tax Receiver with any questions regarding property tax payment. Babylon Town Recelverof Taxes Riverhead Town Receiver of Taxes 200 East Sunrise Highway 200 Howell Avenue North Lindenhurst, N.Y.11757 Riverhead, N.Y.11901 (631)957-3004 (631)727-3200 Brookhaven Town Receiver of Taxes Shelter Island Town Receiver of Taxes One Independence HIII Shelter Island Town Hall Farmingville,N.Y.11738 Shelter Island,N.Y.11964 (631)451-9009 (631)749-3338 East Hampton Town Receiver of Taxes Smithtown Town Receiver of Taxes 300 Pantigo Place 99 West Main Street East Hampton,N.Y. 11937 Smithtown,N.Y. 11787 (631)324-2770 (631)360-7610 Huntington Town Receiver of Taxes Southampton Town Receiver of Taxes 100 Main Street 116 Hampton Road Huntington,N.Y. 11743 Southampton, N.Y.11968 (631)351-3217 (631)283-6514 Islip Town ReceiverofTaxes Southold Town Receiver of Taxes 40 Nassau Avenue 53095 Main Street Islip,N.Y. 11751 Southold,N.Y.11971 (631)224-5580 (631)765-1803 Sincerely, 3 Vincent Puleo Suffolk County Clerk i i i t i • i i U-0104-oe 08kd i i r4 i• i Bargain and Sale Deed,with Covenants against Grantor's Acts—Individual or Corporation. CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT—THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. t THIS INDENTURE,made the 2611i day of January 2024 BETWEEN CLAUDE R. CARLSON,residing at 675 Ackerly Pond Lane,PO Box 693,Southold,NY 11971, party of the first part,and ERIC ANDERSEN AND KELLY PERAGALLO,husband and wife,residing at 745 Harbor View Avenue, Mattituck,NY 11952,party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of ten dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot,piece or parcel of land,with the buildings and improvements thereon erected,situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more particularly bounded and described in Schedule"A"attached hereto and made a part hereof. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises described in the deed made by Claude R. Carlson and Diane C.Carlson dated May 30,2002 and recorded July 24,2002 in Liber 12198 Page 967 in the office of. the Clerk of the County of Suffolk. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part, in and to any streets and roads abutting the above-described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the i estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever,except as aforesaid. 1 f AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word"party"shall be construed as if it read"parties"whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. i IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. ' IN PRESENCE OF }f CLAUDE R. CARLSON I I Ii 1 l Fidelity Title Insut-once Company Title Number: 23.SSA-6496 Page 1 SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land,with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: ' BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Lower Road distant 228.89 feet southwesterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the westerly side of Lower Road with the southerly side of Ackerly Pond Road; RUNNING THENCE along the westerly side of Lower Road, South 32 degrees 10 minutes 20 seconds West 205 feet to a monument set at the northeast corner of lands now or formerly of Smith; RUNNING THENCE along said last mentioned lands North 70 degrees 36 minutes 30 seconds West 217 feet to the easterly line of lands now or formerly of Judith T.Terry; RUNNING THENCE along last mentioned lands, North 23 degrees 35 minutes 40 seconds East 170.92 feet to a point; THENCE continuing along said lands of Terry and along the southerly line of lands now or formerly of McConnell, South 79 degrees 13 minutes East 114.18 feet to a point; RUNNING THENCE along the southerly line of lands now or formerly of Klos and Moraillon, South 1 75 degrees 47 minutes East 137.44 feet to the westerly side of Lower Road at the point or place of BEGINNING. 4 TOGETHER with a Right of Way of ingress and egress over the following described premises: f } ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument set on the southerly line of Ackerly Pond Road at the northwesterly corner of land of McConnell and the northeasterly corner of land of Judith Terry; RUNNING THENCE along said land of McConnell, South 8 degrees 7 minutes 30 seconds West, 187.43 feet to land conveyed or to be conveyed by Judith Terry to Arthur G. Carlson; I THENCE along said land, North 79 degrees 13 minutes West, 15.02 feet; THENCE along other land of Judith Terry, North 8 degrees 7 minutes 30 seconds East, 183.40 feet to said southerly line of Ackerly Pond Road; THENCE along said southerly line, North 85 degrees 35 minutes East, 15.37 feet to the point of beginning, said Right cf Way being 15 feet in width. For Information Only: 1675 Lower Road, Southold, NY 11971 i i 1 #1� I ( t AcknoiPledgment Taken Within Ne►P York State(RPL 309(a)) State of New York ' ss.. County of Suffolk On the 26" day of January in the year 2024 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared CLAUDE R. CARLSON, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s)whose name(s) is(are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helshe/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(&)on the instrument,the individual(s),or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) r acted,executed the instruTt . of Pu is Laurel Uvena j Notary Public, State of New York Reg. No. 01 UV6411353 j Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires 11/15/24 i i 1 I t S i Y f BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH ADDRESS: 1675 Lower Road COVENANTS Southold,NY 11971 Title#23-SSA-5496 DISTRICT: 1000 i SECTION: 069.00 l Grantor: BLOCK: 05.00 LOT: 013.002 i CLAUDE, R.CARLSON COUNTY: Suffolk TOWN: Southold i TO j Record and Return to: i Grantee: Corinne McBride,Esq. i ERIC ANDERSEN AND KELLY PERAGALLO 600 Johnson Avenue,Suite#A-1 F Bohemia,NY 11716 i i t I I j