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��y1FF0(,F RESOLUTION 2024-480 ADOPTED DOC ID: 20296 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2024-480 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JUNE 4,2024: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the issuance of a Fireworks Permit by the Town Clerk to the Mattituck Lions Club for the Strawberry Festival fireworks displays on Thursday June 13 2024 at 9:30 PM; Friday June 14, 2024 at 10:30PM ; and Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 10:30 PM on property located at 9095 County Road 48, Mattituck,New York.Upon the payment of a single fee of$100.00, and subject to the applicant's compliance with the requirements of the Town's policy regarding the issuance of fireworks permits and subject to the approval of the Town Attorney and the Chief of the Mattituck Fire Department. The applicant is also responsible for the notification of the FAA as per being within 5 miles from a airport. Denis Noncarrow Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Greg Doroski, Councilman SECONDER:Brian O. Mealy, Councilman AYES: Doroski, Mealy, Smith, Krupski Jr, Doherty ABSENT: Louisa P. Evans 1 u ty 7.1, ]ELMAZETH A.NEVILLE,RMC,CMC � ®� Town Hall,53095 Main Road P.O.Box 1179 TOWN CLERK York 11971 Southold,New York REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTIC$ oy Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER ��' 4 •-+. Telephone(631)765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER ,�06 I` s � t RECE"1. IUD OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERIK. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD M AY 1 3 2024 APPLICATION PERMIT TO DISPLAY FIREWORKS Southold Town �ae��z APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE, pursuant to the provisions of Section o e e e State of New York, for a permit to display fireworks as hereinafter specified: DISPLAY IS TO BE SPONSORED BY M c-4��%ii, ���� PRINCIPAL OFFICE AT Po /92 y- 9 W O /°?G ��� et d 1'7-0 DATE&TIME OF DISPLAY 0 G e g /aq -9!?-d, , O G�/ Y - /O ?a 0 1.CA 9r_ 10:;?I, EXACT LOCATION OF DISPLAY SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP NUMBER FOR SITE 3. - RAIN DATE & TIME Ah 449 The following persons are to be in charge of the actual shooting of the fireworks: Name e_ I Age Experience Physical Condition (Additional names and information may be submitted on an attached sheet Dumber and type of fireworks is as follows: .311 Manner and place of storage of fireworks prior to display: Af/C tAja.-L t'al �. C, � , 'fir. 9)1 , Attached hereto and made a part of hereof is a diagram of the grounds on which the display is to be held. Also attached is a certificate or policy of insurance coverage. NOTICE: Written permission,with signature of the ProlDerty Owner, must be submitted with the Application. ,/Ll h ka UU-) cG�(�' Name of Organization By Signature of Applicant b/1U/LU11 town of Southold lax Map Inquiry DEIk. # x er StrawbeffY Fields _- i •III"� -<{`'�'°'+` �� »� _ �� �'�`'�i � II,II µII„ w_. f III .i IA y+'I y fi v j, �. •. s. . � I 21 V =t} -... �_� .. .SIIC ,.. fireworks launch - (cleared area) access via west service rd - - +r '` West service road - . - 1 0AO. .. Middle Road hlrnr!(wwwarcnis.rnm/annG/Snh ition-/s9.htm!9annirl=1 h4d4R1 a4ehrd40ha19r195a9RPh3fa90 t/1 705 Middle Road(CR 48) Mattituck,NY 11952 SCTM#1000-111-12-13 April 29,2024 RE:2024 Strawberry Festival Fireworks Display Denis Noncarrow,Southold Town Clerk Town Hall P.O.Box 1179 53095 Main Road _ Southold,New York 11971 Dear Mr.Noncarrow: Please accept this letter as permission for the Mattituck Lions Club to use my property located at 705 Middle Road(CR 48),Mattituck(SCTM 1000-111-12-13)for their 2024 Strawberry Festival fireworks display. The dates of the fireworks are Thursday June 13th, Friday,June 14t"'and Saturday June 15`h,2024. Respectfully, P Mr.Anthony Falcone . . i | Afleast two of the following peoplewill be,'on the display site as pyrotechnician& one as lead operatr(W. ithmYS.Pyro Certificate of Competence)o� one po�nnasan Authorized Aui�ant(vv� �horwhou¢ace »fcumgetence). | AUthdrl zed,Assistants(corit'd Name Driver's License DOB Rabb,Scditl NY149,169456' 440/1968 Riley,Rich NY155,607483 4/20/197 4, Ryan, Harirfah, INY6370:46001 1/2972000' Sanford,'Robert NY8492551.14, 2/23/1960' 5cuderi,Joe St6inhilber,.James., NY3573268 33 10/.14//199a Swift,jeterny- NY411696458 Wes, Michael, VN Y995.86260-7 `2X13/19.67 ,Voelker., Pamela jW94897022'-3 -5/S. /-19.6 2 W66d,.-CodV NY168234611 4/2611986 Wakefield„Jamie M. ENY210479056 9/2/19871 IWIdrick, Eric S. INY,810717563 415/1986 AC V CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE FDATE(MMIDDfYYYY) 5f7/2024 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the pollcy(les)must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION 15 WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policles may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In Ileu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT Acrisure,LLC dba Britton Gallagher PHONE —- -- FAX -' —— 3737 Park East Dr.STE 204 c a 216-658-7100 (Arc,Noll:216-658-_7.101 Beachwood OH 44122 ADDRESS: info britton alla her.com INSURERU AFFORDING COVERAGE NA1C 1i INSURER A:Everest Indemnity Insurance CO. 10851 INSURED American Fireworks Display LLC INsuRER B:Everest Denali Insurance Company. _ i 16044. P.O, Box 980 INSURER C:Axis Surplus Insurance Company_ 26620 Oxford NY 13830 INSURERD: INSURERE: •- •.-- -�- INSURER F: ! COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:917496890 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, INSR I - ----;ADDL:susR' -- I -POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER MM/00 MM1DDIYYYY LIMITS A L COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY SIBGLO1992.241 311712024 3117/2025 EACH OCCURRENCE S%000,000 _T1 CLAIMS-MADE L_J OCCUR I I I I j T RENTEb - ---- - -- - I PREMISES(Ea occurrence},_ ?S500,000 MED EXP(An one Person) $ _ PERSONAL A ADV INjURV GE_N'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: : GENERAL AGGREGATE i$2,000,000 POLICY! X 1 jE LOC PRODUCTS-COMWOP AGG $2,000.000 --_ , • OTHER: -...- e AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY SISCA00286.241 31 1712U24 I 311 712 02 5 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ {Ea accident) 1,000 Q00 _ X ANY AUTO _ BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ - ALL OWNED 'SCHEDULED i AUTOS AUTOS 9001LY INJURY Per accident) $ X HIRED AUTOS X NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE AUTOS 'Par accidentl $ $ C UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR ! i P-001.000839111-03 1/17/2024 1 311712025 EACH OCCURRENCE $4.000.000 X EXCESS LIAB i MS-MADE I AGGREGATE $4.000 000 �OED RETENTION$ S WORKERS COMPENSATION PER I OTH- I AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY YIN ! i STATJ I ER •--.. • !ANY PROPRIETOR,PARTNERrEXECUTIVE E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ I OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED? F—]I N I A j (Mandatory In NH) I I I E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE!$ If yyea,describe under --�-- 1) SCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ I i I I DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (ACDRD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,maybe attached if more space Is required) Additional Insured extension of coverage is provided by above referenced General Liability policy where required by written agreement. Display Date:6113,6114,6/15/2024 Rain Date:TSD Location:9095 Sound Ave.,Mattituck,NY Additional Insured:Re(thoffer Shows,Inc.;Mattituck Lions Club;Town of Southold,NY;County of Suffolk,NY;9095 Sound Ave,LLC CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Town of Southold ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 53095 Route 25 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Southold NY 11971 ©1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2014101) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD -".' - - "x'-.;::rye— ;,... „, _ i i:... m� a', S' `4. a > Y,r �J*�'M rj. 7 ,V'c p: M1'r.,, rS:' �E' ',4�'' ,1 ,.d °r S, �{s r. a• , r r"y ,a' jkk , iii (,p sCtYt', ce. "y,.:v. ",7, *: k 3_.: :k" , ,A%, J ty:. .t: 'ems' _ Y,,tie t .5�'� bi :;. h+1 f,�', ' r E ,.�.,,,fin.,: .,.. , .. Y» jr'. 4'" .>�e erg 1 t, °F 1.; ., irk.: *ut:r', • :'.�4'Y'i;rs�,' \° 4.r" 1;: w.4: wi" ��xA �"sri` } " ,5 X C i'�fir°! ;rt:,'n;:"' t"ti ( - ;", , ,'.,,, 1 a-•, •19' :;Ex 3 1 p. 0�Q� rid, d'b. t'q':'•::: . a,. 6,,<-,l i R E Y -}',:y:,, x�l�"�a"i ,,�^y J�W,� i1i Y \a. i5 N- p 0 Si4 ETY: c HEAGT ` p,; „>:::,, l:a �":. CENSf=�IUi •rr.i D. y... ..,,". �,rri' C'ElV artm rn',. SE,'ANQ:CERT' tFf NIA TE'U ,r r. P. .,t . Via;,: �•ST4 ��t�. O I:? 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All".Chief,H-*11.(' Owespopdence To _744'Nectiv Rb'ad P , 6G 00982 6-NY-01 7-51- - Martinsburg.WV�5-10541.1 w 4 IXIie July 15 2026 Name "T V, AMERICAN FIR EVVORKS DISIPL'Ay-�L& W xh��-s fore ti d 1 NORTH CANAL STREET' r OXFORD, NY 13830- Tvllcvf heellwo,Pel Illit cr x 51-IMPORTER OF EXPLO,�31V`Eg, yNoih,the 1.11C of' atky 01angcs) or p"I'alitlee wtftwdallkw:silill Ijen j-�I;�rk)rol'vxillo,i wtvc6ry the idemay wit I wjjc�,IFCd�,44ALI,)I'll itl,,d It%27 CFI?Iatl 555, '114i,�11": A AWJFIkiEWW61`,R�(§DISPLAY LLC ERI to it;nla/>ia uaura is able, 1V that of Ill. POB RI � biwodcd 0 homi XF RD,,�,NY,�`I,Ji336- orprimil i�siiod Io Ow li,�,nseo husinev—rop.,xat ion,-slw,: W abo%V kilid'r"k lNeol, Fiz 1 16- prillled Name 1-'edcral I"APIO-SiV0,11COINC S eI i 0 IIIII411113ithul Ftd,ral INplosives Licensing Center (477)2-83-3352 244 Need% Road Fill,N.11111he'r: (3'W) Mallillt,buf-ii.Wv 2-54(15-94.11 E-mail: FE-1,0-d%itfi t.,% (Juinge ofAddresx (27 0,1(555.54((j),e11). Uccllso"s IV pcivillees Inily during the term of their cuftem license or Ivijilit rcrIIk)N,c,IIfei �b r -jlsiilcvs or operal itknl,I(v n INIV 10Mlioil at which they inl'end regularly'to early on.rich.Illisiness or operations. licenser or perinitux is required to givo jjt)tjrlcatioll L11,the nc�v loc.1tioll t1i'llic lNusilless,or operal it'lls not les";lliffli I O'days pricir to stich renitwal,.tk 111111 lie Chief.V&dcral 1--xplo-4v6 oc villil'iNil]170 villij illi(lie icniain.der ol"the wrin of the original license or p.,,niiii. ('The Olier,FF 1.1('71 shall,If the licensee or Iq-pldf teo is not qualified,refer the request for amended license or permit to the Director of Industry Operations for(ien-hil'in accordance with§"5:54.) MgJ11 of.silt:'rts%,ion 2 ChN 555,59), (a)Certain persons other 11ijin the licensee or permil(ce Illav Scckwe-fll*i:right to earn•I)II Ibc—same C-\plosivc inalerifils bmines,.-or operatiolis.il Iliesameaddrc"sluw%�I)oo, ind liv Ilic renlaindcs of the ferni of.a,current' licervic or permit.'-S "onsace: or didd,or v.Swc,utdr•adillinistralor.orotlivr legal represenunive ol'a deccased licew., 01. r I Cil Or permit(ce;and(2)A rcc6wr mtrtlstec ill lihnkrull . o nil,s glice ror benefit of-ciedilors. (b)In order to secure the right provided[w this section.the lici-sion or f1arf:e46ns e(intinuing the 6willess Or operafiton5i�llall lorilish the Iiii:cIlst:of IVI'llit lbr Ibr that business or operations I'm endorsement of'skich Succession to file c1liel'. iihiji 3(l days.froni the.datiz,oll ijii:jj the stjcccsk or liaglllti to 'carr% C'ittH -——— ,Federal, Inforillatioll Caro w AMERICAN FIREWORKS DISPLAY LLC —.4; Liwnw-Vermit Tvpe.- IMPORTER k,qf'�EXPLOSIVES ENpil;i July 1,2026 111,vase N;)ie: Not Valid I'm the S.110 I)igjsI,-4ti(-41 Of I-Is IvK; es. ————————————---————————————---——--—— Air Traffic Organization 1701 Columbia Avenue Lastern Service Center College Park,GA 30337 U.S.Department of Franspor�otlon Federal Aviation Administration Dear Fireworks Proponent: Thank you for informing us of your proposed fireworks display. Although there are currently no federal regulations specific to fireworks displays,the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has been tasked with regulating the safe and efficient use of the navigable airspace (49 U.S.C.§ 40103). In recognition of this role in promoting aviation safety, many jurisdictions require notice to the FAA as a condition of approval of a fireworks permit. We acknowledge your notification and have no objection to the fireworks display, provided it is conducted in a manner that does not create a hazard to other persons or their property. To enhance the safety of your event, we recommend the following actions: • Fireworks staff should remain vigilant to ensure that no aircraft are in the area prior to beginning the fireworks display. • If your event is within 5 miles of a public use airport, or if the display will exceed 500 feet Above Ground Level (AGL), contact Leidos Flight Service at 1-877-4-US-NTMS (1-877-487-6867)at least 24 hours(but not more than 7 days) in advance to request a Notice to Air Missions (NOTAM). You will need to provide the following information: o Name and address of the person filing the NOTAM o Date,time(s), and event location (City, State, and location in reference to the airport) o Maximum altitude of the display This letter should not be construed as superseding or invalidating any existing rules or regulations promulgated by any other federal,state,county, or municipal government which may be required for this display. If you have any questions regarding this infonnation, please contact our office at (404) 305- 5570 or 9-A'I'O-ESA-OSG-Fireworks(afaa.gov Sincerely, Matthew.-N. Cathcart Manager, Operations Support Group r , rAll /16 c� sAt �r J a^ .1 dfuut Truck&Equipment e fasting Room �' \ c Wendy's Deli �= , ' _ i��-�c' �.'�s tr. � .sue ` !! The Branch"Brewing Company Google:Eart Element.Ener y Systems (E2SYS) 600 5�f� �4 pit ���q�p(-fir (J el, ►C�-es� �'�1�'I'J vS�c�j1.4 IkA,�e�ic/J �l,A rr wb M&T t3arik " '0765 Benjamin W. Stiglla 6-westSecond Street ' Riverhead;NY 11901 -1044 Parkway Street 10 ar220 Riverhead,NY 11901 PAY TO THE. c�d ORDER OF _ .I � • DOLLARS pp�� MEMO -- AUTHORIZEDsr-NATURE C+P c list]0[1 ?GSO 1:0 2 20000 4-6i. 6500.7:6,2"779us . s: • Town of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 05/13/24 Receipt#: 327364 Quantity Transactions Reference Subtotal 1 Fireworks 6/13-6/15 $100.00 Total Paid: $100.00 Notes: Strawberry Festival Payment Type Amount Paid By CK#0765 $100.00 Benjamin W. Suglia Southold Town Clerk's Office 53095 Main Road, PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Name: Mattituck, Lions Club PO Box 595 .Mattituck, NY 11952 Clerk ID: SABRINA Internal ID:6/13-6/15 Noncarrow, Denis To: fireworks Permit Subject: Fire Work Application Attachments: Lions FWs_20240513140132.pdf Please see attached.Strawberry fest Fireworks. Thank you Denis Noncarrow Southold Town Clerk. Town of Southold, New York www.southoldtownnv.gov denisn@southoldtownny.gov 631-765-1800 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication with its contents may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure is prohibited and may violate applicable laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication. 1 Noncarrow, Denis From: Flatley, Martin Sent: Monday, May 13, 2024 2:39 PM To: Noncarrow, Denis; Lillian; McCullough, Lillian; DeChance, Paul; Grattan, Steven;Town Att;Verity, Mike;Visser III, Fredric Cc: Born, Sabrina; Mudd,Jennifer Subject: RE: Fire Work Application I have no objections to this permit being approved for these dates.They have used this location in the past to launch their displays and it was safely carried out. Martin Flatley, Chief of Police Town of Southold Police Department 41405 State Route 25 Peconic, N.Y. 11958 Tel: 631-765-3115 The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s)and may contain information that is privileged,confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any review,retransmission,conversion to hard copy,copying,reproduction,circulation,publication, dissemination or other use of,or taking of any action, or omission to take action,in reliance upon this communication by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error,please(i)notify us immediately by telephone at 631.765.2600, (li)return the original message and all copies to us at the address above via the U.S. Postal Service, and(iii)delete the message and any material attached thereto from any computer, disk drive,diskette,or other storage device or media. From: Noncarrow, Denis<denisn@southoldtownny.gov> Sent: Monday, May 13, 2024 1:56 PM To: Flatley, Martin<mflatley@town.southold.ny.us>; Lillian<McCullough>; McCullough, Lillian <li Ilia nm@southoldtownny.gov>; DeChance, Paul<pauld@southoldtownny.gov>; Grattan, Steven <sgrattan@southoldtownny.gov>;Town Att;Verity, Mike<Mike.Verity@town.southold.ny.us>;Visser III, Fredric <fredv@southoldtownny.gov> Cc: Born,Sabrina<sabrina.born@town.southold.ny.us>; Mudd,Jennifer<jennifer.mudd@town.southold.ny.us>; Noncarrow, Denis<denisn@southoldtownny.gov> Subject: Fire Work Application Please see attached.Strawberry fest Fireworks. Let us know Thank you Denis Noncarrow Southold Town Clerk. Town of Southold, New York www.southoldtownnv.aov denisn@southoldtownny.gov 631-765-1800 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication with its contents may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure is I prohibited and may violate applicable laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication. 2 Noncarrow, Denis From: McCullough, Lillian Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2024 9:21 AM To: Noncarrow, Denis Cc: Born, Sabrina; Mudd,Jennifer Subject: RE: Fire Work Application Hi Denis, No comments from me,as neither the fireworks nor their fallout zone are will be on preserved land.Thanks! Cheers, Lilly From: Noncarrow, Denis<denisn@southoldtownny.gov> Sent: Monday, May 13, 2024 1:57 PM To: McCullough, Lillian <lillianm@southoldtownny.gov> Cc: Born, Sabrina<sabrina.born@town.southold.ny.us>; Mudd,Jennifer<jennifer.mudd@town.southold.ny.us> Subject: FW: Fire Work Application Denis Noncarrow Southold Town Clerk. Town of Southold, New York www.southoldtownny.gov denisn@southoldtownnv.gov 631-765-1800 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication with its contents may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure is prohibited and may violate applicable laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication. From: Noncarrow, Denis Sent: Monday, May 13, 20241:56 PM To: Flatley, Martin <mflatlev@town.southold.nv.us>; Lillian <McCullough>; McCullough, Lillian <lillianm@southoldtownny.gov>; DeChance, Paul<pauld@southoldtownny.eov>; Grattan,Steven <sgrattan@southoldtownny.eov>;Town Att;Verity, Mike<Mike.Verity@town.southold.nv.us>;Visser III, Fredric <fredv@southoldtownny.eov> Cc: Born,Sabrina<sabrina.born@town.southold.ny.us>; Mudd,Jennifer<Jennifer.mudd@town.southold.nv.us>; Noncarrow, Denis<denisn@southoldtownny.gov> Subject: Fire Work Application Please see attached. Strawberry fest Fireworks. Let us know Thank you Denis Noncarrow Southold Town Clerk. 1 Town of Southold, New York www.southoldtownny.gov denisn@southoldtownny.aov 631-765-1800 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication with its contents may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure is prohibited and may violate applicable laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication. z Noncarrow, Denis From: Flatley, Martin Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2024 9:01 AM To: Visser III, Fredric; Noncarrow, Denis; Lillian; McCullough, Lillian; DeChance, Paul; Grattan, Steven;Town Att;Verity, Mike; Krupski, AI Cc: Born, Sabrina; Mudd,Jennifer Subject: RE: Fire Work Application With regards to the location of the fireworks launch,the Lions Club have used this location in the past without incident and we have a plan in place to detour traffic off of Rt.48 for the duration of the displays.The Lions have used the northwest corner of their field in the past as a launch site, but moved away from it because they lost a significant amount of parking (appx. 200 spaces)and were forced to find off-site parking. Going back'to using off-site parking on Herricks Lane in Jamesport and then bus the attendees to Strawberry Fields was abandoned because of the added expense to the Lions and the fact that not as many attendees would use the off-site lot and ride a school bus to the event. It also forced Riverhead Town PD to assign two traffic officers to Sound Avenue and Herricks to assist with the flow of traffic and help the school buses navigate traffic. Being able to contain all parking on-site for the past couple of years has made the traffic flow significantly smoother and easier to manage for our department. As long as the Lions Club and the fireworks company are in compliance with safety zone requirements, I have confidence in this club and the Mattituck Fire Department to manage the displays safely as in the past. Martin Flatley, Chief of Police Town of Southold Police Department 41405 State Route 25 Peconic, N.Y. 11958 Tel: 631-765-3115 i The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s)and may contain information that is privileged,confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. if the reader of this message is not the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any review,retransmission,conversion to hard copy, copying,reproduction,circulation,publication, dissemination or other use of,or taking of any action, or omission to take action,in reliance upon this communication by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error,please(i)notify us immediately by telephone at 631.765.2600, (fi)return the original message and all copies to us at the address above via the U.S. Postal Service, and(iii)delete the message and any material attached thereto from any computer,disk drive,diskette,or other storage device or media. From:Visser III, Fredric<fredv@southoldtownny.gov> Sent:Wednesday, May 15, 2024 4:42 PM To: Noncarrow, Denis<denisn@southoldtownny.gov>; Flatley, Martin<mflatley@town.southold.ny.us>; Lillian <McCullough>; McCullough, Lillian <lillianm@southoldtownny.gov>; DeChance, Paul <pauld@southoldtownny.gov>; Grattan, Steven <sgrattan@southoldtownny.gov>;Town Att;Verity, Mike<Mike.Verity@town.southold.ny.us> Cc: Born, Sabrina<sabrina.born@town.southold.ny.us>; Mudd,Jennifer<jennifer.mudd@town.southold.ny.us> Subject: RE: Fire Work Application Hello, The license of the company is expired (a verbal conversation with NYS DOL, he has applied on time and is set for a renewed license). 1 _ `I The proposed site plan is not to scale, where fire works were proposed to be fired the fall out zone will be encroaching on the food area of the festival,48 will have to be blocked in westbound lanes (maybe both directions depending on the shooters set up due to lots of tree coverage), parking that is used for vendors will not be permitted along Strawberry fields road on west side, egress from that road will also be blocked for the fire work show. Attached is another idea I brought up to Ben from the Lions Club, to shoot from the NW corner of Strawberry Fields this will allow uninterrupted traffic of CR 48, increased distances to crowds and spectators, and less tree cover. There will be less variables and liabilities with the move of location as well as an increased compliance with NYS Fire Code and NFPA 1123. Ben will be consulting the committee at the Lions Club to explore further options. Please call or email me for any further questions, comments, concerns, or doubts. Thank you, Fredric Visser, Fire Marshal Town of Southold Phone: (631)765-1802 Web: https://southoldtownny.gov/1736/Fire-Marshal Email: Fredv@southoldtownny.gov PO Box 1179 54375 Main Road Southold, NY. 11971 IAAI A'A lilt From: Noncarrow, Denis<denisn @southoldtownny.gov> Sent: Monday, May 13, 2024 1:56 PM To: Flatley, Martin <mflatley@town.southold.ny.us>; Lillian <McCullough>; McCullough, Lillian <lillianm@southoldtownny.gov>; DeChance, Paul <pauld southoldtownny.gov>; Grattan, Steven <sgrattan@southoldtownnv.gov>;Town Att;Verity, Mike<Mike.Verity@town.southold.nv.us>;Visser III, Fredric <fredv@southoldtownny.gov> Cc: Born, Sabrina <sabrina.born@town.southold.nv.us>; Mudd,Jennifer<lennifer.mudd@town.southold.nv.us>; Noncarrow, Denis<denisn@southoldtownnv.gov> Subject: Fire Work Application Please see attached. Strawberry fest Fireworks. Let us know Thank you Denis Noncarrow Southold Town Clerk. Town of Southold, New York www.southoldtownny.qov denisn@southoldtownny.gov 631-765-1800 2 Noncarrow, Denis , From: Visser III, Fredric Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2024 3:02 PM To: Noncarrow, Denis Subject: RE: Lions Conversation went well, it's a tough situation to change the way thing have been done for so long. We discussed moving it to the north of strawberry fields. Fredric Visser, Fire Marshal Town of Southold Phone: (631)765-1802 Web: https:Hsoutholdtownny.gov/1736/Fire-Marshal Email: Fredv@southoldtownny.gov PO Box 1179 54375 Main Road Southold, NY. 11971 FIRE MARSHAL OV SOUlyO� VIBE 1 J( 1 AAA kABSHA� MY From: Noncarrow, Denis<denisn@southoldtownny.gov> Sent:Wednesday, May 15, 2024 1:39 PM To:Visser III, Fredric<fredv@southoldtownny.gov> Subject: Lions Now the fire dept will be there. Will that help? Denis Noncarrow Southold Town Clerk. Town of Southold, New York www.southoldtownny.gov denisnPsoutholdtownny.aov 631-765-1800 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication with its contents may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure is prohibited and may violate applicable laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication. 1 New York State Department of Labor 44 Hawley Street, Room 901 Binghamton, New York 13901 Work Cell: 607-222-5658 1 Office: 607-721-8212 1 w.samsonCaD-labor.ny.gov Facebook I Twitter I YouTube I Linkedin L". S i.:LP" l::a wa 9c artmant of Labor This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected. It is intended only for the addressee. If you received this e-mail in error or from someone who was not authorized to send it to you, do not disseminate, copy or otherwise use this e-mail or its attachments. Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system. ATTENTION:This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. 2 Noncarrow, Denis From: Visser III, Fredric Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2024 8:22 AM To: Noncarrow, Denis Subject: FW:American Fireworks explosives license renewal. (Mattituck Lions Club Fire Works) From:Visser III, Fredric Sent:Thursday, May 16, 2024 8:21 AM To: 'Samson,W C(LABOR)'<W.Samson@ labor.ny.gov> Subject: RE:American Fireworks explosives license renewal. Thank you! Fredric Visser, Fire Marshal Town of Southold Phone: (631)765-1802 Web: https://southoldtownnv.gov/1736/Fire-Marshal Email: Fredv@southoldtownny.gov PO Box 1179 54375 Main Road Southold, NY. 11971 FIRE MARSHAL of SUUTyy� FIEF 1AA1 ��. RAA yAgSN*� N1 From:Samson,W C(LABOR) <W.Samson@labor.ny.eov> Sent:Wednesday, May 15, 2024 8:55 AM To:Visser III, Fredric<fredv@southoldtownny.gov> Subject: [SPAM] -American Fireworks explosives license renewal. Greetings Fred: Thank you for taking the time to speak with me today, regarding the current status of the explosives renewal license for Kevin Fritschler and American Fireworks. As required by statute, Mr. Fritschler submitted his renewal application and fee payment for the renewal of his license to Deal In and Manufacture Explosives to the New York State Department of Labor License and Certificate Unit, and it is being processed. While he is waiting for the license renewal, he remains in good standing and is not subject to any enforcement actions as a,result. Best regards, W C Samson Supervising Safety& Health Inspector 1 Noncarrow, Denis From: Visser III, Fredric Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2024 4:42 PM To: Noncarrow, Denis; Flatley, Martin; Lillian; McCullough, Lillian; DeChance, Paul;Grattan, Steven;Town Att;Verity, Mike Cc: Born, Sabrina; Mudd,Jennifer Subject: RE: Fire Work Application Attachments: 20240515162527.pdf Hello, The license of the company is expired (a verbal conversation with NYS DOL, he has applied on time and is set for a renewed license). The proposed site plan is not to scale, where fire works were proposed to be fired the fall out zone will be encroaching on the food area of the festival,48 will have to be blocked in westbound lanes(maybe both directions depending on the shooters set up due to lots of tree coverage), parking that is used for vendors will not be permitted along Strawberry fields road on west side,egress from that road will also be blocked for the fire work show. Attached is another idea I brought up to Ben from the Lions Club, to shoot from the NW corner of Strawberry Fields this will allow uninterrupted traffic of CR 48, increased distances to crowds and spectators,and less tree cover. There will be less variables and liabilities with the move of location as well as an increased compliance with NYS Fire Code and NFPA 1123. Ben will be consulting the committee at the Lions Club to explore further options. Please call or email me for any further questions, comments, concerns, or doubts. Thank you, Fredric Visser, Fire Marshal Town of Southold Phone: (631)765-1802 Web: https:Hsoutholdtownny.gov/1736/Fire-Marshal Email: Fredv@southoldtownny.gov PO Box 1179 54375 Main Road Southold, NY. 11971 FIRE MARSHAL OF SUUTy�� 44 FIEF 1AA 1 A'ApSHA` MI From: Noncarrow, Denis<denisn@southoldtownny.gov> Sent: Monday, May 13, 20241:56 PM To: Flatley, Martin <mflatley@town.southold.ny.us>; Lillian<McCullough>; McCullough, Lillian <lillianm@southoldtownny.gov>; DeChance, Paul <pauld@southoldtownny.gov>; Grattan,Steven <sgrattan@southoldtownny.gov>;Town Att;Verity, Mike<Mike.Verity@town.southold.ny.us>;Visser III, Fredric 1 <fredv@ south oIdtownny.gov> Cc: Born,Sabrina<sabrina.born@town.southold.ny.us>; Mudd,Jennifer<jennifer.mudd@town.southold.ny.us>; Noncarrow, Denis<denisn@southoldtownny.gov> Subject: Fire Work Application Please see attached.Strawberry fest Fireworks. Let us know Thank you Denis Noncarrow Southold Town Clerk. Town of Southold, New York www.southoldtownny.aov denisn C@southoldtownny.aov 631-765-1800 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication with its contents may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure is prohibited and may violate applicable laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication. 2 Noncarrow, Denis From: Visser III, Fredric Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2024 12:49 PM To: kevin@americanfireworksmfg.com Cc: Noncarrow, Denis Subject: Strawberry Fest. Fire Works Hello, I just left a VM for you, I checked the proposed firing site walked it with a walking wheel.The cleared area of the lot is too close to the row of trees considering that area is used for parking for spectators and fair workers. Distance to the road is close but manageable. Please email me back so we can work through this. Fredric Visser, Fire Marshal Town of Southold Phone: (631)765-1802 Web: https:Hsoutholdtownny.gov/1736/Fire-Marshal Email: Fredv@southoldtownny.gov PO Box 1179 54375 Main Road Southold, NY. 11971 FIRE MARSHAL OF SUUTy'9 418E 1 �[rA 1 AA �'AgSNA� A NY 1 Noncarrow, Denis From: f Flatley, Martin Sent: I Thursday, May 16, 2024 9:01 AM To: Visser III, Fredric; Noncarrow, Denis; Lillian; McCullough, Lillian; DeChance, Paul; Grattan, Steven;Town Att;Verity, Mike; Krupski,Al Cc: Born, Sabrina; Mudd,Jennifer Subject: RE: Fire Work Application With regards to the location of the fireworks launch,the Lions Club have used this location in the past without incident and we have a plan in place to detour traffic off of Rt.48 for the duration of the displays.The Lions have used the northwest corner,of their field in the past as a launch site, but moved away from it because they lost a significant amount of parking (appx. 200 spaces)and were forced to find off-site parking. Going back to using off-site parking on Herricks Lane in Jamesport and then bus the attendees to Strawberry Fields was abandoned because of the added expense to the Lions and the fact that not as many attendees would use the off-site lot and ride a school bus to the event. It also forced Riverhead Town PD to assign two traffic officers to Sound Avenue and Herricks to assist with the flow of traffic and help the school buses navigate traffic. Being able to contain all parking on-site for the past couple of years has made the traffic flow significantly smoother and easier to manage for our department. As long as the Lions Club and the fireworks company are in compliance with safety zone requirements, I have confidence in this club and the Mattituck Fire Department to manage the displays safely as in the past. Martin Flatley, Chief of Police Town of Southold Police Department 41405 State Route 25 Peconic, N.Y. 11958 Tel: 631-765-3115 The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s)and may contain information that is privileged,confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any review,retransmission,conversion to hard copy,copying,reproduction,circulation,publication, dissemination or other use of,or taking of any action,or omission to take action,in reliance upon this communication by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error,please(i)notify us immediately by telephone at 631.765.2600, (ii)return the original message and all copies to us at the address above via the U.S. Postal Service, and(ifi)delete the message and any material attached thereto from any computer,disk drive,diskette,or other storage device or media. From:Visser III, Fredric<fredv@southoldtownny.gov> Sent:Wednesday, May 15, 2024 4:42 PM To: Noncarrow, Denis<denisn@southoldtownny.gov>; Flatley, Martin<mflatley@town.southold.ny.us>; Lillian <McCullough>; McCullough, Lillian<lillianm@southoldtownny.gov>; DeChance, Paul<pauld@southoldtownny.gov>; Grattan,Steven<sgrattan@southoldtownny.gov>;Town Att;Verity, Mike<Mike.Verity@town.southold.ny.us> Cc: Born,Sabrina<sabrina.born @town.southold.ny.us>; Mudd,Jennifer<jennifer.mudd@town.southold.ny.us> Subject: RE: Fire Work Application Hello, The license of the company is expired (a verbal conversation with NYS DOL, he has applied on time and is set for a renewed license). 1 The proposed site plan is not to scale, where fire works were proposed to be fired the fall out zone will be encroaching on the food area of the festival,48 will have to be blocked in westbound lanes(maybe both directions depending on the shooters set up due to lots of tree coverage), parking that is used for vendors will not be permitted along Strawberry fields road on west side, egress from that road will also be blocked for the fire work show. Attached is another idea I brought up to Ben from the Lions Club,to shoot from the NW corner of Strawberry Fields this will allow uninterrupted traffic of CR 48, increased distances to crowds and spectators, and less tree cover. There will be less variables and liabilities with the move of location as well as an increased compliance with NYS Fire Code and NFPA 1123. Ben will be consulting the committee at the Lions Club to explore further options. Please call or email me for any further questions, comments, concerns, or doubts. Thank you, Fredric Visser, Fire Marshal Town of Southold Phone: (631)765-1802 Web: https:Hsoutholdtownny.gov/1736/Fire-Marshal Email: Fredv@southoldtownny.gov PO Box 1179 54375 Main Road Southold, NY. 11971 FIRE MARSHAL IJ�►A►I 4 AAA From: Noncarrow, Denis<denisn@southoldtownny.gov> Sent: Monday, May 13, 2024 1:56 PM To: Flatley, Martin<mflatley@town.southold.ny.us>; Lillian<McCullough>; McCullough, Lillian <lillianm@southoldtownny.eov>; DeChance, Paul<pauld@southoldtownnv.eov>; Grattan, Steven <serattan@southo,ldtownny.gov>;Town Att;Verity, Mike<Mike.Verity@town.southold.nv.us>;Visser III, Fredric <fredv@southoldtownny.eov> Cc: Born, Sabrina <sabrina.born @town.southold.nv.us>; Mudd,Jennifer<lennifer.mudd@town.southold.nv.us>; Noncarrow, Denis<denisn@southoldtownny.eov> Subject: Fire Work Application Please see attached.Strawberry fest Fireworks. Let us know Thank you Denis Noncarrow Southold Town Clerk. Town of Southold, New York www.southoldtownny.gov denisn @southoldtownn y.aov 631-765-1800 2 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication with its contents may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure is prohibited and may violate applicable laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication. i 3 Q��g11FF0�,�-�o - DENIS NONCARROW C� G.y� Town Hall,53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O.Box 1179 y Z Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR,OF VITAL STATISTICS p .F Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER Telephone(631)765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER ��•� �►a www.southoldtownny.gov FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN�tMPIOLD for PUBLIC DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS I, Denis Noncarrow, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, being an officer duly designated by the Town Board of the Town of Southold for this purpose, do hereby GRANT TO: Mattituck Lions Club A PERMIT FOR THE PUBLIC DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS by said organization in accordance with the provisions of Section 405.00 of the Penal Law of the State of New York, on Thursday,June 13th 2024 at 9:30 p.m. Friday, June 14th at 10:30pm and Saturday, June 15th at 10:30pm. Exact Location is 705 Middle road,Mattituck New York,the time and place set forth in the application therefore, ON CONDITION THAT the bond (indemnity insurance) required shall continue in full force and effect in favor of the Town of Southold, and PROVIDED that the actual point at which the fireworks are to be fired shall be at least two hundred feet from the nearest building, public highway or railroad, or other means of travel, and at least fifty feet from the nearest above ground telephone or telegraph line, trees or other overhead obstruction; that the audience at such a display shall be restrained behind lines at least one hundred and fifty feet from the point at which the fireworks are discharged and only persons in active charge of the display shall be allowed inside these lines; that all fireworks that fire a projectile shall be so set up that the projectile will go into the air as nearby as possible in a vertical direction, unless such fireworks are to be fired from the shore or a lake or other large body of water, then they may be directed in such a manner that the falling residue from the deflagration will fall into such lake, or body of water; that any fireworks that remain unfired after the display is concluded shall be immediately disposed of in a way safe for the particular type of fireworks remaining; that no fireworks display shall be held during any wind storm in which the wind reaches a velocity of more than thirty miles per hour; that all persons in actual charge of firing the fireworks shall be over the age of eighteen years, competent and physically fit for the task, that there sha be at least two such operators constantly on duty during the discharge and that at least two soda-acid oth approved type fire extinguishers of at least two and one-half gallons capacity each shall be kept at ch wi arated points as possible within the actual area of the display. enis Nonchrow, Town Clerk Town of Southold Suffolk County,New York (TOWN SEAL) Date: June 5,2024 THIS PERMIT IS NOT TRANSFERABLE Chief Secretary JAMES COX JR. BRIAN WILLIAMS First Assistant Chief Treasurer ROBERT M.HAAS THERESA WELLS Second Assistant Chief Sergeant-at-Arms STEVEN F.FICNER A ` ROBERT SHAW Chaplain Home of NY State. JAMES L.MURPHY Fireman of the Year -'1973"&1974 MATTITUCK FIRE DEPARTMENT RECEIVED XU 30 Southold Town Clerk, Southold Town Clerk I have reviewed the application for the fireworks permit scheduled for June 13, 14, 15, 2024 and approve the event pending wind conditions for those event dates. The Mattituck Fire Department will be on standby for the Strawberry Festival with coverage to include fire, if needed. Mattituck Fire Department will be on scene during approved firework event times. James R Cox Jr Wt s Chief of Department Mattituck Fire Department P.O.Box 136 • 1000 Pike Street • Mattituck,NY 11952-0666 Main(631)298-8833 • Fax(631)298-1904 • Chiefs(631)298-8852 • Fax(631)298-8858 www.mattituckfd.org