HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024 �yIFFO« j RESOLUTION 2024-496 ADOPTED DOC ID: 20313 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2024-496 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JUNE 4,2024: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the issuance of a Fireworks Permit by the Town Clerk to the Greenvort Fire Department Phenix Hook & Ladder Co. 91/Releif Hose Co. #2 & Starfire Corp. for a Fireworks display on Wednesday, July 3th, and July 6th 2024 at 10:00 P.M. /Rain Date, Friday, July 5th, 2024 at 10:00 P.M. The fireworks display will be at the Greenport Athletic Field, Greenvort High School, located,at 725 Front Street and east side of Moores Lane, Greenvort, New York, subject to the applicant's compliance with any conditions and all requirements of the Town of Southold Policy regarding the issuance of fireworks permits. Denis Noncarrow Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Greg Doroski, Councilman SECONDER:Anne H. Smith, Councilwoman AYES: Doroski, Mealy, Smith, Krupski Jr, Doherty ABSENT: Louisa P. Evans DE NONCARROW Town Hall,53095 Main Road OWN CLERK ' a P.O.Box 1179 _. - Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR,OF VITAL STATISTICS `' Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER Tel e hone(631)765-1800 0 RECORDS WANAGEMENT OFFICER • " ': .sout e FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER - E LJ OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK MAY 2 9 2024 I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD APPLICATION PERMIT TO DISPLAY FIREWORKS S6uthofd Town Clerk APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE, pursuant to the provisions of Section 405.00 of the Penal Law of the State of New York, for a permit to display fireworks as hereinafter specified: DISPLAY IS TO BE SPONSORED BY Phenix Hose & Ladder PRINCIPAL OFFICE AT DATE & TIME OF DISPLAY 7-3-2024 @ approx. 10pm & 7-6-2024,@ approx..10pm EXACT LOCATION OF DISPLAY 171 Moores Lane, Greenport, NY 11944 SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP NUMBER FOR SITE RAIN DATE & TIME The following persons are to be in charge of the actual shooting of the fireworks: Name Age Experience Physical Condition Michael Garafola 48 20+ years ID attached Aaron Rosenzweig 48 20+ years ID attached su6jec o cTiange, (Additional names and information may be submitted on an attached sheet Number and type of fireworks is as follows: Product List Attached - f Manner and place of storage of fireworks prior to display:- Fireworks will arrive-day of event. No storage is required. Attached hereto and made a part of hereof is a diagram of the grounds on which the display is to be held, Also attached is a certificate or policy of insurance coverage, NOTICE: Written permission,7ith signature of the,Pro pert •Owner..must be submitt d with the Application. _ZV I �f� /1 ge ame of anizat' /f FEE: $100:00 fop, By /�� Signature pplicant 6 J u/ 5o Date of AppAcation �~ ��°✓ Town Hall,53095 Main Road DENIS NONCARROW TOWN CLERK � P.O.Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER '® �0 '. Telephone(631)765-1800 RECORDS.MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER www.southol�dtownny.gov OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK ; TOWN OF SOUTHOLD INSTRUCTIONS FOR DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS' , 1. Name of body sponsoring fireworks display.. 2. The date and time of day at which the fireworks display is to be held. Display must be concluded by 10:00 p.m. if held Sunday through Thursday, 11:00 p.m. if held Friday or Saturday, and there shall be no time restriction if held on July 4. . 6 3. The exact location planned for the fireworks display, including TAX MAP NUMBER. 4. The age, experience and physical characteristics of the persons who are to do the actual discharging of the fireworks and a copy of a valid certificate of competency as a pyrotechnician for the individual supervising the firing of the display _ 5. The number and kind of fireworks to be discharged. 6. The manner and place of storage of such fireworks prior to the display. 7. Detailed diagram showing location of fireworks discharge and minimum separation distances in accordance with the applicable requirements of Penal Law Section 405 (2). 8. Copy of the contract with fireworks display company. 8: Such other information as the Southold Town Clerk may deem necessary to protect persons and property, Written permission of the property owner is required. 9. Certificate of Insurance naming the Town of Southold as additional insured with coverage limits of $2,000,000.00 for public liability and$2,000,000.00 for property damage. 10. The Town Clerk of the Town of Southold must have the insurance policy in her possession bd6re the fireworks permit is issued. The named insured must read: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, 11. Application for a fireworks 1�ermit must be made at least 30 days in advance of the date of the fireworks ds la .. 12. All applications for a fireworks permit shall be subject to an ap.tilieation fee.in an amo.unt:of';�:1`UO:UU, together with.a processing fee iman amount to.be;determined-:by the Town Board to cover the Town's costs for monitoring and enforcing compliance with the Penal Law. (The above instructions are in accordance with the Penal Law.Article 405-Licensing and other provisions relating to fireworks.) cn- THIS' RESOLUTION 2010-474 ADOPTED DOC ID: 6016 IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO.2010-474 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JUNE 29,2010: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby adorns the folloroving.: P.4LiCY re�ardin�.tlie issuance:of fi�e«orks.uermifs: S 1. The Town may grant a permit for the display of fireworks by municipalities, fair associations, amusement parks,persons or organizations of individuals. Penal Law Section 405.00(2). 2. An'organization of individuals" is a religious,civic,or comparable organization. Op. Atty. Gen No. 2007-3. 3: Fireworks permits shall indicate that the display must be concluded by 10:00 p.m.if held Sunday-Thursday, 11:00 p.m. if held Friday or Saturday, and there shall be no time restriction if held on July 4. 4. No person shall engage in or allow the manufacture, assembly, storage or display of any fireworks or pyrotechnics display without first obtaining a permit issued by the Town Clerk. A completed application for display of fireworks must be received by the Town Clerk a minimum of 30 days prior to the date of display. The permit application for any fireworks or pyrotechnics display shall be accompanied by the following: 0, (a) a copy of a valid certificate of competency as a pyrotechnician for the individual supervising the firing of the display; (b) Certificate of Insurance naming-the Town of Southold as additional insured with coverage limits of$2,000,000 for public liability and$2,000,000 for property damage; (c) Detailed diagram showing location of fireworks discharge and minimum separation distances in accordance with the applicable requirements of Penal Law Section 405(2); (d) A copy of the contract with fireworks display company; and (e) All applications shall require the approval of the Fire Chief of the District in which the display will take place and the Fire Marshal before being presented for approval by the Town Board. Resolution 2010-474 Board Meeting of June 29,2010 5. All applications for a fireworks permit shall be subject to an application fee in an amount of$100.00,together with a processing fee in an amount to be determined by the Town Board to cover the Town's costs for monitoring and enforcing compliance with the Penal Law. Elizabeth A.Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Albert Krupski Jr., Councilman SECONDER:Vincent Orlando, Councilman AYES: Ruland, Orlando,Talbot,Krupski Jr.,Russell ABSENT: Louisa P. Evans I Updated: 6/30/201010:43 AM by Lynda Rudder Page 2 fEE Facility Shell and Rack Breakdown for Phenix Hook&Ladder Co. Relief Hose Comp.2024 Event State: NY Event Date: Jul 3,2024 10:00 PM Rain Date: Jul 5,2024 10:00 PM Program Length: 0-10 Shell Total: 369 Rack Total: 41 Fire Type: Both Opening and Closing Shell and Rack Detail: ShetlTTypeWf,Slaels .;: 0 '7 2'5 Inch 1,00 2080 , 10 3 Inch 6,0 0/60 6 4 Inch 6 0/5 1 5 Inch J 0 6 Inch, 0. -2 Inch Starbi.aster 2.5 Inch S"Gake, 3.Inch S-Cake Body Detail: V R Al" .21fich 0%, 2.5 Inch 96 10 3,Inch 4 Inch 36 6 5 Inch %O' 6 Inch 0 8 Inch, 2.5..Inch S-Cake 3 Inch S-Cake 3 Inch S T-C Body 4-In 8PQ.8od Inch '-y- Cakes Sq-pibp-- '22 5 .� oc 4. 0 a r x = t E i � ggA' • v x GREENPORT HOSE 400'R COMPANY 4" MAX SIZED a s, SHELLS 400 RADIUS m' 171 MOORES LN v GREENPORT, NY �r 11944 z x , rn No ADM rrr CE ' Q �. �� a ae r gym' ,��,�,�R+�•'"""""""� � 5. �f 4106 11 N �� _ kyl r!`1, ,�1 � � ���+��;��t �,��\t1�.V. t � � I °'I � �Y �.,�' 'ti��"',� � �}•,v ��\� �;•� ' ,t4� �. tif',��� `•." •�'� ` n�`I� ��� �°��1�u°��s,t� `f`��1i�� �I r �+�' �'t��; �.,�,, 11y �r � rh�'}��ai t � ' 1 t t y ;;U-Iy +�q v� t► t ���C #t h?`X11r�1 r�f'`1���F��e •.j�yt��•3 Y ,i � '4�,t t ��I �i }� F��►t y� ���i T7 4 kR 1 3 0. 1,t �) h y } k r 1 �t t ``Y ,+4 4 �1,. y�ti � •_ �1� .� } XU Q 1 i i! i � I r Y t' ► �t ► L yr: 1.,,. ,.�� ��'1 y�,�"�'�� � '� 'V,�. �.. � � `rl ,p � i' .� 2y' ►f xi,,�. `��, (��1 1i yy tld�f .r '. , ' , t i -. t•'•Ylfr,:P'Y ! 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See 5 U.S.C.§558.This letter,,or:as explained below,n follow-up letter,will wo as your,licens e/pennit until we complete action on your renewal. It is referred to as a Letter ofAuthorizalion.(LPA). Since we!have not completed processing your application,you may supply a Copy of this letter to other licensces/perruittecs,e.g., your distributorsJor the next.six niontim(or until we,complete action on your renewal,if(lint occursin less thin'six iibioiltlis)as evidence-of your licensedipqrinitted status. "If-W61tave not compidted processing your application for renewal within six niontlis of the date of this letter,'we will send you another letter;which will also.be valid for six months(or until we complete action on. your renewal, if that occurs,in less than six months). This is of course contiiigeiit.upqii.ybur-reiifaiiiitig entitled to'cdntinue opdfatidns under your current license/permit. Please direct questions.or concerns regarding this letter to Chnnon Shipman(304)6164436. Sincerely, Mama Howard Chief,Federal Explosives Licensing Center ATFweb,nddKess: W*w.qtf.g6v DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Bureau ofAlcoliol,Tobacco Firearms and Explosives JAwksbin Fn'25103 April 25 2024 STARFIRE-CORPORATION 901090:I%IIVCMS P6.BOX-179- SAINT btmbitT,PA 5773 File Number:.8-PA-02627 -I'mmiscs Address..566 TIIEATIkE-ROAD SAINT BENEDICT,PA 15774 Dear Sk/M adani: This letter acknowledges receipt or your thuely application to renew your Federal explosives license/perniii: The Bureau ofAlcohol,Tbbacco,Firearilis,and Explosives(ATF)is not able to process your application prior to the expiration date of your license/permit. However,Federal law n1lows-you to continue operadbris under your current license/permit until such tine asA!T-completes processuig.yourapplication. See-5 U.S,C;§558.This letter,oris,explained below,a follow-up letter,will scrvea's your liceiisolpennit until we coiilpl'cte action on your renewal. It is referred to as a Letter of AuthorizationfLOA). Since we have not completed processing your application,.you may supply a co y o this letter to other licensees/perinittees,e.g., your distributors,for the next"six months(or until we complete action on yourxeue�wal,if that occurs in less than six months)as ,evidence of your licensed/peniiittedstatus. If we have not-completed processing your application for renewal within six mosillis of the date of this letter,we Wi.f I'scnd ypu another letter,which will also be valid for six,months(or until we complete action.on your renewal, it'that occurs in less then six months). This is;of course contingent upon-yqur r'entain ng entitled O'codfilule opdratibris under your current license/permit: Please direct questions or concerns regarding this letter to Chnnon Shipman(304)616-4436. Sincerely, Marna Howard � Chief,Federal Explosives Licensing Center ATF iveh address: wwkv-atfgov - Federal Explosives License/Permit U3.Department of Justtee BureituofAleohol,Tobacco,FircarmsandExplosives, ���:U.5.� ClllJptG'r40) trrau�nunerrrnss�rism�a�m In accordance with the provisions of Title.W,-Organized Crime Control Act.of 1970,and the,negulations issued,thereunder(27 CFRPart 555),you.may engago in r the activity.apecitled.in this license or permit within ttic.limitations of Chapter 40 Title 18,United States Code and'the regulations issued thereunder;until'the expiration date shown. 1'fl1S LICENSE IS NOT TRANSFERABLE"t9°NDL+ _See"WARNIN•QS"and'TIOTICES"on reverse: DirWAIT ATF=Chi4FELC ;' r LiccnselPetntil II Correspondence To 244 Needy Road " ;;; i umbQr " ''; i 1 < 1 e Mattinsbur ,W V.,25405-9431 , Chief Federal ExplosivesL'censingCente (FELC) Expiration'. Date May 1, 2024 Name STARFIRECORPORATiON, Premises Address(Canges7 Notify tba: B1 Ct"'o 114 st,10 da} before tlie,tnove:) :•a,�isA t t'T,: ' it 666 THEATRE ROAD SAINT KNEDiC7 PA 157 3=i, Type ofLieenseorPermit i Ns €° it x _ " :`'SA, +,.,,<i"iYg;` l S'.''" 50-MANUFACTURER OF EXP }?SIVES Purchasing Ccrtifichti3ti S dtenieiit• '' gAddm,94.(C iait�ges??NQtify eFELC of any changes.) Maitin I S>:.e 41 lbe, icensceorparndteenamedaboveshallnsbacop. gdiiilicenseor,p rnut•toanssistg ;'.'_:. ;;' t,(";,k�' t; i transferor of explosivestover4the Identity and tho tii�iWiiatus of thg ticeirseo gr.„ w,,, 4 . 'N •" ` permittee,ssprovided by 27 CPR Part 555. lha sirnatura r eucircocv nnisi tia an'oriRvinl` " ' :STARFil Oft i"O AT ON sierrature. Afaxed,scanned or e-mailed copy ofthi iycetlsc tr jitsjrtil with a sigtiAfure intended tobe.ancrigippisignAureis acceptable. Zliesign urrctfii die.tlantoftIreFedr<pl POBO)(1,,79`;,„r.' 1"¢ Explosives Liceaseo(FEL)or a responsible person ofthe.,,PP��[ .I ecrtity'lliat this is a true SAINT L E 01G�f�PA 15773- copy ofalioenseorpenmit'issuedto the licemeearpelmift"pained.nb00(° ,engagaintlre•' ` b ess anon' ecified aboveunder"Type'of Licarik or Prior t _,• .,t' ,�. Licensee/Pe Rcspwrsibte Por n ignature Pdsitioi✓Titlii. tented Name Datc; AlaF�r'saoo.lasaoo,lSP�s t ' ticvised Sgrteaiber 201 i' I PtevicuiRdWmisObiolde rravoauauswroaTaaws"mrarwear,tir�,p�a»ruaagrouwpnwma t FederalEspioslves License(FEL)Cistorner Scrvlce Infouuatiou l , Federal Explosives Likensing.Conter.(FELC) Toll-freo TelephoneNumbec (877)283 3352 ATF Homepage.www.atf.gov i 244 Needy Road F&v Number: (304)616 4401 Martinsburg,WV 25405-9431 Email; FELC®atfgov. Change of Address (27 CAR 555.54(n)(1))..Uconsees or pennittecs may during the teen of their current Emma or permit remove their business or operations to a new location at which they Intend regutady to carry on such business:or operations. The licensee or peiritittee is required'to give notification of the now,location of rho busiress"or operations not-less than 10 days prior to such removal,wiili the ChieUederal Explosives Licensing Canter. The license or permit will be valid for tho nmaindcr of the teim.of the original;license or permit. (The Cluef,FELL,sliall„iif the licensee or petmttteo is not quali$ed,refer the request for an►ended license i or permit to the Director of Indust y Operations for denial in accordance frith§555.54.) .Right of Succession (27 CTR 555,59), (a)Certain persons othertlian the licensee or pemlittee may secure the rightto carry on the same explosive materials F business or operations at the same address shown on,and for the remainder of the,term of,a current license or.perinit. Such persons are: (I)The surviving spouse j or child,or executor,administrator,"other legal representative of a deceased licensee or pormittee,'and.(2)A receiver or trustee hl bankruptcy,or an assignee for benefitof creditors. (b)In order to secure the tight provided by this section,.lho person or persons continuing the business,or operations shell fumisb thcxlicense or permit for for that business or operations for endorsement of such succession to the Chief,FELL;within 30 days from the date on which the successor begins to I i carry on,the business or operations. (Continued on reverse side) Cutl[ere -- _— —————— ————— -- I Redeem Explosives•Liceose/Peimit(FEL)'Informatiou Card t I ' 1 t LicenseJPermitName:STARFIRE CORPORATION I t t BusinessName: ;;;:�-° ,•, � j: LicenswWrtnit Number:8-PALOA-50=4r'-02dy i LicenseMermit Type:50•MANUFACTURER OF EXPLOSIVES i .Expiration: May 1,2024 j. I I I PIeasal�ote: Not Valid fir the Sale:or Other,Dispositiat of Explosives. i !——————————————————————— — ——i f Federal Explosives License/Permit U.S.-Departmentoriustice Bureau of AlcoholJob4icoo,17irearms and Explosives (18 U.S.C Chppter 40) In accordance with,tho-provh!=6 I • er Of Title)a,Organized Crime ControlAct of 1970,and the regulations Itstied4heround' (27 CFRPart 555),you may engage in the activity specified in this license or pernlit,wiffiin the limitations of Chapter il• Title�,&Unitcd States Code and the regulations issued thereunder;utitil-the. date shown. THIS LICEKSRISVOT TRANSFER CIO expiration -WARNMOS!,and'NOTICES"on reverse. 7 DiYcdATF ATF-Chlof,FEW Ud­6­q'i1P4rmil-' CorrespondencoTo 244 Needy Road i 8-PA-021-24-4E-12673 Ma 254 -�4� rtinsburg,WV 05 Chi f.Fed al E I L' 'C t" (FED 5 May 11 224 Date 0 Namc� �/v STARFIRE CORPORATIONY Y �A INCW i7 PremiseMddtess I& r% (Changes?Nd*th 666 THEATRE ROAD SAINT BENEDICT.PA 16 Type of License or Pcnuit� t. v^"­ P, 24-IMPORTER 0 A F EXPLO�l c"i hRing. it oi t no or permittea n anted above shallueba, se Q-ficen ftt�o Rsist 4&­_�_V, qftty&ML06fany.changes.) 'transferor orexptosives tave4F the ld I- an zv� permft;eo as provided by.27 CFR Pan 553.Abe sl a' Vmuft, wn'al­ I - t I b­10r_"A—"F1RE400 PlFfilil ON $w rani re, xk=4 -malled copy ofthi'jic4j�wdj"it-A R A scanned or a '-' irdeiadedtobean original signature igaooWable. J> PO BOX--j'7!P-., BiplosivesIlom�c�(UL-)ot.aresp.onsiblepargonoftit oV&1,qjj�yjfi"is is a true if 'SAINTZIE� NF_010 T 15773- copy of nAlcenseerpermitismed t6ithelkensce or ' d 8 ifiedabovoun er., or-Permi Y ,bu In' lw;of Ucenke Lro-ensee/Perm' esponsiblePers6b Si 3 - rintCdNamc Date— ATFFoas4o6.1415400is-Pkrr- Revised Sipimber 2011 RoviWsEdillon Federal Explosl ows I3cense(FEL).Pustdilief Servi6e1fiforniAtIon Federal-Explosives Licensing Center(FEW) T6ll;-free-TolqphoncNumbcr: (877)283-33$2� ATF Homcpago;www.atf.gov 244Ncedy 40a4 FhxNunib6r- (304),616-4401 Martinsburg,WV 25405-9431 E-mail: FtLC@atf.gov ChaingeofAddress (27 MR 555.54(a)(1)). Utconscos or pormittors may during the term of their current license or permit remove their busineM of operations to a new,loontion at which they,intend regularly to carry-on such business or operations. The'llcensco or peffnittee is required togive notification of the new location of the Vustrims.or operations not less than tDAW' ' prior to suchremoval with thoCbidg Fdderal,Ekp16s1ve!&Li6onsing Center. The license or permit will be valid for.the remainder-of the term of the original license or liermit, (The Cidef,IFELq shall,If the licensee or&iTnittee 4 not quMilled,refer ffiereviest fir ningudedlIcense or permit to Che Director of rndustry Operations for denial lwaccordmice with§555.54), Rlghtof Successlon(27 CP—k 555.59). (6)Certain persons other than the ficensee�or permittee may secure the rightto eany on the saneexplosive materials business of operations at thesanto address shown on,and for the remainder of the terin of,a current license or permit. Such persons arc: (1)The surviving spouse. or child,or executor,adraiiiistrator,or other legal representative of a deceased licensee or porritittee,-and(2)Areceiver or trustee in bankruptcy,or,an assignee'for benefit of creditors. (b)Ift order to secure the Tight provided by this section,the person or persons continuing the business or operations shblLfumish the license or. permit for.for that business or operations for ondorsomentof suchaucomion,tQ the Chief within 30 days from the date,okwhich the-successor begins to carry on the business or operations. Andr=4 on-reverse side) CU—t H_ FederatExplosives ticensefflennit(FE I L)Information Wynation Card f iPOFIAVON Lic-onsdFormitNurnber. I License/PormitType:246EXPLOSIVES Expiration. May 1,1024 is iPlc=Note:NotNalid fbmho Sale or Other Dispositiouof Explosives. I ————————————— ——-——— U.S.Department- Eastern Service Center 1701 Columbla'Aye. of Trantporiollon Operations Support.Group, College Park,GA 30337 A1V-E2 FIREWORKS OISPLAY NOTIFICATION, CorripAny Name: STARFIRE CORPORATION. Mail Address ofVerson Submitting Request: jessicap@starfirecorporation.com Cell.Phone-AU10'el'for On-SiteTechold'am. Michael Garafoh 631-848-4193 EVent Name: Phenix Hook and Ladder 7/3/24 and 716/24 7/5/24 Display Date: Raln Date: Display Start Tfina:.Approx 1.0 PM Duration of Fireworks Display: Approx 1.5 Minutes Max Helgitt of Fireworks: A pprox 400 Ft Address,City.alld'Sthte, 171 Moores Lane, Greenport NY 11944 Latitude; 4106 11 N {North) Longitude., 1 72'22 16 W (West) List the Closest Public Use Airport Within 5 Natttlpal Miles of the Display If the Fireworks Will Reach or Exceed 500 Ft. N/A Special Notes Please email your request to: -9-AT6-ESA-OSG-FireworksiEfoo:OV Facility,Shell and Rack Breakdown for Phenix Hook&Ladder Co. Relief'Hose Comp6 02 2024 Event State: NY Event Date: Jul 0,2024 10:00 PM Rain Date: Program Length: 10 Shell Total: .369 Rack Total: 41 Fire Type., Both Opening and Closing Shell and Rack Detail: S 6 b 2.5-Indh, TO?160 3 Inch 160 '0/60 6 4,Inch 5 5, 1, 5 Inch 0 Ohch 0, 2.Inch,Starblaster 2-A lhch:S=C ake 8 Inch.S-.Oako Body Detalk E M 6. If 4 T mi W MA& .Inch 2.-5 Inch 96. .10 7 4 Inch 36. -6: 6 Inch 0` 0: 2.5 Inch&.0ake 9 Inch ST-C,Body Cakes B VI'225', . Monsetl;raid , °' �` "°, �to�e4tiw'�rasf-� L � n�` .. • �'��\ S.�'+i`� .e ��r �►/"►1 14, F � 1 i 1 e 4 ilroad pa . Skate PerSK f ° t . . E GREM ORT MraK *STARFIRE+ 4 .CORPORATION 7rra " �• 1, i \ 1 i i r 7 a j 1 1� . 3 ,' ,r2. :w1�'•1" I'if" -.I,i f, .N'' ' '' s:?.}'r'1,,.:,�`le" a"',•,�;1�'"�21=.'-rt ., TV I a ': (t"al • t`�'If-�ii ,i�l ! �,1, 'l1. .,y`1;,t,.,,,7,..!:.7ri.� ;i;"r°4'�l':�11L�.t-�'YT': 'ti✓,�.:•''i�'; .,. �^ 7f! ?�'i °t 1! <yP ,i' •, .v..r•:rn'1�.�F;>,� 1' v.:�:•"'•I:' ' ,tl;:'>'J. z..rw;<�^b';;5� S i.f!'.$ .�`y ,��•r tttsl i� T t F �;i S•? 4„ "r: ,7 7 7,` .,-•,jw'+ "`'`: ,?Sf'"Y�,t+ ;�' "a:ff,31f71'� .�xl>� �����,� �n !+7 Y' A''f t °t ,"1 s; v ;, (,a-�.i p'.;`' .:•�.tll.Lvinr P,L,,r1:ft"�i•-'''• '.`0;r r,�;:�. �. A t' . 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WHEWUSING PYROT CE T`Y 'N" 595 ""NYC t.NYS CERTWICATIONS REQ-UIRW IN WC , '�.i'�. .r'ya$!'f;b`Y,�.a#.,�,tb•'.Yi',.,..•.—r r'�,:�{:.« «.^i :���:,- ;�y �.•� '`ks•" i�- � 'r#" r,w a:,; i�`•.:,i", �, �,v; ,,;<'tf+:' ;a+'"= ^'''" u:'E�'+�a.rr* .d-* .rd°:r.".�'^,q'�'.„..r ,,9°,�5��':J�Ni•N,„.q�C;5�,.�"' n �'����)�> :„,�.%y'+a "i,.'.�-�;.' w; " 2.'f Z"' ' '.;.f...t� .Y i�'"•"yi�w; .:�, T.•P �§:�''y.,'••."N.Sx, k• s��` v";,"A:, °.�,: .'E'wT•r;:ka• '.5 .`ter �µ'."' '""i' !t a;: z:'a. '.%r'" `•i-', y, :.'.c""w`'".K�•.�.i•,• ,w> ;,p to'` 'Y �w-,i ...N-" "r„�,'„4'' 'g1''xi'•'p ;--wt'R ,$�q��.'"5�v t i•?`P�� a. _ •'td«p s`"• �r� r'}^„ ^.a�,;:.',�:,.ye:;r§�'.`,xs,y<, '> ;.„r'..�„a. �'r�, .•.sY ,.F,. .��., iu°"'..k„`.'",f� i; s� " «`.'� �' `;i.a"^' � -'i .kaNM. .fir . ,.k -"y, $ .,�'A`�i~ �J�SY:. '=..d�'"';;��<`,`•r e '+�"� .t�;: '�i�. 5r:}.`=w, '"f�,.�' ..t,�q,;: .e�,���`'•'. .v� f•,.`'�� ,''g.••. �'a_�.al'.: ,�a,� � `#4��j•4, .f� ..t` ,�r,'.r.„ ?u�., �t(^. ^",.�,,+i,y'p...'p4",�S,e_.'° '3w;s.`g+;"4c•`',d',.«,; :,=n, P: 't,, '�. ;.:cyrY:eh'`';d -^•� ,� sN+. � b'.).'x,' ...;-' .i✓'r"aa•"r'..."...N�f3•°.,,.P , „P ,at< ri :wC'.t'�'" :y;:,,' >e`,+ '+" s.Aa+�= +r.+a•• �:��.y. •"�',N":f•, ardy: �sr,. .a� „,�b' ,Pti, .g>p•^''��r;� ,F«,,,,°wr p• •'�a ��6'.> :2� p" =x �.4~ r�;{,', � ^ r` '��!;a,. 4�, "''."i�.�,Mx Rat £t-"t "''>•" '� „� ;•,..,,5" "•:,�, ,�t�.§s�``� '' .a:°::�� ,:�i•K�,��y,; � ��;t�a'.r�.�aL- .al k„tir "1�" '';+.' ':. •'S'�.„,, ;� ;.A`°"«,.. "r .l'.,„YA�, �� ''.f{.;��..{."... N1yw� a,,,tir ;.� "J"L "iu'•�'J�:,`,;.,;.-,,�T.. j fit`'t _ " °,•` .. , � � �,�w Y"x t Y .��..._• , ,' '„`- e`ri 'L; i�'.•.� _ .�� n, •at .0 .. a »" '+'?i�ti '"."- I f DIEPARM%1ENT OrtJUSTICE BurerurofAlcohol,Tobacco,, Firenmis and Explosives April,i5,2014 STARFIRE CORPORATION gologd:MIVcms PO B0k 179 5400 SAINT BEn-DICT,PA 15173 File-Numben'S-PA-12673 Previiises Address:566 THEATRE ROAD SAINT BENEDICT,'PA 15773 Dear SiAlathun: This-letter acknowledges receipt of your timely application to renew yobrFederal explosives licedselpernilt. The gurcau-of Alcohol,Tobacco,Firearms mud Lxplosives,(ATF)is not able to process your application prior to the expiration date,of'yolir'liceiise/l)eniiit. However,Federal law allows you fo continue operations under your current license/permit umit'such thiie'ag AtF c43lifploteg.proces§ing,)rour,,tpplication. See 5-.WX.§.558.This letter,or as explained below,a follow-up letter,will serve as your liccnscjpenuit until we complete ac,tiow.ou your renewal. It is referred to as,,Letter of Authorization(LOA). Sinteme lmve not completed processing your application,you-may supply a copy:of this,letter to other,licenseestpenuittees,e.g., your-distributors,for the next six,months(or,until,we comptWe action on your renewal,if that occurs in-less than six months)as evidence of your ticensed/penuitWdstatti's. if we have as completed processing,your application for renewal within six months of the date of this letter,we-All months send another letter,which will also be valid for six, onths(or until we complete action on,your renewal, if that occurs in less than six months). This is of course contingent upon your remaining entitled,to continue operations underyour current licenselperinit. Please direct questions or concerns regarding rding(his letter to Chindn Shipman(304)616-4456; Sincerely, damn lion ud � Chief,Fede.r.il'--Explos,ivesLi6eiisitig Center. ATF web address: www.n1fpv JAPARTMENIT OF JUSTICE BureawbfAlcohol,Tobacco, i 6�w Firearms acid E-xviosives 11-1,2510.5 April 25,2024 STARFIRE CORPORATION 9010M MFI/CMS PO BOX,170 5400 SAINT BENEDICT,PA,15773 file Number:8-PA-02627 Premises Address:'566 THEATRE ROAD SAINTBENEDICT,PA 15773 Dear Sir/Madam: This letter acknowledges receipt of your timely application to renew your Federal explosives licenselpefilift. The Bureau of Alcohol,Tobacco,Firearms and Explosives(ATF)is not able to process your application prior to the expiration date of your license/permit. However,Federal-law allows you to continue operations under your current1icens;/periuit until such time,-IS ATF completes processing.yourapplication. See 5 U.S;C.§,558.This letter,drns explained below,a follow-lip letter,will serve as your license/p.-enuit until we c9implete=tIon on your renewal. It isyeferred,to,as a Letter of Authorization(LOA). Since we.have not completed processingyour applicatibif,you niay supply a copy of this letter to other licensees/perinittees,e.g., your distributors,for'the next six nionths,(or until we complete action oil your renewal,,if that occursin less than six months)as evidence of your licensed/permitted status. If we WN6 not compl6ted processing your application for renewal within-giv-,months of the'date of this letter,we will send you another letter, ter,which will.also be valid for six niontim(or until we,colliplete action oil your renewal, if that occurs in less than six mouths). This Is of course contingent upon your remaining entitled to continue operations under your current licensc/permit. Please direct questions or concerns regarding this letter to Chnnon Shipman(304)616-4436. Sincerely, Chief,Federal Explosives Licensing Center ATF web address: ww%v.atf.gov Federal Exhlosi'ves License/Permit U;'�.Depnrtment of Justice Bureau ofAleohol,Tobaoco,Firearri s and Explosives �X U.t�..G Cleapter'40) us»auruuu�rs�rsrema®ru_ i In accordance with the.provisions'of Title XI;Organi wd Crime Control Aot of 1970,and the regulations issued thereunder(27 CFR Patt555),you may engago in .the activity specified in this license or permit within tho1mitetions of Chapter 40 T111e'18,United:States Code and the regulations issued thereunder untiltho expiration date shown. T'Ht5 LiCENS1t IS NOT TRANSrEItABt,[? fllf' 27..'CEIt 53. E;Sao,"WARNINGS"snd'NOZTCES"on reverse: DireetATF ATF•Chief,FELC „„.- ,n'., T Iecrisr/Pcrnlit; Correspondence To 244 Needy Road 8-PA-021-50-4E-02627 Martinsburg;WV 25405-9b 1. Chief FederalExplosivesUconsing Cente (FELC)' ''' TSiipiiintton G- " Date `'"�, . 4 Name l: , ;,: fit •.i i STARFIRE CORPORAT16N Fs `at��,ra 'I� .£r �t'71='A Y.3 1i d. •'f}p. �""�i ..4�`, 4;a_.�.:.i#•fri`- � I nes Address(Changes?Notify the`FBLCU"I'o si l0,da� ¢efore W THEATRE ROAD='BENE610,PA 15 3i > ' '• , `"" gR1:.11t, *: .1 '.`''ai 'Type ofLieense orPermit {,,��. 1dc, eE �X,�;d�{ 1q'• �.�:�;;:•;,-�`d r.�;l,t' ��;.dRt d� t 5 i8 ��zr x• 4• ts a' � CX� p �, t URE-MANUFACTb0 S IN,¢. PurchasingCedific�tionStactnept ", ' / Mai6ngAdtlr�ss°(Choi gespi•N tiftheFELCofanychanges:) b r t _ The.licencee a permittee named above shallusa a cip} ftltiJicense ae,pentiit•tQ assist a,-, ,w.< • ,.?' =t RAx ay : transferor ofexplosivestoverifytheidcntity and thotii tketl.ltrrttna{ofthe;lic2ri „7oc`'p ,�'• ' :" tt$ '� j' pesmnktee as providedby 27 CFR Part555. The siatattiraiin eucit'Cony niust'tie ag.drl-finis'°a " F k.. �... ram,, STiKIRFIREiGORErQ IATION ¢ sionaturs, A faxed,scanned or e-mailed copy ofthd*,lice ise,w V ipih"lyith a st�tiatute intended tobeanoriginalsignatureisacoeptable.7&sigifdtrrrt'tliiiA.bethal ofllieFcderal �: PO BOX`f-7.J Explosives I ic«rseo(FSL)or a respoasitile person ofQte t'EL,CcFut�Py:Jhat,tlns.?8 a tnre SAINT il•PA 15773- copy of a license or permit issued to the licensee or jmmiltee nameNb"ore fo engage[n.tlm. b essor ati eoif3ed'abovauadeY'Typeo_flicrosooz,l'mtitt; .r,;.,e,• „;��,: ���.��i`'",,:.�,,„.Y.a,�a��"z �, Liaensee/Pe1 ' ' eResponsib n lePerr ,ignature Positibn/Titlo..� GC Ffinted Name, Date A'rn Berm 5400:14/SM.15 Pea t { PteviousEditioniit'JQtsotete au!�a�!����u'��j�•�p"n,•��*'�°�"O10'QR� itevisedSeptembeiY011. +i Federal 'xplosives License(TEL)Customer Sorvice Information i Federal Explosives Licensing Center(FELC) Toll-free Telephone Number: (877)283-3352 ATF Homepage:w%vw.atf:gov 244 Needy Road Fax Number: (304)616A401 Martinsburg,WV25405-9431, Email: FELCQatfgov i 'Change of Address (27CFR 5 carry.on Licensees or permittees may during the term oftheir current lkonse or permit remove their business or operationsdo of new toeation.at'whieh they into regularly to ca on such business or operations. The licensee or.permittee,is required to give noiMe'ation of the.neW location of the business or operations not less than 10 days prior to sueb removal with the Chief;Federal Explosives Licensing Center. Tlieaicense or permit will be.valid for tko c remainder of the term of the original license or permit. (Me Chief,'FELC,shell,if the licensee or..pctmlttee is not quallfled,refer thercgyest for arnendedllccnse j or permit to the Director of Industry Operations for dental In accordance with§555.54.) i i Rightof Succession (a7 CIR S5S.S9): (a)Certain persons other than the licensee:or permittee may.seeurellme right to carry on the same,explosive materials business,or operations at the samc:address,showri on,.and for the remainder of the term of,a current license or,permit. Such persons are: (1)The surviving spouse or child,or executor,administrator,or other legal representative of a deceased licensee.or permittee;and(2)A receiver or trustee iii bankriiptcy,.or,an nssignec•for benefit of creditors. (b)In ordef to-seowe the right provided by this section,the,person or persons continuing the business or operations shall furnish the license or permit for for that business:or operations for endorsement oCsuch succession to the Chief,FELC,within 30 days from the date on which the successor begins to earry,on thc,business or operations. (Continued on reverse side) i CutHcro5G _—_ _ _ —..__---_I I Federal Explosives Liceose/Pemiit(FEL)Infotmatiou Card 1 t t 'License/Permit Name:STARFIRE CORRORATION t 1 $_ US1IlCSS NBIIIe: ;� 5• 't;':�° ''s` I LicenselPermh Number:tl-PA 0214 AE42627 t License/Permit Type:50•MANUFACTURER'.00 EXPLOSIVES I i I Eripiration: May 1,.2024 I ' I I PleosoNote: Not Valid'for:the Salo.orOthtrDispositionofExplosivos. I 1 Liceiise/Permi t U.S.DepFirtineut orJuitice Federal Explosives. Bureau bf-AlcoholJobacco,11irearms and Explosives .(18 U.S.C Utapter 40) In accordance with tho�provjsions of Title XI Organized Crime ControlAct of 1970,and the regulations issued'theroundai(27 CER.Pad 555),,you may engage in the activity specified in'this license or permit'witbin the limitations of Chapter'40 Yi#c JX-Ynited States Code and tkiregulations issued thereunder,itutil'the. .expiration date shown. THIS LICENSE IS NOT and`N, 0110ES"on reverse. bireetATF ATF-ChicfFFLC Ip-o rmil- Lic4ifk Correspondence To 244 NeWyAbad. 8-PA-021-24-4E-1 2673 Martimiburg'WV 25405-04jjt, A, Chief Federal E I L' 'C t (FEL05 E.xpir9fi6n,,,1,.,4, 'i j Date Mayl, 2024 it j Name 4�% V STARFIRE CORPORATION Yremises Address(Changes?Notify the* IOU 666 THEATRE ROAD ' 16 31 P SAINT BENEDICT A Type,ofLicense 6rPormit 24-IMPORTER OF EXPI_Oql\O, ' Purc MailingAddW p 4 y.i6b FELC,of iuny changes) E- msee orpermitteartat 8, Se transteror ofaxptosives to vedry the Identity and permitteb.as provided by 27 CFJZ inal.— Pan 555. the i�i I r 't � i" I QR ORA ON tit!simaturk Afaxeds�Wodorm . ed copy ofth&jietjtge4r, -�yifli slgh�tire -isacceptable. 7 SAI IN,.; 1 101" 15773- Weaded to be an original signattire _g Explomrive�rjceai�e(FM)orarevonslblepetgoa oft fie Iblisis a true itwiwige 1. ti _py ofa license'orp Yt 17 co thismedtd-thellemsec'o It 840 :i ova tinder'TyPa of uccn�* ,bm*n `or ified above or-pe-li&v, 7, 7 Pons �n Lrebrisec/Pe isiti6l"Til"? Av PrintedNitme • Date-- 'ATi?F6riAS406.1'4iS460.15'Pkfr- PrcrimoRdition Is Obsoleto Re viwed September 2011 Federal Explosives License(FAL)Ciiitomer Sonico rnfozin.atidn rdderal Explosivos1iocushig.Center(FELL) Toll-6cetelophonoNumbor: (877)283-13352 AV Elonicpago;www.att.gov 244 Nody-Rod FakNumber: (304)616-4401 ,Martinsburg,WV 25465-043.,I E-mail: FELC@attgoy CliaftjeofAddri;ss (27CFR555,S4(q)(j)). Li6nseoso.rportr itt66s may d,dfingthc tone-ofth"ek current license or permit ratudVe their busiaess*dr operations to a new b at .oaiiou they'inton&regularly to carry on such business,oroporations. Thoucertseoorpe,rmittecis-reauiredta,giv6notific4iti6a6ftiio now'location ofthe business or operations not less than 10-days prior to such removal with this Wag-PeddrALExplosivoi Licensing Center.The license or parnift Wl.be valid for the roinaltiderofthe term of the original license or 0 _ shall,if the licensee or perriflftee is not qualified;n jeer Cldef,�FELQ refer the request for amended HOW or permit to the Director of Industry Operations for dental In accordance with.§555�54) Right of Succession,(VCFR 5,Y5,59). (a)Certain persons other than.tho licensee or pormitteemay secure-the right to carry ontho same explosive materials buskess of bp6ratiohs at the same address shown on,and for the remainder oftho term of,a current licenicor permit, Suoti persons arc: (1)The surviving spouse or child,,or executor,administrator,or other legal representative of a deceased license*or permitteat,and(2)A receiver or trustee in barikruptoy,or an assignee for benefit of creditors..(b)In order to secure the Tight provided by this section,the person or persons continuing the business or operations shalt-furnish the liconso,or permit for.for that business or operations f6r endorsement of such succession to the Chief,FELC,within 30 days front the date on which the successor begins to carryon the business or operations. On t(nued on reverse side) Cut H MA X-------------;--------- --------- I f I Ped6rat ExplosivesUccitse/Primit(FEL)IntininWon-Card ,I Licenw/PicrinitNarn.:STOPIPt)W60POFIATION BuitinessNatne: Liconsc1PcnnitNumbcr:d IV. v;- .1 LiconWPermit typo:U40 J. kr.LOSIVES Expifatiorl: May 1,2024 I Plase Note:Not Valid-for the Sale or 01110 Disposition of Explosives. ------------—---------------- U.S.Deportment Eastern Service Center 1701 Coluinbla Ave. ol'Tteniporldtlon 00malldn;support Group, College Park,GA 80337 AJV-E2 FIREWORKS, DISPLAY NOTIFICATION. Company Name., STARFIRE CORPORATION Emal[Address of Person Submitting Request-josrlbap@sitatfirecorporcition.com Cell Plione.Number,for On-Slte Techolclan: Michael Garelfb1a 631,-848-41.93 Event Natne Phenix Hook and Ladder 7131.24 and 7/6/24 7/5/24 Display Date: . Rain Date: Display Start firne: Approx 10 PM Duration of FlreWorI(s:DlsOlflv..Approx 15 Minutes prox 400 Ft 'Max HeIght:oUl'Ireworksi A P Address,City anc I tstatei 171 -Moores Lane, Greenpprt NY 11944 Latitudii- 41 06 11 N _(North) Longitudes 2 2216 W_ —(West) List tile Closestilubk Use Airport Within 5 Nauticill Miles of the Display If the FirOwdeks Will Reach or Exceed too Ft.. N/A Special Notes Pleod. email your request to: 6-Ato-tsA!(jsd.Flr6%qorksiOtan.Lo - �__. � = M h GREENP0hT FIRE;DEPARTMENT' PHENIX HOOK & LADDE"R 212 KNAPP PLACE GREENPORT NY 11944 - d� PAY �r DATE ORDER OF- TO THE < - ! DOLLARS L+J it "CHASE d/ aw JPMorgan Chase Bank,N.A. _ 4 7 www.Chasb.com FOR �2� t"f�C�-`r - •Jr' ,. '-lcSJ ' ii'00 i0 L.L1i' i:0. 2a 000 2 i�; y :� 3=1.0 L"3.9 3"9Ji■' - if: is . . �---->_--.-�--�y—--_ -�_—__;—-,�.����•,"--- - ,- -- .- GREENPORT FIRE,DEPARTMENT - :- - - . .. - - -1-0"1'2•- r PHENIX HOOK &-LADDE -R:•CO. �j 212 KNAPP PLACE GREENPORT NY 11.944 PAY f _ - - - - ••DATE`�� /_-�'.,. ._ _ ��.. el ORDER 5 TO THE /////p] / �/J/may//////_` `v_ — - - - '1n '.•,� �. DOLLARS1-,Lj r` 1PMorgari.Chase mink,-.N.A. �. wwAChase.com" w FOR I r2 Town of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 05/30/24 Receipt#: 328983 Quantity Transactions Reference Subtotal 2 Fireworks 7.3-7.62024 $200.00 Total Paid: $200.00 Notes: Payment Type Amount Paid By CK#1011 $100.00 Greenport Fire Department CK#1012 $100.00 Greenport Fire Department Southold Town Clerk's Office 53095 Main Road, PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Name: Greenport Fire Department P O Box 58 Greenport, NY 11944 Clerk ID: DENISN Internal ID:7.3-7.62024 Noncarrow, Denis From: Visser III, Fredric Sent: Friday, May 31, 2024 8:08 AM To: Noncarrow, Denis Subject: RE: Hi Fred! Yes Sir! Plenty of room there. Fredric Visser, Fire Marshal Town of Southold Phone: (631)765-1802 Web: https:Hsoutholdtownny.gov/1736/Fire-Marshal Email: Fredv@southoldtownny.gov PO Box 1179 54375 Main Road Southold, NY. 11971 FIRE MARSHAL �o��pF SOUTyO�o FIRE 1AA1 ;�. AAA 'MAgSH�� NI From: Noncarrow, Denis<denisn@southoldtownny.gov> Sent: Friday, May 31, 2024 7:33 AM To:Visser III, Fredric<fredv@southoldtownny.gov> Subject: Hi Fred! I put a reso on for Greenport FD Fireworks.That is good right? Denis Noncarrow Southold Town Clerk. Town of Southold, New York www.southoldtownny.gov denisn@southoldtownny.gov 631-765-1800 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication with its contents may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. It is solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). Unauthorized interception, review, use or disclosure is prohibited and may violate applicable laws including the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the communication. 1 - DENIS NONCARROW �� G.y Town Hall,53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK p - P.O.Box 1179 ti Z Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS wG Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER y RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER �O! .��� Telephone oldt nny.gov FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER www.southoldtownny.gov OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PERMIT for PUBLIC DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS I, Denis Noncarrow, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, being an officer duly designated by the Town Board of the Town of Southold for this purpose, do hereby GRANT TO: Phenix Hose and Ladder Co. A PERMIT FOR THE PUBLIC DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS by said organization in accordance with the provisions of Section 405.00 of the Penal Law of the State of New York, on Wednesday, July 3rd, and Saturday, July 61h, 2024 at 10:00pm. Rain date is Friday, July 51h- Exact Location is 725 Front Street and East side of Moores Lane, Greennort New York, the time and place set forth in the application therefore, ON CONDITION THAT the bond (indemnity insurance) required shall continue in full force and effect in favor of the Town of Southold, and PROVIDED that the actual point at which the fireworks are to be fired shall be at least two hundred feet from the nearest building, public highway or railroad, or other means of travel, and at least fifty feet from the nearest above ground telephone or telegraph line, trees or other overhead obstruction; that the audience at such a display shall be restrained behind lines at least one hundred and fifty feet from the point at which the fireworks are discharged and only persons in active charge of the display shall be allowed inside these lines; that all fireworks that fire a projectile shall be so set up that the projectile will go into the air as nearby as possible in a vertical direction, unless such fireworks are to be fired from the shore or a lake or other large body of water, then they may be directed in such a manner that the falling residue from the deflagration will fall into such lake, or body of water; that any fireworks that remain unfired after the display is concluded shall be immediately disposed of in a way safe for the particular type of fireworks remaining; that no fireworks display shall be held during any wind storm in which the wind reaches a velocity of more than thirty miles per hour; that all persons in actual charge of firing the fireworks shall be over the age of eighteen years, competent and physically fit for the task, that there s at least two such operators constantly on duty during the discharge and that at least two soda-acid oth at t pe fire extinguishers of at least two and one-half gallons capacity each shall be kept at su wid separated oin as possible within the actual area of the display. nis Noncarrow, Town Clerk Town of Southold Suffolk County,New York (TOWN SEAL) Date: June 5,2024 THIS PERMIT IS NOT TRANSFERABLE